Department of Economics Working Paper Series Education, Mobility and the College Wage Premium 14-001 Damba Lkhagvasuren Concordia University and CIREQ Department of Economics, 1455 De Maisonneuve Blvd. West, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G 1M8 Tel 514–848–2424 # 3900 · Fax 514–848–4536 · · Education, Mobility and the College Wage Premium∗ Damba Lkhagvasuren† Concordia University and CIREQ January 17, 2014 Abstract Motivated by large educational differences in geographic mobility, this paper considers a simple dynamic extension of Roy’s (1951) model and analyzes it using new evidence on net versus excess mobility and the individual-level relationship between mobility and wages. According to the model, the dispersion of a labor income shock specific to a worker-location match is greater for more educated workers and accounts for large educational differences in mobility. In the model, labor mobility raises both the average wage and the college wage premium, a prediction consistent with differences between Europe and the U.S. Keywords: mobility, wage structure, a dynamic Roy model, a labor income shock, spatial mismatch, moving cost, local employment dynamics, excess versus net mobility, gross mobility, college premium ∗ I thank two anonymous referees for detailed comments that greatly improved the paper. I also received helpful comments from Árpád Ábrahám, Mark Bils, Paul Gomme, Jonathan Heathcote, Lutz Hendricks, John Kennan, Seik Kim, Greg LeBlanc, Naci Mocan, Stephen Ross, Peter Rupert, Christopher Taber, and the participants at various seminars and conferences, including the 2007 Midwest Macro Meeting, the 2009 Canadian Economic Association Conference, the 2009 Urban and Housing Conference at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, the 2010 Economic Research Forum in Ulaanbaatar and the 2010 Econometric Society Meeting. I gratefully acknowledge financial support from FRQSC grant 2014-NP-174520. † Department of Economics, Concordia University, 1455 Maisonneuve Blvd. W, Montreal, QC H3G 1M8, Canada. Telephone: +15148482424 extension 5726. E-mail: 1 Introduction One of the most common patterns across local labor markets is higher geographic mobility among more educated workers. For example, according to the U.S. census, among workers who are older than 28, those with a college degree are twice as mobile relative to those who have a high school diploma (see Table 1). Recent work by Machin, Pelkonen, and Salvanes (2012) and Malamud and Wozniak (2012) shows that education has a large causal effect on mobility. However, despite these empirical advances, the actual mechanism underlying the impact of education on mobility is not well understood. This paper addresses the issue of what makes more educated workers more mobile than otherwise observationally similar less educated workers. It is well known that gross migration flows are much larger than the corresponding net flows.1 Moreover, as shown in Table 1, the net flows are too small to account for large educational differences in mobility. Therefore, any credible theory accounting for the positive relationship between mobility and education must allow for simultaneous in- and out-migration at the local level. One such theory is that the spatial dispersion of an individual’s labor income is higher among the more educated: the wage of a more educated worker could be more responsive to where the person works and therefore the more educated person could enjoy larger wage gains when moving across locations.2 To explore whether the spatial dispersion of labor income can account for large educational differences in labor mobility, I consider a simple dynamic model where worker migration and wages are jointly determined. Following the long tradition of the literature on sectoral selection and earnings, I build on the foundations of the Roy (1951) model of sectoral choice. In particular, I start with the static two-sector Roy model considered by McLaughlin and Bils (2001), who analyze the wage gap between movers and stayers across industries. I extend their model to a stochastic dynamic setting with costly labor mobility 1 See, for example, Vanderkamp (1971), Coen-Pirani (2010) and Lkhagvasuren (2012). Borjas, Bronars, and Trejo (1992b), Dahl (2002) and Kennan and Walker (2011) emphasize the importance of the idiosyncratic location match income effect for labor mobility. 2 1 across locations. In addition, I distinguish between two key components of individuals’ labor income: unobserved ability and an income shock specific to the worker-location match. Workers in the same location are also subject to a common regional level shock, below referred to as a local technology shock. The local technology shock causes net migration, while the worker-location match shock creates simultaneous in- and out-migration. So, in contrast to the standard Roy model, which allows for only net mobility, the model considered in this paper permits both net and excess labor mobility.3 In the model, the worker-location match shock and the local technology shock are persistent over time. This is motivated by the following two considerations. First, the literature on labor income dynamics finds that labor income shocks are highly persistent over time (see, for example, Hubbard, Skinner, and Zeldes, 1994 and Guvenen, 2009). Second, Bayer and Juessen (2012) show that the persistence of migration incentives is essential in linking individuals’ migration decision to data on geographic mobility. I discipline the quantitative analysis of the model by using new evidence on mobility and wages. Specifically, using the U.S. census data, I document that the share of net mobility in overall mobility is lower among the more educated. I also show that the relationship between mobility and wages is strikingly different between college- and high-school-educated workers: (a) Among high-school-educated workers, recent in-migrants earn less than the incumbent workers of the receiving localities; and (b) College-educated in-migrants earn more than their incumbent counterparts. It should be stressed that the previous studies on migration and wages report a negative wage gap between movers and stayers (e.g., Borjas, Bronars, and Trejo, 1992a and Krieg, 1997). This is in sharp contrast with the above positive movers-stayer wage gap among college-educated workers. These opposing results arise because earlier studies maintain that mobility affects the wages of different educational groups in the same direction (see Section 2). 3 Analogous to Davis and Haltiwanger (1992), net mobility refers to the part of the worker flows that account for the observed net migration across regions, while excess mobility is overall mobility minus the net mobility. 2 According to the model, among high-school-educated workers, the spatial dispersion of labor income, measured by the standard deviation of the worker-location match shock, is approximately 6.6 percent of their overall labor income. For college graduates, the spatial dispersion of labor income is much higher and amounts to 10.6 percent of their average labor income. These numbers imply that market thickness decreases with education: for less educated workers opportunities do not vary much across different local markets, whereas for college-educated workers, different markets offer different opportunities. More important, using counterfactual experiments, it is shown that the spatial dispersion of labor income accounts for most of the educational differences in mobility. One of the key issues of local labor market dynamics is who moves across local markets (Topel, 1986). While there are a large number of studies describing movers by observable demographic characteristics (see Greenwood, 1997, for a survey), little is known about the composition of observationally identical movers. According to the model, among workers with the same education, those with lower unobserved ability have lower moving costs. Therefore, while regions experience above-average employment growth through higher inmigration of well-educated workers, these workers tend to have lower unobserved ability than otherwise observationally