Dependence Structure between the Equity Market and the Foreign Exchange Market{A Copula Approach Cathy Ning February 2006 This paper investigates the dependence structure between the equity market and the foreign exchange market by using copulas. In particular, the Symmetrized Joe-Clayton (SJC) copula is used to directly model the underlying dependence structure. We nd that there exists signicant upper and lower tail dependence between the two nancial markets, and the dependence is symmetric. This nding has important implications for both global investment management and asset pricing modeling. 1 Introduction Studying the co-movements across nancial markets is an important issue for risk management and portfolio management. There is a great deal of research focusing on the co-movements of international equity markets. Chakrabarti and Roll(2002) compare the co-movements of Asian stock markets with those of European markets before and during the Asian crisis. They nd that the correlations increased from the pre-crisis to the crisis period in both regions. They also nd that diversication potential was bigger in Asia than in Europe in the pre-crisis period, but this was reversed during the crisis. Other examples of research on the co-movements of equity markets can be found in Karolyi and Stulz (1996), Longin and Solnik (2001), Forbes and Rigobon(2002). The methodology they use is along the line of correlations and conditional correlations. Since the limitations of correlation-based models as identied in Embrechts et al. (2002), research has started to use copulas 1 to directly model the dependence structure across nancial markets. Works along this line include Marshal and Zeevi (2002), Hu (2003) and Chollete, Pena, and Lu (2005), who report asymmetric extreme dependence between equity returns, i.e., the stock markets crash together but do not boom together. While the above literature focuses on the dependence structure and co-movements in equity markets via copulas, Patton (2005) also employs copulas to model the asymmetric exchange rate dependence. He nds that the mark-dollar and Yen-dollar exchange rates are more correlated when they are depreciating against the U.S. dollar than when they are appreciating. While there is extensive literature studying the co-movements between the international equity markets and some literature on modeling the dependence structure between the exchange rates via copulas, there is no literature on using copulas to study the co-movements across these two markets. We consider both equities and foreign exchanges in our study since the foreign exchange market is by volume one of the largest nancial markets and foreign exchange is an important asset in international nancial portfolios. In the literature, Giovannini and Jorion (1989) include foreign exchanges as assets in their portfolios. For global investors who wish to diversify portfolios internationally, the co-movements and dependence structure between assets in their portfolios such as equities and foreign exchange rates would have important implications for their cross market diversication. There has been extensive research (both theoretical and empirical) in the relationship and co-movements between these two markets. Theoretical research includes the \ow-oriented" models of exchange rates as in Dornbusch and Fischer(1980) and the \stock oriented" models of exchange rate (see Branson(1983) and Frankel(1983)). All these models argue that the stock market impacts the exchange rate and vice versa. Empirical study of the interaction or causality relationship between the stock price and the exchange rate leads to mixed results (positive correlation, negative correlation, existence of causality or nonexistence of causality, causality one way or the other). In this paper, we endeavour to investigate the dependence between the equity returns and the exchange rate returns, by using a new technique: copulas. The methodology we use in this paper diers in a fundamental way from most of the methods used in the literature in analyzing dependence between the nancial markets, which is also sometimes called co-movement .We will use dependence or co-movement interchangeably in this paper. A copula is a function that connects the marginal distributions to restore the joint distribution. The advantage of using copulas in analyzing the co-movement 2 is multifold. First, copulas are very exible in modeling dependence. Various copulas represent dierent dependence structures between variables. Copulas allow us to separately model the marginal behavior and the dependence structure. This property gives us more options in model specication and estimation. Second, the copula is a more informative measure of dependence between variables than linear correlation. Copulas tell us not only the degree of the dependence but also the structure of the dependence. The copula function can directly model the tail dependence. It is a succinct and exact representation of the dependencies between underlying variables, irrespective of their marginal distributions. Moreover, the copula can easily model the asymmetric dependence by specifying dierent copulas. However linear correlation does not give the information about tail dependence and the symmetrical property of the dependence. Third, the copula is an alternative dependence measure that is reliable when correlation is not. Correlation can only be used for elliptical distributions with the normal distribution being a special case. Copulas do not require normality of the variables of the interest. This is especially useful when we try to model