The following guide will walk preparers through the process of... position into the Jobs@UNI online system. Once the requisition... Creating a Faculty Requisition Using Jobs@UNI

Creating a Faculty Requisition Using Jobs@UNI
The following guide will walk preparers through the process of entering a request to fill a faculty
position into the Jobs@UNI online system. Once the requisition has been prepared, the request will
then be routed through workflow for approval from the dean, provost, and OCEM. After the
appropriate approval has been received, advertising for the position may begin.
1. Access the Jobs@UNI website by entering Click on Login in the upper right
corner. Then click on Search Administration Login and enter your CatID username and password.
If an error message is received, check to make sure you have clicked on Search Administration Login
rather than Applicant Login.
2. To create a Requisition, click on Faculty, Academic Administrator or Academic Institutional Official.
To return to a requisition that has been started but not completed, click on Search My Requisitions
to return to a draft.
Create new request
Find a draft
3. Select the Department in the Position Org drop down menu. Also, select the Position Title. Faculty
or Department Head will be the Position Titles most commonly used. Click Continue when finished.
4. Enter the position details into the following fields. Please note that required fields are indicated by
red arrows and must be completed before moving to the next step.
See below for tips on how to complete each of the fields found in the Position Details section.
Rank: More than one rank may be checked.
Appointment Status: Further information regarding appointment types can be found in the Master
Agreement. A brief description of each status is provided below:
Tenure Track – The initial appointment is probationary, which allows for the opportunity to meet the
requirements for tenure. Tenure track appointments require a search.
Renewable Term – The initial appointment is for a minimum of two years, with the first two years of
service considered probationary. After the initial two year appointment, reappointment will be for one
year at a time. Renewable term appointments are at the rank of instructor and faculty do not earn
tenure. Candidates must have earned a terminal degree in the field or be recognized as having expertise
by the search committee. The search process is consistent with searches for tenure track positions. The
number of renewable term appointments per College is limited.
Term – The appointment is for a minimum of two years and a maximum of four years. The appointment
expires as specified by the initial letter of appointment. When a term position becomes vacant, a new
search must be conducted. If the budget line for a term position changes to probationary status, a full
search must be conducted. Term appointments require a search.
Temporary – Full-Time, Part-Time or Emergency
Full-Time Temporary – The appointment is for one academic year, and may be renewed for one
additional year upon written request and approval from Compliance and Equity Management.
A full-time temporary appointment may not be continued beyond two consecutive years. If the
budget line for the temporary position changes to term or probationary status, a new search
must be conducted. Temporary appointments may be filled by a search, but a search is not
required. If advertising for the position is needed, a search must be conducted.
Part-Time Temporary – The appointment is for one semester only and automatically terminates
at the expiration of the semester. Temporary appointments may be filled by a search, but a
search is not required. If advertising for the position is needed, a search must be conducted.
Emergency Temporary – The appointment is made when circumstances require immediate
replacement of a faculty member, or when a vacancy occurs prior to the beginning of the fall
semester but not earlier than June 1. Emergency temporary appointments are not to exceed
one academic year. Emergency temporary appointments may be filled by a search, but a search
is not required. If advertising for the position is needed, a search must be conducted.
Tenure Eligible – The appointment may be used for searches involving academic administrators.
Clinical – The appointment is used in rare cases. Special permission must be obtained from the provost
prior to selecting this appointment type.
Annual Salary: Estimated salary range must be entered. This information WILL be viewed by applicants
so keep that in mind when entering a range. Click the Check for Commensurate box so that the
maximum of the salary range will NOT show to applicants. Actual salary will be conveyed to the selected
candidate in the offer letter at the end of the search process.
Proposed Appt. Start Date: Estimated start date must be entered (typically the Monday before the start
of the fall semester). Actual start date will be conveyed to the selected candidate in the offer letter at
the end of the search process.
Alternate Search Process: Not a required field and used in very limited situations where a full search will
not be conducted. Contact OCEM for more details if applicable.
Specified Term: Not a required field and used in very limited situations not covered in the Service
Schedule drop down menu.
Number of Hires for Position: Not a required field and should be completed only if more than one of the
exact same position is being filled.
Driver’s License Required: Not a required field.
5. Click on Add LD Row in the Labor Distribution section to indicate what funding source(s) will be
used for this position. For more information on what funding sources are available, contact the
dean of your college. When finished, click Continue. If any required fields were not completed, an
error message will appear. Errors must be corrected before moving to the next step.
