Market Segmentation and Pricing of International Assets Cathy(Qiao) Ning∗ April, 2004 Abstract This paper investigates how conditional and unconditional forms of an international multi-factor asset pricing model perform in explaining the returns available to global investors. The assets considered are portfolios of equities, bonds and currencies from several of the largest industrial countries. We find evidence suggesting that international equity markets, bond markets and currency markets are segmented. Therefore, we price these assets using separate multi factor models. The factors we consider are measures related to the level of equity market risk, currency market risk, term structure risk, and default risk. To compare the performance across different models, we estimate the Hansen-Jagannathan distances for each model. Although we are unable to reject our unconditional models ∗ I would like to thank Prof. Stephen Sapp for his sufficient instruction. I also wish to thank Prof. John Knight for his encouragement and useful suggestions, Prof. Joel Fried for helpful discussion. Comments from the applied economics workshop also improve the paper. All the errors are of myself. 1 for pricing equities, we do not find a significant role for our factors in the unconditional models. Conditional models perform well for pricing international equities with the term structure playing a significant role. On the other hand, unconditional models perform well for bonds with bond returns being explained by the default premium and equity market risk premium, but conditional models perform poorly for bonds. For currency returns, both the unconditional and conditional models indicate that term structure risk and default risk have explanatory power. 1 Introduction As the economies of the world have become increasingly global in nature, investors are able to invest in assets from around the world. Consequently both academics and practitioners are interested in understanding how to explain the returns on the set of international assets available to investors. In this paper, we examine several categories of international assets that are considered by global investors, namely equities, bonds and currencies from several of the largest industrial countries. Trying to understand what factors influence the returns of assets has been the focus of significant research for at least the past 40 years. The first attempts being related to the different versions of the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). Among them, the Sharpe-Lintner-Black Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 2 is one of the most commonly used models by financial managers to assess the risk of an investment. According to CAPM, the risk of an investment project is measured by its correlation with the return on the market portfolio of all assets in the economy, which is the systematic risk named beta. The expected return for an asset has a linear relationship with the beta. Unfortunately numerous empirical tests report that the CAPM does not fit cross-sectional asset pricing data. For example, Fama and French (1992) find that cross sectional returns can be explained by two persistent variables: size and book-to-market ratio, while market beta has no explanation power in cross-sectional returns. Possible explanations for the poor performance of the CAPM are provided by some of the main critiques of the CAPM: 1) Roll’s (1977) critique that market portfolio is unidentifiable. 2) Static CAPM fails to consider the effects of time-varying investment opportunities in the calculation of an asset’s risk. 3) the Hansen-Richard (1987) critique that CAPM implies a conditional linear factor model, which does not imply an unconditional model. The CAPM may be true conditionally but may fail the unconditional testing. Therefore, CAPM is a theoretical intuitive but not realistic model. Since CAPM is unsatisfactory performed and not realistic, researchers have developed many other more flexible and realistic models. Multifactor model is one of them. In addition to the stock market risk, multifactor models take into account many other sources of systematic risks that could influence the asset returns. Besides, conditional multifactor models also solve the problem of time-varying investment opportunities. And more, the multifactor models have 3 successfully explained the returns of domestic and global assets in the literature. Many risk factors have been shown significant roles. The domestic multifactor models tried to explain returns from stocks, bonds and mutual funds. Chen, Roll and Ross (1996) introduce one of the earliest popular multifactor models. They find that US stock returns can be explained by some macro factors such as the term structure, expected and unexpected inflation, industrial production, and default premium. Fama and French (1992 and 1993) propose the presently most popular multifactor models. They find that stock returns are priced by firm specific factors such as firm size and bookto-market ratio. Chan, Karceski and Lakonishok (1998) investigate both macro and firm specific risks factors in pricing stock returns and find a couple of significant risk factors. Fama and French (1993) also find the explanation power of multifactor models in bonds. Kryzanowski, Lalancette and To (1997) develop the multifactor model to explain returns of mutual funds. International multifactor models also tried to determine which risk factors can explain global assets. Ferson and Harvey (1994) find that the world market betas do not provide good explanation of cross-sectional difference of returns. Multiple beta models provide an improved explanation of international equity returns. Dumas and Solnik (1995) find both currency risk factors and world market risk factor are significant in explaining world equity returns and foreign currency deposit returns. However international multifactor models are relatively less developed than domestic ones. In this paper, we investigate how multifactor models perform in explaining 4 the returns of the assets that are available to the global investors. Especially we include foreign currencies as one category of available assets. In the literature of international CAPM or multifactor models research, whether foreign exchange risk is priced in the international equity asset returns receives a lot of attention. See Solnik (1974), Sercu (1980), Stulz (1981). However, foreign exchange itself is an important asset for investors. How to price it has not receive enough attention that it deserves. By including currencies as assets, we actually extend the investment opportunity set of global investors as global investors not only invest in stocks and bonds, but also foreign currencies. We examine the sources of the risks exposed by these international assets and investigate several global economic risk factors including world equity market risk, foreign exchange risk, term structure risk, and default risk. We try to answer the question as whether different international assets are priced by the same risk factors. This depends on whether the assumption of market integration is true or not. International models usually assume the integrity of international capital market although Korajczyck and Viallet (1992) indicate evidence of market segmentation. We undertake a couple of tests to examine the assumption of market integration. We find evidence that international asset markets are actually segmented. The segmentation in this paper means that different assets can not be priced the same. Based on this, we analyze the returns of different international assets by separate multifactor models. For each group of assets, we compare performance of models with different risk factor specifications using Hansen-Jagannathan 5 (1996) distance measure (here after HJ-distance). Since HJ-distance approach uses the same weighting matrix for different models, it allows us to compare different models directly. If the model is correctly specified, the HJ-distance should be zero. Finally, in the empirical research of multifactor models, portfolios are usually formed according to some attributes. However, according to Roll(1977), Lo and Mackinlay(1990), FF(1996), and Brennan et al (1996), portfolio formation processes are quite problematic. They find that same model with different attribute-formed portfolios often lead to different inferences. In our study, we use single asset such as one equity, bond and foreign currency for each country. It can be viewed as a natural portfolio formed by the attributes of a country. This naturally formed portfolio may avoid the problem caused by the artificial portfolio formation process. The main results of the paper are as following. The conditional models are not rejected for equities and the world equity market risk factor can explain the equity returns in the single factor model. But the significance of this factor disappears when other risk factors are considered. Conditional models perform well with the term structure risk factor being the only survived significant risk factor with the presence of other factors in the explanation of equity returns. Unconditional models perform well for bonds with significant explanation role of term structure risk. But conditional models perform very poorly for bonds. Both unconditional and conditional models indicate that foreign currency returns can be explained by term structure risk and default risk. 6 The paper is organized as follows. Part 2 describes the models and methodology. Part 3 describes and summaries the data. Results are described and discussed in Part 4. Part 5 summarizes our conclusions. 