ITEM NUMBER : 2 SUBJECT MyCiTi INTEGRATED RAPlD TRANSIT: ASSET TRANSFER - VEHICLE SUPPLIER AND INTERIM VEHICLE OPERATOR CONTRACTS ONDERWERP MyCiTi- GE~TEGREERDESNELVERVOERSTELSEL: OORDRAG VAN BATES KONTRAKTE VIR VOERTUlGVERSKAFFERS EN TUSSENTYDSE VOERTUIGOPERATEURS ISIHLOKO INKQUBO EHLANGENEYO YEZITHUTHI EZIKHAWULEZAYO I-MyCiTi: UKUTSHINTSHELWA KWEMPAHLA - UMBONELELI NGEZlTHUTHl NEEKHONTRAKTHI ZEXESHANA ZABO BASEBENZA NGEZITHUTHI 3 PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to obtain approval for the granting of the right to vehicle operator companies (VOCs) and vehicle suppliers (VSs) to use, control or manage City assets linked to their agreements to provide services related to the MyCiTi integrated Rapid Transit (IRT) system. 4. FOR DECISION BY COUNCIL This report is for consideration by the Immovable Property Adjudication Committee, and for decision by Council. 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Regulation 34(l)(b) of the Municipal Asset Transfer Regulations provides that a Municipality should approve in principle the granting of a right to use, control or manage a capital asset through a Council decision. On 11 May 201 1 Council approved the transfer of assets to these VOCs for a period of one year. In May 201 1 agreements were awarded to three Vehicle Operating Companies (VOCs) to operate the MyCiTi buses offering a starter service, also referred to in the Business Plan for Phase 1A of the MyCiTi lntegrated Rapid Transit system as the Milestone 0 services. As set out in the approved Business Plan, in order to execute these agreements, the City intended to permit the VOCs to use, control or manage movable and immovable assets, namely buses, stations, depots, staging areas etc. On 11 May 201 1 Council approved in principle the right to use, control or manage City assets by the VOCs, linked to their agreements to provide vehicle operator services (item C 8810511 1) for a period of one year from 1 May 201 1. The agreements with the VOCs were extended by a maximum of one year from 1 May 2012 as set out in this report, and the assets previously handed over to the VOCs continued to be used, controlled or managed by the VOC. Additional assets are planned to be made available to the VOCs, or are have already been made available to them subsequent to 1 May 2012, for the execution of their contract. This requires approval from Council in terms of the above regulation. Lastly, the vehicle suppliers, in terms of their maintenance agreements with the City may be allocated parts of the relevant depots in order to maintain the City vehicles. Council approval is also required for such use. This report seeks Council approval for the granting of the right to use, control or manage the following City assets: to the VOCs the right to use, control or manage the following assets: MyCiTi buses; stations, depots and staging areas; and to the vehicle suppliers the right to use, control or manage part of City depots required for maintenance of City vehicles, in terms of the maintenance agreements with such suppliers. The report recommends that Council condones the granting of the right to use, control or manage certain assets prior to the date of this decision, without the required Council approval. 6 RECOMMENDATIONS "Not deleaated: for decision bv Council: It is recommended that Council: (a) After considering the factors set out in Annexure A, (i) approve in principle as required by Regulation 34(l)(b) of the Municipal Asset Transfer Regulations the granting of the right to use, control and manage: the City buses acquired for Phase 1 of the MyCiTi IRT rapid bus system, namely the buses listed in Annexure B; and the City's immovable properties required to run Phase 1 of the MyCiTi IRT rapid bus system, namely the stations, depots, staging areas and busways, as set out in Annexure C; and (ii) approve the granting of the right to use, control and manage the above capital assets to the contractors below as set out in Annexures B a n d C to: the VOCs listed below, subject to the conditions set out in the Agreements with these VOCs, from the date set out in Annexures B and C until 1 May 2013 or such longer period as approved by the City Manager, provided that the period approved by the City Manager does not extend beyond 30 April 2015: Transpeninsula Investments (Pty) Ltd; Kidrogen (Pty) Ltd; and Golden Arrow Bus Services (Pty) Ltd; the vehicle suppliers listed below, subject to the conditions set out in the agreements with these vehicle suppliers, from 1 August 2012 until 31 July 2015: Volvo (Southern Africa) (Pty) Ltd, regarding the City's Volvo buses; Busmark 2000 (Pty) Ltd, regarding