81 32 Technical Report Series 32 Number 78-6 DATA REPORT #1 OCEANOGRAPHIC AND METEOROLOGICAL DATA 15 km OFF THE COAST OF GEORGIA by J. 0. Blanton L. L. Bailey D. W. Hayes and A. S. Dicks 31 31 Georgia Marine Science Center University System of Georgia Skidaway Island, Georgia 81 DATA REPORT #1 OCEANOGRAPHIC AND METEOROLOGICAL DATA 15 km OFF THE COAST OF GEORGIA J. 0. Blanton* L. L. Bailey* D. W. Hayes** A. S. Dicks** *Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, Savannah, Georgia **Savannah River Laboratory, Aiken, South Carolina October 1978 The Technical Report Series of the Georgia Marine Science Center is issued by the Georgia Sea Grant Program and the Marine Extension Service of the University of Georgia on Skidaway Island (P. 0. Box 13687, Savannah Georgia 31406). It was established to provide dissemination of technical information and progress reports resulting from marine studies and investigations mainly by staff and faculty of the University System of Georgia. In addition, it is intended for the presentation of techniques and methods, reduced data and general information of interest to industry, local, regional, and state governments and the public. Information contained in these reports is in the public domain. If this prepublication copy is cited, it should be cited as an unpublished manuscript. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page List of Tables . iii List of Figures iv Acknowledgments vi Introduction . . Study Location 3 Instrumentation 3 Sensors . . 3 Data return 5 Data Processing 8 Error checks on 10-min values 8 Smoothing of 10-min irregularities 8 Removal of tidal and daily fluctuations 9 Plotting of hourly and 6-hour data 9 The Data . . . . . ..... 14 Weekly plots of hourly data 14 Monthly plots of 40-hour low-pass data 41 ii LIST OF TABLES Table 1. 2. Page Time over which usable data were obtained from each sensor for the period 17 February through 17 May 1977 6 Data files that resulted from smoothing the 10-min data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l0 i;; LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Location of SNLT 2. Wind, barometric pressure, and ocean currents from 17-23 February 1977 . . 15 3. Air and ocean temperature from 17-23 February 1977 16 4. Wind, barometric pressure, and ocean currents from 24 February - 2 March 1977 17 5. Air and ocean temperature from 24 February- 2 March 1977 18 6. Wind, barometric pressure, and ocean currents from 3-9 March 1977 . 19 7. Air and ocean temperature from 3-9 March 1977 20 8. Wind, barometric pressure, and ocean currents from 10-16 March 1977 . 21 9. Air and ocean temperature from 10-16 March 1977 22 Wind, barometric pressure, and ocean currents from 17-23 March 1977 . . . 23 11. Air and ocean temperature from 17-23 March 1977 24 12. Wind, barometric pressure, and ocean currents from 24-30 March 1977 . 25 13. Air and ocean temperature from 24-30 March 1977 26 14. Wind, barometric pressure, and ocean currents from 31 March. . 6 April 1977 27 15. Air and ocean temperature from 31 March- 4 April 1977 28 16. Wind, barometric pressure, and ocean currents from 7-13 Apri 1 1977 . . . . . . . 29 17. Air and ocean temperature from 7-13 Apr i l 1977 30 18. Wind, barometric pressure, and ocean currents from 14-20 Apri 1 1977 31 Air and ocean temperature from 14-20 April 1977 32 10. 19. 4 iv . LIST OF FIGURES (Cont'd) Page · Figure 20. Wind, barometric pressure, and ocean currents from 21-27 April 1977 . . . . . . . . . 33 21. Air and ocean temperature from 21-27 April 1977 34 22. Wind, barometric pressure, and ocean currents from 28 April - 4 May 1977 . . . . . . . 35 23. Air and ocean temperature from 28 April - 4 May 1977 36 24. Wind, barometric pressure, and ocean currents from 5-11 May 1977 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 25. Air and ocean temperature from 5-11 May 1977 . . . 38 26. Barometric pressure and ocean currents from 12-18 May 1977 39 27. Air and ocean temperature from 12-18 May 1977 40 28. Wind and ocean currents for February 1977 42 29. Wind, air temperature, barometric pressure, and ocean temperature for February 1977 43 30. Wind and ocean currents for March 1977 44 31. Wind, air temperature, barometric pressure, and ocean temperature for March 1977 . 