the dependence between asset returns(in particular from high frequency data) , which are usually not normally distributed. Finally, the copula function is invariant to transformations of the underlying variables while the correlation is not. Transformation of our data can aect our correlation estimates, possibly rendering the numerical value of the correlation meaningless. This is not a problem of the copula. The same copula function can be used for both the prices and the logarithm of the prices. The copula theorem allows us to decompose the joint distributions into k marginal distributions, which characterize the single variables of interest (stock returns or exchange returns in our case), and a copula, which completely describes the dependence between the k variables. As there is not any empirical results or theoretical guidance on the dependence structure between the stock market and the exchange rate, it requires us to be exible in specifying the copula models. We employ the AR-t-GARCH models for the marginal distributions of each stock index and exchange rate, and choose the Symmetrized Joe-Clayton copula in Patton (2005) for the dependence structure, since this copula allows for asymmetric tail dependence and nests symmetry as a special case. The main contribution of this paper is to show how an informative, exible, direct and easy methodology: the copula approach, can be applied to analyze the co-movements between the equity returns and the foreign exchange 3 returns. The questions we intend to answer are: what is the dependence structure between these two assets? Is there any extreme value dependence? Is the dependence symmetric or asymmetric? By answering these questions, we hope to better understand the co-movements of nancial markets and the risks associated with the dependence structure between the markets. The nancial markets considered are the G5 countries (US, UK, Germany, Japan, France) which include 5 stock markets and 4 exchange rates. We nd that there exists signicant positive tail dependence between the stock market and the foreign exchange market in each country. Unlike the co-movements between international stock markets, the tail dependence is symmetric between the stock market and the foreign exchange market. Our nding has important implications in cross market diversication for international investors: diversication would have limited function especially when there are extreme shocks. This nding should also aect the pricing of assets. In the literature, joint extreme risks have not been considered in the asset pricing model. However, investors should be compensated for this risk. We hope that this work will also improve our understanding of risks associated with the extreme events and our results will lead to the possible revision of the asset pricing models by picking up the tail dependence. The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 provides a brief review of copula concepts. Section 3 species the models and the estimation. In Section 4, we describe the data and discuss the results. Section 5 concludes. 2 The Copula Concept and Measures of Dependence A copula is a multivariate cumulative distribution function whose marginal distribution is uniform on the interval [0,1] The importance of the copula is that it can capture the dependence structure of a multivariate distribution. This is justied by the fundamental fact known as Sklar's(1959) theorem. For the purpose of this paper and simplicity, we consider the bivariate case. Sklar's Theorem. Let H be a joint distribution function with margins F and G. Then there exists a copula C such that for all x, y in R, H (x; y) = C (F (x); G(y)): 4 (1) If F and G are continuous, then C is unique. Conversely, if C is a copula and F and G are the cumulative distribution functions, then the function H dened by (1) is a joint distribution function with margins F and G. From Sklar's theorem, we see that a joint distribution can be decomposed into its univariate marginal distributions, and a copula, which captures the dependence structure between the variables X and Y. As a result, copulas allow us to model the marginal distributions and the dependence structure of a multivariate random variable separately. One of the key properties of copulas is that they are invariant under increasing and continuous transformations. This property is very useful as transformations are commonly used in economics and nance. For example, the copula does not change with returns or logarithm of returns. This is not true for the correlation, which is only invariant under linear transformations. In addition to linear correlations, there are various other measures of dependence, among which Kendall's and Spearman's are two scale free measures of dependence and are commonly studied with copula models. Kendall's tau is dened as the dierence between the probability of the concordance and the probability of the discordance: tau(X; Y ) = P [(X X )(Y Y ) > 0] P [(X X )(Y Y ) < 0](2) for tau 2 [ 1; 1]: Kendall's tau represents rank correlations, i.e., the relations between the rankings, instead of the actual value of the observations. The higher the tau value, the stronger is the dependence. The relation between Kendall's tau and the copula is as follows: 1 2 tau = 4 1 Z 0 1 2 Z 0 1 1 C (u; v)dC (u; v) 1 2 1 2 (3) Therefore, Kendall's tau doesn't depend on marginal distributions. Comparisons between results using dierent copula functions should be based on a common Kendall's tau. Another useful dependence measure dened by copulas is the tail dependence, which measures the probability that both