Classroom Management th t Yields that Yi ld Positive P iti Relationships! By Olavee Williams Icebreaker Workshop Objectives • Analyze components of a classroom management plan. • Apply knowledge about how to implement an effective classroom management plan to promote positive relationships. What is Classroom Management? What is Classroom Management? • A process that helps as ensures that classroom lessons run smoothly. y • Preventative measures in place to avoid negative behaviors. What is Classroom Management? • Actions taken to create and maintain a learning environment conducive to successful instruction: arranging the physical environment of the classroom, establishing rules and procedures, maintaining attention to lessons and fostering engagement in academic activities. Why Classroom Management ? Activity Components of a Successful Classroom Management Plan • • • • Classroom Procedures Behavior Management System Classroom Arrangements Relationship Building Classroom Procedures (See Video) • Provide a framework for students to follow from the beginning g g to the end of the day y or the beginning and ending of your class session. Behavior Management System • Positively state expectations (short and concise) • Rewards and consequences • Visual so students can see them and monitor their progress • Tie in with school wide plan • Follow through Classroom Arrangement • Make sure classroom arrangements g are conducive to learning. g are free from obstructions and • Arrangements ensure student safety. Team Building Activities • Provide opportunities pp to build relationships p with students. • Provide students with opportunities to build relationships with each other. Activity Creating Your Own Plan • • • • Create Teach Implement Be Consistent! Create • Create a p plan that fits yyour classroom routines and schedules. g that will help yyour classroom • Include things run smoothly. • Tie in with school-wide positive behavior support program if applicable. Teach • Once yyou have created yyour p plan,, teach it to your students. y • Teach it until theyy know what your expectations are and it becomes a part of them. • Don’t take for granted that students know what to do. Implement • Once the plan has been taught g to yyour students,, implement it. • Students are now held accountable. Activity • Video Other Tips and Strategies • Use music to set the tone • Greet your students at the door in the morning. • Find something positive to say as they walk in the door. • Make students aware of what is coming next next. • Let students know of changes before they happen. Other Tips and Strategies • Have ideas for transitioning. • Que cards for students to communicate with. Closing “You You are the gate keeper of your classroom, you control what comes in and what goes out. out.” Olavee Williams References • mngt.htm?iframe=true&width=80%&hei ght 80% ght=80%