spring 2016 early childhood & parenting ECFE Run f Hope or 5K see insid cover e ECFE Lotte Dead ry li March ne 8 www.district196.org/ecfe welcome ECFE offers a variety of classes, all designed to help strengthen families through interactive play and relevant, research-backed parent education. Classes for infants through two-year-olds focus on growth and development. As children progress from non-separating to separating classes, they learn through interaction with their environment. Topic classes are for parents and their children from birth through prekindergarten. These classes encourage parents to discuss subjects of interest while children learn during guided play and express themselves through creative activities. ECFE combines learning and play, providing families with an opportunity to meet other parents and their young children. Register for a day or an evening class this quarter! May 14 2016 Hosted and sponsored by Register today run,walk walkororstroll strollwith withususthis thisvalleynaturalfoods.com/runforhope5k May run, May sponsored by REGISTER EARLY SUPPORT YOUTH BUILD COMMUNITY Register by March 31 to receive a race t-shirt in your size & a swag bag chock full of healthy snacks. Adult Registration (Ages 13+) $27 until March 31 $30 until May 12 $40 May 13–May 14 Create a corporate/business or personal running team & save $2 per race participant on registration costs. Youth Registration (Ages 6-12) • $15 until May 14 program overview Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) Weekly Classes • Parent-child time: Have fun playing with your children in our age-appropriate environment. Inside • Parent discussion group: Meet with other parents and a licensed parent educator to share and learn about relevant parenting topics, get support and ask questions. Families Matter...... 4 Babies................... 5 Toddlers................. 6 • Children’s program: Children will learn through playing with others in our well-staffed early childhood classroom. The early childhood teacher and assistants provide music activities, circle and story times, art projects and group social play. Ages 2 through 5.... 7 Topic Classes........ 8 Classes at a Glance........... 11 Playtimes Registration......... 12 • Come and play with your child in our early childhood classrooms. Let us provide the activities and clean up the mess! Locations and Phone Numbers.......... 12 • No registration needed. Families are welcomed on a first-come, first-served basis until room capacity is reached. Bulletin Board................ 14 • Admission is only $4 per child. No charge for babies 12 months and younger. Family School...... 14 More Enrichment....... 16 • Discounted punch cards available. Special Events Spring Activities... 19 • A variety of special events are offered throughout the year where parents can interact with their children in a fun setting. See the bulletin board pages for event details. For more information about weekly classes, playtimes and special events, call 952-388-1953 or visit www.district196.org/ecfe. Stay connected! The Early Childhood Family Education website is a great way to stay connected and to find parenting ideas. Visit www.district196.org/ecfe for the following resources and much more: • Upcoming events • Preschool registration form • New baby census form • Advisory Council updates • Parenting ideas • Family School information Playtimes......... Back Connections Preschool Early childhood is a time of great discovery! Connections Preschool gives students the opportunity to play with other children while learning important prekindergarten skills. The preschool curriculum is aligned with School District 196’s K-12 learning standards. Beginning math, reading and writing skills are introduced. All teachers are fully licensed by the Minnesota Department of Education in early learning principles and techniques. In order to attend, children must be three or four years old on or before September 1 of the school year they are enrolling and live in District 196. Information regarding Connections Preschool for 201617 will be mailed to homes with age-eligible children and registration will begin in the spring for School District 196 residents. For more information, call 952-388-1960 or visit www.district196.org/ecfe. call 952-388-1953 • visit www.district196.org/ecfe • like ECFE on Facebook3 families matter Strengthening family relationships is critical to helping children learn and grow successfully. Strong bonds in the family are mutually reinforced with strong connections in the community. How does engagement in your child’s education shape academic success? • Children with involved parents have higher academic achievement. Not only do students score higher on tests but they are more prepared to start school and have a greater likelihood of graduating. • When schools effectively engage families, students are 10 times more likely to improve their math performance and 4 times more likely to improve their reading performance than students attending schools not implementing meaningful engagement practices. Source: “Working Systemically in Action” - SEDL Why is your participation in parenting education and family engagement important? 8m7il% y life fa 13% schoo l life • The family is the strongest element in shaping lives. It’s the most powerful support network there is. It’s where the cycle of learning begins, where parents’ attitudes about learning become the educational values of the children. Source: National Center for Family Literacy • By age 18, children have typically spent only 13% of their waking lives at school; families have a role in shaping the remaining 87%. Source: Education Policy Studies Laboratory ho is involved in supporting your child’s W successful learning and development? • All children, no matter where they live or what their life circumstances are, deserve a quality education. However, to make that happen it takes everyone, home, school and community. • From the moment of birth, a child’s learning begins. Learning occurs every day and everywhere. Source: “Working Systemically in Action” - SEDL • Schools and community-based organizations can also take the initiative to promote children’s learning outside the classroom and facilitate family access to afterschool offerings, museums, libraries, and sports and arts programs. Source: Harvard Family Research Project • Schools implementing practices that promote strong school, family and community partnerships are better able to help children succeed academically because these activities create greater consistency between the child’s two most influential worlds, home and school. Source: Early Childhood Research Quarterly 4 Call us at 952-388-1953 if you did not receive your lottery confirmation email. engage • inspire • enrich Enjoy exclusive time with your baby. Non-separating classes are limited to children in that age group. babies New baby in the house? Congratulations! ECFE would like to tell you about the fun, educational opportunities we offer for you and your child. Call 952-388-1953 to share your good news, or register for our district news at www.district196.org/ecfe/census. Non-separating Classes: Babies Only Babies: Birth Through 6 Months Having a baby can mean major adjustments in every area of your life. Physical, social, mental, emotional and financial changes often occur. This relaxing class is designed to be educational, yet allow you to slow down, enjoy