COUNCIL ON CURRICULAR PROGRAMS AND INSTRUCTION Thursday, 4 September 2014 Algonquin Room - University Union - 3:30 p.m. MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: M. Bernards, R. Buchanan, P. Goodwin, H. Marchand, J. McNabb, K. Myers, L. Wolff, C. Zhao Ex-officio: N. Parsons, D. Williams MEMBERS ABSENT: None GUESTS: Dale Adkins, Ray Diez, Carmen Keist, Carol Longley, Mary Mhango, Linda Prosise, Mandeep Singh I. Consideration of Minutes A. 24 April 2014 MINUTES APPROVED AS DISTRIBUTED II. Approvals from the Provost A. Requests for New Courses a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. B. Request for New Option a. C. Human Resource Management Request for Change of Major a. III. Fisheries Information Technology Request for Change of Minor a. E. Forensic Psychology Requests for New Minors a. b. D. CS 306, Advanced Computer Forensics, 3 s.h. CS 343, Physical Computing, 3 s.h. EIS 428, English Language Learners and Bilingualism: Theory, Policy, and Practice, 3 s.h. EIS 447, Teaching of Listening, Speaking and Pronunciation to English Language Learners, 3 s.h. GEOG 209, GIS Data Acquisition, 3 s.h. GEOG 251, Principles of Urban and Regional Planning, 3 s.h. GEOG 352, Planning Applications, 3 s.h. GEOG 457, Historic Preservation Planning, 3 s.h. JOUR 440, Digital Media Skills for Journalists and Public Relations Practitioners, 3 s.h. MGT 499, Management Knowledge Assessment, 0 s.h. PSY 355, Psychology of Sexual Orientation, 3 s.h. Emergency Management Announcements 1 Faculty Senate Chair Mandeep Singh thanked members of CCPI for their hard work, observing that everyone at WIU realizes how much effort is involved in moving the curriculum through its various processes. He added that CCPI’s efforts make the work of the Faculty Senators much easier and encouraged the members to contact him if they need his assistance. Chairperson Bernards and Associate Provost Parsons provided an overview of the responsibilities for CCPI members. IV. V. Old Business – None New Business A. Curricular Requests from the Department of Engineering Technology 1. Request for New Course a. CSTM 470, Facilities Management Capstone, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve CSTM 470 (McNabb/Myers) MOTION APPROVED 8 YES – 0 NO – 0 AB 2. Request for Change in Course Title, Description, and Credit Hours a. CSTM 132, Construction Laboratory, 2 s.h. Current: Construction Laboratory, 2 s.h. Introduction to residential construction materials, methods, and systems including tools and equipment. Proposed: Introduction to Construction Management, 3 s.h. Introduction to the field of Construction and Facilities Management. Includes the study and application of methods, systems, processes, tools and equipment that are common to current industry practices in the built environment. Motion: To approve CSTM 132 (Marchand/McNabb) Dr. Zhao asked for the rationale behind the credit hour change. Engineering Technology Chair Ray Diez explained that with the addition of facilities management sequencing to the construction management sequence, the department wished to introduce facilities management content into the lab portion of the course. Chairperson Bernards observed that the course description refers to “current industry practices in the built environment.” He asked if the course will cover construction as well as what is already built. Dr. Diez replied that the course will address construction methods, rules, and processes. He explained that “industry practices in the built environment” is commonly used in the construction management industry to refer to how things are built. MOTION APPROVED 8 YES – 0 NO – 0 AB 3. Request for Change of Minor a. Construction Technology 2 Motion: To approve Construction Technology minor (Wolff/McNabb) Change: Add CSTM 260, 345, 432, and 460 to existing Directed Electives. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGE 8 YES – 0 NO – 0 AB 4. Requests for Changes of Majors a. Graphic Communication Motion: To approve Graphic Communication major (McNabb/Myers) Associate Provost Parsons pointed out that moving ENG 381 from the Other category to core courses makes it part of the GPA calculation. Chairperson Bernards remarked that a number of classes are being dropped, particularly in Art. He asked if Engineering Technology had communicated with the Chair of the Department of Art. Dr. Diez responded that the Art Department Chair has been notified, and pointed out that the changes will not go into effect this year. He added that advisors in the College of Business and Technology have indicated that there is a need for this major to be more business-focused because employers are looking for more management and business acumen. Dr. Diez informed CCPI that the Departments of Art, Engineering Technology, Broadcasting, and Media and Instructional Technology are working on an interdisciplinary minor that will hopefully be brought forward this year. Dr. Diez believes it will complement a degree in each department and will be a positive addition to the campus. Associate Provost Parsons added that she is impressed by the effort because it reaches across three different colleges (Fine Arts and Communication, Business and Technology, and Education and Human Services). Dr. Diez added that the experience of working with his colleagues in these colleges has been very congenial. Change: Remove asterisks following “Other GCOM/ET courses as pre-approved by academic advisor” in the Directed Electives sections. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGE 8 YES – 0 NO – 0 AB b. Construction Management (Option A) Motion: To approve changes to Construction Management major (Option A) (Marchand/Myers) Dr. Diez explained that a feasibility study determined that it would be fairly easy to create a new Facilities Management option within the existing Construction Management major, making the Construction Management major comprehensive and, in Dr. Diez’s opinion, the best technology-based construction management major in the state and possibly the Midwest. He explained that the department was able to retain all of the construction management requirements from the original program while still breaking out facilities management into its own option. He added that he worked closely with Ms. Prosise during the reorganization. MOTION APPROVED 8 YES – 0 NO – 0 AB 5. Request for New Option a. Facilities Management (Option B) 3 Motion: To approve Facilities Management option (Myers/McNabb) Dr. Diez informed CCPI that his department has received requests from companies looking for majors with facilities management training, and the option is the first response to that need. Dr. Diez will be meeting with a couple of companies in the next few months to talk about the new option. Ms. Williams asked if students could obtain both options if they took all of the required courses. Dr. Diez replied that this would be a possibility if students wanted to spend an extra semester doing so, although he does not think it is likely. Ms. Williams pointed out that only one of the options would be able to be transcripted if this occurs. Change: Remove pound sign (#) from CSTM 440 in Directed Electives. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGE 8 YES – 0 NO – 0 AB B. Curricular Requests from the Department of Dietetics, Fashion Merchandising, and Hospitality Dietetics, Fashion Merchandising, and Hospitality Chair Mary Mhango explained that the requests are part of changes to the degree programs, from the current three options (Dietetics, Fashion Merchandising, and Hotel/Restaurant Management) to four (Apparel and Textile Merchandising, Dietetics, Hotel/Restaurant Management, and Nutrition and Food Service Management). 1. Requests for New Courses a. ATM 276, Apparel Forecasting, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve ATM 276 (Wolff/Buchanen) MOTION APPROVED 8 YES – 0 NO – 0 AB b. ATM 371, Apparel Product Analysis, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve ATM 371 (Marchand/McNabb) Chairperson Bernards observed that all of the new courses are scheduled to begin in fall 2015 and asked if they will be staggered between fall and spring start dates. DFMH professor Carmen Keist responded that they will be staggered; the fall 2015 effective date is needed in order to get all of them in the catalog. MOTION APPROVED 8 YES – 0 NO – 0 AB c. ATM 470, Apparel Brand Management, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve ATM 470 (Buchanen/Myers) Dr. Mhango informed CCPI that the department has considered changing the prerequisite of ATM 170 to add junior standing or permission of instructor so that students don’t take the course immediately after their freshman year. Change: Change prerequisite to “ATM 170; junior standing or permission of instructor.” MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGE 8 YES – 0 NO – 0 AB 4 d. ATM 471, Apparel Industry Communications, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve ATM 471 (Goodwin/McNabb) CCPI asked that DFMH obtain letters of support from the Departments of Communication and English and Journalism to accompany this request as it goes forward to Faculty Senate. Changes: Change prerequisite to “ATM 170; junior standing or permission of instructor.” Remove “and” at end of the second bullet in Course Objectives. Change course description to, “Emphasizes the need for varying types of communication within the textile, apparel, and fashion industries. By using various media, students will understand the importance of messaging when developing and maintaining consumer relationships.” MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES AND PENDING LETTERS OF SUPPORT FROM COMMUNICATION AND ENGLISH/JOURNALISM 8 YES – 0 NO – 0 AB e. ATM 480, Apparel Styling, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve ATM 480 (McNabb/Myers) Changes: Change prerequisite to “ATM 170; junior standing or permission of instructor.” Change “It will acquaint students with the principles and practices of an image consulting industry,” in course description to “…the industry consulting industry.” In Student Needs to be Served section, change “This course would provide this stated interest,” to “This course would satisfy this stated interest.” MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 8 YES – 0 NO – 0 AB f. NUTR 206, Nutrition and Foodservice Management Practicum, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve NUTR 206 (Marchand/Myers) Dr. Goodwin remarked that four prerequisite courses seem like a lot to require for a 200-level course. Dr. Mhango explained that the department wants students to be able to get experience as soon as possible and believes students need to have an understanding of these crucial areas before undertaking the practicum course. Dr. McNabb asked if a student in his or her sophomore year could easily complete the four prerequisite courses with advising. Dr. Mhango replied that they could, pointing out that NUTR 152 and 153 are taken concurrently as lecture and lab and that NUTR 109 can also count as a Gen Ed course. Changes: Add an “and” before the last listed prerequisite. Reword frequency of offerings to “once per semester.” MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 8 YES – 0 NO – 0 AB g. NUTR 438, Dietetic Pre-Internship, 1 s.h. 5 Motion: To approve NUTR 438 (Wolff/McNabb) DFMH professor Carol Longley explained that the class involves more than just helping students prepare their resume. She stressed that the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics academic selection process is very competitive. Students must complete a DICAS application and other professional documents and participate in a matching process to be accepted. Associate Provost Parsons added that students cannot practice without their license, and the internship will help them to obtain that licensure. Change: Change frequency from “1X/year” to “yearly.” MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGE 8 YES – 0 NO – 0 AB 2. Requests for Cross-Listings a. ATM/HM 477, Consumer and Industry Theory and Research, 3 s.h. This request was withdrawn by the department pending submission of a title and description change for ATM 477. b. ATM/HM/NUTR 190, Introduction to Professional Practices, 1 s.h. Motion: To approve ATM/HM/NUTR 190 (McNabb/Myers) Dr. Mhango explained that this course is preparatory for all majors. She outlined changes to the justification for cross-listing that were made with the assistance of Ms. Prosise prior to the CCPI meeting. Change: The introductory sentence to the justification section should read, “The course provides background knowledge for all DFMH students.” MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 8 YES – 0 NO – 0 AB 3. Requests for Changes in Prerequisites/Corequisites, Course Descriptions, and Credit Hours a. ATM 270, Textile Science, 2 s.h. Current: 2 s.h. Coreq: FCS 271 Proposed: 3 s.h. Prereq/Coreq: None Motion: To approve ATM 270 (Myers/Wolff) Changes: Remove reference to “2 hrs. lect.; 2 hrs. lab” after the 3 s.h. proposed change. Change proposed prerequisite to ATM 170. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 8 YES – 0 NO – 0 AB b. ATM 331, Consumer Economics, 3 s.h. Current: Consumer Economics 6 Inter-relationship of environments and the consumer. Consumer wants, marketing, buying practices, labels, standards, and protective legislation which affect the consumer. Prereq: 3 s.h. of Economics; junior standing or above or permission of the instructor Proposed: Consumer and Professional Practice Interrelationship of environments, the consumer, and integrating professional practices in the apparel industry. Study of consumer services, consumer wants, professional behavior, and cultural diversity in the workplace. Prereq: ATM 170 and junior standing Motion: To approve ATM 331 (Myers/McNabb) Dr. Marchand remarked that it would be helpful for the Rationale for Change to include information about the topics that will be dropped from the course. Changes: Add information to Rationale for Change about topics to be dropped. Revise the first line of the proposed course description to read, “Interrelationship of environments and the consumer, in addition to integrating professional practices in the apparel industry.” MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 8 YES – 0 NO – 0 AB c. ATM 473, Apparel Merchandising Entrepreneurship, 3 s.h. Current: Prereq: FCS 470 and junior standing Proposed: Prereq: ATM 274 and junior standing Motion: To approve ATM 473 (Marchand/Myers) MOTION APPROVED 8 YES – 0 NO – 0 AB d. ATM 478, Apparel Merchandising Pre-Internship, 1 s.h. Current: Prereq: FCS 476 Proposed: Prereq: ATM 170, ATM 270, ATM 276, and ATM 331 Motion: To approve ATM 478 (Wolff/McNabb) Change: Change prereq to “ATM 170, 270, 276, and 331.” MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGE 8 YES – 0 NO – 0 AB e. ATM 479, Apparel Merchandising Internship, 6 s.h. Current: Prereq: FCS 478, senior standing, GPA 2.5 in FCS, FCS 370, 371, 372, 374, 470 and 476, site approved by department, approval of internship coordinator or department chair Proposed: Prereq: ATM 478, GPA 2.5, and site approved by department Motion: To approve ATM 479 (Wolff/Buchanen) Ms. Williams asked if the department is requesting a 2.5 GPA overall or only for classes in the major. Dr. Mhango replied that the department would like 2.5 overall, which would require the request going before CAGAS since currently the 7 2.5 is only applied to courses within the major. After further discussion, department representatives decided to have the 2.5 only apply to courses taken within the major with a 2.0 GPA required for other courses. Change: Change proposed prerequisite to “ATM 478, GPA 2.5 in the major and 2.0 GPA overall, and site approved by department.” MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGE 8 YES – 0 NO – 0 AB 4. Request for Change of Minor a. Apparel and Textile Merchandising Motion: To approve Apparel and Textile Manufacturing minor (McNabb/Wolff) Changes: Remove “Same” from in front of ATM 473 since this is a course that is being added and is not in the existing Directed Electives. Change heading to Fashion Merchandising because the title of the minor has not yet officially been changed. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGE 8 YES – 0 NO – 0 AB 5. Requests for Changes of Majors a. Dietetics (Dietetics Option) Motion: To approve changes to Dietetics major (Dietetics option) (Marchand/Myers) Changes: Add statement to Rationale for Change explaining that accreditation requirements require the need to increase total semester hours from 120 to 123. Minor grammatical corrections to rationale narrative. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 8 YES – 0 NO – 0 AB b. Apparel and Textile Merchandising (Fashion Merchandising Option) Motion: To approve Apparel and Textile Manufacturing major (Fashion Merchandising option) (Buchanen/Myers) MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGE 8 YES – 0 NO – 0 AB c. Hospitality Management (Hotel/Restaurant Management Option) This request was withdrawn by the department pending submission of a title and description change for ATM 477. d. Nutrition and Foodservice Management Motion: To approve Nutrition and Foodservice Management major (Myers/Wolff) MOTION APPROVED 8 YES – 0 NO – 0 AB Chairperson Bernards asked if the department expects to see its enrollments increase with the changes made to its curriculum. Dr. Mhango replied that the changes are 8 needed to help the department grow. Dr. Longley added that there will now be a very good alternate career path for students who do not achieve the GPA required to become registered dieticians. VI. Provost’s Report – None Motion: To adjourn (McNabb) The Council adjourned at 4:53 p.m. Kat Myers, CCPI Secretary Annette Hamm, Faculty Senate Office Manager and Recording Secretary 9