45 32. Ocean currents for April 1977 46 33. Air temperature, barometric pressure, and ocean temperature for April 1977 . 47 34. Ocean currents for May 1977 48 35. Air temperature, barometric pressure, and ocean temperature for May 1977 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We wish to thank Jerry Miller, Dan Mcintosh, and Cindy Miller for their assistance in preparing and typing the text and data plots and drafting the location map. This work is a result from research sponsored by the U. S. Pepartment of Energy under contracts EY-77-S-09-1025 and AT(07-2)-1. This report is published as a part of the Georgia Marine Science Center's Technical Report Series issued by the Georgia Sea Grant Program under NOAA Office of Sea Grant #04-7-158-44126. vi INTRODUCTION The emphasis of many oceanographic studies has shifted to areas closer to the shore because these areas are increasingly being used for recreation and resource development. Many expect that the coastal nuclear and fossil power plants and other energy-related activities in the coastal zone take place together with man•s use of this zone as a recreational and food resource. Thus, the data described in this report have been collected in order to attain an understanding of the characteristics of coastal currents. This understanding is essential before one cah evaluate the effect of the currents on biologica~, chemical, and geological processes occurring in the nearshore reg ion or even determine the transport, dispersion, and fate of energy-related pollutants. The causes of the natural variations in these processes must be determined before man•s impact on them can be assessed. Much of the oceanographic research conducted by Savannah River Laboratory and Skidaway Institute of Oceanography under U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) sponsorship has this objective: to characterize, in a climatological sense, coastal water movements that are of particular relevance to the dispersive characteristics of nearshore waters on the continental shelf. The flow field in this environment is extremely complex due to the interaction of a number of hydrodynamic and meterological variables, such as wind stress, tidal action, bottom friction and density, and sea-surface pressure gradients. Deterministic predictions are not feasible at present, a situation which is confounded by Georgia•s lack of a Solid 11 11 shore boundary. Its boundary is perforated by tidal inlets whose average spacing is only 10 to 20 km. For the immediate future, a statistical or climatological approach appears to be realistic. This requires several years of data in a region. 2 The objective of this series of data reports is to provide documentation and visual display of experimental data from the nearshore continental shelf off the Georgia and South Carolina coast. This is of use not only to those programs within the sponsoring agency but is of value in other research programs in this area of the coast along the southeastern Un ited States. 3 STUDY LOCATION The Savannah Navigational Light Tower (SNLT) is located about 17 km (9 nautical miles) offshore (Figure 1). at mean low water. The water is 16m deep The dredged cha·nnel for the Savannah River entrance is found on a bearing west northwest from SNLT, and the major axes of the near-surface and near-bottom tidal current ellipses at SNLT lie approximately along this bearing. The tidal range at the mouth of the Savannah River varies between 2 and 3 m, the largest range on the Atlantic coast of the U. S. south of C~pe Cod. The flood and ebb tidal flow into and out of the Savannah River appears to influence measurements of ocean currents at SNLT. The SNLT is located in a region of the southeast U. S. Atlantic coast that is typical of the nearshore region from Cape Carolina to Fernandina Beach, Florida. R~main, South The coastline is interrupted every 10 to 20 km by tidal inlets (of which the Savannah River is one) that feed an extensive network of interconnected sounds and waterways. Many inlets are mouths of major rivers, such as the Savannah, Altamiha, and Pee Dee. Discharges of these rivers can range from 100 to 1000 m3;s. Other inlets are no more than pocket estuaries where freshwater input is essentially zero. Nevertheless, the large tidal range and the extensive network of shallow sounds and salt marshes act together to form a 10-20 km wide band of turbid, relatively low-salinity water along this coast. The SNLT is located within this regime. INSTRUMENTATION Sensors The SNLT is instrumented with a set of meteorological and oceanographic sensors whose output is sent to a 4 j " .