variables are in their lower or upper joint tails. Intuitively, upper(lower) tail dependence refers to the relative amount of mass in the upper(lower) quantile of the distribution. An important property of a copula is that it can capture the tail dependence. Furthermore, the tail dependence between X and Y, as one of the copula 5 properties, is invariant under strictly increasing transformation of X and Y. The left(lower) and right(upper) tail dependence coecients are dened as C (u; u) ; (4) = lim P r[G(y) ujF (X ) u] = lim l u !0 u !0 u 1 2u + C (u; u) ; (5) 1 u where l and r 2 [0; 1]. If l or r are positive, X and Y are said to be left (lower) or right (upper) tail dependent. Further examination of copulas and measures of dependence can be found in Joe (1997) and Nelsen (1999). Dierent copulas usually represent dierent dependence structures with the association parameters indicating the strength of the dependence. Some commonly used copulas in economics and nance include: Gaussian copula, student t copula, Gumbel copula, Clayton copula, and Symmetrized JoeClayton(SJC) copula. r = ulim P r[G(Y ) ujF (X ) u] = ulim !1 !1 Bivariate Gaussian copula C (u; v; ) = ( 1 (u); 1 (v); ); (6) where 0 u; v 1 and 1 1. is the bivariate normal distribution function with correlation coecient , and is the inverse of the univariate normal distribution function. By Sklar's theorem, we can have 1 H (x; y) = C (F (x); G(y)) = ( 1 (F (x)); 1 (G(y)); ): (7) That is, we can construct bivariate distributions with non-normal marginal distributions and the Gaussian copula. The relationship between Kendall's tau and for Gaussian copula is: 2 (8) tau = arcsin(); The Gaussian copula has zero tail dependence, therefore l = r = 0. T copula The T copula is dened as C; (u; v) = t; (t 1 (u); t 1 (v)); 6 (9) where t; is the bivariate student t distribution with degree of freedom and the correlation coecient . t is the inverse of the univariate student t distribution. Its Kendall's tau can be expressed as a function of : 2 (10) tau = arcsin(): 1 The T copula has symmetric tail dependence with dependence coecient as follows: l = r = 2t ( ( + 1) = (1 ) = (1 + ) = ): (11) 1 2 +1 1 2 1 2 Gumbel copula The Gumbel copula is dened as C (u; v) = exp( (( ln u) + ( ln v) ) ); for 2 (0; 1]; 1 (12) where a is the associate parameter. The Kendall's tau and the associate parameter is linked by the following equation: = 1=(1 tau): (13) The Gumbel copula has no left tail dependence but positive right tail dependence. The tail dependence coecients can be written as l = 0; r = 2 21= : (14) Clayton copula The Clayton copula is dened as: C (u; v) = (u +v 1) = for > 0 1 (15) where is the associate parameter. The associate parameter can be expressed as a function of Kendall's tau as = 2tau=(1 tau): Clayton copula does not have right tail dependence but has left tail dependence as l = 2 = ; r = 0: (16) 1 7 Symmetrized Joe-Clayton(SJC) copula The SJC copula is a modication of the so called "BB7" copula of Joe (1997). It is dened as CSJC (u; vjr; l ) = 0:5 (CJC (u; vjr; l ) + CJC (1 u; 1 vjl ; r)); (17) where CJC (u; vjr; l ) is the BB7 copula (also called Joe-Clayton copula) dened as CJC (u; vjr; l ) = 1 (1 n 1 (1 u)k r + 1 (1 v)k r 1 o =r 1 ) =k ; (18) 1 where k = 1=log (2 r), r = 1=log (l ); and l 2 (0; 1), r 2 (0; 1): By construction, the SJC copula is symmetric when l =r. 2 2 3 Model Specication and Estimation In order to study the dependence structure between the bivariate variables, i.e., the stock return series and the foreign exchange return series, we need to specify three models: the models for the marginal distribution of each stock and exchange rate, and the model for the joint distribution of the two series by copula. 3.1 Marginal Models It is well documented in the literature that the daily asset returns show fat-tails and heteroscedasticity. As usual, the error variance is unknown and must be estimated from the data. The generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) model is a common approach to model time series with heteroscedastic errors. Besides, Bollerslev (1987) among others, has found that the student's t distribution ts the univariate distribution of the daily exchange rate returns quite well. Many asset returns also show autoregressive characteristics. As a result, the AR(k)-t-GARCH(p,q) model has been documented to be successful in capturing these stylized facts of asset return series. This type of model and its variants have been used in Bollerslev (1987) and Patton (2005). We adopt this model for our return series. To verify that the marginal distributions are indeed not normal, we use the 8 Jarque-Bera normality tests for each series. The order of the autoregressive terms k is determined by specifying the maximum being 10 and deleting the insignicant (with signicant level of 5%) autoregressive terms. Hence the marginal model can be specied as follows: ri;t = mi + 2 i;t = consti + X p X k garch(p)i t p + 2 r ARi;k ri;t k + "i;t ; (19) X (20) q arch(q)i "i;t q : 2 nu " iid tnu i;t (nu 2) i;t 2 where ri;t is the returns for the ith asset at time t. i;t is the variance of "i;t. and nu is the degree of freedom for the t distribution. 