Which Stars Should You Reach For? Firm Innovation and the Mobility of Scientific Stars∗ Alexander Oettl† University of Toronto Rotman School of Management 105 St. George Street Toronto, Ontario M5S 3E6 May 6, 2006 Abstract This paper provides preliminary estimates of the relationship between the mobility of star (high performing) scientists and firm level innovative output in the form of patenting. In this study, I distinguish between current star scientists and former star scientists. A current star scientists is identified as a scientist whose patenting output in the previous five years is greater than the mean plus 2 standard deviations of a similar cohort consisting of all patenting individuals during the same period. A former star scientist is a scientists that has met this same criterion earlier, but not in the most recent five year. Results suggest a strong statistically and economically significant effect of the arrival of both current and former star scientists on firm inventive patenting. Former star scientists have a much stronger effect than current star scientists on patenting behavior, wherein the arrival of a single former star leads to an increase in patenting by 23.5%, while the arrival of a single current star scientist leads to an increase in patenting by approximately 5%. I attempt to control for unobserved heterogeneity and omitted variable bias by implementing firm level fixed effects, 2SLS IV estimation, and an inverse mills ratio to account for self selection bias. JEL Classifications: J62, 031, 033 Keywords: star scientists, human capital, patenting, labor mobility, firm innovation ∗ Preliminary Work. Special thanks to Ajay Agrawal for immeasurable advice and guidance. I would also like to thank Joel Baum, Sampsa Samila and seminar participants at the University of Toronto Strategy Workshop for helpful comments. All errors and omissions are my own. † Alexander.Oettl04@rotman.utoronto.ca 1 Introduction The fact that the majority of scientific work is produced by a small minority of scientists is by no means a new discovery (Lotka 1926). Zucker and Darby (1996) found that the top 0.8% of GenBank contributors, accounted for an astonishing 17% of all contributions. Similarly, the top 1% of inventors account for 15.6% of all United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) patents.1 Given this skewed distribution of inventive activity, and the central role that patenting plays in many highly innovative industries, it is surprising that not more attention has been placed on examining these star scientists. In a number of seminal pieces, Zucker and Darby (Zucker and Darby, 1996; Zucker and Darby, 1997; Zucker, Darby, and Brewer, 1998; Zucker and Darby, 2001) examine the extent to which academic star scientists directly influence the locations of new biotechnology startups. The extent to which new firms are founded, they argue, is a function of a highly skilled group of individuals – stars, and their mobility patterns. Dasgupta and David (1994) too acknowledge the importance of both high skill individuals and labor mobility in transferring knowledge between universities and firms. A separate, but equally related literature has primarily focused on the extent to which labor mobility a) influences a firm’s ability to learn (Song, Almeida, and Wu 2003), b) affects organizational competency change (Henderson, 1994; Lacetera, Cockburn, and Henderson, 2004; Tzabbar, 2005) and c) aids in the regional transfer of knowledge (Almeida and Kogut 1999). Despite the important roles that both high-skilled individuals, and human capital mobility play in developing firm resources, no work has explored firm patenting behavior through this nexus of mobility and star scientists.2 It is the goal of this paper to provide empirical estimates of the effect of star scientist mobility on firm innovation rates. I model the change in a firms rate of innovation as a 1 2 Author’s calculations. A notable exception is Lacetera, Cockburn, and Henderson (2004). 1 function of the arrival of new star scientists. Furthermore, I distinguish between the types of star scientists by placing each star into one of two categories: a current star, or a former star. Through this disaggregation of stars I am able to provide more fine-grained analysis on the effects of star scientist recruitment benefits for a sample of firms. I test two main hypotheses. One, that the arrival of both current and former star scientists has a positive and significant impact on firm innovation. And two, because of possible differences in objectives and mentoring abilities, former stars will have a larger impact on firm patenting than current stars. Using a panel dataset of 284 firms across 25 years, I attempt to control for unobserved firm level heterogeneity and firm self selection effects. Preliminary findings support the hypothesis that star movers do indeed have a large and statistically significant effect on firm innovation rates. In addition, former stars have a statistically significant larger impact on firm patenting than current stars. Furthermore, while these results do hold across a number of robustness checks, the reader is still cautioned in their interpretation of these results, as the endogeneity of firm hiring, while addressed, can still be greatly improved upon. The paper proceeds as follows. The next section outlines some of the salient literature on firm innovation, the role of mobility and the effects of star scientists, in particular rising and falling stars. Section 3 outlines the methodology of this study, followed by the reporting of preliminary results. A more detailed discussion of the caveats relating to this research along with possible remedies is provided in section 5. 2 Literature and Theory The resource-based view of the firm framework, views the firm as a collection of resources that provide sustained competitive advantages (Barney 1991). These resources can be 2 viewed as assets, skills, or simply general strengths (Wernerfelt 1984). These resources, however, are largely static, and in order to grow or acquire new resources, firms must look outside their boundaries. The two most common modes of resource obtainment is through the formation of strategic alliances (Eisenhardt and Schoonhoven, 1996; Mowery, Oxley, and Silverman, 1998) and diversification (Silverman 1999). A third mode of acquiring resources is through the hiring of individuals (Aldrich and Pfeffer, 1976; Argote and Ingram, 2000). Recent work that has focused on the role of labor mobility and its relationship with firm resources has found that labor mobility contributes to a firm’s search practices and its technological positioning (Tzabbar 2005), its ability to adopt science-based drug discovery (Lacetera, Cockburn, and Henderson 2004), and to a firm’s ability to learn from recently departed scientists (Oettl and Agrawal 2005). More importantly, however, this work highlights the salience of labor mobility as a conduit for knowledge transfer between former and new locations, as well as the human capital benefits provided by these moving individuals, in particular high performing individuals. High performing individuals – stars – characterize many scientific industries. In a recent study by Audretsch, Aldridge, and Oettl (2006), the top 20% of research oncologists captured over 68% of total National Cancer Institute (NCI) funding between the years of 1998 and 2004.3 Indeed, skewed distributions of scientific research output is becoming an increasingly well documented phenomenon (Narin and Breitzman, 1995; Ernst, Leptien, and Vitt, 2000). Azoulay and Zivin (2005) measure the spillovers generated by stars onto their co-authors through research collaboration. They too find strong evidence of highly skewed publishing and patenting behavior amongst their sample of academic stars in the life sciences. The notion of peer worker productivity is not new (Hamilton, Nickerson, and Owan 2003), but the ability for firms to achieve a form of competitive advantage from high performing individuals runs contrary to neoclassical economic theory. 