The Minimum Wage Effect on Youth Employment in Canada: Testing the Robustness of Cross-Province Panel Studies James Ted McDonald and Anthony E. Myatt May 18, 2004 Department of Economics University of New Brunswick P. O. Box 4400 Fredericton New Brunswick E3B 5A3 CANADA Acknowledgements: The authors would like to thank, without implicating, Michael Baker, Vaughan Dickson, and Morley Gunderson, for very helpful suggestions. The Minimum Wage Effect on Youth Employment in Canada: Testing the Robustness of Cross-Province Panel Studies ABSTRACT A series of papers have established that minimum wages have negative employment effects on teenagers in Canada. All of these papers use panel data methodology, and most use pooled provincial time series data. Implicit in the panel-data methodology are restrictive assumptions: first, about the structure of time and province unobserved effects; and second, on the stability of the regression coefficients both over time and across provinces. Although we find the negative employment effect to be robust to changes in lag structure and the inclusion of a range of additional variables, our main finding is that the implicit assumptions underlying the use of the panel-data methodology are soundly rejected. The marked non-robustness of the results to the relaxation of these fundamental assumptions calls into question the validity of the negative employment effect of minimum wages that has been found in most of the Canadian literature. 2 I. Introduction Surveys of economists consistently find the most consensus on microeconomic nonnormative issues. But on one particular issue – the effects of minimum wages – the degree of consensus has significantly weakened over the 1990s (see table 1). This may well reflect the influence of the work of Card, Katz and Krueger1 that challenges conventional wisdom. Their results, that minimum wages typically have a zero or positive impact on employment, have been the subject of a lively debate, of which there are several interesting features. First, it is striking how narrow is the debate. It is not concerned with the wider welfare effects of minimum wages – for example who ultimately pays and benefits, or how they affect income inequality, or how minimum wages compare to other redistributive tools (such as EI, welfare assistance, or child benefits) and whether they are a useful complement to them.2 These questions are relatively neglected compared to the research effort devoted to establishing whether or not there are disemployment effects. Second, the heat in the debate is surprising given how little is at stake theoretically. The empirical work is testing the predictions of a standard textbook competitive model of the labour market; but even slight modifications to this model – a friction here or there – relieve it of clearcut predictions. For example, adding monitoring costs gives rise to an efficiency wage model, or adding job search costs gives rise to a dynamic monopsony model.3 Effectively, the debate is 1 Card (1992a, 1992b), Katz and Krueger (1992), Card, Katz and Krueger (1994), Card and Krueger (1994, 1995, 2000). 2 Of the ‘wider’ aspects, the effect of minimum wages on school enrollment and on the job training has received the most attention. See Baker (2003) and the references contained therein. Fortin and Lemieux (2004) consider the redistributive consequences of minimum wages, and find they are about as progressive as all government transfer programs considered together. 3 Manning (2003) points out that the dynamic monopsony model can explain a wide array of phenomena that the competitive labour market model cannot. 3 about how important these frictions are in the real world; and the heat probably reflects not only the academic objective to provide sound advice to policy makers, but also real world struggles over income distribution.4 Third, it is interesting that the evidence is mixed for almost every country in the world – except Canada. Evidence is mixed for the United States, France, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and Portugal (see Neumark and Wascher (2004) for references). Only in Canada is the evidence consistent – and shows significant and increasingly important negative employment effects of minimum wages. The most often cited explanation is Hammermesh’s (2002) observation that Canada is “a desirable laboratory” for testing minimum wage effects because minimum wages are set provincially, which gives more identifying variation. The list of studies yielding significant negative employment effects in Canada includes Swidinsky (1980), Schaafsma and Walsh (1983), Grenier and Seguin (1991), Baker, Benjamin and Stanger (1999), Baker (2003), Yuen (2003), Campolieti, Fang, and Gunderson (2004), and Campolieti, Gunderson and Riddell (2004). The only study which found no effect was by Goldberg and Green (1999), but this one anomalous result has a ready explanation – the authors used a logarithmic specification that Baker et. al. (1999) have shown to be inappropriate. All but two of these studies combine aggregate time-series provincial data into a panel data set. The exceptions – by Yuen (2003), and Campolieti et. al. (2004) – both use individual panel data sets. Our main purpose in this paper is to re-examine the common finding that minimum wages 4 The heat of the debate can gauged by Valentine (1996) accusing Card and Krueger of practising “politically correct” economics, and of using suspect data in their 1994 case study. The latter claim was also made by Neumark and Wascher (2000), and refuted by Card and Krueger (2000). For their part, Card and Krueger (1995, page 186) present evidence of “publication bias” (against results contrary to conventional wisdom) – though this is denied by Neumark and Wascher (1998). Finally, Levine (2001) recognised the importance of “author biases” (where conscious or unconscious biases in searching for a “robust” equation explains why one team of authors consistently finds different results to another team) and committed Industrial Relations to a “pre-specified” research design to try to cut through the problem. 