Why Do Firms Fail? Managerial Acquisitiveness and Corporate Failure Mohammad M. Rahaman∗ April 30, 2008 Abstract Can managerial actions precipitate corporate failure? In this paper, we focus on an important but easily identifiable managerial action, i.e. mergers and acquisitions (M&A), whose effect on firm value is arguably random as shown by the empirical corporate finance literature. We show that for a sample of industrial firms that use the M&A investment technology to pursue aggressive corporate growth strategies, excessive acquisitiveness relative to the median industry counterpart can aggravate firms’ failure hazard. After removing the failure risk arising from various industry and aggregate economic disturbances, a one standard deviation increase around the mean of the excessive acquisitiveness measure augments the conditional failure risk by 61% (conditional on other exogenous variables evaluated at the mean). We find that excessively acquisitive firms shrink in market value, sink in operating performance, and dislodge the balance between firms’ debt and assets structure by taking on more short term debt with less liquid assets at hand between the periods of their intense M&A activities. This mismatch between debt maturity and asset liquidity also explains why excessive acquisitiveness can pave the way to corporate default: a one standard deviation increase around the mean of the excessive acquisitiveness measure increases the conditional default risk by 34% (conditional on other exogenous variables evaluated at the mean) after controlling for various determinants of financial distress that are widely used in the bankruptcy prediction literature. Using a mediating instrument methodology, we argue that the causality from the excessive use of M&A to the firmfailure is channeled through amplified business risk along with managerial cognitive bias and limited attention span. The mediation process seems to be stronger through the behavioral channel than the risk channel. Finally, we document capital market myopia in disciplining excessively acquisitive managers - although the market, on average, punishes aggressive acquirers at the time of the bid announcement, it does not do so at all quantiles of the conditional distribution of acquirers’ cumulative abnormal return from announcement events. However, despite this seeming myopia, the external corporate control market eventually reins in the excessive acquirers by turning them into future targets of takeover. JEL Classification: G33, G34 Key Words: Corporate Failure, Mergers and Acquisitions, Corporate Default ∗ Department of Economics and Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Email: m.rahaman@utoronto.ca M.M. Rahaman 1 Corporate Failure Introduction Can managerial actions precipitate corporate failure? As the business climate deteriorates or the guidance of the firm falls into the hands of people with less energy and less creative genius, the firm starts sinking deep into troubled water and there comes a time when continuing the money losing operation becomes too painful to bear and failure becomes imminent. Managers may buy some time to save the sinking ship by liquidating assets to finance their excessive continuation, but as the liquidity runs out the inevitable reckoning with failure strikes hard and equity holders are faced with the ultimate decision of being acquired or going bankrupt. Unfortunately, this scenario is all too common in the modern corporate landscape. Yet, our understanding of the causes of failure is very limited even though this issue bears tremendous importance for investors, managers, and policy-makers alike. In this paper, we focus on an important but easily identifiable managerial action, i.e. mergers and acquisitions (M&A) bids, whose effect on firm value is arguably random as shown by the empirical corporate finance literature. However, the M&A actions do entail real and financial consequences on firms. We investigate (i) whether the excessive use of M&A investment technology relative to an industry benchmark can precipitate corporate failure, and if it does, (ii) what the possible channels are through which it catalyzes the eventual failure of firms.1 Mergers and acquisitions are widely-used investment technologies at the disposal of managers pursuing aggressive corporate growth strategies. In recent years, M&A deals have been ballooning both in terms of value and volume2 , although empirical evidence in corporate finance shows that three-quarters of mergers and acquisitions never pay off - the acquiring firm’s shareholders lose more than the acquired firm’s shareholders gain [Lovallo and Kahneman (2003)]. In a recent article, Moeller, Schlingemann and Stulz (2005) document that during the recent merger wave in the U.S. shareholders’ values have been destroyed on a massive scale squandering more value in absolute dollar term than the value destruction due to M&A during all of the 1980s.3 It is thus puzzling to see these flurries of M&A deals when we know that potential value creation for the shareholders from this investment technology is at best random. When a number of firms create value through M&A while an equal or greater number of firms destroy value using the same investment technology, on average, we may not see any identifiable effect of M&A investment technology on firm value. On the other hand, comparing a treatment sample of acquirers with a control sample of non-acquirers confounds the identification through selectivity and due to the arguably random effect of the treatment (in this case M&A) on firm value. To meaningfully relate the hazard of corporate failure with the managerial M&A actions, our identification strategy focuses on a particular sample of firms that use the M&A investment technology to pursue their corporate growth strategies and investigate whether firms that use this technology more aggressively than the typical firm in the industry fail more often than firms that 1 We use ‘excessive use of M&A’ and ‘aggressive use of M&A’ interchangeably in this paper. We define the precise measure of ‘excessive acquisitiveness’ in the data section of the paper. Succinctly, ‘excessive acquisitiveness’ is defined to be the degree of managerial acquisitiveness that is greater than the median firm in the industry. 2 According to recent statistics by Thomson Financial, deals involving U.S. targets totaled $845 billion during the first five months of 2007, 53% of the total for 2006, and 10% more than deal value in the entire first half of 2006. At the same time, the value of M&A deals in Canada almost doubled from $89 billion to $173.6 billion (expressed in US dollars) by January 2007 and the number of deals increased by 26%. 3 Moeller, Schlingemann and Stulz (2005) show that acquiring-firm shareholders lost 12 cents around acquisition announcements per dollar spent on acquisitions for a total loss of 240billionf rom1998through2001, whereastheylost7 billion in all of the 1980s, or 1.6 cents per dollar spent. The 1998 to 2001 aggregate dollar loss of acquiring-firm shareholders is so large because of a small number of acquisitions with negative synergy gains by firms with extremely high valuations. Without these acquisitions, the wealth of acquiring-firm shareholders would have increased. Firms that make these acquisitions with large dollar losses perform poorly afterwards. 2 M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure utilize this technology conservatively relative to the same industry benchmark.4 This research contributes to the existing literature in two ways. First, it addresses the yet unresolved question in corporate finance of whether using the M&A investment technology necessarily creates value for the corporate stakeholders in the long run and the mechanism through which the excessive use of M&A investment technology creates or destroys firm value. Second, by linking managerial excessive use of M&A investment technology with firm failure, it tries to shed light on the age old debate in finance of whether managers of the failed businesses are villains or scapegoats. Although conventional wisdom in corporate finance suggests that M&A necessitate an alteration in a firm’s investment and financial policies, debates on what shake and shape the firm level resource reallocation through this mechanism remain vibrant to this day. Managers may acquire new capital through M&A instead of building up internally if the external economic disturbances alter the underlying economic fundamentals within the industry and render the existing asset structure suboptimal. In that sense, managerial acquisitiveness is a rational response to changes in broad economic fundamentals.5 On the other hand, bull markets may lead groups of bidders with overvalued stock to use the stock to buy real assets of undervalued targets through mergers and acquisitions. In that sense, managerial acquisitiveness is essentially the managerial acumen to time the market to create windfall value for the shareholders.6 Irrespective of what drives managerial acquisitiveness, in a world without frictions and agency problems, access to M&A investment technology helps managers to achieve the optimal asset structure faster in response to deregulation and changes in economic fundamentals in turn creating value for the shareholders. However, in the presence of frictions and agency problems within the firm, it is not obvious whether having access to M&A investment technology will always create value for the shareholders, let alone the aggressive use of this investment technology. In fact, one can argue from the empirical literature in corporate finance that value creation through M&A in the short run and long run is at best random - some firms create value while an equal or greater number of firms also destroy value. Although value creation and destruction through M&A is a vast research question, in this paper we focus only on one tail of the value distribution and investigate whether aggressive use of this particular investment technology can in fact destroy value for the firm more often than the firms that use this technology relatively conservatively. And more narrowly so, we focus on a particular set of industrial firms that use the M&A investment technology to pursue their corporate growth strategies, and investigate the effect of excessive use of this investment technology on an extreme measure of firm value destruction, i.e. firm failure. We hypothesize that aggressive use of an investment technology with an uncertain value implications for the firm may lead to pitfalls in a firm’s assets and financial structure creating structural imbalances and eventually paving the way to failure. 4 We select our sample based on whether the firm uses the M&A investment technology to pursue corporate growth strategy. However, our identification of causality from the managerial M&A actions to the firm failure arises from the extent to which a firm in the acquiring sample uses the M&A investment technology more aggressively than its industry peers. Since our sample selection is not based on the degree of acquisitiveness of the acquiring firms, selection at the level of using M&A versus not using M&A at all should not seriously confound our causality. In fact, we show later on in the paper that focusing on the acquiring sample biases against our identification of causality between managerial M&A actions and firm failure because acquiring sample, on average, has lower failure risk profile than the non-acquiring sample. 5 Coase (1937) is one of the earliest to argue that technological changes drive acquisitiveness. Building on the new classical premise, Jovanovic and Rousseau (2001, 2002) provide a Q-theory of merger where technological change and the subsequent dispersion of Q-ratio lead to high-Q firms taking over the low-Q firms. More recently, Harford (2005) reinforces the earlier evidences by Mitchell and Mulherin (1996) and Andrade, Mitchell, and Stafford (2001) that much of the takeover activities of the 1980s and 1990s were driven by broad fundamental factors. 6 To explain the recent merger wave, Shleifer and Vishny (2003) stress the role of stock market misvaluations. Recent empirical works by Rhodes-Kropd et al (2004), Ang and Cheng (2003), Dong et al. (2003) and Verter (2002) find evidences that dispersion of market valuations are correlated with aggregate merger activities. 3 M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure Although firms may fail due to competing but mutually exclusive causes such as takeover, bankruptcy, and liquidation, for the purpose of this paper, we treat all types of exit other than bankruptcy/liquidation as failure if the ‘Buy-and-Hold’ return (capital gain plus cash dividend and share repurchase) to the equity holders from the first trading month in CRSP until delisting is less than 0. Whenever the firm exits through bankruptcy/liquidation, we assume that the ‘Buy-and-Hold’ return is always -100% and thus connotes failure. We use the cumulative number of acquisition bids by the firm since the time it first appears in our data set until the time of exit or until the end of the sample period divided by the total number of calendar quarters the firm survives in the sample as the measure of the degree of managerial acquisitiveness.7 We then construct an indicator variable that returns 1 if in a given calendar year the degree of acquisitiveness of the firm exceeds that of the median firm in the industry otherwise the indicator variable returns 0. By multiplying the degree of managerial acquisitiveness with the indicator variable we construct the measure of excessive acquisitiveness, which is (by definition) excessive only relative to the median firm in the industry. This construction is motivated by the industry equilibrium models where positioning with the typical firm within the industry serves as a natural hedge for a firm in formulating its real and financial policies given the uncertainty associated with a particular investment decision. When constructing the corresponding degree of acquisitiveness of the industry median for a particular firm, we exclude the firm itself so that the benchmark remains exogenous to that firm. We also normalize the excessive acquisitiveness measure by the range of acquisitiveness across all industries in our sample so that the measure is bounded between 0 and 1 and thus comparable across all firms and industries. Furthermore, in order to gauge the unanticipated changes in economic fundamentals, we construct various economic disturbance measures which we describe in details in the data section. We find evidence that firm-level resource reallocation induced by M&A in our sample is driven by broad fundamental factors related to firm’s size, operating performance, growth opportunity, and external economic disturbances that alter the underlying industry fundamentals. Firms that are excessively acquisitive in our sample grow at a stupendous rate relative to their conservative counterparts.8 Figure 1 shows that by the 9th acquisition bid, the median excessively acquisitive firm has grown by almost 1000% of its size (book value of total assets) when it made the first acquisition bid while the conservative counterpart grew by a modest 300%. Using a discrete-time hazard model, we show that the excessive use of M&A investment technology does indeed aggravate firm’s failure risk. After removing the failure risk arising from idiosyncratic firm characteristics, industry and aggregate economic disturbances beyond the realm of managerial control, a one standard deviation increase around the mean of the excessive acquisitiveness measure can augment the conditional failure risk by 61% (conditional on other exogenous variables evaluated at the mean). Firms that eventually fail in our sample shrink in market value, sink in operating performance, and decouple the balance between their debt and assets structure by taking on more short term debt but with less liquid assets at hand compared to the non-failed sample between the periods of their intense M&A activities. The excessively acquisitive sample portrays a strikingly similar evolution of assets and debt structure to those of the failed sample. This classic mismatch between debt maturity and asset liquidity manifests itself through an increased amount of 7 This construction design assigns higher weight to the most recent bids and lower weight to the earlier bids. For example, if a firm survives 3 periods in our sample and in each period it makes an M&A bid then the degree of managerial acquisitiveness in period 1 would be 1/3, in period 2 would be 2/3 and in period 3 would be 3/3. 8 We define a firm to be conservatively acquisitive if the degree of acquisitiveness of that firm is below the degree of acquisitiveness of the median firm in its industry 4 M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure default risk for the excessively acquisitive firms in our sample. A one standard deviation increase around the mean of the excessive acquisitiveness measure can increase the conditional default risk by almost 34% (conditional on other exogenous variables evaluated at the mean) after controlling for other determinants of financial distress that are widely used in the bankruptcy prediction literature. These findings are statistically robust to alternative specifications. We hypothesize that the causality from the excessive use of M&A investment technology to the firm failure could be channeled by three mediating instruments and correspondingly we develop three hypotheses in the spirit of the three predominant paradigms that try to explain the corporate failure phenomena in the modern corporate landscape. Hypothesis 1, along the line of the standard rational economic theory, argues that frequency of poor outcomes is an unavoidable result of managers taking rational risks in uncertain situations. Given the hard-to-predict stochastic external environment, firm failure is a phenomenon beyond the realm of managerial control. Hypothesis 2, along the spirit of the behavioral theory, argues that when forecasting the outcomes of risky projects executives all too easily fall victims to what psychologists call the planning fallacy. In its grip, managers make decisions based on behavioral optimism or conservatism rather than on rational balance of gains, losses and probabilities thus paving the way for failure. And finally, hypothesis 3, along the vein of the bounded rationality theory, argues that managers have limited capacity to process information and excessively acquisitive managers suffer from this limitation more severely than their conservative counterparts because excessive acquisitiveness, demanding greater attention allocation, may divert managerial attention away from the relevant economic functions of the firm thus worsening operating performance and eventually leading to failure. Using a mediating instrument methodology following Baron and Kenny (1986) and Judd and Kenny (1981), we find strong evidence of mediation through aggravated business risk and managerial cognitive bias. We also find weak evidence of mediation through managerial attention distortion arising from the increased number of lawsuits filed against the acquirers as a result of their M&A activities. From these findings we argue that the causality from the excessive use of M&A investment technology to the firm failure is channeled through amplified business risk coupled with managerial cognitive bias and attention distortion. However, the mediation process seems to be stronger through the behavioral channel than the business risk channel. Finally, we find evidence that capital market reaction to the M&A announcement events and to the various mediating instruments are broadly inconsistent with the ultimate effects of these measures on the failure hazard of firms. In our sample, the market, on average, punishes aggressive acquirers at the time of the bid announcement but it does not do so at all quantiles of the conditional distribution of acquirers’ cumulative abnormal returns from bid announcements revealing a sense of myopia in the capital market reaction.9 However, despite this seeming myopia, the external corporate control market eventually reins in the excessive acquirers by turning them into future targets of acquisition. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section II illustrates the contemporary literature involving the debate of value creation and destruction through M&A and the causes of corporate failure. Section III discusses the data and variable construction. Section IV presents the regression analysis involving the determinants of firm-level acquisition propensity in the business sector and section V estimates the effects of managerial excessive acquisitiveness on firm failure hazard with various robustness tests. Section VI develops the empirically testable hypotheses delineating the channels through which excessive acquisitiveness catalyzes failure and empirically tests those hypotheses. Finally, section VII discusses the role of the capital market 9 We calculate the cumulative abnormal return around a three day event window - the day of bid announcement, one trading day before announcement and one trading day after announcement. 5 M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure in disciplining managerial acquisitiveness with section VIII presenting the concluding remarks of the paper. 2 Related Literature The contribution of this research is related to two broad questions in the corporate finance literature. First, why do firms fail? And second, does having access to M&A investment technology necessarily create value for the firm? In the subsequent parts of this section we highlight the contemporary debates on these two broad themes and discuss how these are related to the current research question, i.e. can the excessive use of M&A investment technology by managers pursuing aggressive corporate growth strategies aggravate firms’ failure risk? 2.1 Corporate Failure: The Debate The fiery debate on why firms go bust remains flamboyant ever since Alfred Marshall (1890) argued that collapse may be the consequence of the firm’s own success. Schumpeter (1942), on the other hand, argues that the stability of any economic equilibrium is constantly perturbed by the forces of creative destruction. As new innovations arrive, the competitive positions of existing technologies deteriorate and eventually succumb to the creative forces of destruction of new innovations. During the punctuated flux of creative destruction, resources move from lower to higher value users and remain with the state-of-the-art users until the process repeats itself. Self-interested firms do not internalize the destruction of rents generated by their innovation and hence introduce a business-stealing effect that forces others to leave the industry [Aghion and Howitt (1992)]. These models generate business failure as the denouement of endogenous growth dynamics while abstracting away from the firm and managerial idiosyncrasies. Theoretical models incorporating ‘passive-learning’ [Jovanovic (1982), Hopenhayn (1992) and Cabral (1993)] depict firms as entering uncertain of their growth opportunities and then receiving noisy signals of their capabilities which in turn induce them to expand, contract or exit. These models predict exit hazard as a function of firm’s age because low capability firms learn of their poor fitness only from their experiences. Empirical evidence in favor of these models include Evans (1987) and Dunne, Roberts and Samuelson (1989). In contrast to the ‘passive-learning’ models, ‘active-learning’ models formulation [Nelson and Winter (1978) and Ericson and Pakes (1998)] allows firms to invest in uncertain but expectedly profitable ventures and grow if successful, shrink or exit if unsuccessful. More recently, Cooley and Quadrini (2001) introduce financial frictions in a basic model of industry dynamics with persistent shocks and show how financial factors affect firm survival through the internal finance channels. These standard economic models of firm life-cycle assume that entrepreneurs and managers know and accept the odds because the rewards of success are sufficiently enticing. Corporate debacles are the result of rational choices of the executive that have adverse effects due to the external business environment beyond the realm of managerial control. By empirically assessing the role of external macroeconomic conditions on business failure, Bhattacharjee, Higson, Holly and Kattuman (2004) find more bankruptcies and fewer acquisitions in periods of high economic instability in a sample of publicly quoted firms in the U.S. and the U.K. as previously argued by Sheilfer and Vishny (1992). The impact of macroeconomic instability on exit through bankruptcy in the U.S. is much smaller compared to 6 M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure the U.K. due to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy code which insulates defaulted firms from being taken over by their creditors. In stark contrast to the standard economic theory, behavioral models depict economic agents as irrational or at best bounded rational. Behavioral models [Conlisk (1996)] argue that economic agents make systematic errors by using decision heuristics or rules of thumb. In