2 3.2 Joint Models In the literature, it is well documented that equity markets crash together but do not boom together, indicating a lower tail dependence. Since in the literature there are not any empirical results about the dependence structure between the stock market and the foreign exchange market, it requires the selection for the copula to be exible in modeling the tail dependence in both directions, and the asymmetric dependence should be allowed while the symmetric dependence should be a special case. The Gaussian and T copulas are most commonly used in economics and nance. However, they are not suitable to use in our case. Gaussian copula forces zero tail dependence and T copula imposes symmetric tail dependence. There may exist asymmetric dependence in our variables. Moreover, T copula requires that the degrees of freedom for the marginals are the same. This constraint is not satised in our data. As to the asymmetric tail dependent copulas, the Gumbel copula does not have left tail dependence but has positive right tail dependence. On the other hand, the Clayton copula has positive left tail dependence but zero right tail dependence. Therefore, neither of them are suitable for our modeling. The Symmetrized Joe-Clayton (SJC) copula allows both upper and lower tail dependence and the symmetric dependence is a special case, hence it satises all the exibility requirements. Therefore, we choose SJC copula for the joint model. More specically, the variables u; v in the SJC 9 copula are the cumulative distribution functions of the standardized residuals from the marginal models. 3.3 Estimation There are usually two approaches to estimate a parametric copula model, namely one stage full maximum likelihood (ML) and inference for the margins (IFM). The ML approach jointly estimates the parameters in the marginal models and the parameters of the copula model simultaneously. The IFM method breaks the estimation into two steps: at the rst step, we estimate the parameters in the marginal distributions; at the second step, given the estimated marginal parameters, we estimate the copula parameters. Next, we give a brief discussion of the two estimation approaches. Without loss of generality, we consider two marginals. By Sklar's theorem, we can decompose the joint distribution into its marginal distributions and its dependence function (copula): FXY (x; y) = C (FX (x); FY (y)); (21) where FXY (x; y), FX (x), FY (y) are the joint CDF and marginal CDFs, while C is the copula function. Taking derivative of above, we get fXY (x; y) = fX (x) fY (y) c(u; v); (22) where f and c are density functions: @F (x) @F (y) @ FXY (x; y) , fX (x) = X , fY (y) = Y ; fXY (x; y) = @x@y @x @y @ C (FX (x); FY (y)) c(u; v) = ; 2 2 @u@v with u = FX (x), v = FY (y). Take logarithm of the above density function, we get: LXY = LX + LY + LC ; (23) where LXY = log(fXY (x; y)), LX = log(fX (x)), LY = log(fY (y)), LC = log(c(u; v)). The one stage full ML estimator is obtained by maximizing LXY . Under the regularity conditions the ML estimator is consistent, ecient, and asymptotically normal. 10 Note that in (23), the likelihood is composed of two positive parts: LX and LY only involving the marginal parameters, and LC involving the marginal and dependence parameters. Therefore, Joe and Xu (1996) proposed the two step IFM method. In the rst step, they estimate the marginal models by maximizing the logarithm likelihoods: LX and LY : In the second step, given the estimated parameters for the marginal models, they estimate the copula parameters by maximizing LC . Joe (1997) proves that under regular conditions, the IFM estimator is consistent and asymptotic normal. Compared with the ML, the IFM method is less computationally intensive. Moreover, the large number of parameters in the simultaneous ML estimation could make numerical maximization of the likelihood function dicult Since it is computationally easier to obtain the IFM estimator, it is naturally worthwhile to compare the eciency of the IFM estimator with the ML estimator. Joe(1997) points out that the IFM method is highly ecient compared with the ML method. Joe and Xu (1996) compared the eciency of the IFM with the ML by simulation. They found that the ratio of the mean square errors of the IFM estimator to the MLE is close to 1. Theoretically, ML estimator should be the most ecient, in that it attains the minimum asymptotic variance bound. However, for the nite sample, Patton (2003) found that the IFM was often more ecient than the ML, and in most cases not less ecient. As a result, IFM is the main estimation method employed in estimating the copula models. Since our models involve a large number of parameters, we adopt the IFM method for our estimation as well. We rst estimate the marginal AR(k)-t-GARCH(p,q) models by maximum likelihood. Then we estimate the copula parameters given the estimated parameters in the marginal models. The densities of the Joy Clayton copula and the SJC copula are derived respectively as follows. Let A = 1 (1 u)k , and B = 1 (1 v)k , @ 2 CJC (u; vjr; l ) @u@v = (AB ) r 1(1 u)k 1(1 v)k 1 f[1 (A r + B r 1) 1=r ] 1+1=k (A r + B r 1) 2 1=r (1 + r)k +[1 (A r + B r 1) 1=r ] 2+1=k (A r + B r 1) 2 2=r (k 1)g; cJC (u; vjr; l ) = (24) 11 where k = 1=log (2 r), r = 1=log (l ): The density of the SJC copula is 2 2 @ 2 CSJC (u; vjr; l ) ; @u@v 2 (u; vjr; l ) + @ 2CJC (1 u; 1 vjl ; r) ]: = 0:5 [ @ CJC@u@v @ (1 u)@ (1 v) cSJC (u; vjr; l ) = (25) u;vjr;l The expression for @ CJC@ uu;@ vjvl;r is the same as @ CJC@u@v . But we substitute u and v in the latter with 1 u and 1 v to get the former. Also note that k = 1=log (2 l ); r = 1=log (r) for the former. The copula logarithm likelihood is: LC = log(cSJC (u; vjr; l )). r and l can be estimated by maxLC . 