Hindawi Publishing Corporation Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2012, Article ID 808514, 26 pages doi:10.1155/2012/808514 Research Article Adaptive Finite Element Method for Optimal Control Problem Governed by Linear Quasiparabolic Integrodifferential Equations Wanfang Shen1, 2 and Hua Su2 1 2 School of Mathematics, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, China School of Mathematic and Quantitative Economics, Shandong University of Finance and Economics, Jinan 250014, China Correspondence should be addressed to Wanfang Shen, wanfangshen@gmail.com Received 21 June 2012; Accepted 10 July 2012 Academic Editor: Xinguang Zhang Copyright q 2012 W. Shen and H. Su. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The mathematical formulation for a quadratic optimal control problem governed by a linear quasiparabolic integrodifferential equation is studied. The control constrains are given in an integral sense: Uad {u ∈ X; ΩU u 0, t ∈ 0, T }. Then the a posteriori error estimates in L∞ 0, T ; H 1 Ω-norm and L2 0, T ; L2 Ω-norm for both the state and the control approximation are given. 1. Introduction Integrodifferential equations of quasiparabolic and their control of this nature appear in applications such as biology mechanics, nuclear reaction dynamics, heat conduction in materials with memory, and viscoelasticity. All these models express a conservation of a certain quantity in any moment for any subdomain and the historical accumulation feature in the physical models. This in many applications is the most desirable feature of the approximation method when it comes to numerical solution of the corresponding initial boundary value problem. The existence and uniqueness of the solution of the quasiparabolic Integrodifferential equations has been studied in 1. Finite element methods for quasiparabolic Integrodifferential equations problems with a smooth kernel have been discussed in Cui 2. Although there is so much work for the finite element approximation of this problem, to our knowledge, there has been a lack of a posteriori error estimates for finite element approximation of any quasiparabolic Integrodifferential optimal control problem. 2 Abstract and Applied Analysis The finite element approximation of optimal control problems has been an important topic in engineering design works. There have been extensive theoretical and numerical studies for various optimal control problems, see, for instance, 3–11, although it is impossible to give even a very brief review here. And research on finite element approximation of parabolic optimal control problems can be found in, for example, 12, 13. Among many finite element methods, the adaptive finite element method based on a posteriori error estimates has become a central theme in scientific and engineering computations for its high efficiency. In order to obtain a numerical solution of acceptable accuracy, it is essential for the adaptive finite element method to use a posteriori error estimate indicators to guide the mesh refinement procedure. We only need refine the area where the error indicators are larger, so that a higher density of nodes are distributed over the area where the solution is difficult to approximate. In this sense, adaptive finite element approximation relies very much on the error indicators used, which are often based on a posteriori error estimates of the solutions. The purpose of this paper is to derive the a posteriori error estimates for the semidiscrete finite element approximation of a quadratic optimal control problem governed by a linear quasiparabolic Integrodifferential equation, which paves a way to derive the a posteriori error estimates for the full discrete finite element approximation for this control problem and thus to develop its adaptive finite element schemes. We extend the existing techniques and results in 14–16 to the optimal control problem governed by the Integrodifferential equation of quasiparabolic type. The outline of the paper is as follows. In Section 2, we first briefly introduce the optimal control problem and give the optimality conditions, then construct the finite element approximation schemes for the optimal control problem. In Section 3, we give the a posteriori error bounds in L∞ 0, T ; H 1 Ω-norm for the control problem. And the a posteriori error bounds in L2 0, T ; L2 Ω-norm for the control problem are derived in Section 4. 