Hitting a Home Run with Home Base CCSA - March 4, 2014 Session Overview • • • • Introduction Batter Up! – Setting the Stage On Base! – Formative Assessment Home Run! – Lessons Learned/Best Practices • After the Game! – Debrief • Transition to Displays/Presentations Batter Up! Setting the Stage What is Home Base and what will it do? Home Base is an online tool for teaching and learning. Every user will have one password to enter only one time to access resources and tools. Why Home Base? • Improving teacher effectiveness by providing tools aligned to NC’s Standard Course of Study that promote efficiency by connecting grade books, lessons, instructional resources, and assessments • Ensuring daily parent access to student grades and assignments • Providing time saving tools that give ongoing data, results, and recommendations to teachers and students Home Base is One Technology Platform with two key functions: Student Information System (SIS) Instructional Improvement System (IIS) Tools for Information and Data Tools for Teaching and Learning An Integrated Suite of Technology Tools Information Student Information and Learner Profile Information Instruction Instructional Design, Practice & Resources Data Analysis and Reporting Assessment Instructional Tools & Resources Educator Effectiveness: Evaluation and Professional Development Effectiveness PowerSchool Schoolnet OpenClass Test Nav Truenorthlogic Student Information Instruction and Assessment Collaboration Summative Assessment Evaluation and PD a student information system to replace NC WISE a new standards-aligned tool for instruction (e.g. lesson plans, unit plans), assessment, and data analysis an online evaluation system and new professional development system F Products being integrated to create Home Base = Free F User Portal F via PowerSchool PowerSchool Student Information Test Nav Summative Assessment Core Instructional Improvement System F Truenorthlogic Educator Evaluation Schoolnet OpenClass Instructional Tools and Assessment Collaboration F Truenorthlogic Professional Development (STATE) Content in System Tools for Teaching • Assessment Creation Truenorthlogic Initial Content • Math, ELA, Science and Social Studies Assessment Items for Benchmark or Classroom Assessments Professional Development (LOCAL) • Instructional Content (e.g. lesson plans , videos, interactive activities) F Products being integrated to create Home Base = Free Instructional Improvement Tools are optional F User Portal Opt –in deadline: July 15 F Cost:Test $4Nav per ADM via PowerSchool PowerSchool Student Information Summative Assessment Core Instructional Improvement System F Truenorthlogic Educator Evaluation Schoolnet OpenClass Instructional Tools and Assessment Collaboration F Truenorthlogic Professional Development (STATE) Content in System Tools for Teaching • Assessment Creation Truenorthlogic Initial Content • Math, ELA, Science and Social Studies Assessment Items for Benchmark or Classroom Assessments Professional Development (LOCAL) • Instructional Content (e.g. lesson plans , videos, interactive activities) Home Base Instructional Resources (Schoolnet: State Bank) Grade PK KG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TOTAL * 41 1108 1411 1476 1952 2182 2370 2955 2994 3267 5315 4219 4179 4141 English Language Arts 2 227 273 294 332 224 240 344 271 283 365 370 256 226 1795 Mathematics 3 189 211 236 363 322 353 500 345 379 752 752 752 750 3279 Science Social Studies 82 129 136 252 309 277 308 286 388 1015 1094 1095 1095 2319 50 58 79 89 96 88 68 68 65 928 930 931 935 1400 Healthful Living/PE World Languages 268 354 359 510 716 887 1104 1428 1438 1163 30 28 28 2805 105 119 87 132 172 191 276 288 343 522 551 560 561 775 Arts 3 134 201 212 196 234 244 251 210 277 488 489 482 473 1215 English as a Second Language 20 33 39 44 55 56 70 64 60 45 38 38 36 187 13,812 * Some resources cross various grade levels Common Core ELA also tagged to Social Studies and Science standards February 10, 2014 Over 13,000 Open Education Resources Some of our Many Content Providers 9,809 External Resources Current Providers of External Content External Content Coming Next 8,672 Instructional Resources for Social Studies and Science 1,137 Instructional Resources for English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, and World Languages 2,111 Additional Instructional Resources in various subject areas Over 500 NC DPI Resources Classroom and Benchmark Assessment Items Classroom and Benchmark Items (Formerly in the ClassScape System) 3-8 ELA: 5453 English II: 593 3-8 Math: 11186 Algebra I/Integrated I: 2376 5 Science: 1871 8 Science: 2297 Biology: 1635 Total: 25411+ (development is ongoing) These items are split into a bank for teachers to use daily for classroom assessment purposes (Publisher = NCDPI_Classroom) and a bank that is secure at the district level for benchmark purposes (Publisher = NCDPI_Benchmark). Purchased Resources (Assessment Items) Classroom (non-secure) Science and Social Studies Assessment Items [8,600+ items] NWEA Social Studies Items NWEA Science Items Grade 7: 43 Grade 8: 17 Global Geography: 131 World History: 524 American History I: 124 American History II: 517 Civics and Economics: 617 Total: 1973 Grade 3: 152 Grade 4: 633 Grade 5: 352 Grade 6: 1006 Grade 7: 880 Grade8: 659 Physical Science: 603 Biology: 1030 Chemistry: 596 Physics: 174 Earth and Environmental: 594 Science Total: 6679 Purchased Resources (Assessment Items) Throughout 2013-14 Next Generation K-12 Common Core ELA and Math Items [in Development] On Base! Formative Assessment Home Run! Lessons Learned/Best Practices After the Game! Debrief What ideas did you gain from the lesson learned/best practices presentations? Transition to Displays/ Presentations Transition Directions • Choose 2 different displays to visit • When the music plays, move to a display • When the music plays again, move to another display • The third round of music signals the closing of the 2014 “Hitting a Home Run with Home Base” CCSA session. Home Base website You can find up-to-date information on Home Base; learn about training, find FAQs, and much more at: http://www.ncpublicschools.org/homebase