Ramsey Optimal Fiscal Policy in Emerging Countries: Is it Procyclical? ∗ Subrata Sarker May, 2008 Draft, please do not cite without permission Abstract The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of nancial market imperfections in explaining the procyclical scal policy in many of the emerging developing countries. I examine whether, in the presence of distortionary taxation, procyclical scal policy can be an optimal outcome for a Ramsey planner in a one good, representative agent small open economy model with only friction being an upward sloping supply curve for loans from an incomplete international nancial market. The paper shows that the observed procyclicality of the scal variables may indeed be an optimal outcome as debt nancing of decit becomes expensive during a recession due to the upward slope of the loan supply function. Procyclical scal policy, Ramsey optimal policy Codes: E62, F41 Keywords: JEL PhD Student, Department of Economics, University of British Columbia, 997-1873 East Mall, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z1 Email: ssarker@interchange.ubc.ca. ∗ 1 Introduction In developed countries, scal policy is either countercyclical, i.e. they are targeted to smooth the cyclical uctuations in income and employment, or they are, at least, acyclical. However, in many of the emerging developing countries, it appears that scal policy is procyclical. Procyclicality implies that business cycle booms and recessions are accentuated by the government policies. This may take place in several ways: tax rates fall in good times and rise in bad times, government consumption rises in good times and falls in bad times. These phenomena are often considered as signicant contributors to the macroeconomic instability in emerging market economies. These facts are contrary to the conventional wisdom in both the major schools in macroeconomics. The Keynesian framework suggests that the scal policy should be countercyclical i.e. the government should cut taxes and increase expenditures during a recession and do the opposite during a boom. In contrast, the neo-classical approach calls for acyclical scal policy in the sense that optimal tax rates should remain largely constant over the business cycles. This raises an important question: are policy procyclicalities simply the result of misguided macroeconomic policies or are they the results of specic circumstances in which the policy making authorities in these countries operate? Understanding these puzzling issues is an important step in macroeconomic stabilization in developing countries. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of nancial market imperfections in explaining the procyclical scal policy. I examine whether, in the presence of distortionary taxation, procyclical scal policy can be an optimal outcome for a Ramsey planner in a one good, representative agent small open economy model with only friction being an incomplete international nancial market where the rate of interest depends negatively on the net worth of the economy. The paper shows that the observed procyclicality of the scal variables may indeed be an optimal outcome as debt nancing of decit becomes expensive during a recession due to higher interest cost of borrowing. The empirical motivation for such shape of the loan supply function comes from the well-documented fact in Uribe and Yue (2006) and Neymeyer and Perri (2005) that the interest rate in emerging countries is negatively correlated with output whereas the correlation is either positive 1 or zero in developed countries. The paper proceeds as follows. Section 2 briey discusses some of the stylized facts from the existing empirical studies. Section 3 discusses the two main lines of arguments given to explain procyclical scal policy and, in that context, provides justication for the exercise undertaken in this paper. In section 4, I outline the baseline model with exogenous public expenditure, parametrize it and discuss the results in response to a negative shock in productivity. Section 5 extends the baseline model by incorporating endogenous public expenditure and discusses its implications. Section 6 provides the concluding remarks. 