3 over $5.5B of a total $8B awarded. 3 Labor market theorists would argue that firms cannot gain potential spillovers from star scientists for in a competitive labor market, the stars would recognize their additional value, and capture any rents associated with their spillover potential (Hirshleifer 1998). Placed within the context of the resource-based view, however, this proposition seems more plausible. Since firms are distinct in their resource allocations, certain firms may benefit disproportionately from certain star scientists (Barney 1986). If a disproportionate amount of scientific output is produced by star scientists, and labor mobility is a key source of firm learning, it follows that mobile star scientists lead to increased firm learning. With increased firm learning comes increased inventive activity, which leads to greater innovation rates (Cohen and Levinthal, 1989; Cohen and Levinthal, 1990). Furthermore, due to the skewed nature of the generation of inventive activity, star scientists should provide greater levels of spillovers than non-star scientists. Formally, I hypothesize that: Hypothesis 1a: The arrival of a current star scientist is positively associated with an increase in firm level innovation. Hypothesis 1b: The arrival of a former star scientist is positively associated with an increase in firm level innovation. While both current and former star scientists affect firm innovation, which of the two contribute more to firm learning? I view firm innovation as dependent on firm learning, so that firms with disproportionate levels in learning will recognize disproportionate changes in inventive activity, and subsequently innovative activity. Both a current and former star scientist are characterized as high performing, yet are at different career stages. A former star scientist may be more willing to share knowledge, and be less competitive with fellow scientists than a current star, who is in direct competition with fellow infirm scientists. As such, former star scientists may provide greater spillover opportunities than current stars, 4 and as such provide for greater learning throughout the firm. Formally: Hypothesis 2: Former star scientists have a larger impact on firm level innovation than current star scientists. This paper contributes to the literature in two ways. First, the existing star literature has been slow to differentiate between differing types of star scientists. Conversely, the labor mobility literature has not always been able to focus on the firm as the central unit of analysis. This paper attempts to extend both of these two literatures. 3 Methodology In this section I will outline my empirical strategy, including data sources, variable construction and main econometric specification. Details on the construction of my mover sample is provided, as well as descriptive statistics of the sample as a whole. 3.1 Movers and Shakers The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of the arrival of star scientists on the patenting behaviors of their new colleagues. The difficulty associated with these types of studies is a) identifying movers, and b) classifying movers as stars. I make use of patent data to achieve both of these tasks. First, I examine an individual’s patenting history across time and identify a move as the occasion when the same inventor is located in two separate firms and/or geographic locations on two different patents. Second, I identify stars by comparing five year moving averages with that of the entire patenting population during the same five year period for a particular technology class. By constructing a five year patenting cohort for each year and technology class, I am able to distinguish between stars in different technologies, and thus control for the heterogeneous patenting behaviors of various technologies. I identify a scientist as a star, if the scientist’s patent count in his 5 main technological area for the previous five years is more than two standard deviations above the mean of the entire population during the same time period and across the same technology class. The construction of these measure will now be discussed in more detail. Movers are identified through the examination of inventor names listed on all patents filed (and subsequently awarded) through the USPTO between the years of 1975 and 2004. I first create a list of inventors that contains all inventors which had patented for two different companies during their career. That is, if someone had filed a patent in 1984 and the assignee listed on the patent was Advanced Micro Devices, and filed another patent in 1986 where the assignee was Intel, I add this individual to my list as a potential mover. Since I will be using US centric control data, I limit the list of movers to those that had moved within the United States only. Furthermore, while the exact timing of the move is unknown, I can presume with a relatively high level of certainty, that the individual was at the new firm at the time of the patent filing. As such, I do not know if the inventor arrived prior to the year that the first patent at the new firm was filed, but I know that it was not afterwards. This approach runs the risk of misidentifying two separate individuals as the same person, due to the sharing of the same name - a type II error. Conversely, I am at risk of encountering type I errors, whereby I miss inventors that file patents with a range of spelling permutations. In this paper, I do not normalize inventor names to mitigate this type I error, and as a result, my sample should be viewed as a more restrictive set of movers.4 Furthermore, since it is unlikely that name spelling permutations are correlated with patenting activity, this type I error should not introduce any systematic bias, and as such can be treated as measurement error attributed noise. The issue of type II errors – wrongfully identifying two separate individuals as the same – is more serious, however. In order to provide some reassurance that all of the patents 4 For information on name normalization, I turn you to the interesting, but preliminary work being done by Manuel Trajtenberg. 