Unemployment Benefits and Social Differentiation Johannes Rincke∗ March 28, 2003 Abstract The paper shows that unemployment benefits can be used as a selection device. It is argued that status generating social interactions are related to productivity differences. Therefore, identification of less productive individuals may be valuable for the middle class. For a given benefit, the unskilled are the first to switch from employment to unemployment since both their wage and their status as employed is the lowest among all productivity groups. With labor market status being observable, unemployment benefits can therefore serve to identify the unskilled. If the status effect is sufficiently strong, the middle class will politically support a benefit scheme that leads to a self-selection of unskilled individuals into unemployment and thereby to increased social differentiation. Keywords: Unemployment benefits, voting behavior JEL Classification: D72; D31; H24 ∗ Centre for European Economic Research, L7, 1, D-68161 Mannheim, Germany, phone: +49/621/1235-217, email: rincke@zew.de. I would like to thank Robert Schwager, Ingolf Schwarz and Hans Peter Grüner for valuable comments and suggestions. Financial support by the Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung is gratefully acknowledged. 1 1 Introduction Unemployment benefits figure prominently in the social security systems of many countries. Roughly summarized, the underlying reason for this is traditionally seen as being twofold [see, e.g., Baily (1977), Mortensen (1977), SaintPaul (2000)]: Firstly, unemployment benefits insure the individual against the risk of job loss. For adverse selection reasons, this kind of insurance is provided as a public good and not via markets. Secondly, the existence of unemployment benefits tends to rise the outside option of employed individuals. Therefore unemployment benefits are seen, in a politico-economic perspective, as an instrument of insiders at the labor market to extract rents. Although convincing and more or less standard in the literature, both arguments are limited in that they concentrate solely on economic motivations of individuals. Especially in connection with social security transfers and other institutions that redistribute income this view might well be judged restrictive. Corneo and Grüner (2000, 2002) present empirical evidence that individual preferences for redistribution are shaped by status considerations.1 In sociological terms, social status is defined as a ranking of individuals based on their traits, assets or actions. As the literature on social status and economic behavior has shown, social motivations play a prominent role in shaping the behavior of individuals whenever this ranking is affected.2 Furthermore, social status often depends on the reference group individuals belong to. Given that the unskilled and less educated dominate the group of unemployed, individuals receiving unemployment benefits are supposed to be negatively affected by this group association in terms of their social status. But this also means that not belonging to the group of unemployed has strong positive status effects. This status effect is at the focus of the model presented in this paper. The key aspects of the model can be summarized briefly. I follow Cole et al. (1992) and Corneo and Grüner (2000) in modelling social status as utility derived from matching with a social partner.3 Admittedly, this is a somehow crude way of describing an extremely complex phenomenon that is, perhaps, not well understood by economists. Nevertheless, this simple way of modelling captures the basic fact that social status is generated primarily by social interactions 1 Boeri et al. (2001) provide a detailed survey of individual attitudes on the welfare state in France, Germany, Italy and Spain. 2 For a survey, see Weiss and Fershtman (1998). 3 The basic framework of the model is borrowed from Corneo and Grüner (2000). However, they do not model a labor supply decision. Instead, they discuss a lump-sum redistribution scheme with a proportional tax on wealth endowments. 2 and not by market transactions or, in a broad sense, economic decisions. Furthermore, it allows to model social decisions that determine status by using comparatively simple tools. Individuals are assumed to be only imperfectly informed about potential social partners. Technically, an individual’s desirability as a social partner, i.e. its matching value, and its productivity are private information. At the same time, productivity and matching value are correlated. This correlation is crucial because it introduces a link between economic and social decisions. The assumption may be justified in that a large fraction of what is conventionally seen as productivity enhancing skills and abilities might also be valuable in a social context. Similarly, it could capture a positive correlation between productivity (and therefore wages) on the one hand and the probability of acquiring a certain degree of education on the other. Conventionally, better education is seen to expand the opportunities for social interaction. Individuals can learn about potential social partners by observing their economic decisions. First of all, in a stylized labor market individuals decide whether to be employed or not. It is natural to assume that this decision is perfectly observable. Secondly, an individual’s level of consumption can be imperfectly observed. Based on a broad measure of consumption, say the type of car one is driving or the house one is living in, individuals estimate the income level of potential partners. Due to the correlation between wage and matching value consumption signals carry information about the value of individuals as social partners. In this framework, the majority outcome of a voting over a tax-financed flat-rate unemployment benefit scheme is analyzed.4 For a given benefit, the unskilled are the first to switch