2 Stylized Facts Gavin and Perotti (1997), Braun (2001), Kaminski, Reinhart and Végh (2004), Alesina, Campante and Tabellini (2007), Végh and Ilzetzki (2008) provide ample evidences in support of procyclical scal policies. Braun (2001) nds that while in OECD countries a one percentage point increase in GDP is associated with a reduction of 0.37 percentage point in the ratio of government expenditures to GDP; in developing countries this ratio remains unchanged. This implies, in developing economies, government expenditures increase by the same proportion during economic expansions and decline by the same proportion during recessions. Kaminski, Reinhart and Végh (2004) is by far the most comprehensive empirical exercise in this regard. They document some key stylized features of the business cycle variation in scal policies in the developing and developed countries using a dataset of 104 countries and covering a period between 1960-2003. I reproduce some of the key ndings from their study to motivate the discussion further. Table 1 presents the correlation of the cyclical components of GDP with the general government expenditures and the ination tax rate. For the middle income and the low income countries, general government expenditure and the ination tax rates are clearly pro-cyclical whereas, for the OECD countries, expenditure is acyclical and the ination tax rate is countercyclical. 2 π Ination tax rate, which is dened as 1+π , (where π is the rate of ination) is used as an imperfect proxy for the actual tax rates. Table 1: Correlation between Fiscal Policy and Real GDP Countries General Government Expenditure HP Band-Pass Filter Filter -0.06 -0.02 0.43* 0.44* 0.20* 0.23* 0.37* 0.34* Ination Tax HP Band-Pass Filter Filter 0.16* 0.15* -0.15* -0.13* -0.09* -0.10* -0.20* -0.16* OECD Middle-High Income Middle-Low Income Low Income Notes :An asterisk denotes statistical signicance at the 10 percent level Source :Reproduced from Kaminski, Reinhart and Végh (2004). Unfortunately, data on cyclical variation in actual tax rates are extremely dicult to come by. There are, however, strong casual evidences suggesting that tax rates are procyclical in developing countries. In a detail case study on Uruguay Mailhos and Sosa (2000) found that over the period between 1975 to 1999 almost all the tax rates such as the value added tax rates, income tax rates, wage tax rates and certain commodity tax rates were procyclical. They also found that the taris charged by the state owned rms for public utilities, which often constitutes a form of implicit taxation, were signicantly negatively correlated with the GDP. In addition, the taxes charged by the social welfare authorities on dierent pension funds and housing or construction funds were also procyclical. Talvi and Végh (2005) reports that in 1995, in the midst of a severe recession, both Argentina and Mexico implemented major scal adjustments involving large increases in tax rates along with cuts in public spending. In Mexico, the value-added tax rate was increased by ve percentage points. In contrast, tax rates were reduced in Argentina during the economic boom in 1991 to 1994. To get some insights on the capital market access, I reproduce Table 2 from the Kaminski, Reinhart and Végh (2004). It is evident that the middleincome countries tend to borrow more during good times and lend during bad 3 times i.e. net capital ow seems to be pro-cyclical. Kaminski, Reinhart and Végh (2004) further documents that there is almost no dierence in credit ratings for the OECD countries during good and bad times whereas ratings are clearly pro-cyclical for the middle income countries1 . These evidences, coupled with the negative correlation between interest rate and output documented in Uribe and Yue (2006) and Neymeyer and Perri (2005),suggest that these countries face a positive premium on interest rate when their output is low. This makes dicult for the government to run a scal policy aimed at smoothening the business cycle. Table 2: Fluctuations in Capital Flow Countries Net Capital Inows/GDP Good Times Bad Times Amplitude (1) (2) (1)-(2) 0.5 0.4 0.1 4.4 3 1.4 4.2 3 1.2 3.9 3.6 0.3 OECD Middle-High Income Middle-Low Income Low Income Note : Good (bad) times are dened as those years in which GDP growth is above (below) the median. Source : Reproduced from Kaminski, Reinhart and Végh (2004). 3 Existing Explanations Existing theoretical explanations of procyclical scal policy have followed under two main strands: • Political-economic explanations by Talvi and Végh (2005) or Alesina, Campante and Tabellini (2007) and others • Explanations based on international credit market imperfections or in- completeness as in Gavin and Perotti (1997), Aizenman, Gavin and Hausmann (1996) or more recently by Riascos and Végh (2003). 1 There is almost no variation in capital ow or credit ratings for the low income countries but that may be because of the fact that at such low ratings they are already shut out of the international credit markets. 