2 Optimal Scheduling of Design Reviews in Product Development by Alberto J. Cividanes S.B. Mechanical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2000 SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING IN PARTIAL FULLFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AT THE OF TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE MASSACHUSETTS June 2002 @2002 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All Rights Reserved. Signature of Author........................ Departm nt of Mechanical Engineering May 10, 2002 Certified by......................................... Steven D. Eppinger General Motors LFM Professor of Management Science and Engineering Systems Thesis Supervisor Certified by......................................... Ali A. Yassine Research Scientist Thesis Supervisor A ccepted by ................................................ 3A 1ACHU sT INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY OCT 2 52 LIBRARIESj ....................................... Ain. A. Sonin Professor of Mechanical Engineering Chairman, Committee for Graduate Students 2 Optimal Scheduling of Design Reviews in Product Development by Alberto J. Cividanes Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on May 10, 2002 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering Abstract Technology companies are facing the pressure of today's competitive market, in which the introduction of new products faster than the competition is crucial for success. Realizing that the processes they follow in developing their products are a source of competitive advantage, companies are focusing on the design and effective management of product development processes. Perhaps the most widely employed process today by companies developing new products is the stage-gate or phased development process. This process divides the development effort into distinct time-sequenced stages separated by management decision gates. When all requirements in a gate review at the end of each stage are not successfully met and the gatekeepers decide to reschedule the review to give the team more time to improve their deliverables, the product development project can be significantly delayed. These delays can have devastating consequences for a company, as it faces the risk that other firms will deliver competing products much faster and get a first-mover advantage in a given market. The Design Structure Matrix has been employed to analyze the impact that the location of gate reviews can have in the duration of a product development process. A simulation model has been used to predict the development time with different locations of the gate review in a process. In general, it is recommended to place the gate review after the iterations are finished, as it increases the probability of successfully meeting all the requirements of a gate review at the end of a design stage in a timely fashion. A concept described as a stage buffer has also been introduced. By placing a buffer at the end of a stage, a gate review can be scheduled in such a manner that will allow the product development team to complete their assigned tasks and perform the necessary iterations on time. Thus, the chances of advancing to the next stage of the process without delaying the project can be significantly increased. These concepts have been demonstrated by a real world case study from the automotive industry. Thesis Supervisor: Steven D. Eppinger Title: General Motors LFM Professor of Management Science and Engineering Systems Thesis Supervisor: Ali A. Yassine Title: Research Scientist 3 4 Acknowledgements One of the most difficult tasks of writing this thesis was to enumerate all the people that have helped with my research. First, I wish to thank my family, who supported me and provided me with the most basic tools to succeed in life. I would like to thank the faculty of the MIT Center for Innovation in Product Development for their constant guidance during the past two years. I would like to thank Dr. Ali Yassine, for supervising me throughout the process of writing this thesis, and Dr. Bill Finch for making possible the project with General Motors. Special thanks also to Prof. Steven Eppinger and Dr. Daniel Whitney, for their continuous support and technical guidance. Also, I want to recognize the following alumni who contributed to my research with their knowledge of DSM methods: Qi Dong, Cory Welch, and Tyson Browning. Special thanks also go to the MIT Center for Innovation in Product Development and the GEM Consortium for their financial support during the past two academic years. Secondly, I wish to thank the personnel at General Motors R&D for their continuous support over the summer: David Chang, Bob Lust, and especially the "DSM Team" formed by Joe Donndelinger, Datta Kulkarni, and Sandy Elnick. Not only they offered their professional help and guidance with the project, but also their friendship. I also appreciate the financial support provided by General Motors during the summer of 2001. I cannot finish this section without mentioning all my friends, especially who those who spent with me all the long hours in the office: Fredrik, Gennadiy, Gaurav, Jagmeet, and Peng. I hope you enjoy this thesis. 5 6 Table of Contents INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................13 1.1 1.2 1.3 M OTIVATION ................................................................................................... THESIS O BJECTIVES.......................................................................................... THEsis O VERVIEW ......................................................................................... 13 14 15 PROCESS MODELING USING THE DESIGN STRUCTURE MATRIX..........17 INTRODUCTION TO D SM ................................................................................. 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.2 17 The Design Structure Matrix as a process modeling tool.....................17 B uilding a D SM ...................................................................................... 22 Partitioningand tearing........................................................................ 22 RELATED DSM WORK ON PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PROCESSES ........... USING SIMULATIONS WITH DSM MODELS .......................................................... 25 2.3 2.4 CHAPTER SUM MARY ..................................................................................... 31 28 IMPACT OF GATE REVIEWS IN PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PROCESSES.33 3.1 ROLE OF GATE REVIEWS AND PHASES IN A PROCESS ........................................ 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.1.5 3.2 3.3 33 Stage-gate product development processes........................................... Stages .................................................................................................... Gate reviews .......................................................................................... Technically orienteddesign reviews ..................................................... Related work on scheduling of reviews ................................................. 33 . 36 36 39 40 CURRENT PROBLEMS WITH GATE REVIEWS ...................................................... 43 USING DSM TO DETERMINE GATE REVIEW LOCATION AND SCHEDULING........... 48 3.3.1 3.3.2 Using DSM to determine gate review location ................... Using buffers in the scheduling of design reviews ................................. 3.4 CHAPTER SUM M ARY ....................................................................................... 48 61 65 CASE STUDY: A STAGE-GATE PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PROCESS AT GENERAL MOTORS ................................................................................................ 67 4.1 AN OVERVIEW OF THE PRODUCT PORTFOLIO PROCESS ..................................... 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.2 METHODOLOGY................................................................................................72 4.3 D SM AN ALYSIS ................................................................................................. 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.4 4.5 The Task-based Design Structure Matrix............................................... Partitioningand Tearing........................................................................ SIM ULATION ANALYSIS.................................................................................. 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.4.4 67 Purpose of the study .............................................................................. 67 Overview of the ProductPortfolio and Concept Development Processes 68 Structure of the Concept Development Team........................................ 71 Sim ulation Framework.......................................................................... Simulation Results - Concept Development Process............................ Simulation Results - Alternative Phases to the Process ....................... Sim ulation Lim itations.......................................................................... CHAPTER SUMM ARY ....................................................................................... 