Macroeconomic Fundamentals and the Forward Discount Anomaly Adrian Ma It has been widely documented that currencies with high interest rates tend to appreciate. This paper examines the macroeconomic conditions that accompany high interest rates and currency appreciations. In particular, when outputs exhibit high growth rates, interest rates tend to be high and currencies are slightly more likely to appreciate. An econometric model demonstrates that macroeconomic comovements are able to generate the widely documented negative correlations even though exchange-rate movements are weakly correlated with macroeconomic fundamentals. Moreover, the generalized-method-of-moments estimates of the uncovered interest parity condition suggest that the forward discount anomaly can be reconciled with rational expectation once the effects of macroeconomic comovements are taken into account. JEL classification: C32, F31 Keywords: Exchange rate; Forward discount; Weak identification Current draft: January 29, 2006 Department of Economics, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada K9J 7B8. E-mail: I thank the Trent University Social Sciences and Humanities Research Committee for financial support. 1 1 Introduction The uncovered interest parity (UIP) is founded on a simple arbitrage argument. Under risk neutrality, a currency with high interest rate should be expected to depreciate so that the expected returns on domestic and foreign short-term bonds are equalized. Empirical studies, however, have produced strong evidence against the hypothesis. Numerous studies have found that the currency depreciation rates are negatively correlated with the cross-country interest differentials. In other words, currencies with high interest rates tend to appreciate. This finding is often referred to as the forward discount anomaly. Because this widespread finding poses a serious challenge to our understanding of the international financial markets, the nature of this anomaly has been the focus of an enormous literature. Fama (1984) attributes the negative correlation to a time-varying risk premium. Bacchetta and van Wincoop (2005) develop a model of rational inattention that is consistent with the negative correlation. Another strand of the literature interprets the forward discount anomaly as a rejection of the rational expectation hypothesis. For instance, Froot and Frankel (1989) attribute the anomaly to expectation errors. Mark and Wu (1998) examine the effect of noise trading. Gourinchas and Tornell (2004) attribute the negative correlation to a systematic distortion in the investors’ beliefs about the interest rate process. This paper examines the macroeconomic conditions that accompany high interest rates and currency appreciations. The model is based on a simple observation on the cyclical behavior of the cross-country interest differentials and exchange-rate movements. Because interest rates are generally procyclical, countries with high interest rates are likely to be experiencing positive output growths. If there is a slight tendency for currencies to appreciate when output growths are high, the negative correlations between the interest differentials and exchange-rate movements will simply reflect the variables’ comovements with output growths. The pro-cyclicality of the interest rates has been well documented. For instance, Fama (1990) points out that the one-year U.S. interest rate is lower at the business trough than at the preceding or following peak in every business cycle of the 19521988 period. King and Watson (1996) report that interest rate, price level and money supply are generally procyclical. Because the forward discount is equal to the cross- 2 country interest differential, the forward discount is also procyclical in general. The main challenge lies in establishing the relationship between exchange-rate movements and output growths. Given the evidence of the disconnect between exchangerate movements and economic fundamentals, the literature has rarely examined the role played by macroeconomic variables in explaining the forward discount anomaly. Meese and Rogoff (1983) demonstrate that the random walk provides a better out-ofsample fit than the major exchange rate models. Subsequent studies generally support their finding. To the extent that exchange-rate movements are correlated with fundamentals, the relationship is not stable enough for exchange rate models to provide better out-of-sample fits than the random walk. For instance, Mark (1995) develops a monetary model that outperforms the random walk at longer horizon. However, Faust, Rogers and Wright (2003) find that Mark’s result can be replicated only within a twoyear window around his vintage. Cheung, Chinn and Pascual (2005) make a similar observation on the robustness of the empirical exchange rate models in general. Given the literature on exchange-rate disconnect, robustness is a main concern in this paper. Two econometric exercises attempt to shed light on the role played by macroeconomic fundamentals. The first exercise ascertains whether macroeconomic comovements are able to generate the negative correlations even though exchangerate movements are very weakly correlated with macroeconomic fundamentals. An econometric model demonstrates that the covariance between the forward discount and exchange-rate movement can be decomposed into two components. While the first component reflects the contribution of macroeconomic comovements, the second component contains factors that are orthogonal to macroeconomic fundamentals. The empirical significance of fundamentals can be gauged by comparing the signs and magnitudes of the two components. For the dollar exchange rates against the Deutsche mark, the British pound and the Japanese yen over the post-1976 period, the macroeconomic contributions are negative and very close to the covariances between the forward discounts and exchange-rate movements. Thus, the covariance decompositions demonstrate that macroeconomic comovements play an important role in explaining the forward discount anomaly. It is important to stress that exchange-rate predictability is not essential to the argument in this paper. Instead, the macroeconomic contribution stems from the covariance between the projections of the forward discount and exchange-rate movement on 3 macroeconomic fundamentals. Because the two projections tend to move in the opposition directions, the covariance between the forward discount and exchange-rate movement tends to be negative. In other words, the macroeconomic conditions that lead to high interest rates also give rise to currency appreciations. The regression results below show that the correlations between exchange-rate movements and macroeconomic fundamentals are weak and unstable over time. The weak correlations between exchange-rate movements and fundamentals are consistent with the findings of Engel and West (2005), who show that exchange-rate movements Granger-cause macroeconomic fundamentals. Given the prevalence of structural instability, subsample analysis is essential. Especially at shorter horizons, some subsample covariances between the forward discounts and exchange-rate movements are positive. In subsamples of various lengths, macroeconomic comovements are able to match both positive and negative covariances between the forward discounts and exchange-rate movements. In fact, the unstable relationship between exchange-rate movements and fundamentals helps to explain why the covariances between the forward discounts and exchange-rate movements are unstable and not always negative. Because of the effects of macroeconomic comovements, the forward discount anomaly does not necessarily imply that UIP does not hold. In order to control for the effects of macroeconomic comovements, the second econometric exercise tests the UIP hypothesis using the generalized method of moments (GMM). The GMM estimates provide favorable evidence for UIP. In all fourteen specifications of the joint estimations, the GMM estimates of the slope coefficient in the UIP condition are positive and very close to one. Thus, the forward discount anomaly can be reconciled with rational expectation once the simultaneity bias has been taken into account. The rest of this paper is organized into five sections. Section 2 discusses the nature of the forward discount anomaly. Section 3 derives the econometric model that ascertains whether macroeconomic fundamentals are able to generate the widely documented negative correlations. Section 4 presents the empirical results of the covariance decompositions. Section 5 discusses the GMM estimations of the uncovered interest parity condition. Section 6 contains some concluding remarks. 