4 negatively impact the employment rates of teenage Canadians. Specifically, we evaluate the robustness of results based on province-level panel data when key assumptions underpinning estimation of panel-data models are relaxed. Since studies based on person-level micro data sets often embody the same assumptions, our analysis suggests caution is appropriate in the context of their results too. In the next section, we outline a functional form for estimation of minimum wage effects highlighting the assumptions typically made in the literature. In order to benchmark our data and analysis against the existing empirical literature, we begin by replicating the results reported in Baker et. al. (1999) – hereafter referred to as BBS. Following this, we consider a series of variations to the basic model that have been considered in the Canadian and international literature, specifically: 1) the sensitivity of the results to changes in the lag structure, and 2) the sensitivity of the results to the inclusion of additional control variables – in particular, EI generosity, union density, real interest rates, and other measures of the business cycle. In Section III, we revisit the main assumptions underlying most panel-data estimation by examining the stability and robustness of the estimated equation, both through time and across provinces. In Section IV, we summarize our main findings and suggest avenues for further research. II. Replication, Lag Structure, and Additional Control Variables A general functional form for studies using provincial panel data, is the following: Eit = α + βit·MINWit + ϕit ·Xit + ηit + εit (1) where the subscripts denote province i and year t. E is the teenage employment-population ratio; MINW, the ratio of the minimum wage to the average hourly wage in manufacturing; and X is a vector of control variables. The standard control variables (which are also the ones used by BBS) 5 are: the prime-aged male unemployment rate and the level of real GDP – both used to control for aggregate economic activity; and the population share of teenagers relative to the working age population 15-64 – used to control for supply variation.5 The ηit are unobserved systematic timevarying province effects, and the εit are unobserved random shocks Clearly, equation (1) cannot be estimated as written and requires identifying restrictions on both the coefficients and the error structure. When estimating equation (1) as a panel data set, the βit and ϕit matrices are invariably constrained to be constant across provinces and over time: βit = β and ϕit = ϕ. (One exception in the literature is Williams (1993) who allows for regionally specific minimum wage effects.) As far as the error term is concerned, the deterministic part of the regression cannot be identified separately from the systematic part of the error term. To deal with this problem, the usual assumption is that ηit be written as: ηit = σi + γt (2) where σi are time-invariant province-specific effects, and γt are province-invariant time effects. This allows the modeling of the province specific (fixed) effects as: N −1 ∑π σi = i =1 i ⋅PROVi (3) where PROVi is an indicator variable for province i. The time effects, γt, are typically either captured by a quadratic in time, β5·TRENDt + ß6·TREND2t (4) or by a set of year dummy variables: T −1 ∑φ t =1 t ⋅ YEARt (5) 5 There is small problem in the BBS study, in that they actually deflate teenage population by total population 15 years of age and over; whereas they state it is deflated by total population of working age, 15-65. 6 Imposing these sets of restrictions on equation (1), we obtain the following equations: Eit = α + β·MINWit + ϕ ·Xit + N −1 ∑π i =1 i ⋅PROVi + β5·TRENDt + ß6·TREND2t + εit (6a) and Eit = α + β·MINWit + ϕ ·Xit + N −1 ∑π i ⋅PROVi + i =1 T −1 ∑φ t =1 t ⋅ YEARt + εit (6b) In order to benchmark our data to the current literature, we estimate equations (6a) and (6b) using pooled provincial time-series data. Column (1) of Table 2 reports the results from these baseline specifications, using the same sample period (1976-93) as BBS. The top panel parameterizes time-effects as a quadratic in time, while the bottom panel uses the set of year dummies. Both minimum wage estimates are almost identical to what is reported in BBS. Using the quadratic in time, our minimum wage elasticity is -0.259 while BBS report –0.264. Using year dummies, we get –0.250, compared to BBS’s estimate of –0.242.6 In column (2) we estimate the same specification but over the longer time period 19762002, and the magnitude of the estimated minimum wage elasticity increases marginally (from – 0.259 to –0.326). It is also notable that lengthening the time period has significant effects on some of the other estimated coefficients; for example, the coefficient on real GDP is now negative but not significant.7 The next two columns expand the basic specification to reflect refinements in the lag structure suggested in the recent literature. For example, Neumark’s (2001) “prespecified research design” includes a lagged minimum wage term, while Neumark and Wacher (2004) capture dynamic elements by including a lagged dependent variable. Column (3) 6 However, we obtain different coefficient estimates for the teenage population share and real GDP. The former arises because of the different denominator used (see footnote 5). The latter arises from different provincial real GDP data. See the data appendix for further discussion. 7 shows that the effect of including a lagged minimum wage term is to increase the size of the long-run minimum wage elasticity to -0.401, and column (4) shows that the inclusion of a lagged dependent variable has the effect of further increasing the long-run elasticity to –0.421. (We employ the Arellano-Bond GMM method to estimate this dynamic panel-data model.). In the bottom panel of Table 2, we keep the same specifications as the top half of the table, but replace the quadratic in time with a set of year dummies. The pattern of results mirrors that in the top half of the table, although in each case the size of the minimum wage elasticity is somewhat smaller. For example, with the lagged minimum wage term (column 3) the effect of year dummies is to reduce the long-run minimum wage elasticity from –0.401 to –0.342; and with a lagged dependent variable the long-run elasticity is reduced from –0.421 (with trend and trend squared) to –0.371 (with a set of year dummies). While this confirms BBS’s result that the long-run effect of minimum wages is larger than the short-run effect, none of these changes has a substantial impact on either the size or significance of the minimum wage coefficient. In Table 3, we extend the base specification to include controls for other variables that have been included in recent minimum wage research. These controls include EI generosity, union density, real interest rates, and several measures of the business cycle. These variables are chosen for several reasons. First, it is well established that EI generosity has an important influence on employment and unemployment – not only affecting their dynamics through time (Milbourne et. al., 1991), but also having a greater impact on some provinces than others (Myatt, 1992). Moreover, Coe and Snower (1997) show that more generous EI benefits, or greater bargaining strength for incumbent employees (proxied by union density), tend to exacerbate the negative employment effects from an increase in the minimum wage. 7 Restricting the sample to the period 1983-2000, we obtain an estimated minimum wage effect of –0.552, which is very close to what is reported in Baker (2004). This result suggests that there is some sensitivity in the magnitude of 8 Properly capturing the business cycle is a potentially critical issue. An upturn in economic activity may cause both an increase in average hourly earnings (and hence a decrease in the minimum wage ratio) and an increase in teenage employment. Failure to account fully for the business cycle could therefore lead to spurious negative correlation between employment and the minimum wage ratio. In the baseline regression, the business cycle is captured both through the prime-aged male unemployment rate, and