Hindawi Publishing Corporation Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2012, Article ID 352159, 23 pages doi:10.1155/2012/352159 Research Article Multiple Bounded Positive Solutions to Integral Type BVPs for Singular Second Order ODEs on the Whole Line Yuji Liu Department of Mathematics, Guangdong University of Business Studies, Guangzhou 510320, China Correspondence should be addressed to Yuji Liu, liuyuji888@sohu.com Received 3 June 2012; Accepted 6 August 2012 Academic Editor: Ziemowit Popowicz Copyright q 2012 Yuji Liu. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. This paper is concerned with the integral type boundary value problems of the second order differential equations with one-dimensional p-Laplacian on the whole line. By constructing a suitable Banach space and a operator equation, sufficient conditions to guarantee the existence of at least three positive solutions of the BVPs are established. An example is presented to illustrate the main results. The emphasis is put on the one-dimensional p-Laplacian term ρtΦx t involved with the function ρ, which makes the solutions un-concave. 1. Introduction The multipoint boundary-value problems for linear second order ordinary differential equations ODEs for short was initiated by Il’in and Moiseev 1. Since then, more general nonlinear multi-point boundary-value problems BVPs for short were studied by several authors, see the text books 2–4 and the references cited therein. Differential equations governed by nonlinear differential operators have been widely studied. In this setting the most investigated operator is the classical one-dimensional pLaplacian, that is, Φp x |x|p−2 x with p > 1. This operator is involved in some models, for example, in non-Newtonian fluid theory, diffusion of flows in porous media, nonlinear elasticity, and theory of capillary surfaces. The related nonlinear differential equation has the form Φx f t, x, x , t ∈ −∞, ∞, 1.1 where Φx |x|p−2 x with p > 1 is a one dimensional p-Laplacian. For a comprehensive bibliography on this subject, see, for example 5–9. 2 Abstract and Applied Analysis In this paper, we consider the more generalized BVP for second order differential equation on the whole line with p-Laplacian coupled with the integral type BCs, that is the BVP ρtΦ x t f t, xt, x t 0, t ∈ R, ∞ lim xt : x−∞ gsxsds, t → −∞ −∞ ∞ lim xt : x ∞ hsxsds, t → ∞ 1.2 −∞ where f : R3 → R is a nonnegative Caratheodory function, g, h : R → 0, ∞ satisfy g, h ∈ L1 R, ρ ∈ CR, 0, ∞, the integrals in mentioned equations are meant in the sense of Riemann-Stieljes, Φx |x|p−2 x with p > 1 is called a one dimensional p-Laplacian, whose inverse function is denoted by Φ−1 . The purpose is to establish sufficient conditions for the existence of at least three positive solutions of BVP1.2. The result in this paper generalizes and improves some known ones since the one-dimensional p-Laplacian term ρtΦx t involved with the function ρ, which makes the solutions unconcave and there exists no paper concerned with the existence of at least three positive solutions of this kind of integral BVPs on the whole lines. This paper fills the gap. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: the main result Theorem 2.8 is presented in Section 2, and the example to show the main result is given in Section 3. 