4 2 Forward discount anomaly The uncovered interest parity (UIP) is founded on a simple arbitrage argument. Under risk neutrality, a currency with high interest rate should be expected to depreciate so that the expected returns on domestic and foreign short-term bonds are equalized. Empirical studies, however, have produced strong evidence against the hypothesis. The following regression equation represents a common way of testing UIP. st+1 − st = α + β (ft − st ) + εt+1 (1) The dependent variable is the currency depreciation rate, which is defined as the change in the logarithm of the spot exchange rate. The independent variables include a constant and the forward discount, which is the difference between the log one-period-ahead forward rate and the log spot exchange rate. Because the forward discount is equal to the cross-country interest differential, the uncovered interest parity implies that α is equal to zero and β is equal to one. However, Froot and Thaler (1990) report that the average of 75 published point estimates of β is -0.88. Only a few studies have reported positive estimates, but none reports an estimate that is greater than one. Although Engel (1996) points out that the point estimates of β are larger than one for the dollar exchange rates of the French franc and the Italian lira for the period of February 1987 to May 1995, recent studies generally support the Froot-Thaler finding. For instance, McCallum (1994) reports several estimates that are smaller than -3. Flood and Rose (1996) report some estimates that are positive but less than one. This paper focuses on the U.S. dollar exchange rates against the British pound, the Deutsche mark and the Japanese yen. Given the concern about robustness, all econometric exercises in this paper will be performed on monthly and quarterly data. For the monthly data, the sample period is January 1976 to June 2004 for the Japanese yen and the British pound. The sample period is January 1976 to December 1998 for the Deutsche mark. The quarterly data cover the same sample periods. Except for the interest rates, all variables are in logarithm and multiplied by 100. Thus, the first differences of the variables are approximately equal to the percentage changes over a month or a quarter. The exchange rates are expressed as the numbers of currency units per U.S. dollar. The data were obtained from Datastream. Table I reports the well-known regression results that underlie the forward discount 5 anomaly. It can be seen that all six estimates of the slope coefficient β are negative, although the estimates for the monthly pound-dollar rate and the quarterly markdollar rate are statistically insignificant. For all three exchange rates, the magnitudes of the correlation coefficients are higher at the quarterly frequency than the monthly frequency. The coefficients of correlation range from -0.1138 to -0.0710 for the monthly data and -0.1418 to -0.3344 for the quarterly data. The small R2 ’s reflect the weak correlations between the forward discounts and currency depreciation rates. It can be seen that the R2 ’s range from 0.0056 to 0.0130 for the monthly data and 0.0266 to 0.1169 for the quarterly data. Thus, while the forward discounts and currency depreciation rates are negatively correlated, the correlations are not very high. Engel (1996) points out that there are some dramatic changes in the estimates of the slope coefficient β before and after the Louvre Accord. In particular, he reports positive estimates for the dollar exchange rates of the French franc, Deutsche mark, Italian lira, Dutch guilder and British pound for the period of February 1987 to May 1995. On the other hand, the estimates are in the neighborhood of -3 for the period of September 1977 to June 1990, which is the sample period of the McCallum (1994) study. To highlight the prevalence of structural instability, Table I also reports a fluctuation test developed by Ploberger, Krämer and Kontrus (1989). It tests whether the regression coefficients remain unchanged when the possible break dates are unknown a priori. The fluctuation tests reject stability for the monthly yen exchange rate, the quarterly pound rate, and the quarterly mark rate. The subsample analysis in Section 4 will ascertain if macroeconomic comovements are able to account for the structural changes in the covariances between the forward discounts and exchange-rate movements. 3 Role of macroeconomic fundamentals The covered interest parity condition implies that the forward discount is equal to the cross-country interest differential. S ft − st = it − iU t (2) S denotes the U.S. interest rate and it is a placeholder for the interest rates where iU t in the other three countries. The negative estimates of β in regression (1) imply that 6 currencies with high interest rates tend to appreciate. This paper focuses on the macroeconomic conditions that accompany high interest rates and currency appreciations. It has been widely documented that interest rates are procyclical. Being equal to the cross-country interest differentials, the forward discounts are positively correlated with output growths. If there is a slight tendency for currencies to appreciate when output growths are high, the forward discounts will be negatively correlated with exchange-rate movements. This section presents a simple way to gauge the role played by macroeconomic fundamentals. The key question is whether the macroeconomic conditions that give rise to high interest rates also lead to currency appreciations. The set of macroeconomic variables consists of output growths, changes in money supplies and inflation rates in the two countries for each country pair. This set of macroeconomic fundamentals has been commonly used in the exchange rate literature. Let Xt be the set of macroeconomic fundamentals for each currency pair. ¡ ¢0 S US Xt = ∆ytUS , ∆yt , ∆mU t , ∆mt , π t , π t where ∆y denotes the change in output, ∆m denotes the change in money supply and π denotes the inflation rate. Variables with the superscript U S are of the United States, while variables without any superscript are placeholders for the variables of the other three countries. The model attributes the forward discount anomaly to three time-series properties. First, interest rates are positively correlated with output growths. Second, interest rates are positively autocorrelated. Third, there is a slight tendency for currencies to appreciate when output growths are high. Because interest rates are persistent, the forward discounts are also positively autocorrelated. Therefore, the covariance between exchange-rate movement and lagged forward discount takes the same sign as the covariance between exchange-rate movement and contemporaneous forward discount; and the covariance is negative because the macroeconomic conditions that lead to high interest rates also give rise to currency appreciations. While the pro-cyclicality and persistence of the interest rates have been well documented, the weak correlation between exchange-rate movements and output growths seems to be at odds with the literature on the disconnect between exchange rates and 7 economic fundamentals. As a result, robustness is a main concern in the following econometric exercise. In particular, the following