74 74 76 84 84 85 90 93 95 DSM DEPLOYMENT EXPERIENCES.......................................................................97 7 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 DEPLOYING DSM METHODS AT A CORPORATE PARTNER.................................... FORMING THE DSM TEAM AT GENERAL MOTORS ............................................ OBSERVATIONS ON DSM TEAM'S INVOLVEMENT ............................................ OBSERVATIONS ON CDP TEAM MEMBERS' INVOLVEMENT .............................. C HAPTER SUM M ARY ........................................................................................ 97 99 100 103 107 CONCLUSIO NS............................................................................................................109 REFERENCES..............................................................................................................111 APPENDIX A - STANDARDIZED DATA COLLECTION TOOL FOR BUILDING DSM M ODELS..............................................................................................................117 A .1 O VER V IEW ....................................................................................................... A .2 INTERVIEW SHEET ............................................................................................ 117 119 APPENDIX B - DSM MODELS USED IN CASE STUDY.................125 B.1 CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT PROCESS .................................................................. B .2 A LTERNATIVE PHASES ..................................................................................... 125 130 APPENDIX C - LIST OF TASKS IN DSM MODEL................................................135 C. 1 DSM TASKS WITH INPUT AND OUTPUT RELATIONSHIPS .................................. 135 C .2 D SM T ASK KEY ............................................................................................... 139 8 List of Figures Figure 2.1: Example of a binary Design Structure Matrix..........................................18 Figure 2.2: Three possible sequences for design tasks. (a) Dependent tasks, (b) Independent tasks, and (c) Interdependent tasks................................................... 19 Figure 2.3: Design Structure Matrix showing different kinds of dependencies...........20 Figure 2.4: Network diagram representation of a DSM...............................................21 Figure 2.5: Partitioned D SM ....................................................................................... 23 Figure 2.6: Triangular distribution of task duration.....................................................29 Figure 3.1: Structure of a stage-gate product development process. ........................... 34 Figure 3.2: Example of a typical stage-gate process................................................... 35 Figure 3.3: The coupled tasks and serial process with a design review (DR)..............42 Figure 3.4: Stage-gate process featuring inter-phase iterations. .................................. 46 Figure 3.5: DSM illustrating a gate review located in the middle of an iteration block.. 47 Figure 3.6: Gate review located at the beginning of the project (Case 1)....................50 Figure 3.7: Gate review located after Task 1(Case 2).................................................50 Figure 3.8: Gate review located after Task 2 (Case 3).................................................50 Figure 3.9: Gate review located after Task 3 (Case 4).................................................51 Figure 3.10: Gate review located after Task 4 (Case 5)...............................................51 Figure 3.11: Gate review located after Task 5 (Case 6)...............................................51 Figure 3.12: Gate review located after Task 6 (Case 7)...............................................52 Figure 3.13: Gate review located after Task 7 (Case 8)...............................................52 Figure 3.14: Gate review located after Task 8 (Case 9)...............................................52 Figure 3.15: Gate review located after Task 9 (Case 10)............................................53 Figure 3.16: Gate review located at the end of the project (Case 11)..........................53 Figure 3.17: Mean durations for sensitivity analysis (Rework probabilities)..............58 Figure 3.18: Mean durations for sensitivity analysis (Rework impacts)......................59 Figure 3.19: DSM example with stage buffer. ................................................................. 64 Figure 4.1: The product portfolio process and concept development process.............70 Figure 4.2: The non-partitioned 120-task Concept Development Process DSM matrix. 76 Figure 4.3: DSM graphic representation after the initial partitioning algorithm. ...... 77 Figure 4.4: The graphic representation of the final re-partitioned DSM model.......78 9 Figure 4.5: Areas od coupled tasks within sub-teams in Concept Development......79 Figure 4.6: Task interdependencies at the end of Phase I.............................................80 Figure 4.7: Architecture Selection Block at the end of Phase 1....................................81 Figure 4.8: Iterations at the end of Phase 2 and most of Phase 3.................................82 Figure 4.9: The Open Issues Block, the CAD Models Development Block, the Performance Assessment and Balancing Block, and the Business Case Block........82 Figure 4.10: Dynmics of the process in the third category of iteration blocks. ........... 84 Figure 4.11: Case 3 DSM simulation showing that Phase 2 is fully expanded while Phases 1 and 3 are modeled as a single row.......................................................... 89 Figure 4.12: DSM used for Case 5 of the simulation showing the large iteration block is fully expanded while tasks occurring before and after are modeled as a single row.90 Figure 4.13: Alternative phases suggested for Concept Development Process. .......... 91 Figure B.1: DSM simulation case 1: Phase 1, with Phases 2 and 3 collapsed.......125 Figure B.2: DSM simulation case 2: Phases 2 and 3, with Phase 1 collapsed.......126 Figure B.3: DSM simulation case 3: Phase 2, with Phases 1 and 3 collapsed.......127 Figure B.4: DSM simulation case 4: Phase 3, with Phases 1 and 2 collapsed.......128 Figure B.5: DSM simulation case 5: Large iteration block with other tasks collapsed. 129 Figure B.6: Alternative phases simulation: Phase A, with Phases B, C, and D collapsed. ................................................................................................................................. 1 30 Figure B.7: Alternative phases simulation: Phase B, with Phases A, C, and D collapse ................................................................................................................................. 13 1 Figure B.8: Alternative phases simulation: Phase C, with Phases A, B, and D collapsed. ................................................................................................................................. 13 2 Figure B.9: Alternative phases simulation: Phase D, with Phases A, B, and C collapsed. ................................................................................................................................. 13 3 10 List of Tables Table 3.1: Simulation results for gate location example...............................................55 Table 3.2: Sensitivity analysis results by varying rework probabilities........................57 Table 3.3: Sensitivity analysis results by varying rework impacts. .............................. 59 Table 4.1: Simulation durations for the full DSM model and base case............86 Table 4.2: Standard durations for each of the collapsed CDP phases..........................87 Table 4.3: Simulation mean durations for the benchmark and five case models.........88 Table 4.4: Simulation mean durations for the alternative CDP phases DSM .............. 92 Table 4.5: Standard durations for collapsed alternative CDP phases. ......................... 92 Table 4.6: Simulation mean durations for the alternative phase DSM models.......93 Table C.1: DSM tasks with input and output relations. ................................................ 138 Table C.2: D SM task key. ............................................................................................. 