81 Technical Report Series Number 80-6 32 DATA REPORT ON SEA LEVEL FLUCTUATIONS IN THE SOUTH ATLANTIC BIGHT, 1977 J. 0 . Blanton and W. C. Maddox, Jr. 31 31 Georgia Marine Science Center University System of Georgia Skidaway Island, Georgia 81 DATA REPORT ON SEA LEVEL FLUCTUATIONS IN THE SOUTH ATLANTIC BIGHT, 1977 by J. 0. Blanton W. C. Maddox, Jr. Skidaway Institute of Oceanography P. 0. Box 13687 Savannah, Georgia 31406 August, 1979 TECHNICAL REPORT 80-6 The Technical Report Series of the Geor~ia Marine Science Center is issued by the Georgia Sea Grant Program and the Mar1ne Extension Service of the University of Georgia on Skidaway Island (P.O. Box 13687, Savannah, Georgia 31406). It was established to provide dissemination of technical information and progress reports resulting from marine studies and investigations mainly by staff and faculty of the University System of Georgia. In addition, it is intended for the presentation of techniques and methods, reduced data and general information of interest to industry, local, regional, and state governments and the public. Information contained in these reports is in the public domain. If this prepublication copy is cited, it should be cited as an unpublished manuscript. Report to U. S. Department of Energy Contract No. DOE/EV/00809-3 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We wish to thank Jack Fancher of the National Ocean Survey/NOAA in Rockville, Maryland for providing us with the sea level data used in this report. We are grateful to Mrs. Linda Land for typing the manuscript and to Mr. Rick Brokaw for drafting the illustrations. This work is a result of research sponsored by the U. S. Department of Energy (DE-AS09-77SR01025-3). We are grateful for the support, both fiscal and moral, ofT. V. Crawford, J. C. Corey, and D. W. Hayes of E. I. du Pont de Nemours, Inc. Savannah River Laboratory. This report is published as a part of the Georgia Marine Science Center's technical report series issued by the Georgia Sea Grant Program under NOAA Office of Sea Grant #04-158-44126. This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United States Government. Neither the United States nor the United States Depart- ment of Energy, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product of process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately-owned rights. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. Acknowledgements II. List of Figures I I I. i iii Introduction 1 IV. Data Processing 4 v. The Plotted Data 5 VI. References VI I. Appendices: 11 Data ii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Joint U.S. Department of Energy - National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration Sea Level and Ocean Current Network, 1977. 2 2. Time lines showing data returned from DOE-NOAA Sea level network and the time during which ocean current data were obtained (Fig. 1). 3 3. Energy response curves for the 40-hr low pass filters used on the sea level and wind data. 6 4. Adjusted sea level during April, May and June for Wilmington Beach and Myrtle Beach. 8 5. Adjusted sea level during July, August and September for (a) Myrtle Beach, Edisto Beach, Sapelo Island and Fernandina Beach; and (b) Sapelo Island, Fernandina Beach, Mayport and Daytona Beach. 9 6. Adjusted sea level during October and November for (a) Myrtle Beach, Edisto Beach, Sapelo Island and Fernandina Beach; and (b) Sapelo Island, Fernandina Beach, Mayport and Daytona Beach. 10 Appendix A. Wilmington Beach, North Carolina, adjusted sea level for February through July, 1977. B. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, adjusted sea level for March through December, 1977. C. Edisto Beach, South Carolina, adjusted sea level for June, 1977 through January, 1978. D. Sapelo Island, Georgia, adjusted sea level for June, 1977 through January, 1978. E. Fernandina Beach, Florida,and Mayport, Florida, adjusted sea level for January, 1977 through January, 1978. F. Daytona Beach, Florida, adjusted sea level for January, 1977 through January, 1978. iii INTRODUCTION At the beginning of 1977, the Department of Energy supported a multi-institutional project in the South Atlantic Bight (SAB) from Cape Hatteras to Cape Canaveral (Fig. 1) to study the ocean circulation on the continental shelf. One of the purposes of the study was to produce a synoptic data set of coastal sea level and ocean currents that could be used to help verify hydrodynamic models that might be developed in the future. Ocean currents were simultaneously measured off North Carolina (Pietrafesa, 1979) and off Georgia (Lee, 1979). These measurements were complemented by data from a network of sea level gauges (Fig. 1) supported jointly by the Savannah River Laboratory (DOE) and the National Ocean Survey (NOAA). All gauges were exposed to the open ocean and were unaffected by inlet geometry and river input. Through an interagency agreement, funds were provided for NOAA to maintain two gauges, one at Sapelo Island and one at Wilmington Beach. The remaining gauges were part of the permanent tide gauge network of NOAA. The interagency agreement provided for the expedient transfer of these data to the Savannah River Laboratory, which in turn, asked Skidaway Institute to analyze these data for distribution to DOE contractors and others interested in the oceanography of the South Atlant1c tllght. The data from the sea level network (Fig. 2) covered D months for the three stations in Florida. than13-month coverage. Stations north of Florida had less Six of the seven stations are co-temporal with the current meter data in summer-autumn of 1977. 