Hindawi Publishing Corporation Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2012, Article ID 812165, 16 pages doi:10.1155/2012/812165 Research Article Nonoscillatory Solutions of Second-Order Superlinear Dynamic Equations with Integrable Coefficients Quanwen Lin1 and Baoguo Jia2 1 2 Department of Mathematics, Maoming University, Maoming 525000, China School of Mathematics and Computational Science, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China Correspondence should be addressed to Quanwen Lin, linquanwen@126.com Received 9 September 2011; Revised 15 November 2011; Accepted 23 November 2011 Academic Editor: D. Anderson Copyright q 2012 Q. Lin and B. Jia. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The asymptotic behavior of nonoscillatory solutions of the superlinear dynamic equation on time Δ Δ t pt|xσt|γ sgnxσt 0, γ > 1, is discussed under the condition that P t scales rtx τ limτ → ∞ t psΔs exists and P t ≥ 0 for large t. 1. Introduction Consider the second-order superlinear dynamic equation rtxΔ t Δ pt|xσt|γ sgn xσt 0, γ > 1, 1.1 where P t lim τ →∞ τ 1.2 psΔs t exists and is finite. P t ≥ 0 for large t. When T R, rt 1, 1.1 is the second-order superlinear differential equation x t pt|xt|γ sgn xt 0, γ > 1. 1.3 2 Abstract and Applied Analysis When T N, rn 1, 1.1 is the second-order superlinear difference equation Δ2 xn pn|xn 1|γ sgn xn 1 0, 1.4 γ > 1. The following condition is introduced in 1. Condition H. We say that T satisfies Condition (H) provided one of the following holds. 1 There exists a strictly increasing sequence {tn }∞ n0 ⊂ T with limn → ∞ tn ∞ and for each n ≥ 0 either σtn tn1 or the real interval tn , tn1 ⊂ T; 2 T ∩ R T , ∞ for some T ∈ T. We note that time scales which satisfy Condition H include most of the important time scales, such as R, Z, and qN0 , where q > 1 and N0 is the nonnegative integers and harmonic numbers { nk1 1/k : n ∈ N} 2, Example 1.45. In 3, Naito proved the following result. ∞ Theorem 1.1. If P t t psds ≥ 0 for large t, then a nonoscillatory solution xt of 1.3 satisfies exactly one of the following three asymptotic properties: lim xt c / 0, t→∞ lim t→∞ xt 0, t lim t→∞ lim xt ±∞, 1.5 t→∞ xt c / 0. t In this paper, we extend Theorem 1.1 to superlinear dynamic equation 1.1 on time scale. As an application, we get the asymptotic behavior of each nonoscillation solution of the difference equation Δ2 xn a −1n b |xn 1|γ sgn xn 1 0, nc n1c γ > 1, 1.6 where b > 0, c > 1, and a/c > b/2. 