2 (1 (1 1 ) (1 2 ) ( ) ) 2 2 4 Data and the Discussion of Results 4.1 Data We use daily data from Datastream from 1/1/1991 to 31/12/1998. The data are from the ve largest developed countries: US, UK, Germany, France and Japan. Data start from 1991, since before this date various exchange rate arrangements (currency snake 1970-1975, European Exchange Rate Mechanism 1979-1993) prevailed in the developed countries. The data end before the introduction of the Euro. The stock market index from each country should represent the stock market of that country. We use the Datastream calculated stock market indices expressed in US dollars from each country (The codes are: TOTMKUS for US, TOTMUK$ for UK, TOTMBD$ for Germany, TOTMFR$ for France, TOTMJP$ for Japan). Foreign Exchange rates are expressed in US dollars per local currency (The codes in Datastream: BRITPUS, WGMRKUS,FRNFRUS, JAPYNUS). The returns are calculated as 100 times the logarithm dierences of the indices or the exchange rates between the day t and the day t-1. r us, r uk, r gm, r fr, r jp are the returns of US, British, German, French, Japanese stock market index respectively. r pdus, r gmus, r frus, r jyus are the returns from the British pound, German mark, French franc and Japanese Yen expressed in US dollars. 12 Table 1 gives the summary statistics of the returns. The table shows that all the means of the returns are small relative to their standard deviations. For example, the mean of the British stock index returns is 0.037, while its standard deviation is 0.89, indicating relative high risks. The standard deviations of the stock index returns (ranging from 0.81 to 1.38) are larger than those of exchange rate returns (ranging from 0.64 to 0.77), indicating that the stock markets are more volatile than the foreign exchange markets. European stock markets are more volatile than the US stock market. The skewnesses of returns are dierent from zero with most of them skewing to the left. All returns show excess Kurtosis ranging from 5.65 to 14.80. Both the skewness and the excess kurtosis indicate that the return series are not normally distributed. In Table 2, we present the linear correlations between return series. We can see that the pairwise correlations between the stock index returns and the exchange rate returns are all signicantly dierent from zero. The Japanese stock -Yen pair has the highest linear correlation coecient of 0.47. The French pair has the lowest linear dependence with the correlation coecient being 0.29. The correlations are all positive, indicating the increase (decrease) of the local stock market is associated with the appreciation(deprecation) of the local currency. In Table 3 and Table 4, the two measures of rank dependence, namely, the Kendall's Tau and Spearman's Rho are presented respectively. Kendall's tau measures the dierence between the probability of the concordance and the probability of the discordance. The Kendall's taus for our pairs of interest are all signicantly positive, showing the probability of concordance is signicantly higher than the probability of discordance. Spearman's rho also measures the rank correlation between variables. The Spearman's rhos for the pairs in each country in Table 4 are all signicantly positive, indicating strong rank correlations. The values of taus and rhos are consistent with each other and the linear correlation: The Japanese pair have the strongest dependence, followed by the German pair, UK pair and the French pair. In order to see the dependence structure from the data. We calculate an empirical copula table(see Knight, Lizieri and Satchell(2005)). To do this, we rst rank the pair of return series in ascending order and then we divide each series evenly into 10 bins. Bin 1 includes the observations with the lowest values and bin10 includes observations with the highest values. We want to know how the values of one series are associated with the values of the other series, especially whether lower returns in stock market is associated 13 with lower returns in foreign exchange market. Thus we count the numbers of observations that are in cell(i, j). The dependence information we can obtain from the frequency table is that: if the two series are perfectly positively correlated, we would see most observations lie on the diagonal; if they are independent, then we would expect that the numbers in each cell are about the same; If the series are perfectly negatively correlated, most observations should lie on the diagonal connecting the upper-right corner and the lowerleft corner; If there is positive lower tail dependence between the two series, we would expect that more observations in cell(1,1). If positive upper tail dependence exists, we would expect large number in cell(10,10). We present the dependence table in Table 5. For the UK pair, cell(1,1) is 71, which means out of 2007 observations, there are 71 occurrences when both British pound and UK stock returns lie in their respective lowest 10th percentiles (1/10th quantile). Cell(10,10) for UK pair is 59, indicating 59 occurrences when both series are in their highest 10th percentiles (9/10th quantile) respectively. Numbers in other cells of the UK pair are much smaller than those in these two cells. This is the evidence of both upper and lower tail dependence. Comparing cell(1,1) and cell(10,10) of the German, French and Japanese pairs, we see quite obvious evidence of both upper and lower tail dependence. And the dependence seems symmetric except for the UK pair. 4.2 Estimation Results of the Models We rst estimate the marginal models: the AR(k)-t-GARCH(p,q) type models for each asset return series. k is set to 10, and the insignicant (with signicant level of 5%) autoregressive terms are deleted. We experiment on GARCH terms up to p=2 and q=2. The estimates of the marginal models are presented in Table 6 (equities) and Table 7 (foreign exchange rates). We test the normality of the error term in the AR equation and the null hypothesis of normality is strongly rejected for all series with the p values of the Jarque-Bera statistic being less than 0.0001 (not listed in table to save space). For US stock index, both lag one and lag ve are signicant autoregressive terms. That implies the returns of yesterday and the same day of last week will signicantly aect the return today. Both ARCH and GARCH terms are strongly signicant, indicating heteroscedasticity of the data. The number of 14 degrees of freedom for the t distribution is 5.29 and statistically signicant. For the UK stock index returns, lag 5 is the only signicant autoregressive term, indicating the weekly seasonality. Again the ARCH1 is the signicant term. In contrast to the US stock index, it requires the GARCH2 term to better t the data. The number of degrees of freedom of t is again small (7.8) and signicant. For the other seven marginal models, the degrees of freedom are all small (ranging from 9 to 7.5), indicating that the error terms are not normal. Also note that the degrees of freedom parameter of the equity is bigger than that of the exchange rate in each pair. This indicates that t copula is not suitable for modeling the dependence since it requires the equality of the degrees of freedom of the margins. The AR1 term is signicant in the models of the German and Japanese stock returns, British Pound and Japanese Yen returns. The British Pound and Japanese Yen also show biweekly pattern with the signicance of the 10th autoregressive term. The German Mark shows six day seasonality with AR6 being signicant. For the stocks, GARCH(1,1) is able to capture the heteroscedasticity. For the exchange rates, higher GARCH terms are required to better model the heteroskedasticity. This is reected in the signicance of the GARCH2 term for the British Pound, the German Mark and the French Franc. For the French Franc, the ARCH2 is also found to be signicant. In order to evaluate the goodness of t of the marginal models, we obtain the frequencies of the standardized residuals from the marginal models. The result is presented in Table 7. Comparing frequencies in Table 8 with those in Table 5 (from the data), we can see that the pairs from the marginal models keep the same dependence pattern as the data: observations mass at both upper (relatively larger number in cell(10,10)) and lower tail (larger number in cell (1,1)). The t is generally very good. For example, for the Japanese pair, cell(1,1) from the data is 66, while it is 68 from the standardized residuals of the model; cell(10,10) is 70 from the data against 71 from the model. Cell(10,10) for the German pair is 70 from the data against 72 from the model. We then estimate the joint copula models. The estimation of Lower tail dependence, upper tail dependence and the copula log likelihood for all the pairs is provided in Table 9. All of the tail dependence coecients are statistically signicant. The Japanese pair has the highest tail dependence 1 1 This can be inferred from the strong signicance of the inverse of the t degree of freedom shown in the Table. 15 coecients with l being 0.2479 and r being 0.2764. Since l (r) measures the dependence between the stock returns and exchange rate returns when both of them are in extremely small (large) values, the signicance of l (r) means that the Japanese stock market crashes (booms) when the Japanese yen depreciates (appreciates) heavily against US dollars and vice versa. This nding is consistent with the basic international nance theory. When a country's stock market is booming, investors believe that it is a good place for investment, therefore they will purchase that country's currency to buy stocks there. Hence the demand of the currency increases, which leads to the appreciation of the currency. This phenomenon happens in extreme cases as investors are more sensitive to the extreme events. Since the values of l and r are very similar for our pairs, we wish to know whether the tail dependence is symmetric. We use a likelihood ratio test to test the hypothesis: l =r. The test is presented in Table 10. All the p-values from the test are greater than 0.10. Therefore we can not reject the hypothesis that the upper and lower tail dependence is the same. This means that the dependence between the stock market and the foreign exchange market is the same at the time of crashing and booming. This nding is dierent from the nding for the dependence structure between stock markets documented in the literature: stock markets are more dependent at the time of crashing than booming. Given that we nd that the dependence is symmetric, we estimate the copula model again by forcing the equality of l and r. The results are in Table 11. Again we nd signicant tail dependence for all the pairs. The values of the tail dependence are 0.2662 for Japanese pair, 0.2259 for the German pair, 0.1667 for the British pair and 0.1015 for the French pair. Note that the order of the degree of the tail dependence is consistent with the linear correlation coecient, Kendall's tau and Spearman's rho for our pairs. Our main nding is the existence of extreme co-movements (tail dependence) between the stock market and the exchange rate market. The extreme co-movements are symmetric, implying both markets booming and crashing together. This nding improves our understanding of the market dependence. The signicance of tail dependence implies that the stock market and exchange rate tend to experience concurrent extreme shocks. This has important implications for diversication across these two markets during extreme events. Hence it is also very important to investors who wish to diversify investments globally. Furthermore, the nding is also important for 16 asset pricing since we should then take into account the joint tail risk when pricing. 