1 l>~-~ Cape ~ ~l Hatteras--- __ )-5 ::1~-J~~ Wilmington~/?-; ·~ Wilmington r..1yrtle Beach / )i • ,-~--lJ • Beach • / . / I ./ ' Charleston • Ed1::.to Beach .., , ' '\- . Savannah \• ) - .;y 1 Fernand1na Beach • ...,~ Sapelo Island • -\' • -r ~"-; .. • • i '"'"6 • J. . Joe k so nvi lie• 11/\ I o . I Maypor/ I • a seo level • wind • ocean currents I 1 Daytona C:::ch • \ Canaveral \ 111 0 \ ~0 L___ ' - _ \ \ _j_ 100 150 km - - ._ __ ___l_- ___,______j I I I \\ ,' Figure 1. Joint U.S. Department of Energy - National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration Sea Level and Ocean Current l~etwork, 1977. 2 w 1. Wilmington Beach, N.C. 340Q1.9'N, 77053.6'W 2. Myrtle Beach, S.C. 33041.0'N, 78o53.1'W 3. Edisto Beach, S.C. 32030.1'N, 8Q017.8'W 4. Sapelo Island, Ga. 31023.4'N, 81017.2'W 5. Fernandina Beach, Fla. 3Q040.4'N, 81027.9'W 6. Mayport, Fla. 30023.6'N, 81025.9'W 7. Daytona Beach, Fla. 29008.8'N, 80057.8'W . . . . . ·. );_:; .... ~-:--:;-.· . .. . . :-: ::-: ... :. .. . ·:. {;~::·~-\;\/ ·- . :--: .. _:-:_::::·:::-:_· -~--~, ·-.-. . ·-:- . ::- -:; ·--·;:'.·. Month Year Fig. 2. /. .. <) D J 1976 F M A M J J 1977 A S 0 N D J 1978 Time lines showing data returned from DOE-NOS sea level network and the time during which ocean current data were obtained (Fig. 1) DATA PROCESSING The sea level data consist of hourly values. The strongest signal in the data is the semi-diurnal tide which was removed in order to see the changing sea level caused by forcing at lower frequencies. The tidal signal was removed with a symmetric Lanczos filter containing 193 weights. This filter removes all fluctuations occurring more frequently than once per 30 hours and the remaining variance in the data preserves the fluctuations due to wind stress and other forces of comparable or lower frequencies. This filter is identical to that used by the University of Miami (Lee, 1979) and North Carolina State University (Pietrafesa, 1979) for smoothing the ocean current data. It is hereafter referred to as the 40-hr low pass filter (40 HRLP). Four days of data were lost from each end of each sea level file due to the filtering process. Wind stress is one of the more important parameters influencing the change in sea level over frequencies of 0.1 to 0.3 cycles per day. Four coastal weather stations (Fig. 1) report 3-hourly observations that include speed and direction of wind and barometric pressure. The data are supplied by the National Climatic Center in Ashville, North Carolina. Components of wind stress were computed according to the formula 1; = -rCoiV; IV; with i = 1,2 where V; are the north and east components of wind velocity, and rCo is taken as 2 x 1o-6 gm/cm3 (Pond and Pickard, 1978). The three-hourly values of wind-stress and barometric pressure 4 were smoothed by a 40 HRLP fi 1ter that approximates the frequency response of the filter that smoothed the hourly sea level data (Fig. 3). Each 40 HRLP file of sea level data was decimated to 6-hourly values and these were paired with corresponding 6-hourly values of 40 HRLP wind stress and barometric pressure from the weather station. ~earest coastal The barometric pressure was used to adjust the sea 1eve 1 fi 1e for the "inverted barometer" effect. or raises the sea level by 1 cm/mb. This effect 1owers The deviation of barometric pressure from the mean of each station during 1977 was used to adjust the sea level by adding the 6-hourly value of deviation to the corresponding 6-hourly value of sea level. This operation created the final file of adjusted sea level for each station listed in Figure 2. THE PLOTTED DATA The appendix of this report contains the adjusted sea level and corresponding wind stress for the NOS/DOE sea level stations (Fig. 2). Each page has one month of data if the station recorded acceptable data for that particular month. The wind stress plots are oriented such that vertical vectors represent winds blowing parallel to the local shoreline. from north. Each plot indicates the orientation of the local shoreline We caution the reader that the vector plots appear to give more emphasis to stress perpendicular to the time axis (i.e. shore-parallel) than stress vectors more nearly parallel to the axis. A study of the plots show the expected correlation between winds and coastal sea level. Shore parallel to the north and offshore wind stresses lower sea level at the coast while southward and onshore winds 5 Period 100 (hrs) 57 --,--- 10 08 Low-pass "''"<:: g_ 0 6 filter sea level ..:::.t::lhr, M::97 "''" >- :::' 04 '"c w I Low -pass 6 f ~ filler 3 hrs , M o wmd data I 33 I \ 02 \ ' ____L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 0 01 0"02 Frequency Figure 3. L__"------~~~--~ 0"03 (cph) Energy response curves for the 40-hr low pass filters used on the sea level and wind data. 6 tend to raise sea level. Lee and Brooks (1979) suggest that subtidal coastal sea level fluctuations in the South Atlantic Bight are directly forced by local winds. In fact, the fluctuations appear to integrate the effects of wind over a several hundred kilometer scale. This is best indicated by the remarkable correlation of sub tidal sea level oscillations throughout the SAB (Figs. 4, 5, 6). For example, the low stand of sea level on April 6 (Fig. 4) is associated with a 4-day episode of strong northward wind stress that occurred at all four of the coastal weather stations. The high coastal sea level on 2 October (Fig. 6) corresponds to the strong southward stress throughout the SAB that began on 30 October and lasted for 4 days. The reader can study the Appendix for further examples. 