through the level of real GDP. However, the existence of part-time workers wanting full-time work (but who are counted as fully employed), and discouraged workers dropping out of the labour force, could lead the unemployment rate to underestimate the business cycle. With regard to the level of real GDP, its coefficient will reflect divergences from trend, since trend (and trend squared) are included as separate regressors. But trend (and trend squared) would measure only the common trend for all provinces. Therefore, if each province has a different trend, as is the case in Canada, this variable will not well capture the business cycle that each province experiences. Moreover, simply including province-specific trend and trend squared terms (as do Neumark and Wascher, 2004) would not be an adequate solution. We know that there are significant differences in industrial structure across provinces that translate into differences in provincial labour intensity and input/output ratios. So, a given percentage reduction in provincial GDP would not produce the same percentage reduction in employment in each province. Hence, real-GDP may not well measure the differential employment effects of the business cycle in each province. For these reasons we also include several other measures of the business cycle: first, the prime-aged male employment rate; second, Y-gapi, which is an estimate of each province’s output gap [(Y – Yf)/Yf], where Yf is estimated by separately regressing provincial real-GDP on trend and trend squared and taking the predicted value; and third, the real interest rate. This last term is not only highly correlated with the the minimum wage effect to the choice of time period from which the data are drawn, a point we return to later. 9 business cycle (see Smithin, 1996), but may also measure real shocks that have province specific effects (see Myatt, 1992). As before, the top panel of Table 3 parameterizes time-effects as a quadratic in time, while the lower panel uses a set of year dummies. For brevity, in the lower panel we only report the results for the minimum wage coefficient. As can be seen in column (1) Table 3, the EI subsidy rate is a significant determinant of teenage employment, although union density is not. Contrary to expectations, the inclusion of these variables has little effect on the minimum wage coefficient. In contrast, including additional business cycle measures (the prime-aged male employment rate, Y-gap, and the real interest rate) reduces the magnitude of the minimum wage elasticity to –0.083, and causes it to lose statistical significance. Furthermore, both the primeaged male employment rate and Y-gap are correctly signed and significant. This suggests that the minimum wage coefficients reported in the top panel of Table 2 are partly reflecting cyclical effects that are not captured by the standard business-cycle controls. When we add all the additional variables, shown in column (3), the minimum wage elasticity returns to being statistically significant at the 10 percent level, though it is still somewhat small (-0.099). Turning to the lower panel of Table 3, we see that the introduction of year dummies somewhat restores the minimum wage effect. In particular, column (2) shows that the minimum wage coefficient is once again statistically significant at the 5 percent level when the new business cycle variables are combined with year dummies. Finally, combining year dummies with the full set of new control variables (column 3) causes the minimum wage elasticity to “bounce back” to close to its original level (–0.235). In summary, our analysis suggests that the base specification is not robust to additional measures of the business cycle when time effects are modeled using a quadratic in time. 10 However, when we model time effects using a full set of year dummy variables, the base specification is robust to additional controls. This suggests that the additional variables are not necessary provided we avoid modeling time effects using the parsimonious quadratic in time. In brief, when using a full set of year dummies to model time effects, our results (up to this point) are generally consistent with the extant literature on minimum wages in Canada. III. Stability across time and space Implicit in the results obtained thus far is the assumption that the underlying relationship between the explanatory variables and the dependent variable is stable across provinces and time periods. Unobserved provincial variations (the σi from equation 2) are assumed to be time invariant and are controlled with a set of province dummy variables. Unobserved variations over time (the γt from equation 2) are assumed to be constant across provinces and are controlled by using some parameterization of time (either a quadratic or a set of year dummy variables.) Alternatively put, all provinces are assumed to have the same time profile of unobserved shocks, albeit with different intercepts (coming from the province-specific dummies), and the same functional relationship between the explanatory variables and teenage employment. Violation of this assumed structure can result in inconsistent and misleading estimates, but is rarely subject to any sort of statistical testing. In this section we examine the empirical validity of this assumed structure. Stability through time: To investigate stability over time, we divide the data into four sub-periods of seven years each: 1976-82, 1983-89, 1990-96, and 1997-02.8 These sub-periods are short enough to allow 8 Because we have 27 years in total, the last sub-period has only six years. 11 investigation of possible structural change, but are long enough both to capture the low-frequency effects emphasized by BBS, and offer enough degrees of freedom. The results are reported in Table 4. Comparing the upper and lower parts of Table 4, it is apparent that the results are not affected by the choice of quadratic in time versus fixed time effects. However, comparing columns we see that the coefficient estimates vary markedly across time periods. Focusing on the effects of minimum wages, the coefficient is positive (though insignificant) for every sub-period except 1990-96. Indeed, the 1990-96 period seems to be exceptional. It is only during this period that the minimum wage coefficient is large, negative and highly significant. Perhaps not surprisingly, coefficient estimates for teenage population and real GDP are similarly sensitive to the particular sub-period, although the coefficient on the prime-age male unemployment rate is consistently significantly negative. A test of constant coefficient estimates across the sub-periods is strongly rejected (p-value = 0.0000). The general conclusion from Table 4 is that the assumption that the determinants of teenage employment are stable over time is not valid. Whether this is due to the presence of timevarying unobserved provincial effects or parameter instability, the main point is that the use of different time periods can give rise to markedly different inferences about the relationship between minimum wages and teenage employment. This is an important caveat even for those