6 authored by the inventors in my list of movers can be properly attributed to them, I add the restriction that patents must be in related fields (Oettl and Agrawal, 2005; Singh, 2005). I achieve this by allowing all patents that achieve one of the following three conditions: 1) a match at the WIPO defined international classification subclass level, 2) a match at the primary 3-digit US classification class level, or 3) a match between a patent’s primary 3-digit classification, and any of the secondary 3-digit classifications.5 Furthermore, I only analyze moves that took place within the US. Applying this restriction algorithm, I identify a total of 49,907 direct move instances, from a sample of approximately 3.2 million patents.6 These movers are used in identifying the cross-sectional units that will makeup my dataset, and will be more fully explored in the next section. But first, the stars. Now that the move instances have been identified, it is time to identify the stars of these 49,907 move instances. There are 39,596 inventors that generated these 49,907 move instances, suggesting that the average moving inventor moves approximately 1.25 times.7 Table 1 provides some descriptive statistics on the mover population. From this sample, of 39,596 moving inventors, the mean patents per inventor is 6.45, whereas the average inventor has only 3.2 patents.8 This result is not too surprising, since the approach I use to identify movers only applies to individuals with at least two patents, indicating that my mover sample will already be above the average with respect to patenting activity. 5 There are 4,011 unique classifications at the international subclass level, and 436 unique 3-digit utility patent US classifications. 6 I differentiate between direct moves and indirect moves. If an inventor moves from firm A to firm B to firm C, we would identify two direct moves: A→B and B→C, but also an indirect move from A→C. I am not interested in these indirect moves. 7 There are far fewer than 39,596 unique names however. In identifying inventors, I associate each name with the individual’s primary patenting area. As such, I distinguish between John A. Smith who predominantly patents in the field of Electrical Devices, and the John A. Smith who predominantly patents in the field of Optics. I use the Hall, Jaffe, and Trajtenberg (2001) technology subcategory in which the individual most heavily patents as their predominant field. 8 Once again, due to the high level of skewness amongst patenting, the mean values may be misleading. The median number of patents from the moving inventor sample is 4, where the median inventor across all patents is 1. 7 While table 1 provides descriptive statistics between the population of inventors and movers, table 2 examines the distribution of patenting between stars and non-stars. The observant reader will notice that the summation of the observations of stars and non-stars will not equal the number of observations for all patenters presented in table 1. Since the identification of a star scientist is contingent on the inventor being on the tail end of the patenting distribution of his own field, each inventor is identified by not only his name, but also his primary field. As can be seen, however, star scientists are much more productive than non-star scientists, not only in the average number of patents awarded, 12.25 and 1.7, respectively, but also with respect to the mean number of patents possed by each sample: 9 and 1, respectively. Furthermore, the distribution of patents by stars is much more skewed than non-stars, indicating that even within the skewed ranks of high-skilled stars, output levels are far from homogenous. Table 3 examines the differences between moving stars and non-moving (static) stars. As can be seen, a small percentage of all stars (7.4%) ever move. That being said, moving stars are only slightly more productive than static moves, where the average moving star patents just under 15 times, while the average static stars patents just above 12 times in his lifetime. It should be noted, however, that scientists with more patents are more likely to be identified as movers using my identification algorithm, and as such, this result should not be too surprising. I now turn my attention to the unit of analysis, which is constructed using the total mover sample of 39,596 individuals. 3.2 Unit of Analysis The purpose of this study is to empirically estimate the influence of current and former stars on the patenting behavior of a cross section of firms. In order to control for the effects of endogenous firm choices, omitted variables biases, and unobserved heterogeneity, 8 I construct a panel dataset across 25 years of data between 1978 and 2002. My cross sectional units – firms – are chosen as follows. First, I identified the set of firms that received at least one star mover from the set of 49,907 move instances. Second, I match this set of firms to compustat CUSIP numbers, which I use to obtain accounting control data. By including compustat accounting financial data, I also am able to determine at what times firms enter and leave my sample. After imposing these two restrictions upon my data, I am left with a sample of 284 firms across 25 years, wherein 21,186 incoming and outgoing moves take place, of which 1,215 moves are by stars (Table 4). As a result, my final dataset consists of (25 × 284) 7,100 firm-year observations. Due to data limitations and the lagging of the main independent variables, my panel dataset becomes unbalanced and my total observations drop to 4,754 under the full regression specification. Table 6 provides some additional descriptive statistics on the top 25 star receiving firms in the dataset. The 284 firms within my sample, are from a wide variety of industries. As industry variation can greatly explain profitability, as well as performance (Rumelt, 1999; McGahan and Porter, 1998), I attempt to control for industry specific variation through the inclusion of firm level fixed effects, and by clustering standard errors (where applicable) on 4 digit SIC industry codes. 3.3 Variable Definition and Operationalization Dependent Variable Patentsit The dependent variable of this study is the count of the patents applied for in your t, and that were subsequently awarded, since I can only observe successful patent applications. Patent data has long been used in studies of innovation with reasonable success (Griliches,1990; Stuart, 2000; Ahuja and Katila, 2001; Ziedonis, 2004) That being said, patent data is not without its shortcomings. Some inventions are not patentable, and 9 others are purposefully kept out of the public domain. Nonetheless, patent data are still reliable measures of firm innovation, albeit noisy ones (Mowery, Oxley, and Silverman 1996). Since the empirical purpose is to estimate the patenting gains that accrue to the organization that the star has joined, I remove from the patent count the star’s own patents, so as to only measure the changes in patenting behavior of the other scientists at the firm, that is, the mover’s new colleagues. Furthermore, the exclusion of the mover’s own patents from the dependent variable is crucial in properly estimating the magnitude by which the organization at large learns through the arrival of this new star scientist, and is not biased by the patenting rate of the newly hired star. Independent Variables The CurrentStarsit−1 variable is a count of the number of current stars that moved to firm i at t − 1. Conversely the FormerStarsit−1 variable is the number of falling stars that moved to firm i at time t − 1. The variable Intra-Firm CurrentStarsit−1 is a count of the number of current stars that moved from one branch of firm i to another branch at t − 1. Mapping mover locations to metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs), I am only able to identify branch moves if the mover changed MSAs. Intra-Firm FormerStarsit−1 applied the former star criterion to intra-firm moves as just mentioned. An