4 3.1 Political-economic Explanations Talvi and Végh (2005) argue that budget surpluses create political pressure for increased public spending from dierent interest groups. Government may nd it optimal to lower taxes in good times to fend o spending pressures. However, lowering taxes in good times introduces distortion. So optimal choice is somewhere between choosing the levels of these two distortions, i.e. during good times the governments increase public expenditure a bit while at the same time lower the tax rates a bit. And it is the inability of the governments to maintain primary surplus during booms, to pay o debt, that forces them to lower public expenditures and raise tax rates during recessions. The authors argue that since the uctuation in the tax base is high in developing countries as compared to the developed countries, the surplus is higher during booms and consequently, the spending pressure is also higher, leading to procyclical policies. There is, however, an endogeniety problem with this line of argument. Higher uctuation in the tax base in the developing countries may, as well, be a consequence rather than a cause of the pro-cyclical policies. Their reduced form modeling where public expenditure is an increasing (and, in fact, at an increasing rate) function of the primary surplus does not address this problem. In a recent paper, Alesina, Campante and Tabellini (2007) argued that in corrupt democracies voters minimize rent extraction by demanding procyclical policy. When a positive income shock hits the economy, voters demand immediate benets in the form of tax cuts or increases in productive government spending or transfers. They fear that otherwise the available extra resources would be wasted in rents. Consequently governments can not accumulate reserves in good times to run a countercyclial policy. They show that in the data covering 83 countries over the period of 1960 to 2003, procyclicality is highly correlated with corruption and the correlation is stronger in democracies. However, the causality is dicult to establish since corruption is highly correlated with credit rating in the data. Moreover Thornton (2008) provided a contrasting evidence from 37 low-income African countries during 1960-2004 that the procyclicality is rather relatively weaker in democracies. 5 3.2 Credit Market based Explanations The main argument is that total or partial loss of access or costly access to international credit in dicult times forces developing countries to contract government spending and raise taxes in bad times. Gevin and Perotti (1997) made this claim based on empirical observations from Latin American countries. Riascos and Végh (2003) provide a formalization of the credit channel. They consider a setting where government consumption provides direct utility to the representative agent in an endowment economy model and they show that if developing countries have access to only risk free bonds from the international market then government expenditure will be pro-cyclical under the Ramsey optimal policy. In contrast, under complete market both private and government consumption is constant across the states of the economy. While this paper is an important rst step, there are several directions in which further examination is called for. Firstly, there is no production in their model and consequently no consumption-leisure choice. If labour is introduced in their model2 then consumption (both public and private) will co-move positively with output under both complete and incomplete market. Merely an incomplete credit market, therefore, is not sucient to capture the distinguishing characteristic of the credit market faced by the emerging countries. Endogenizing public expenditure either by introducing it in the utility function as a consumption good or by introducing it in the production funcition as a ow of input (or stock of public capital) will trivially always lead to optimal procyclical expenditure policy. The challenge then is rather to show whether the other instrument of public policy (i.e. the tax rate) is also moving procyclically3 to or not. Riascos and Végh (2003),however, predict a counter-cyclical tax policy. This happens because the capital ow is counter-cyclical in their model. Both the private agent and the government can borrow more during bad times as the interest rate remains constant. So the government does not need to resort to distortionary taxes to generate revenue during bad times. However, counter-cyclical capital ow is completely counter factual for the emerging countries as documented by 2 Except when the utility function is additively separable between consumption and leisure. 