minimum wage studies that use micro-level data: in particular, estimated results based on microdata from the early to mid-1990s may not necessarily generalize to other years. In order to shed more light on the time instability of the parameter estimates, we estimate the base specification (using fixed year effects) across a rolling seven-year window, and plot the estimated minimum wage coefficient at the midpoint of each seven-year period. This is shown in 12 Figure 1, along with a plot of the prime-aged male unemployment rate. The results are striking. The estimates of the minimum wage coefficient move inversely with the unemployment rate, implying that the estimated minimum wage effect is at its most negative when the unemployment rate is highest.9 What could explain this result? We pointed out in Table 3 that the relationship between minimum wages and teenage employment is sensitive to the business cycle. Thus, one possible explanation is that the business cycle is not being properly controlled. However, we find that including the prime-aged male employment to population ratio has no effect on the pattern depicted in Figure 1. Nor is this pattern affected by including an interaction term between minimum wages and the unemployment rate, nor alternatively, the employment rate. (Both variables are always insignificant and have no effect on the other coefficients.) It appears that the inverse relationship between the minimum wage coefficient and the unemployment rate is not a statistical artifact, but rather is reflecting something real about the economy. Another possibility is that minimum wages are most binding when unemployment is high. To investigate this idea, Figures 2 and 3 presents the wage distribution for teenagers in 1995 – a year of relatively high unemployment (9.3 percent) – and in the year 2000 – a year of relatively low unemployment (6.4 percent). The dotted line indicates the minimum wage, and it is evident that for most provinces there is a prominent spike at this wage rate or within 25 cents of it. Comparing Figure 2 and 3 shows no evidence that the minimum wage is any less binding in the low unemployment year. Indeed, it appears more binding in certain provinces (such as British Columbia) in the year 2000 than in 1995. We explore this issue further in Figures 4A and 4B, which present the proportion of teenagers who earn less than the minimum wage plus 25 cents, between 1993 and 2001. Since the 9 A similar pattern is evident if we plot minimum wage elasticities instead of coefficient estimates. 13 data presented in these figures show no obvious or clear pattern, we used OLS to test for a relationship between the proportion of teenagers earning less than the minimum wage (plus 25 cents) and the business cycle, where the latter is measured using the prime-aged male unemployment rate. Table 5 contains the results of various permutations: with or without provincial dummy variables, a time trend, or fixed year effects. In none of the seven equations is the unemployment rate significant; nor does the dependent variable exhibit any significant time trend. While the evidence presented in Figures 2-4 and Table 5 is only partial, it does not seem to support the view that minimum wages are more binding in recession than in boom years. Thus, there is no obvious alternative explanation for the sensitivity of the minimum wage coefficient across sub-periods – apart from non-robustness across time. It appears the effect is peculiarly centered on the early to mid-1990s. Stability across space: Next, we focus on the cross-sectional dimension. Specifically, we examine the validity of the assumptions that unobserved differences in the determinants of teenage employment across provinces can be captured by a set of time-invariant provincial fixed-effects, and that the coefficients in equation (6a) and (6b) are stable across provinces. Table 6 presents estimates of the base specification using a set of year dummy variables (fixed time effects) for various sub-samples of provinces. Column (1) of Table 6 is based on all nine provinces (PEI, Nunavut, and the Territories are excluded) and is the same as the lower panel of column (2) in Table 2. In the second column we exclude data from BC, which results in a large fall in the size of the coefficient (from –0.31 to –0.14), though it remains significantly 14 negative at the 5 percent level. On the other hand, excluding Ontario (shown in column (3)) causes the coefficient to increase from the base specification. When we exclude both BC and Ontario (column (4)), the “BC effect” wins out – though the smaller coefficient is still significantly negative at the 5 percent level. Column (5) shows that a reduction in size and significance occurs when both BC and Quebec are excluded. Finally, column (6) shows that when BC, Ontario, and Quebec are all excluded the minimum wage effect becomes insignificantly different to zero in the remaining 6 provinces.10 One response to this “instability across space” would be to argue that the panel data setup enhances identification because it exploits variation across provinces, not just across time. Tossing out a province or two potentially causes a loss of identification if there is not enough variation across the remaining provinces. To investigate this possibility, Table 7A presents a decomposition of the variance in minimum wage rates. Column (1) shows that in the entire data set, the provincial fixed effects account for about 38 percent of the variation in the minimum wage ratio, the time fixed effects (the year dummy variables) account for about 41 percent, leaving around 19 percent as a residual to be explained by the rest of the model. Dropping provinces certainly affects the size of this residual. And it is true that when British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec are all dropped, the size of the residual (to be explained by the rest of the model) falls to just over 7 percent. Is this still enough to ensure identification? Unfortunately, the literature offers no clear guidelines as to how much variation is “enough”. However, column (4) of Table 7A shows that when we drop only British Columbia and Ontario the residual variation is also only 7 percent; yet the minimum wage coefficient is significant in this case. Furthermore, columns (2) and (3) show that the residual to 10 Pooling data from BC, Quebec, and Ontario and estimating the basic specification gives rise to a large negative and highly significant coefficient estimate on the minimum wage variable (-0.529 with year dummy variables). 