- ... . . ,-:-· . . ... ....... : ·, ......... ·.. : _ . ......, ......... '\! ' ' ..... _ _.······· - ·-........... ' .....· ..... ____ ·.. _ -.. ' h,,, •• •.• ···.. _ .. ;sm ··· .·· / ....... -- ·· ······· ···-···-·· '-. Figure 1. Location of SNLT. Depth contours are in ~eters. 5 programmable Esterline Angus multi-channel data logger. ~lind velocity is measured with an MRI Model 1074-20 cup and vane anemometer. Currents are measured with Marsh-McBirney Model 511 electromagnetic current meters. Air and water temperatures are measured with thermocouples made from Constantan wire with cold junction compensation performed by the data acquisition system. Also mounted on the tower are a bubbler tide gauge with a Robinson-Halpern pressure transducer and an aneroid cell barometer, ~1odel #B-242, by Weathermeasure Corporation. from specifications from manufacturers are ± Sensor accuracies as derived 0.5 m/s and ± 4° at speeds of up to 20 m/s for wind velocity, ± 2 cm/s at speeds of up to 100 cm/s for each component of ocean current, ± 0.6°C for air and ocean temperature, ± 5 em for sea level up to 3m above mean low water (MLW),and barometric pressure. 1 ± 1 min/month. \~ind ~1mb for A quartz crystal in the data logger measures time to velocity is measured at a height of 27m above MUL Three thermocouples are located 18 m above MLW and we average their data to report air temperature: Sea level is measured relative to MLvJ. North and east components of ocean currents are measured with electromagnetic current meters at 4.3 m and 13.4 m below MLW. Six thermocouples measure ocean temperature at 1.5 m, 3.0 m, 6.7 m, 10.4 m, 14.0 m,and 15.8 m, respectively, below MLW. Data Return Usable data excludes those 10-min values that were designated with 99999.99 or asterisks as well as those values that we judge were unrealistic. Table 1 indicates a 100% data return from all but five sensors. 1The types of sensors and the data acquisition system are covered in a separate document entitled "Oceanographic and Meteorological Data Acquisition System for the Savannah Navigational Light Tower", by D. W. Hayes (in preparation). 6 Table 1. Time over which usable data were obtained from each sensor for the period 17 February through 17 May 1977. FEB Wind direction, 27 m Wind speed,_ 27 m Barometric pressure Sea level Temperature, 1 m Temperature, 3 m Temperature, 7 m Temperature, 10 m Temperature, 14 m Temperature, 16 m North current, 4 m East current, 4 m North current, 13 m East current, 13 m MAR tr1AY APR xxxxxx, xxxxxxx XX kX X X XXXX XXXXXX) xxxxxxxxxxx Kxxxxxxxxxxx XX XX XX xxxxxxxxxxx r-.XXXXXXXXXXX XX Percent of Usable data 65 XXX XX 100 XXX XX 100 (no ~ata) xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx Kxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx kxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxx XX XXX XXX XXX xxxxxxxxxxx ,_xxxxxxxxxxx ~xxxxx XXX XXX xxxxxxxxxxx KXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXX XXX XXX xxxxxxxxxxx KXXXX XXXXXXX XXX XX XXX XXX xxxxxxxxxxx KXXXXXXXXXXX xxxx XX XXX X xxxxxxxxxxx KXXXXXXXXXXX xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx KXXXXXXXXXXX xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx KXXXXXXXXXXX xxxxx 0 100 100 38 100 100 100 96 96 100 100 7 The wind direction sensor operated continuously for the first four and one-half weeks (35% of the total record) after which the data became only sporadically usable. We were able to extract a total of almost eight weeks of hourly direction data (see next section) after an arduous effort of programming. The 65% return (Table 1) reflects the total usable hourly data we were able to extract. Sea level data were so sporatic in quality that no usable data resulted. The temperature sensor at 6.7 m functioned during the later portion of our record. The other temperature