7 MAY JUNE 60 i\ .vi c M I -\, 0 \ •_1 1 ·l •\ M(t .'0 ,\ / · ·I J ··1.)~··. \··vi\. /. . . ,,\ I \ '~~~~~·,_·v·~~\ v._·- Jlv \1:).\.. c•\ ·· · • -· ·.! 1 I -_ ,_•. : •• .< .,_ ,. 1 •1 Al :. ·.:.! ·. ~ \j UllMINGlON HEALH BEACti MYRTLE - 0 10 r-·- 1 211 JO i),\! s '" f f../, 1M --r·-- 50 50 Ar'f..llL \977 - 70 1 50 -,_1 90 Figure 4. Adjusted sea level during April, May and June for Wilmington Beach and Myrtle Beach. :..C>JlJSl ED SEA LEVEL JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER 60 (a) ' .·,\. . 0 \ 20 1·· " ( ' I' 1.\' ,3 , ' .' ~ .~N\J\yft\ ~~~ I II M "\ .·\ I \' ' .,, ·'!\', V \I.> ,,d ' 1,_\ '-" • ' ' / 1:}! • l~f M'ff.<lt C ~} \I' v .-\.UI E.DlS !0 lH_ACH SAPE"LO ISLAND 60 BEAC~I FERNANL>INA ... 0 10 I co -l I 20 c - oe ?0 AUGUST JULy --~ 70 80 90 SEP1EMBER 1 (b) ~c c M SAf.."flO lSI AN[) H.RNM-.OlNA BE:AU1 ~lA YPORT DAYTONA BEA01 - •c I 20 -· ~--· 3C DAYS I ·-·-I 80 ~f.<O~I ,1-l)l_Y ,J 90 197' Figure 5. Adjusted sea level during July, August and September for (a) Myrtle Beach, Edisto Beach, Sapelo Island and Fernandina Beach; and (b) Sapelo Island, Fernandina Beach, Mayport and Daytona Beach. 9 AD,JU~TED SFA Lfi.FL OCfOBff.> iJOVFMBFP 60 ?0 c H ?0 MYRTLE BEAO• EDTSTO -50 BEAC~t ---SAPELO ISLAND 1 FERNANDINA BEACH l 0 5 10 IS -, l I 20 25 30 '" 35 OCTOBER 50 I l -,J 55 6(l c 45 50 NOVEMBER '" 20 c H 0 ··?.0 SAPELO ISLAND FERNANDINA BEACH -60 ---MAYPORT -- ---,0 5 ·----T I0 I5 -T20 r----T25 DAYS FROM 3Cl DAYTONA BEACH --1 35 I OrlORFR -r- T - -T--T .JO 45 SO SS 60 187~ 6. Adjusted sea level during October and November for (a) Myrtle Beach, Edisto Beach, Sapelo Island and Fernandina Beach; and (b) Sapelo Island, Fernandina Beach, Mayport and Daytona Beach. Fi~ure 10 REFERENCES 1. Lee, T.N., 1979. Measurement of Gulf Stream and wind induced shelf circulation in the South Atlantic Bight. Progress Report to the U.S. Department of Energy (Contract No. EY-76-S-D5-5163) 91 p. 2. Lee, T.N. and D.A. Brooks, 1979. Initial observations of current, temperature and coastal sea level response to atmospheric and Gulf Stream forcing on the Georgia Shelf. Geophysical Research Letters 6(4):321-324. 3. Pietrafesa, L.J., 1979. Continental shelf processes affecting the oceanography of the South Atlantic Bight. Progress Report to the U.S. Department of Energy (Contract No. EY-76-S-09-0902). 82 p. 4. Pond, S. and G.L. Pickard, 1978. Introductory Dynamic Oceanography. Pergamon Press, Elmsford, N.Y. 241 p. 11 APPENDIX A. WILMINGTON BEACH, NORTH CAROLINA, ADJUSTED SEA LEVEL FOR FEBRUARY THROUGH JULY, 1977. 12 FEBRUARY,.t977 It l2 Is I 4 Is I e 11 Ia Ia ltel11 I t21ts I t41 ud 1e l11lta he l2al2t I22I2S l24l21dn l21l2a lnlselst I ~~ W~LMINGTON ____ .. WINO STRESS :~ ~ llllllt/~~11'1'~~\\\ 1111'~1'~~ ...l\11''__,,,/11111 1-' w WILMINGTON BEACH li SEA LEVEL AD~USTED 188 188 68 68 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l.,..,..d: I I I :::::!::: I I I I I I I I I I • -68 -68 -tee -tee 1t I2 1s 14 16 1e 11 1• 1e 1•• Ju 1•2 1• s 1• .. (t6 1t e 1t 1 1" 1'o 12• 12 t (22 J2S J24 J26 121 121 121 Ju 1sa 1s' 1 I t I 2 I s I .. I 5 I 6 I 1 I 8 I 9 I 1e I t , N~~ MARCH .. 1977 l12 Its It 4 In; lt6 l11 I 1eIta l2e l21 l22 l2s l24 l25 l26 l21 l28 129 lse Is, I WILMINGTON WIND STRESS PYN~S/C~ 2 .6 I-' ~ WILMINGTON BEACH ADJUSTED SEA LEVEL X: 100 188 59 5e 9 e -se -58 -tee -188 u I 1 I 2 I s I 4 I s I e I 1 I e I 9 It e I 1 1 Jt 2 Jt s It 4 Jt 6 It 6 1t 7 Jt e It 9 J2e J2t j22 J23 J24 12s J2e 127 12e 129 Jse 1s 1 1 APRIL .. 1977 I 1 I 2 I s I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 It e It 1 It 2 It 3 lt4 It 6 It 6 lt7 f 18 I 1e l2e l2 1 l22 l23 l24 l25 l26 l21 l28 N 129 Ise I3 t I WILMINGTON WIND STRESS PYNES/C~ ca .s ...... (.11 WILMINGTON BEACH ADJUSTED SEA LEVEL 1: 100 108 50 58 0 u r I >" I I I I I J< "t'Cl I I I 17< I I I I ><J:::>o'l Px I I I l::;;;wl:::::: I I /I I I e -50 -se -100 -tee I 1 12 13 1 4 1s 1a 11 1 a 19 1t e 1t 1 112 Jts lt4 Jt s Jte 1t 7 Ita Jt9 120 j2t J22 j23 f24 f25 j2e J27 J2e j2e 13e Js t 1 I 1 I2 I3 I4 I5 Ie I7 Is I9 MAY,1977 l1 e l11 l12 l1 3 It 4 l16 Ita l1 1 l18 l19 l20 l21 l22 l23 l24 l25 l2e "'~i l21 !28 129 lse 131 I WILMINGTON WIND STRESS PYNES/C~ 0 .s ~\\\\\\\\\lllii/;~~~I/~,\111////;;,,J~///A"W/////////' ,_. "' WILMINGTON BEACH l: AD~USTED SEA LEVEL 100 100 50 50 e 0 -50 -50 -100 - tee u I I I2 I3 I4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 II 9 I" It 2 ,, 3 It 4 It 6 jiB ,, 7 It 8 j t 9 j20 j2 I j22 j23 j24 j25 j28 j27 j28 j29 j30 13 I I ~UNE,.1977 I , I 2 I s I 4 I 6 I 6 I 1 I s I 9 I t 0 I t , It 2 It s N~~ lt-4 I t 6 lt6 lt7 Its lt9 l20 l2, WILMINGTON WIND l22 l2s l24 l26 l26 l21 l2s 129 Isa 1st I STRESS PYNES/C,..e •6 lil _,,\\ll/llllillllll///~~//////_,,,\ll///////k,,,,,,\\\~111\\\1 ,._. '-J WILMINGTON BEACH :I: u AD~USTED SEA LEVEL tee 109 60 se 9 I I I I I I I I I ""'= 1/ I I I I I I I I '"I I I :r-4"" I I I =t"- cui.<= I ".it I I I e -50 -se -tee -100 11 12 1s 14 1s 1a 11 1s 19 Jt e1t 1 11 2 Jt s 11 -4 I' s I' e It 1 I' eJt9 J2a J2t j22 J2s J24 J2s J2e J27 J2e J29 1s0 1s1 1 ~ULY . . 