Productivity and Agricultural Out-Migration in the United States Benjamin N. Dennisa Department of Economics University of the Pacific 3601 Pacific Avenue Stockton, CA 95211, USA Talan B. İşcan∗ Department of Economics Dalhousie University Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 3J5, Canada May 23, 2003 Preliminary and incomplete – do not quote or cite Abstract In the U.S. the average annual labor reallocation from agriculture to non-agriculture accelerated considerably in the twentieth century, reaching about 5 percent per year between 1940 and 1980, a period that also coincides with the acceleration of farm productivity growth. Despite a tremendously rapid labor reallocation from the farm to the non-farm sector, there were nevertheless: (i) large and sustained wage gaps between the farm and non-farm sectors, and (ii) episodes of on-farm migration (as seen in the 1930s). We examine this acceleration in structural change within a general equilibrium context that allows for both absolute and relative farm productivity growth. Our analysis integrates fixed costs of labor reallocation, and stochastic fluctuations in farm–non-farm relative productivity growth in a way that also accords with the stylized facts of a persistent wage gap and reverse migration. JEL Classification: O15, N22 Keywords: sectoral reallocation of labor, fixed costs, migration, U.S. ∗ Corresponding a E-mail: author: Tel.: (902) 494-6994. E-mail: We thank Sheena Starky for research assistance. 1 Introduction Throughout the world, gradual but massive migration from agriculture to non-agriculture has accompanied industrialization and capitalist development. The U.S. experience is especially remarkable. Between the early nineteenth and late twentieth centuries, the average annual labor reallocation from agriculture to non-agriculture was approximately 3 percent of the farm population. This reallocation process accelerated considerably in the twentieth century, reaching approximately 5 percent per year between 1940 and 1980, a period that also coincides with the acceleration of farm productivity growth. Despite a tremendously rapid labor reallocation from the farm to the non-farm sector, there were nevertheless: (i) large and sustained wage gaps between the farm and non-farm sectors, and (ii) episodes of on-farm migration (as seen in the 1930s). Figure 1 presents these trends.1 In this paper, we seek to explain this acceleration in structural change within a general equilibrium context that allows for both absolute and relative farm productivity growth in a way that also accords with the stylized facts of a persistent wage gap and reverse migration. The traditional approach to off-farm migration has emphasized absolute farm productivity growth in conjunction with subsistence consumption of agricultural goods.2 This approach is quite intuitive. As productivity in agriculture rises, due to low income elasticity of demand for these goods, supply greatly outstrips demand, and resources need to be reallocated out of agriculture. It also has an empirical appeal. As stated above, absolute farm productivity growth did accelerate at the same time that farm out-migration accelerated, and the low income elasticity of demand for farm goods is one of the undisputed facts in economics. Note, however, that this approach pays no explicit attention to productivity growth in the farm sector relative to the rest of the economy. Yet, a striking aspect of the most of the twentieth century U.S. data is that productivity growth in the farm sector has also exceeded that of the non-farm sector. We show that, in addition to absolute farm productivity growth, relative farm–nonfarm productivity growth can be an (equally) important driving mechanism behind U.S. net off-farm migration. This observation hinges on a crucial departure from most of the literature on this topic: a non-unitary elasticity of substitution between farm and nonfarm products. The seemingly innocuous assumption of unitary elasticity of substitution between farm and non-farm goods assigns no role to relative productivity growth. In this special case a mere productivity growth differential across sectors does not lead to any 1 See Gardner (2002, pp.9̃8–99) for a recent account of the off-farm migration trends. Note that rate of migration out of the farm sector was about 2 percent annually during the 1920s and 1930s, despite two years of net movement into agriculture during the Depression (1932 and 1933). In fact, during the 1930’s the New England states and the Pacific U.S. had a net increase in farm population (Hathaway 1964, Table 1). Hatton and Williamson (1992) also document and examine the short-lived farm in-migration during the Depression America. We discuss our data sources underlying this figure and our estimates throughout the paper in a detailed Data Appendix. 2 See, e.g., Nurkse (1953), Lewis (1954), Timmer (1988), and Kongsamut et al. (2001). 1 change in relative prices, and hence would have no impact on the relative wage, which drives sectoral labor flows. However, in the empirically relevant case of low demand elasticity of substitution between farm and non-farm goods (i.e., they are gross complements), relative technological progress in the farm sector results in unfavorable shifts in the agricultural terms-of-trade and exerts pressure on labor to move out of farming.3 To gauge the quantitative importance of both absolute and relative productivity growth to structural change, we provide a detailed reinterpretation of the U.S. net migration flows and sectoral labor shares in the twentieth century. In particular, we use a baseline general equilibrium model to calibrate sectoral labor shares. The baseline model allows for instantaneous sectoral reallocation of labor in response to a change in relative prices. We decompose the changes in these calibrated series into the contributions of absolute and relative farm productivity growth. The calibration exercise requires estimates of (i) subsistence to consumption ratio, and (ii) relative productivity levels. These in turn determine the weights assigned to absolute and relative productivity growth rates in the decomposition analysis. Since we lack precise estimates of either of these variables, we impute them using consumption expenditure data on food. We find that in general the baseline model delivers a farm share of labor that is considerably lower than the actual share in the data. This excess labor in the farm sector disappears by the mid-1980s. We also find that relative contributions of absolute and relative productivity growth to labor reallocation in the calibrated data are very sensitive to the initial choice about food subsistence consumption to total food consumption ratio. In this context we examine several cases.4 A low initial value of subsistence-consumption ratio tends to reduce the discrepancy between the calibrated series and actual data. A high initial value of subsistence-consumption ratio tends to increase the discrepancy. Thus, the postwar acceleration in off-farm migration is especially notable in that it took place when declining influence of subsistence consumption should have attenuated it. We attribute this to the acceleration in the farm productivity rate. Given the significant discrepancy between actual and calibrated series in the baseline model, we consider an extension in which workers have to incur fixed and sunk costs when they switch sectors. This creates a certain amount of inertia in sectoral allocations of labor. We show that relocation decisions follow simple (S, s) rules whereby relocation is triggered only when sectoral wage gaps exceed certain S or s percentage points. These wage gaps can be sustained for long periods of time. Although our focus is related to a voluminous literature on structural change, which 3 The main predecessor of the point we are making in a general equilibrium context is the so-called “Baumol’s cost disease” (Baumol, 1986) in which sectors with slower productivity growth tend to have higher cost inflation. 