intra-firm mover would be an individual moving from IBM San Francisco to IBM Austin, for example. Intra-MSA CurrentStarsit−1 are current stars that changed firms, but still reside in the same MSA, while Intra-MSA FormerStarsit−1 are former stars that changed firms, but still reside in the same MSA. A scientist moving from IBM San Francisco to Dell San Francisco constitues an intra-firm move. Inter-Firm CurrentStarsit−1 are current stars that changed firms, as well as changed MSAs. Inter-Firm FormerStarsit−1 are former stars that changed firms and MSAs. A scientist moving from IBM San Francisco to Dell Austin, would be an inter-firm move. 10 Control Variables The variables outlined in this section attempt to control for extraneous effects that might also be influencing a firm’s patenting behavior. It may be that the effect of the arrival of star scientists is proportional to the level of other scientists hired during the same time period. As such, the variable InboundMoversit−1 and OutboundMoversit−1 is operationalized as the number of non star scientists that arrive and depart firm i at time t − 1, respectively. In addition, one of the strongest predictors of a firm’s patenting behavior is its R&D spending (Hall, Griliches, and Hausman 1986). As such, I include the variable R&Dit−1 as the level of research and development expenditures in year t − 1. In addition, I control for the size of the firm with the variable Employeesit , as well as R&D Sizeit which is the number of unique inventors that filed for a patent (that was subsequently awarded) at firm i in year t. Ageit is defined as the number of years elapsed since firm i first patented. It crudely captures firm i’s years of patenting experience. The R&Dit−1 and Employeesit control variables are obtained from the COMPUSTAT database, and are entered into the regression specification as natural logs due to their highly skewed nature. As a result, the coefficient estimates can be interpreted as an elasticity. Lastly, a yearly time trend is included as well to control for macro level shocks that could affect the patenting rate of all firms in my sample. Results were unchanged when year dummies were included instead of a yearly time trend. 3.4 Descriptive Statistics In table 7, I present basic descriptive statistics of my dependent, independent and control variables. As can be seen, the average number of patents that are applied for in a year is just shy of 37, however, with the median at 2 patents per year, it is quite clear that a few large firms are accounting for the majority of patenting activity. Likewise, there is on average 0.12 current star movers that arrive at a firm in my sample at any given year. This 11 value drops greatly for former star scientists where there is on average 0.01 star scientists recruited per year. Once again, these values are greatly skewed as one firm hired 10 stars in one year.9 3.5 Estimation With the dependent variable being a count of the number of successful patent applications by firm i in year t, it is not uncommon for a firm to not receive a patent every year. In fact, in my sample, no patents were awarded in 1,077 firm-years. As a result, a high proportion of observations will have values of 0. Furthermore, due to the count nature of patent counts, a poisson distribution is the most appropriate way of modeling these data (Greene 1997). The poisson regression model dictates that the dependent variable is a draw from the poisson distribution with a parameter λi which is a function of the vector of regressors xi . The model can be formulated as follows: P rob(Yi = yi ) = e−λi λyi i , yi = 0, 1, 2, ... yi ! As a result, the expected number of events per period can be given as: E[yi |xi ] = V ar[yi |xi ] = λi 0 = eβ xi (1) The parameters in the vector β can now be estimated by maximizing the log-likelihood equation: ln L = n X −λi + yi β 0 xi − ln yi ! i=1 9 IBM hired 10 star scientists in 1995, where 8 stars were intra-firm transfers, and 2 were intra-msa moves. 12 As can be seen from equation 1, the poisson assumption of first and second moment equality is quite strong. If this assumption is violated, the parameters will still be consistently estimated, but the standard errors will be underestimated, making it difficult to conduct any form of hypothesis testing (Cockburn and Henderson 1996). As the moment conditions are rarely equal in this type of setting, an alternate specification can be used following the work of Hausman, Hall, and Griliches (1984) whereby the specification allows for the variance to be proportional to the mean, rather than equal.10 That is, the HHG model allows for overdispersion (Wooldridge 2002). As such, the regression specification to be estimated is as follows: E[Pit |Mit−1 , Xit , δt , ζi ] = exp(α0 Mit−1 + β 0 Xit + δt + it ) (2) whereby the conditional expectation of the number of successful patent application Pit is a function of the number of different types of star movers Mit−1 , a vector of control variables Xit−1 , year time effects δt , and the disturbance parameter it . In addition, the expectation is conditioned on a set of firm level fixed effects ζi . A positive value in the vector α indicates that the mobility of star scientists have a positive effect on a firm’s patenting level. This basic specification still suffers from potential endogeneity in the form of omitted variable bias and self selection bias. These concerns along with potential remedies are offered in the next section. Reverse Causality and Omitted Variable Bias One of the concerns associated with these types of studies is the issue of omitted variable bias. For example, both patenting behavior and star scientist recruitment may be correlated with a firm’s specific R&D strategy. I attempt to control for this type of scenario with 10 A Lagrange Multiplier test verifies the presence of overdispersion by rejecting the pure poisson model. 13 three methods. First, I propose to estimate equation 2 by means of a conditional fixed effects negative binomial regression, wherein parameter estimates are obtained by analyzing within group variation. The upside is that this conditional fixed effects model allows the error terms to be correlated with the explanatory variables, and by using within group variation, all time-invariant heterogeneity will be controlled for. The downside with this approach, of course, is that all time-invariant heterogeneity will still be present, as well as cross-sectional units that experience no variation in patenting across the sample time period will be dropped. A hausman test was conducted to determine the appropriateness of a random effects model. The appropriateness of the random effect model was rejected, indicating that the error term is correlated with the regression covariates. Consequently a fixed effects model is more appropriate in this case. Second, I use lagged independent variables to predict variation in patenting. By incorporating a lag structure, I am able to explicitly model my predicted causal relationship, and in doing so, attempt to lessen the effect of patenting potentially driving star scientist recruitment. The mover variables that I employ, however, are quite noisy. Because of the characteristics of the mover sample that I am working with, I am unable to precisely determine the year at which a mover arrives at a firm. My only indication of a move is through patent filings at a new firm. Thus, while