2. Optimal Control Problem and Its Finite Element Approximation Let Ω and ΩU be bounded convex polygon domains in Rd with Lipschitz boundary ∂Ω and ∂ΩU . In this paper, we adopt the standard notation W m,q Ω for Sobolev spaces on Ω with m,q norm ·m,q,Ω , and seminorm |·|m,q,Ω . We set W0 Ω {w ∈ W m,q Ω : w|∂Ω 0}. We denote W m,2 ΩW0m,2 Ω by H m ΩH0m Ω, with norm · m,Ω , and seminorm | · |m,Ω . We denote by Ls 0, T ; W m,q Ω the Banach space of all Ls integrable functions from T 0, T into W m,q Ω with norm vLs 0,T ;W m,q Ω 0 vsW m,q Ω dt1/s for s ∈ 1, ∞ and the standard modification for s ∞. Similarly, one can define the spaces H 1 0, T ; W m,q Ω and Ck 0, T ; W m,q Ω. The details can be found in 17. In addition, c or C denotes a general positive constant independent of the mesh size h. In the following, we will give semi-discrete finite element approximation schemes for the optimal control problem governed by a linear quasiparabolic Integrodifferential equation. 2.1. Model Problem and Its Weak Formulation We will take the state space W L2 0, T ; V with V H01 Ω and the control space X L2 0, T ; U with U L2 ΩU . Let the observation space Y L2 0, T ; H with H L2 Ω and Uad ⊆ X a convex subset. Abstract and Applied Analysis 3 We are interested in the following optimal control problem: 1 min J u, yu u∈Uad ⊂X 2 T 0 y − zd 2 dt 0,Ω T 0 u20,ΩU dt , 2.1 subject to yt − div A∇yt D∇y t Ct, τ∇yx, τdτ f Bu, in Ω × 0, T , 0 y 0, on ∂Ω × 0, T , y|t0 y0 , 2.2 in Ω, where u is control, y is state, zd is the observation, Uad is a closed convex subset, fx, t ∈ L2 0, T ; L2 Ω, and zd and y0 ∈ H 1 Ω are some suitable functions to be specified later. B is a linear bounded operator from L2 ΩU to L2 Ω independent of t. And n×n n×n , D Dx di,j · n×n ∈ C∞ Ω , A Ax ai,j · n×n ∈ C∞ Ω 2.3 such that there is a constant c > 0 satisfying that for any vector X ∈ Rn as follows: X t AX ≥ cX2Rn , X t DX ≥ cX2Rn , C Cx, t, τ ci,j x, t, τn×n ∈ C∞ 0, T ; L2 Ω Let f1 , f2 Ω f1 f2 , n×n 2.4 . ∀ f1 , f2 ∈ H × H, u, vU ΩU uv, az, ω A∇z, ∇ω, ∀u, v ∈ U × U, 2.5 dz, ω D∇z, ∇ω, ct, τ; z, ω Ct, τ∇z, ∇ω, ∀z, w ∈ V × V. In the case that f1 ∈ V and f2 ∈ V ∗ , the dual pair f1 , f2 is understood as f1 , f2 V ×V ∗ . Assume that there are constants c and C, such that for all t and τ in 0, T as follows: a az, z cz21,Ω , b |az, w| Cz1,Ω w1,Ω , c |ct, τ; z, w| Cz1,Ω w1,Ω . for any z and w in V . |dz, w| Cz1,Ω w1,Ω , 2.6 4 Abstract and Applied Analysis Then the weak form of the state equation reads as yt , w a yt , w d y, w t c t, τ; yτ, w dτ f Bu, w 0 ∀w ∈ V, t ∈ 0, T , 2.7 y |t0 y0 . It is well known see, e.g., 1 that the above weak formulation has at least one solution in y ∈ W0, T {w ∈ L∞ 0, T ; H 1 Ω, wt ∈ L2 0, T ; H 1 Ω}. Therefore, the weak form of the control problem 2.1 and 2.2 reads as OCP min J u, yu , yt , w a yt , w d y, w t u∈Uad c t, τ; yτ , w dτ f Bu, w ∀w ∈ V, t ∈ 0, T , 0 y |t0 y0 . 2.8 In the following, we first give the existence and uniqueness of the solution of the system 2.8. Theorem 2.1. Assume that the condition 2.6 (a)–(c) holds. There exists the unique solution u, y for the minimization problem 2.8 such that u ∈ L2 0, T ; L2 ΩU , y ∈ L∞ 0, T ; H 1 Ω, and yt ∈ L2 0, T ; H 1 Ω. Proof. Let {un , yn }∞ n1 be a minimization sequence for the system 2.8, then the sequence is bounded in L2 0, T ; L2 ΩU . Thus there is a subsequence of {un }∞ {un }∞ n1 n1 still denote n ∞ by {u }n1 such that un converges to u∗ weakly in L2 0, T ; L2 ΩU . For the subsequence {un }∞ n1 , we have ytn , w a ytn , w d yn , w t c t, τ; yn τ, wt dτ f Bun , w 0 2.9 ∀w ∈ V, t ∈ 0, T . By setting w yn and integrating from 0 to t in 2.9, we give n 2 y t 1,Ω t 0 C y0 n 2 y dτ 1,Ω 1,Ω C t 0 2 f un 20,ΩU dt −1,Ω t τ 0 0 ys2 ds dτ . 