Hindawi Publishing Corporation Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2012, Article ID 469863, 8 pages doi:10.1155/2012/469863 Research Article Periodic Solutions of a Class of Fourth-Order Superlinear Differential Equations Yanyan Li1 and Yuhua Long2 1 2 School of Mathematics and Information Sciences, Guangzhou University, Guangdong 510006, China Key Laboratory of Mathematics and Interdisciplinary Sciences of Guangdong Higher Education Institutes, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510006, China Correspondence should be addressed to Yanyan Li, lyy8261286@163.com Received 17 July 2012; Accepted 10 September 2012 Academic Editor: Juntao Sun Copyright q 2012 Y. Li and Y. Long. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. This paper deals with the periodic solutions of a class of fourth-order superlinear differential equations. By using the classical variational techniques and symmetric mountain pass lemma, the periodic solutions of a single equation in literature are extended to that of equations, and also, the cubic growth of nonlinear term is extended to a general form of superlinear growth. 1. Introduction The existence of periodic solutions of fourth-order differential equations has been studied by more and more researchers 1–6. The application methods contain mainly Clark theorem 2–4, Cone theory 6, and so on. For a single equation, Tersian and Chaparova 2 study the existence of infinitely many unbounded solutions, using symmetric mountain pass lemma: uiv − pu axu − bxu3 0, u0 uL 0, x ∈ R, u 0 u L 0. 1.1 It is a natural problem to wonder whether symmetric mountain pass lemma method may be applied not only to single equations but also to systems of differential equations. 2 Abstract and Applied Analysis In this paper we study the existence of periodic solutions of the fourth-order equations, by making use of the classical variational techniques and symmetric mountain pass lemma u4 − cu axu − ∂Fx, u, v 0, ∂u 0 < x < L, v4 − dv bxv − ∂Fx, u, v 0, ∂v 0 < x < L, 1.2 u0 u 0 uL u L 0, v0 v 0 vL v L 0. Through studying System 1.2, 1.1 of the corresponding conclusions are extended. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we consider the result of System 1.2 under certain conditions. In Section 3, we prove the main result of this paper and give an example. 2. Main Result In this paper, we state our main result. First we give the following list of assumptions on the parameters in System 1.2: A ax > 0, bx > 0, c > −π 2 /L2 , d > −π 2 /L2 . F1 F is an even functional about u, v. That is, Fx, −u, −v Fx, u, v for every u, v ∈ R2 . F2 There exists β > 2, as u2 v2 / 0, we have u· ∂Fx, u, v ∂Fx, u, v v· ≥ βFx, u, v > 0 ∂u ∂v for every x ∈ R. 2.1 F3 Fx, u, v ou2 v2 with respect to x consistently, as u2 v2 → 0. Denote a1 minx∈0,L ax, a2 maxx∈0,L ax, b1 maxx∈0,L bx. From condition A, we obtain ai > 0, bi > 0, when i 1, 2. minx∈0,L bx, b2 Remark 2.1. Let z u, v ∈ R2 , then condition F2 is transformed to 0, ∇Fx, z, z > βFx, z > 0 for every z / 2.2 where ·, · represents the usual inner product in R2 . Remark 2.2. From F3 , we obtain lim|z| → 0 Fx, z/|z|2 0, where | · | represents normal norm in R2 . Besides, from the continuity of F, we obtain Fx, 0, 0 0. Abstract and Applied Analysis 3 Our main result is as follows. Theorem 2.3. Suppose ax, bx, and F satisfy A, F1 –F3 . Then System 1.2 has infinitely many distinct pairs of solutions zn un , vn , which are critical points of the functional I : X → R, and Izn → ∞ as n → ∞. In this paper, the existence of periodic solutions of a single equation in System 1.1 are extended to the case of equations, and also the cubic growth of nonlinear term is extended to a general form of superlinear growth. 