E¢cient Unit Root Tests and Structural Change when the Initial Observation is Drawn from its Unconditional Distribution¤ Hui Liu University of Ottawa Gabriel Rodríguezy University of Ottawa This version: April 30 2004 (Still Preliminary) Abstract Following Perron and Rodríguez (2003) and Elliott (1999), we develop e¢cient unit root tests in the context of structural change using GLS detrended data (Elliott, Rothenberg and Stock, 1996) when the initial observation is drawn from its unconditional distribution. We derive the limiting distributions of the M-tests (Stock, 1999; Perron, and Ng, 1996), the ADF statistic and optimal point test. We simulate the …nite sample size and power under various error processes, using di¤erent lag selection methods and two di¤erent methods to select the break point. Empirical applications are also provided. Keywords: Unit Root, GLS Detrending, Optimal Point Test, Initial Condition, Power Envelope. JEL: C2, C5. ¤ This pap er is drawn from the second chapter of the PhD dissertation of Hui Lui at the University of Ottawa. y Address for Correspondence: Department of Economics, University of Ottawa, P.O. Box 450, Station A, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1N 6N5. E-mail address: gabrielr@uottawa.ca. 1 Introduction There has been a large literature on unit root tests since the seminal work of Nelson and Plosser (1982), where they applied augmented Dickey-Fuller test (Dickey and Fuller, 1979; Said and Dickey, 1984) to 14 US macroeconomic time series and found unit root in 13 of them. Perron (1989) challenged this …nding by introducing a structural break associated with major events under the null and alternative hypothesis. He considered shift in level and/or slope a priori and concluded that most of Nelson-Plosser series are stationary about a broken trend except CPI, velocity of money and interest rate. However Christiano (1992) argued that treating structural breaks as known by pre-examining the data would give rise to data mining problems. To circumvent this shortcoming, two data-dependent methods were proposed to estimate the break point endogenously by Zivot and Andrews (1992) and Perron (1997). One is to select the break point that gives the least favorable result for the null hypothesis (Zivot and Andrews, 1992), and their empirical application to Nelson-Plosser (1982) data set found less evidence against the null of a unit root than Perron (1989) for many of the series, but stronger evidence against the null than Perron (1989) for some time series (nominal GNP, real GNP, and industrial production). Another one is to choose the break point that is related to the maximum of the absolute value of the t-statistic on the parameter associated with the change in slope (Perron, 1997), and it found a rejection of unit root hypothesis for most of Nelson-Plosser series except for Consumer Price Index, Velocity and Interest Rate. Perron and Rodríguez (2003) applied GLS detrending (ERS, 1996) to the so-called M-tests (Stock, 1999) and the point optimal test (ERS, 1996) and extended them to the case of unknown structural break. Their methods are applied to two time series of Nelson-Plosser data - real wages and stock prices, and a rejection is found for most of the test statistics analyzed Another group of studies believe that the performance of unit root tests also has dependence on the various methods of selecting the order of augmented autoregression. Campell and Perron (1991) proposed the so-called sequential t-statistc method based on sequential testing on the signi…cance of the coe¢cient on the last included lag. Ng and Perron (1995) showed that data-dependent methods have a better performance than a …xed truncation lag proportionate to the sample size, and when comparing with information criteria based methods, they found that the sequential t-statistic method has less size distortions and comparable power. In order to circumvent the size 1 problem of information criteria methods, Ng and Perron (2001) proposed modi…ed AIC=BIC by including a penalty factor to under…tting. Using these methods, they were able to have more acceptable size distortions when there is a negative moving average error process. But few papers explored the impact of initial observations on unit root testing in large samples. Elliott (1999) addressed the loss of power when the initial observation is drawn from its unconditional distribution under the alternative hypothesis. He derived point optimal test under the new initial condition and showed that power envelope shifted down from the one corresponding to the …xed initial value. On the other hand, Müller and Elliott (2003) treated a variety of initial values under the alternative hypothesis as nuisance parameters and derived a family of point optimal tests over a weighting function of di¤erent initial conditions: They also related unit root test statistics that don’t have optimality properties to this family of optimal tests, in order to understand what implicit assumptions these statistics make on the initial condition. They found that many test statistics can be closely related to the optimal test families but with very di¤erent weightings for the initial condition. This paper follows the research lines of Elliott (1999) and Perron and Rodríguez (2003). Under the alternative hypothesis of stationarity, we consider an unknown break point and assume the initial value is drawn from its unconditional distribution. We evaluate the performance of unit root tests in both large and small samples. By doing so, we achieve a deeper understanding on the impact of the initial condition in unit root testing when there is a structural break under the alternative hypothesis. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Next section derives the limiting distributions of the MGLS , ADF GLS , and PTGLS statistics under the new initial condition assumption. Section 4 calculates the asymptotic critical values, the power envelope and the asymptotic power functions. Section 5 presents evidence on size and power in …nite sample. Section 6 shows an empirical application and the last section concludes. All the proofs are in the Appendix. 