identical non-movers. To the best of my knowledge, this paper is the first attempt to provide a dynamic perspective on the individual-level relationship between mobility and wages across different educational groups. Indeed, without such a framework it seems difficult to have a consistent description of labor flows and income. In this regard, the model shows that overall labor mobility and the college wage premium are positively related, a prediction consistent with higher labor mobility and a lower college wage premium in the U.S. relative to those in Europe documented, respectively, by Rupert and Wasmer (2012) and Krueger, Perri, Pistaferri, and Violante (2010). Normatively speaking, understanding how mobility and wages are jointly determined in a multi-sector setting is important for the evaluation of labor market policies that affect individuals’ job search across markets and thus labor market equilibrium, since 3 many policy instruments are closely tied to labor income.4 The paper also contributes to the recent debate on the magnitude of the moving cost. By considering a rich set of factors, Davies, Greenwood, and Li (2001) and Kennan and Walker (2011) estimate that the migration cost for an average high school graduate moving between U.S. states is in the range of a few hundred thousand U.S. dollars. Recently, Bayer and Juessen (2012) argue that ignoring the persistence of migration incentives leads to such high costs. The the current paper is closely related to their work as it also considers a two-location, stochastic dynamic model where a worker’s wage and migration decision are jointly influenced by persistent idiosyncratic shocks specific to the worker-location match. The current paper extends their work by explicitly allowing for spatial correlation of these shocks. The results indicate that ignoring such correlation can also introduce a large upward bias in the moving cost. More important, the current paper shows that the wage gap between movers and stayers might be essential in measuring the moving cost and that the moving cost differs substantially between educational groups. The outline of the rest of the paper is as follows. Section 2 presents the main empirical findings on the relationship between mobility, wages and education. Section 3 extends Roy’s (1951) model to a dynamic stochastic setting with costly mobility and persistent shocks. Section 4 shows that the model can replicate main features of data on mobility and wages. Section 5 conducts numerical experiments to quantify the impact of the key elements of the model on labor mobility. Section 6 evaluates the impact of mobility on the average wage and the college wage premium. Section 7 draws together the conclusions of the paper. The appendix provides further details of the data and the model. 2 Facts In this section, I present key empirical findings using Integrated Public Use Micro Samples (IPUMS) of the census 1980-2000 (Ruggles, Alexander, Genadek, Goeken, Schroeder, and 4 For studies on how labor mobility affects the aggregate labor market equilibrium, see Lucas and Prescott (1974), Lee and Wolpin (2006), and Lkhagvasuren (2012). 4 Sobek, 2010). First, I document that while the level of mobility is higher among the more educated, the share of net mobility (excess mobility) in overall mobility declines (increases) with education. Second, I show that the relationship between mobility and wages exhibits strikingly different patterns across educational levels. To focus on labor mobility that is not affected by schooling and retirement, I consider the age range between 28 and 64 years. The main sample includes white male employees who are not in the armed forces and who have worked between 20 and 80 hours per week and at least 17 weeks a year, but it excludes self-employed and unpaid family workers. I restrict the sample to workers with a high school or college education. For high school education, I consider 12 years of education (Grade 12 according to Ruggles et al., 2010). For college education, I consider a bachelor’s degree. 2.1 Mobility The U.S. census records respondents’ current state of residence and the state in which they resided five years ago. Therefore, an individual’s mobility status is obtained for a five-year interval. The main geographic units considered in the empirical analysis are census divisions. For brevity, census divisions will be referred to as regions for the remainder of the paper. Let in denote the number of people who in-migrate to region j between t − 1 and t. Let Nj,t Nj,t denote the number of people in region j at time t. Then, the economy-wide gross mobility P in rate at time t is given by mt = j Nj,t /Nt , where Nt is the total number of workers in the P entire economy, i.e., Nt = j Nj,t . The upper panel of Table 1 shows that college educated workers are twice as mobile relative to those who have a high school diploma. Next, I show that net migration driven by regional-level effects alone cannot account for large educational differences in mobility. For this purpose, I break gross mobility down into two components: net mobility and the excess reallocation. As in Davis and Haltiwanger out (1992), net mobility is given by the average of |min j,t − mj,t |/2 across locations (i.e., across out js), where min j,t and mj,t are the in- and outmigration rates of region j. Excess mobility 5 Table 1: Mobility and Wages data moments high school college both gross mobility, m 0.044 0.099 0.063 net mobility, δ 0.008 0.012 0.009 18.2% 12.1% 14.3% 81.8% 87.9% 85.7% -0.092 (0.002) 0.044 (0.002) -0.023 (0.002) share of net mobility, δ m × 100% share of excess mobility, (1 − δ ) m × 100% the mover-stayer wage gap, γ Notes: This table is based on mobility across census divisions at a quinquennial frequency. The labels high school and college denote, respectively, 12 years of education and a bachelor’s degree. The label both refers to the full sample containing the both educational groups. The mover-stayer wage gap refers to the estimated log wage difference between movers and stayers using equations (1) or (2). The standard errors of the estimated coefficients are in parenthesis. is gross mobility minus the net mobility. Table 1 shows that net mobility denoted by δ constitutes a small fraction of overall mobility for each educational group. Also, the share of net mobility in overall mobility decreases with education. What is more important is that net mobility is too small to account for the large educational differences in mobility. This serves as the main motivation of the paper for considering a worker-location match shock that generates simultaneous in- and out-migration at the local level. 2.2 Wage gap between movers and stayers Given the subsample of workers with education level s, consider the following regression: wi,t,j = γdi,t,j + Gs (ai ) + αt + αj + i,t,j , (1) where wi,t,j is the log hourly wage of person i in location j in year t, di,t,j is a dummy for whether the person has recently migrated to region j, Gs (ai ) is a quartic polynomial of the person’s yearly age ai , and αt and αj denote, respectively, the year and location effects. 6 The hourly wage rates are calculated as the ratio of labor income to hours worked per year. Table 1 displays the results from the regression run separately for each educational group. The wage differences between movers and stayers are highly significant for each educational group. More important, among high-school-educated workers, in-migrants earn less than the incumbent workers of the receiving localities, whereas college-educated in-migrants earn more than their incumbent counterparts.5 Next, for a comparison purpose, I measure the wage gap between movers and stayers using a common age-earnings profile for different educational groups as in the previous literature (e.g., Borjas et al., 1992a and Krieg, 1997). Consider the following regression for the log hourly wage wi,t,j using entire sample: wi,t,j = γdi,t,j + ϕcoli + G(ai ) + αj + αt + i,t,j , (2) where coli is a dummy for whether the person has a college degree and G(ai ) is a quartic polynomial of the person’s yearly age, while the variables di,t,j , αt and αj are as in equation (1). Using equation (2) for the full sample containing the both educational groups, I obtain −0.023 for γ. First, this number is much smaller (in absolute terms) than those obtained above by applying equation (1) to each educational group. Second, the common assumption that mobility affects the wages of different educational groups in the same direction masks massive differences between these groups in how mobility and wages are related. 