Objectives 8.2 Scientific Notation

Lesson 8.2 Scientific notation.notebook
March 15, 2013
8.2 Scientific Notation
• Be able to convert numbers from scientific notation to standard notation.
• Be able to convert numbers from standard notation to scientific notation
Scientific Notation
This number must be between 1 and 10
(only one # before the decimal)
This value will tell us if it is a really big number or a really small number and how many places to move the decimal
Lesson 8.2 Scientific notation.notebook
March 15, 2013
Yes or no! Are these in scientific notation?
Write this number in Standard Notation Positive exponent = really big number
Move the decimal 7 places to the ___________
Standard Notation is the expanded version!
Lesson 8.2 Scientific notation.notebook
March 15, 2013
Write this number in Standard Notation Negative exponent = really small number
Move the decimal 7 places to the ______
Lesson 8.2 Scientific notation.notebook
March 15, 2013
Rewrite in scientific notation
Big number, Positive exponent
Where is the decimal?????
Lesson 8.2 Scientific notation.notebook
March 15, 2013
Rewrite in scientific notation
Small number, Negative exponent
Rewrite in scientific notation
Lesson 8.2 Scientific notation.notebook
March 15, 2013
Rewrite in scientific notation
Arrange the planets in order from least to greatest mass.
Lesson 8.2 Scientific notation.notebook
Class Work:
Pg 438
March 15, 2013