application to corporate finance, these behavioral models [Lovallo and Kahneman (2003)] portray executives as suffering from delusional optimism and in its grip they all too often fall victims to what psychologists call the planning fallacy. They overestimate benefits and underestimate costs, spin scenarios of success while overlooking the potential for miscalculation and mistake. Delusional optimist executives do not easily evolve into rational decision makers since important corporate decisions are rather infrequent and involve noisy feedback [Heaton (2002)]. One viable way through which the managerial irrationality can be arbitraged away is corporate takeover although it involves high transaction costs and is difficult to implement. The resounding implication of behavioral models is that corporate debacles are not best explained by rational choices with adverse effects, but rather as a consequence of flawed decision making. Empirically, Malmendier and Tate (2005) deem CEOs who persistently fail to reduce their personal exposure to company specific risk as overconfident. They show that CEO overconfidence can account for corporate investment distortions by overestimating the return to investment projects and perceiving external funds unduly costly. In another paper, Malmendier and Tate (2003) argue that overconfident CEOs overestimate their abilities to generate returns, both in their current firms and in potential takeover targets. Thus, on the margin, they undertake mergers that destroy value. Besides the behavioral trait of optimism, Hirshlifer and Thakor (1992) show that when managers are concerned about reputation building this may lead to excessive conservatism relative to shareholders’ optimum in investment policy in favor of relatively safe projects, thereby aligning managers’ interests with those of the bondholders even though managers are hired and fired by the shareholders. They also argue that conservatism induced by managerial reputation building may ex-ante make shareholders better off by enhancing the debt capacity of the firm. On the empirical side of untangling the forces that lead to corporate debacles, one of the earliest attempts was taken by Asquith, Gertner and Scharfstein (1994) who argue that economic distress is the most significant cause of financial distress in their sample of junk bond issuers. Denis and Denis (1995) analyze a sample of levered recapitalized firms and argue that poor operating performance is largely due to industry wide problems such as surprisingly low proceeds from asset sale and negative stock price reactions to the economic and regulatory events associated with the demise of the highly levered transaction market. Lang and Stulz (1992) find evidence that industry rather than firm specific factors matter for firm bankruptcy. Opler and Titamn (1994) show that highly leveraged firms in a poorly performing industry are more likely to lose substantial market share than less levered firms within the same industry. In the spirit of the current paper, Khanna and Poulsen (1995) show that managers of financially distressed firms make similar decisions to their financially healthy counterparts prior to their fall from the grace. They argue that firms plunge into financial distress due to factors outside the domain of managerial control. Delving deeper into the state of research on corporate debacle reveals the following theoretical and empirical regularities. New classical theory of corporate failure puts the blame squarely on the underlying forces of creative destruction in the economy. Managers tirelessly trying to understand the industry dynamics learn 7 M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure and improve their capabilities. When a firm fails, it is because of stochastic hard-to-predict external shocks beyond the realm of managerial control. On the contrary, the behavioral theory argues that managers, just like any other economic agents, suffer from cognitive biases and make systematic errors in judgment by sometimes overestimating the odds of success due to excessive optimism and other times overestimating the odds of failure due to excessive conservatism. However, if these behavioral traits are random then, on average, cognitive biases may not have any identifiable effects on firm failure. Thus, the behavioral theory makes another critical assumption that these traits are persistent and eventually renders the firm inefficient, pushing it to the brink of debacle. Empirically, we know that exogenous shocks lead to resource reallocation in the industry and in the process some firms exit making room for the more efficient ones. Managers are helpless spectators who do their parts and let the natural course of creative destruction take its toll. But we know very little about how exogenous shocks and managerial actions co-determine the failure hazard of a firm. This paper attempts to fill that gap by investigating whether excessively acquisitive firms fail more often than others, and if they do whether it is because the rational decisions of managers have unpredicted adverse effects or simply because of biased decision making. 2.2 M&A Investment Technology and Value Destruction: The Debate What effect does M&A have on firm failure? More importantly for this paper, can the excessive use of M&A investment technology by managers harbinger the inevitable failure of firms? This question is inherently linked with the broader question in corporate finance - does access to M&A investment technology necessarily create value for the shareholders? The effect of M&A on shareholders’ wealth has been extensively studied in the literature. The related research in this area is primarily focused on short term and long term effects of M&A on firms’ equity prices and operating performances. Financial performance of mergers surrounding the announcement date is almost unanimously positive in terms of cumulative abnormal return for the target firms while the performance of the bidding firms is arguably random. While some papers have reported significantly positive performance for bidding firms, quite a few others have found either zero performance or even negative performance. In an often cited review article, Roll (1986) concludes that the null hypothesis of zero abnormal performance of acquirers should not be rejected. While there have been many subsequent articles, the results appear to be mixed enough that Roll’s conclusion appears to hold [Agrawal and Jaffe (1999)]. In a recent article, Lovallo and Kahneman (2003) argues that three-quarters of mergers and acquisitions never pay off - the acquiring firm’s shareholders lose more than the acquired firm’s shareholders gain. However, Moeller, Schlingemann and Stulz (2005) show that losses occur because of a small number of acquisitions with negative synergy gains done by firms with extremely high valuations. Without these acquisitions, the wealth of the acquiring-firm shareholders would have increased. Firms that make these acquisitions with large dollar losses perform poorly afterward. Studies on the long term effect of M&A on shareholders’ wealth gained momentum after Franks, Harris and Titman (1991). These authors and subsequent papers find some evidence of statistically significant negative abnormal returns. However, some studies have found evidence of significant underperformance only for subsets of bidders. Rau and Vermaelen (1998) find that low book-to-market “glamour” firms underperform following acquisitions and Loughran and Vijh (1997) find that firms that use stock as the method of payment experience long-run underperformance. A recent paper by Mitchell and Stafford (2000), which reviews the long-run return literature, questions the common methodology of calculating buy-and-hold returns and 8 M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure forming event-time portfolios. They show that positive cross-correlations for event firms, especially in dealing with events that cluster in time and industry, such as M&A, invalidate the bootstrapping approach used for statistical inference in this methodology. Instead, they implement a calendar portfolio approach advocated by Fama (1998). This approach does not suffer from the above problems. Using the methodology proposed by Mitchell and Stafford (2000), Harford (2005) find that evidence of long-run underperformance of M&A is mixed, consistent with the findings of Moeller, Schlingemann, and Stulz (2005) that large acquirers destroy billions in value while small acquirers actually create value in mergers. While it is fair to conclude from the existing literature that the long and short term effects of M&A on a firm’s performance are at best random, the literature has not addressed so far the issue of whether too much use of the investment technology can in fact precipitate failure. By focusing on managerial excessive use of M&A investment technology, whose effect on firm value is arguably random, we wish to address the broader question of whether managerial actions can indeed precipitate corporate failure. 3 3.1 Data Sample Selection We use the Thomson Financial SDC Platinum Merger and Acquisition data set to identify the corporate M&A decisions. SDC details all public and private corporate transactions involving at least 5% of the ownership of a company where the transaction was valued at $1 million or more, but after 1992, deals of any value (including undislcosed values) are covered. Sample transactions in SDC include mergers, acquisitions, leveraged buyouts, stake purchases, tender offers, stock swaps, privatizations, reverse acquisitions, spin offs and split offs, asset sales and divestitures, and bankruptcy liquidations. We focus on the U.S. industrial firms and collect all SDC documented deals involving U.S. acquirers and targets from 1979 until 2006 totaling 208105 deals. We then match the SDC deals with the merged COMPUSTAT-CRSP dataset using the 6-digit cusip, ticker symbol and company name. Through this process we could trace 76797 transactions involving 13333 acquirers and 22437 transactions involving 9577 targets in the merged COMPUSTAT-CRSP dataset. We then apply another filter and keep only the deals for which we have CRSP daily stock price data on the transaction date, one day after the transaction date and at least two months of daily stock price data prior to the transaction date. This filter ensures that we have sufficient history of daily stock price data prior and after the transaction date to calculate cumulative abnormal return to the equity holders as a result of the transaction. The final data set contains 63613 transactions involving 10779 distinct acquiring firms and 3582 deals involving 2124 distinct target firms. We use Fama and French (1997) industry classifications to categorize the deals into one of the 49 industries based on the reported four digit SIC in SDC. We also collect firm level financial data from the quarterly COMPUSTAT industrial file. To identify the final status of firms in our data set, particularly in cases when firms drop out of COMPUSTAT, we use the yearly COMPUSTAT data footnotes AFTNT33, AFTNT34 and AFTNT35 which code, respectively, the month, year and reason of deletion from the COMPUSTAT data file. We also verify these footnotes with the CRSP delisting codes to accurately identify the reason as well as the precise time of exit. We also collect all default and subsequent bankruptcy and reorganization events from the Moody’s Default Risk Services (DRS) 9 M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure database, SDC Corporate restructuring database, and LoPuki’s Bankruptcy Research Database (BRD) for the period of 1980 to 2006. We then manually combine the default and bankruptcy data with the merged COMPUSTAT-CRSP data set taking into account historical name changes, cusip and ticker symbol changes. Our final acquiring sample consists of 10779 firms and out of those 10779 bidding firms, 6144 (57%) firms eventually drop out of COMPUSTAT-CRSP while the rest 4635 (43%) firms remain active until the end of our sample period. Of the firms that eventually exit the industry, 445 (7.24%) are either bankrupt or liquidated, 4338 (70.61%) are acquired, and the rest 1361 (22.15%) drop out due to other reasons such as leverage buy out, management buy out, dropping off the exchange. 3.2 Sample Description Table 1 reports the characteristics of the sample firms used in the subsequent sections to put forward the main findings of the paper. It presents two panels of statistics, one for the bidding firms and the other for the targets involving each M&A deal. Bidding firms in our sample are significantly larger than the targets both in terms of book and market value. Bidders also have significantly higher operating performance (Net Income/Total Assets, EBITDA/Total Assets) than their target counterparts. Although bidding firms have lower leverage and lower total liabilities to total assets ratio relative to target firms, decomposing the liabilities into shorter and longer term reveals that the favorable liability position of the bidders stems from the structure of their debt tilting towards the longer term as opposed to the targets whose liabilities seem to be more of shorter term although the difference is not statistically significant. In terms of cash and immediate liquidity positions, targets fare better than bidders at the time of the deal announcement but fare worse in terms of asset structure since bidders have a relatively more liquid assets structure (Fixed Assets/Total Assets). Bidding firms survive longer in our data set and also make more bids compared to target firms, and in doing so, an average bidder pays around 13% control premium to an average target reflected in the difference of the cumulative abnormal return at the time of the bid announcement. In the spirit of the Q-theory of Jovanovic and Rousseau (2001, 2002), table 1 also shows that indeed bidding firms have significantly higher growth opportunities measured by market-to-book ratio than their corresponding targets. Succinctly, bidding firms are larger in size, better in operating performance, have higher growth opportunities, more liquid assets structure, and fewer debt obligations in the shorter term. As a result, they live longer in the data set, make more bids and also pay a control premium to the targets for that. On the contrary, targets are smaller in size but rich in cash relative to their corresponding bidders. They exit the data set early but also get a significantly higher premium from their bidders to do so. Henceforth, we exclusively focus on the bidding firms’ sample to investigate the causes of business failure since firms in this set are actively pursuing expansion by bidding for other firms’ assets, and hence, reveal their preferences to remain going concern rather than leaving the industry. Moreover, this set of firms is financially and economically healthier than the target sample, thus focusing on them makes good sense to bias our empirical investigation against finding willing scapegoat who are more likely to go bust anyway. [Table 1 is about here] 10 M.M. Rahaman 3.3 3.3.1 Corporate Failure Variable Construction Firm Failure The primary dependant variable of interest in our investigation is firm failure. Failure is inherently linked with value destruction and consequently we define failure when we believe that firms exit after destroying either debt holders’ value or equity holders’ value. Whenever a firm exits through liquidation, both the equity holders’ and the debt holders’ value get curtailed while in the case of exit through bankruptcy, typically equity holders’ wealth evaporates. In both cases, i.e. exit through bankruptcy and liquidation, the firm fails to preserve value for at least one of its stakeholders and thus also fail according to our criterion. Whenever a firm exits through means other than bankruptcy/liquidation, we calculate the ‘Buy-and-Hold’ return from the monthly CRSP return (including dividend) from the first trading month until the firm gets delisted from CRSP in the following way: BHRiT = T Y 1 + rit − 1 (1) t=1 where BHRiT is the ‘Buy-and-Hold’ return at the time of exit, t = 1 is the first trading month, t = T is the last trading month in which the firm gets delisted from CRSP, and rit is the monthly CRSP return (including dividend) for firm i in our sample. If BHRiT < 0 it means that if an investor puts $1 in the stock of that company in the beginning, at exit he/she gets back less than $1 that is equity’s value has been destroyed. In other words, the firm fails according to our criterion. If the firm is still active while BHRit < 0, we do not classify it as a failed firm simply because we do not want to ignore the potential of the firm in creating value in light of the future resolution of economic uncertainties. With this definition of firm failure we classify 2789 (25.87%) of the firms in the acquiring sample as failed firms and out of those failed firms, 445 (15.96%) firms exit the sample through bankruptcy/liquidation, 1268 (45.46%) firms exit the sample through acquisition, and the remaining 1076 (38.58%) firms exit the sample through other means such as leverage buy out, management buy out, dropping off the exchange. 3.3.2 Managerial Excessive Acquisitiveness The primary explanatory variable of interest in our investigation is the extent to which managers aggressively use M&A investment technology relative to an industry benchmark. We define this degree of managerial acquisitiveness over and above the industry benchmark as our measure of managerial excessive acquisitiveness. In order to construct the industry benchmark we focus on the importance of industry equilibrium forces to firm’s real and financial structure. Maksimovic and Zechner (1991), Williams (1995) and, Fries, Miller and Perraudin (1997) show that industries can play a subtle role in the determination of within-industry financial and real structure. Put simply, these models emphasize the simultaneity of financial structure, technology, and risk, and endogenize the distribution of firm characteristics within industries. Maksimovic and Zechner (1991) show that in industry equilibrium, a firm’s financial structure is irrelevant because a technology’s risk and profitability depend not only on ex-ante characteristics but also on how many firms adopt that technology. Thus, adoption of a technology with uncertain payoff is very risky for the first mover but when 11 M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure more and more firms start to adopt the technology risk dissipates and in industry equilibrium positioning with the average firm in the industry serves as a natural hedge for the firm. Mackay and Philips (2006) empirically find that positioning with the median firm in the industry indeed serves as a natural hedge for firms simultaneously making investments, financing and business risk decisions. Motivated by this argument, we use the M&A bids of the sample median firm in the industry as benchmark assuming that the median firm behaves as a typical firm in industry equilibrium and acquiring decision of the median firm is driven by some underlying economic fundamentals that necessitate restructuring of corporate assets. The distance to natural hedge DIST. N Hijt of firm i in industry j at time t is given by: DIST. N Hijt Xijt − M edian(X−ijT ) = Range Xijt − M edian(X−ijT ) ∀ i ∈ ψ(j, T ) (2) where Xijt is cumulative number of M&A bids of firm i in industry j until calendar quarter t divided by the total number of calendar quarters the firm survives in our sample and ψ(j, T ) is the set of all firms in industry j and calender year T . We normalize the cumulative number of bids of a firm by the total number of calendar quarters the firm survives in our sample to attenuate the survivorship bias in the managerial acquisitiveness measure, i.e. the longer the firm remains active in the industry, the more likely it is to undertake a greater number of acquisitions. This construction design also assigns more importance to the most recent bids while giving less weight to the earlier bids. We calculate the corresponding industry median for firm i in industry j for each calendar year T . When calculating the median for a particular firm i we include all firms in calender year T in firm i’s industry but exclude firm i itself so that the benchmark remains exogenous to 10 the firm. Moreover, we divide Xijt − M edian(X−ijT ) by its range across all firms and industries at time T to make the distance to natural hedge comparable for all firms in all industries in a given period. This distance to natural hedge proxy (i) reflects a firm’s acquisitiveness; (ii) measures the distance between a firm’s acquisitiveness and the typical firm in the firm’s industry; and (iii) it is comparable across industries since it is unit free and bounded between 0 and 1. From the distance to natural hedge proxy we define our measure of the degree of managerial excessive acquisitiveness in the following way: EXCESSIV E ACQijt = DIST. N Hijt × I(Xijt −M edian(X−ijT )>0) (3) where I is an indicator function that returns 1 if Xijt is above the industry median and returns 0 if Xijt is below the industry median.11 Table 2 reports the differential firm characteristics at the time bid announcement for the excessively acquisitive bidders vis-a-vis their relatively conservative counterparts. It quite vividly shows that excessively acquisitive bidders are larger in size and better in operating performance but fare worse in growth opportunities compared to their relatively conservative counterparts at the time of bid announcement. To finance excessive acquisitiveness, bidders take on more leverage while their liquid assets at hand shrink. Moreover, the average and median stock price performance surrounding the bid announcement is worse for the excessively acquisitive bidders relative to their conservative counterparts - they, on average, 10 We impose the restriction of at least 5 or more firms to calculate the median in a given year. example, lets assume that there are only two firms in our data set and both of them are in the same industry and survive exactly 4 quarters or 1 year. Firm 1 makes 4 bids in total, one in each period, and firm 2 makes 2 bids in total 1 in each of the first two periods and no bid in the last two periods. Then the degree of acquisitiveness of firm 1 and firm 2 from period 1 to period 4 would be (1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4) and (1/4, 2/4, 2/4, 2/4), respectively. The corresponding industry median for firm 1 and firm 2 would be 0.5 and 0.625, respectively. The excessive acquisitiveness for firm 1 and firm 2 before adjustment would be (0, 0, 0.25, 0.5) and (0, 0, 0, 0), respectively. After adjusting with the range of excessive acquisitiveness across both firms in the industry the excessive acquisitiveness measure becomes (0, 0, 0.5, 1) for firm 1 and ( 0, 0, 0, 0) for firm 2. 