15 be explained by the rest of the model is around 15 percent whether either BC or Ontario are dropped, and in either case the minimum wage coefficient remains significant at the 5 percent level. Yet, the choice as to which province to drop has a dramatic effect on the size of the coefficient. Without Ontario, the size of the minimum wage effect for the remaining 8 provinces is nearly –0.4; whereas, dropping BC, the size of the minimum wage effect for the remaining 8 provinces is only around –0.14. At this point it is worth backtracking a little, to ask whether the lack of residual variation in the minimum wage could be responsible for the time instability discussed in the previous subsection. The data is presented in Table 7B. Columns (1) and (2) show that there are grounds for concern. In particular, in the first two sub-periods the residual variation in the minimum wage, not explained by fixed effects, is quite small – only 2.5 percent between 1976-82 and 5.7 percent between 1983-89. In contrast, between 1990 and 1996, the period where the minimum wage coefficient was large, negative and significant, the residual variation in the minimum wage is over 9 percent. However, between 1997 and 2002 the residual variation in the minimum wage is even higher, over 18 percent, and no significant minimum wage effect was found for this period. Thus, it would appear that lack of identifiable variation in the minimum wage is not explaining either the non-robustness across time or space. Returning to the issue of non-robustness across space, we complete our analysis by estimating the teenage employment equation separately for each of the nine provinces using a system of seemingly unrelated regressions (SUR).11 Clearly, this throws out all the crossprovince variation, and relies on time series variation for identification. But the point is that this 11 We parameterize time effects by using a quadratic trend term. It is not possible to include year dummy variables and identify the other variables since the only variation in the variables for a particular province is across time. This is a generalization of the specification estimated in Neumark and Wacher (2004) who allow a separate quadratic in time for each country in their pooled country-level panel dataset. 16 method allows us to test the assumptions that the provinces have similar structures and identical coefficients. The results are reported in Table 8. Looking across the top row of Table 8, it is clear that there are marked differences in the minimum wage effect across provinces. The estimated minimum wage coefficient is large, negative, and significant for BC and Newfoundland; positive and significant for Manitoba, Quebec, and Nova Scotia; and not significant for the other provinces. This could suggest instability in the estimated relationship between teenage employment and the explanatory variables across the Canadian provinces – and in particular instability of the minimum wage effect. The final column of Table 8 tests whether each explanatory variable has an identical coefficient across the nine provinces. In each case, the null hypothesis of constant coefficients is strongly rejected, including the hypothesis of a constant minimum wage effect across the nine provinces; this is rejected with a p-value of 0.0000. One might think that the results of Table 8 could be used to make sense of those of Table 6 – that is, knowing how the provinces behave individually might help us predict the effect on the remaining panel data of omitting one or two provinces. But such is not the case. The results of Table 6 are unstable in unpredictable ways. For example, Table 8 shows us that minimum wages have their largest negative effect (and the most significant) in British Columbia. But omitting this province from the panel data set has hardly any effect on the minimum wage coefficient for the remaining provinces. (It falls marginally from –0.374 to –0.353.) On the other hand, Ontario on its own has a positive and insignificant minimum wage effect. Yet dropping this province from the panel data set causes a moderate reduction in the minimum wage coefficient for the remaining provinces (from –0.374 to –0.296). Even more surprising then is that when both of these provinces (B.C and Ontario) are dropped from the panel data set, the minimum wage coefficient for the remaining provinces becomes small (-0.128) and insignificant. 17 It is worth emphasizing that the seemingly unrelated regression model – estimated imposing constancy of coefficients across provinces – is almost identical statistically to an unweighted pooled provincial panel-data model. This point is brought out in Table 9. Column (1) shows the results of the SUR regression imposing constant coefficients across the provinces for all variables except the intercept term. (The non-constant intercept term serves the same role as the provincial dummy variables in the panel-data model.) Column (2) shows the un-weighted estimation of the panel data model, while column (3) shows the equivalent panel data model weighted by provincial population share and is the same as that shown in column (2), Table 2. The estimated coefficients are very close. The explanation for the difference in coefficients between columns (1) and (2) is that the constrained SUR model allows more flexibility in the variance-covariance matrix of the error term. Understanding the similarity between the constrained SUR model and the panel-data model underscores the importance of the fact that all the constraints imposed on the SUR model are resoundingly rejected. V. Conclusion In contrast to most other countries, a significant and negative effect of minimum wages on teenage employment has been consistently found for Canada. The most commonly accepted explanation for this is that Canada is a “desirable laboratory” for minimum wage research. However, the typical model estimated in the literature assumes that coefficients (both for minimum wages and other variables) are constant (both across provinces and over time), and that all provinces have the same time profile of unobserved shocks, albeit with different intercepts (coming from the province-specific dummies). Our analysis suggests that this set of assumptions 18 does not hold in practice. In particular, we have shown that the coefficients of the teenage employment equation are unstable both across time and space. One response is to argue that in periods and/or provinces in which the minimum wage effect disappears, identification has been lost – either because the minimum wage is not binding in certain time periods, or because there is insufficient variation in minimum wages across certain provinces. We have investigated both of these possibilities and tentatively rejected them. We have good data on the distribution of wages beginning in the early 1990s, which suggests that the extent to which minimum wages “bite” has not changed much between 1991 and 2002. In contrast, the estimated minimum wage coefficient does change from being large, negative and highly significant in the 1990-96 period, to being small, positive and insignificant in the 1997-02 period. With regard to the instability across provinces, it is true that dropping certain provinces does reduce the amount of cross-province residual variation in the minimum wage ratio not explained by fixed effects. But it is not clear whether the remaining variation is “enough” without guidelines as to what “enough” might mean. Moreover, when we exclude both BC and Ontario a residual variation in the minimum wage of 7.2 percent is enough to find a significant minimum wage effect at the 5 percent level. But when we exclude BC, Ontario and Quebec we have the same amount of residual variation in minimum wages (not explained by fixed effects), but can find no significant minimum wage effect. Finally, when we test for constancy of coefficients across provinces, these restrictions are resoundingly rejected. The literature seems to regard these restrictions as necessary for identification; but rather than regarding them as necessary identifying restrictions, we argue they should be regarded as rejected constraints. 