2. Main Results In this section, we first present some background definitions in Banach spaces and state an important three fixed point theorem. Then the main results are given and proved. Definition 2.1. Let X be a real Banach space. The nonempty convex closed subset P of X is called a cone in X if ax ∈ P for all x ∈ P and a ≥ 0 and x ∈ X and −x ∈ X imply x 0. Definition 2.2. A map ψ : P → 0, ∞ is a nonnegative continuous concave or convex functional map provided ψ is nonnegative, continuous, and satisfies ψtx 1 − ty ≥ tψx 1 − tψy, or ψtx 1 − ty ≤ tψx 1 − tψy, for all x, y ∈ P and t ∈ 0, 1. Definition 2.3. An operator T : X → X is completely continuous if it is continuous and maps bounded sets into precompact sets. Definition 2.4. Let a, b, c, d, h > 0 be positive constants, α, ψ be two nonnegative continuous concave functionals on the cone P , γ, β, θ be three nonnegative continuous convex functionals on the cone P . Define the convex sets as follows: Pc {x ∈ P : x < c}, P γ, α; a, c x ∈ P : αx ≥ a, γx ≤ c , P γ, θ, α; a, b, c x ∈ P : αx ≥ a, θx ≤ b, γx ≤ c , Q γ, β; , d, c x ∈ P : βx ≤ d, γx ≤ c , Q γ, β, ψ; h, d, c x ∈ P : ψx ≥ h, βx ≤ d, γx ≤ c . 2.1 Abstract and Applied Analysis 3 Lemma 2.5 see 10. Let X be a real Banach space, P be a cone in X, α, ψ be two nonnegative continuous concave functionals on the cone P, γ, β, θ be three nonnegative continuous convex functionals on the cone P . Assume that there exists a constant M > 0 such that αx ≤ βx, x ≤ Mγx, ∀ x ∈ P. 2.2 Furthermore, suppose that h, d, a, b, c > 0 are constants with d < a. Let T : Pc → Pc be a completely continuous operator. If C1 {x ∈ P γ, θ, α; a, b, c | αx > a} / ∅ and αT x > a for every x ∈ P γ, θ, α; a, b, c; C2 {x ∈ Qγ, θ, ψ; h, d, c | βx < d} / ∅ and βT x < d for every x ∈ Qγ, θ, ψ; h, d, c; C3 αT x > a for x ∈ P γ, α; a, c with θT x > b; C4 βT x < d for each x ∈ Qγ, β; d, c with ψT x < h, then T has at least three fixed points x1 , x2 and x3 such that βx1 < d, αx2 > a, βx3 > d, αx3 < a. Let us list the assumptions H1 g, h : R → 0, ∞ satisfy ∞ −∞ gsds < 1, ∞ −∞ hsds < 1 and ∞ ∞ gt 1 − hsds − ht 1 − gsds ≥ 0, −∞ H2 ρ ∈ CR, ρt > 0 for t ∈ R with −∞ 0 −∞ Φ−1 1/ρtdt ∞ 0 t ∈ R. 2.3 Φ−1 1/ρtdt < ∞. H3 ft, c, 0 / ≡ 0 on any finite subinterval of R for each c ∈ R, f : R3 → R is a Carathédory function, that is, i t → ft, x, 1/Φ−1 ρty is measurable for any x, y ∈ R2 , ii x, y → ft, x, 1/Φ−1 ρty is continuous for a.e. t ∈ R, iii for each r > 0, there exists nonnegative function φr ∈ L1 R such that max{|u|, |v|} ≤ r implies 1 v ≤ φr t, f t, u, −1 Φ ρt a.e. t ∈ R. 2.4 Choose ⎫ ⎧ and there exist the limits⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ lim xt, ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ t → −∞ ⎬ ⎨ 1 x ∈ C xt, : lim R X . t → ∞ ⎪ ⎪ −1 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ lim Φ ρt x t ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ t → −∞ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ and lim Φ−1 ρt x t ⎭ t → ∞ 2.5 4 Abstract and Applied Analysis For x ∈ X, define the norm of x by −1 x max sup|xt|, sup Φ t∈R 2.6 ρt x t . t∈R One can prove that X is a Banach space with the norm ||x|| for x ∈ X. Let x ∈ X. Consider the following auxiliary BVP ρtΦ y t f t, xt, x t 0, ∞ y−∞ gsysds, t ∈ R, 2.7 −∞ y ∞ ∞ −∞ hsysds. Lemma 2.6. Suppose that (H1)–(H3) hold. If y ∈ C1 R such that ρΦy ∈ L1 R is a solution of BVP2.7, then i y is bounded and nonnegative on R; t ∞ ii yt is concave with respect to τ −∞ Φ−1 1/ρsds/ −∞ Φ−1 1/ρsds; −k iii for k > 0, it holds that mint∈−k,k yt ≥ μ supt∈R yt with μ −∞ Φ−1 1/ρsds/2 ∞ −1 Φ 1/ρsds; −∞ ∞ iv there exists a unique constant Ax ∈ − −∞ fs, xs, x sds, 0 such that ∞ gt 1 − ∞ hsds − ht 1 − ∞ gsds −∞ −∞ ∞ 1 − −∞ gsds −∞ t ∞ 1 × Φ−1 Ax Φ−1 f u, xu, x u du ds dt ρs −∞ s ∞ ∞ 1 Φ−1 Ax Φ−1 f u, xu, x u du ds 0. ρs −∞ s 2.8 Proof. Since x ∈ X, we get −1 r max sup|xt|, supΦ t∈R ρt x t < ∞. 2.9 t∈R Then there exists a nonnegative function φr ∈ L1 −∞, ∞ such that 0 ≤ f t, xt, x t f 1 −1 t, xt, −1 Φ ρt x t ≤ φr t, Φ ρt t ∈ R. 2.10 Abstract and Applied Analysis 5 Then ∞ −∞ f s, xs, x s ds is convergent. 2.11 i We know there exist the limits limt → −∞ ρtΦy t and limt → ∞ ρtΦy t. We claim that there exists τ0 ∈ R such that y τ0 0. In fact, if y t > 0 for all t ∈ R, we get y−∞ < yt < y ∞ for all t ∈ R. It follows that y−∞ ≥ ∞ −∞ y ∞ ≤ gsdsy−∞, ∞ −∞ hsdsy ∞. 2.12 Then H1 implies y−∞ ≥ 0 ≥ y ∞, which contradicts to y t > 0 for all t ∈ R. Similarly we can prove that y t < 0 does not hold. Then there exists τ0 ∈ R such that y τ0 0. Since ρtΦy t −ft, xt, x t ≤ 0, we know that ρtΦy t is decreasing on R. Then ρtΦy t ≥ 0 for all t ≤ τ0 and ρtΦy t ≤ 0 for all t ≥ τ0 . Hence y is increasing for t ∈ −∞, τ0 and decreasing for t ∈ τ0 , ∞. 2.13 ⎧ t 1 ⎪ −1 ⎪ ⎪ f u, xu, x u du : −Gt, ⎨−Φ ρt τ0 y t τ0 ⎪ 1 ⎪ −1 ⎪ ⎩Φ f u, xu, x u du : Ht, ρt t 2.14 One sees that Since ∞ −∞ Φ−1 1/ρtdt < ∞ and ∞ −∞ t Gsds, t t ≤ τ0 . ft, xt, x tdt < ∞, we see that ∞ both t ≥ τ0 , −∞ Hsds are convergent. 2.15 Then we get that ∞ ⎧ ⎪ ⎪ y ∞ Gsds, ⎨ tt yt ⎪ ⎪ ⎩y−∞ Hsds, −∞ This tells us that y is bounded on R. t ≥ τ0 , t ≤ τ0 . 2.16 6 Abstract and Applied Analysis It follows from 2.7 and 2.16 that y−∞ τ0 −∞ gsds y−∞ gt −∞ τ0 t −∞ gt −∞ Hsds dt Gsds dt, τ0 y ∞ gsds y ∞ τ0 ∞ ∞ τ0 ∞ t hsds y−∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ht hsds y ∞ τ0 τ0 2.17 t −∞ ht −∞ Hsds dt Gsds dt. τ0 t Then ∞ τ0 gsds y−∞ − gsds y ∞ 1− −∞ t −∞ − τ0 τ0 gt τ0 −∞ tHsds dt gt Gsds dt, 1− t ∞ 2.18 hsds y ∞ τ0 t ht ∞ τ0 hsds y−∞ τ0 −∞ −∞ ∞ −∞ Hsds dt ∞ ∞ ht τ0 Gsds dt. t Hence τ0 ∞ ∞ ∞ t −∞ gt −∞ Hsdsdt τ gt t Gsdsdt − τ gsds 0 0 τ ∞ ∞ ∞ t −∞0 ht −∞ Hsdsdt τ ht t Gsdsdt 1− τ hsds 0 0 τ0 , y−∞ 1− −∞ gsds − τ ∞ gsds 0 τ0 ∞ − −∞ hsds 1− τ hsds 0 τ0 t ∞ ∞ τ0 1− −∞ gsds −∞ gt −∞ Hsdsdt τ gt t Gsdsdt 0 τ t ∞ ∞ τ0 − −∞0 hsds −∞ ht −∞ Hsdsdt τ ht t Gsdsdt 0 τ0 . y ∞ 1− −∞ gsds − τ ∞ gsds 0 τ0 ∞ − −∞ hsds 1− τ hsds 2.19 0 Since ∞ τ0 ∞ ∞ 1 − 1 − gsds − gsds gsds − gsds τ0 −∞ τ0 −∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ τ0 > 0, − 1 − hsds 1 − hsds hsds 1 − hsds −∞ τ0 −∞ τ0 2.20 Abstract and Applied Analysis 7 we get from 2.19 that y−∞ ≥ 0 and y ∞ ≥ 0. Hence 2.16 implies that yt ≥ 0, ∀ t ∈ R. 2.21 ii We prove that yt is concave with respect to τ on R. It is easy to see that τ ∈ CR, 0, 1 and dτ 1 1 Φ−1 > 0. dt ρt ∞ Φ−1 1/ρs ds 2.22 dy dy dτ dy −1 1 1 Φ ∞ . −1 dt dτ dt dτ ρt Φ 1/ρs ds 2.23 dy dy 1 ρtΦ . Φ Φ ∞ dt dτ Φ−1 1/ρs ds 2.24 2 dy 1 dy d y dτ Φ ∞ Φ . ρtΦ dt dτ dτ 2 dt Φ−1 1/ρs ds 2.25 ∞ ρtΦ dy/dt d2 y 1 −1 ds Φ Φ . ρs dτ 2 Φ dy/dτ dτ/dt −∞ 2.26 −∞ Thus −∞ It follows that −∞ Hence −∞ So Since ρtΦy t ≤ 0, Φ y > 0 y / 0 and dτ/dt > 0, we get that d2 y/dτ 