your infant and learn some fun games and songs. Mon | Mar 28-Jun 6 | 5:45-7:15pm | FREE* Room 116 | skip May 30 | 101-116A Susan Wed | Mar 30-Jun 8 | 12:30-2pm | FREE* Room 116 | 101-116B Susan * Baby Class Fee School District 196 families are FREE Out-of-district families use Fee B Babies: 7 Through 12 Months Here is a chance to let your baby experience new sights and sounds during this one-on-one time with you. You will meet other parents, sharing questions on sleep, schedules and feeding. This fun class will nurture your relationship with your baby. Wed | Mar 30-Jun 8 | 2:30-4pm | FREE* Room 116 | 102-116A Susan and Katie C. to Be sure our y te comple n by o ti a tr is ut, reg heck o g on c clickin r or not the whethe free. class is Wed | Mar 30-Jun 8 | 5:45-7:15pm | FREE* Room 116 | 102-116B Deb and Laurie ECFE Playtimes: Especially for Babies (birth through 12 months) This is a time for babies and parents to play in our infant environment. Come and explore new toys, sing songs or enjoy other fun activities led by an ECFE teacher. There will also be time to meet other parents and their babies! No preregistration needed. Tue | 2-4pm | FREE | DVLC | Room 116 Feb 16, 23 Mar 1, 8, 15, 29 (skip Mar 22) Apr 5, 12, 19, 26 May 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 Jun 7 call 952-388-1953 • visit www.district196.org/ecfe • like ECFE on Facebook5 toddlers Non-separating classes are limited to children in that age group. Siblings ages birth to prekindergarten are welcome in our gradually separating classes. Gradually Separating Classes: Siblings Welcome Parents and Toddlers 19 through 24 months Toddlers are wonderful sources of boundless determination, enthusiasm and energy. As they rapidly grow and try new things, establishing routines and consistency are very important. Your children will be able to experience separation from you as the class progresses and they build trust in our staff. We will work to meet the individual needs of each child as the parents move to a separate room for discussion. These are classes in which the group chooses topics. Please register ALL children, including siblings, who will be attending class. Mon | Mar 28-Jun 6 | 8:45-10:15am | Fee B Room 116 | skip May 30 | 217-116A Brenda Z., Susan, Katie C. and Laurie Mon | Mar 28-Jun 6 | 10:45am-12:15pm | Fee B Room 116 | skip May 30 | 217-116B Brenda Z., Susan, Katie C. and Laurie Tue | Mar 29-Jun 7 | 8:45-10:15am | Fee B Room 116 | 217-116C Susan, Vicki, Cindy and Katie C. Non-separating Classes: Toddlers Only Parents and Tiny Toddlers 13 through 18 months This class suits parents with those tiny toddlers who get weary after playing hard. You and your child will remain in the same room while the parent discussion takes place, a good way to practice separation with you nearby. We will talk about your choice of subjects, which could include separation anxiety, setting limits, development or other relevant topics. Separating Class: Siblings Welcome Parents and Toddlers 19 through 24 months NEW! This new class format is for parents and toddlers who have had success with separation. It allows parents to separate from their toddler earlier in the quarter. Please register ALL children, including siblings, who will be attending class. Fri | Apr 1-Jun 3 | 8:45-10:15am | Fee B Room 116 | skip Apr 22 | 151-116A Brenda Z., Katie C., Laurie and Toni Tue | Mar 29-Jun 7 | 10:45am-12:15pm | Fee B Room 116 | 217-116D Susan, Vicki, Cindy and Katie C. Fri | Apr 1-Jun 3 | 10:45am-12:15pm | Fee B Room 116 | skip Apr 22 | 151-116B Brenda Z., Katie C., Laurie and Toni Parents and Ones 13 through 24 months Looking for a fun class for your one-year-old? Join other parents and toddlers for an evening class. Toddlers love to take off and explore if their parents are close by. Parent discussion will take place in the children’s room, where toddlers can check in with their parents if they need to. Thu | Mar 31-Jun 2 | 5:45-7:15pm | Fee B Room 116 | 220-116 Brenda Z., Laurie, Rehana and Toni Does an evening class fit into your schedule? Babies: Birth Through 6 Months | Page 5 Babies: 7 Through 12 Months | Page 5 Parents and Ones | Page 6 Parents and Twos | Page 7 Positive Ways of Handling Anger | Page 8 Five Love Languages | Page 9 What a Difference a Dad Makes | Page 10 6 Call us at 952-388-1953 if you did not receive your lottery confirmation email. engage • inspire • enrich Siblings ages birth to prekindergarten are welcome in our separating classes. ages 2 through 5 Separating Classes: Siblings Welcome Preschooler Self-Esteem Ages 3, 4 and 5 As your children mature, feeling good about themselves and their world is extremely important. There are techniques to help your children succeed in little things. There are words that assure them they have value. Learn how to encourage your children so they like who they are and what they do. In this class, your children will be able to practice activities to help them know they can succeed. Please register ALL children, including siblings, who will be attending class. Mon | Mar 28-Jun 6 | 9-11am | Fee A Room 215 | skip May 30 | 302-215 Barb, Kathy, Annie and Luann Parents and Preschoolers Ages 3, 4 and 5 Parents and Twos 24 through 35 months Twos are growing at high speed, so they require guidance and limits as they set out to try everything in sight. Make a date with your two-year-old and learn delightful ways to enjoy time together. You will value a parent group where you can learn about and share this super stage in your child’s development. Please register ALL children, including siblings, who will be attending class. This class, specially focused on ages three, four and five, covers a variety of parenting topics to offer you and your children a super time together! The parent group will decide which topics to discuss, such as self-esteem, discipline and power struggles. Preschoolers will enjoy doing new things and meeting new friends. Please register ALL children, including siblings, who will be attending class. Thu | Mar 31-Jun 2 | 12:45-2:45pm | Fee A Room 216 | 315-216 Brenda Z., Kay, Cindy and Julie Little Scientists Ages 3, 4, and 5 Fri | Apr 1-Jun 3 | 10:45am-12:15pm | Fee B Room 118 | skip Apr 22 | 255-118B Kristi, Mary Jo, Jodi and Patricia Children will learn and discover through a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) lens to build 21st century skills. Bring your curious children to this class as we explore how science can be just right for preschoolers. We will do some fun, easy and developmentally appropriate experiments that will foster curiosity, develop problem solvers, and give kids an “I did it” feeling. In the parent room, we’ll look at ways to encourage our children’s interest in STEM activities, as well as other parenting topics. Please register ALL children, including siblings, who will be attending class. Tue | Mar 29-Jun 7 | 8:30-10am | Fee B Room 215 | 255-215A Barb, Kathy, Annie and Tammy Mon | Mar 28-Jun 6 | 1:30-3:30pm | Fee A Room 118 | skip May 30 | 555-118 Brenda Z., Mary Jo, Jodi and Melissa Mon | Mar 28-Jun 6 | 6-7:30pm | Fee B Room 204 | skip May 30 | 255-204 Deb, Kate, Lynell and Tammy Fri | Apr 1-Jun 3 | 8:45-10:15am | Fee B Room 118 | skip Apr 22 | 255-118A Kristi, Mary Jo, Jodi and Patricia Tue | Mar 29-Jun 7 | 10:30am-noon | Fee B Room 215 | 255-215B Barb, Kathy, Annie and Tammy Thu | Mar 31-Jun 2 | 8:30-10am | Fee B Room 215 | 255-215C Barb, Kathy, Annie and Tammy Thu | Mar 31-Jun 2 | 10:30-noon | Fee B Room 215 | 255-215D Barb, Kathy, Annie and Tammy call 952-388-1953 • visit www.district196.org/ecfe • like ECFE on Facebook7 topic classes Children ages birth to prekindergarten are welcome in our separating classes. Separating Classes: Birth Through Prekindergarten First Friends: Teaching Kids to Care, Share and Be Self-Aware Topic Classes All children from birth through prekindergarten are welcome to attend with their parents. Class begins with parentchild interaction followed by parent discussion, which is held in a separate room. Children continue to play and learn with the early childhood staff after separating from parents. How do our children make friends and learn to share? What social rules and guidelines should we teach our children? We all want our children to develop friendships, but what’s our role as parents? Join this class and learn strategies to build friendships and prevent aggression among children. This class will foster respect for differences and encourage solving problems in a healthy manner. In the classroom, children will enjoy activities that will teach sharing, making friends and solving problems. Thu | Mar 31-Jun 2 | 9:15-11:15am | Fee A Room 204 | 312-204 Deb, Kate, Lynell and Theresa Nuturing Resilient Families What is resiliency and why is it important for our families? In these stress-filled times, learning from our mistakes, teaching children to make good decisions, and helping children feel and be competent are important tasks for parents. This class is based on the book Raising Resilient Children, written by Robert Brooks and Sam Goldstein. In the parent group, we will discuss strategies we can use to foster hope and optimism in our children. Rewrite your family’s negative scripts. Move toward teaching empathy and promoting self-discipline and self-worth! Thu | Mar 31-Jun 2 | 9:30-11:30am | Fee A Room 216 | 402-216 Brenda Z., Kay, Cindy and Julie Ecfe Family Playtimes Come and play at our house with your preschool children. Fun activities such as play dough, paints, sand, water, dress up, music and stories will be available. Families are welcomed on a first-come, first-served basis until room capacity is reached. Sorry, kindergarten children may not participate. No preregistration needed.The fee is only $4 per child and punch cards for discounted fees are available for purchase. No charge for babies through 12 months. Fri | 9-11:30am | $4 per child DVLC | Room 204 Feb 19, 26 Mar 4, 18 (skip Mar 11, 25) Apr 1, 8, 15, 29 (skip Apr 22) May 6, 13, 20, 27 Jun 3 Mind in the Making We know the early years are a critical time for brain development. This class, based on Ellen Galinsky’s book, Mind in the Making: The Seven Essential Life Skills Every Child Needs, concentrates on specific strategies we can use to support brain development. Areas of discussion will include focus and self-control; perspective taking; communication; making connections; critical thinking; taking on challenges; and self-directed, engaged learning. Join us for this exciting class about brain development. Tue | Mar 29-Jun 7 | 9:15-11:15am | Fee A Room 216 | 408-216 Brenda Z., Kay, Julie and Toni Positive Ways of Handling Anger We all get angry at one time or another - with a spouse, a child, a neighbor or friend. One of the essential ingredients for a healthy family is the ability to solve problems and resolve conflicts so they are not destructive. Learn to express yourself and to channel anger and frustration in a positive way so you can meet your needs. In this group, we will investigate how often we are angry and the role anger plays in our family relationships. Your children will be encouraged to explore all their feelings and express them in a proper way. Mon | Mar 28-Jun 6 | 5:45-7:45pm | Fee A Room 215 | skip May 30 | 563-215A Barb, Susan, Jodi and Luann Fri | Apr 1-Jun 3 | 9-11am | Fee A Room 215 | skip Apr 22 | 563-215B Barb, Kathy, Annie and Luann 8 Call us at 952-388-1953 if you did not receive your lottery confirmation email. engage • inspire • enrich Children ages birth to prekindergarten are welcome in our separating classes. topic classes Separating Classes: Birth Through Prekindergarten Peace and Presence ECFE has been a significant part of my family. We can’t thank you enough. The support I have gotten here has changed my life and me as a person in such a positive way. parent in a topic class How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk It is always difficult for parents to find the time in our busy lives to communicate well with children. In this class, you will learn to communicate effectively with your young ones so there are fewer episodes of whining and power struggles. Your children will be able to hear, see and practice good communication skills in the children’s room. This class will use the book by the same title. ECFE loan copies are available, but you may also purchase the book at a local store or check the public library. We all want to give the best of ourselves to our children, but that can be difficult in our fast-paced world. In this class, you will discover strategies to stay focused on what really matters by being connected, grounded and present. Learn to parent consciously by managing your own emotions and teaching self-regulation to your children. Discover how a stronger connection with your child will help smooth everyday challenges, like getting out the door and bedtime issues, while helping your child build confidence and resilience. Mon | Mar 28-Jun 6 | 9:15-11:15am | Fee A Room 204 | skip May 30 | 642-204 Deb, Beth, Lynell and Theresa The Five Love Languages of Children So much depends on the love relationship between you and your children. Do your children speak a different love language? Sometimes they are filled with gratitude and affection, and other times they seem totally indifferent. When children feel loved, they do their best. Discover your children’s primary love language. Learn what you can do to effectively convey unconditional feelings of respect, affection and commitment that will then be reflected in your children’s behavior. This class is based on the book The 5 Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell. Wed | Mar 30-Jun 8 | 5:45-7:45pm | Fee A Room 204 | 645-204 Susan, Kate, Barbara and Melissa See additional location and time on page 10. Tue | Mar 29-Jun 7 | 9-11am | Fee A Room 204 | 600-204 Deb, Kate, Lynell and Theresa Raising Your Spirited Child Each of us is born with a distinctive temperament. If you have a youngster who is strong-willed, easily stressed by new situations and super-sensitive about his or her environment, you could have a child we call “spirited.” These kids are “more” everything: more intense, more persistent, more sensitive and more perceptive. The book Raising Your Spirited Child by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka will be used as a resource. Come and find out about the benefits and challenges of parenting spirited children. Learn that it is okay for them to be who they are! Wed | Mar 30-Jun 8 | 9:30-11:30am | Fee A Room 204 | 609-204 Deb, Beth, Lynell and Theresa Moving and Learning The body teaches the brain to think. Movement matters because every move develops physical capabilities while building brain connections. Learn ways to stimulate your child’s neural growth through movement and sensory activities. We’ll explore the Kinetic Scale, a visual map of the active learning needs of