2 Models and Methodology 2.1 Unconditional models According to CAPM, the beta multifactor model with K risk factors and N assets is : k E[Rit ] = λ0 + ΣK k=1 λk β i where β ki = cov(Rit ,Rtk ) V ar(Rtk ) (1) is the factor loading, k=1,2 ....K is the number of factors, and i =1· · ·N is the number of assets. λk is the risk premium of factor k. Rit is the gross return of asset i at time t. And Rtk is the return of the kth risk factor at time t. Substitute expression of β ki into (1) and use cov(Rit , Rtk ) = E[Rit Rtk ] − E[Rit ]E[Rtk ], we get: E[Rit ] = λ0 + ΣK k=1 λk = λ0 + ΣK k=1 λk = λ0 + ΣK k=1 cov(Rit ,Rk t) V ar(Rk t) E[Rit Rtk ]−E[Rit ]E[Rk t] V ar(Rtk ) λk E[Rit Rtk ] V ar(Rk t) − ΣK k=1 λk E[Rit ]E[Rk t] V ar(Rtk ) move all the terms except λ0 into left side of above equation. we get: 7 E[Rit ] − ΣK k=1 λk E[Rit Rtk ] V ar(Rtk ) + ΣK k=1 λk E[Rit ]E[Rtk ] V ar(Rtk ) λ E[Rk ] = λ0 λ Rk k k t K t that is E[Rit (1 + ΣK k=1 V ar(Rk ) − Σk=1 V ar(Rk ) )] = λ0 t multiply 1 λ0 t for both side, we get λ E[Rk ] λ Rk k k t K t E[Rit ( λ10 + ΣK k=1 λ0 V ar(Rk ) − Σk=1 λ0 V ar(Rk ) )] = 1 t let δ 0 = 1 λ0 + 1 λ0 t PK λk E[Rtk ] k=1 V ar(Rk t) λk δ k = − λ0 V ar(R k ) , for k=1...K, t then k E[Rit (δ 0 + ΣK k=1 δ k Rt )] = 1N (2) for i=1· · ·N. This is the stochastic discount factor form of multifactor CAPM. Here the k discount factor is dδ = δ 0 + ΣK k=1 δ k Rt . In the literature, factor models are most often applied to excess returns. Let rit denote the excess return of asset i at time t. In the case of excess returns, according to Cochrane (2002) page 256, the discount factor model will be: k E[rit (b0 + ΣK k=1 bk Rt )] = 0 k Where Rtk are returns of risk factors. As any multiples of (b0 + ΣK k=1 bk Rt ) will fit the model, there is no way to separately identify b0 and bk ,Therefore, the model is normalized as: k E[rit (1 + ΣK k=1 bk Rt )] = 0 8 k Where bk = − C0 V λar(R k) t C0 = 1 + PK λk E[Rtk ] k=1 V ar(Rk t) k Then E[rit (1 + ΣK k=1 bk Rt )] = E[wt (δ)] is the vector of pricing error, which should be 0. The naturally convenient approach of estimation of the model is the General Method of Moment (GMM). To do this, the quadratic form E[wt (b)]0 G−1 E[wt (b)] is formulated, where G−1 is a positive definite matrix (weighting matrix). b is chosen to make the pricing errors E[wt (b)] as small as possible, by minimizing the quadratic form E[wt (b)]0 G−1 E[wt (b)]. It is well known that (V ar(wt (b)))−1 is the statistically optimal weighting matrix, which produces estimates with lowest asymptotic variance. This is formally shown by Hansen (1982). This weighting matrix also has the interpretation of paying less attention to pricing errors from assets with high variance of k rit (1 + ΣK k=1 bk ft ). With this optimal weighting matrix, Hansen also shows that the quadratic form has a χ2 distribution with degree of freedom (N-K), where N is the number of moments and K is the number of parameters in the model. We will only use this type of optimal GMM method for the test of the market integration hypothesis based on stochastic discount factor models. However, it’s inappropriate to use the optimal GMM approach to compare competing model’s performance because the weighting matrix keeps changing across different models. We will use HJ-distance approach to compare model performance, which is examined in the latter part of the paper. 9 2.2 Conditional Models As the previous studies document that the poor empirical performance of CAPM maybe because of inadequate allowances for time variation in the conditional moments of returns. That is it fails to take into account the effects of timevarying investment opportunities. For the discount factor form of the model, the discount factor dδ should be state dependent, which means it should incorporate the conditional information. The conditional asset pricing model can be written as follows: k E[(ri,t (1 + ΣK k=1 bk Rt )|It−1 ] = 0 (3) where It−1 is the information set at time t − 1 that investors use to price assets. By Cochrane (2001), one approach to incorporate conditional information is to specify and estimate explicit statistical models of conditional distributions of asset payoffs and discount factor variables. However, by this way, the number of required parameters can quickly exceed the number of moments. And more importantly, this explicit approach requires us to assume that investors use the same conditioning information that we use. This is apparently not true. We don’t observe all the conditional information as economic agents do. However, asset price can summarize an enormous amount of information that only individual observes. To avoid assuming that investors only see the variables that we include in an empirical investigation, we can incorporate conditional information by scaling factors with instruments that are likely to summarize variation 10 in conditional moments. By this way, the conditional model is transformed into unconditional model. Let Zt−1 be the information variable set that summarizes the It−1 .Then the moments can be formulated as following: k E[ri,t (1 + ΣK k=1 bk Rt ) ⊗ Zt−1 ] = 0mN (4) where Zt−1 = {1, z1, z2−1 }t−1 , and m is the number of conditional variables. This is actually: E [ri,t (1 + k ΣK k=1 bk Rt )] k [ri,t (1 + ΣK k=1 bk Rt )]z1,t−1 ··· k [ri,t (1 + ΣK k=1 bk Rt )]zm−1,t−1 0N 0 N = ··· 0N (5) Which gives m × N moments and estimating K parameters. So there are (m × N − K)over identifying moments. let wt = {rit , Zt−1 }, yT = (wT0 , wT0 −1 , · · ·, w10 )0 be a vector containing all the observations with sample size T. And let k [ri,t (1 + ΣK k=1 bk Rt )] [r (1 + ΣK b Rk )]z i,t 1,t−1 k=1 k t h(b, wt ) = ··· k [ri,t (1 + ΣK k=1 bk Rt )]zm,t−1 The sample average value of h(b, wt ) is g(b, yT ) = (1/T ) PT t=1 h(b, wt ), 11 (6) and the GMM objective function is Q(b) = [g(b, yT )]0 SbT−1 [g(b, yT )] With the assumption of no serial correlation, P δ, wt )][h(b δ, wt )]0 }, SbT = (1/T ) Tt=1 {[h(b The standard errors for bbT is: b 0 = (1/T ) PT where D T t=1 0 b−1 d −1 d (1/T ){D T ST DT } ∂h(b,wt ) |b=bb ∂b0 T In the econometric context, Zt−1 is an instrument vector because it should be uncorrelated with the error vector. Cochrane (2001) interprets the implications of the conditioning model as to include actively managed portfolios to the analysis by adding instruments. This is in principle able to capture all of the model’s predictions. Suppose there is only one conditional variable Zt−1 , the investor decided on the amount of money to invest in each asset based on Zt−1 at the beginning of each period. Therefore the level of Zt−1 at the beginning of each period is considered as an investment signal. Hence Zt−1 can be interpreted as time varying investment portion of the risky asset. The payoff (in excess of risk free rate) of the actively managed portfolios is rt Zt−1 . 2.3 Testing of Market Segmentation Method 1—othogonality condition test Testing market segmentation is the same as testing subsets of othogonality conditions. The method we use to test whether a subset of othogonality 12 conditions holds is the one developed in Eichenbaum, Hansen, and Singleton (1988). Following the above notations, the whole pricing error vector is k 1 rit (1 + ΣK k=1 bk Rt ) ⊗ Zt−1 = ht . Partition the vector into two subvectors ht and h2t . Here ht is N dimensional with N assets and parameter vector b0 , while h1t and h2t are N1 , N2 dimension with N1 , N2 assets and K1 and K2 parameters b10 , b20 respectively. The null hypothesis is : if E[ht ] = 0 and E[h1t ] = 0, then H0 : E[h2t ] = 0 Following the notation in the above section, assume that the matrices S0 b T : T ≥ 1} and and D0 can be consistently estimated by { SbT : T ≥ 1} and {D S0 is nonsingular. According to the orthogonality conditions, we partition D0 , S0 , S0−1 and gT as: ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ D1 ¯ ¯ 0 ¯ ¯ D0 = ¯¯ ¯ ¯ D2 ¯ ¯ 0 ¯ S0−1 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ = ¯¯ ¯ ¯ Se011 Se021 ¯ ¯ 12 ¯ e S0 ¯ ¯ ¯ 22 ¯ e S0 ¯ Where g1T (b1T ) = (1/T ) ¯ ¯ ¯ S 11 ¯ 0 S0 = ¯¯ ¯ S 21 ¯ 0 PT t=1 S012 S022 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ g (b ) ¯ 1T 1T gT = ¯¯ ¯ g (b ) ¯ 2T 2T ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ h1t , g2T (b2T ) = (1/T ) In order to implement this test, first, PT t=1 h2t one chooses b0T to minimize the objective function [gT ]0 SbT−1 [gT ]. Next, the estimator b1T is formed by using only the first N1 orthogonality conditions that are presumed to hold under the alternative hypotheses and the weighting matrix (SbT11 )−1 . Using both estimators to calculate the distance 13 CT = T [gT (b0T )]0 SbT−1 [gT (b0T )] − T [g1T (b1T )]0 (SbT11 )−1 [g1T (b1T )] (7) Under null hypothesis, the asymptotic distribution of CT is χ2 with degrees of freedom [N ∗ m − K − (N1 ∗ m − K1)], where m is the number of instruments. If