An Ounce of Prevention or a Pound of Cure? The Effect Vaccination Coverage Changes on Influenza Hospitalizations and Work Absences Courtney J. Ward* May 19, 2008 Abstract Each year starting in November a new flu season leads to numerous infections of flu and can impose significant costs on society in terms of lost work, doctor visits, hospitalization and death. Although flu vaccination is an effective method of prevention and is associated with positive consumption externalities, estimates of the return to vaccination may be biased due to omitted variables. These include, for example, individual health status, which can affect both the decision to vaccinate and outcomes. In order to address this, I use large upward shifts in vaccination rates that resulted from policy changes providing coverage of the vaccine to demographically identifiable groups in Ontario and Quebec. The coverage changes affected ages under 65; those age 65 and older were already covered. I use variation in these policies in conjunction with exogenous variation in the year-by-year effectiveness of the vaccine in order to identify the effect of this program on weekly rates of flu infection, short-term work absence and influenza hospitalizations and death. I find significant decreases in all of these illness measures relative to the other provinces, in years when the vaccine was a good match against circulating flu. While the results are strongest for those age 2 to 64, and in particular those age 2 to 12, hospitalization rates for those greater than 65 fell significantly as well in comparison to other provinces. This suggests that increased vaccination of prime age individuals led to positive externality effects for the elderly. * I would like to acknowledge the invaluable discussions and comments provided by Mark Stabile and Dwayne Benjamin. 1 1 Introduction Each year starting in November a new flu season leads to numerous infections of flu and can impose significant costs on society in terms of lost work hours, doctor visits, hospitalization and death. This common respiratory disease is associated with a 10 to 20% infection rate per year with symptoms lasting an average of 5 to 6 days (WHO 2003). In the U.S., flu is estimated to be responsible for 100 million days of bed disability, 75 million days of work absenteeism and 22 million health care provider visits per year for those aged 18 to 64 (Benson, et. al. 1998). For at-risk groups with low health, flu and its related complications account for between 100,000 to 300,000 excess hospitalizations and between 20,000 to 40,000 excess deaths (Thompson, et. al. 2003, 2004). Estimates put health care costs of the average flu season in the billions (Nichol 2001). Vaccination is the most effective protection against flu infection and is described as one of the most important health advancements to date (Philipson 2000, PHAC 2008). Before its development in the 1940s, severe flu epidemics were recurrent. A notable example is the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic, which caused a higher death toll in the first 25 days than heart disease has in the last 25 years (CDC 2007, Knobler 2005). The 1918 epidemic was caused by the H1N1 subtype of flu, a strain that is now commonly included in the yearly flu vaccination. Since the development of the flu vaccine, positive yearly vaccination rates have caused flu epidemics to become less persistent with diminished numbers of infection. However, yearly vaccination rates still remain low enough that the flu is able to circulate and cause infection in the unvaccinated population and high-risk groups each year 1. Increasing the vaccination rate would further diminish the magnitude and burden of yearly flu epidemics. However, the vaccination decision remains a private and not societal one with individuals comparing the cost of vaccination to the private, and not societal, benefit of vaccination. In the case of flu, rates of vaccination are often substantially lower than that of other infectious disease since this vaccine is rarely mandatory for school or work attendance as is typical for most childhood vaccines. Positive consumption externalities are often the argument for mandates or subsidization of the vaccine cost since it is expected that this will lead to increased rates of vaccination and hence decrease infection. These externalities, however, are difficult to measure or quantify making it difficult to forecast the benefit of such mandates or subsidies. The presence of externalities can also present a problem when estimating the private benefit to vaccination since downward bias can arise 1 These are groups for which vaccination does not generate the necessary immune response to protect against infection. 2 when unvaccinated neighbours benefit, in terms of illness reduction, from the vaccination of peers. Further, even estimates of the total marginal benefit, the sum of the private marginal benefit and the externality associated with vaccination, may be biased when estimated in a standard regression of illness on group vaccination rates. Here, bias would occur if unobserved factors determining vaccination are correlated with illness outcomes. These factors include, for example, an individual’s health status, which may be correlated with the decision to vaccinate and outcomes associated with flu such as disease severity, probability of contraction and other general illness measures. In order to address this, I use large upward shifts in vaccination rates resulting from policy changes that reduced the cost of vaccination by providing coverage to demographically identifiable groups. The policy changes occurred in the provinces of Ontario and Quebec in October 2000. In Ontario, vaccination coverage was extended to those between age 2 and 64 and for this age group, led to a 10% increase in the vaccination rate relative to other provinces. This put the rate, in absolute terms, above the highest rate achieved in the rest of Canada or other developed countries. In Quebec, vaccination coverage was extended to those between age 60 and 64. This led to an 18% increase in the vaccination rate for this age group. I use variation in these policies over time in conjunction with exogenous variation in the year-by-year protection of the vaccine in order to identify the effect of protective vaccination on illness outcomes. My contribution is in; first, estimating the effect of cost subsidization on vaccination take-up by using a policy changes that reduced the cost of vaccination for broad and demographically identifiable groups and second by using an estimation strategy that documents the effect that these policy changes, with a protective vaccine, has on inflection of flu and other illness outcomes. This paper is organized as follows; section 3 provides background information on the flu virus, vaccination and provincial vaccination programs, section 4 outlines a model of infection and vaccination demand and provides a direction for the empirical approach, section 5 describes the data and empirical methodology, section 6 presents results and section 7 concludes. 3 Background: The Flu, Vaccination and Vaccination Programs in Ca nada Influenza, or flu, is a respiratory virus that typically begins circulating in North America in the fall and winter months and is usually the predominant cause of serious 3 respiratory disease in this time. 2 Each flu season results in infection of 10 to 20% of the population (WHO 2003) with transmission occurring from an infected person to a susceptible person by “droplet spread”3 . This can occur either through the air or through contact with surfaces where respiratory droplets exist. An infected person remains an infection risk from 1 day before the onset of symptoms and up to 5 days after becoming sick (CDC 2008). In addition, the virus can stay virulent on surfaces for a varying length of time. At body temperature, the virus is usually inactivated in less than a week whereas in cool dry temperatures the virus can last considerably longer (Zhang, 2006). This is, in part, the reason why seasonal epidemics appear during winter months (WHO 2003). Flu infection can cause mild to severe illness. Recovery usually occurs in a few days to two weeks. In some cases, the flu can lead to death, particularly if infection develops into pneumonia or is coupled with other complications such as asthma, heart disease or other conditions associated with immunosuppression (PHAC 2007). There are many strains of the flu virus; genetic composition or structure is what differentiates them. Broadly, the flu virus can be divided into type A flu and type B flu. Type A can be further sub typed by 2 types of antigens, called haemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N), which lie on the surface of the virus. The virus is genetically differentiated or typed on the basis of these surface antigens. Antibodies to these antigens, particularly to the H antigen, can protect an individual against a virus carrying the same antigen. Since the flu virus undergoes continuous antigenic change, immunity to the virus, either by infection or vaccination, is not permanent. This antigenic drift occurs rapidly through point mutations of the virus and where the antigenic drift is great, the crossimmunity to the new strain that was conferred by the previously circulating virus is diminished (PHAC 2007). Due to antigenic drift, new flu virus types evolve year to year and the vaccine must be reformulated to account for these new strains (WHO 2003). Prevention of flu through vaccination has traditionally been at the core of managing flu and flu epidemics. The World Health Organization (WHO) closely monitors circulating flu viruses and every year writes the annual vaccine recipe. This vaccine is constructed to target the 3 most virulent strains in circulation in a given region (WHO 2006). Each year in Canada, inactivated flu vaccine 4 is licensed for use by Health Canada. Once licensed, the 2 Two good sources of summary information on influenza and vaccination are the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in the U.S. ( or the Canadian Immunization Guide published by the Public Health Agency of Canada ( 3 Transmission by droplet spread results when respiratory droplets of an infected person come in contact with the eyes, nose or mouth of a susceptible person. 