from employment to unemployment since both their wage and their status as employed is the lowest among all productivity groups. With labor market status being observable, unemployment benefits can therefore serve to identify the unskilled. In equilibrium, individuals can, by their decision to be employed, signal a certain minimum ability of providing status to a social partner. A benefit scheme that leads unskilled individuals to self-select into unemployment therefore improves the status position of the political decisive middle class. If the concern for social status is sufficiently strong, a political equilibrium with self-selection of the unskilled is supported 4 Most OECD countries have earnings-related schemes, but after a certain period of unemployment the payments from unemployment insurance are replaced by unemployment assistance, a flat-rate scheme in almost all cases. See OECD (1997) for an overview of existing schemes and Atkinson and Micklewright (1991) for a discussion of institutional differences between unemployment insurance and unemployment assistance. 3 by the middle class. The paper relates to the literature in several ways. The effect of unemployment insurance on individual labor supply decisions has been investigated using search models [see, e.g, Mortensen (1977)]. In an empirical study using Swedish data, Carling et al. (2001) find strong evidence for the prediction that a reduction of benefits leads to an increase in job finding rates. Nickell (1998) uses a panel of 20 OECD countries and concludes that high replacement rates contribute to high unemployment. The empirical evidence for sorting of the less productive into unemployment is also persuasive. Dreze and Sneessens (1997) and Nickell and Bell (1997) provide descriptive statistics about unemployment in OECD countries, showing a marked decline in unemployment as education rises. Nickell and Bell (1997) also point out that only in countries having an unemployment benefit scheme the unskilled have much higher unemployment rates than the skilled. In a vast body of literature surveyed by Karni (1999), the optimal design of unemployment insurance schemes has been analyzed. There is also a number of studies modelling voting over unemployment benefits, among them Wright (1986) and Pallage and Zimmermann (2001). In both strands of the literature, individuals face some risk of becoming unemployed, and unemployment benefits serve as insurance. In contrast to this, I abstain from modelling market imperfections leading to job losses or persistent unemployment. I even abstain from modelling a fully-fledged labor market with endogenous wages and assume that individuals can run a firm generating income depending only on individual productivity. It is often criticized that the institutional features of unemployment benefit schemes in many countries have strong adverse incentive effects for less productive unemployed. A main point of criticism is the huge implicit marginal tax rate that results from reducing the transfer for individuals who earn additional income such that the net income is more or less independent of the individual labor supply decision. It could be argued that discouraging less productive individuals from supplying labor is an instrument used by insiders to prevent competition from unemployed. The alternative explanation offered by the present paper refers to the observability of the labor supply decision. The crucial point is that a benefit scheme effectively promoting zero-one decisions of less productive individuals at the labor market is suitable to maintain the quality of what can be seen as a signal for a certain minimum productivity. By introducing a participation barrier, a distinction between employed and unemployed is introduced that otherwise would not be available. Since 4 in equilibrium only the least productive are unemployed, the benefit scheme helps to separate productivity types. The paper is organized as follows. The model is introduced in the following section. In section 3, the matching technology is described. Section 4 identifies environments in which a complete self-selection of less productive individuals into unemployment occurs in equilibrium. Section 5 concludes. 2 The model There is a unit mass continuum of individuals. Individuals are characterized by their productivity type. There are three types of individuals: L, M and H. For simplicity, let all subsets of individuals of a specific type have the same Lebesgue measure. That is, the distribution of types is symmetric. Individuals derive utility from consumption and from matching with another individual. With respect to the formation of pairs, what matters for each individual is the matching value of its partner. Let the utility function be U = c + v(µ), (1) where c is consumption and v(µ) is the utility from matching with a partner µ. The matching value of an individual is the utility the partner derives when matching with the respective individual. Therefore, the matching value measures the ability of individuals of generating matching utility for a social partner, i.e. the desirability of individuals in social interactions. An individual’s productivity translates into matching value in a deterministic way: M -types have matching value m, L-types m − δ and H-types m + δ, where m > δ > 0. Each individual is endowed with an amount s of the consumption good and one unit of labor that can be used in individual firms to produce additional units of the consumption good. Let us refer to the individually produced consumption good as income. Opening a firm and producing income is modelled as a zero-one-decision. In the following, I call this the employment decision. Conditioned on opening a firm, let M -types have income e, L-types e − ∆ and H-types e+∆, where e > ∆ > 0. If the endowment is not used, income is zero. The income of employed individuals is subject to the tax t. Thus an employed M -type, for example, has