Hindawi Publishing Corporation Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2013, Article ID 306467, 9 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/306467 Research Article Cross-Diffusion-Driven Instability in a Reaction-Diffusion Harrison Predator-Prey Model Xiaoqin Wang,1 and Yongli Cai2 1 2 Faculty of Science, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, Xi’an 710021, China School of Mathematics and Computational Science, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China Correspondence should be addressed to Xiaoqin Wang; wxiqn@163.com Received 4 August 2012; Accepted 14 December 2012 Academic Editor: Xiaodi Li Copyright © 2013 X. Wang and Y. Cai. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. We present a theoretical analysis of processes of pattern formation that involves organisms distribution and their interaction of spatially distributed population with cross-diffusion in a Harrison-type predator-prey model. We analyze the global behaviour of the model by establishing a Lyapunov function. We carry out the analytical study in detail and find out the certain conditions for Turing’s instability induced by cross-diffusion. And the numerical results reveal that, on increasing the value of the half capturing saturation constant, the sequences “spots → spot-stripe mixtures → stripes → hole-stripe mixtures → holes” are observed. The results show that the model dynamics exhibits complex pattern replication controlled by the cross-diffusion. 1. Introduction Understanding of spatial and temporal behaviors of interacting species in ecological systems is one of the central scientific problems in population ecology [1–15], since the pioneering work of Turing [16]. Throughout the history of theoretical ecology, reaction-diffusion equations have been intensively used to describe spatiotemporal dynamics [15, 17]. In recent years, the effect of cross-diffusion in reactiondiffusion systems has received much attention by both ecologists and mathematicians, for example, see [18–25] and the references therein. Kerner [18] was the first to examine that cross-diffusion can induce pattern forming instability in an ecological situation. Cross-diffusion expresses the population fluxes of one species due to the presence of the other species. And Gurtin [19] developed some mathematical models for population dynamics with the inclusion of cross-diffusion as well as self-diffusion and showed that the effect of crossdiffusion may give rise to the segregation of two species. In this paper, we are attempting to study the effect of cross-diffusion in a predator-prey model with Harrison-type functional response [26]. The model can be written as π π’π£ π’ ππ’ = ππ’ (1 − ) − 1 ππ‘ πΎ π1 π£ + 1 + π·11 Δπ’ + π·12 Δπ£, π₯ = (π, π) ∈ Ω, π‘ > 0, π1 π’ ππ£ = π£ (−β1 + ) ππ‘ π1 π£ + 1 + π·21 Δπ’ + π·22 Δπ£, π’ (π₯, 0) = π’0 (π₯) , π₯ = (π, π) ∈ Ω, π‘ > 0, π£ (π₯, 0) = π£0 (π₯) , π₯ = (π, π) ∈ Ω, (1) where π’ and π£ represent population density of prey and predator at time π‘, respectively. π is the intrinsic growth rate of prey, πΎ is the prey carrying capacity, π1 is the capture rate, π1 the half