1977 I t I 2 I s I 4 I 5 I e I 1 I 8 I g It e It 1 l12 It s I t 4 I16 lte It 1 I 18 I19 l20 l21 "'~i l22 l23 l24 l25 l2e i21 l28 129 Ise Is 1 I WILMINGTON WIND STRESS OYNES/C~ ra 1111,,,,, 1 ,~··''111111 .s \\1 ....... cc WILMINGTON BEACH ADJUSTED SEA LEVEL l:: 100 tee 59 58 9 u 1~ __/ l """'- I I I • 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I • I 1 I I 1 I e -59 -se -100 -tee It j2I3J4Js je j7j8j9jtejlljl2jtsjt4Jtsjtejt7Jtaj1Qj2ej2tj22j23j24j25J2Bj27J2aj29 j39 JSIJ APPENDIX B. MYRTLE BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA, ADJUSTED SEA LEVEL FOR MARCH THROUGH DECEMBER, 1977 . 19 MARCH,1977 It l2lsl-4 16lel7lalsltel1t lt2ltslt-41uduslnltelu~I2,d2t 122l2312412512el27128l29lselstl N~~ CHARLESTON WIND STRESS DYNE!VCH• g --.,,~\\,,~\\/~A&.J!i/11/lt;/._ =- .& ~~~~\\11 N 0 MYRTLE BEACH l: AD~USTED SEA LEVEL 198 198 60 se e e -50 -59 -tee -tee u 1 1 1 2 l 3 1 "' 16 1e 11 18 1a 1te 1t t Jt 2 1t s 1t "' 1t 6 1t e 1t 1 1te 1t o (2e 121 122 12s 124 12s 12e 121 128 129 Isa jst 1 I t I 2 I 3 I 4 I s I e I 1 I s I Q I ~~~ l1t APRIL, 1977 l12 It s IH I t s I t 6 I t 1 It 8 I t 9 l2a l2 t l22 l23 !24 l2s l2e l21 l28 129 Isa Is1 I CHARLESTON WIND STRESS N~~ PYNES/CI1a Gil 11\\.\\ /$&. . . ,11//P" .s ~\\1/~llhyl/j • .....,......,..._,..,.............. N ........ MYRTLE BEACH ~ AD~USTED SEA LEVEL !00 tea 50 50 e e -sa -sa -100 - 100 · U I I I 2 I3 I 4 I 6 I6 I 7 I 8 I9 I Jt 9 1 I ,, 2 Jt s Jt ~ Jt 6 I t 6 I17 Jt 8 It 9 J29 J2t J22 J23 J24 125 J26 127 J28 J29 J30 Is I 1 MAY,1977 I1 I2 Is l 4 I5 "~I I6 I1 I8 Ia It e It 1 It 2 It s lt-4 Its lt6 In Its lt9 l2e l21 l22 l23 l24 l25 l26 l21 l28 129 Ise Is 1 I CHARLESTON WIND STRESS OYNES/CMa Q) • s 1//fl/1/,..-...~'"\\ I I Ill' '"'llff//f/1/llf//'"' tilIIIIIII"-'"""~!/IIIII/II111111/llll//////////// N N MYRTLE BEACH 1: AD~USTED SEA LEVEL tee tea 5e 50 e a -se -sa -100 -tee u 1 1 12 1 3 14 J5 1s 1 7 1s 1a It e It 1 Jt 2 Jt s Jt 4 Jt s It e It 1 1t e Jt9 J2e 121 122 J23 J24 12s 126 J27 J2e 12a Jsa 1st 1 I 1 I 2 Is I4 Is Ie I7 '-'UNE .. 1977 I s I g It e It t It 2 It s I t -4 Its It e lt7 Its I t 9 l2e l2t l22 123 l24 l2s l2e l21 l2s 129 I se Is 1 I CHARLESTON WIND STRESS N~~ I)YNES/C1'4R 13 .G --"--~_..-,\''!l//1!1111111/l///ll!lllf!llllll/v-.,, 11,1/_....,\l,illfiiii~~/&@YA!IIIIIII N w MYRTLE BEACH 'l: AD~USTED SEA LEVEL t80 tee S0 se 0 e -se -se -100 -tee u 1 1 12 1s 1 4 1s 1e 11 1a 1 g It e It t 112 1t s lt-4 jt 6 1t e 1t 7 I' e lt9 j2e 121 122 129 12<4 12s j2e J27 J28 129 1se 1st 1 I t I 2 I s I 4 I s I 6 I 7 I a I g It e Itt N~~ -JULY . . 1977 lt2 Its I t.,. It 6 Ita 117 It 8 Ita l2e l21 l22 l23 l24 l2s l26 l21 !28 129 Ise Is 1 I CHARLESTON WIND STRESS DYNES/eM& a I/1/J/J/\\... .-..'-.'\\\\\\\\\\\\1\\\\\ 1\\\\\'\<o... .s >.....,.,_,,' '----.11/v,v-----' IIIJ fff/1 ,-til///// ""''7/////#,... 1 N ~ MYRTLE BEACH 1: u SEA LEVEL AD~USTED 100 109 50 59 e I I I 71 ""*::::: I I I I 1 ± 1 ::::± 1 1 LJ I I I I V I I I '" F I I ~d.c I e -se -50 -100 -100 11 12 13 14 15 1e 11 1a 1g It e It 1 It 2 It s jt-4 It 6 Ita lt7 It 8 Ita 12e 121 122 j23 J24 j25 J2e j27 12a J29 j30 j3t J AUGUST; 1977 It l2 13 1.. Is I e 17 Ia I g lte Itt lt2lts lt4lu; lte lt71tslt912e l21 l22i23124l2s l2e l2712el29lselst I CHARLESTON WIND STRESS N~~ DYNES/CHR ra •s 11\\~ - ••~.... ..,_,,\\\\\\\\\\\11.,,,,,1/////111---""~ N <.n MYRTLE BEACH l: AD~USTED SEA LEVEL 100 tee 50 se 0 0 -50 -50 -100 -180 u 11 12 13 14 1s 16 11 1a 19 It e I• 1 Jt2 jtS Jt 4 I' s It 6 Jt 7 Jt e Jt9 j2e j21 j22 j23 j24 j2s 12e 121 j2e j29 j3e jst 1 I , I 2 I s I .. I 5 I 6 I 1 I 8 I g SEPTEMBER .. 1977 Ita It t I t 2 IJS It"' Its lt6 l11 I t 8 I ,9 l2e l2 t l22 l2s l24 l25 !26 l21 l28 IZl I90 I9 t I CHARLESTON WIND STRESS ·~~ IfillII' J\ PYNES/t:Me 1:!1 .s ~~;;////1111////;';'~~~1/1//11"_,.. • ~''"''"'--''lllll/1/llw~" ,, "I///...-.-...,_,'' N 0"1 MYRTLE BEACH I: AD~USTED SEA LEVEL IBB 108 69 58 0 8 -se -5e -100 -188 u 1 1 1 2 1 9 1 4 1 s 1 6 1 7 1 a 1 g 1t 0 It t I' 2 It 9 11 "' Jt s 1t a 1t 7 1t 8 Jt 9 J2e J21 J22 j2s 124 j2s J2e j27 j28 j2Q J30 Jst 1 I t I2 I3 I 4 Is Ia I7 Is I9 OCTOBER .. 1977 It e I t t l12 Its lt-4 Its Ita I 17 It s lt9 l2e l21 l22 l23 l24 l2s l2e l21 l2s l29 Ise Is t I CHARLESTON WIND STRESS N~~ PYNES/CM~ a .s /1/////f/l \\\\\\\ \1111~11~ ~'''''''-'II\\~~--.._\\ 11/ff///jr11/!lfl' ' ,.o'/~\\\\\I\\\\\\\\ N ....... MYRTLE BEACH AD~USTED SEA LEVEL tee tee ~ 50 I: se _/ e e u -se -50 -IBB -100 1 t 12 13 14 1s Ia j7 js j9 lte itt jt21ts lt4lt6jtajnjt8jt9j2aj2t j22j23I24I2Sj26l27l28j29j30 jst 1 NOVEMBER, 1977 I 1 I2 I3 I4 Is Ie I7 I8 I e It e I t 1 l12 It 3 lt4 Its It e lt7 It 8 lte l2e l2t l22 l23 l24 l2s l2a l21 l2a 129 13e 1st I CHARLESTON WIND STRESS N~~ PYNES/Ct1e 0 .6 '\\llff"~''\'''\\llt!ll~~\lr''\\ll!;;/""ll/Jf/IIY,__-·----~A,.,~2~N 00 MYRTLE BEACH I: AD~USTED SEA LEVEL t00 100 50 50 0 e -50 -59 -100 -199 u 1 t 12 1 3 1 4 1 s 1 e 1 7 J a 1 a jt e jt t jt 2 It s Jt 4 jt s jte It 7 118 11a j2e l2t 122 j23 j24 12s J2e 127 128 12a 130 1st 1 I 1 I 2 I s I _. I 5 I 8 I 7 I 8 I 9 It eItt DECEMBER .. 1977 l12 It s lt-4 Its It e lt7 It 8 lt9 l2e l21 l22 l23 124 !25 l2e l21 l2a l2a Is0 Is 1 I CHARLESTON WIND STRESS H~~ PYNES.I'CI'4e li!l ,,,\III/IIIII///~,. - ..... !/llfl',_...... .s .~;;;;/,?'~ N 1.0 MYRTLE BEACH I: AD~USTED SEA LEVEL 100 tee 50 se B a -50 -sa -100 - tee u 1 1 1 2 1 s 1 -4 1 5 1 e 1 7 1 8 1 9 1t e 1t 1 Jt 2 1t s jt "' It 6 It 8 It 7 jt 8 1t 9 j2e J2t J22 J23 J2<4 j2s J26 J27 j2a j29 1se 1s 1 1 APPENDIX C. EDISTO BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA, ADJUSTED SEA LEVEL FOR JUNE, 1977 THROUGH JANUARY, 1978. 