Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success For All NCDPI Mathematics Department Kitty Rutherford and Jennifer Curtis Welcome “Who’s in the Room” A 25-year History of Standards-Based Mathematics Education Reform Standards Have Contributed to Higher Achievement • The percent of 4th graders scoring proficient or above on NAEP rose from 13% in 1990 to 42% in 2013. • The percent of 8th graders scoring proficient or above on NAEP rose from 15% in 1990 to 36% in 2013. • Between 1990 and 2012, the mean SATMath score increased from 501 to 514 and the mean ACT-Math score increased from 19.9 to 21.0. Trend in fourth-and-eigth grade NAEP Mathematics Average Scores North Carolina NAEP Trends in Mathematics Grade Source 1990 2013 Change 4 NC 223 254 Up 31 4 US 227 250 Up 23 8 NC 250 286 Up 36 8 US 262 284 Up 22 NAEP Scale Score 1990 –First year NAEP reported NC Scores 2013 – Latest NC NAEP Test Data NC EOG/EOC Percent Solid or Superior Command (CCR) Grade 2012-2013 2013-2014 3 46.8 48.2 4 47.6 47.1 5 47.7 50.3 6 38.9 39.6 7 38.5 39.0 8 34.2 34.6 Math I 42.6 46.9 Common Core State Standards Although We Have Made Progress, Challenges Remain • The average mathematics NAEP score for 17-yearolds has been essentially flat since 1973. • Among 34 countries participating in the 2012 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) of 15-year-olds, the U.S. ranked 26th in mathematics. • While many countries have increased their mean scores on the PISA assessments between 2003 and 2012, the U.S. mean score declined. • Significant learning differentials remain. Brainstorm What are the essential conditions required to make sure mathematics works for all students? Curriculum Tools and Technology Access and Equity Teaching and Learning Assessment Effective Mathematics Programs Professionalism Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All The primary purpose of Principles to Actions is to fill the gap between the adoption of rigorous standards and the enactment of practices, policies, programs, and actions required for successful implementation of those standards. NCTM. (2014). Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All. Reston, VA: NCTM. Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All The overarching message is that effective teaching is the non-negotiable core necessary to ensure that all students learn mathematics. The six guiding principles constitute the foundation of PtA that describe highquality mathematics education. NCTM. (2014). Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All. Reston, VA: NCTM. Teacher Beliefs “Teachers’ beliefs influence the decisions they make about the manner in which they teach mathematics.” Principles to Actions pg. 10 Beliefs About Teaching and Learning Mathematics Students’ beliefs influence their perception of what it means to learn mathematics and how they feel toward the subject. Principles to Actions pg. 10 High-Quality Standards are Necessary, But Insufficient, for Effective Teaching and Learning Teaching mathematics requires specialized expertise and professional knowledge that includes not only knowing mathematics but knowing it in ways that will make it useful for the work of teaching. Ball and Forzani 2010 Teaching and Learning Curriculum Tools and Technology Access and Equity Teaching and Learning Assessment Effective Mathematics Programs Professionalism Teaching and Learning An excellent mathematics program requires effective teaching that engages students in meaningful learning through individual and collaborative experiences that promote their ability to make sense of mathematical ideas and reason mathematically. Principles to Actions pg. 7 5 Interrelated Strands Constitute Mathematical Proficiency National Research Council, 2001 Obstacles to Implementing High-Leverage Instructional Practices Dominant cultural beliefs about the teaching and learning of mathematics continue to be obstacles to consistent implementation of effective teaching and learning in mathematics classrooms. Eight High-Leverage Instructional Practices 1. Establish mathematics goals to focus learning 2. Implement tasks that promote reasoning and problem solving 3. Use and connect mathematical representations 4. Facilitate meaningful mathematical discourse 5. Pose purposeful questions 6. Build procedural fluency from conceptual understanding 7. Support productive struggle in learning mathematics 8. Elicit and use evidence of student thinking Not to be confused with… What do you notice? Overview of the Eight Mathematics Teaching Practices 1. Establish mathematics goals to focus learning. Effective teaching of mathematics establishes clear goals for the mathematics that students are learning, situates goals within learning progressions, and uses goals to guide instructional decisions. Principles to Actions pg. 12 What did you notice about the dialog? Math coach intentionally shifts the conversation to a discussion of the mathematical ideas and learning that will be the focus of instruction Principles to Action – pg. 16 2. Implement Tasks That Promote Reasoning and Problem Solving Effective teaching of mathematics engages students in solving and discussing tasks that promote mathematical reasoning and problem solving and that allow for multiple entry points and varied solution strategies. Principles to Actions pg. 17 High or Low Cognitive Demanding Task? Cognitive Demand Jigsaw/Sort 1. 