4 According Bairoch (1975, pp. 38–40), the calorie intake in the U.S. had surpassed the minimum subsistence requirement before the turn of the twentieth century. However, we have no obvious way of mapping such information onto our theoretical construct. We thus have to entertain alternative initializations. 2 is surveyed in Syrquin (1988), let us briefly mention here two of the most recent studies. Kongsamut et al. (2001) model very long-run economic growth with three sectors in which relative employment shares vary over time. They assume unitary elasticity of substitution across goods, and invoke identical productivity growth rates across sectors. As a consequence of these two assumption, in their theoretical model, all structural change is driven by absolute productivity growth. Caselli and Coleman (2001) model regional convergence over the medium- to long-run, and allow for differential productivity growth rates across farm and non-farm sectors. The issue that we raise is potentially more relevant for their analysis. However, as we discuss in detail below, the economic significance of this assumption is ultimately an empirical matter. Our emphasis on modelling frictions that lead to protracted periods of off-farm migration with sustained sectoral wage gaps is also related to an earlier literature on the so-called “transfer problem” of moving labor out of agriculture and into industry.5 It is striking that many contemporary commentators felt that the off-farm migration rate was too low, despite the substantial transfer already taking place, and their analysis was primarily driven by the protracted size of the wage gap in favor of industry.6 Our calibration results of the baseline model are thus entirely consistent with this view of “shortfall” in migration, and attempts to alleviate costs of migration in the form of calls for government intervention in providing information and assistance to potential migrants. The rest of our paper is organized as follows. Section 2 outlines the basic two-sector model. Section 3 discusses the baseline frictionless model, presents its quantitative implications for changes over time in sectoral labor shares, and links these to relative and absolute and relative productivity growth rates. Section 4 integrates equilibrium wage gaps to the two-sector model with fixed costs. Data and some technical and computational details are contained in a series of appendices. 2 A Basic Model As we mentioned in the Introduction, any model of off-farm migration sector must address the stylized fact of farm–non-farm wage gaps via endogenous labor immobility. To achieve this, we adopt the elegant two-sector model advanced by Dixit and Rob (1994). 5 See, e.g., Shultz (1945), Johnson (1956), Heady (1962), the 1960 AEA session on “Facilitating Movements of Labor Out of Agriculture” in the Proceedings of the American Economic Association Meetings, and a more recent assessment by Mundlak (2000, p.2̃64): “The off-farm labor migration is a universal phenomenon that continues over a long time. Why does it take such a long time before it comes to an end? If nonagriculture is more attractive then all farm labor should leave it at once.” Rural–urban migration models address related issues. See Williamson (1988) for a survey. 6 Perhaps unlike earlier episodes, these real wage gaps were significant even after they were adjusted to take into account purchasing power and income tax differences; see, e.g., Johnson (1956), and Hatton and Williamson (1992). Farm and non-farm wage differential has apparently became economically insignificant in the 1990’s. 3 Their framework involves a combination of dynamic uncertainty and (exogenous) fixed costs, and allows us to obtain closed form solutions. The advantage of our analytic solutions is that they help us disentangle the independent contributions of: (i) relative and absolute sectoral productivity growth, and (ii) subsistence consumption of food. In the next section, we describe this basic environment. 2.1 Preferences and Production We work with continuous time, t ∈ [0, ∞). There is a continuum of workers indexed by i, and the measure of the entire set of workers in the economy is normalized to unity, i ∈ [0, 1], with each worker of measure zero. Each worker lives forever and the set of workers is fixed over time. (Population growth and differential fertility rates are discussed below.) Workers have preferences over a composite consumption good (C) and inelastically supply one unit of indivisible labor. There are only two sectors, farm (or “agriculture”) (A) and non-farm (“manufacturing”) (M ), and each individual works in either the A sector or the M sector. For expositional purposes, we think of non-farm jobs as being located in the city, and agricultural jobs on the farm. When there are frictions, workers can change sectors at any time, but they incur a fixed and sunk cost when they relocate. The frictionless model will abstain from such costs. Since we wish to allow for reversals in migration flows (as we see in the data), we work with fluctuating (stochastic) incomes. To jointly determine the sectoral employment and consumption decisions, we assume that each worker maximizes the following expected utility function: # "Z ∞ X e−ρt ln C(t) dt − e−ρtj c , E 0 j subject to (omitting the time indices): C = h iν/(ν−1) (ν−1)/ν η 1/ν cM + (1 − η)1/ν (cA − γA )(ν−1)/ν , w ≥ pM cM + pA cA , where cM and cM represent consumption and the unit price of the non-farm good; cA and pA represent consumption and the unit price of the farm good; and w represents nominal earnings, which depends solely on the sectoral wage rate of wM in the M sector or wA in the A sector. E is the conditional expectations operator. The parameters are interpreted as follows: γA ≥ 0 is the subsistence consumption of food, η ∈ (0, 1) measures the consumption weight of the manufactured good; ν > 0 is the elasticity of substitution between manufacturing and agricultural goods; and 0 < ρ < 1 is the subjective discount rate. If ν < 1, goods are said to be “gross complements,” and otherwise they are “gross substitutes.” 4 The second term in the utility function captures the fixed cost c ≥ 0 of changing the sector of employment (i.e., the cost of migration). The relocation cost is modelled as an instantaneous psychic cost or moving and training costs proportionate to per period income.7 To reduce the burden on notation we also assume that costs are not sector specific. We discuss the significance of asymmetric costs below. When c > 0, job switches take place in discrete instances tj . When c = 0 we have the frictionless case. Demand .—Since workers can neither smooth consumption using storable assets, nor share risk among fellow workers, the following first-order conditions (which correspond to a period-by-period maximization of instantaneous utility) characterize the optimal resource allocation by each worker: µ ¶ µ ¶ν cM η pA = . (1) c A − γA 1−η pM Henceforth, we will work with relative assume that (cA − γA ) > 0 is R 1 price, p = pM /pA , Rand 1 always satisfied. Further, let CA = 0 cA (i)di and CM = 0 cM (i)di denote aggregate consumption of farm and non-farm goods, respectively. Of course, the optimal consumption ratios in equation (1) must hold in the aggregate, as well as for each worker. Supply.—A fraction LA of the labor force is employed in the agricultural sector, leaving LM = 1 − LA employed in the manufacturing sector. We use constant returns to scale technology with labor as the sole factor of production in both sectors: YM = zM LM , YA = zA LA , (2) where zM and zA measure labor productivity in manufacturing and agriculture. To ensure subsistence consumption, we assume that the economy is always sufficiently productive: γA < zA . In what follows, we find it convenient to work with manufacturing productivity relative to that of agriculture, z = zM /zA , which we assume is determined exogenously. Stochastic variability in z is the ultimate source of uncertainty, but plays no interesting role in this static model when there are no relocation costs. 