2 2.1 The Models and Asymptotic Theory The models For the purpose of comparison, this paper considers the same models and tests as Perron and Rodríguez (2003) except that the initial condition is 2 di¤erent. Hence, the data generating process is, yt = dt + ut (1) ut = ®ut¡1 + vt ® = 1 + cT ¡1 (2) (3) where dt = '0 zt includes the deterministic components. The so-called model I contains a break in slope, therefore the deterministic components are: zt = f1; t; 1(t ¸ TB ) (t ¡ TB )g where 1(¢) is the indicator function, TB is³ the break ´0 point, and the set of estimate of coe¢cients is denoted as ' ^= ¹ ^ 1; ¯^ 1; ¯^ 2 . Model II contains a break in both intercept and slope, then the deterministic components are, zt = f1; 1(t ¸ TB ) ; t; 1 (t ¸ TB ) (t ¡ TB )g ³ ´0 and the set of estimate of coe¢cients is denoted as ' ^ = ¹ ^ 1; ¹ ^ 2 ; ¯^ 1; ¯^ 2 : Equation (3) represents the local to unity framework examined in Phillips (1987) and Chan and Wei (1987), the parameter c measures the deviation from unity. When c = 0, we are under null hypothesis, when c < 0; we are under the alternative hypothesis. The innovations fvt g satis…es the mixingtype conditions (see Davidson 1994, for a general treatment) such that the functional central limiting theorem ¡ 2can ¢ be applied to the partial sums St = Pt ¡1=2 S[T r] ) N 0; ¾ r ´ ¾W (r) ; where ) signi…es weak j=1 vj and T convergence, W¡ (r)¢is a standard wiener process on the interval [0, 1], ¾2 = limT !1 T ¡1E ST2 is the non-normalized spectral density at frequency zero. Using the Continuous Mapping Theorem, we have the following limiting distributions which hold throughout the paper, R1 P 1. T ¡3=2 Tt=1 ut ) ¾ 0 Wc (r) dr; R P 2. T ¡2 Tt=1 u2t ) ¾2 01 Wc2 (r) dr; nR o ¡ ¢ P 3. T ¡1 Tt=1 ut¡1 vt ) ¾2 01 Wc (r) dW (r) + ¸ with ¸ = ¾2 ¡ ¾2v =2¾2; 4. T ¡5=2 PT t=1 tut¡1 ) ¾2 R1 0 rWc (r) dr; where Wc (r) is the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process de…ned by the stochastic di¤erential equation Wc (r) = cWc (r)+dW (r). In stead of assuming u0 = 0 as the initial condition; we have the following assumption adopted from Elliott (1999), 3 Assumption 1. We assume u0 is zero when ® = 1; so u1 = v1; and u1 ¾2 has mean zero and variance (1¡® 2) when ® < 1: Under this assumption, the initial observation doesn’t disappear at the convergence rate of T 1=2 under the alternative hypothesis (see Lemma 1 in Appendix), and it will have e¤ect on the limiting distribution. In order to isolate the e¤ect of the initial condition, we also keep the GLS detrending approach as Perron and Rodríguez (2003) and we use the same notation. That is, we …rst transform the data into, h¡ i ¢1=2 yt®¹ = 1 ¡® ¹2 y1; (1 ¡ ® ¹ L)yt (4) h¡ i ¢1=2 zt®¹ = 1 ¡® ¹2 z1; (1 ¡ ® ¹ L)zt h¡ i ¢ ¹ 2 1=2 u® = 1 ¡ ® ¹ u (1 ¡ ® ¹ L)u 1; t t for t = 2; ¢¢¢; T and ® ¹ = 1+¹cT ¡1: Then we calculate the set of coe¢cients related to the deterministic component by estimating the following regression using OLS: yt®¹ = ' ^ 0z ¹® + u¹® (5) ¡ ¢ The limiting distribution of ¤ ¡1 (^ ' ¡ ') with ¤ = diag T 1=2 ; T ¡1=2; T ¡1=2 is stated in Lemma 2 in the Appendix, and the new times series after eliminating the deterministic component is y~t = yt ¡ ' ^ 0 zt 2.2 (6) ADF, M-Tests and their Limiting Distribution We include two types of tests. One is the widely used ADF statistic (Dickey and Fuller, 1979; Said and Dickey, 1984) which tests if ¯ = 0 in the following augmented regression: ¢~ yt = ¯^ 0y~t¡1 + k X ¯^ j ¢~ yt¡j + e^tk (7) j=1 where the laged …rst di¤erences are used to account for the serial correlations. The other tests are the so-called M-tests by Stock (1999) based ¡ proposed ¢ on the idea that an I(1) process is Op T 1=2 whereas an I(0) process is Op (1) : This class of tests include a modi…ed version of Phillips-Perron’s 4 (1988) Z® test; Sargan and Bhargava’s (1983) uniformly most powerful test and Bhargava’s (1986) locally most powerful invariant tests; and PhillipsPerron’s (1988) Zt® test. Using the above de…ned y~t series, the M-tests are: MZ®GLS = T X ¡ 2 ¢ 2 y~T ¡ T ¡1 s2 (2T ¡2 y~t¡1 )¡1 (8) t=1 MSB GLS = (T ¡2 T X y~2t¡1=s2)1=2 (9) t=1 MZtGLS T ¡ ¡1 2 ¢ 2 ¡2 X 2 2 = T y~T ¡ s (4s T y~t¡1 )¡1=2 : (10) t=1 Perron and Ng (1996) showed that the main advantage of the M¡tests is that they have less size distortions when error term contains negative moving average dynamics and in other cases they also have acceptable size distortions. In Equations (8) - (10), an estimator of the spectral density at the frequency zero, s2, is required. Following Perron and Ng (1996), we use the following autoregressive estimate s2 : ³ ´2 2 2 ^ s = sek = 1 ¡ ¯(1) P P ^ where s2ek = (T ¡ k)¡1 Tt=k+1 e^2tk ; ¯(1) = kj=1 ¯^ j ; f^ etk g and ¯^ j are obtained from the augmented regression (7) The following theorem speci…es the limiting distribution of the unit root statistics with initial condition as in Assumption 1. Theorem 1 Suppose fyt g is generated by (1) to (3), the initial value is given by Assumption 1, GLS-detrending is applied according to (4) to (6), ± = TB =T is the break point, then the M GLS and ADF GLS statistics for Model I and II have the following limiting distribution MZ®GLS (±) ) 0:5g1 (c; c; ±) GLS ´ J MZ® (c; c; ±) g2(c; c; ±) GLS MSB GLS (±) ) (g2(c; c; ±))1=2 ´ J MSB (c; c; ±) 0:5g1 (c; c; ±) GLS MZtGLS (±) ) ´ J MZt (c; c; ±) 1=2 (g2 (c; c; ±)) 0:5g1 (c; c; ±) GLS ADF GLS (±) ) ´ J ADF (c; c; ±) 1=2 (g2 (c; c; ±)) 5 where g1(c; c; ±) = Vcc(1) (1; ±)2 ¡ 2Vcc(2) (1; ±) ¡ 1; Z1 Z1 g2(c; c; ±) = Vcc(1) (r; ±)dr ¡ 2 Vcc(2) (r; ±)dr; 0 (1) Vcc (r; ±) (2) Vcc (r; ±) ± = Wc (r) ¡ b4 ¡ rb5; = b6 (r ¡ ±) [Wc (r) ¡ rb5 ¡ b 4 ¡ (1=2) (r ¡ ±) b6] : The elements b4 ; b5 ; b6 are calculated using 2 2 3 0 1 1 2 ¹c ¡ 2¹c c ¡ c¹ ¡¹c (1 ¡ ±) + 12 c¹2 (1 ¡ ±)2 ¾b1 2¹ 4 1 ¹c2 ¡ ¹c 5 ¢ @ ¾b2 A 1 + 13 ¹c2 ¡ c¹ m 2 2 1 2 ¾b3 ¡¹ c (1 ¡ ±) + 2 ¹c (1 ¡ ±) m d 0 1 b4 = ¾ @ b5 A b6 where b1 = ¡2¹c» ¡ ¹c (c ¡ ¹c) b2 = b3 = m = d = » » 3 Z 1 wc (r) ¡ ¹cW (1) ; Z 1 Z1 Z 1 (1 ¡ ¹c) W (1) + (c ¡ ¹c) wc (r) ¡ ¹c (c ¡ c¹) rwc (r) + c¹ wc (r) ; 0 0 0 R1 R1 (1 ¡ ¹c + ±¹c) W (1) + ¹c ± Wc (r) ¡ W (±) ¡ ¹c (c ¡ c¹) ± rWc (r) R1 R1 ; +±¹c (c ¡ ¹c) ± Wc(r) + (c ¡ ¹c) ± Wc (r) 1 1 1 1 ¡ ± ¡ c¹ + c¹± ¡ ¹c2± + ¹c2 + ¹c2±3; 2 3 6 1 2 2 3 1 ¡ ± ¡ c¹ (1 ¡ ±) + ¹c (1 ¡ ±) ; 3 µ ¶ 1 N 0; : ¡2c 0 The Feasible Point Optimal Test and its Asymptotic Distribution ERS (1996) showed that no uniformly optimal tests exist for unit root testing. Based on Dufour and King (1981), they developed a feasible point 6 optimal test, which has power function tangent to the power envelope at one point of the alternative hypothesis. The statistic is de…ned as PTGLS = fS (¹ ®) ¡ ® ¹ S (1)g =s2 (11) ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ 0 0 where S (¹ ®) = (y ®¹ ¡ '0 z®¹ ) (y ®¹ ¡ '0 z®¹ ) and S (1) = y1 ¡ '0 z1 y 1 ¡ '0 z1 ; the squared sum of residuals under the alternative and the null hypothesis respectively. Perron and Rodríguez (2003) extended PTGLS test to the case of an unknown structural break. We derive the limiting distribution considering the e¤ect of the new initial condition and the results are summarized in the following theorem. Theorem 2 Suppose fy tg is generated by (1) to (3), the initial condition is given by Assumption 1, GLS-detrending is applied according to (4) to (6), the break point is ± = TB =T; then the PTGLS test for Model I and II have the following limiting distribution PTGLS c; ±) ) ¡2¹c»2 ¡ 2¹ c » (c; ¹ Z 0 1 Wc (r)dW(r) + (¹c2 ¡ 2¹cc) ¹ 0; ±) ¡ M(c; ¹ ¹c; ±) ¡ ¹c +M(c; Z 0 1 Wc2 (r)dr GLS ´ J PT » (c; ¹c; ±) ¹ ¹c; ±) = A(c; ¹ ¹c; ±)0 B ¹ (¹c; ±) A(c; ¹ ¹c; ±), and A(c; ¹ c¹; ±), B ¹ (¹c; ±) are dewhere M(c; …ned in the appendix. Unlike Perron and Rodríguez (2003), the term » enters the limiting distribution of the statistic. 