sensorsfunctioned 100% of the time. The sensor for the two components of velocity at 4.3 m operated about 96% of the time (Table 1). reservation. We are including these data with The north component is consistently positive and large enough to result in a residual flow (tides removed) that never reverses even when the wind direction reverses. This is so unusual that we must interpret the data with considerable caution. The velocity sensors had operated for almost three months before the beginning of the data reported here. A shift in the "zero" voltage position of the sensor cannot be ruled out. On 13 May 1977, the velocity values of the north component at 4.3 m suddenlyjumpedto more than +100 cm/s, and we rejected the final portion of the record. east component did not experience a similar increase. The corresponding 8 DATA PROCESSING Error checks on 10-min values The primary data were acquired for each sensor by the data 1ogger on magnetic tape at selected time intervals. For this report the time interval was 10 min except for the first two weeks when the interval was 3 min. These data were converted to engineering units and bad data fields filled with 99999.99 for unrealistic or erroneous values. The 10-min data form the basic data set for this report. If less than five values were found to be bad in any particular field, the values were inserted by linear interpolation and the field reported to be 100% good. Wind direction data contained many blocks of missing data and linear interpolation schemes could not be used exclusively. We tried to salvage as much wind velocity data as possible by using · two smoothing schemes. If we had at least 5 hours of continuously good 10-min data, we utilized a smoothing filter as described below. cases, this scheme was not possible. In many If we had 1 or more hours of continuous data, but less than 5 hours, we block-averaged the good data to produce hourly values. Smoothing of 10-min irregularities The irregularities in the 10-min data were smoothed with a symmetric Lanczos-squared filter containing 13 weights. 2 This filter removes one-half of the amplitude of fluctuations having 2-hour periods and removes 90% 2The weight (wj) were computed according to the formula w. J J/Mlj a = ~in[~(j-1 n(j-1)/M where j = M = a = a = 1 ,2, ... M (no. of weights + 1 )/2 2 for Lanczos-squared filters 1 for Lanczos filters 9 of the amplitude of fluctuations with periods of 1 hour. attenuation occurs at periods below 1 hour. Higher We have sacrificed a sharp cutoff (i.e., an abrupt attenuation of higher frequencies) by keeping our data loss to a minimum. These filtered data are selected at 1-hour intervals and placed on a file for plotting. Irregularities occurring at frequencies less than 0.5 cycles per hour (cph) are retained and tidal fluctuations are easily resolved. Table 2 summarizes the character- istics of the file of hourly data that results from the basic 10-min data. This file is hereafter referred to by the term 11 hourly data file." Removal of tidal and daily fluctuations During the 13 weeks covered by this report, the tidal and daily fluctuations often obscure the slow changes in water currents and temperature induced by changes in weather. Thus, a second file · of data was created that removed all fluctuations that occurred more frequently than once about every 30 hours. A large symmetric Lanczos f i lter containing 193 weights was applied to the hourly data file. A new file of data was created that contained values every 6 hours (Table 2). was large, the filter had a sharp cutoff. While data loss This filter is identical to that used by the University of Miami and North Carolina State University in smoothing their ocean current data. This facilitates comparison of the many data currently being obtained in the U. S. South Atlantic Bight under the sponsorship of DOE and the U. S. Department of Interior. This file is hereafter called the "40-hour low-pass data file.'' Plotting of hourly and 6-hour data The two basic data files (Table 2) form the basis of this report. Each file is maintained internally formatted on a CDC-CYBER-74. These files were translated into statements that were plotted on a digital plotter controlled by a Hewlett-Packard 9825A. 10 Table 2. Data files that resulted from smoothing the 10-min data. File Characteristics 2-hr low-pass 40-hr low-pass 6 hr Data interval 1 hr 0.5 amplitude period (frequency) 2 hr (0.5 cph) 40 hr (0.6 cpd) 0.1 amplitude period (frequency) 1 hr ( 0. 