3 Model In this section, I propose a parsimonious model of regional mobility that is flexible enough to replicate the above features of the data. I build on McLaughlin and Bils (2001), who study wage differences between inter-industry movers and stayers using Roy’s (1951) framework. 5 Appendix A.1 addresses a possible bias resulting from the timing of mobility and shows that the above wage gaps remain robust. 7 I extend their model to a dynamic setting that allows for a persistent labor income shock, unobserved ability and moving costs. For ease of notation, I present the model for only one educational group while keeping in mind that the parameters can differ between the groups. It should be stressed that the main goal of the paper is not only to construct a flexible model to replicate the data pattern, but also to examine whether the spatial dispersion of the labor income shock can account for the educational differences in mobility. Given the significant difference in the mover-stayer gap between the educational groups, I assume fully directed mobility in that workers know their initial wage at their destination before leaving their current location. However, directed mobility, along with persistent location-match shocks, generates a large state space in the dynamic programming problem. To reduce the computational load while focusing on the prototype of dynamic problems with an explicit relationship between mobility and wages at the individual level, I consider a two-location Roy model. Thus, regarding the modeling choice, my analysis can be compared with that of McLaughlin and Bils (2001) and Bayer and Juessen (2012), who use two-sector models to analyze worker mobility among many industries and locations. Appendix A.2 provides a further discussion on the importance of directed mobility. 3.1 Setup The economy is composed of two islands denoted by 0 and 1. The islands are inhabited by a large number of workers. Time is discrete and workers are infinitely lived. Workers can differ by their permanent unobserved ability µ. There are two ability levels: µ ∈ {µ` , µh }, where µ` = −σµ and µh = σµ for some σµ > 0. The cost of moving between the islands can differ by ability. Let C(µ) denote the moving cost of workers with ability µ. Each worker’s productivity is subject to a stochastic idiosyncratic shock. The magnitude of the shock depends on where the person resides. Let (e0 , e1 ) denote these labor income shocks. The pair of shocks is drawn for each person at each period. The stochastic process 8 governing the dynamics of e0 and e1 will be introduced shortly. The productivity of workers on island 0 is subject to a common stochastic shock z, which is referred to as a local technology shock. This shock is governed by the stationary transition function Pr(zt < z 0 |zt−1 = z) = Q(z 0 |z) given by the following autoregressive process: zt = %zt−1 + εt , where 0 < % < 1, and εt is a zero-mean random variable. Let σz denote the unconditional standard deviation of the local technology shock zt . Each period consists of three stages. In the first stage, individuals observe their labor income shocks (e0 , e1 ) along with the local technology shock, z. In the second stage, after observing these shocks, individuals choose their location. In the last stage, production takes place and workers are paid their wages. Depending on whether the person works on island 0 or 1, the current log wage is given by w0 = z + µ + e 0 (3) w1 = µ + e1 , (4) or respectively. The flow utility of a local resident of island j ∈ {0, 1} is given by wj , whereas that of a current in-migrant of the island is wj − C(µ). Workers’ time discount factor is β. 3.2 Labor income shock The labor income shocks e0 and e1 are correlated across time and locations and given by the following autoregressive process: e0,t = ρe0,t−1 + u0,t e1,t = ρe1,t−1 + u1,t , 9 (5) where the innovations (u0,t , u1,t ) are drawn from a bivariate normal distribution such that Var(u0,t ) = Var(u1,t ) = σu2 and Corr(u0,t , u1,t ) = R. Let σe denote the unconditional standard p deviation of the labor income shocks, e0,t and e1,t , i.e., σe = σu / 1 − ρ2 . Let us consider the following decomposition: u0,t = ζt + ξt u1,t = ζt − ξt , (6) where ζt and ξt are independent zero-mean transitory shocks. Then, by repeatedly substituting for the lagged values of e0 and e1 in equation (5), one can write e0,t+1 = yt+1 + xt+1 = ρ(yt + xt ) + ζt+1 + ξt+1 e1,t+1 = yt+1 − xt+1 = ρ(yt − xt ) + ζt+1 − ξt+1 , (7) where xt and yt are independent shocks. According to this decomposition, xt and yt are AR(1) processes with the common persistence ρ. Moreover, xt is the part of the income shock specific to where the person works. Let σx denote the standard deviation of xt : σx = Std(xt ). For the remainder of the paper, σx is referred to as the spatial dispersion of the labor income shock. Below I will argue that σx is much higher for college-educated workers than for high-school-educated ones and thus accounts for the large mobility gap between the two groups. 3.3 Value functions Now I specify the value functions associated with individuals’ mobility decision and characterize the model’s solution. Given the flow utility, an individual’s mobility decision is determined by the local technology shock z and the location-specific component x, subject to the moving cost. Moreover, the component y in equation (7) does not affect the wage gap between movers and stayers. Therefore, I define the expected lifetime utility using the 10 values of x and z. Let Uj (z, x, µ) denote the lifetime utility of a worker who worked in the previous period on island j ∈ {0, 1}. Also, let F (x0 |x) be the transition function Pr(xt < x0 |xt−1 = x) associated with the autoregressive process of xt . Then, for a worker who worked in the previous period on island j, the lifetime utility of staying in the current location is given by ZZ Sj (z, x, µ) = wj (z, x, µ) + β Uj (z 0 , x0 , µ)dQ(z 0 |z)dF (x0 |x), (8) where wj (z, x, µ) = (1 − j)z + (1 − 2j)x + µ (9) for each j ∈ {0, 1}. If the person moves from island j to island 1 − j, the lifetime utility is ZZ Mj (z, x, µ) = w1−j (z, x, µ) − C(µ) + β U1−j (z 0 , x0 , µ)dQ(z 0 |z)dF (x0 |x). (10) Finally, the maximized lifetime utility of the worker is given by Uj (z, x, µ) = max{Sj (z, x, µ), Mj (z, x, µ)}. 3.4 (11) Measures and flows Let τ ∈ {1, 2, 3, · · · } denote the number of periods a person has worked in their current location since his last move. Suppose that, at the end of period t, there are φj,t (x, µ, τ ) workers who have worked in their current location j for τ periods and whose ability and current productivity are, respectively, µ and x. 11 3.4.1 Law of motion for measures For each quadruplet (j, x, µ, τ ), the measure of workers after the realization of the idiosyncratic shocks of t + 1 is given by Z ψj,t+1 (x, µ, τ ) = φj,t (x̃, µ, τ ) ∂F (x|x̃) dx̃, ∂ x̃ (12) where x̃ has the same domain as x. Now let Dj denote the decision rule governing whether a worker in location j stays in her current location at time t: 1 if Sj (zt , x, µ) ≥ Mj (zt , x, µ), Dj (zt , x, µ) = 0 otherwise. (13) where zt is the local technology shock at time t. Then, for each (x, µ), the number of workers moving from j to 1 − j at time t + 1 is given by n1−j,t+1 (x, µ) = X (1 − Dj (zt+1 , x, µ))ψj,t+1 (x, µ, τ ). (14) τ Given these notations, the measure of workers at the end of period t + 1 is given by nj,t+1 (x, µ) φj,t+1 (x, µ, τ ) = D (z , x, µ)ψ j j,t+1 (x, µ, τ t+1 if τ = 1, (15) − 1) if τ ≥ 2 for each quadruplet (j, x, µ, τ ). 