capturing saturation constant, β1 is the death rate of predator, and π1 is conversion rate. π·11 and π·22 are the selfdiffusion coefficients of π’ and π£, respectively, π·12 and π·21 are the cross-diffusion coefficients of π’ and π£, respectively. We always assume that π·11 > 0, π·22 > 0 and π·11 π·22 − π·12 π·21 > 0. The value of the cross-diffusion coefficient may be positive, negative, or zero. Positive cross-diffusion coefficient denotes, that one species tends to move in the direction of lower concentration of another species, while negative cross-diffusion expresses the population fluxes of one species in the direction of higher concentration of the other species [27]. Δ = π2 /ππ₯2 = π2 /ππ2 + π2 /ππ2 is the usual Laplacian operator in 2-dimensional space. Ω ⊂ R2 is a 2 Abstract and Applied Analysis bounded domain with smooth boundary πΩ. The initial data π’0 (π₯) and π£0 (π₯) are continuous functions on Ω. We make a change of variables: Μπ‘ π’, πΎΜπ£, ) . (π’, π£, π‘) = (πΎΜ π We call model (5) as self-diffusion model, while we call model (3) cross-diffusion model. The corresponding kinetic equation to models (3) and (5) is: . (2) π’ = π’ (1 − π’) − For the sake of convenience, we still use variables π’, π£ instead of π’Μ, π£Μ. Thus, considering zero-flux boundary conditions, model (1) is converted into ππ’π£ ππ’ = π’ (1 − π’) − ππ‘ ππ£ + 1 + π11 Δπ’ + π12 Δπ£, π₯ = (π, π) ∈ Ω, π‘ > 0, ππ£ ππ’ = π£ (−β + ) ππ‘ ππ£ + 1 + π21 Δπ’ + π22 Δπ£, ππ’ ππ£ = = 0, ππ ππ π₯ = (π, π) ∈ Ω, π‘ > 0, (3) π₯ = (π, π) ∈ πΩ, π‘ > 0, π’ (π₯, 0) = π’0 (π₯) ≥ 0, π£ (π₯, 0) = π£0 (π₯) ≥ 0, π₯ = (π, π) ∈ Ω, where the new parameters are π= πΎπ1 , π π11 = π·11 , π π = πΎπ1 , π12 = π·12 , π β= β1 , π π21 = π= π·21 , π π1 πΎ , π π22 = π·22 . π (4) π· = ( ππ1121 ππ1222 ) is the diffusion matrix, π11 > 0, π22 > 0, and det(π·) = π11 π22 − π12 π21 > 0. π is the outward unit normal vector on πΩ and the zero-flux boundary conditions mean that model (3) is self-contained and has no population flux across the boundary πΩ [28, 29]. In particular, when π12 = π21 = 0, that is, the crossdiffusion coefficients are equal 0, we can obtain the following model: ππ’ ππ’π£ = π’ (1 − π’) − ππ‘ ππ£ + 1 + π11 Δπ’, π₯ = (π, π) ∈ Ω, π‘ > 0, ππ’ ππ£ = = 0, ππ ππ π’ (π₯, 0) = π’0 (π₯) ≥ 0, ππ’ ) β π (π’, π£) . ππ£ + 1 (6) In recent years, there has been considerable interest to investigate the stability behavior of a predator-prey system by taking into account the effect of self- as well as cross-diffusion [3, 6, 8–10, 12–15]. But in the studies on the spatiotemporal dynamics of predator-prey system with functional response, little attention has been paid to study on the effect of crossdiffusion. Mathematically speaking, an equilibrium in Turing’s instability (diffusion-driven instability) means that it is an asymptotically stable equilibrium πΈ∗ of model (6) but is unstable with respect to the solutions of reaction-diffusion model (3) or (5). Especially, if πΈ∗ is also stable with respect to the solutions of the self-diffusion model (3), that is, π12 = π21 = 0 in the cross-diffusion model (5), then there is nonexistence of Turing’s instability in this situation. And there comes a question: if there is nonexistence of Turing’s instability in the case of self-diffusion (i.e., π12 = π21 = 0), does model (5) exhibit Turing’s instability induced by cross-diffusion? The main purpose of this paper is to focus on the effect of cross-diffusion on the spatiotemporal dynamics of the reaction-diffusion predation model. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we give some properties of the solutions of the model. In Section 3, we give the linearized stability analysis to show (i.e., no cross-diffusion), deduce the conditions of Turing’s instability induced by cross-diffusion, and illustrate the different Turing patterns by using the numerical simulations. Finally, in Section 4, some conclusions and discussions are given. 2. Dynamics Analysis In this section, we present some preliminary results, including dissipativeness, boundedness, permanence of the solutions, and the equilibria stability analysis of the models. 2.1. Dissipativeness ππ£ ππ’ = π£ (−β + ) ππ‘ ππ£ + 1 + π22 Δπ£, . π£ = π£ (−β + ππ’π£ β π (π’, π£) , ππ£ + 1 Theorem 1. For any solution (π’, π£) of model (6), π₯ = (π, π) ∈ Ω, π‘ > 0, lim sup π’ (π‘) ≤ 1, π‘→∞ π₯ = (π, π) ∈ πΩ, π‘ > 0, lim sup π£ (π‘) ≤ max {0, π‘→∞ π−β } . (7) βπ Hence, model (6) is dissipative. π£ (π₯, 0) = π£0 (π₯) ≥ 0, Proof. From the first equation of model (6), it can be easily shown that π₯ = (π, π) ∈ Ω. (5) lim sup π’ (π‘) ≤ 1. π‘→∞ (8) Abstract and Applied Analysis 3 If π > β, from the second equation of model (6), one has: . π£ ≤ π£ (π − β − βππ£) . 2.3. Permanence (9) A standard comparison argument shows that lim sup π£ (π‘) ≤ π‘→∞ π−β β πΌ. βπ (10) Theorem 3. If π < π and β < (π/2)(1 − π/π), then model (6) has the permanence property. Proof. By the first equation of model (6), we have . ππ’π£ π’ = π’ (1 − π’) − ππ£ + 1 = π’ (1 − π’) − ππ’ If π ≤ β, we have the following differential inequality: (1/π) (ππ£ + 1) − (1/π) ππ£ + 1 (19) ≥ π’ (1 − π/π − π’) . −βππ£2 π£≤ , ππ£ + 1 . (11) and the same argument above yields lim sup π£ (π‘) ≤ 0. (12) π‘→∞ Since π < π, by the famous comparison theorem, we have π lim inf π’ (π‘) ≥ 1 − > 0. (20) π‘→∞ π Hence, for large π‘, π’(π‘) > (1/2)(1 − π/π) β π. As a result, for large π‘, π£ satisfies . π£ ≥ π£ (−β + In either case, the second inequality of (7) holds. π£ (ππ − β − βππ£) ππ )= . ππ£ + 1 ππ£ + 1 (21) Since β < (π/2)(1−π/π), by the famous comparison theorem, we can get 2.2. Boundedness Theorem 2. All the solutions of model (6) which initiate in R+2 are uniformly bounded within the region Γ, where π 1 Γ = {(π’, π£) : 0 ≤ π’ + π£ ≤ 1 + } . π 4β (13) (14) Calculating the time derivative of π€(π‘) along the trajectories of model (6), we get . . . π€ (π‘) = π’ + π£ = π’ (1 − π’) − πβ π£. π (15) Then, . π€ (π‘) + βπ€ (π‘) = π’ (1 − π’) + βπ’ < 1 + β. 4 (16) Using the theory of differential inequality, for all π‘ ≥ π ≥ 0, we have 0 ≤ π€ (π‘) ≤ 1 + 1 1 − (1 + − π€ (π)) π−(π‘−π) . 4β 4β π‘→∞ π (π − π) − 2βπ β π½ > 0. 