the City's Optare buses; and future vehicle suppliers as may be awarded contracts to supply City vehicles. Report to Council on MyCiTi asset transfer July 2012 @&- (b) Condone the granting to the VOCs and the vehicle suppliers of the right to use, control or manage the identified assets in Annexures B and C prior to the date of this decision without the required prior Council approval. AANBEVELINGS Nie qedelegeer nte: vir besluitneminn deur die Raad: Daar word aanbeveel dat die Raad: (a) Na oorweging van die faktore uiteengesit in bylae A, (i) beginselgoedkeuring verleen soos vereis volgens regulasie 34(1)(b) van die regulasies oor die oordrag van munisipale bates vir die toekenning van die reg van die gebruik, beheer en bestuur van: die Stad se busse wat aangeskaf is vir fase 1 van die MyCiTigei'ntegreerde snelvervoer se snelbusstelsels, naamlik die busse gelys in bylae B; en die Stad se onroerende eiendomme wat nodig is vir fase 1 van die MyCiTi- gei'ntegreerde snelvervoer se snelbusstelsel, naamlik die stasies, depots, hougebiede ("staging areas") en buspaaie, soos uiteengesit in bylae C; en (ii) goedkeuring verleen vir die toekenning van die reg van die gebruik, beheer en bestuur van die bogenoemde kapitaalbates aan die kontrakteurs hieronder, soos uiteengesit in bylae B en C: aan die voertuigoperateursmaatskappye (VOM's) hieronder, onderworpe aan die voorwaardes uiteengesit in die ooreenkomste met hierdie VOM's, van die datum uiteengesit in bylae B en C tot 1 Mei 2013 of welke langer tydperk wat deur die stadsbestuurder goedgekeur word, met dien verstande dat die tydperk wat deur die stadsbestuurder goedgekeur word, nie verder as 30 April 2015 strek nie: Transpeninsula Investments (Edms) Bpk; Kidrogen (Edms) Bpk; en Golden Arrow Bus Services (Edms) Bpk; die onderstaande voertuigverskaffers, onderworpe aan die voorwaardes uiteengesit in die ooreenkomste met hierdie voertuigverskaffers, van 1 Augustus 2012 tot 31 Julie 2015: Volvo (Southern Africa) (Edms) Bpk, met betrekking tot die Stad se Volvo-busse; Busmark 2000 (Edms) Bpk, met betrekking tot die Stad se Optare-busse; en toekomstige voertuigverskaffers aan wie kontrakte vir die verskaffing van Stadsvoertuie toegeken kan word. (b) Die toekenning van die reg van die gebruik, beheer en bestuur van die gei'dentifiseerde bates in bylae B en C voor die datum van hierdie besluit en sonder die vereiste voorafgoedkeuring deur die Raad, kondoneer. Aziqunvaziswanga: Isiqaibo seseBhunga: Kundululwe ukuba iBhunga: (a) Emva kokuba liqwalasele imibandelo equlunqwe kwisiHlomelo-A, Repod to Council on MyCiTi asset transfer July 2012 (i) rnaliphurneze ngokwesiseko njengoko kuyirnfuneko ngokoMgaqo-34(l)(b) weMigaqo engokuTshintshelwa kweeMpahla kaMasipala, ukunikezelwa kwelungelo lokusetyenziswa, ukugcina nokulawulwa: kweebhasi zesiXeko ezifunekayo kwisiGaba-I senkqubo yeebhasi eziharnba ngokukhawuleza i-MyCiTi IRT, iibhasi ezidweliswe kwisiHlornelo-B; kwakhona neepropati zesiXeko ezinkulu ezifunekayo ukuqhutywa kwesiGaba-I senkqubo yeebhasi eziharnba ngokukhawulezileyo i-MyCiTi IRT, ezinjengezikhululo, iidepho neendlela zebhasi njengoko kuqulunqwe kwisiHlornelo-C; kwakhona (ii) rnaliphurneze ukunikezelwa kwelungelo lokusetyenziswa, ukugcina nolawulo iirnpahla ezinkulu ezingentla apha koonokontraka abangezantsi apha njengoko kuqulunqwe kwki~lornelo-Bno-C: kwiinkarnpani ezisebenza ngezithuthilii-VOCs ezidweliswe ngezantsi apha, ngokuxhornekeke kwirniqathango equlunqwe kwizivurnelwano kunye nezi VOCs, ukususela kurnhla oqulunqwe kwiziHlornelo-B no-C kude ibengornhla woku-I Meyi 2013 okanye okanye olo suku luthe lwalude njengoko kuphunyezwe nguMphathi wesixeko, ngokuxhornekeke ekubeni ukuba ixesha elo liphunyezwe nguMphathi wesiXeko alidluleli kurnhla warna-30 Epreli 2015: Transpeninsula Investments (Pty) Ltd; Kidrogen (Pty) Ltd; Golden Arrow Bus Services (Pty) Ltd; Ababoneleli ngezithuthi abadweliswe ngezantsi apha, ngokuxhornekeke kwirniqathango equlunqwe kwizivurnelwano kunye naba baboneleli ngezithuthi, ukususela ngornhla woku-I Agasti 2012 kude ibengowarna31 Julayi 2015: Volvo (Southern Africa) (Pty) Ltd, ngokuphathelene neebhasi zesiXeko ezizi-Volvo; Busrnark 2000 (Pty) Ltd, kwakhona ngokuphathelene neebhasi zesiXeko ezizi-Optare; Ababoneleli ngezithuthi bexesha elizayo njengoko bayakuthi banikezelwe iikhontrakthi ukuba babonelele ngezithuthi kwisixeko. (b) Kwarnkelwe ukunikezelwa kwabo basebenza ngezithuthi ii-VOCs nakwababoneleli ngezithuthi ilungelo lokusebenzisa, ukugcina okanye ukulawula iirnpahla ezidandalaziswe kwiziHlornelo-B no-C pharnbi kornhla wesi sigqibo ngaphandle kwesiphurnezo esifunekayo seBhunga. 