3 The terminology is a bit confusing here. A policy is pro-cyclical when it accentuate the business cycle. In case of tax rate, a negative co-movement with output will be an example of a pro-cyclical policy 6 Kaminski, Reinhart and Végh (2004). This paper is in a sense an extension of the Riascos and Végh (2003) to derive the optimal pro-cyclical scal policy result in a model that at least qualitatively matches the basic features of the business cycle data in developing countries such as procyclical capital ow and negative comovement between output and interest rates. Due to the complexity in calculating optimal policy, typically the literature has taken a normative approach with tractable models4 . This paper makes a half-way journey toward using optimal policy models with a positive approach to match some observations in the data qualitatively. Full journey requires quantitatively matching the moments in the data with a much more complicated model. However, it is extremely dicult to calculate optimal policy in an open economy under incomplete credit market with such a model and therefore we make the rst step with a simpler version. 4 Benchmark Model Consider a small open economy with three agents: households, rms and the government. The credit market faced by the economy is incomplete in the sense that both the households and the governments have access only to one period real discounted bond. The interest rate on that bond is negatively related to the deviation of the real net-worth of the economy from its steady state level. The net worth is dened as the value of current output adjusted for the current level of total debt obligation. Households and the government face higher interest rates in international capital market as they need to borrow more from the international market. I assume the following functional form for the interest rate5 : (y−d−b)−(yt −dt −bt )) ( rt = r + ψ e −1 where yt is the level of current output and dt and bt are the real private and public debt holdings at time t and y , d and b are their steady state levels 4 See for example Gali and Monacelli (2008) in the open economy context or Siu (2004), Schmitt-Grohe and Uribe (2004) in the closed economy context. 5 This is following Schmitt-Grohe and Uribe (2003). In their case, however, the risk premium does not depend on the current level of output. 7 respectively. Note r is the rate of interest without the risk premium. It is assumed that β(1 + r) = 1 where β ∈ (0, 1) denotes the subjective discount factor. This formulation of interest rate essentially implies that the risk premium is a function of the productivity shock. Recently similar approach has been adopted in Neumeyer and Perri (2003), Garcia-Cicco,Pancrazi and Uribe (2006) and Aguir and Gopinath (2007). The idea is based on models of endogenous default by Eaton and Garsovitz (1981) or Arellano (2003) in which default probabilities are high when productivity is low and consequently the risk premium is high. This helps to generate a negative correlation between the output and the interest rate in our model. Our reduced form approach is subject to the usual critiques but our goal here is not to provide a theory of the risk premium in the international credit market but to show that how it's presence aects the optimal formulation of scal policies in emerging countries. Calculation of optimal scal policy in a model of endogenous default is beyond the scope of this paper. 4.1 Households The lifetime utility of the innitely lived representative household is given by: " # E ∞ X β t U (ct , ht ) (1) t=0 where c and h are the private consumption and hours worked respectively. U (.) is increasing in consumption, decreasing in hours, strictly concave and twice continuously dierentiable. The representative household trades in the international bond market and receives after tax wage income from labour, rents from capital and spends that on consumption, investment and debt repayment. The household's budget constraint is given by: dt+1 + wt (1 − τt )ht + zt kt = ct + It + (1 + rt )dt + ζ(dt+1 ) + κt (2) where w. zt and τ denotes the wage rate, rental rate and the tax rate respectively. ζ(dt+1 ) is the loan adjustment cost faced by the household which is introduced with the sole purpose of introducing stationarity in the model. κt denotes capital adjustment which is convex on investment and is dened in the following way: κt = κ(It , kt ), kI > 0, kII > 0. 