30 ...JUNE .. 1977 l1 l2ls 1.. Isle l1 Is Is ltel,,1,21,slt ... lud,el171teltol2al2t 12212312412sl2el2712al29lselst I ~~~ CHARLESTON WIND STRESS PYN~S~ ~ ,G ,\illl/111!!11/l//l///l/11/ll!llllllh--., 1 1,1,__,\lillfi!III~~~A!IIIIII/ w ....... EDISTO BEACH AD...JUSTED SEA LEVEL 100 198 sa se 0 8 -sa -sa I: u -1 rae -1 11 12 1s 14 1s 1e 17 1e 19 11e I' 1 Jt 2 11 s 11 4 Jl s Jte jt 7 jt e I' 9 j2e 121 122 j2s J24 12s j2e J27 j2s 129 Jse 1st J ee I 1 I 2 I3 I4 Is I6 ~ULY .. I1 I8 1977 I o It e I 1 1 It 2 It 3 It 4 Its lte I 11 l1 8 lt9 l2e l21 l22 I23 l24 l2s l26 l21 I28 l2a I 30 I3 1 I CHARLESTON WIND STRESS -~~ PYNES/C:MI: 0 //////iil~ . .,,,,,\\\\\\\\III\1 I\\\\\\~ """74///R.- '"N>.,,, ·-.. . . ,lt.!(P"'" • .6 ''1111 111 ,.,~;!IIIII w N EDISTO BEACH I: u SEA LEVEL AD~USTED 100 109 59 59 0 I I ;Y=-t~ I I I I !: I I ::::! I I__!___! I I I I /1 I I "( j I I f''O:b I B -50 -50 -100 -IBB 1t 12 13 14 1s 1a 17 1 a 19 It e It 1 112 Jt 3 Jt"' Jt 6 J t a Jt 7 Jt 8 1t 9 129 121 122 123 J24 j2s 12e J27 j28 j29 130 13 t 1 AUGUST, 1977 It l2lsl4ls lel7lalg 1Hdttlt211slt41t6ltelt711sltgl2el2t l2212sl2412sl2el2712al29lselstl CHARLESTON "~! /11\""- -· ~IND STRESS DYNES/CHit 0 ,li .......... ......,,\\\\\\\\\\\11.,1 1/f/f///lfll,.....-."~ w w EDISTO BEACH I: AD~USTED SEA LEVEL 100 109 50 50 0 e -50 -se -100 -tee u 1 1 12 13 14 1s 1e 17 1a 19 It e jt 1 I' 2 Its 11.,. j t6 I' e Jt7 11e 11g j2e J2 1 122 123 j24 j2s 12a J27 j2a j29 j30 J31 1 I 1 I2 Is I4 I5 ~~ I 6 I1 I s I 9 I t e Itt SEPTEMBER, 1977 l12 l1 s lt4 l16 I t 6 l11 It 8 I t 9 l2e l2t l22 l23 l24 l25 l26 l21 l28 129 I se Is t I CHARLESTON WIND STRESS DYNES/C,_.a ca !//lllll/lf/1 ~;;///11111////;';'~~......._\\lff;'I.P" I' , "'""""'-'f/IIIIIIJI!ffr'' I ,li 1///////_,_,\\ w ~ EDISTO BEACH l: AD~USTED SEA LEVEL 100 tee 50 58 0 e -se -58 -100 -tee u 1 1 1 2 13 1" 15 1e 1 7 1e 19 It e It t 112 11 s 114 11s 1t e It 1 It 8 I' 9 120 121 J22 J23 j24 J25 12e 121 128 j29 139 1st 1 I t I2 I9 I4 Is OCTOBER,. 1977 I 6 I 7 I e I 9 It e I t 1 It 2 l1 9 lt4 Its l16 lt7 N~~ Its It 9 l2e l21 l22 l23 l24 l2s l26 l27 l28 129 Ise Is 1 I CHARLESTON WIND STRESS PYNES/CHR Q .s w U"l EDISTO BEACH AD~USTED SEA LEVEL 100 SB l: u e 109 50 ~ ~v~-vCr.~~~~~~p ~: / 1 1 e -se -tee I 1 I2 13 14 1s I 8 17 I a 1 9 ]1 e ]II 112 ]1 9 ]t ~ I' s It e jt7 118 It 9 12e ]21 122 [23 124 ]25 ]28 127 128 ]29 1s0 191 1 NOVEMBER,..1977 It l2ls 1415 le 17 lela lt8ltt lt21tslt41tsltel171tsltsl2812t i2212sl24izs' ~ol2712el291selstl CHARLESTON WIND STRESS N~~ DYNES/CHit Ci!l ,6 \\\\\\\'\lfll!l///~'"'''\\\11/!1/~ \\\\\\1 flip-~""',-.~'-\\\11111/.""'llfi!P_---· "'~ ~//>.~~ .......--- w 0'1 EDISTO BEACH I: AD~USTED SEA LEVEL 100 \80 50 58 e e -50 -se -180 -tee u 1t 12 13 I" 1s 1e 11 1e 1a Jte 1" Jt2jts jt<4Jtsjtsjt7jtejts 12e 121 J22I23J24J2si2Bj27I2BJ29JseJst 1 I , I 2 I s I 4 I s I e I 1 I e I 9 It 0 It t -~~ DECEMBER .. \977 l12 I t s It"' I t s lte It 1 It s lt9 !20 l21 l22 l23 !2"' l2s l2e l21 l28 129 Ise Is t I CHARLESTON WIND STRESS PYNES/'CMa Gt .6 ,,,,/f/111111111~ -.... M/11111,............. -~~~~~~"·--"·--- w -....) EDISTO BEACH I: AD~USTED SEA LEVEL 100 199 sa se 0 e -50 -59 -100 ~~~~~----------------------------------------------------J-199 u 1 1 12 1s l 4 1s 16 11 1e 19 11 e It 1 jt 2 I• s It "' 11 s Ita jt 7 I• 8 lt9 j2e 121 122 j23 j24 J2s J2e J27 j2e j29 J39 1s 1 1 I t I2 I3 I 4 I5 Ie I1 Ia I9 JANUARY . . \978 It a It t lt2 It s lt.-. It s lte I t 1 J, a It Q l2e l21 CHARLESTON N~~ ~IND l22 l23 !24 l2s l2e l21 l28 129 lse Is t I STRESS PYNES/C~ 0 ,6 ----...._\III"A\\{~~---·,/~r'\//~ w 00 EDISTO BEACH ADJUSTED SEA LEVEL 'I: tee tee se 50 e e -50 -se -tee -tee u 1 t J 2 13 1 4 15 1e 17 [ 8 19 [1 e It 1 Jt2 Its lt-4 [ts It e [17 [18 It 9 12e 121 122 123 124 12s 12e [27 [28 129 [3e Jst 1 APPENDIX D. SAPELO ISLAND, GEORGIA, ADJUSTED SEA LEVEL FOR JUNE, 1977 THROUGH JANUARY, 1978. 39 I 1 I 2 I s I .. I s I e I 1 H~~ I8 I; vUNE .. 1977 l10 I t 1 l12 Its I H I t s It e l11 Its lt9 l20 l2t l22 l23 l24 l2s l2e l21 l2s 129 Ise Iss I SAVANNAH WIND STRESS PYNES~ a .s -·-·•"''" ••wm•·••iJJ!!II!IIIIIIIIIII!////////~Ifll ~ 0 SAPELO ISLAND l: AD~USTED SEA LEVEL 100 188 68 sa 8 8 -se -s0 -100 -188 u 1 t 12 1s 1.. 1s 1e 11 18 19 It 0 1• 1 1' 2 1• s 1t <4 11 s Jt e 1• 1 1ts Jt 9 J2e 121 122 J2S J24 J2s J2e 121 J2e J29 1se 1st 1 I t I 2 I s I .. I s I 6 I 1 I a '-'ULY,1977 I g It e l11 l12 Its I t .. I t 6 I te I t 1 Ita It g l28 l21 l22 12S l24 l2s l26 N~~ SAVANNAH WIND STRESS DYNES~ a • > ~'\ \ \ \ lllll/l/11 \\~ '¥~~, IIll \1\\\,,. • l21 l2a 129 I9e Is t I .s •W~I'"'"- _,,\\\\\11111 .,. ...... SAPELO ISLAND l: u AD~USTED SEA LEVEL 199 188 sa sa 8 I I I J~ < I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A I I~ I I I I 1'..: I I -se a -se -tee ~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ -188 I1 I2 Is I -4 I s 1s I7 I a 1g jte jt 1 jt 2 It s jt4 1t 6 jt e jt 1 It a jt9 128 j2t j22 123 j24 12s j2e j27 12e 129 198 jst 1 AUGUST~1977 I t I 2 I s I 4 I s I 6 I 1 I s I a It e Itt l12 It s I t"' lu; It 6 l11 I t a lt9 l2e l2 t l22 l23 l24 l2s l26 l21 l28 129 Isa 1st I N~~ SAVANNAH WIND STRESS PYNES~ a \\\\~ ~· .s --»-~~~\\\\\11/I!!Jiilll\''''''''''~ ~ N SAPELO ISLAND l: AD~USTED SEA LEVEL 100 tee se se a u I ~ - .L I I I ' I - I ' I ~ I / ~ ' "'t I /: ~· I I I ' ' I e -sa -se -tea -tee 1 t 12 1 3 1 4 1 s 16 1 7 18 1a 1t e 1t t [t 2 J t s 1t 4 [16 1t 6 [17 1t a jt9 J2e [2t 122 j23 [24 [2s j2e J27 [28 J29 [30 1st 1 I I2 Is I4 Is Ie I1 1 SEPTEMBER.