6. Enter the proposed Ad Start Date and Full Consideration Date. Dates may be adjusted depending
on how timely approvals are received once the requisition is submitted for approval. OCEM may
adjust the dates as necessary prior to granting approval to advertise the position.
If the position will be open only to current UNI non-temporary employees, select the Internal Search
box. OCEM will need to approve requests for internal searches. Justification for the request should
be provided in the General Requisition Comments section (step 13.)
7. Enter the person designated to answer applicant questions regarding the position in the Contact
field. Typically, this will be the search chair. Please note that the selected contact’s information will
automatically be populated in the position announcement based on the information available in the
University Directory. If desired (but not required), include the Department URL. The Department
URL must begin with http:// followed by the web address. An Alternate Email Address may also be
indicated if desired.
8. Change the title of the vacancy (if desired) in the Advertising Position Title field. For example,
“Assistant Professor of Opera Direction” may better indicate to applicants what vacancy is available
instead of the default “Faculty” title.
Edit position title
9. Enter the position description and requirements in the appropriate fields. These fields will be used
to provide the full description of the position (formerly called the “Position Announcement”) to
applicants on the Jobs@UNI website.
Please note that previously required statements, such as the AA/EEO and background check
information do NOT need to be entered. This information will automatically be included when the
position is “live” on the Jobs@UNI website. When finished, click Continue.
10. You may indicate an interest area for this position that will be searchable by applicants. Select all
categories that apply to the position. Applicants will then be able to search on Jobs@UNI for the
position based on the criteria indicated below.
11. In the Job Application Attachments section, you will note that Curriculum Vita, Cover Letter, and at
least three Professional References must be provided by each applicant. Additional required
application materials, such as statements of teaching interests, may be indicated in the Other
Attachments section. Please note that applicants will need to upload and attach a document for
each attachment indicated BEFORE being able to complete the application process. Letters of
Recommendation are not required. If letters are desired, select either the Manual or Online radio
button. The Manual option indicates that letters will be collected either by email or postal mail
outside of Jobs@UNI. The Online option indicates that Jobs@UNI will automatically request letters
of recommendation for each applicant once he/she has completed the online application. The
letters will be submitted via Jobs@UNI and stored electronically with the other applicant materials
requested for each candidate.
If any additional application materials are needed that cannot be submitted through the online
system, such as official transcripts, indicate these items in the Additional Application Materials
box. Applicants will be informed that these materials are not part of any online process and will
instead be instructed to send the materials either by email or postal mail to the contact person
indicated in the Department Contact Information section (step 7). Click Continue when
12. Indicate the proposed recruitment plan for the position in the Recruiting Resources section by
clicking on the box beside the sources that will be utilized. Please note that advertising may not
begin until the requisition has been approved and notification has been received to proceed.
13. In the Search Committee section, enter the name of the Department Head, Committee Chair and
Committee Members. In the Committee Administrators section, click Add Admin and enter the
name of the person with the actual authority to make an offer (typically the Dean). If necessary,
additional Committee Administrators may be added to assist the dean with the employment offer
14. Provide any additional comments that may be needed to justify the request to fill the position in the
General Requisition Comments Section. If requesting an internal search, provide rationale here.
15. At this point, you will have an option to add documents in the Workflow Attachments section.
External advertisement drafts or additional materials that have been prepared can be added by
clicking Add Attachment. Please note that any external advertisements that will be used must be
reviewed and approved by OCEM in coordination with approval of the requisition.
Select Attachment Type in the screen that appears and upload the corresponding file. Click Attach
Document to complete the process. Repeat this step if multiple documents are being uploaded.
Once all attachments have been added, click Close Window to return to the requisition.
16. Carefully review all of the requisition information that has been entered and make edits as
necessary. At the bottom of the page, click Finalize and Send Into Workflow.
17. Assign the appropriate approval workflow for the position. If the Department Head is preparing the
request, then the Dean will be the only name entered in the First Approver section. If the
Department Head is NOT the person preparing the requisition (ex. administrative support staff
enters the request), then the First Approver should be the Department Head and the Last Approver
should be the Dean.
It is NOT necessary to include the Provost and OCEM as approvers since the system will
automatically route the request to these individuals.
Department Head
18. Click Send to Workflow to complete the requisition process. The request will then be electronically
routed to the First Approver indicated in the workflow for approval. After all approvals are
obtained, the position announcement becomes “live” on the Jobs@UNI site for applicants to apply
and you will receive notification that external ads may be placed.
Questions regarding the faculty requisition process may be directed to: Julie Weatherly, Equal
Opportunity Specialist, Compliance and Equity Management at: or 273-2846.