young children. Easy-to-implement tips and games related to the scale will be practiced in the children’s room. Join us to get moving! Wed | Mar 30-Jun 8 | 9-11am | Fee A Room 215 | 611-215 Barb, Kathy, Annie and Luann call 952-388-1953 • visit www.district196.org/ecfe • like ECFE on Facebook9 topic classes Children ages birth to prekindergarten are welcome in our separating classes. Separating Classes: Birth Through Prekindergarten Teen/Young Parents For Young Parents up to Age 21 Are you looking for a place to connect with peers and learn about parenting your young child? Join our Early Childhood Family Education class for pregnant or parenting teens and young adults with their babies, toddlers and preschoolers. You will learn about topics such as adjusting to being a parent, finding support, parent/child attachment, nutrition, self-esteem and child guidance. Your children will have the opportunity to explore our early childhood classroom. Diploma credit is available through Adult Basic Education. For more information, call 952-388-1980. Tue | Mar 29-Jun 7 | 3-4:30pm | Fee A Room 204 | 810-204 Brenda Z. Parenting the Child With Special Needs All parents and children who are served by School District 196 Early Childhood Special Education programs are invited to a class planned just for them. There will be time for family play followed by a children’s educational play program. While the youngsters enjoy their time, parents will have an opportunity to meet and share challenges and successes. This class is offered at no cost to families. Programming is funded through a collaboration between ECSE and ECFE. Registration for this class will be handled through ECSE. Wed | Mar 30-May 4 | 5:45-7:45pm | FREE Room 118 | 820-118 Mary, Kristi, Carlyn, Cindy and Wafaa Dad and Me: What a Difference a Dad Makes Dads, come and find out you are not the only one with concerns about balancing work and family life, playing the “good cop,” toilet training, sibling rivalry, communication and keeping your partner happy as well. Trade tips with other dads about these topics and parenting issues that you choose. Class starts with unstructured playtime before dads leave for their adult-sized chairs and great conversation. The evening ends with dads joining their kids for family circle time. The Five Love Languages of Children So much depends on the love relationship between you and your children. Do your children speak a different love language? Sometimes they are filled with gratitude and affection, and other times they seem totally indifferent. When children feel loved, they do their best. Discover your children’s primary love language. Learn what you can do to effectively convey unconditional feelings of respect, affection and commitment that will then be reflected in your children’s behavior. This class is based on the book The 5 Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell. Fri | Apr 1-Jun 3 | 9:30-11:30am | Fee A CVLC* | skip Apr 22 | 645-300 Susan, Kate, Carlyn and Rehana See additional location and time on page 9. *CVLC (Cedar Valley Learning Center) 14420 Glenda Drive, Apple Valley, MN Thu | Mar 31-Jun 2 | 6-8pm | Fee A Room 216 | 910-216 Barb, Kay, Jennifer and Julie 10 Call us at 952-388-1953 if you did not receive your lottery confirmation email. our for y ation . k c Che confirm ict 196 tr ry lotte from Dis ______ l _ i ema _______ il? __ ema 53 t a h ing t 8-19 Missl 952-38 rch 8! l Ca fore Ma be engage • inspire • enrich classes at a glance Dakota Valley Learning Center 4679 144th Street West, Apple Valley Room 116 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday friday Morning #217-116A & 116B Toddlers 8:45-10:15 10:45-12:15 #217-116C & 116D Toddlers 8:45-10:15 10:45-12:15 (Separating) Family School 9-noon Family School 9-noon #151-116A & 116B Tiny Toddlers 8:45-10:15 10:45-12:15 Baby Playtime 2-4 #101-116B Babies: Birth-6 Months 12:30-2 #102-116A Babies: 7-12 Months 2:30-4 Afternoon Evening #101-116A Babies: Birth-6 Months 5:45-7:15 Room 118 Monday Tuesday #102-116B Babies: 7-12 Months 5:45-7:15 #220-116 Parents and Ones 5:45-7:15 Wednesday Thursday friday #255-118A & 118B Parents and Twos 8:45-10:15 10:45-12:15 Morning Family School 9-noon Family School 9-noon Family School 9-noon Family School 9-noon Afternoon #555-118 Little Scientists 1:30-3:30 Connections Preschool-4’s 1-3:30 Connections Preschool-4’s 1-3:30 Connections Preschool-4’s 1-3:30 #820-118 Parenting Special Needs 5:45-7:45 Evening Room 204 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday friday Morning #642-204 Peace and Presence 9:15-11:15 #600-204 How to Talk So Kids Will Listen 9-11 #609-204 Raising Your Spirited Child 9:30-11:30 #312-204 First Friends 9:15-11:15 Family Playtime 9-11:30 Afternoon Connections Preschool-3’s 12:45-3:15 #810-204 Teen/Young Parents 3-4:30 Connections Preschool-3’s 12:45-3:15 Evening #255-204 Parents and Twos 6-7:30 Room 215 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday friday Morning #302-215 Preschooler Self-Esteem 9-11 #255-215A & 215B Parents and Twos 8:30-10 10:30-noon #611-215 Moving and Learning 9-11 #255-215C & 215D Parents and Twos 8:30-10 10:30-noon #563-215B Positive Ways to Handle Anger 9-11 Afternoon Connections Preschool-4’s 12:15-2:45 Connections Preschool-3’s 1:15-3:45 Connections Preschool-4’s 12:15-2:45 Connections Preschool-3’s 1:15-3:45 Connections Preschool-4’s 12:15-2:45 Evening #563-215A Positive Ways to Handle Anger 5:45-7:45 Room 216 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday friday Morning Connections Preschool-4’s 8:45-11:15 #408-216 Mind in the Making 9:15-11:15 Connections Preschool-4’s 8:45-11:15 #402-216 Resilient Families 9:30-11:30 Connections Preschool-4’s 8:45-11:15 Afternoon Connections Preschool-4’s 12:15-2:45 #645-204 Five Love Languages 5:45-7:45 Connections Preschool-4’s 12:15-2:45 #315-216 Parents and Preschoolers 12:45-2:45 Connections Preschool-4’s 12:15-2:45 #910-216 What a Difference a Dad Makes 6-8 Evening Cedar Valley Learning Center Monday 14420 Glenda Drive, Apple Valley Tuesday Wednesday Thursday friday Morning Family School 9-noon Family School 9-noon Family School 9-noon Family School 9-noon #645-300 Five Love Languages 9:30-11:30 Afternoon Connections Preschool-4’s 12:55-3:25 Connections Preschool-4’s 12:55-3:25 Connections Preschool-4’s 12:55-3:25 Connections Preschool-4’s 12:55-3:25 Connections Preschool-4’s 12:55-3:25 call 952-388-1953 • visit www.district196.org/ecfe • like ECFE on Facebook11 registration How to Register for Weekly Classes • Please register for one ECFE class per family. Our classes are popular and we try to accommodate as many families as possible. Locations • Children attending kindergarten are not eligible to participate in ECFE classes. DVLC Dakota Valley Learning Center 4679 144th St W Apple Valley Main: 952-388-1950 Registration: 952-388-1953 Connections Preschool: 952-388-1960 • Babies nine weeks or younger are not counted as a second child when determining class fee. • Class confirmations are emailed if an email address is provided. ONLINE at www.district196.org/ecfe Click on ECFE Registration in the right sidebar. If you have an existing FeePay account, click on Log In. If you are new to FeePay, click on Sign Up. After you log in or your new account is created, add an ECFE class to your cart and click on checkout to complete your registration. CVLC Cedar Valley Learning Center 14420 Glenda Dr Apple Valley MAIL or DROP