8 Lastly, It = kt+1 − (1 − δ)kt (3) In addition to the budget constraint, the household is also subject to the usual no-Ponzi game conditions. Households' problem can be described as maximization of (1) subject to (2) and (3) and the no-Ponzi conditions. Note households do not internalize the fact that they face an upward sloping supply curve for loan and they take interest rate as given. First order conditions with respect to consumption, labour supply, investment and foreign bonds imply: − uh (ct , ht ) = (1 − τt )wt uc (ct , ht ) 0 uc (ct , ht )(1 − ζ (dt+1 )) = Et β [(1 + rt+1 ) uc (ct+1 , ht+1 )] dκt+1 dκt ) = Et β zt+1 + 1 − δ − uc (ct , ht )(1 + uc (ct+1 , ht+1 ) dkt+1 dkt+1 (4) (5) (6) First-order condition (4) implies that the tax rate introduces a wedge between the wage rate and the marginal rate of substitution between consumption and leisure. The higher the tax rate, the lower will be the labour supply given a wage rate. The consumption Euler equation (5) indicates that the utility derived by investing one unit of consumption today in the foreign bond, to consume tomorrow, should be equal to the utility forgone by not consuming it today. This is another way of saying that, at the optimum, marginal benet of an additional unit of debt must equal its marginal cost. Similar interpretation goes for equation (5) which is the Euler equation with respect to capital. 4.2 Firms Firms are owned by the households and they produce the nal good using a constant return to scale technology in labour and capital: Yt = At F (kt , ht ) = At ktη ht1−η (7) where At is a productivity parameter. The law of motion of At is given by the following AR(1) process: ln At+1 = ρ ln At + t+1 9 (8) where ρ ∈ (0, 1) and t+1 ∼ N IID(0, σ2 ). The static prot maximization problem of the representative rm can be expressed as follows: max At ktη ht1−η − wt ht − zt kt ht ,kt This gives us the standard rst order condition which equals the marginal benet of using a labour and capital at any period t to its marginal cost: 4.3 wt = (1 − η)At ktη h−η t (9) zt = ηAt ktη−1 ht1−η (10) The Government In the benchmark model, government expenditure is exogenously specied at gt = ḡ, ∀t. Government nances its expenditure either by taxing wage income of the households or by borrowing from the international credit market where it has access to one period real non-contingent bonds bt . Unlike the household, government, however, internalizes the fact that the interest rate faced in the international capital market depends on the real net worth of the country. It is also assumed that a commitment technology exists and the government can bind itself to a particular sequence of scal policy variables. The budget constraint of the government is given by: bt + τt wt ht = gt + (1 + rt−1 )bt−1 (11) The government is also subject to a no-Ponzi game condition of the following form: # " ! lim Et k→∞ 4.4 t+k−1 Y j=0 1 1 + rj bt+j ≤ 0 (12) Characterizing Equilibrium A competitive equilibrium is dened in the usual way: Denition 1 Given the household's and the government's initial real debt d−1 and b−1 and the exogenous stochastic processes {At }∞ t=0 and exogenous government expenditure ḡ , an equilibrium is an allocation {ct , kt , ht , dt }∞ t=0 , ∞ ∞ price system {wt , rt }t=0 and government policy {bt , τt }t=0 such that: 10 1. {ct , kt , ht , dt }∞ t=0 solve the household maximization problem subject to the sequence of household budget constraints and the no-Ponzi constraint. 2. {kt , ht , wt , zt }∞ t=0 solve the rm's problem. 3. {bt , τt }∞ t=0 satisfy the sequence of government budget constraints and the government's no-Ponzi constraint. 4. The factor and the goods markets are cleared Competitive equilibrium is obtained subject to the condition that (2)-(6), (9)-(11) and the no-Ponzi conditions are satised. To simplify the analysis of Ramsey optimal policy, I characterize the equilibrium in primal form. This involves restating the equilibrium conditions in terms of real allocations alone. Given those allocations, it is possible to recover the equilibrium values for the price and the policy variables. The following proposition presents the primal form of the competitive equilibrium: Proposition 2 Given the household's and the government's initial real debt d0 and b0 and the exogenous stochastic processes {At , gt }∞ t=0 , the allocation ∞ {ct , kt , ht , dt , bt }t=0 satisfy (5),(6) and dt+1 − uh (ct , ht ) ht +ηAt F (kt , ht ) = ct +kt+1 −(1−δ)kt +(1+rt )dt +ζ(dt+1 )+κt uc (ct , ht ) (13) bt+1 +dt+1 +At F (kt , ht ) = ct +gt +(1+rt )(bt +dt )kt+1 −(1−δ)kt +ζ(dt+1 )+κt if and only if they satisfy (2)-(6), (9)-(11). (14) Proof. See Appendix. This implies once we have {ct , kt , ht , dt , bt }∞ t=0 satisfying (5), (6), (13)and (14), the wage rate wt and the policy variable τt can be recovered from (9) and (4) respectively. 