2. Main Theorems Consider the second-order nonlinear dynamic equation Δ rtxΔ t pt|xσt|γ sgn xσt 0, where rt, pt ∈ CT, R, rt > 0, t0 ∈ T, and and is finite. ∞ t0 2.1 γ > 0, rt−1 dt ∞. limt → ∞ t t0 psΔs exists Abstract and Applied Analysis 3 Lemma 2.1. Suppose that T satisfies Condition H. If xt is a positive solution of 1.1 on T, ∞, then the integral equation rtxΔ t α P t xγ t ∞ rsγ 1 0 xs hμsxΔ s γ−1 2 dh xΔ s xγ sxγ σs t Δs 2.2 is satisfied for t ≥ T , where α is a nonnegative constant. Proof. Suppose that xt is a positive solution of 1.1 on T, ∞. In the first place, we will prove ∞ rsγ 1 0 T 2 xh sγ−1 dh xΔ s Δs < ∞, xγ sxγ σs 2.3 where xh t xt hμtxΔ t 1 − hxt hxσt > 0. Multiplying both sides of 1.1 by 1/xγ σt, we get that rtxΔ t xγ t Δ −pt − rtγ 1 0 2 xh tγ−1 dh xΔ t . xγ txγ σt 2.4 Integrating from T to t, rtxΔ t rT xΔ T − − xγ t xγ T t psΔs − T t rsγ 1 0 T 2 xh sγ−1 dh xΔ s Δs. xγ sxγ σs 2.5 If 2.3 fails to hold, that is, ∞ T rsγ 1 0 2 xh sγ−1 dh xΔ s Δs ∞, xγ sxγ σs 2.6 from 2.5, we have rtxΔ t −∞. t → ∞ xγ t lim 2.7 Without loss of generality, we can assume that for t ≥ T rT xΔ T − xγ T t T psΔs < −1. 2.8 4 Abstract and Applied Analysis t Otherwise, let L maxt≥T | T psΔs|. By 2.7, we can take a large T1 > T such that rT1 xΔ T1 /xγ T1 < −2L 1. So we have rT1 xΔ T1 − xγ T1 t psΔs < −2L 1 − t T1 psΔs − T T1 psΔs T 2.9 ≤ −2L 1 − −2L −1. So we can replace T by T1 > T such that 2.8 still holds. From 2.5 and 2.8, we get for t ≥ T rtxΔ t xγ t t rsγ 1 0 T 2 xh sγ−1 dh xΔ s Δs < −1. xγ sxγ σs 2.10 In particular, we have xΔ t < 0, for t ≥ T. 2.11 Therefore, xt is strictly decreasing. Assume that t ti−1 < ti σt. Then, xσt < xt, and so 1 γ 0 xh sγ−1 dh γ 1 1 − hxs hxσsγ−1 dh 0 1 1 − hxs hxσsγ 0 xγ σs − xγ s . xσs − xs xσs − xs 2.12 If the real interval ti−1 , ti ⊂ T, then, for s ∈ ti−1 , ti , we have 1 γ xh sγ−1 dh γxγ−1 s. 2.13 0 Let yt : 1 t rsγ 1 0 2 xh sγ−1 dh xΔ s xγ sxγ−1 σs T Δs. 2.14 Hence, from 2.10, we get that − rtxΔ t > yt. xγ t 2.15 Abstract and Applied Analysis 5 From 2.14 and 2.15, we get that Δ y t > yt 1 2 xh tγ−1 dh xΔ t xγ txγ σt 1 γ 0 xh tγ−1 dh −xΔ t rtγ 0 xγ σt 2.16 . Assume that t ti−1 < ti σt. From 2.16 and 2.12, we get that yσt − yt xγ σt − xγ t xt − xσt > . ytσt − t xσt − xt xγ σtσt − t 2.17 yσt xγ t > γ , yt x σt 2.18 yti xγ ti−1 > γ . yti−1 x ti 2.19 So, that is, If the real interval ti−1 , ti ⊂ T, then, for t ∈ ti−1 , ti , it follows from 2.16 and 2.13 that y t γxγ−1 t−x t > , yt xγ t 2.20 that is, ln yt > −ln xγ t . 2.21 Integrating from ti−1 to t, we get that yt xγ ti−1 > , yti−1 xγ t t ∈ ti−1 , ti . 