2βπ2 (22) The proof is complete. Proof. Let us define the function: π π€ (π‘) = π’ (π‘) + π£ (π‘) . π lim inf π£ (π‘) ≥ 2.4. Stability Analysis of the Equilibria. The nonspatial model (6) has three equilibria, which correspond to spatially homogeneous equilibria of model (3) and model (5), in the positive quadrant: (i) πΈ0 = (0, 0) (total extinct) is a saddle point; (ii) πΈ1 = (1, 0) (extinct of the predator, or prey only) is a saddle when π > β, or stable node when π < β; (iii) πΈ3 = (π’∗ , π£∗ ) (coexistence of prey and predator), where π’∗ = β(ππ£∗ + 1)/π, and π£∗ satisfies βπ2 π£2 − (π (π − β) − βπ − ππ) π£ + β − π = 0. (23) It is easy to verify that it has a unique positive equilibrium if π > β. The Jacobian matrix for the positive equilibrium πΈ3 = (π’∗ , π£∗ ) is given by − π½=( β (ππ£∗ + 1) πβ − π π (ππ£∗ + 1) π½11 π½12 ππ£∗ βππ£∗ ) β (π½ π½ ) . (24) 21 22 − ππ£∗ + 1 ππ£∗ + 1 (17) Obviously, 2 Hence, we have 1 lim sup π€ (π‘) ≤ 1 + . 4β π‘→∞ det (π½) = βπ£∗ (βπ3 π£∗ + 2βπ2 π£∗ + βπ + ππ) (18) Hence, all the solutions of model (6) that initiate in R+2 are confined in the region Γ. π(ππ£∗ + 1)2 > 0, (25) 2 tr (π½) = − β (π2 π£∗ + π (2 + π) π£∗ + 1) π (ππ£∗ + 1) Therefore, we can obtain the following. < 0. 4 Abstract and Applied Analysis Theorem 4. Assume that the positive equilibrium πΈ3 = (π’∗ , π£∗ ) exists, then πΈ3 = (π’∗ , π£∗ ) is locally stable for model (6). In the following, we shall prove that the positive equilibrium πΈ3 = (π’∗ , π£∗ ) of model (3) is globally asymptotically stable. Theorem 5. Suppose that β < π, π < π, and β < (π/2)(1 − π/π). The positive equilibrium πΈ3 = (π’∗ , π£∗ ) of model (3) is globally asymptotically stable, if, πΌ2 = ∫ (π’ − π’∗ ) (π11 Δπ’ + π12 Δπ£ − π11 Δπ’∗ − π12 Δπ£∗ ) ππ₯ Ω + ∫ (π£ − π£∗ ) (π21 Δπ’ + π22 Δπ£ − π21 Δπ’∗ − π22 Δπ£∗ ) ππ₯. Ω (28) By some computational analysis, we obtain 2 πΌ1 = − ∫ (π’ − π’∗ ) (π’ + π’∗ + Ω (a1) β(ππ£∗ + 1)/π − π/π + π½π/(ππ£∗ + 1) > 0; 2 ∗ ∗ (a2) β(β(ππ£ + 1)/π + π½π/(ππ£ + 1) − 1)(1 − 1/(π½π + 1)) − β2 /4π2 − πΌπ2 /4(ππ£∗ + 1)2 > 0; − ∫ (π£ − π£∗ ) (β − Ω β ) ππ₯ (ππ£ + 1) − ∫ (π’ − π’∗ ) (π£ − π£∗ ) Ω (a3) 4π11 π22 > (π12 + π21 )2 , ππ£ − 1) ππ₯ ππ£∗ + 1 π’∗ − ππ£ (ππ£ + 1) ππ₯. (ππ£∗ + 1) (ππ£ + 1) Considering the zero-flux boundary conditions, we have where πΌ = (π − β)/βπ > 0, π½ = (π(π − π) − 2βπ)/2βπ2 . Proof. We adopt the Lyapunov function: πΌ2 = −π11 ∫ |∇π’|2 ππ₯ − π12 ∫ ∇π’∇π£ππ₯ Ω π (π‘) = ∫ [π1 (π’ (π₯, π‘)) + π2 (π£ (π₯, π‘))] ππ₯, (26) Ω 2 Ω + 2π11 ∫ ∇π’∇π’∗ ππ₯ + π12 ∫ ∇π’∇π£∗ ππ₯ Ω Ω σ΅¨ σ΅¨2 + π12 ∫ ∇π£∇π£∗ ππ₯ − π11 ∫ σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨∇π’∗ σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨ ππ₯ Ω Ω 2 where π1 (π’) = (1/2)(π’ − π’∗ ) , π2 (π£) = (1/2)(π£ − π£∗ ) . Then, − π12 ∫ ∇π’∗ ∇π£∗ ππ₯ − π22 ∫ |∇π£|2 ππ₯ Ω ππ ππ’ ππ£ = ∫ ( (π’ − π’∗ ) + (π£ − π£∗ )) ππ₯ ππ‘ ππ‘ ππ‘ Ω Ω − π21 ∫ ∇π’∇π£ππ₯ + π21 ∫ ∇π£∇π’∗ ππ₯ Ω ππ’π£ = ∫ ((π’ − π’∗ ) (π’ − π’2 − ) ππ£ + 1 Ω + (π£ − π£∗ ) (−βπ£ + (29) Ω + 2π22 ∫ ∇π£∇π£∗ ππ₯ + π21 ∫ ∇π’∇π£∗ ππ₯ Ω ππ’π£ )) ππ₯ ππ£ + 1 (27) + ∫ ((π’ − π’∗ ) (π11 Δπ’ + π12 Δπ£) Ω σ΅¨ σ΅¨2 − π21 ∫ ∇π’∗ ∇π£∗ ππ₯ − π22 ∫ σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨∇π£∗ σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨ ππ₯ Ω Ω = −π11 ∫ |∇π’|2 ππ₯ − (π12 + π21 ) ∫ ∇π’∇π£ππ₯ Ω Ω ∗ + (π£ − π£ ) (π21 