2. Everyone grab a puzzle piece/ticket from your table. Move to the designated spot in the room for your color. – Green/Orange: Memorization – Yellow/Pink: Procedures without Connections – Blue/Blue: Procedures with Connections – Red/Purple: Doing Mathematics 3. Read page 18 and summarize the description associated with your cognitive demand task type. Come to a shared understanding of the demand task and be prepared to share back at your table. 4. At your table, use the contents of the envelope to sort the tasks by cognitive demand. Table Talk What are the attributes of a mathematically strong task? Math Tasks There is no decision that teachers make that has a greater impact on students’ opportunities to learn and on their perception about what mathematics is than the selection or creation of the tasks with which the teacher engages students in shaping mathematics. Look on page 21 NCDPI – Task Principles to Action - page 24 Which Math Practices would students be engaged in? 3. Use and connect mathematical representations Effective teaching of mathematics engages students in making connections among mathematical representations to deepen understanding of mathematics concepts and procedures and as tools for problem solving. Principles to Actions pg. 24 Let’s Do Some Math! The bowl holds 5 L of water. If we use a scoop that holds 1/6 of a liter, how many scoops will we need in order to fill the entire bowl? NCDPI Unpacking Document, Grade 5, pg. 44 Use and connect mathematical representations. Table Talk • Read the discussion on pages 24-26 • On chart paper, solve the problem using each representation. • Share something with your group that resonates with you. • Now, refer to the example on page 27. Which Math Practices would students be engaged in? 4. Facilitate meaningful mathematical discourse Effective teaching of mathematics facilitates discourse among students in order to build shared understanding of mathematical ideas by analyzing and comparing student approaches and arguments. Principles to Actions pg. 29 Let’s Do Some Math One bag of cat food will feed 3 cats for 40 days. If I buy 2 more cats, how long will one bag of cat food last? Becoming a Problem Solving Genius, Zaccaro, pg. 5 3 cats x 40 days = 120 servings per bag Number of Cats Equation Number of Days 120 ÷ 1 = 120 120 120 ÷ 2 = 60 60 120 ÷ 3 = 40 40 120 ÷ 4 = 30 30 120 ÷ 5 = 24 24 Table Talk During the cat food task, how did you use discourse to build shared understanding? Which Math Practices would students be engaged in? 5. Pose purposeful questions Effective teaching of mathematics uses purposeful questions to assess and advance student reasoning and sense making about important mathematical ideas and relationships. Principles to Actions pg. 35 Types of Questions-Four Corners Gathering Information Probing Thinking Making the mathematics visible Encouraging reflection and justification Types of Questions • In your table group, sort the question descriptions and examples. • Create at least 1 additional question that fits each description. • Are these types of questions important in the classroom? Principles to Actions pg. 36-37 Funneling vs Focusing • Read pg 37, last two paragraphs • Review Figure 16 on pg 39-40 • Using chart paper, illustrate funneling vs focusing questioning patterns. • What are some barriers that might prevent teachers from moving from funneling to focusing questions? Principles to Actions pg. 41 6. Build procedural fluency from conceptual understanding Effective teaching of mathematics builds fluency with procedures on a foundation of conceptual understanding so that students, over time, become skillful in using procedures flexibly as they solve contextual and mathematical problems. Principles to Actions pg. 42 Form two lines… • How does computational fluency relate to conceptual understanding? • How do we move from conceptual understanding to computational fluency? • Where do we use computational fluency in mathematics? • Why are algorithms necessary? How could Anna’s reasoning help David understand his mistake? Principles to Actions pg. 43 How Are these Methods Interrelated? Principles to Actions pg. 45 Principles to Action - page 47 Which Math Practices would