11 For 12 M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure lose 1% in value surrounding the announcement event due to their aggressive acquisitiveness after correcting for broad market return on that day. [Table 2 is about here] 3.3.3 Other Exogenous Variables i. Idiosyncratic productivity shocks: To estimate the idiosyncratic productivity shocks of each firm, we assume that all firms have access to the following production technology: α Yijt = Aijt × Kijt L1−α ijt (4) where Yijt is the sales revenues, Kijt is the capital stocks, Lijt is the number of employees, and Aijt is the idiosyncratic total factor productivity of firm i in industry j and at time t. By taking natural logarithm, we get: yijt = aijt + α.kijt + (1 − α).lijt (5) We then use the methodology developed by Ollay and Pakes (1996) to estimate the productivity shocks of firms from the above trans-log production function. ii. Industry demand and supply shocks: For each of the Fama-French (1997) industries we calculate the total industry net sales from the quarterly COMPUSTAT data using item 2 as a proxy for industry demand. We also calculate the total industry costs of goods sold from the quarterly COMPUSTAT data using item 30 as a proxy for industry supply. We then decompose these series into trend and irregular components using the Hodrick-Prescott (H-P) filter. The H-P filter calculates the trend component by minimizing the following loss function: T X t=1 2 et Xt − X 2 T X e e Xt − Xt−1 − Xt−1 − Xt−2 +λ (6) t=3 et is the trend component of the series. The first term punishes the where Xt is the actual series and X (squared) deviations of the actual series from the trend; the second term punishes the (squared) acceleration (change of change) of the trend level. The method thus involves a trade-off between tracking the original series and the smoothness of the trend level: λ = ∞ generates a linear trend, while λ = 0 generates a trend that matches the original series. Ravn and Uhlig (2002) have shown that the smoothing parameter should vary by the fourth power of the frequency observation ratios, so that for annual data a smoothing parameter of 6.25 and for monthly data a smoothing parameter of 129,600 is recommended, while for quarterly data a smoothing parameter 1600 is commonly used. After decomposing the actual series into trend and irregular components, we calculate the series instability by estimating the acceleration (change of change) of the irregular component. Thus, the instabilities or shocks in the industry demand and the industry supply series are given by: et − Xt−1 − X et−1 et−1 − Xt−2 − X et−2 Xt − X − Xt−1 − X (7) 13 M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure iii. Industry technology shocks: We collect information about all patents for the period of 1963-2002 from the NBER patent database and convert the assigned technology class of each of these patents into the international patent class using the methodology developed by Silverman (2002). From the international patent class we convert them back into 1987 Standard Industry Classifications (SIC) and assign the patents by grant year to each of our 49 Fama and French (1997) industries. We then apply the H-P filter on the total number of patents granted each year in each of the Fama-French industries to calculate our industry level technology shocks variable using equation 6 and equation 7. iv. Industry regulatory shocks: We use major deregulatory initiatives during the sample period as proxies for industry regulatory shocks. Deregulatory events and dates for our sample industries are collected from Harford (2005) for the period of 1981-1996 and from the Wikipedia for the rest of the sample period. v. Aggregate demand and supply shocks: We use the quarterly real GDP data from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis as a proxy for aggregate demand and the real price of crude petroleum in the U.S. from the U.S. Energy Information Administration as a proxy for aggregate supply. Utilizing the H-P filter, we calculate the aggregate demand and supply shocks series. vi. Capital market instability and stock market momentum: To construct measures of capital market instability we apply H-P filter on the Dow Jones Industrial average and the bank prime lending rate. Using equation 6 and equation 7 we then construct measures of equity and debt market instability series, respectively. To capture the momentum in the aggregate equity market, we apply the H-P filter on the S&P 500 index and use the smoothed trend portion of the series as our proxy for momentum in the aggregate equity market. vii. Industry merger momentum: A plethora of evidence in corporate finance shows that mergers and takeovers come in waves. Identification of restructuring waves, however, has been a difficult one although it has been widely recognized in the literature that there have been three distinct waves respectively in the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s [Harford (2005) and Andrade, Mitchell and Stafford (2001)]. Following Mitchell and Mulherin (1996), Harford (2005) defines a wave as the highest clustering of M&A bids in any of the adjacent 24 months in each of the distinct merger wave decades that conforms to a simulated empirical distribution. The 24 months length of a wave is rather arbitrary. We develop a distinct method of wave identification where the wave length is data driven rather than arbitrary. For each of the Fama-French industries we decompose the monthly M&A bids series into trend, seasonal and idiosyncratic components using X-12ARIMA, a seasonal adjustment software produced and maintained by the U.S. Census Bureau. It is used for all official seasonal adjustments at the U.S. Census Bureau. We use X-12-ARIMA instead of the H-P filter because there is evidence that the H-P filter is less accurate in higher frequency data. After extracting the idiosyncratic and seasonal components from the monthly M&A bids series, we calculate the potential merger ejdt − X ejdt−1 > 0, where X ejdt is the X-12-ARIMA smoothed momentum as the period with successive X component of the monthly bids series in industry j and wave decade d and calender month t. Out of the ejdt − X ejdt−1 > 0 period as a potential waves in industry j and wave decade d, we classify the adjacent X wave if it has the maximum clustering of bids among all potential waves in the industry j and wave decade d and the maximum bids clustering must also have to be unique. For robustness we also do all our estimations using Harford (2005) and Mitchell and Mulherin (1996) definition of wave. 14 M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure Armed with the necessary measures, we now turn to regression analysis to gauge the information contents of our constructed variables and to understand how these relate to the managerial propensity to be more or less acquisitive. 4 Managerial Acquisitiveness: What Shakes It, What Shapes It? In an ideal world, M&A reallocate scarce industry resources from the lower to the higher value users of these resources. However, with agency problems and behavioral biases, the level of managerial acquisitiveness may not always reflect the objective wealth-creation motive of the executives and thus may lead to a distorted allocation of resources within the industry which in turn may create conditions for failure for otherwise healthy firms. Thus, before dissecting the causal mechanism between managerial acquisitiveness and firm failure, we need to understand what shakes and shapes the managerial inclination to be acquisitive in the first place. Gort (1969) was one of the earliest to argue that economic disturbances alter the structure of expectations among the market participants and generate discrepancies in valuations of income-producing assets. A non-owner with a higher valuation of firm’s assets than the owner places bid for firm’s asset in pursuit of economies of scale, monopoly power or yet, other sources of gain. More recently, Jovanovic and Rousseau (2002) along the vein of Coase (1937) argue that technological change alters the available profitable capital reallocation opportunities at the disposal of firms and leads to restructuring. Empirical evidence by Mitchell and Murhelin (1996), Andrade, Mitchell and Stafford (2002), and Harford (2005) show that economic disturbances lead to clustering of takeover activities within industries and across time. Shleifer and Vishny (2003), on the other hand, posit that bull markets lead groups of bidders with overvalued stock to use the stock to buy real assets of undervalued targets through mergers. Rhodes-Kropd et al (2004), Ang and Cheng (2003), Dong et al. (2003) and Verter (2002) find evidence that the dispersion of market valuations is correlated with aggregate merger activities. From these recent empirical endeavors we have a better understanding of why mergers and acquisitions cluster within industries and across time but our understanding of how industry and aggregate disturbances propel the firm level M&A propensity is very limited. Using our various measures of industry and aggregate economic disturbances along with idiosyncratic firm characteristics, we provide a clear and elaborate understanding of what moves the tectonics of firm level resource reallocation through M&A in the corporate sector. 4.1 What Drives Firm-level M&A Propensity? Table 3 presents the regression results from a multi-period logit model using three sets of explanatory variables. The first set of variables comprises the firm characteristics, the second set captures the industry economic disturbances, and the third set consists of aggregate economic disturbance variables. The dependant variable in the regression is a dichotomous variable which equals 1 if the firm announces an M&A bid during the current fiscal quarter, otherwise it is 0. All explanatory variables are lagged by one period. In each regression model, we control for the industry fixed effects, correct for clustering of bids and observations by firms, and use robust standard errors of estimates to test their statistical significance. Among the firm characteristics, results show that size (logarithm of Total Assets) and business performance (Net Income/Total Assets) increase the odds of making a bid to acquire assets of other firms supporting earlier 15 M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure evidence [Meek (1977), Levine and Aaronovich (1986)] that the main discriminators between acquirers and their targets are size and performance. Although higher debt obligations (Total Liabilities/Total Assets) decrease the propensity of making bids, if most of the debts are longer term the firm is more likely to bid for others’ assets. Shleifer and Vishny (1992) posit that asset liquidity is crucial in determining whether the assets of the target firms will be used in their first-best use. Table 3 shows that indeed the asset illiquidity (Fixed Assets/Total Assets) of the bidders reduces the likelihood of M&A bids. Harford (1999) finds that firms that have built up large cash reserves are more active in the corporate control market. We, however, find that cash holdings (Cash/Total Assets) do not increase the likelihood of M&A bids. Firms with higher future growth opportunities, proxied by the Market-to-Book ratio and changes in firm-level total factor productivity (TFP), are more likely to be acquisitive than others, supporting the Q-theory of merger of Jovanovic and Rousseau (2001, 2002). At the industry level, we find that deregulatory and technology shocks increase the M&A propensity while industry demand and supply shocks decrease it. Bidding is more intense when the industry is experiencing a merger wave. However, once we decompose the relevant industry economic disturbances into positive and negative components in table 4, we find that positive industry demand and supply shocks significantly increase the odds of M&A bids at the firm-level while negative industry demand shocks decrease the odds of bids. These findings reaffirm the earlier evidence by Mitchell and Mulherin (1996), Andrade, Mitchell and Stafford (2001) and Harford (2005) that fundamental economic and regulatory changes drive M&A activities. Moreover, Gort (1969), Coase (1937), and Jovanovic and Rousseau (2002) rightly argued that technology shocks alter the balance of growth opportunities among the industry participants and thus lead to greater reallocation of resources through mergers and acquisitions. At the aggregate level, both the demand and supply shocks increase the likelihood of M&A bids. While instability in the equity market dampens the bid propensity, instability in the costs of debt actually augments this propensity. Decomposing the aggregate disturbances into positive and negative components reveals that only the positive aggregate demand shock matters for raising up the likelihood of M&A bids. Negative aggregate supply shocks (by construction) decrease the costs of production in the economy and as a consequence increase the propensity of M&A bids. Instability in equity market, no matter positive or negative, always lessens the likelihood of M&A bids but instability in the costs of debt raises the likelihood of M&A bids if the shocks are in the positive range and lessens the likelihood if the shocks are in the negative range. Finally, equity market momentum leads to an increased M&A activities as argued by Shleifer and Vishny (2003) and empirically shown by Rhodes-Kropd et al (2004), Ang and Cheng (2003), Dong et al. (2003) and Verter (2002). [Table 3 and Table 4 are about here] Succinctly, the findings here conform to the postulation of Jensen (1993) who relates the restructuring activities of the 1980s to changes in technologies, input prices, and regulations. We show that disturbances in economic fundamentals do lead to reorganization of corporate resources at the firm level. But do firmmanagers always react to the altered business environment judiciously or do they react too much or too little? 16 M.M. Rahaman 4.2 Corporate Failure Why Some Firms are More Acquisitive than Others? Although the M&A propensity in our sample is, in general, driven by broad fundamental factors, some firms seem to be more acquisitive relative to their natural hedge counterpart within the industry. In order to understand why some firms are more acquisitive than others, we estimate the idiosyncratic productivity shocks of the sample firms in each year following Olly and Pakes (1996). We also construct two dichotomous variables to characterize the nature of M&A bids firms make. The first dichotomous variable equals 1 if the firm receives a negative productivity shock in period ‘t’ but still announces an acquisition bid which we denote as optimism driven M&A bid. The second dichotomous variable equals 1 if the firm has a market-to-book ratio greater than 1 in period ‘t’ and announces an acquisition bid which we denote as growth driven M&A bid. Table 5 reports the correlation structure of these variables with our managerial acquisitiveness measure. It shows that excessive acquisitiveness is significantly positively correlated with positive productivity shocks firms receive in the year in which they announce M&A bids. Furthermore, both optimism driven bids and growth driven bids are significantly positively correlated with the excessive acquisitiveness measure and also significantly negatively correlated with the conservative counterparts. Excessively acquisitive firms also spend significantly more in capital and have higher acquisition expenses than their conservative counterparts. Moreover, firms with higher anti-takeover provisions, proxied by the Gompers, Ishii, and Metrick (2003) G index, tend to be more acquisitive than their conservative counterparts. From the correlation structure of these variables one may deduce that internal suboptimal corporate assets structure, future growth opportunities, corporate governance, and managerial behavioral biases drive excessive acquisitiveness in our sample. Thus, to estimate the effect of excessive acquisitiveness on firm failure hazard, we use instrumental variable estimation and also control for firm characteristics, growth opportunities, industry and year fixed effects and a set of exogenous economic disturbances beyond the realm of managerial control that characterize the changes in the underlying economic fundamentals and may render the current assets structure suboptimal. [Table 5 is about here] 5 5.1 Managerial Acquisitiveness and Corporate Failure Estimation Methodology We use a discrete-time hazard model to estimate the failure risk of the sample acquirers. We treat each firm-manager as a decision unit and assume that each decision unit is always at the risk of failure and the risk process is governed by a simple form of proportional hazard function [Cox (1972)]: λ τ, X = λ0 τ expXβ (8) where λ0 is the baseline hazard of failure over time τ under the condition expXβ = 1, i.e. no heterogeneity among firm-managers. Heterogeneity among firm-managers reflected, for example, by differences in information set (X), might change the actual hazard. Here the multiplicative effect of the covariates (X) has a clear and intuitive meaning. If expXβ > 1, the risk of failure would increase over the whole sample period, 17 M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure whereas the failure risk would decrease if expXβ < 1. Without any restriction on λ0 , however, this model postulates no direct relationship between X and τ . Cox (1972) proposed an extension of this proportional hazard model to discrete time by working with the conditional odds of failure at each time τ given no failure up to that point (conditional on the covariates X). Specifically, Cox (1972) proposed the model: λ0 τ λ τ /X = expXβ 1 − λ τ /X 1 − λ0 τ (9) Taking logs, we obtain a model of failure at τ given no on the logit of the hazard or conditional probability failure up to that time, Logit λ τ /X = α + Xβ, where α = Logit λ0 τ is the logit of the baseline hazard and Xβ is the effect of the covariates on the logit of the actual hazard. Note that the model essentially treats time as a discrete factor by introducing one parameter, α, for each possible failure time τ . Interpretation of the parameters β associated with the other covariates follows along the same lines as in logistic regression. Shumway (2001) argues that hazard models are more suited to analyze the failure intensity of corporate events and shows that a multi-period logit model is equivalent to the discrete-time hazard model with the inclusion of log of firm age among the covariates as a proxy for the baseline hazard. In this discrete-time hazard setting, covariates X affect the hazard rate of failure and the direction of the covariate specific effects are given by the associated β parameters. Moreover, we argue that the design considerations of our experiment also weaken the plausibility of reverse causation. Our primary dependent variable, i.e. firm failure, is an absorbing state in the sense that once failure occurs firms never recover and we do not observe any of the explanatory variables for the failed firms anymore. That is, a causal effect from the outcome variable to any of the explanatory variables does not make sense since all the explanatory variables are measured temporally before the outcome variable. This of course assumes that managers cannot predict failure some period ahead. If managers can predict failure ahead of the actual failure time then the reverse causality is still a concern. To alleviate this concern we estimate the discrete-time hazard regression with up to three lags of all explanatory variables. Since the results do not vary with higher lags we report the results where all explanatory variables are lagged by one period. 5.2 Estimation Results Table 6 reports the regression results from the discrete-time hazard model. The dependent variable is a dichotomous variable which equals 1 for the last fiscal quarter in which a firm fails and 0 otherwise. All explanatory variables are lagged by one period. We also include industry fixed effects, year fixed effects, correct for clustering of observations by firm, and use robust standard errors to test the significance of the estimated coefficients in each regression model. We present all coefficients in the form of logarithm of odds ratio in the table. It shows that the most important firm characteristics that cushion against failure are firm size, age (baseline hazard), and growth opportunity (Market Value/Book Value). Firms fail more often during the times of industry and aggregate demand instability while stock market instability reduces failure risk in all cases except in one specification where we use the instrumental variable (IV) estimation. After removing the failure risk arising from the idiosyncratic firm characteristics, industry and year fixed effects, and industry as well as aggregate economic disturbances, we find that the excessive use of M&A relative to the industry median does indeed aggravate firm’s failure hazard. The results also show that the further the firm is away from its natural hedge the more likely it is for the firm to fail. However, the 18 M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure failure augmenting effect of DIST. N Hijt is primarily due to the excessive acquisitiveness rather than the conservative acquisitiveness since the coefficient of Excess Acq. is always higher in magnitude than that of the DIST. HNijt . Furthermore, inclusion of the excessive acquisitiveness measure in the hazard regression improves the model fit, measured by McFadden’s Pseudo-R2 , by up to 36%. We can correctly identify the failure events for our sample firms 72% of the time using model 3 in table 6 and 75% of the time using model 9, and in both cases the inclusion of the excessive acquisitiveness measure increases the likelihood of correct identification by 6%.12 However, the causal effect of excessive acquisitiveness on a firm’s failure hazard may be corrupted by endogeneity, omitted covariates, or errors in the excessive acquisitiveness measure. These problems can be addressed using instrumental variable estimation in linear setting but in non-linear setting instruments cannot in general be used to produce a consistent estimator of the desired causal effects. To this end, we use a methodology developed by Hardin, Schmeidiche, and Carroll (2003) to consistently estimate the causal effect of the excessive acquisitiveness on firm failure using instrumental variable estimation in our discrete-time hazard model setting. A valid instrument must be highly correlated with the firm-level excessive acquisitiveness while having no clear effect on the dependent variable, i.e. firm failure, so that the correlation between the instrument and the error term is not significantly different from zero. We instrument the degree of excessive acquisitiveness with a measure of industry merger momentum. The M&A literature has long recognized that intense mergers and acquisitions activities come in waves and tend to cluster within industries and across time although there are considerable debates about what drives those M&A waves. But it is well understood that firms are more active in M&A transactions during industry merger waves than in any other periods and the effects of greater activism during merger waves on firm failure is not obvious from the existing literature. Harford (2005) argues that mergers before the optimal stopping point within a wave are value creating whereas mergers after the optimal stopping point are value destroying compared to non-wave mergers and acquisitions without any reference to firm failure. Thus, it is fair to conclude that firm-level acquisitiveness is related with industry merger waves but industry merger waves, as far as we know, do not have any clear-cut effects on firm failure. Using industry merger wave dummy as an instrument for the firm-level excessive acquisitiveness we find a statistically significant causal effect of the excessive use of M&A on firm failure. For diagnostic purpose, we do a two stage least square (2SLS) estimation and our instrument satisfies the non-exludability criterion in the first stage with a very high F-statistics. The instrument also statistically significantly effect firm failure in the second stage of our 2SLS estimation. For robustness purposes, we do a false instrument experiment in which we instrument the period t − 1 excessive acquisitiveness with the period t + 1, t + 2, t + 3, and t + 4 industry merger wave and in all cases the false instrument do not have any statistically significant effect on firm failure, buttressing the causal as well as temporal validity of our instrument. [Table 6 is about here] One could very well argue from what we have discussed so far that bad firms are more active in M&A and firms fail not because of their relatively excessive use of M&A but because they are essentially bad firms 12 Our primary dependent variable, i.e. firm failure, is centered around .01. We consider a failure event as correctly identified if the predicted probability from the hazard model during the fiscal quarter in which firm fails is higher than the centered value of the dependent variable. 19 M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure to begin with. In other words, if we could find a variable that influences both the excessive acquisitiveness and the firm failure measures, it would suffice to cast serious doubt in the regression results that we have presented above. One possible candidate for such a variable is the Gompers, Ishii, and Metrick (2003) governance score of firms, generally known as the G index. The G index is derived from the incidence of 24 unique governance rules that proxy for the level of shareholder rights in a firm. They show that an investment strategy of buying firms in the lowest decile of the index (strongest rights) and selling firms in the highest decile of the index (weakest rights) would have earned abnormal returns of 8.5% per year during their sample period. They also find that firms with lower G index values (stronger shareholder rights) had higher firm values, higher profits, higher sales growths, lower capital expenditures, and made fewer corporate acquisitions. We use the average value of the G index as a measure of firm quality in the sense that firms with higher average governance scores (G index), i.e. bad corporate-governance firms, will be more acquisitive than firms with lower governance scores, i.e. good corporate-governance firms, as shown by Gompers, Ishii, and Metrick (2003). We find that the inclusion of the governance score as a measure of firm quality does not alter the result that we discussed before. The governance score enters the hazard regression with or without the excessive acquisitiveness measure and in both cases, irrespective of specifications, the governance score does not have any statistically significant causal effect on firm failure risk while the excessive acquisitiveness measure retains its significance although the logarithm of odds ratio declines. We are thus confident that our estimated causal effect of the excessive use of M&A on firm failure hazard is robust. 