2 ≤ 0. Hence yt is concave with respect to τ on R. iii Now, we prove that min yt ≥ μ sup yt. t∈−k,k t∈R 2.27 Since dτ/dt > 0 for all t ∈ R, there exists the inverse function of τ τt. Denote the inverse function of τ τt by t tτ. It follows from 2.13 that supt∈R yt yτ0 . One sees min yt min y−k, yk . t∈−k,k 2.28 8 Abstract and Applied Analysis If min{y−k, yk} yk ytτk, note τk < 1, then for t ∈ −k, k, one has τk τk 1 − τk ττ0 ττ0 . yt ≥ ytτk y t 1 ττ0 1 − τk ττ0 1 ττ0 2.29 Noting that 1 > τk and yt is concave with respect to τ, then, for t ∈ −k, k, τk τk 1 − τk ττ0 y t ytττ0 1 ττ0 1 − τk ττ0 1 ττ0 k 1 1 −1 ds ∞ ≥ Φ yτ0 −1 ρs 2 −∞ Φ 1/ρs ds −∞ yt ≥ 2.30 μ sup yt. t∈R Similarly, if min{y−k, yk} y−k ytτ−k, note τ−k < 1, for t ∈ −k, k, one has yt ≥ ytτ−k τ−k τ−k 1 ττ0 − τ−k ττ0 y t 1 ττ0 1 ττ0 − τ−k 1 ττ0 τ−k τ−k 1 ττ0 − τ−k y t ytττ0 ≥ 1 ττ0 1 ττ0 − τ−k 1 ττ0 −k 1 1 ≥ ds ∞ Φ−1 yτ0 ρs 2 −∞ Φ−1 1/ρs ds −∞ 2.31 > μ supy t. t∈R Hence 2.27 holds. iv Finally, we prove the uniqueness of Ax . Define ∞ gt 1 − ∞ hsds − ht 1 − ∞ gsds −∞ −∞ Hx c ∞ 1 − −∞ gsds −∞ t ∞ 1 × Φ−1 c Φ−1 f u, xu, x u du ds dt ρs −∞ s ∞ ∞ 1 Φ−1 c Φ−1 f u, xu, x u du ds. ρs −∞ s 2.32 Then H1 implies that Hx ∈ CR, R is increasing on R and Hx 0 ≥ 0. Let c− ∞ −∞ f u, xu, x u du, 2.33 Abstract and Applied Analysis 9 then Hx c ≤ 0. By mean value theorem, there exists an unique Ax ∈ c, 0 satisfying Hx Ax 0. Then iv holds. This completes the proof of the lemma. Choose 1 ≥ k > 0 and −k μ Φ−1 1/ρs ds . Φ−1 1/ρs ds −∞ ∞ 2 −∞ 2.34 Define the cone P ⊆ X by P x∈X: xt ≥ 0, t ∈ R, min xt ≥ μ max xt t∈−k,k 2.35 . t∈R It is easy to see that P is a cone in X. Define the operator T : P → X by ∞ Φ−1 1/ρs Φ−1 Ax s fr, xr, x rdr dsdu T xt ∞ 1 − −∞ gsds t ∞ 1 Φ−1 Ax Φ−1 f r, xr, x r dr ds, ρs −∞ s ∞ −∞ gu u −∞ 2.36 where Ax satisfies ∞ gu 1 − ∞ hsds − hu 1 − ∞ gsds −∞ −∞ ∞ 1 − −∞ gsds −∞ ∞ u 1 Φ−1 Ax Φ−1 f r, xr, x r dr dsdu × ρs −∞ s ∞ ∞ 1 Φ−1 Ax Φ−1 f r, xr, x r dr ds 0. ρs −∞ s It follows from Lemma 2.6iv that T : P → X is well defined and Ax ∈ − x sds, 0. It is easy to show that ρtΦ T x t f t, xtx t 0, t ∈ R, ∞ gsT xsds, T x−∞ −∞ T x ∞ 2.37 ∞ −∞ fs, xs, 2.38 ∞ −∞ hsT xsds. It follows from Lemma 2.6i and iii that T x ∈ P for all x ∈ P . Then T : P → P is well defined. 10 Abstract and Applied Analysis Lemma 2.7. Suppose (H1)–(H3) hold. Then T is completely continuous. Proof. First, we prove that T is continuous. We claim that the function Ax : P → 0, ∞ is continuous in x. Let {xn } ∈ P with xn → x0 ∈ P as n → ∞ in P . Let {Axn } n 1, 2, . . . be the constants determined by ∞ gt 1 − ∞ hsds − ht 1 − ∞ gsds −∞ −∞ ∞ 1 − −∞ gsds −∞ t ∞ 1 −1 −1 × Φ Φ f r, xn r, xn r dr ds dt Ax n ρs −∞ s ∞ ∞ 1 Φ−1 Axn Φ−1 f r, xn r, xn r dr ds 0 ρs −∞ s 2.39 Since xn → x0 in P as n → ∞, there exists an r > 0 such that xn ≤ r. The fact f is a Carathédory function means that there exists a nonnegative function φr ∈ L1 −∞, ∞ such that 0≤f t, xn t, xn t f 1 t, xn t, −1 Φ−1 ρt xn t Φ ρt ≤ φr t, t ∈ R. 2.40 Then ∞ f s, xn s, xn s ds is convergent. 