I may not be able to determine if the mover arrived earlier, I know that the mover never arrived after filing. As such, while this inability to exactly measure the arrival time adds noise to my measurement, it biases results downward. Third, following the work of Lacetera, Cockburn, and Henderson (2004), I run an instrumental variable approach attempting to control for the endogeneity of the star scientist variable. As with any type of IV estimation, picking an appropriate instrument is much more of an art than a science. In this case, I was looking for an instrument that was correlated with star scientist movement, but not patenting. One such variable which meets 14 the previous two criteria is the average age of the incoming group of star scientists.11 I use the lagged average age of incoming current stars as an instrument for current stars and the lagged average age of incoming former stars as an instrument for former star. Converting the dependent variable of patent counts to a non integer variable (ln[patents + 1])(Pakes and Griliches 1980), I conduct two stage least squares (2SLS) estimation to correct for endogeneity. Self Selection Bias Of additional concern is the possibility of firms self selecting into a specific hiring strategy (Shaver, 1998; Hamilton and Nickerson, 2003; Lacetera, Cockburn, and Henderson, 2004). To correct for possible self selection issues, I first run a first stage probit based selection model whereby I presume hiring is a dichotomous choice, which can be modeled as: Pr(Hireit = 1|Xit ) = Φ(γ 0 Xit ) where the probability of hiring someone is a function of the control variables included in equation 2, where Φ is the standard normal cumulative distribution function (Greene 1997). Using the predicted values of this first stage regression, I construct the following ratio (λ), known as the inverse mills ratio: λ= 0 φ(γ 0Xit +ζi ) Φ(γ Xit +ζi ) −φ(γ 0 Xit +ζi ) {1−Φ(γ 0 Xit +ζi )} if Hire = 0 (3) if Hire = 1 I include the inverse mills ratio in a second stage linear OLS regression modeled using a variant of the specification in equation 2. A statistically significant inverse mills ratio is an indication of selection bias. 11 ρ(current age,patenting) = 0.37, ρ(current age,current stars) = 0.78; ρ(former age,patenting) = 0.06, ρ(former age,former stars) = 0.93 15 4 Results Table 8 presents conditional fixed effect negative binomial regression results for specification 2, where the dependent variable is the number of successful patents applications in year t. The natural logs of R&D expenditures employee count in year t are included in all specifications, except for the baseline specification in column 1. Firm fixed effects are included in all specifications, however, along with a year trend variable. Column 1 presents my base specification whereby I model changes in patenting behavior as a function of current and former stars.12 Column 2, provides a much more reasonable estimates of the impact of stars on patenting by controlling for R&D spending and firm size (employees). Since the mobility measures used throughout this study are entered in levels, the coefficient can be interpreted as the percentage change in the dependent variable, given a one unit increase in the independent variable. As such, the arrival of one current star is associated with an increase in patenting of 15.5%, while the arrival of one former star is associated with an increase in patenting by 24.3%. In columns 3 and 4, I include controls for both inbound and outbound non-star movers, as well as firm age. Controlling for total non-star hirings and departures, greatly reduces the impact of current stars, but leaves former stars largely unchanged. Column 5, controls for the quality of the patent being generated by including a control for the number of citations that the dependent variable has received. This inclusion increases the strength of the current star variable. Finally, column 6 presents the full specification, with all controls, whereby in addition to firm citations, I include the R&D size of firm i (in thousands). This variable can be interpreted as follows. The addition of 1,000 more R&D staff will increase patenting by 79.2%. Doing so, wipes out the effect of forward citations – the quality of the knowledge being patented. The arrival of one current star increases firm patenting by 12 Different lag structures were used for the mobility variables. The one period lags had the most predictive power. Conversely, for R&D data and firm size, there was little variation between one year lags and contemporaneous values. As such, I use R&D and firm size data from year t. 16 5.1%, while the arrival of one former star increases firm patenting by 23.5%. Furthermore, the probability of the coefficient estimates for current and former stars being equal is about 1%. Table 9, extends the full specification shown in Table 8, column 6 (excluding citations due to their minimal explanatory power in the full model) by including interaction effects between firm age, R&D size, Inbound movers, R&D spending and employees. Throughout all specifications, the affect of current stars on patenting is significant at the 1% level or lower, while the magnitude of the arrival of one current star on patenting varies between changes by 11.1% and 64.2%. Former Stars are significant at the 5% level or below across all specifications, with magnitude varying between 26.8% and 88.0%. Generally, the arrival of a current stars has a larger effect on patenting at younger firms (Firm Age), firms with a small R&D function (R&D Size), when fewer non-star movers enter the firm, at firms with smaller R&D expenditures, and at smaller firms (employees) [Columns 1 - 5]. Including all interactions into one specification (Column 6), however, tells a different tale. All of the interactions with former stars yield insignificant results. This result may not be too surprising as the number of former stars across the entire sample is very low (64), and thus without much variation across this variable, the interactions are in many cases highly insignificant. Current stars, however, still contribute more to younger firms. A possible explanation is that the technology trajectories of younger firms are less rigid, and as such have a greater probability of being influenced by a star scientist than an older firm. Conversely, current stars have a stronger influence on patenting at firms with lower R&D spending. One possible explanation might be that R&D spending and hiring current stars are substitute strategies. I will further explore this effect with robustness checks in Table 10. Lastly, current stars are associated with hiring patenting at larger firms. Larger firms possibly have stronger support services in place to more productively make use of star scientists than smaller firms. I present robustness checks to these results 17 in tables 10 and 11. Table 10 presents negative binomial fixed effects results on a number of split samples. First, I construct the within firm mean value of R&D size, R&D spending, and employees. I then estimate the mean of this within firm mean across all firms, and split the sample accordingly. General findings include that R&D firms with average R&D sizes below the sample’s mean realize larger effects from the arrival of current and former stars than firms with above average R&D sizes. Both results are statistically significant. The arrival of current star