5.3 A Quasi Experiment and Some Robustness Tests One valid concern with our instrument and firm quality proxy is that bad firms may hide in the crowd in a merger wave and do lots of acquisitions. Thus, when firms fail it may not be due to their aggressive acquisitiveness during the merger waves rather it may be the case that it is easy for the bad firms to hide in the crowd and be aggressively acquisitive during merger waves which in turn may increase the failure risk of the excessively acquisitive sample. To address this concern and to clearly identify the causality from the aggressive acquisitiveness to the firm failure we do a quasi experiment where we compare the failure risk profile of the acquiring sample with the failure risk profile of the non-acquiring sample. We collect the nonacquiring sample (firms that do not appear in the acquiring sample) from the merged CRSP-COMPUSTAT universe. We estimate the failure risk profile (hazard function) of the acquiring and the non-acquiring sample using various baseline hazard specifications conditional on firms’ age since incorporation, a dummy variable indicating whether the firm is in the acquiring sample, and the aggressive acquisitiveness of firms.13 Figure 2 shows the risk profile of the acquiring and the non-acquiring sample for various hazard model specifications. It clearly delineates that failure risk profile of the acquiring sample is always below the failure risk profile of the non-acquiring sample meaning that acquisitiveness actually lowers failure risk. However, all else equal, when the the acquiring sample starts becoming aggressive in their use of M&A, figure 3 shows that their failure risk profile shifts up and as they become more and more aggressive in their use of M&A it becomes increasingly likely that they are going to fail more often than their non-acquiring counterparts. This pattern of shifting failure risk profile is even stronger if we use a matching sample of non-acquiring firms instead of the universe of all non-acquiring firms.14 Our experiment shows that acquisitiveness, on average, lowers the 13 For the non-acquiring sample, excessive acquisitiveness is always 0. use the propensity score matching using age of the firm since incorporation as the common support for both the acquiring and the non-acquiring firms so that both the acquiring and the non-acquiring sample has similar risk profile to begin with. We then vary their aggressive use of M&A and find even stronger shift in the pattern of the risk profile of the acquiring sample. 14 We 20 M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure failure risk of firms relative to the non-acquiring sample, but excessive acquisitiveness causes the firms to fail more often not only relative to the conservatively acquisitive firms but also relative to the non-acquiring firms. We report various robustness tests of the causal effect in table 7. The first robustness test shows that there is non-linearity in the causal effect of excessive acquisitiveness in the sense that the causal effect is not monotonically increasing in the acquisitiveness of the firm. Instead, excessive use of the M&A investment technology drives the failure risk while conservative use of M&A actually reduces failure risk relative to their excessively acquisitive counterparts. In the second robustness test we estimate a linear probability model (LPM) of failure with firm fixed effects which we cannot do in the discrete-time hazard model due to non-convergence. Inclusion of firm fixed effects removes any firm specific effects on failure, such as inherently bad firm effect, that is constant across time and we find that excessive use of M&A increases failure risk in this case as well. In the third robustness test, we focus on the acquiring firms for which we can observe their complete bidding history in SDC data set since the time the firm went public that is after the year 1980 (almost 20% of the sample firms went public before 1980 for which we do not observe complete bidding history). We find evidence of causal effect from the excessive use of M&A to the firm failure for the complete bidding history sample as well. One potential explanation of failure could be that aggressively acquisitive firms suffer from winners’ curse in the sense that they end winning their bids but they also end up with bad target more often. We use the cumulative number of completed contested bids normalized by the total number of bids by firms to construct a measure of winners’ curse and find that it does indeed increases failure risk but winners’ curse does not have enough explanatory power to soak up the explanatory power of our excessive acquisitiveness measure. Finally, we estimate the causal discrete-time hazard model with two dimensional clustering (cluster the observations by firms and also by size) and find robust causal effect of excessive acquisitiveness on firm failure.15 [Figure 2, 3 and table 7 are about here] 5.4 Economic Significance of the Causal Effect The statistical significance of the causal effect that we discuss in the previous section does not necessarily imply economic significance. To this end, we estimate the marginal effects of the relevant variables from the hazard regression. We estimate marginal effects at the mean, 1/2 standard deviation below the mean, 1/2 standard deviation above the mean, and 1 standard deviation around the mean. Table 8 reports the marginal effect estimates from the hazard regression. The results are consistent with what we have found in table 6, where we report the logarithm of the odds ratio of the coefficients. It shows that marginal effects are rising, as we move from 1/2 standard deviation below the mean to 1/2 standard deviation above the mean of the excessive acquisitiveness measure, by 77% in one specification and by 82.70% in the other specification, where we also include economic disturbances in the hazard regression. At the mean, a 1% increase in the excessive acquisitiveness measure increases the conditional failure risk by .33% (conditional 15 If the market capitalization of the firm is in 25th percentile, we classify the firm as small cap, if the market capitalization is between the 25th and 75th percentile we classify the firm as medium cap and if the market capitalization of the firm is more than the 75th percentile we classify the firm as large cap. 21 M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure ∂Y XÌ„ ∂Y on other exogenous variables evaluated at the mean) calculated using ∂X . YÌ„ , where ∂X is the marginal effect at the mean, and YÌ„ and XÌ„ are the means of the predicted conditional failure probability and the excessive acquisitiveness measure, respectively. This translates into a 61% increase in conditional failure risk with a one standard deviation increase around the mean16 of our excessive acquisitiveness measure (conditional on other exogenous variables evaluated at the mean). We have shown that in the discrete-time hazard framework the excessive use of M&A has economically as well as statistically significant causal effects in increasing the failure risk. But we are yet to untangle why excessively acquisitive firms end up failing more often than non-excessively acquisitive firms. [Table 8 is about here] 5.5 Can the Deal Characteristics Discriminate Between the Failed and NonFailed Sample? The focal point of the bidders and the targets firms’ interactions revolve around the specificity of the transaction at hand. Thus, one possible explanation why excessively acquisitive firms end up failing more often than others could be that excessively acquisitive firms make deals that are inherently inferior along some characteristics relative to their conservative counterparts. Table 9 presents the characteristics of deals involving the set of bidding firms researched in this paper. It presents two classes of statistics for failed and non-failed firms in our sample. Panel-A presents the class of statistics involving deal size and execution for which we can test the statistical significance of the estimate whereas panel-B presents descriptive statistics generated from dummy variables involving various specificities of the deal for which no test of significance is available. In panel-A, average deal size is US$ 41.37 million and the median is about US$ 7.93 million for the failed sample while average and median are US$ 225.99 million and US$ 24.42 million, respectively, for the non-failed sample, which quite evidently reveals the positive skewness of the deal size distribution. Bidders who do not fail in our sample take on significantly larger deals than the firms that eventually fail and exit the sample through various routes. However, once we normalize the deal value with the book and market value of assets as well as the market value of equity, the regularity is not quite straightforward; in fact, it reverses in all cases meaning that relative to their size the failed sample ends up making larger deals than the non-failed sample. Panel-A also shows that average execution delay after the announcement is 46.47 days and the median delay is 0 days for the failed sample whereas these are 66.23 days and 12 days, respectively, for the non-failed sample. Failed firms in our sample take significantly less time to complete the deal than their non-failed counterparts. Panel-B of table 9 details some salient features of the transactions involving the bidding firms in our sample. In the table, we do not observe any significant difference in the likelihood of completing a bid between the failed and non-failed sample firms. It shows that 70.79% of total bids were eventfully completed by the failed sample while 70.50% of total bids were eventually completed by the non-failed sample. The failed sample, however, is 3.17% less likely to make M&A bids in a related industry than the non-failed sample. Furthermore, failed firms are more likely to finance the deal purely with stock whereas non-failed firms 16 One standard deviation around the mean is calculated from 1/2 standard deviation below the mean to 1/2 standard deviation above the mean. 22 M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure are more likely to finance the deal with pure cash. Moreover, the failed sample is less likely to do block purchases and bid for divested assets or divisions of target firms relative to their non-failed counterparts. The propensity to finance the deal through internal funds is lower for failed firms while the propensity to finance the deal through stock swap is lower for non-failed firms. Two caveats are in order. First, examining the testable statistics in panel-A does seem to reveal some regularities although not universal about the acquisitiveness and failure hazard of bidding firms in the sense that failed firms take on larger bids relative to their size and also complete bids at a faster rate compared to their non-failed counterparts. Second, there also seem to be some regularities in deal specificities of the non-failed and failed sample that might shed light on the failure hazard of the sample firms. The failed sample acquires less in similar industries, is more likely to finance deals with pure stock but less likely to finance deals with pure cash and internal funds, is less likely to do block purchases and acquire divested parts or divisions of targets. But these are not statistically testable statistics. Thus, we need to delve beyond the deal characteristics into the evolution of firms’ debt and assets structure to fathom the deeper question of why the use of a particular investment technology precipitates corporate debacle. [Table 9 is about here] 5.6 Evolution of Firm’s Assets and Debt Structure In order to delineate the evolution of debt and assets structure, we divide the firms that make exactly 3 bids (which is also the median number of bids by firms in our sample) into (i) failed and non-failed sample and, (ii) excessively acquisitive and non-excessively acquisitive sample.17 The left panel of table 9 presents the evolution of differential assets and debt structures between the failed (F) and non-failed (NF) samples at the fiscal quarter right before the first acquisition bid and the fiscal quarter right after the last acquisition bid (in this case third acquisition bid). The right panel of table 10 presents the evolution of differential assets and debt structures between the excessively acquisitive (X) and the non-excessively acquisitive (NX) samples at the fiscal quarter right before the first acquisition bid and the fiscal quarter right after the last acquisition bid (in this case third acquisition bid). In each panel, column (1) reports the differences in e1,N F , where Z e1,F is the median sample median before the firm becomes active in M&A denoted as Ze1,F − Z assets and debt characteristics of the failed sample in the fiscal quarter right before the first bid and Ze1,N F is the median assets and debt characteristics of the non-failed sample in the fiscal quarter right before the first bid. Column (2) reports the differences in sample median after the firm becomes inactive in M&A e3,F − Z e3,N F , where Z e3,F is the median assets and debt characteristics of the failed sample denoted as Z e3,N F is the median assets and debt characteristics of the in the fiscal quarter right after the last bid and Z non-failed sample in the fiscal quarter right after the last bid. Column (3) reports the difference-in-difference e3,N F − Ze1,F − Ze1,N F , which can estimates between column (2) and column (1) denoted as Ze3,F − Z e3,F − Ze1,F − Ze3,N F − Ze1,N F . It portrays the relative changes in assets and debt also be expressed as Z structure during the periods when the firms were active in M&A. And finally, column (5) report the relative changes in percentage from column (1) to column (2) calculated as 17 Results are even stronger if we use firms with more than 3 bids. 23 e3,F −Z e3,N F − Z e1,F −Z e1,N F Z Ze1,F −Ze1,N F × 100. M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure Column (3), in the left panel of table 10, shows that between the periods of first and last bids (inclusive), all performance measures decline for the failed sample relative to the non-failed sample with logarithm of market value falling by almost 33%, net profit margin (Net Income/Total Assets) falling by 175%, and growth opportunity (Market-to-Book) falling by 127%. At the same time, both market and book leverage of the failed sample sky rocket with immediate debt obligations (Short term debt/Total Liabilities) increasing by 158.33% while immediate asset liquidity (Cash/Total Assets) falling by 125% compared to the non-failed sample. Furthermore, cash flow volatility of the failed sample increases by 48.57% compared to the non-failed sample between these periods. Succinctly, the failed sample fares worse in operating performance, takes on higher leverage with increased amount of debt maturing in the immediate future but with decreased liquid assets at hand. This portrays a classic picture of debt maturity and asset liquidity mismatch for the failed sample compared to the non-failed sample. Column (3), in the right panel of table 9 shows a similar picture for the excessively acquisitive firms compared to their relatively non-excessive counterparts. It shows that between the periods of first and last bids (inclusive), logarithm of market value falls by 29%, net profit margin (Net Income/Total Assets) falls by 150%, gross profit margin (EBITDA/Total Assets) falls by 86%, and growth opportunity (Market-to-Book) falls by 120% for the excessively acquisitive sample relative to the non-excessively acquisitive sample. At the same time, both market and book leverage shoot-up by 177% and 288%, respectively, with bulk of the increase due to higher short term debt, which increases by 76%. But to finance the higher leverage, relative asset liquidity (Current Assets/Current Liabilities) actually shrinks by 259%. Quite evidently, this looks similar to the assets and debt structure of the failed sample relative to the non-failed sample. The set of statistics presented here clearly illustrates the fact that the excessively acquisitive sample, similar to the failed sample, during the periods of M&A activities gathered certain asset characteristics that decimate the healthy balance between operating performance, debt maturity, asset liquidity, and cash flow volatility. When operating performance declines, short term debt shoots up while liquid assets at hand to finance the immediate debt obligations dry out and it becomes a deadly recipe for failure since the firm suffers from both economic and financial distress. [Table 10 is about here] 5.7 Excessive Use of M&A Investment Technology and Corporate Default The formidable combination of declining operating performance and imbalance in corporate assets and debt structure, augured by the excessive use of M&A investment technology, may become the precursor of financial distress for firms in our sample. We should thus observe some identifiable signs of distress even before firms fail and exit or the sample period end. To test this proposition, we identify firms that defaulted on their debt obligations before exiting the sample. From the Moody’s Default Risk Services (DRS) database, SDC Corporate restructuring database, and LoPuki’s Bankruptcy Research Database (BRD) we could clearly identify 603 default events involving 578 firms in our sample for the periods of 1980 to 2006. Of those defaulted firms 420 (73%) firms eventually exit the sample while the rest 158 (27%) firms remain active. Of the exited firms, 46% exit through bankruptcy/liquidation, 16% exit through acquisition, and the rest 38% exit due to other reasons such as leverage buy out, management buy out, dropping off the exchange. We use our discrete-time hazard model discussed earlier to estimate the default hazard under alternative 24 M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure specifications incorporating Altman’s (1968), Zmijewski’s (1984), and Shumway’s (2001) independent variables in their respective bankruptcy prediction models. Altman’s variables are described extensively in Altman (1968, 2000) and Mackie-Mason (1990). Using those variables, we construct Altman’s ZSCORE as: ZSCORE = 3.3 × EBIT + Sales + 1.4 × Retained Earning + 1.2 × W orking Capital T otal Assets (10) Zmijewski’s variables include the ratio of net income to total assets, the ratio of total liabilities to total assets, and the ratio of current assets to current liabilities. Shumway (2001) criticizes Altman (1968) and Zmijewski (1984) and offers market driven predictors of bankruptcy. Shumway’s variables include logarithm of market value, firm’s past excess returns, and idiosyncratic standard deviation of each firm’s stock returns. To measure firm’s past excess return, we take the value-weighted CRSP NYSE/AMEX index return as benchmark and subtract the index return from the monthly stock return to calculate the firm’s excess return. The final, perhaps the most important, market driven variable Shumway (2001) uses is the idiosyncratic standard deviation of firm’s stock returns, denoted as sigma (σ) in this paper. Sumway (2001) argues that sigma is strongly related to bankruptcy both statistically and logically. If a firm has more variable cash flows (and hence more variable stock returns) then the firm ought to have a higher probability of bankruptcy. Sigma may also measure something like operating leverage. To calculate sigma for each firm i in quarter t, we regress each stock’s daily returns on the value-weighted NYSE/AMEX index returns for the same quarter. We then calculate sigma as the standard deviation of the residuals of this regression. To avoid outliers, all independent variables are truncated at the 99th and 1st percentile values in the same manner as all other independent variables. Table 11 reports the estimated coefficients from our discrete time hazard model of corporate default. The dependent variable is a dichotomous variable which equals 1 for the quarter in which firm defaults or files for bankruptcy and 0 otherwise. All explanatory variables are lagged by one period and in all regression models we include industry fixed effects, year fixed effects, and correct for clustering of observations and distress related events, i.e. default/bankruptcy, by firms. We also use robust standard errors to test the significance of the estimated parameters. We report the estimates in logarithm of odds ratios for all explanatory variables and also report the marginal effects for our two key explanatory variables. It shows that irrespective of bankruptcy prediction models, the excessive use of M&A measure increases the default risk of firms in our sample. The estimates from the hazard regression also show that Gompers, Ishii, and Metrck (2003) governance score, as proxy for firm quality, does not have any statistical significance in predicting corporate default irrespective of bankruptcy prediction model specifications. Results also show that Altman’s (2000) ZSCORE decreases default risk, current ratio (Current Assets/Current Liabilities) attenuates default hazard in Zmijewski’s (1984) model while idiosyncratic stock price volatility from Shumway’s (2001) model always increases the default risk in our sample. These finding are consistent with the extant literature on default and bankruptcy prediction. More importantly, we show that inclusion of excessive acquisitiveness measure among the set of covariates, that are widely used in the default and bankruptcy prediction models, reduces the forecast errors of the existing models and hence, improves model predictive power. To assess the economic significance, we estimate the marginal effects of the excessive acquisitiveness measure and find that at the mean, a 1% increase in excessive acquisitiveness increases the conditional default risk by .19% (conditional ∂Y ∂Y XÌ„ . YÌ„ , where ∂X is the marginal effect on other exogenous variables evaluated at the mean) calculated using ∂X at the mean, and YÌ„ and XÌ„ are the mean of the predicted conditional default probability and the excessive acquisitiveness measure, respectively. The estimated marginal effects are statistically significant for our 25 M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure excessive acquisitiveness measure across all bankruptcy prediction models. This elasticity of conditional default probability with respect to the excessive acquisitiveness measure translates into up to 34% increase in conditional default risk (conditional on other exogenous variables evaluated at the mean) with a 1 standard deviation increase around the mean of our excessive acquisitiveness measure. [Table 11 are about here] 6 Managerial Acquisitiveness and Corporate Failure: Causal Mechanisms So far we have shown that failure arrives at a faster rate when managers use an investment technology with uncertain value implications for their firms in an excessive manner. However, casting the blame on managers by simply looking at the causal link between managerial action and failure hazard is rather unfair because an ex-post bad investment decision may very well be an ex-ante good investment decision when one factors in the uncertainties surrounding the business environment with which managers have to interact continuously. Without proper theoretical guidance, however, one would be at sea to fathom the deeper question of whether managers of failed businesses are villains or scapegoats? Using the two predominant theoretical paradigms that try to explain the failure phenomena in the modern corporate landscape, we develop three hypotheses and use a mediating instrument methodology following Baron and Kenny (1986) and Judd and Kenny (1981) to test those hypotheses. In the subsequent parts of this section we first discuss the mediating instrument methodology and then develop our hypotheses for empirical testing. 