consumption cM = s + e − t. Call individuals with zero income unemployed, and assume that it is public information whether an individual is unemployed or not. Both the income of employed individuals and the matching values are private information, but consumption serves as a 5 signal: it is imperfectly observed by all other individuals. To be specific, let individual i be of type K = L, M, H. Then its consumption signal is c +² >0 if i is employed K i γi = (2) 0 otherwise , where the errors ²i are identically and £ ¤ independently distributed according to a uniform distribution on − f2 , f2 . Note that γ is a signal for employed individuals and an indicator that is zero if i is unemployed and takes on strictly positive values if i is employed.5 In order to have a meaningful signalling device and to keep things as simple as possible, assume ∆ < f < 2∆. We therefore have, for employed individuals, overlapping supports of the signal between neighboring types, but no overlapping for the signals of L- and H-types. In what follows, I will analyze a four stage game: At the first stage, there is pairwise majority voting over an unemployment benefit T ≥ 0. At the second stage, employment decisions are made and the budget-balancing income tax t is determined. The political decision is revised and the transfer is set to its default value zero if T > 0 has been chosen as public policy and more than one third of the population applies for the benefit, or if the lowest possible consumption signal of employed individuals would not be strictly positive any more, i.e. if cL (t) − f2 ≤ 0.6 After a revision, all individuals who applied for the transfer once again have to make their employment decision. The effective T then is payed out to the unemployed, be it the one fixed in the political process or the default value zero. At the third stage consumption takes place. Consumption signals are sent and used to learn about the matching value of all other individuals. At the last stage, individuals voluntarily match into pairs.7 The feature of policy revision built into the game reduces its complexity a lot. It simplifies the reasoning when solving the game by ruling out equilibria that would be supported only by extreme realizations for parameters anyway. Furthermore, it greatly reduces the space we have to devote to the description of individual behavior off the equilibrium path. Building a policy revision into the game which effectively rules out certain ‘extreme’ outcomes may be justified by the following argument. Suppose your government promises to pay a benefit in case you should become unemployed. Furthermore, suppose that, 5 An alternative model could have stochastic type-specific firm profits and perfectly observable consumption levels. 6 If cL (t) − f2 = 0 were a valid signal, one could not distinguish between an employed L-type having this signal and an unemployed individual. 7 The details of the matching technology are described in the next section. 6 for whatever reason, everyone stops working and applies for the benefit. Do you believe you would get anything?8 3 The matching technology In order to be able to model social interactions as a two-sided matching game, two proper sub-populations are needed. In the following, the construction of these sub-populations is described. Once consumption has taken place the population can be partitioned into subsets according to the signals. Firstly, there is a set of unemployed. Secondly, there are employed individuals. The employed can be sorted according to their signal.9 Define γ K (t) ≡ cK − f2 and γ K (t) ≡ cK + f2 . Now partition the whole interval [γ L (t), γ H (t)], which is the domain of possible signals, into five intervals Γ1 = [γ L (t), γ M (t)), Γ2 = [γ M (t), γ L (t)), Γ3 = [γ L (t), γ H (t)), Γ4 = [γ H (t), γ M (t)), Γ5 = [γ M (t), γ H (t)]. Let us define sets Sh , h = 1, 2, . . . , 5 where S1 is the set of all individuals having a signal in Γ1 , S2 is the set of all individuals having a signal in Γ2 and so on. Note that by evaluating the Lebesgue measure of S1 , S3 and S5 all individuals can compute the shares of employed individuals in all types. Furthermore, if the set a given signal belongs to has positive measure, individuals can compute the probability PK (γ, t, p) of the event that the sender of a signal γ is of type K, given the tax t and the vector p = (pL , pM , pH )0 , where pK indicates the share of employed type K-individuals. This probability is determined according to αγ,K (t) pK : γ>0 αγ,L (t) pL +αγ,M (t) pM +αγ,H (t) pH PK (γ, t, p) = (3) 1−pK : γ=0 , 3−(pL +pM +pH ) where 1 αγ,K (t) = 0 if γ ∈ [γ K (t), γ K (t)] otherwise . The upper line on the right hand side of (3) refers to signals of employed individuals and the lower to those of unemployed. 8 Interestingly, the political debate in Sweden in the 1990s culminating in a reduction of the replacement rate from 90 to 75 percent focused on the fiscal crisis induced by increased unemployment, not on adverse incentive effects. See Carling et al. (2001). 9 Note that t is a tax collected from each employed individual, thereby shifting the whole distribution of the signals. 7 Note that I did not say anything about conditional probabilities for signals which are elements of zero-measure sets. For completeness, I could specify beliefs, in some cases even arbitrary ones, but as we will see shortly, I actually do not need to do so in order to describe behavior in the matching game.10 Using the conditional probabilities derived above, each individual can compute the expected utility that is associated with choosing a partner having signal γ, where Ev(·|γ, t, p) = PH (γ, t, p)(m + δ) + PM (γ, t, p)m + PL (γ, t, p)(m − δ). (4) In order to be able to describe stable matchings as the outcome of a twosided matching game I divide the population into two sub-populations of equal measure. Call the set of unemployed individuals S0 . Then, by definition, we 5 S have [0, 1] = Sk . Now, divide each of the sets Sk , k = 0, 1, . . . , 5 into two k=0 disjoint sets S1k and S2k such that λ(S1k ) = λ(S2k ) ∀k, where λ(X) is the Lebesgue measure of X. Finally, construct two sub-populations defined as S1 ≡ 5 [ k=0 S1k and S2 ≡ 5 [ S2k . (5) k=0 Note that λ(S1 ) = λ(S2 ) and that both sub-populations are identical up to subsets of individuals with measure zero. 4 An equilibrium with self-selection into unemployment The game is analyzed by backward induction. As a first step, I will describe individual behavior in the matching process. Then I go on to the second stage and analyze employment decisions. Finally, voting behavior at the first stage of the game is analyzed. 