model aims to ascertain whether macroeconomic fundamentals are able to generate the widely documented negative correlations even though exchange-rate movements are weakly correlated with macroeconomic fundamentals. The model consists of three regression equations and a covariance decomposition. Equation (3) captures the relationship between the forward discount and fundamentals. Because interest rates are positively correlated with output growths, the forward discounts are negatively correlated with U.S. output growth and positively correlated with the output growths of the other three countries. S = γ 0 + Xt γ 01 + ηt it − iU t (3) Equation (4) is an autoregression of the forward discount. Because interest rates are positively autocorrelated, the coefficient on lagged forward discount ρ1 is generally positive. ¡ ¢ S US + it+1 − iU t+1 = ρ0 + ρ1 it − it t+1 (4) Exchange-rate equation (5) captures the weak correlation between exchange-rate movements and macroeconomic fundamentals. ∆st+1 = θ0 + Xt+1 θ01 + ξ t+1 (5) Given the literature on exchange-rate disconnect, this equation will receive special attention in the following econometric exercise. In particular, the following section shows that the coefficients on macroeconomic fundamentals θ1 are small and unstable. The weak correlations between exchange-rate movements and fundamentals are consistent with the findings of Engel and West (2005), who show that exchange rates Granger-cause macroeconomic fundamentals. One important implication of the exchange-rate equation (5) is that the exchange rates do not follow random walk because exchange-rate movements ∆st+1 are weakly correlated with fundamentals Xt+1 , which are known to be persistent. If the exchange rates follow random walk, exchange-rate movements will be independent of previously 8 available information. However, the forward discount anomaly is founded on the widespread finding that currencies tend to appreciate when lagged interest rates are high. Hence, in order to account for the forward discount anomaly, one needs to reject either the random walk hypothesis or the rational expectation hypothesis. This paper attempts to reconcile the forward discount anomaly with rational expectation. In particular, the generalized-method-of-moments estimates in Section 5 demonstrate that the negative covariance between the forward discount and exchange-rate movement is consistent with rational expectation. Even though exchange rates do not follow random walk, it does not necessarily imply that equation (5) will provide a better out-of-sample fit than the random walk. Although exchange-rate movements are correlated with fundamentals, the correlations are so weak and unstable that the random walk provides a better out-of-sample fit than the exchange-rate equation (5). The following empirical section presents evidence for these assertions. To ascertain the role played by macroeconomic fundamentals, the covariance between the forward discount and exchange-rate movement is decomposed into two components. While the first component reflects the contribution of macroeconomic comovements, the second component contains factors that are orthogonal to macroeconomic fundamentals. In particular, equations (3), (4) and (5) are substituted into the covariance between the forward discount and exchange-rate movement as follows. = = = = S cov(∆st+1 , it − iU t ) 1 S cov(∆st+1 , it+1 − iU t+1 − t+1 ) ρ1 1 cov(∆st+1 , Xt+1 γ 01 + η t+1 − t+1 ) ρ1 1 1 cov(∆st+1 , Xt+1 γ 01 ) + cov(∆st+1 , η t+1 − t+1 ) ρ1 ρ1 1 1 θ1 var (Xt+1 ) γ 01 + cov(∆st+1 , η t+1 − t+1 ) ρ1 ρ1 (6) The following covariance decomposition (7) provides a useful gauge of the role played by macroeconomic comovements. 9 S cov(∆st+1 , it − iU t )= 1 1 θ1 var (Xt+1 ) γ 01 + cov(∆st+1 , η t+1 − ρ ρ |1 |1 {z } {z contribution of macroeconomic comovements t+1 ) (7) } residual covariance that is unexplained by macroeconomic fundamentals If macroeconomic comovements are responsible for the widely documented negative covariance between the forward discount and exchange-rate movement, then the first term in equation (7) has to be negative. 1 θ1 var (Xt+1 ) γ 01 < 0 ρ1 The expression 1 0 ρ1 θ 1 var(Xt+1 ) γ 1 represents the contribution of macroeconomic co- movements to the negative covariance between exchange-rate movement and forward discount. As a variance-covariance matrix, var(Xt+1 ) is semi-positive definite. Thus, 1 0 ρ1 θ 1 var(Xt+1 ) γ 1 is negative when the elements of θ1 and γ 1 generally take the oppo- site signs because ρ1 is positive. That is, the macroeconomic conditions that give rise to high interest rates also lead to currency appreciations. Note that the macroeconomic contribution in equation (7) can also be written as follows. 1 1 θ1 var (Xt+1 ) γ 01 = cov(Xt+1 θ01 , Xt+1 γ 01 ) ρ1 ρ1 While Xt+1 θ01 is the projection of the exchange-rate movement on fundamentals, Xt+1 γ 01 is the projection of the forward discount on fundamentals. The macroeconomic contriS bution stems from the covariance between the projections of ∆st+1 and it+1 − iU t+1 on Xt+1 . Thus, the first term in the covariance decomposition (7) captures the effect of macroeconomic comovements. It is important to stress that exchange-rate predictability is not essential to the argument in this paper. Instead, the above derivation simply shows that the first term in equation (7) contributes to the negative correlation when the elements of θ1 and γ 1 generally take the opposite signs. It has been well documented that the covariance between the forward discount and exchange-rate movement is not always positive. For instance, Engel (1996) reports positive covariances for the dollar exchange rates of the French franc, Deutsche mark, Italian lira, Dutch guilder and British pound for the period of 10 February 1987 to May 1995. The subsample analysis below will highlight the prevalence of structural instability. In fact, the unstable relationship between exchange-rate movements and fundamentals helps to explain why the covariances between the forward discounts and exchange-rate movements are unstable and not always negative. Especially at short horizons, currencies do not always appreciate when output growths are high. Thus, the macroeconomic contributions are positive in some subsamples because the elements of θ1 and γ 1 do not always take the opposite signs. The above derivation makes use of the fact that the error term ξ t+1 in the exchangerate equation (5) is orthogonal to the macroeconomic fundamentals Xt+1 . cov(Xt+1 , ξ t+1 ) = 0 This condition holds because the exchange-rate equation (5) will be estimated using the ordinary least squares (OLS). Given the fact that exchange-rate movements are weakly correlated with fundamentals, ξ t+1 will account for a substantial portion of the variations in ∆st+1 . The orthogonal component ξ t+1 could stem from expectation error, risk premium or other factors that drive the exchange rates. Expanding the second term in the covariance decomposition (7) demonstrates the effect of ξ t+1 on the unexplained residual covariance that is unexplained by macroeconomic fundamentals. ¡ ¢ 1 cov ∆st+1 , η t+1 − t+1 ρ1 ¡ ¢ 1 = cov Xt+1 θ01 + ξ t+1 , η t+1 − t+1 ρ1 ¢ ¡ ¡ 1 1 = − cov Xt+1 θ01 , t+1 + cov ξ t+1 , η t+1 − ρ1 ρ1 t+1 ¢ Note that ξ t+1 and η t+1 are orthogonal to Xt+1 . The second term in decomposition (7) represents the residual covariance that is unexplained by macroeconomic comovements. Hence, if the forward discount anomaly stems from sources that are independent of the macroeconomic fundamentals, the residual covariance should be very close to the covariance between the forward discount and exchange-rate movement. The role played by macroeconomic comovements can therefore be ascertained by comparing the signs and magnitudes of the two components in the covariance decomposition (7). The following section reports the empirical results. 