7 7.1 DISCUSSION Background Regulation 34(l)(b) of the Municipal Asset Transfer Regulations provides that a Municipality should approve in principle the granting of a right to use, control or manage a capital asset through a Council decision. On 11 May 2011 Council approved the transfer of assets to these VOCs for a period of one year. In May 2011 agreements were awarded to three Vehicle Operating Companies (VOCs) to operate the MyCiTi buses offering a starter service, also referred to in the Business Plan for Phase 1A of the MyCiTi Integrated Rapid Transit system as the Milestone 0 services. As set out in the approved Business Plan, in order to execute these Repo& to Council on MyCTi asset transfer & July 2012 agreements, the City intended to permit the VOCs to use, control or manage movable and immovable assets, namely buses, stations, depots, staging areas etc. On 11 May 201 1 Council approved in principle the right to use, control or manage City assets by the VOCs, linked to their agreements to provide vehicle operator services (item C 8810511 1) for a period of one year from 1 May 201 1. The agreements with the VOCs were extended by a maximum of one year from 1 May 2012 as follows: the agreements were extended for a six months period, with the City resewing the right to extend these agreements in the City's own discretion by another six months. The agreements provide that the City has the right to terminate the agreement within the latter six month period on one month notice, when the planned long-term VOC agreements take effect. In terms of these agreements the assets previously handed over to the VOCs continued to be used, controlled or managed by the VOC in terms of the original agreement with these VOCs. Additional assets are planned to be made available to the VOCs, or are have already been made available to them subsequent to 1 May 2012, for the execution of their contract. This requires approval from Council in terms of the above regulation. Lastly, the vehicle suppliers, in terms of their maintenance agreements with the City are planned to utilise parts of the relevant depots in order to maintain the City vehicles. Council approval is also needed for such use. 7.2 Council approval This report seeks Council approval in principle for the granting of the right to use, control or manage the following City assets: To the VOCs the right to use, control or manage the following assets: MyCiTi buses; stations, depots and staging areas as listed in Annexures B and C; To the vehicle suppliers the right to use, control or manage part of City depots required for maintenance of City vehicles, in terms of the maintenance agreements with such suppliers as listed in Annexures B and C. The report also recommends that Council condones the granting to the VOCs of the right to use, control or manage any of the assets identified in this regard in Annexures B and C prior to the date of this decision, without the required Council approval. This recommendation applies to the following instances of granting of the right to use, control or manage City assets identified by asterisk in Annexures B and C: the assets that the VOCs had in their possession prior to extension of their agreements on 1 May 2012, which were previously authorised by Council in terms of its decision of 11 May 2011; the 10 additional 12m buses, ordered subsequently to the initial batch of trunk buses, from March 2012; Repott to Council on MyCiiTi asset transfer July 2012 the 9m buses referred to in Annexure C, from the date upon which these are handed over to the VOCs, where this is before the date of the Council decision. 7.3 Vehicle Operator Companies and vehicle suppliers The three VOCs to which the resolution above applies are those listed in the Appendices to this report, namely: (a) Transpeninsula Investments Pty (Ltd), also referred to as Company A comprising Peninsula Taxi Association, Central Unity Taxi Association, Vredehoek Devil's Peak Taxi Association. (b) Kidrogen Pty (Ltd), also referred to as Company B - comprising Blaauwberg Taxi Association, Du Noon Taxi Association, Maitland Taxi Association, United Taxi Association, Ysterplaat Taxi Association, Sibanye Bus Services (Pty) Ltd, (c) Golden Arrow Bus Services Pty (Ltd), also referred to as Company C or GABS. The vehicle suppliers to which the resolution above applies are those listed in the Appendices to this report, namely: (d) Volvo (Southern Africa) (Pty) Limited regarding the City's Volvo buses; fl (e) Busmark regarding the City's Optare buses; and (9 future vehicle suppliers as may be awarded Financial implications There are no financial implications to this report. Legal