2.41 ∞ ∞ ∈ − f s, xn s, xn s ds, 0 ⊆ − φr sds, 0 , 2.42 −∞ So Ax n −∞ −∞ which means that {Axn } is uniformly bounded. Suppose that {Axn } does not converge to Ax0 . By the bounded property, we know that 1 2 1 2 there exist two subsequences {Axnk } and {Axnk } of {Axnk } with Axnk → c1 and Axnk → c2 and c1 / c2 . Abstract and Applied Analysis 11 By the construction of Axn , n 1, 2, . . ., we have ∞ gt 1 − ∞ hsds − ht 1 − ∞ gsds −∞ −∞ ∞ 1 − gsds −∞ −∞ t ∞ 1 1 −1 −1 × Φ Φ f u, xnk u, xnk u du ds dt Ax n k ρs −∞ s ∞ ∞ 1 1 −1 −1 Φ Φ f u, xnk u, xn k u du ds 0. Ax n k ρs −∞ s 2.43 Let k → ∞, using Lebesgue’s dominated convergence theorem, the above equality implies ∞ gt 1 − ∞ hsds − ht 1 − ∞ gsds −∞ −∞ ∞ 1 − −∞ gsds −∞ t ∞ 1 −1 −1 × Φ Φ f u, x0 u, xo u du ds dt c1 ρs −∞ s ∞ ∞ 1 Φ−1 c1 Φ−1 f u, x0 u, xo u du ds 0. ρs −∞ s 2.44 By Lemma 2.6 iv, we get c1 Ax0 . Similarly, c2 Ax0 . Thus c1 c2 , a contradiction. So, for any xn → x0 , one has Axn → Ax0 , which means Ax : P → R is continuous. Since Ax is continuous, together with the continuity of x, y → ft, x, 1/Φ−1 ρ ty, we get that T is continuous. Second, we show that T is maps bounded subsets into bounded sets. Let D ⊆ P be bounded. Then, there exists r > 0 such that D ⊆ {x ∈ P : x ≤ r}. Hence −1 r max sup|xt|, supΦ t∈R ρt x t < ∞. 2.45 t∈R Then there exists a nonnegative function φr ∈ L1 −∞, ∞ such that 1 −1 t, xt, −1 Φ ρt x t ≤ φr t, Φ ρt 0 ≤ f t, xt, x t f t ∈ R. 2.46 Then ∞ −∞ f t, xt, x t dt ≤ ∞ −∞ φr tdt : L. 2.47 12 Abstract and Applied Analysis Thus |Ax | ≤ L for all x ∈ D. Therefore, ∞ −1 −1 A Φ fu, xu, x ds dt 1/ρs Φ udu x −∞ −∞ s T xt ∞ 1 − −∞ gsds t ∞ 1 −1 −1 Φ Φ f u, xu, x u du ds Ax ρs −∞ s t ∞ t gt −∞ Φ−1 1/ρs ds dt 1 −∞ −1 ds Φ−1 2L Φ ≤ ∞ ρs 1− gsds −∞ ∞ gt ∞ ≤ −∞ t gt −∞ t −∞ 1− Φ−1 1/ρs ds dt ∞ −∞ gsds ∞ −1 Φ −∞ 2.48 1 ds Φ−1 2L : M1 . ρs On the other hand, we have −1 Φ ∞ −1 f u, xu, x u du ≤ Φ−1 2L : M2 . Ax ρt T x t Φ 2.49 t Then −1 T x max supT xt, supΦ t∈R ρt T x t < ∞. 2.50 t∈R So, {T x : x ∈ D} is bounded. Third, given a bounded set D ⊆ P , we prove that both {T x : x ∈ D} and {Φ−1 ρtT x : x ∈ D} are equicontinuous on each finite subinterval on R. Then, there exists r > 0 such that D ⊆ {x ∈ P : x ≤ r}. Hence −1 r max sup|xt|, supΦ t∈R ρt x t < ∞. 2.51 t∈R Then there exists a nonnegative function φr ∈ L1 −∞, ∞ such that 1 −1 t, xt, −1 Φ ρt x t ≤ φr t, Φ ρt 0 ≤ f t, xt, x t f t ∈ R. 2.52 Then ∞ ∞ Ax f t, xt, x t dt ≤ φr tdt : L. t −∞ 2.53 Abstract and Applied Analysis 13 For any > 0, since Φ−1 is uniformly continuous on −L, L, there exists δ1 > 0 such that −1 Φ u − Φ−1 v < , u, v ∈ −L, L, |u − v| < δ1 . 2.54 For any a, b ∈ R, t1 , t2 ∈ a, b and x ∈ D with t1 ≤ t2 , we have ∞ ∞ t2 f t, xt, x t dt − Ax − f t, xt, x t dt ≤ φr sds. Ax t1 t2 t1 2.55 Then there exists δ > 0 such that ∞ ∞ f t, xt, x t dt − Ax − f t, xt, x t dt < δ1 , Ax t1 t2 t1 , t2 ∈ a, b, |t1 − t2 | < δ. 2.56 Hence t1 , t2 ∈ a, b, |t1 − t2 | < δ imply that −1 Φ ρt1 T xt1 − Φ−1 ρt2 T xt2 ∞ ∞ −1 −1 Φ Ax Ax f t, xt, x t dt − Φ f t, xt, x t dt < . t1 t2 2.57 It follows that {T x : x ∈ D} is equicontinuous on each finite subinterval on R. On the other hand, we have ∞ 1 Φ−1 Ax f u, xu, x u du ds ρs s t1 t2 1 dsΦ−1 2L ≤ Φ−1 ρs t1 |T xt1 − T xt2 | t2 −→ 0 Φ−1 2.58 uniformly as t1 −→ t2 . Then {Φ−1 ρtT x : x ∈ D} is equicontinuous on each finite subinterval on R. At last given a bounded set D ⊆ P , we show that both {T x : x ∈ D} and {Φ−1 ρtT x : x ∈ D} are equiconvergent at ±∞, respectively. Then, there exists r > 0 such that D ⊆ {x ∈ P : x ≤ r}. Hence −1 r max sup|xt|, supΦ t∈R t∈R ρt x t < ∞. 