3. Variational Structure and the Proof of Result In this section, we prove the main result stated in Section 2. 3.1. Variational Structure Denote 2 XL H 2 0, L ∩ H01 0, L . 3.1 Then XL is a Hilbert space. The norm is 3.2 z2 u2c v2d , where uc L 2 u x cu x2 ax|ux|2 dx 1/2 , 0 1/2 L 2 2 2 v x d v x bx|vx| dx , vd 3.3 0 z u, v ∈ XL. The corresponding inner product are z1 , z2 | L 0 z1 , z2 c u1 , u2 d v1 , v2 axu1 , u2 bxv1 , v2 dx, u1 , u2 |c v1 , v2 |d L 0 L 0 u1 , u2 c u1 , u2 axu1 , u2 dx, v1 , v2 d v1 , v2 bxv1 , v2 dx. 3.4 4 Abstract and Applied Analysis For every z u, v ∈ XL, using Poincaré inequality 7, we obtain L 0 L2 u dx ≤ 2 π 2 L L 2 u dx, 0 0 L2 u dx ≤ 2 π 2 L u2 dx. 3.5 0 Thus, we can define another norm · 1 in XL. That is, for every z ∈ XL, z1 L 2 z x dx 1/2 3.6 . 0 The inner product in XL as follows: z1 , z2 |1 L 0 z1 x, z2 x dx, z1 , z2 ∈ XL. 3.7 The two different norms 3.2 and 3.6 are equivalent in XL. In this section we consider System 1.2. The Fréchet derivative of I is given by the following: Iu, v 1 2 L L u2 cu 2 axu2 v2 dv 2 bxv2 dx − Fx, u, vdx, 0 3.8 0 where z u, v ∈ XL. Remark 3.1. In general, the growth of F is limited by the differentiability of functional I, but we apply truncation techniques in 8. First, introduce auxiliary functional and the auxiliary functional is Fréchet differentiable. Second, we use critical point theory to prove the existence of critical point of auxiliary functional, then prove the existence of the original equation. However, in order to avoid technical complexity, we assume directly functional I is Fréchet differentiable. In fact, for every z u, v ∈ XL, z u, v ∈ XL, we obtain I z, z Iu u, v, u Iv u, v, v , 3.9 L ∂Fx, u, v u dx, u u cu u axuu − ∂u 0 L ∂Fx, u, v Iv u, v, v v v cv v axvv − v dx. ∂v 0 3.10 where Iu u, v, u and Iu u, v, Iv u, v ∈ H 2 0, L ∩ H01 0, L∗ , I z ∈ XL∗ . Abstract and Applied Analysis 5 It is similar to the discussion of 8, the solutions of System 1.2 corresponds to the critical point of the functional I, so we need to discuss the critical point of functional I. In order to prove Theorem 2.3, we introduce below definition and lemma. Definition 3.2 see 9. Let X be a real Banach space, I ∈ C1 X, R, I is a Fréchet continuously differentiable functional in XL. I is said to be satisfying Palais-Smale PS condition if any sequence {un } ⊂ X for which {Iun } is bounded and {I un } → 0 as j → ∞, possesses a convergent subsequence. Lemma 3.3 see 8. Let X be an infinite dimensional Banach space and Xn n be a sequence of finite dimensional subspaces of X such that dimXn n, X1 ⊂ X2 ⊂ · · · ⊂ Xn ⊂ X, ∞ Xn X. 3.11 n1 Let I ∈ C1 X, R be an even functional, I0 0, and I satisfy P S condition. Suppose that A1 there are constants ρ, α > 0 such that I|∂Bρ ≥ α, and A2 for every n there is an Rn > 0 such that I ≤ 0 on Xn \ BRn . Then I possesses infinitely many pairs of critical points with unbounded sequence of critical values. 