14 1 11 12 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation Technology companies are facing the pressure of today's competitive market, in which the introduction of new products faster than the competition is crucial for success. Realizing that the processes they follow in developing their products are a source of competitive advantage, companies are focusing on the design and effective management of product development processes. The author spent the summer of 2001 at General Motors conducting a case study with a team of R&D researchers in which a front-end product development process used to develop new vehicles was modeled and analyzed using the Design Structure Matrix (DSM). Two projects were studied, one for the development of the new Buick Bengal and another for a new version of the Cadillac DeVille, in order to identify areas for process improvement. After talking to some of the experts involved in the process, it became evident that the way the process was executed differed significantly from the way it was supposed to. Building a DSM model of the process the way it was actually executed enabled the team of researchers to identify a number of iterations in the process that were not originally planned, and to find a very astounding result: activities belonging to the second stage of the process required information from activities that would not get started until the third stage in order to be completed successfully. This finding caught the attention of the key people involved in the project, as in reality that particular gate review 13 had been rescheduled officially three times, delaying the program several months behind schedule. The findings of this study at General Motors led to an interest on how the location of a gate review in a stage-gate product development process can have major impact on the development time of a new product. As it was the case at General Motors, when all requirements in a gate review are not successfully met and the gatekeepers decide to reschedule the review to give the team more time to improve and finish their deliverables, the product development project can be significantly delayed. These delays, which can be in the order of several months, can have devastating consequences for a company, as it faces the risk that other firms will deliver competing products much faster and get a firstmover advantage in a given market. This thesis uses the Design Structure Matrix (DSM) to explore how the location of a gate review can affect a product development process. Also, a case study is presented in detail in which the development of two new vehicles was modeled using the DSM. Thesis Objectives 1.2 The objectives of this thesis are summarized as follows: 1. Present a review of stage-gate product development processes and the DSM method. 2. Introduce a method to align gate reviews with the structure of a product development process as it is executed by using the DSM, and explore the impact that their location can have on the process duration. 3. Present a case study of a front-end product development process at an automotive company in which the process was modeled using a DSM. 14 4. Document observations and learning experiences from a DSM deployment exercise at a corporate sponsor. 5. Provide a standard set of questions for collecting data in a DSM study. 1.3 Thesis Overview The rest of the thesis is organized as follows: Chapter 2 explains the Design Structure Matrix (DSM) method and how it can be used as a tool for analyzing product development processes. Previous work done by other researchers using this method is presented. Chapter 3 introduces the stage-gate product development process and presents the concept of gate reviews as a quality control check in product development projects. The impact that the location of these gate reviews can have in the duration of the project is explored using the DSM methodology. Chapter 4 presents a case study conducted at General Motors, in which a front-end stage-gate product development process was modeled with a task-based Design Structure Matrix. The development efforts of two new vehicles, the Buick Bengal and the Cadillac DeVille, were selected for the study. The DSM and simulation analyses are discussed in detail, and the results are presented at the end of the chapter. Chapter 5 discusses the deployment experiences of DSM methods at General Motors R&D. Observations on the data collection process, as well as on the process of building and validating the DSM model are presented. Documentation of these experiences might provide some useful insights for future deployment exercises of DSM methods from academia to industry. 15 Chapter 6 concludes the research findings in this thesis. Possible future research directions are proposed, including the role of gate review locations in quality vs. cycle time tradeoffs in new product development. 16 Chapter 2 Process Modeling Using the Design Structure Matrix This chapter introduces the Design Structure Matrix (DSM) methodology as a project management tool. Previous work done by other researchers using this method is also presented, with applications for analyzing product development processes. The chapter concludes by discussing simulation applications that have been developed to expand DSM analysis. 2.1 Introduction to DSM 2.1.1 The Design Structure Matrix as a process modeling tool The Design Structure Matrix (DSM) is a useful tool for representing and analyzing the important relations in a complex system such as a design project. Originally developed by Steward for the analysis of design descriptions [52], the DSM is not just a process model for project management, but also a general framework for analyzing and improving the engineering process. The purpose of applying the DSM method to a design project is to understand the information flow and communication in the design process, and hence to seek improvements based on better understanding of the system. Browning identifies two main categories of DSMs: static and time-based [7]. A static DSM represents system elements that exist simultaneously, such as groups in an organization or components of a product architecture. This kind of DSM is usually analyzed with clustering algorithms. Time-based DSMs, on the contrary, indicate a flow through time by the ordering of its rows and columns. This kind of DSM is typically analyzed using sequencing algorithms. 17 One particular type of time-based DSM is the activity-based or task-based DSM. It is used for modeling processes and activity networks based on activities and their information flow and other dependencies. An activity-based DSM provides a concise, visual format for understanding and analyzing the issues in a product development process. Since it is time-based, it is especially useful for highlighting iteration and coupled activities. This is a major capability of the DSM method that traditional PERT/CPM (Project Evaluation and Review Technique/Critical Path Method) cannot deliver. An example of a binary DSM is shown in Figure 2.1. A DSM is a square matrix, in which the rows and columns represent the same activities of a process in the same order. A B C D J 1 1 C 11 D E I 1 A B E F G H 1 1 1 1 1 F 1 G 1 H 1 1 _1 1 1 1 I J 1 1 Figure 2.1: Example of a binary Design Structure Matrix. Each entry in the DSM (marked by a "1" in this example) indicates that the element in the corresponding column provides inputs to the element in the corresponding row. Thus, marks along a row indicate the inputs that the activity is receiving, and marks along a column indicates the outputs that an activity is providing to other activities in the 18 process. For example, in Figure 2.1, a "1" exists in row H, column D. Therefore, H needs information from D, i.e., D-4H. In general, there are three ways in which information flow can occur between two tasks in a design process. Two tasks can be said to be dependent, or in series, if their dependency imposes a sequential order in which the tasks must be completed. Tasks can be independent, or occur in parallel, if no information is exchanged between them. The third possible sequence for two tasks is to be interdependent, or coupled. In this case, the tasks are mutually dependent, and each requires the output of the other in order to be completed. Coupled activities must be executed simultaneously with continuous exchanges of information, or must be carried out in an iterative fashion. Figure 2.2 illustrates these three possible sequences. BL___ A__i (b) (a) (c) Figure 2.2: Three possible sequences for design tasks. (a) Dependent tasks, (b) Independent tasks, and (c) Interdependent tasks. 19 A DSM is built in a way that allows any task to be coupled with any other task in the process. Thus, it is very easy to identify whether two tasks are dependent (series), independent (parallel), or interdependent (coupled). Figure 2.3 shows the same DSM presented in Figure 2.1, illustrating the type of sequence between some of the tasks. A B C D E F G H AM B J I111111 1 Coupled Tasks 1 C 11 1 D E I 1 1 1 _1 F G 1 H 1 1 J 1 _ _ 1 _1 1 Sequential Tasks 1 1 1 Parallel Tasks Figure 2.3: Design Structure Matrix showing different kinds of dependencies. The matrix entries above and below the diagonal have different significance. A through J are the tasks in the process that need to be completed in that specified order. The entries below the diagonal show upstream tasks feeding information to downstream tasks. For example, in Figure 2.3, there is a dependency in row G, column E, which means that task E provides inputs to task G. Since E is finished before G, as long as task G asks, information from E is ready and available. On the other hand, entries above the matrix diagonal have different effects. An entry above the diagonal shows upstream tasks requesting information from downstream tasks. For example, in Figure 2.3, a dependency exists in row F, column H, meaning F needs inputs from H. However, since H is not finished before F, F has to make an estimate on H. When H is finished later on, 20 the initial assumptions made about H have to be compared to the end result. If the initial assumptions on H are very different from the end results, task F has to be reworked, and the new result of H has to be checked against the new assumed H until the assumptions and the results become close enough. Figure 2.4 shows a network diagram representation of the same process depicted in the DSM in Figure 2.3. As it can be seen, it becomes very difficult to keep track of interdependencies among tasks in this type of graphical representation. From Figure 2.4, it is not easy to identify feedback loops in the system, even though this is a small example of only ten tasks involved in the process. This example illustrates the usefulness of the DSM method for highlighting iteration in a process. A B C E DJ G H F Figure 2.4: Network diagram representation of a DSM. 21 2.1.2 Building a DSM Modeling a process with a Design Structure Matrix requires two representation steps, followed by an integration analysis. activities. The first step is to decompose the process into Immediately following this step, the information flows among the different activities must be identified by capturing their respective interdependencies. The third step is then to arrange the activities into a logical sequential order in a DSM. The DSM is built by finding persons knowledgeable about each activity and eliciting their expert opinions about their respective inputs and outputs. It is imperative that the process modeler must determine the boundary of the process to be modeled and how the process will be decomposed. A general guideline is to model a process to the level of detail to which one desires to understand and control the process. 