2.59 14 Abstract and Applied Analysis Then there exists a nonnegative function φr ∈ L1 −∞, ∞ such that 1 −1 t, xt, −1 Φ ρt x t ≤ φr t, Φ ρt 0 ≤ f t, xt, x t f t ∈ R. 2.60 Then ∞ ∞ Ax f t, xt, x t dt ≤ φr tdt : L. −∞ t 2.61 For any > 0, since Φ−1 is uniformly continuous on −L, L, there exists δ1 > 0 such that −1 Φ u − Φ−1 v < , u, v ∈ −L, L, |u − v| < δ1 . 2.62 Since ρtΦ T x t − Ax ∞ f u, xu, x u du ≤ ∞ t φr udu −→ 0 2.63 t uniformly as t → ∞, we get that there exists T > 0 such that ρtΦ T x t − Ax < δ1 , t ≥ T. 2.64 Hence t > T implies that −1 Φ ρt T x t − Φ−1 Ax Φ−1 ρtΦ T x t − Φ−1 Ax < . 2.65 Furthermore, we get ∞ t ∞ −1 −1 A gt Φ fu, xu, x ds dt 1/ρs Φ udu x −∞ −∞ s T xt − ∞ 1 − −∞ gsds ∞ −∞ ∞ −1 Φ ∞ 1 −1 Φ f u, xu, x u du ds Ax ρs s ∞ 1 Φ−1 Ax Φ f u, xu, x u du ds ρs t s ∞ 1 dsΦ−1 2L Φ−1 ≤ ρs t −1 −→ 0 uniformly as t −→ ∞. Hence {T x : x ∈ D} and {Φ−1 ρtT x : x ∈ D} are equiconvergent at ∞. 2.66 Abstract and Applied Analysis 15 Similarly we can how that {T x : x ∈ D} and {Φ−1 ρtT x : x ∈ D} are equiconvergent at −∞. We omit the details. Therefore, T : P → P is equiconvergent at ±∞. So the operator T : P → P is completely continuous. Define the functionals on P by γ y sup Φ−1 ρt y t, y ∈ P, t∈R β y supyt, y ∈ P, t∈R θ y supyt, y ∈ P, t∈R α y min yt, y ∈ P, ψ y min yt, y ∈ P. t∈−k,k t∈−k,k 2.67 It is easy to see that α, ψ are two nonnegative continuous concave functionals on the cone P , γ, β, θ are three nonnegative continuous convex functionals on the cone P and αy ≤ βy for all y ∈ P . For e1 , e2 , c > 0 and 1 ≥ k > 0, define ∞ M max 0 1/Φ−1 ρs ds ,1 , ∞ 1 − −∞ gsds −∞ 1 −1 Φ L1 Φ 2 |s| ds, ρs −k k √ 1 Φ−1 2 s ds, Φ−1 L2 ρs 0 ∞ 1 − −∞ gsds Φc Φc Q min , Φ ∞ , 4 π 4 π 1/Φ−1 ρs ds −∞ 1 e2 1 max Φ W Φ ,Φ , μ L1 L2 −1 E Φe1 , 4 π ⎧ 1 ⎪ ⎪ |t| ≥ 1, ⎨ 2, t δt 1 ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ , |t| ≤ 1, |t| −k −1 Φ 1/ρs ds μ −∞ . ∞ 2 −∞ Φ−1 1/ρs ds 2.68 16 Abstract and Applied Analysis Theorem 2.8. Suppose that (H1)–(H3) hold. Given positive constants e1 , e2 , c and k ∈ 0, 1, let Q, W, and E be as above. If c≥ e2 > e2 > e1 > 0, μ Q≥W 2.69 and A1 ft, u, 1/Φ−1 ρtv ≤ δtQ for all t ∈ R, u ∈ 0, c, v ∈ −c, c; A2 ft, u, 1/Φ−1 ρtv ≥ δtW for all t ∈ −k, k, u ∈ e2 , e2 /μ, v ∈ −c, c; A3 ft, u, 1/Φ−1 ρtv ≤ δtE for all t ∈ R, u ∈ 0, e1 , v ∈ −c, c; then BVP1.2 has at least three positive solutions x1 , x2 , x3 such that sup x1 t < e1 , min x2 t > e2 , t∈−k,k t∈R sup x3 t > e1 , t∈R min x3 t < e2 . t∈−k,k 2.70 Proof. We prove that all conditions in Lemma 2.5 are satisfied. i By the definitions, it is easy to show that α, ψ are two nonnegative continuous concave functionals on the cone P , γ, β, θ are three nonnegative continuous convex functionals on the cone P and αy ≤ βy for all y ∈ P . One sees x ∈ P is a positive solution of BVP 1.2 if and only if x is a solution of the operator equation x T x. ii For y ∈ P , we have t yt y sds y−∞ −∞ ≤ t −∞ y sds y−∞ t ∞ 1 −1 ≤ gsysds ρs y s ds Φ −1 ρs −∞ Φ −∞ ∞ ∞ 1 −1 ≤ gsds supyt. ds sup Φ ρt y t −1 ρs −∞ Φ −∞ t∈R t∈R 2.71 It follows that supyt ≤ t∈R ∞ −∞ 1 ds sup Φ−1 ρt y t Φ−1 ρs t∈R ∞ −∞ gsds supyt. 