6.1 Mediating Instrument Methodology In an effort to avert confounding in observational studies, economists and social scientists have devised “Instrumental Variable (IV)” method which is based on a basic principle that the instrument must be correlated with the explanatory variable while being uncorrelated with the outcome variable (dependent variable). A mediating instrumental variable, on the contrary, is an auxiliary variable which fulfills radically different conditions than those demanded by the traditional instrumental variable. A mediating instrument must be correlated with both the explanatory variable and the outcome variable so that it can mediate the causation from the explanatory to the outcome variable. To explain the mediating instrument methodology, consider a variable X that is assumed to affect another variable Y . The variable X is called the initial variable and the variable that it causes or Y is called the outcome variable. The effect of X on Y may be mediated by a process or mediating variable M , and the variable X may still affect Y . Complete mediation is the case in which variable X no longer affects Y after M has been controlled for, whereas partial mediation is the case in which the path from X to Y is reduced in absolute size but is still different from zero when the mediator is controlled. Note that a mediational model is a causal model meaning that the mediator is presumed to cause the outcome and not vice versa. If the presumed model is not correct, the results from the mediational analysis are of little value. When the mediational model is correctly specified, Baron and Kenny (1986) and Judd and Kenny (1981) outline four steps in establishing mediation: (i) the initial 26 M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure variable must be correlated with the outcome in a regression model where Y is the criterion variable and X is a predictor establishing the fact that there is an effect that may be mediated; (ii) the initial variable X must be correlated with the mediator M in a regression model where M is the criterion variable and X is a predictor; (iii) the mediator M must affect the outcome variable Y in a regression model where Y is the criterion variable and X and M are predictors; (iv) to establish that M completely mediates the X − Y relationship, the effect of X on Y controlling for M should be zero. The effects in both (iii) and (iv) are estimated in the same equation. It is not sufficient just to correlate the mediator M with the outcome Y ; the mediator and the outcome may be correlated because they are both caused by the initial variable X. Thus, the initial variable X must be controlled in establishing the effect of the mediator M on the outcome variable Y . To implement the mediation process we estimate the following regression models: E Yit = 1 | X, Z = F α + βXit−1 + δZt−1 + εit (11) E Yit = 1 | X, M, Z = F α + β 0 Xit−1 + θMit−1 + δ 0 Zit−1 + εit (12) where Yit is the firm failure dichotomous variable, Xit−1 is our measure of managerial excessive acquisitiveness, Mit−1 is a mediating instrument, Zit−1 is other control variables. If F (.) is a linear function then with appropriate distributional assumption on εit the regression models collapse into linear probability models (LPM), whereas with F (.) as a logistic function then with appropriate distributional assumption on εit we get back our discrete-time hazard model. Although mediation methodology is mostly applied to linear setting, it can easily be extended to non-linear setting, particularly in the case of F (.) as logistic function. We estimate both cases, i.e. LPM and discrete-time hazard, but report the results only for discrete-time hazard specification. In these models, β is called the ‘total effect’ of X on Y and β 0 is called the ‘indirect effect’ of X on Y after M has been controlled for. From these regression models, we calculate the percent reduction in β−β 0 × 100 and bootstrap the percent reduction the logarithm of odds ratio as a result of mediation using β parameter to come up with confidence intervals. The design considerations of our mediating instrument methodology weaken the plausibility of reverse mediation. That is, mediation from the outcome variable to any of the explanatory variables does not make sense since in all regressions the explanatory variables are measured temporally before the outcome variable. 6.2 Risk Channel In the spirit of the standard rational economic theory, which posits that frequency of poor outcomes is an unavoidable result of managers taking rational risks in uncertain situations, we treat each M&A bid like a random lottery given the hard-to-predict stochastic external environment with some probability of success and some probability of failure. In that sense, excessively acquisitive managers accumulate more lotteries by vying for more acquisitions and hence, with hindsight, may either increase or decrease the underlying business risks (cash flow volatility) of their firms. Through this channel, excessive acquisitiveness can lead to greater business risk and eventually can increase the failure hazard of firms if more acquisitions amplify the cash flow volatility or it may lead to lower business risk and hence reduce firm failure hazard if more acquisitions lessen cash flow volatility through diversification, synergies, and economies of scale. We calculate two measures of cash flow volatility. The first measure use the real cash flows of firms to calculate BRISKit = log abs EBIT DAit −EBIT DAit−1 , where BRISKit is a simple measure of business risk, i.e. 27 M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure cash flow volatility, and EBIT DAit is firm’s earning before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization. The second measure of business risk that we use is Shumway’s (2001) sigma measure which gives the idiosyncratic standard deviation of firm’s stock returns. Shumway (2001) argues that firms with more volatile cash flows should have higher sigma and higher sigma also implies higher operating leverage for firms. We follow Shumway (2001) and regress each stock’s daily returns on the value-weighted NYSE/AMEX index returns for the same quarter and calculate sigma as the standard deviation of the residuals of this regression. Table 12 reports the estimates from the mediating instrument methodology for the risk channel. Column 1 reports the ‘total effect’ of excessive acquisitiveness on failure hazard while column 2-4 report the mediation of the causality between the excessive acquisitiveness and the firm failure through the BRISK measure and column 5-7 report the mediation of the causality through the sigma measure. It shows that both the BRISK and the sigma are statistically significantly correlated with excessive acquisitiveness but only the sigma measure is statistically significantly correlated with firm failure. Moreover, controlling for sigma along with excessive acquisitiveness measure reduces the absolute size of the ‘total effect’ by 3% while remaining statistically significant. This translates into a 9% decline in the odds ratio (we report the logarithm of odds ratio in the table) of the ‘total effect’ of excessive acquisitiveness on firm failure. The results in this table show evidence of partial mediation through sigma because the ‘indirect effect’ is still statistically different from 0. Thus, instead of stabilizing, excessive use of M&A amplifies cash flow volatility (hence increasing the business risk) and the causality from excessive use of M&A to firm failure gets mediated. [Table 12 is about here] 6.3 Behavioral Channel We construct two measures in the spirit of the behavioral channels to investigate the mediation of the causality from the excessive use of M&A to the firm failure. 6.3.1 Managerial Cognitive Bias In the spirit of the behavioral theory, which posits that when forecasting the outcomes of risky projects executives all too easily fall victims to what psychologists call the planning fallacy and in its grip, managers make decisions based on behavioral optimism or conservatism rather than on rational balance of gains, losses and probabilities, we argue that each acquisition bid involves some cognitive bias and excessively acquisitive firms are more prone to cognitive bias compared to their conservative counterparts. Through this channel, excessively acquisitive managers accumulate greater cognitive bias and over time these decision biases, with hindsight, get imputed into the operational efficiency of the firm creating structural imbalances in the corporate assets and debt structure precipitating failure of firms. To measure managerial cognitive bias, we assume that the bidding decision of the benchmark firm YB is governed by the following equation: E YB = 1|X = F (Xβ) + ε 28 (13) M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure where X is the set of economic fundamentals and ε is a stochastic error independent of X that captures noise and other unobservable, such as luck, and ε →iid N 0, σε2 . Acquiring decisions of the upward biased firm-manager Yup and the downward biased firm-manager Ydown are given by: E Yup = 1|X = F (Xβ) + ε + bias upi (14) E Ydown = 1|X = F (Xβ) + ε − bias downi (15) We assume that both bias upi and bias downi are independent of X and ε, and are distributed as bias upi → 2 2 N + µup , σup and bias downi → N + µdown , σdown with truncation at 0. From this specification, it is obvious that both bias upi and bias downi act as non-negative shifters in these models where bias upi captures unobservable that systematically pushes up the likelihood of M&A bids and bias downi captures unobservable that systematically pulls down the likelihood of M&A bids compared to the benchmark firm. We fit a liner probability model (LPM) of Yup and Ydown on a set of firm characteristics, industry fixed effects, year fixed effects, and a set of industry and aggregate economic disturbance variables to extract the bias upi and bias downi from the observed firm-managerial M&A bids. The ε term in the LPM is assumed to have two components - one component is assumed to have a strictly non-negative distribution, and the other component is assumed to have a symmetric distribution. In the econometrics literature, the symmetric distribution is referred to as the idiosyncratic error and non-negative component is our measure of managerial cognitive bias. From the bias upi and bias downi we construct our managerial cognitive bias as mgt. biasi = bias upi + bias downi . 6.3.2 Managerial Attention Allocation In the spirit of the bounded rationality theory, which posits that agents experience limitations in formulating and solving complex problems and in processing (receiving, storing, retrieving, transmitting) information, we argue that managers have limited attention spans or capacities to process information and excessively acquisitive managers suffer from this limitation more severely than their conservative counterparts. Because excessive acquisitiveness demands greater attention allocation from the limited attention span of managers and it may divert managerial focus from the relevant economic functions of the firms. Thus, with hindsight, managerial attention distortions may worsen operating performance and eventually mediate the causality from the excessive use of M&A to the firm failure. In order to construct a proxy for the managerial attention allocation, we use the cumulative number of lawsuits filed against the acquirer as a direct consequence of the M&A bids normalized by the total number of deals conducted by the firm. 18 From our data set we could clearly identify 491 lawsuits filed against the acquirers as a result of their M&A 18 Litigation is an everyday fact of life for American corporations. According to the Fulbright & Jaworski’s Litigation Trends Survey, 94% of U.S. counsels canvassed said that their companies had some form of legal dispute pending in a U.S. venue. For 89%, at least one new suit was filed against their company during the past year. One third of all companies and nearly 40% of $1 billion-plus firms project the amount of litigation to increase next year. The survey also indicates that U.S. companies spend 71% of their overall estimated legal budgets on disputes. Large U.S. companies, typically the public firms that we study in this paper, commit an average of $19.8 million to litigation, approximately 58% of total average legal spending of $34.2 million. More than two-thirds of large companies surveyed reported at least one new suit involving $20 million or more in claims; 17% faced a minimum of six suits in the $20 million-plus range. Given this gloomy state of corporate litigation involving U.S. firms, we argue that litigations arising as a result of M&A bids may drain corporate resources and distract managers’ attention from firm’s economic functions. Thus, limited attention span may rightly mediate the causality from the excessive use of M&A to the eventual failure of firms. 29 M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure bids. Table 13 reports the estimates from the mediating instrument methodology for the behavioral channel. Column 1 reports the ‘total effect’ of the excessive acquisitiveness measure on failure hazard. Column 24 report the mediation of the causality from the excessive acquisitiveness to the firm failure through the managerial cognitive bias measure, while column 5-7 report the mediation of the causality through the managerial attention allocation measure. It shows that managerial decision bias relative to the average firm is statistically significantly correlated with the excessive acquisitiveness and the firm failure hazard. Moreover, controlling for managerial cognitive bias along with excessive acquisitiveness measure reduces the absolute size of the ‘total effect’ by 9% while remaining statistically significant. This translates into a 26% decline in the odds ratio (we report the logarithm of odds ratio in the table) of the ‘total effect’ of the excessive acquisitiveness on firm failure hazard. Column 5-7 show that greater number of litigations (and hence greater attention distortion) is statistically significantly correlated with the excessive acquisitiveness and the firm failure hazard, that is excessively acquisitive firms suffer from greater attention distortion and more attention distortion brings failure at a faster rate. However, controlling for the cumulative number of lawsuits along with the excessive acquisitiveness measure reduces the absolute size of the ‘total effect’ by a meager 1% in terms of the odds ratio. It implies that almost all of the variations in attention allocation measure is explained by the excessive acquisitiveness measure. Thus, after controlling for the excessive acquisitiveness measure there is very little variations left in our attention allocation measure to explain failure risk. The results here show strong evidence of mediation through the managerial cognitive bias measure since inclusion of this measure sizeably reduces the absolute size of the ‘total effect’ of the excessive acquisitiveness measure. Column 8-9 of table 13 include all channels and show that sigma measure, managerial cognitive bias measure, and attention allocation measure are statistically significantly correlated with firm failure. When these measures enter the discrete-time hazard regression in column 8 along with our excessive acquisitiveness measure, together they reduce the absolute size of the ‘total effect’ by 12% which translates into a 32.51% reduction in the odds ratio of ‘total effect’. Overall, results from table 12 and table 13 show clear evidence of mediation from the excessive use of M&A investment technology to the firm failure through the risk channel, proxied by the sigma measure, and through the behavioral channel, proxied by managerial cognitive bias measure, although the mediation process is stronger through the behavioral channel than the risk channel. For robustness purpose, we bootstrap the change in ‘total effect’ due to mediation through managerial β−β 0 ×100 after 1000 replications. cognitive bias and sigma measures and figure 4 depicts the distribution of β It quite evidently shows that mediation takes place (absolute size of ‘total effect’ shrinks) with probability 1.00 with the managerial cognitive bias measure while mediation through the sigma measure occurs with probability 0.90 bolstering the fact that mediation is stronger through the behavioral channel than the risk channel. [Figure 4 and Table 13 are about here] 7 Role of the Capital Market In an efficient capital market any adverse effects of suboptimal managerial decisions should be fully incorporated into the security prices without any substantial delay. Moreover, the disciplinary role of the external 30 M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure corporate control market may come into effect to arbitrage the managerial cognitive biases away by turning the bad bidders into good targets, thus undoing the previous unprofitable acquisitions or preventing these firms from making future unprofitable acquisitions [Jensen (1986)]. Mitchell and Lehn (1990) document empirical evidence that firms that subsequently become takeover targets make acquisitions that significantly reduce their equity value and firms that subsequently do not become takeover targets make acquisitions that raise their equity value. More recently, Zhao and Lehn (2003) document strong inverse relationship between acquiring firms’ returns and the likelihood that their CEOs are subsequently fired, buttressing the disciplinary role of the internal corporate control to rein in bad acquiring CEOs. We calculate the acquirers’ cumulative abnormal return CAR(−1,+1) around a three day event window which includes one trading day prior to the bid announcement, the day of announcement, one trading day after the bid announcement. To calculate the CAR(−1,+1) , we estimate a market model using stock returns from 60 trading days (estimation window) prior to the event window and use the parameters from the market model to calculate normal returns during the event window. We then subtract the estimated normal returns from the observed returns during the event window to the calculate abnormal returns and cumulate the abnormal returns over three days to come up with our CAR(−1,+1) measure. We regress CAR(−1,+1) on the excessive acquisitiveness measure, various mediating instruments, and Gompers, Ishii and Metrick (2003) governance score to investigate the capital market reactions in response to the managerial M&A actions. Table 14 reports the estimates from the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression. In all regression results presented in table 14, we control for industry and year fixed effects as well as 26 deal characteristics reported in the SDC data set. We also correct for the clustering of deals by firms and use robust standard errors to test the significance of the estimated parameters. All explanatory variables are lagged by one period. It shows that the market reacts through CAR(−1,+1) negatively to deals if the firm has been excessively acquisitive in the past. Gompers, Ishii and Metrick (2003) governance score has negative and statistically significant effect on CAR(−1,+1) . Quite interestingly, cash flow volatility (BRISK) has negative effect on CAR(−1,+1) while idiosyncratic standard deviation of stock return (Sigma) has positive effect on CAR(−1,+1) . Results are similar in column 8-7 where we also control for deal value normalized by the market value of the firm. To understand the confounding effects of underlying business risk measures on CAR(−1,+1) we estimate the regression at various conditional quantiles of the CAR(−1,+1) distribution. Quantile regression is a statistical technique intended to estimate, and conduct inference about, conditional quantile functions.19 While the OLS enables us to estimate models for conditional mean functions, quantile regression methods offer a mechanism for estimating models for the conditional median function, and the full range of other conditional quantile functions. By estimating an entire family of conditional quantile functions, quantile regression is capable of providing a more complete statistical analysis of the stochastic relationships among CAR(−1,+1) and other random variables of our interest. Figure 5 gives the effects of the excessive acquisitiveness on CAR(−1,+1) at various quantiles of the condition distribution of CAR(−1,+1) along with the 95% confidence intervals. It shows that the market reacts positively until the 30th conditional quantile while the reaction becomes negative and increasingly stronger at the higher quantiles. The asymmetry of market reaction at various conditional quantiles of CAR(−1,+1) is also evident in other measures of business risk and behavioral biases (in figure 9). It reveals a sense of myopia in the capital market response in the sense that even though the excessive use of M&A aggravates firms’ failure hazard and the Sigma mediates the causality 19 See Koenker, R. and Hallock, K. (2001) for more about quantile regression 31 M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure from the excessive use of M&A to the firm failure, the capital market reaction through CAR(−1,+1) does not fully reflect the failure augmenting effects at all quantiles of the condition distribution of CAR(−1,+1) . [Table 14 and Figure 5 to Figure 6 are about here] Despite the seeming market myopia in fully incorporating the failure augmenting effects of the excessive acquisitiveness and the sigma, the external market for corporate control seems to be effective in turning the excessively acquisitive firms into future targets. In table 14 we re-estimate our discrete-time hazard model to examine the effectiveness of external corporate control market in reining the excessively acquisitive managers. For columns 1 to 6 of table 15, the dependant variable is a dichotomous variable which equals 1 for the fiscal quarter in which firms exit through any means, otherwise it is 0. For columns 7 to 12, the dependent variable equals 1 for the fiscal quarter in which firms get acquired, otherwise it is 0. We also control for industry and year fixed effects and correct for clustering of observations by firms. Furthermore, we use robust standard errors to test the significance of the estimated coefficients, where the coefficients are reported in logarithm of odds ratio. The estimates from the discrete-time hazard model show that the excessive use of M&A increases both the exit and the takeover hazard. After controlling for the mediating instruments, the indirect effects of the excessive acquisitiveness on exit and takeover hazard are still statistically significant although the effects decline in absolute value. These findings are consistent with the earlier evidence of Mitchell and Lehn (1990). However, the internal corporate governance, measured by the Gompers, Ishii and Metrick (2003) governance score, does not seem to have any bite on the exit and the takeover hazard when included in the hazard regression along with the excessive acquisitiveness measure and the mediating instruments. It seems that higher anti-takeover provisions, i.e. higher G-Index, decreases the exit or the takeover hazard of the sample firms although not statistically significant in all cases except one. Succinctly, findings here corroborate Jensen (1986) in the sense that the external corporate control market plays the role of preventing excessively acquisitive firms from making future failure augmenting acquisitions by turning them into target of takeover in its own way. [Table 15 is about here] 8 Conclusion Understanding the causes of business failure is tremendously important for investors, managers, and policymakers alike. Surprisingly, our understanding of this issue is very limited primarily because when firms fail it is very difficult to disentangle failures that arise as a result of the adverse effects of managerial rational decisions beyond the realm of managerial control from failures that result simply because of flawed decision making. In this paper, we focus on a particular managerial action, i.e. mergers and acquisitions (M&A), whose effect on firm value is arguably random and investigate (i) whether the excessive use of M&A investment technology relative to an industry benchmark can precipitate corporate failure, and if it does, (ii) what the possible channels are through which it catalyzes the eventual failure of firms. Although mergers and acquisitions are widely used investment technologies at the disposal of managers pursuing aggressive 32 M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure corporate growth strategies, the empirical literature in corporate finance has shown that the effects of M&A on firm value creation is at best random - a number of firms create value while an equal or greater number of firms also destroy value. Thus, by focusing on the excessive use of this investment technology for a sample of firms that use it to pursue corporate growth strategies, we can meaningfully relate the hazard of corporate failure, an extreme measure of firm value, with managerial actions and possibly shed light on the age old question in finance of whether managers of failed businesses are villains or scapegoats. Using a discrete-time hazard framework, we find that failure comes at a faster rate for firms that use M&A in an excessive manner relative to the median industry counterpart. After removing the failure risk arising from idiosyncratic firm characteristics, industry and aggregate economic disturbances beyond the realm of managerial control, a one standard deviation increase around the mean of the excessive acquisitiveness measure can augment the conditional failure risk by 61% (conditional on other exogenous variables evaluated at the mean). Furthermore, we find that although at the time of the bid announcement bidding firms are larger in size, better in operating performance, have higher growth opportunities, more liquid assets, and fewer debt obligations in the short term relative to their corresponding targets, tracking the evolution of assets and debt structures of these bidding firms between the periods of their intense M&A activities reveals that firms that eventually end up failing shrink in market value, do poorly in operating performance, and decouple the balance between debt maturity and asset liquidity. They take on more short term debt while having less liquid assets and sinking operating performances. The excessively acquisitive firms portray a strikingly similar evolutions of assets and debt structures to those of the failed firms. This classic imbalance between asset liquidity and debt maturity also explains why excessive acquisitiveness can trigger corporate default in our sample even after controlling for default risk emanating from other determinants of financial distress that are widely used in the bankruptcy prediction literature. A one standard deviation increase around the mean of the excessive acquisitiveness measure can increase the conditional default risk by almost 34% (conditional on other exogenous variables evaluated at the mean). In order to understand the channels through which the excessive use of M&A precipitates corporate failure, we hypothesize, in the spirit of standard rational economic theory, that the frequency of poor outcomes is an unavoidable result of managers taking rational risks in uncertain situations. Given the hard-to-predict stochastic exogenous economic disturbances, firm failure is a phenomenon beyond the realm of managerial control. In the spirit of the behavioral theory, we hypothesize that when forecasting the outcomes of risky projects executives all too easily fall victims to what psychologists call the planning fallacy. In its grip, managers make decisions based on behavioral optimism or conservatism rather than on rational balance of gains, losses and probabilities thus paving the way for failure. And finally, in the spirit of the bounded rationality theory, we hypothesize that managers have limited capacities to process information and excessively acquisitive managers suffer from this limitation more severely than their conservative counterparts, because excessive acquisitiveness demands greater attention allocation and may divert managerial attention away from the relevant economic functions of the firm. Attention distortion thus may worsen the operating performance and eventually leading to failure. We construct proxies to test each of these propositions and use a mediating instrument methodology following Baron and Kenny (1986) and Judd and Kenny (1981). We find evidence of mediation of the causality through aggravated business risk and managerial cognitive bias. We also find weak evidence of mediation through managerial attention distortion arising from the increased number of lawsuits filed against the acquirers as a result of their M&A activities. From these findings we argue that the causality from the excessive use of M&A investment technology to the firm failure 33 M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure is channeled through aggravated business risk along with managerial cognitive bias and attention distortion. However, the mediation process seems to be stronger through the behavioral channel than the underlying business risk channel. Finally, we study the capital market reaction to the managerial acquisitiveness and find evidence of capital market myopia in incorporating the failure augmenting attributes of the excessive acquisitiveness into the stock returns at the time of the bid announcement. In our sample, the market, on average, punishes excessive acquisitiveness at the time of the bid announcement but it does not do so at all quantiles of the conditional distribution of acquirers’ cumulative abnormal return from the announcement events. However, despite investors’ myopia, the external corporate control market eventually reins in the excessive acquirers by turning them into future targets of acquisition. To understand the yet unresolved question of whether managerial actions can precipitate corporate failure, we take a very narrow and specialized approach by focusing on a particular action that has random value implications for firms and by limiting our investigation to a particular sample that uses that investment technology. This strategy helps us to understand the value implication of M&A while shedding light on the debate of whether managers of failed businesses are villains or scapegoats. However, we do not claim to have fully resolved the debate about why firms fail and who to blame for failure. Rather, it is a step forward towards understanding the complex interplay of forces that bring down a firm from the zenith of miracle to the abyss of debacle. 