Δπ’ + π22 Δπ£)) ππ₯ = πΌ1 + πΌ2 , Ω σ΅¨ σ΅¨2 + 2π11 ∫ ∇π’∇π’∗ ππ₯ − π11 ∫ σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨∇π’∗ σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨ ππ₯ Ω Ω + (π12 + π21 ) ∫ ∇π’∇π£∗ ππ₯ Ω where − (π12 + π21 ) ∫ ∇π’∗ ∇π£∗ ππ₯ + π12 ∫ ∇π£∇π£∗ ππ₯ Ω πΌ1 = ∫ (π’ − π’∗ ) Ω × (π’ − π’2 − ππ’π£ ππ’ π£ 2 − π’∗ + π’∗ + ) ππ₯ ππ£ + 1 ππ£∗ + 1 + ∫ (π£ − π£∗ ) (−βπ£ + Ω ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ππ’π£ ππ’ π£ + βπ£∗ − ) ππ₯, ππ£ + 1 ππ£∗ + 1 Ω + 2π22 ∫ ∇π£∇π£∗ ππ₯ − π22 ∫ |∇π£|2 ππ₯ Ω Ω σ΅¨ σ΅¨2 − π22 ∫ σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨∇π£∗ σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨ ππ₯ + π21 ∫ ∇π£∇π’∗ ππ₯. Ω Ω (30) Abstract and Applied Analysis 5 πΌ1 and πΌ2 in the curly brackets can be expressed in the form −ππ΄ππ and −ππ΅ππ, respectively, where then 1 πΦ (π’, π£) ) > 0. = β (1 − ππ’ ππ£ + 1 π = (π’ − π’∗ , π£ − π£∗ ) , π = (∇π’, ∇π£, ∇π’∗ , ∇π£∗ ) , ππ£ π’∗ − ππ£ (ππ£ + 1) − 1 ππ£∗ + 1 2 (ππ£∗ + 1) (ππ£ + 1) π΄ = ( π’∗ − ππ£ (ππ£ + 1) ) β β− 2 (ππ£∗ + 1) (ππ£ + 1) ππ£ + 1 π’ + π’∗ + π π β ( 1 2) , π3 π4 π12 + π21 2 π11 Hence, Φ(π’, π£) is strictly increasing in R+ , with respect to π’, and Φ (0, π£) = β ( β (ππ£∗ + 1) ππ£ 1 + − 1) (1 − ) π ππ£∗ + 1 ππ£ + 1 2 ππ£ 1 β − − ( ) ∗ 4 π (ππ£ + 1) ππ£ + 1 ≥ β( π12 + π21 2 −π11 (36) β (ππ£∗ + 1) π½π 1 + − 1) (1 − ) π ππ£∗ + 1 π½π + 1 πΌπ2 β2 − . 2 4π 4(ππ£∗ + 1)2 π12 + π21 π12 + π21 π22 −π22 ) ( ( ) 2 2 ( ) ( ) π΅=( π12 + π21 π12 + π21 ) . ( −π11 ) π 11 ( ) 2 2 ( ) π12 + π21 π12 + π21 −π22 π22 2 2 ( ) (31) Consequently, if (a2) holds, Φ(0, π£) > 0. As a result, Φ(π’, π£) > Φ(0, π£) > 0. Hence, π is a Lyapunov function and the positive equilibrium πΈ3 of model (3) is globally asymptotically stable. This completes the proof. ππ/ππ‘ is negative definite if the symmetric matrices π΄ and π΅ are positive. It can be easily shown that the symmetric matrix π΅ is positive definite if Remark 6. When π12 = π21 = 0, Theorem 5 is true, too. That is, the positive equilibrium πΈ3 of the self-diffusion model (5) is globally asymptotically stable. 2 4π11 π22 > (π12 + π21 ) . (32) The symmetric matrix π΄ is positive definite if π1 > 0, π4 > 0, Φ (π’, π£) = π1 π4 − π2 π3 > 0. (33) Since π1 = π’ + π’∗ + β (ππ£∗ + 1) π π½π ππ£ − 1 > − + , ∗ ππ£ + 1 π π ππ£∗ + 1 (34) due to (a1), π1 > 0 is true. It is easy to verify that π4 = β − (β/(ππ£ + 1)) > 0. Since Φ (π’, π£) = β (π’ + π’∗ + × (1 − = β (π’ + × (1 − ππ£ − 1) ππ£∗ + 1 2 1 1 π’∗ − ππ£ (ππ£ + 1) ) )− ( ππ£ + 1 4 (ππ£∗ + 1) (ππ£ + 1) − (37) 3. Turing’s Instability and Pattern Formation 3.1. Nonexistence of Turing’s Instability in the Self-Diffusion Model (5). And in the presence of diffusion, we will introduce small perturbations π1 = π’ − π’∗ , π2 = π£ − π£∗ , where |π1 |, |π2 | βͺ 1. To study the effect of self-diffusion on model (5), we consider the linearized form of system about πΈ∗ = (π’∗ , π£∗ ) as follows: ππ1 = π½11 π1 + π½12 π2 + π11 Δπ1 , ππ‘ ππ2 = π½21 π1 + π½22 π2 + π22 Δπ2 , ππ‘ where π½11 , π½12 , π½21 , and π½22 are defined as (24). Following Malchow et al. [11], we can know any solution of model (38) can be expanded into a Fourier series so that ∞ ∞ π,π=0 π,π=0 ∞ ∞ π,π=0 π,π=0 β (ππ£ + 1) ππ£ + − 1) π ππ£∗ + 1 π1 (π₯, π‘) = ∑ π’ππ (π₯, π‘) = ∑ πΌππ (π‘) sin kπ₯, 1 ) ππ£ + 1 π2 (π₯, π‘) = ∑ π£ππ (π₯, π‘) = ∑ π½ππ (π‘) sin kπ₯, ∗ 2 1 β ππ£ − ( − ), ∗ 4 π(ππ£ + 1) ππ£ + 1 (35) (38) (39) where π₯ = (π, π), and 0 < π < πΏπ₯, 0 < π < πΏπ¦. k = (ππ , ππ ) and ππ = ππ/πΏπ₯, ππ = ππ/πΏπ¦ are the corresponding wavenumbers. 