OFF your registration form and payment (either by check or with credit card information) to: ECFE at Dakota Valley Learning Center 4679 144th St W, Apple Valley, MN 55124 Office hours are 7:30am to 4pm weekdays. FAX your registration form with complete credit card information to 952-388-1948. Please call 952-388-1953 to confirm. Payments and Refunds • If registering online, credit card payment (Visa®, MasterCard® or Discover®) is required at the time of registration. Your credit card will be charged when you are placed in a class. • If you are mailing or dropping off a registration, payment (check, cash or credit card) is due at the time of submission. Your payment will be processed when you are placed in a class. • Cancellations prior to the start of class will receive a full refund. Cancellations during the first two weeks of class will receive a refund minus a $25 processing fee. All registrations are considered final after the second class meeting and are not eligible for a refund. • UCare members may be eligible for a $15 discount. Members must be on UCare through the duration of the class and include their UCare ID number when registering. • All School District 196 families are encouraged to attend, regardless of their ability to pay. Consider the sliding fee scale as a guide to determine what your family can afford. • Please call 952-388-1953 if you have questions regarding registration or payment. ECFE classes are open to all families, including adults and children with disabilities. Our sites are accessible and sign language interpreters are available for our classes. If you need assistance to register, please call 952-388-1953. 12 Registration Timeline • Registration deadline for the lottery is March 8, 2016. • Lottery (computer generated) will be March 10, 2016. • Following the lottery, class availability can be checked online. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. • Requests for a class for children attending with a nanny will be considered just prior to the start of class. • Families living outside School District 196 may register just prior to the start of class. Important Phone Numbers ECFE Registration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Connections Preschool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Family School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Early Childhood Special Education. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Early Childhood Screening. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Community Education. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . District 196 Office. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MN Communities Caring for Children. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360 Communities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Public Health. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Child Care Resources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CAP Agency/Head Start. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Burnsville (191). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Farmington (192). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hastings ECFE (200). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IGH/S. St. Paul ECFE (199). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lakeville (194). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mendota/W. St. Paul (197). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prior Lake/Savage (719). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MN Department of Education (MDE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call us at 952-388-1953 if you did not receive your lottery confirmation email. 952-388-1953 952-388-1960 952-388-1982 952-388-1900 651-423-7899 651-423-7920 651-423-7700 651-523-0099 952-985-5300 952-891-7500 952-985-4045 651-322-3500 952-707-4150 651-460-3200 651-480-7678 651-457-9418 952-232-2150 651-403-8353 952-226-0950 651-582-8200 engage • inspire • enrich registration Classes fill quickly. Your best chance to be placed in your first choice is to register for the lottery by March 8. Family name _____________________________________________________ Parent(s) attending 1) ____________________________________________________________________ 2) ____________________________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________________________ City_____________________________________________________ ZIP__________________________ Phones(H)___________________________________________________________________________ (Cell) _________________________________________________________________________ (W) __________________________________________________________________________ Email address for class confirmation_________________________________________________________ Children and infants attending 1)_______________________________________ Date of birth __________________ gender £ M £ F 2)_______________________________________ Date of birth __________________ gender £ M £ F 3)_______________________________________ Date of birth __________________ gender £ M £ F Class Number Class Title Day/Time 1st Choice 2nd Choice First-choice ECFE class fee$_________ Charge my: £ Visa® £ MasterCard® £ Discover® Total amount of payment $_________ #______________________________________ Check to School District 196 ECFE Name on card ____________________________ Check number Signature________________________________ UCare number#_____________________________ Expires__________________________________ If you wish to make a donation to the ECFS Foundation, go to www.ecfsfoundation.org/donate.html. Payment Scale Combined Family Income Under $15,000 $15,000 to $29,999 $30,000 to $44,999 $45,000 to $59,999 $60,000 to $74,999 $75,000 to $89,999 $90,000 to $104,999 $105,000 to $119,999 $120,000 and up Fee A 1 Child $28 $42 $56 $70 $83 $104 $125 $146 $167 Fee A 2+ Children $42 $56 $70 $87 $101 $122 $146 $167 $188 Fee B 1 Child $20 $30 $40 $51 $61 $76 $91 $106 $121 #_________ Fee B 2+ Children $30 $40 $51 $63 $73 $89 $106 $121 $137 Online Registration Confirmation Email When registering online for ECFE classes, in-district residents will automatically receive an email from Community Education confirming registration in the lottery. If you do not receive an email, or do not have the chance to enter payment information, please call 952-388-1953 right away. Any change to an existing registration needs to be done by our office staff. Feel free to call to check on your registration. When registering for an ECFE class, remember to check your in-box and spam folders for an email from Community Education. Mail: ECFE at Dakota Valley Learning Center, 4679 144th St W, Apple Valley, MN 55124 Fax: 952-388-1948 (Call 952-388-1953 to confirm.) ONLINE: www.district196.org/ecfe call 952-388-1953 • visit www.district196.org/ecfe • like ECFE on Facebook13 bulletin board Weather Announcements for ECFE, Connections Preschool and Family School Is Your Child Immunized? District 196 health guidelines require children’s immunizations to be current prior to participating in ECFE, preschool and Family School classes. Immunization forms need to be completed once per school year. Updates to immunization records are accepted anytime. Just for Teens and Young Parents Through age 21 Wondering if you have class? • There will be no classes when the Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan Public Schools