34 M.M. 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It clearly shows the aggressive growth strategies pursued by the Acquisitive Sample counterparts. excessively acquisitive firms compared to their relatively conservative Excessively Acquisitive Firms Conservatively Acquisitive Firms 900% 800% Cumulative Size Growth 700% 600% 500% 400% 300% 200% 100% Bid1-Bid9 Bid1-Bid8 Bid1-Bid7 39 Bid1-Bid6 Bid1-Bid5 Bid1-Bid4 Bid1-Bid3 Bid1-Bid2 0% M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure Figure 2: Failure Risk Profiles of the Acquiring and Non-acquiring Sample This graph compares the failure risk profiles of the acquiring and the non-acquiring sample under various baseline hazard model specifications. It clearly shows that, on average, acquiring sample has lower failure risk than the non-acquiring sample. Weibull Hazard Model 0 Hazard function .005 .01 .015 .02 .025 Hazard function .0025 .003 .0035 .004 .0045 Constant Hazard Model 25 50 75 100 125 Analysis time Acq. Sample 150 175 25 Non-acq. Sample 75 100 125 Analysis time Acq. Sample 175 Non-acq. Sample Hazard function .005 .01 0 0 Hazard function .005 .01 150 Log-normal Hazard Model .015 Log-logistic Hazard Model .015 50 25 50 75 100 125 Analysis time Acq. Sample 150 175 25 Non-acq. Sample 50 75 100 125 Analysis time Acq. Sample 40 150 175 Non-acq. Sample M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure Figure 3: Excessive Use of M&A and Shift in the Failure Risk Profiles This graph compares the failure risk profiles of the acquiring and the non-acquiring sample under various baseline hazard model specifications. It also shows how the failure risk profile of the acquiring sample changes as the firms in the acquiring sample become more and more aggressively acquisitive. From the graph it is obvious that, all else equal, the more aggressive the acquiring sample becomes the more likely it is that they are going to fail more often than the non-acquiring sample. 0 Hazard function .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 Weibull Hazard Model Hazard function .002 .004 .006 .008 .01 Constant Hazard Model 25 50 75 100 125 Analysis time 150 175 25 50 75 100 125 Analysis time 150 175 Acq. Sample Non-acq. Sample Acq. Sample Non-acq. Sample excess_acq=0 excess_acq=1 excess_acq=0 excess_acq=1 excess_acq=2 excess_acq=3 excess_acq=2 excess_acq=3 Log-normal Hazard Model 0 0 Hazard function .005 .01 .015 .02 Hazard function .005 .01 .015 .02 Log-logistic Hazard Model 25 50 75 100 125 Analysis time 150 175 25 50 75 100 125 Analysis time 150 175 Acq. Sample Non-acq. Sample Acq. Sample Non-acq. Sample excess_acq=0 excess_acq=1 excess_acq=0 excess_acq=1 excess_acq=2 excess_acq=3 excess_acq=2 excess_acq=3 41 M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure Figure 4: Probability of Mediation by the Mediating Instrument 0 This graph shows the bootstrap distribution of percentage changes β−β × 100 in the ‘Total Effect’ of β excessive acquisitiveness as of a result of mediation through cognitive bias and theAcquisitiveness sigma Figure 8: Bootstrap Distribution Percentage Change inthe themanagerial Total Effects of Excessive channels. It clearly shows that ‘Total Effect’ decreases with 100% of the time using the managerial cognitive β −β / channel whereas ‘TotalManagerial Effect’ declinesCognitive only 90% of the time using the sigma channel. given In otherby words, due tobias Mediation through Bias and Sigma Channels ×100 β the mediation process seems to be stronger through the behavioral channel than the risk channel. ( .9 .8 .7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 0 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1 Sigma Channel 1 Mgt. Cognitive Bias Channel -13 -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 % Change -6 -5 -4 -3 -6 42 -5 -4 -3 -2 % Change -1 0 1 2 ) M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure Figure 5: Conditional Quantile Functions of Excessive Acquisitiveness Measure This graph shows the effect of excessive acquisitiveness on the various conditional quantile functions of the FigureCumulative 9: EffectsAbnormal of Managerial Excessive on Various Quantiles Conditional Return (CAR) of theAcquisitiveness acquirers from the M&A announcement events.ofItthe shows that capital market does not always react negatively to the acquirer’s excessive M&A behavior even though this Distribution of Cumulative Abnormal Return (CAR) of Acquirers -.04 -.02 0 .02 action eventually augments the conditional failure risk of the firm. (+) CAR Region -.06 (-) CAR Region .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 Quantile Lower/Upper Bound 43 .6 .7 .8 Excessive Acq. .9 M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure Figure 6: Conditional Quantile Functions of the Mediating Instruments -.01 -1 0 -.005 1 0 2 3 .005 This graph shows the effects of various mediating instruments on the various conditional quantile functions of theFigure Cumulative Abnormal ReturnSigma, (CAR)Mgt. of the acquirers from Allocation the M&A announcement events. Itof captures 10: Effects of BRISK, Bias, and Attn. on Various Quantiles the that there seem to be inconsistencies in terms of how the capital market reacts to these various mediating Conditional Distribution of Cumulative Abnormal Return (CAR) of Acquirers instruments and how these instruments eventually affect the conditional failure risk of the firm. .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 Quantile .6 .7 .9 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 Quantile .6 .7 Lower/Upper Bound .8 .9 Sigma -.02 -.01 0 -.01 .01 0 .02 .01 BRISK .03 Lower/Upper Bound .8 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 Quantile Lower/Upper Bound .6 .7 .8 .9 .1 Mgt. Bias .2 .3 .4 .5 Quantile Lower/Upper Bound 44 15 .6 .7 .8 Attn. Allocation .9 Table 1: Bidders and Target Sample Characteristics Size and Performance Measures log(Tot. Assets) log(Mkt. Value of Assets) Net Income/Tot. Assets EBITDA/Tot. Assets Market-to-Book Leverage and Liquidity Measures Tot. Liab./Tot. Assets Book Leverage Market Leverage Cash/Tot. Assets Cash/Curr. Liab. Curr. Assets/Curr. Liab. St. Debt/Tot. Liab. Lt. Debt/Tot. Liab. PPE/Tot. Assets Deal Characteristics Tot. Deal Announcement Num. of qtr. survived Cumulative Abnormal Return 6.22 6.69 0.01 0.03 1.40 0.56 0.56 0.38 0.06 0.30 1.93 0.04 0.29 0.18 3.00 39.00 0.00 0.56 0.56 0.41 0.13 1.10 2.67 0.09 0.33 0.24 6.00 47.63 0.01 Medain (2) 6.29 6.76 0.00 0.03 1.97 Mean (1) 45 10779 10779 63613 61221 61255 60510 60960 47860 47661 56076 60683 58500 61289 60510 61131 51641 60510 N Bidding Firms 10779 10779 10779 10352 10368 10248 10329 8445 8367 9998 10321 10137 10374 10248 10359 9403 10248 Num. Firms 1.67 36.16 0.14 0.59 0.59 0.47 0.14 1.29 2.79 0.10 0.30 0.27 5.83 6.23 -0.01 0.01 1.83 Mean (3) 1.00 30.00 0.10 0.59 0.59 0.46 0.06 0.29 2.01 0.05 0.27 0.23 5.74 6.04 0.00 0.02 1.22 Median (4) 2124 3582 2124 2953 2951 2899 2933 2388 2382 2792 2926 2884 2962 2899 2928 2485 2899 N Target Firms 2124 2124 2124 1774 1771 1747 1762 1309 1303 1669 1754 1725 1782 1747 1780 1540 1747 Num. Firms 4.33*** 11.47*** -0.13*** -0.03*** -0.03*** -0.05*** -0.01*** -0.19** -0.13 -0.01 0.03*** -0.03*** 0.45*** 0.53*** 0.02*** 0.01*** 0.14*** (1-3) 7.04 7.06 22.30 3.05 3.02 4.98 2.17 1.71 1.12 1.46 2.55 2.88 5.08 5.60 5.04 5.54 2.18 Absolute t-stat 2.00*** 9.00*** -0.09*** -0.03*** -0.03*** -0.08*** -0.00*** 0.00 -0.09*** -0.01*** 0.02*** -0.06*** 0.48*** 0.65*** 0.01*** 0.01*** 0.18*** (2-4) Difference 10.12 21.28 38.45 3.63 3.49 8.63 2.02 0.12 2.55 6.28 2.67 7.85 9.22 15.26 33.23 15.31 14.51 Absolute t-stat This table reports the differential firm characteristics of the bidding and the target firms at the time of bid announcement. Among the size and performance measures, total assets is defined to be the total book value of firms assets at the end of the fiscal quarter in which firm announces the bid. Market value is defined to be the sum of market value of equity and the book value of debt. Net income is earning after all interest and tax payment while EBITDA is earning before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization. Market-to-book ratio is calculated by diving the market value of firm’s assets with its book value. Among the leverage and liquidity measures, total liabilities measure all outstanding liabilities owed to outsiders other than the shareholders of the firm. Book leverage is defined to be the ratio of firm’s total outstanding short and long term debt to book value of total assets whereas market leverage is defined to be the ratio of total outstanding short and long term debt to the market value of firm’s total assets. Cash is defined to be the value of cash and other cash equivalent marketable securities, current assets are cash plus account receivables, current liabilities are short term debt plus account payable, short term debts are debt obligations maturing within one year while long term debts are debt obligations maturing in two years or more time. PPE is defined to be the net book value of firm’s Properties, Plants, and Equipments. And finally, cumulative abnormal return is calculated against a market model around a 3-day event window period consisting of the announcement date, one trading day prior to the announcement date and one trading day after the announcement date. M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure Table 2: Excessive and Conservative Acquisitive Sample Characteristics Size and Performance Measures log(Tot. Assets) log(Mkt. Value of Assets) Net Income/Tot. Assets EBITDA/Tot. Assets Market-to-Book Leverage and Liquidity Measures Tot. Liab./Tot. Assets Book Leverage Market Leverage Cash/Tot. Assets Cash/Curr. Liab. Curr. Assets/Curr. Liab. St. Debt/Tot. Liab. Lt. Debt/Tot. Liab. PPE/Tot. Assets Deal Characteristics Cumulative Abnormal Return 46 6.36 6.83 0.01 0.03 1.40 0.56 0.56 0.38 0.05 0.28 1.91 0.04 0.30 0.17 0.00 0.56 0.56 0.42 0.12 1.01 2.55 0.09 0.33 0.24 0.01 Medain (2) 6.41 6.88 0.00 0.03 1.94 Mean (1) 53494 51564 51597 51019 51344 40175 39977 47049 51108 49161 51630 51019 51490 43139 51019 N 8651 8297 8313 8227 8275 6789 6717 7998 8273 8116 8319 8227 8303 7462 8227 Num. Firms Excessively Acquisitive Firms 0.02 0.54 0.54 0.40 0.16 1.61 3.26 0.08 0.28 0.23 5.65 6.12 0.00 0.02 2.12 Mean (3) 0.01 0.53 0.53 0.35 0.07 0.40 2.09 0.03 0.21 0.15 5.52 6.02 0.01 0.03 1.39 Median (4) 10087 9628 9629 9464 9587 7656 7655 8998 9546 9310 9630 9464 9612 8477 9464 N 5227 5013 5013 4925 4997 3998 3991 4767 4983 4858 5014 4925 5008 4514 4925 Num. Firms Conservatively Acquisitive Firms -0.01*** 0.03*** 0.03*** 0.02*** -0.03*** -0.61*** -0.71*** 0.01*** 0.05*** 0.01** 0.75*** 0.76*** 0.00*** 0.01*** -0.17*** (1-3) 6.80 5.14 5.17 3.21 10.49 5.14 4.37 3.69 8.37 2.38 14.27 14.08 3.64 6.81 4.00 Absolute t-stat -0.01*** 0.03*** 0.03*** 0.03*** -0.01*** -0.11*** -0.18*** 0.01*** 0.08*** 0.02*** 0.84*** 0.81*** 0.00*** 0.00*** 0.02* (2-4) Difference 9.25 9.27 9.20 6.06 10.65 12.83 9.36 8.85 14.95 7.35 31.10 26.59 8.26 10.66 1.67 Absolute t-stat This table reports the differential firm characteristics of the excessively and the conservatively acquisitive sample firms at the time of bid announcement. Among the size and performance measures, total assets is defined to be the total book value of firms assets at the end of the fiscal quarter in which firm announces the bid. Market value is defined to be the sum of market value of equity and the book value of debt. Net income is earning after all interest and tax payment while EBITDA is earning before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization. Market-to-book ratio is calculated by diving the market value of firm’s assets with its book value. Among the leverage and liquidity measures, total liabilities measure all outstanding liabilities owed to outsiders other than the shareholders of the firm. Book leverage is defined to be the ratio of firm’s total outstanding short and long term debt to book value of total assets whereas market leverage is defined to be the ratio of total outstanding short and long term debt to the market value of firm’s total assets. Cash is defined to be the value of cash and other cash equivalent marketable securities, current assets are cash plus account receivables, current liabilities are short term debt plus account payable, short term debts are debt obligations maturing within one year while long term debts are debt obligations maturing in two years or more time. PPE is defined to be the net book value of firm’s Properties, Plants, and Equipments. And finally, cumulative abnormal return is calculated against a market model around a 3-day event window period consisting of the announcement date, one trading day prior to the announcement date and one trading day after the announcement date. M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure 47 Table 3: What Drives Firm-Level M&A Propensity? (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) 0.2631*** 0.2614*** 0.2635*** 0.2637*** 0.2634*** 0.2786*** 0.2617*** 0.2632*** 0.2636*** 0.2635*** 0.2631*** 0.2396*** [36.51] [32.93] [36.55] [36.03] [36.05] [33.98] [36.28] [36.51] [36.56] [36.56] [36.51] [31.46] Net Income/Tot. Assets 0.4299** 0.6827*** 0.4271** 0.4706** 0.4706** 0.4821*** 0.4624** 0.4301** 0.4215** 0.4179** 0.4295** 0.6756*** [2.41] [4.61] [2.39] [2.41] [2.41] [3.55] [2.44] [2.40] [2.41] [2.41] [2.40] [3.28] Tot. Liab./Tot. Assets -0.9870*** -1.0775*** -0.9891*** -0.9895*** -0.9887*** -0.9453*** -0.9894*** -0.9871*** -0.9884*** -0.9874*** -0.9870*** -0.9316*** [15.47] [14.97] [15.49] [15.36] [15.35] [13.44] [15.54] [15.47] [15.50] [15.49] [15.47] [14.95] Cash/Tot. Assets -0.2880*** -0.1547** -0.2890*** -0.2954*** -0.2966*** -0.1492* -0.3023*** -0.2884*** -0.2886*** -0.2875*** -0.2883*** -0.2856*** [3.97] [2.17] [3.99] [4.04] [4.06] [1.92] [4.18] [3.98] [3.98] [3.97] [3.98] [3.97] Lt. Debt/Tot. Assets 0.6680*** 0.8049*** 0.6699*** 0.6666*** 0.6668*** 0.7279*** 0.6633*** 0.6681*** 0.6673*** 0.6672*** 0.6679*** 0.6238*** [11.72] [12.58] [11.76] [11.61] [11.62] [11.51] [11.67] [11.72] [11.71] [11.71] [11.72] [11.15] PPE/Tot. Assets -1.0641*** -1.1801*** -1.0646*** -1.0639*** -1.0634*** -1.1931*** -1.0324*** -1.0645*** -1.0659*** -1.0654*** -1.0641*** -0.8517*** [12.44] [12.98] [12.45] [12.36] [12.34] [12.63] [12.11] [12.44] [12.45] [12.45] [12.44] [10.05] Market-to-Book 0.0434*** 0.0434*** 0.0434*** 0.0434*** 0.0394*** 0.0413*** 0.0434*** 0.0430*** 0.0430*** 0.0434*** 0.0382*** [5.20] [5.21] [5.16] [5.16] [4.66] [5.02] [5.20] [5.16] [5.17] [5.20] [4.75] Change in TFP 0.0773*** [3.07] Deregulation Dummy 0.1554*** [4.25] Ind. Demand Shock -0.0001*** [4.64] Ind. Supply Shock -0.0002*** [2.81] Ind. Tech. Shock 0.0525*** [6.70] Ind. Merger Wave Dummy 0.1070*** [5.98] Agg. Demand Shock 0.2396*** [3.19] Agg. Supply Shock 2.4408*** [5.82] Agg. Equity Shock -0.0569*** [5.65] Agg. Debt Shock 0.0096*** [4.10] Agg. Equity Momentum 0.2982*** [21.13] Constant -2.9692*** -2.8365*** -2.9706*** -2.9584*** -2.9589*** -2.9925*** -2.9105*** -2.9694*** -2.9684*** -2.9667*** -2.9692*** -4.8050*** [11.14] [10.35] [11.14] [11.04] [11.05] [10.74] [10.99] [11.14] [11.13] [11.13] [11.14] [17.75] Ind. Fixed Effect Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Year Fixed Effect No No No No No No No No No No No No N 418346 354539 418346 415000 415259 326968 410347 418346 418346 418346 418346 418346 Num. of Firms 10439 8923 10439 10355 10356 8759 10439 10439 10439 10439 10439 10439 Pseudo-R2 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 2 Wald-χ 2375.90 2179.23 2378.95 2374.08 2357.04 2109.26 2369.99 2382.67 2391.64 2401.98 2385.41 3438.53 log(Tot. Assets) (1) 0.2719*** [31.06] 0.5530*** [3.70] -0.9535*** [13.93] -0.1406* [1.87] 0.6836*** [11.22] -0.9713*** [10.61] 0.0264*** [3.58] (14) 0.1887*** 0.1036* [2.97] [1.67] -0.0001* -0.0000 [1.72] [0.06] -0.0001 -0.0002 [0.56] [1.59] 0.0523*** 0.0185** [6.54] [2.31] 0.2155*** 0.1036*** [9.69] [4.58] 0.3173*** 0.0485 [3.64] [0.49] 3.6973*** 2.9368*** [5.54] [3.61] -0.1177*** 0.0035 [10.92] [0.23] 0.0007 0.0078 [0.18] [1.23] 0.3636*** 6.3454*** [22.58] [33.04] -5.1432*** -34.6772*** [18.45] [34.79] Yes Yes No Yes 316753 316728 8677 8677 0.07 0.09 3161.45 4562.34 0.2514*** [28.70] 0.8449*** [6.06] -0.9159*** [13.62] -0.2051*** [2.72] 0.6794*** [10.97] -0.9347*** [10.12] 0.0294*** [3.98] (13) This table reports the estimates from a multi-period logit model to ascertain the determinants of M&A propensity of the sample firms. The dependent variable in the regression is 1 if during the current fiscal quarter firm makes an M&A bid, otherwise it it 0. Total assets is defined to be the book value of firms assets, net income is income from operation after all taxes and interest payment, total liabilities are all obligations due to outsiders other than the shareholders of the firms, cash are the value of cash plus other marketable securities hold by the firm, long term debts are debt obligations due in two or more years time, PPE is defined to be the net book value of firm’s Plant, Property and Equipments, and market value is calculated as market value of equity plus the book value of firm’s debt. TFP stands for total factor productivity of the firm estimated following the methodology developed by Olly and Pakes (1996). Industry classifications are based on Fama-French (1997). We use the total industry net sales from the quarterly COMPUSTAT data item 2 as proxy for industry demand and the total industry cost of good sold from the quarterly COMPUSTAT data item 30 as proxy for industry supply. We also collect information about all patents for the period of 1963-2002 from the NBER patent database and convert the assigned technology class of each of those patents into international patent class using the methodology developed by Silverman (2002). From the international patent class we covert them back into 1987 Standard Industry Classifications and assign the patents by grant year to each of our 49 Fama and French (1997) industries. We then decompose the series into trend and irregular components using the Hodrick-Prescott (HP) filter. After decomposing the trend and irregular components of the series, we calculate series instability by estimating the acceleration (change of change) of the irregular component. We use major deregulatory initiatives during the sample period as a proxy for regulatory shocks. We use the quarterly real GDP data from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis as proxy for aggregate demand and the real price of crude petroleum in the U.S. from the U.S. Energy Information Administration as a proxy for aggregate supply. Utilizing the HP filter, we then calculate the aggregate demand and supply shock. As a proxy for aggregate equity and debt market instability we apply the HP filter on the Dow Jones Industrial average and bank prime lending rate, respectively. To capture the momentum in equity market, we apply the HP filter on S&P 500 index and use the smoothed trend portion of series as our proxy for momentum in aggregate equity market. We also construct measures of industry merger wave utilizing the X-12-ARIMA, a seasonal adjustment software produced and maintained by the U.S. Census Bureau. We detail the construction of all variables in the data section of the paper. Robust z statistics are given in brackets and “*” denotes significance at 10%; “**” denotes significance at 5%; “***” denotes significance at 1% level. Table 4: What Drives Firm-Level M&A Propensity? Decomposition of the Economic Shocks This table decomposes the economic shocks into positive and negative components and reports the estimates from a multi-period logit model. The dependent variable in the regression is 1 if during the current fiscal quarter firm makes an M&A bid, otherwise it is 0. Total assets is defined to be the book value of firms assets, net income is income from operation after all taxes and interest payment, total liabilities are all obligations due to outsiders other than the shareholders of the firms, cash are the value of cash plus other marketable securities hold by the firm, long term debts are debt obligations due in two or more years time, PPE is defined to be the net book value of firm’s Plant, Property and Equipments, and market value is calculated as market value of equity plus the book value of firm’s debt. TFP stands for total factor productivity of the firm estimated following the methodology developed by Olly and Pakes (1996). Industry classifications are based on Fama-French (1997). We use the total industry net sales from the quarterly COMPUSTAT data item 2 as proxy for industry demand and the total industry cost of good sold from the quarterly COMPUSTAT data item 30 as proxy for industry supply. We also collect information about all patents for the period of 1963-2002 from the NBER patent database and convert the assigned technology class of each of those patents into international patent class using the methodology developed by Silverman (2002). From the international patent class we covert them back into 1987 Standard Industry Classifications and assign the patents by grant year to each of our 49 Fama and French (1997) industries. We then decompose the series into trend and irregular components using the Hodrick-Prescott (HP) filter. After decomposing the trend and irregular components of the series, we calculate series instability by estimating the acceleration (change of change) of the irregular component. We use major deregulatory initiatives during the sample period as a proxy for regulatory shocks. We use the quarterly real GDP data from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis as proxy for aggregate demand and the real price of crude petroleum in the U.S. from the U.S. Energy Information Administration as a proxy for aggregate supply. Utilizing the HP filter, we then calculate the aggregate