2.2 Static Equilibrium We assume that factor and product markets are competitive, and that the wage rate in each sector is equal to its sectoral marginal revenue product. Net labor flows between 7 Note that we could have used the following expected utility function: ·Z ∞ ¸ C(t) −ρt E e ln dt , I(t) 0 where the indicator function I would take value ec when the worker reallocates, and 1 otherwise. In this case, relocation cost would act as a “tax” on current consumption net of subsistence, when reallocation occurs. Dixit and Rob (1994) label these costs as psychic in more general utility specifications. 5 agriculture and manufacturing depend on the sectoral wage differential. It is useful to represent this differential as a ratio: wM ≡ w = z · p. wA (3) In our general equilibrium framework, w is endogenous and depends on the exogenously given value for relative productivity, z, and on the endogenously determined value of the relative price, p. When w > 1, A sector workers will have an instantaneous incentive to migrate to the M sector. Historically, this has been the dominant tendency. When w < 1, however, there will be an instantaneous incentive to migrate to the A sector, or an incentive for “on-farm migration”. This distinction between per worker and aggregate variables is particularly important when relative wages depart from 1. The market clearing conditions in this case are: CA = YA , C M = YM , LA + LM = 1. (4) Note that, when w = 1, there is an inverse relationship between z and p; i.e., z = 1/p. When w 6= 1, we can find an expression for p using equations (1), (2), and (4): ·µ ¶ µ ¶µ ¶µ ¶¸1/ν 1 η 1 − LM γA p(z, LM ) = 1− . z 1−η LM CA (5) Our task is to find equilibrium values of LM for given realizations of z. In the next two sections, we impute the values of z and γA /CA , and calculate the corresponding labor shares under different assumptions about market frictions. We consider the baseline “frictionless” case first, and discuss why it fails to explain the actual labor reallocation in the twentieth century U.S. 3 Frictionless Equilibrium When relocation decisions do not entail any costs to the individual, job switches across sectors can be frequent and will eliminate any relative nominal wage differentials that may arise due to fluctuations in z. In this case w = 1. Equations (1)–(4), together with this frictionless equilibrium condition, determine the frictionless labor allocation share LfM in terms of z and the model’s parameters: ¶ ¶ ¸−1 µ · µ γA 1−η f 1−ν . (6) z 1− LM = 1 + η zA 6 3.1 Structural Change Our measure of structural change depends only on the distribution of labor across sectors, i.e., LM .8 This measure is distinct from the off-farm migration rate M , which has also been used to capture the pace of structural change: M (t) = NM (t) − NM (t − 1) , NA (t) (7) where Ni is population in sector A or M . Appendix A discusses the differences between the population and employment based estimates of the off-farm migration rate, and shows that both of these two series are consistent with the rapid structural change observed in the twentieth century U.S.9 In what follows, we focus on the employment based data and the structural change measure is defined as: µ ¶ ¸ · % dzA dz G(z) f d ln LM = + (ν − 1) . 1 − % zA 1 + G(z) z where: γA %= , zA µ and G(z) = 1−η η ¶ z 1−ν . Let µA dt = dzA /zA be the “trend” productivity growth in the farm sector, and µdt = dz/z be the relative-productivity growth rate.10 Then we have the rate of change over time in the share of non-farm farm employment given by two contributions: d ln LfM dt = + [ % / ( 1 − % ) ] × µA {z } | absolute farm prod. growth (ν − 1) [G(z)/(1 + G(z))] × µ . | {z } relative farm prod. growth (8) In what follows we maintain the assumption that farm and non-farm goods are gross complements; i.e., ν < 1. Note that in the absence of subsistence food consumption, γA = 0, a higher farm-sector labor-productivity growth rate is the only determinant of 8 An alternative measure is to use (1 − LM )/LM which would be more appropriate if we allow for population growth, and differential fertility rates. We use the simpler measure here for ease of exposition, but derive the relevant expressions in Appendix B. 9 We are currently working on expanding our model to allow for differential fertility rates between the farm and non-farm workers. 10 We use the term “trend” rather informally here in that we allow for trend shifts, and do not necessarily think of it as the very long-run productivity growth rate (as typically assumed in models with a constant growth path). Our’s is not a steady-state analysis. Our view is that a century long structural transformation can involve long but transitional periods of relative and absolute productivity growth that differ from the steady state rate. It is also possible that a sequence of such transitory dynamics can lead to a constant overall economic growth (Jones, 2002). 7 labor reallocation and off-farm migration. Even in the case of subsistence consumption of agricultural goods, i.e., γA 6= 0, as long as % → 0 over time (which occurs eventually since γA is constant and zA grows over time), only relative productivity growth matters in the long run. Of course, in the intermediate case, γA 6= 0 and % 6= 0, in which the rate of labor reallocation into the non-farm sector depends on the relative strengths of these two factors. In the early stages of industrialization absolute productivity growth in agriculture is likely to be the dominant factor behind structural change (because %/(1 − %) would be large). However, in periods when µA is positive and µ is negative, its relative contribution to labor reallocation depends on which of the two terms, % or G(z), goes zero at a faster rate. As well, if µ = 0, then LM increases at a decreasing rate with rising zA , and because % → 0, the share of labor in each sector will come to stabilize at a steady-state as both components of equation (8) will be equal to zero. 3.2 Engel’s Law Engel’s law emerges from this framework whereby, as incomes rise, the share of income spent on agricultural goods falls (even in the absence of subsistence consumption). This occurs because faster productivity growth in agriculture reduces its relative price which, in turn, reduces the expenditure share on agricultural output (given a low elasticity of substitution between farm and industrial output). Specifically, the expenditure share of farm goods, θA can be calculated as follows (see also Appendix B). Use equations (1), and (3): · µ ¶ µ ¶¸−1 CA η γA ν−1 θA = = 1+ z 1− . (9) CA + pCM 1−η CA With economic development one would expect γA /CA to decrease at a diminishing rate over time. As long as this is the case and ν < 1, this formulation establishes an inverse relationship between the share of expenditure on agricultural output and the productivity ratio. As z falls (i.e., farm productivity increases relative to non-farm productivity), the relative price of agricultural goods falls and the share of expenditure on agriculture declines as well. Figure 2 shows the share of food in total expenditures, which exhibits a secular decline. When ν = 1 (as is sometimes assumed), Engel’s Law emerges from the combination of subsistence consumption of food and increased food consumption due to absolute productivity growth in agriculture. However, this has the (controversial) implication that the agricultural terms of trade should remain constant over time. 3.3 Quantitative Performance of the Baseline Model When we examine the quantitative performance of the baseline frictionless model, two important issues emerge. First, the calibrated model requires particular assumptions about 8 subsistence–consumption ratio to generate a sufficiently high trend rate of relocation. Second, the model fails to account for persistent (and fluctuating) wage gaps. We discuss the benchmark model’s performance in light of these two shortcomings. The frictionless model with γA = 0 is illustrative and we consider it first. Figure 3 shows that this model does a very poor job in accounting for structural transformation in