implications tracts to supply C I I h BEDRYFSBEGROTING fiF 1 8 IUL 2012 UHIAHLO LWABIWO-MALI Regulation 34(l)(b) of the Municipal Asset Transfer Regulations, issued in terms of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act (Act No 56 of 2003), provides that a municipality should approve in principle the granting of a right to use, control or manage a capital asset through a Council decision (or the City Manager, if he has been delegated the power) for a period of longer than one month. The Business Plan for Phase 1A of the MyCiTi Integrated Rapid Transit service provided that the City capital assets required to be made available to the vehicle operators, at no cost. These related to both movable and immovable assets. By providing the assets at no cost, the City can pay the VOCs at a lower rate, both with respect to core operating costs and the assumed mark-up. The movable assets referred to are the buses required for providing public transport services which are made available to the contracted VOCs as set out in Annexure C. In terms of the agreement with the VOCs, they are or are to be registered as Report to Coundl on MyCS'fi asset tran9er I July 2012 I holders of the right to use such vehicles in as far as this is required for the necessary operating licenses for operating the related public transport services. The City remains the title holder regarding these buses. The Business Plan recommended that Council considers selling the buses to a financial institution who should lease the buses to the VOCs. This process has not reached its conclusion. In the interim the model is as set out in this paragraph. Immovable property these are stations, depots, staging areas etc as set out in Annexure C. These assets collectively have a value of greater than R 10m. The public participation process required in Regulation 34(l)(a) applies only to a right that is granted for longer than three years, and where the asset has a value in excess of R10 million. This provision does not apply regarding the rights discussed in this report, since they are not proposed to be granted for a long term. A separate report will be submitted regarding the proposed long-term use of assets, linked to the planned long-term agreements with the VOCs. 7.5 Staff implications Does your report impact on staff resources, budget, grading, remuneration, allowances, designation, job description, location or your organisational structure? No. The necessary provision for these elements has already been made Answer: by way of other mechanisms and reports. 7.6 Risk implications Does this report and I or its recommendations expose the City to any risk (ie does it have any adverse influence on service delivery?) Yes. Summary risk matrix is attached as Annexure A, item 3. Answer: 7.7 Other sewices consulted Finance advised regarding the agreements extending the Milestone 0 services with the VOCs (described above). Finance further advised regarding the application of the Asset Transfer Regulations in this regard. Further legal advice in this regard was obtained from Webber Wentzel attorneys. APPENDICES Appendices to the report to be listed here: Annexure A: Factors considered regarding the decision to grant the right to use, control or manage City Assets regarding the MyCiTi system. Annexure B: Rights regarding movable City assets to be granted the relevant Vehicle Operator Companies Annexure C: Rights regarding immovable City assets to be granted to the relevant Vehicle Operator Companies and Vehicle Suppliers. Report to Council on Myti77 asset transfer @ July 2012 FOR FURTHER DETAILS CONTACT: ,. NAME CONTACT NOS. E-MAILADDRESS DIRECTORATE FILEREFNO SIGNATURE : DIRECTOR Dawie Bosch (IRT Business Development) (021) 400 9135 Transat, Roads & Stormwater Q+@BD/A*~ transfer / k// v/ v / ,. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: TRANSPORT ROADS AND STORMWATER Ms M Whitehead Comment: or his nominee v (Author to obtain signature before submission to Executive Support) COUNCIL'SDELEGATIONS, POLICIES,BY-LAWS AND ALL LEGISLATION RELATING TO THE MATTER UNDER CONSIDERATION. LEGAL ~ o h f dNCE d NON-COMPLIANT Comment: Comment: Rep& to Counc~lon MyCi77 asset transfer July 2012 .,.. Annexure A Factors considered regarding the decision to grant the right to use, control or manage City assets regarding MyCiTi In terms of regulation 36(a) to (c) of the Municipal Asset Transfer Regulations, issued in terms of the Municipal Finance Management Act, the following factors are relevant regarding the decision to approval the granting of the right to use, control or manage City Assets for Phase 1 of the MyCiTi lntegrated Rapid Transit System: I Factor listed in Regulation 36 1. Whether the capital asset may be required for the municipality's own use during the period for which the right is to be granted (Reg 36(a)) 2. The extent to which any compensation to be received for the right together with the estimated value of any improvements or enhancements to the capital asset that the private sector party or organ of state to whom the right is granted will be required to make, will result in a significant economic or financial benefit to the municipality (Reg 36(b)) 3. The risks and rewards associated with the use, control or management of the capital asset in relation to the municipality's interests. (Reg 36(c)) RepoH to Council on MyCiTi asset transfer / Consideration of such factor The relevant capital assets are not required by City, other than for the purpose for which the assets are made available to the VOCs or vehicle suppliers, which the City makes available in order to provide the high-quality MyCiTi lntegrated Rapid Transit services as approved by Council The economic or financial benefit to the City: the provision of high-quality MyCiTi lntegrated Rapid Transit services as approved by Council. The assets are made available at no cost to the VOCs or vehicle suppliers, with the result that the City therefore needs to pay the contractors a lower contract price than it would have had to, had the City charged a rental amount regarding the provision of these assets. The risks include: - Damage to the assets: fully covered by a combination of insurance taken out by the City and the VOCs, and the contractual provisions regarding the vehicle suppliers; - Provision of service, using the assets, at an unacceptable level: The contract with the VOCs provides for penalties that the City can invoke; and regarding vehicle suppliers, for extension of the maintenance periods regarding delay in providing the required level of maintenance (other equivalent measures); - Inability by the VOC to provide relevant services: The City has step-in rights to take any necessav action, when the City reasonably believes that the VOC is unable to provide required services; - Material breach by the VOCs or vehicle suppliers of contractual terms: Performance guarantees are required from the VOCs and vehicle suppliers from which the City can draw in case payment is not forthcoming; in addition the City can terminate the contracts and claim damages I 4. The interests of any affected organ of state, the municipality's own strategic, legal and economic interests and the interests of the local community (Reg 3 0 ) No organ of state, other than the municipality, is affected. The interest of the City and of the local community has been fully considered by Council and addressed through the Business Plan of Phase 1A of the MyCiTi Integrated Rapid Transit of October 2010, after having followed a public participation process. 5. Compliance with the legislative All legal requirements regarding the granting of the right has regime applicable to the been complied with. proposed granting of the right (Reg 36(g)) The factors further include those set out in the Business Plan for Phase 1A of the MyCiTi system, as approved by Council in October 2010, as amended by Council. Note re regulation 36(d) and (e): The assets are not being transferred for more than 3 years Report to Council on MyCiTi asset transfer .,. , Annexure B Rights regarding movable City assets to be granted to the relevant Vehicle Operator Companies Allocation of movable assets to the following Vehicle Operator Companies: Transpeninsula Investments (Pty) Ltd, also referred to as Company A; Kidrogen (Pty) Ltd, also referred to as Company B; Golden Arrow Bus Services (Pty) Ltd, also referred to as Company C. I.Estimated c o s t per bus Bus type 18m bus I 12m Standard Bus 12m Airport Bus 9m bus I Price detail Price in 201 1 rands Indicative Price in 2012 rands Vehlcle supplier Volvo New tender Volvo New tender Volvo New tender Busmark 1 1 I Notes Price per bus R 2 936 053 R 2 936 053 Indicative Price in 201 1 rands Indicative Price in 2012 rands I / I R 1 653 286 R I653 286 R 1 628 221 R A 628 221 R 2 188 523 ~ x cvat l .- . FYCI -,.-, \/at EXCI Vat ~ x cvat l , FYPI \/at "... 