2.22 Let T tn0 , and let t ∈ T, ∞T . Then, there is an n > n0 such that t ∈ tn−1 , tn T . From 2.22 and 2.19, we get that ytn0 1 yt xγ tn0 xγ tn−1 ytn−1 xγ tn−2 > , > γ ,..., > γ . γ ytn−1 x t ytn−2 x tn−1 ytn0 x tn0 1 2.23 6 Abstract and Applied Analysis Multiplying, we get that yt xγ tn > γ 0 . ytn0 x t 2.24 Using 2.15 again, we get − ytn0 xγ tn0 rtxΔ t > yt > . xγ t xγ t 2.25 If we set L : ytn0 xγ tn0 , we get xΔ t < − L . rt 2.26 Integrating from T to t, we get that xt − xT < − t T L Δs −→ −∞, rs as t −→ ∞, 2.27 which contradicts xt > 0. In 2.5, letting t → ∞, replacing T by τ, and denoting α limt → ∞ rtxΔ t/xγ t, we get that α ∞ τ psΔs ∞ rsγ 1 0 τ 2 xh sγ−1 dh xΔ s rτxΔ τ Δs . xγ sxγ σs xγ τ 2.28 We need to show that α ≥ 0. Suppose that α < 0. Then, there exists a large T1 such that, for t > T1 , we have rtxΔ t α ≤ . xγ t 2 2.29 αxγ t . 2rt 2.30 So, xΔ t ≤ Thus, MT1 : ∞ rsγ 1 0 T1 ≥− α 2 ∞ T1 γ 1 0 2 xh sγ−1 dh xΔ s Δs xγ sxγ σs xh sγ−1 dh −xΔ s Δs. xγ σs 2.31 Abstract and Applied Analysis 7 Assume that t ti−1 < ti σt. From 2.12 and xΔ t < 0, we have σt γ 1 0 t xh sγ−1 dh −xΔ s Δs xγ σs 1 γ 0 xh tγ−1 dh −xΔ t σt − t xγ σt xγ t − xγ σt xγ σt xγ t 1 dv ≥ v xγ σt ln ln 2.32 xγ t xγ σt xγ ti−1 . xγ ti If the real interval ti−1 , ti ⊂ T, from 2.13 we have, for t ∈ ti−1 , ti , t γ ti−1 1 xh sγ−1 dh −xΔ s Δs xγ σs t γxγ−1 s−x s ds xγ s ti−1 0 ln 2.33 xγ ti−1 . xγ t From 2.31, 2.32, 2.33 and the additivity of the integral, it is easy to get MT1 ≥ − xγ T1 α lim ln γ . 2 u→∞ x u 2.34 So, for large u, we have ln xγ T1 2MT1 1. ≤− xγ u α 2.35 Thus, 2MT1 x u ≥ x T1 exp −1 . α γ γ 2.36 8 Abstract and Applied Analysis By 2.30 and noticing that α < 0, we get that 2MT1 αxγ T1 exp −1 . x u ≤ 2ru α Δ 2.37 Integrating 2.37, we get that xu → −∞, which is a contradiction. This completes the proof of the lemma. Consider the second-order superlinear dynamic equation Δ rtxΔ t pt|xσt|γ sgn xσt 0, where rt > 0, ∞ T 2.38 γ > 1, 1/rsΔs ∞, P t lim τ →∞ τ 2.39 psΔs t exists and is finite, and P t ≥ 0 for t ≥ T . Theorem 2.2. Suppose that T satisfies Condition H and P t ≥ 0 for t ≥ T . Then each nonoscillatory solution xt of 2.38 satisfies exactly one of the following three asymptotic properties: lim xt c / 0, 2.40 t→∞ t→∞ t T lim xt 0, Δs/rs xt t→∞ t T lim Δs/rs lim xt ±∞, t→∞ 2.41 c / 0. 2.42 Proof. Let xt be a nonoscillatory solution of 2.38, say, xt > 0 for t ≥ T > 0. From Lemma 2.1, it is known that xt satisfies the equality rtxΔ t αxγ t P txγ t γx t γ ∞ t rs 1 γ−1 Δ 2 dh x s xs hμsxΔ s 0 xγ sxγ σs 2.43 Δs for t ≥ T . Therefore, we have rtxΔ t ≥ P txγ t, 2.44 Abstract and Applied Analysis 9 for t ≥ T . Since P t ≥ 0 for t ≥ T , it follows that xΔ t ≥ 0 for t ≥ T . An integration by parts of 2.38 gives Δ rux u − P ux u γ γ u Δ P sx s t Δ 1 xs hμsxΔ s γ−1 dh Δs 0 2.45 rtx t − P tx t, γ 1 where u ≥ t ≥ T . Let t be fixed. Since P sxΔ s 0 xs hμsxΔ sγ−1 dh is nonnegative, the integral term in 2.45 has a finite limit or diverges to ∞ as t → ∞. If the latter case occurs, then ruxΔ u − P uxγ u → −∞ as u → ∞, which is a contradiction to 2.44. Thus, the former case occurs, that is, ∞ 1 γ−1 xs hμsxΔ s P sx s dh Δs < ∞. Δ t 2.46 0 Define the function k1 t as k1 t ∞ Δ P sx s 1 t xs hμsxΔ s γ−1 dh Δs < ∞ 2.47 0 and the finite constant β limu → ∞ ruxΔ u − P uxγ u. Then, equality 2.45 yields rtxΔ t β P txγ t γk1 t, 2.48 for t ≥ T . Observe by 2.44 that β ≥ 0. From 2.44 and 2.46, it follows that ∞ t P 2 sxγ s rs 1 γ−1 xs hμsxΔ s dh Δs ≤ k1 t < ∞. 2.49 0 Next, we define the function k2 t by noticing that γ > 1 k2 t ≥ ∞ 1 t P 2 sxγ s rs t P 2 sxγ s rs t P 2 sxγ s rs t P 2 sx2γ−1 s Δs rs ∞ ∞ ∞ xs hμsxΔ s γ−1 dh Δs 0 1 1 − hxs hxσsγ−1 dh Δs 0 1 2.50 1 − hxs hxs 0 γ−1 dh Δs 10 Abstract and Applied Analysis for t ≥ T . Dividing 2.48 by rt and integrating from T to t, we get xt xT t T β Δs rs t T P sxγ s Δs γ rs t T k1 s Δs. rs 2.51 By Schwartz’s inequality and the fact that xΔ t ≥ 0 for t ≥ T , the second integral term in 2.51 can be estimated as follows: t T P sxγ s Δs ≤ rs t T 1/2 t 1/2 P 2 sx2γ−1 s xs Δs Δs rs T rs t ≤ k21/2 T T Δs rs 1/2 2.52 x1/2 t, for t ≥ T . From 2.51 and 2.52 and noticing that k1 t is decreasing, we get that xt ≤ xT t T β Δs k21/2 T rs t T Δs rs 1/2 x 1/2 t γk1 T t T Δs . rs 2.53 The above inequality may be regarded as a quadratic inequality in x1/2 t. Then, we have x 1/2 t 1/2 Δs 1 1 1/2 D1/2 t t ≤ k2 T 2 2 T rs 2.54 for t ≥ T , where Dt k2 T t T It is obvious that Dt O constant m such that t T t Δs Δs 4 xT β γk1 T . rs T rs 2.55 Δs/rs as t → ∞, and, consequently, there exists a positive xt ≤ m t T Δs rs 2.56 for t ≥ T . Let T1 ≥ T be an arbitrary number. It is clear that 0≤ t T P sxγ s Δs rs T1 T P sxγ s Δs rs t T1 P sxγ s Δs rs 2.57 Abstract and Applied Analysis 11 for t ≥ T1 . Arguing as in 2.52, we find t T1 1/2 t P sxγ s Δs Δs ≤ k2 T1 xt rs T1 rs 2.58 for t ≥ T1 , which when combined with 2.56 yields t T1 1/2 t P sxγ s Δs t Δs Δs ≤ mk2 T1 rs T rs T1 rs ≤ mk2 T1 1/2 t T for t ≥ T1 ≥ T . Using 2.57 and 2.59 and noticing that 0 ≤ lim sup t t→∞ T t 1 Δs/rs T 2.59 Δs , rs ∞ T Δs/rs ∞, we obtain P sxγ s Δs ≤ mk2 T1 1/2 . rs 2.60 Since T1 is arbitary and k2 T1 → 0 as T1 → ∞, letting T1 → ∞ in 2.60, we get 0 ≤ lim t t→∞ T 1 t Δs/rs T P sxγ s Δs 0. rs 2.61 Using L’Hospital’s rule of time scale see Theorem 1.119 of 2, we have t lim t→∞ T k1 s/rsΔs t Δs/rs T lim k1 t 0. t→∞ 2.62 t In view of 2.51, 2.61, and 2.62, we find limt → ∞ xt/ T Δs/rs β. Recall that xt is nondecreasing for t ≥ T . Now, there are three cases to consider: i β 0 and