1 cph) 34 hr (0.7 cpd) Filter type Lanczos-squared Lanczos 13 193 Number of weights Data loss~ Beginning End date~ each end date~ hr (EST) hr (EST) 1 hr 17 Feb. 4 days 1977~1800 17 May 1977,0300 21 Feb. 12 May 1977~1800 1977~ 2400 11 The hourly data file is conveniently broken into 7-day increments. The oceanographic and meteorological data are placed on two plots for each week. The first plot contains all available wind and ocean current data in the form of hourly vector plots. included. Barometer pressure is also The vectors point along the direction toward which air and water are going. vJe caution the reader that these plots appear to give vectors perpendicular to the time axis more emphasis than those that plot more nearly parallel to the axis (in this case, east or west winds or currents). The second plot for each week contains all available air and ocean temperature data. Sea level would have been included here had data been available for the 17 February to 17 May time period. Ocean temperature at 6.7 m was unavailable for much of this period (Table 1). The 40-hour low-pass data file is broken into monthly segments. Each segment covers an entire calendar month even though data may not be available for the entire month. plots each month. The available data are contained in two The first plot contains the vec t or plot of 40-hour low-pass wind followed by the respective alongshore and offshore component of ocean velocity. The shoreline near SNLT trends NE-SW, so the original north and east ocean current components were transformed to an alongshore axis bearing northeast and an offshore axis bearing southeast. The second monthly plot contains the 40-hour low-pass temperature and barometric pressure along with the same vector winds plotted on the first monthly chart. The same caution concerning vector plots is particularly applicable in interpreting the vector plots of winds during March. These plots emphasize two episodes of northwestward to northeastward 12 winds, but they partially obscure the strong westward winds that preceded these events. The wind sensor periodically malfunctioned (Table 1) after 16 March and no 40-hour low-pass wind data are displayed after that data. 14 THE DATA Weekly Plots of Hourly Data 15 DATE FEBRUARY 17 I 19 18 21 20 k .. 10 m/s 0 WINO N 23 22 0 E mb BAROMETRlC PRESSURE 107o 1030 1020 ~ 1010 ~ 1000 - / ~ - ~ ~ 990 I I I These data are suspect 0 CURRENTS 10 20 em"'' 13m 17 Figure 2. 18 19 20 21 22 23 Wind, barometric pressure,and ocean currents from 17 -23 February 1977 . Hourly values are plotted. 16 DATE FEBRUARY 35 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 I 30 25 - ~ 20 air 15 l ' }J~' air 0 t J:'DVYs\ f 1.5- ~ .- /'\ ,.,_, ,, D_ V~.s \ 0/ 5 air tl "-"\. I ~ L7V ~ ~ ' 1.5 3.0 10.4 14.0 15.8 I I I y a1r I I I 0 17 Figure 3. 18 19 20 21 22 Air and ocean temperature from 17-23 February 1977. depth in meters. Hourly values are plotted. I 23 Numbers identify 17 ° DATE FEBRUARY I 24 26 25 I 27 I 28 I 0 I WIND N I 2 1 10 m/s I 0 ~~~ BAROMETRlC PRESSURE mb 1040 1030 1020 1010 / - \. 10QO v----- _,............_ ~ !"'-- ./ -L ~ ~ - 990 0 CURRENTS 1 24 Figure 4 . 1 25 1 26 1 27 I 1 28 I 1 1 10 I 20 I cm.;'S 2 Wind, barometric pressure,and ocean currents from 24 February2 March 1977. Hourly values are plotted. 18 DATE FEBRUARY 35 . 27 26 25 24 28 2 1 1 I I I 30 .I I I l ! 25 I - u • I 20 I w a: ::;:) ~ air ..: a: w a. ::E w 5 A ~ ~ 0 (\ /v ~N'l ~ \ .1\J VVM ~ ~ h7A- 15 ~-~ i V' v 1k_M· r \ ~ ~~±.-.. 1 c.. I j ·~ I\ I .......-- ~} I 10.4 14.0 15.8 ::... ! - I ......... . -~ . ..• I V~,J I v I I I I atr air 5 I I I I I I I I I 0 24 Figure 5. 25 26 27 28 1 Air and ocean temperature f rom 24 February- 2 March 1977. identify depth in meters. Hourly values are plotted. 2 Numbers I 19 DATE ~·1ARCH I 4 3 N I s · I I 1 6 0 WINO 1';;~ 0 10 m;'s 1 1 it: BAROMETRlC PRESSURE · 1030 1020 .... --...... """-....!'-... - .___,_~~I ~ 1010 I 9 8 ~ _../' 1000 I 990 ! 