students be engaged in? 7. Support productive struggle in learning mathematics Effective teaching of mathematics consistently provides students, individually and collectively, with opportunities and supports to engage in productive struggle as they grapple with mathematical ideas and relationships. Principles to Actions pg. 48 Shopping Trip Task Joseph went to the mall with his friends to spend the money that he had received for his birthday. When he got home, he had $24 remaining. He had spend 3/5 of his birthday money at the mall on video games and food. How much money did spend? How much money had he received for hisbirthday? Principles to Actions pg. 51 Classroombased indicators of success Expectations for students Teacher actions to support students Most tasks that promote reasoning and problem solving take time to solve, and frustration may occur, but perseverance in the face of initial difficulty is important. Use tasks that promote reasoning and problem solving; explicitly encourage students to persevere; find ways to support students without removing all the challenges in a task. Students are engaged in the tasks and do not give up. The teacher supports students when they are “stuck” but does so in a way that keeps the thinking and reasoning at a high level. Correct solutions are import- ant, but so is being able to explain and discuss how one thought about and solved particular tasks. Ask students to explain and justify how they solved a task. Value the quality of the explanation as much as the final solution. Students explain how they solved a task and provide mathematical justifications for their reasoning. Everyone has a responsibility and an obligation to make sense of mathematics by asking questions of peers and the teacher when he or she does not understand. Give students the opportuni- ty to discuss and determine the validity and appropriateness of strategies and solutions. Students question and critique the reasoning of their peers and reflect on their own understanding. Diagrams, sketches, and hands-on materials are im- portant tools to use in making sense of tasks. Communicating about one’s thinking during a task makes it possible for others to help that person make progress on the task. Give students access to Students are able to tools that will support use tools to solve tasks their thinking processes. that they can- not solve without them. Ask students to explain their thinking and pose questions that are based on students’ reasoning, rather than on the way that the teacher is think- ing about the task. Students explain their thinking about a task to their peers and the teacher. The teacher asks probing questions based on the students’ thinking. Principles to Actions pg. 49, 51 Struggling to Learn Carol Dweck, Psychologist Growth Mind-set Research The Teaching Channel How does having a growth mindset relate to embracing and supporting student struggle? Principles to Actions pg. 53 Which Math Practices would students be engaged in? 8. Elicit and use evidence of student thinking Effective teaching of mathematics uses evidence of student thinking to assess progress toward mathematical understanding and to adjust instruction continually in ways that support and extend learning. Principles to Actions pg. 53 “My Favorite No: Learning From Mistakes” During the video; • Identify strategies the teacher uses to access, support, and extend student thinking. • How do these strategies allow for immediate re-teaching? • What student behaviors were associated with these instructional strategies? Which Math Practices would students be engaged in? Sort the Beliefs Unproductive Beliefs Check your arrangement on Principles to Actions pg. 11 Beliefs About Teaching and Learning Mathematics Principles to Action – pg. 11 Essential Elements of Effective Mathematics Programs Curriculum Tools and Technology Access and Equity Teaching and Learning Assessment Effective Mathematics Programs Professionalism Principles to Actions What action are you taking? • Your role: – Leaders and policymakers pgs 110-112 – Principals, coaches, specialists, other school leaders pgs 112-114 – Teachers pgs 114-117 • Choose at least one action that you plan to implement as a result of today’s session. • Turn and share your plan with a shoulder partner. What questions do you have? 2015 NCCTM Spring Leadership Conference Follow Us! NC Mathematics @ncmathematics DPI Mathematics Section Kitty Rutherford Elementary Mathematics Consultant 919-807-3841 Denise Schulz Elementary Mathematics Consultant 919-807-3839 Lisa Ashe Secondary Mathematics Consultant 919-807-3909 Vacant Secondary Mathematics Consultant 919-807-3842 Dr. Jennifer Curtis K – 12 Mathematics Section Chief 919-807-3838 Susan Hart Mathematics Program Assistant 919-807-3846 For all you do for our students!