xt is bounded above, ii β 0 and xt is unbounded, iii β > 0 and hence xt is unbounded. Case i implies 2.40 with c limt → ∞ xt > 0, while case iii implies 2.42 with c β > 0. It is also clear that case ii implies 2.41. This completes the proof. The following lemma is from 1. Lemma 2.3. Suppose that T satisfies Condition (H). xt > 0 is a solution of 1.1. Then, one has t T xΔ s xγ σs Δs ≤ x−γ1 T − x−γ1 t x−γ1 T ≤ . γ −1 γ −1 2.63 12 Abstract and Applied Analysis Using Lemma 2.1, we can prove the following corollary. Corollary 2.4. Under the assumptions of Lemma 2.1, if xt is a positive solution of 1.1 on T, ∞, then the integral equation Δ rtx t α P t xγ σt is satisfied for t ≥ T , where P t ∞ t ∞ rs 1 γxh sγ−1 dh xΔ s 2 0 xγ sxγ σs σt Δs 2.64 psΔs, xh s xs hμsxΔ s. Proof. In the left side of 2.2, using 1 1 γ − γ x t x σt 1 γ x σt 1 γ x t 1 0 Δ μt γxh tγ−1 dhxΔ t xγ txγ σt 2.65 μt and using 2.2, 2.65, the additivity of the integral, and 2, Theorem 1.75, we have that rtxΔ t rtxΔ t rt γ xγ t x σt α P t 1 2 γxh tγ−1 dh xΔ t μt xγ txγ σt 2 1 rs 0 γxh sγ−1 dh xΔ s ∞ xγ sxγ σs σt 0 Δs 2 σt rs 1 γxh sγ−1 dh xΔ s 0 Δs xγ sxγ σs 2 1 rs 0 γxh sγ−1 dh xΔ s t α P t ∞ xγ sxγ σs 2 1 rt 0 γxh tγ−1 dh xΔ t μt. xγ txγ σt 2.66 Δs σt From 2.66, we get 2.64. The following theorem can be regarded as a time scale version of 4, Theorem 1. ∞ Theorem 2.5. Suppose that T satisfies Condition (H), rt > 0 with T rt−1 Δt ∞, and suppose ∞ t that limt → ∞ T psΔs exists and is finite. Let P t t psΔs. Then, the superlinear dynamic equation 1.1 is oscillatory if t lim sup t→∞ T P s Δs ∞. rs 2.67 Abstract and Applied Analysis 13 Proof. Suppose that xt is a nonoscillatory solution of 1.1 on T, ∞. Without loss of generality, assume that xt is positive for t ∈ T, ∞. From Corollary 2.4, xt satisfies the integral equation 2.64. Dropping the last integral term in 2.64, we have the inequality rtxΔ t ≥ P t. xγ σt 2.68 Dividing 2.68 by rt, integrating from T to t, and using Lemma 2.3, we find x−γ1 T ≥ γ −1 t xΔ s Δs ≥ γ x σs T t T P s Δs. rs 2.69 This contradicts 2.67, and so 1.1 is oscillatory. Consider the second-order superlinear dynamic equation with forced term where rt > 0, ∞ T rtxΔ t Δ pt|xσt|γ sgn xσt ht, γ > 1, 2.70 1/rsΔs ∞, and τ P t lim psΔs τ →∞ 2.71 t exists and is finite. Lemma 2.6. Suppose that ∞ |hs|Δs < ∞. 2.72 T If xt is a positive solution of 2.70 and lim inft → ∞ xt > 0, then ∞ rsγ 1 0 T rtxΔ t α xγ σt 2 xh sγ−1 dh xΔ s Δs < ∞, xγ sxγ σs ∞ ps − t ∞ σt rsγ 2.73 hs Δs xγ σs 1 2 γ−1 dh xΔ s 0 xh s Δs xγ sxγ σs 2.74 are satisfied for sufficiently large t, where xh s xs hμsxΔ s, α is a nonnegative constant. 