11 4 Empirical results Given the concern about robustness, the above econometric model will be applied to monthly and quarterly data. Subsample analysis will also be carried out. The International Financial Statistics is the main source of macroeconomic data. The sample period is January 1976 to December 1998 for the German time series. The sample period is January 1976 to June 2004 for the time series of Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. The quarterly data cover the same time periods. For the quarterly data, the change in output ∆y is defined as the first difference of the log seasonally adjusted real GDP, which is obtained by dividing the seasonally adjusted nominal GDP by the consumer price level. For the monthly data, the change in output ∆y is defined as the first difference of the log seasonally adjusted industrial production. The change in money supply ∆m is defined as the first difference of the log seasonally adjusted money supply. Inflation rate π is defined as the first difference of the log consumer price index. This section will first discuss the estimation results of the individual regression equations (3), (4) and (5). Section 4.3 reports the estimates of the covariance decomposition (7). Section 4.4 reports the results of the subsample analysis. 4.1 Forward-discount regressions Table II reports the autoregressions of the forward discounts as in equation (4). As expected, all six estimates of the coefficient on the lagged forward discounts ρ1 are significantly positive. For the monthly data, the estimates of ρ1 range from 0.2565 to 0.4118. For the quarterly data, the estimates of ρ1 range from 0.7803 to 0.8396. These estimates indicate positive autocorrelations. Since interest rates are known to be persistent, this set of regressions simply shows that the forward discounts are also persistent. However, the fluctuation tests reject stability for all six regression equations at the 5% significance level. This is a strong indication of structural breaks in the interest rate time series. Table III reports the regressions of the forward discounts on macroeconomic fundamentals as in equation (3). The R2 ’s range from 0.1811 to 0.5188 for the monthly data and from 0.4860 to 0.7798 for the quarterly data. The F -statistics reject the hypothesis that the regression coefficients are equal to zero at the 1% significance level 12 in five of the six cases. The fluctuation tests strongly reject stability for all six cases at the 1% significance level. Hence, while the forward discounts are strongly correlated with macroeconomic fundamentals, the relationships are unstable over time. In Table III, all six coefficients on U.S. output growth are negative, although only two of the six are statistically significant. As for the output growths of the other three countries, four of six coefficients are positive, but none is significant. Because the forward discounts are very persistent, the heteroskedasticity-autocorrelation-robust standard errors tend to be large. Some preliminary regressions indicate that the correlations between the forward discounts and output growths are much stronger at the businesscycle frequency. This is consistent with previous studies such as King and Watson (1996), who report strong correlation between the U.S. interest rate and output at the business-cycle frequency. As Baxter and King (1999) point out, the first-difference filter places heavy weight on high-frequency movements. As a result, most coefficients on output growths in the forward-discount regressions are statistically insignificant. Nevertheless, this paper chooses to use the first-difference filter because the focus of the forward discount anomaly has been on the interest differentials and first-differenced exchange rates. The business-cycle-frequency behavior will therefore be left for future research. The coefficients on inflation rates also show some interesting pattern. In all six regressions, the coefficients on U.S. inflation are negative while the coefficients on the inflation rates in the other three countries are positive. Moreover, five of twelve coefficients on inflation rates are statistically significant. These coefficients reflect the positive correlations between interest rates and inflation rates. On the other hand, the coefficients on money growth rates do not show any consistent pattern. This set of regressions suggests that when the forward discounts are high, U.S. output growth and inflation rate are likely to be low while output growths and inflation rates in the other three countries are likely to be high. The main question is whether the currencies are more likely to appreciate against the U.S. dollar under these same conditions. The following set of regressions attempts to answer this question. 13 4.2 Exchange-rate regressions on macroeconomic fundamentals The estimates of the exchange-rate equation (5) are reported in Table IV. The R2 ’s range from 0.0255 to 0.0790 for the monthly data and from 0.0556 to 0.2571 for the quarterly data. The small R2 ’s reflect the weak correlations between exchange-rate movements and fundamentals. Even though the R2 ’s of the exchange-rate equations are small, it does not necessarily follow that macroeconomic comovements cannot account for the forward discount anomaly. In five of six regressions, the R2 ’s of the exchangerate equations are larger than the R2 ’s of the forward discount anomaly regressions (1) as reported in Table I. The only exception is the quarterly dollar-pound exchange rate. The fluctuation tests reject stability for the monthly yen rate, the quarterly pound rate and the quarterly mark rate. Coincidentally, the fluctuation tests also reject stability of the forward discount anomaly regressions for these three exchange rates in Table I. The estimates indicate a slight tendency for currencies to appreciate when output growths are high. All six coefficients on U.S. output growth are positive, although only two of the six are statistically significant. Five of the six coefficients on output growths in the other three countries are negative, although only one of the six is statistically significant. All six coefficients on U.S. inflation are positive. Four of the six coefficients on the inflation rates of the other three countries are negative. The coefficients on money growth rates do not show any consistent pattern. Hence, Tables III and IV suggest the coefficients on macroeconomic fundamentals generally take the opposite signs in the forward-discount regressions (3) and the exchange-rate regressions (5). In the notation of the above econometric model, the elements of θ1 and γ 1 generally take the opposite signs. In other words, when U.S. output growth and inflation rate are low and output growths and inflation rates in the other three countries high, the forward discounts are likely to be high and the currencies are slightly more likely to appreciate against the U.S. dollar. Because the correlations between exchange-rate movements and fundamentals are weak and unstable, the exchange-rate equation (5) is not expected to provide a better out-of-sample fit than the random walk. Table V reports the out-of-sample fit of the exchange-rate equation. As in Meese and Rogoff (1983), the root-mean-squared error (RMSE) of the exchange-rate equation is compared with that of the random walk in order to assess the model’s out-of-sample fit. Table V also reports a test statistic that is 14 developed by Diebold and Mariano (1995). A positive value of the Diebold-Mariano statistic indicates that the random walk has a smaller root-mean-squared error than the exchange-rate equation (5). For the monthly data, a moving window of 120 months is used to estimate the exchange-rate equation and generate the out-of-sample fit. For the quarterly data, the length of the moving window is 40 quarters. Not surprisingly, the out-of-sample fit of the exchange-rate equation is worse than that of the random walk in sixteen of eighteen cases. The Diebold-Mariano statistics indicate no statistically significant difference between the exchange-rate equation and the random walk. Hence, although exchangerate movements are correlated with fundamentals, the correlations are so weak and unstable that the random walk provides a better out-of-sample fit than the exchangerate equation (5). 