19 The issue hinges on how heterogeneous the provinces are, and how this heterogeneity is handled statistically. The literature recognizes this heterogeneity but attempts to control for it using fixed province effects and fixed time effects. We suggest that such an approach is inadequate. It is interesting that in other contexts, fixed effects are also being criticized. For example, in reviewing the literature that attempts to account empirically for cross-country differences in growth, Wacziarg (2002, page 915) writes: “To conclude on this point, the use of fixed effects is neither conceptually nor economically an appealing way to address the issue of technological heterogeneity.” We feel the same is true for attempts to control for structural heterogeneity across Canadian provinces. Since we reject the assumptions underpinning the provincial time-series panel-data models, our analysis calls into question the validity of the negative minimum-wage effect that is found in most of the Canadian literature. Moreover, it calls into question results based not only on the current generation of pooled provincial panel-data models, but also results based on those studies using individual micro-level data that embody similar overly restrictive assumptions on time/province effects and coefficient stability. Up to this point, the literature has seen the use of panel data sets as offering the best chance to pin down the effects of minimum wages. That may still be true. But we are suggesting that the assumptions underlying the current generation of models using this approach are rarely tested, and may be rejected in practice. If we are right, what is the best way forward? The current literature focuses on a standard reduced-form regression emphasizing the same four control variables – the minimum wage ratio, real-GDP, prime-aged male unemployment rate, and the teenage population share. Perhaps it is time for a change of focus. But instead of replacing the standard equation with ‘fishing expeditions’ for additional controls, more effort might be put into 20 deriving the theoretically appropriate reduced-form equation from a properly specified model – and then testing all its implications. For example, if increases in minimum wages cause decreases in the employment of teenage or unskilled workers, we need to know what this labor is replaced with. Is it replaced with skilled (or adult) workers? If so, then there should be positive employment effects for these workers – yet this is never shown. Are they replaced with physical capital? Then we should be including measures of the rental cost of capital in the regressions, and presumably there should be indirect job gains in the capital goods sector. Or, if the increase in the minimum wage causes such a large negative scale effect that it dominates these substitution effects, there should be testable predictions about its effects on industry mix. Similarly, if the jobs are lost to overseas workers there should again be testable predictions about its effect on industry mix, and corroborating evidence in the sectors concerned. This discussion implies that a properly specified model should not be an economy-wide generalization of a partial equilibrium model. There are two important points to make in this regard. First, it is worth noting that stability normally requires (in two-sector macro models) that the capital goods sector be more labour intensive than the consumer goods sector (see Scarth (1983)), so the net result of replacing teenage labour with capital might be more jobs. Second, our rolling five-year regressions indicate that minimum wages may only have negative employment effects in a recession, when unemployment is high; and, Fortin and Lemieux (2004) argue that minimum wages are a useful redistributive tool. If so, reducing minimum wages may adversely affect one of the economy’s automatic stabilizers, making the economy more vulnerable to unemployment, and more (rather than less) susceptible to adverse minimum wage effects. These macroeconomic general-equilibrium effects should not be overlooked. 21 The bottom line may well be, that to resolve the minimum wage debate, we need to be able to explain (and test) the mechanisms through which minimum wages are supposed to have their effects in a wider, more comprehensive framework. 22 Data Appendix: Our full dataset spans the years 1976-2002 and includes all Canadian provinces except Prince Edward Island and Nunavut. The minimum wage ratio: Minimum wages for Canadian adult workers since 1965 are to be obtained from the Human Resources Development Canada website: This was deflated by average hourly earnings (including overtime) of workers paid by the hour, in manufacturing industries. $ The 1983 to 2000 data was obtained from Cansim II, Table 2810004, series numbers (for B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland respectively) are as follows: V312117, V305588, V299343, V293744, V287442, V279936, V273156, V268142, V259846. $ The above series are the same as that used by Baker, Benjamin and Stanger (1999). They obtained data prior to 1983 from special tabulations performed by Stats Canada. We are grateful to them for sharing their data with us. $ Since the series in Table 281004 were discontinued in 2000, we updated our series using Table 2810030. The series used (from B.C. to Newfoundland) were: V1807323, V1807171, V1807060, V1806904, V1806717, V1806534, V1806455, V1806369, V1806255. Employment, unemployment, and population data: Data on employment, population, and unemployment were all obtained from Table Number 2820001. Series numbers (for B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland respectively) are as follows: $ Teenage population, both sexes, 15 to 19 years: V2097397, V2096717, V2096087, V2095457, V2094827, V2094197, V2093567, V2092937, V2091668. $ Total population, both sexes, 15 to 64 years: V2097396, V2096716, V2096086, V2095456, V2094826, V2094196, V2093566, V2092936, V2091667. $ Teenaged employment, both sexes, 15 to 19 years: V2097439, V2096759, V2096129, V2095499, V2094869, V2094239, V2093609, V2092979, V2091710. $ Prime-aged male employment rate (employed/population), 25-54 years: V2097793, V2097113, V2096483, V2095853, V2095223, V2094593, V2093963, V2093333, V2092064. $ Prime-aged male unemployment rate, 25 to 54 years (unemployed/labour force): V2097751, V2097071, V2096441, V2095811, V2095181, V2094551, V2093921, V2093291, V2092022. $ Aggregate unemployment rate, 15 years and over (used to construct EI generosity series): V2097536, V2096856, V2096226, V2095596, V2094966, V2094336, V2093706, V2093076, V2091807. Real GDP: Statistics Canada has only published provincial real GDP data since 1981. One option, the one 23 chosen by Baker, Benjamin and