4 4.1 Selecting the Break Point and Asymptotic Results Selecting the Break Point We use two data-dependent methods to estimate the break point endogenously. One is the so-called in…mum method proposed by Zivot and Andrews (1992), the other is the so-called supremum method suggested by Perron (1997). These two methods were proposed to circumvent the data mining problem caused by pre-examination of the data. Zivot and Andrews (1992) proposed selecting the break point that gives the strongest rejection against the null hypothesis of ® = 1: If smaller values 7 of the statistic lead to rejection of the null, then the break point ± can be selected by J (c; c¹) = inf J (c; ¹c; ±) ±2[0;1] ±2[0;1] where J is the M GLS ; ADF GLS statistics derived above. The selection of ± for PTGLS is slightly di¤erent. According to Perron and Rodríguez (2003), » we select ± using PTGLS c) = f inf » (c; ¹ ±2[";1¡"] S(¹ ®; ±) ¡ inf ±2[";1¡"] ® ¹ S(1; ±)g=s2 (13) where a truncation ² is needed for critical values to be bounded and ² = 0:15 is used throughout the paper. Applying (13) to Theorem 2, we get Z 1 Z 1 GLS 2 PT » (c; ¹c) ) ¡2¹ c Wc (r)dW (r) + (¹c ¡ 2¹cc) Wc2 (r)dr (14) 0 ´ 0 ¹ 0; ±) ¡ sup M(c; ¹ ¹c; ±) ¡ ¹c ¡ 2¹c»2 +sup M(c; GLS J PT » (c; c¹) In the supremum method, Perron (1997) recommends to choose the ±¤ that is related to the largest absolute value of t¡statistic related to the parameter of break on slope; since we don’t have information on the sign of the shocks. After selecting ±¤ , we calculate the M GLS (±¤) ; and ADF GLS (±¤) statistics: There is no feasible optimal point test available using this method to select break point. 4.2 Asymptotic Critical Values, Power Envelope, and Asymptotic Power Functions Under the null hypothesis c = 0; we use T=1000, 10,000 replications to simulate asymptotic critical values for ¹c = ¡1 to -70 (¹ ® = 0:999 to 0.93), then we let c = c¹ to calculate power at each c. As suggested by ERS (1996), we choose the value of ¹c that gives 50% power as the one used for GLS-detrending and we select ¹c = ¡24. Intuitively, lower c¹ in this paper (compared to ¹c = ¡22:5 in Perron and Rodríguez, 2003) tells us that it may take longer to reach the same percentage of power. In other words, the power envelope shifts down from the previous one in Perron and Rodríguez (2003), and the loss of power is caused by the relaxation of assumption for the initial observation. To be more precise, we graph both power envelopes in Figure 1. 8 Next we use the critical values when ¹c = ¡24; T = 1000 and 10,000 replications to calculate the asymptotic power for each test using ¹c = ¡24 to detrend data and the results are graphed in Figure 1 and 2. We can see that the power curve for each test lies under the power envelope, but not far from it. Using the in…mum method to choose break point sometimes gives a slightly higher power than supremum method, although it does not necessarily give a consistent estimate of the true break point (Vogelsang and Perron, 1998). The results from Perron and Rodríguez (2003) are also graphed in the same …gure as a comparison. We can see that the power of each test has dropped due to the change of assumption for initial condition. 5 Finite Sample Results In practice, many time series have small sample size. Therefore it is necessary to simulate …nite sample critical values and to evaluate the performance in terms of size and power. When doing this, there is always a question of how many lags should be chosen to account for the serial correlation and to maintain certain power. Now it is generally agreed that data dependent methods give a better test performance than choosing lag k a priori (see Ng and Perron, 1995). In the following, we use …ve data dependent methods to choose k: 5.1 The Selection of k We …rst use Akaike and Bayesian Information Criteria (AIC and BIC hereafter). They take the form of © ¡ 2 ¢ ª AIC(k) = arg min ln sek + 2k=T ¤ k2[0;kmax ] © ¡ 2 ¢ ª BIC(k) = arg min ln sek + ln T ¤k=T ¤ k2[0;kmax ] here T ¤ = T ¡ kmax; and kmax should be large enough to account for serial correlations. We use kmax = int[12(T=100)1=4 ] as recommended by Perron and Ng (2001). The shortcoming of these information criteria is that when there is strong negative MA component in the error term, they tend to select a smaller k than that is necessary for unit root tests to have good size. Perron and Ng (2001) proposed modi…ed AIC and BIC (MAIC and MBIC) to account for this problem. The idea is to use a penalty factor ^¿ T (k) to correct under…tting. The MAIC and MBIC are de…ned as: © ¡ 2 ¢ ª MAIC(k) = arg min ln sek + 2 (^ ¿ T (k) + k) =T ¤ k2[0;kmax ] 9 MBIC(k) = arg min k2[0;kmax ] © ¡ 2 ¢ ª ln sek + ln T ¤(^¿ T (k) + k)=T ¤ ¡ ¢¡1 2 PT ^¯ 0 where ¿^T (k) = s2ek ^2t¡1, ¯^ 0 is estimated using augmented t=kmax +1 y P autoregression (7) and s2ek = (T ¡ kmax )¡1 Tt=kmax +1 e^2tk : Ng and Perron (2001) showed that as a strong negative MA error exists, ^¿ T (k) increases as k decreases. Therefore ¿^T (k) is used as a penalty factor for small k: The last method is the so-called sequential t¡test or recursive method proposed by Campell and Perron (1991). To apply, we start from augmented regression (7) with kmax = int(4(T =100)1=4): If the t-statistic associated with the kmax th lag is signi…cant (p¡value less than 0.1), then k = kmax is chosen. Otherwise we redo the regression with kmax ¡ 1 lags, and so on, until we …nd the lag that has a signi…cant t-statistic. Note that if k = 0 and no rejection is found, we select k = 0: This method has less size distortion than AIC and BIC when there is a strong negative MA error, but it tends to overparameterize in the other cases. 5.2 Size and Power The critical values for model I and II, using k selected by four data-dependent methods and 1000 replications, are tabulated in Table 1 to 4. The performance of AIC is very poor and hence not included. Table 1 and 2 give the critical values using in…mum method to choose break point, whereas Table 3 and 4 calculate the critical values using supremum method. Based on these critical values, we calculate …nite sample size and size adjusted power using 1000 replications, T=100, 200, iid; MA(1); and AR(1) errors. The results are in Table 5 to 12. We summarize the following two characteristics from these results. First, MAIC and MBIC have much acceptable size distortions than AIC and BIC when there are strong negative moving average errors: For example, when µ = ¡0:8; T = 200 in Table 11, the size distortions for MAIC and MBIC are 0.1050, 0.1040, 0.1050, 0.1380 and 0.1110, 0.1100, 0.1120, 0.1430, respectively. Using BIC they are 0.8610, 0.8620, 0.8590, 0.9000: Second, all tests except the ADF GLS test have low power when there is strong negative autoregressive errors. For example, when ½ = ¡0:8; T = 200 in Table 8 and 12, the power for M GLS and PTGLS tests are 6% to the most. 10 6 Empirical Application In a similar way as Perron and Rodríguez (2003), two time series from the Nelson-Plosser data set are examined. They are real wages (1900-1970) and common stock prices (1870-1970). A common characteristic is that they both exhibit a change in level and slope. Therefore the model II is used to test whether the null hypothesis of a unit root is rejected or not. The test results using information criteria to select lag k are tabulated in Tables 13a,b (AIC is not included for its low