2.1.3 Partitioning and tearing The presence of iterations is very common in product development projects. Design iterations require close communications between various parties involved and usually slow down the progress of the design process. Iterations usually generate unplanned rework, and create activities requiring additional time such as negotiations, meetings, etc. Thus, a common strategy to speed up the design process is to try to reduce the number of iterations involved and make them faster. Since the entries above the diagonal in a DSM are potentials for design iterations, one approach to speed up the product development process is to try to reduce the amount of entries in the feedback region of the matrix. A common form of DSM analysis that addresses this issue is called partitioning.This is the process of rearranging the order of the activities in the process in order to reduce the number of elements above the diagonal 22 or move them closer to the diagonal. The closer a feedback mark is to the diagonal, the fewer activities are involved in the design iteration, and hence the faster the iteration will be. Figure 2.5 shows the same matrix in Figure 2.1 and Figure 2.3 after partitioning. The sequence of the process activities has changed, and as a result, fewer elements are above the diagonal. The new rearranged sequence given by the partitioning algorithm is the most efficient way is to complete tasks A through J. I A B C D E G F H J I A I I D E 1 G F 1" H 1 J A 1 1 1 1i; 1 1 Figure 2.5: Partitioned DSM. However, several feedback marks cannot be moved below diagonal no matter how the order of rows and columns are rearranged. These feedback marks above the diagonal create iteration loops in the process. In Figure 2.5, the shaded areas represent three small iteration blocks that are still present in the system after the partitioning. Iteration blocks in a DSM can be classified as either planned or unplanned. Since the design process is inherently iterative by nature, a number of iterations are purposely planned in a process to improve the quality of the design. These iterations are necessary 23 in a product development process, and are encouraged as long as they are carefully planned and managed. On the contrary, unplanned iterations should be eliminated from a design process. These often occur due poor communication among project members, and to a lack of understanding of the dependencies among activities. Unplanned iterations are a major source of rework in a process, and can have a negative impact in its duration. The DSM, however, can be very helpful in identifying unplanned iteration blocks. Partitioning a DSM orders the tasks as much as possible according to the sequential dependencies of the tasks. The analysis of a partitioned DSM reveals which tasks are sequential, which are parallel, and which are coupled. A block with above diagonal marks identifies a group of coupled tasks that include the cyclic information flows. A rearranged DSM can prescribe an improved process architecture, such that information is created at the right time and unintentional iteration is minimized. There is another strategy called "tearing" to decompose blocks in a DSM, which can be implemented after the partitioning analysis is performed. A large, loosely coupled group of tasks can sometimes be split up into two or more smaller, more tightly coupled groups by removing a single task dependency (one mark in the matrix). Steward suggested the tearing method to minimize the iteration time of an iteration loop [52]. Steward defines tearing as to choose the marks so that if they were removed from the loop and the variables in the loop were re-ordered by partitioning, no marks would appear above the diagonal. This means having made these estimates, no additional estimates need to be made. Tearing is also a way to find out the critical-to-speed elements in the system. Gebala and Eppinger proposed an algorithm that reduces the number of removed tasks [23]. The tearing algorithm to minimize the number of tears is as follows: 24 1) Schedule the tasks with a minimum number of input streams (initially there will be none). These tasks have the minimum number of row elements in a DSM. If there is more than one such task, select the one with the maximum number of output streams. These tasks have the maximum number of column marks. If this step fails to identify a unique task, compare the number of steps required to reach all the other tasks under consideration. Select the task that requires the maximum number of steps. If the lists are of equal length, the choice is irrelevant. 2) Remove the scheduled task from consideration and repeat step 1 until all tasks have been scheduled. 2.2 Related DSM work on product development processes Additional research has been developed to explore the applications of DSM methods to product development from new angles. Besides using the binary DSM, many researchers have explored assigning numerical values to the DSM off-diagonal entries to indicate the strength of dependencies. In this way, instead of considering all the relations with equal importance, one may ignore those less critical relations and only include the important relations in an iteration loop. By doing so, the size of an iteration loop may decrease, and the development project can go through faster. A good example of this method is illustrated by McCord and Eppinger [32]. 25 Pimmler and Eppinger not only assigned the dependency level to the interactions, but also categorized the interaction in order to present more details of the design process [40]. They also first used the DSM to decompose design teams. Eppinger et al. present the decoupling and add-coupling of task dependencies in a product development process [20]. In most design projects, there is always a trade-off between the quality of the design and the speed of the design. De-coupling is a method to remove some of the dependencies between tasks so that the iteration loops will be smaller. However, since some of the information transfer is missing, the quality of the design might be hurt. Add-coupling, on the other hand, is to add information transfer among tasks to enlarge the iteration loop. The result is an increased design quality. Concurrent engineering is an example of add-couplings. McCord and Eppinger used DSM methods to study the integration problem in systems [32]. They used a team-based DSM to analyze an automobile engine development organization. Smith and Eppinger [50] first evaluated the convergence of the design iterations. They have provided sequential, parallel, and hybrid iteration models that analyze project cycle time and highlight which activities contribute the most to delaying design convergence. Krishnan et al. developed a framework for overlapped sequential tasks [30]. They explained appropriate overlapping strategies based on upstream information evolution and downstream iteration sensitivity. Carrascosa et al. [9] used DSM to develop a model to estimate the probability of completing a product development project over time, where the model uses the concepts of Probability of Change and Impact. The model incorporates a stochastic element that 26 represents the likelihood of changes resulting in task iterations. In such a model, most parameters have a default value representing the best guess or the default solution. The probability of change of a parameter represents the likelihood of the default value changing over time. Similarly, the impact quantifies the effect of a change on the task receiving the information. The model, however, has some limitations, as it does not consider learning effects. Another limitation is that there is no control present in the evolution of the product development process. Lastly, the number of tasks that the model can handle is very limited due to computational limitations. Browning has used Design Structure Matrices to address product development cycle time reduction challenges [6]. He highlights the two greatest advantages of DSM capabilities to manage projects for reduced schedule risk and shorter cycle time: 1) Concise representation of complex processes, providing a