Stanger (1999), is to deflate provincial nominal GDP by the provincial CPI’s. The option we chose was to use Statistics Canada’s official data post-1981, and to use the Conference Board of Canada’s estimates prior to 1981. We obtained a consistent series by calculating GDP growth rates from the Conference Board data, and “backcasting” from the 1981 estimate provided by Stats Canada. The Stats Canada real provincial GDP data is to found in Cansim II, Table 3840002. The series numbers (from B.C. to Newfoundland) are: V3840347, V3840301, V3840255, V3840209, V3840163, V3840117, V3840071, V3840025, V3839933. EI Generosity: UI/EI program eligibility and generosity dimensions are captured by the 'subsidy rate'. Following Lemieux and MacLeod (2000), the subsidy rate is calculated as the replacement rate times the maximum number of benefits available to a minimally qualified claimant divided by the minimum weeks of employment needed to qualify for UI/EI. UI/EI program parameters are obtained from the HRDC website: Real interest rate: This was calculated by subtracting provincial inflation rates from the Canada-wide chartered bank prime interest rate. The prime interest rate was taken from Table 1760041, series V121796. Series for provincial CPI’s (B.C. to Newfoudland) are: V736960, V736824, V736689, V736553, V736417, V736281, V736145, V736010, V735741. Relative Energy Prices: This is the provincial energy price index deflated by the provincial CPI. The energy price index comes from Cansim II, Table 3260001, series (from B.C. to Newfoundland): V736963, V736827, V736692, V736556, V736420, V736284, V736148, V736013, V735744. Union density: $ Union density, 1976 to 1995, was taken from the CALURA survey and can be found in Cansim I, Matrix 03516, series labels (from B.C. to Newfoundland): D135162, 135159, D135156, D135153, D135150, D135147, D135144, D135141, D135135. $ Union density, from 1997 to 2003, was calculated using Labour Force Survey data. In particular, we divided total employees with union coverage (15 years and over) by total employees (15 years and over). Both sets of numbers came from Cansim II, Table 2820073. The series for union coverage are (from B.C. to Newfoundland): V3075121, V3075116, V3075111, V3075106, V3075101, V3075096, V3075091, V3075076. The series for total employees are: V3075066, V3075061, V3075056, V3075051, V3075046, V3075041, V3075036, V3075031, V3075018. $ The two series matched up surprisingly well. Data for the missing year was imputed using interpolation. $ Movements in the resulting series over the period 1994 to 1999 were checked using data in the Directory of Labour Organizations in Canada. Again, the two data sets mirrored each other surprisingly well. 24 Wage Distribution: The data on the distribution of wages of teenagers, 1993-2001, was obtained from Stats Canada’s Survey of Labour Income and Dynamics. We used all the available panels: 1993-98, 1996-2001, and 1999-01 (at time of writing). Stats Canada provides cross sectional weights, which allowed all the available data to be used for any given year. 25 References Alston, R. M., Kearl J. R., and M. B. Vaughan, “Is There a Consensus Among Economists in the 1990s?” American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 82, May 1992, 203-209. Baker, Michael, “Minimum Wages and Human Capital Investments of Young Workers: Work Related Training and School Enrollment” mimeograph, University of Toronto, 2003. 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Williams, Nicolas, “Regional Effects of the Minimum Wage on Teenage Employment.” Applied Economics, 25, 1993, 1517-28. 28 Table 1: Percent Agreement with the proposition: “minimum wages increase unemployment amongst young and unskilled workers.” 1979* 1990† 2000Θ Generally Agreed 68% 62.4% 45.6% Agreed with provisos 22% 19.5% 27.9% Disagreed 10% 17.5% 26.5% * Kearl et. al. 1979; † Alston et. al. 1992; Θ Fuller et. al. 2003 29 Table 2: Benchmarking to the Existing Literature Minimum wage Unemployment rate Teenage Population Real GDP Trend Trend-squared Minimum wage (lagged) Lagged dependent variable Minimum wage elasticity Province Dummies Year Dummies Weighted Sample size (1) 1976-93, OLS Coef. Std. Error ** -0.3109 (.092) -1.8792** (.077) 0.1075 (.333) 0.4191** (.114) ** 0.0069 (.003) -0.0002* (.000) (2) 1976-2002, OLS Coef. Std. Error ** -0.3744 (.060) -1.8392** (.112) ** -2.2469 (.400) -0.0905 (.066) -0.0037 (.002) -0.0001 (.000) (3) 1976-2002, OLS Coef. Std. Error 0.1487 (.142) -1.8085** (.109) ** -2.1891 (.433) -0.0633 (.068) ** -0.0076 (.003) 0.0000 (.000) -0.6090** (.153) -0.259 -0.326 -0.401 Yes No Yes 162 Yes No Yes 243 Yes No Yes 234 Minimum Wage Unemployment Rate Teenage Population Real GDP Minimum wage (lagged) Lagged dependent variable -0.2993** -1.6664** -0.2529 0.4349** Minimum wage elasticity -0.250 -0.268 -0.342 Yes Yes Yes 162 Yes Yes Yes 243 Yes Yes Yes 234 Province Dummies Year Dummies Weighted Sample size (.088) (.120) (.471) (.106) -0.3086** -1.7028** -1.4885** -0.1592** (.051) (.130) (.364) (.046) 0.0761 -1.7003** -1.5882** -0.1332** -0.4694** (4) 1976-2002, GMM Coef. Std. Error ** -0.2156 (.042) -1.1133** (.080) ** -1.7634 (.203) -0.0929 (.061) ** -0.0078 (.001) 0.0001** (.000) 0.5554** -0.421 (.036) No Yes 225 (.108) (.124) (.352) (.047) (.115) -0.1701** -0.7237** -1.1458** -0.1436** (.040) (.106) (.215) (.054) 0.6010** -0.371 (.049) Yes Yes 225 Note: ** denotes significance at the 5% level and * denotes significance at the 10% level. Regressions are weighted by province and year-specific population. 30 Table 3: Extending the “Base Specification” to Include Additional Controls. Minimum Wage Unemployment Rate Teenage Population Real GDP Trend Trend-squared Union density EI subsidy rate (1) 1976-2002 -0.3962** (.061) -1.5219** (.139) -2.6402** (.400) -0.0034 (.068) -0.0098** (.003) 0.0000 (.000) 0.0636 (.099) -0.0225** (.006) 0.0003 (.001) 0.0207** (.003) 0.0023** (.001) (3) 1976-2002 -0.1136* (.061) 1.2470** (.338) -2.1317** (.361) 0.0161 (.062) -0.0051* (.003) 0.0000 (.000) 0.0929 (.085) -0.0204** (.005) 0.0004 (.001) 0.0202** (.003) 0.0023** (.001) -0.345 Yes No Yes 243 -0.083 Yes No Yes 243 -0.099 Yes No Yes 243 -0.3939** (.052) -0.1856** (.049) -0.2695** (.050) -0.342 Yes Yes Yes 243 -0.161 Yes Yes Yes 243 -0.235 Yes Yes Yes 243 Real interest rate Employment Rate Y-gap Minimum wage elasticity Province Dummies Year Dummies Weighted Sample size Minimum Wage Minimum wage elasticity Province Dummies Year Dummies Weighted Sample size (2) 1976-2002 -0.0953 (.061) 1.0219** (.345) -1.7659** (.363) -0.0651 (.061) 0.0008 (.002) -0.0001 (.000) Note: ** denotes significance at the 5% level and * denotes significance at the 10% level. Regressions are weighted by province and year-specific population. 