3 Figure 6. I 4 Is I 6 I 7 I 8 0 10 20 cm;os I I I I 9 I Wind, barometric pressure,and ocean currents from 3-9 March 1977. Hourly values are plotted. 20 DATE ~lARCH 35 5 4 3 6 7 8 9 ' l I I ! I ' I I I 30 ! I I 25 -~ I I 20 ! I I air V'v\ lJMl ~ s II J 0 I - "-- ,...,_, b.... I air I !\ ~~~ I\ -~- ~~ 1-'\_ ~ . 3.0 10.4 ~r J ' . ~1 I a1r \l-=7'-1.5 ~ air j I~ ' I ~ ~~1.5 ! a1r ! I I I I 14.0 15.8 I i I I !I I I i I i I I I I I I 5 ' I ! I I I I I I I ' I I 0 3 Figure 7. 4 5 6 7 Air and ocean temperature from 3-9 March 1977. depth in meters. Hourly values are plotted. 8 I I 9 Numb ers identify 21 DATE t-1ARCH 10 I I 11 I 12 k: 13 I 14 15 0 WIND N 16 10 m/s 1 I BAROMETRlC PRESSURE mb iOTa · 1030 1020 k. - ~ 1010 .......,. - I 1000 990 - - - ~ ~ I 1 10 Figure 8. 1 11 1 12 1 13 1 14 1 15 0 10 20 cm..-s ' ' l 1 16 1 Wind; barometric pressure,and ocean currents from 10-16 March 1977. Hourly values are plotted. 22 DATE ~1ARCH 10 35 12. 11 13 16 15 14 30 ! ~I 25 (J • 20 w a: I ~ ~ 4( a: w Q. :E w 15 L:!_' ~ ~ ~ ~. I\J~"" J'vC ' - 10.4 14.0 15.8 0 I I \/ I I I 1 , I I s I ! I 0 10 Figure 9. 11 12 13 14 Air and ocean temperature f rom 10-16 March 19 77. depth in meters. Hourly values are plotted. 15 16 Numbers identify I 23 DATE MARCH 17 19 18 I 20 23 22 21 ~;~ mb 10 I 0 I WIND v m/1 ;ff/ / BAROMETRlC PRESSURE 1o.iO 1030 1020 ~ 1010 1000 990 ~/ v ~ _../'" ~ - / ~ ['-/ I 4m .. These data are suspect CURRENTS Figure 10. 0 10 20 em"' Wind, barometric pressure,and ocean currents from 17-23 March 1977. Hourly values are plotted. 24 DATE MARCH 17 35 19 18 22 21 20 I I I i I I; I I ' I I ' ! I! i iI I • 1\ "-~,)~ air w a: ....c ) a: w D.. 2 I 5 ... w 1\\ ~\./ I IJ I 1\ \~ 1 (,~ \ . "\ /\ \' v >d'lJJYU 1 ~ 1 ~ t\ 1.5 j-:..... :/ ....... -----:3:o i ~ i II I ' '; i ! (~air I ~ fL\ ·. . l ''I i ' ! ! i ' ; 1.5 1• "' \ : : I -.)':·:{~ ' "~~-- ..• 1 -~ \i,, i. I ·-.; I j' / I' I : \ \ I i -v' I i air I I I , i ; I I ' ! I ' l i I ; I I I I : l I l' I Figure 11. ; i I ! I I I I I j I 20 '; I i 18 ' I I 17 ! ! I 0 l i i \ ' i !I I I II \ ' 5 ! 1\ :I I . I i II ! ' I '\ l I I ; i ; 0 I I II 10.4 14.0 15.8 ': I I I I air 20 i ' i i (.) j i ! I I I I - i ' II 25 ·-· ' i 30 23 ' 21 Air and ocean temperature from 17-23 March 1977. depth in meters. Hourly values are plotted. 22 23 Numbers identify 25 DATE ~lARCH 24 I 26 2s I l 27 29 28 0 I WINO .!!1!... 30 . 10 I rri/1 BAROMETRlC PRESSURE 10AO 1030 1020 - r--..... .,.......... - I ~ 1010 - I -: I 1000 990 0 I CURRENTS 1 24 Figure 12. 1 25 1 26 I 27 I 28 1 29 I 10 I 20 I 30 cm/1 l Wind, barometric pressure,and ocean currents from 24 -30 March 1977. Hourly values are plotted. 26 DATE ~1ARCH 24 35 26 25 27 29 28 30 ~~~--~--=-~r-----~------.-------.-----~------1 I I 30 I : ~------+-----~~-----+------~------~----~------~ 25 - -~ ~ air 20 ~ ~--------~------~--------~--------r--------+-----,~~~~--~ l /"-V~ r [)~~J:~\.1 air . rA5 •• - --.,.,tl'"-'~ 1•::--..,..J::::.r~! . £.--:' ~i~ \j !~:g - 1 1 I i 14.0 15.8 a1r 0 5 0 25 Figure 13. 26 27 28 Air and ocean temperature from 24-30 March 1977. depth in meters. Hourly values are plo~ted. 29 30 Numbers identify 27 DATE APRIL I 31 2 1 I 3 4 6 5 0 WIND N ~ 10 '""'' I I ,jjj f/JJ. ~~If/; mb BAROMETRIC PRESSURE 1oTo 1030 1020 1010 ..__,-. ~ - - - 1000 ~ ~~ / ........ ..-..... / 990 0 10 I 31 Figure 14. 1 2 3 4 5 20 I 6 Wind, barometric pressure,and ocean currents from 31 March6 April 1977. Hourly values are plotted. em,., 28 DATE APRIL 35 31 4 3 2 1 6 5 I l I I i l 30 ! I I I I air -p - 20 A vv w = ..... = w ~ I I I I air ~ (\ f- ~ ./\. VI 0~ (\ I I ~~ ~~~: ~'-\~ jj I. ~~ ~ , h_~L;;~~J I Tj\ I I I . , \i i ~otJ ,..., ~ a. 2 w f\A I I 25 A ,. 1!5 M- I f .:~ ~U ! air 10.4 14.0 15.8 ..... '\ I ·v~ f II I 10 I i I I l : 1.5 I I I I Ii i a 2 3 4 I I I ! II Figure 15. II 01r' I !J i. 5 1 1.5 I . 31 1 5 Air and ocean temperature from 31 March- 4 April 1977. · identify depth in meters. Hourly values are plotted. I 6 Numbers 29 DATE APRIL 9 8 7 l 10 11 13 12 10 m/s I 0 I WIND ;j$) .mk.. BAROMETRlC PRESSURE 1040 1030 1020 ~ "- -:-- ../ "- / -- ' 1010 1000 990 These data are suspect 0 CURRENTS 10 20 em,., 13m 7 Figure 16. 8 9 10 11 12 13 Wind, barometric pressure,and ocean currents from 7-13 April 1977. Hourly values are plotted. 30 DATE APRIL 9 8 7 35 12 11 10 13 30 25 I ! · air -~ ~r tl.