Lesson 7.3 Binomial Radical Expressions.notebook February 06, 2012 Section 7.3 Binomial Radical Expressions Objectives: • Be able to add and subtract radical expressions • Be able to multiply and divide binomial radical expressions We know how to add and subtract like variables: 3x2 + 5x2 = 27y ­ 7y = 5x + 3y = 1 Lesson 7.3 Binomial Radical Expressions.notebook February 06, 2012 Adding and Subtracting Radical Expressions Like radicals have the same index and the same radicand √2 √2 √3 √2 ∛5 ∛5 √5 ∛5 a) 5√6 + √6 = e) 2√3 + 3√2 = b) 3√x ­ 5√x = f) 5√7 ­ 7√7 = c) 7∛x2 ­ 2∛x2 = g) 10√2 + 5∛2 = d) 2√3 + 4√2 = h) 3∜y + 5∜y = 2 Lesson 7.3 Binomial Radical Expressions.notebook February 06, 2012 Simplify before adding or subtracting: √75x + 2√48x ­ 5√3x Simplify: a) 5√12y + 2√3y = c) 14√20 -3√125 = b) √27 +√75 ­√12 = d) ∛54 +∛16 = 3 Lesson 7.3 Binomial Radical Expressions.notebook February 06, 2012 Multiplying binomial radical expressions (3 + 2√5)(2 + 4√5) = (5 +√3 )(2 - 3√3 ) (3 + √5 )(4 + √5 ) (2 + √3 )(2 - √3 ) 4 Lesson 7.3 Binomial Radical Expressions.notebook February 06, 2012 Conjugates are binomial expressions that differ only in the sign of the second term: 5 + √2 5 ­ √2 3 ­ 5∛4 3 + 5∛4 2 + √xy 5 - √3 2 - √xy 5 + √3 What happens when we multiply conjugates? (2 + √3)(2 ­ √3) = (3√2 + 9)(3√2 ­ 9) = 5 Lesson 7.3 Binomial Radical Expressions.notebook February 06, 2012 Now we can rationalize binomial radical denominators 6 + √5 1 ­ √5 5 2 + √7 4 + √2 1 ­ √2 2 ­ √3 4 + √3 6