systems view, and 2) Clear rendering of potential iteration in such processes. These advantages can help project managers minimize cycle time by identifying and classifying iterations as intentional or unintentional, minimizing unintentional iterations, and properly managing intentional iterations to make them faster and fewer. Yassine et al. provide a method for quantifying the off-diagonal dependencies based on information variability and sensitivity [62]. Eppinger et al. used the DSM method to identify patterns of product development interactions in three different domains: development organization, product architecture, and product development process [18]. Most recently, Dong and Whitney devised a technique to obtain a Design Structure Matrix (DSM) from a Design Matrix (DM) used in Axiomatic Design [16]. This technique allows obtaining the design information flow pattern at an early stage of 27 the design, and applying the DSM system analysis and project management techniques at a time when the most important decisions about the design and the system are made. The second significance of this technique is that the resulting DSM gives a design process driven by the functional requirements, since the DSM is converted from the DM, which captures the requirements flow-down information. Therefore, the resulting process captures the underlying structure of the design problem rather than capturing the as-is process like the traditional DSM method does. Third, this technique can be used to manage requirements flow down and capture system level design knowledge. 2.3 Using simulations with DSM models Several researchers have extended DSM analysis methods with simulation models primarily to predict product development time. Browning developed a DSM simulation model that integrates project cost, schedule and performance [8]. Unlike previous models, Browning's model treats rework probability and rework impact separately, treats task durations as random variables, and applies a learning curve to the duration of reworked tasks. The model assigns both rework probabilities and rework impacts to each instance where interdependence between design activities was identified. Thus, the rework probability associated with two tasks is the chance that one of the tasks will need to be reworked upon completion of the task providing the input information. Although rework may be required of a design task, rework of the entire design task may not be necessary. The rework impact percentage provides the fraction of original task duration that would be required in the event that rework was required. 28 The model also treats design task durations as random variables with triangular distributions for mathematical convenience. Estimates of the most likely value (MILV), best-case value (BCV), and worst-case value (WCV) provide the endpoints of the triangular distribution. Figure 2.6 illustrates the probability distribution function of the design task duration as modeled by Browning. BCV MLV WCV Design Task Duration Figure 2.6: Triangular distribution of task duration. With probabilistic task rework and randomly distributed task durations, output project duration will be a continuous random variable. The stochastic, simulation model generates distributions of possible cost, schedule, and performance outcomes. Welch extended the scheduling portion of Browning's simulation model to permit partial overlapping of interdependent tasks, thus allowing concurrent development to be modeled [57]. The primary reason was that the algorithm developed by Browning required that a downstream task could not begin until the upstream task on which it is dependent is 100% completed. Browning's algorithm permits activities to be performed 29 in parallel only if the downstream task does not rely on the upstream task for any information (i.e., no task interdependence). In reality, more and more programs are designed as concurrent engineering programs. That is, activities dependent on one another proceed, at least to some extent, in parallel and extract information as they progress. While a design task may require information from another upstream design task, it is not always the case that 100% of the upstream task must be completed before the downstream task may commence. To account for a degree of overlap between tasks that were interdependent, an additional matrix was created. Welch also modified Browning's algorithm to apply a learning curve to the rework probabilities rather than to the task durations. This way, the modeling of "learning-by-doing" has been revised to permit rework probabilities to be dynamic rather than static. Browning's algorithm assumed that the likelihood of reworking a design task would be constant regardless of the number of iterations of that design task. However, the case study presented by Welch indicated that the likelihood of reworking a design task should indeed be reduced with iteration of the design task. Cho developed an integrated project management framework for complex engineering projects [10]. The integrated method he created streamlines project planning and control using three modules: structuring, modeling, and scheduling. The structuring module uses the DSM method to structure the information flows among tasks and identify the feedback loops in the project. A critical dependency path is determined by classifying the various types of information dependencies, and redundant constraints are removed for modeling and scheduling analyses. In the modeling module, a generalized process model predicts complex behaviors of iterative processes using advanced simulation techniques. The model computes the probability distribution of lead time and 30 identifies critical paths in a resource-constrained project. Results from both modules are then used to develop a network-based schedule in the form of a PERT or Gantt chart in the scheduling module of the framework. Project managers can use this schedule as a basis for monitoring and control of projects. 2.4 Chapter Summary The Design Structure Matrix (DSM) has been introduced in this chapter as a useful tool for representing and analyzing the important relations in a complex system such as a design project. The DSM method can be applied to a design project in order to understand the information flow and communication in the design process, and hence seek improvements based on better understanding of the system. A literature review has been presented describing the previous research that has been conducted applying the DSM to product development processes. The chapter concludes by discussing the simulation models that have been developed that use the DSM as a basis for modeling a design process. 31 32 Chapter 3 Impact of Gate Reviews in Product Development Processes The stage-gate product development process is introduced in this chapter, along with the concept of gate reviews. The role that gate reviews play in a process and the impact that their location can have on the overall duration of the process are explored using the Design Structure Matrix. 3.1 Role of gate reviews and phases in a process 3.1.1 Stage-gate product development processes A product development process can be defined as a disciplined and defined set of tasks, steps, and phases that describe the normal means by which a company repetitively converts embryonic ideas into salable products or services [41]. Different development processes have been employed by companies in response to the increased pressure that they receive to deliver new products to market at a faster pace. Some of the most common types of processes include the waterfall or stage-gate process, the spiral process, the design to schedule/budget process, and the evolutionary delivery process [54]. Perhaps the most widely employed process today by companies developing new products is the stage-gate, also known as phased development process. Popularized by Cooper [13] in recent years, the stage-gate process divides the development effort into distinct time-sequenced stages separated by management decision gates. In each stage, multifunctional teams must successfully complete a prescribed set of related crossfunctional tasks prior to obtaining management approval to proceed to the next stage of 33 product development. Figure 3.1 shows a graphical representation of the general structure of a stage-gate process. It shows how each stage of the process is followed by a gate review, where decisions are made whether to proceed or not to the following stage. Stage/ Phase N Stage/ Phase 2 Stage/ PhaseI Decision Point I Decision Point N-1 Figure 3.1: Structure of a stage-gate product development process. Most firms that have adopted stage-gate processes have typically moved to these from more sequential phase review processes, which are characterized by the lack of interaction among different functions. This kind of phase review process is a staged product development process in which one function completes a set of tasks, and then passes the information they generated sequentially to another function that in turn completes the next set of tasks and passes everything along to the next function. In these types of product development processes, which are also referred to as baton-passing processes, multifunctional teamwork is largely absent. Thus, most firms have found more effective to move away from these processes to stage-gate processes using multifunctional teams [41]. The framework of the stage-gate process includes workflow and decision-flow paths and defines the supporting systems and practices necessary to ensure the process's ongoing smooth operation. These processes have a great deal of appeal to management, 34 because basically they restrict investment in the next stage until management is comfortable with the outcome of the current stage. The gate can be an effective tool for controlling product quality and development expense [35]. Stage-gate processes also focus attention on the quality of execution, and ensure that no critical steps of the process are omitted [42]. Figure 3.2 shows an example of a typical stage-gate process consisting of six stages. The first stage consists of product planning, which typically has a very strong presence of marketing and the project management team. Concept design is the second stage, followed by a System-level design stage in which all the marketing needs are translated into engineering specifications. In the fourth stage, detailed engineering design of the product is performed. Once all the requirements for this stage are satisfied, the product is ready for testing. The final stage then becomes the release of the product. Product planning Concept design System-level design Detailed design testing Product release Figure 3.2: Example of a typical stage-gate process. 