scientist, however, has a statistically significant negative effect on R&D spending for firms below the mean level of R&D spending within the sample. In fact, the arrival of one current star to a firm with below average R&D expenditures results in a decrease in patenting by 18.5%. The effects, however, of the arrival of former stars, is still unchanged from the baseline specifications presented in table 9. Current and Former star scientists have no effect on firms with total employees below the sample average, providing additional support to the positive interaction result between current stars and employees in table 9. In addition, inbound non-star scientists have no significant effect on firm patenting, while the departure of non-star scientists has a negative impact. Table 11 presents additional robustness checks by modeling the relationship between firm patenting and the arrival of star scientists using varying estimation techniques. Columns 1 and 2 estimate the relationship without fixed effects using a negative binomial and poisson specification, respectively. The impact of current stars increases in magnitude from similar negative binomial fixed effect models in table 8, while the magnitude of the former star coefficient stays largely unchanged. Across both specifications, however, the overall statistical significant decreases, albeit all estimates are still below the 10% level. Unfortunately, the poisson family of estimators are not as flexible as ordinary least squares (OLS) with respect to conducting diagnostic regression analysis. As such, I convert 18 the dependent variable to a natural log in columns 3 through 6. In order to not drop all observations where the dependent variable is 0, I follow the general technique in the literature of taking the log of the dependent variable plus 1 (Acemoglu and Linn 2004). While this does lead to biased results, it does allow me to conduct instrumental variable regressions, and other two stage estimation techniques, which under the poisson count model is extremely difficult due to the exponential, versus additive, functional form of the regressors. Furthermore, I allow for clustering at the 4 digit sic code level to control for any cross-sectional error term correlations that may result from industry specific effects.13 Column 3 serves the purpose of establishing my base model, but with the newly transformed dependent variable. Comparing these parameter estimates to those obtained from the conditional fixed effects negative binomial regressions in table 8, we see that the estimates are similar in magnitude, along with generally similar standard errors. Firm Age and the year trend variable become insignificant, while the employee variable enters the specification positively. Column 4 tests for omitted variable bias by conducting a two stage least squares (2SLS) estimation, using the average age of the incoming current stars and former stars as instruments. Using these instruments, the current star effect increases in magnitude (above the linear base specification in column 3), while the former star effect decreases slightly. Columns 5 and 6 attempt to capture any self selection issues that may arise from firms selecting which star scientists to hire. Following work in the strategic management literature on the treatment of endogenous independent variables (Shaver, 1998; Hamilton and Nickerson, 2003), I construct an inverse mills ratio as defined in equation 3. The statistical significance of the inverse mills ratio (λ), indicates a self selection bias. The parameter estimates (and standard errors) are largely unchanged from the specification in column 3, indicating either that bias of self selection is negligible, or that the (first-stage) 13 Tests were also run using clustering at the 2 digit SIC level. The 4 digit SIC codes produced larger standard errors, and so I report these, erring towards a downward bias in significance. 19 selection model is misspecified. More appropriate determinants of firm star scientist hiring strategies will be pursued in the future with the aim of increasing the traction of using an inverse mills ratio to account for self selection. In table 12 I disaggregate the current and former star mover variables into the types of moves they constitute. A move can be one of three types: 1) an intra-firm move (intermsa), 2) an intra-msa (inter-firm) move, and 3) an inter-msa, inter-firm move. Column 1 present a baseline (aggregate) specification for the purpose of comparison. Intra-Firm moves as modeled in column 2 appear to have negligible impact firm patenting. A highly probably explanation is that firms do a good job of distributing knowledge throughout their organizational boundaries, so that the movement of an individual within these boundaries provides a limited increase in value/learning. Column 3 examines moves wherein the arriving star previously resided in the same city, but at a different firm. Both current and former stars have a statistically significant impact on firm patenting, and in magnitude larger to what was estimated from intra-firm moves only. Column 4 examines the impact of inter-firm and inter-firm and inter-msa star moves. Since knowledge diffusion is largely geographically localized ((Jaffe, Trajtenberg, and Henderson 1993), it is not surprising that an inter-firm move arriving from a different geographic regions would provide additional learning opportunities to the destination firm, and consequently provide a larger impact on patenting. Column 5 includes all three types of moves into one specification, wherein the results remain largely unchanged from the results shown in columns 2, 3 and 4. 5 Discussion and Conclusion This paper has attempted to demonstrate a relationship between the movement of star scientists and firm innovation rates, as measured by patent output. While a strong relationship appears to exist between the arrival of current and former star scientists and firm patenting behavior, caution is advised in interpreting these results for a number of reasons. 20 First, because of the aggregate nature of my level of analysis, I am not able to directly account for individual level effects that may be largely driving this relationship. Song, Almeida, and Wu (2003) for example find that movers to new firms are more likely to provide knowledge transfer when the moving scientist possesses technological knowledge in a distant area from the firm’s core technological area. While this study is agnostic to the form by which knowledge is transferred, if firms are cognisant of the performance benefits from hiring individuals with distant knowledge, then this can introduce a selection bias. Understanding this relationship and firm hiring practices better in general, will allow me to control for this selection and hopefully obtain unbiased estimates of the effect of star mobility. Second, the use of patenting as a tool for identifying star scientists is dangerous when analyzing its effects on patenting behavior. While I minimize the endogeneity present by only examining the patenting rates of non star scientists, a more exogenous selection strategy would be preferred. Academic publication count would be a good substitute criterion (Azoulay and Zivin 2005), but in doing so I would limit the number of firms I am able to analyze, as academic scientists typically only migrate to a handful of industries. Isolating the study to a single