~: 20 /\ . Al.5"4l - ~ - ~ "" ffi ~ / ,.f - ce ~ 15 ~ . . ;: 'L~~~ 1 Vl.5 ~I rJ I ~ , f1 ~ ~.J_,~ - ' /'\ ~-. . / ~ 10.4 \'--""' _ ......_...., ~~~~ t;;;..,..:;.--- j I 1.5 I' ,' ., ,,/i\..\ I f\,CA\ ~~.5-\IJl\1' \~~~'i -:zo II ~JV'6.7 ""\/ ,-/. !.t.V - 1~:6 : 15.8 ~I . ,- .;J. I r-"'i' · \~6 I I I 15:8 ~ir 1 Voir air , I i I i II l j !j 10 1 1 iI I i ! 5 .I I l I I I I 0 i 7 Figure 17. 8 9 10 11 Air and ocean temperature from 7-13 April 1977. depth in meters. Hourly values are plotted. 12 13 Numbers identify 31 DATE APRIL 14 l 16 15 I l 18 11 l 19 BAROMETRlC PRESSURE . --, . 1030 ---- -- 1020 1010 10 m/s I 0 I WIND 1~~ 0 20 - _. II I I 1000 990 I 4m CURRENTS 1 14 Figure 18. 1 15 1 16 1 11 · l 18 1 19 0 10 20 I I I 1 2o Ctn/S 1 Wind, barometric pressure,and ocean currents from 14-20 April 1977. Hourly values are plotted. 32 DATE APRIL 14 35 15 16 17 18 19 20 16 17 18 19 20 30 25 . 1.5 air 3.0 ( .) • 20 w a: ... ~ •a:w Q. ~ 15 ... w 15.8 10 sl I 0 14 Figure 19. 15 Air and ocean temperature from 14-20 April 1977. depth in meters. Hourly values are plotted. Numbers identify 33 DATE APRIL 21 23 22 l 24 25 27 26 10 m/s 0 mb BAROMETRlC PRESSURE ~ 1030 1020 ......--- 1010 I ----- I I I I -'--. k I"' ""--- -~---r-- -I I 1000 990 · Figure 20. 22 23 24 ..... -. __.-- . I I I I l l i 0 CURRENTS 21 __ 10 20 cm.;"s 1 25 26 27 Wind, barometric pressure,and ocean currents f rom 21- 27 April 1977 . Hourly values are plotted. 34 DATE APRIL 21 35 22 23 24 25 26 27 30 25 air ( .) • 20 w a: =» ... Ill( a: w c. ~ air 10:4 14.0 15.8 1.5 3.0 6.7 10.4 14.0 15 w 15.8 ~ 10 5 0 21 Figure 21. 22 23 24 25 Air and ocean temperature from 21-27 April 1977. depth in meters. Hourly values are plotted. 26 27 Numbers identify 35 DATE APRIL-MAY 29 28 30 I 2 1 0 WIND mb 1020 1010 10 m/s I I BAROMETRIC PRESSURE 10~0 1030 4 3 - .,..---. '-.. I - .........._ - . 1000 I 990 28 Figure 22. 29 30 I 1 2 3 0 10 20 cm;s I J I 4 Wind, barometric pressur~ and ocean currents f rom 28 April 4 May 1977. Hourly values are plotted. 36 DATE APRIL - MAY 29 28 35 4 3 2 1 30 30 25 air air - (J • 20 w a: ::» 3.0 air c( a: w :E 15 -~"' . 1.5 1- ~ ~I vi ....,_,_ 6.7 10.4 14.0 !5.8 \ . I 1\.5 ~ 3.0 6.7 10.4 14.0 !5.8 ; 'I....J 1.5 air 3 ·0 6.7 ij• ........ ~.I r v I 1 I . 1.5 3.0 6.7 a1r 10.4 14.0 10.4 14.0 15.8 w 1- 10 5 0 28 Figure 23. 29 30 1 2 3 Air and ocean temperature from 28 April- 4 May 1977. identify depth in meters. Hourly values are plotted. 4 Numbers 37 DATE MAY 5 6 7 I s 9 11 10 0 I mb 10 m;s I BAROMETRlC PRESSURE 1m 1030 1020 1010 " - ""--- ~ v 1000 - - _/ 990 CURRENTS 5 Figure 24. 6 7 8 9 1 10 0 10 20 cm;s I I I 11 Hind, barometric pressure, and ocean currents from 5-11 :1ay 1977. Hourly values are plotted . 38 DATE ~·1AY 35 5 11 10 9 8 7 6 I 30 ! I 1.5 3.0 6.7 10.4 14.0 15.8 ~ 25 ,.,. 1.5 Oil' ~ 20 ~ Lc:tir .L7 .I . 15:8 ! ~ ! 6.7 10.4 14.0 15.8 I j ,(;:;~ -e.-' -· ~ I 1 .__.. ~ ~ 1.5 w a: 3.0 15.8 6.7 10.4 14.0 ~ ..... c( a: w a. :e w a%] ~ ~- ~ ._LS; ~·~ ~ RJ ·· - . \ ,jj /\ 1'-7 jv ' 01r . 5 I ..... 0 I 5 I 0 5 Figure 25. 6 7 8 9 Air and ocean temperature from 5-11 ~fay 1977. depth in meters. Hourly values are plotted. 10 11 Numbers identify 39 DATE ~1AY 13 12 14 16 1s 17 k 18 10 0 WIND N .. I m/1 0 E BAROMETRlC PRESSURE 1030 1020 r--' 1010 -- ./ I _./ ./" 1000 990 N~/ .. These data are suspect 0 0 CURRENTS E 12 Figure 26, 13 14 15 16 17 10 20 18 Barometric pressure and ocean currents from 12-18 Xay 1977. Hourly values are plotted. Cm/S 40 DATE t;1AY 13 12 35 14 15 1.7 16 18 1.5 3.0 6.7 air 10.4 14.0 15.8 25 air ~ ax J\ ~\ A'I~J\ w a: ;:) .... c( a: w a.. :s 15 w .... 10 5 0 12 Figure 27. 13 14 15 16 Air and ocean temperature from 12-18 ~fay 1977. depth in meters. Hourly values are plotted. 17 18 Numbers identify 41 THE DATA Monthly Plots of 40-hour Low-pass Data 42 20 19 18 17 16 0 15 14 12 13 11 20 19 18 17 16 15 0 14 1) 12 11 ~ l4 SAMPLE POINTS D 100 l> TEMPERATURE (•C ) 100 E - 3 -74 25 -26 / lll/74 '" D '6 E -3 -74 25 - 26/ Ill/74 200 200 •r, 300 300 400 400 _j 20 19 0 17 18 16 15 14 13 12 20 19 18 11 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 16 15 14 13 12 11 15 14 13 12 11 0 '" 35 3 4 .5 25 2• . SIGMA -T SALIN I TY ( • / .,. ) 100 n 100 n E-3-74 2!5 -2 6 / Ill/74 E - 3 -74 25 - 26 / Ill /74 200 200 300 300 1 _j 4 00 20 19 18 0 14 13 17 12 20 19 18 11 17 0 -,-1 0.1 OXYGEN ( mi /L) 100 400 PHOSPHATE l~g -ot/L ) 100 n E - 3 -74 25 - 26/Ill/74 D E - 3 -74 25. 