2.72 t∈R Then supyt ≤ t∈R ∞ 1/Φ−1 ρs ds sup Φ−1 ρt y t. ∞ 1 − −∞ gsds t∈R −∞ 2.73 Abstract and Applied Analysis 17 Hence y max supyt, sup Φ−1 ρt y t t∈R t∈R ∞ ≤ max 1/Φ−1 ρs ds −∞ , 1 sup Φ−1 ρt y t. ∞ 1 − −∞ gsds t∈R 2.74 It follows that ||y|| ≤ Mγy for all y ∈ P . iii Corresponding to Lemma 2.5, c c, h μe1 , d e1 , a e2 , b e2 . μ 2.75 Now, we prove that all other conditions of Lemma 2.5 hold. One sees that 0 < d < a. The remainder is divided into five steps. Step 1. Prove that T : Pc → Pc 0. For y ∈ Pc , we have ||y|| ≤ c. Then 0 ≤ yt ≤ c and −c ≤ Φ−1 ρty t ≤ c for all t ∈ R. So A1 implies that f t, yt, y t f 1 t, yt, −1 Φ−1 ρt y t Φ ρt ≤ δtQ, t ∈ R. 2.76 We have ∞ Φ−1 ρt T y t Φ−1 Ay f u, yu, y u du ≤ Φ−1 −1 ≤Φ ∞ −∞ t f u, yu, y u du ∞ −∞ 2.77 δsQdr −1 Φ QΦ−1 4 π ≤ c. Similarly to ii, we can show that 0 ≤ T y t ≤ M sup Φ−1 ρt T y t t∈R ≤ MΦ−1 ∞ −∞ δsQdr MΦ−1 QΦ−1 4 π ≤ c. 2.78 18 Abstract and Applied Analysis It follows that T y max sup T y t, sup Φ−1 ρt T y t t∈R ≤ c. 2.79 t∈R Then T : Pc → Pc . Step 2. Prove that y ∈ P γ, θ, α; a, b, c | α y > a e2 ∅ y ∈ P γ, θ, α; e2 , , c | α y > e2 / μ 2.80 and αT y > e2 for every y ∈ P γ, θ, α; e2 , e2 /μ, c. Choose yt e2 /2μ for all t ∈ R. Then y ∈ P and e2 > e2 , α y 2μ e2 e2 ≤ , θ y 2μ μ γ y 0 < c. 2.81 It follows that {y ∈ P γ, θ, α; a, b, c | αy > a} / ∅. For y ∈ P γ, θ, α; a, b, c, one has that α y min yt ≥ e2 , e2 θ y sup yt ≤ , μ t∈R t∈−k,k γ y supy t ≤ c. t∈R 2.82 Then e2 ≤ yt ≤ e2 , μ t ∈ −k, k, Φ−1 ρt y t ≤ c. 2.83 Thus A2 implies that f t, yt, y t ≥ δtW, t ∈ −k, k. 2.84 Similarly to Lemma 2.6i, we know that there exists τ0 ∈ 0, 1 such that T y τ0 0. Then s ⎧ ∞ ⎪ 1 ⎪ −1 −1 ⎪ T y ∞ Φ Φ f u, yu, y u du ds, t ≥ τ0 , ⎨ ρs 2.85 T y t tt ττ00 ⎪ 1 ⎪ −1 −1 ⎪ ⎩ T y −∞ Φ Φ f u, yu, y u du ds, t ≤ τ0 . ρs −∞ s Since α T y min T y t ≥ μ sup T y t μ T y τ0 , t∈−k,k t∈R 2.86 Abstract and Applied Analysis 19 if τ0 ≥ 0, we get τ0 τ0 1 α T y ≥ μ T y −∞ Φ−1 Φ−1 f u, yu, y u du ds ρs −∞ s " ! 0 0 1 −1 −1 Φ >μ Φ f u, yu, y u du ds ρs −k s 0 " ! 0 1 −1 −1 Φ Φ δuWdu ds ≥μ ρs −k s ! 0 " 1 −1 −1 Φ Φ 2 |s| ds Φ−1 W ≥μ ρs −k 2.87 ≥ e2 . If τ0 < 0, we get s " ! ∞ 1 −1 −1 Φ Φ f u, yu, y u du ds α T y ≥ μ T y ∞ ρs τ0 τ0 s " ! k 1 −1 −1 Φ Φ f u, yu, y u du ds >μ ρs τ0 τ0 ! k " s 1 −1 −1 Φ Φ δuWdu ds ≥μ ρs 0 0 " ! k √ 1 −1 −1 Φ 2 t ds Φ−1 W Φ ≥μ ρs 0 2.88 ≥ e2 . This completes Step 2. ∅ Step 3. Prove that {y ∈ Qγ, θ, ψ; h, d, c | βy < d} {y ∈ Qγ, θ, ψ; μe1 , e1 , c|βy < e1 } / and β T y < e1 for every y ∈ Q γ, θ, ψ; h, d, c Q γ, θ, ψ; μe1 , e1 , c . 2.89 Choose yt μe1 . Then y ∈ P , and ψ y μe1 ≥ h, β y θ y μe1 < e1 d, It follows that {y ∈ Qγ, θ, ψ; h, d, c | βy < d} / ∅. γ y 0 ≤ c. 2.90 20 Abstract and Applied Analysis For y ∈ Qγ, θ, ψ; h, d, c, one has that γ y supy t ≤ c. θ y sup yt ≤ d e1 , ψ y min yt ≥ h μe1 , t∈−k,k t∈R t∈R 2.91 Hence we get that 0 ≤ yt ≤ e1 , −c ≤ Φ−1 ρt y t ≤ c, t ∈ R; t ∈ R. 2.92 Then A3 implies that f t, yt, y t ≤ δtE, t ∈ R. 2.93 So β T y M sup Φ−1 ρt T y t t∈R ∞ ≤ MΦ−1 Ay f u, yu, y u du −1 ≤ MΦ ≤ MΦ−1 ∞ −∞ t f u, yu, y u du ∞ −∞ 2.94 δuEdu ≤ MΦ−1 4 πΦ−1 E e1 d. This completes Step 3. Step 4. Prove that αT y > a for y ∈ P γ, α; a, c with θT y > b; For y ∈ P γ, α; a, c P γ, α; e2 , c with θT y > b e2 /μ, we have that αy mint∈−k,k yt ≥ e2 and γy supt∈R Φ−1 ρt|y t| ≤ c and supt∈R T yt > e2 /μ. Then e2 α T y min T y t ≥ μβ T y > μ e2 a. t∈−k,k μ 2.95 This completes Step 4. Step 5. Prove that βT y < d for each y ∈ Qγ, β; d, c with ψT y < h. For y ∈ Qγ, β; d, c with ψT y < d, we have γy supt∈R Φ−1 ρt|y t| ≤ c and βy supt∈R yt ≤ d e1 and ψT y mint∈−k,k T yt < h e1 μ. Then 1 1 β T y sup T y t ≤ min T y t < e1 μ e1 d. t∈−k,k μ μ t∈R This completes the Step 5. 