1,Ω 2.10 Applying Gronwall’s inequality to 2.10 yields n 2 y ∞ L T 2 n 2 2 0 n 2 0,T ;H 1 Ω y L2 0,T ;H 1 Ω C y 1,Ω 0 f −1,Ω u 0,ΩU . 2.11 Abstract and Applied Analysis 5 2 2 n ∞ ∞ So {un }∞ n1 is a bounded set in L 0, T ; L ΩU and {y }n1 is a bounded set in L 0, T ; 1 H Ω. Thus un −→ u weakly in L2 0, T ; L2 ΩU , yn −→ y weakly in L∞ 0, T ; H 1 Ω , 2.12 yn T −→ yT weakly in H 1 Ω. Let W {w; w ∈ L∞ 0, T ; H 1 Ω, wt ∈ L2 0, T ; H 1 Ω}. By integrating time from 0 to T in 2.9 and taking limit as n → ∞, we obtain yT , wT a yT , wT − T t 0 T 0 y, wt a y, wt d y, w c t, τ; yτ, wt dτ dt 2.13 0 T y0 , w0 a y0 , w0 f Bu, w , ∀w ∈ W. 0 Then, yt , w a yt , w d y, w t c t, τ; yτ, w dτ f Bu, w , ∀w ∈ V, t ∈ 0, T . 0 2.14 Furthermore, we have T yt , yt a yt , yt d y, yt 0 t T c t, τ; yτ, yt t dτ dt f Bu, yt . 0 2.15 0 Then, we get T 0 2 yt C 1,Ω T t 2 2 2 2 f u0,ΩU y1,Ω y1,Ω dτ . −1,Ω 0 2.16 0 This means yt ∈ L2 0, T ; H 1 Ω. So u, y is one solution of 2.8. T T Since 0 y − zd 20,Ω is a convex function on space L2 0, T ; L2 Ω and α/2 0 u20,ΩU is a strictly convex function on U, hence Ju, yu is a strictly convex function on U, so the minimization problem 2.8 has one unique solution. 6 Abstract and Applied Analysis 2.2. Optimality Conditions and Their Finite Element Approximation By the theory of optimal control problem see 18, we can similarly deduce the following optimality conditions of the problem 2.8. Theorem 2.2. A pair y, u ∈ L2 0, T ; H01 Ω × L2 0, T ; L2 ΩU is the solution of the optimal control problem 2.8, if and only if there exists a costate p ∈ L2 0, T ; H01 Ω such that the triple y, p, u satisfies the following optimality conditions: yt , w a yt , w d y, w t c t, τ; yτ, wt dτ f Bu, w 0 ∀w ∈ V, t ∈ 0, T , 2.17 y |t0 y0 ; − q, pt − a q, pt d q, p T c τ, t; qt, pτ dτ y − zd , q ∀q ∈ V, t ∈ 0, T , t p |tT 0; T u B∗ p, v − u 0 U dt 0, 2.18 2.19 ∀v ∈ Uad , where B∗ is the adjoint operator of B. Let us consider the semi-discrete finite element approximation of the control problem 2.8. Here, we only consider triangular and conforming elements. Let Ωh be a polygonal approximation to Ω with boundary ∂Ωh . Let T h be a partitioning h of Ωh into disjoint regular n-simplices τ, so that Ω τ∈T h τ. Each element has at most one face on ∂Ωh , and τ and τ have either only one common vertex or a whole edge or face if τ and τ ∈ T h . We further require that Pi ∈ ∂Ωh ⇒ Pi ∈ ∂Ω where Pi i 1, . . . , J is the vertex set associated with the triangulation Th . As usual, h denotes the diameter of the triangulation T h . For simplicity, we assume that Ω is a convex polygon so that Ω Ωh . h Associated with T h is a finite-dimensional subspace Sh of CΩ , such that χ|τ are polynomials of order m m ≥ 1 for all χ ∈ Sh and τ ∈ T h . Let V h {vh ∈ Sh : vh Pi 0 i 1, . . . , J}, W h L2 0, T ; V h . Note that we do not impose a continuity requirement. It is easy to see that V h ⊂ V, W h ⊂ W. h Let TUh be a partitioning of ΩhU into disjoint regular n-simplices τU , so that ΩU τU ∈T h τ U . τ U and τ U have either only one common vertex or a whole edge or face if τ U and U τ U ∈ TUh . We further require that Pi ∈ ∂ΩhU ⇒ Pi ∈ ∂ΩU , where Pi i 1, . . . , J is the vertex set associated with the triangulation TUh . For simplicity, we again assume that ΩU is a convex polygon so that ΩU ΩhU . Associated with TUh is another finite-dimensional subspace Uh of L2 ΩhU , such that χ|τU are polynomials of order m m 0 for all χ ∈ Uh and τU ∈ TUh . Here there is no requirement