10 Note that, if γ > 0 and the relevant set has measure zero, then the sender is identified if T > 0. This is because only S2 and S4 can possibly have as elements individuals of more than one type, and due to the restriction concerning the maximum share of unemployed in the population these sets must have positive measure if T > 0. 8 4.1 Matching into pairs At the matching stage of the game, individuals from both sub-populations S1 and S2 match voluntarily into pairs, using the information about potential partners made available by the signals. For simplicity, assume that individuals receive utility zero from staying unmatched. Following Cole et al. (1992) and Corneo and Grüner (2000), I abstain from describing the details of the two-sided matching process11 . Stable matchings are characterized as follows: Let µ : S1 → S2 be a voluntary matching if the following two conditions hold: (i) There does not exist i, j ∈ S1 , i 6= j such that Ev(i|γi , t, p) > Ev(j|γj , t, p) and Ev(µ(j)|γµ(j) , t, p) > Ev(µ(i)|γµ(i) , t, p), where µ(i) ∈ S2 is i’s matching partner. (ii) There does not exist a pair of individuals i ∈ S1 and j ∈ S2 where both individuals are unmatched. (iii) For any set B ⊂ µ−1 (S2 ), λ(µ(B)) = λ(B). If the first condition is violated, there exists a pair of individuals that blocks the actual matching because they both prefer to leave their assigned partners and match with one another. The meaning of the second conditions is that individuals who can match with one another but are unmatched form a blocking pair. The third conditions means that if all individuals from two sets are to be matched with one another, both sets must have the same Lebesgue measure. Note that condition (ii) does not preclude the existence of a set of unmatched individuals. But, if it exists, it must necessarily have measure zero. Too see this, suppose a subset of S1 with positive measure stays unmatched. Call this subset S10 . Since λ(S1 ) = λ(S2 ) and the measure of matched individuals must be equal in both S1 and S2 , there also exists a set S20 ⊂ S2 of unmatched individuals. This violates condition (ii). A symmetric reasoning with respect to subsets of S2 completes the argument. With the description of the matching technology and the conditions for a voluntary matching at hand I am now in a position to characterize the set of stable outcomes of the two-sided matching process.12 Proposition 1 Consider all i who are elements of some Sk , k = 0, 1, . . . , 5 having positive measure. In every stable matching, Ev(µ(i)|γµ(i) , t, p) = Ev(i|γi , t, p) for all such i, except possibly for a zero-measure set. Proof. The proof is by contradiction. Consider the subset S1m with the 11 For an introduction into two-sided matching problems, see Roth and Sotomayor (1990). The proof of proposition 1 is inspired by Corneo and Grüner (2000) p. 1494, but more general. Due to the endogenous distribution of income a large variety of possible distributions of signals has to be covered. 12 9 highest expected matching value of all S1k , k = 0, 1, . . . , 5 having positive measure. By definition and because only zero-measure sets can stay unmatched, in every stable matching we can partition S1m into disjoint subsets S1mk , k = 0, 1, . . . , 5 such that, for all k, all i ∈ S1mk are matched with some µ(i) ∈ S2k . Now suppose it exists S1mk for some k with λ(S1mk ) > 0 and for all i ∈ S1mk we have Ev(µ(i)|γµ(i) , t, p) < Ev(i|γi , t, p). Then, since λ(S1k ) = λ(S2k ) ∀k, there exists a S̃2 ⊂ S2 with λ(S̃2 ) = λ(S1mk ) and all µ(j) ∈ S̃2 being matched with some j ∈ S1 such that Ev(j|γj , t, p) < Ev(µ(j)|γµ(j) , t, p) while, by definition, Ev(µ(j)|γµ(j) , t, p) = Ev(i|γi , t, p). This cannot be a stable matching since all i ∈ S1mk would prefer to be matched with some µ(j) ∈ S̃2 and vice versa. Hence ∀i ∈ S1m (except possibly for a zero-measure set), Ev(µ(i)|γµ(i) , t, p) = Ev(i|γi , t, p) holds. Now let S1n be the subset with the highest expected matching value of all S1k having positive measure once S1m is removed from S1 . Repeating the same kind of argument as before for S1n and all remaining S1k with λ(S1k ) > 0 shows that in a stable matching only zero-measure sets of individuals can possibly be matched with partners from sets which differ with respect to the expected matching value of their elements. Intuitively, because both sub-populations are identical up to (possibly) a zero-measure set of individuals and all individuals have identical preferences over potential social partners, we must have that in a voluntary matching the typical pair (i, µ(i)) has signals (γi , γµ(i) ) carrying the same informational value in the sense that based on γi and γµ(i) , a third individual would estimate the matching values of both i and µ(i) as being equal. All individuals would like to have one of the most attractive partners, but competition for highquality matches leads to a sorting of individuals into symmetric matches. Thus, the symmetry of the distribution of signals in the sub-populations translates into symmetry of matching for the typical pair. Proposition 1 is somewhat weak in that it does not say anything about expected matching utilities for a possibly existing zero-measure set of individuals. Covering zero-measure sets is not