demand and supply shock. As a proxy for aggregate equity and debt market instability we apply the HP filter on the Dow Jones Industrial average and bank prime lending rate, respectively. If the actual series has been above the HP filtered trend components for at least three consecutive periods then we treat the shock as positive and if the actual series has been below the trend components for three consecutive periods then we treat the shock as negative. To capture the momentum in equity market, we apply the HP filter on S&P 500 index and use the smoothed trend portion of series as our proxy for momentum in aggregate equity market. We also construct measures of industry merger wave utilizing the X-12-ARIMA, a seasonal adjustment software produced and maintained by the U.S. Census Bureau. We detail the construction of all variables in the data section of the paper. Robust z statistics are given in brackets and “*” denotes significance at 10%; “**” denotes significance at 5%; “***” denotes significance at 1% level. log(Tot. Assets) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 0.2627*** [36.16] 0.4713** [2.42] -0.9831*** [15.39] -0.2949*** [4.08] 0.6588*** [11.63] -1.0480*** [12.36] 0.0426*** [5.11] 0.0033*** [9.27] -0.0018*** [5.51] 0.2632*** [36.06] 0.4704** [2.41] -0.9893*** [15.37] -0.2965*** [4.06] 0.6668*** [11.63] -1.0618*** [12.32] 0.0432*** [5.15] 0.2784*** [34.02] 0.4803*** [3.54] -0.9451*** [13.44] -0.1486* [1.92] 0.7276*** [11.50] -1.1924*** [12.63] 0.0391*** [4.64] 0.2633*** [36.51] 0.4307** [2.41] -0.9874*** [15.48] -0.2882*** [3.97] 0.6686*** [11.73] -1.0647*** [12.44] 0.0435*** [5.21] 0.2645*** [36.46] 0.4236** [2.40] -0.9905*** [15.51] -0.2854*** [3.93] 0.6668*** [11.69] -1.0705*** [12.45] 0.0430*** [5.16] 0.2638*** [36.54] 0.4218** [2.40] -0.9872*** [15.48] -0.2853*** [3.94] 0.6664*** [11.70] -1.0665*** [12.46] 0.0427*** [5.14] 0.2631*** [36.49] 0.4269** [2.41] -0.9878*** [15.48] -0.2879*** [3.97] 0.6681*** [11.73] -1.0627*** [12.42] 0.0433*** [5.19] (8) 0.2509*** [28.89] Net Income/Tot. Assets 0.8438*** [6.15] Tot. Liab./Tot. Assets -0.9123*** [13.71] Cash/Tot. Assets -0.1997*** [2.68] Lt. Debt/Tot. Assets 0.6726*** [11.03] PPE/Tot. Assets -0.9223*** [10.16] Market-to-Book 0.0288*** [3.98] Pos. Ind. Demand Shock 0.0027*** [7.09] Neg. Ind. Demane Shock -0.0022*** [5.00] Pos. Ind. Supply Shock 0.0022** 0.0042*** [2.17] [3.03] Neg. Ind. Supply Shock -0.0010 0.0004 [0.91] [0.41] Pos. Ind. Tech. Shock -0.0052 0.0354*** [0.36] [2.63] Neg. Ind. Tech. Shock 0.0020 0.0476** [0.10] [2.05] Pos. Agg. Demand Shock 0.5565*** 0.1588 [5.08] [1.43] Neg. Agg. Demand Shock 0.0105 -0.1019 [0.07] [0.43] Pos. Agg. Supply Shock -0.7101 -3.1745** [0.60] [2.09] Neg. Agg. Supply Shock 9.2105*** 4.8126*** [11.52] [4.86] Pos. Agg. Equity Shock -0.0732*** -0.0292* [4.23] [1.83] Neg. Agg. Equity Shock -0.1249*** -0.3047*** [5.56] [11.46] Pos. Agg. Debt Shock 0.0107* 0.0384*** [1.69] [4.75] Neg. Agg. Debt Shock -0.1104*** -0.1216*** [6.94] [6.28] Deregulation Dummy 0.2054*** [3.28] Ind Merger Wave Dummy 0.2164*** [9.85] Agg. Equity Momentum 0.3537*** [22.00] Constant -2.9636*** -2.9601*** -2.9913*** -2.9695*** -2.9804*** -2.9665*** -2.9627*** -5.0925*** [11.23] [11.12] [10.74] [11.14] [11.16] [11.14] [11.12] [18.81] Ind. Fixed Effect Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Year Fixed Effect No No No No No No No No N 415000 415259 326968 418346 418346 418346 418346 316753 Num. of Firms 10355 10356 8759 10439 10439 10439 10439 8677 Pseudo-R2 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.07 2 Wald-χ 2417.18 2350.48 2068.55 2388.21 2544.65 2451.05 2444.72 3184.62 48 (9) 0.2708*** [31.24] 0.5435*** [3.66] -0.9483*** [14.00] -0.1453* [1.96] 0.6750*** [11.25] -0.9546*** [10.58] 0.0258*** [3.57] 0.0030*** [8.31] -0.0014*** [3.14] 0.0042*** [2.97] 0.0013 [1.21] 0.0486*** [3.56] 0.0057 [0.23] 0.1491 [1.17] 0.0281 [0.12] 13.7910*** [6.64] 1.4380 [1.24] 0.0097 [0.53] 0.6126*** [8.89] 0.0554*** [5.00] -0.1296*** [5.66] 0.0923 [1.50] 0.1038*** [4.65] 6.5266*** [33.94] -35.5046*** [35.67] Yes Yes 316728 8677 0.09 4989.05 M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure Table 5: Why Some Firms Are More Acquisitive Than Others? This table shows the correlation structure of managerial acquisitiveness with firm’s productivity shocks, investment and acquisition expenditure, future growth opportunity, and governance proxies. We discuss the construction of the excessive acquisitiveness measure in detail in the data section of the paper. TFP stands for total factor productivity estimated using the methodology developed by Olly and Pakes (1996). Optimism driven bid is a dummy variable which equals 1 if the firm announces an acquisition bid even if it receives a negative productivity shock in that period while growth driven bid is another dummy variable which equals 1 if the firm announces an acquisition bid when market-to-book ratio is greater than 1. Firm level capital expenditure and acquisition expenditure are from COMPUSTAT data item 90 and data item 94, respectively. Governance index (G) is from Gompers, Ishii and Metrick (2003). P-values are given in bracket Managerial Acquistiveness Change in TFP Optimism Driven Bid Growth Driven Bid Capital Expenditure Acquisition Expenditure Acquirer’s G-Index Excessive Acq. Sample Non-Excessive Acq. Sample 0.00670 [0.00] 0.13160 [0.00] 0.28210 [0.00] 0.07090 [0.00] 0.10220 [0.00] 0.04680 [0.00] -0.00550 [0.00] -0.07300 [0.00] -0.14650 [0.00] -0.00580 [0.00] -0.01450 [0.00] -0.02690 [0.00] 49 Table 6: Excessive Use of M&A Investment Technology and Corporate Failure 50 -2.1960** [2.44] Yes Yes 412416 10439 0.14 9803.81 Ind. Dummy Year Dummy N Num. of Firms Pseudo-R2 Wald-Chi2 -0.4945** [2.33] -0.6399*** [6.98] -0.2080*** [2.96] 0.9312 [1.44] -0.6792 [0.75] -0.4256 [0.08] 0.1388 [0.08] -0.5918*** [3.40] Constant Agg. Equity Momentum Agg. Debt Shock Agg. Equity Shock Agg. Supply Shock Agg. Demand Shock Ind. Tech. Shock Ind. Supply Shock Ind. Demand Shock Deregulation Dummy Governance Score Excessive Acq. IV Excessive Acq. Distance to N. Hedge Market-to-Book PPE/Tot. Assets Lt. Debt/Tot. Assets Cash/Tot.Assets Tot. Liab./Tot. Assets Net Income/Tot. Assets log(Age) log(Tot. Assets) (1) Yes Yes 408589 10439 0.17 7436.56 -4.8474*** [5.73] -0.5728*** [2.93] -0.5057*** [6.18] -0.3289 [0.81] 0.9249*** [2.90] -0.3066 [0.34] -0.5097 [0.10] 0.3889 [0.22] -0.7134*** [4.05] 2.9351*** [5.59] (2) Yes Yes 408589 10439 0.18 5624.42 -3.3751*** [4.27] 3.1217*** [6.21] -0.5916*** [2.92] -0.4664*** [5.87] -0.1456*** [3.18] 0.9232 [1.62] -0.1813 [0.21] -0.6270 [0.12] 0.5073 [0.29] -0.5964*** [3.43] (3) No No 409080 -1.1064 [1.19] 48.4192*** [3.49] -1.5172*** [4.97] -0.4324*** [3.23] 0.8086* [1.88] 1.4626** [2.10] 3.9651*** [3.17] -0.1513 [0.91] 1.6802*** [2.87] -0.7501*** [5.34] (4) Yes Yes 127394 2661 0.21 -13.203*** [10.27] -0.033 [1.06] -0.415*** [6.25] -0.784*** [6.15] -0.891*** [3.61] 3.212*** [11.87] 0.472 [0.99] -1.800*** [4.61] 1.221** [2.42] -1.968*** [7.76] (5) Yes Yes 125861 2658 .22 -13.4186*** [10.58] -0.0297 [0.95] 1.9575*** [7.53] -0.5104*** [7.51] -0.7445*** [5.50] -0.8620*** [3.56] 3.1509*** [11.95] 0.8115* [1.69] -1.9001*** [4.84] 1.5018*** [2.87] -1.9471*** [7.92] (6) Yes Yes 318928 8678 0.14 9213.49 -0.2395 [1.10] 0.0005** [2.28] -0.0005 [1.31] 0.0336 [1.09] 1.1507*** [2.84] 0.9461 [0.31] -0.1523*** [3.07] -0.0535 [1.38] 1.2905 [1.53] -8.1319** [2.26] -0.4993* [1.91] -0.6113*** [5.37] -0.5216* [1.93] 0.6704 [0.71] -1.3080 [1.11] -0.3927 [0.06] 0.1537 [0.07] -0.5522*** [3.07] (7) Yes Yes 315595 8678.00 0.17 6908.89 -0.2242 [1.02] 0.0006** [2.53] -0.0006 [1.51] 0.0395 [1.32] 1.2745*** [3.17] 1.8302 [0.62] -0.1329** [2.56] -0.0547 [1.28] 0.8935 [0.98] -8.7534** [2.12] -0.5806** [2.32] -0.4342*** [4.04] -1.1425* [1.94] 0.6979 [0.74] -0.7847 [0.74] -0.4458 [0.07] 0.3913 [0.20] -0.5586*** [3.21] 3.1055*** [5.11] (8) Yes Yes 315595 8678 0.19 5109.62 -0.2085 [0.97] 0.0005** [2.56] -0.0006 [1.38] 0.0352 [1.16] 1.1733*** [2.90] 1.2174 [0.40] -0.1339*** [2.61] -0.0434 [1.15] 1.0292 [1.24] -7.9488** [2.21] 3.3286*** [5.16] -0.6098** [2.36] -0.4150*** [3.83] -0.1365** [2.30] 0.7856 [1.27] -0.6743 [0.57] -0.7121 [0.11] 0.5790 [0.28] -0.5551*** [2.62] (9) No No 315740 0.1748 [0.63] 0.0008*** [3.39] -0.0007 [1.53] 0.0473* [1.86] 0.7867* [1.80] -1.1690 [0.45] -0.0687 [1.20] -0.0458* [1.68] 1.0019*** [14.87] -7.3653*** [12.66] 28.1494*** [2.80] -1.1919*** [5.01] -0.3733*** [2.81] 0.2000 [1.00] 1.0252*** [8.69] 1.8604* [1.95] -0.0523 [0.85] 2.0648*** [2.97] -0.7435*** [9.68] (10) Yes Yes 94806 2341 0.23 -0.028 [0.78] 0.744 [0.93] 0.000 [0.37] -0.000 [0.07] 0.075 [0.90] -0.297* [1.81] 1.345 [0.97] -29.337** [1.96] 0.066 [0.33] 0.197 [0.09] -14.451 [0.90] -0.372*** [5.17] -0.751*** [5.30] -0.704*** [2.87] 3.671*** [10.40] -0.201 [0.36] -1.935*** [4.42] 1.434*** [2.63] -2.082*** [6.38] (11) Yes Yes 93554 2337 0.25 -0.0232 [0.63] 0.8799 [1.09] 0.0003 [0.41] -0.0001 [0.06] 0.0669 [0.80] 1.3913 [0.97] -29.0461* [1.92] -0.2876* [1.73] 0.0502 [0.25] 0.2466 [0.11] -13.6694 [.] 2.3355*** [8.49] -0.4927*** [6.69] -0.6957*** [4.48] -0.6623** [2.54] 3.5406*** [10.30] 0.1631 [0.29] -2.0571*** [4.65] 1.6752*** [2.89] -2.0458*** [6.50] (12) This table reports the estimates from a discrete-time hazard model to determine the effect of managerial acquisitiveness on firm’s failure hazard. The dependent variable in the regression is 1 for the period in which the firm fails and 0 otherwise. The definitions of all the explanatory variables are same as in the previous tables. The Distance to Natural Hedge variable is constructed using the equation 2 in the paper. Robust z statistics are given in brackets and “*” denotes significance at 10%; “**” denotes significance at 5%; “***” denotes significance at 1% level. M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure Table 7: Excessive Use of M&A Investment Technology and Corporate Failure: Robustness Tests 51 Ind. Dummy Year Dummy Firm Dummy N Num. of Firms Pseudo-R2 Wald-Chi2 R-squared Adjusted-R2 F-stat Constant Agg. Equity Momentum Agg. Debt Shock Agg. Equity Shock Agg. Supply Shock Agg. Demand Shock Ind. Tech. Shock Ind. Supply Shock Ind. Demand Shock Deregulation Dummy Winner Excessive Acq. Conserv Acq. Market-to-Book PPE/Tot. Assets Lt. Debt/Tot. Assets Cash/Tot.Assets Tot. Liab./Tot. Assets Net Income/Tot. Assets log(Age) log(Tot. Assets) -3.9188*** [4.65] Yes Yes No 408589 10439 0.18 7521.59 -0.5653*** [2.58] -0.6191*** [6.62] -0.2722 [0.77] 1.0557* [1.89] -0.2657 [0.29] -0.5757 [0.11] 0.3842 [0.21] -0.6813*** [3.30] -19.4124*** [10.74] -0.2621 [1.07] 0.0005** [2.42] -0.0006 [1.35] 0.0290 [0.91] 1.0830*** [2.62] 0.2183 [0.07] -0.1594*** [3.05] -0.0524 [1.19] 1.3759 [1.40] -10.2596** [2.30] Yes Yes No 315595 8678 0.18 7208.90 -0.5604** [2.06] -0.5713*** [4.72] -1.0614* [1.75] 0.8300 [0.80] -0.7880 [0.73] -0.5341 [0.09] 0.3939 [0.19] -0.6043*** [2.96] -21.8251*** [13.14] (1) (2) Non-linearity 0.07 0.07 39.35 -0.0843 [0.00] Yes Yes Yes 412195 10439 0.07 0.07 56.69 0.0351*** [17.40] -0.0110*** [23.82] 0.0469*** [27.80] 0.0014 [1.05] 0.0036 [1.44] -0.0151*** [7.10] -0.0001 [0.78] 0.0069*** [2.63] -0.0007** [2.54] -0.0018* [1.92] 0.0000*** [3.14] -0.0000 [1.63] 0.0002 [1.47] 0.0086*** [2.71] 0.0145 [0.79] -0.0010** [2.02] -0.0001 [1.63] -0.0037 [1.06] -0.1060*** [6.37] Yes Yes Yes 318760 8678 0.0314*** [18.39] -0.0101*** [25.22] 0.0346*** [31.48] 0.0012 [0.94] 0.0041 [1.45] -0.0148*** [7.25] -0.0002 [0.87] 0.0043* [1.90] -0.0008*** [2.67] (3) (4) Linear Probability Model with firm FE -3.3209*** [5.48] Yes Yes No 264077 8135 0.17 3145.97 3.0707*** [34.06] -0.5300*** [30.39] -0.4610*** [10.90] -0.0977* [1.75] 1.6296*** [13.19] 0.2150 [1.38] -0.9990*** [8.57] 0.6663*** [4.92] -0.5927*** [8.69] 0.0318 [0.15] 0.0005** [2.16] -0.0005 [1.11] 0.0240 [0.71] 1.3199*** [2.89] -0.5887 [0.16] -0.1219** [2.23] -0.0468 [0.95] 1.2226* [1.77] -9.1438* [1.86] Yes Yes No 194710 6646 0.18 2776.26 3.2698*** [33.64] -0.5297*** [27.46] -0.3947*** [8.39] -0.1031*** [3.21] 1.6775*** [13.91] -0.1810 [1.00] -1.1863*** [9.36] 0.7475*** [5.03] -0.5361*** [7.18] (5) (6) Focusing on the 1980s sample only -3.3643*** [4.26] Yes Yes No 408589 10439 0.18 5729.12 3.1102*** [6.15] 2.3251*** [5.51] -0.5933*** [2.92] -0.4664*** [5.84] -0.1457*** [3.16] 0.9232 [1.63] -0.1801 [0.21] -0.6234 [0.12] 0.5135 [0.29] -0.5971*** [3.44] 3.3168*** [5.12] 2.2976*** [4.39] -0.2051 [0.95] 0.0006*** [2.64] -0.0006 [1.43] 0.0350 [1.15] 1.1264*** [2.78] 1.3826 [0.45] -0.1319*** [2.58] -0.0426 [1.13] 0.9269 [1.16] -7.4636** [2.14] Yes Yes No 315595 8678 0.19 5164.33 -0.6114** [2.36] -0.4151*** [3.81] -0.1369** [2.27] 0.7858 [1.27] -0.6747 [0.58] -0.7110 [0.11] 0.5879 [0.28] -0.5563*** [2.63] (7) (8) Winners’ Curse Explanation -3.1624*** [3.84] Yes Yes No 397852 3.0461*** [4.96] -0.5737*** [2.67] -0.5586*** [5.18] -0.2832 [0.62] 0.7771 [1.19] -0.1572 [0.18] -0.4360 [0.08] 0.4242 [0.21] -0.6389*** [3.96] -0.2623 [1.23] 0.0006*** [3.38] -0.0008* [1.88] 0.0418 [1.39] 1.3457*** [3.68] 0.9994 [0.35] -0.1401*** [3.20] -0.0347 [1.29] 0.7343 [0.87] -5.8726* [1.66] Yes Yes No 310301 3.1429*** [4.68] -0.5488** [2.31] -0.4490*** [3.43] 0.0667 [0.17] 0.5609 [0.92] -0.7490 [0.63] -0.4633 [0.08] 0.4312 [0.21] -0.3526** [1.97] (9) (10) Two Dimensional Clustering (by firm and size) This table reports the robustness tests of the causal effects of excessive acquisitiveness on firm failure. Definitions of all the variables are same as in the previous tables. We measure conservative acquisitiveness using CON SERV ACQijt = DIST. N Hijt × I(Xijt −M edian(X−ijT )<0) . To measure winner, we use cumulative number of completed contested bids normalized by the total number of deals completed by the firm. Robust z statistics are given in brackets and “*” denotes significance at 10%; “**” denotes significance at 5%; “***” denotes significance at 1% level. M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure Table 8: Excessive Use of M&A Investment Technology and Corporate Failure: Marginal Effects 52 Ind. Fixed Effect Year Fixed Effect log(Tot. Assets) log(Age) Net Income/Tot. Assets Tot. Liab./Tot. Assets Cash/Tot. Assets Lt. Debt/Tot. Assets PPE/Tot. Assets Market-to-Book Excessive Acq. Deregulation Dummy Ind. Demand Shock Ind. Supply Shock Ind. Tech. Shock Agg. Demand Shock Agg. Supply Shock Agg. Equity Shock Agg. Debt Shock Agg. Equity Momentum Yes Yes Yes Yes -0.0009*** -0.0007*** -0.0002*** 0.0014 -0.0003 -0.0010 0.0008 -0.0009*** 0.0048*** 1/2 Std. Below the Mean At the Mean -0.0012*** -0.0009*** -0.0003*** 0.0019 -0.0004 -0.0013 0.0010 -0.0012*** 0.0064*** (2) (1) Yes Yes -0.0016*** -0.0013*** -0.0004*** 0.0025 -0.0005 -0.0017 0.0014 -0.0016*** 0.0085*** 1/2 Std. Above the Mean (3) Yes Yes -0.0007*** -0.0006*** -0.0002*** 0.0011 -0.0002 -0.0007 0.0006 -0.0007*** 0.0037*** 1 Std. Around the Mean (4) Yes Yes -0.0013*** -0.0009*** -0.0003*** 0.0017 -0.0014 -0.0015 0.0012 -0.0012*** 0.0070*** -0.0004 0.0000*** 0.0000 0.0001 0.0025*** 0.0027 -0.0003*** -0.0001 0.0023 At the Mean (5) Yes Yes -0.0009*** -0.0006*** -0.0002*** 0.0012 -0.0010 -0.0011 0.0009 -0.0009 0.0052*** -0.0003 0.0000*** 0.0000 0.0001 0.0018*** 0.002 -0.0002*** -0.0001 0.0017 1/2 Std. Below the Mean (6) Yes Yes -0.0017*** -0.0012*** -0.0004*** 0.0022 -0.0019 -0.0020 0.0017 -0.0016 0.0095*** -0.0006 0.0000*** 0.0000 0.0001 0.0034*** 0.0036 -0.0004*** -0.0001 0.0031 1/2 Std. Above the Mean (7) Yes Yes -0.0008*** -0.0006*** -0.0002*** 0.0010 -0.0009 -0.0009 0.0008 -0.0007 0.0043*** -0.0003 0.0000*** 0.0000 0.0000 0.0016*** 0.0016 -0.0002*** 0.0000 0.0014 1 Std. Around the Mean (8) This table reports the estimates from a discrete-time hazard model to determine the marginal effects of managerial acquisitiveness and other exogenous variables on firm’s failure hazard. The dependent variable in the regression is 1 for the period in which firm fail and 0 otherwise. Total assets is defined to be the book value of firms assets, net income is income from operation after all taxes and interest payment, total liabilities are all obligations due to outsiders other than the shareholders of the firms, cash are the value of cash plus other marketable securities hold by the firm, long term debts are debt obligations due in two or more years time, PPE is defined to be the net book value of firm’s Plant, Property and Equipments, and market value is calculated as market value of equity plus the book value of firm’s debt. Managerial excessive and conservative acquisitiveness measures are discussed in details in the data section. Industry classifications are based on Fama-French (1997). We use the total industry net sales from the quarterly COMPUSTAT data item 2 as proxy for industry demand and the total industry cost of good sold from the quarterly COMPUSTAT data item 30 as proxy for industry supply. We also collect information about all patents for the period of 1963-2002 from the NBER patent database and convert the assigned technology class of each of those patents into international patent class using the methodology developed by Silverman (2002). From the international patent class we covert them back into 1987 Standard Industry Classifications and assign the patents by grant year to each of our 49 Fama and French (1997) industries. We then decompose the series into trend and irregular components using the Hodrick-Prescott (HP) filter. After decomposing the trend and irregular components of the series, we calculate series instability by estimating the acceleration (change of change) of the irregular component. We use major deregulatory initiatives during the sample period as a proxy for regulatory shocks. We use the quarterly real GDP data from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis as proxy for aggregate demand and the real price of crude petroleum in the U.S. from the U.S. Energy Information Administration as a proxy for aggregate supply. Utilizing the HP filter, we then calculate the aggregate demand and supply shock. As a proxy for aggregate equity and debt market instability we apply the HP filter on the Dow Jones Industrial average and bank prime lending rate, respectively. To capture the momentum in equity market, we apply the HP filter on S&P 500 index and use the smoothed trend portion of series as our proxy for momentum in aggregate equity market. We also construct measures of industry merger wave utilizing the X-12-ARIMA, a seasonal adjustment software produced and maintained by the U.S. Census Bureau. We detail the construction of all variables in the data section of the paper. Robust z statistics are given in brackets and “*” denotes significance at 10%; “**” denotes significance at 5%; “***” denotes significance at 1% level. M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure Table 9: Can the Deal Characteristics Discriminate Between the Failed and Non-Failed Sample? This table reports the deal characteristics of the ‘Failed’ (F) and ‘Non-Failed’ (NF) sample. Panel-A reports the differences in deal characteristics of average as well as median ‘Non-Failed’ firms from the those of the ‘Failed’ firms (F-NF). Panel-B, on the other hand, reports the difference in deal characteristics generated from various dummy variables. Deal value is the reported deal value in million U.S. dollars from the SDC. Total assets is defined to be the book value of all assets while market value is calculated by adding the market value of equity with the book value of debt at the end of each fiscal quarter. In the table, “*” denotes significance at 10%; “**” denotes significance at 5%; “***” denotes significance at 1% level using t statistics. Failed Sample Deals (F) (1) (2) Deal Value ($ Million) Deal Value/Tot. Assets Deal Value/ Mkt. Value Deal Value/Equity Value Days to Completion Completed Deals Target is in the Similar Industry Acquisition is Merger Wave Pure Cash Finance Deal Pure Stock Finance Deal Financing through Borrowing Financing through Internal Funds Financing through Line of Credit Stock Swap Block Purchase Divestiture of Target Division Sell-off of Target Financial Acquirer Mean Median 41.37*** [11.79] 0.42*** [8.52] 0.25*** [5.16] 0.71** [2.86] 46.47*** [26.67] 7.93*** [29.18] 0.09*** [43.35] 0.06*** [48.55] 0.10*** [47.02] 0.00 [.02] N % 6,455 5,614 1,942 644 842 174 173 211 941 604 1,822 476 118 70.79 61.56 21.30 7.06 9.23 1.91 1.90 2.31 10.32 6.62 19.98 5.22 1.29 Non-Failed Sample Deals (NF) (3) (4) Panel-A: Deal Summary Statistics Mean Median 225.99*** [17.72] 0.15*** [26.87] 0.08*** [40.49] 4.09 [1.04] 66.23*** [52.81] 24.42*** [90.47] 0.04*** [81.45] 0.03*** [101.58] 0.06*** [132.03] 12.00*** [22.13] Panel-B: Deal Characteristics Dummy N % 38,417 35276 11791 5502 4270 1218 1626 1299 5211 5075 12343 4521 1145 53 70.50 64.73 21.64 10.10 7.84 2.24 2.98 2.38 9.56 9.31 22.65 8.30 2.10 Difference (F-NF) (1-3) (2-4) F-NFM ean F-NFM edian -184.62*** [13.96] 0.27*** [5.47] 0.17*** [3.56] -3.38 [0.86] -19.76*** [9.20] -16.49*** [22.33] 0.05*** [33.04] 0.03*** [37.91] 0.04*** [35.96] -12.00*** [11.36] N (1-3) % (2-4) -31962 -29662 -9849 -4858 -3428 -1044 -1453 -1088 -4270 -4471 -10521 -4045 -1027 0.29 -3.17 -0.34 -3.04 1.39 -0.33 -1.08 -0.07 0.76 -2.69 -2.67 -3.08 -0.81 Table 10: Evolution of Firms’ Assets and Debt Structure 54 Performance Measures log(Market Value) Net Income/Tot. Assets EBITDA/Tot. Assets Market-to-Book Leverage Measures Totl Liab./Tot. Assets Book Leverage Market Leverage St. debt/Tot. Liab. Lt. Debt/Tot. Liab Liquidity and Risk Measures Cash/Tot. Assets Cash/Curr. Liab. Curr. Assets/Curr. Liab. PPE/Tot. Assets Cash Flow Volatility -1.474*** -0.011*** -0.013*** -0.089** 0.017 0.015 0.058** 0.062*** -0.013 -0.008 -0.188*** -0.434*** 0.008 0.829*** -0.097*** -0.093*** -0.100*** 0.024*** -0.039 0.032** 0.044 0.010 -0.022 0.558*** (2) Qtr. After Last Bid -1.112*** -0.004*** -0.003 0.328*** (1) Qtr. Before First Bid -0.040** -0.232* -0.444** 0.030 0.271 0.114** 0.108** 0.158*** 0.038*** 0.026 -0.362* -0.007*** -0.010** -0.417*** Diff-in-Diff (3) 2.20 1.78 2.60 1.20 1.34 2.65 2.58 4.14 3.39 0.50 1.75 3.61 2.67 4.80 (4) Absolute t-stat -125.00% -527.27% -4440.00% 136.36% 48.57% 117.53% 116.13% 158.00% 158.33% 66.67% -32.55% -175.00% -333.33% -127.13% (5) % Change From First to Last Bid Diff. Between the Failed and Non-Failed Sample (F-NF) -0.004 -0.104 0.152 0.017 0.324*** -0.034 -0.032 -0.066** 0.017*** 0.053 -0.464*** 0.002 0.007*** 0.117 (1) Qtr. Before First Bid -0.024*** -0.215*** -0.241** 0.048*** 0.447*** 0.059** 0.060** 0.051* 0.030*** 0.077** -0.597*** -0.001* 0.001 -0.023 (2) Qtr. After Last Bid -0.020 -0.111 -0.393** 0.031 0.123 0.093** 0.092** 0.117** 0.013* 0.024 -0.133 -0.003* -0.006* -0.140* Diff-in-Diff (3) 1.19 0.97 2.44 1.35 0.75 2.57 2.60 2.92 1.63 0.51 0.70 1.88 1.61 1.64 (4) Absolute t-stat -500% -107% -259% 182% 38% 274% 288% 177% 76% 45% -29% -150% -86% -120% (5) % Change From First to Last Bid Diff Between the Excess Acq. and Non-Excess Acq. Sample (X-NX) This table reports the evolution of firms’ debt and assets structure from one quarter before the first M&A bid to one quarter after the last M&A bid for the median firms in our sample. All firms for which differential firm characteristics are reported here makes exactly 3 acquisition bids because the median number of bids firms make in our sample is 3. First panel on left of the table reports the difference in firm characteristics of non-failed median firms from the failed median firms (F-NF). Second panel on the right of the table reports the difference in firm characteristics of the median excessively acquisitive sample from the non-excessively acquisitive sample (X-NX). Market value is calculated by adding the market value of equity with the book value of debt at the end of each fiscal quarter. Net income is earning after all interest and tax payment while EBITDA is earning before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization. Market-to-book ratio is calculated by diving the market value of firms assets with the book value of its assets. Among the leverage and liquidity measure, total liabilities measure all outstanding liabilities owed to outsider other than the shareholders of the firm. Book leverage is defined to be the ratio of firm’s total outstanding short-term and long-term debt to book value of total assets whereas market leverage is defined to be the ratio of total outstanding short and long-term debt to the market value of firm’s total assets. Cash is defined to be the value of cash as well as other cash equivalent marketable securities, current assets are cash plus account receivables, current liabilities are short-term debt plus account payable, short term debts are debt obligations maturing within one year while long term debts are debt obligations maturing in two years or more in time. PPE refers to net book value of firm’s Property, Plant and Equipment. Cash flow volatility is calculated as log abs(EBIT DAit − EBIT DAit−1 ) for each firm i and time period t. In the table, “*” denotes significance at 10%; “**” denotes significance at 5%; “***” denotes significance at 1% level using t statistics. M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure Table 11: Excessive Use of M&A Investment Technology and Corporate Default This table reports the estimates from the discrete-time hazard regression to determine the effects managerial excessive acquisitiveness and various determinants financial distress on firm’s default hazard. Total assets is defined to be