4.3 Covariance decomposition Table VI reports the results of the covariance decomposition according to equation (7). The macroeconomic contributions are calculated from the estimated coefficients reported in Tables II, III and IV. The standard deviations of the simulated moments are calculated from 2000 random draws from the empirical distributions. In all six cases, the contributions of macroeconomic comovements are negative. Moreover, the magnitudes of the macroeconomic contributions are very close to the covariances between the forward discounts and exchange-rate movements. Except for the quarterly pound rate, the macroeconomic contributions are within one standard deviation of the covariances between the forward discounts and exchange-rate movements. Because many elements of θ1 and γ 1 are statistically insignificant, the standard deviations of the macroeconomic contributions are quite large. Fortunately, the residual covariances that are unexplained by fundamentals also imply that the macroeconomic variables play an important role. For the Deutsche mark, the residual covariances are significantly positive at both monthly and quarterly frequencies. Thus, the negative covariances between the forward discounts and exchange-rate movements of the Deutsche mark are generated entirely from macroeconomic comovements. As for the other two exchange rates, the residual covariances are statistically different from the covariances between the forward discounts and exchange-rate movements. Except for 15 the quarterly dollar-pound rate, the magnitudes of the residuals are much smaller than the magnitudes of the macroeconomic contributions. Although the residual covariances are small for the pound and the yen, they are negative and statistically significant. This suggests that the macroeconomic variables do not fully account for the negative covariances between the forward discounts and exchange-rate movements of these two exchange rates. Overall, the covariance decomposition suggests that the macroeconomic contributions help to explain the forward discount anomaly even though exchange-rate movements are very weakly correlated with macroeconomic fundamentals. 4.4 Subsample analysis Given the evidence of structural instability, this section reports the results of some subsample analysis. For the monthly data, the above regression equations are estimated with subsamples drawn from moving windows of 30, 60, 120 and 180 months. As for the quarterly data, the above econometric model is estimated with subsamples drawn from moving windows of 20, 40 and 60 quarters. Figures 1 to 3 juxtapose the quarterly subsample values of the macroeconomic contributions with the covariances between the forward discounts and exchange-rate movements. The figures highlight two subsample features. First, there appear to be substantial changes in the subsample values of the covariances between the forward discounts and exchange-rate movements. Second, a substantial portion of the subsample covariances are positive, especially at shorter horizons. For the 20-quarter moving window, the subsample covariances range from -2.7128 to 0.5865 for the yen, -3.0896 to 1.3268 for the pound, and -1.4345 to 1.1131 for the mark. Previous studies such as Bekaert and Hodrick (1993) and Engel (1996) have also documented substantial structural instability in the covariance between the forward discount and exchange-rate movement. It can be seen from the figures that the macroeconomic contributions are tracking the subsample covariances quite closely. Thus, the macroeconomic contributions are able to match the changing signs and magnitudes of the subsample covariances between the forward discounts and exchange-rate movements. To quantify the subsample performance of the macroeconomic contributions, Tables VII and VIII report some summary statistics of the rolling regressions. 16 Columns (iii) report the percentages of negative subsample covariances between the S forward discounts and exchange-rate movements cov(∆st+1 , it − iU t ). In general, the percentages of positive subsample covariances tend to be higher at shorter horizons. For all three exchange rates, the percentages of negative subsample covariances are larger at the 180-month moving window than at the 30-month moving window. The percentages are also larger at the 60-quarter moving window than at the 20-quarter moving window. In other words, currencies with high interest rates tend to appreciate over the long term, but currencies with high interest rates often depreciate over the short term. Columns (v) report the percentages of subsamples in which the macroeconomic contributions take the same signs as the covariances between the forward discounts and exchange-rate movements. For seventeen of the twenty-one cases in Tables VII and VIII, the percentages in columns (v) are larger than the percentages in columns (iii). This indicates that the macroeconomic contributions are able to match both positive and negative covariances between the forward discounts and exchange-rate movements. As a result, Figures 1 to 3 show that the macroeconomic contributions are tracking the subsample covariances quite closely. Tables VII and VIII also present some summary statistics of the magnitudes of the macroeconomic contributions. Columns (vi) report the numbers of subsamples in which the following inequality holds. ¸2 · 1 US 0 cov(∆st+1 , it − it ) − θ1 var (Xt+1 ) γ 1 ρ1 · 1 S < cov(∆st+1 , it − iU cov(∆st+1 , η t+1 − t )− ρ1 Inequality (8) holds when the macroeconomic contribution S to cov(∆st+1 , it − iU t ) than the residual covariance ¸2 (8) t+1 ) 1 0 ρ1 θ 1 var(Xt+1 ) γ 1 1 ρ1 cov(∆st+1 , η t+1 is closer − t+1 ). This provides an indication of the significance of the macroeconomic contributions. Columns (vii) report the percentages of subsamples in which inequality (8) holds. For the mark and the yen, the macroeconomic contributions are close to cov(∆st+1 , it − S iU t ) in a majority of cases. The percentages range from 43% to 100% for the Deutsche mark, and the percentages range from 31% to 100% for the Japanese yen. Moreover, the percentages tend to be higher at longer horizons. The performance is less satis17 factory for the British pound, as the percentages range from 18% to 51%. In the full sample, the quarterly dollar-pound exchange rate is the only case in which the macroeconomic contribution is not within one standard deviation of the covariance between the forward discount and exchange-rate movement. However, although the macroeconomic contributions do not fully account for the negative covariances between the forward discounts and exchange rate movements, they certainly play an important role. The last two summary statistics indicate whether there is a slight tendency for currencies to appreciate when output growths are high. Columns (ix) report the percentUS is positive in the exchange-rate ages of subsamples in which the coefficient on ∆yt+1 equation (5). It can be seen that the percentages range from 61% to 100% for the 21 cases. Moreover, the percentages tend to be higher at longer horizons. This suggests that the U.S. dollar tends to appreciate when U.S. output growth is high. Columns (xi) report the percentage of subsamples in which the coefficient on ∆yt+1 is negative in the exchange-rate equation (5). The percentages are not as high as in columns (ix). The percentages range from 0% to 100% for the mark, 45% to 100% for the yen, and 19% to 70% for the pound. In particular, the percentage for the quarterly dollar-mark rate is equal to zero for 60-quarter moving window. This could be the result of the dramatic structural change associated with German reunification in the middle of the sample period. Figure 3 also indicates some dramatic changes in the macroeconomic contributions for the dollar-mark exchange rate. Nevertheless, the macroeconomic contributions are still able to generate the negative covariance between the forward discount and exchange-rate movement of the mark. This is because the coefficients on U.S. output growth take the opposite signs in the exchange-rate and forward-discount equations. That is, when U.S. output growth is high, the forward discount tends to be low and the U.S. dollar tends to appreciate. Overall, this subsample analysis suggests that macroeconomic comovement is an important factor behind the forward discount anomaly. 