Topic: _________________________________________ Our Toolbox Our Questions Our Plans The Strategy Cafe Appetizers - Choose any 3 Silent Card Shuffle A delightful cooperative strategy with a hint of HDFK%ORRP·VWD[RQRP\OHYHO«««««««« Learning Jigsaw A filling dish meant to share with others«« Think-Pair-Share A 3 course option that is made for «««« Meet Your Match This dish will allow you to mix and mingle with RWKHUFXVWRPHUV«««««««««««««««1:00 Take A Stand For the opinionated customers«««««««.1:18 Traveling File 7KLVRSWLRQSURYLGHVD´UHDOZRUOGµIODYRU«..1:39 Numbered Heads Together ,GHDOIRUSDUWLHVRI««««««««««««1:24 Prairie Fire A hot dish that will leave you wanting more.1:07 Twitter in the Classroom Perfect for customers with digital devices«1:56 Entrées- Choose 1 What the Research Says (or Doesn't Say) A large portion of survey data with a side of student opinions. Focus on Effectiveness: Current: Educational Challenges and Student Motivation Student Engagement Data and College Readiness A taste of the future. A delightful combination of research findings and ideas for implementation. Desserts- Try as many as you like! Popcorn share Hook stations 7KLVGLVKLVYHU\HDV\WRSUHSDUH«««««« $YDULHW\RIH[FLWLQJIODYRUV««««««« Potato head challenge (Big kids like it too!) Interactive stations: Increase The ultimate comfort food. «««.«««PDUNHW engagement and understanding $VDPSOHURIPDQ\ILOOLQJRSWLRQV««««4:44 Creating a with Teachers and Students Session Overview Exploration* Participation Reflection Attending members will view various video clips and be introduced to the current research centered on educational challenges in regards to student engagement data and college readiness. What are the trending challenges that educators are facing when it comes to student motivation and engagement? How does collaboration empower or enable this recent trend that is needed to ensure college and career readiness? Attending members will think about the current issues in their schools and districts in regards to the interpersonal collaborative culture between teachers and students. Members will create topics for an open floor discussion and participate in self-differentiated learning groups where they will discuss trends, observations and concrete strategies. Attending members will reflect on this professional development session and invest in a rich conversation that will guide their work once returning to their various roles in the field of education. * A laptop or mobile device with Internet access will be needed to access this information. Internet access will be provided by CCSA 2013. Collaborative Conference for Student Achievement 2013 Presenter: Mr. Matt Carlyle Co-Presenter: Ms. Laura Winter