-1977 I a I s It e It t ltz IJS It-t Its I t e 117 I 18 I u~ lze lzt l22 l23 l24 lzs lze -~~ u l21 lza 129 I se Is 1 I SAVANNAH WIND STRESS OYN£S/CHc Gt ,,,, \\\If IIll//.&--<-= ._... .....,, 11 \\ 11111 ,& ,,,,, ... 1////////......,.... _ ...., .+:> w SAPELO ISLAND 1: u AD~USTED SEA LEVEL 188 188 58 se 8 I I I I 4cc::::l I I I 1::=:::1>/ I I t::'=l i--==T='+= I k I 1/t I ~ I /1 I I I 8 -58 -se -108 -tee jt j2I3 ! 4IS IBI7 1e1s ltejttlt21tS!t.otlt6ltBit7jtsjt9J2ej2tJ22j23 j24J2slzejz7Jzsjzsj3eJ3tJ I t I 2 Is I~ I5 Ie I1 Is I9 OCTOBER .. 1977 I 1e I 1 t l12 Its I 1,. I16 I,e l11 I 18 I1a l2e l2 t l22 l23 l24 l25 l2e l21 l28 l2a lse 1st -~~ \ i/ II I SAVANNAH WIND STRESS PYNES/~ li!l ,6 ~\\11/ff//f/,-'''"''--' I\\"~'*' II - "'llff//ffI11//!!j!!l~'' 111/M--_\\II I\\\ +:> +:> SAPELO ISLAND I: u AD~USTED SEA LEVEL 100 tee se se 0 I lt 1/ I I F'..t..4 1'\: Lf I J'>= f"" I ' a$a <I I I I I > l= "f= I I I I "~ I' I I I 9 -50 -se -100 -tee 11 12 1s 14 15 1e 11 1a 19 1u 1, 1 It 2 1t s It -. It 6 jt e jt 1 It a It g 12a 12 t 122 j23 124 12s 12e 121 128 j2a j3a jst 1 NOVEMBER .. 1977 I 1 I 2 I s I 4 I s I e I 7 I a I g It e It 1 I 12 It s lt4 Its lte It 7 Its lt9 l2e l21 ·~~ l22 l23 l24 l2s l2e l21 l2a 129 Isa Is t I SAVANNAH WIND STRESS DYNES~ Ql \\\\\\\1 \\\\\111~\\\ \\\\\\\ ~< f l t/. a z-- ~Jf!P'r··-..~\\J~~///•"' . li ,..,_, ~ U1 SAPELO ISLAND 1: AD~USTED SEA LEVEL 100 tee S0 se e e -50 -se -100 ~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ -tee u 1 1 12 13 14 1 s 1 e 1 7 1 a 1g It e Jt 1 Jt2 It s It 4 It s It e It 7 jt e Jt 9 j2e 12 1 122 j23 124 12s 12e 121 j2e j29 130 IS t 1 I1 I2 Is I4 Is Ie I7 DECEHBER,1977 . I 8 I g It e It 1 l12 Its It 4 Its It e lt7 It 8 lt9 l2e l2t l22 l23 l24 l26 l2e l21 l28 129 lse ls1 ~~~ I SAVANNAH WIND STRESS PYNES/C.... Gl .li \\1/////"'''lt/~\l/lr''"''"·-~~~~~/.«::«<= ·"''''/ ~ 0\ SAPELO ISLAND ~ u AD~USTED SEA LEVEL 109 198 se se 0 k I I I I I I J~' 1\: I ,t I I I ......._ I < I I ,·<=F='k I ,.V )'< I 74"1 F'd I 1r I I ,........1 '~ I 9 -se -se -180 -199 1t 12 13 14 1s 1e 11 18 19 11 e I' 1 It 2 I" It• jts jte jt7 I' 8 lt9 j2e 121 122 j23 124 125 j2e j27 128 129 139 131 1 ~ANUARY .. 1978 I t I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I e I 1 I s I g It e Itt l12 It 3 lt4 Its It e i11 Its Ita l2e l21 l22 l23 l24 l25 l26 l21 i28 129 lse 1st I \~! SAVANNAH WIND STRESS PYN~S~ 0 ,6 +=> ""-J SAPELO ISLAND l: AD~USTED SEA LEVEL 190 tee se se e e -se -se -190 -tee u 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1s 16 11 1 e 1 g jl e It 1 jt 2 jt 9 jt 4 jt 6 jt6 It 7 It 8 jta j2e j2t j22 j23 124 12s 128 j27 j28 j29 jse 19 1 1 APPENDIX E. FERNANDINA BEACH, FLORIDA, AND MAYPORT, FLORIDA ADJUSTED SEA LEVEL FOR JANUARY, 1977 THROUGH JANUARY, 1978. 48 ~ANUARY,t977 I 1 I 2 I s I "' I s I e I 7 I 8 I o 11 e I t 1 l12 Its I 1"' Its It e I 17 Ita It e l28 l21 l22 129 12<4 125 l2e l21 128 l2a ls8 1st I N ~ACKSONVILLE I WIND STRESS I>YN~S/~ ra •s .........______ ~~.4::-- SQ -'=> 1.0 FERNANDINA BEACH ( -----) AND MAYPORT ( ---- ) X: u AD~USTED SEA LEVEL tee t88 se 58 e I I I I l b..J I :A '.- I L :br~ I I I I I I I I I :::±:: I I I I I I I I 8 -se -68 -190 -U!18 I t 12 1 s 1"' 15 1e 11 18 1e It e 11 1 jt 2 1t s jt "' jt 5 I• e ft 7 1t a jt o 128 121 122 f23 j2<4 f2S j2e 121 j28 120 jse jst 1 FEBRUARY,1977 I 1 I 2 I s I • I s I 8 I 7 I 8 I 9 It e It s l12 I 1s It ... I t 6 lt8 lt7 It 8 Ita l2e l2 t l22 l2s l2• 12S l28 l21 l28 I~ Ise Is 1 I H uACKSONVILLE i ~- ~IND STRESS OYNU/~ Q .s ·~---~· · ·' (JJ 0 FERNANDINA BEACH < -----) AND MAYPORT C ---- ) I: u AD~USTED SEA LEVEL tea tee se 58 e e -68 - -tee -68 - tee It 12 1s I• IS 1e 17 j8 jo jte jtt jt2lt3lt•lu; ltelt7lt8ltOI2e 121 l22l23l24j2S j28l27l28j29l3e l3t 1 MARCH, 1977 It l2 Is 14 Is Ia 17 le 19 lu~ l11 lt21ts lt4lt6ltelnlselta l2ral21 I22I2S 124125 l2el27l28l29lse 1st I ,.. . I uACKSONVILLE WIND STRESS I[ PYN£5/C:... lilt .s (J1 ...... FERNANDINA BEACH < -----) AND MAYPORT l: u C ---- ) AD~USTED SEA LEVEL 100 aee 50 58 0 I 1,~'4'" 1...'oc:l h""""T_ -+-"'4 I ..::=:t==-...1: I I I ~'~-1.\ I I I/ _ ~ I I 1/.,.+-"f" I ~I I I 9 -se -sa -100 -188 I 1 I2 I s I 4 Is I8 I 7 I 8 I9 ]19 It I I 12 ,, s 114 Its lt8 lt7 It 8 Jt9 129 121 J22 J23 ]2-4 J2S 128 127 128 ]29 139 Is I I APRIL,1977 I 1 I 2 I s I 4 I s I e I 7 I e I 9 I 1a It 1 It 2 It s lt4 I t 6 Its lt7 I 18 l19 l2a l21 l22 I2S l24 125 l2e l21 128 l29 IS9 Is 1 I N uACKSONVILLE WIND STRESS DYNES/~ I ca .s I~uw-'''\llllll/////lh~-···'''\\\\lll\.\ II~~ U"l N FERNANDINA BEACH < -----) AND MAYPORT ( ---- ) l: u AD~USTED SEA LEVEL tee 198 50 se a I 7~ I I I I I lb. l~~ ± 1 I 6-.~-lF-t- I t==t::::S: I I I ~I I 0,'1 I a -se -se -100 -lae 1 1 12 1 s 14 1s 1e 11 1e 1 Q I• e I• 1 It 2 Jts It 4 Jts 11e Jt7 I• 8 Jt9 J2e J21 122 j23 124 J25 j2e J27 J2e J29 J39 jst 1 MAY, t977 I 1 I 2 I s I .,. I s I e I 7 I e I 9 I t e It 1 It 2 Its It .,. It 6 Its It 7 It e I u~ l2e l21 l22 l2s l2-4 125 l2e l21 128 l29 Isa Is 1 I N . i I vACKSONVILLE ~IND STRESS DYNES~ Ia .6 - ~\\\llll&~\\l/1/lll'l'jn#l'~\\/~~~ ..-·.~ (JI w FERNANDINA BEACH ( -----) AND MAYPORT ( ---- ) ADvUSTED SEA LEVEL l: u tee 199 sa se e 1 t I e -50 -se -100 -tee jt J2jS J-4 jsje J7 lej9jtellllt21tsJt-4lt6jtejt7ltei19J2eJ21J22I23j2-4j2Sj2ej27j28J29j3ej31J '-'UNE . . 