5 Uncovered interest parity Ordinary least squares (OLS) has been a common way of testing the UIP condition. Covariance decomposition (7) implies that macroeconomic comovements are partly responsible for the negative covariance between the forward discount and exchange-rate 18 movement. As a result, macroeconomic comovements generate a downward simultaneity bias in the OLS estimate of β in regression (1). Therefore, the widely documented negative OLS estimates of β do not necessarily imply that UIP does not hold. McCallum (1994) makes a similar point, although the source of simultaneity is different in his model. In particular, McCallum (1994) points out that simultaneity could result from the fact that a central bank may raise its interest rate in order to stem a currency depreciation. Since UIP is a restriction on the expected exchange-rate-adjusted returns, instrumentalvariables regression is perhaps a more appropriate method of testing the hypothesis. By controlling for macroeconomic comovements, the generalized method of moments should be able to provide a more accurate assessment of UIP. Another advantage of GMM is that it is robust to heteroskedasticity. Diebold and Nerlove (1989) and Hsieh (1989) have provided evidence of autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity in the major exchange rates. The following GMM estimation therefore makes use of a heteroskedasticity-robust weighting matrix. In particular, the GMM estimates minimize the robust continuous-updating GMM objective function: #0 # " T T 1 X 1 X −1 √ φt (δ) V (δ) φt (δ) S(δ) = √ T t=1 T t=1 " (9) 0 where δ = (α, β) is the vector of parameters to be estimated; φt (δ) = h(Yt , δ) ⊗ Zt , where h(Yt , δ) is the UIP moment condition and Zt is the vector of instruments; ¤£ ¤0 PT £ and V (δ) = T1 t=1 φt (δ) − φ̄t (δ) φt (δ) − φ̄t (δ) is the robust covariance matrix. This choice of the weighting matrix facilitates the use of weak-identification statistics developed by Stock and Wright (2000). Under rational expectation, the deviation from UIP should be uncorrelated with previously available information. Thus, the moment condition of UIP can be written as follows. ¢ ¡ S Et [ ∆st+1 | Zt ] = α + β it − iU t (10) where Zt denotes the set of instruments. A constant is included as an instrument in all specifications. Other instruments are drawn from the macroeconomic variables of the four countries, ∆ytk , ∆mkt , π kt , k ∈ {G, J, U K, U S}. The superscripts G, J, U K 19 and U S refer to Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States respectively. The forward-discount equation (3) and the exchange-rate equation (5) imply that macroeconomic fundamentals are relevant instruments. Using the macroeconomic variables as instruments will therefore control for the effects of macroeconomic comovements. Because conventional GMM test statistics often mistakenly assume that the objective functions are locally quadratic around the GMM estimates, this section will report the concentrated S-sets for the parameters in addition to the J-statistics and robust standard errors. The concentrated S-sets can be interpreted as confidence intervals that are robust to weak identification. According to Theorem 3 in Stock and Wright (2000), ´ ³ D if a parameter θ is well-identified, then S δ 0 , θ̂ (δ 0 ) −→ χ2k−n , where S (δ 0 , α̂ (δ 0 )) denotes the concentrated objective function evaluated at δ 0 , k is the dimension of the weighting matrix, and n is the dimension of θ. In other words, a concentrated S-set contains all parameter values such that the continuous-updating objective function is smaller than the χ2k−n critical value. In the first set of estimations, the parameters α and β are restricted to be the same across the three exchange rates. The second set of estimations is carried out individually for each of the three exchange rates. Table IX reports the results of the joint estimations for the monthly data. Table X reports the results of the joint estimations for the quarterly data. It can be seen that all fourteen estimates of β in the two tables are positive. They range from 0.1316 to 1.0334. While the UIP condition implies that β is equal to one, β is equal to zero if exchange rates follow random walk. If the GMM estimate of β is significantly positive, the hypothesis that the exchange rates follow random walk will be rejected. The fact that many S-sets contain zero imply that the estimates are not precise enough to distinguish between the random walk hypothesis and the uncovered interest parity. That is, the random walk hypothesis and the uncovered interest parity condition cannot be rejected in most cases. In three of the fourteen specifications, the S-sets reject the hypothesis that β is equal to zero but cannot reject the hypothesis that β is equal to one. The three specifications are Joint-M1, Joint-M4, and Joint Q4. Although these three specifications provide strong support for UIP, the overall evidence is not sufficient for a strong rejection of the random walk hypothesis. The S-sets are empty for four of the fourteen specifications: Joint-M6, Joint-M7, 20 Joint-Q5 and Joint-Q7. Empty S-sets imply that there is no parameter value that satisfies the 27 or 39 orthogonality restrictions at the 5% significance level. As the number of orthogonality restrictions decreases, a large set of parameters satisfies the orthogonality restrictions. When the GMM estimation procedure is applied to the individual exchange rates, the numbers of orthogonality restrictions reduce to 3 and 7. As a result, the S-sets are much wider for the separate estimations as reported in Tables X and XI. In other words, the estimates of β tend to be much more imprecise for the individual exchange rates. In all twelve specifications, the hypothesis that β is equal to one cannot be rejected. For specification GBP-M1, the random walk hypothesis is rejected at the 5% significance level. However, the S-sets in the other eleven specifications contain zero, suggesting that the random walk hypothesis cannot be rejected. Overall, the GMM estimates suggest that the uncovered interest parity cannot be rejected even though the OLS estimates of β are negative. 6 Conclusion This paper provides a new perspective on the forward discount anomaly. The results presented above suggest that the forward discount anomaly can be reconciled with rational expectation. While this paper focuses on the empirical correlations between the forward discount, exchange-rate movement and macroeconomic fundamentals, future research could therefore attempt to develop a structural model that captures the correlations reported in this paper. In order to account for the forward discount anomaly, a general-equilibrium will need to generate procyclical interest rates and exchange rates. 