6 Abstract and Applied Analysis Substituting π’ππ and π£ππ into (38), we obtain ππΌππ = (π½11 − π11 π2 ) πΌππ + π½12 π½ππ , ππ‘ (40) ππ½ππ = π½21 πΌππ + (π½22 − π22 π2 ) π½ππ , ππ‘ 2 . where π2 = ππ2 + ππ A general solution of (40) has the form πΆ1 exp(π 1 π‘) + πΆ2 exp(π 2 π‘), where the constants πΆ1 and πΆ2 are determined by the initial conditions and the exponents π 1 , π 2 are the eigenvalues of the following matrix: π½12 π½11 − π11 π2 Μ π·=( π½21 π½22 − π22 π2 ) . It is evident that the condition π1 > 0 is not violated when the requirement π½11 + π½22 < 0 is met because we assume π11 > 0 and π22 > 0. Hence, only violation of the condition π2 > 0 will give rise to diffusion instability, that is, Turing’s instability. Then the condition for diffusive instability is given by π22 π½11 + π11 π½22 − π21 π½12 − π12 π½21 > 0, otherwise π2 > 0 for all π > 0 since det(π·) > 0 and det(π½) > 0. For Turing’s instability, we must have π2 < 0 for some π. And we notice that π2 achieves its minimum: min π2 π π (41) Correspondingly, π 1 , π 2 are the solution of the following characteristic equation: 2 π − π1 π + π2 = 0, 2 = 4 det (π·) det (π½) − (π22 π½11 + π11 π½22 − π21 π½12 − π12 π½21 ) 4 det (π·) (50) at the critical value ππ2 > 0 when (42) π22 π½11 + π11 π½22 − π21 π½12 − π12 π½21 . 2 det (π·) ππ2 = where π1 = −π2 (π11 + π22 ) + tr (π½) , (43) π2 = π11 π22 π4 − (π22 π½11 + π11 π½22 ) π2 + det (π½) . From (24), one can easily obtain π1 < 0, π2 > 0. (44) ∗ ∗ ∗ Then, we can conclude that the equilibrium πΈ = (π’ , π£ ) is also stable for self-diffusion model (5). That is to say, there is nonexistence of Turing’s instability in model (5). 3.2. Turing’s Instability in the Cross-Diffusion Model (3). The linearized form of the cross-diffusion model (3) about πΈ∗ = (π’∗ , π£∗ ) is as follows: ππ1 = π½11 π1 + π½12 π2 + π11 Δπ1 + π12 Δπ2 , ππ‘ ππ2 = π½21 π1 + π½22 π2 + π21 Δπ1 + π22 Δπ2 . ππ‘ (45) The characteristic equation of the linearized model (3) is: π2 − π1 π + π2 = 0, (49) (51) As a consequence, if π22 π½11 + π11 π½22 − π21 π½12 − π12 π½21 > 0 and π2 < 0 hold, then πΈ3 = (π’∗ , π£∗ ) is an unstable equilibrium with respect to model (3). In this case, π2 = 0 has two positive roots π12 and π22 which satisfy 2 π1,2 = π22 π½11 + π11 π½22 − π21 π½12 − π12 π½21 ± √Λ , 2 det (π·) (52) where Λ = (π22 π½11 + π11 π½22 − π21 π½12 )2 − 4 det(π·) det(π½). Therefore, if we can find some π2 such that π12 < π2 < π22 , then π2 < 0. Summarizing the above calculation, we obtain the following. Theorem 7. Assume that the positive equilibrium πΈ3 (π’∗ , π£∗ ) exists. If the following conditions are true: = (i) π22 π½11 + π11 π½22 > π21 π½12 + π12 π½21 , that is, 2 πβπ21 > π22 βπ£∗ π2 + βπ£∗ (ππ11 + 2π22 ) π + π2 π12 π£∗ + βπ22 ; (53) (46) (ii) π22 