possible because in almost all cases we could, starting from any stable matching, reassign some individuals to partners with different expected matching values such that the resulting matching would also be stable. For example, suppose all individuals are employed and all matches are symmetric. Starting from this stable matching, take a zero-measure set S̃1h ⊂ S1h for some h and reassign the elements to partners from some S2l , l 6= h. Call the 0 set of elements of S2l who are rematched S̃2l . Define S1h ≡ S1h \ S̃1h and 0 0 0 S2l ≡ S2l \ S̃2l . Since λ(S1h ) = λ(S1h ) and λ(S2l ) = λ(S2l ), one can now 0 0 rematch all i ∈ S1h with elements from S2h and all j ∈ S2l with elements 10 from S2l . After all these reassignments, there does not exist a blocking pair of individuals. Conditions (ii) and (iii) are also fulfilled. Therefore, the resulting matching is stable. On the other hand, proposition 1 is rather strong. It shows that if a set Sk , k = 0, 1, . . . , 5 has positive measure, then all individuals i ∈ Sk associate probability zero to the event that in a stable matching they end up with an asymmetric match, i.e. that they are matched with a partner who differs in terms of expected matching value. Because proposition 1 does not say anything about what kind of match individuals should expect if they are element of some possibly existing zeromeasure set Sk , I specify the following beliefs: (i) All individuals believe that they will be self-matched if they are element of some zero-measure set Sh , h = 1, 2, . . . , 5. To be self-matched means to be matched with a partner who has the same matching value as oneself. To illustrate, consider the case pL = 0, pM = pH = 1. A single L-type considering the alternative of being employed then believes to be matched with an L-type if γ ∈ Γ1 should be drawn as his signal. This is what we should expect, given that he is identified as an L-type, a randomly drawn partner from the set of unemployed is of type L with probability one and all other individuals have an expected matching value strictly higher than m − δ.13 (ii) All individuals believe that they will be matched with an L-type if they are element of S0 and λ(S0 ) = 0. If the rate of unemployment is zero, choosing to be unemployed is believed to be associated with the worst match available. As mentioned above, one could specify additional beliefs saying how individuals assign probabilities to the event that the sender of signal γi is of type K given that i ∈ Sk and λ(Sk ) = 0. But, since for the determination of expected matching utilities it suffices to know the beliefs about matching partners, I abstain from doing so. 4.2 Employment decisions At the second stage, all individuals simultaneously face their employment decision. Note that for given T , the tax that equalizes the government’s budget depends on the share of unemployed, i.e. t = t(T, p). Each individual takes the actions of others as given and optimizes against them. Let individual i be of type K. Suppose i chooses to be employed. Her 13 The same argument holds for the cases pM = 0, pL = pH = 1 and pH = 0, pL = pM = 1 (see proposition 3). All other cases are of minor importance since they become relevant only if T = 0 results from the first stage (see lemma 1). 11 expected matching utility, given employment decisions of all other individuals resulting in λ(Sk ) > 0 for all k, then equals Z∞ EvK (t, p) = Ev(i|γ, t, p) αγ,K (t) dγ, f (6) −∞ α (t) where γ,K is the density of the signal for employed K-types. If i chooses to f be unemployed, her expected matching utility is EvK (γ = 0, t, p) = Ev(i|γ = 0, t, p). (7) If the actions of all other individuals at stage two give rise to zero-measure sets in which i could possibly end up with her γ, her expected matching utility must be formulated according to the specified beliefs. An equilibrium profile of strategies must, for any T , prescribe employment decisions for all individuals that are simultaneously optimal. Let me start with some results stating properties that an equilibrium profile of strategies must or cannot have. Proposition 2 Suppose T > 0. There cannot exist an equilibrium where sets of different types having positive measure are unemployed such that λ(S0 ) ≤ 1/3 and γ L (t) = s + e − ∆ − t(T, p) − f2 > 0. Proof. Suppose 0 < pL < 1, 0 < pM < 1 and pH = 1, where pL + pM ≥ 1, i.e. λ(S0 ) ≤ 1/3, and γ L (t) > 0. Employment decisions do not trigger the policy revision. Hence T is the effective transfer. Employment decisions can only be optimal for all individuals if, given pL , pM and pH , all L-types and all M -types are exactly indifferent between working and applying for the transfer. If L-types and M -types pool in applying for the transfer, they must have the same expected matching utility from this option. Therefore, both types also must have the same expected utility from working. This cannot be the case, because both the net income and the expected matching utility of working M types are higher than those of working L-types. Similar arguments show that there cannot exist an equilibrium where sets of L-types and H-types, M -types and H-types or all types having positive measure are unemployed. Proposition 3 Neither an equilibrium with 0 ≤ pM < 1, pL = pH = 1 nor one with 0 ≤ pH < 1, pL = pM = 1 can exist as long as γ L (t) > 0. 