for the continuity. Let X h L2 0, T ; Uh . It is easy to see that X h ⊂ X. Let hτ hτU denote the maximum diameter of the element ττU in T h TUh . Abstract and Applied Analysis 7 Due to the limited regularity of the optimal control u in general, there will be no advantage in considering higher-order finite element spaces than the piecewise constant space for the control. We therefore only consider the piecewise constant finite element space for the approximation of the control, though higher-order finite element spaces will be used to approximate the state and the co-state. Let P0 Ω denote all the 0-order polynomial over Ω. h is a Therefore, we always take X h {u ∈ X : ux, t|x∈τU ∈ P0 τU , for all t ∈ 0, T }. Uad h h closed convex set in X . For ease of exposition, in this paper, we assume that Uad ⊂ Uad ∩ X h . Then a possible semi-discrete finite element approximation of OCP is as follows OCPh : min J uh , yh h uh ∈Uad 1 2 T 0 yh − zd 2 0,Ω T 0 uh 20,ΩU 2.20 , such that ∂yh , wh ∂t t ∂yh , wh d yh , wh c t, τ; yh τ, wh t dτ f Buh , wh , a ∂t 0 ∀wh ∈ V h , t ∈ 0, T , yh t0 yh0 , 2.21 where yh ∈ W h and yh0 ∈ V h is the approximation of y0 . In the same way of proving Theorem 2.1, we can easily prove that the problem 2.20h . 2.21 has a unique solution yh , uh ∈ W h × Uad h is a solution of 2.20It is well known see 18 that a pair yh , uh ∈ W h × Uad h 2.21, if and only if there exists a co-state ph ∈ W such that the triple yh , ph , uh satisfies the following optimality conditions: ∂yh , wh ∂t t ∂yh , wh d yh , wh c t, τ; yh τ, wh t dτ f Buh , wh , a ∂t 0 ∀wh ∈ V h , yh |t0 yh0 , 2.22 T ∂ph ∂ph − qh , c τ, t; qh , ph τ dτ yh − zd , qh , − a qh , d qh , ph ∂t ∂t t ph |tT 0, T 0 uh B∗ ph , vh − uh U dt 0, ∀qh ∈ V h , 2.23 h ∀vh ∈ Uad . 2.24 8 Abstract and Applied Analysis The optimality conditions in 2.22–2.24 are the semi-discrete approximation to the problem 2.17–2.19. Introduce the local averaging operator πh given by τ w τU 1 πh w |τU : U Then, we have valent to ΩU w T 0 ΩU , ∀τU ∈ TUh . 2.25 πh w for any w ∈ L2 0, T ; L2 ΩU , t ∈ 0, T and 2.24 is equi- uh πh B∗ ph , vh − uh U dt 0, h ∀vh ∈ Uad . 2.26 In the following, we derive the a posteriori error estimates for semi-discrete finite element approximation 2.22–2.24, allowing different meshes to be used for the state and the control. The following lemmas are important in deriving the a posteriori error estimates of residual type. Lemma 2.3 see 19. Let πh be the standard Lagrange interpolation operator. For m 0 or 1, q > n/2 and v ∈ W 2,q Ω as |v − πh v|m,q,Ω Ch2−m |v|2,q,Ω . 2.27 Lemma 2.4 see 20. Let πh be the average interpolation operator defined in 2.25. For m 0 or 1, 1 q ∞ and for all v ∈ W 1,q Ωh as |v − πh v|m,q,τ τ Ch1−m |v|1,q,τ . τ τ /∅ 2.28 Lemma 2.5 see 21. For all v ∈ W 1,q Ω, 1 q < ∞ as −1/q 1−1/q |v|1,q,τ . v0,q,∂τ C hτ v0,q,τ hτ 2.29 3. A Posteriori Error Estimates in L∞ 0, T ; H 1 Ω-Norm In this paper, the control constraints are given in an integral sense as follows: Uad v ∈ X; ΩU v 0, t ∈ 0, T . 3.1 The following lemma is the first step to derive the a posteriori error estimates of residual type. Abstract and Applied Analysis 9 Lemma 3.1. Let y, p, u and yh , ph , uh be the solutions of 2.17–2.19 and 2.22–2.24. Then, we have 2 u − uh 2L2 0,T ;L2 Ω Cη12 Cph − puh L2 0,T ;L2 Ω , U 3.2 where η12 T 0 τU ∗ ∗ B ph − Ph B ph 2 3.3 dt, τU Ph is the L2 -projection from L2 Ω to Uh , and puh is defined by the following system: t ∂ ∂ yuh , ω a yuh , ω d yuh , ω c t, τ; yuh τ, ωt dτ ∂t ∂t 0 f Buh , ω , ∀ ω ∈ V, 3.4 yuh 0 y0h x, x ∈ Ω, T ∂ ∂ − q, puh − a q, puh d q, puh c τ, t; qt, puh τ dτ ∂t ∂t t yuh − zd , q , ∀q ∈ V. 3.5 Proof. From 2.19, we have u, u − uh U − B∗ p, u − uh U . 3.6 Then, by 2.24 and 3.6, we have u − uh 2L2 0,T ;L2 Ω U T 0 − u, u − uh U − uh , u − uh U dt T B∗ ph uh , u − vh 0 T T h vh ∈Uad T 0 U dt − ∗ B∗ ph uh , vh − u 0 U U B∗ ph uh , vh − uh dt T U dt B∗ puh − B∗ p, u − uh 0 U dt dt B∗ ph − puh , u − uh U dt 0 − B∗ p uh , u − uh U dt 0 B ph − B puh , u − uh 0 inf ∗ T T T 0 B∗ puh − p , u − uh U dt I1 I 2 I 3 . 