are closed. • There will be no morning classes if there is a late start. • There will be no evening classes if school closes early. Information on closings will be available on local television and radio stations and at www.district196.org. Early Childhood Family Education is pleased to offer a class for pregnant or parenting teens and young adults along with their children. Discover many useful tools and helpful tips from this class to become better prepared as a parent. Connecting with peers and meeting with a licensed Parenting Educator will help provide the support needed to become the best parent possible. Children ages birth through pre-kindergarten will enjoy a chance to play and learn in our early childhood classroom. See page 10 for class details. Family School Do you want to learn English? Do you have young children at home during the day? Family School, a literacy program for English language learners, has four important parts: a preschool program for children ages three to five, time for parents and children to play and learn together, parent education, and adult education. Family School meets Monday through Thursday, from 9am to noon. Please call 952-431-8316 for more information. Family School is sponsored by Adult Basic Education and Early Childhood Family Education in School District 196. Early Childhood Screening The screening staff looks forward to welcoming you at the District Service Center in Rosemount! If your child is three and a half years old and you currently receive school district mailings, you will automatically be sent a letter from our program inviting you and your child to an early childhood screening. Call Early Childhood Screening if • you are new to the district, • your child is almost four years old and has NOT been screened, • you have concerns about a preschool child, • you need more information about the screening process, or • your child is entering kindergarten in the fall of 2016 and has not been screened. You can call the Early Childhood Screening office, Monday through Friday, 8:30am-3:30pm at 651-423-7899. 14 Call us at 952-388-1953 if you did not receive your lottery confirmation email. engage • inspire • enrich Welcome to Preschool Discovery for Three-Year-Olds Preschool Discovery is a year-long program that focuses on the transition to preschool for both parent and child. It combines an ECFE class with a preschool experience. Children must be three years old on or before September 1 of the year they enroll and live in School District 196. Classes meet Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday. Children attend both days, and parents attend either Mondays or Tuesdays depending on class enrollment. Children will experience a preschool program led by licensed Early Childhood teachers. Prereading and pre-math skills will be introduced and developed over the course of the year. Parents discuss topics such as self-esteem, discipline, power struggles and development led by a licensed parent educator. Advisory Council and Foundation for ECFS The Early Childhood Family Services (ECFS) Advisory Council and Foundation are comprised of parents in our community who have chosen to donate their time giving back to the program. The council meets monthly during the school year to plan fundraisers, contribute to the class planning and content process, plan legislative strategies, as well as provide support for ECFS teachers and staff. It has been a busy year for the Advisory Council. In addition to the Square One Art fundraiser this past fall and the recent annual Valentine Party, we have been working on the third Run For Hope 5K, which is our biggest fundraiser yet! All proceeds benefit the ECFS Foundation and are put directly back into the ECFS program. The run is a fun family event that will be held on May 14th at Valley Natural Foods. See the front cover for run registration information. For more information on how you can become an Advisory Council member or to provide program suggestions or input, please send an email to Jenna Ruble, Program Manager, at jenna.ruble@district196.org. There is a monthly fee for Preschool Discovery. Tuition assistance is based on annual yearly income and determined by a sliding fee scale. Watch for registration materials to arrive by mail this spring and get further details on our website: www.district196.org/ecfe. This class has truly given our family some wonderful tools that have already proven to be effective in helping our family to be a calmer, hard-working and critical thinking family together. Parent in an ECFE class Run for Hope Valley Natural Foods will host and sponsor our third annual Run for Hope 5K on May 14, 2016. Help support early childhood programs by getting fit and enjoying time with your family. All proceeds go to the Foundation for Early Childhood Family Services to help develop and sustain quality programming in Early Childhood Family Services. Online registration is available at www.runforhope5k.com. ECFE Summer Classes Offered in July Our ECFE summer program provides a sample of the classes available throughout the year, including age-specific and topic classes. Family playtimes for parents and their children from birth through prekindergarten are also offered. Look for your brochure and registration information to be mailed at the beginning of June. Join us for summer fun with your little one! ECF SummE Clas er Jul 12 ses -Aug 4 call 952-388-1953 • visit www.district196.org/ecfe • like ECFE on Facebook15 more enrichment Enjoy learning with your child! Visit www.district196. org/ce to find classes that will enrich you and your children! Call 651-423-7920 for more information. MORE Sign, Say & Play® (parents and children ages 6 mos-3 yrs) Discover baby sign language with your child through games, songs and activities. Exciting weekly themes will teach you six to seven new signs each week. Learn, have fun and play with your baby while meeting new friends. Carol Hedberg is a certified instructor of the Baby Signs® Program and a Child Development specialist with a background in providing childcare, facilitating children’s programs, and supporting families in their parenting skills and child development. Mon | Apr 4-May 9 | 6:45-7:45pm | 6 ses | $39 HL | YCHBS-S1 inew Baby Animals Art (ages 3-6) Spring is here and with it comes lots of new babies on the farm. Let the baby animals be your inspiration as you create your own threedimensional barnyard scenes filled with farm babies. Kidcreate Studio’s award-winning art classes allow kids to explore art in an environment full of giggles and grins. Curriculum is age appropriate and designed to inspire. Visit www. kidcreatestudio.com. Fri | Apr 22 | 9am-noon | $35 | AVCC | YKCBA-S1 Playdate with Mommy Art Class (parents and children ages 18 mos-6yrs) Locations AVCC Apple Valley Mother and child time is special; why not spend it doing something creative? How many times have you said “I love you to the moon and back” to your mom? Create an keepsake wall hanging inspired by this popular endearment. Enjoy special time with your favorite adult. Kidcreate instructor Community Center, 14603 Hayes Rd Tue | May 3 | 9:30-10:30am | $19 | AVCC | YKCPD-S1 Middle School 1540 Deerwood Dr Eagan Little Doodlers (parents and children ages 2-5) BHMS Black Hawk CCC Community of Christ Church 5990 134th St Ct Apple Valley FRMS Falcon Ridge Middle School 12900 Johnny Cake Ridge Rd Apple Valley HL Highland Elementary