CT is statistically significant different from 0, the null hypothesis is rejected. This means that the stochastic discount factors used to price the two groups of assets perform significantly differently. In the context of market segmentation, this means the market consisting of N2 assets is segmented from the market consisting of the N1 assets. Method 2—likelihood ratio test Another formal test of market segmentation is obtained by comparing the market prices of pricing risks. If the market is integrated, the prices should be the same for different financial market. The null hypothesis here is that the market is integrated, that is: (1) H0: beq = bex (2) H0: bbd = bex (3) H0: beq = bbd where beq , bex , bbd are market pricing vectors for equities, currencies and bonds respectively. To test these, we can use Wald test, Lagrangian multiplier test and likelihood ratio test. As Monte Carlo simulations suggest that the asymptotic distribution of the Wald test is a poorer approximation to its small 14 sample distribution than the other two tests, we use likelihood ratio test for our case. The likelihood ratio test statistic is T = 2 ∗ (L(eb) − L(bb)) (8) where bb is the unconstrained estimate of b and eb is the constrained estimate of b such that H0 is true. L is the log likelihood function for the estimation method used. Under the null hypothesis the test statistic is asymptotically distributed as a χ2 random variable with r degrees of freedom, where r is the number of constraints on the null hypothesis. The p-values reported for the tests are computed from the distribution and are only asymptotically valid. 2.4 Comparison of model performance by HJ-distance In order to compare the performance of different model, we can not use the optimal weighting matrix to calculate the pricing error because the weighting matrix changes for different models and parameter values. We fix the weighting matrix among different models for the same category of the assets. Following Hansen and Jagannathan (1996), we use second-moment matrix G−1 = E[rt0 rt ]−1 as weighting matrix for unconditional models, while G−1 = E[(rt ⊗ Zt−1 )0 (rt ⊗ Zt−1 )]−1 as the weighting matrix for the conditional models. The fixed weighting matrix allow us to compare the performance of models by the value of the quadratic form E[wt (b)]0 G−1 E[wt (b)], whose square root is called HansenJagannathan distance (HJ-distance). Hansen and Jagannathan (1994) showed that the value of the quadratic form is the squared distance from the candidate 15 stochastic discount factor of the given model to the set of all the discount factors that price the N assets correctly. With this arbitrarily weighting matrix, the quadratic form E[wt (b)]0 G−1 E[wt (b)] will asymptotically have a distribution of weighted sum of χ2. Based on this, the HJ-distance of various models and p-value of HJ-distance by the method of GMM can be calculated. The smaller of the HJ-distance indicates better fit of the model. 3 Data and Summary Statistics 3.1 Data Sources and Data Specification The international market consists of international equity market, currency market and bond market. The assets in these markets will be equities, foreign currencies and bonds from each country. More specifically, we consider 4 industrialized countries with the largest market capitalization. They are US, United Kingdom, Germany and Japan. Therefore, there are four equities, three foreign exchanges and four bonds for the four countries. All returns for assets are monthly excess returns. For equities, if equity index for country i at time t is pit , rriskf ree is the one month US dollar risk-free rate, then the excess return is rit = ex defined as: rit = pit −pi,t−1 pi,t−1 deposit pex )−pex it (1+rit i,t−1 pex i,t−1 − rriskf ree . Currency returns are − rriskf ree . Where pex it is the exchange deposit rate of country i relative to US dollars at time t. rit is the deposit rate of currency i at time t. Bond returns are bond holding returns computed from the long term government bond yield. 16 Data are from January 1982 to December 1998. The data for equity indices are from Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) and they are all expressed in US dollars. The bond indices are data stream total all lives government bond indices for each country. These data are from the last day of each month. The monthly exchange rate data are from the Federal Reserve Board and Economic Research Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (FRED). In order to see whether the different international assets are priced the same, we use standard international capital asset models following Dumas and Solnik (1995). The world market risk factor is defined as world equity index returns. The world equity index is from the MSCI. If purchasing power parity is violated, then investing in foreign markets entails exposure to exchange rate risk. The currency risk factor should be added. We will not break this into separate factors for each country as Dumas and Solnik (1995) did. As they state that, the separation of foreign exchange risk “ creates a potential problem since in reality investors bear exchange risks from other currencies.” Following Ferson and Harvey (1994), we use the returns on trade-weighted US dollar price of the currencies of 10 industrialized countries the proxy of the currency risk factor. The G-10 trade weighted currency index return is understood as the aggregate measure of currency risk. The selection of conditioning information is an important step. The instrumental variables should summarize the information that international investors use to formulate prices. The conditional variables are selected by comparing with the literature. Harvey (1991) uses following common instruments for world 17 equity market: 1. return of S&P 500 index, 2.dummy variable for January, 3.return difference of 3 month treasure bill and 1 month treasure bill, 4. return difference of Baa corporate bond and Aaa corporate bond. Instruments in Dumas and Solnik (95) are: 1. constant,2.the excess rate of return on the world index lagged one month,3. a January dummy,4. the US bond yield, 5.the dividend yield on the US index, 6. the one-month rate of interest on a Eurodollar deposit. Santis and Gerard (98) use following instruments:1.a constant,2.the dividend yield on the world equity index in excess of the one-month Eurodollar rate,3. the change in the US term premium measured by the yield on the tenyear US Treasury note in excess of the one-month Eurodollar rate, 4.the change in the one-month Eurodollar deposit rate, 5. the US default premium measured by the yield deference between Moody’s Baa-rated and Aaa-rated bonds. Dumas and Solnik document that the US bond yield, the US dividend yield, and the Eurodollar rate are fairly strongly correlated, and all three are somewhat correlated with the lagged world equity return. Plus that the dividend yield, the bond yield and short-term rate of interest may not be stationary. Therefore, among these instruments, we only chose lagged world equity return and Eurodollar rate. Following the literature and also considering above discussions, we select following instruments: 1. a constant 2.lagged world equity market return in excess of US risk free rate, denoted as rmlag. 18 3. the US default premium measured by the yield deference between Moody’s Baa-rated and Aaa-rated bonds, denoted as rdef. 4. the change in the US term premium measured by the yield on the ten-year US Treasury note in excess of the US risk free rate, denoted as rtm11 . 5. the one-month rate of interest on a Eurodollar deposit, denoted as euro. The Eurodollar deposit rate is the 1 month Eurodollar deposit rate bid at 11am London time from data stream. The US risk free rate should be one month T-bill rate. As one month T-bill rate is not available in our time period, we use three month T-bill rate from FRED instead. The available data of one month rate and three month rate are compared and we find that the difference is very small. All interest rates are divided by 12 to change the annually rate to monthly rate. 3.2 Risk factor specification Cochrane (2001) points out that: since we can always take linear combination of factors to reduce the number of factors, the pure number of pricing factors is not a meaningful question. However, sometimes, an economic interpretation of the factors can be lost on taking a linear combination of the factors . He then argues that clear economic foundation is important for factor models. Carefully describing the fundamental macroeconomic sources of risk thus provides more 1 We also use GDP weighted risk free rate, default premium, term premium from the major industrilized countries, the results are not good to interprete. The problem could be the noisy of this type of weighted data. 19 discipline for empirical work. In the literature, there are two basic approaches to identify factors. One is to use statistic techniques to identify optimal risk factors such as Connor and Korajczyck (1993). The other is to specify a set of macro economic factors (state variables), for example, Chen, Roll and Ross (1988). We will use the later approach to identify factors. By Cochrane (2001), factor pricing models choose for