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The fluctuation statistics test whether the estimated coefficients are stable over time. Exchange rate Sample period α̂ British pound 1976:01-2004:06 Deutsche mark 1976:01-1998:12 Japanese yen 1976:01-2004:06 0.1944 (0.2142) -0.1289 (0.2375) -0.4975 (0.2881) British pound 1976:Q1-2004:Q2 Deutsche mark 1976:Q1-1998:Q4 Japanese yen 1976:Q1-2004:Q2 1.6655 (0.6886) -0.8164 (0.9739) -3.2187 (1.0961) Coefficient of correlation corr(∆st+1 , ft − st ) F -statistic Fluctuation test Monthly frequency -0.6408 0.0056 (0.5445) -0.6080 0.0130 (0.3627) -1.0883 0.0119 (0.6609) 0.7687 (0.4645) 1.4069 (0.2471) 1.6845 (0.1874) 1.0646 (0.3233) 0.9544 (0.4749) 2.5707 (0.0000) -0.0710 Quarterly frequency -2.5649 0.1169 (0.8367) -0.8269 0.0266 (0.9499) -2.9011 0.0998 (0.9945) 4.9428 (0.0093) 0.5049 (0.6060) 4.7834 (0.0107) 1.7990 (0.0045) 3.9305 (0.0000) 0.9135 (0.5404) -0.3344 R2 β̂ 24 -0.1138 -0.0978 -0.1418 -0.2997 Table II Autoregressions of the forward discounts ¡ ¢ S US it+1 − iU + t+1 = ρ0 + ρ1 it − it Exchange rate ρ0 British pound 0.1289 (0.0208) -0.1368 (0.0406) -0.1749 (0.0211) 0.1038 (0.0527) -0.0572 (0.0468) -0.1566 (0.0704) Deutsche mark Japanese yen British pound Deutsche mark Japanese yen t+1 F -statistic Fluctuation test Monthly frequency 0.3191 0.3094 (0.0529) 0.2565 0.1407 (0.0619) 0.4118 0.5704 (0.0484) 71.7913 (0.0000) 19.8722 (0.0000) 230.4132 (0.0000) 1.5458 (0.0254) 2.8644 (0.0000) 6.4689 (0.0000) Quarterly frequency 0.7803 0.7464 (0.0641) 0.8396 0.7708 (0.0456) 0.8253 0.8790 (0.0639) 143.9273 (0.0000) 224.9447 (0.0000) 290.5198 (0.0000) 2.1863 (0.0001) 7.0870 (0.0000) 1.5660 (0.0220) R2 ρ1 25 Table III Forward-discount regressions on macroeconomic fundamentals S S S it − iU = γ 0 + γ y1 ∆ytU S + γ y2 ∆yt + γ m1 ∆mU + γ m2 ∆mt + γ p1 π U + γ p2 πt + ξ t t t t Exchange rate British pound Deutsche mark Japanese yen British pound Deutsche mark Japanese yen Estimated coefficients on the variables S S ∆yt ∆mU ∆mt πU t t R2 F -statistic Fluctuation test 7.4054 (0.0000) 6.0462 (0.0000) 16.4092 (0.0000) 2.5519 (0.0000) 3.4268 (0.0000) 3.7051 (0.0000) 1.7892 (0.1008) 3.2518 (0.0056) 9.8534 (0.0000) 2.6207 (0.0000) 3.7291 (0.0000) 3.1984 (0.0000) constant ∆ytU S 0.2591 (0.0498) 0.1217 (0.0918) -0.1547 (0.0609) -0.0924 (0.0462) -0.0825 (0.0659) -0.0426 (0.0475) -0.0004 (0.0233) 0.0071 (0.0163) -0.0090 (0.0233) Monthly frequency -0.0421 -0.0083 -0.1514 (0.0516) (0.0115) (0.1057) -0.4472 0.0710 -0.3671 (0.1220) (0.0493) (0.1412) -0.1274 -0.0069 -0.2118 (0.0835) (0.0131) (0.0962) 0.0544 (0.0575) 0.0975 (0.1416) 0.0389 (0.0627) 0.2670 0.6924 (0.5428) -0.6736 (0.7179) -0.4033 (0.4338) -0.3164 (0.2242) -0.3013 (0.1940) -0.3261 (0.1650) 0.0163 (0.0569) 0.0991 (0.0937) 0.1029 (0.1242) Quarterly frequency 0.0363 0.0022 -0.3721 (0.0370) (0.0270) (0.3273) 0.3640 0.0368 -0.8225 (0.3229) (0.1015) (0.2464) 0.0628 -0.0393 -0.5580 (0.0276) (0.0349) (0.2211) 0.0772 (0.1920) 0.7074 (0.3421) 0.2263 (0.2367) 0.4860 26 πt 0.1811 0.5188 0.5554 0.7798 Table IV Exchange-rate regressions on macroeconomic fundamentals US S US ∆st+1 = θ0 + θy1 ∆yt+1 + θy2 ∆yt+1 + θm1 ∆mU t+1 + θ m2 ∆mt+1 + θ p1 π t+1 + θ p2 π t+1 + ξ t+1 Exchange rate British pound Deutsche mark Japanese yen British pound Deutsche mark Japanese yen Estimated coefficients on the variables S S ∆yt+1 ∆mU ∆mt+1 πU t+1 t+1 R2 F -statistic Fluctuation test 1.4147 (0.1990) 2.7542 (0.0092) 1.0158 (0.4201) 1.5088 (0.1076) 1.4974 (0.1154) 1.9885 (0.0035) 0.5785 (0.7714) 2.5796 (0.0219) 2.6981 (0.0146) 2.2544 (0.0006) 1.7943 (0.0175) 1.0163 (0.8143) constant US ∆yt+1 0.0749 (0.3316) -1.1913 (0.4609) -0.9798 (0.4395) 0.4701 (0.3076) 0.9395 (0.3309) 0.3065 (0.3426) -0.0317 (0.1554) -0.1568 (0.0816) -0.0361 (0.1681) Monthly frequency 0.2021 -0.1332 0.3877 (0.3433) (0.0764) (0.7037) 0.9887 -0.0073 0.6462 (0.6127) (0.2478) (0.7093) 0.9020 0.1015 0.8599 (0.6020) (0.0945) (0.6936) -0.6031 (0.3830) 1.2119 (0.7109) -0.3614 (0.4522) 0.0361 2.3118 (1.9749) 0.2326 (2.9088) -3.1180 (2.3347) 0.5655 (0.8159) 1.5536 (0.7861) 0.4885 (0.8882) -0.0850 (0.2070) 0.5460 (0.3797) -0.4719 (0.6682) Quarterly frequency -0.1118 -0.0976 0.5499 (0.1346) (0.0982) (1.1910) -3.0704 0.2440 1.2800 (1.3084) (0.4111) (0.9985) -0.3314 0.3434 2.9256 (0.1488) (0.1877) (1.1898) -0.6239 (0.6987) 2.9147 (1.3861) -1.8447 (1.2740) 0.0556 27 π t+1 0.0790 0.0255 0.2571 0.1760 Table V Out-of-sample fit of the exchange-rate equation ∆st+1 = θ0 + Xt+1 θ0 + ξ t+1 For the monthly data, a moving window of 120 months is used to estimate the exchangerate equation and then generate the out-of-sample fit. For the quarterly data, the length of the moving window is 40 quarters. A positive value of the Diebold-Mariano statistic indicates that the random walk has a smaller root-mean-squared error (RMSE) than the exchange-rate equation. Exchange rate Out-of-sample horizon 1 month 6 months 12 months RMSE of the random walk 3.3906 8.4024 10.6584 RMSE of the exchange-rate equation 3.3499 9.4194 12.3482 Diebold-Mariano statistic -0.3210 1.1013 1.1102 Japanese yen 1 month 6 months 12 months 3.5048 9.1754 11.9777 3.6888 10.6192 14.9191 1.4686 1.1977 1.0530 British pound 1 month 6 months 12 months 2.9651 7.1906 8.7570 3.0056 7.6619 9.6853 0.8812 1.8534 1.5836 Deutsche mark 1 quarter 2 quarters 4 quarters 6.0341 9.6568 11.9472 7.1038 11.7167 14.8636 0.7227 0.9006 1.0543 Japanese yen 1 quarter 2 quarters 4 quarters 6.1826 8.9440 11.4443 6.7141 9.6554 9.8631 1.1823 0.8937 -1.0205 British pound 1 quarter 2 quarters 4 quarters 5.2951 7.8656 9.7330 6.2447 10.2915 15.8539 1.5711 1.5825 1.3961 Deutsche mark 28 Table VI Decomposition of the negative covariance between the forward discount and exchange-rate movement ¡ ¢ cov ∆st+1 , it − iUS = t 0 1 ρ̂1 θ̂ 1 var(Xt+1 ) γ̂ 1 + ¡ ∆st+1 , η t+1 − 1 ρ̂1 cov t+1 ¢ The contributions of macroeconomic variables are calculated from the estimated coefficients reported in Tables II, III and IV. In parentheses are the standard deviations of the simulated moments that are calculated from 2000 random draws from the empirical distributions. Exchange rate ¡ ¢ S cov ∆st+1 , it − iU t Deutsche mark -0.2405 Japanese yen -0.1075 British pound -0.0766 Deutsche mark -0.7062 Japanese yen -1.3341 British pound -1.1077 Contribution of macroeconomic comovements 0 1 ρ̂ θ̂ 1 var (Xt+1 ) γ̂ 1 1 Monthly frequency -0.3945 (0.2387) -0.0925 (0.0584) -0.0580 (0.0725) Quarterly frequency -0.7741 (0.7302) -1.2636 (0.5466) -0.2681 (0.3757) 29 Residual covariance that is unexplained by macroeconomic variables ¡ ¢ 1 ρ̂ cov ∆st+1 , η t+1 − t+1 1 0.1541 (0.0481) -0.0151 (0.0017) -0.0186 (0.0027) 0.0678 (0.0038) -0.0706 (0.0050) -0.8397 (0.0623) Table VII Summary of rolling regressions at monthly frequency The exchange-rate and forward-discount equations are estimated with subsamples drawn from moving windows of 30, 60, 120 and 180 months. Covariance decompositions are then generated for the subsamples. (i) (ii) (iii) Number of months in the moving window Negative subsample ¢ ¡ S cov ∆st+1 , it − iU t number percentage 180 120 60 30 47 75 115 117 100% 70% 69% 59% 180 120 60 30 109 131 170 175 100% 78% 74% 68% 180 120 60 30 101 119 147 152 89% 69% 63% 58% (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) Subsample estimates Macroeconomic of ρ̂1 θ̂1 var (Xt+1 ) γ̂ 01 contributions 1 take¡ the same sign ¢ ¡ are close to U S ¢ S cov ∆st+1 , it − it as cov ∆st+1 , it − iU t number percentage number percentage Deutsche mark 47 100% 47 100% 89 83% 74 69% 137 82% 111 66% 124 63% 84 43% Japanese yen 109 100% 58 53% 134 79% 52 31% 186 81% 87 38% 185 71% 133 51% British pound 101 89% 41 36% 116 67% 85 49% 101 43% 43 18% 139 53% 56 21% 30 (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) Exchange-rate equation Positive subsample Negative subsample estimates of the estimates of the US coefficient on ∆yt+1 coefficient on ∆yt+1 number percentage number percentage 47 107 158 183 100% 100% 95% 93% 47 107 147 152 100% 100% 88% 77% 104 151 157 159 95% 89% 69% 61% 69 82 106 124 63% 49% 46% 48% 96 151 147 172 85% 87% 63% 65% 21 39 106 143 19% 23% 45% 54% Table VIII Summary of rolling regressions at quarterly frequency The exchange-rate and forward-discount equations are estimated with subsamples drawn from moving windows of 20, 40 and 60 quarters. Covariance decompositions are then generated for the subsamples. (i) (ii) (iii) Negative subsample ¢ ¡ S cov ∆st+1 , it − iU t (iv) (v) Subsample estimates of ρ̂1 θ̂1 var (Xt+1 ) γ̂ 01 1 take¡ the same sign ¢ S as cov ∆st+1 , it − iU t number percentage (vi) (vii) Macroeconomic contributions ¡ are close to S ¢ cov ∆st+1 , it − iU t number percentage (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) Exchange-rate