12 Proof. Suppose 0 < pM < 1, pL = pH = 1 in equilibrium, and suppose γ L (t) > 0. M -types must be indifferent between working and applying for the transfer. The indifference condition is e − t(T, p) + EvM (t, p) = T + m. (8) Using (3), (4) and (6) yields γZL (t) e − t(T, p) + γ M (t) m(1 + pM ) − δ dγ + (1 + pM )f γZ M (t) γ H (t) γ H (t) Z m dγ + f γ L (t) m(1 + pM ) + δ dγ = T + m. (1 + pM )f (9) This reduces to t(T, p) = e − T . At the same time, L-types’ behavior must be optimal: γ M (t) Z e − ∆ − t(T, p) + m−δ dγ + f γ L (t) This reduces to δ t(T, p) ≤ e − ∆ − 1 + pM γZL (t) γ M (t) µ m(1 + pM ) − δ dγ ≥ T + m (10) (1 + pM )f ¶ ∆pM + 1 − T, f (11) which contradicts t = e − T . If pM = 0, an M -type considering the alternative of being employed beliefs to be self-matched if his signal should lie in Γ3 . Therefore, one gets t(T, p) ≥ e − T and t(T, p) ≤ e − ∆ − δ − T from both types’ optimality conditions, once again a contradiction. A similar argument shows that 0 ≤ pH < 1, pL = pM = 1 cannot be an equilibrium. The only transfer which could, in general, lead to an effective unemployment rate higher than one third is T = 0. This is because, if T > 0 is fixed by the political process, an unemployment rate higher than one third will trigger the default transfer, which again is zero. The following lemma serves to characterize equilibrium employment decisions for T = 0. Lemma 1 For T = 0 (determined either by the political process or as the default transfer), equilibrium strategies for all individuals must specify to choose employment. 13 Proof. Suppose T = 0 has been implemented and all individuals choose to work. Then for all types deviating and going for a zero transfer leads to strictly less consumption and strictly decreased expected matching utility. This is because a single individual believes to be matched with an L-type and therefore has expected matching utility m − δ, which is for all types less than what a working individual could expect. By very similar arguments it can be shown that a strategy profile leading to a set of unemployed individuals with measure zero cannot be an equilibrium. All strategy profiles leading to a set of unemployed individuals with positive measure can be assigned to one of the following cases: 0 ≤ pL < 1, pM = pH = 1; 0 ≤ pM < 1, pL = pH = 1; 0 ≤ pH < 1, pL = pM = 1; pL = 1, 0 ≤ pM < 1, 0 ≤ pH < 1; 0 ≤ pL < 1, pM = 1, 0 ≤ pH < 1; 0 ≤ pL < 1, 0 ≤ pM < 1, pH = 1; 0 ≤ pK < 1 ∀ K = L, M, H. For all cases, one can easily find individuals for whom a deviation would be profitable (details omitted). Lemma 1 shows that employment is optimal for all individuals if T = 0. The next lemma states that for all T > 0 that might be implemented in the first stage we find at least one profile of simultaneously optimal employment decisions. Lemma 2 Suppose T > 0. Then all strategy profiles leading to λ(S0 ) > 1/3 are Nash equilibria in the subgame starting after T has been determined. Proof. If strategies are such that λ(S0 ) > 1/3 if T > 0 has been fixed in the political process, the default T = 0 is implemented anyway. Thus no individual has an incentive to deviate from its strategy. I am now going to characterize transfers which might be followed by employment decisions leading to a strictly positive effective rate of unemployment (a strictly positive tax rate) in equilibrium. From the observations made so far we already know that while doing so only employment decisions leading to 0 ≤ pL < 1, pM = pH = 1 need to be considered. In the following, assume for simplicity that the endowment s is sufficiently high to guarantee γ L (t) > 0 as long as T is such that an equilibrium with a strictly positive effective tax exists in the subgame starting after T has been chosen. Note that L-types must be indifferent between being employed and being 14 unemployed if individual decisions leading to 0 < pL < 1 are required to be simultaneously optimal. Given pM = pH = 1 the indifference of L-types can be stated as γ M (t) Z e−∆−t+ m−δ dγ + f γ L (t) γZL (t) γ M (t) m + pL (m − δ) dγ = T + m − δ, (1 + pL )f (12) where t indicates any tax rate that might be determined irrespective of the budget constraint. Basic manipulations yield µ ¶ δ ∆ t=e−∆+ 1− − T. (13) 1 + pL f In figure 1, the indifference conditions for pL = 1 and pL = 0 are displayed. To the left of L1 are points at which, given pM = pH = 1, it is simultaneously optimal to work for all type-L individuals. Here, because no one goes for the transfer, we must have t(T, p) = 0 in equilibrium anyway. To the right of L0 there are points at which, given pM = pH = 1, it is simultaneously optimal for all L-types to go for the transfer (pL = 0). Here, as long as the self-selection of types into employment and unemployment does not change, budget equalization requires t(T, p) = T /2. Let T1 be the transfer at which L1 and the T -axis intersect. T0 denotes the intersection of L0 and t = T /2. The corresponding taxes are t1 = 0 and t0 . The next task is to identify the set of budget balancing pairs (t, T ) for which 0 ≤ pL ≤ 1, pM = pH = 1 reflect optimal employment decisions of all types. Let us first look at the L-types. The government’s budget equation can be written as (2 + pL )t = (1 − pL )T. (14) Solving for the share of working L-types gives pL = (T − 2t)/(T + t). Using the indifference condition (13), substituting for pL and solving for T gives two separate functions ¤1 2v + z − t 1 £ ± (3t − 2v)2 + z(4v + z + 6t) 2 , (15) 4 4 ³ ´ where I substituted v ≡ e − ∆ and z ≡ δ 1 − ∆ . It is easy to verify that f T (+,−) = T (−) ≤ 0 for all positive t, and that T (+) is real valued, continuous and convex 15 δ 2 t 6 L @0 @ @ t0 L @1 @ 0 @ ³ 1− ∆ f ´ δ 2 >e−∆ t @ @ M @ 1 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Tmax T1 T0 1− ∆ f ´ <e−∆ 6@ @ @ @ M1 L0 @ @ @ @ L @ @1 @ 1 @ @ t = 2 T@ @ @ @ t0 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 0 T0 T1 Tmax @ t = 12 T @ @ ³ @ T T Figure 1: Equilibrium employment decisions for varying transfers. in t. Since the budget is balanced and the indifference condition for L-types is met at points (T1 , 0) and (T0 , t0 ), these points must lie on T (+) . As shown in figure 1, T (+) might have its minimum on [0, t0 ], but this is not necessarily (+) the ³ case.