3.4.2 Equilibrium measures Given these measures, the total number of workers in region j at time t is Nj,t = XXZ τ µ 12 φj,t (x, µ, τ )dx. (16) Let the total population in the economy be normalized to 1: for any t, N0,t + N1,t = 1. (17) Below in the empirical implementation of the model, the length of a unit period is one year. Therefore, in accordance with how mobility is measured in Section 2, individuals with a tenure of up to five years are considered recent in-migrants. Thus, the number of the recent in- and out-migrants of region j are in Nj,t = 5 XZ X τ =1 φj,t (x, µ, τ )dx (18) φ1−j,t (x, µ, τ )dx. (19) µ and out Nj,t = 5 XZ X τ =1 µ Solving the model amounts to finding an equilibrium stream of workers, {φ0,t (x, µ, τ ), φ1,t (x, µ, τ )}∞ t=1 for each (x, µ, τ ) to satisfy equations (12) to (17), subject to the sequence of the local technology shock {zt }∞ t=1 and the initial measures {φ0,0 (x, µ, τ ), φ1,0 (x, µ, τ )} for all (x, µ, τ ). 3.5 Interdependence of mobility and wages For the remainder of the section, I discuss how mobility and wages are interrelated in this simple model. I start with a much simplified version of the model and re-introduce the key elements of the model to show their impact on mobility and wages. 3.5.1 Labor income shock and gross mobility Suppose for now that workers move costlessly between the two islands. Let the labor income shocks, e0 and e1 , be purely transitory, i.e., ρ = 0. Also, let the local technology shock z be permanently zero. Then, workers whose labor income shocks satisfy e0 > e1 or, equivalently, 13 Figure 1: A Roy Model with Unobserved Ability and Costless Mobility µ + e1 6 q µh rB rA w1A q µ` 45◦ w0A µ` µh µ + e0 Notes: The figure illustrates an economy in which there is no regional shock (i.e., z is permanently zero) and individuals move costlessly. Each worker is described by a point in the graph. The iso-probability contours reflect the distribution of the income shocks (e0 , e1 ) for each ability level. For example, point A is more likely to describe low ability workers whose shock on island 0, e0 , is much lower than his or her shock on island 1, e1 . Similarly, point B is more likely to describe high ability workers whose e0 is much higher than his or her e1 . Workers whose shocks lie above the 45 ◦ line will work on island 1 and those whose shocks are below the line will work on island 0. For example, if the worker described by point A works on island 0, his or her wage will be w0A . However, if the same person works on island 1, the wage will be much higher at w1A . Thus, the person will choose island 1. x > 0 will decide to work on island 0, whereas those who have e0 < e1 or, equivalently, x < 0 will work on island 1 (see Figure 1). Despite the large gross mobility, net mobility will be zero. Moreover, since the moving cost is zero and the shocks are transitory, there will be no wage gap between movers and stayers. 3.5.2 Local technology shock and net mobility Now let us introduce a positive permanent technology shock to island 0. Suppose that the permanent shock is realized at the beginning of period t. Then, during period t, there will be a gap between the two flows: the number of workers moving from island 1 to island 0 will 14 be larger than the number of workers moving in the opposite direction. Workers whose labor income shocks satisfy e0 + z > e1 or, equivalently, 2x > −z will decide to work on island 0, whereas those who have e0 + z < e1 or, equivalently, 2x < −z will work on island 1. So, there will be net mobility during period t. Since the technology shock z is permanent and the idiosyncratic shock x is transitory, net mobility will be zero starting from period t + 1. 3.5.3 Persistence of a labor income shock Clearly, with costless mobility (C(µ) = 0) and the transitory idiosyncratic shock (ρ = 0), there will not be any wage gap between movers and stayers. However, if the labor income shock becomes persistent (ρ > 0), local residents draw from a better income distribution than new in-migrants do. Consequently, the incumbents of each island will have a higher wage than its new residents, on average. Section 5.3 illustrates this effect numerically. 3.5.4 Moving cost Now suppose that a worker incurs a fixed moving cost c0 . For simplicity, let the local technology shock z be permanently zero and the labor income shocks, e0 and e1 , are again transitory. Clearly, a higher moving cost will imply lower mobility for a given level of the spatial dispersion of the income shock (i.e., for a given level of σx ). Thus, one can generate the same level of mobility using different pairs of values of σx and c0 . In other words, one can obtain the same level of mobility by using a lower spatial dispersion of labor income shock and a lower moving cost or by using a higher spatial dispersion of labor income shock and a higher moving cost. However, the two cases will have a different implication along two dimensions. First, the wage gap between movers and stayers will be higher in the latter case (i.e., when σx is higher) since the moving cost amplifies the selection effect along labor income shocks. Second, once the local technology shock is introduced, net mobility (excess mobility) will be higher (lower) in the former case. Because, for a given level of gross mobility, a lower 15 Figure 2: A Roy Model with Unobserved Ability and Costly Mobility µ + e1 6 I0 % % % % I1 % µh , , , q % % % , , % , % , , % % µ` % q , , , % , % , , , µ` µh µ + e0 Notes: The figure illustrates an economy in which there is no regional shock (i.e., z is permanently zero), but the moving cost is non-zero. In this figure, the moving cost is higher for high ability workers. Individuals who are indifferent between working on island 0 and moving to island 1 are aligned along the line denoted by I0 . Similarly, those who are indifferent between staying on island 1 and moving to island 0 are aligned along the line denoted by I1 . If a worker is initially on island 0 and then draws a pair of shocks above the line I0 , he or she will move to 1. Analogously, if a resident of island 1 draws shocks below the line I1 , that person will move to island 0. Also, see notes to Figure 1. spatial dispersion of labor income shock means that more workers are indifferent between moving and staying and thus more workers respond to the technology shock while raising the share of net mobility. Hence, the relative magnitude of excess versus net mobility is intimately related to the spatial dispersion of labor income and the mover-stayer wage gap. 3.5.5 Heterogeneous moving costs In addition to the above selection effect, another dimension through which moving cost can affect the wage gap between movers and stayers is unobserved ability. Specifically, for a given level of mobility, one can obtain a substantial wage gap between movers and stayers by making workers of a certain ability level more mobile than the rest of the workers (see 16 Figure 2). Therefore, in order to relate the wage gap between movers and stayers to labor mobility quantitatively, one has to allow for different moving costs for different ability groups. It should be stressed that a negative mover-stayer wage difference does not necessarily mean lower moving costs among lower ability workers. Indeed, Section 5.3 shows that one can obtain the above data patterns by imposing the same moving costs on different ability groups. However, such an assumption implies an implausibly low moving cost and an extremely high persistence of a labor income shock for high school graduates. 4 Empirical implementation Here the model is analyzed quantitatively using the key features of wage and mobility, including those documented in Section 2. 4.1 Numerical method Although the model is simple, its solution requires highly intensive computation due to the large state space capturing heterogeneous moving costs and the persistence of both the local technology shock and the labor income shock. The numerical solution requires five state variables for each educational group when implemented. Moreover, the simulation of the model brings a further computational load for the following two reasons. First, generating small net mobility requires a large number of agents and a very fine state space along x. Second, measuring the wage gap between movers and stayers requires that the wages and mobility of all agents be simulated simultaneously while keeping track of each individual’s past and present location. Given these considerations, I combine discretization of state variables with value function iteration. The location-specific shock x and the local technology shock z are approximated by finite state Markov chains using the method of Rouwenhorst (1995).6 In order to have sufficiently fine grids for x and z, each of the two shocks is 6 As Galindev and Lkhagvasuren (2010) show, the method of Rouwenhorst (1995) outperforms the other commonly used discretization methods for highly persistent AR(1) shocks. 