4 As the name suggests, inactivated vaccine contains viruses that have been killed and hence are not associated with adverse reactions or infection of flu that may result from a live attenuated vaccine. Alternatively, since the 4 Government of Canada, through Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC), purchases flu vaccines on behalf of the provinces and territories for distribution in late October early November. The turn around period from the yearly WHO recommendation to the date the vaccine is available is approximately 6 to 8 months depending on manufacturing conditions (Health Canada 2007). The effectiveness of the vaccine depends on the immunocompetence of the recipient and the immunity or cross-immunity of the vaccine contained strains to strains in circulation. Protection generally begins about 2 weeks after immunization and may last 6 months or longer. However, for those in low health, antibody levels may fall below protective levels in 4 months or less. For maximum protection, the preferred time for immunization is in October or November (PHAC 2007). Following this prescription, each province holds a flu immunization week that occurs in late October and it is around this date that most recipients are vaccinated. Provincial governments make flu vaccine available at public health clinics and doctor's offices in accordance with provincial influenza immunization programs.5 Beginning in the early 1990s, all provinces developed similar programs; the vaccine was available to customers at a cost and for specific groups this cost was covered by provincial governments. The standard covered group is recipients less than 24 months or 65 and older, health care support staff, and those in care homes or with specific chronic conditions.6 With two exceptions, this standard group has been covered in all provinces since 1996 (Johansen 2004). Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick are the exceptions to this prescription. In Prince Edward Island, although there is no charge for the vaccine, recipients are responsible for the cost of administration and only health care workers and residents of nursing homes are exempt from any fee. In New Brunswick, coverage for those 65 or older first began in 2002 (CPA 2007, 2003). Beginning in 2000, two provinces expanded coverage outside the standard group. In July of 2000, the Government of Ontario announced that it was extending vaccination coverage to all residents of the province. Quebec, as part of projets spéciaux, extended vaccine coverage to ages 60 to 64. Since the vaccine only became available in October, the start date for both changes is the October 2000. In Ontario, the expansion of coverage was only one part of a larger ten-point plan to reduce emergency room wait times (Kurji 2004). Accordingly, the stated objective of the virus has been killed, the immune response to an inactivated vaccine may be less than that of a live-attenuated vaccine. 5 Flu vaccines are also available through private market contracts and can be found at local pharmacies. 6 Covered conditions include cardiac or pulmonary disease, asthma, diabetes, renal disease, liver disease, anaemia, HIV, and cancer. These conditions can potentially cause complications in the event of flu infection. 5 program was to ease pressure on health facilities and providers, in particular emergency rooms, by decreasing the impact of influenza during the flu season (MOHLC 2000). Even though the program targeted, by default, healthy prime age individuals, it was expected that this would afford protection for high-risk groups with already high rates of vaccination through an externality effect. Secondary objectives of the program were to decrease the economic impact of the flu during flu season and also to build infrastructure for delivery of flu or other vaccines in the event of a pandemic (Kurji 2004). In its first year, the program cost $31 million with 7.9 million vaccines administered (up from 2.1 million in the previous season) (Kurji 2004). In Quebec, projets spéciaux were originally started to promote and increase accessibility to flu vaccination. The program had similar objectives to the program in Ontario, but it expanded coverage to a more targeted group of 60 to 64 year olds (Johansen et. al. 2004). It is clear that, in order to achieve these objectives, these programs anticipated both that subsidization of the vaccine price would lead to increases in vaccination and also that vaccination would protect against illness. It follows that the coverage changes in Canada can provide a means to test two hypotheses; the first is that decreases in the cost of vaccination will lead to increases in the demand for vaccination and the second is that these increases in vaccination will lead to decreases in illness. This second effect is limited by the effectiveness of the vaccine itself. Here, the question is not regarding the effect of vaccination alone (there may be different conclusions about the effect of the vaccine injection status), but rather regarding the effect of vaccination as it depends on the measured protection of the vaccine. 4 Model of Infection and Vaccination I will formalize these two hypotheses using a standard model of disease spread modified to include choice over vaccination and variation in vaccine match. 7 This model is illustrative. It is meant to describe the basic features and dynamics of disease spread while providing a point of reference for the empirical approach. Demand Consider a population of individuals who are both identical and risk neutral and make 7 The model is based on the Kermack and McKendrick SIR model of disease epidemics. Jones and Sleeman (2003) offer a good textbook exposition of the model. Several variations of the model are shown in: Kremer and Snyder (2006), Geoffard and Philipson (1997), Francis (1997, 2004), Boulier, et. al. (2007) and Auld (2003). The model shown here is most similar to Boulier, et. al. (2007). 6 the decision to vaccinate before the onset of the epidemic. 8 This decision is based on comparing the expected marginal benefit of vaccination to the marginal cost of vaccination. The benefit of being vaccinated is related to both the probability of contracting the flu and the burden of infection. Suppose, the burden or cost of becoming sick is given by k and that the probability of becoming infected given that v individuals are vaccinated is p(v). Here, the expected cost of disease for an unvaccinated individual is p(v)k. Alternatively, if an individual is vaccinated against flu with a vaccine of match or effectiveness m, then the expected cost of disease falls to (1-m)p(v)k. Comparing these two costs, the benefit of being vaccinated as opposed to remaining unvaccinated can be calculated as mp(v). If this benefit is greater than the price of vaccination, P, then the individual will vaccinate. Epidemiology of contagious disease and p(v) The probability of infection, p(v), depends on the epidemiology of the disease. For instance, it will depend on factors such as the number of infections, the transmission rate and the rate of recovery. These dynamics will be summarized here using a standard SIR model. In this model, at any point in time an individual can be in one of three states: susceptible (s) where disease contraction is still possible, infective (I) where illness is present and contagion is possible, and recovered (r) where immunity to the disease strain has been conferred and reinfection is not possible. By allowing for vaccination, a proportion m of vaccinated individuals are able to leave the susceptible state and can neither catch nor transmit the disease. If the match between the disease and the vaccine is perfect (m=1) then all v individuals are protected against the disease. Given this framework, the dynamics of the disease may be characterized by the following system of differential equations: s˙ = "asI I˙ = asI " bI r˙ = bI (1) (2) (3) ! become infected at a rate proportional to the number Equation 1 indicates that susceptibles of contacts between s and I. This assumes that contact only depends on the numbers of each 8 This assumption may be relaxed within the context of the model, however this simplification is common (Francis 1997, Geoffard and Philipson 1997, Boulier, et. al. 2007). Additionally, with respect to flu vaccination, this is likely an accurate assumption given the yearly timing of vaccine manufacture and the standard recommendations for vaccination use. For instance, data from the 2006 National Health Interview Survey in the U.S. show that 92% of vaccinated respondents had received the current flu vaccine by December of 2005. Administrative data from Ontario OHIP physician billings show similar results (Kwong and Manuel 2007). 