3.2. The Proof of Result Step 1 Functional I satisfies PS condition. Let {zn } {un , vn } be a PS sequence in X, that is, {Izn } is bounded and I zn → 0, as n → ∞. Suppose that {zn } is unbounded in X, that is, zn → ∞ as n → ∞. Since 1 1 1 Izn I zn zn ≥ Izn − I zn , zn zn 2 , γ γ γ 3.12 it follows that Izn 2 zn I zn 1 ≥ , γzn γ 3.13 where γ ≥ 4. Letting n → ∞ in 3.13, we have a contradiction with zn → ∞ as n → ∞. Therefore {zn } is a bounded sequence in XL. Passing if necessary to a subsequence we may assume that {zn } is weakly convergent to a function z ∈ XL, zn z in XL, and zn → z in C0, L. 6 Abstract and Applied Analysis From the Lebesgue theorem, z ∈ XL, zn z in XL, and zn → z in C0, L, letting n → ∞ in 3.9 I zn , zn zn 2 − L 0 I zn , z zn , z − L 0 ∂Fx, un , vn ∂Fx, un , vn un dx − vn dx, ∂u ∂v ∂Fx, un , vn ∂Fx, un , vn u dx − v dx, ∂u ∂v 3.14 we obtain 2 lim zn n→∞ L 0 ∂Fx, u, v ∂Fx, u, v u dx v dx z2 . ∂u ∂v 3.15 From 3.15 and z ∈ XL, zn z in XL, we have zn − z → 0 as n → ∞. Remark 3.4. γ is the largest sum of the order of u and v. Step 2 Geometric conditions. Let e1 1, 0, e2 0, 1, then {e1 , e2 } constitutes a pair of standard orthogonal base in R2 . Let us define X2m to be the subspace of XL X2m kπx ei , i 1, 2, k 1, 2, . . . , m , span sin L 3.16 for every m ∈ N. We have dim X2m 2m, X1 ⊂ X2 · · · ⊂ X2m ⊂ X, ∞ n1 Xn X. For a given constant ρ > 0, define a bounded closed set K ⊂ X2m K z u, v ∈ X2m m m kπx kπx 2 2 2 αk βk ρ . 3.17 e1 βk sin e2 , |z αk sin L L k1 k1 Define mapping H : X2m → R2m . For any z ∈ X2m , we obtain α1 , β1 , α2 , β2 , . . . , αm , βm Hz . ρ 3.18 It is clear that H is a linear odd mapping. For every z ∈ X2m , we have z21 L 2 u x vx 2 dx 0 m π4 4 2 2 α k β k k . 2L3 k1 3.19 Abstract and Applied Analysis 7 So ρ2 mπ4 ρ2 π 4 2 2 ≤ ≤ |z| |Hz| |Hz|2 . 1 2L3 2L3 3.20 From 3.20, we obtain H is an odd homeomorphism from X2m to R2m . Then H is an odd homeomorphism from K to S2m−1 , since HK S2m−1 . On one hand, from functional 3.8 and using Sobolev’s embedding theorem, we obtain Iz ≥ 1 z2 − ε|z|2 L 2 3.21 1 π2 ≥ z2 − ε z2 . 2 L Thus condition A1 is fulfilled if ε L/4π 2 , ρ z/2. On the other hand, as −Fx, u, v < 0, then there exists σ, such that −Fx, u, v < −1/4σz41 . Denote An nπ/L4 pnπ/L2 a. From functional 3.8, we obtain 1 Iz ≤ 2 ≤ ≤ L 2 z pz az dx − 0 L Anz21 − 4 2 2 L Fx, zdx 0 L 3.22 Fx, zdx 0 L L Anz21 − σz41 , 4 4 where p max{c, d}, a max{a2 , b2 }. Here choosing Rn z1 ≥ An/σ, we obtain Iz ≤ 0. 3.23 So A2 holds. The proof of Theorem 2.3 is completed. Example 3.5. In System 1.2, consider the problem: Fx, u, v p0 xun p1 xun−1 v · · · pi xun−i vi · · · pn−1 xuvn−1 pn xvn , 3.24 where pi x ≥ 0, but there exists at least one pi x / 0, n is an even and n ≥ 4, i 0, 1, 2, . . . , n. It is obvious that Fx, −u, −v Fx, u, v and Fx, u, v ou2 v2 as u2 v2 → 0. 8 Abstract and Applied Analysis For the superlinear property, we calculate that u· ∂Fx, u, v ∂Fx, u, v v· ∂u ∂v np0 xun n − 1p1 xun−1 v · · · n − ipi xun−i vi · · · pn−1 xuvn−1 p1 xun−1 v · · · ipi xun−i vi · · · n − 1pn−1 xuvn−1 npn xvn 3.25 nFx, u, v ≥ 4Fx, u, v. 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