1977 I t I 2 I s I 4 I s I e I 7 I e I a I t e I t t I t 2 It s I t -t Its I t e lt7 I t s I t 9 l2e l2 t l22 12S l24 125 l2e l21 128 l29 Ise Is t I N .. ~ACKSONVILLE WIND STRESS l ~ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\1//A-///M PYNES/CH• 0 .s A~ ......,\\///~ A5 7 1F'Ii~ <..n ~ FERNANDINA BEACH l: < -----) AND MAYPORT < ---- ) AD~USTED SEA LEVEL 100 188 59 se e e -sa -se -IBB ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ -tee u 1 t 121s [4 1s1e J7jejajtejttJt2Jt3J14Jt6[tejt7Jte[t9J2eJ2tJ22J23J24J2S[2e[27J28I2aJ .Jst 1 ..JULY, 1977 I 1 I 2 I s I 4 I s I e I 7 I 8 I 9 I t e Itt It 2 I t s It 4 lu; It e l11 It 8 I ul l2e l2 t l22 l2s 124 12S l2e l21 l2a l2a Ise Is t I N ..r vACKSONVILLE WIND STRESS I PYNES/C:Ma " .s ~~~''"""~~\\\\\\\\\~\\\\IIA~._~\\IIt!,,~~·'////111 U"' U"' FERNANDINA BEACH ( -------) AND MAYPORT C ---- ) l: u AD~USTED SEA LEVEL 109 199 50 59 a e -50 -se -100 -199 It 12 Js J4 1 s 1 e j7 J8 Ja ltejl 1 Jt2Jt3J14JtsJte Jt7Jt8lt9J2eJ2t J22J23J24J25J2e J27J28J29 JSBI3t 1 AUGUST, 1977 It l2 Is 14 Isle 17 leI 9 IH~ lit lt2l1s lt41tsllel171telta l2e l2t l22l2s 124125 l2el27l2el2a lsalst I N ~ACKSONVILLE w a: WIND STRESS ~ DVNES/CM• Ql !IIIII I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\IIIIII1111111\\~~\\I III!11/l/lll!k,~/"' I • s I IIIII\ U1 0'> FERNANDINA BEACH l: < -----) AND MAYPORT ( ---- ) AD~USTED SEA LEVEL 100 109 50 59 0 u -50 I ~ ' -- ------""1 1 I ' _'1-,..-r_=-:~ L ~ ... _.,. ---~~F I i 1~1- --- .... I I I ' -j 9 -59 - -100 -109 It J2JS J4JSJ8 J7J8 J9 J10Jttjt2Jt3Jt4JtSJt8Jt7J18Jt9J29J2t J22J23J24J25J28J27J28J29J39J3t I SEPTEMBER, 1977 I 1 I 2 I s I 4 I s I 8 I 7 I 8 I 9 I u~ It 1 l12 Its It .. Its lt8 lt7 It 8 lt9 l2a l21 l22 l23 124 125 l28 l21 128 i29 Ise ISt I N ., ~ACKSONVILLE ~IND STRESS I ~ PYNES/CH 2 a " -----------· "'~""'Y~''' .s _.,...,..~\II',.., 111 !lll//lll!/k.,111/!/!ll'', _ 1 U1 '-J FERNANDINA BEACH < -----) AND MAYPORT ( ---- ) tea AD~USTED SEA LEVEL -------------------------------------------~ se 50 I: 9 u tBB I I I I ~-1 I B J.-t" --- -50 -58 -tee -IBB 1 1 1 2 1 s 1 4 1s 1s 17 1e 1 9 It e It 1 112 lt3 11 4 ltG lt8 It 1 jte jt9 12a 121 122 123 j24 12s j2e 127 j28 129 j3e j3t 1 It l2 Is 1.. Is Ia l1 OCTOBER .. 1977 Ia Ia lte l11lt2lts IHitslaelnlaslu~ l2e l21 l22l2s 124125 l2e l27l2el2alselst I N .. ~ACKSONVILLE WIND STRESS I( .,~ I //~\\11''' .. ---''\I/ II/1/it.,,l!f/ t>YNES/CHe fa r .s e.-~~·~\'''1111 U1 00 FERNANDINA BEACH < -----) AND MAYPORT ( - - -- ) AD~USTED SEA LEVEL 109 \00 se l: · - ·· ~ - -------------- - ·· ·~· ·-------·-- - --- a e u -50 se - -- ·---· ·--------- -·-·- ---- ----- -·- ---------- -se -109 -100 It 12 Js 1._ Js 1e J7 Je Ja Jte ,,, Jt2JtsJr4JisJaeJt7JteJt9J2eJ2t J22J23J24J2sJ2e J27J2eJ29IseJ3t 1 NOVEMBER, 1977 It I2 Is I 4 Is Ie I1 I8 I9 lte It 1 lt2 Its It _. Its It e I t7 It 8 I t 9 l2e l2t l22 l2s l24 l2s l2e l21 l2s l29 lse 1st I N I . i JACKSONVILLE WIND STRESS I ,,_ OYNES/CI'1• 0 >">~'>-.'\\1///#~~\ll"'dlll/~"'"" . .s .~\\\ (J1 \D FERNANDINA BEACH ( -----) AND MAYPORT C ---- ) tee . - - - -·· ----------· se l: e u ----I - - ------ --------- ----·-·- ·---- - · ~- AD~USTED SEA LEVEL ---------- -· ·----------- I ...-----T 100 50 0 -50 -50 -tee -tee jt j2J3j4js je j7J8j9jtejttjt2jt3Jt"'Jtsjtejt7!t8jt9j2ej2tj22j23j24j2Sj28J27j28j29j39J3tl DECEMBER, 1977 It l2ls 14 Is Ia 17 Ia 19l"'lllit2lt3lt41tGitelt71telt912el2tl2212312412s12al2712el29lselstl N ~I ~ACKSONVILLE WIND STRESS ~I PYNES/ eM• 0 ,6 /1"~ ~%~~{~~;(~// ~~ ~E27~$!tl~,"' I l\\""" m 0 FERNANDINA BEACH ( -----) AND MAYPORT ( ---- ) 100 50 l: --·--·-··- . ---------- -----------·--· ---~- ~--- - - AD~USTED ----- ---------·----- --- -- ·- ·---- -- ------ - -------·---- ------ ··----·- - - -- -·- ·- ··- - SEA LEVEL ----- - ---·-----, ---· -- ·---------- ____ .. , 0 109 se 0 u -se -100 - ----- -----· - - - - ----- ------------ · - - - ----- - - - - -- - --- -- ------------- -- -- - - - -· · - - --- --· 1 1 1 2 1 s 1 4 1 s 1e 1 1 1e 1 9 Ita 1t 1 jt2 jt3 it"' jts 1t e jt7 jte 11Q j2e j2 1 122 j23 j24 j2s j2e 127 j2e j29 j30 j3t 1 -se -100 ~ANUARY.,1978 I t I 2 I s I 4 I s I e I 7 I e I 9 Ita l1 1 l12 I 13 It -4 It 6 I 1e In I 1e I 1a l20 l2 1 l22 l23 l24 l25 l2e l27 l2e l2a Isa 131 I N ~ACKSONVILLE w WIND STRESS I i I / / 1 / / / J>YNES/CM. ~ ;/ : .· .. " . / ,./ / / ~~\\~~~~~--;~L.,=<O ,.~\~f;-J_;g CTI ...... FERNANDINA BEACH ( -----) AND MAYPORT C ---- ) \90 50 ~ -- - ·---·-·- -- -- --------------- -..··--- ·- -· - SEA LEVEL - - - -- --- .. - ·----------· 198 - ·- ___ .. ___ - ·- . --- - -- · . - - - - - - - - 59 ----···--- ·-- --- - - · - · - ···- -·- ·--·-·- - - ·· - - · - .. _______ , ·· - - - - AD~USTED B 0 u -50 -100 ----- -- - -.. - ----- -·- ...._ - ·----- 11 12 1s I"' 1s - ·· ·- ------·-·-- ··· - - 1e --- - · -· · ·--- ~ ~-71-- - .. .. ··- --- -·--· ··-- -- --·- -- ~--- --- - . _jI - --- : - - -·- -- 17 1e je ltBjtt I12Jt3l14lt6lte lt7Jtelt9j2e j2t I22J23j24I2Sj2e J27l28j29l39j31 1 -sa -199 APPENDIX F. DAYTONA BEACH, FLORIDA, ADJUSTED SEA LEVEL FOR JANUARY, 1977 THROUGH JANUARY, 1978. 62 ~ANUARY.~1977 ·Ia l2 1s I 4 Is I e 17 I • I o Ita l11 lt21ts I H Ia& lte lt71 tal ud28l21 l22lnl24l2S lnlz7 l2elu lse 1St I " DAYTONA BEACH iV W~NO STRESS DYHU/~ a ~- ~,~,/~\\\\\\\~'~·uc tllf£ .. 11~\.\ ·• ""U/1//// 1 w "' DAYTONA BEACH u • SEA LEVEL 188 118 68 68 8 2: AD~USTEO I I I I I\;;: I ::! I :;noc:>\ I ,.J:: l t I I:::Ja ot::J:><J I I I _1 I I I I I I I • I -58 -sa -••• -tee 1t 12 13 14 16 1e 17 1• 1o I•• 111 It 2 I" 1•-t 1uq 11 f ' 7 I• e 11o 121 121 J22 j2S f24 f26 J2e j27 tze j2o 1• 1st 1 I t I2 Is I• I6 Ie I1 F"ESRUARY.