7 group. Here, the transmission rate is given by a. 9 Through transmission, the number of infectives is increased by new infections each period. However, it is also decreased by those who recover. The rate of recovery is a constant hazard rate b; 1/b is the average duration of infection. Assuming constancy of the population with size normalized to 1 and using the fact that an individual is either protected though vaccination or in one of the three states, then at any point in time we must have: s(t) + I(t) + r(t) + mv = 1 (4) Consider the beginning of disease progression. We start with a positive number of invectives, I(0) > 0 and initially there is no one in the recovered state, r(0) = 0. The model ! has interesting implications for the occurrence of an epidemic; an epidemic in this setting is defined as an increase in the number of infectives above the initial number. In other words, an epidemic will not occur if I˙ < 0 for all t. Using this and equation (2), this leads to the following condition necessary for the prevention of an epidemic: ! s(0) < b a (5) If Equation 5 is maintained, an epidemic will be prevented. If Equation 5 does not hold true, ! then the infective population will rise over time. This rise will proceed until s(t) = b/a, at which point the infected population will then begin to decline. After the epidemic, total disease incidence is given by r(∞,v), which is the proportion (or number) of infectionrecoveries. Within the context of the epidemiological model, we can return now to vaccination demand and evaluate the probability of becoming infected. Here, we have: p(v) = r(",v) # I(0) s(0) (6) which is the proportion of initial susceptibles that become infected and removed throughout ! the progression of time. Following Boulier, et. al. (2007), I assume that individuals are forward looking and can estimate p(v) for each level of v. Then for any price P, there is an equilibrium level of vaccination, v*, where the number of vaccinations satisfying P = mp(v*)k equals v*. The condition that P = mp(v*)k is simply the statement that the 9 To elaborate, if p is the rate of contact and q is the proportion of contacts that lead to infection, then there will be pI contacts per each susceptible, each period of which qpI will be infective. The transmission rate, a, is then the product of the contact rate and the contagiousness of the disease (a = qp) 8 marginal cost of vaccination equals the marginal benefit and hence this equation traces the demand curve. Implications There are two testable implications of this model. The first is that the demand curve is downward sloping. That is, a decrease in the price (the marginal cost of vaccination) will result in an increase in vaccination. To see this, note that increasing the level of vaccination reduces p(v) since it reduces directly the initial population of susceptibles. If the price of vaccination falls, then the marginal benefit of vaccination outweighs the marginal cost and as a result, there will be an increase in demand for vaccination. This increase in demand will cause p(v) to decline and this will occur up until the point where p(v) has fallen sufficiently to reduce the marginal benefit to once again equate with marginal cost. The second implication is that the marginal effect of vaccination on the total number of infection-recoveries will be negative. To see this, note that the number of ever infected, r(∞,v), solves 10: r(",v) = s(0) + I(0) # s(0) e #a b r(",v) (7) Differentiating Equation 7 with respect to v yields: ! $ a r(#,v) "r(#,v) $m(1 $ e b ) = a $ r(#,v) "v 1 $ s(0) ab e b (8) Equation 8 implies two testable relationships. The first is that the marginal effect of ! vaccination on the number of infection-recoveries is negative. 11 The negative effect of a marginal vaccination arises because an additional vaccination reduces the susceptible population by a magnitude of m, which both protects the additional vaccinated individual with probability m (a private benefit) but also limits the probability of disease transmission to others (an externality). The second implication of equation 8 is that the marginal effect of vaccination is more negative the higher the match rate of the vaccine. 12 If the match rate is ds a = " s(t) b From equation 1 and 3 we have dr . Solving this for s(∞) yields s(") = s(0) e that r(",v) = s(0) + I(0) # s(") provides the result. 10 11 ! # ab To see the first result, note that the numerator in equation 8 is negative since 1 > e ! negative. The denominator is positive since s(") < b yielding a negative expression. ! a 12 This can be found by differentiating equation 8 with respect to m. r(",v) " ab . Using the fact r(#,v) and m is non- ! ! 9 zero, for instance, the marginal effect of vaccination is also zero. 5 Data and Methodology Methodology The purpose of the empirical work is to identify the effect of coverage expansion in Ontario and Quebec on illness outcomes when vaccination is effective prevention against circulating flu. Since the effectiveness of the program is constrained by the effectiveness of the vaccine, this strategy will define the treated group as individuals in years when the vaccine is a good match against circulating flu. As a simple illustration of this idea, consider the following comparison of means for Ontario for the period of 1996 to 2006: in years where the vaccine was a poor match against circulating flu, the per week average rate of flu/pneumonia hospitalizations before the coverage changes was 12.07 per 100,000 population and it was 12.20 after the changes. Alternatively, for years where the vaccine was a perfect match, the average rate before the program was 12.22 and after it was 10.92, representing a statistically significant decrease of 1.30 (=12.22-10.92). To separate this decrease from other possible trends in hospitalizations, I can calculate the relative difference in average hospitalizations before and after the program in good and poor match years. This difference represents a decrease of 1.42 hospitalizations per week per 100,000. I extend this idea by using data for all provinces and a continuous measure of the vaccine match rate each year. Identifying the preventative effect of vaccination requires that I control for any systematic shocks to the treated group in Ontario and Quebec that are not due to the coverage changes but that are correlated with it. To do this, I include region effects to control for time invariant characteristics of regions, season effects to account for common trends in illness, and the match rate to control for the province-time varying effect of vaccine match. I also include second level interactions to control for changes over time in the treated provinces, changes in the effect of the match rate over time and time invariant effects of the match rate in each region. By using this variation in vaccine match I am able to differentiate the effect of coverage changes from regional time trends; I identify this effect by capturing the variation in illness specific to the treated regions (versus the untreated regions) after the coverage changes (as opposed to before) in years where the flu vaccine was 100% matched (as opposed to a match of less than 100%). Data In order to document the change in vaccination resulting from the coverage change for 2 to 64 year olds in Ontario and 60 to 64 year olds in Quebec, I use health survey data from Statistics Canada. These data are summarized in Table 1. There are four health surveys 10 that contain questions relevant to flu vaccination: the National Population Health Survey (NPHS), Cycle 2 1996/1997 and the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS), Cycles 1.1 (2000/2001), 2.1 (2003) and 3.1 (2005). These surveys are national, population-based surveys conducted on persons 12 years of age or older. As well as collecting demographic, socioeconomic and health information, these surveys also collect information on current vaccination status and limited information on previous vaccination patterns. Given that the yearly flu vaccine becomes available in late October, I define the flu season year to be the year starting October to September of the following year. This follows the definition used by the Public Health Agency of Canada and the Center for Disease Control in the U.S.. Using this definition for survey respondents, I am able to determine coverage rates for each fluseason year. Ideally, data including individual vaccination status could be matched with individual influenza infection status. Unfortunately, broad scale data with these features is unavailable at the individual level. However, data on flu infections alone can be obtained from surveillance counts of laboratory confirmed flu. The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) collects this data through its respiratory surveillance program. The data is collected weekly from appointed sentinels in each surveillance region and includes outbreak reports, estimated physician visits for influenza-like-illness and laboratory tests. The most preferred method of surveillance is weekly counts of laboratory confirmed flu tests. Each