power). We …nd that the break points selected are the same as those in Perron and Rodríguez (2003) and they are associated with major events. The real wages series with a break at 1938 is graphed in Figure 3, and the stock prices series with a break at 1931 is graphed in Figure 4. When using information criteria BIC, MAIC and MBIC, most test statistics can reject the null at least at the 5% level. Comparing the results from those of Perron and Rodríguez (2003), we can see that in some cases there are less evidences against the unit root null hypothesis. For example, the real wages are rejected at 1% level in Perron and Rodríguez (2003) but at 2.5% level here when using supremum method and MAIC: When using in…mum method, the real wages are rejected at 5% for BIC and 2.5% for MAIC in Perron and Rodríguez (2003), here the null of a unit root is not rejected for BIC and is rejected at 10% for MAIC: These evidences indicate that the power of these unit root tests has decreased due to the new assumption on initial value. The results for sequential t-statistic method are summarized in Tables 14a,b. When using sequential t-statistics, the null hypothesis is rejected in all cases except when using supremum method to select break point for real wages. But combing all the results, we can still conclude with a rejection of the null. 7 Concluding Remarks According to Elliott (1999) and Müller and Elliott (2003), changing the initial condition in the DGP has di¤erent impact under the null and alternative hypothesis in unit root testing. Under the null, the initial value change is equivalent to a mean shift. Therefore invariance method can be applied for various initial conditions under the null hypothesis. But this is not true under the alternative hypothesis, where invariant tests will have a di¤erent distribution as the initial condition changes, and hence impacts on power 11 performance are expected. This paper examines M GLS ; ADF GLS ; PTGLS tests in the context of structural change when the initial observation is drawn from its unconditional distribution, in comparison with zero or …xed initial values as dealt in Perron and Rodríguez (2003). We …nd asymptotic power loss and one should be cautious when using unit root tests for the time series believed to start from an unconditional distribution. The …nite sample size and power performance are also studied for processes with iid errors, MA(1) and AR (1) errors. 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Proof: In matrix notation, we have: £ ¤ ¡1 £ ®¹ ®0 ¤ ¹ ^ ¤¡1(Ã(±) ¡ Ã) = ¤z ¹® z®0 ¤ ¤z u ¹ where z ¹® = u¹® = ¤ = (A.1) 2 ¡ 3 ¢1=2 ¡2¹ c=T ¡ c¹2 =T 2 ¡¹ cT ¡1 ¢ ¢ ¢ ¡¹ cT ¡1 6 ¡ 7 ¢1=2 6 ¡2¹ 7; c=T ¡ c¹2 =T 2 ¢ ¢¢ ¡¹ cT ¡1 (t ¡ 1) + 1 ¢¢¢ 4 5 ¡1 0 ¢ ¢¢ ¡¹ cT (t ¡ 1) + ±¹ c+1 ¢ ¢ ¢ h¡ i ¢1=2 ¡2¹ c=T ¡ ¹ c2 =T 2 u1 ; (c ¡ ¹ c) T ¡1 u1 + v2; ¢ ¢ ¢ (c ¡ ¹ c) T ¡1uT ¡1 + vT ; diag(T 1=2 ; T ¡1=2 ; T ¡1=2): Let D be a 3 £3 matrix which is the limiting distribution of ¤z ®¹ z ®¹0 ¤: We know that D11; D12; D22 are the same as those in Elliott (1999) and D23 ; D33 are the same as the terms ¡23; ¡33 in Perron and Rodríguez (2003). That is, D11 = D12 = D22 = D23 = ´ D33 = ´ c¹2 ¡ 2¹ c; 1 2 c ¡¹ ¹ c; 2 1 2 1+ ¹ c ¡ c¹; 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 ¡ ± ¡ c¹ + ¹ c± ¡ c¹2± + c¹2 + ¹ c ± 2 3 6 m; 1 2 1 ¡ ± ¡ c¹(1 ¡ ±) 2 + ¹ c (1 ¡ ±)3 3 d: 15 Therefore we only need to calculate D13 : D13 h ¡ i ¢1=2 ¡2¹ c=T ¡ ¹ c2 =T 2 ¡¹ c=T ¢ ¢ ¢ ¡¹ c=T ¡¹ c=T ¢ ¢ ¢ ¡¹ c=T ¢ h i0 0 ¢ ¢¢ 1 1¡¹ c=T 1 ¡ 2¹ c=T ¢ ¢ ¢ 1 ¡ (T ¡ TB ¡ 1) c¹=T 2 3 · ¸ T c 4 X ¹ c ¹ ¡ 1 ¡ ¡ (t ¡ TB ¡ 1) 5 T t=T +1 T = = B ¢ 1 ¡ ¡¹ c (1 ¡ ±) + c¹2 1 ¡ ±2 ¡ ¹ c2± (1 ¡ ±) 2 1 2 ¡¹ c (1 ¡ ±) + ¹ c (1 ¡ ±) 2 : 2 ) = ¹ ; Next we calculate the limiting distribution of ¤z ®¹ u®0 ¤z ®¹ u = ®0 ¹ 2 T 1= 2 6 6 =4 0 0 0 0 T ¡1=2 0 3 7 7¢ 5 0 T ¡1=2 2 ¡ 3 ¢ 1= 2 ¡2¹ c=T ¡ ¹ c2=T 2 ¡¹ cT ¡1 ¢ ¢ ¢ ¡¹ cT ¡1 6 ¡ 7 ¢ 1= 2 7¢ ¢6 c=T ¡ ¹ c2=T 2 ¢¢¢ ¡¹ cT ¡1 (t ¡ 1) + 1 ¢¢ ¢ 4 ¡2¹ 5 0 ¢¢¢ ¡¹ cT ¡1 (t ¡ 1) + ±¹ c +1 ¢¢ ¢ h¡ i0 ¢1=2 ¡2¹ c=T ¡ ¹ c2=T 2 u1; (c ¡ c¹) T ¡1 u1 + v2 ; ¢ ¢ ¢ (c ¡ ¹ c) T ¡1 uT ¡1 + vT ; 2 ³ ´ 1 1 P ¡ ¢£ ¤ c ¡ ¹ c2 T 2 ¡ 2¹ u1 + T 2 T cT ¡1 (c ¡ ¹ c) T ¡1ut¡1 + vt 2 t=2 ¡¹ T T 6 ³ ´ ¤£ ¤ PT £ 6 ¡ 12 c c¹2 ¡1 2 6 T ¡ 2¹ cT ¡1 (t ¡ 1) + 1 (c ¡ ¹ c) T ¡1ut¡1 + vt t=2 ¡¹ T ¡ T 2 u1 + T 4 1 PT £ ¤ £ ¤ T ¡ 2 t=TB +1 ¡¹ cT ¡1 (t ¡ 1) + ±¹ c + 1 (c ¡ ¹ c) T ¡1 ut¡1 + vt where the …rst element of this 3 £ 1 vector may be expressed as: = = ) ´ ¡2¹ cT ¡1=2 u1 ¡ ¹ c2T ¡3=2 u1 + T 1= 2 t=2 t=2 0 1 Wc (r) ¡ c¹W (1) ¾b1; 7 7 7; 5 T T X X ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ¡¹ cT ¡1 (c ¡ c¹) T ¡1 ut¡1 + T 1=2 ¡¹ cT ¡1 vt ¡2¹ cT ¡1=2 u1 ¡ ¹ c2T ¡3=2 u1 ¡ T ¡3=2 ¹ c (c ¡ ¹ c) ½ Z ¾ ¡2¹ c» ¡ ¹ c (c ¡ ¹ c) 3 ¾ T X t=2 ut¡1 ¡ c¹T ¡1=2 T X vt t=2 and the second element may be written as = ¡2T ¡3=2 ¹ cu1 ¡ ¹ c2 T ¡5=2u1 + T ¡1=2 T © X t=2 = ¡¹ cT ¡1 (t ¡ 1) (c ¡ ¹ c) T ¡1 ut¡1 ¡ ¹ cT ¡1 (t ¡ 1) vt + (c ¡ ¹ c) T ¡1 ut¡1 + vt ¡2T ¡3=2 ¹ cu1 ¡ ¹ c2 T ¡5=2u1 ¡ ¹ c (c ¡ ¹ c) T ¡5=2 16 T X t=2 (t ¡ 1) ut¡1 ¡ ¹ cT ¡3=2 T X t=2 (t ¡ 1) vt ª + (c ¡ ¹ c) T ¡3=2 ) ´ ´ ½ Z ¾ ¡¹ c (c ¡ ¹ c) 0 T X ut¡1 + T ¡1=2 t=2 1 T X vt t=2 · Z rWc (r) ¡ ¹ c W (1) ¡ ½ Z ¾ (1 ¡ ¹ c) W (1) + (c ¡ ¹ c) 0 0 1 1 ¸ Z Wc (r) + (c ¡ ¹ c) Wc (r) ¡ ¹ c (c ¡ ¹ c) ¾b2; Z 1 0 1 rWc (r) + ¹ c 0 ¾ Wc (r) + W (1) Z 0 1 ¾ Wc (r) and the third element = = ) ´ 8 < ¡¹ cT ¡1 (t ¡ 1) (c ¡ ¹ c) T ¡1ut¡1 ¡ ¹ cT ¡1 (t ¡ 1) vt + ±¹ c (c ¡ ¹ c) T ¡1ut¡1 : +±¹ cvt + (c ¡ c¹) T ¡1 ut¡1 + vt t=TB +1 8 T < ¡¹ X cT ¡1 (c ¡ ¹ c) T ¡1tut¡1 + ¹ cT ¡1 (c ¡ ¹ c) T ¡1ut¡1 ¡ ¹ cT ¡1 tvt + ¹ cT ¡1 vt T ¡1=2 : ¡1 ¡1 +±¹ c (c ¡ ¹ c) T ut¡1 + ±¹ cvt + (c ¡ ¹ c) T ut¡1 + vt t=TB +1 8 9 R R < (1 ¡ ¹ c + ±¹ c) W (1) + c¹ ±1 Wc (r) ¡ W (±) ¡ ¹ c (c ¡ ¹ c) ±1 rWc (r) = ¾ R R : ; +±¹ c (c ¡ ¹ c) 1 Wc (r) + (c ¡ ¹ c) 1 Wc (r) T ¡1=2 T X ± 9 = ; 9 = ± ¾b3 : Therefore 0 = ) ´ 1 ¹ ^1 ¡ ¹1 B C C ^ ¤¡1 B @ ¯1 ¡ ¯1 A ^ ¯2 ¡ ¯2 ¡ ®¹ ®0 ¢ ¹ ¹ ¤z z ¤ ¡1 ¤z ®¹ u®0 2 c2 ¡ 2¹ ¹ c 6 6 1¹ 2 c 4 2c ¡ ¹ ¡¹ c (1 ¡ ±) + 12 ¹ c2 (1 ¡ ±)2 0 1 b4 B C B ¾ @ b5 C A¥ b6 1 2 c 2¹ ¡¹ c 1 + 13 c¹2 ¡ c¹ m ¡¹ c (1 ¡ ±) + 12 c¹2 (1 ¡ ±) 2 m d 3¡1 0 7 7 5 ¾b1 1 B C C ¢B @ ¾b2 A ¾b3 Lemma 5 Suppose fytg is generated by (1) to (3), the deterministic component is given by that ^ (±) be the of Model II, the initial condition is de…ned in Assumption 1, ± is the break point. Let à estimates of the coe¢cients of (5), then the results of lemma 2 stil l hold with the addition that ¹2 ¡ ¹2 ) limT !1 ·(¹ ^ c; ±)vTB ´ v¤ : Proof : We have 0 ¹ ^ ¡ ¹1 B 1 B ¹ B ^ ¡ ¹2 ¤¡1 B 2 B ¯ ^ @ 1 ¡ ¯1 ^ ¡¯ ¯ 2 2 1 C C ¡ ¢ C ¹ ¤ ¡1 ¤z® ¹ u®0 ¹ C = ¤z ®¹ z ®0 C A 17 ; ¡ ¢ ¤ = diag T 1=2 ; 1; T ¡1=2 ; T ¡1= 2 ; 2 ¡ ¢ 1= 2 ¡2¹ c=T ¡ ¹ c2=T 2 ¡ T¹c 6 6 0 ¢¢¢ 6 z®¹ = 6 ¡ ¢ 2=T 2 1= 2 6 ¡2¹ c =T ¡ c ¹ 1 ¡ T¹c 4 0 ¢¢¢ where and ¢ ¢ ¢¢ ¢¢¢ 1¡ ¡ T¹c 1 ¢¢¢ 1¡ (t¡1)c¹ T (t¡1)c¹ T ¢ ¡ T¹c ¢¢ ¢ 1¡ ¢¢ ¢ + ±¹ c ³ ¢¢ ¢ ¡¹ c; ª14 ) ¡¹ c (1 ¡ ±) + ¹2 c 2 ¡ T¹c 1¡ (T ¡1)¹ c T (T ¡1)¹ c T ´ ¡1 0 ¤z ¹® z®¹ ¤ ; We …rst calculate the limiting distribution of ¹ : From the proof of Lemma 2, we know that then ¤z ®¹ u®0 c¹2 2 3 + ±¹ c 7 7 7 7: 7 5 denoted as ª11 ) c2 ¹ (1 ¡ ±) 2 ; ª33 ) 1 + 13 ¹ c2 ¡ ¹ c ´ a; ª34 ) m; ª44 ) d: ª; ¡ 