35 3.1.2 Stages In the stages, members involved on the project team undertake key tasks to gather information needed to advance the project to the next gate or decision point. Each stage contains a set of prescribed and concurrent activities. It is important to remember that the majority of the activities during a stage are executed in parallel, and not only in sequence. Another important aspect of stages is that they are cross-functional [42]. Thus, there is no function specific stage, but rather, each stage consists of a set of parallel activities undertaken by people from different functional areas in the company, working together as a team and led by a project team leader. 3.1.3 Gate reviews The gate is a point at which a management decision is made to allow the product development project to proceed to the next stage, to recycle back into the current stage to better complete some of the tasks, or to terminate. This type of review is referred to as a stage-gate review, phase-gate review, phase review or phase approval. The term "gate" implies that the project must go through this step in order to continue on. The number of gates varies by company. At these decision points located between stages, the decisionmakers, also called gatekeepers, can choose to Go, Kill, Hold, or Recycle the project. The gatekeepers are typically a group of managers who serve as advisors, decision-makers and investors in the process. Using established business criteria, this multifunctional group reviews new product opportunities and project progress, and allocates resources accordingly at each gate. This group is also commonly called a "Product Approval Committee" or "Portfolio Management Team" [41]. The management team that conducts these reviews usually stays constant across all projects to bring consistency to the review 36 process and to maintain a comparative perspective among projects so that they better recognize the good projects and the projects that are in trouble. This team might be one and the same as a products committee or a product development steering team that manages the development pipeline, screens projects, and establishes project priorities. Effective gates are central to the success of a fast-paced, new product development process as they serve as "quality control" control checks. At a gate, the previous stage is reviewed and it is checked whether it has been executed in a quality fashion. It also allows the evaluation of the performance of the project team, and the attractiveness of the project from an economic and business standpoint. By making Go/Kill decisions at a gate review, gatekeepers can prioritize projects and filter those that do not look promising. Finally, gates are also resource allocation decision meetings. These meetings are generally staffed by senior managers from different functions, who own the resources the project leader and team require for the next stage. Cooper [12] describes the common format that gates have: " Deliverables: These are the inputs into the gate review - what the project team delivers to the meeting. These are the results of the actions taken in the previous stage, and are based on a standard menu of deliverables for each phase. " Criteria: These are the questions or metrics by which the project is evaluated in order to make the Go/Kill and prioritization decision. " Outputs: These are the results of the gate review - a decision about the project (Go/Kill/Hold/Recycle). An action plan is usually approved, and the dates and deliverables for the next gate are agreed upon. 37 Cooper [41] considers three kinds of gate reviews, which can be implemented depending on the maturity of the process. A "Rigid Gate" is a review point in a stagegate process at which all the prior stage's work and deliverables must be complete before work in the next stage can commence. On the other hand, a "Flexible Gate" is a permissive or permeable gate in a stage-gate process that is less rigid than the traditional "go-stop-recycle" gate. These gates are useful in shortening time-to-market. A permissive gate is one where the next stage is authorized although some work in the almostcompleted stage has not yet been finished. A permeable gate is one where some work in a subsequent stage is authorized before a substantial amount of work in the prior stage is completed. The third type of gate review is the "Fuzzy Gates". Fuzzy gates are conditional or situational, rather than full "go" decisions. Their purpose is to try to balance timely decisions and risk management. Conditional go decisions are "go," subject to a task being successfully completed by a future, but specified, date. Situational gates have some criteria that must be met for all projects, and others that are only required for some projects. When companies start with an ill-defined process or lack any type of stage-gate reviews, "hard" stage-gates or "rigid gates" are usually established. This means that the review must be successfully conducted before the program proceeds. When a welldisciplined development process is in place and development personnel are used to stagegate reviews, the organization is positioned to move to "soft" stage-gates. Soft stage-gate reviews allow the project to proceed in parallel with conducting the review, thereby reducing time-to-market. In other words, there are no "hard" stops while the team prepares for and conducts the review. For newly established stage-gate processes, a pilot gate meeting is usually organized. This is a trial, informal gate meeting usually held 38 at the launch of a stage-gate process to test the design of the process and familiarize participants with the stage-gate process. 3.1.4 Technically oriented design reviews Another kind of review that is held throughout a product development process is the technically oriented design review [35]. There are typically several types of design reviews that occur at different points in the new product development process. These design reviews are placed at a point in the process where there has been development of some aspect of the product or process design that should be assessed before the project continues based on those technical decisions. These reviews are intended to provide an independent assessment of either the documented requirements for the new product, the concept of the new product, the design of the new product, the process design to manufacture and support the new product, or the readiness to put the new product into production. These design reviews are not only a method to help verify the design of the product, but also a means to reduce the risk associated with the new product. Development personnel should learn to value design reviews as a means to reduce program risks and increase program success. Design reviews are conducted with a design review team composed of experienced, senior-level personnel who understand the technology involved in the program and its associated technical risks. These personnel should not be directly involved in the program in order to provide an objective perspective on the program. Design review team members are chosen to match their skills and expertise to the requirements of the project. The team is multi-functional to address all the subject matter and issues covered during the review. The team may stay in place 39 for the project or new personnel may be added and existing design review team members dropped as the project evolves in its development cycle. Design reviews, while technically focused, are not limited to just the design of the product. They must address all the life cycle requirements of the product as well as the program requirements such as cost, schedule and risk. 3.1.5 Related work on scheduling of reviews Ha and Porteus developed and EOQ-like model to determine an optimal review policy in concurrent design for manufacturability [26]. The model, which seeks the timing of the progress reviews to minimize the total expected project completion time, has the following tradeoffs: completion time