2.96 Abstract and Applied Analysis 21 Then Lemma 2.5 implies that T has at least three fixed points x1 , x2 , and x3 such that βx1 < e1 , αx2 > e2 , βx3 > e1 , αx3 < e2 . 2.97 Hence BVP1.2 has three decreasing positive solutions x1 , x2 and x3 such that 2.70 holds. The proof is complete. 3. Examples Now, we present an example, whose three positive solutions cannot be obtained by theorems in known papers, to illustrate the main results. Example 3.1. Consider the following BVP # 2 3 $ e3t x t f t, xt, x t 0, t ∈ R, x−∞ 0, 3.1 x ∞ 0. Corresponding to BVP1.2, one sees that φx x3 , φ−1 x x1/3 , gt ht ≡ 0, ρt e3t , f : R × R × R → 0, ∞ is nonnegative and continuous and is defined by 2 2 f t, x, y δt f0 x g0 et y , ⎧ 1 ⎪ ⎪ |t| ≥ 1, ⎨ 2, t δt 1 ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ , |t| ≤ 1. |t| 3.2 Choose k 1, e1 50, e2 250, c 40000. By direct computation, we see that Q, W, and E are given by ∞ √ 1/Φ−1 ρs ds π , M max ,1 ∞ 2 1 − −∞ gsds 0 0 1 2 −1 −1 1/3 L1 Φ Φ e−s |s|1/6 ds > 0.06, 2 |s| ds 2 ρs −k −1 1 k √ 1 2 Φ−1 2 s ds 21/3 e−s s1/6 ds > 0.06, Φ−1 L2 ρs 0 0 −∞ 22 Abstract and Applied Analysis −k −1 −s2 Φ−1 1/ρs ds e ds μ > 0.37, −∞√ π Φ−1 1/ρs ds ∞ 1 − −∞ gsds 64 × 1012 Φc Φc , Φ ∞ > 8.53 × 1012 , Q min −1 ρs ds 4 π 4 π 4 π 1/Φ −∞ e2 1 1 WΦ ,Φ < 16.673 × 675.73 < 3.43 × 1011 , max Φ μ L1 L2 −∞ ∞ 2 −∞ E 2500 Φe1 > 333.33. 4 π 4 π 3.3 One can show that c≥ e2 > e2 > e1 > 0, μ Q ≥ W. 3.4 Suppose that ⎧ 166.67, ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ 44.36 × 1011 − 166.67 ⎨ 166.67 x − 50, f0 x 250 − 50 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪44.36 × 1011 , ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ 44.36 × 1011 ex−40000 , g0 y ≤ 10, ∀ y ∈ R. x ∈ 0, 50, x ∈ 50, 250, x ∈ 250, 40000, x ≥ 40000, 3.5 From 2 f t, x, e−t y δt f0 x g0 y , 3.6 it is easy to show that A1 ft, u, e−t v ≤ 8.53 × 1012 δt for all t ∈ R, u ∈ 0, 400000, v ∈ −40000, 40000; 2 A2 ft, u, e−t v ≥ 3.43 × 1011 δt for all t ∈ −1, 1, u ∈ 250, 1000, v ∈ −40000, 40000; 2 A3 ft, u, e−t v ≤ 333.33δt for all t ∈ R, u ∈ 0, 50, v ∈ −40000, 40000; 2 then Theorem 2.8 implies that BVP3.1 has at least three positive solutions x1 , x2 , x3 such that sup x1 t < 50, t∈R sup x3 t > 50, t∈R min x2 t > 250, t∈−1,1 min x3 t < 250. 3.7 t∈−1,1 Remark 3.2. Example 3.1 implies that there is a large number of functions that satisfy the conditions of Theorem 2.8. In addition, the conditions of Theorem 2.8 are also easy to check. Abstract and Applied Analysis 23 Acknowledgments This work was supported by Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong provinces Grant no S2011010001900 and the Foundation for High-level talents in Guangdong Higher Education Project. References 1 V. A. Il’in and E. I. Moiseev, “Nonlocal boundary-value problem of the second kind for a SturmLiouville operator,” Differential Equations, vol. 23, pp. 979–987, 1987. 2 R. P. Agarwal, Boundary Value Problems for Higher Order Differential Equations, World Scientific, Singapore, 1986. 3 K. Deimling, Nonlinear Functional Analysis, Springer, Berlin, Germany, 1985. 4 W. Ge, Boundary Value Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations, Science Press, Beijing, China, 2007. 5 G. Cupini, C. Marcelli, and F. 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