π½11 + π11 π½22 − π21 π½12 − π12 π½21 > 2√det(π·) det(π½), that is, where π1 = −π2 (π11 + π22 ) + tr (π½) , π2 = det (π·) π4 2 2 − (π22 π½11 + π11 π½22 − π21 π½12 − π12 π½21 ) π + det (π½) . (47) Diffusive instability occurs when at least one of the following conditions is violated [2]: π1 < 0 or π2 < 0. (48) πβπ21 − (π22 βπ£∗ π2 + βπ£∗ (ππ11 + 2π22 ) π + π2 π12 π£∗ + βπ22 ) > 2√πβπ£∗ (π11 π22 − π12 π21 ) (βπ3 π£∗ 2 + 2βπ2 π£∗ + βπ + ππ), (54) then the positive equilibrium πΈ3 of model (3) is Turing unstable if 0 < π12 < π2 < π22 for some π. Abstract and Applied Analysis 7 0.22 0.25 0.3 0.2 0.25 0.2 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.2 0.15 0.12 0.15 0.1 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.1 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.02 (a) (b) (c) 0.4 0.35 0.35 0.3 0.3 0.25 0.25 0.2 0.2 0.15 0.15 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.05 (d) (e) Figure 1: Five typical Turing’s patterns of π’ in model (3) with fixed parameters π = 9, π = 0.5, π = 0.45, π11 = 0.01, π22 = 1, π12 = −0.025, and π21 = 0.01. (a) Spots pattern, π = 0.05; (b) spot-stripe mixtures pattern, π = 0.125; (c) stripes pattern, π = 0.25; (d) hole-stripe mixtures, π = 0.45; (e) holes pattern, π = 0.5. Iterations: pattern (a): 5 × 105 , pattern (c): 1 × 105 , and others: 3 × 105 . 3.3. Pattern Formation. In this section, we perform extensive numerical simulations of the spatially extended model (3) in two-dimensional space, and the qualitative results are shown here. All our numerical simulations employ the zero-flux boundary conditions with a system size of 100 × 100. Other parameters are set as π = 9, π = 0.5, π = 0.45, π11 = 0.01, π22 = 1, π12 = −0.025, and π21 = 0.01. The numerical integration of model (3) is performed by using a finite difference approximation for the spatial derivatives and an explicit Euler method for the time integration [30, 31] with a time stepsize of 1/1000 and the space stepsize β = 1/10. The initial condition is always a small amplitude random perturbation around the positive equilibrium πΈ3 = (π’∗ , π£∗ ). After the initial period during which the perturbation spread, either the model goes into a time-dependent state or to an essentially steady-state solution (time independent). In the numerical simulations, different types of dynamics are observed and it is found that the distributions of predator and prey are always of the same type. Consequently, we can restrict our analysis of pattern formation to one distribution. In this section, we show the distribution of prey π’, for instance. We have taken some snapshots with red (blue) corresponding to the high (low) value of prey π’. Figure 1 shows five typical Turing’s patterns of prey π’ in model (3) arising from random initial conditions for several values of the control parameter π. In Figure 1(a)—π»0 -pattern, π = 0.05, consists of red (maximum density of π’) hexagons on a blue (minimum density of π’) background, that is, isolated zones with high population densities. In this paper, we call this pattern as “spots.” In Figure 1(b), when increasing π to 0.125, a few of stripes emerge, and the