week these tests are collected and sent to laboratories where they are tested for flu and other respiratory diseases. In the flu off-season, sentinels are still encouraged to collect tests. I use these data for two purposes; the first is to analyze the effect of coverage changes on the rate of laboratory confirmed flu and the second is to define the flu season. I use the flu season as a conditioning variable for other illness outcomes such as hospitalizations and work absenteeism and I define it as the contained set of weeks from the first week the number of positive tests is greater than 5% of the season total to the last week it falls below 5%13, To get a measure of the vaccine match, I use strain isolation data from the PHAC along with reports on the immunity of cross-immunity of the yearly vaccine. These reports are published each year in the Canadian Communicable Disease Report (CCDR) and evaluate the protection that the vaccine confers against the strains circulating during each flu season. Additionally, I compare these findings with that of the U.S. Center of Disease Control and the vaccine recipe from the World Health Organization and find that they correspond. In order to get a measure of the match rate, I use information from a sub sample of strain isolated flu tests in each province and compare it to the yearly CCDR report. The match rate 13 This definition is common (Izurieta, et. al. 2000) and I use it so results found here may be compared to results from previous literature. 11 is calculated as the proportion of circulating strains that were matched with the vaccine. These data are summarized in Table 2. Since one of the main policy arguments for coverage expansion is to decrease strain on health services, I analyze a dimension of these services: acute hospitalizations. I extract data from the Hospital Morbidity Database (HMDB) holdings of the Canadian Institute for Health Information. The HMDB data include a complete record of hospital inpatient discharges for all hospitals in Canada. Since, hospitals in Quebec and non-Winnipeg Manitoba only began submitting to the HMDB starting in 2001, these areas are excluded from the analysis. Each discharge abstract consists of information on patient age, sex and home postal code as well as detailed medical information such as date of hospital admittance, admittance from care facility, date of discharge, hospital death and detailed diagnoses information. In addition to the diagnosis labeled the most responsible diagnosis (MRD), up to 15 diagnoses may be recorded for each hospitalization. Using this information, I am able to analyze hospitalizations where influenza or pneumonia was the MRD diagnosis or one of the other 15 listed diagnoses. Since an influenza case is not always recorded with the influenza diagnosis code but instead may be coded under the more general code of pneumonia, I will analyze both influenza and pneumonia diagnoses.14 I also discuss results for known complications of the flu such as: heart disease, COPD, acute respiratory disease and, as a specification check, unintentional accidents. I use diagnosis counts from the HMDB to construct weekly hospitalization rates for regions in Canada. I use the definition of economic regions (ERs) defined by Statistics Canada. Each ER is made up of a group of adjacent census divisions and here, hospitalizations are assigned to regions based on the patient postal code. For each region, I am able to construct rates for different age and sex groups. Population counts for each group, region and year are used in the denominator of the weekly rate. Since I am also able to observe whether the patient was admitted from a registered care facility, I calculate flu and pneumonia hospitalization rates for care facility residents using total provincial resident counts obtained from Statistics Canada as the denominator in the rate. Since vaccination rates have been high for residents of care facilities15 and the cost of vaccination for this population has been covered in provinces since the 1990s,16 finding a negative effect of this program would operate through an externality. Here, since residents of 14 Keren et. al. 2006 reanalyzed hospital diagnosis codes by performing flu tests on a sample of patients and found that only 65% of the tests that were positive for influenza had been coded with a diagnosis of influenza. 15 For instance the vaccination rate for care facility residents in Ontario was 93% in 1999/00 (before the UIIP program) and 95% in 2000/01 (after the UIIP program) (Clement and D’Cunha 2002). 16 Prince Edward Island is the one exception where only the administration of the vaccine is covered by for care facility residents as well as all other groups. 12 care facilities have lower health and hence lower immune responses to vaccination, infection from flu will be related to the vaccination status of others. When the vaccination rate of others is increased, it will afford care residents more protection from flu transmission where they are only able to obtain a limited amount of protection from the vaccine. While hospitalization data is able to capture acute outcomes of flu, the vaccination program is expected to have an effect along other dimensions as well. Labour productivity may be one of these dimensions. To analyze the effect that coverage changes have on labour supply, I use the Labour Force Survey. This is a monthly survey that provides information on illness absence and hours in a reference week. 6 Results Vaccination and Coverage Changes The coverage changes in Ontario and Quebec targeted the vaccination of a population less than 65 years of age. The Ontario program began to cover the cost of vaccination to those ages 2 to 64 and Quebec began to cover those ages 60 and 64. Table 3 gives a summary of vaccination rates for various groups both pre and post October 2000, the date both provincial programs came into effect. The table shows that for the full sample, vaccination rates have increased for all provinces in the post period relative to previous rates. For instance, in the post period, there was a 21% increase in the vaccination rate for Ontario, a 17% increase in Quebec and an average 12% increase in other provinces. The remainder of the table shows that, for various sub groups, the absolute change in vaccination is also positive. In order to provide a comparison of these changes for Ontario and Quebec relative to the other provinces, Table 4 presents the relative change in vaccination rates for each of these sub groups. The relative change is simply a summary difference-in-difference estimate for each of Ontario and Quebec versus the other provinces before and after October 2000. As shown in this table, a pattern becomes apparent among the sub groups. For instance, in Ontario the relative change in vaccination rates is similar across all sub groups except for separate age groups. Here, the youngest age group, 12 to 14 years, has a relative increase in vaccination of 10.5% while the elder set of teenagers has, of all affected age groups, the lowest relative increase in vaccination: 4.4%. This number increases with age until the ages of 60 to 64. This age group has an estimated relative increase of 13.0% and is the oldest age group that was affected by the change in coverage. Those 65 or greater were not affected by the coverage change and have a much smaller relative increase of 1.8%. For Quebec, no age groups under 60 have a significant relative increase in vaccination, which corresponds with the coverage changes in Quebec; only those 60 to 64 were affected. Alternatively, this targeted group experienced a large increase of 20.3%. Those 65 and greater, who were already 13 covered, also had a statistically significant increase of 13.5%. While for Ontario there are no major differences across other sub groups, in Quebec, the highest relative change in vaccination occurs among those with low education, low household income, with chronic conditions and who are not employed. These differences may be somewhat attributable to the demographic group that the Quebec program targeted; the increase in vaccination occurred mostly among an older population. I formalize the empirical analysis presented in Table 3 and 4 by replacing the summary comparisons of means with estimates obtained using a regression approach. This approach allows me control for additional explanatory variables and in addition, allows me to account for the age structure that is a feature of both the Ontario and Quebec program changes. To do this, I regress individual vaccination status on a vector of individual characteristics such as gender, education, income, student status, presence of children, presence of chronic conditions and occupation (with non-workers entering as a separate category). I include the following fixed effects: year, province and age effects for the groups of 12 to 59, 60 to 64 and 65 or older and, in addition, I include all second level interactions: time varying age effects, province varying age effects and time varying province effects. Finally, I include an indicator variable for those observations that were of an eligible age group in Ontario or Quebec after October 2000. In Table 5, I present results where I have allowed two separate indicators for Ontario and Quebec. These regression results are conceptually equivalent to a triple difference; in this case, I am comparing