School 14001 Pilot Knob Rd Apple Valley RHS Rosemount High School 3335 142nd St W RMS Rosemount Middle School 3135 143rd St W SHMS Scott Highlands Middle School 14011 Pilot Knob Rd Apple Valley inew Colorful Creations for Decorate your house with spring art that will make you smile. Discover various art forms and create a colorful pink pig or an octopus collage. Decoupage a tissue paper leaf. Dig your hands into some clay and make a bright dragonfly. These colorful projects set the mood for summer. Abrakadoodle is an art program that uses imaginative lessons to enhance creativity. Each lesson introduces children to a different material and a different artist or art technique. Most projects are framed. Sat | Apr 9-30 | 9:30-10:15am 4 ses | $59, $49 add’l child AVCC | YABCC-S1 Amazing Athletes (ages 3-6) Ther e ar e m opp ore lea many o r t uniti rning and e www your litt s for yo l .distr ict19e ones au 6.org /ce! t Get active by engaging in a developmental sports and fitness program that teaches the fundamentals and mechanics of nine different sports, including baseball, volleyball, lacrosse, football, basketball, soccer, golf, hockey and tennis. Build selfconfidence, practice teamwork, and improve fine and large motor skills. Increase cardiovascular fitness, muscle tone, hand-eye coordination and reaction time. Amazing Athletes instructors provide children with the basis for an active lifestyle. They are trained in child development and have a passion for working with young children. Thu | Apr 7-May 12 | 10-10:45am | 6 ses | $59 AVCC | YAA-S1 Thu | May 19-Jun 23 | 10-10:45am | 6 ses | $59 AVCC | YAA-S2 Amazing Tots (parents and children ages 20 mos-3 yrs) Discover sports that will get your toddler moving. Enjoy physical challenges and organized activities that increase major motor development. Learn basketball, football, soccer and baseball skills. Play along with your favorite special friend. Amazing Athletes instructor Thu | Apr 7-May 12 | 9:20-9:50am | 6 ses | $52 AVCC | YAAAT-S1 Thu | May 19-Jun 23 | 9:20-9:50am | 6 ses | $52 AVCC | YAAAT-S2 Introductory Little Ninjas (ages 3-5) Learn to pay attention, cooperate, follow instructions, show respect for yourself and others, and practice self-control and self-discipline. Discover basic martial arts skills, as well as stranger-danger rules and limited self-defense appropriate for this age group. White Belt included. T-shirts and uniforms may be purchased from the instructor. Parents are encouraged to attend. After introductory class ends, you may continue classes through the instructor. Phil Tobey is certified in martial arts. He is a Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do and has more than 20 years of experience practicing and teaching. Sat | Apr 2-Jun 11 | 12-12:30pm | 10 ses | $79 RMS | skip May 28 | YTAEN1-S4 Mon | Apr 4-Jun 6 | 5-5:30pm | 8 ses | $69 RMS | skip May 16, 30 | YTAEN1-S1 Tue | Apr 5-Jun 7 | 5-5:30pm | 7 ses | $65 RMS | skip May 3, 10, 17 | YTAEN1-S2 Thu | Apr 7-Jun 9 | 5-5:30pm | 7 ses | $65 RMS | skip Apr 14, May 12, 19 | YTAEN1-S3 16like District 196 Community Ed on Facebook • follow District196CE on Twitter • visit www.district196.org/ce • call 651-423-7920 Preschool Gymnastics (ages 3-5) Learn the basics of gymnastics: tumbling, balance, safety and combination skills. Work on the balance beam, wedge, bars, spring board and mini tramp. Wear leotards or comfortable clothing. Sorry, no early bird discount. Jason Passeri is the lead instructor and the RHS gymnastics coach. He has been the Region III Coach of the Year and the MAGA (Midwest Amateur Gymnastics Association) Coach of the Year. Locations: Community of Christ Church (CCC) or Rosemount High School (RHS) Mon | Apr 4-May 23 | 10-10:45am | 8 ses $89 | CCC | YGYMNP-S1 Tue | Apr 5-May 24 | 10-10:45am | 8 ses $89 | CCC | YGYMNP-S2 Wed | Apr 6-May 25 | 10-10:45am | 8 ses | $89 | CCC | YGYMNP-S3 Sat | Apr 9-May 21 | 12:15-1pm | 7 ses | $79 | RHS | YGYMNP-S4 Music Together (parents and children birth-5 yrs) ! FREE ass ... l C o Dem try it! :15-11am | 10 Share the joy of making music! Infants, toddlers and preschoolers participate at their own level, sharing songs, playing instruments, learning 6 rhymes and movement activities in a relaxed, 1 r m | Ma MTD-S1 5am-12p playful setting. Learn to sing in tune, keep Y 1 Wed : 1 | 1 a beat and participate with confidence. 6 1 r 2 m | Ma YMTD-S -10:45a Receive an illustrated songbook filled with 0 1 Wed music-making ideas and two new CDs, one 17 | S3 r a m | M MTD:45p for home and one for on the go. Sorry, no Y Thu | 4-4 0 2 r early bird discount. Music Together in the a 4 M | D-S Valley is directed by Clarice Auluck-Wilson. Sun YMT : AVCC tion mily. She has been teaching and directing Music Loca demo per fa e n Together for seven years and has earned o Only certification from the national Music Together organization. Buggy for Bugs (ages 3½-6) Are you buggy for bugs? Do you like the creepy crawlers of the immense insect world? Investigate the three types of metamorphosis; discover how some bugs live in colonies; and how bugs eat, smell and survive. Construct your own bugs, weave a web and more in this fun, hands-on class. Science Explorers instructors are dedicated to helping children learn about their world through science with hands-on exploration. Sat | Apr 16 | 9:30-11:30am $19 | FRMS | YSEBB-S1 Parenting to Promote Executive Functioning and Self-regulation Skills Does your child struggle with controlling his or her behavior, attention or emotions? Learn about executive functioning skills and how they develop. The focus will be on interactive learning and problem solving to teach parenting strategies and activities to build stronger skills for your child. The information is focused on children ages 3 to 13, but all parents and educators are welcome. Paige Hays is an occupational therapist who has extensive experience working with children with developmental needs. She provides high-quality parent-training, teaching parents to match the individual needs of each child. Thu | May 5 | 6:30-8:30pm | $15 | FRMS APPEF-S1 Fee: $176 adult-child pair, $99 add’l child, infants under eight months attend free with paid sibling. Location: Apple Valley Community Center (AVCC) Wed | Mar 30-Jun 1 | 10:15-11am | 10 ses | YMT-S1 Wed | Mar 30-Jun 1 | 11:15am-12pm | 10 ses | YMT-S2 Wed | Mar 30-Jun 1 | 5:15-6pm | 10 ses | YMT-S3 Wed | Mar 30-Jun 1 | 6:15-7pm | 10 ses | YMT-S4 Thu | Mar 31-Jun 2 | 10-10:45am | 10 ses | YMT-S5 Thu | Mar 31-Jun 2 | 11-11:45am | 10 ses | YMT-S6 Sun | Apr 3-Jun 5 | 4-4:45pm | 10 ses | YMT-S7 Sun | Apr 3-Jun 5 | 5-5:45pm | 10 ses | YMT-S8 like District 196 Community Ed on Facebook • follow District196CE on Twitter • visit www.district196.org/ce • call 651-423-792017 more enrichment Aqua Kids 3 (ages 3 to 5) Develop skills and endurance to swim longer distance. Begin to learn front crawl and elementary backstroke. Skills include: Aqua Tots (ages 6 to 36 mos with a parent or guardian) Have fun in the pool with a parent or guardian. Parents learn to help their child adjust to the water and develop safety awareness. Mon & Wed | Mar 28-Apr 25 | 5:15-5:45pm | 8 ses | $61 | BHMS Tue & Thu | Mar 29-Apr 26 | 6:30-7pm | 8 ses | $61 | SHMS Sat | Apr 2-May 21 | 10:45-11:15am | 8 ses | $61 | SHMS Sun | Apr 3-May 22 | 6:25-6:55pm | 8 ses | $61 | BHMS Many more convenient times and locations are listed online! Aqua Kids 1 (ages 3 to 5 with or without a parent or