´ Evaluating the derivative at t = 0, one³ finds ´dT (0)/dt < 0 if δ 1− ∆ < 4(e − ∆). Furthermore, T0 > T1 if δ 1 − ∆ > 2(e − ∆). One f f can also use (13) and the budget to eliminate the transfer. This gives µ ¶ ∆ 3t δ 1− − = 0. (16) e−∆+ 1 + pL f 1 − pL Using the implicit function rule shows that d pL /d t < 0. An increase in the tax is always associated with a lower share of type-L individuals being employed. Now let us turn to the M -types. Consistency of their employment decisions in an equilibrium with 0 ≤ pL < 1, pM = pH = 1 requires γZL (t) T +m−δ ≤ e−t+ γ M (t) m + pL (m − δ) dγ + (1 + pL )f γ H (t) Z γ L (t) m dγ + f γZ M (t) m + 2δ dγ. (17) f γ H (t) Note that if this condition is exactly binding, the equivalent condition for H-types is not, because H-types have higher income and a higher expected 16 matching utility if they choose to be employed.14 Furthermore, any (t, T ) satisfying (13) also satisfies (17) for any pL ∈ [0, 1). To see this, write (17) as µ ¶ µ ¶ δ ∆ pL δ ∆ t≤e+δ+ 1− − 1− − T, (18) 2 f 1 + pL f and compare with (13). In order to determine Tmax , the highest transfer we have to consider explicitly, substitute pL = 0 as the polar case. The set of points (t, T ) at which M -types are exactly indifferent between being employed and being unemployed is displayed as M1 in figure 1. Let T be the transfer defined by the intersection of M1 and the budget line. Tmax is then given by max{T1 , T }. From the characterizing properties of equilibrium given so far it is immediately obvious that for any T > Tmax that might be determined in the first stage, equilibrium strategy profiles necessarily must trigger the default transfer T = 0. Lemma 3 Equilibrium strategy profiles must specify employment decisions leading to an effective transfer of zero if T > Tmax was determined in the political process. In the preceding paragraphs we found that multiple equilibria exist in almost all subgames starting after the transfer has been fixed. In particular, if dT (+) (0)/dt < 0, then there exist transfers to the left of T1 which might in equilibrium be followed by a zero rate of unemployment as well as different strictly positive rates of unemployment and corresponding taxes. I conclude this section with Lemma 4 The following strategy profile constitutes a Nash equilibrium in every subgame starting after the transfer has been chosen: For all types, strategies specify to work in case the political process should be revised. Furthermore, for each M -type and each H-type, strategies specify to work if T ≤ Tmax and to choose not to work if T > Tmax . For L-types, strategies condition on two possible cases that might occur: ³ ´ i) 2δ 1 − ∆ > e − ∆: Each L-type’s strategy specifies to work if T ≤ T1 , f to choose employment with probability pL if T ∈ (T1 , T0 ], where pL is jointly determined by (13) and the budget, and to choose not to work if T > T0 . 14 Thus I do not have to deal with the employment decisions of H-types explicitly. 17 δ 2 ³ ∆ f ´ 1− ≤ e − ∆: Each L-type’s strategy specifies to work if T ≤ T1 and ii) not to work if T > T1 . For the moment, consider only the set D of equilibria where employment decisions following the equilibrium strategies do not induce a reversion of the political process for all T ≤ Tmax . It is easy to see that the strategy profile described by Lemma 4 has the following property: For all transfers that might be chosen by the electorate, it specifies employment decisions such that there does not exist another equilibrium from D leading to a strictly lower rate of unemployment. 4.3 Voting over unemployment benefits We are now in a position to find the Condorcet winner of the voting stage, i.e. the transfer which beats all alternatives in a pairwise majority voting. In a given pairwise comparison, all individuals vote for the transfer which maximizes their expected utility. Because subgames starting after a transfer has been fixed generally have multiple Nash equilibria, we need to specify which equilibrium is expected to occur. It seems reasonable to assume that for all transfers that might be determined in the political process individuals expect the Nash equilibrium described in lemma 4. This assumption could be weakened in the light of lemma 3. The crucial point, however, is that the electorate must be assumed to ‘coordinate’ expectations with regard to Nash equilibria in subgames following after a transfer T ≤ Tmax has been chosen. Proposition 4 Suppose all individuals expect equilibrium employment decisions as described in lemma 4 and have beliefs about matching partners as specified above.³Then ´ the following holds: δ ∆ (i) Suppose 2 1 − f > e − ∆. Then the unique Condorcet winner is T0 , the smallest transfer that triggers self-selection of all L-types into unemployment in equilibrium. ³ ´ ≤ e − ∆. Then the set of Condorcet winners is (ii) Suppose 2δ 1 − ∆ f {T |T ∈ R+ \ (T1 , Tmax ]} if Tmax = T and {T |T ∈ R+ } if Tmax = T1 . ³ ´ δ ∆ Proof. Part (i). Suppose 2 1 − f > e − ∆ holds and recall that T0 > T1 in this case. Consider first transfers satisfying 0 ≤ T ≤ T0 . To derive the expected utility of L-types as a function of pL (taking pM = pH = 1 as given) 18 in this range, evaluate the left-hand side of (12), substituting for t using (13) and the budget to get · µ ¶¸ 2 + pL δ ∆ EUL (pL ) = e−∆+ 1− + s + m − δ. (19) 3 1 + pL f Note that EUL (pL ) is convex in pL and that EUL (pL )|pL =0 > EUL (pL )|pL =1 . Thus L-types must prefer T0 compared to any strictly smaller T . Setting up the expected utility of M -types for all 0 ≤ T ≤ T0 as a function of pL , one finds µ ¶ ∆ δ 1+ . (20) EUM (pL ) = EUL (pL ) + ∆ + 2 f Equation (20) shows that in a pairwise comparison between transfers 0 ≤ T ≤ T0 , M -types behave exactly as L-types. Now consider transfers satisfying T0 < T ≤ Tmax . For all T in this range, selfselection of L-types into unemployment is expected as the Nash equilibrium in the subgame starting after the transfer has been fixed. Because t = T /2, the expected utility of M -types is a strictly decreasing function of T in this range. Therefore, M -types strictly prefer T0 over all T0 < T ≤ Tmax . The expected utility of H-types is constant up to T1 and strictly decreasing for all T ∈ (T1 , Tmax ] because their expected matching utility is unchanged while the tax is strictly positive and increasing. All Nash equilibria in subgames starting after a transfer higher than Tmax has been fixed have a zero effective rate of unemployment. Thus all types are indifferent between all T in {T |T ∈ R+ \ (T1 , Tmax ]}. Therefore, there does not exist a T ∈ R+ which beats T0 in a pairwise comparison. ³ ´ δ ∆ Part (ii): Suppose 2 1 − f ≤ e − ∆ and note that T0 ≤ T1 in this case. If Tmax = T , all types are indifferent between all T in {T |T³ ∈ R+ ´\ (T1 , Tmax ]}. From (13), t = 0 and pL = 1 we have T1 = e − ∆ + 2δ 1 − ∆ . Using the f ³ ´ for all T ∈ (T1 , Tmax ]. Let ŨK = ŨK (T ) condition, this implies T > δ 1 − ∆ f be the expected utility of a type-K individual as³a function h ´i of the transfer. 