-1977 Ia I a l1e h 1 It 2 Iss Is• lr 6 It e l11 Is a I ud 2e l2 sl22 lzs l2• Is le l21 Ia Iza Isa Is aI .. tV 1//$1111\, DAYTONA BEACH W~NO STRESS • rr,. .,,,,ll\11\\\\\~"&" OYND/CM* .5 ~\\l/11111/II!P~ 0"1 +'> ,. DAYTONA BEACH AD~USTED SEA LEVEL ... 68 61 n 1 ~1 I ~4"+'-~:7~~1 1~1 ~ I I 8 ! I -58 -61 -·· I 1 I 2 I s I • I s 1e I 7 I• I a jte I• t f t 2 It s I•• (t s Jae lt7 I•• Iu 12• (21 122 IH (24 -··· 126 (2e (27 (28 j2a Isa 1Sl 1 MARCH,.t977 It l2 Is 14 Isle 17 Ia laltelttlt2ltslt-tltsluslt7ltsltal2812tl2212312412SI2el2712812alsaiSt I " iV DAYTONA BEACH WINO STRESS OYN~ 8 .& 0'\ <..TI DAYTONA BEACH 1: AD~USTED SEA LEVEL 181 188 61 58 8 8 u -sa ------------------- - -188 -58 -188 I 1 I 2 1s 14 1s 1e 17 1a 1a It a 111 jt2 Its It-t It& lte lt7 It& 1t a121 J2t 122 J23 124 126 12e 121 128 j2a 13& 1s1 1 APR:IL .. 1977 It l2 Is 1. Is I e 17 Ia I g lu~ l11 lt21tslt-.lu; lu, lt711sltG l28 l21 l22l23124l26l2e l27l2ei2G lselst I H 1V DAYTONA BEACH WIND STRESS I)YNI!a/~ a .& 0"1 0"1 DAYTONA BEACH :J: u AO~USTED SEA LEVEL l88 188 68 68 8 8 -58 -sa -tea -tee 1t 12 13 1• 16 1e 17 1a 1a jt 8 It 1 It 2 I'' 11 -. Jt s Jt e I' 1 It e Jta 12e 121 122 123 J24 12s J26 j27 128 j2G J3e 1' t 1 MAY,1977 I s I 2 I s I 4 I s I e I 1 I s I sa Is e I t1 ltz Its It• I u; lae l11 Its lua l21 l21 l22 lzs l24 126 l2e l21 128 l2e Isa I" I " IV DAYTONA BEACH WIND STRESS C>YN£8/~ a .5 0'\ ......, DAYTONA BEACH l: AD~USTED SEA LEVEL 188 188 68 68 8 8 -58 -58 -188 -188 u 1 1 12 1s 14 1s 1e 11 1e 19 1"' It 1 I• 2 1" J•• J16 Ita 1t 1 Jae I• a J2a 12 1 122 j2s J24 125 J2e J27 J28 j28 1sa 1s 1 1 '-'UNE .. t977 I 1 I 2 I 3 I " I s I e I 7 I a I a I 1e I1 1 ls2 ls3 I t.,. Its Ia e I t7 Iss It a l28 l21 l22 In 12.. 125 l2e l21 128 l2a 138 Ist I .. DAYTONA BEACH WINO STRESS iV ~~\\/. DYNEa/~ a • • .... - 1 1i:OJtf1TJ!!W'/////...c .& -#'!"/////,, 0"1 00 DAYTONA BEACH 1: AD~USTED SEA LEVEL 188 188 68 68 I 8 u -51 -58 -181 ~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ It 12 j3 ,.,. js je J7 ja jo jtejt 1 jt2Jt' jt-4J16JteJt7JteJtoJ28j2t j22j23J2-4J2sJ2e J27j28j29j3e jst 1 -188 ~ULY .. 1977 It l2 Is I 4 Is I e 17 I a Ia lte I11 lt2lt3l t4 I tsl u,j t71ts I aal2el21 I22I2S 124 12S l2e l21 l2al2a lselst I " DAYTONA BEACH WIND STRESS 1V .. OYNU/~ '"""~ll'ft.~'''"~:£2 ... n~\\\1\~~\\\~~""\\\ll/// O'l 1.0 DAYTONA BEACH 1: AD~USTED SEA LEVEL tea 188 68 68 8 8 -58 -58 -tea -188 0 I 1 I2 I3 I 4 I6 Ie I7 I e I9 ft a I• t lt2 1t s I• 4 fts fte I• 7 fts Jt a 121 J2t 122 fH f24 f26 f2e 127 f28 f2a f38 1s 1 1 I t I2 Is I 4 I6 Ie I1 I e Ia AUGUST,1977 It e I t , lt2 I t s I t ... l1& It e It 1 ' ' ' In~ l2e l21 l22 I2S l24 126 I2e I21 l2e l2a Ise Is, I N DAYTONA BEACH WIND STRESS 1V PYNI!a/~ a .Iii ///11//l~a •s:ffi»~\\\~\\l/~aan#/#///ft«J s -..,J 0 DAYTONA BEACH 2: AD~USTED SEA LEVEL 188 tee 68 6e 8 u I I ........ I I I I I I • I J . J t J I - .............. /; I~ I J I_./ • • ·~ t t I I . t - a t ' -58 -se -tee -188 ft f2 (3 (4 (& (e (7 fe ja jae I" jt2ftsjt4ft6fteft7(1eJsa f28f2t j22f2S f24f26j28f27J28f2afsefsa ~ 1 SEPTEMBER .. 1977 It l2 Is I • Is I e 17 I e I e lt8ltt I t21tsl t41tsludt71tal u~ l2el2t l22lnl24126l2e lz71zalzalse 1st I .. 1V DAYTONA BEACH WINO STRESS t>YNE&I'ctt8 a .s '-I ~ DAYTONA BEACH 2: u AO~USTED SEA LEVEL 188 188 68 68 • 8 -68 -58 -tee -188 Jt (2(3J4fSfe f7f8(G ftejtt(t2jts(t4ft6ftejt7jtejtej2Bj2tj22j2sj24j2SJ2ej27j28J~I•Jstj It I 2 Is I 4 Is I e l1 I8 I9 " OC1'0BER .. t977 lte It 1 I t21t3 lt41tslus I t71tsltel2e l21 l22 123124 126128 l21 l2s l2else ls1 I DAYTONA BEACH WIND STRESS IV PYNE8/c:tt• a .. ~~~~~~~~~~\\\\\\~\\luJI - p ii ?t A~' . .- ·~ -....J N DAYTONA BEACH 2: AD~USTED SEA LEVEL tee tee 68 58 e e -sa -58 -188 -188 u I I I 2 I 3 I .. I 6 I 8 I 7 I 8 I 9 ,, 8 ' " I I 2 ,, s Jt .. It 6 I I 6 I t 7 I t 8 ,, 9 f2B J21 J22 J23 J2 o4 f2S j28 J27 j28 J29 j38 I" I I 1 I 2 Is I 4 Is Ie I7 NOVEMBER .. 1977 I a I & Ia e Ia t l12 la3 lt4 Ia s I t eI 11 I ts Ia o I21 l21 l22 I~ l24 lzs l2e l21 128 l2sa Ise ISt I ,. 1V DAYTONA BEACH WIND STRESS PYNO/CI1• II .& -..J w DAYTONA BEACH :1: u AD~USTED SEA LEVEL 188 a8e 68 68 8 8 -58 -58 -tee L_------------------------------------------------------------------~ I t 12 1s 1 4 1s 1e 17 1 a 1 sa It e Jt t Jt 2 JtS lt-4 jt& It e j1 7 Jte Ito J2e j2t J22 12s f24 f2S f26 f27 f28 f2G J3e 131 1 -188 DECEMBER, t977 I ' I 2 I s I .,. I 6 I e I 1 I a I a lte I, 1 l12 Its It .,. Its I us l11 It 8 It 8 l2e l21 l22 l2s l2.,. 126 l2e l21 l2e l2a Is0 Is 1 I H DAYTONA BEACH WIND STRESS !V PYNU/ct1a a .s ~\\lit;,,,,_~ '''''\''~~\\\\11/11''''·""" -.....! ~ DAYTONA BEACH X: u AD~USTED SEA LEVEL 188 188 6e 68 e k±:.A k:: I I v 4=+=:i I I '},..-4:::: I I :?-.....,...... !:::: • " · 7f f ~ l7< 1 8 I -58 -se -tee --------------------------------------------------------------------_j -tee 1 1 1 2 1 s 1 .,. 1 6 1 e 1 1 1 e 1 a jt 8 Jt 1 It 2 j13 11.ot jt s jte jt 1 jt 8 l t 8 j2e j21 j22 J23 j24 j2S j2e j27 J28 J2a 1se 1s 1 1 ~ANUARY .. 1878 It l2 Is I .. Is I e l1 I s I a I tel t t lt21131t-.l tslte lt7 Ita I1a l2al2t I22I2S I2-.I2S l2o l27l2el~ 138lss I .. !y/ DAYTONA BEACH WIND STRESS DYNES~ a .s "'-J (J1 DAYTONA BEACH 0 AD~USTED SEA LEVEL 188 188 68 S8 a 8 -58 -sa -tee -tee Jt J2 Js J-4 I' Je J7 Je 1a JteJttJt2Jts Jt4Jt&JteJ17Jtalte J2aJ2t J22J23J24J26 J2e J27J28J2a jsaJst 1