factors according to the following approximation: 0 0 t) β uu0 (c(ct−1 ) ≈ δ 0 + δ ft Any variable that is good proxy for aggregate marginal utility growth is an economically meaningful approximation. Directly speaking, investors are especially concerned about some special states of the economy in which their portfolios do not perform badly. The factor variables should be those of indication or forecast of these “bad states”. As consumption and marginal utility are related to the state of the economy, any variables that can measure the state of the economy are good candidate factors. Furthermore, consumption and marginal utility respond to news. Therefore, any variable that forecasts changes in the investment opportunity set or asset returns is a candidate factor. Consequently, macro economic factors as state variables are proposed as pricing factors in the literature. Following Dumas and Solnik (1995) and Ferson and Harvey (1994), we use two market risk variables: equity risk factor and currency risk factor. In the 20 literature of multifactor asset pricing models, equally weighted or value weighted equity market index returns are usually taken as the proxy for the market risk. According to their argument, when we consider international assets, stock risk is not the only source of market risk. Relative price change of currencies (foreign exchanges) is another source of market risk. Therefore, it is necessary to consider both equity market risk and currency market risk as the proxy of the world market risk. The computation of these two factors are specified in the above section. Another two factors we considered are macroeconomic factors. Macroeconomic factors are systematic forces that can affect the asset prices by changing the investment opportunities. Chen, Roll and Ross (1986) first investigate the role of macroeconomic risk factors in the domestic multifactor models, followed by numerous others. Ferson and Harvey (1994) use macroeconomic factors in the international asset pricing models. The first macroeconomic factor we considered is term structure. This factor has been used by many authors such as Chen, Roll and Ross (1980), Ferson and Harvey (1994), and Lettau and Ludvigson(2001). They argue that this factor captures investors expectation of the trend of economy and it will influence the asset returns by changing the time value of the future cash flows. It can also forecasts “good” state or “bad” state of the economy. It is defined as the difference between the yield on the seven-year US Treasury note and 3 month treasure bill return denoted as rtm2t. We use seven year US treasury note instead of long term government bond is because business cycle usually takes 21 about five to eight years. The second macroeconomic factor considered is default risk. Chen, Roll and Ross (1986) and Ferson and Harvey (1994) used this risk factor because it has been argued that it captures the change of risk aversion of international investors. It is also a forecast of “good” state or “bad” state. The increasing of this premium indicates a ”bad” state. It is approximated by the difference between Moody’s Baa corporate bond return and the Aaa corporate bond return denoted as rdeft. 3.3 Data analysis and Summary Statistics In order to have a basic idea about the behavior of different assets and the data properties, we give a preliminary data analysis as following. Figure 1 and Figure 2 give the trends in the international equity market and bond market. They plot the equity index trend and bond index trend for the four countries considered. The equity market shows upward trend while there is no apparent trend for the bond market. Figure 3 and Figure 4 plot foreign exchange rate against time. Foreign exchange market shows downward trends indicating appreciation of U.S. dollars during this period. From these figures, we can visually tell that these assets behave quite differently. The description statistics are in Table 1. Panel A of the Table 1 gives the statistics for excess returns of all assets considered. The mean of excess equity returns are all positive. It’s interesting to see from the table that US equity 22 market has both lowest average return and volatility. This is consistent with the financial theory of low risk low return. Japanese equity market has relatively small mean and largest standard deviation. That means Japanese stock market has relatively low return with highest risk. This unusual phenomenon may be related to Japanese economic bubble. Other country’s market is consistent with the financial theory of high return high risk. The autocorrelations of equities are very small and not significant. The means of bond index returns are all positive with standard deviations much lower than those of equity returns, which indicates much more stable of bond market. All bonds exhibit significant first order autocorrelation. But the autocorrelations die out one month later. The currency deposit returns have lower means and higher standard deviations than those of bonds, but lower standard deviations than those of equities. Currency returns show similar autocorrelation patterns as that of bonds. The fluctuations of returns in different international markets can also be seen in figure 5, 6 and 7. The figures show that there is no trend for the series and the volatilities of series do not change much with time. By Dicky-Fuller test, all return series are stationary. Panel B of Table 1 provides the descriptive statistics for risk factors. The world equity index return has lower standard deviation than that of any country, which indicates relatively low risk of world stock index return. This data does not show significant autocorrelations. Similar to the world equity return, world currency risk premium is lowest among all currency returns. It also shows significant first order autocorrelation but dies out one month later. Figure 8 23 gives the fluctuation of these two terms. Term structure and default premium show significant first order autocorrelation but dies out one month later as well. Dicky-Fuller tests reject the null hypothesis of nonstationary of these series. The volatilities of the term structure and default premium are much lower than the world equity market index. Given their small volatilities, it would be hard for the model to price the term premium and default premium. If they are priced, that implies that they are really strong factors in predicting returns. The descriptive statistics for instruments are in Panel C of Table 1. Notice that lagged term premium, default premium, and excess Eurodollar returns have much lower standard deviation than lagged world equity risk premium. Among all instruments, lagged term premium and default premium show significant first order autocorrelations but the autocorrelations die out one month later again. Excess Eurodollar returns exhibit significant autocorrelations up to 4 lags. As the autocorrelations decay very fast, we can judge all series are stationary. The Dicky-Fuller tests also confirm this judgement. Therefore the assumption of stationary data for GMM is satisfied. In order to gauge the instruments predictive ability, various assets’ returns are regressed on the instruments. The results are provided in Table 2. Though the R squares are low, but several coefficients are significant. The equity market risk premium is significant to predict the US, Japanese, and German bond returns. Term premium is significant in predicting most asset returns. Eurodollar plays significant role in predicting Japanese bond returns and French currency returns. 24 The correlations between pricing factors are presented in Table 3. Table 3 shows that correlations between factors are small except the correlation between term premium and default premium, which is -0.33421. There may have some multicollinearity, but the collinearity is not perfect after implementing multicollinearity diagnose. 