ACCEL ERATED DEG R EE PROG R A M A DV ISER FOR M If you are applying for admission to the Accelerated BA/Master’s Degree Program, you must complete this form and have it signed by your master's program adviser in order to complete your application. You should schedule a meeting to have this done as soon as possible, to ensure you are able to submit it by the application deadline: May 1 of your junior year if you are starting in the fall semester, or by November 1 of your junior year if you are starting in the spring. P E R SO N A L INFO RM ATION Program Student Name (Last, First, M.I.) I am a transfer student. Student ID # What is your expected graduation date? Year Semester When did you first enroll at Clark? Year Semester (Fall or Spring) SI G NAT U RES I have read and understand the policies for participation in the Accelerated Degree Program. Applicant’s Signature Date I have met with this student and advised him/her of the requirements for the above graduate program. Program Adviser’s Signature Questions? 508-793-7373 Phone 508-798-4386 Fax Date