guardian) Become comfortable in the water and learn basic skills (may be performed with flotation), including: • Enter the water independently • Submerge head • Bob underwater and blow bubbles • Front float and glide • Back float and glide • Roll over with life jacket • Paddle stroke on front and finning stroke on back Mon & Wed | Mar 28-Apr 25 | 5:50-6:20pm | 8 ses | $61 | BHMS Tue & Thu | Mar 29-Apr 26 | 7-7:30pm | 8 ses | $61 | SHMS Sat | Apr 2-May 21 | 9-9:30am | 8 ses | $61 | SHMS Sun | Apr 3-May 22 | 6:25-6:55pm | 8 ses | $61 | BHMS Many more convenient times and locations are listed online! Aqua Kids 2 (ages 3 to 5) Participants learn to swim short distances and jump into chest-deep water. Master the basic skills of Aqua Kids 1 independently and without flotation. Mon & Wed | Mar 28-Apr 25 | 7-7:30pm | 8 ses | $61 | BHMS Tue & Thu | Mar 29-Apr 26 | 5:15-5:45pm | 8 ses | $61 | SHMS Sat | Apr 2-May 21 | 9:35-10:05am | 8 ses | $61 | SHMS Sun | Apr 3-May 22 | 4:05-4:35pm | 8 ses | $61 | BHMS Many more convenient times and locations are listed online! • Jump into chest-deep water and return to the edge of the pool • Bob underwater, blowing bubbles • Front float, glide, turn and swim back to the wall • Back float, glide, roll over, turn and swim back to the wall • Tread water • Paddle stroke on front and finning stroke on back • Front crawl • Elementary backstroke Mon & Wed | Mar 28-Apr 25 5:50-6:20pm | 8 ses | $61 | BHMS Tue & Thu | Mar 29-Apr 26 5:50-6:20pm | 8 ses | $61 | BHMS Sat | Apr 2-May 21 9:35-10:05am | 8 ses | $61 | BHMS Sun | Apr 3-May 22 4:50-5:20pm | 8 ses | $61 | SHMS Many more convenient times and locations are listed online! more for ages 4+ Check out these and more at www.district196.org/ce! Mother’s Day Gift Making (ages 4-7) They love you, hug you and make you brush your teeth! Show your mom how much you love her with a handmade gift. Create a beautiful handprint flower bouquet painting on a real canvas board. Kidcreate instructor Sat | Apr 30 | 1-4pm | $33 | FRMS | YKCMD-S1 inew Basics to Building: Models that Move (ages 4-6) Discover STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics)! Let your imagination run wild and build models that move. Explore swinging, spinning, rotating and linear motion using Kid K’NEX Educational Kits. Computer Explorers TechStars Program has been teaching computer application skills throughout the U.S. and internationally. Sat | May 14 | 9-11am | $29 | FRMS | YCEBB-S1 Monster Mash (ages 4-6) Transform into a musical monster on stage, moving to magical melodies. Inspired by the books Where the Wild Things Are, Monster Mess, I Need My Monster, Tickle Monster, and The Book that Eats People, there’s no telling what kind of creatures and adventures you will bring to life. Stages Theatre Company instructors are committed to stimulating artistic excellence and personal growth. Sat | Apr 16-30 | 10-11am | 3 ses | $39 FRMS | YSTMM-S1 18like District 196 Community Ed on Facebook • follow District196CE on Twitter • visit www.district196.org/ce • call 651-423-7920 spectacular spring activities Grow and Trim a Grass Cup Buy grass seed and potting soil. Have your child use a spoon to fill a Styrofoam cup and then carefully sprinkle the grass seed across the top. Place the cup by a window and water often to keep the soil moist. When the grass grows a few inches, the child can give the grass a trim with children’s scissors. Make an Edible Dirt Cup Ingredients • 1 package (3.9 oz.) chocolate instant pudding • 2 cups cold milk • 1 tub (8 oz.) non-dairy whipped topping, thawed • 1 5 chocolate sandwich cookies, finely crushed inside a plastic Ziploc bag • W orm-shaped chewy fruit snacks Help your child beat the pudding mix and milk in large bowl with a whisk for 2 minutes. Stir in whipped topping and 1/2 cup cookie crumbs. Spoon into 10 (6- to 7-oz.) paper or plastic cups; top with remaining cookie crumbs. Refrigerate one hour. Top with fruit snacks just before serving. Take a Nature Walk 1. M ake a sticky bracelet by wrapping masking tape around your child’s wrist, sticky side out. 2. A s you walk, your child can pick up fun things he or she finds such as seeds, pebbles, and leaves and place them on the bracelet. Take a Texture Walk Take a walk and bring a piece of paper and crayons without their wrappers. Find things that would make an interesting crayon rubbing. Place the paper over the object and color with the long side of the crayon. Tree bark, patio bricks, wood grains and shoe soles all make fun patterns. Make an Indoor Flower Shop Materials • Artificial flowers • Baskets, plastic vases • Styrofoam • Counter or play theater • Gardening gloves • Play money • Paper, crayons, markers Create a colorful flower shop sign with the paper, crayons and markers. Let your child put together his or her favorite arrangement in the baskets and vases. Pretend to sell the arrangements, or create one to give to someone special. Nurt your ure n curio atural sity! 19 Independent School District 196 4679 144th St W Apple Valley, MN 55124 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Rosemount, MN Permit No. 1 Jane K. Berenz, Superintendent Khia Brown, Director of Community Education School Board Jackie Magnuson, Chairperson Gary L. Huusko, Vice Chairperson Joel Albright, Clerk Bob Schutte, Treasurer Art Coulson, Director Rob Duchscher, Director Mike Roseen, Director District 196 does not discriminate in employment or in any of its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, familial status, membership or activity in a local human rights commission, disability, sexual orientation, age or genetic information. District 196 provides equal access to designated youth groups. The Director of Human Resources (651-423-7859) has been designated to respond to employment-related inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies. The Director of Elementary Education (651-423-7782) and the Director of Secondary Education (651-423-7712) have been designated to respond to student-related inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies. The Director of Special Education (651-423-7629) has been designated to respond to inquiries concerning the rights of a student with a disability. The mailing address for all directors is 3455 153rd Street W, Rosemount, MN 55068. ECFE Playtimes Parents, come and play with your children. No preregistration needed! Family Playtimes: Birth through Prekindergarten Come and play at our house with your preschool children. Fun activities such as playdough, paints, sand, water, dress up, music and stories will be available. Families welcomed on a first-come, first-served basis until room capacity is reached. Sorry, kindergarten children may not participate. The fee is only $4 per child and punch cards for discounted fees are available for purchase. No charge for babies through 12 months. Sc hool Distric Fri | Feb 19-Jun 3 | 9-11:30am $4 per child | Room 204 skip Mar 11, 25; Apr 22 1 2 Admit One 3 4 5 t 196 ECFE Playtime Child Per Pu 6 nch 7 8 9 10 Especially for Babies: Birth through 12 months This is a time for babies and parents to play in our infant environment. Come and explore new toys, sing songs or enjoy other fun activities led by an ECFE teacher. There will also be time to meet other parents and their babies! Baby playtime is free of charge. Participation is limited to this age only. Tue | Feb 16-Jun 7 | 2-4pm | FREE | Room 116 | skip Mar 22 www.district196.org/ecfe