4 Main Results 4.1 4.1.1 Test of Market Integration Linear Regression In order to have a rough idea about the relationship of assets and international market risk factors: world equity risk factor (reqwd) and world currency risk factor (rexwd), all single assets (equity returns, bond returns and foreign exchange returns) are regressed on these factors. The linear model for excess returns ri,t is ri,t = β 0 + β reqwd,i, ∗ reqwdt + β rexwd,i ∗ rexwdt (9) Where β 0 is the intercept term. The results are in Table 4. All R-squares for equity and currency assets are very high ranging from 0.33 to 0.95 with significant role of reqwd and rexwd for most single equities and currencies. This indicates that world equity market risk premium and world currency risk premium play significant roles in predicting single equity and currency returns for different countries. However, the R squares for bonds are very low with only 25 reqwd being significant. The currency risks usually do not affect bond returns. These also show that bond market is quite different from equity market and exchange market. Then, we do regressions for the conditional linear international model: rt = β 0t + β 1t ∗ reqwdt + β 2t ∗ rexwdt Following Lettau and Ludvigson (2001)’s arguments, β 0t , β 1t and β 2t are time varying. That is β 0t = β 01 + β 02 ⊗ Zt−1 β 1t = β 11 + β 12 ⊗ Zt−1 where β 2t = β 21 + β 22 ⊗ Zt−1 Zt−1 is the conditional information set. As specified in the data section, Zt−1 = {1, rmlag, rtm1, rdef }t . The explicit form of the conditional model in our case is: rti = β i0 + β i1 ∗ reqwdt + β i2 ∗ rexwdt + β i4 ∗ rmlagt + β i4 ∗ rdeft + β i5 ∗ rtm1t + β i6 ∗ eurot +β i7 ∗ reqz1 + β i8 ∗ reqz2 + β i9 ∗ reqz3 + β i10 ∗ reqz4 +β i11 ∗ rexz1 + β i12 ∗ rexz2 + β i13 ∗ rexz3 + β i14 ∗ rexz4 (10) Where reqz1 = reqwdt ∗ rmlagt−1 , reqz2 = reqwdt ∗ rdeft−1 , reqz3 = reqwdt ∗ rtm1t−1 , reqz4 = reqwdt ∗ eurot−1 rexz1 = rexwdt ∗ rmlagt−1 , rexz2 = rexwdt ∗ rdeft−1 , rexz3 = rexwdt ∗ rtm1t−1 , rexz4 = rexwdt ∗ eurot−1 rti is the return of asset i. The results are in Table 5. The conditional linear model increases R squares for all the cases, which implies that conditional model 26 performs better than unconditional ones. It’s interesting that while world equity risk factor plays an important role in predicting equity returns for different countries, the currency risk factor is no longer significant in this market. Both factors are still significant for currency returns as before. This difference implies that there exists potential difference between international equity market and exchange market. The term premium plays very significant role in the bond market. This again shows that bond market is different from the other two markets. The formal test of market integration by conditional linear model is presented in Table 6. As linear model is the special case of nonlinear model, we use likelihood ratio test method described in the methodology part. The null hypothesis is market integration. That is to test the equality of the coefficients for different assets. The null hypothesis is rejected for all cases. Therefore, the linear models indicate that international equity market, bond market and currency market are segmented. 4.1.2 Stochastic Discount Factor Models 1. Orthogonality Condition Test We then test the null hypothesis of market integration by the international stochastic discount factor models with the method of Eichenbaum, Hansen and Singleton (1988) discussed earlier in 2.3. The international asset pricing model proposed by Dumas & Solnik (1995) and others includes both a stock 27 market risk factor and a currency risk factor in the model. The inclusion of currency risk factor is to incorporate the international market risk from the relative changing of currency prices. The reason to use this model is that the assets we are examining are international assets. They should expose to both stock market risk and the foreign exchange risk. The unconditional version of the model is: E[rit ∗ (1 + b1 ∗ reqwdt + b2 ∗ rexwdt )] = 0 (11) The results in Panel A of Table 7 shows that most unconditional models are rejected. Only the models for equities and bonds are not rejected. But none of the factors are significant for equities. Only the world equity risk factor is significant for bonds. Overall, the unconditional models do not perform well for international assets. Then we investigate the conditional international models: E[rit ∗ (1 + b1 ∗ reqwdt + b2 ∗ rexwdt ) ⊗ Zt−1 ] = 0 Where the conditional information variables in Zt−1 are the same as defined earlier. The explicit form of the model is: [ri,t ∗ (1 + b1 ∗ reqwdt + b2 ∗ rexwdt )] [r ∗ (1 + b ∗ reqwd + b ∗ rexwd )] ∗ rmlag i,t 1 t 2 t t−1 E [ri,t ∗ (1 + b1 ∗ reqwdt + b2 ∗ rexwdt )] ∗ rtm1t−1 [r ∗ (1 + b ∗ reqwd + b ∗ rexwd )] ∗ rdef i,t 1 t 2 t t−1 [ri,t ∗ (1 + b1 ∗ reqwdt + b2 ∗ rexwdt )] ∗ eurot−1 = 0N 0N 0N (12) 0N 0N To simplify notation, we use E[ht ] = 0 to denote above equation system (12). 28 The results are presented in Table 7 Panel B. The models are not rejected for most cases, the coefficients for most cases are significant, which shows better performance of conditional models. This indicates investors do use conditional information. However, overall, this type of the model does not perform very well in explaining asset returns we considered except equity returns. The p-value for the objective function of currency assets is much smaller than that of equity assets or bond assets. This indicates exchange assets performs quite differently. The two-factor model fit currency returns data very poorly. We then test the market integration hypothesis based on the conditional model. We first assume that different international asset markets are integrated. That is to assume the integration of the international equity market and the bond market, integration of equity market with currency market, and the integration of the bond market with the currency market. So the hypothesis test is: Assume: E[ht ] = 0 for the whole asset group of r consisting of the sub asset group of r1 and r2 E[h1t ] = 0 for the sub asset group of r1 Test H0: E[h2t ] = 0 for the sub asset group of r2 To check the robustness, we then test the alternative null hypothesis of the market segmentation. The hypothesis test will be: Assume: 29 E[ht ] = 0 for the whole asset group of r consisting of the sub asset group of r1 and r2 E[h1t ] 6= 0 for the sub asset group of r1 Test H0: E[h2t ] = 0 for the sub asset group of r2 Market integration tests are done for international conditional models. We use Eichenbaum, Hansen and Singleton (1988)’s method of testing orthogonality condition to test the null hypothesis of the market integration. The results are in Panel A of Table 8. Both the null hypothesis of integration of equity market and bond market and the integration of equity market and currency market are rejected. Then we undertake the test of the null hypothesis of the market segmentation. The results are in Panel B of Table 8. We can not reject any null hypothesis, indicating that the three types of markets are segmented from each other. 2.Likelihood ratio test The likelihood ratio test results are presented in Panel C of Table 8. The model is the same as in (12). The test method is dexcribed in section 2.3. The null hypotheses of integration of the equity market and the currency market, and the integration of the equity market and bond market are strongly rejected with the p-value less than .0001. The null hypothesis of integration of bond market and currency market is rejected with p value of 0.0002. Therefore, the hypothesis of integration of the international equity market, 30 bond market and currency market is rejected. This means that we can not price the three type of assets together. Next, we will price international equities, bonds, and currency returns with separate multifactor models. 4.2 Pricing of International Assets by multifactor models We use the multifactor models discussed in the model section to price our international assets. Factors considered are equity market risk factor (reqwd), foreign exchange risk factor (rexwd), term structure factor (rtm2t) and the default premium factor (rdeft). These factors are discussed and defined in section 3 of the paper. HJ-distance is used to compare the performance of different factor models for each category of the assets. The unconditional and conditional multifactor models are: k E[rit (1 + ΣK k=1 bk Rt )] = 0 (13) k E[ri,t (1 + ΣK k=1 bk Rt ) ⊗ Zt−1 ] = 0mN (14) where bk is the subset of {b1 b2 b3 b4 }, Rtk is the subset of {rexwd rtm2t rdef t reqwd}t . Zt−1 is the conditional variable set described in section 2, that is Zt−1 = {1 rmlag rtm1 rdef euro}t−1 . To be more explicitly, the unconditional models are: Model 1: E[rit (1 + b1 ∗ rexwdt )] = 0 Model 2: E[rit (1 + b4 ∗ reqwdt )] = 0 Model 3: E[rit (1 + b1 ∗ reqwdt + b4 ∗ reqwdt )] = 0 Model 4: E[rit (1 + b2 ∗ rtm2tt + b3 ∗ rdef tt + b4 ∗ reqwdt )] = 0 31 Model 5: E[rit (1 + b1 ∗ reqwdt + b2 ∗ rtm2tt + b3 ∗ rdef tt )] = 0 Model 6: E[rit (1 + b1 ∗ reqwdt + b2 ∗ rtm2tt + b3 ∗ rdef tt + b4 ∗ reqwdt )] = 0 Model 7: E[rit (1 + b2 ∗ rtm2tt + b3 ∗ rdef tt )] = 0 The correspondent explicit conditional models are: Model 8: E[rit (1 + b1 ∗ rexwdt ) ⊗ Zt−1 ] = 0mN Model 9: E[rit (1 + b4 ∗ reqwdt ) ⊗ Zt−1 ] = 0mN Model 10: E[rit (1 + b1 ∗ reqwdt + b4 ∗ reqwdt ) ⊗ Zt−1 ] = 0mN Model 11: E[rit (1 + b2 ∗ rtm2tt + b3 ∗ rdef tt + b4 ∗ reqwdt ) ⊗ Zt−1 ] = 0mN Model 12: E[rit (1 + b1 ∗ reqwdt + b2 ∗ rtm2tt + b3 ∗ rdef tt ) ⊗ Zt−1 ] = 0mN Model 13: E[rit+1 (1 + b1 ∗ reqwdt + b2 ∗ rtm2tt + b3 ∗ rdef tt + b4 ∗ reqwdt ) ⊗ Zt−1 ] = 0mN Model 14: E[rit (1 + b2 ∗ rtm2tt + b3 ∗ rdef tt ) ⊗ Zt−1 ] = 0mN The explicit form of the cross product is the same as in equation (12). For the unconditional models, the common weighting matrix of the HJ-distances is: G−1 = E[rt0 rt ]−1 . For the conditional model, the common weighting matrix for HJ-distance is G−1 = E[(rt ⊗Zt−1 )0 (rt ⊗Zt−1 )]−1 . We examine these models by their different combination of factors to pin down which factors are significant in pricing different international assets. 