17 approximated by a 51-state Markov chain. To simulate the model, I first generate the sequence of the local technology shock for T = 4, 000 periods. For the initial measures {φ0,0 (x, µ, τ ), φ1,0 (x, µ, τ )}, I assume that workers of each ability group are distributed equally between the two locations, their within-sector distribution over idiosyncratic productivity x is given by the zero-mean normal distribution with variance σx2 and locational tenure τ of each person is 1. Given the initial measures and the sequence of the local technology shock, I then simulate the sequence of the measures for T = 4, 000 periods. I discard the first 10 percent of the observations in order to remove the effect of the initial measures, and use the rest to compute the moments. The simulated moments are highly accurate in that doubling the number of periods (i.e., setting T = 8, 000) does not have a meaningful impact on the moments. 4.2 Parameters The period length chosen for the numerical simulation is one year. The time discount factor β is set to 0.952 (=1/1.05), which reflects an annual interest rate of 5 percent. Following Ciccone and Hall (1996), local productivity is calibrated using the gross domestic product of the U.S. states released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Using the annual per-worker gross state product series from 1974 through 2004, the productivity of each census division is generated by taking the state employment share as the aggregation weight. Given these series, local productivity is defined as the logarithm of per-worker gross domestic product of a division minus the logarithm of per-worker gross domestic product of the U.S. For an average division, the standard deviation and annual autocorrelation of the deviation of local productivity from its linear trend are 0.021 and 0.769. These numbers are used for σz and %, respectively. Disagreement exists in the literature over the magnitude of the persistence of a labor income shock (e.g., Hubbard et al., 1994; and Guvenen, 2009). However, a common finding between these studies is that the persistence of the labor income shock does not differ sub18 Table 2: Benchmark Parameterization parameters high school college β % σz ρ σµ σx c` 0.952 0.769 0.021 0.829 0.442 0.066 0.851 ($28,491) 1.199 ($40,143) same same same 0.805 0.500 0.106 0.929 ($46,747) 1.064 ($53,540) ch description time discount factor persistence of the regional shock standard deviation of the regional shock persistence of the labor income shock standard deviation of unobserved ability spatial dispersion of a labor income shock moving cost of a low ability worker moving cost of a high ability worker Notes: The amounts in parenthesis are the moving costs as expressed in the year 2000 USD. stantially across educational groups. As benchmark, I use Guvenen’s (2009) estimates that ρ is 0.829 and 0.805, for high-school- and college-educated workers respectively.7 Individuals are equally divided between the two ability levels. So, the individual-specific permanent effect in the log-residual wage is symmetrically distributed, which is a common assumption among the empirical studies of labor income processes. The dispersion in unobserved ability, σµ , is calibrated using the wages of male household heads in the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) for 1968 through 1997. Specifically, using the data, first I calculate the wage rank of each individual for each year while controlling for age and education. Then I construct the mean wage rank of each person over the sample period (see Appendix A.3). The parameter σµ is chosen so that the variation in the mean wage rank in the data matches the variation in the mean wage rank in the model. This yields the following values of σµ for high school and college graduates, respectively: 0.442 and 0.500. Let c` and ch denote moving costs associated with the ability levels µ` and µh : c` = C(µ` ) 7 As mobility and the income shock are correlated, there is a certain gap between the persistence parameter ρ and the autocorrelation of the realized values of labor income. However, experimentation shows that this gap is negligibly small for a wide range of the parameter space. The reason is that (i ) a considerable part of labor income is driven by the common component y in equation (7) and (ii ) the selection effect along the location-specific component x is much smaller compared to the dispersion of both x and y. 19 and ch = C(µh ). Given the rest of the parameters, these two costs are chosen by targeting the mobility rate m and the mover-stayer wage gap γ. The only remaining parameter is σx , which measures the spatial dispersion of the labor income shock. The parameter is chosen by targeting net mobility, δ. Below, it is shown that for a given level of gross mobility, δ and σx are indeed inversely related. For the remainder of the paper, the current calibration is referred to as the benchmark model.8 4.3 Predictions The parameters of the benchmark model are displayed in Table 2. The targeted data moments are presented in column (i) of Table 3 while the associated simulated moments are summarized in column (ii). The model is able to capture the key features of mobility and mover-stayer wage differences across educational groups. The spatial dispersion of labor income differs considerably between the two groups. The value of σx implies that the spatial dispersion is approximately 6.6 percent of labor income of high school graduates. However, for college graduates, it amounts to 10.6 percent of their labor income. This means that for high school graduates, employment opportunities do not vary much across different markets, whereas for college-educated individuals, different markets offer different opportunities. The moving cost relative to labor income does not differ much between the two educational groups. Using the 2000 IPUMS sample, I estimate that annual labor income of the two educational groups is US$ 33,480 and US$ 50,320. These numbers imply that the actual moving cost of US$ 28,491 - 40,143 for high school graduates and US$ 46,747 - 53,540 for college graduates, as expressed in the year 2000 dollars.9 These costs are much lower than 8 To a certain extent, the current calibration can be interpreted as choosing c` , ch and σx by minimizing a weighted distance between the observed and simulated values of m, γ and δ. However, there is an important difference between the current calibration and the standard minimum distance (MD) estimation (e.g., Altonji and Segal, 1996). Because of the discrete space described in Section 4.1, here the moments (and thus the weighted distance) tend to respond to parameters in a stepwise manner, especially in the limit as changes in the parameters go to zero. Nevertheless, one can see the overall impact of the parameters on the simulated moments using the numerical experiments in Sections 5 and 6. 9 In addition to these dollar amounts, the nature of the moving cost could also differ between the educational groups. For example, Machin et al. (2012) argue that certain components of the moving cost, such as credit constraints and lack of information, might be more important for less educated workers. 