the vaccination of treated individuals after the coverage change to the change in vaccination of all other individuals in a particular province and comparing that to the same change in provinces that did not change their coverage programs. Table 5 shows that vaccination increased by 10% for the treated group in Ontario and 18% for the treated group in Quebec. I also present the results by self-rated health in order to analyze whether the effect is strongest for those who perceive themselves to be in worse health. For Ontario, the estimate is highest for those who rate themselves in fair health (14%) but this is quite similar to the estimates for those who rate themselves in good or very good health. Alternatively, those who rate themselves at the extremes, either excellent or poor health, have the lowest increase in vaccination amongst the treated group (around 6%). In Quebec, there is a clearer relationship between the effect of coverage changes and self rated health; those with low self-perceived health are much more likely to become vaccinated among the treated group after the coverage change. These changes in vaccination can be put into context with the model shown in section 4. Equation (5) gives the conditions under which an epidemic could be avoided; if the proportion of initial susceptibles is less than b/a, then infections will not increase. The 14 inverse of b/a is known as the contact number. It is a summary measure of the average number of susceptibles that would be infected by one infective when the population is otherwise entirely susceptible. For instance, the contact number for flu is estimated to be 1.4 (Hethcote 2000). Using equation 5, this estimate implies that a proportion of initial susceptibles less than 70% will prevent the onset on an influenza epidemic. This corresponds to a vaccination rate that is able to protect more than 30% of individuals. Table 3 shows that, for Ontario, the vaccination rate was increased from 20% to 42% pre versus post. With a perfectly protective vaccine this increase, within the context of this model, is able to prevent a flu epidemic. Therefore, in seasons where the match rate is high, coverage changes are likely to be associated with large gains in illness prevention. I turn now to estimating the magnitude of these gains. Laboratory Confirmed Flu I begin to document the effect that vaccination coverage changes have on illness within the following regression framework: y ijt = " + #x ijt + $ j + % t + &Match jt +'1 (Post t * Treat j ) + ' 2 (Post t * Match jt ) + ' 3 (Treat j * Match jt ) (9) +' 4 (Post t * Treat j * Match jt ) + (ijt Here, i indexes the age group, j indexes the region and t indexes the time period (in weekly ! increments). The variable on the left, y, is any measure of illness (flu surveillance counts, hospitalizations, or worker absences), x is a vector of observable characteristics, Match is the match rate between the yearly vaccine and circulating flu, λj is a vector of fixed region effects, τt is a vector of fixed year effects, Post is a dummy variable for after October 2000, and Treat is a dummy variable for treatment province (1 if in Ontario or Quebec, 0 otherwise). In this regression, the fixed effects control for time series changes in illness and time invariant characteristics of regions and Match controls for the province-time varying level effect of the match rate. The second level interactions control for changes over time in the treated provinces, changes in the effect of the match rate over time and time invariant effects of the match rate in each region. The third level interaction (β4 ), captures the variation in illness specific to the treated regions (versus the untreated regions) after the coverage changes (as opposed to before) in years where the flu vaccine was 100% matched (as opposed to a match of less than 100%). The first panel of Table 6 presents the estimates of the second and third level 15 interactions from equation 9. Here, illness is defined as the laboratory confirmed flu rate calculated from weekly respiratory surveillance tests. This data is available at the provinceweek level and thus each region is defined as a province and there is one age group defined as all ages. The estimate of β4 using all weeks of each season is negative, small and insignificant statistically. This is partially due to the fact that for a majority of the weeks throughout the year, incidence of the flu is diminutive and surveillance counts are zero. This causes low variability among regions and match rates. Put another way, during these off-season weeks, vaccination and match will have little effect on illness from flu and, therefore, differences in vaccination or match across regions will not generate large differences in illness. In order to account for this, I condition on weeks when flu is circulating. Flu season weeks are defined as consecutive weeks where surveillance counts of flu comprise more than 5% of the season total 17 . Conditioning on flu season, the estimate of β4 is imprecisely measured but larger at 5%. This represents a 24% decrease from the average rate of laboratory confirmed flu. In the off-season weeks, the estimate of β4 is small and insignificant from zero, which is the expected effect and occurs in this data by definition of the conditioning variable. The estimate of β1 is negative for all 3 specifications in Panel A and indicates that even where the match rate is low (quantitatively zero) the coverage changes still have a negative effect on the flu rate. In Panel B of Table 6, I parse these estimates by each treated province. The estimate of the third level interaction is -7% for Ontario and -12% for Quebec. The validity of these estimates require that surveillance testing behaviour be uncorrelated with changes in the match and implementation of coverage adjustments in each province. For instance, if sentinel physicians tested more in provinces with coverage adjustments after these adjustments occurred and even more so in good match years it may be the case that the estimated effect is biased downward. This would be the case if sentinels test more when there is less flu and this causes a lower proportion of positives when testing is not random. Although the extent of measurement error in the surveillance data cannot be known, bias in estimation will only occur if the number of tests is correlated with both the average rate of positives and also with changes in yearly match rates of treatment provinces versus the untreated provinces, before and after the coverage changes. This is not likely the case; even if sentinels are choosing to test in the order of those most likely to be infected with flu (causing the flu rate to decline with each test), generally the match of the vaccine is unknown at the beginning of the season and further to this, flu is only one of many respiratory illnesses that sentinel physicians may come in contact with and only one of the respiratory illnesses for which they collect surveillance tests. 17 Other definitions of the flu season such as consecutive weeks with any positive flu tests yield substantially the same results. 16 Hospitalizations Hospitalization is a measure of illness for which a complete diagnosis is required for each discharge. I now present results for hospitalization rates of flu and pneumonia. Figure 1 shows the hospitalization rate for Ontario and the average rate for other provinces. Unfortunately, data for Quebec was not consistently collected throughout this period and hence this province is dropped from this section of the analysis. This figure presents a weekly time series including only 100% match seasons. Here, it is clear that for seasons after the program change, the hospitalization rate for flu dropped for all provinces and most substantially for Ontario. Figure 2 shows all seasons with a less than a 100% match rate. One feature of this figure compared to Figure 1 is that the rates are higher (the epidemics are generally more severe) in low match seasons. The second feature of Figure 2 is that rates for bad match years fell after the coverage changes, and did so for all provinces. This is not unexpected; vaccination rates rose for all provinces during this period and there is still some magnitude of match between flu and the vaccine. However, in Figure 2, as opposed to Figure 1, there is not a noticeable difference between Ontario and the other provinces after the program change. In fact, in the 2003/2004 season, the epidemic in Ontario appears worse (if not shorter) than in the other provinces. Here, this may be explained by the match rate; this season was also one where the match rate in the other provinces was higher on average than in Ontario. In order to disentangle these effects, I estimate equation 9 for these hospitalization data. To do this, I define regions, j, as the ERs within Canada and age groups, i, as: less than 5, 5 to 12, 13 to 18, 19 to 24, 25 to 49, 50 to 64, 65 to 74, 75 to 84, and 85 or older. The results are given in Table 7. Here, for hospitalizations with any diagnosis of flu the estimate of β4 is an approximate decrease of 1 hospitalization per 100,000 people per week. This estimate is statistically significant and represents the effect of the coverage changes in years when the vaccine match was 100%. The decrease is a 36% decline relative to the average rate of 2.6 per week. The result conditioning on