3.7 Next, we will estimate I1 , I2 , and I3 , respectively. 10 Abstract and Applied Analysis 1 We first estimate I1 . Let Ph be the L2 -projection from L2 Ω to Uh . We have ΩU Ph v − vφ 0, ∀φ ∈ X h , v ∈ Uad , t ∈ 0, T . 3.8 h . So that we can take vh Ph u in I1 . Since v ∈ Uad , so ΩU Ph v 0, then Ph v ∈ Uad For given t ∈ 0, T , let B ∗ ph ΩU ∗ uh Ph −B ph max 0, ΩU 3.9 . 1 We have uh ∈ X h . We will show that uh is the solution of the variational inequality in 2.24 assuming ph is known. Since ΩU Ph −B∗ ph max{0, ΩU B∗ ph / ΩU 1}−−B∗ ph max{0, ΩU B∗ ph / ΩU 1} 0, we have ΩU uh − Thus, ΩU ΩU B ph uh B∗ ph , vh − uh ΩU U ∗ ΩU Ph −B ph max 0, − −B ph max 0, ΩU ΩU max 0, ΩU B ∗ ph ΩU 1 B ∗ ph ΩU ∗ If 1 ΩU B ∗ ph ΩU ΩU 1 0, ΩU ΩU ΩU max 0, 1 B∗ ph < 0, B∗ ph 0. 3.10 B ∗ ph ΩU vh − uh 1 3.11 vh − uh . B∗ ph < 0, then ∗ uh B ph , vh − uh − Ω U B ∗ ph , ΩU If max 0, ΩU B ∗ ph ΩU h h uh 0, we have uh ∈ Uad . Note that for all vh ∈ Uad , t ∈ 0, T , we have ∗ U ΩU 0 · vh − uh 0. 3.12 B∗ ph 0, since ΩU uh ∗ ΩU −B ph max 0, ΩU B ∗ ph ΩU 1 0. 3.13 Abstract and Applied Analysis 11 we have ∗ uh B ph , vh − uh U ΩU B ∗ ph ΩU 1 ΩU vh − uh B ∗ ph · vh 0. 1 ΩU ΩU ΩU 3.14 From 3.11–3.14, we obtain uh B∗ ph , vh − uh U 0, 3.15 h ∀vh ∈ Uad . So uh Ph −B∗ ph max{0, ΩU B∗ ph / ΩU 1} is the solution of the variational inequality in 2.24 assuming ph is known. Then, I1 T B ∗ p h uh , P h u − u 0 U dt T B ∗ ph ΩU ∗ ∗ Ph −B ph max 0, B ph Ph u − u dt. 1 0 τU τU ΩU Since τU 3.16 Ph u − u 0, we have I1 T 0 0 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ −Ph B ph B ph Ph u − u dt −Ph B ph B ph Ph u − uh − u − uh dt τU τU Cδ τU τU T T 0 τU 2 −Ph B∗ ph B∗ ph τU Cη12 δu − uh 2L2 0,T ;L2 ΩU dt δu − uh 2L2 3.17 0,T ;L2 ΩU . 2 Consider I2 T 0 2 B∗ ph − puh , u − uh U dt Cph − puh L2 0,T ;L2 Ω δu − uh 2L2 . 0,T ;L2 ΩU 3.18 3 By 3.4 and 2.17, we have for t ∈ 0, T ∂ ∂ y − yuh , ω a y − yuh , ω d y − yuh , w ∂t ∂t t c t, τ; y − yuh τ, ωt dτ Bu − uh , ω, ∀ω ∈ V, 0 3.19 12 Abstract and Applied Analysis and from 3.5 and 2.18, we have ∂ ∂ − q, p − puh − a q, p − puh d q, p − puh ∂t ∂t T c τ, t; qt, p − puh τ dτ y − yuh , q , ∀q ∈ V. 3.20 t Then, from 3.19, 3.20, and integrating by part we have I3 T ∗ B puh − p , u − uh 0 T 0 U dt T 0 puh − p, Bu − uh U dt ∂ a y − yuh , puh − p ∂t t d y − yuh , puh − p c t, τ; y − yuh τ, puh − p t dτ dt ∂ y − yuh , puh − p ∂t 0 T ∂ ∂ − y − yuh , puh − p − a y − yuh , puh − p ∂t ∂t 0 T d y − yuh , puh − p c τ, t; y − yuh t, puh − p τ dτ dt t T − y − yuh , y − yuh dt 0. 0 3.21 Following from 3.17–3.21, let δ be small enough as 2 u − uh 2L2 0,T ;L2 Ω Cη12 Cph − puh L2 0,T ;L2 Ω . U 3.22 This completes the proof. Lemma 3.2. Let y, p, u and yh , ph , uh be the solutions of 2.17–2.19, and 2.22–2.24 respectively. Then, there hold the a posteriori error estimates as ∂ 2 yh − yuh 2 ∞ − yu y h ∂t h L 0,T ;H 1 Ω L2 0,T ;H 1 Ω 6 ∂ 2 2 C ph − puh ph − puh L∞ 0,T ;H 1 Ω ηi2 , 2 ∂t L 0,T ;H 1 Ω i2 3.23 Abstract and Applied Analysis 13 where η22 T 0 h2τ τ τ ∂ph ∗ ∂ph − div A ∇ div D∗ ∇ph ∂t ∂t T ⎫ ⎬ 2 div C∗ τ, t∇ph τ dτ yh − zd t dτ dt, ⎭ 2 T ∗ ∗ ∗ ∂ph − A∇ · n D ∇ph · n hl C τ, t∇ph τ · ndτ dl dt, ∂t 0 τ t ∂τ ⎧ T ⎨ ∂yh ∂ η42 yh − div A∇ h2τ − div D∇yh ∂t ∂t 0⎩ τ τ 2 ⎫ t ⎬ − div Ct, τ∇yh τ dτ − f − Buh dt, ⎭ 0 T η32 η52 T 0 hl ∂τ τ 2 η62 y0h − y0 , ∂yh A∇ ∂t · n A∇yh · n t Ct, τ∇yh τ · ndτ 2 dl dt, 0 1,Ω 3.24 where l is a face of an element τ, hl is the maximum diameter of l, and ∇ph · n and ∇yh · n are the normal derivative jumps over the interior face l defined by ∇ph · n l ∇ph h|τl1 − ∇ph |τl2 · n, 3.25 ∇yh · n l ∇yh |τl1 − ∇yh |τl2 · n, where n is the unit normal vector on l τl1 ∩ τl2 outwards τl1 . For later convenience, one can define ∇ph · nl 0 and ∇yh · nl 0 when l ⊂ ∂Ω. Proof. Let ∂ ∂ ph − puh − a v, ph − puh d v, ph − puh Ruh , v − v, ∂t ∂t T c τ, t; vt, ph − puh τ dτ, 3.26 t and πh the average interpolation operator defined as in 2.25 and e ph − puh . Then, it follows from 2.23 and 3.5 that ∂ ∂ − qh , ph − puh − a qh , ph − puh d qh , ph − puh ∂t ∂t 3.27 T h c τ, t; qh t, ph − puh τ dτ yh − yuh , qh , ∀qh ∈ V . t 14 Abstract and Applied Analysis We have Ruh , v ∂ ∂ − v − πh v, ph − puh − a v − πh v, ph − puh d v − πh v, ph − puh ∂t ∂t T ∂ c τ, t; v − πh vt, ph − puh τ dτ − πh v, ph − puh ∂t t T ∂ − a πh v, c τ, t; πh vt, ph − puh τ dτ ph − puh d πh v, ph − puh ∂t t T ∂ph ∂ph c τ, t; v − πh vt, ph τ dτ − v − πh v, − a v − πh v, d v − πh v, ph ∂t ∂t t − yuh − zd , v − πh v yh − yuh , πh v T ∗ ∗ ∂ph ∗ ∂ph − div A ∇ − div D ∇ph − div C τ, t∇ph τ dτ − yh zd ∂t ∂t t τ τ T ∗ ∗ ∗ ∂ph × v − πh v − A∇ · n D ∇ph · n C τ, t∇ph τ · ndτ ∂t t ∂τ τ × v − πh v yh − yuh , v ∂ph 2 ∗ ∂ph div A ∇ − div D∗ ∇ph hτ − ∂t ∂t τ τ 2 T ∗ − div C τ, t∇ph τ dτ − yh zd t 2 ⎫1/2 T ⎬ ∂p h hl − A∗ ∇ C∗ τ, t∇ph τ · ndτ · n D∗ ∇ph · n ⎭ ∂t t ∂τ τ × v1,Ω yh − yuh , v . 3.28 Taking v ph − puh in 3.28 and from 2.6, we have − 1 d ph − puh 2 − 1 d a ph − puh , ph − puh cph − puh 2 0,Ω 1,Ω 2 dt 2 dt ⎧ T ⎨ ∗ ∂ph 2 ∗ ∂ph div A ∇ h − div C∗ τ, t∇ph τ dτ − div D ∇ph − ⎩ τ τ τ ∂t ∂t t 2 −yh zd τ ⎫ 2 ⎬1/2 ∂p h · n D∗ ∇ph · n hl − A∗ ∇ ⎭ ∂t ∂τ Abstract and Applied Analysis 15 ×ph − puh 1,Ω yh − yuh , ph − puh T − c τ, t; ph − puh t, ph − puh τ dτ. t 3.29 Integrating time from t to T in 3.29 and by Schwartz inequality, Lemmas 2.4 and 2.5, we have T 1 ph − puh 2 dτ ph − puh 2 cph − puh 2 c 0,Ω 1,Ω 1,Ω 2 t T ∂ph 2 ∗ ∂ph − div A ∇ div D∗ ∇ph hτ × ∂t ∂t t τ τ T div C∗ s, τ∇ph s ds yh − zd 2 dτ τ T t δ τ T t 2 T ∗ ∗ ∗ ∂ph C s, τ∇ph s · nds dτ − A∇ · n D ∇ph · n hl ∂t τ ∂τ ph − puh 2 dτ C 1,Ω T t yh − yuh 2 dτ C 0,Ω T T t τ ph − puh s2 ds dτ. 1,Ω 3.30 Letting δ be small enough, we have T ph − puh 2 dτ 1,Ω t T ∂ph ∂ph − div A∗ ∇ C h2τ div D∗ ∇ph ∂t ∂t t τ τ T div C s, τ∇ph s ds yh − zd ∗ 2 dτ τ T ∂ph hl C − A∗ ∇ · n D∗ ∇ph · n ∂t t τ ∂τ T ∗ 3.31 2 C s, τ∇ph s · nds dτ τ C T t yh − yuh 2 dτ C 0,Ω T T t τ ph − puh s2 ds dτ. 1,Ω Then, from Gronwall inequality and 3.28–3.31 we have 2 ph − puh 2 2 Cη22 Cη32 Cyh − yuh L2 0,T ;L2 Ω . L 0,T ;H 1 Ω 3.32 16 Abstract and Applied Analysis Similarly, 2 ph − puh 2 ∞ C η22 η32 yh − yuh L2 0,T ;L2 Ω L 0,T ;H 1 Ω C T T 0 t ph − puh τ2 dτ dt 1,Ω 3.33 2 Cη22 Cη32 Cyh − yuh L2 0,T ;L2 Ω . In the same way of getting 3.32,by setting v ∂/∂tph − puh in 3.28, we have ∂ 2 2 Cη22 Cη32 Cyh − yuh L2 0,T ;L2 Ω . ∂t ph − puh 2 1 L 0,T ;H Ω 3.34 Similarly analysis for yh − yuh L∞ 0,T ;H 1 Ω , we let Quh , v ∂ ∂ yh − yuh , v a yh − yuh , v d yh − yuh , v ∂t ∂t t c t, τ; yh − yuh τ, vt dτ. 3.35 0 From 2.22 and 3.4, we obtain ∂ ∂ ωh , yh − yuh a yh − yuh , ωh d yh − yuh , ωh ∂t ∂t t c t, τ; yh − yuh τ, ωh t dτ 0, ∀ωh ∈ V h . 3.36 0 We have Quh , v ∂ ∂ yh − yuh , v − πh v a yh − yuh , v − πh v d yh − yuh , v − πh v ∂t ∂t t c t, τ; yh − yuh τ, v − πh vt dτ 0 ∂yh ∂yh , v − πh v a , v − πh v d yh , v − πh v ∂t ∂t t c t, τ; yh τ, v − πh vt dτ − f Buh , v − πh v 0 τ τ t ∂yh ∂yh − div A∇ − div D∇yh − div Ct, τ∇yh dτ − f − Buh v − πh v ∂t ∂t 0 Abstract and Applied Analysis 17 t ∂yh Ct, τ∇yh · ndτ v − πh v A∇ · n D∇yh · n ∂t 0 ∂τ τ ⎧ 2 t ⎨ ∂yh ∂ 2 y − div A∇ − div D∇yh − div Ct, τ∇yh dτ − f − Buh h ⎩ τ τ τ ∂t h ∂t 0 τ hl ∂τ ∂yh A∇ ∂t · n D∇yh · n t Ct, τ∇yh · ndτ 0 2 ⎫1/2 ⎬ ⎭ v1,Ω . 