1 ∆ Then E ŨM (T1 ) − E ŨM (T )|T ∈(T1 ,Tmax ] = 2 T − δ 1 − f > 0. For the Htypes, the same argument as in part (i) holds. If Tmax = T1 , all types are indifferent between all T ∈ R+ . Depending on the parameters, either a transfer is chosen which is followed by a rate of unemployment and a tax of zero, or the transfer which is the smallest 19 one to trigger complete self-selection of L-types into unemployment. Note that δ is restricted by an upper bound m. Thus, by simultaneously increasing both parameters ³ ´ while holding the difference fixed, we can always find a δ such that δ ∆ 1 − f > e − ∆ holds. 2 The main result of the paper can thus be summarized as follows. If productivity differences between types coincide with sufficiently large differences in social values attached to individuals, a political equilibrium with tax financed unemployment benefits leading to a self-selection of the least productive types into unemployment exists. In this equilibrium, the fact that employment decisions are observable and only unemployed are entitled to receive the benefit is used by the middle class to induce self-sorting of less desirable social partners. Hence, public policy serves as an instrument to relegate less productive (and socially less valuable) individuals into a separated lower class league before it comes to choosing social partners. In this equilibrium, members of the middle class have to pay taxes to finance the transfers to the unemployed. However, they gain in terms of social status, and these gains more than outweigh the tax cost. At the same time, members of the class of less productive individuals lose in terms of social status by self-selecting into unemployment. They are compensated for this loss by a benefit which exceeds the income they would earn if they supplied labor. To see this, note that an L-type’s loss in expected matching utility (or social status) from choosing unemployment instead of employment given that all other L-types are unemployed is δ (1 − ∆/f ). The equilibrium benefit T0 = (2/3)[e − ∆ + δ (1 − ∆/f )] exceeds the net income L-types receive by running a firm and paying the tax by the same amount and thus exactly balances this loss. Given that an effective benefit higher than T0 will never gain support by another group, what matters for the L-types’s voting behavior is the comparison between a benefit leading to full employment and T0 . The crucial parameter is δ, measuring the social distance between different types. The socially more distant different types are, the higher is the L-types’ loss in social status that comes along with self-selection into unemployment compared to the laissez-faire. But the transfer depends positively on δ, and the net gain for L-types associated with switching from the laissez-faire to a benefit T0 is · µ ¶ ¸ 1 δ ∆ E ŨL (T0 ) − E ŨL (T = 0) = 1− − (e − ∆) . (21) 3 2 f Hence, if the social distance is sufficiently large, L-types politically support T0 . M -types gain what L-types lose by switching from a laissez-faire to T0 : the gain in terms of expected matching utility of the former is exactly what is 20 lost by the latter. The cost of inducing self-selection of the less desirable social partners is, however, partly shifted to the H-types, who have to pay half of the tax burden. This is why both L-types and M -types prefer the self-selection outcome compared to a laissez-faire if δ is high enough. 5 Concluding remarks It is widely criticized that certain features of unemployment benefit schemes especially in many European countries have discouraging effects for the permanently unemployed to engage in job search activities. One of the main issues in the ongoing discussion on political reform of unemployment benefit schemes is that minimum benefits are close to or even above the wage level for less productive workers. At the same time, lower income groups face a huge implicit tax rate through the withdrawal of benefits. In this paper, I offer a model in which two essential characteristics of individuals, namely productivity and social value, i.e. their desirability as social partners, are correlated. As usual, labor supply decisions are affected by the outside option provided by an unemployment benefit scheme. The political attitudes of voters towards these benefits are then partly driven by social motivations: Anticipating the self-selection outcome, members of the middle class might vote for a level of benefits that is just sufficient to induce the least productive individuals to opt for the benefit. The gain of middle class voters comes as an improved social status fueled by an increase in social differentiation. The insight generated is that one of the institutions figuring prominently in most social welfare systems, in addition to supplying insurance and to prevent poverty, may serve as a social selection device. This may help to understand why political reform of discouraging benefit schemes is often slow and far from unanimously supported by the middle class. The paper thus points out that differences in institutional arrangements may be quite important in shaping individual political attitudes towards redistribution. 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