5 Conclusion In this paper, we examine the extreme co-movements between the stock market and the exchange rate market by directly modeling their dependence structure via the use of the symmetrized Joe Clayton (SJC) copula. The symmetric tail dependence is found to be signicant in all the stock indexexchange rate pairs analyzed in this study. This nding is very important for global investors in their portfolio management during extreme market events. The nding also implies that the Gaussian dependence hypothesis that underlies most modern nancial applications may be inadequate. In most multivariate nancial models, dependence assumptions are very important. Our study shows that the copula approach is a exible, informative and direct method to model dependence structure. Our results and the property of SJC copula also suggest that this model could be well suited for various nancial modelling purposes. Picking up the tail dependence could lead to a more realistic assessment of the linkage between nancial markets and possibly more accurate risk management and pricing models. 17 References [1] Bollerslev, Tim, (1987), A Conditional Heteroskedastic Time Series Model for Speculative Prices and Rates of Return, Review of Economics and Statistics, 69, 542-547. [2] Branson, W. H., (1983), Macroeconomic Determinants of Real Exchange Risk, in Managing Foreign Exchange Risk, R. J. Herring ed., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [3] Chollete, Victor de la Pena, and Ching-Chih Lu (2005), Comovement of International Financial Markets, Working paper. [4] Chakrabarti, R. and Roll R. 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Foreign Exchange rate in US dollars per local currency (BRITPUS, WGMRKUS,FRNFRUS, JAPYNUS) Returns: The returns are 100 times the log-dierences of the index or the exchange rate. r us, r uk, r gm, r fr, r jp are the returns of the US, UK, German, French, and the Japanese stock market indices respectively. r pdus, r gmus, r frus, r jyus are the returns from the British pound, German mark, French franc and the Japanese Yen expressed in US dollars. Table 1: Descriptive Statistics Mean Std. Dev Skewness Kurtosis r us 11:1055 5:6535 r gm 0:0342 1:0800 0:8745 14:7964 2007 2007 2007 0:0689 0:8116 0:5831 Number of Observations Mean Std. Dev Skewness Kurtosis Number of Observations r uk 0:0372 0:8955 0:1913 r fr 0:0418 1:0561 0:2747 r jp 0:0101 1:3841 0:4955 9:1200 8:0921 2007 2007 r pdus 0:0075 0:6496 0:2603 6:7597 r gmus 0:0055 0:7013 0:0544 5:2416 r frus 0:0048 0:6783 0:2260 6:9365 r jyus 0:0090 0:7677 1:1714 12:7625 2007 2007 2007 2007 20 Table 2: Pearson Correlation r us r uk r gm r fr r jp r pdus r gmus r frus r jyus -0.0607 -0.1017 -0.1028 -0.0236 (0.0065) (<0.0001) 0.3945 0.21946 0.22084 0.09927 0.3204 0.4157 0.3952 0.2071 0.2331 0.272654 0.290872 0.128172 0.168539 0.218283 0.200216 0.471459 (<0.0001) (<0.0001) (<0.0001) (<0.0001) (<0.0001) (<0.0001) (<0.0001) (<0.0001) (<0.0001) (<0.0001) (<0.0001) *Numbers in brackets are p (<0.0001) values. (<0.0001) (0.2902) (<0.0001) (<0.0001) (<0.0001) (<0.0001) Table 3: Kendall's Tau r r r r r us uk gm fr jp r pdus r gmus r frus r jyus -0.05003 -0.08192* -0.08297* -0.03743 0.22446* 0.110616* 0.116384* 0.070818* 0.187499* 0.26832* 0.25884* 0.153973* 0.112601* 0.144408* 0.164057* 0.0767* 0.098649* 0.143137* 0.131483* 0.317182* Note: * stands for p value <0.0001 in Table 3 and Table 4. Table 4: Spearman's Rho r r r r r us uk gm fr jp r pdus r gmus r frus r jyus -0.0741 -0.12159* -0.12294* -0.05488 0.324051* 0.162147* 0.170088* 0.104126* 0.272933* 0.385582* 0.371116* 0.224556* 0.1657* 0.210926* 0.238784* 0.11302* 0.145626* 0.210924* 0.19339* 0.453602* 21 Table 5: Empirical Copula for Stock Returns and Exchange Rate Returns UK Pair 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total 1 71 23 17 19 15 16 9 13 9 8 200 2 40 22 29 23 18 21 13 15 15 5 201 3 21 23 27 26 26 22 19 16 14 7 201 4 6 22 26 31 20 22 18 21 16 18 200 5 16 18 16 19 29 20 12 26 20 15 2001 6 13 17 21 15 25 20 27 23 21 19 201 7 12 16 19 19 13 15 34 19 17 16 200 8 6 18 17 17 18 13 22 26 33 21 201 9 9 15 17 21 17 16 21 28 24 33 201 10 6 17 12 10 10 16 25 14 32 59 201 7 9 200 German Pair 1 66 26 21 15 17 16 12 11 2 47 34 24 20 19 18 12 9 9 9 201 3 20 30 35 25 21 23 16 11 9 11 201 4 11 19 27 31 21 21 26 17 22 15 200 5 12 16 20 27 29 19 23 18 22 15 201 6 14 20 19 20 21 30 17 26 17 17 201 7 13 20 22 12 16 17 26 27 30 17 200 8 5 9 17 22 21 23 32 19 29 24 201 9 8 11 11 18 21 23 16 32 37 24 201 10 4 16 5 10 15 11 20 31 19 70 201 French Pair 1 59 27 19 16 7 15 18 12 13 14 200 2 31 41 17 16 19 11 19 17 15 15 201 3 21 20 24 20 30 22 19 17 15 13 201 4 16 23 20 17 26 26 23 18 19 12 200 5 14 17 25 17 24 20 21 25 22 16 201 6 19 13 19 28 21 26 22 19 20 14 201 7 10 14 23 24 21 22 21 20 25 20 200 8 12 22 20 25 19 19 25 22 17 20 201 9 8 12 21 21 21 19 18 27 27 27 201 10 12 13 16 13 21 14 24 28 50 201 10 Japanese Pair 1 66 41 25 18 17 11 8 6 8 0 200 2 37 27 28 27 19 18 16 13 10 6 201 3 24 25 25 26 32 25 13 16 12 3 201 4 22 32 29 25 20 15 13 12 200 15 19 21 20 25 2216 28 16 5 33 19 9 12 201 6 7 17 17 24 20 22 32 22 29 11 201 7 8 14 16 21 22 21 33 25 23 17 200 8 3 10 14 18 17 26 20 31 32 30 201 9 10 7 16 13 18 23 19 32 24 39 201 8 9 10 8 11 11 10 22 41 71 201 10 Table 6: Estimation of Marginal Models for Stocks US stock ApproxP r > jtj <.0001 