industry, however, would allow me to control for inter-industry heterogeneity, and may provide for a more optimal research setting. Third, while I have argued a causal relationship between star movement and subsequent patenting, without controlling for potential self selection and omitted variable bias, the relationship may be simply spurious. For example, if firms only hire star scientists that provide positive patenting spillover benefits, then I have little to say on the effect of the mobility of a randomly selected star scientist on firm patenting. I attempt to control for this self selection by constructing an inverse mills ratio. While the coefficient on the inverse mills ratio is statistically significant, indicating a selection bias, my results remain unchanged. A probable reason for this is a misspecified selection model, which was used to construct 21 the inverse mills ratio. A more appropriate hiring selection model will surely improve the predictive power of this model. As for omitted variable bias, it is quite plausible that some external factors are influencing both star scientist hiring decisions as well as patenting behavior, such as the recruitment of a new director of R&D. I employ a number of techniques in an attempt to reduce this bias. First, I attempt to control for time invariant unobserved influences by using firm fixed effects. Second, I include R&D expenditures in all equations to control for large shifts in R&D spending, which may be highly correlated with new star scientist hirings and patenting output. Third, I use the average age of star movers as an instrument for star scientist mobility, with the belief that age is positively associated with mobility trends, but not innovative output. 2SLS results continue to provide significant coefficients, but the model can be greatly improved with a more appropriate instrument. 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Skewness 1% 5% 10% 25% 50% 75% 90% 95% 99% Table 4: Move Breakdown Table 5: Average Inventor Patenting Across Time Count Percentage Non-Star Scientists Incoming Outgoing Total (Non-Stars) 9,983 9,988 19,971 47.1% 47.1% 94.3% Star Scientists Incoming Current Stars Incoming Former Stars Outgoing Current Stars Outgoing Former Stars Total (Stars) 1,151 64 977 90 1,215 5.4% 0.3% 4.6% 0.4% 5.7% Total Moves 21,186 100.0% Time Period 1976-1980 1981-1985 1986-1990 1991-1995 1996-2000 Total Patents Inventors Patent Avg. 356,620 346,169 521,900 729,526 1,027,218 212,571 199,446 289,051 382,368 511,907 1.68 1.74 1.81 1.91 2.01 Table 6: Top 25 Firms where Stars Haved Moved To Current Formers Inbound Outbound Stars Stars Total Stars Movers Movers Rank Name 4 Digit SIC Patents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHI GENERAL ELECTRIC EASTMAN KODAK DOW CHEMICAL MICRON TECHNOLOGY XEROX INTEL LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES TEXAS INSTRUMENTS E I DU PONT DE NEMOURS ALLIED SIGNAL ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES INC BAKER HUGHES BAYER APPLIED MATERIALS SCHLUMBERGER TECHNOLOGY PFIZER INC CHIRON GENERAL MOTORS HEWLETT PACKARD BECTON DICKINSON MICROSOFT SUN MICROSYSTEMS MOLEX BRISTOL MYERS SQUIBB 7370 9997 3861 2821 3674 3577 3674 7373 3674 2820 3728 3674 3533 2800 3559 1389 2834 2834 3711 3570 3841 7372 3571 3678 2834 39,352 25,312 16,915 7,847 10,415 12,551 9,066 7,546 11,247 11,567 5,258 7,098 1,463 960 3,108 1,939 2,917 552 9,480 9,706 2,032 3,580 4,245 1,226 1,975 76 52 25 25 22 23 22 20 18 15 14 15 10 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 7 8 0 2 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 4 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 76 54 27 25 23 23 22 21 18 16 15 15 14 14 13 12 11 10 10 10 9 9 9 8 8 955 509 177 206 122 200 353 320 262 227 150 118 69 87 99 70 107 28 87 203 86 125 117 23 176 1212 645 224 316 69 229 233 293 361 257 205 114 44 41 57 59 96 30 178 232 84 62 62 19 136 207,357 383,405 54.1% 452 1,087 41.6% 20 64 31.3% 472 1,151 41.0% 4,876 9,983 48.8% 5,258 9,988 52.6% Top 25 Total Total Proportion Assigned to Top 25 Table 7: Summary Statistics and Correlation Matrix Variable Name 1 Patents Obs 8950 Mean 36.807 Std. Dev. 139.13 Min 0.0 Max 3866.0 1 2 Current Stars* 8592 0.117 0.47 0.0 10.0 0.59 3 Former Stars* 8592 0.007 0.09 0.0 2.0 0.06 0.08 4 Intra-Firm Current Stars* 8592 0.040 0.27 0.0 8.0 0.57 0.74 0.04 5 Intra-Firm Former Stars* 8592 0.000 0.02 0.0 1.0 0.03 0.02 0.31 0.02 6 Intra-MSA Current Stars* 8592 0.057 0.28 0.0 5.0 0.31 0.72 0.07 0.19 0.02 7 Intra-MSA Former Stars* 8592 0.005 0.07 0.0 2.0 0.05 0.09 0.85 0.05 0.00 0.07 8 Inter-Firm Current Stars* 8592 0.020 0.15 0.0 3.0 0.25 0.47 0.05 0.14 0.00 0.13 0.07 9 Inter-Firm Former Stars* 8592 0.002 0.04 0.0 1.0 0.02 0.00 0.48 -0.01 0.17 0.01 0.00 -0.01 10 ln R&D* 4754 3.955 2.15 -4.3 9.1 0.36 0.26 0.08 0.20 0.03 0.18 0.07 0.13 0.03 11 ln Employees 5457 1.988 2.28 -6.9 6.8 0.29 0.16 0.05 0.15 0.03 0.08 0.04 0.06 0.04 0.78 12 Firm Age 8950 11.515 10.78 0.0 50.0 0.28 0.19 0.07 0.17 0.03 0.10 0.05 0.09 0.04 0.45 0.43 13 Inbound Movers 8950 1.115 4.19 0.0 112.0 0.87 0.61 0.07 0.57 0.04 0.34 0.07 0.25 0.01 0.37 0.26 0.27 14 Outbound Movers 8950 1.116 4.79 0.0 154.0 0.87 0.60 0.05 0.62 0.03 0.30 0.05 0.22 0.01 0.34 0.25 0.30 0.90 15 R&D Size (1,000s) 8950 57.216 225.23 0.0 6163.0 0.96 0.59 0.05 0.60 0.03 0.29 0.05 0.21 0.02 0.37 0.29 0.28 0.89 * One Year Lag 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0.91 Table 8: Conditional Fixed Effects Negative Binomial Regressions, 1978-2002 Dependent Variable Patents by firm excluding the star's patents (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Current Stars 0.224 (.015)*** 0.155 (.014)*** 0.147 (.014)*** 0.042 (.015)*** 0.052 (.014)*** 0.051 (.011)*** Former Stars 0.450 (.098)*** 0.243 (.088)*** 0.254 (.084)*** 0.248 (.076)*** 0.247 (.075)*** 0.235 (.072)*** 0.112 (0.020)*** 0.234 (.020)*** 0.234 (.020)*** 0.223 (.019)*** 0.234 (.020)*** -0.039 (.019)** -0.104 (.020)*** -0.098 (.020)*** -0.093 (.020)*** -0.101 (.020)*** 0.026 (.003)*** 0.027 (.003)*** 0.027 (.003)*** 0.029 (.003)*** Inbound Movers 0.054 (.003)*** 0.053 (.003)*** 0.043 (.003)*** Outbound Movers -0.027 (.002)*** -0.029 (.002)*** -0.046 (.003)*** 0.039 (.004)*** 0.001 (.004) ln R&D ln Employees Firm Age Citations (1,000) R&D Size (1,000) 0.792 (.061)*** Year 0.056 (.002)*** 0.010 (.003)*** -0.020 (.004)*** -0.023 (.004)*** -0.020 (.004)*** -0.025 (.004)*** Intercept -130.536 (3.651)*** -19.812 (4.985)*** 39.320 (7.951)*** 45.207 (8.043)*** 39.043 (8.027)*** 47.905 (8.096)*** 8,256 4,517 4,517 4,517 4,517 4,517 Number of Groups 344 284 284 284 284 284 Fixed Effects Firm Firm Firm Firm Firm Firm current=former 0.0241 0.3317 0.2156 0.008 0.0104 0.0115 Log Likelihood -23,608.09 -15,882.26 -15,838.99 -15,673.41 -15,637.25 -15,570.35 1,920.98 0.0000 793.60 0.0000 910.33 0.0000 2,042.78 0.0000 2,286.82 0.0000 2,844.25 0.0000 Observations † Chi^2 Prob > Chi^2 Note: Standard errors in parentheses Tests the equality between current stars and former stars (P-value) *,**,*** significant at 10%, 5% and 1% levels, respectively † Table 9: Conditional Fixed Effects Negative Binomial Regressions, 1978-2002 Dependent Variable Patents by firm excluding the star's patents (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Current Stars 0.244 (.042)*** 0.111 (.017)*** 0.125 (.019)*** 0.537 (.055)*** 0.227 (.035)*** 0.642 (.064)*** Former Stars 0.490 (.199)** 0.268 (.109)** 0.378 (.114)*** 