the twentieth century U.S. Because this version of the model assigns no role to subsistence consumption, the overall rate of structural transformation is determined solely by ν and µ. To see this, set % = 0 in equation (8). Our calibrated value of µ is −1.44 percent for 1900–91, and −1.53 percent for 1920–91. See Appendix section B.3 for computational details. Clearly, for ν = 0.1 and µ = −1.53 percent, the model’s estimate of off-farm rate of labor reallocation (LM /(1 − LM )) is 1.4 percent, considerably smaller than the actual rate of 3.6 percent (see Appendix A). Figure 3 also shows how subsistence consumption and especially assumptions about initial subsistence–consumption (γA /CA ) ratio can have an impact on the calibrated rate of labor reallocation out of farm sector. Two examples are considered: γA /CA = 0.5 and 0.7 at the beginning of the calibration period. Both series also imply convergence to actual labor shares by 1990s. for initial γA /CA = 0.5 the rate of structural transformation between 1900–91 would be 2.4 percent, and for initial γA /CA = 0.7 it would be about 3.4 percent. Thus, the discrepancy between actual and calibrated series declines with higher values of initial subsistence–consumption ratio. In any case, taken literally, our imputed labor shares suggest that there were relatively “too many” workers in the farm sector in the second half of the twentieth century. The second issue is that a simple and intuitive general equilibrium model fails to account for the large and persistent farm and non-farm wage earnings. As mentioned in the Introduction farm–non-farm wage gaps might suggest that actual labor flows were actually lower than what they would have been if “transfer” from farm to industry followed the route of a frictionless equilibrium. Our calibration results are broadly consistent with this observation. We now turn our attention to the discussion of basic model with real frictions. 4 Equilibrium with Frictions In the frictionless case, the critical assumption is real wages are continuously equalized across sectors, w = 1. Clearly this assumption is untenable given the recorded real wage differentials between farm and non-farm employment. Prior to formal modelling of these wage gaps, to illustrate how departures from this assumption might affect the allocation of labor across sectors, we recalculated the implied employment shares without imposing sectoral wage parity. In particular, we used the actual wage ratio w, and equations (1)–(4) 9 to solve for implied sectoral labor shares (see also Appendix B): · µ ¶ ¸−1 µ ¶ 1−η γA w ν 1−ν LM = 1 + w z 1− . η zA (10) The impact of wage gap in favor of industry on implied labor shares is as follows. Throughout the entire period, farm wages have lagged behind non-farm wages, so w > 1. Given relative productivity, in order for this to be compatible with our stated equilibrium conditions, non-farm price had to be relatively high. This can happen when there are relatively “few” workers in the non-farm sector. Clearly, these shares lie below the corresponding series shown in Figure 3. This is not surprising because when we assumed w = 1, the actual share of non-farm labor fell short of the calibrated LM . With w > 1, calibrated series impute less non-farm employment and therefore reduce the gap between actual and calibrated series.11 So far this discussion of frictions is agnostic about the sources of these wage gaps, and “disequilibrium” sectoral allocation of labor. One reason for why these might arise is costly labor relocation, and next we analytically solve our model with fixed relocation costs to establish an equilibrium framework. 4.1 Relocation with Fixed Costs Since workers cannot divide their time between on- and off-farm employment, in each period they must choose a sector of employment. When workers incur a fixed cost to migrate, there will be periods during which some workers will choose not to migrate (i.e., periods of “inaction”), despite fluctuations in productivity, z. For a given LM , the zone of inaction corresponds to a range of z values for which wage gaps can be sustained up to a maximum value. Once one of these wage-gap maxima is reached or exceeded, there will be migration. Henceforth, we refer to these maxima as “thresholds.” For a given LM , the thresholds encapsulate each worker’s evaluation of benefits relative to costs. Benefits are always measured against real income in the destination sector. Thus, our first objective is to compare the benefits of staying versus moving, and determine the desired direction of migration. We start with the definition of relative wages (w = z · p), use equation (5), and compare the instantaneous utilities entailed by employment in the M sector versus the A sector: ·µ ¶µ ¶µ ¶¸ ν−1 1 1 − LM η γA ln w = ln z + ln 1− . (11) ν ν LM 1−η zA (1 − LM ) 11 We should mention two issues at this point. First, we have not made any cost of living and income tax adjustments to the relative wage series. However, as mentioned in the Introduction, such adjustments (which are only available for a limited number of years) are unlikely to change the basic conclusions. Second, while the imputed series are not very sensitive to the particular choice of η, they are affected by ν: higher values of the elasticity coefficient attenuate the gap between actual and implied non-farm employment shares. 10 The relevance of equation (11) for our purposes is that it can be different from zero for sustained periods of time because the size of relocation costs relative to perceived gains may be large. 4.2 Dynamic Equilibrium In the absence of fixed costs, uncertainty plays no role in the analysis, because workers can respond to instantaneous incentives. With non trivial costs, however, they have to consider the current as well as future wage gaps, and value waiting before engaging in a costly move. In order to study equilibrium under uncertainty, we thus have to specify the stochastic processes that workers condition their decisions upon. We assume that unpredictable variability in z is the ultimate source of uncertainty, and it is given by a geometric Brownian motion: dz = µ dt + σ dω, z (12) where µ is the trend of the diffusion process, σ is the standard deviation, and dω is a standard Weiner increment. The second important reason for considering fluctuations in relative productivity is to allow for reverse migration flows. While off-farm migration has been the secular tendency, there were episodes of on-farm migration. Short-run fluctuations in z allows us to present a unified framework within which medium- to long-run trends as well as short-run labor net flows can be consistent with our model. Our objective is to determine the maximum sectoral wage differentials (thresholds) that are admissible given preferences, technology, the fixed costs of reallocation and the relative productivity process. A more detailed solution of the model with frictions is contained in Appendix C. Here we outline the basic results, some of which are already contained in Dixit and Rob (1994). Each worker’s decision involves (i) pricing the net option value of waiting (UO ), (ii) calculating the present value of consumption differentials (U∆ ) that arise when the worker is employed in one sector rather than the other, and (iii) comparing these to c to compute relocation thresholds that mark the boundaries of zone of inaction. Of course, both U∆ and UO are determined by z and LM (or LF ). Jointly they determine the desired direction of migration. Let positive values of U∆ correspond to higher M sector wages in present value terms. Then, workers relocate from the farm sector A to non-farm sector M when: U∆ (z, LM ) + UO (z, LM ) > c. And workers relocate from sector M to A when: U∆ (z, LM ) + UO (z, LM ) < −c. 11 The values of relative productivity at which the above expressions are satisfied with equality are the relocation thresholds, ZM and ZA . Once these thresholds are crossed, workers migrate until narrowing of wage gaps no longer warrants any relocation. 4.3 Equilibrium Wage Gaps In this section we calculate the relation thresholds and relate them to equilibrium wage gaps. We start with the analytically tractable case in which the subsistence consumption is zero, and then discuss the implications of γA > 0 for our analysis. 4.3.1 No Subsistence Food Consumption In the case of γA = 0, the relocation thresholds turn out to be remarkably intuitive: µ ¶ ν−1 move from A to M if: ln w = s > 0, ν µ ¶ ν−1 move from M to A if: ln w = S < 0. ν In words, migrants rule simple rules: When the (adjusted) wage gap between non-farm and farm wages, ν/(ν − 1) · ln w, reaches or exceeds s percentage points, there is farm outmigration. As a result, the non-farm share of employment increases. Conversely, when this gap reaches S percentage points, there is farm in-migration and agriculture’s share of employment rises. Within the (s, S) bands, workers are immobile despite current and expected wage gaps. What makes this rule simple is the fact that relocations decisions do not depend on the sectoral distribution of labor; i.e., the level of LM , so workers need only worry about the current wage gaps (given the underlying stochastic process). The expressions for (s, S) are given in Appendix C, and are functions of the underlying parameters. An important feature of equation (11) is that they can be expressed as function of sectoral labor imbalance: " # 1 1 − LM 1 − LfM ln w = ln − ln . ν LM LfM Thus, along the relocation thresholds corresponding to moves from A to M , and from M to A, respectively, we have: ln 1 − LfM 1 − LM − ln LM LfM = (ν − 1)s > 0 ln 1 − LM 1 − LfM − ln LM LfM = (ν − 1)S < 0. 12 4.3.2 Subsistence Consumption When γA > 0, then the above analysis must be modified but only slightly. In particular, under the assumption that γA /zA (1 − LM ) exhibits steady decline over time, we show in the Appendix that the thresholds discussed above require a minor adjustment: The subsistence terms increase the absolute value of off-farm migration threshold, and reduce the on-farm migration threshold, ceteris paribus. With subsistence consumption, relative price of farm goods falls more slowly compared to the case in which there is no subsistence consumption. This in turn tapers workers’ desire to relocate out of the farm sector for a given non-farm labor share and relative productivity. Note that a steady decline in the subsistence–consumption ratio is in our context similar to a rising LM /(1 − LM ) ratio: Both affect the levels of relative productivity that trigger relocation, but neither has any direct impact on the maximum permissible equilibrium wage gaps. Hence, the decision rules and the relocation thresholds are independent of LM and zA . In the next section, we illustrate how the intuition formalized by this model can help interpret the farm–non-farm wage gaps and agricultural out-migration in the U.S. 5 Calibrated Wage Gaps and Costs TO BE COMPLETED 13 Table A.1: Data Sources for the Farm Share of Employment Period (frequency) 1800–1860 (Decennial) 1870–1890 (Decennial) 1900–1947 (Annual) 1948–1970 (Annual) 1972–1991 (Annual) LM Explanation emp. in ag. labor force emp. in non-ag. emp. in ag. + non-ag. non-farm emp. total emp. emp. in non-ag. total emp. emp. in ag. 1− labor force 1− Series 10 years old and over D167–181 16 years old and over D11–25 14 years old and over D1–10 16 years old and over D1–10 10 years old and over D167–181 Note: All series are from the Historical Statistics. Appendix A Data Sources and Variables All of our data, unless otherwise stated, come from the Historical Statistics of the United States (Statistical History supplemented by Datapedia of the United States). The definitions of variables used and data sources are as follows. A.1 The Farm share of employment In our model, the farm share of employment corresponds to 1 − LM . Unfortunately, we do not have consistent time series data on the share of non-farm employment, LM and so we formed the farm employment data underlying Figure 1 as shown in Table A.1. Note that in our empirical work we primarily use data from 1900 to 1991 and there is a change in definition in 1948. However, broader trends in the relative employment share should not be affected. Based on these data, we first calculate long-run rate ³ the actual ´ 1−LM follows a diffusion of labor reallocation in the U.S. In particular, assuming that LM process with drift µ̃ and standard deviation σ̃, the maximum likelihood estimates of µ̃ and σ̃ are: µ ¶ T X 1 (1 − L (t))/L (t) M M ˆ = µ̃ ln , T 1 (1 − LM (t − 1))/LM (t − 1) ·µ ¶ ¸2 T X 1 (1 − L (t))/L (t) M M ˆ = ˆ . σ̃ ln − µ̃ T 1 (1 − LM (t − 1))/LM (t − 1) 14 Table A.2: Estimates of long-run rate of off-farm labor reallocation Period 1800–1991 1900–1966 1900–1991 1920–1966 1920–1991 Drift (µ̃) Standard Deviation (σ̃) 0.0292 0.0377 0.0358 0.0396 0.0368 0.0455 0.0429 0.0497 0.0451 Source: Authors’ calculations as explained in the text. ˆ gives our measure of the long-run rate of structural change. Table A.2 The term −µ̃ presents these estimates of the rate of reallocation towards the non-farm sector for different periods in our sample and suggests that the rate of structural transformation has accelerated in later periods.12 A.2 The Off-farm migration rate Off-farm migration rate M using model based variables is defined as: M (t) = LM (t) − LM (t − 1) . 1 − LM (t) (A.1) and is based on changes in the farm share of employment. Most of the earlier off-farm migration studies use different measures. For comparison, we also examine net off-farm migration and farm population data covering the period 1920 to 1970. These migration data, however, pertain to the entire farm population, and cover the period from April 1st of one year to March 31st of the next. In the source material, the migration numbers given for, say, 1921, refer to the period from April 1, 1920 to March 31, 1921. This makes it difficult to align the migration data with the rest of our variables. Given these constraints, we compute the off-farm migration rate in two alternative ways. In the first method (M 1), our migration rate for 1920 is net off-farm migration from April 1920 to March 1921 divided by the total farm population in April 1920, and so on. In the second method (M 2), the starting year for the series is 1921, and it measures off-farm migration 12 Since the earlier data are irregularly sampled, we simply fit the following regression: ln 1 − LM = constant + slope × time, LM where “time” varies from 1800 to 1970, and the estimated value of the “slope” coefficient is the sample counterpart of µ̃ in the model for this extended sample. 15 Table A.3: Rural-Urban Fertility Differentials, USA A. Number of Children Under 5 Yrs Old per 1,000 White Women 20 to 44 Yrs Old Area 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 Urban Rural 469 782 471 744 388 658 311 551 479 673 B. Number of Children Under 5 Yrs Old per 1,000 Women All Races 15 to 49 Yrs Old Area 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 Urban Rural nonfarm Rural farm NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 230 361 473 363 495 584 Source: Grabill et al. (1958), panel A from Table 7, p. 17, and panel B from Table 23, p. 70. from April 1920 to March 1921 divided by the total farm population in April 1921, and so on. Aside from the problem of overlapping observations, there are two other issues regarding the calculated off-farm migration rates. First, since farm and city fertility rates are not identical, the two sets of measures differ by definition. Table A.3 shows the difference in fertility rates across these two sectors. Second, our model concerns labor flows, but these alternative data pertain to persons who reside on farms. The data may overstate the net off-farm migration rate if the number of household members under working age in the out-migration population exceeds that of those involved in in-migration. In any event, we have computed the correlation coefficients between these three definitions, and they are given in Table A.4. In summary, the correlations are relatively low, but there is a closer match between the M and M 1 definitions. A.3 The Relative wage In calculating the relative wage, the theoretically appropriate variable to use is labor earnings in the farm sector relative to labor earnings in the non-farm sector. Because this data does not exist, we compute the relative wage as follows. The Farm wage rate.