flu season weeks is an estimated decrease of 6.7 hospitalizations per 100,000 per week representing a 63% decrease from the average. The estimate is greatest at the season peak. Here, the peak is defined as the 3 consecutive weeks where flu surveillance counts represented the highest proportion of the season total. The effect on flu hospitalizations in off season was insignificantly different from zero. The results for pneumonia hospitalizations demonstrate the same pattern although here the estimates are imprecisely estimated. For all weeks, the effect is a positive 1.0 with a large standard error of 1.8. However, for weeks during flu season, the effect on pneumonia hospitalizations is -5.2 per 100,000 people per week. Again, the effect is strongest for the season peak and smallest during the off-season. Table 8 presents results for deaths and length of stay. The coverage changes reduce the 17 number of hospital days by 75 per 100,000 people per week in seasons that delivered an effective vaccine match. Alternatively, there was no effect on the average length of a hospital stay, which may indicate that there is little difference in the severity of flu hospitalizations. This corresponds to the results for hospital mortality; when comparing the decrease in hospital deaths to the decrease in hospitalizations, both estimates represent a similar 63% decrease from the average rate. The point estimate for death indicates that hospital mortality with diagnosis of flu is reduced by 0.41 per 100,000 people per week. The results for Pneumonia are similar but less precise. There are differences in the gain of the coverage changes across age groups for both flu and pneumonia hospitalizations. Table 9 presents the results for flu hospitalizations for different age and sex groups and Table 10 presents results for pneumonia hospitalizations. The results are qualitatively similar. Comparing the effect for males and females in Table 9, the point estimate for females is larger, which corresponds to the larger increases in vaccination for this group. Looking at the different age groups, the table shows that the estimate is highest for the youngest groups. Here, the incidence of flu hospitalizations has been reduced almost entirely from the average rate for the sample period. There is a much smaller effect for prime age individuals but quite large and significant effects on the hospitalizations of those greater than 64. The effect is largest for the eldest age group of 85 or older. This group had very little relative increase in vaccination after the program and thus this may indicate that the vaccination of other groups has afforded the elderly more protection. These groups are particularly vulnerable since the vaccine may not sustain a sufficient immune response to offer protection. To explore this further, I focus on hospitalizations for residents of registered care facilities. Care homes are unique in that they have enforced high rates of vaccination since the early 1990s and residents are usually in poorer health, which makes them more vulnerable to infection even with vaccination. In Table 11, I present these results. The estimates, although insignificant statistically, are very similar in magnitude to results for the elderly. For instance, the estimate for residents of care homes during flu season weeks is 35 less hospitalizations per 100,000 residents and this is a relative decrease of 57%. This is very similar for the relative decrease for those age groups 65 or greater and is evidence that vaccination of younger groups has had an effect on these vulnerable populations. Table 12 presents results for other disease diagnoses. The first panel shows the results for different types of respiratory disease. The estimates for weeks during flu season are negative and significant for all types of respiratory disease. The second panel shows negative results for types of circulatory disease for which flu is a possible complication. As a specification check, I include the results for unintentional accidents for which flu and vaccination should 18 have no effect. Here results do not differ in flu versus off-season, are small in magnitude, and are insignificant from zero. Worker Absenteeism While hospitalization data captures acute outcomes of flu infection, I now focus on absences from work. Since coverage changes occurred for ages under 65 and also led to large increases in the vaccination of these groups, there is a unique opportunity to detect the effect that this has on worker absences. Here the sample of individuals is from the employed population under 65 years of age. In Table 13, I present results for absence incidence and number of hours missed due to illness. The estimated effect of coverage changes in good match years on illness absences is 0.5% per week during flu season weeks. This is a relative decrease of 19% from the average rate. The average number of absence hours is decreased by 2.7 hours per week during the flu season. Table 14 explores how this effect differs over age and sex groups. The results here are similar to results for hospitalizations; younger age groups (with the exception of teenagers) have a larger gain from coverage changes in good match years, the middle age groups have small gains and the eldest age groups have, again, large gains. From Table 4 it is evident that teenagers had the lowest relative increase in vaccination while other age groups had more significant increases. A similar pattern emerges for worker absences. The relative decrease for those 60 to 64 is the largest at 75% fewer absences relative to the average rate. Females also have the largest gains from coverage changes in good match years; the estimate here is -0.012, which is a 28% decrease from the average. The effect for males is quantitatively zero. 7 Conclusion I show that changes in vaccination coverage leads to increased take-up of vaccination. For the program change in Ontario, there was an average increase of 10% in the vaccination rate for the targeted population in the post period and relative to other provinces. For Quebec this number was 18% for the targeted population. I then show that these changes in coverage had significant and negative effects on illness measures in years when the vaccine was a more effective method of flu prevention. 19 References Benefits of Vaccines. 2008. Public Health Agency of Canada. (accessed January 15, 2008). Benson, V, and MA Marano. 1998. 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Zhang, Gang, et. al.. 2006. “Evidence of Influenza A Virus RNA in Siberian Lake Ice.” Journal of Virology. 80: 12229-12235. 21 Table 1 - Summary of Data Sources Data Source Time period Frequency Provinces Flu Surveillance Laboratory confirmed influenza Public Health Agency of Canada 1996 to 2006 Weekly All Strain detection and subtypes of influenza Public Health Agency of Canada 1996 to 2006 Yearly All Antigenic match with vaccine Canadian Communicable Disease Report* 1996 to 2006 Yearly All Hospitalizations Hospital Morbidity Database, Canadian Institute for Health Information 1996 to 2006 Weekly Incomplete data: Quebec and rural Manitoba Worker Absence Labour Force Survey, Statistics Canada 1996 to 2006 Monthly All National Population Health Survey Cycle 2, Statistics Canada 1996/1997 Yearly All Canadian Community Health Survey Cycle 1.1, Statistics Canada 2000/2001 Yearly All Canadian Community Health Survey Cycle 2.1, Statistics Canada 2003 Yearly All Canadian Community Health Survey Cycle 3.1, Statistics Canada 2005 Yearly All Vaccination Status Population Populations Counts Population and Demography, Statistics Canada 1996 to 2006 Yearly All Number of Residents in Residential Care Facilities Residential Care Facilities Survey, Statistics Canada 1996 to 2006 Yearly All * Confirmed using data from the Center for Disease Control in the U.S. and World Health Organization 22 Table 2 - Average Weekly Laboratory Confirmed Flu and Vaccine Match Season Positive Tests (%) All weeks Flu Season Average Tests per week Vaccine Match Rate Match Standard Error 1995/96 0.045 0.159 102 1.00 0.000 1996/97 0.062 0.164 111 1.00 0.000 1997/98 0.050 0.241 249 0.17 0.008 1998/99 0.054 0.161 220 1.00 0.000 1999/00 0.063 0.238 276 0.91 0.005 2000/01 0.054 0.220 284 1.00 0.000 2001/02 0.058 0.232 263 0.84 0.007 2002/03 0.051 0.207 174 1.00 0.000 2003/04 0.058 0.263 543 0.05 0.003 2004/05 0.068 0.242 453 0.42 0.004 2005/06 0.054 0.176 307 0.64 0.010 Notes: The Flu Season period is defined as all consecutive weeks with more than 5% of the season's total number of positive tests. 