4.2.1 Pricing of Foreign Exchange Rate Returns We tried the above fourteen models to explain currency returns. Table 9 gives the results for the unconditional models (model 1-5, model 7). The first 3 models are rejected with HJ-distance significantly different from zero. Model 4 32 and 5 are exactly identified cases with term structure and default premium being significant factors. The two-factor model 7 has the statistically insignificant HJdistance of 0.6132, this is the smallest among all the competing models. The p-value of 82.86% indicates that we can’t reject this two-factor model. The model also indicate that term structure and default premium are significant in pricing foreign exchange returns. The comparison of conditional multifactor models are in Table 10. Model 8, 9, and 10 are rejected indicating that either world currency index risk nor world equity index risk are not enough to price foreign exchange returns. The next four models are not rejected with the four factor model having the lowest HJ-distance of 3.7661, which is statistically not significantly different from zero. Term structure and default premium keep playing significant role in pricing foreign exchange returns. The world equity market risk also shows significance in several cases. Both unconditional and conditional classical and international models do not work for pricing foreign exchange returns.The term structure risk factor and default risk factor improve the models’ performance dramatically in both unconditional case and conditional case. The extremely good performance of models with term and default premium factors indicates that the cross sectional exchange rate returns can be priced by these two terms. That is cross sectional foreign exchange returns are explained by fundamental economic variables. The sign for the coefficients of term premium and default premium are all negative, which means the increase of exposure to these risks requires higher compensation 33 for returns. Another striking result is that even though the equity market risk and currency market risk factor explain a significant portion of the time-series variability of single exchange returns, they have insignificant influence on pricing when compared with the fundamental economic state variables. Therefore, market force variables are dominated by economic state variables. Foreign exchange returns are priced by systematic economic forces such as term risk and default risk2 . 4.3 Pricing of International Equities Next, we apply the above seven unconditional and the seven conditional models to the international equities. Table 11 and Table 12 give the results. From Table 11, we can not reject any unconditional model. However, none of the factors are significant except the market equity risk factor in the single factor model (model 2). The classical single market factor model is not rejected with the p value of the HJ-distance of 84.8% and the equity market risk factor is statistically significant. This result is consistent with that was found in Dumas and Solnik (1995). Shown in Table 12, the conditional models perform very well for equities. None of the model is rejected. It looks like that investors do use conditional 2 Note that the term premium and default premium are from US data. The GDP weighted aggregate world premium and default premium are tried to replace the above two factors. We find that they are not significant factors. This might because that we are looking at US investors, the currency returns are more related to US fundamental forces. The world aggregate variables just add more noise, which lead bad fit of the models. 34 information in making equity investment decision. Both equity market risk factor and currency market risk factor play significant role in the single factor model. However, when the macro economics factors are added into the model, none of the market risk factors showing any significant role. The term structure factor is persistently significant in all models. Unlike the case of exchange rate returns, default risk factor does not play any significant role in explaining equity returns. The finding of the significant role of term structure factor and powerlessness of market risk factor in explaining of equity returns confirmed Chen, Ross and Roll’s (1986) result in explaining domestic equity returns. They argue that the equity market risk factor may be captured by the significant macro economic factor. 4.4 Pricing of International Bonds We then fit the unconditional and conditional models (model 1 to model 14) with international bonds data. Shown in Table 13, the unconditional models perform ok for bonds. The single currency risk factor model (model 1) is rejected. The other models are not rejected. The equity market risk factor is significant in the models without macro economics factors (model 2 and model 3). The default risk factor is significant in the models that the equity risk factor is not included (model 5 and model 7). It seems that simultaneously including both market risk factor and default risk factor will hurt the model fit. This can be seen from the not significant of any factor in model 4 and model 6. Our findings of unconditional models for bonds are consistent with those of Fama and French 35 (1993) and Erb, Viskanta and Harvey (1996). From Table 14, we can see that the conditional models perform poorly for bond returns. All the models considered are rejected. The HJ-distances are much bigger than the models for equities and currencies. And they are all significantly different from zero. The poor performance of the conditional models for bonds seems to indicate that, unlike investing in risky assets, investors do not update the conditional information when they make decision on investing in fixed-income assets. This also indictes that bonds are risk free assets that can not be explained by risky factors. 5 Conclusion According to capital asset pricing theory, asset pricing models should price any assets. However, should we price all international assets using the same stochastic discount factor model? 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Euro is the lagged one month Eurodollar rate in excess of risk free rate. Rdeft is the default premium defined as the difference between Baa corporate bond returns and Aaa corporate bond returns. Rtm2t is the term premium defined as seven year Treasury bill return in excess of 3 month t-bill rate. The ρi’s are autocorrelations lagged by i. ________________________________________________________ Nomber of Observations=202 (March 1982-December 1998) _____________________________________________ Panel A: Excess Returns of Assets variable mean 0.0059705 0.0072959 0.0081282 0.0062159 Standard deviation 0.04192 0.05537 0.06027 0.07055 requs requk reqgm reqjp ρ1 -.04665 -.05567 -.01547 0.07594 ρ2 -.00311 -.06790 0.04505 -.08691 ρ3 -.08244 -.04553 0.04073 0.06008 ρ4 -.14500 0.00292 0.08924 0.07157 ρ12 -.01722 -.08662 -.01936 0.01323 ρ24 0.12170 0.07093 0.01880 0.04844 rbdus rbduk rbdgm rbdjp 0.0048974 0.0058049 0.0026792 0.0011409 0.02042 0.01904 0.01542 0.02375 0.39383* 0.28837* 0.35552* 0.14799* 0.01632 0.02746 0.06628 0.08736 0.01809 -.12576 0.06983 -.06910 0.01529 -.07233 0.01771 -.11418 -.07637 -.00114 -.02681 0.08223 0.02455 0.05091 -.09177 -.02379 rexuk rexgm rexjp 0.0035409 -0.0018599 -0.0047444 0.02729 0.02744 0.02944 0.32381* 0.30744* 0.33443* -.05892 0.01475 0.02186 0.04698 0.07514 0.03880 0.01969 0.03425 -.04972 0.06728 0.06359 0.02298 -.02008 -.08093 -.02392 42 Panel B: Risk Factors variable mean Standard deviation ρ1 ρ2 ρ3 ρ4 ρ12 ρ24 reqwd 0.0061388 0.04063 0.01196 -.03524 -.05235 -.04655 0.01047 0.14834 rexwd -0.0057908 0.02239 0.31905* 0.00624 0.07467 0.01404 0.06217 -.07850 rtm2t 0.004897 0.02042 0.39383* 0.01632 0.01809 0.01529 -.07637 0.02455 rdeft 0.00097 0.00558 0.29563* -.04098 0.04080 -.02898 -.04828 0.01577 Panel C: Instruments variable mean rmlag rtm1 rdef euro 0.0004196 0.0048692 0.0010109 0.0004516 Standard deviation 0.04118 0.02041 0.005566 0.000421 ρ1 0.02978 0.39876* 0.23704* 0.69591* 43 ρ2 -.03445 0.01401 -.06836 0.61132* ρ3 -.03519 0.01424 -.10724 0.59173* ρ4 -.02019 0.01284 -.01471 0.45857* ρ12 0.00944 -.07751 -.10823 0.26146 ρ24 0.15097 0.02523 0.03125 0.22608 Table 2 Excess Returns Regressed on the Instruments Regression: ri = a0 +a1*rmlag+a2*rdef+a3*rtm1+a3*euro Where ri is an element of { requs requk reqgm reqjp rbdus rbduk rbdgm rbdjp rexuk rexgm rexjp} rmlag rdef rtm1 euro Constant Observations R-squared (1) requs -0.098 (1.32) -0.108 (0.19) 0.426 (2.68)** 3.409 (0.48) 0.003 (0.56) 202 0.05 (2) requk -0.062 (0.62) -0.373 (0.50) 0.349 (1.64) -0.851 (0.09) 0.006 (1.07) 202 0.02 (3) reqgm -0.073 (0.68) -1.304 (1.62) 0.438 (1.92) -12.747 (1.26) 0.013 (2.05)* 202 0.05 (4) reqjp 0.048 (0.39) 0.129 (0.14) 0.789 (2.98)** 5.891 (0.50) -0.000 (0.06) 202 0.06 (5) rbdus -0.098 (2.94)** -0.124 (0.49) 0.436 (6.14)** 1.697 (0.54) 0.002 (1.09) 202 0.20 Absolute value of t statistics in parentheses * significant at 5%; ** significant at 1% rmlag rdef rtm1 euro Constant Observations R-squared (7) rbdgm -0.045 (1.76) -0.345 (1.77) 0.260 (4.73)** -4.008 (1.63) 0.004 (2.32)* 202 0.15 (8) rbdjp -0.131 (3.19)** 0.329 (1.06) 0.304 (3.46)** -7.828 (2.01)* 0.003 (1.19) 202 0.09 (9) rexuk 0.011 (0.23) 0.498 (1.35) -0.019 (0.18) 8.128 (1.75) -0.001 (0.19) 202 0.02 (10) rexgm 0.098 (2.01)* 0.232 (0.63) -0.207 (1.99)* 4.451 (0.96) -0.003 (1.07) 202 0.04 (11) rexjp -0.011 (0.22) -0.270 (0.68) -0.292 (2.61)** 5.585 (1.12) -0.006 (1.78) 202 0.04 Absolute value of t statistics in parentheses * significant at 5%; ** significant at 1% 44 (6) rbduk -0.043 (1.27) -0.330 (1.29) 0.142 (1.96) 0.146 (0.05) 