2¹ c; ª13 ) Therefore we only need to calculate the terms ª12 = ª22 = ª23 = = ª12; ª22; ª23 ; ª24 : ½ ¾ ½ ¾ 1 c ¹ c2 ¹ c2 ¹ c ¹ c2 ¹ T 1=2 ¡ + 2 + ¢ ¢ ¢ + 2 = T 2 ¡ + 2 (T ¡ TB ) ) 0; T T T T T c¹2 c¹2 c2 ¹ 1 + 2 + ¢ ¢ ¢ + 2 = 1 + 2 (T ¡ TB ) ) 1; T 8 T T 9 · ¸ T < c ¹ c X ¹ c = ¹ ¡1=2 T 1 ¡ (TB ¡ 1) ¡ 1 ¡ (t ¡ 1) : T T t=T +1 T ; B 8 9 T < = 2 X c ¹ c ¹ c ¹ T ¡1=2 1 ¡ (TB ¡ 1) ¡ (T ¡ TB ) + 2 (t ¡ 1) : ; T T T t=TB +1 ) ª24 = = 0; 8 < 9 · ¸= T X ¹ c c ¹ c ¹ T ¡1=2 1 ¡ (TB ¡ 1) + ±¹ c¡ 1 ¡ (t ¡ 1) + ±¹ c : ; T T t=T +1 T B 8 9 T < = 2 2 X c ¹ c ¹ c ¹ ±¹ c T ¡1=2 1 + ¡ (T ¡ TB ) + 2 (t ¡ 1) ¡ (T ¡ TB ) : ; T T T t=T +1 T B ) 0: ¹ ; the …rst, third and fourth elements For the limiting distribution of ¤z ¹® u®0 are already calculated in the proof for Lemma 2. We only need to calculate the second element which is: h = 0 ¢¢¢ 1 ¡ T¹c ¢¢¢ (c ¡ c¹) T ¡1 uTB ¡1 + vTB ¡ c¹ T Therefore, we have: = i ¡ T¹c ³ ´ ¡1 0 ¹ ¤z ®¹ z ®¹ ¤ ¤z ¹® u®0 2 c2 ¡ 2¹ ¹ c 6 6 0 6 6 c¹2 6 4 2 ¡ c¹ 2 ¡¹ c (1 ¡ ±) + c¹2 (1 ¡ ±)2 ¢ "µ ¡ T X t=TB +1 £ 2¹ c c¹2 ¡ 2 T T ¶ 1=2 #0 u1 ; ¢ ¢ ¢ (c ¡ c¹) T ¡1 ut¡1 + vt; ¢ ¢ ¢ ¤ (c ¡ ¹ c) T ¡1ut¡1 + vt = vTB + o p (1) ) vTB : 0 ¹2 c 2 1 0 0 a m 0 m d ¡¹ c 18 ¡¹ c (1 ¡ ±) + 0 c¹2 2 (1 ¡ ±)2 3 ¡1 2 7 7 7 7 7 5 ¾b1 6 6 v 6 TB ¢6 6 ¾b2 4 ¾b3 3 7 7 7 7; 7 5 where according to matrix algebra, the second element of the resulting matrix is equal to: · (¹ c; ±) vTB = ·¤ (¹ c; ±) vTB ³ 2 ´2 ; (¹ c2 ¡ 2¹ c) ad ¡ ¹c2 ¡ ¹ c d i h ¢ ¡ 2 ¢h 2 c¹2 ¡ 2¹ c ad+2m ¹ c ¡ 2¹ c ¡¹ c (1 ¡ ±) + c¹2 (1 ¡ ±)2 ¡ ¡¹ c (1 ¡ ±) + ³ 2 ´2 ¡ ¢ m2 c¹2 ¡ 2¹ c ¡ d ¹c2 ¡ ¹ c : That is, where ·¤ (¹c; ±) = ¡ ¹2 c 2 (1 ¡ ±)2 ¹ ^2 ¡ ¹2 ) lim · (¹ c; ±) vTB ´ v¤¥ t!1 Proof of Theorem 1. We only show the proof in detail for Model I and the statistic MZ®GLS . The proof for Model II and other statistics follow analogously. Firstly, consider the limiting distribution of T ¡1y~2T : T ¡1 ~ yT2 = n h ³ ´ ³ ´ io 2 T ¡1 uT ¡ (b ¹1 ¡ ¹1) + b̄1 ¡ ¯1 T + b̄2 ¡ ¯ 2 1 (¢) (T ¡ T ±) T ¡1 fu2T + (b ¹1 ¡ ¹1) 2 + ( b̄1 ¡ ¯ 1)2 T 2 +( b̄2 ¡ ¯ 2) 21 (¢) (T ¡ T ±) 2 ¡ 2uT (b ¹1 ¡ ¹1 ) +2(b̄ 1 ¡ ¯ 1 )T ( b̄ 2 ¡ ¯ 2)1 (¢) (T ¡ T ±) ¡2uT ( b̄1 ¡ ¯ 1)T ¡ 2uT ( b̄ 2 ¡ ¯ 2)1 (¢) (T ¡ T ±) +2(b ¹1 ¡ ¹1 )( b̄1 ¡ ¯1 )T +2(b ¹1 ¡ ¹1 )( b̄2 ¡ ¯2 )1 (¢) (T ¡ T ±)g The limiting distributions of some terms are calculated as follows. The other terms are the same as those in Perron and Rodríguez (2003). 1. T ¡1(b ¹1 ¡ ¹1) 2 = [T ¡1=2 (b ¹1 ¡ ¹1 )]2 ) ¾ 2 b24 : 2. ¡2T ¡1 uT (b ¹1 ¡ ¹1) = ¡2(T ¡1=2 uT )[T ¡1=2 (b ¹1 ¡ ¹1 )] ) ¡2¾ 2 Wc (1)b4: 3. 2T ¡1(b ¹1 ¡ ¹1 )( b̄ 1 ¡ ¯ 1)T = 2[T ¡1= 2(b ¹1 ¡ ¹1 )][T 1=2( b̄1 ¡ ¯ 1)] ) 2¾ 2b4 b5: 4. 2T ¡1(b ¹1 ¡ ¹1 )( b̄ 2 ¡ ¯ 2)(T ¡ T ±) = 2(b ¹1 ¡ ¹1 )( b̄2 ¡ ¯2 ) ¡ 2(b ¹1 ¡ ¹1 )( b̄2 ¡ ¯ 2)± = 2[T ¡1= 2(b ¹1 ¡¹1 )][T 1=2 ( b̄2 ¡ ¯ 2)] ¡2T ¡1=2(b ¹1 ¡¹1 )T 1=2 (b̄ 2 ¡ ¯ 2)±] ) 2¾2 b4b6 (1 ¡ ±): Therefore, 19 i2 a¡ T ¡1y~2T ) ¾2 Wc2 (1) + ¾ 2b24 + ¾ 2 b25 + ¾ 2b26 (1 ¡ ±)2 ¡2¾ 2Wc (1)b4 ¡2¾ 2b = = ´ (1) Vcc (1; ±) = (2) Vcc (1; ±) = 2 ¾ + 2¾ 2 b 6 Wc (1)(1 ¡ f[Wc2(1) ¡ ±) (A.2) 5b6(1 ¡ ±) ¡ 2¾2 b 5Wc (1) + 2¾ 2b + 2¾2 b 4b6 (1 ¡ ±) 2b5 Wc (1) + b25 4 b5 + b24 ¡ 2b4Wc (1) + 2b4b5] ¡[2b6 (1 ¡ ±)Wc (1) ¡ 2b5b6 (1 ¡ ±) ¡ b26(1 ¡ ±)2 ¡ 2b4b6 (1 ¡ ±)] 1 ¾2 f[Wc (1) ¡ b4 ¡ b5]2 ¡ 2[b6 (1 ¡ ±)][Wc (1) ¡ b4 ¡ b5 ¡ (1 ¡ ±)b6 ] 2 n o (1) (2) ¾2 Vcc (1; ±) 2 ¡ 2Vcc (1; ±) Wc (1) ¡ b4 ¡ b5 1 [b6(1 ¡ ±)][Wc (1) ¡ b4 ¡ b5 ¡ (1 ¡ ±)b6]: 2 P Next we calculate the limiting distribution of term T ¡2 Tt=1 y~2t¡1 : Using the above results and by the Continuous Mapping Theorem (CMT), we have 2T ¡2 T X t=1 Z ~t2 ) 2¾ 2 f y 1 0 (1) Vcc (r; ±)2 dr ¡ 2 Z 1 ± (2) (A.3) Vcc (r; ±)drg then substitute (A.2), (A.3) into (8) to (10) and using the fact that consistent estimate of ¾2 , the proof is complete ¥ s2 is a Proof of Theorem 2. Here we only give the proof for Model I. De…ning ³ ´³ ´ 0 0 ¡1 0 ¹ ) ; we have S (¹ ¹ ¹ T (c; 0; ±) and MT (c; ¹ c; ±) = u¹® z®¹ z ®¹ z ®¹ (z®¹ u®0 ®; ±) = u¹® u®¹ ¡ M £ ¤ 1 10 2 1=2 ¹ T (0; 0; ±) . By de…nition, u = (1 ¡ ¹ S (1) = u u ¡ M ® ) u1;(1 ¡ ® ¹L)u2 ¢ ¢ ¢ (1 ¡ ® ¹L)T ; u1 = [0;(1 ¡ L)u2 ¢ ¢ ¢ (1 ¡ L) T ] ; ) and some algebra gives ¹ ¡ u1 u10 u¹® u®0 ¡ ¢Z ¡2¹ c» 2 + c¹2 ¡ 2c¹ c 1 0 Wc2 (r) dr ¡ 2¹ c We have calculated each element of M¹ T (c; ¹c; ±) = ie, ³ Z 1 Wc (r) dr 0 ´³ ´¡1 0 0 ¹ )above ; u®¹ z ®¹ ¤ ¤z®¹ z ®¹ ¤ (¤z®¹ u®0 ¹ T (c; ¹ M c; ±) = h ¾b1 ¾b2 ¾b3 2 2 c i 6 c¹ ¡ 2¹ 6 1 c¹2 ¡ ¹ c 4 2 ¡¹ c (1 ¡ ±) + 12 c¹2 (1 ¡ ±)2 1¹ 2 2c ¡ c¹ 1 + 13 c¹2 ¡ ¹ c m ¡¹ c (1 ¡ ±) + 12 ¹ c2 (1 ¡ ±)2 m d The calculation of M¹T (0; 0; ±) follows that of Perron and Rodríguez (2003) since the initial value is not changed under the null. The feasible point optimal test in the case of an unknown break is PTGLS c) = f » (c; ¹ inf ±2[";1¡"] S(¹ ®; ±) ¡ 20 inf ±2[";1¡"] ® ¹ S(1; ±)g=s2 : 3 ¡1 2 7 7 5 3 ¾b1 6 7 7 ¢6 4 ¾b2 5 ¾b3 therefore the limiting distribution is: PTGLS c) » (c; ¹ ) sup ±2[";1¡"] ¹ 0; ±) ¡ M(c; ¡2¹ c» 2 ¡ 2¹ c ´ JPGLS (c; ¹ c): T» and this completes the proof Z 1 0 sup ¹ c¹; ±) M(c; ±2[";1¡"] Wc (r)dW(r) + (¹ c2 ¡ 2¹ cc) ¥ 21 Z 1 0 Wc (r)2 dr ¡ ¹ c Table 1. Critical Values for P TG»LS test, M GL S and ADF G LS tests choosing T B minimizing the statistics; Model I (¹c = ¡24 when constructing the tests and s2 ) Test Size T =1 T = 100 k=0 BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig T = 100 T = 200 M Z® .01 .025 .05 .10 .20 -43.2104 -37.2836 -33.3663 -28.7889 -24.1055 -30.4229 -27.5891 -25.5075 -22.9946 -20.0160 -43.9198 -35.7359 -30.2096 -25.8172 -21.4082 -30.8763 -27.9567 -25.3798 -22.4927 -19.3680 -30.8763 -28.3175 -25.5268 -22.5960 -19.3878 -261.0613 -146.4954 -75.5349 -50.7655 -34.7101 -39.1318 -33.6974 -30.1851 -27.0805 -22.0681 -35.5371 -31.1744 -28.4615 -24.5458 -20.8158 -35.5371 -31.1744 -28.7532 -24.6024 -21.1245 -60.4129 -51.0969 -43.0684 -32.5375 -26.7672 M SB .01 .025 .05 .10 .20 .01 .025 .05 .10 .20 .01 .025 .05 .10 .20 0.1071 0.1151 0.1214 0.1308 0.1426 -4.6211 -4.3005 -4.0643 -3.7666 -3.4499 -4.6211 -4.3005 -4.0643 -3.7666 -3.4499 0.1271 0.1333 0.1387 0.1459 0.1559 -3.8741 -3.6914 -3.5459 -3.3673 -3.1325 -4.9195 -4.5628 -4.3040 -3.9977 -3.6734 0.1064 0.1181 0.1272 0.1381 0.1508 -4.6743 -4.2170 -3.8632 -3.5776 -3.2408 -5.1228 -4.8046 -4.4888 -4.1761 -3.7558 0.1258 0.1323 0.1392 0.1475 0.1592 -3.8948 -3.7012 -3.5410 -3.3401 -3.0758 -4.9805 -4.5386 -4.2308 -3.8658 -3.5327 0.1258 0.1323 0.1390 0.1472 0.1590 -3.8948 -3.7092 -3.5430 -3.3453 -3.0779 -4.9805 -4.5762 -4.2393 -3.9013 -3.5471 0.0437 0.0582 0.0813 0.0981 0.1185 -11.4080 -8.5255 -6.1433 -5.0339 -4.1298 -5.2971 -4.9842 -4.6555 -4.2925 -3.9294 0.1130 0.1200 0.1275 0.1351 0.1490 -4.4217 -4.0678 -3.8768 -3.6576 -3.2992 -4.8890 -4.5307 -4.2567 -4.0460 -3.6256 0.1184 0.1262 0.1314 0.1420 0.1528 -4.2138 -3.9230 -3.7696 -3.4551 -3.2059 -4.7908 -4.3966 -4.1723 -3.8195 -3.4797 0.1184 0.1262 0.1313 0.1414 0.1524 -4.2138 -3.9230 -3.7776 -3.4762 -3.2121 -4.7908 -4.4103 -4.1971 -3.8514 -3.5062 0.0901 0.0980 0.1075 0.1230 0.1352 -5.4683 -5.0145 -4.6016 -4.0202 -3.6072 -5.0672 -4.6754 -4.4324 -4.1493 -3.7462 .01 .025 .05 .10 .20 6.9674 8.0650 9.3401 10.8664 13.1103 7.6005 9.1496 10.4705 12.1358 14.4013 7.3799 8.9509 10.4300 12.0165 14.4134 9.9487 11.3400 