20 Table 3: Model Predictions moments High school graduates (i) (ii) data BM gross mobility, m net mobility, δ mover-stayer wage gap, γ moments 0.044 0.008 -0.092 0.044 0.008 -0.092 College graduates (i) (ii) data BM gross mobility, m net mobility, δ mover-stayer wage gap, γ 0.099 0.012 0.044 (iii) σxcol (iv) C col 0.098 0.010 -0.005 0.045 0.009 0.018 (iii) σxhs (iv) C hs 0.099 0.038 0.012 0.008 0.044 -0.002 0.097 0.010 -0.028 Notes: Column (i) displays observed data moments, while column (ii) provides the same moments generated by the benchmark (BM) model. Column (iii) describes a restricted version of the model economy in which the spatial dispersion of labor income of an educational group is replaced by that of the other group. Column (iv) describes a restricted version of the model in which moving costs of an educational group are replaced by those of the other group. 21 those estimated by Davies et al. (2001) and Kennan and Walker (2011), but comparable with an estimate of US$ 34,248 by Bayer and Juessen (2012) for a typical move between U.S. states. Within each educational group, individuals with lower unobserved ability have lower moving costs and move more frequently than those with higher ability. So, movers have lower unobserved ability than otherwise observationally identical non-movers. In Section 2 it was documented that high-school-educated movers earn less than their non-migrant counterparts and that college-educated workers earn more compared with the college-educated non-movers. The quantitative results offer the following explanation for these data patterns. For high-school-educated workers, the mover-stayer wage gap is negative due to the lower moving costs of lower ability workers. However, for college-educated workers, this negative effect is offset by the positive selection effect of their more volatile location-match shock. In the current model, moving costs reflect both the direct and psychological costs of traveling long distances to take a job. The prediction that workers with lower unobserved ability (thus lower income) have lower moving costs could be linked to homeownership. Specifically, these low-income individuals are more likely to be renters (Callis and Kresin, 2013) and thus may not incur the costs associated with selling or buying new houses when moving across locations. Also, since the incomes of the married couples are positively correlated (Jacquemet and Robin, 2012), the spouses of the low-income individuals could be less attached to their current labor market (Mincer, 1978). Moreover, long distance moves may take a substantial amount of time and this time cost could be larger for higher ability workers. While all these effects could produce heterogenous moving costs across ability groups, more direct investigation to the impact of the housing price, spousal income and the time cost is clearly desirable. 22 4.4 Local dynamics As a further test of the model, I evaluate its prediction for the local labor force fluctuations. The reason is that, in the model, the volatility of the local labor force is governed by the spatial dispersion of labor income, the key parameter in the current paper. For example, if the spatial dispersion, σx , is too high, the model will generate a negligibly small local fluctuation for a given level of gross mobility. Therefore, examining local dynamics will indicate whether the spatial dispersion of labor income in the benchmark model is reasonable. Since the model does not distinguish between employment and unemployment, I evaluate the model’s performance by using both the local labor force and employment. In the model, the local series are constructed by setting the share of high school (college) graduates to 0.664 (0.336), the value obtained from the main sample. The results are reported in Table 4. It shows that the model performs reasonably well in replicating the persistence of the local labor force and employment growth. The volatility of the local labor force is slightly lower than those observed in data. The main reason for this discrepancy is that the model ignores the labor force participation decision of incumbent workers and thus generates lower volatility. Nevertheless, the model accounts for the most of the shifts in the local labor force and employment. This is consistent with Borjas et al. (1992b), who argue that due to low fertility, internal migration has become the most dominant source of shifts in the local labor force. According to the model, the volatility of employment and the labor force is higher among more educated workers. So, more educated workers are more responsive to the local market conditions (Wozniak, 2010). These results suggest that the model performs well along local fluctuations, even though the above moments were not targeted in calibration. 5 Numerical experiments In this section a set of numerical experiments is conducted to illustrate how the spatial dispersion and moving costs affect educational differences in mobility. 23 Table 4: Local Dynamics Moments volatility, Std(∆nt ) persistence, Corr(∆nt−1 , ∆nt ) data all-emp all-lf 0.013 0.010 0.415 0.664 benchmark model all hs col 0.0067 0.0060 0.539 0.523 0.0083 0.530 Notes: ∆nt denotes the log annual change of the local labor force or local employment at year t. The columns all-emp and all-lf summarize the data moments calculated using the employment and labor force series of 1976-2011 provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics while controlling aggregate effects by subtracting the log growth of the aggregate series. 5.1 Role of the spatial dispersion of labor income As mentioned earlier, the moving cost relative to labor income do not differ much between the two educational groups. This suggests that the difference in the spatial dispersion of the labor income shock, σx , might account for a substantial part of educational differences in mobility. To examine whether this is the case, the benchmark models of the two educational groups are simulated while switching their spatial dispersion parameters. The results are shown in column (iii) of Table 3. When the benchmark model of high school graduates is simulated while using the spatial dispersion of labor income of college-educated workers, their mobility becomes virtually the same as the observed mobility of college graduates. At the same time, when the spatial dispersion of labor income of college-educated workers is replaced with that of high school graduates, the mobility of the college graduates declines and becomes almost equal to the observed mobility of high school graduates. So, the spatial dispersion of labor income shocks accounts for the bulk of the educational differences in mobility.10 At the same time, an average mover in the model performs better than before as the selection effect is now stronger. Comparing the benchmark model and the results of the numerical experiment, it can be seen that, with all other parameters held constant, an 10 This finding can be related to the view that that professional job market operates on a national basis and that unskilled job market tends to be more localized (e.g., Heckman, Layne-Farrar, and Todd, 1996). 24 increase in the spatial dispersion raises the wages of in-migrants relative to those of the incumbents. Therefore, the spatial dispersion of labor income is not only important for understanding labor mobility, but also accounts for a considerable share of the mover-stayer wage gap. Moreover, it is important for understanding why the mover-stayer wage gap increases with education. As discussed in Section 3.5, net mobility relative to overall mobility declines as the spatial dispersion of the labor income shock, σx , goes down. Comparing the mobility rate m and the spatial dispersion σx of different educational groups shows that holding all else constant, an increase in the spatial dispersion σx raises the wages of in-migrants relative to those of the incumbents. Therefore, the observed positive relationship between education and the mover-stayer wage gap is consistent with a higher spatial volatility among more educated workers. Moreover, the mobility rate m is a highly convex (increasing) function of σx . This is because of the strong non-linearity of the tail distribution function of the labor income shock. 