26/l'll/74 3.5 200 200 <3.25 300 300 400 400 20 ,g 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 20 19 0 11 0 18 17 16 43 SIL ICATE Nl RATE l ~g-o t/Ll •OO 100 n (.,g-ot/U n E - 3 - 74 E-3-74 25-26/Ill/74 25- 26/lll/74 200 200 300 300 400 400 - - - __ j L____ - Figure 22. Vertical Section, Cruise E-3-74, Section I I 43 FEBRUARY Ill Is l hal I I l !1sl ]20l ;2si WIND ·!zsl I I 10 m / s 0 I AIR TEMPERATURE I ..!!l!L BAROMETRIC PRESSURE 1030 25 20 15 1010 10 25 - ( .) • 20 w Ct: z~ c(c( Wet: (.)W oc. ::E 15 ... w 1.5 ~ 10 ~- 10.4 .:.. 14.0 ....._158 11 I I I I Sl I I I 1101 I I I !lSI I ! ! !20\ I I ! !2Sl ! !28! I Figure 29. Wind, air temperature, barometric pressur~ and ocean temperature for February 1977. Numbers identify depth in meters . Smoothed 6-hourly values are plotted. I 44 nARCH . I ; N , I I 5 • : ! ~O! ! t k:. 1 ~ ;zo: 1"i ..J I l J3l j j25i 10 m; s 0 WIND . ALONGSHORE VELOCITY S!!!L! +20~--------~---------r--------~--------~--------~--------~ . +10 o -10 1 / ' 4. _ ry "f' l1' /'l I \- ~ /1 · 4m I I 3m "' ~ '?•"'['="\''} \ \' 1 __ I ___ / \/r', I . -- ~~ I J < j I ., 1~ , ' 1 .. - . I\ ( I)\ 1,' / :~ 1-: ,\-~ • \I \( 1 OFFSHORE VELOCITY +10 I I 0 -10 I I -13.4m.. I / Kfc-1 II I --~-1- _/ I / l . / - .. ~, /'' ~ ... I ~ I I! I' I (-~-~,_,... _\ ~~;- ,J ~~ - ! .. _ ... '\' .. I _/1 I . • m -! .: I 4 3 \ ; I I • ) , -20~'---------L--------~--------~------------------------------t r • '31 ~ i i ;zo! l i j !1 j i I I 5 I j I l jl Oi 1 l I ll 5! IiI i ~ I Figure 30. Hind and ocean currents for March 1977. Smoot h ed 6-hourly values are plotted. The accuracy of the 4.3 m velocit y data is questionable. 45 III Is I flO] l l l1sl [201 WIND ]2s! . ! 0 I I p1] 10 m t s I BAROMETRIC PRESSURE AIR TEMPERATURE ...!!!!!... 1030 25 20 15 \ .... I .... -... ,,... / 10 -( .) • 20 w c: z~ << we: (.)W 0~ ~ 15 w ~ I" 11 I I I sl I I I 1101 I I I !lsi I I I 1zo1 I I I lzsl I I I I IJ11 Figure 31. air temperature, barometric pressure, and ocean temperature for March 1977. Numbers identify depth in meters. Smoothed 6-hourly values are plotted. ~-lind, 46 111 N ~. I sl li ol APRIL I I 1151 I ·1 lzol WINO 12.51 I 0 Pol I 10m ; s I ALONGSHORE VELOCITY - cmts +20-r~~~--.-~------.--------,,-------~---------r------~~ OFFSHORE VELOCITY 11 I I I I sl I I I p. ol I I I !lSI I I I 12 01 I I I t?SI I I I P01 Figure 32. Ocean currents for April 1977. Smoothed 6-hourly values are plotted. The accuracy of the 4.3 m velocity data is questionable. 47 lsi l1oi APRIL I I IIiJ fiol l2sl I WINO 0 I - - -- AIR TEMPERATURE bol I 10 m 1s I BAROMETRIC PRESSURE .!!!.!L 1030 25 20 ..... 15 _____ , ,. ,.-- ,. \ \ I \ 10 _,. I 25-r------------~-------------,---------------r-------------r-------------~~~~------~ - (.J • 20 w a: z~ << wa: uw oo.. ~ 15 w ~ 10~------------~------------~------------~~------------~------------~------------~ ! 1 I I I I s I I I I 11 0! I I I 1151 I I I 12 q I I I 12 51 I I I 13 q Figure 33. Air temperature, barometric pressure,and ocean temperature for April 1977. Numbers identify depth in meters. Smoothed 6-hourly values are plotted. 48 ~1AY lsi N hoi I lisl k:. lzol iz~ I t311 0 WIND 10 m; s I ALONGSHORE VELOCITY £!!!L! .. +20 n4.3m +10 v _ /~ ,--1 I 0 ~- It I -~ [/ ''\ __ .... I 13 .4u I -10 OFFSHORE VELOCITY +10 0 -10 .. _4m l'v\ --- ...... . . t- •..13. .... ... ---~ ... -/ 1-- ...I r-- \/'\_ l/(3m I -20 I 11 I I l s I I I I Figure 34. l1 ol I I I I l1sl I I I l2 oI I I I I? si I I I I 131! Ocean currents for May 1977. Smoothed 6-hourly values are plotted. The accuracy of the 4 .3 m velocity data is questionable. 49 ~~AY I 1311 !zol I llsl hoi I sl WIND 0 10 m / s I I ..m.B,_ BAROMETRIC PRESSURE - - AIR TEMPERATURE 1030 25 20 .. --- ......... ' ...... -, ' 15 '' 25 u • ~ /; ~ ~1'.5 20 ~ ~ ; a: :z~ 10.4 15.8 14.0 10.4 14.0 6.7 10.4 14.0 c(c( wa: oa. ''6.7 3.0 6.7 15.8 15.8 1.5 3.0 w 1.5 3.0 -· (JW :E 15 w 1- 10 111 Figure 35. I I I5I I I I 11°1 I I I 1151 I I I 120 1 I I I 125! .I I I I 131 1 Air temperature, barometric pressure,and ocean temperature for May 1977. Numbers identify depth in meters. Smoothed 6-hourly values are plotted.