12.1186 13.4793 16.0046 9.9487 11.2643 12.0880 13.3318 15.9125 1.6626 2.9359 4.5099 7.1297 9.9347 8.0541 9.2601 10.1610 11.7554 14.0881 9.0214 10.0080 10.8464 12.9627 15.1298 9.0214 10.0039 10.7962 12.8079 14.7528 5.3409 6.3991 7.6818 10.0039 11.9629 M Zt ADF PT » Table 2. Critical Values for PTGLS test, M G LS and ADF GLS tests choosing T B minimizing the statistics; Model II » (¹c = ¡24 when constructing the tests and s2 ) Test Size T =1 T = 100 k=0 BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig T = 100 T = 200 M Z® .01 .025 .05 .10 .20 -43.2104 -37.2836 -33.3663 -28.7889 -24.1055 -32.0496 -29.4361 -27.2141 -24.5661 -21.6006 -92.0178 -43.7198 -36.6878 -30.0820 -24.6100 -33.0652 -30.3964 -27.0392 -24.6868 -21.2387 -32.4640 -29.6516 -26.8044 -24.2571 -21.0856 -529.1307 -220.1458 -119.0889 -73.0580 -47.7979 -44.6410 -34.8546 -32.0666 -28.5460 -23.5335 -36.0791 -32.2178 -29.7736 -26.2192 -21.8524 -36.0791 -32.2178 -29.9471 -26.2477 -21.9167 -70.3351 -58.0172 -49.1422 -36.8659 -30.1404 M SB .01 .025 .05 .10 .20 .01 .025 .05 .10 .20 .01 .025 .05 .10 .20 0.1071 0.1151 0.1214 0.1308 0.1426 -4.6211 -4.3005 -4.0643 -3.7666 -3.4499 -4.6211 -4.3005 -4.0643 -3.7666 -3.4499 0.1235 0.1294 0.1342 0.1414 0.1502 -3.9772 -3.8055 -3.6603 -3.4759 -3.2552 -5.1099 -4.7587 -4.4921 -4.1833 -3.8451 0.0735 0.1066 0.1163 0.1276 0.1416 -6.7634 -4.6535 -4.2543 -3.8364 -3.4654 -5.2810 -5.0688 -4.7399 -4.4020 -3.9873 0.1220 0.1276 0.1339 0.1413 0.1515 -4.0345 -3.8782 -3.6539 -3.4805 -3.2169 -5.0726 -4.6853 -4.3813 -4.1038 -3.7163 0.1235 0.1289 0.1350 0.1422 0.1523 -4.0100 -3.8096 -3.6360 -3.4634 -3.2130 -5.0726 -4.7196 -4.4125 -4.1183 -3.7479 0.0307 0.0476 0.0647 0.0821 0.1018 -16.2653 -10.4897 -7.7107 -6.0148 -4.8320 -5.5183 -5.2270 -4.9458 -4.5767 -4.1634 0.1058 0.1179 0.1245 0.1314 0.1444 -4.7166 -4.1642 -3.9633 -3.7493 -3.4033 -5.0656 -4.6614 -4.3853 -4.1211 -3.7543 0.1177 0.1245 0.1292 0.1369 0.1487 -4.2334 -3.9714 -3.8540 -3.5961 -3.2770 -4.8118 -4.5091 -4.2433 -3.9649 -3.5933 0.1177 0.1245 0.1286 0.1369 0.1488 -4.2334 -3.9714 -3.8540 -3.5961 -3.2831 -4.8118 -4.5255 -4.2493 -3.9834 -3.6135 0.0842 0.0925 0.1006 0.1151 0.1277 -5.9142 -5.3678 -4.9135 -4.2746 -3.8486 -5.1875 -4.8412 -4.5706 -4.2608 -3.8944 .01 .025 .05 .10 .20 6.9674 8.0650 9.3401 10.8664 13.1103 9.1361 10.4098 11.6000 13.2085 15.2320 7.8244 9.3537 11.0876 13.0612 15.2557 10.7618 12.1748 13.2501 14.5721 16.7392 10.7148 11.9795 13.0746 14.3445 16.6628 2.2765 3.5404 4.8532 7.4151 10.3941 8.9647 10.3576 11.3883 12.6174 14.8423 10.1956 11.1091 11.9117 13.7618 15.9041 10.1584 10.9864 11.8585 13.4543 15.7512 5.3073 6.9266 8.3451 10.4570 12.7655 M Zt ADF PT » Table 3. Critical Values for M GL S and ADF G LS tests choosing T B maximizing jt b̄ j; Model I 2 (¹c = ¡24 when constructing the tests and s2 ) Test Size T =1 T = 100 k=0 BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig T = 100 T = 200 M Z® .01 .025 .05 .10 .20 -42.4320 -36.8108 -32.6893 -28.2664 -23.7486 -30.8763 -28.6782 -25.7177 -23.2047 -19.9864 -40.0494 -33.9881 -29.4984 -24.9678 -20.7516 -30.4244 -27.5856 -24.9826 -21.9668 -18.8297 -30.4244 -27.7928 -25.1308 -22.1559 -18.8921 -187.4052 -99.5411 -66.2327 -42.8809 -30.3537 -38.1112 -33.5067 -29.8513 -26.7054 -21.7640 -34.8049 -30.6945 -27.9640 -24.0488 -20.4058 -34.8049 -30.6945 -28.0354 -24.4379 -20.7038 -57.5728 -50.1020 -40.3330 -31.5249 -25.7182 M SB .01 .025 .05 .10 .20 .01 .025 .05 .10 .20 .01 .025 .05 .10 .20 0.1078 0.1159 0.1226 0.1319 0.1439 -4.5798 -4.2635 -4.0192 -3.7372 -3.4234 -4.5798 -4.2635 -4.0192 -3.7372 -3.4234 0.1263 0.1318 0.1383 0.1459 0.1560 -3.9287 -3.7501 -3.5755 -3.3817 -3.1243 -4.9815 -4.6151 -4.3667 -3.9605 -3.6216 0.1109 0.1213 0.1294 0.1395 0.1530 -4.4408 -4.1007 -3.7841 -3.5064 -3.8364 -5.1030 -4.7136 -4.4272 -4.0767 -3.6817 0.1272 0.1329 0.1396 0.1493 0.1607 -3.8627 -3.6755 -3.5148 -3.2910 -3.0085 -4.8971 -4.4359 -4.1639 -3.8143 -3.4586 0.1272 0.1327 0.1396 0.1487 0.1603 -3.8627 -3.6864 -3.5194 -3.3084 -3.0197 -4.8971 -4.4405 -4.1669 -3.8245 -3.4842 0.0515 0.0704 0.0868 0.1078 0.1263 -9.6530 -7.0082 -5.7510 -4.6004 -3.8753 -5.2051 -4.9284 -4.5439 -4.2269 -3.8407 0.1141 0.1215 0.1293 0.1361 0.1499 -4.3555 -4.0592 -3.8455 -3.6347 -3.2746 -4.7880 -4.5064 -4.2266 -3.9895 -3.5678 0.1187 0.1267 0.1332 0.1430 0.1545 -4.1715 -3.8991 -3.7349 -3.4150 -3.1622 -4.6062 -4.3241 -4.0815 -3.7570 -3.4199 0.1187 0.1267 0.1324 0.1424 0.1535 -4.1715 -3.8991 -3.7391 -3.4525 -3.1902 -4.6380 -4.3408 -4.1178 -3.7976 -3.4708 0.0926 0.0992 0.1112 0.1254 0.1377 -5.3427 -4.9700 -4.4739 -3.9263 -3.5607 -4.9411 -4.5973 -4.3888 -4.0797 -3.6891 M Zt ADF Table 4. Critical Value for M GL S and ADF G LS tests choosing T B maximizing jtb̄ j; Model II 2 (¹c = ¡24 when constructing the tests and s2 ) Test Size T =1 T = 100 k=0 BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig T = 100 T = 200 M Z® .01 .025 .05 .10 .20 -42.4320 -36.8108 -32.6893 -28.2664 -23.7486 -28.6517 -26.6342 -23.6385 -20.8656 -17.9730 -38.5839 -32.0902 -27.1841 -22.6054 -18.6641 -27.3671 -24.4422 -21.7802 -19.5608 -16.9754 -27.3671 -24.4422 -21.9509 -19.5899 -17.1633 -108.6946 -78.0695 -49.4972 -36.5664 -25.3750 -34.7313 -31.1557 -26.7210 -22.8812 -19.3138 -30.7842 -27.0364 -24.6923 -21.1674 -17.8371 -31.1557 -28.3081 -24.9101 -21.5344 -18.3070 -54.6617 -40.4134 -33.1226 -27.7477 -21.7951 M SB .01 .025 .05 .10 .20 .01 .025 .05 .10 .20 .01 .025 .05 .10 .20 0.1078 0.1159 0.1226 0.1319 0.1439 -4.5798 -4.2635 -4.0192 -3.7372 -3.4234 -4.5798 -4.2635 -4.0192 -3.7372 -3.4234 0.1307 0.1360 0.1435 0.1534 0.1650 -3.7630 -3.6088 -3.4210 -3.2081 -2.9632 -4.6747 -4.4033 -4.0625 -3.7509 -3.4684 0.1135 0.1238 0.1340 0.1474 0.1624 -4.3851 -3.9773 -3.6605 -3.3268 -3.0288 -4.8235 -4.4831 -4.2202 -3.8450 -3.5125 0.1335 0.1422 0.1492 0.1588 0.1697 -3.6842 -3.4835 -3.2907 -3.1029 -2.8826 -4.5290 -4.1219 -3.7843 -3.5486 -3.2752 0.1335 0.1422 0.1487 0.1586 0.1692 -3.6842 -3.4835 -3.2992 -3.1108 -2.8958 -4.5290 -4.1219 -3.8195 -3.5552 -3.2988 0.0678 0.0799 0.1004 0.1157 0.1388 -7.3678 -6.2401 -4.9722 -4.2532 -3.5555 -4.9873 -4.6006 -4.2892 -3.9873 -3.6278 0.1197 0.1267 0.1368 0.1463 0.1595 -4.1587 -3.9098 -3.6402 -3.3516 -3.0969 -4.6317 -4.2861 -4.0300 -3.7243 -3.3811 0.1270 0.1353 0.1417 0.1520 0.1649 -3.9098 -3.6756 -3.4910 -3.2190 -2.9577 -4.3521 -4.1305 -3.8031 -3.5201 -3.2239 0.1267 0.1322 0.1409 0.1514 0.1632 -3.9220 -3.7436 -3.5205 -3.2579 -2.9959 -4.3774 -4.1573 -3.8472 -3.5745 -3.2763 0.0951 0.1109 0.1223 0.1340 0.1502 -5.2068 -4.4949 -4.0509 -3.6874 -3.2821 -4.6815 -4.4347 -4.1630 -3.8013 -3.4767 MZt ADF Table 5. Size and Power when using In¯mum Method for Model I; T=100 Size i:i:d: µ = ¡0:8 µ = ¡0:4 µ = 0:4 µ = 0:8 Power Criteria BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig M Z® M SB M Zt ADF PT M Z® M SB M Zt ADF PT 0.0510 0.0510 0.0510 0.0500 0.050 0.0510 0.0490 0.0500 0.0510 0.050 0.0500 0.0510 0.050 0.050 0.0510 0.0510 0.0510 0.051 0.0500 0.0510 0.3180 0.5080 0.5100 0.1800 0.2990 0.4990 0.5050 0.1810 0.3240 0.5020 0.5140 0.1800 0.5100 0.4480 0.4700 0.4330 0.3810 0.4950 0.5160 0.1640 BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig 0.9370 0.3990 