4.5 Ramsey Problem Ramsey optimal policy problem can be dened as the maximization of the lifetime expected utility of the household (1) with respect to the real allocations subject to (5), (6), (13)and (14) and the no-Ponzi conditions. In a small 11 open economy with incomplete market, it is not possible to derive a date-zero implementability constraint as in Lucas and Stokey (1983) and Chari et al. (1991). Instead we need to use the sequential constraints mentioned above. Note that the constraint (5) and (6), the consumption Euler equations of the households, involve expectations of future variables. This makes the Ramsey planner's problem non-recursive. The government needs to take account of the future expectations of the private households therefore the optimal choice at time t is not a time invariant function of the state variables {dt , bt , At } at time t. To solve the Ramsey problem, we need to reconstruct the government's problem in a recursive framework. Marcet and Marimon (1998) show that in such cases an equivalent recursive saddle point maximization problem can be constructed from the original non-recursive problem by expanding the state space by including a new state variable that summarizes the inuence of the past events on the choice of current allocations. Following their methodology, as a rst step, the original problem is rewritten as: min max ∞ {γt ,νt }∞ t=0 {ct ,kt+1 ,ht ,dt+1 ,bt+1 }t=0 E ∞ X β t [U (ct , ht ) t=0 n o 0 +νt uc (ct , ht )(1 − ζ (dt+1 )) − Et β [(1 + rt+1 ) uc (ct+1 , ht+1 )] dκt dκt+1 γt uc (ct , ht )(1 + ) − Et β At Fkt + 1 − δ − uc (ct+1 , ht+1 )] ] dkt+1 dkt+1 subject to (13)and (14) and taking as given d0 and b0 . νt , γt are costate variables which are the same as the Lagrange multipliers associated with the constraint (5) and (6) of the original problem. This problem is still non-recursive. However, using the law of iterated expectations, it can be easily shown that the above problem is equivalent to the following recursive problem: min∞ max {νt ,γt }t=0 {ct ,kt+1 ,ht ,dt+1 ,bt+1 }∞ t=0 0 +νt uc (ct , ht )(1 − ζ (dt+1 )) − +γt uc (ct , ht )(1 + E ∞ X β t [U (ct , ht ) t=0 Ztν (1 + rt )uc (ct , ht ) dκt dκt ) − Ztγ (At Fkt + 1 − δ − )uc (ct , ht )] dkt+1 dkt 12 where Ztν = νt−1 and Ztγ = γt−1 . The enlarged state space of the problem is now composed by the vectors At , kt , Ztν , Ztγ . Ztν and Ztγ track along the dynamic the value to the planner of committing to the pre-announced policy plan. The Lagrangian for this problem is given by: L= min max ∞ {νt ,γt ,λt ,φt }∞ t=0 {ct ,kt+1 ,ht ,dt+1 ,bt+1 }t=0 E ∞ X β t [U (ct , ht ) t=0 0 +νt uc (ct , ht )(1 − ζ (dt+1 )) − νt−1 (1 + rt )uc (ct , ht ) +γt uc (ct , ht )(1 + +λt (dt+1 − dκt dκt ) − γt−1 (ηAt ktη−1 h1−η +1−δ− )uc (ct , ht ) t dkt+1 dkt uh (ct , ht ) ht + ηAt F (kt , ht ) − ct − kt+1 + (1 − δ)kt uc (ct , ht ) −(1 + rt )dt − ζ(dt+1 ) − κt ) +φt (bt+1 + dt+1 + At F (kt , ht ) − ct − gt − (1 + rt )(bt + dt ) −kt+1 + (1 − δ)kt − ζ(dt+1 ) − κt )] with d0 and b0 given. Following Khan, King and Wolman (2003), SchmittGrohe and Uribe (2004) and Faia and Monacelli (2007), ν−1 , γ−1 are set at the steady state values implicit in the system of Ramsey rst order conditions. This way we ignore the optimal policy problem at time zero. Implicit assumption is that the policy has been optimal in the past. Ramsey rst order conditions are given by: 0 uct + νt uct ct (1 − ζ (dt+1 )) − νt−1 uct ct (1 + rt ) + γt uct ct (1 + dκt d −γt−1 uct ct (At Fkt + 1 − δ − ) − λt [1 + dkt dct 0 uht + νt uct ht (1 − ζ (dt+1 )) − νt−1 (uct ht (1 + rt ) + uct −γt−1 (uct ht (At Fkt + 1 − δ − d −λt [ dht uht ht u ct + ηAt Fht − dt dκt ) dkt+1 uht ht ] − φt = 0 uct (15) drt dκt ) + γt uct ht (1 + ) dht dkt+1 dκt ) + uct At Fkt ,ht ) dkt drt drt ] − φt (At Fht − (dt + bt ) ) = 0 (16) dht dht 13 d2 κt dκt dκt drt+1 d γt uc 2 + γt−1 uc − (1 + )(λt + φt ) + βEt [−νt uct+1 dkt+1 dkt+1 dkt dkt+1 dkt+1 d dκt+1 d dκt+1 +γt+1 uct+1 − γt uct+1 (At+1 Fkkt+1 − dkt+1 dkt+2 dkt+1 dkt+1 dκt+1 drt+1 − dt+1 ) dkt+1 dkt+1 dκt+1 drt+1 − (dt+1 + bt+1 ))] = 0 (17) +φt+1 (At+1 Fkt+1 + 1 − δ − dkt+1 dkt+1 drt+1 00 0 νt uct ζ (dt+1 ) + (1 − ζ (dt+1 ))(λt + φt ) − βEt νt uct+1 ddt+1 drt+1 drt+1 )+φt+1 (1+rt+1 +(dt+1 +bt+1 ) ) = 0 (18) −βEt [λt+1 (1+rt+1 +dt+1 ddt+1 ddt+1 drt+1 φt − βEt νt uct+1 dbt+1 drt+1 drt+1 −βEt [λt+1 dt+1 + φt+1 (1 + rt+1 + (dt+1 + bt+1 ) )=0 (19) dbt+1 dbt+1 λt+1 (ηAt+1 Fkt+1 + 1 − δ − The Ramsey equilibrium is dened by the system of equations (5), (6), (13), (14) and (15) to (19). Since it is not possible to solve this system analytically, I present quantitative results based on log-linear approximation of the rst order conditions. 