equation Positive subsample Negative subsample estimates of the estimates of the US coefficient on ∆yt+1 coefficient on ∆yt+1 number percentage number percentage Number of quarters in the moving window number percentage 60 40 20 25 31 49 100% 69% 75% 25 36 56 100% 80% 86% Deutsche mark 22 27 41 88% 60% 63% 25 45 48 100% 100% 74% 0 5 19 0% 11% 29% 60 40 20 37 57 71 100% 100% 92% 37 57 73 100% 100% 95% Japanese yen 37 55 51 100% 96% 66% 23 44 47 62% 77% 61% 37 41 35 100% 72% 45% 60 40 20 47 37 65 100% 55% 75% 45 46 66 96% 69% 76% British pound 24 13 38 51% 19% 44% 46 56 62 98% 84% 71% 19 35 61 40% 52% 70% 31 Table IX GMM estimates of the uncovered interest parity condition at monthly frequency The uncovered interest parity condition is estimated using the continuous-updating generalized method of moments. The coefficients are restricted to the same across the three exchange rates. A constant is included as an instrument in all specifications. The second column indicates the other included instruments. In parentheses below the GMM estimates are the standard errors calculated from the robust covariance matrix in the continuous-updating objective function. Open intervals beside the GMM estimates are the concentrated S-sets, which contain parameter values such that the continuous-updating objective functions are smaller than the 95% χ2k−1 critical values. The degree of freedom k is equal to the dimension of the weighting matrix, which is equal to the number of orthogonality restrictions. The J-statistic is the value of the continuous-updating objective function at the GMM estimate. The corresponding p-value is reported in parentheses below the J-statistic. Instrument sets include a constant and the following variables Specification © Joint-M1 © Joint-M2 © Joint-M6 Joint-M7 © ¯ ª π kt ¯ k ∈ {G, J, U K, U S} ¯ ª ∆ytk , ∆mkt ¯ k ∈ {G, J, U K, U S} © Joint-M5 ¯ ª ∆mkt ¯ k ∈ {G, J, U K, U S} © Joint-M3 Joint-M4 ¯ ª ∆ytk ¯ k ∈ {G, J, U K, U S} ¯ ª ∆mkt , π kt ¯ k ∈ {G, J, U K, U S} © ¯ ª ∆ytk , π kt ¯ k ∈ {G, J, U K, U S} ¯ ª ∆ytk , ∆mkt , π kt ¯ k ∈ {G, J, U K, U S} GMM estimates, standard errors and 95% concentrated S-sets α̂GMM concentrated S-sets β̂ GMM concentrated S-sets -0.0368 (0.1355) -0.0330 (0.1327) -0.0035 (0.1345) -0.0222 (0.1307) -0.0341 (0.1271) -0.0924 (0.1364) -0.0409 (0.1315) (-0.1349, 0.0614) (-0.6549, 0.5965) (-0.5855, 0.5851) (-0.2329, 0.1892) (-0.6227, 0.5585) ∅ ∅ 32 0.7721 (0.3638) 0.3933 (0.2791) 0.0851 (0.2925) 0.7608 (0.3503) 0.1316 (0.3137) 0.2282 (0.4607) 0.4569 (0.5215) (0.4999, 1.0271) (-1.0054, 1.7032) (-1.1893, 1.3961) (0.1421, 1.2820) (-1.3799, 1.5421) ∅ ∅ J-statistic 23.4228 (0.0756) 12.5619 (0.6361) 14.2318 (0.5080) 37.5827 (0.0847) 28.0993 (0.4059) 39.1353 (0.0616) 55.7938 (0.0396) Number of orthogonality restrictions 15 15 15 27 27 27 39 Table X GMM estimates of the uncovered interest parity condition at quarterly frequency The coefficients are restricted to the same across the three exchange rates. Other notes on methodology can be found in Table IX. Instrument sets include a constant and the following variables Specification © Joint-Q1 © Joint-Q2 © Joint-Q6 Joint-Q7 © ¯ ª π kt ¯ k ∈ {G, J, U K, U S} ¯ ª ∆ytk , ∆mkt ¯ k ∈ {G, J, U K, U S} © Joint-Q5 ¯ ª ∆mkt ¯ k ∈ {G, J, U K, U S} © Joint-Q3 Joint-Q4 ¯ ª ∆ytk ¯ k ∈ {G, J, U K, U S} ¯ ª ∆mkt , π kt ¯ k ∈ {G, J, U K, U S} © ¯ ª ∆ytk , π kt ¯ k ∈ {G, J, U K, U S} ¯ ª ∆ytk , ∆mkt , π kt ¯ k ∈ {G, J, U K, U S} GMM estimates, standard errors and 95% concentrated S-sets α̂GMM concentrated S-sets β̂ GMM concentrated S-sets 0.2979 (0.3360) -0.6882 (0.3540) -0.2918 (0.3207) -0.4201 (0.3460) -0.8071 (0.3219) -0.2802 (0.2594) -0.6148 (0.2864) (-1.5200, 2.0147) (-1.6471, 0.2765) (-1.9961, 1.2947) (-1.0466, 0.2092) ∅ (-1.6696, 0.9888) ∅ 33 0.8744 (0.2546) 0.5666 (0.2790) 0.1560 (0.2364) 1.0334 (0.2316) 0.3893 (0.2176) 0.7722 (0.2087) 0.9089 (0.1942) (-0.4225, 2.3491) (-0.1953, 1.3371) (-1.0394, 1.5865) (0.6104, 1.4575) ∅ (-0.2407, 1.9821) ∅ J-statistic 10.0542 (0.8163) 19.9838 (0.1726) 10.3994 (0.7939) 37.2292 (0.0909) 44.1910 (0.0198) 25.9548 (0.5211) 67.3659 (0.0032) Number of orthogonality restrictions 15 15 15 27 27 27 39 Table XI GMM estimates of the uncovered interest parity condition at monthly frequency The estimations are carried out individually for each of three exchange rates. Other notes on methodology can be found in Table IX. Specification Instrument sets include a constant and the following variables GBP-M1 ∆ytU S , ∆ytU K GBP-M2 S UK S UK ∆ytU S , ∆ytU K , ∆mU , πU t , ∆mt t , πt DM-M1 ∆ytU S , ∆ytG DM-M2 S G US G ∆ytU S , ∆ytG , ∆mU t , ∆mt , π t , π t JPY-M1 ∆ytU S , ∆ytJ JPY-M2 S J US J ∆ytU S , ∆ytJ , ∆mU t , ∆mt , π t , π t GMM estimates, standard errors and 95% concentrated S-sets α̂GMM concentrated S-sets β̂ GMM concentrated S-sets -1.2927 (0.6056) -0.7315 (0.3970) 2.6646 (2.4752) -0.2629 (0.1949) 1.2508 (2.2752) -1.5101 (0.6077) (-2.4091, 0.1477) (-2.3752, 1.7030) (-2.3868, 2.5955) (-1.0949, 0.6197) (-3.8013, 3.5660) (-3.9762, 1.0632) 34 7.2521 (3.2792) 4.5294 (1.9041) 15.5747 (14.9684) -0.9605 (0.7352) 4.6843 (7.4032) -4.1701 (1.8425) (0.0001, 71.8002) (-11.0560, 28.2206) (-85.1313, 89.6052) (-4.5742, 2.5240) (-35.6648, 38.2952) (-19.2003, 3.7500) J-statistic 0.0122 (0.9996) 5.2541 (0.6290) 0.2033 (0.9771) 3.8870 (0.7927) 0.0198 (0.9993) 2.8033 (0.9026) Number of orthogonality restrictions 3 7 3 7 3 7 Table XII GMM estimates of the uncovered interest parity condition at quarterly frequency The estimations are carried out individually for each of three exchange rates. Other notes on methodology can be found in Table IX. Specification Instrument sets include a constant and the following variables GBP-Q1 ∆ytU S , ∆ytU K GBP-Q2 S UK S UK ∆ytU S , ∆ytU K , ∆mU , πU t , ∆mt t , πt DM-Q1 ∆ytU S , ∆ytG DM-Q2 S G US G ∆ytU S , ∆ytG , ∆mU t , ∆mt , π t , π t JPY-Q1 ∆ytU S , ∆ytJ JPY-Q2 S J US J ∆ytU S , ∆ytJ , ∆mU t , ∆mt , π t , π t GMM estimates, standard errors and 95% concentrated S-sets α̂GMM concentrated S-sets β̂ GMM concentrated S-sets 0.8328 (1.3151) 0.9744 (0.6290) -2.0229 (2.9791) -0.4690 (0.4239) 0.6407 (6.9147) -4.1427 (1.3608) (-7.0524, 6.4170) (-6.3053, 3.7913) (-8.0770, 6.8565) (-2.4020, 1.8771) (-10.8705, 10.5056) (-10.1367, 1.0748) 35 -1.4383 (2.3592) -1.7693 (1.1553) -2.8913 (5.7111) -0.0797 (0.5778) 1.3510 (8.0696) -4.0130 (1.4431) (-25.0880, 25.8414) (-6.7649, 23.0984) (-29.7081, 34.5537) (-3.2359, 3.2232) (-13.1273, 16.0296) (-11.0639, 1.1222) J-statistic 0.2452 (0.9700) 3.4609 (0.8394) 0.2056 (0.9767) 3.1282 (0.8729) 0.1359 (0.9872) 4.8738 (0.6754) Number of orthogonality restrictions 3 7 3 7 3 7 Figure 1 Summary of rolling regressions for the Japanese yen Moving window of 60 quarters -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1.2 Subsample values of covariances cov(∆st+1, it - iUS ) t -1.4 Contributions from macroeconomic comovements -1.6 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Moving window of 40 quarters 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Moving window of 20 quarters 1 0 -1 -2 -3 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Figure 2 Summary of rolling regressions for the British pound Moving window of 60 quarters 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 Subsample values of covariances cov(∆st+1, it - iUS ) t -1.5 Contributions from macroeconomic comovements -2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Moving window of 40 quarters 1 0 -1 -2 -3 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Moving window of 20 quarters 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Figure 3 Summary of rolling regressions for the Deutsche mark Moving window of 60 quarters 0 -0.5 -1 Subsample values of covariances cov(∆st+1, it - iUS ) t Contributions from macroeconomic comovements -1.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 Moving window of 40 quarters 2 0 -2 -4 -6 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Moving window of 20 quarters 15 10 5 0 -5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70