Engaging Literacy Strategies for Grades 3-5 Pat Calfee and Laura Candler Collaborative Conference on Student Achievement April 19th, 2011 Domains of Reading yPhonemic Ph i Awareness A yPhonics yVocabulary yFluency yComprehension Phonemic Awa n ss Awareness Hear, identify and manipulate the individual sounds in words. words •Blending •Segmenting •Manipulating Phonemic Ph nemic Awareness A Activities •Rhyming •Sound S d SSubstitution b i i •Syllable Segmentation Give It a Try! yRhyming yS Sound S Substitution Task Cards Directions Di ti y With a p partner,, decide who is A and who is B y Partner P t A will ill lead l d Sound S d Substitution y Partner B will lead Rhyming Give It a Try! Syllable Segmentation Clap It Out! Directions Look at the picture. Clap out the y number of syllables. Clap It Out! Clap It Out! Clap It Out! Clap It Out! Clap It Out! Clap It Out! Clap It Out! A child's level of phonemic awareness on entering school is widely held to be the strongest single d determinant i off the h success that h she h or he will experience p in learning g to read — or, conversely, the likelihood that she or he will fail. fail (Adams, 1990; Stanovich, 1986) Phonics •Letter-Sound Relationships •Word Families •Comparing Unknown to Known Phonics •Prefixes Showdown •Spelling S lli Cheerleading Ch l di Spelling Cheerleading Directions Short Letters (a, e and m) - hands on waist! Tall Letters (l, (l k and d) - hands in the air! H gi g Letters Hanging L tt ( g, y, p)) - touch t h ttoes!! Vocabulary Listening Speaking Writing Reading Choosing Vocabulary Words y Choose words from student texts or teacher read-alouds. read-alouds y Give a “kid-friendly” definition. y Include non-examples y Practice daily with activities Categories Tier I Words • Basic Words • Examples include: baby, play, go Tier II Words • Rich Words • Examples include: proficient, constantly, steady Tier III Words • Content Based Words • Examples include: plateau, metamorphic, constellation Vocabulary Frayer Model • Word of the Day y • hesitate Jack in the Beanstalk •Swap •Dolt D lt •Paltry •Precious •Bundled •Ogre •Tremble •Cackle •Rogue •Muttered •Larder Tier II Words for Jack and the Beanstalk Folded Frayer Model Directions Hold a sheet of 8 ½ x 11 inch paper like a portrait. Then fold the sheet in half horizontally. Now fold the paper in half vertically to create 4 sections if you open it up. On the corner where the folds meet, fold a right triangle with the bottom edge of the triangle parallel to the bottom edge of the paper. Now open the paper flat, put the word in the center diamond, and label the four sections like they are on a regular Frayer Model. Definition Examples Facts/Char -acteristics Nonexamples Frayer Model Definition in your own words Examples Facts/characteristics Word Nonexamples Choose a Word yCackle yMuttered yOgre yPrecious F Frayer M d l Model Definition in your own words Examples Facts/characteristics Word Nonexamples Word of the Day •Introduce word •Give a “student friendly” definition •Teacher or leader wears the word. •Pass it on when a student uses the word correctly •Add stars t or other th incentives i ti hesitate Fluency Reading R di ttextt accurately t l and quickly. quickly Fluency Comprehension Fluency •Reader Reader’ss Theater •Tape-assisted reading •Poem P off the th Week W k •Choral Reading •Power Point Practice •Flip p Books •Partner Repeated Readings Fluency Activities • Choral Reading • Power P Point P Practice P Springtime A small green frog On a big brown log; A black and yellow bee In a little green tree; A red and yellow snake B a blue-green By bl l k lake, All sat and listened To red bird sing, "Wake Wake up, up everybody everybody, It's spring! It's spring!" Sight Si h Word W d Phrases Drill C Comprehension h i Understanding, remembering Understanding and communicating g with others about what is read. Comprehension •Talking Sticks •Colorful C l f lQ Questions i Colorful Questions •Orange Phonemic Awareness •Red Phonics •Green Vocabulary •Purple Fluency •White Comprehension www fcrr org www.fcrr.org Questions www.lauracandler.com Great Books to “Check Check Out” Out y Beck, B k Isabel I b l L., L Margaret M G. G McKeown, M K and d Linda L d Kucan. Bringing Words to Life: Robust Vocabulary Instruction. New York: Guilford, 2002. y Opitz, Michael F., and Timothy V. Rasinski. Good-bye round Robin: 25 Effective Oral Reading Strategies. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2008. y Rasinski, Timothy V. The Fluent Reader: Oral Reading Strategies for Building Word Recognition Recognition, Fluency Fluency, and Comprehension. New York, NY: Scholastic Professional, 2003. Web Sites y www.lauracandler.com y http://np.harlan.k12.ia.us/reading_center.htm y www.fcrr.org y http://www.teachingheart.net/readerstheater.htm http://www teachingheart net/readerstheater htm y http://www.freereading.net/index.php?title=Vocabulary_Activities y http://www.mrsperkins.com/dolch.htm y http://www.k3learningpages.net/web%20phonemic%20awareness.htm Thanks for coming! Pat Calfee patcalfee@gmail.com Laura Candler www.lauracandler.com