14 Abstract and Applied Analysis Proof. The fact that lim inft → ∞ xt > 0 implies the existence of t1 ≥ T and m > 0 such that xt ≥ m for t ≥ t1 . Then, using 2.72, we find t t hs 1 t hs Δs ≤ γ |hs|Δs ≤ M, Δs ≤ mγ t1 xγ σs t1 x σs t1 t ≥ t1 , 2.75 where M is some finite τ positive constant. So, limτ → ∞ t ps − hs/xγ σsΔs exists and is finite. Similar to the proof of Lemma 2.1 and Corollary 2.4, it is easy to know that 2.73 and 2.74 hold. For subsequent results, we define Φ0 t ∞ ps − k|hs| Δs, t ≥ T, 2.76 t where k is a positive constant. It is noted that, if 2.71 and 2.72 hold, then Φ0 t is finite for any k. Assume that Φ0 t > 0 for sufficiently large t. Define, for a positive integer n and a positive constant ρ, the following functions: Φ1 t ∞ σt Φn1 t Φ0 s2 Δs, rs ∞ σt 2 Φ0 s ρΦn s Δs. rs 2.77 We introduce the following condition. Condition A. For every ρ > 0, there exists a positive integer N such that Φn t is finite for n 1, 2, . . . , N − 1 and ΦN t is infinite. Theorem 2.7. Suppose that 2.71, 2.72, and Condition (A) hold. Then, every solution xt of 2.70 is either oscillatory or satisfies lim inf xt 0. t→∞ 2.78 Proof. Suppose on the contrary that xt is a nonoscillatory solution of 2.70 and lim inft → ∞ |xt| > 0. Without loss of generality, let xt be eventually positive. By Lemma 2.6, xt satisfies 2.73 and 2.74. Further, there exist t1 ≥ T and m > 0 such that xt ≥ m for t ≥ t1 . Let Φ0 t ∞ t |hs| ps − Δs. mγ 2.79 Abstract and Applied Analysis 15 Then, from 2.74 we find rtxΔ t ≥ Φ0 t xγ σt ∞ rsγ 1 σt 0 2 xh sγ−1 dh xΔ s Δs xγ sxγ σs 2.80 ≥ Φ0 t > 0, for t ≥ t1 . From 2.80, we get xΔ t ≥ Φ0 txγ σt > 0, rt t ≥ t1 . 2.81 Applying 2.81 and noticing that γ > 1, we find for t ≥ t1 ∞ rsγ 1 0 σt ≥ ∞ σt ≥ γm 2 xh sγ−1 dh xΔ s Δs xγ sxγ σs γxsγ−1 Φ0 sxγ σs2 Δs rsxγ sxγ σs γ−1 ∞ σt 2.82 Φ0 s2 Δs γmγ−1 Φ1 t. rs If N 1 in Condition A, then the right side of 2.82 is infinite. This is a contradiction to 2.73. Next, it follows from 2.80 and 2.82 that rtxΔ t ≥ Φ0 t γmγ−1 Φ1 t. xγ σt 2.83 Using a similar technique and relations 2.83, we get ∞ rsγ 1 0 σt 2 xh sγ−1 dh xΔ s Δs xγ sxγ σs ≥ γmγ−1 ∞ σt 2 Φ0 s γmγ−1 Φ1 s Δs γmγ−1 Φ2 t, rs 2.84 t ≥ t1 . If N 2 in Condition A, then the right side of 2.84 is infinite. This again contradicts 2.73. A similar argument yields a contradiction for any integer N > 2. This completes the proof of the theorem. Example 2.8. We have Δ xn 2 a b−1n |xn 1|γ sgn xn 1 0, nc n1c γ > 1, 2.85 16 Abstract and Applied Analysis where b > 0, c > 1, and a/c > b/2. It is easy to see that ∞ ∞ 1 1 1 ≥ dt c . 1c 1c cn k t n kn By 5, we have ∞ kn −1 n 2.86 /nc ∼ −1n /2nc . 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