0.005 (2.67)** 202 0.04 Table 3 Correlation Coefficients of risk factors Reqwd is the excess world equity index return. Rexwd is the G-10 trade weighted exchange index return in excess of risk free rate. Rdeft is the default premium defined as the difference between Baa corporate bond returns and Aaa corporate bond returns. Rtm2t is the term premium defined as seven year Treasury bill return in excess of 3 month t-bill rate. reqwd rexwd rtm2t rdeft ____________________________________________________________________ reqwd 1.00000 -0.21699 0.28674 -0.15635 rexwd -0.21699 1.00000 -0.21343 0.22029 rtm2t 0.28674 -0.21343 1.00000 -0.33421 rdeft -0.08536 0.08109 -0.33421 1.00000 ________________________________________________________________________ Table 4 Regression of Each Single Asset on International Risk Factors (Unconditional Model) Regression: rit = β0 +βreqwd*reqwd+ βrexwd *rexwd Where rit is the excess asset returns, and reqwd and rexwd are international market risk factors. reqwd rexwd Constant R-squared (1) requs 0.848 (18.99)** 0.322 (3.97)** 0.003 (1.43) 0.64 (2) requk 1.003 (15.98)** -0.313 (2.75)** -0.001 (0.26) 0.60 (3) reqgm 0.819 (9.26)** -0.178 (1.11) 0.002 (0.57) 0.33 (4) reqjp 1.220 (14.36)** -0.382 (2.48)* -0.003 (1.00) 0.55 (5) rbdus 0.132 (3.81)** -0.116 (1.85) 0.003 (2.40)* 0.10 (6) rbduk 0.146 (4.50)** 0.007 (0.12) 0.005 (3.73)** 0.10 Absolute value of t statistics in parentheses * significant at 5%; ** significant at 1% (7) rbdgm 0.105 (3.95)** 0.009 (8) rbdjp 0.100 (2.41)* -0.134 (9) rexuk -0.020 (0.67) 0.942 (10) rexgm 0.029 (2.68)** 1.207 (11) rexjp -0.109 (3.02)** 0.895 (0.19) (1.78) (16.99)** (62.15)** Const. 0.002 -0.000 0.009 0.005 (13.66)* * 0.001 R-sqrd (1.92) 0.07 (0.14) 0.05 (7.27)** 0.61 (11.27)** 0.95 (0.75) 0.53 reqwd rexwd Absolute value of t statistics in parentheses * significant at 5%; ** significant at 1% 45 Table 5 OLS Regression of Each Asset on International Risk Factors and Instrument Scaled Factors (Conditional) Model: rit = β0 +βreqwd*reqwd+ βrexwd *rexwd + βrmlag*rmlag +βrdef *rdef +βrtm1*rtm1 + βeuro*euro+βreqz1 *reqz1+βreqz2 *reqz2+βreqz3 *reqz3+βreqz4 *reqz4+βrexz1 *rexz1+βrexz2 *rexz2+βrexz3 *rexz3+βrexz4 *rexz4 Where reqz1=reqwd*rmlag, reqz2=reqwd*rdef, reqz3=reqwd*rtm1, reqz4=reqwd*euro rexz1=rexwd*rmlag, rexz2=rexwd*rdef, rexz3=rexwd*rtm1, rexz4=rexwd*euro rit is the asset return from {requs, requk, reqgm reqjp rbdus rbduk rbdgm rbdjp rexuk rexgm rexjp}t reqwd rexwd rmlag rdef rtm1 euro reqz1 reqz2 reqz3 reqz4 rexz1 rexz2 rexz3 rexz4 Constant(β0) Observation s R-squared (1) requs 0.744 (10.73)** 0.217 (1.68) -0.066 (1.25) 0.051 (0.15) -0.005 (0.04) 0.333 (0.07) 0.842 (0.72) -18.281 (1.53) -4.199 (1.69) 239.320 (2.27)* -0.332 (0.19) 13.105 (0.83) -2.521 (0.50) 215.727 (1.08) 0.003 (0.90) 202 (2) requk 0.943 (9.85)** -0.068 (0.38) -0.045 (0.62) -0.171 (0.36) -0.180 (1.18) 3.149 (0.51) -0.485 (0.30) 18.524 (1.12) -8.005 (2.33)* 123.169 (0.84) -2.156 (0.88) 12.631 (0.58) -9.494 (1.36) -488.434 (1.77) 0.001 (0.22) 202 (3) reqgm 0.896 (6.51)** -0.060 (0.23) -0.149 (1.43) -1.162 (1.69) 0.146 (0.67) -11.923 (1.34) -1.793 (0.78) 29.715 (1.26) -0.116 (0.02) -228.710 (1.09) -6.839 (1.94) 33.209 (1.06) 4.843 (0.48) -359.477 (0.91) 0.010 (1.73) 202 (4) reqjp 1.345 (10.16)** -0.378 (1.54) 0.149 (1.48) 0.142 (0.22) 0.017 (0.08) 3.275 (0.38) -0.005 (0.00) 22.592 (0.99) 11.602 (2.45)* -290.958 (1.44) 1.750 (0.52) -7.333 (0.24) 3.288 (0.34) 43.451 (0.11) -0.007 (1.33) 202 (5) rbdus 0.110 (2.18)* -0.222 (2.37)* -0.070 (1.84) -0.132 (0.52) 0.357 (4.45)** 1.345 (0.41) 0.210 (0.25) -5.695 (0.66) 1.395 (0.77) -19.059 (0.25) 0.792 (0.61) -8.506 (0.74) 2.754 (0.75) 274.664 (1.89) 0.001 (0.58) 202 (6) rbduk 0.198 (3.91)** 0.000 (0.00) -0.016 (0.42) -0.391 (1.54) 0.096 (1.19) 0.335 (0.10) 0.803 (0.95) -5.709 (0.66) -0.782 (0.43) -103.710 (1.35) 1.696 (1.31) -11.555 (1.00) 2.582 (0.70) 17.790 (0.12) 0.005 (2.47)* 202 0.67 0.64 0.37 0.58 0.27 0.15 Absolute value of t statistics in parentheses * significant at 5%; ** significant at 1% 46 reqwd rexwd rmlag rdef rtm1 euro reqz1 reqz2 reqz3 reqz4 rexz1 rexz2 rexz3 rexz4 Constant Observations R-squared (7) rbdgm 0.086 (2.19)* 0.141 (1.94) -0.035 (1.19) -0.375 (1.92) 0.246 (3.95)** -4.103 (1.63) 1.141 (1.74) 0.077 (0.01) -1.265 (0.90) -3.544 (0.06) 1.313 (1.31) 0.677 (0.08) 1.803 (0.63) -232.546 (2.06)* 0.004 (2.48)* 202 0.23 (8) rbdjp 0.068 (1.09) -0.071 (0.61) -0.114 (2.41)* 0.468 (1.49) 0.204 (2.04)* -9.840 (2.44)* -2.155 (2.05)* -1.621 (0.15) 5.225 (2.33)* -10.304 (0.11) -0.555 (0.35) 1.982 (0.14) 1.758 (0.39) -54.364 (0.30) 0.002 (0.89) 202 0.17 (9) rexuk -0.057 (1.21) 1.091 (12.47)** -0.073 (2.04)* 0.385 (1.63) 0.205 (2.73)** 2.957 (0.97) -0.115 (0.15) -3.657 (0.45) -0.870 (0.52) 20.615 (0.29) -1.679 (1.39) 0.640 (0.06) 3.113 (0.91) -362.174 (2.67)** 0.007 (3.81)** 202 0.64 Absolute value of t statistics in parentheses * significant at 5%; ** significant at 1% 47 (10) rexgm 0.038 (2.34)* 1.238 (40.77)** 0.047 (3.83)** 0.004 (0.05) -0.049 (1.89) -1.341 (1.27) 0.158 (0.58) -0.919 (0.33) 0.464 (0.79) -11.974 (0.48) 1.129 (2.70)** -3.153 (0.85) -1.343 (1.13) -35.163 (0.75) 0.006 (8.51)** 202 0.96 (11) rexjp -0.124 (2.28)* 0.642 (6.36)** -0.094 (2.30)* -0.356 (1.31) -0.073 (0.84) 2.476 (0.71) -1.885 (2.07)* -1.792 (0.19) -1.501 (0.77) 38.902 (0.47) -2.691 (1.93) 7.718 (0.63) 0.035 (0.01) 463.974 (2.97)** 0.001 (0.33) 202 0.59 Table 6 Likelihood Ratio Test of Market Integration Using conditional Linear Models(OLS) Model: ri = β0i +β1i*reqwd+ β2i *rexwd + β3i*rmlag +β4i *rdef +β5i*rtm1 + β6i*euro+β7i *reqz1+β8i *reqz2+β9i *reqz3+β10i *reqz4+β11i *rexz1+β12i *rexz2+β13i *rexz3+β14i *rexz4 Where reqz1=reqwd*rmlag, reqz2=reqwd*rdef, reqz3=reqwd*rtm1, reqz4=reqwd*euro rexz1=rexwd*rmlag, rexz2=rexwd*rdef, rexz3=rexwd*rtm1, rexz4=rexwd*euro ri are the asset returns from equities={requs, requk, reqgm reqjp}, bonds={rbdus rbduk rbdgm rbdjp}, or foreign exchanges= {rexuk rexgm rexjp} eq, ex, bd are used in the superscript to stand for the case when assets are equities, foreign exchanges and bonds respectively. Null Hypothesis H0: Market Integration β keq= βkex k=1,2,…14 β kbd= βkex k=1,2,…14 β keq= βkbd k=1,2,…14 Chisquare P-value Test result 1651.6 <.0001 Reject H0 1034.0 <.0001 Reject H0 748.17 <.0001 Reject H0 Table 7 Panel Unconditional International Discount Factor Model (GMM) Model: E[rit*(1+b1*reqwdt+b2*rexwdt)]=0 Equities & Currencies -3.3068 Bonds & Currencies -16.9349 Equities Bonds Currencies reqwd Equities & Bonds -4.48719 -3.78811 -23.1666 -8.7833 t (-1.98)* (-1.59)* (-3.41)** (-1.43 ) (-2.40)* (-0.97) Rexwd -0.16481 3.3417 -3.2661 -0.85659 -8.94839 1.9131 t (-0.02 ) (0.89) (-0.72) (-0.09 ) (-0.36) (0.33) Chi-sqr 13.7576 14.9059 18.2378 0.6883 1.3965 9.6951 df 6 5 5 2 2 1 p-value 3.25 1.08 0.27 70.88 49.75 0.18 48 Panel B Conditional International Discount Factor Model (GMM) Model: E[rit*(1+b1*reqwdt+b2*rexwdt) ⊗ Zt-1]=0 Where Zt-1 ={1 rmlag rtm1 rdef euro}t-1 Equities & Currencies -4.4538 Bonds & Currencies -20.1681 Equities Bonds Currencies Reqwd Equities & Bonds -1.06273 -2.72981 -16.3543 -16.2093 t -0.78 (-2.76)** (-8.22)** (-1.67) (-4.41)** (-3.33)** Rexwd 21.93377 9.4983 -2.8416 13.8569 19.50077 -0.3790 t (6.46)** (3.08)** (-0.78) (2.49)* (2.69)** (-0.08) Chi-sqr 47.0544 44.6509 42.5942 16.7476 27.3589 25.0789 df 38 33 33 18 18 13 p-value 14.89% 8.48% 12.24% 54.05% 7.25% 2.25% Table 8 Panel A: Testing of Market Integration (Use Conditional international models) Null Hypothesis: Market integration E[ ht ]= 0 for whole assets group r E[ ht 1]= 0 for asset group r 1 Test H0: E[ ht 2]= 0 for asset group r 2 Groups of Assets r=equities & bonds r 1 =equities r=equities & currencies r 1 =equities CT = T * Obj − T * Obj 1 30.31 27.90 p-value 6.51% Reject H0 Equities are segmented from bonds 2.22% Reject H0 Equities are segmented from currencies Test results 49 Panel B Testing of Market Segmentation (Use Conditional international models) E[ ht ]= 0 for whole assets group r E[ h1t ] ≠ 0 for asset group r 1 Test H0: E[ h 2 t ]=0 for asset group r 2 Groups of Assets r=equities & bonds r 1 =bonds r=equities & currencies r 1 =currencies r=bonds & currencies r 1 =currencies CT = T * Obj − T * Obj 1 19.69 19.57 7.95 p-value 47.68% Can not reject H0 Bonds are segmented from equities 48.50% Can not reject H0 Currencies are segmented from equities 61.93% Can not reject H0 Currencies are segmented from bonds Test results Panel C Testing Market Integration: Likelihood Ratio Test (Conditional International Models) Model: E[rit*(1+b1*reqwdt+b2*rexwdt) ⊗ Zt-1]=0 Where Zt-1 ={1 rmlag rtm1 rdef euro}t-1 The parameters have superscript of eq, ex, bd when the asset groups are equities, foreign exchanges and bonds respectively. Null Hypothesis(H0) eq i b =b , ex i i=1,2 bibd = biex i=1,2 bieq = bibd i=1,2, Chi-square P-value Test result 18.94 <.0001 Reject H0 17.28 0.0002 Reject H0 29.77 <.0001 Reject H0 50 Table 9 Unconditional Discount Factor Models to Price Foreign Exchange Rate Returns(GMM HJ-distance) Model Model Model Model Model Model 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 7: Where rit E[rit*(1+b1*rexwdt)]=0 E[rit*(1+b4*reqwdt)]=0 E[rit*(1+b1*rexwdt +b4*reqwdt)]=0 E[rit*(1+b2*rtm2tt +b3*rdeftt+b4*reqwdt)]=0 E[rit*(1+b1*rexwdt +b2*rtm2tt +b3*rdeftt)]=0 