5.2 Impact of moving cost Next, I evaluate the impact of the moving cost on mobility and the mover-stayer wage gap. For this purpose, I simulate the benchmark model for each educational group while using the moving cost (relative to labor income) of the other educational group. By simulating the model with different moving costs, this experiment also shows how sensitive the simulated moments are to the parameters and how the key elements of the model are important for understanding both mobility and wages. The results reported in the last column of Table 3 show that small differences in the relative moving costs indeed do not have much impact on the overall mobility. The table also illustrates that the moving cost and and the wage differences between movers and stayers are intimately related. Comparing the columns of the table, one can see that a higher moving cost is associated with a higher mover-stayer wage gap. Also, an increase in the spatial 25 dispersion raises the wages of in-migrants. 5.3 Homogeneous moving cost For the remainder of the section, I argue that while it is possible to generate the negative mover-stayer wage gap among high school graduates by imposing the same moving cost on different ability groups, such a restriction requires highly implausible parameter values. I simulate the model by setting ch = cl = c while choosing σx , ρ and c to replicate the key moments considered in the benchmark calibration. The results are displayed in Table 5. Despite the restriction, the model is able to generate the observed data patterns including the negative wage gap between movers and stayers among high school graduates. However, it requires highly implausible parameter values for high school graduates. First, there is an extremely large gap between the moving costs of high school and college educated workers: the moving cost of college graduates is almost 30 times higher than that of high school graduates. Second, the moving cost of high school educated workers is implausibly low. Specifically, their moving cost is 5 percent of their annual income, or approximately US$ 1,640. This is unreasonably low compared with moving costs estimated in the literature. For example, Bayer and Juessen (2012) estimate that the moving cost to be US$ 34,248 for a typical move between U.S. states. Davies et al. (2001) and Kennan and Walker (2011) find even higher inter-state migration costs for high school graduates. Keeping in mind that moves between census divisions must be more costly than interstate moves, the moving cost of high school graduates in Table 5 is roughly one or two orders of magnitude smaller than those in the literature. Third, there is also an extremely large gap in the persistence of the labor income shock between the two educational groups. This is in sharp contrast with the existing studies which find that the persistence of labor income shocks does not differ substantially across educational groups (e.g., Hubbard et al., 1994; Guvenen, 2009). 26 Table 5: Model with Homogeneous Moving Cost high school σx ρ c c̃ m δ γ 0.210 0.993 0.049 $1,640 0.044 0.008 -0.092 college description 0.149 0.935 0.849 $42,722 Parameters spatial dispersion of a labor income shock persistence of a labor income shock moving cost moving cost expressed in the year 2000 USD 0.099 0.008 0.044 Moments mobility variation of mobility across regions wage difference between movers and stayers Notes: This table summarizes a version of the model in which the moving cost is the same between different ability groups. The other parameters are at their benchmark values. 6 The college wage premium One of the key predictions of the model is that the overall impact of mobility on wages differ by education. Specifically, because of their higher spatial dispersion of labor income, more educated workers enjoy larger wage gains from mobility. A particularly interesting implication in this regard is that labor mobility can have a substantial impact on the college wage premium, the additional average wage a college graduate earns relative to a high school graduate.11 To quantify this effect, I consider a version of the model where mobility is prohibited. Let ∆whs (∆wcol ) denote the change in the log mean wage of high school (college) graduates when the moving costs of the benchmark model are replaced by prohibitive moving costs. Table 6 displays these changes implied by the model. When mobility is prohibited, the overall wage of high school graduates decreases by 0.97 percent, while that of college graduates decreases by 4.40 percent, i.e., ∆whs = −0.0097 and ∆wcol = −0.044. Thus, the 11 Here I consider the impact of mobility on the economy-wide college premium. For the variability of the skill premium across local markets, see Armenter and Ortega (2011) and Hendricks (2011). 27 Table 6: Impact of Prohibitive Moving Cost the average wage of high school graduates -0.97% the average wage of college graduates -4.4% the average wage of all workers -2.4% the college wage premium -12.0% Notes: This table shows that mobility raises both the average wage and the college wage premium. overall wage gain from mobility for college graduates is more than four times higher than that for high school graduates, in percentage terms. Moreover, given the share of the two educational groups measured in Section 4.4, the prohibitive moving cost lowers the average wage of all workers by 2.4 percent.12 What fraction of the observed college premium do these mobility effects account for? Let Pobs denote the observed college premium. In the absence of mobility, the college wage premium becomes Pexp = (1 + Pobs )(1 + ∆wcol ) − (1 + ∆whs ). (20) Hence, the fraction of the college premium resulting from mobility is π= ∆whs − ∆wcol Pobs − Pexp = − ∆wcol . Pobs Pobs (21) Including a dummy variable for a college degree into equation (1) and using the main sample, I find that Pobs = 0.408. Combining this value with those of ∆whs and ∆wcol , the fraction of the college wage premium explained by mobility is 12 percent, i.e., π = 0.12. Conversely, the prohibitive moving cost decreases the college premium by 12 percent (see Table 6). Recall that the current analysis focuses on long distance moves between census divisions. 12 It should be made clear that the counterfactual experiment is conducted in a partial equilibrium setting. Specifically, it ignores the negative dependence of labor productivity on local employment, a common equilibrium element used in modeling local labor markets (e.g., Lucas and Prescott, 1974; Coen-Pirani, 2010; Lkhagvasuren and Nitulescu, 2013). However, the impact of such an equilibrium effect might be small in an economy where net mobility, which drives local employment fluctuations, is much smaller than excess mobility. 28 Therefore if one includes shorter distance moves, such as inter-city or residential moves, the effect of mobility on the college premium will be higher than those measured above. However, since shorter distance moves are less costly, the marginal impact of an inter-city or residential move on the college premium will be less than that of long distance moves considered in this paper. At the same time, a higher frequency of shorter distance moves (Greenwood, 1997) may raise the overall impact of such moves on the average wage and the college wage premium. An important implication of the above finding is that shifts in the moving cost can affect the college wage premium. Then a natural question is whether part of the large differences in the college premium across countries could be attributed to labor mobility differences between these countries. Indeed, differences between Europe and the U.S. support this novel hypothesis. For example, Krueger et al. (2010) show that an average European country has a substantially lower college premium relative to the U.S., while Rupert and Wasmer (2012) find that geographic labor mobility is much lower in Europe than in the U.S. 7 Conclusions I extended the standard Roy (1951) model of locational choice into a dynamic stochastic setting while allowing for both net and gross mobility. I analyzed the model using key patterns of micro data on mobility and wages, including new evidence on the variability of mobility across regions and the wage gap between movers and stayers. The model makes a strong prediction that the dispersion of the individual-location match