by Reviewing too infrequently can increase the project preventing process design work from being conducted simultaneously with product design work and increasing the changes that extensive product redesign work must be conducted, whereas reviewing too frequently can cause too much time to be spent on the reviews that would otherwise be required. In their study, it was found that frequent reviews have two benefits: (1) (Parallel development) manufacturing process designers receive sufficient information about the design to enable them to work in parallel with the product designers, (2) (Quality control) flaws in the design are discovered soon after they are introduced, saving the time and resources required for redesign later. The disadvantages of frequent reviews is that each review requires setup/penalty time that otherwise would not be required. In the formulation of their model, Ha and Porteus postulate that each time a review takes place, a certain amount of "setup" time is required. This setup time consists of ordinary setup time plus penalty time. The ordinary setup time consists of the time to 40 get organized for the review, construct prototypes if necessary, prepare documents and communication material, coordinate meetings, travel, and account for lost productivity due to refocusing on new tasks. The penalty time consists of the additional time required to carry out the review and conduct redesign work, if any, due to carrying out the review at that time. Unfortunately, the model does not encompass a broad range of concurrent design issues. Ahmadi and Wang [1] developed a model extending the line of study started by Ha and Porteus. In their model, they describe how design reviews and engineering resources can be scheduled as the control mechanisms to operationally manage development risk. They have found that companies that focus on the performance cost dimensions of the development risk typically conduct many design reviews with various layers of management involvement. These reviews try to minimize development risks at the expense of additional overhead and increased project lead-time. However, an inappropriate scheduling of management involvement, as well as both under- and overspecifications of product development risk, typically results in extended project completion time. Thus, the key challenge faced by their model is to schedule an ideal level of management control by allocating appropriate engineering resource and choosing the optimal review frequency and review acceptance levels at each design stage. In the formulation of their model, Ahmadi and Wang assume that a design review could be placed only at the end of a design stage, and evaluates only design stages that follow the last review. They also define process confidence as a measure of design conformance quality and the perceived engineering reliability of the product to be designed. Stage confidence is also defined for each design stage, as a measure of the 41 degree of compatibility and closeness of the design to its target specifications at that stage. Mori et al. [34] combined DSM and graph theory to propose an approach for modeling and planning design processes as well as strategic scheduling of design reviews. Initially, a DSM process model that represents task dependencies provides the input for the optimization of the design process leading to a graph-based process model. The DSM is decomposed into blocks for simplification of the process. However, it can often occur that a block is too large and involves numerous tasks within a DSM. For example, the algorithm cannot decompose the process further because the internal tasks within the block are coupled too tightly. Thus, they propose one approach to deal with such a large block by reorganizing the information flows within the coupled tasks by strategically scheduling design reviews. Figure 3.3 illustrates this concept of decomposition of a block by strategic scheduling of design reviews: A B (a) DR (A , B ) A B l......................... (b) Figure 3.3: The coupled tasks and serial process with a design review (DR). Consider an example of coupled tasks, as shown in Figure 3.3 (a). The execution of task A requires the output of task B, while task B requires the output of task A. The 42 coupled tasks either must be completed simultaneously with continual exchanges of information or must be carried out in an iterative manner. Figure 3.3 (b) shows the serialized process with the addition of a design review. A design review discusses the interface between task A and task B leading to an agreement on the required information for the process coordination. Based on the agreement, the team performs task A in advance, and then passes the output of task A as an input to task B. To check the compatibility, there is a weak dependency from task B to task A. Basically, the idea is to replace a strong dependency from task B to task A by a weak dependency and a design review that supplements the required information. This step reorganized the information flows among tasks and reduces iterations. Although a design review facilitates sharing of information across the different teams, frequent meetings are time consuming. Therefore, one needs to reduce the number of the design reviews as well as the number of iterations. The algorithm developed by Mori et al. strategically schedules the timing of design reviews and minimizes the number of reviews held. 3.2 Current problems with gate reviews Although stage-gate product development processes have proved to be very effective for companies to develop new products and bring them to market, it is important to understand why sometimes a project does not meet successfully all the requirements established at a gate review and necessary to advance to the next stage. The most common problem why projects fail at a gate review is the lack of information or time to meet all the requirements. This problem is created by the structure 43 of the product development process, due to a bad choice for the location of a gate review. Processes are generally designed and gates scheduled based on estimates of how long the project is expected to last, and on the company's desired timing for launching the product to market. However, at the operational level the project might sometimes be run very differently from the way it is supposed to be. Engineers and other project team members usually face a number of unexpected hurdles that might not allow them to follow the process exactly the way it was designed. For example, when a process is newly implemented, a few projects might be required to go through the process in order to get the optimal process working. It is only through real experiences in real product development processes that a project management team can maximize the efficiency of the process. Newly implemented processes typically also face the challenge of a lack of understanding by project team members of the process itself, and the deliverables for which they are responsible. This lack of familiarity with the process can have negative consequences on the overall duration of the project. Another common issue that product development teams face is that when stagegate processes are designed, these might not be aligned with the resource capabilities of the company, which in many cases can be easily overestimated. Some examples of this kind that can create unplanned rework in the project include the lack of availability or accessibility of carryover CAD data, or the lack of availability of designers to be assigned to work with engineers. There are several other sources of rework in a product development process that are not accounted for in the design of a stage-gate process. Some of them are potential conflicts with the suppliers. Problems range from suppliers going out of business to 44 suppliers informing the group that they cannot complete the part as specified. In some cases, the purchasing organization is able to develop a fast workaround, while in others, the product is held up for redesign and testing. In other cases, major problems can be faced when a major functional activity is not fully integrated with the rest of the product development team due to internal conflicts within the organization. Constant organizational changes inside the company can also be a source of unplanned rework. Last minute decisions taken by high-level management regarding the direction of the product can be another example of the numerous unexpected problems that a product development team can face. In the automotive industry, this can translate to a sudden change in architecture selection in the middle of the development process. Lastly, when an innovative major technology that was supposed to be introduced in a new product is not ready for implementation can significantly affect of developing that product. When all gate requirements are not successfully met and the gatekeepers decide to reschedule the gate review to give the team more time to improve and finish their deliverables, the product development project can be significantly delayed. These delays, which can be in the order of several months, can have devastating consequences for a company, as it faces the risk that other firms will deliver competing products much faster and get a first-mover advantage in a given market. Thus, it is desired that inter-phase iterations be minimized to increase the