E[rit*(1+b2*rtm2tt +b3*rdeftt)]=0 are the excess returns of foreign exchange rates. models 1 rexwd Rtm2t rdeft 2 3 0.444911 (0.1) 4 5 4.986951 (0.61) 7 • • • • reqwd 3.124689 (1.00) -40.6464 (-3.06)** -30.9227 (-1.29) -43.3902 (-3.46)** -430.217 (-3.20)** -513.886 (-2.62)** -426.019 (-3.17)** -7.06949 (-1.35 ) -6.5596 (-0.91) 3.46993 (-0.61) HJ-distance 3.9539 (0.04%) 3.8487 (0.06%) 3.8473 (0.01%) --0.6132 (82.86%)## Numbers below the coefficients are t statistics. Numbers below the Objective*T is the p- value. * significant at 5%; ** significant at 1%. # the model is marginally not rejected. ## the model is not rejected. Model 4 and model 5 are exactly identified. Table 10 Conditional Discount Factor Models to Price Foreign Exchange Rate Returns (GMM HJ-distance) Model 8: E[rit*(1+b1*rexwdt) Model 9: E[rit*(1+b4*reqwdt) ⊗ Zt-1]=0mN ⊗ Zt-1]=0mN ⊗ Zt-1]=0mN ⊗ Zt-1]=0mN +b2*rtm2tt +b3*rdeftt) ⊗ Zt-1]=0mN +b2*rtm2tt +b3*rdeftt + b4*reqwdt ⊗ Zt-1]=0mN +b3*rdeftt) ⊗ Zt-1]=0mN Model 10: E[rit*(1+b1*rexwdt +b4*reqwdt) Model 11: E[rit*(1+b2*rtm2tt +b3*rdeftt+b4*reqwdt) Model 12: E[rit*(1+b1*rexwdt Model 13: E[rit*(1+b1*rexwdt Model 14: E[rit*(1+b2*rtm2tt Where Zt-1 ={1 rmlag rtm1 rdef euro}t-1, foreign exchange rates. rit 51 are the excess returns of models rexwd 8 Rtm2t rdeft 9 10 -1.43661 (-0.38) 11 12 -2.96099 (-0.80 ) -7.88826 (-1.83) 13 14 • • • 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: Where rit -30.2016 (-3.70 )** -38.1823 (-4.26)** -37.0173 (-4.13)** -34.4687 (-4.50)** -90.8306 (-2.30 )** -98.5978 (-2.51)** -84.0461 (-2.11)* -98.9471 (-2.52)** -12.5114 (-3.00)** -13.6214 (-2.66 )** -6.71597 (-1.51) -11.5597 (-2.23)** Unconditional Models to Price Equities (GMM HJ-distance) are the excess returns of equities. rexwd Rtm2t rdeft reqwd 10.10795 (1.30) 2 -1.51246 (-0.15) 3 4 5.238786 (0.64 ) 14.19406 (0.70) 5 6 7 • • • • 6.2731 (0.03%) 5.6913 (0.35%) 5.6789 (0.22%) 4.1859 (13.10%)# 4.3772 (8.47%) 3.7661 (22.30)## 4.4493 (10.04%)# E[rit*(1+b1*rexwdt)]=0 E[rit*(1+b4*reqwdt)]=0 E[rit*(1+b1*rexwdt +b4*reqwdt)]=0 E[rit*(1+b2*rtm2tt +b3*rdeftt+b4*reqwdt)]=0 E[rit*(1+b1*rexwdt +b2*rtm2tt +b3*rdeftt)]=0 E[rit*(1+b1*rexwdt +b2*rtm2tt +b3*rdeftt + b4*reqwdt)]=0 E[rit*(1+b2*rtm2tt +b3*rdeftt)]=0 models 1 HJ-distance Numbers below the coefficients are t statistics. Numbers below the Objective*T is the p- value. * significant at 5%; ** significant at 1%. # the model is marginally not rejected. ## the model is not rejected. Table 11 Model Model Model Model Model Model Model reqwd 4.426294 (1.42) -11.4505 (-0.53 ) -17.3035 (-1.41 ) -36.7172 (-0.87) -18.5945 (-1,54) 36.01349 (0.17) 48.96388 (0.25) 106.1459 (0.46) 62.62337 (0.32) -3.92133 (-2.25)** -4.13565 (-1.84 ) -1.69914 (0.40) 5.142252 (0.48) HJ-distance 2.0411 (24.42%)## 0.8979 (84.80%)## 0.8852 (67.59)## 0.6966 (48.61%)## 0.4797 (63.14%)## -0.8010 (72.56)## Numbers below the coefficients are t statistics. Numbers below the Objective*T is the p- value. * significant at 5%; ** significant at 1%. # the model is marginally not rejected. ## the model is not rejected. Model 6 is exactly identified. 52 Table 12 Conditional Models to Price Equities (GMM HJ-distance) Model 8: E[rit*(1+b1*rexwdt) Model 9: E[rit*(1+b4*reqwdt) ⊗ Zt-1]=0mN ⊗ Zt-1]=0mN ⊗ Zt-1]=0mN +b3*rdeftt+b4*reqwdt) ⊗ Zt-1]=0mN +b2*rtm2tt +b3*rdeftt) ⊗ Zt-1]=0mN +b2*rtm2tt +b3*rdeftt + b4*reqwdt ⊗ Zt-1]=0mN +b3*rdeftt) ⊗ Zt-1]=0mN Model 10: E[rit*(1+b1*rexwdt +b4*reqwdt) Model 11: E[rit*(1+b2*rtm2tt Model 12: E[rit*(1+b1*rexwdt Model 13: E[rit*(1+b1*rexwdt Model 14: E[rit*(1+b2*rtm2tt Where Zt-1 ={1 rmlag rtm1 rdef euro}t-1, equities. models 8 rexwd rit Rtm2t are the excess returns of rdeft 14.23279 (2.37)** 9 10 9.868144 (1.42) 11 12 13 8.874375 (1.40) 10.58902 (1.53) 14 • • • 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: Where rit -24.577 (-2.56)** -29.3933 (-0.63 ) -21.6194 (-2.84)** -25.1567 (-2.62)* -24.7276 (-3.39 )** -31.9103 (-0.68) -33.4578 (-0.71 ) -29.4322 (-0.63) -3.96445 (-2.28)** -2.53524 (-1.26) -0.05623 (-0.02) 1.544422 (0.60) HJ-distance 4.1274 (58.74%)## 4.1801 (55.79%)## 3.9297 (63.13%)## 3.3062 (86.01%)## 2.9944 (94.13%)## 2.9330 (92.89)## 3.3063 (89.92%)## Numbers below the coefficients are t statistics. Numbers below the Objective*T is the p- value. * significant at 5%; ** significant at 1%. # the model is marginally not rejected. ## the model is not rejected. Table 13 Model Model Model Model Model Model Model reqwd Unconditional Models to Price bonds (GMM HJ-distance) E[rit*(1+b1*rexwdt)]=0 E[rit*(1+b4*reqwdt)]=0 E[rit*(1+b1*rexwdt +b4*reqwdt)]=0 E[rit*(1+b2*rtm2tt +b3*rdeftt+b4*reqwdt)]=0 E[rit*(1+b1*rexwdt +b2*rtm2tt +b3*rdeftt)]=0 E[rit*(1+b1*rexwdt +b2*rtm2tt +b3*rdeftt + b4*reqwdt)]=0 E[rit*(1+b2*rtm2tt +b3*rdeftt)]=0 are the excess returns of bonds. 53 models rexwd Rtm2t rdeft reqwd 31.66317 (2.74)** 1 2 -8.95283 (-0.49 ) 3 4 -11.714 (-0.47) -21.6641 (-0.85) 5 6 7 • • • • 16.12245 (1.42) 11.5085 (0.92) 11.49941 (0.91) 14.13535 (1.25 ) 259.8789 (1.72) 335.651 (2.32)** 258.2287 (1.71) 331.9337 (2.29)** -17.4131 (-3.97)** -20.0337 (-2.91)** -12.4775 (-1.63) -13.9537 (-1.78) HJ-distance 3.4559 (0.76%) 1.9279 (29.37%)## 1.8635 (17.62%)## 0.8547 (39.27%)## 1.7808 (7.49%)# -1.8428 (18.31%)## Numbers below the coefficients are t statistics. Numbers below the Objective*T is the p- value. * significant at 5%; ** significant at 1%. # the model is marginally not rejected. ## the model is not rejected. Model 6 is exactly identified. Table 14 Conditional Models to Price Bonds (GMM HJ-distance) Model 8: E[rit*(1+b1*rexwdt) Model 9: E[rit*(1+b4*reqwdt) ⊗ Zt-1]=0mN ⊗ Zt-1]=0mN ⊗ Zt-1]=0mN +b3*rdeftt+b4*reqwdt) ⊗ Zt-1]=0mN +b2*rtm2tt +b3*rdeftt) ⊗ Zt-1]=0mN +b2*rtm2tt +b3*rdeftt + b4*reqwdt ⊗ Zt-1]=0mN +b3*rdeftt) ⊗ Zt-1]=0mN Model 10: E[rit*(1+b1*rexwdt +b4*reqwdt) Model 11: E[rit*(1+b2*rtm2tt Model 12: E[rit*(1+b1*rexwdt Model 13: E[rit*(1+b1*rexwdt Model 14: E[rit*(1+b2*rtm2tt Where Zt-1 ={1 rmlag rtm1 rdef euro}t-1, models 8 rexwd rit Rtm2t are the excess returns of bonds. rdeft 9 10 -11.5889 (-3.50)** 10.03851 (1.14) 11 12 13 14 • • • reqwd 21.23012 (3.01)** 12.13532 (1.43) 6.792538 (0.74) -5.54962 (-1.07) -7.47108 (-1.50 ) -4.58071 (-0.86) -10.7773 (-2.45)** 6.01197 (0.15 ) 1.869097 (0.05) 6.586573 (0.16) -1.3869 (-0.03) -8.76309 (-2.12)* -7.93159 (-1.90) -6.59386 (0.1487) HJ-distance 6.8803 (0.03%) 6.6446 (0.09%) 6.5463 (0.08%) 6.4746 (0.07%) 6.5939 (0.04%) 6.4326 (0.05%) 6.7481 (0.03%) Numbers below the coefficients are t statistics. Numbers below the Objective*T is the p- value. * significant at 5%; ** significant at 1%. # the model is marginally not rejected. ## the model is not rejected. 54 Figure 3 55 Ja n9 Ja n9 Ja n9 Ja n9 Ja n9 Ja n9 Ja n9 Ja n9 Ja n9 Ja n8 Ja n8 Ja n8 Ja n8 Ja n8 Ja n8 Ja n8 Ja n8 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Bond Indices 1/ 29 8/ /19 31 82 3/ /19 3 82 10 1/1 /3 98 1 3 5/ /19 31 83 12 /1 /3 98 1 4 7/ /19 31 84 2/ /19 28 85 9/ /19 30 86 4/ /19 3 86 11 0/1 /3 98 0 7 6/ /19 30 87 1/ /19 31 88 8/ /19 31 89 3/ /19 3 89 10 0/1 /3 99 1 0 5/ /19 31 90 12 /1 /3 99 1 1 7/ /19 31 91 2/ /19 26 92 9/ /19 30 93 4/ /19 29 93 11 /1 /3 99 0 4 6/ /19 30 94 1/ /19 31 95 8/ /19 30 96 3/ /19 3 96 10 1/1 /3 99 1 7 5/ /19 2 97 12 9/1 /3 99 1/ 8 19 98 Indices Figure 1 Equity Market 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 wdeq useq ukeq gmeq jpeq 1500 1000 500 0 Figure 2 Bond Market 140 120 100 80 60 usbd ukbd gmbd jpbd 40 20 0 Ja n8 Ju 2 lJa 82 n8 Ju 3 l -8 Ja 3 n8 Ju 4 lJa 84 n8 Ju 5 lJa 85 n8 Ju 6 l -8 Ja 6 n8 Ju 7 lJa 87 n8 Ju 8 lJa 88 n8 Ju 9 l -8 Ja 9 n9 Ju 0 lJa 90 n9 Ju 1 l -9 Ja 1 n9 Ju 2 l -9 Ja 2 n9 Ju 3 lJa 93 n9 Ju 4 l -9 Ja 4 n9 Ju 5 l -9 Ja 5 n9 Ju 6 lJa 96 n9 Ju 7 l -9 Ja 7 n9 Ju 8 l -9 8 Exchange Rate Figure 5 Time 56 Ja n98 Ja n96 Ja n97 Ja n94 Ja n95 Ja n92 Ja n93 Ja n90 Ja n91 Ja n88 Ja n89 Ja n86 Ja n87 Ja n84 Ja n85 Ja n82 Ja n83 Exchange Rate Deauche Mark and British Pound /US dollars 3.5 3 2.5 2 exukus exgmus 1.5 1 0.5 0 Time Figure 4 Japanese Yen/US Dollar 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 -0.0500 -0.1000 -0.1500 Time 57 Ja n98 Ja n96 Ja n97 Ja n94 Ja n95 Ja n92 Ja n93 Ja n90 Ja n91 Ja n88 Ja n89 Ja n86 Ja n87 0.0000 09/30/98 03/31/98 09/30/97 03/31/97 09/30/96 03/29/96 09/29/95 03/31/95 09/30/94 03/31/94 09/30/93 03/31/93 09/30/92 03/31/92 09/30/91 03/29/91 09/28/90 03/30/90 09/29/89 03/31/89 09/30/88 03/31/88 09/30/87 03/31/87 09/30/86 03/31/86 09/30/85 03/29/85 09/28/84 03/30/84 09/30/83 03/31/83 09/30/82 03/31/82 -5.00 Ja n84 Ja n85 Ja n82 Ja n83 excess bond returns Equity Returns 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 requs requk reqgm reqjp -10.00 -15.00 -20.00 -25.00 -30.00 Figure 6 Bond Returns 0.1500 0.1000 0.0500 rusbd rukbd rgmbd rjpbd -5.00 -10.00 -15.00 -20.00 58 09/30/98 03/31/98 09/30/97 03/31/97 09/30/96 03/29/96 09/29/95 03/31/95 09/30/94 03/31/94 09/30/93 03/31/93 09/30/92 03/31/92 09/30/91 03/29/91 09/28/90 03/30/90 09/29/89 03/31/89 09/30/88 03/31/88 09/30/87 03/31/87 09/30/86 03/31/86 09/30/85 03/29/85 09/28/84 03/30/84 09/30/83 03/31/83 09/30/82 03/31/82 Figure 7 Currency Deposit Returns 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 rexuk rexgm rexjp -5.00 -10.00 -15.00 Figure 8 Risk Factors 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 reqwd rexwd