—In the absence of reliable labor earnings from farm production, 16 Table A.4: Correlation Matrix for M, M1 and M2 M M1 M1 M2 .475 .376 .424 Source: Authors’ calculations as explained in the text. we used the “farm wage rate per month with house” (series K179). There are several issues involved with these data. First, farm operators heavily rely on own and unpaid family labor, and only about a fourth of total farm labor is hired. Due to well-known monitoring problems in agriculture, the wage rates for farm workers are likely to be lower than the return to family labor. An alternative would be to infer the return to family labor from the net earnings of farm operators. However, since farm income includes the return on land and farm machinery and equipment, and measuring the revenue share of these inputs is very difficult, we did not pursue this approach. Schultz (1953, pp.101–02) reports that during the first half of the twentieth century, the ratio between net farm income per family worker and wage income per hired farm worker has stayed fairly constant, except during the war years (when the net farm income increased relative to the wage income of hired farm workers), and during the periods 1920–1923 and 1930–1933 (when the relative net farm income fell). Second, wage data, especially from the earlier part of the twentieth century is highly unreliable. There are numerous measurement problems. First, during our sample period agricultural wages typically included either room and board or house, as well as some “in kind” payments. A comparison of data on (daily) wage rates across different payment schemes – i.e., with room and board, with house (no meals) and with no room and board – suggests that implied valuation of meals is about 15 to 25 percent of actual wage (especially in the early periods) and that of housing is about 20 percent. The Non-farm wage rate.—In the absence of comprehensive non-farm wage data, most authors (including us) use manufacturing wages to compute the relative farm wage rate. Three problems stand out. First, average skill levels across the agricultural and manufacturing sectors may differ. Using manufacturing wages for “lower skilled” labor may only partly address some of these problems. Second, job creation and destruction rates may vary across sectors, leading to sectoral variations in (frictional) unemployment, which is something we do not model. Third, a manufacturing job, even with the lowest skill requirements, is not the only alternative to a farm job. The non-farm wage data are constructed as follows. From 1890 to 1920, we used “lower skilled labor, full time weekly earnings” (series D778), and from 1921 to 1970, we used “average manufacturing wage per week” (series D804), both multiplied by four to convert 17 them to monthly earnings. As an alternative we have also computed the manufacturing wage rate by “average weekly hours worked” times “average hourly pay” (series D802, D803). These series are only available after 1914. We find that these three series have a very high correlation (above .98) during the period (1914–1920) when the data overlap. Another difficulty involves converting these nominal wage gaps into real wage gaps by adjusting for the farm-urban cost of living differential. Willamson and Lindert (1980, p.1̃21) observe that the standard benchmark estimate, by N. Koffsky, is about 25 percent for the year 1941. Furthermore, their own estimates (Appendix H) suggest that this differential has remained relatively constant over our sample period. Caselli and Coleman (2001) further discuss the problems encountered in estimating farm-city wage gaps and conclude that different data sources yield conflicting results. Our empirical analysis should thus be interpreted under the caveat that we lack good quality high-frequency relative labor earnings data. A.4 Expenditures on Food and Non-Food Personal consumption expenditures on all items and food (current dollars), and implicit price deflator for final sales of domestic product for 1929–91 are obtained from the website of Bureau of Economic Analysis (, downloaded on 5/21/03). All these series are based on national income and product accounts (NIPA). To estimate the growth rate of expenditures on food for the period 1900-1929, we used the labor productivity growth rate in the farm sector (see below) minus the growth rate in non-farm employment share. A.5 The Share of Food Expenditure The share of food in total expenditures is taken from D. Costa (2001), and is based on NIPA (for 1929–91). Note that given our stylized theoretical model, these series are preferable to alternatives such as the share of farm products in national income, which includes investment in fixed capital and government services. Schultz (1953, Tables 5–6 and 5–7) also provides estimates for expenditure share of farm products which share the same downward trend but are not in fact comparable to Costa’s series (see Table A.5). A.6 Relative Farm Productivity Growth Our primary variable of interest is labor productivity because our model does not include other fixed or quasi-fixed factors of production. Section B.3 discusses our method of imputing relative productivity. Here we discuss the alternative measures that are available. First, we used indices of employee output in the total private economy based on “farm and non-farm output per man-hour” (Series D683–688, columns 684, 686) to compute the relative sectoral productivity growth rate (defined as the productivity growth rate in the non-farm sector minus that of the farm sector). There are two disadvantages associated 18 Table A.5: Expenditures on Farm Products as a Percent of National Income, % 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1922 1925 1929 1934 1937 1939 34 32 22 17 19 16.1 15.4 13.4 12.8 13.7 11.6 Note: Expenditures on farm products are adjusted for agricultural exports and imports. Source: Schultz (1953), Table 5–6 and Table 5–7, p.66, and p.67. with these series: (i) they are indices and both productivity series are set to 100 in 1958, and (ii) they end in 1966. Therefore, to estimate the trend productivity growth rate, we first took the log ratio of these series. Second, to estimate the parameters of equation (12) we specified its empirical counterpart: d log z = αdt + σdω. We estimated the mean α (α̂) and standard deviation σ (σ̂) of the log of relative productivity using maximum likelihood estimates: µ ¶ T 1X z(t) α̂ = ln , T 1 z(t − 1) ·µ ¶ ¸2 T 1X z(t) σ̂ = ln − α̂ . T 1 z(t − 1) Note that α̂ ≡ µ̂ − 12 σˆ2 , where the µ̂ is the empirical counterpart of the drift parameter in equation (12). Table A.6 shows the results. Although the estimates are subject to qualifications, they show the acceleration of productivity growth in the agricultural sector after the 1920s relative to productivity growth in the non-agriculture sector. Furthermore, the estimates are broadly consistent with out imputed series. Evidently, both the increased mechanization of U.S. agriculture starting in the early 1920s and the “chemical revolution” of the 1950s-60s partly account for these trends. 