4.6 Parametrization The utility function is assumed to follow the following specication: 1−σ U (ct , ht ) = (cαt (1 − ht )1−α ) 1−σ −1 The parameter σ is the coecient of relative risk aversion and it set equal to 5 following Mendoza and Uribe (2000) and Reinhart and Végh (1994). The value for α is set so that one third of the time endowment is spent on working in the steady state. The β is chosen so that the steady state risk-free rate of interest is 0.04 per quarter. η is the share of capital in production which equals 0.33. I choose values of b̄ and d¯ such that the average public and private debt to GDP ratios are 17 % and 13 % respectively. These are the average values for 14 Mexico during the last two decade. ḡ is chosen so that the average share of the government expenditure to GDP is 19 % which again reects the average value for the Mexican economy. The debt adjustment cost function for the household debt is given by: ¯ 2 . The parameter ζ equals 0.0007 as in Schmitt-Grohe and ζ(dt ) = ζ2 (dt − d) Uribe (2004). The capital adjustment cost κ takes the following functional 2 φk It −δkt form: κt = 2 kt kt . We choose a value of φk to match the average quarterly volatility of investment to output in the Mexican data. The depreciation rate δ equals 0.05 which is following the values used for the Mexican economy in Mendoza and Uribe (2000) and Reinhart and Végh (1994). The most crucial parameter for this model is the risk-premium elasticity parameter ψ . Unfortunately, estimate of this parameter that can be used in the context of this model is not available in the literature. I use a value of 0.0005 so that the correlation of real interest rate with output generated by this model is approximately equal to 0.49 which is the value for Mexico as reported in Neumeyer and Perri (2005). However, estimating true value of this parameter for a particular country and then calibrating the whole model to that economy is an agenda for the future research. The persistence parameter ρ in the productivity shock is 0.95 as reported in Aguiar and Gopinath (2007). We choose the standard deviation of the error term in the shock process to match the average volatility of output in the Mexican data. 4.7 Results Figure 1 depicts the impulse responses of the key variables in response to a one percent negative productivity shock in the economy. Since the tax-base declines and the wage-taxation introduces distortion and thereby further reduces labour supply during a period of recession, the optimal response of the government should be to increase debt to meet the given expenditure target. Incurring more debt is, however, costly given that the interest rate is higher during the bad time and more borrowing by the government will increase the interest rate further and thereby make it dicult for the private household to smooth consumption. In our model this trade-o leads to an increase in the tax rate while the government debt rather goes down and thereby osets 15 some of the increase in interest rate by increasing the net worth. Private households, in contrast, have two motives to borrow. Following a bad shock in the economy, their income goes down and they would like to borrow more during that time to smooth consumption. However, following a bad shock, investment falls sharply and that reduces the borrowing needs of the private household for investment purposes. In equilibrium, the investment eect dominates, at least during the more recent quarters after a shock, and this allows them to reduce their debt burden. In sum, we get a procyclical scal policy and capital ow as a welfare maximizing outcome. 5 A Model with Endogenous Government Expenditure In the preceding section we have seen that the optimal tax rate can be procyclical in the presence of a loan supply function that relates interest rate to the level of net-worth of the economy. However, in that model government expenditure is exogenously specied at a constant level. In contrast, in the date we know that the government expenditure is strongly pro-cyclical. This calls for endogenously modeling the government expenditure. As we have mentioned before that the standard ways of introducing public expenditure, as a ow of production or consumption goods or as a stock of productive capital, trivially leads to procyclical expenditure. We, therefore, take the simple approach of introducing it as a ow of government provided consumption goods which are exogenous to households but are optimally chosen by the government. We keep the basic set up of the benchmark model intact. However, the Ramsey Planner now optimizes the following utility function: 1−σ U (ct , ht .gt ) = (cαt (1 − ht )1−α ) 1−σ −1 + θlog(gt ) Ramsey planner has new choice variable gt and consequently an additional rst order condition. We solve the model as before using the log-linear approximation of the optimality conditions around a non-stochastic steady state. The new parameter θ is calibrated to give steady state public expenditure to GDP ratio of 19% in the steady state. 