3.37 By setting v yh − yuh and Swartz inequality, we have 1 d yh − yuh 2 1 d a yh − yuh , yh − yuh cyh − yuh 2 0,Ω 1,Ω 2 dt 2 dt 2 t ∂yh ∂yh 2 − div A∇ − div D∇yh − div Ct, τ∇yh dτ − f − Buh hτ ∂t ∂t 0 τ τ 2 t ∂yh · n D∇yh · n hl A∇ Ct, τ∇yh · ndτ ∂t 0 ∂τ τ t 2 δ yh − yuh 1,Ω − c t, τ; yh − yuh τ, yh − yuh t dτ. 0 3.38 Integrating time from 0 to t in 3.38, we obtain yh − yuh 2 c 1,Ω C t 0 τ h2τ τ t 0 yh − yuh 2 dτ 1,Ω ∂yh ∂yh − div A∇ − div D∇yh ∂t ∂t τ 2 − div Cτ, s∇yh ds − f − Buh dτ 3.39 0 t τ 2 ∂yh hl A∇ Cτ, s∇yh · nds dt · n D∇yh · n ∂t 0 τ 0 ∂τ t τ t 2 2 h yh − yuh 2 ds dτ C yh − yuh 1,Ω dτ C − y δ . y 0 0 1,Ω 0 0 0 Since δ is small enough, then from 3.39 and Gronwall inequality, we have t 0 yh − yuh 2 dt 1,Ω 1,Ω 18 Abstract and Applied Analysis C t 0 τ h2τ τ ∂yh ∂yh − div A∇ − div D∇yh ∂t ∂t − τ div Cτ, s∇yh ds − f − Buh 2 dτ 0 C t τ 2 2 ∂yh A∇ hl Cτ, s∇yh · nds dt Cy0 − y0h . · n D∇yh · n 1,Ω ∂t 0 τ 0 ∂τ 3.40 Then, yh − yuh 2 2 C η42 η52 η62 , L 0,T ;H 1 Ω 3.41 2 2 2 yh − yuh 2 ∞ η η C η 1 5 6 . 4 L 0,T ;H Ω In the same way of getting 3.34, we can similarly obtain ∂ 2 C η42 η52 η62 . ∂t yh − yuh 2 L 0,T ;H 1 Ω 3.42 Then the desired results 3.23 follow from 3.32–3.34 and 3.41-3.42. From Lemmas 3.1 and 3.2, we have the following results. Theorem 3.3. Let y, p, u and yh , ph , uh be the solutions of 2.17–2.19 and 2.22–2.24 respectively. Then, there hold the a posteriori error estimates as ∂ 2 2 2 y − yh u − uh L2 0,T ;L2 Ω y − yh L∞ 0,T ;H 1 Ω 2 U ∂t L 0,T ;H 1 Ω 3.43 6 2 ∂ 2 2 C ηi , p − ph L∞ 0,T ;H 1 Ω ∂t p − ph 2 L 0,T ;H 1 Ω i1 where η12 is defined in Lemma 3.1. Proof. First, from 3.27 and 3.36, and 2, we have the following stability results: ∂ 2 y − yuh 2 ∞ Cu − uh 2L2 0,T ;L2 Ω , y − yu h ∂t L 0,T ;H 1 Ω U 2 1 L 0,T ;H Ω 2 ∂ 2 p − puh 2 ∞ Cy − yuh L2 0,T ;L2 Ω p − puh L 0,T ;H 1 Ω ∂t L2 0,T ;H 1 Ω Cu − uh 2L2 0,T ;L2 ΩU . 3.44 Abstract and Applied Analysis 19 Then, the desired results 3.43 follows from triangle inequality, 3.44 and Lemmas 3.1 and 3.2. This completes the proof. 4. A Posteriori Error Estimates in L2 0, T ; L2 Ω-Norm In the following, we will derive the a posteriori error estimates in L2 0, T ; L2 Ω-norm. For given F ∈ L2 0, T ; L2 Ω, we have t ∂φ ∂φ − div A∇ − div D∇φ − div Ct, τ∇φτ dτ F, ∂t ∂t 0 x, t ∈ Ω × 0, T , φ 0, t ∈ 0, T , ∂Ω φx, 0 0, x ∈ Ω, 4.1 and its dual equation T ∗ ∂ψ ∗ ∂ψ div A ∇ − div D ∇ψ − div C∗ τ, t∇ψτ dτ F, − ∂t ∂t t ψ 0, t ∈ 0, T , ∂Ω ψx, T 0, x ∈ Ω. x, t ∈ Ω × 0, T , 4.2 From 1, 2, we have the following stability results. Lemma 4.1. Assume that Ω is a convex domain. Let φ and ψ be the solution of 4.1 and 4.2, respectively. Then, φ ∞ CFL2 0,T ;L2 Ω , L 0,T ;L2 Ω ∇φ 2 CFL2 0,T ;L2 Ω , L 0,T ;L2 Ω 2 CFL2 0,T ;L2 Ω , D φ 2 L 0,T ;L2 Ω ∂ φ CFL2 0,T ;L2 Ω , ∂t 2 L 0,T ;L2 Ω 4.3 ψ ∞ CFL2 0,T ;L2 Ω , L 0,T ;L2 Ω ∇ψ 2 CFL2 0,T ;L2 Ω , L 0,T ;L2 Ω 2 CFL2 0,T ;L2 Ω , D ψ 2 L 0,T ;L2 Ω ∂ ψ CFL2 0,T ;L2 Ω , ∂t 2 L 0,T ;L2 Ω where D2 φ ∂2 φ/∂xi ∂xj , 1 i, j n, and D2 ψ is defined similarly. 20 Abstract and Applied Analysis Using Lemmas 3.1 and 4.1, we have the following upperbounds. Lemma 4.2. Let y, p, u and yh , ph , uh be the solutions of 2.17–2.19 and 2.22–2.24, respectively. Then, there hold the a posteriori error estimates as 5 2 2 2 yh − yuh 2 2 ξi η6 , ph − puh L2 0,T ;L2 Ω C L 0,T ;L2 Ω 4.4 i2 where η62 is defined in Lemma 3.2, and ξ22 T ∂ph ∂ph − div A∗ ∇ div D∗ ∇ph h4τ ∂t ∂t 0 τ τ T div C∗ τ, t∇ph τ dτ yh − zd t 2 ⎫ ⎬ dt, ⎭ 2 T T ∗ ∗ 3 ∗ ∂ph − A∇ · n D ∇ph · n hl C τ, t∇ph τ · ndτ dl dt, ∂t 0 τ t ∂τ T ∂yh ∂yh 2 4 − div A∇ ξ4 hτ − div D∇yh ∂t ∂t 0 τ τ 2 ⎫ t ⎬ dt, − div Ct, τ∇yh τ dτ − f − Buh ⎭ 0 ξ32 ξ52 4.5 2 T t ∂yh 3 A∇ · n D∇yh · n hl Ct, τ∇yh τ · ndτ dl dt. ∂t 0 τ 0 ∂τ Proof. We first estimate ph − puh 2L2 0,T ;L2 Ω . Let φ be the solution of 4.1 with F ph − puh , and φI πh φ the interpolation of φ in Lemma 2.3. From 4.1, 3.27, and by integrating by parts we obtain ph − puh 2 2 L 0,T ;L2 Ω T Ft, ph − puh t dt 0 T − 0 ∂ ∂ ph − puh , φ − a φ, ph − puh ∂t ∂t d φ, ph − puh t 0 c t, τ; φτ, ph − puh t dτ dt Abstract and Applied Analysis 21 T ∂ ∂ − ph − puh , φ − φI − a φ − φI , ph − puh ∂t ∂t 0 t d φ − φI , ph − puh c t, τ; φ − φI τ, ph − puh t dτ 0 ∂ ∂ ph − puh , φI − a φI , ph − puh ∂t ∂t t d φI , ph − puh c t, τ; φI τ, ph − puh t dτ dt − 0 T − 0 ∂ph , φ − φI ∂t d φ − φI , ph ∂ph − a φ − φI , ∂t