19 Table A.6: Estimates of Non-farm versus Farm Relative Productivity Growth Period 1889–1966 1900–1966 1920–1966 Mean (α) Standard Deviation (σ) Drift (µ) -0.0007 -0.0026 -0.0111 0.0782 0.0789 0.0645 0.0023 0.0005 -0.0090 Source: Authors’ calculations based on data from the Historical Statistics of the United States, Series D683-688. Admittedly, there is some uncertainty surrounding the exact magnitude of long-run agricultural productivity growth relative to non-farm productivity growth. However, the findings of the existing total factor productivity (TFP) literature are comparable to our estimates. For example, in their calibrations of the U.S. economy from 1880 to 1990, Caselli and Coleman (2001, p.6̃14) use double the value of the non-agricultural TFP growth rate as an estimate of the agricultural productivity growth rate (which roughly corresponds to a .8 percentage point gap in productivity growth per annum). Their numbers are in fact smaller than those estimated by Jorgenson and Gallop (1992), which are about 1.2 percentage points in favor of agriculture between 1947 and 1985. For the period 1949–79 Jorgenson, Gallop, and Fraumeni (1987, Table 9.3 and Table D.1) also give estimates for aggregate and agricultural TFP growth, which are respectively 1.5 and 0.8 percent. In addition, according to data reported by Mundlak (2000, Figure 1.11), from 1960 to 1992, the growth rate of labor productivity in agriculture exceeded that of non-agriculture in about 80 percent of the countries in a sample of 88 observations. The median value by which the growth rate in average agricultural labor productivity exceeded that of manufacturing was 1.58 percentage points [see also Mundlak (2000, p.3̃88)].13 A.7 Agriculture’s Share in National Income For the period 1890 to 1959, we used Kendrick (1961, p. 298-301, table AIII), and Series F126–128 in Historical Statistics. These refer to gross domestic product originating from private farm sector divided by the sum of farm and non-farm sectors. For 1960–1989 we used Series F226-227, which correspond to the share of agriculture, forestry, and fisheries in national income. 13 Syrquin (1988), on the other hand, argues that the long-run total factor productivity trend has favored industry, at least in some industrial countries. But, he does not discuss the restrictions this imposes on demand for agricultural products and on sectoral labor flows. 20 A.8 The Relative Price of Food to Non-Food Items The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) website ( contains a CPI series of food prices (Series CUUR0000SAF1) for the period 1913 to 2002. However, the CPI series for All Items less Food (Series CUUR0000SA0L1) given by the website only covers the period 1935 to 2002. To extend the data for this category back to 1913, we first obtained the series that comprise all non-food items and their weights in the All Items less Food series. The weights are given in Table 113 of the 1983 Handbook of Labor Statistics published by the BLS. We use the earliest available weights (for the period 1935-39) which are as follows for the All Items series: Food and Beverages (35.4%), Housing (33.7%), Apparel and Upkeep (11.0%), Transportation (8.1%), Medical Care (4.1%), Entertainment (2.8%), and Other Goods and Services (4.9%). The 1950 Handbook of Labor Statistics provides the CPI data for Housing and Apparel back to 1913, but does not provide the other series. However, the series Miscellaneous is defined by the 1950 Handbook (p. 97) as including: transportation, medical care, household operation, recreation, personal care, etc. We thus impute a weight for the category, Miscellaneous, of 30.8% by adding the weights (given above) for Transportation, Medical Care, Entertainment, and Other Goods and Services. Using the 1950 Handbook series for Miscellaneous (from Table D-1), the 1983 Handbook series for Residential and Apparel and Upkeep (from Table 110), and the weights for Housing, Apparel and Upkeep, and Miscellaneous described above, we calculated a series for All Items less Food from 1913 to 1950 (note that all series were re-calibrated to the same base year). For the period of overlap (1935-1950) between this series and the one given on the BLS website, the correlation coefficient was .9986. Using a minor scaling factor, we spliced the constructed series (through 1934) to the BLS website series (1935-2002) to obtain a full time series from 1913 to 2002 for All Items less Food. B B.1 The Solution of Frictionless Model Expenditure and labor shares To derive the expenditure and labor share equations given in the text, we first distinguish between aggregate consumption CA , CM and the quantity demanded by worker i, cA (i), cM (i). Then using equation (1): µ ¶ µ ¶ν η cM (i) 1 = . cA (i) − γA 1−η p Let: ½ j w (i) = wM if i ∈ [0, LM ) . wM if i ∈ (LM , 1] 21 The budget constraint is: wj (i) = pA cA (i) + pM cM (i). Solving for the demand for farm goods gives: ³ ´ η wj /pA + γA 1−η p1−ν ³ ´ cA (i) = . η 1−ν 1 + 1−η p The market clearing equations are: Z 1 cA (i)di = CA = zA (1 − LM ), 0 Z 1 cM (i)di = CM = zM LM , 0 zA (1 − LM ) + pzM LM = pLM wM + (1 − LM )wA = Y. The last line is real output measured in farm-goods prices. Noting that: ³ ´ ³ ´ η η wM /pA + γA 1−η p1−ν wA /pA + γA 1−η p1−ν + (1 − LM ) , ³ ´ ³ ´ CA = LM η η p1−ν p1−ν 1 + 1−η 1 + 1−η and using the definition of real output measured in units of farm goods Y , as well as the expenditure share of farm goods: θA = we obtain: CA CA = CA + pCM Y ³ η 1−η ´ Y + γA p1−ν ³ ´ CA = . η 1 + 1−η p1−ν Consequently, we can rewrite the expenditure share of farm goods: · µ µ ¶¸−1 ¶³ ´ η γA w 1−ν . θA = 1 + 1− 1−η z CA (B.1) (B.2) To determine LM , we start with equation (B.1) for aggregate farm good consumption: · µ ¶¸ ¶ µ η γA 1−ν Y = CA 1 + p 1− 1−η CA 22 We use the market clearing condition CA = zA (1 − LM ), the definition of Y = zA (1 − LM ) + pzM LM , and w = zp to obtain the expression for LM given in equation (10): · µ ¶ ¸−1 µ ¶ 1 − η ³ w ´ν γA LM = 1 + z 1− . (B.3) η z zA When w = 1, we obtain equation (6). B.2 The Rate of Structural Change Here we derive the rate of labor reallocation using our alternative measure LM /(1 − LM ), which we used in empirical analysis. In the case of frictionless equilibrium, equation (6) implies: ³ ´ z 1−ν (γA /zA ) + 1−η η f ³ ´ 1 − LM = , 1−ν 1 + 1−η z η and therefore: LfM 1− LfM = 1 − γA /zA ³ ´ . 1−ν z γA /zA + 1−η η Consequently, à d ln LfM 1 − LfM ! ³ 1−η η ´ (1 − ν) z −ν γA 1 1 ³ ´ ³ ´ = dzA − dz + γA 1−η zA zA − γA γ + z 1−η z 1−ν 1−ν + z A A η zA η ³ ´ ³ ´ γA 1 + 1−η z 1−ν (1 − ν) 1−η z 1−ν dz η η dz A zA ´ h³ ´ i ³ ´ = ³ − γA γA 1−η γA z 1−ν A 1 − zA + η z + 1−η z 1−ν z zA zA η µ ¶· ¸ · ¸ % 1 + G(z) dzA G(z) dz = − (1 − ν) . 1−% % + G(z) zA % + G(z) z where: γA %= , zA µ and G(z) = 1−η η ¶ z 1−ν . The rate of structural transformation over time is again made up of two contributions: [%/(1 − %)] [(1 + G(z))/(% + G(z))] × µA − (1 − ν) [G(z)/(% + G(z))] × µ . | | {z } {z } absolute farm prod. growth relative farm prod. growth 23 This measure has the following nice properties: if γA = 0, then the rate of structural change only depends on µ(1 − ν). Even in the case of subsistence consumption of agricultural goods, i.e., γA 6= 0, as long as % → 0 over time (which occurs eventually since γA is constant and zA grows on a positive trend), only relative productivity growth matters for structural change. B.3 Calibrating Labor Shares To calibrate labor shares implied by different versions of our model we need (i) estimates of ν, η, and γA /CA ; and (ii) an estimate of the level of relative productivity, z. We discuss our choices in turn. ν: We chose a low elasticity of substitution, ν = .1. This estimate is consistent with that reported in Brown and Heien (1972). Also, we are currently working on estimating this parameter. η: We set this parameter equal to .8. γA /CA : Our calibration results are sensitive to the value of γA /CA at the beginning of our sample period. So, we initialized it at either 0, 0.5 or 0.7. The first choice corresponds to no subsistence consumption. In the latter two choices, this ratio varies over time. We calculated its growth rate by (minus) the growth rate of real food consumption. z values: Our calibration results are sensitive to the level of relative productivity z. Although index-number-based relative productivity data (see Appendix A) can be used to obtain the drift and standard deviation of the productivity growth rate, these series arbitrarily set z = 1 in the base year. In order to approximate the level of z, we begin with the assumption that, by 1991, farm income and labor shares (Fig. 1) and farm–non-farm wages had all converged to their long-run levels (see Caselli and Coleman, 2001). Thus, we use the