0.880 (.313)*** 0.486 (.177)*** 0.863 (.361)** ln R&D 0.229 (.019)*** 0.231 (.020)*** 0.229 (.020)*** 0.240 (.019)*** 0.226 (.020)*** 0.248 (.020)*** ln Employees -0.099 (.020)*** -0.100 (.020)*** -0.098 (.020)*** -0.103 (.020)*** -0.093 (.020)*** -0.114 (.020)*** Firm Age 0.031 (.003)*** 0.029 (.003)*** 0.028 (.003)*** 0.030 (.003)*** 0.030 (.003)*** 0.030 (.003)*** Inbound Movers 0.041 (.003)*** 0.037 (.003)*** 0.044 (.003)*** 0.043 (.003)*** 0.041 (.003)*** 0.041 (.004)*** Outbound Movers -0.042 (.003)*** -0.039 (.003)*** -0.039 (.003)*** -0.044 (.003)*** -0.044 (.003)*** -0.040 (.004)*** R&D Size (1,000) 0.746 (.048)*** 0.798 (.047)*** 0.688 (.053)*** 0.787 (.047)*** 0.793 (.047)*** 0.748 (.073)*** Current Stars x Firm Age -0.0071 (.0015)*** -0.0055 (.0016)*** Former Stars x Firm Age -0.0122 (.0070) -0.0042 (.0091) Current Stars x R&D Size -0.0254 (.0058)*** -0.0098 (.0137) Former Stars x R&D Size -0.1099 (.1919) 0.4007 (.3143) Current Stars x Inbound Movers -0.0019 (.0004)*** -0.0001 (.0008) Former Stars x Inbound Movers -0.0176 (.0104)* -0.0164 (.0177) Current Stars x R&D spending -0.0636 (.0073)*** -0.0873 (.0134)*** Former Stars x R&D spending -0.1076 (.0501)** -0.0857 (.0800) Current Stars x employees -0.0380 (.0074)*** 0.0546 (.0134)*** Former Stars x employees -0.0728 (0.0447) -0.0130 (.0663) Year -0.025 (.004)*** -0.026 (.004)*** -0.025 (.004)*** -0.027 (.004)*** -0.026 (.004)*** -0.025 (.004)*** Intercept 48.249 (7.954)*** 50.306 (8.091)*** 49.322 (8.092)*** 52.470 (7.986)*** 51.176 (8.065)*** 49.681 (7.951)*** 4,517 4,517 4,517 4,517 4,517 4,517 Number of Groups 284 284 284 284 284 284 Fixed Effects Firm Firm Firm Firm Firm Firm -15,556.70 -15,560.04 -15,557.16 -15,531.54 -15,557.00 -15,519.33 2,881.03 0.0000 2,973.48 0.0000 2,945.52 0.0000 2,936.33 0.0000 2,881.37 0.0000 2,997.48 0.0000 Observations Log Likelihood Chi^2 Prob > Chi^2 Note: Standard errors in parentheses *,**,*** significant at 10%, 5% and 1% levels, respectively Table 10: Robustness Regressions Conditional Fixed Effects Negative Binomial Regressions, 1978-2002 Dependent Variable Patents by firm excluding the star's patents R&D Size R&D Spending Employees > group mean < group mean > group mean < group mean > group mean < group mean Current Stars 0.044 (.011)*** 0.070 (.028)** 0.049 (.012)*** -0.185 (.030)*** 0.056 (.012)*** -0.027 (.035) Former Stars 0.178 (.076)** 0.338 (.119)*** 0.190 (.075)** 0.213 (.119)* 0.192 (.077)** -0.152 (.123) ln R&D 0.268 (.035)*** 0.108 (.025)*** 0.205 (.032)*** 0.342 (.030)*** 0.117 (.026)*** 0.250 (.030)*** 0.0480 (.040) -0.078 (.025)*** -0.032 (.032) -0.073 (.028)*** 0.025 (.034) 0.031 (.037) Firm Age 0.049 (.004)*** 0.014 (.005)*** 0.054 (.003)*** -0.014 (.006)** 0.056 (.003)*** -0.020 (.008)*** Inbound Movers 0.034 (.003)*** -0.081 (.012)*** 0.041 (.003)*** -0.041 (.013)*** 0.043 (.003)*** -0.007 (.017) Outbound Movers -0.035 (.003)*** -0.039 (.013)*** -0.043 (.003)*** -0.047 (.014)*** -0.045 (.003)*** -0.044 (.022)** R&D Size (1,000) 0.700 (.044)*** 21.313 (.544)*** 0.755 (.047)*** 6.243 (.456)*** 0.781 (.048)*** 3.991 (.377)*** Year -0.062 (.006)*** -0.013 (.007)* -0.058 (.005)*** 0.014 (.008)* -0.058 (.005)*** 0.051 (.009)*** 120.736 (11.688)*** 24.848 (13.314)* 114.150 (10.231)*** -28.558 (14.995)* 114.033 (9.177)*** -101.066 (17.577)*** 1,468 3,049 2,396 2,121 2,922 1,595 71 213 130 154 149 135 Firm Firm Firm Firm Firm Firm Log Likelihood -7,432.55 -7,421.48 -9,818.62 -5,530.77 -11,335.58 -4,018.75 Chi^2 Prob > Chi^2 2,215.91 0.0000 4,195.09 0.0000 2,339.65 0.0000 1,561.10 0.0000 2,243.63 0.0000 1,413.27 0.0000 ln Employees Intercept Observations Number of Groups Fixed Effects Note: Standard errors in parentheses *,**,*** significant at 10%, 5% and 1% levels, respectively Table 11: Robustness Regressions II NB, Poisson, and OLS Regressions: 1978-2002 Dependent Variable Patents by firm excluding the star's patents (1) (2) ln (patents + 1) † ‡ (3) (4) (5) (6) Current Stars 0.066 (.028)** 0.103 (.021)*** 0.054 (.022)*** 0.081 (.036)** 0.053 (.023)** 0.043 (.022)* Former Stars 0.247 (.126)* 0.258 (.121)** 0.340 (.108)*** 0.291 (.128)** 0.330 (.105)*** 0.362 (.100)*** ln R&D 0.251 (.072)*** 0.407 (.064)*** 0.164 (.059)*** 0.164 (.061)*** 0.163 (.058)*** 0.162 (.059)*** ln Employees -0.0210 (.046) -0.120 (.073) 0.249 (.054)*** 0.248 (.056)*** 0.247 (.055)*** 0.253 (.056)*** Firm Age 0.029 (.006)*** 0.047 (.007)*** 0.010 (.018) 0.010 (.019) 0.009 (.019) 0.009 (.019) Inbound Movers 0.013 (0.021) 0.049 (.006)*** 0.043 (.017)** 0.042 (.018)** 0.043 (.017)** 0.043 (.017)** Outbound Movers -0.073 (.015)*** -0.058 (.009)*** -0.079 (.017)*** -0.080 (.018)*** -0.079 (.016)*** -0.079 (.016)*** R&D Size (1,000) 5.761 (2.115)*** 0.939 (.249)*** 2.389 (.798)*** 2.383 (.821)*** 2.375 (.778)*** 2.391 (.779)*** Year -0.027 (.007)*** -0.053 (.011)*** -0.013 (.015) -0.013 (.0157) -0.011 (.016) -0.011 (.016) -0.082 (.017)*** -0.200 (.046)*** λ (IMR) Intercept Observations Estimation Log Likelihood R^2 54.217 (13.211)*** 107.713 (22.038)*** 28.018 (29.947) 28.425 (30.906) 23.859 (31.330) 23.705 -31.7250 4,684 4,684 4,684 4,684 4,419 4,419 Negative Binomial No FE Poisson No FE OLS Firm FE 2SLS Firm FE OLS Firm FE Current Star IMR OLS Firm FE Former Star IMR -19,086.71 -142,029.04 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.643 0.889 0.640 0.638 Note: Standard errors adjusted for clustering on industry (SIC) in parentheses These specifications include a dummy set to 1 when patents = 0 per Pakes and Griliches (1980) ‡ Current and Former Stars are instrumented by the average age of these incoming and former stars Wald and F-tests of joint insignificance are all rejected. *,**,*** significant at 10%, 5% and 1% levels, respectively † Table 12: Move Types Conditional Fixed Effects Negative Binomial Regressions, 1978-2002 Dependent Variable Patents by firm excluding the star's patents Baseline (1) Current Stars (All) 0.051 (.011)*** Former Stars (All) 0.235 (.072)*** (2) (3) (4) (5) Current Stars Intra-Firm 0.030 (.016)* 0.017 (.017) Former Stars Intra-Firm 0.195 (.249) 0.065 (.258) Current Stars Inta-MSA 0.100 (.022)*** 0.1050 (.023)*** Former Stars Intra-MSA 0.232 (.090)*** 0.1940 (.091)** Current Stars Inter-Firm&MSA 0.149 (.045)*** 0.163 (.043)*** Former Stars Inter-Firm&MSA 0.3643 (.154)** 0.3660 (.159)** ln R&D 0.235 (.019)*** 0.241 (.019)*** 0.238 (.019)*** 0.242 (.019)*** 0.237 (.020)*** ln Employees -0.102 (.020)*** -0.105 (.020)*** -0.105 (.020)*** -0.107 (.020)*** -1.040 (.020)*** Firm Age 0.029 (.003)*** 0.029 (.003)*** 0.029 (.003)*** 0.029 (.003)*** 0.029 (.003)*** Inbound Movers 0.042 (.003)*** 0.044 (.003)*** 0.043 (.003)*** 0.042 (.003)*** 0.041 (.003)*** Outbound Movers -0.046 (.003)*** -0.046 (.003)*** -0.045 (.003)*** -0.045 (.003)*** -0.046 (.003)*** R&D Size (1,000) 0.802 (.046)*** 0.784 (.046)*** 0.792 (.047)*** 0.787 (.048)*** 0.816 (.048)*** Year -0.025 (.004)*** -0.024 (.004)*** -0.025 (.004)*** -0.024 (.004)*** -0.025 (.004)*** Intercept 48.143 (8.037)*** 47.260 (8.054)*** 49.580 (8.055)*** -28.558 (14.995)* 49.001 (8.054)*** 4,517 4,517 4,517 4,517 4,517 Number of Groups 284 284 284 284 284 Fixed Effects Firm Firm Firm Firm Firm -15,570.35 -15,582.72 -15,572.01 -15,577.30 -15,562.97 2,844.25 0.0000 2,784.18 0.0000 2,821.05 0.0000 1,561.10 0.0000 2,879.74 0.0000 Observations Log Likelihood Chi^2 Prob > Chi^2 Note: Standard errors in parentheses *,**,*** significant at 10%, 5% and 1% levels, respectively