t c t, τ; φ − φI τ, ph t dτ 0 ∂puh , φ − φI ∂t t ∂puh − d φ − φI , puh − c t, τ; φ − φI τ, puh t dτ a φ − φI , ∂t 0 ∂ ∂ − ph − puh , φI − a φI , ph − puh ∂t ∂t t d φI , ph − puh c t, τ; φI τ, ph − puh t dτ dt 0 T − 0 ∂ph , φ − φI ∂t d φ − φI , ph ∂ph − a φ − φI , ∂t T c τ, t; φ − φI t, ph τ dτ t ∂puh a φ − φI , ∂t T − d φ − φI , puh − c τ, t; φ − φI t, puh τ dτ ∂puh , φ − φI ∂t t ∂ ∂ − ph − puh , φI − a φI , ph − puh ∂t ∂t T d φI , ph − puh c τ, t; φI t, ph − puh τ dτ dt t T T ∂ph ∂ph − , φ − φI − a φ − φI , c τ, t; φ − φI t, ph τ dτ dt d φ − φI , ph ∂t ∂t 0 t T T yuh − zd , φ − φI dt yh − yuh , φI dt − 0 T 0 τ τ 0 ∂ph ∂ph − div A∗ ∇ ∂t ∂t − div D∗ ∇ph 22 Abstract and Applied Analysis T ∗ div C τ, t∇ph τ dτ yh − zd φ − φI dt t T T ∗ ∗ ∗ ∂ph − A∇ C τ, t∇ph τ · ndτ · n D ∇ph · n ∂t 0 τ t ∂τ × φ − φI dl dt T yh − yuh , φ dt 0 J1 J2 J3 . 4.6 It follows from Lemmas 2.3, 2.5, and 4.1 that T ∂ph ∂ph J1 Cδ − div A∗ ∇ div D∗ ∇ph h4τ ∂t ∂t 0 τ τ T ∗ div C τ, t∇ph τ dτ yh − zd t δ T 0 2 ⎫ ⎬ dt ⎭ 2 φ dt Cδξ2 δph − puh 2 2 , 2 2,Ω L 0,T ;L2 Ω 2 T T ∗ ∗ 3 ∗ ∂ph − A∇ hl J2 Cδ C τ, t∇ph τ · ndτ dl dt · n D ∇ph · n ∂t 0 τ t ∂τ δ T 0 2 φ dt 0,Ω 2 Cδξ32 δph − puh L2 0,T ;L2 Ω . 4.7 By Schwartz inequality, we have 2 2 J3 Cδyh − yuh L2 0,T ;L2 Ω δph − puh L2 0,T ;L2 Ω . 4.8 Letting δ be small enough, it follows from 4.6–4.8 that 3 2 ph − puh 2 2 ξi2 Cyh − yuh L2 0,T ;L2 Ω . C 2 L 0,T ;L Ω 4.9 i2 Next, we estimate yh − yuh 2L2 0,T ;L2 Ω . Similarly let ψ be the solution of 4.2 with F yh − yuh , and ψI πh ψ the interpolation of ψ in Lemma 2.3. Abstract and Applied Analysis 23 Then, it follows from 3.36 and integrating by parts that yh − yuh 2 2 L 0,T ;L2 Ω T Ft, yh − yuh t dt 0 T ∂ a yh − yuh , ψ d yh − yuh , ψ ∂t T c τ, t; yh − yuh t, ψτ dτ dt 0 ∂ yh − yuh , ψ ∂t t a y0h − y0 , ψ0 y0h − y0 , ψ0 T 0 ∂ yh − yuh , ψ − ψI ∂t ∂ a yh − yuh , ψ − ψI ∂t d yh − yuh , ψ − ψI T c τ, t; yh − yuh t, ψ − ψI τ dτ dt t T 0 ∂ yh − yuh , ψI ∂t d yh − yuh , ψI ∂ a yh − yuh , ψI ∂t T c τ, t; yh − yuh t, ψI τ dτ dt t a y0h − y0 , ψ0 y0h − y0 , ψ0 T ∂yh ∂yh , ψ − ψI a , ψ − ψI d yh , ψ − ψI ∂t ∂t t c t, τ; yh τ, ψ − ψI t dτ dt 0 − T 0 0 f Buh , ψ − ψI dt a y0h − y0 , ψ0 y0h − y0 , ψ0 T 0 τ τ ∂yh ∂yh − div A∇ − div D∇yh ∂t ∂t t − div Cτ, t∇yh τ dτ − f − Buh ψ − ψI dt 0 T t ∂yh · n D∇yh · n − Ct, τ∇yh τ · n dτ ψ − ψI dl dt A∇ ∂t 0 τ 0 ∂τ a y0h − y0 , ψ0 y0h − y0 , ψ0 D1 D2 D3 D4 . 4.10 24 Abstract and Applied Analysis Similarly, it follows from Lemmas 2.3, 2.5 and 4.1 that D1 Cδ T 0 h4τ τ τ ∂yh ∂yh − div A∇ − div D∇yh ∂t ∂t − t div Cτ, t∇yh τ dτ − f − Buh 2 ⎫ ⎬ 0 δ T 0 D2 Cδ 2 ψ dt Cξ2 δyh − yuh 2 2 , 4 2,Ω L 0,T ;L2 Ω T 0 δ T 0 dt ⎭ τ h3l A∇ ∂τ ∂yh ∂t · n D∇yh · n − t 2 4.11 Ct, τ∇yh τ · n dl dt 0 2 ψ dt Cξ2 δyh − yuh 2 2 , 5 2,Ω L 0,T ;L2 Ω 2 D3 D4 Cη62 δyh − yuh L2 0,T ;L2 Ω Letting δ be small enough, then from 4.10–4.11, we have yh − yuh 2 2 L 2 2 2 ξ η C ξ 5 6 . 4 4.12 0,T ;L2 Ω The desired results 4.4 follows from 4.9–4.12.This completes the proof. Using Lemmas 3.1 and 4.2, we have the following upper bounds. Theorem 4.3. Let y, p, u and yh , ph , uh be the solutions of 2.17–2.19 and 2.22–2.24, respectively. Then, there hold the a posteriori error estimates as u − uh 2L2 0,T ;L2 Ω U 5 2 2 2 2 2 y − yh L2 0,T ;L2 Ω p − ph L2 0,T ;L2 Ω C η1 ξi η6 . i2 4.13 Proof. By triangle inequality, 3.44 and 3.38, Lemmas 3.1 and 4.2, we can easily prove 4.13 in the same way of getting 3.43. This completes the proof. 5. Conclusion In this paper, we study the semi-discrete adaptive finite element method for optimal control problem governed by a linear quasiparabolic Integrodifferential equation. We extend the existing methods in studying adaptive finite element approximation of optimal control governed by a parabolic Integrodifferential equation to the control governed by a quasiparabolic Integrodifferential equation. 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