the book value of firms assets while market value is book value of debt plus market value of equity, net income is income from operation after all taxes and interest payment, total liabilities are obligations due to outsiders other than the shareholders of the firms. Current assets are cash plus account receivables, current liabilities are short-term debt plus account payable. ZSCORE is calculated from Altman (2000). Sigma and excess return are calculated following Shumway (2001). Governance score is from Gompers, Ishii and Metrick (2003) and the excessive acquisitiveness measure is explained in detail in the data section of the paper. Robust z statistics are given in brackets and “*” denotes significance at 10%; “**” denotes significance at 5%; “***” denotes significance at 1% level. Altman (1968) (1) (2) log(Age) Excessive Acq. Excessive Acq. - Marginal Effect 0.188 [1.58] 1.450*** [6.29] 0.001*** [5.77] Governance Score Governance Score - Marginal Effect ZSCORE -0.006*** [3.67] 0.369 [1.64] Zmijewski (1984) (3) (4) 0.108 [0.98] 1.335*** [5.91] 0.001*** [3.44] -0.061 [1.58] 0.000 [1.46] -0.030*** [4.43] Net Income/Tot. Assets Curr. Assets/Curr. Liab. Excess Return Sigma Ind. Fixed Effect Year Fixed Effect N Num. of Firms Pseudo-R2 -21.770*** [18.10] -20.509 [.] -21.400*** [17.49] -25.223 [.] Yes Yes 263343 7606 0.07 Yes Yes 104519 2076 0.09 Yes Yes 340092 8233 0.08 Yes Yes 134005 2226 0.20 55 0.407** [2.14] -0.042 [1.28] 0.000 [123] -1.775*** [3.99] 2.210*** [7.41] 0.030 [0.57] log(Mkt. Value) Constant 0.203** [2.04] 1.862*** [9.85] 0.001*** [8.43] -0.068 [1.58] 0.000 [1.53] -0.024 [0.80] 0.018* [1.83] -0.363** [2.49] Tot. Liab./Tot. Assets 0.244 [1.02] Shumway (2001) (5) (6) -0.046 0.031 [1.36] [0.48] -1.708 -2.255 [1.51] [1.38] 9.708*** 22.205*** [6.97] [9.01] -25.733*** -29.727*** [21.51] [21.68] Yes Yes 423442 10502 0.11 Yes Yes 170016 2787 0.16 M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure Table 12: Mediating the Causality: The Risk Channel This table reports the estimates from a mediating instrument methodology to determine the channels through which managerial excessive acquisitiveness catalyzes firm’s failure. Total assets is defined to be the book value of firms assets, net income is income from operation after all taxes and interest payment, total liabilities are all obligations due to outsiders other than the shareholders of the firms, cash are the value of cash plus other marketable securities hold by the firm, long term debts are debt obligations due in two or more years time, PPE is defined to be the net book value of firm’s Plant, Property and Equipments, and market value is calculated as market value of equity plus the book value of firm’s debt. Managerial excessive acquisitiveness measure is discussed in detail in the data section of the paper. BRISK is defined to be as log abs(EBIT DAit − EBIT DAit−1 ) for each firm i and time period t. Sigma is calculated following Shumway (2001). Industry classifications are based on Fama-French (1997). We use the total industry net sales from the quarterly COMPUSTAT data item 2 as proxy for industry demand and the total industry cost of good sold from the quarterly COMPUSTAT data item 30 as proxy for industry supply. We also collect information about all patents for the period of 1963-2002 from the NBER patent database and convert the assigned technology class of each of those patents into international patent class using the methodology developed by Silverman (2002). From the international patent class we covert them back into 1987 Standard Industry Classifications and assign the patents by grant year to each of our 49 Fama and French (1997) industries. We then decompose the series into trend and irregular components using the Hodrick-Prescott (HP) filter. After decomposing the trend and irregular components of the series, we calculate series instability by estimating the acceleration (change of change) of the irregular component. We use major deregulatory initiatives during the sample period as a proxy for regulatory shocks. We use the quarterly real GDP data from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis as proxy for aggregate demand and the real price of crude petroleum in the U.S. from the U.S. Energy Information Administration as a proxy for aggregate supply. Utilizing the HP filter, we then calculate the aggregate demand and supply shock. As a proxy for aggregate equity and debt market instability we apply the HP filter on the Dow Jones Industrial average and bank prime lending rate, respectively. To capture the momentum in equity market, we apply the HP filter on S&P 500 index and use the smoothed trend portion of series as our proxy for momentum in aggregate equity market. We also construct measures of industry merger wave utilizing the X-12-ARIMA, a seasonal adjustment software produced and maintained by the U.S. Census Bureau. We detail the construction of all variables in the data section of the paper. Robust z statistics are given in brackets and “*” denotes significance at 10%; “**” denotes significance at 5%; “***” denotes significance at 1% level. Total Effect Mediating Through BRISK Measure Dependent Variable Estmination Methodology FAILURE (1) LOGIT BRISK (2) OLS FAILURE (3) LOGIT FAILURE (4) LOGIT BRISK (5) TOBIT FAILURE (6) LOGIT FAILURE (7) LOGIT log(Tot. Assets) -0.6098** [2.36] -0.4150*** [3.83] -0.1365** [2.30] 0.7856 [1.27] -0.6743 [0.57] -0.7121 [0.11] 0.5790 [0.28] -0.5551*** [2.62] 3.3286*** [5.16] 0.7665*** [146.75] -0.0200 [1.40] -0.2948** [2.22] 0.2637*** [7.81] 0.1525*** [2.94] -0.0149 [1.10] -0.0157 [0.31] 0.0241*** [3.03] 0.1003*** [2.59] -0.5617 [1.38] -0.7216*** [4.42] -0.1211 [0.49] 1.8658** [2.44] -0.6475 [0.51] -0.7184 [0.09] 0.2437 [0.09] -0.6811*** [4.18] -0.6375* [1.73] -0.5156*** [3.37] 0.0556 [0.12] 1.5649** [1.96] -0.2321 [0.21] -0.7301 [0.09] 0.5210 [0.19] -0.4369*** [3.71] 3.2067*** [3.71] 0.1324 [1.06] -0.0058*** [237.53] -0.0034*** [42.73] -0.0038*** [20.16] 0.0021*** [28.19] -0.0042*** [16.09] -0.0001* [1.73] 0.0006** [2.46] -0.0005*** [34.14] 0.0048*** [20.07] -0.3884 [1.58] -0.6052*** [5.32] -0.1538 [1.29] 0.8088** [2.36] -1.0699 [0.87] -0.4797 [0.08] 0.1525 [0.07] -0.5978*** [2.66] -0.5122** [2.26] -0.3893*** [3.46] -0.0657 [0.20] 0.5942 [1.15] -0.6132 [0.57] -0.4149 [0.07] 0.4264 [0.21] -0.4505*** [2.60] 3.2329*** [5.22] 8.9590*** [6.01] -0.1997 [0.93] 0.0005** [2.26] -0.0005 [1.25] 0.0301 [0.87] 0.9496** [2.15] -0.4744 [0.15] -0.1758*** [3.25] -0.0246 [0.56] 1.6027** [2.08] -12.1997*** [4.02] 8.6466*** [4.52] -0.1821 [0.93] 0.0006** [2.51] -0.0006 [1.33] 0.0347 [1.06] 0.9810** [2.32] -0.0401 [0.01] -0.1550*** [2.91] -0.0177 [0.46] 1.2625* [1.72] -10.2615*** [3.38] Yes Yes 318825 8677 0.16 18782.93 Yes Yes 315492 8677 0.20 5948.85 log(Age) Net Income/Tot. Assets Tot. Liab./Tot. Assets Cash/Tot.Assets Lt. Debt/Tot. Assets PPE/Tot. Assets Market-to-Book Excessive Acq. BRISK 0.1532 [1.28] Mediating Through Sigma Measure Sigma Deregulation Dummy Ind. Demand Shock Ind. Supply Shock Ind. Tech. Shock Agg. Demand Shock Agg. Supply Shock Agg. Equity Shock Agg. Debt Shock Agg. Equity Momentum Constant Ind. Fixed Effect Year Fixed Effect N Num. of Firms R2 /Pseudo-R2 Wald-χ2 -0.2085 [0.97] 0.0005** [2.56] -0.0006 [1.38] 0.0352 [1.16] 1.1733*** [2.90] 1.2174 [0.40] -0.1339*** [2.61] -0.0434 [1.15] 1.0292 [1.24] -7.9488** [2.21] -0.0363* [1.66] -0.0002*** [7.78] -0.0002*** [3.06] -0.0014 [0.45] 0.0796* [1.77] -1.3947*** [4.34] 0.0187*** [2.91] -0.0046** [2.48] -1.7568*** [17.09] 4.7463*** [9.56] -0.0420 [0.19] 0.0006*** [2.63] -0.0004 [0.96] 0.0448 [1.17] 1.0392** [2.19] -3.6694 [1.00] -0.1649*** [2.78] -0.0198 [0.41] 1.7702** [2.55] -12.2673*** [3.93] -0.0187 [0.09] 0.0006*** [2.90] -0.0005 [1.06] 0.0452 [1.24] 1.0161** [2.17] -2.6982 [0.79] -0.1472*** [2.62] -0.0132 [0.33] 1.6141** [2.33] -10.4138*** [3.21] Yes Yes 315595 8678 0.19 5109.62 Yes Yes 249716 8148 0.60 Yes Yes 249128 8148 0.17 14410.87 Yes Yes 247548 8144 0.20 4171.29 56 -0.0013*** [4.03] 0.0000 [1.17] -0.0000*** [3.93] 0.0002*** [4.41] 0.0108*** [13.39] 0.0721*** [12.43] 0.0002 [1.38] -0.0003*** [8.53] -0.0124*** [10.43] 0.1232*** [21.86] Yes Yes 318656 8677 Table 13: Mediating the Causality: The Behavioral Channel 57 Industry Dummy Year Dummy N Num. of Firms Adj-R2 /Pseudo-R2 Wald-χ2 Constant Agg. Equity Momentum Agg. Debt Shock Agg. Equity Shock Agg. Supply Shock Agg. Demand Shock Ind. Tech. Shock Ind. Supply Shock Ind. Demand Shock Deregulation Dummy Attn. Allocation Mgt. Bias Sigma Excessive Acq. Market-to-Book PPE/Tot. Assets Lt. Debt/Tot. Assets Cash/Tot.Assets Tot. Liab./Tot. Assets Net Income/Tot. Assets Yes Yes 315595 8678 0.19 5109.62 -0.2085 [0.97] 0.0005** [2.56] -0.0006 [1.38] 0.0352 [1.16] 1.1733*** [2.90] 1.2174 [0.40] -0.1339*** [2.61] -0.0434 [1.15] 1.0292 [1.24] -7.9488** [2.21] -0.6098** [2.36] -0.4150*** [3.83] -0.1365** [2.30] 0.7856 [1.27] -0.6743 [0.57] -0.7121 [0.11] 0.5790 [0.28] -0.5551*** [2.62] 3.3286*** [5.16] log(Tot. Assets) log(Age) FAILURE (1) LOGIT Dependent Variable Estimation Methodology Total Effect Yes Yes 318760 8678 0.0048*** [3.21] -0.0000*** [14.31] -0.0000*** [2.92] -0.0004 [1.50] 0.0016 [0.42] 0.0449* [1.65] 0.0005 [0.99] 0.0003* [1.75] 0.0899*** [16.15] 0.3697*** [14.02] -0.0020*** [17.19] -0.0020*** [5.41] -0.0009 [1.09] 0.0031*** [8.78] 0.0105*** [8.53] 0.0001 [0.57] 0.0012 [0.99] -0.0012*** [18.09] 0.0911*** [81.92] MGT. BIAS (2) TOBIT Yes Yes 318928 8678 0.15 15864.67 -0.2734 [1.20] 0.0005** [2.40] -0.0005 [1.20] 0.0352 [1.12] 1.1288*** [2.75] 0.6993 [0.23] -0.1584*** [3.09] -0.0593 [1.31] 1.0984 [1.21] -12.6808*** [3.08] 4.7467*** [12.97] -0.4864* [1.88] -0.5244*** [3.94] -1.1539* [1.85] 0.6928 [0.65] -1.2118 [1.09] -0.4246 [0.07] 0.2269 [0.11] -0.5896*** [3.08] FAILURE (3) LOGIT Yes Yes 315595 8678 0.20 5029.25 -0.2242 [1.07] 0.0006*** [2.73] -0.0006 [1.26] 0.0376 [1.22] 1.1294*** [2.76] 1.2217 [0.40] -0.1374*** [2.70] -0.0451 [1.20] 0.7422 [0.94] -9.6126*** [2.64] 3.4729*** [9.52] -0.6077** [2.36] -0.3517*** [3.12] -0.1280* [1.69] 0.7410 [1.20] -0.6849 [0.58] -0.7310 [0.11] 0.6234 [0.30] -0.5356*** [2.62] 3.0300*** [4.47] FAILURE (4) LOGIT Mediating Through Mgt. Bias Measure Yes Yes 318760 8678 0.02 -0.0001 [0.10] 0.0000 [0.74] -0.0000 [0.90] -0.0000 [1.08] 0.0011** [2.24] -0.0002 [0.03] -0.0000 [0.19] 0.0000 [0.25] -0.0022* [1.95] -0.0011 [0.12] 0.0007*** [4.39] 0.0027*** [4.57] 0.0007 [1.44] 0.0011 [1.49] 0.0006 [0.32] 0.0000 [0.71] -0.0019 [0.66] -0.0001* [1.89] 0.0168*** [7.60] ATTN. ALLOCA (5) OLS Yes Yes 318928 8678 0.14 13751.80 1.6759** [2.44] -0.2467 [1.17] 0.0005** [2.57] -0.0005 [1.31] 0.0349 [1.10] 1.2150*** [2.86] 0.9825 [0.32] -0.1585*** [3.16] -0.0658 [1.56] 1.3659* [1.88] -9.5868*** [3.34] -0.5188** [2.00] -0.6465*** [5.24] 0.1181 [0.26] 1.0388** [2.24] -1.0712 [0.92] -0.4869 [0.08] 0.1999 [0.09] -0.7154*** [3.02] FAILURE (6) LOGIT Yes Yes 315595 8678 0.19 5136.19 1.3479** [2.13] -0.2091 [0.98] 0.0005** [2.55] -0.0006 [1.38] 0.0357 [1.17] 1.1802*** [2.92] 1.2309 [0.40] -0.1348*** [2.63] -0.0435 [1.15] 1.0408 [1.26] -7.9721** [2.21] -0.6108** [2.37] -0.4208*** [3.98] -0.1358** [2.24] 0.7815 [1.26] -0.6766 [0.58] -0.7132 [0.11] 0.5850 [0.28] -0.5529*** [2.61] 3.3191*** [5.13] FAILURE (7) LOGIT Mediating Through Attn. Allocation Measures Yes Yes 318825 8677 0.18 19122.14 8.5150*** [5.28] 4.6408*** [12.96] 1.5587*** [2.66] -0.2403 [1.08] 0.0005** [2.44] -0.0005 [1.10] 0.0319 [0.92] 0.9470** [2.15] -0.6726 [0.22] -0.1756*** [3.22] -0.0292 [0.67] 1.2687* [1.68] -14.6042*** [4.62] -0.3940 [1.62] -0.5348*** [4.35] -0.1426 [1.48] 0.7520** [2.28] -1.0570 [0.86] -0.4962 [0.08] 0.2271 [0.11] -0.5523** [2.57] FAILURE (8) LOGIT Yes Yes 315492 8677 0.21 5898.97 -0.5130** [2.27] -0.3369*** [2.91] -0.0675 [0.19] 0.5470 [0.92] -0.6231 [0.60] -0.4253 [0.07] 0.4561 [0.22] -0.4316*** [2.61] 2.9354*** [4.52] 8.4336*** [4.08] 3.2867*** [10.18] 1.2460* [1.96] -0.2081 [1.01] 0.0006** [2.55] -0.0005 [1.14] 0.0365 [1.11] 0.9797** [2.30] -0.1487 [0.05] -0.1567*** [2.94] -0.0226 [0.59] 0.9141 [1.24] -11.4410*** [3.55] FAILURE (9) LOGIT All Channels This table reports the estimates from a mediating instrument methodology to determine the channels through which managerial excessive acquisitiveness catalyzes firm’s failure. Total assets is defined to be the book value of firms assets, net income is income from operation after all taxes and interest payment, total liabilities are all obligations due to outsiders other than the shareholders of the firms, cash are the value of cash plus other marketable securities hold by the firm, long term debts are debt obligations due in two or more years time, PPE is defined to be the net book value of firm’s Plant, Property and Equipments, and market value is calculated as market value of equity plus the book value of firm’s debt. Managerial excessive acquisitiveness, managerial cognitive bias, and managerial attention allocation measures are discussed in detail in the data section of the paper. BRISK is defined to be as log abs(EBIT DAit − EBIT DAit−1 ) for each firm i and time period t. Sigma is calculated following Shumway (2001). Industry classifications are based on Fama-French (1997). We use the total industry net sales from the quarterly COMPUSTAT data item 2 as proxy for industry demand and the total industry cost of good sold from the quarterly COMPUSTAT data item 30 as proxy for industry supply. We also collect information about all patents for the period of 1963-2002 from the NBER patent database and convert the assigned technology class of each of those patents into international patent class using the methodology developed by Silverman (2002). From the international patent class we covert them back into 1987 Standard Industry Classifications and assign the patents by grant year to each of our 49 Fama and French (1997) industries. We then decompose the series into trend and irregular components using the Hodrick-Prescott (HP) filter. After decomposing the trend and irregular components of the series, we calculate series instability by estimating the acceleration (change of change) of the irregular component. We use major deregulatory initiatives during the sample period as a proxy for regulatory shocks. We use the quarterly real GDP data from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis as proxy for aggregate demand and the real price of crude petroleum in the U.S. from the U.S. Energy Information Administration as a proxy for aggregate supply. Utilizing the HP filter, we then calculate the aggregate demand and supply shock. As a proxy for aggregate equity and debt market instability we apply the HP filter on the Dow Jones Industrial average and bank prime lending rate, respectively. To capture the momentum in equity market, we apply the HP filter on S&P 500 index and use the smoothed trend portion of series as our proxy for momentum in aggregate equity market. We also construct measures of industry merger wave utilizing the X-12-ARIMA, a seasonal adjustment software produced and maintained by the U.S. Census Bureau. We detail the construction of all variables in the data section of the paper. Robust z statistics are given in brackets and “*” denotes significance at 10%; “**” denotes significance at 5%; “***” denotes significance at 1% level. M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure Table 14: The Capital Market Reaction 58 0.014 [0.70] Yes Yes Yes 63556 10771 0.01 0.01 8.13 Deal Charact. Dummy Ind. Fixed Effect Year Fixed Effect N Num. of Firms R2 Adj-R2 F-stat -0.019*** [12.23] Constant Deal Value/Mkt. Equity Governance Score Attn. Allocation Mgt. Bias Sigma BRISK Excessive Acq. (1) Yes Yes Yes 43784 9184 0.02 0.02 8.80 0.039*** [3.95] -0.003*** [16.24] (2) Yes Yes Yes 63580 10774 0.02 0.02 7.52 0.001 [0.03] 0.533*** [5.81] (3) Yes Yes Yes 63581 10774 0.01 0.01 6.52 0.011 [0.51] 0.003 [0.80] (4) Yes Yes Yes 63581 10774 0.01 0.01 6.96 0.013 [0.61] -0.007*** [8.10] (5) Yes Yes Yes 33771 2925 0.02 0.02137 0.005 [0.21] -0.001*** [4.51] (6) Yes Yes Yes 23534 2730 0.03 0.02957 0.054*** [3.29] -0.004** [2.43] -0.001*** [3.11] 0.318*** [4.00] -0.006 [1.47] -0.001 [1.17] -0.000*** [2.86] (7) Yes Yes Yes 38585 9148 0.02 0.02 160.58 0.000 [1.17] 0.037 [1.19] -0.020*** [9.91] (8) Yes Yes Yes 27910 7846 0.02 0.02 150.53 0.000 [1.09] 0.048*** [4.59] -0.004*** [13.27] (9) Yes Yes Yes 38600 9153 0.04 0.03 126.53 0.000 [1.01] 0.017 [0.54] 0.745*** [7.64] (10) Yes Yes Yes 38601 9153 0.02 0.01 149.60 0.000 [0.84] 0.031 [0.97] 0.005 [1.43] (11) Yes Yes Yes 38601 9153 0.02 0.01 142.51 0.000 [0.84] 0.035 [1.12] -0.007*** [6.46] (12) Yes Yes Yes 20447 2821 0.03 0.03 -0.001*** [4.62] -0.009** [2.45] 0.019 [0.68] (13) Yes Yes Yes 14839 2615 0.04 0.03 -0.005* [1.82] -0.001*** [3.48] 0.244** [2.57] -0.005 [0.90] -0.001 [0.88] -0.001*** [3.51] -0.012*** [2.75] 0.070*** [2.87] (14) This table reports the estimates from OLS regression to determine the market reactions to managerial acquisitiveness and various mediating instruments. Deal value is in U.S.$ million from the SDC database. Market value is defined to be market value of equity plus book value of debt. Managerial excessive acquisitiveness, managerial cognitive bias, and managerial attention allocation measures are discussed in detail in the data section of the paper. BRISK is defined to be as log abs(EBIT DAit − EBIT DAit−1 ) for each firm i and time period t. Sigma is calculated following Shumway (2001). Governance index is from Gompers, Ishii and Metrick (2003). Robust z statistics are given in brackets and “*” denotes significance at 10%; “**” denotes significance at 5%; “***” denotes significance at 1% level. M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure Table 15: Excessive Use of M&A and Exit/Takeover Hazard 59 Ind. Fixed Effect Year Fixed Effect N Num. of Firms Pseudo-R2 Constant Agg. Equity Momentum Agg. Debt Shock Agg. Equity Shock Agg. Supply Shock Agg. Demand Shock Ind. Tech. Shock Ind. Supply Shock Ind. Demand Shock Deregulation Dummy Governance Score Mgt. Bias Sigma Excessive Acq. Market-to-Book PPE/Tot. Assets Lt. Debt/Tot. Assets Cash/Tot.Assets Tot. Liab./Tot. Assets Net Income/Tot. Assets log(Age) log(Tot. Assets) Yes Yes 315595 8678.00 0.11 -0.1145 [0.81] 0.0007*** [4.38] -0.0006** [2.04] -0.0091 [0.43] 1.2341*** [4.24] 0.8588 [0.40] -0.0615* [1.65] -0.0046 [0.20] -0.5935 [1.00] -2.4213 [1.01] -0.2929*** [3.36] -0.1113 [0.97] -0.0489 [1.40] 0.4291 [0.88] -0.4345 [0.66] -0.7692 [0.23] 0.4737 [0.45] -0.2146** [2.29] 3.2386*** [8.88] (1) Yes Yes 318825 8677.00 0.06 -0.0879 [0.61] 0.0006*** [4.07] -0.0005* [1.66] -0.0140 [0.63] 1.0819*** [3.65] -0.2498 [0.11] -0.0915** [2.40] -0.0022 [0.09] -0.1288 [0.31] -16.4334 [.] 8.0078*** [8.85] -0.0989*** [6.17] -0.2423*** [8.82] -0.0856 [1.53] 0.3024 [0.60] -0.8190*** [3.30] -0.0057*** [2.73] -0.1628* [1.77] -0.2094*** [4.02] (2) Yes Yes 318928 8678.00 0.07 -0.1395 [0.95] 0.0007*** [4.49] -0.0005* [1.71] -0.0084 [0.38] 1.2187*** [4.10] 0.3607 [0.17] -0.0872** [2.32] -0.0184 [0.73] -0.5536 [0.97] -7.9457*** [3.43] 4.8504*** [20.27] -0.1723* [1.88] -0.1890 [1.46] -0.4812 [1.06] 0.3931 [0.67] -0.8852 [1.31] -0.2295 [0.07] -0.0099 [0.01] -0.2134*** [2.60] (3) Yes Yes 109991 2554.00 0.08 -0.0271* [1.68] -0.5418 [1.46] 0.0002 [0.79] -0.0002 [0.38] -0.0155 [0.30] 2.0120*** [3.24] 6.6360 [0.91] -0.0838 [1.09] -0.2458** [2.34] -3.4164*** [3.26] -4.1891 [.] -0.1173*** [4.26] 0.1714** [2.10] -0.5889*** [2.73] 1.2234*** [8.05] 0.4067 [1.49] -0.0072*** [3.88] 0.0848 [0.35] -0.2894*** [6.76] (4) Exit through any Routes Yes Yes 315492 8677.00 0.12 -0.1112 [0.79] 0.0007*** [4.51] -0.0006* [1.74] -0.0111 [0.51] 1.0999*** [3.69] 0.1613 [0.07] -0.0742* [1.95] 0.0034 [0.16] -0.7883 [1.50] -5.0096** [2.34] -0.2261*** [3.17] -0.0216 [0.19] -0.0300 [0.36] 0.2482 [1.04] -0.4614 [0.69] -0.6967 [0.21] 0.4287 [0.40] -0.1675* [1.84] 2.9020*** [7.48] 6.7708*** [4.73] 3.3285*** [13.04] (5) Yes Yes 108328 2552.00 0.19 -0.2601*** [8.05] 0.5548*** [5.77] -0.1964 [0.36] 0.6591*** [3.77] 0.1162 [0.42] -0.0063*** [3.34] 0.3805 [1.46] -0.1375*** [4.11] 1.3140*** [7.82] 8.9385*** [3.24] 13.4498*** [16.73] 0.0139 [0.86] -0.6306 [1.64] 0.0003 [0.90] -0.0002 [0.30] -0.0202 [0.39] 2.0008*** [3.00] 6.6401 [0.90] -0.1011 [1.26] -0.2148** [2.00] -4.0524*** [3.75] -12.7910 [.] (6) Yes Yes 315595 8678.00 0.08 -0.1453 [0.82] 0.0008*** [4.19] -0.0007* [1.94] -0.0397 [1.50] 0.8346** [2.37] 2.6950 [0.97] -0.0282 [0.62] -0.0217 [0.71] -1.7358*** [3.88] -10.6293 [.] -0.1259*** [10.51] -0.1075*** [3.00] 0.1147** [2.25] 0.2434*** [7.19] 0.2169* [1.77] -0.0038** [2.08] 0.1973* [1.65] -0.1570*** [7.13] 2.8617*** [35.26] (7) Yes Yes 318825 8677.00 0.04 -0.1375 [0.78] 0.0007*** [3.96] -0.0006* [1.72] -0.0412 [1.55] 0.8222** [2.37] 2.1503 [0.78] -0.0479 [1.06] -0.0292 [0.99] -1.2488*** [2.66] -12.0359 [.] 1.5236*** [3.16] 0.0137 [1.26] -0.2432*** [7.64] 0.0385 [0.64] 0.2451*** [7.83] -0.3308*** [2.74] -0.0045*** [2.60] -0.1824 [1.64] -0.1643*** [7.41] (8) Yes Yes 318928 8678.00 0.07 -0.1687 [0.95] 0.0008*** [4.37] -0.0006 [1.64] -0.0375 [1.41] 0.8094** [2.31] 2.0456 [0.74] -0.0541 [1.19] -0.0316 [1.07] -1.6872*** [3.49] -16.1476 [.] 6.3609*** [23.21] -0.0077 [0.76] -0.1267*** [3.97] 0.0740 [1.01] 0.1822*** [3.08] -0.3657*** [3.12] -0.0050*** [2.87] -0.0780 [0.72] -0.1300*** [6.24] (9) Yes Yes 109991 2554.00 0.08 -0.0238 [1.39] -0.7880* [1.85] 0.0003 [0.99] -0.0001 [0.15] -0.0372 [0.69] 1.6853** [2.56] 11.1539 [1.41] -0.0382 [0.46] -0.2849** [2.45] -4.2379*** [3.74] -0.2512 [.] -0.0687** [2.46] 0.1626* [1.87] 0.4943 [1.07] 0.6647*** [4.28] 0.2499 [0.87] -0.0080*** [3.41] 0.0850 [0.33] -0.2320*** [5.95] (10) Exit through Acquisition Yes Yes 315492 8677.00 0.10 -0.1652 [0.91] 0.0008*** [4.44] -0.0007* [1.82] -0.0374 [1.40] 0.8044** [2.25] 2.4948 [0.90] -0.0354 [0.77] -0.0240 [0.80] -2.1033*** [4.56] -13.2986 [.] -0.1202*** [8.97] 0.0018 [0.05] 0.1800** [2.34] 0.1408** [2.06] 0.1303 [1.06] -0.0041** [2.26] 0.2132* [1.77] -0.1312*** [6.08] 2.4058*** [27.23] 0.1778 [0.26] 4.9235*** [17.14] (11) Yes Yes 108328 2552.00 0.18 -0.2457*** [7.97] 0.5446*** [5.38] 0.9716** [2.57] 0.2490 [1.31] 0.0616 [0.21] -0.0074*** [3.16] 0.3965 [1.42] -0.1099*** [3.48] 1.2899*** [7.18] 3.4705** [2.20] 13.9031*** [16.56] 0.0188 [1.08] -0.8599* [1.96] 0.0004 [1.14] -0.0001 [0.19] -0.0364 [0.68] 1.6371** [2.34] 11.6031 [1.45] -0.0584 [0.68] -0.2739** [2.33] -4.8626*** [4.21] -9.9552 [.] (12) This table reports the estimates from discrete-time hazard model of exit and takeover. Total assets is defined to be the book value of firms assets, net income is income from operation after all taxes and interest payment, total liabilities are all obligations due to outsiders other than the shareholders of the firms, cash are the value of cash plus other marketable securities hold by the firm, long term debts are debt obligations due in two or more years time, PPE is defined to be the net book value of firm’s Plant, Property and Equipments, and market value is calculated as market value of equity plus the book value of firm’s debt. Managerial excessive acquisitiveness and managerial cognitive bias measures are discussed in detail in the data section of the paper. Sigma is calculated following Shumway (2001). Governance score is from Gompers, Ishii and Metrick (2003). Industry classifications are based on Fama-French (1997). We use the total industry net sales from the quarterly COMPUSTAT data item 2 as proxy for industry demand and the total industry cost of good sold from the quarterly COMPUSTAT data item 30 as proxy for industry supply. We also collect information about all patents for the period of 1963-2002 from the NBER patent database and convert the assigned technology class of each of those patents into international patent class using the methodology developed by Silverman (2002). From the international patent class we covert them back into 1987 Standard Industry Classifications and assign the patents by grant year to each of our 49 Fama and French (1997) industries. We then decompose the series into trend and irregular components using the Hodrick-Prescott (HP) filter. After decomposing the trend and irregular components of the series, we calculate series instability by estimating the acceleration (change of change) of the irregular component. We use major deregulatory initiatives during the sample period as a proxy for regulatory shocks. We use the quarterly real GDP data from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis as proxy for aggregate demand and the real price of crude petroleum in the U.S. from the U.S. Energy Information Administration as a proxy for aggregate supply. Utilizing the HP filter, we then calculate the aggregate demand and supply shock. As a proxy for aggregate equity and debt market instability we apply the HP filter on the Dow Jones Industrial average and bank prime lending rate, respectively. To capture the momentum in equity market, we apply the HP filter on S&P 500 index and use the smoothed trend portion of series as our proxy for momentum in aggregate equity market. We also construct measures of industry merger wave utilizing the X-12-ARIMA, a seasonal adjustment software produced and maintained by the U.S. Census Bureau. We detail the construction of all variables in the data section of the paper. Robust z statistics are given in brackets and “*” denotes significance at 10%; “**” denotes significance at 5%; “***” denotes significance at 1% level. M.M. Rahaman Corporate Failure