remainder of the spots pattern remains time independent. Pattern (b) is called π»0 -hexagon-stripe mixtures pattern. While increasing π to 0.25, model dynamics exhibits a transition from stripes-spots growth to stripes replication, that is, spots decay and the stripes pattern emerges (cf. Figure 1(c)). In Figure 1(d), π = 0.45, on increasing of π, a few of blue hexagons (i.e., holes, named by Von Hardenberg et al. [32], associated with low population densities) fill in the stripes, that is, the stripes-holes pattern emerges. Pattern (d) is called π»π -hexagon-stripe mixtures pattern. When increasing π to 0.5, model dynamics exhibits a transition from stripe-holes growth to spots replication, that is, stripes decay and the holes pattern (π»π -pattern) emerges (cf. Figure 1(e)). 8 From Figure 1, one can see that, on increasing the control parameter π, the sequences “spots → spot-stripe mixtures → stripes → hole-stripe mixtures → holes” are observed. Ecologically speaking, spots pattern shows that the prey population are driven by predators to a high level in those regions, while holes pattern shows that the prey population are driven by predators to a very low level in those regions. The final result is the formation of patches of high prey density surrounded by areas of low prey densities [3]. 4. Conclusions and Remarks In this paper, we study the spatiotemporal dynamics of a Harrison predator-prey model with self- and cross-diffusions under the zero-flux boundary conditions. The value of this study lies in twofold. First, it gives the global stability of the positive equilibrium of the model by establishing a Lyapunov function. Second, it rigorously proves that the Turing instability can be induced by cross-diffusion, which shows that the model dynamics exhibits complex pattern replication controlled by the cross-diffusion. The most important observation in this paper is that the cross-diffusion terms are necessary for the emergence of Turing’s instability and pattern formation in the model. More precisely, with the help of the numerical simulations, the sequences “spots → spot-stripe mixtures → stripes → hole-stripe mixtures → holes” can be observed. On the other hand, population dynamics in the real world is inevitably affected by environmental noise which is an important component in an ecosystem. The deterministic models, such as model (3) or (5), assume that parameters in the systems are all deterministic irrespective environmental fluctuations. It is well known that the fact that due to environmental noise, the birth rate, carrying capacity, competition coefficient, and other parameters involved in the system exhibit random fluctuation to a greater or lesser extent [33]. We think that there may be exist other noise-controlled selfreplicating patterns in models (3) and (5). This is desirable in future studies. It is believed that our results related to cross-diffusion in predator-prey interactions model would certainly be of some help to theoretical mathematicians and ecologists who are engaged in performing experimental work. References [1] S. 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