23 Table 3 - Influenza Vaccination Rates by Group (%) Pre All 20.6 Observations Sex Male Ontario Post Change 41.8 21.3*** 37,453 120,324 Quebec Post Change Pre 8.6 25.3 2,456 60,767 16.7*** Other Provinces Pre Post Change 17 29.3 12.2*** 30,665 143,570 18.3 37.3 18.9*** 7.6 21.8 14.2*** 14.2 25.5 11.2*** Female 22.4 45.6 23.2*** 9.3 28.1 18.8*** 19.5 32.4 13*** Age 12 to 14 12.1 31.2 19.1*** 8.4 6.9 -1.5 5.5 14.1 8.6*** 15 to 19 18.0 29.4 11.3*** 1.7 6.8 5.1** 6.8 13.8 7*** 20 to 24 6.7 20.2 13.6*** 0.6 8.2 7.6*** 4.9 10.2 5.4*** 25 to 29 6.8 21 14.2*** 1.9 10.1 8.2*** 5.3 11.3 6*** 30 to 49 8.3 28.6 20.3*** 4.1 13.6 9.5*** 7.4 17.1 9.6*** 50 to 59 18.0 45.1 27.1*** 6.6 23.1 16.6*** 15.4 29.1 13.7*** 60 to 64 30.5 58.1 27.5*** 7.2 42 34.8*** 24.9 39.4 14.5*** Ages 65+ 60.4 74.8 14.4*** 34.2 60.3 26.1*** 52.1 64.7 12.6*** 11.5 29.4 17.9*** 3.4 14.3 10.8*** 8.9 17.4 8.6*** 40.5 60.7 20.2*** 20.7 44.2 23.5*** 35.6 48.2 12.6*** Chronic Condition1 None At least one Education Less than secondary graduation 28.9 46.3 17.4*** 13.2 30.8 17.5*** 22.8 31.9 9.1*** Secondary graduation 19.6 39.5 19.9*** 7.3 22 14.6*** 13.4 24.4 11*** At least some post-secondary 16.4 35.9 19.5*** 5 17.8 12.8*** 14.5 23.5 8.9*** Post secondary graduation 16.8 40.8 24*** 5.9 23.2 17.3*** 14.4 30.1 15.8*** 29.1 48.3 19.2*** 12.4 31.8 19.3*** 24.6 34 9.4*** $30,000 to $49,999 18.2 45.9 27.6*** 5.3 24.4 19.1*** 13.6 31.3 17.6*** Above $50,000 25.2 29.6 18.7*** 26.3 25.3 15.8*** 25.2 25.8 16.1*** 11.4 32.7 21.3*** 4.3 15.8 11.5*** 10.7 21.7 11*** 10.3 28 17.7*** 4.6 11.1 6.6*** 7.8 14.6 6.8*** Household Income Less than $30,000 Occupation Business, Sciences, Health & Education Sales & Service 8.3 24.7 16.4*** 2.4 9.7 7.3*** 6.9 12 5.1*** Labour Force Status Full time worker 9.7 30.5 20.8*** 3.4 15.3 11.9*** 8.4 19.3 10.8*** Part time worker 12.8 36.3 23.5*** 5.4 16.8 11.4*** 9.8 21.4 11.6*** Not in Labour Force 33.0 50.4 17.4*** 15.7 30.6 14.9*** 31.2 36.6 5.3*** Student Status Full time student 12.7 28.3 15.6*** 3.1 7.7 4.7** 6.4 13.3 6.9*** Part time student 11.5 29.6 18.1*** 1.6 19.4 17.8*** 13 21.8 8.8*** Non-student 21.9 44.2 22.3*** 9.5 28.1 18.6*** 18.3 31.7 13.4*** 40.0 42.9 16.2*** 40.5 39.5 14.3*** 39.9 40.5 14.5*** Households with kids 27.0 29.5 14.4*** 26.8 27.3 14*** * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.001 Source: NPHS cycle 2, CCHS cycles 1.1, 2.1, 3.1 1 Asthma, Heart Diesease, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Cancer, Emphysema/Chronic Bronchitis 26.8 28.3 13.8*** Trades, Processing, Manufacturing Household Type Households with no kids 24 Table 4 - Relative Change in Influenza Vaccination for Ontario and Quebec versus Other Provinces2 Relative Change Ontario vs. Other Prov. Quebec vs. Other Prov. All 9.0*** 4.5*** Sex Male 7.7*** 3.0** Female 10.2*** 5.9*** Age 12 to 14 10.5*** -10.2** 15 to 19 4.4** -1.9 20 to 24 8.2*** 2.2 25 to 29 8.2*** 2.2 30 to 49 10.6*** -0.1 50 to 59 13.4*** 60 to 64 13.0*** 20.3*** Ages 65+ 1.8* 13.5*** Chronic Condition1 None At least one Education Less than secondary graduation Secondary graduation At least some post-secondary Post secondary graduation Household Income Less than $30,000 $30,000 to $49,999 Above $50,000 Occupation Business, Sciences, Health & Education 2.8 9.3*** 2.3** 7.6*** 11.0*** 8.3*** 8.4*** 8.9*** 3.6 10.5*** 3.8** 8.3*** 1.5 9.8*** 9.9*** 10.0*** 1.5 9.5*** -2.9 10.3*** 0.5 10.9*** 11.3*** -0.2 2.2 Labour Force Status Full time worker 10.0*** 1.1 Part time worker 11.9*** -0.3 Not in Labour Force 12.1*** 9.5*** Sales & Service Trades, Processing, Manufacturing Student Status Full time student 8.7*** -2.2 Part time student 9.3*** 9.0* Non-student 8.9*** 5.3*** 9.2*** 4.3** Household Type Households with no kids Households with kids 10.2*** * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.001 Source: NPHS cycle 2, CCHS cycles 1.1, 2.1, 3.1 1 Asthma, Heart Diesease, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Cancer, Emphysema/Chronic Bronchitis 2 Other provinces are all provinces excluding Ontario and Quebec 1.5 25 Table 5 - OLS Regression Results: Vaccination Status and Vaccination Programs in Ontario and Quebec All Change in Coverage: ON Change in Coverage: QC Season Effects Province Effects Age Effects Second Level Interactions Mean Vaccination Rate R-Square Observations 0.103*** (0.014) 0.176*** (0.023) Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.305 0.225 325,958 Self Rated Health Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor 0.055** (0.020) 0.084*** (0.019) Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.218 0.15 70,062 0.090*** (0.021) 0.073** (0.030) Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.265 0.199 120,740 0.111*** (0.016) 0.240*** (0.039) Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.339 0.234 92,545 0.135*** (0.023) 0.231*** (0.020) Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.473 0.224 32,312 0.056 (0.036) 0.434*** (0.070) Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.528 0.164 10,151 Note: Regressions also control for sex, education, income, student status, household type, presence of chronic conditions and occupation (with non-workers entering as a separate category). Robust standard errors are given in parentheses and are clustered by season-province-age cells. * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.001 26 Table 6 - OLS Regression Results: Weekly Laboratory Confirmed Flu, Vaccine Match and Vaccination Coverage Changes All Weeks Flu Season Weeks Off Season -0.014 -0.054 -0.009 (0.030) (0.079) (0.031) Post*Match -0.111** -0.138 -0.042 (0.035) (0.124) (0.026) Treat*Match -0.001 -0.034 0.008 (0.030) (0.063) (0.033) -0.033** -0.029 -0.037** (0.016) (0.062) (0.012) 0.057 0.203 0.209 0.192 0.023 0.078 -0.001 -0.073 0.002 (0.018) (0.068) (0.012) -0.021 -0.066 -0.007 (0.013) (0.046) (0.007) Post*Ontario -0.017 -0.033 -0.021 (0.019) (0.082) (0.013) Post*Quebec*Match -0.082 -0.124 -0.061 (0.119) (0.174) (0.135) 0.067 0.074 0.057 (0.119) (0.166) (0.135) -0.005 Panel A - Treated group is Quebec and Ontario Post*Treat*Match Post*Treat Mean Flu Rate Adj. R-Squared Panel B - Treated group is separated by Quebec and Ontario Post*Ontario*Match Ontario*Match Quebec*Match Post*Quebec Post*Match Mean Flu Rate Adj. R-Squared 0.010 0.027 (0.062) (0.105) (0.071) -0.110** -0.153 -0.040 (0.038) (0.128) (0.036) 0.057 0.204 0.209 0.191 0.023 0.080 Season Effects Yes Yes Yes Province Effects Yes Yes Yes Week Effects Yes Yes Yes Observations 5,140 956 4,184 Note: The laboratory confirmed flu rate is defined as the proportion of positive tests out of tests performed that week. Regressions also control for population size and surveillance counts of other respiratory disease (Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Parainfluenza, and Adenovirus). Robust standard errors are given in parentheses and are clustered by season-province cells. * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.001 27 28 Table 7 - Regression Results: Weekly Hospitalization Rate for any diagnosis of Flu and Pneumonia Season Start Weeks During Season Season Peak End Off Season -6.739*** (1.893) 10.658 0.266 -5.433** (2.189) 10.994 0.285 -7.325** (2.921) 11.800 0.321 -6.314** (2.163) 8.721 0.229 -0.340 (0.216) 1.098 0.193 Mean of Dependent Var. Adj. R-Squared 1.034 (1.797) 25.232 0.726 -5.165 (4.150) 33.748 0.755 -5.039 (5.343) 35.327 0.774 -9.173 (6.212) 37.074 0.784 -2.379 (4.911) 30.242 0.74 0.863 (1.679) 23.256 0.747 Year Effects Region Effects Age Effects Month Effects Second Level Interactions Observations Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 110,925 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 20,889 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5,418 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6,687 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 8,784 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 90,036 All Weeks Flu Season Weeks Hospitalizations with any diagnosis of flu Post*Treat*Match Mean of Dependent Var. Adj. R-Squared -0.936** (0.423) 2.610 0.171 Hospitalizations with any diagnosis of pneumonia Post*Treat*Match Note: Hospitalization rates are per 100,000 population. Regressions also control for surveillance counts of other respiratory disease (Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Parainfluenza, and Adenovirus) and coding classifications changes (ICD10 versus ICD9). Robust standard errors are given in parentheses and are clustered by season-region-age cells. * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.001 29 30 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes -0.356 (1.361) 14.482 0.615 110,925 1.034 (1.797) 25.232 0.726 110,925 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes -5.851** (2.961) 20.360 0.661 20,889 -0.599** (0.303) 1.705 0.140 110,925 -0.936** (0.423) 2.610 0.171 110,925 -5.165 (4.150) 33.748 0.755 20,889 -4.625*** (1.307) 7.076 0.226 20,889 -6.739*** (1.893) 10.658 0.266 20,889 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.306 (0.536) 4.496 0.528 110,925 -0.301 (1.322) 5.881 0.598 20,889 -0.113** (0.047) 0.161 0.030 110,925 -0.410 (0.269) 0.643 0.082 20,889 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 24.061 (45.039) 338.277 0.468 110,925 -44.704 (73.926) 438.526 0.557 20,889 -9.222* (4.768) 25.111 0.064 110,925 -74.985*** (22.134) 106.109 0.144 20,889 Length of Stay (Days/100,000) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.329 (0.592) 10.626 0.100 93,960 1.257 (0.834) 9.954 0.128 18,263 1.431 (1.928) 7.015 0.043 21,175 -0.667 (1.448) 7.590 0.093 9,054 Average Length of Stay (Days/Hospitalization) Note: Hospitalization rates are per 100,000 population. Regressions also control for surveillance counts of other respiratory disease (Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Parainfluenza, and Adenovirus) and coding classifications changes (ICD10 versus ICD9). Robust standard errors are given in parentheses and are clustered by season yearregion cells. * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.001 Year Effects Region Effects Age Effects Month Effects Second Level Interactions Mean of Dependent Var. Adj. R-Squared Observations Mean of Dependent Var. Adj. R-Squared Observations All Weeks Post*Treat*Match Weeks