Variable Estimate Standard Error t Value Intercept 0.0733 0.0138 5.33 0.0507 0.0219 2.31 0.0209 -0.0475 0.021 -2.26 0.0236 ARCH0 0.004891 0.00214 2.29 0.0223 ARCH1 0.0453 0.008948 5.07 GARCH1 0.9481 0.0101 93.89 TDFI (DF=5.2854) 0.1892 0.0217 8.72 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 Standard Error t Value ApproxP r > jtj AR1 us AR5 us UK stock Variable Estimate Intercept 0.0551 0.0175 3.15 -0.0478 0.0222 -2.15 0.0313 ARCH0 0.005698 0.003204 1.78 0.0753 ARCH1 0.0315 0.006955 4.54 GARCH2 0.9623 0.00891 108.01 TDFI (DF=7.8125) 0.128 0.0188 6.8 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 Standard Error t Value Approx AR5 uk 0.0016 German stock Variable Estimate Intercept 0.0625 0.0189 3.31 0.0009 -0.046 0.0228 -2.02 0.0438 ARCH0 0.019 0.006401 2.96 0.003 ARCH1 0.0656 0.0119 5.5 GARCH1 0.9177 0.0141 65.3 TDFI (DF=6.5574) 0.1525 0.0151 10.09 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 t Value Approx AR1 gm French stock Variable Estimate Standard Error Intercept -0.00526 0.0121 -0.43 0.6638 ARCH0 0.005555 0.002945 1.89 0.0592 ARCH1 0.0383 0.0109 3.52 0.0004 ARCH2 0.0335 0.0101 3.32 GARCH2 0.9202 0.0164 56.1 TDFI (DF=4.5413) 0.2202 0.0245 8.98 <.0001 <.0001 t Value Approx 0.4129 Variable Estimate Standard Error Intercept -0.0191 0.0233 -0.82 0.0669 0.0223 3 0.0027 ARCH0 0.0298 0.009789 3.05 0.0023 ARCH1 0.0842 0.0137 6.13 GARCH1 0.9037 0.0146 61.68 TDFI (DF=5.5157) 0.1813 0.0222 8.15 23 * TDFI stands for the degrees of freedom of the t distribution P r > jt j 0.0009 Japanese stock AR1 jp P r > jt j <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 P r > jt j Table 7: Estimation of Marginal Models for the Exchange Rates British Pound Variable Estimate Intercept ApproxP r > jtj Standard Error t Value 0.007354 0.0109 0.68 0.4987 -0.0466 0.0212 -2.2 0.0277 0.0467 0.0188 2.49 0.0127 ARCH0 0.004911 0.001981 2.48 0.0132 ARCH1 0.0621 0.0133 4.68 GARCH2 0.9337 0.0126 74.32 TDFI (DF=3.9246) 0.2548 0.0286 8.9 AR1 pdus AR10 pdus German Mark <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 ApproxP r > jtj Variable Estimate Standard Error t Value Intercept -0.00361 0.0132 -0.27 0.7839 -0.0493 0.02 -2.46 0.0139 ARCH0 0.006094 0.002943 2.07 0.0384 ARCH1 0.0486 0.0106 4.6 GARCH2 0.9417 0.0126 74.91 TDFI (DF=4.9702) 0.2012 0.0266 7.55 AR6 gmus French Franc <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 ApproxP r > jtj Variable Estimate Standard Error t Value Intercept -0.00526 0.0121 -0.43 0.6638 ARCH0 0.005555 0.002945 1.89 0.0592 ARCH1 0.0383 0.0109 3.52 0.0004 ARCH2 0.0335 0.0101 3.32 0.0009 GARCH2 0.9202 0.0164 56.1 TDFI (DF=4.5413) 0.2202 0.0245 8.98 Japanese Yen <.0001 <.0001 ApproxP r > jtj Variable Estimate Standard Error t Value Intercept -0.0222 0.0131 -1.7 0.0899 -0.0472 0.0203 -2.32 0.0202 AR1 jyus AR10 jyus 0.0445 0.0198 2.25 0.0247 ARCH0 0.0111 0.004079 2.71 0.0067 ARCH1 0.0424 0.0104 4.09 GARCH1 0.9395 0.0143 65.73 TDFI (DF=4.0355) 0.2478 0.0226 10.99 * TDFI stands for the degrees of freedom of the t distribution 24 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 Table 8: Empirical Copula for the Standardized Residuals UK Pair (from model) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total 1 57 24 21 25 15 14 11 10 13 9 199 2 30 32 27 17 26 15 17 16 16 4 200 3 29 18 32 24 22 26 16 10 10 13 200 4 12 18 27 27 26 14 20 15 22 18 199 5 16 22 21 18 29 19 24 18 13 20 200 6 16 22 19 21 17 18 24 29 14 20 200 7 17 16 12 20 20 26 30 20 20 18 199 8 9 17 16 18 23 21 28 29 25 14 200 9 7 14 14 16 12 26 15 29 34 33 200 10 6 17 11 13 10 21 14 24 33 51 200 German Pair (from model) 1 61 26 25 13 13 19 19 6 10 7 199 2 37 35 30 19 22 16 13 14 5 9 200 3 22 24 34 32 23 21 15 8 9 12 200 4 19 20 28 27 21 21 18 17 21 7 199 5 12 19 18 23 31 22 21 18 21 15 200 6 15 22 17 21 17 23 17 26 26 16 200 7 11 24 18 21 10 23 18 35 19 20 199 8 8 10 10 21 25 23 31 28 26 18 200 9 10 13 12 11 24 24 25 22 35 24 200 4 7 8 11 14 8 22 26 28 72 200 10 French Pair (from model) 1 51 31 21 14 10 14 21 10 14 13 199 2 38 32 19 15 18 13 20 17 12 16 200 3 15 22 26 25 27 21 18 14 14 18 200 4 18 24 17 21 25 32 19 18 12 13 199 5 15 16 17 24 21 19 24 21 30 13 200 6 15 14 22 25 22 20 24 19 21 18 200 7 13 19 22 18 21 24 18 26 23 15 199 8 12 17 22 23 18 17 20 21 23 27 200 9 12 11 22 20 17 21 23 29 24 21 200 10 10 14 12 14 21 19 12 25 27 46 200 Japanese Pair (from model) 1 68 34 28 18 14 10 11 7 9 0 199 2 36 28 31 26 21 15 17 18 6 2 200 3 29 29 24 21 27 24 18 9 12 7 200 4 19 31 19 28 29 13 13 10 199 12 21 22 20 19 2516 27 21 5 26 26 15 12 200 6 13 15 22 23 27 21 24 20 22 13 200 7 6 12 17 14 21 22 25 27 31 24 199 8 3 13 16 19 20 25 21 27 29 27 200 9 7 7 11 21 12 30 23 26 28 35 200 10 6 10 10 9 10 10 13 27 35 70 200 Table 9: Results for the SJC copula models Lower tail dependence (l ) (Standard error) Upper tail dependence (r ) UK Pair German Pair French Pair Japanese Pair 0.1711389 0.1844531 0.1144922 0.2479416 (0.0023492) (0.0006275) (0.0015026) (0.0008858) 0.1616939 0.2441406 0.0914922 0.2763549 (Standard error) (0.002332) (0.000659) (0.0014755) (0.0009057) Copula log likelihood 137.20 195.59 78.72 246.73 Table 10: Likelihood Ratio Test for Symmetric Tail Dependence Pairs p-value of likelihood ratio test British stock and British pound 0.8064959405 German stock and German Mark 0.1636685341 French stock and French franc 0.3322778417 Japanese stock and Japanese yen 0.3961439092 Table 11: Results for the SJC copula models when l = r UK pair German Pair French Pair Japanese Pair Tail dependence 0.1666957 0.2258588 0.101496 0.2662292 (Standard error) (0.0168171) (0.016647) (0.0162581) (0.0160155) Copula log likelihood 137.17 194.62 78.25 246.37 26