31 Table 4: Panel data results by 7-year intervals. Minimum Wage Unemployment Rate Teenage Population Real GDP Trend Trend-squared Provincial Dummies Year Dummies Weighted Sample Size Minimum Wage Unemployment Rate Teenage Population Real GDP Provincial Dummies Year Dummies Weighted Sample Size (1) 1976-82 0.0755 (.12) -1.6331** (.155) 1.7466** (.66) 1.7026** (.49) 0.0084* (.004) 0.0009* (.0005) (2) 1983-89 0.0259 (.15) -1.1951** (.21) -2.2062** (.85) 0.3804** (.14) -0.0363** (.013) 0.0018** (.0005) (3) 1990-96 -0.9798** (.12) -1.5589** (.18) 1.3290** (.57) -1.0361** (.23) 0.0202 (.019) -0.0007 (.0005) (4) 1997-02† 0.0312 (.16) -1.3314** (.37) -4.4083** (1.17) 0.5263** (.207) -0.0425 (.052) 0.0009 (.001) Yes No Yes 63 (5) 1976-82 0.1046 (.119) -1.1352** (.285) 1.8503** (.66) 1.4345** (.50) Yes No Yes 63 (6) 1983-89 0.0212 (.15) -1.0972** (.224) -2.7060** (.868) 0.4021** (.14) Yes No Yes 63 (7) 1990-96 -1.0045** (.118) -1.1847** (.233) 1.3830** (.547) -1.0777** (.22) Yes No Yes 63 (8) 1997-03 -0.0642 (.18) -1.2047** (.45) -4.2911** (1.22) 0.4131* (.242) Yes Yes Yes 63 Yes Yes Yes 63 Yes Yes Yes 63 Yes Yes Yes 63 Note: ** denotes significance at the 5% level and * denotes significance at the 10% level. Regressions are weighted by province and year-specific population. † Because the period does not divide up evenly into seven-year intervals, the last interval is only six years. 32 Figure 1: Minimum Wage Coefficients From Rolling 7-Year Regressions. 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 0.08 1983 0 -0.2 1982 0.09 1981 0.4 0.2 1980 0.1 1979 0.6 -0.4 -0.6 0.07 -0.8 -1 0.06 -1.2 0.05 Unemployment Rate estimate Unemployment Rate Minimum wage estimates 7-year moving averages The minimum wage coefficient is plotted in the mid-point of the sample range. The unemployment rate is the weighted average of the provincial prime-aged (24-54) male unemployment rates. Regressing the minimum wage coefficient estimate on the unemployment rate of prime-aged males yields a correlation coefficient of – 0.75. (Note that the estimate plotted for the year 2000 reflects the six-year interval 1996-2002.) 33 Figure 2: Did Minimum Wages “Bite” in 1995? Data source: Survey of labour income and dynamics. 34 Figure 3: Did Minimum Wages “Bite” in 2000? Data source: Survey of labour income and dynamics. 35 36 Table 5: Does the Unemployment Rate Determine How Much the Minimum Wage “Bites” (1993-01)? Dependent Variable: the proportion of teenagers who earn less than the minimum wage plus 25 cents. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Unemployment Rate -27.01 14.5 59.86 64.92 36.07 58.26 (103.3) (109.9) (58.7) (60.1) (44.98) (49.15) Trend -0.44 0.3183 (.649) (.627) Provincial Dummies Year Dummies Weighted Degrees of Freedom Yes No Yes 70 Yes Yes Yes 63 No No Yes 78 No Yes Yes 71 Yes No Yes 71 Data source: Aggregate province-level data drawn from successive years of the Survey of labour income and dynamics. 37 No No Yes 79 (7) -0.3128 (.529) No No Yes 79 Table 6: Panel data results by selected provinces, 1976-2002 (1) All provinces -0.3086** (.051) -1.7028** (.130) -1.4885** (.364) -0.1592** (.046) (2) Exclude BC -0.1378** (.070) -1.8942** (.166) -1.6328** (.388) -0.2336** (.052) Provincial Dummies Year Dummies Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Weighted Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Minimum Wage Unemployment Rate Teenage Population Real GDP (3) (4) (5) (6) Exclude Exclude BC, Exclude BC, Exclude BC, ONT ONT PQ ONT, PQ -0.3958** -0.1766** -0.1434* -0.0273 (.054) (.090) (.079) (.084) -1.2299** -1.4672** -2.0474** -1.4989** (.132) (.162) (.168) (.142) -2.1831** -2.7837** -2.6724** -1.7606** (.318) (.321) (.439) (.270) ** 0.1232 -0.0157 -0.1617 -1.1376** (.120) (.118) (.051) (.134) 234 234 Sample Size 243 225 225 216 Note: ** denotes significance at the 5% level and * denotes significance at the 10% level. Regressions are weighted by province and year-specific population. 38 Table 7: Decomposition of the Variance in Minimum Wages and Employment Table 7A: How is the Decomposition Affected by the Analysis Across Space? Between Provinces Between Years Residual Total Between Provinces Between Years Residual Total Decomposing the Variance in the Minimum Wage Ratio (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) ALL Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclude PROVINCES BC ONT BC, ONT BC, PQ 38.4% 35.5% 40.3% 32.5% 21.9% 40.7% 47.9% 43.6% 58.4% 54.1% (6) EXCLUDE BC, ONT. & PQ 29.4% 60.3% 19.6% 15.0% 14.5% 7.2% 22.7% 7.3% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Decomposing the Variance in the Teenage Employment/Population Ratio ALL Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclude EXCLUDE PROVINCES BC ONT BC, ONT BC, PQ BC, ONT. & PQ 65.7% 69.3% 75.6% 80.8% 62.4% 89.0% 23.1% 21.3% 14.5% 12.6% 26.6% 6.6% 11.8% 100% 9.8% 100% 10.3% 100% 6.5% 100% 11.5% 100% 4.4% 100% Table 7B: How is the Decomposition Affected by the Analysis Across Time? Decomposing the Variance in the Minimum Wage Ratio (1) (2) (3) (4) 1976-82 1983-89 1990-96 1997-02 Between Provinces 65.2% 93.1% 77.0% 79.5% Between Years 31.1% 1.2% 14.5% 1.6% Residual 2.5% 5.7% 9.1% 18.8% Total 100% 100% 100% 100% Decomposing the Variance in the Teenage Employment/Population Ratio 1976-82 1983-89 1990-96 1997-02 Between Provinces 90.9% 77.8% 67.1% 76.5% Between Years 7.1% 19.4% 28.2% 17.6% Residual 1.8% 2.4% 5.3% 5.4% Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 39 Table 8: Seemingly unrelated regression results by province, 1976-2002 BC AB SK MN ON PQ -0.6945** -0.0244 0.1556 0.4077** 0.0133 0.5596** (.227) (.121) (.152) (.207) (.145) (.172) Unemployment Rate -2.0886** -1.2388** -1.4029** -0.4696 0.3919 0.0142 (.491) (.170) (.257) (.311) (.303) (.362) Teenage Population -8.7921** -0.5191 -0.5934 6.0294** 2.1429** -3.6402** (1.927) (.720) (.439) (1.198) (1.037) (.794) Real GDP 1.9942 2.2011** -0.7666 17.5729** 3.2933** 4.1348** (3.398) (.934) (2.192) (4.055) (.467) (1.042) Trend -0.0460** -0.0029 0.0058* 0.0316** 0.0059 -0.0131** (.012) (.005) (.003) (.008) (.005) (.005) Trend-squared 0.0009** -0.0003* -0.0003** -0.0010** -0.0013** -0.0003** (.000) (.000) (.000) (.000) (.000) (.000) Breusch-Pagan Test of independent equations (p-value) 0.0000 Sample Size 243 Note: ** denotes significance at the 5% level and * denotes significance at the 10% level. Minimum Wage 41 NB -0.1754 (.219) -0.5423** (.224) 3.1692** (1.175) 42.8587** (7.713) 0.0030 (.006) -0.0002 (.000) NS 0.3383* (.197) -1.1337** (.204) 1.2538 (1.349) 14.1699** (5.270) 0.0140 (.009) -0.0005** (.000) NF -0.5997** (.234) -0.4985** (.221) 3.0814 (2.094) 21.2926** (7.745) -0.0114* (.006) 0.0005** (.000) Test of equal coefficients p-value 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 Table 9: Constrained SUR compared with OLS estimation of a Pooled Provincial Panel Data Set, 1976-2002 (1) SUR -0.2833** (.035) -1.6037** (.083) -2.2981** (.205) -0.1706** (.039) -0.0081** (.002) -0.0001* (.000) (2) OLS -0.3244** (.062) -1.7481** (.110) -2.4940** (.293) -0.1296 (.079) -0.0081** (.002) -0.0001* (.000) (3) OLS -0.3744** (.060) -1.8392** (.112) -2.2469** (.400) -0.0905 (.066) -0.0037* (.002) -0.0001* (.000) Province Dummies Year Dummies Weighted by population share Yes No No Yes No No Yes No Yes Sample size 243 243 243 Minimum wage Unemployment rate Teenage Population Real GDP Trend Trend-squared Note: ** denotes significance at the 5% level and * denotes significance at the 10% level. 43 This document was created with Win2PDF available at The unregistered version of Win2PDF is for evaluation or non-commercial use only.