actual LM at the end of our sample period to “back out” the corresponding equilibrium level of z (z ∗ ): ·µ ¶µ ¶µ ¶¸1/(1−ν) γA 1 − LM η ∗ z = 1− . CA LM 1−η Using the share of food in total expenditure, θA , in equation (B.2), we computed the implied relative productivity series (z̃) from for the baseline model with γA = 0: ¶¸1/(1−ν) ·µ ¶µ η θA . z̃ = 1−η 1 − θA 24 We scaled the series to ensure that it converged to z ∗ at the end of the sample, and used them in equations (6) and (10) to calculate the non-farm labor shares. In sum, our calibrated series of LM only use actual growth rate of expenditures on food and share of food in total expenditures. C Solution with Fixed Costs This section presents the derivations for the relocation thresholds. Our arguments are essentially identical to those in Dixit and Rob (1994, especially pp. 60–66), with the difference being that they consider the case θ 6= 1 and ν = 1, whereas we solve for θ = 1 and ν 6= 1 (see also their Fig.1̃). In what follows, for ease of exposition, we refer to the non-farm sector as “city” and the farm sector as “farm”, and consider U∆ and UO in turn. First consider U∆ (z, LM ), which is the present discounted utility of consumption differentials assuming that the worker will never reallocate in the future. If this expression is positive the worker has an instantaneous incentive to switch from F to N . For an initial level of productivity, z0 , and for a given LM (since each worker takes this as a constant in competitive equilibrium), we have: ¸ ·Z ∞ −ρt e ln w(z, LM ) dt . (C.4) U∆ (z, LM ) = E 0 The expression for ln w is given in equation (11). As given by Harrison (1985, pp. 44–45), the expected discounted value of ∆ is the solution U∆ (z, LM ) to the following differential equation: ρU∆ (z, LM ) − µz h Let γ = 1 − γA zA (1−LM ) ∂U∆ (z, LM ) σ 2 2 ∂U∆ (z, LM )2 − z = ∆(z, LM ). ∂z 2 ∂ 2z i , and assume that: dγ = µγ dt + σγ dωγ , γ where µγ > 0. Then, solving equation (C.4) for the function U∆ , we obtain: µ ¶· ¸ µ ¶µ ¶ 1 1 ν−1 σ2 ν−1 U∆ (z0 , LM ) = ln z0 + (ln B(LM ) + Γ) + µ− , ρ ν ν νρ2 2 where z0 is the fixed initial level of productivity, and µ ¶µ ¶ ¶ µ 1 − LM η 1 1 2 B(LM ) = , Γ = ln γ + µγ − σγ . LM 1−η ρ 2 25 (C.5) Here we have assumed that γ and w are uncorrelated. Of course, this assumption is unrealistic in our case but simplifies the algebra. Note that γ in the last expression is evaluated at the fixed initial values of zA and LM , and the (absolute) value of Γ tends to decline over time.14 When the subsistence consumption parameter γA = 0, Γ = 0, and we obtain the results given in the case with no subsistence consumption. Note that U∆ is calculated on the basis of a permanent relocation to the other sector. However, farm return migration is a well-documented phenomenon which we wish to allow for. This entails a tradeoff of options. When migration actually takes place, the worker gives up the “option to stay” in the sector of origin and in return acquires the “option to stay” in the destination sector. The first derives its value from waiting before engaging in a costly move, and the second derives its value from the possibility of switching back. In each period, a rational worker considers the net value of these two options, as well as U∆ , so that the thresholds are actually higher than they otherwise would be if the worker acted in a myopic way and ignored the value of waiting. We define UO as the option of staying in the non-farm sector minus the option of staying in the farm sector, and we value it as a non-dividend paying “asset” measured in utility terms, whose value depends purely on the “capital gains” that may result from fluctuations in z. Over a time interval dt, the expected return on this net option (ρUO ) is equal to the expected capital gain on the option: ρUO (z, LM ) = 1 E [dUO (z, LM )] . dt We use Itô’s Lemma to expand the right hand side of this equation and obtain: ρUO (z, LM ) − µz ∂UO (z, LM ) σ 2 2 ∂UO (z, LM )2 − z = 0. ∂z 2 ∂ 2z The general solution to this equation takes the form [see, e.g., Dixit and Pindyck (1996, pp.1̃40–144)]: UO (z, LM ) = K1 (LM )z β1 + K2 (LM )z β2 , (C.6) where K1 and K2 are constants to be determined, and β1 > 0 and β2 < 0 are the roots of the quadratic equation: Q(β) ≡ σ2 β(β − 1) + µβ − ρ. 2 (C.7) Together equations (C.5) and (C.6) give the total utility gains associated with migration. Our next task is to evaluate these terms at the relocation thresholds ZM and ZA , and find analytic expressions for them. 14 To ensure economically plausible results, we will assume that two times the trend decline in subsistence–consumption ratio exceeds its volatility, µγ > .5σγ . 26 C.1 Migration from Farm to City For a worker considering whether to migrate from the farm to the non-farm sector, the present discounted value of the wage gap between the non-farm and farm sector (ln(wN )− ln(wA )) plus the net option value of migrating at ZM is: U∆ (ZM ) + UO (ZM ) = c. The first term is given by: ¶ µ ¶· ¸ µ ¶µ ν−1 1 σ2 1 ν−1 . U∆ = ln ZM + (ln B(LM ) + Γ) + µ− ρ ν ν νρ2 2 For the option value of migration our choice of which root to use depends on the value of ν. Consider the plausible case where ν < 1. For farm-to-city migration the net options value is the value of the option to stay in the city (destination) sector minus the value of waiting in the farm (origin) sector (which is forfeited in the event of a move). For ν < 1, within the zone of inaction, a higher value of z should reduce the option value of waiting to switch to the non-farm sector: the combination of higher non-farm productivity and low elasticity of substitution between farm and non-farm products depresses the prices of the non-farm sector, hence relative non-farm wages, and makes relocation less likely. As the value of z approaches the threshold ZM , the option of waiting, which is to be given up, increases in value, so: lim UO < 0. z↓ZM Setting K1 = 0, and using the negative root, β2 , satisfies this. The two optimality conditions can now be stated. Value-matching: ¸ µ ¶µ ¶ µ ¶· ν−1 ν−1 1 1 σ2 β2 ln ZM + (ln B(LM ) + Γ) + µ− + K 2 ZM = c. 2 ρ ν ν νρ 2 and smooth-pasting: µ ν−1 νρZM ¶ β2 −1 + K 2 β 2 ZM = 0. Solving these for ZM , the threshold value for off-farm migration gives: ¾ ½ 1 [ln B(LM ) + Γ] , ZM = exp s + 1−ν where K2 < 0, and ¶ 1 σ2 −µ + < 0, 2 β2 sµ ¶2 µ 1 2ρ 1 µ − 2− − + < 0. = 2 σ σ2 2 σ2 νρc 1 s = + ν−1 ρ β2 µ 27 C.2 Migration from City to Farm The relevant move is from city to farm. We can use the same logic as above to find: U∆ (ZA ) + UO (ZA ) = −c. At the relocation threshold, the present discounted value of the wage gap (ln w) is: µ ¶· ¶ ¸ µ ¶µ 1 ν−1 1 σ2 ν−1 U∆ = . ln ZA + (ln B(LM ) + Γ) + µ− ρ ν ν νρ2 2 We continue to consider the case ν < 1. The relevant move is from city to farm, and the net options value is the value of waiting in the city (origin) minus the value of staying in the farm (destination). For ν < 1, within the zone of inaction, as z decreases, the value of waiting in the city should decrease due to a less favorable relative farm wage. As the value of z approaches the threshold ZA , the option of waiting, which is to be given up, increases in value: lim UO > 0. z↑ZA Setting K2 = 0 and using the positive root β1 satisfies this. The relevant threshold ZA can be determined using the two optimality conditions. The value-matching condition: µ ¶· ¸ µ ¶µ ¶ 1 ν−1 ν−1 1 σ2 ln ZA + (ln B(LM ) + Γ) + µ− + K1 ZAβ1 = −c. 2 ρ ν ν νρ 2 and smooth-pasting: µ ν−1 νρZA ¶ + K1 β1 ZAβ1 −1 = 0. Combining the two gives the threshold value for on-farm migration as: ½ ¾ 1 ZA = exp S + [ln B(LM ) + Γ] , 1−ν where K1 > 0 and ¶ 1 σ2 −µ + , 2 β1 sµ ¶2 µ 1 2ρ 1 µ − 2+ − + 2 > 1. = 2 2 σ σ 2 σ νρc 1 S = + 1−ν ρ β1 µ Substituting the expressions for ZM and ZA in the wage gap expression (11) gives the rules shown in the text. 28 References Bairoch, Paul. The Economic Development of the Third World since 1900. London: Methuen, 1975. Baumol, William J. Microtheory. Brighton, U.K.: Wheatsheaf Books, 1986. Brown, M., and D. 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