0.4070 0.1070 0.4010 0.1350 0.1350 0.0400 0.2140 0.1000 0.0010 0.0660 0.5260 0.2230 0.0150 0.0890 0.9350 0.3970 0.4070 0.1080 0.3960 0.1350 0.1320 0.0400 0.2120 0.1050 0.0010 0.0660 0.5260 0.2310 0.0170 0.0900 0.9380 0.4000 0.4090 0.1070 0.3950 0.1360 0.1380 0.0400 0.2130 0.0940 0.0000 0.0660 0.5210 0.2200 0.0130 0.0870 MA(1) Errors 0.9760 0.9320 0.3780 0.3390 0.3900 0.3530 0.7980 0.0880 0.4870 0.4020 0.1000 0.1110 0.1000 0.1170 0.2530 0.0380 0.0950 0.2010 0.0060 0.0480 0.0000 0.0020 0.0610 0.0640 0.1180 0.4480 0.0080 0.1050 0.0000 0.0060 0.0490 0.0910 0.9960 0.8270 0.8330 0.2970 0.8870 0.5560 0.5600 0.1360 0.7290 0.1340 0.0590 0.1890 0.7290 0.3380 0.0220 0.2820 0.9960 0.8290 0.8350 0.2990 0.8840 0.5520 0.5600 0.1360 0.7200 0.1290 0.0560 0.1900 0.7280 0.3360 0.0220 0.2830 0.9960 0.8250 0.8310 0.2970 0.8860 0.5500 0.5600 0.1360 0.7320 0.1370 0.0660 0.1870 0.7280 0.3350 0.0270 0.2810 1.0000 0.8290 0.8370 0.9610 0.9130 0.4570 0.4680 0.7370 0.5240 0.0650 0.0610 0.4040 0.4070 0.0460 0.0120 0.2270 0.9950 0.7070 0.7160 0.2630 0.8840 0.4880 0.5090 0.1210 0.7350 0.1010 0.0780 0.1910 0.7070 0.2650 0.0260 0.2990 Table 6. Size and Power when using In¯mum Method for Model I; T=100 Size i:i:d: ½ = ¡0:8 ½ = ¡0:4 ½ = 0:4 ½ = 0:8 Power Criteria BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig M Z® M SB M Zt ADF PT M Z® M SB M Zt ADF PT 0.0510 0.0510 0.0510 0.0500 0.050 0.0510 0.0490 0.0500 0.0510 0.050 0.0500 0.0510 0.050 0.050 0.0510 0.0510 0.0510 0.051 0.0500 0.0510 0.3180 0.5080 0.5100 0.1800 0.2990 0.4990 0.5050 0.1810 0.3240 0.5020 0.5140 0.1800 0.5100 0.4480 0.4700 0.4330 0.3810 0.4950 0.5160 0.1640 BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig 0.0180 0.0000 0.0000 0.0200 0.1420 0.0620 0.0600 0.0480 0.1550 0.1030 0.0020 0.0760 0.2930 0.3260 0.2960 0.1450 0.0170 0.0000 0.0000 0.0200 0.1380 0.0640 0.0620 0.0490 0.1520 0.1100 0.0030 0.0790 0.3030 0.3390 0.3120 0.1490 0.0180 0.0000 0.0000 0.0190 0.1450 0.0640 0.0620 0.0480 0.1490 0.0980 0.0010 0.0750 0.2820 0.3080 0.2800 0.1430 AR(1) Errors 0.0470 0.0130 0.0430 0.0000 0.0430 0.0000 0.0410 0.0150 0.1680 0.1360 0.0500 0.0580 0.0490 0.0560 0.0850 0.0380 0.0530 0.1310 0.0130 0.0550 0.0000 0.0000 0.0460 0.0590 0.0600 0.1860 0.0490 0.1890 0.0320 0.1560 0.0610 0.0790 0.0400 0.0080 0.0070 0.0720 0.5100 0.3530 0.3480 0.1500 0.5380 0.0740 0.0140 0.1700 0.3500 0.3830 0.1700 0.1170 0.0390 0.0070 0.0050 0.0730 0.5100 0.3390 0.3490 0.1500 0.5270 0.0730 0.0140 0.1700 0.3470 0.3900 0.1800 0.1170 0.0400 0.0080 0.0080 0.0720 0.5110 0.3560 0.3630 0.1500 0.5430 0.0750 0.0150 0.1670 0.3510 0.3870 0.1700 0.1140 0.4560 0.3300 0.3350 0.3860 0.5960 0.3350 0.3420 0.4340 0.2960 0.0210 0.0130 0.2620 0.1310 0.1040 0.0150 0.1320 0.0330 0.0100 0.0100 0.0570 0.5100 0.3350 0.3390 0.1380 0.5620 0.0480 0.0190 0.1650 0.3460 0.3380 0.0710 0.1000 Table 7. Size and Power when using In¯mum Method for Model I; T=200 Size i:i:d: µ = ¡0:8 µ = ¡0:4 µ = 0:4 µ = 0:8 Power Criteria BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig M Z® M SB M Zt ADF PT M Z® M SB M Zt ADF PT 0.0500 0.0510 0.0500 0.0500 0.0500 0.0500 0.0500 0.0510 0.0500 0.0510 0.0500 0.0510 0.0500 0.0500 0.0510 0.0510 0.0500 0.0510 0.0510 0.0510 0.5060 0.4310 0.4420 0.2000 0.4970 0.4230 0.4470 0.2040 0.4950 0.4200 0.4380 0.2130 0.5170 0.3720 0.3830 0.4320 0.4860 0.4230 0.4420 0.2420 BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig 0.8740 0.1400 0.1450 0.4250 0.2360 0.0970 0.0970 0.0560 0.1770 0.1030 0.0070 0.0640 0.3380 0.1890 0.0330 0.0530 0.8730 0.1370 0.1430 0.4270 0.2380 0.0950 0.0990 0.0580 0.1750 0.0990 0.0090 0.0660 0.3380 0.1950 0.0380 0.0530 0.8710 0.1400 0.1450 0.4320 0.2280 0.0880 0.0920 0.0580 0.1730 0.0990 0.0060 0.0680 0.3280 0.1880 0.0310 0.0540 MA(1) Errors 0.9110 0.8490 0.1670 0.1030 0.1700 0.1100 0.7060 0.4180 0.2410 0.2130 0.0580 0.0760 0.0640 0.0860 0.1230 0.0610 0.1040 0.1560 0.0370 0.0800 0.0020 0.0040 0.0600 0.0640 0.0970 0.2640 0.0060 0.1140 0.0030 0.0220 0.0300 0.0550 0.9960 0.3940 0.3970 0.8130 0.8490 0.4160 0.4270 0.3370 0.7190 0.4500 0.0530 0.3380 0.7300 0.4300 0.2200 0.2670 0.9960 0.3900 0.3970 0.8130 0.8420 0.4100 0.4310 0.3380 0.7080 0.4430 0.0620 0.3420 0.7260 0.4230 0.2220 0.2690 0.9960 0.3910 0.3950 0.8160 0.8450 0.4060 0.4250 0.3460 0.7110 0.4410 0.0510 0.3470 0.7230 0.4260 0.2190 0.2790 0.9990 0.4210 0.4280 0.9730 0.8610 0.3260 0.3460 0.6330 0.5670 0.2190 0.0320 0.3780 0.3930 0.0830 0.0640 0.1900 0.9880 0.2810 0.2860 0.7550 0.8090 0.3630 0.3800 0.3840 0.6990 0.3780 0.0500 0.3730 0.6950 0.3660 0.1810 0.3100 Table 8. Size and Power when using In¯mum Method for Model I; T=200 Size i:i:d: ½ = ¡0:8 ½ = ¡0:4 ½ = 0:4 ½ = 0:8 Power Criteria BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig M Z® M SB M Zt ADF PT M Z® M SB M Zt ADF PT 0.0500 0.0510 0.0500 0.0500 0.0500 0.0500 0.0500 0.0510 0.0500 0.0510 0.0500 0.0510 0.0500 0.0500 0.0510 0.0510 0.0500 0.0510 0.0510 0.0510 0.5060 0.4310 0.4420 0.2000 0.4970 0.4230 0.4470 0.2040 0.4950 0.4200 0.4380 0.2130 0.5170 0.3720 0.3830 0.4320 0.4860 0.4230 0.4420 0.2420 BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig 0.0050 0.0010 0.0010 0.0110 0.0530 0.0440 0.0450 0.0340 0.1150 0.1090 0.0090 0.0540 0.1450 0.1530 0.1390 0.0910 0.0050 0.0010 0.0010 0.0120 0.0510 0.0430 0.0450 0.0360 0.1110 0.1080 0.0120 0.0520 0.1490 0.1540 0.1510 0.0960 0.0050 0.0010 0.0010 0.0120 0.0500 0.0440 0.0460 0.0340 0.1080 0.1040 0.0060 0.0520 0.1380 0.1360 0.1300 0.0920 AR(1) Errors 0.0530 0.0040 0.0400 0.0000 0.0400 0.0000 0.0470 0.0100 0.0630 0.0470 0.0410 0.0410 0.0450 0.0430 0.0490 0.0330 0.0570 0.0970 0.0410 0.0900 0.0000 0.0020 0.0470 0.0520 0.0660 0.1020 0.0420 0.0930 0.0460 0.0960 0.0510 0.0610 0.0270 0.0130 0.0140 0.0550 0.4380 0.3460 0.3550 0.1610 0.5710 0.4540 0.0040 0.2690 0.4030 0.3650 0.3700 0.2000 0.0250 0.0130 0.0140 0.0550 0.4290 0.3390 0.3600 0.1660 0.5580 0.4480 0.0060 0.2730 0.3980 0.3710 0.3810 0.2000 0.0290 0.0130 0.0140 0.0550 0.4270 0.3360 0.3510 0.1670 0.5620 0.4390 0.0040 0.2760 0.3930 0.3570 0.3690 0.2040 0.4750 0.2760 0.2760 0.3730 0.4730 0.3100 0.3210 0.3850 0.4010 0.2460 0.0040 0.3500 0.2340 0.1620 0.1730 0.1920 0.0210 0.0100 0.0090 0.0510 0.4020 0.3020 0.3300 0.1830 0.5510 0.4040 0.0040 0.3150 0.3800 0.3450 0.3570 0.2150 Table 9. Size and Power when using Supremum Method for Model I; T=100 Size i:i:d: µ = ¡0:8 µ = ¡0:4 µ = 0:4 µ = 0:8 Power Criteria BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig M Z® M SB M Zt ADF M Z® M SB M Zt ADF 0.0500 0.0510 0.0500 0.0500 0.0500 0.0490 0.0500 0.0500 0.0500 0.0500 0.0510 0.0500 0.0500 0.0510 0.0510 0.0510 0.3350 0.4950 0.5010 0.1690 0.3360 0.4650 0.4840 0.1700 0.3810 0.4900 0.5060 0.1690 0.5100 0.4450 0.4680 0.4510 BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig 0.9310 0.3330 0.3420 0.0800 0.3950 0.1090 0.1150 0.0380 0.1900 0.0470 0.0010 0.0660 0.4400 0.1030 0.0040 0.0920 0.9310 0.3280 0.3390 0.0800 0.4010 0.1020 0.1100 0.0390 0.1920 0.0480 0.0010 0.0680 0.4440 0.1010 0.0050 0.0920 MA(1) Errors 0.9350 0.9690 0.3340 0.3290 0.3450 0.3400 0.0800 0.7700 0.4010 0.4660 0.1110 0.0870 0.1180 0.0950 0.0380 0.2340 0.2020 0.0880 0.0470 0.0050 0.0010 0.0010 0.0640 