1 ~ x cvat l 1 Excl Vat, extra warranty, maintenance. lncl electronics. Note that prices are at the time of delivery of new buses by the vehicle supplier to the City. The value of buses would have depreciated over time. 2. lndicative allocation of b u s e s to VOCs 1 2 2 3 lb / FEEDER 9 m / Inner City Feeders Table View Feeders Montague Gardens to Century City Atlantis Feeders Edgemead Richwood Bothasig etc (Phase 16) Repoe to Council on MyCiTi asset transfer 9m 9m 9m / 85% 1 79 0 0 0 9m 9m 0% 0 1 1 0%1 0 100% 28 100% 3 11 15% / - 0% 14 0 0 0 0 100% 39 0% 0% 100% 18 0% July 2012 M lb Routes Salt River via Maitland to Century City (Phase l B ) Bus type 9m Company A 50% 9m Total 9m feeder 19 Company C Company B 50% 98 18 0% 0 14 106 M = Milestone Final allocation of buses to specific VOCs is still subject to negotiation. In addition, the contracts with VOCs also provide that the City has the right to reallocate buses between the VOCs in specified circumstances. 3. Indicative number o f buses made available to VOCs prior to the expected date that Council will consider this report le condonation recommendation applies to the granting of rights to use, control or management these buses. 1 / I Bus type 1 Number of buses I Approximate date that right was granted 18m trunk 8 2012-05-01 12m standard trunk 27 2012-05-01 12m standard trunk 1 10 / 2012-01-15 12m airport trunk 1 7 1 2012-05-01 - 9m Optare feeder Report to Council on MyCiTi asset transfer / 20 1 I 2012-07-01 and later July 2012 Annexure C Rights regarding immovable City assets granted to the relevant Vehicle Operator Companies and Vehicle Suppliers 1. Allocation of immovable assets to the following Vehicle Operator Companies: Transpeninsula Investments (Pty) Lid, also referred to as Company A; Kidrogen (Pty) Ltd, also referred to as Company B; Golden Arrow Bus Services (Pty) Ltd, also referred to as Company C. And to the following Vehicle Suppliers: Volvo (Southern Africa) (Pty) Limited regarding the City's Volvo buses; Busmark (Pty) Ltd regarding the City's Optare buses; and future vehicle suppliers as may be awarded contracts to supply City vehicles and their subcontractors (where permitted in terms of their agreements with the City) Category Company A Company B Company C of use Station management (excluding klosks on stations, except where these are not needed for tlcket sales) until stations are handed over to station management contractor Airport Table View* Civic Station* Sunset Beach Stadium Racecourse Granger Bay Miinerton Woodstock Woodbridge Paarden Eiiand Lagoon Beach Neptune All other Phase 1 stations north of Zoarvlei station. once the are completed, including Omurumba, Janssens, Grey, wood, Boy de Goede, Ascot, Sandown, Sunningdale. Doornbach, Dunoon, Sati, Silverstone, Killarney, Diep River. Melkbos and Atlantis* Section Vrystaat Zoawiei Thibault All other Phase 1 stations south of Zoawlei station, once they are completed, including Gardens, Queens Beach, Breakwater, Adderley None Vehicle suppliers None Potential exchanges 1 different allocation regarding these stations between Company A and B, as provided in the contracts with the relevant VOCs Reptt to Council on MMyTi asset transfer July 2012 Category of use Management of Depots and staging areas Company A Company B Part of Prestwich Street Depot' until Stables Depot is made available, and thereafter the full Prestwich Street Depot Part of Prestwich Street Depot* until Stables Depot is made available, then Stables Depot' Company C I None Management of parts of any of the following City depots for purposes of maintenance of City vehicles: Prestwich Street'; Stables'; and Atlantis* Use of any of the above depots Foreshore Staging Area', Table Bay Boulevard until Stables Depot is available to Company B Once Stables Depot is available to Company B: Foreshore Staging Area' Vehicle suppliers Atlantis depot* Use rlghts re City Properties All stations listed above under both Company Aand B All stations listed above under both Company A and B All stations listed above under both Company A and B Dedicated busway on MyCiTi Phase 1 routes Dedicated busway on MyCiTi Phase 1 routes Dedicated busway on MyCiTi Phase 1 routes Foreshore Staging Area' Foreshore Staging Area' Foreshore Staging Area' Further staging at appropriate other locat.ons on Clty streets I parking areas Ifacilities Further staging at appropriate other locations on City streets I parking areas I facilities Further staging at appropr~ateother locations on Clty streets I parking areas I facilities / Assets with estimated value of over RlOm. 2. Indicative description of assets made available to VOCs prior to the expected date that Council will consider this report le condonation recommendation applies to the granting o f rights to use, control or management these assets Description of assets Stations Prestwich Street Depot / Stables Depot Foreshore staging area Report to Council on MyCi77 asset transfer Number of assets Approximate date that right was granted / asset handed over 17 2012-05-01 1 2012-05-01 1 2012-07-01 1 2012-05-01 l I I