During Flu Season Post*Treat*Match Hospitalizations with diagnosis of pneumonia Mean of Dependent Var. Adj. R-Squared Observations Mean of Dependent Var. Adj. R-Squared Observations All Weeks Post*Treat*Match Weeks During Flu Season Post*Treat*Match Hospitalizations with diagnosis of flu Table 8 - Regression Results: Weekly Hospitalization Rate for MRD, Death and Length of Stay Most Responsible Any Diagnosis Any Diagnosis with Death Diagnosis 31 Yes Yes No Yes Yes -0.662 (0.453) 1.469 0.258 12,325 -6.720** (2.030) 6.185 0.354 2,321 Yes Yes No Yes Yes -0.192** (0.086) 0.461 0.354 12,325 -1.677*** (0.389) 1.695 0.352 2,321 5 to 12 Yes Yes No Yes Yes -0.048 (0.076) 0.421 0.411 12,325 -0.884** (0.291) 1.047 0.47 2,321 13 to 18 Yes Yes No Yes Yes 0.052 (0.067) 0.299 0.474 12,325 -0.259 (0.266) 0.846 0.52 2,321 19 to 24 Yes Yes No Yes Yes -0.030 (0.046) 0.339 0.404 12,325 -0.367* (0.195) 1.068 0.467 2,321 25 to 49 Yes Yes No Yes Yes -0.042 (0.092) 0.695 0.38 12,325 -1.142** (0.470) 2.618 0.427 2,321 50 to 64 Yes Yes No Yes Yes -0.771** (0.285) 2.112 0.331 12,325 -4.779** (1.486) 8.322 0.394 2,321 65 to 74 Yes Yes No Yes Yes -1.518* (0.819) 5.686 0.316 12,325 -10.704** (4.228) 23.365 0.393 2,321 75 to 84 Yes Yes No Yes Yes -3.306* (1.779) 12.005 0.339 12,325 -26.964** (9.601) 50.780 0.404 2,321 85 or Older Yes Yes No Yes Yes -0.224** (0.097) 0.800 0.285 12,325 -2.196*** (0.565) 3.131 0.387 2,321 Male Female Yes Yes No Yes Yes -0.349** (0.141) 1.110 0.289 12,325 -2.758*** (0.724) 4.213 0.42 2,321 Sex Note: Regressions also control for surveillance counts of other respiratory disease (Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Parainfluenza, and Adenovirus) and coding classifications changes (ICD10 versus ICD9). Robust standard errors are given in parentheses and are clustered by season-region cells. * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.001 Year Effects Region Effects Age Effects Month Effects Second Level Interactions Mean of Dependent Var. Adj. R-Squared Observations All Weeks Post*Treat*Match Mean of Dependent Var. Adj. R-Squared Observations Flu Season Weeks Post*Treat*Match Less Than 5 Age Group Table 9 - Regression Results: Weekly Hospitalization Rate for any Diagnosis of Flu by Age Group and Sex 32 Yes Yes No Yes Yes -1.982 (1.362) 17.439 0.569 12,325 -12.037** (4.906) 25.729 0.58 2,321 Yes Yes No Yes Yes -1.055*** (0.313) 3.246 0.336 12,325 -2.714** (0.862) 3.982 0.343 2,321 5 to 12 Yes Yes No Yes Yes -0.277 (0.178) 1.317 0.361 12,325 -1.057** (0.394) 1.640 0.373 2,321 13 to 18 Yes Yes No Yes Yes -0.463** (0.207) 1.371 0.378 12,325 -1.523** (0.504) 1.671 0.411 2,321 19 to 24 Yes Yes No Yes Yes -0.244 (0.171) 2.375 0.372 12,325 -1.008** (0.350) 2.938 0.369 2,321 25 to 49 Yes Yes No Yes Yes 0.243 (0.433) 7.664 0.353 12,325 -2.614** (1.127) 9.738 0.41 2,321 50 to 64 Yes Yes No Yes Yes -0.289 (1.193) 24.257 0.349 12,325 -6.402** (3.165) 30.262 0.395 2,321 65 to 74 Yes Yes No Yes Yes 2.609 (2.379) 55.7 0.355 12,325 -14.382** (6.607) 72.147 0.391 2,321 75 to 84 Yes Yes No Yes Yes 7.399 (5.578) 113.719 0.333 12,325 -5.092 (15.180) 155.626 0.303 2,321 85 or Older Yes Yes No Yes Yes -0.165 (0.376) 10.135 0.550 12,325 -3.609*** (1.083) 12.839 0.524 2,321 Male Sex Yes Yes No Yes Yes 0.161 (0.374) 8.681 0.518 12,325 -2.031** (0.944) 11.568 0.474 2,321 Female Note: Regressions also control for surveillance counts of other respiratory disease (Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Parainfluenza, and Adenovirus) and coding classifications changes (ICD10 versus ICD9). Robust standard errors are given in parentheses and are clustered by season-region cells. * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.001 Year Effects Region Effects Age Effects Month Effects Second Level Interactions Mean of Dependent Var. Adj. R-Squared Observations All Weeks Post*Treat*Match Mean of Dependent Var. Adj. R-Squared Observations Flu Season Weeks Post*Treat*Match Less Than 5 Age Group Table 10 - Regression Results: Weekly Hospitalization Rate for any Diagnosis of Pneumonia by Age Group and Sex Table 11 - Regression Results: Weekly Hospitalization Rate for Residents of Care Facilities Hospitalization rate for flu (per 100,000 residents) Flu Season Weeks All Weeks Hospitalization rate for pneumonia (per 100,000 residents) Flu Season Weeks All Weeks Post*Treat*Match -34.493 -7.365 -98.204 -35.047 (32.889) (5.832) (75.540) (22.468) Year Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Province Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Month Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Second Level Interactions Yes Yes Yes Yes Mean of Dependent Var. 60.62 13.46 136.67 99.92 Adj. R-Squared 0.261 0.174 0.267 0.283 Observations 785 4,320 785 4,320 Note: Regressions also control for surveillance counts of other respiratory disease (Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Parainfluenza, and Adenovirus) and coding classifications changes (ICD10 versus ICD9). Robust standard errors are given in parentheses and are clustered by season-region cells. * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.001 33 34 1.018 (4.872) 70.759 0.781 110,925 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes -1.186 (5.424) 43.853 0.793 20,889 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2.098 (3.442) 35.088 0.78 110,925 All Circulatory Disease -16.515* (8.902) 90.911 0.787 20,889 All Respiratory All Weeks All Weeks 0.133 (1.902) 28.886 0.7 110,925 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes -0.079 (0.393) 1.567 0.362 20,889 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes -0.103 (0.279) 1.360 0.343 110,925 Pulmonary Disease -12.519** (5.026) 52.698 0.723 20,889 Flu and Pneumonia Flu Season All Weeks -0.401 (1.197) 7.977 0.496 110,925 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes -0.637 (1.114) 4.802 0.548 20,889 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes -0.343 (0.667) 3.961 0.52 110,925 Cerebrovascular Disease -4.398* (2.525) 12.594 0.598 20,889 Acute Respiratory Flu Season All Weeks 0.306 (3.284) 34.194 0.735 110,925 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.019 (0.609) 3.120 0.444 20,889 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes -0.310 (0.406) 2.857 0.426 110,925 Unintentional Accidents -5.085 (4.804) 42.073 0.75 20,889 Chronic Respiratory Flu Season Note: Regressions also control for surveillance counts of other respiratory disease (Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Parainfluenza, and Adenovirus) and coding classifications changes (ICD10 versus ICD9). Robust standard errors are given in parentheses and are clustered by season-region-age cells. Year Effects Region Effects Age Effects Month Effects Second Level Interactions Mean of Dependent Var. Adj. R-Squared Observations Post*Treat*Match Panel B - Other Diseases Mean of Dependent Var. Adj. R-Squared Observations Post*Treat*Match Panel A - Respiratory Dieases Flu Season Table 12 - Regression Results: Weekly Hospitalization Rate by Disease Table 13 - Regression Results: Absence for Own Illness Absence Post*Treat*Match Year Effects Province Effects Age Effects Second Level Interactions Mean of Dependent Var. Adj. R-Squared Observations Hours Absent Flu Season Weeks All Weeks Flu Season Weeks All Weeks -0.005* (0.003) Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.026 0.018 982,084 -0.001 (0.001) Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.025 0.018 5,306,445 -2.710* (1.416) Yes Yes Yes Yes 9.714 0.019 837,870 -3.123** (0.964) Yes Yes Yes Yes 9.933 0.020 4,526,798 Note: Regressions also control for surveillance counts of other respiratory disease (Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Parainfluenza, and Adenovirus), Education, Marital Status, Sex, Occupation and Union Status. Robust standard errors are given in parentheses and are clustered by season-province-age cells. * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.001 35 36 Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.007** (0.003) 0.021 0.006 272,371 0.014 (0.010) 0.023 0.011 37,658 Yes Yes Yes Yes -0.008* (0.005) 0.036 0.023 478,349 -0.016** (0.007) 0.037 0.024 82,569 22 to 26 Yes Yes Yes Yes -0.001 (0.001) 0.028 0.021 3,370,654 -0.004 (0.003) 0.030 0.021 609,026 27 to 49 Age Group Yes Yes Yes Yes -0.001 (0.001) 0.013 0.003 1,015,864 -0.006** (0.003) 0.014 0.003 183,360 50 to 59 Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.001 (0.003) 0.011 0.004 169,207 -0.009 (0.007) 0.012 0.005 29,768 60 to 64 Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.000 (0.001) 0.014 0.004 3,109,723 0.001 (0.003) 0.015 0.004 550,247 Male Sex Yes Yes Yes Yes -0.004 (0.002) 0.041 0.025 2,196,722 -0.012** (0.004) 0.043 0.024 392,134 Female Note: Regressions also control for surveillance counts of other respiratory disease (Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Parainfluenza, and Adenovirus), Education, Marital Status, Sex, Occupation and Union Status. Robust standard errors are given in parentheses and are clustered by season-province-age cells. * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.001 Year Effects Province Effects Age Effects Second Level Interactions Mean of Dependent Var. Adj. R-Squared Observations All Weeks Post*Treat*Match Mean of Dependent Var. Adj. R-Squared Observations Flu Season Weeks Post*Treat*Match 15 to 21 Table 14 - Regression Results: Absence for Own Illness by Age and Sex