0.0600 0.4510 0.0980 0.1020 0.0030 0.0040 0.0000 0.0910 0.0500 0.9930 0.7070 0.7150 0.2660 0.8760 0.4900 0.5090 0.1210 0.7180 0.0980 0.0680 0.1940 0.7030 0.2380 0.0180 0.2990 0.9930 0.7060 0.7150 0.2660 0.8750 0.4810 0.5010 0.1210 0.7140 0.0820 0.0590 0.1940 0.7050 0.2240 0.0170 0.3020 0.9940 0.7060 0.7150 0.2650 0.8830 0.4890 0.5080 0.1210 0.7340 0.0970 0.0720 0.1930 0.7080 0.2390 0.0190 0.2990 1.0000 0.7110 0.7210 0.9340 0.9060 0.4120 0.4320 0.7040 0.5190 0.0710 0.0700 0.4230 0.3970 0.0350 0.0160 0.2230 Table 10. Size and Power when using Supremum Method for Model I; T=100 Size i:i:d: ½ = ¡0:8 ½ = ¡0:4 ½ = 0:4 ½ = 0:8 Power Criteria BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig M Z® M SB M Zt ADF M Z® M SB M Zt ADF 0.0500 0.0510 0.0500 0.0500 0.0500 0.0490 0.0500 0.0500 0.0500 0.0500 0.0510 0.0500 0.0500 0.0510 0.0510 0.0510 0.3350 0.4950 0.5010 0.1690 0.3360 0.4650 0.4840 0.1700 0.3810 0.4900 0.5060 0.1690 0.5100 0.4450 0.4680 0.4510 BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig 0.0120 0.0000 0.0000 0.0140 0.1350 0.0570 0.0530 0.0410 0.1340 0.0530 0.0010 0.0650 0.1930 0.2050 0.1690 0.0870 0.0110 0.0000 0.0000 0.0140 0.1330 0.0520 0.0520 0.0420 0.1370 0.0530 0.0020 0.0650 0.2030 0.2110 0.1770 0.0880 AR(1) Errors 0.0120 0.0420 0.0000 0.0380 0.0000 0.0380 0.0140 0.0420 0.1400 0.1580 0.0560 0.0500 0.0560 0.0490 0.0410 0.0880 0.1340 0.0470 0.0480 0.0060 0.0000 0.0000 0.0640 0.0420 0.1960 0.0360 0.1980 0.0340 0.1620 0.0230 0.0850 0.0380 0.0300 0.0060 0.0050 0.0570 0.4970 0.3220 0.3190 0.1370 0.5370 0.0440 0.0160 0.1650 0.3300 0.3270 0.0660 0.1030 0.0290 0.0050 0.0050 0.0570 0.4940 0.2950 0.3030 0.1380 0.5350 0.0360 0.0130 0.1650 0.3300 0.3160 0.0620 0.1040 0.0300 0.0080 0.0070 0.0570 0.5040 0.3240 0.3290 0.1360 0.5580 0.0460 0.0170 0.1640 0.3420 0.3260 0.0650 0.1030 0.4170 0.2790 0.2820 0.3620 0.5820 0.3260 0.3330 0.4250 0.2960 0.0190 0.0170 0.2850 0.1230 0.0950 0.0060 0.1320 Table 11. Size and Power when using Supremum Method for Model I; T=200 Size i:i:d: µ = ¡0:8 µ = ¡0:4 µ = 0:4 µ = 0:8 Power Criteria BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig M Z® M SB M Zt ADF M Z® M SB M Zt ADF 0.0490 0.0480 0.0500 0.0500 0.0520 0.0500 0.0510 0.0510 0.0510 0.0510 0.0510 0.0500 0.0510 0.0500 0.0500 0.0510 0.5060 0.4230 0.4520 0.2400 0.5230 0.4210 0.4380 0.2410 0.5050 0.4100 0.4360 0.2370 0.5100 0.3660 0.3790 0.4220 BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig 0.8610 0.1050 0.1110 0.4140 0.2280 0.0840 0.0930 0.0600 0.1660 0.0960 0.0050 0.0660 0.2890 0.1180 0.0250 0.0540 0.8620 0.1040 0.1100 0.4150 0.2380 0.0860 0.0920 0.0610 0.1710 0.0980 0.0050 0.0690 0.2930 0.1260 0.0230 0.0570 MA(1) Errors 0.8590 0.9000 0.1050 0.1380 0.1120 0.1430 0.4160 0.6720 0.2290 0.2320 0.0790 0.0620 0.0870 0.0670 0.0590 0.1130 0.1630 0.0940 0.0910 0.0350 0.0030 0.0020 0.0660 0.0520 0.2840 0.0880 0.1150 0.0070 0.0240 0.0060 0.0530 0.0300 0.9890 0.2830 0.2880 0.7560 0.8260 0.3760 0.3960 0.3860 0.7110 0.3860 0.0590 0.3650 0.6990 0.3640 0.1810 0.2890 0.9890 0.2830 0.2850 0.7560 0.8270 0.3770 0.3860 0.3870 0.7160 0.3870 0.0560 0.3660 0.7050 0.3590 0.1730 0.2910 0.9890 0.2830 0.2870 0.7560 0.8230 0.3700 0.3910 0.3800 0.7080 0.3740 0.0560 0.3630 0.6970 0.3600 0.1760 0.2890 0.9940 0.3290 0.3310 0.9450 0.8320 0.3080 0.3180 0.5990 0.5610 0.2070 0.0420 0.3730 0.3740 0.0910 0.0590 0.1790 Table 12. Size and Power when using Supremum Method for Model I; T=200 Size i:i:d: ½ = ¡0:8 ½ = ¡0:4 ½ = 0:4 ½ = 0:8 Power Criteria BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig M Z® M SB M Zt ADF M Z® M SB M Zt ADF 0.0490 0.0480 0.0500 0.0500 0.0520 0.0500 0.0510 0.0510 0.0510 0.0510 0.0510 0.0500 0.0510 0.0500 0.0500 0.0510 0.5060 0.4230 0.4520 0.2400 0.5230 0.4210 0.4380 0.2410 0.5050 0.4100 0.4360 0.2370 0.5100 0.3660 0.3790 0.4220 BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig BIC MAIC MBIC t-sig 0.0050 0.0000 0.0000 0.0110 0.0500 0.0430 0.0450 0.0330 0.1030 0.0960 0.0020 0.0510 0.1130 0.1050 0.1070 0.0670 0.0050 0.0000 0.0000 0.0110 0.0510 0.0440 0.0410 0.0340 0.1080 0.0970 0.0020 0.0530 0.1260 0.1130 0.1090 0.0730 AR(1) Errors 0.0050 0.0450 0.0000 0.0400 0.0000 0.0400 0.0110 0.0370 0.0490 0.0530 0.0410 0.0400 0.0430 0.0410 0.0330 0.0370 0.1020 0.0490 0.0890 0.0380 0.0020 0.0000 0.0520 0.0440 0.1090 0.0520 0.0990 0.0390 0.1010 0.0400 0.0630 0.0360 0.0180 0.0130 0.0120 0.0480 0.4280 0.3240 0.3550 0.1820 0.5650 0.4020 0.0060 0.3010 0.3770 0.3420 0.3590 0.2010 0.0200 0.0120 0.0110 0.0480 0.4410 0.3270 0.3410 0.1870 0.5780 0.4050 0.0060 0.3060 0.3850 0.3470 0.3550 0.2050 0.0190 0.0120 0.0110 0.0480 0.4270 0.3110 0.3440 0.1820 0.5650 0.3900 0.0050 0.2990 0.3760 0.3380 0.3550 0.2000 0.4270 0.2750 0.2720 0.3410 0.4520 0.3030 0.3200 0.3630 0.3900 0.2270 0.0050 0.3490 0.2200 0.1700 0.1730 0.1860 Table 13a. Empirical Results using Informatiioin Criteria to select lag k and In¯mum Method to choose Break Point T B Series T Stock Prices 100 Real Wages 71 Criterial M Z® BIC M AIC M BIC BIC M AIC M BIC b -49.89 -49.22a -49.22a -39.12c -39.12a -39.12a k 1 1 1 1 1 1 TB 1941 1937 1837 1938 1938 1938 M Zt k b -4.95 -4.93a -4.93a -4.37c -4.37a -4.37a 1 1 1 1 1 1 TB 1941 1937 1937 1938 1938 1938 ADF k b -5.25 -5.25a -5.25a -4.69 -4.69d -4.69c 1 1 1 1 1 1 TB 1937 1937 1937 1938 1938 1938 PT b 8.92 13.26d 13.26d 9.43c 11.28b 11.28b k TB ®^ 1 2 2 1 1 1 1931 1931 1931 1940 1940 1940 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.61 0.61 0.61 We use a, b, c, d to represent rejection at 1%, 2.5%, 5%, 10% signi¯cance level. Table 14b. Empirical Results using Information Criteria to select Lag k and Supremum Method to choose Break Point T B Series T Stock Prices 100 Real Wages 71 Criterial BIC M AIC M BIC BIC M AIC M BIC M Z® b -33.10 -20.25d -20.25c -27.94c -27.94a -27.94a M Zt ADF k TB ® ^ b c 1 2 2 1 1 1 1931 1931 1931 1933 1933 1933 0.73 0.77 0.77 0.69 0.69 0.69 -4.05 -3.21d -3.21c -3.67c -3.67b -3.67b -4.32 -3.38 -3.38 -3.86d -3.86c -3.86c We use a, b, c, d to represent rejection at 1%, 2.5%, 5%, 10% signi¯cance level. Table 15a. Empirical Results using Recursive Method to select Lag k and In¯mum Method to choose T B Series Stock Prices Real Wages T 100 71 M Z® k c -143.10 -11628.50a 3 4 TB 1948 1941 M Zt k c -8.43 -76.24a 3 4 TB ADF 1948 1941 b -5.25 -4.69d k 1 1 TB PT 1936 1938 d 5.94 4.05c k TB ® ^ 3 3 1930 1940 0.65 0.61 We use a, b, c, d to represent rejection at 1%, 2.5%, 5%, 10% signi¯cance level. Table 16b. Empirical Results using Recursive Method to select Lag k and supremum Method to choose TB Series T M Z® M Zt ADF k TB ® ^ Stock Prices Real Wages 100 71 -49.87c -27.94 -4.97c -3.67 -3.97c -3.86 3 1 1930 1933 0.73 0.69 We use a, b, c, d to represent rejection at 1%, 2.5%, 5%, 10% signi¯cance level. Figure 1. Gaussian Power Envelope and Asymptotic Power Functions; In…mum Method and Fixed and Random Initial Condition. 36 Figure 2. Gaussian Power Envelope and Asymptotic Power Functions; Supremum Method and Fixed and Random Initial Condition. 37 Figure 3. Logarithm of Real Wages with a broken time trend; 1900-1970. 38 Figure 4. Logarithm of Stock Prices with a broken time trend; 1871-1971. 39