shock is larger for more educated workers and accounts for the bulk of educational differences in mobility. So for more educated workers, different markets offer different opportunities, whereas for less educated workers, opportunities do not differ much across locations. According to the model, among workers with the same education, those with lower unobserved ability have lower moving costs and thus move more frequently than otherwise 29 observationally identical non-movers. Numerical experiments suggest that the wage gap between movers and stayers might be key to quantifying dynamic multi-sector models. In the model, mobility raises both the average wage and the college wage premium, a prediction consistent with the differences between Europe and the U.S. By allowing for a spatial component in a persistent labor income shock, the model establishes a link between two important branches of the literature: labor mobility and labor income dynamics. Specifically, higher mobility and a higher spatial dispersion of labor income among more educated workers suggest that, on average, their income is generated at a higher cost. Therefore, focusing solely on the statistical or time series properties of labor income shocks introduces an important oversight regarding the the welfare impact of the idiosyncratic income shifts. In this paper, labor income is assumed to follow an exogenous process specific to the worker-location match. Therefore the paper is silent about the underlying forces driving the spatial dispersion of labor income. In this regard, an interesting exercise would extend the analysis by examining whether within-region industry compositions affect geographic mobility. Moreover, an extension of the model that allows for risk aversion and housing markets could be used to examine whether the recent housing market contraction raised the idiosyncratic income risk, especially among the well educated. Future research along these dimensions may contribute to our understanding of the role of mobility for the labor market. 30 A Appendix A.1 Timing of mobility As previously mentioned, the U.S. census records individuals’ current state of residence and the state in which they resided five years ago. However, it does not record when exactly during the past five years the respondents moved if they did. On the other hand, it records labor income and work hours by calendar year. Therefore the measured wage of a mover is not necessarily the actual wage the person received at the current location. For example, consider an individual who worked in region A during the first nine months of the previous calendar year and in region B for the remainder of that year. Suppose that the person’s hourly wage was $20 in A and $28 in B. For simplicity, let the person’s monthly hours of work remain constant throughout the previous calendar year. Then, the measured hourly wage for this newly arrived worker is (9 × $20 + 3 × $28)/12 = $22, which is much lower than $28, the actual hourly wage in the new location. This suggests that there can be a potential bias introduced by inconsistency between the point in time at which workers move and the time period over which their annual labor income is recorded. To examine whether the bias is substantial, I measure the wage differences between movers and stayers using Current Population Survey (CPS), 1980-2009 (King, Ruggles, Alexander, Flood, Genadek, Schroeder, Trampe, and Vick, 2010) while imposing the same sample restrictions used for the U.S. census data. Specifically, since the CPS records individuals’ mobility at annual frequency, it allows us to measure the wage differences between local residents and those who moved within the last year. I find that the wage gap γ measured by equation (1) are -0.096 and 0.054 for high school and college graduates, respectively. (The standard errors of these coefficients are 0.011 and 0.013.) Since these numbers do not differ significantly from those obtained in Section 2, the bias introduced by inconsistency between the point in time at which workers move and the time period over which their labor income is recorded is negligible. 31 A.2 Modeling choice In the model there are two locations. While it is straightforward to introduce more locations, it will sharply increase the number of states in the dynamic programming problem. With two locations, as discussed in Section 4, the solution of the model results in a dynamic stochastic problem with five state variables for each educational group. Since the number of state variables associated with the individuals’ decision problem increases geometrically with the number of locations, having more locations introduces a much heavier computational load. As in Kennan and Walker (2011), one can reduce the computational load by assuming that individuals do not know their wage at a new location, but in order to find out their wage in another location, it is necessary to move there. Under such an assumption, some individuals move, at a high cost, to poorly matched areas and stay there. Given the focus of the paper, this creates two issues. First, the assumption typically implies that the wages of newly arrived workers are less than those of the local residents. Thus, it is unclear how one can capture different mover-stayer wage gaps of different educational groups. Second, the literature on labor income dynamics (Hubbard et al., 1994; Guvenen, 2009) suggests that the labor income shock is quite persistent. Therefore in the presence of the highly persistent wage, it might be too strong an assumption that workers move to areas without knowing their wage. Since I focus on the relationship between wages and mobility, I consider Roy’s framework, which is inherently a model of directed mobility, while considering two locations. This allows us to focus on the prototype of the economic problems with the combination of directed mobility and a persistence location match shock. It should be noted that, in the absence of a local technology shock, the model can be viewed as one of many islands. Suppose that there are N islands. Consider an individual who stays on island 1 and whose labor income shock for the location is e1 . Also, let the labor income shocks the person draws for the remaining islands be {e2 , e3 , · · · , eN }. Then, the same mobility decision and wages are obtained by restricting var(e0 ) = var(e1 ) and Corr(e0 , e1 ) = R, where e0 = max{e2 , e3 , · · · , eN }. 32 A.3 Variation of ability In this appendix I estimate the variation of unobserved ability, σµ , using individuals’ wages over their life-cycle in the PSID, as in Moffitt and Gottschalk (1994). To reduce the impact of outliers in the small subsamples of each educational group, I consider a wage rank statistic. Given the residual wage of the Mincerian regression, let ri,t denote the rank of person i in the sample at time t. Let r̄i denote the mean rank of the person over the sample period. Then, rit − r̄i can be considered as the shifts in rank due to the effects not captured by permanent ability. If most of the wage variation across individuals at a given point in time is explained by their unobserved ability, the overall shifts in rit − r̄i will be much smaller across individuals. Thus, the effect of the permanent component relative to that of the Stdi (r¯i ) . non-permanent component can be captured by k = Ei (Std t (rit −r̄i )) I measure the wage rank rit using the annual hourly wage rate of the male heads of households in the PSID for 1968 through 1997. The sample includes those between 28 and 64 years of age while excluding those in the Survey of Economic Opportunity, which oversamples poor households. I also restrict the sample to those whose income is recorded for more than twenty years (i.e., Ti ≥ 20). Given these selection criteria, I obtain that k = 1.583 for high-school-educated workers and k = 1.516 for college graduates. Now, consider the following decomposition of the log wage variance: σw2 = σµ2 + σ2 , where σ2 is the variance of the non-permanent component of the log wage. Setting σµ /σ to k, one can p write that σµ = σw k 2 /(1 + k 2 ). 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