16 5.1 Results Figure 2 depicts the impulse responses to a one percent negative productivity shock in this economy. Public expenditure now declines following a bad shock. This is expected given the incompleteness of the credit market though we have a separable utility specication for government expenditure. Tax base declines since output falls and the government is, as before, faced with the trade-o of increasing taxes or raising debt. However, now the planner can reduce the expenditure and thereby minimize the tax-distortion of the consumption-leisure choice. As the impulse response functions show, the optimal choice is a combination of reduction in expenditure and increase in taxes. However, the negative co-movement between the output and the tax rate is now much weaker. The behavior of the other variables remain broadly unchanged. 6 Conclusion The analysis above suggests that it is possible to explain the observed procyclicalities in scal policy variables with a standard neoclassical model provided frictions in the credit market are taken into account. This is not to say that the political economic explanations have no merit of their own. At the policy level, dealing with these two types of frictions requires building up two dierent types of institutions as discussed in Talvi and Végh (2005). The purpose is just to emphasize that one should not ignore the need of developing mechanism to strengthen the access to the international credit market for the developing countries. This paper is still a preliminary attempt in its approach to modeling the behavior of the government and the international creditors in the optimal policy context. While there are several examples in the literature of endogenously generating the risk premium by introducing the probability of sovereign default, we have rather taken a reduced form approach. Using those models in the optimal policy context will be extremely dicult. Moreover, we don't intend to provide a theory of the risk premium. Rather the objective is to show that, given what we observe in the credit market, the pro-cyclical scal policy is optimal. In that context, it will be more useful to take up larger small open economy models that match the data well and 17 then conduct the optimal policy exercise in those models. It would also be useful to gather data on country-specic risk premium and tax rate variability to calibrate the model in a proper fashion. Moreover, the uctuations in dierent components of the public expenditure needs to be examined in detail so that the public expenditure can be endogenized in a more realistic fashion. 18 References [1] Aguiar, M., Gopinath, G., Emerging Market Fluctuations: The Role of Interest Rate and Productivity Shocks. Prepared for the Tenth Annual Conference on the Central Bank of Chile: Current Account and External Financing. Dec 2006. [2] Aizenman, J., Gavin, M., Hausmann, R., Optimal Tax Policy with Endogenous Borrowing Constraint, NBER Working Paper 5558, 1996. [3] Aiyagari, R., Marcet, A., Sargent, T.J., Seppällä, J., Optimal taxation without state-contingent debt, Journal of Political Economy 110 (6), 2002. [4] Alesina,A., Campante, F. and Tabellini, G.Why Is Fiscal Policy Often Procyclical?,Journal of the European Economic Association, forthcoming 2008. [5] Arellano, C., Default risk, the real exchange rate and income uctuations in emerging economies. Manuscript, Duke University, 2003. 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Now we need to check that if the allocations {ct , kt , ht , dt , bt }∞ t=0 satisfy (5), (6), (13) and (14), then they also satisfy (2)-(6),(9)-(11). Set wt and τt such that (9) and (4) hold so that they are satised by construction. Use the denition of wt and τt in (13) to get back (2). Again use the denition of wt and τt and subtract (2) from (14) to recover (11). 21 Figure 1: Benchmark Model: Impulse Responses to 1% negative Productivity Shock 22 Figure 2: Model with Endogenous Public Expenditure: Impulse Responses to 1% negative Productivity Shock 23