probabilities of meeting successfully all the requirements of a gate review. Figure 3.4 shows a schematic of a stage-gate process allowing inter-phase iterations. The dotted arrows represent this kind of inter-phase iterations, which occurs when all the requirements in a gate review are not successfully met because tasks in one stage require information from tasks in the subsequent stage. The spiral arrows represent intra-phase iterations, which are expected to occur within 45 each stage and in most cases are necessary to effectively satisfy all the requirements at the end of the stage. Phase gates Stage/ Phase e iAtStage/ :........... Phase 2 Stage/ Phase N -------- Inter-phase iterations Intra-phase iterations Figure 3.4: Stage-gate process featuring inter-phase iterations. A Design Structure Matrix of a product development project can be very useful in helping identify the location of a gate review with respect to the iteration loops in the process. By developing a DSM at the operational or "as-is" level of the project, unintentional iterations can be easily identified. This DSM can show any potential differences between the way a project is executed in reality and the way that it was originally designed to be. A DSM allows identifying the natural structure of a process as it is actually executed, and evaluating the validity of the location of a gate. Figure 3.5 46 shows an example in which a DSM captures a gate review in the middle of an iteration block due to unplanned iterations. lu IA A B D C D E W G F H I 19 B C E11 1 F GATE REVIEW 1 1 G 1 11 1 ~1 !1: 1 H B I 11 1 1 Figure 3.5: DSM illustrating a gate review located in the middle of an iteration block. When gate reviews are not successfully satisfied in their entirety, it is believed that the reason will be one of the following: (1) there is a shortage of information and many assumptions have to be made and used as placeholders until the required data is available, (2) there is a shortage of time to finish the deliverables, or (3) there is a shortage of both information required and time necessary to complete the tasks. At times, a product development team cannot succeed at the gate review because team members were missing important information to complete their tasks in a proper 47 manner. In many cases, this information must be provided by tasks that are initiated after the gate review, at the subsequent stage. Thus, assumptions have to be made, often leading to not meeting successfully the requirements of the gate review and thus delaying the overall product development process if the gatekeepers determine that the review should be rescheduled for a later date. This situation can occur even when the team has ample time prior to the gate review to work on their deliverables. On many occasions, a product development team runs out of time to finish all the deliverables required to successfully "pass" a gate review. This can happen even though the team members have access to all the information that they require to finish their tasks. When the project does not face any special circumstances outside of the control of the members of the team, a possible reason for such a situation is that the gate review for that stage was scheduled at a date earlier than what would have been necessary to properly complete all the tasks. Given the complexity of new product development projects, very often a shortage of both time and information can harm the project at the end of a stage. 3.3 Using DSM to determine gate review location and scheduling 3.3.1 Using DSM to determine gate review location In this section the Design Structure Matrix method is used to analyze the effect that the location of a gate can have on the overall duration of the project. It is suggested that the first step is to construct a DSM of the product development process based on interviews with the team members involved in the project to identify the proper tasks in the process and their respective interdependencies. This DSM model will highlight any 48 possible discrepancies between the way the process was designed and the way that it is actually executed. A DSM analysis using the partitioning algorithm should then be performed to obtain the best possible sequence in which the tasks should be performed to minimize iterations. Even after performing the partitioning, a case might be given in which the gate review is located in the middle of an iteration block as in the example presented in Figure 3.5. Such a block has the presence of an inter-phase iteration, in which team members require information from tasks performed at a subsequent stage in order to properly complete their tasks. Given that this information is not available prior to the gate review, the chances of not "passing" the gate review successfully can increase dramatically. Basically, the probability of not "passing" the gate review can be defined to be equal to the rework probability associated with a feedback mark across the stages. Given that this kind of iteration is unplanned, a DSM proves to be a very powerful tool that allows the project management team to see what is really happening in the project and identify such irregularities that might be causing failure at the gate review. An example is presented to study the impact of gate reviews, found within an iteration block, on the duration of a project. The example shows a simple process consisting of ten activities and a few iteration blocks in the system. The method employed is to place a gate review after each task (one at a time), and use the scheduling portion of the simulation model developed by Browning [8] to predict the duration of the process. Figures 3.6 through 3.16 show the DSM of the process, with a different location of the gate review in each case. 49 GR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Gate Review ............... ................ ................ ............... ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ 1 ............... x ............... ................ .......... ................................ . ............... ................ ..... 2 ............... x ... ............... ............... ............... ................ ............... ........... 3 ................ x x ............... ............... . ................ ................ 4 ............... .......... ................ ............... ........ ................ .... ........ ..... ....... ............... 5 ............... x X: ............. ................. x x 6 ............... x .... ..... ......... ................ ................ ........... ................ ................. 7 ................ x x ....... ........ ................ ................ ................ 8 x x x .............. ................ ................ ................ 9 10 ................. x x x ................... ............... ............. ................ ............... ................ ................ ................ ................ x x x Figure 3.6: Gate review located at the beginning of the project (Case 1). I GR 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I Gate Review ........ ....... ................ ............... ................ ....... ....... ................. ................ ................ 2 ........ x ................ ........... ................ ............... ......... ..... 3 ............... ... .... ........... . .......... ............... ............... 4 ............... x .. x x ................ ............. .......... ...... ........ ................ ......... ..... .............. 5 . . .x. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x x .. 6 ............... x ............ ........ ...... ............... .............. ............... ................ ............... ............... 7 ............... x ............. ............... ............... ............... .......... .... ............... .......... 8 ............... x x x ............... ................. ................ X 9 ............... x ............... x .............. ................. ............... ........ ..... ................. ................ .................. 10 x x x Figure 3.7: Gate review located after Task I (Case 2). 1 2 GR 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ..... ....... ............. . ............... . ..... . ........ 2 -----------------------Gate Review .. ........... . ............... ......... .... .. .......... ................ . .... ................ .......... x 3 x x .......... ............... 4 ............... x ................ x x ............... .............. ................ ................ ............... ............... 5 x .............. x ......... x x 6 ...... ............ ....... ............... ................ ............. .......... .... ............. ........ ............... V i V i 7 ............... x.... .......... ..... ...... ............. ............. ......... .............. ................ a ............... x x I x ............... ............... ................ 9 ...... X: I................ x .. ....... x .............. ......... .... ...... ............ ................ .... ... 10 x Figure 3.8: Gate review located after Task 2 (Case 3). 50 1 2 3 GR 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 ................ ................ 2 ................ x 3 ................ x x ............... Gate Review ................ x xixL ............... ............... ............... ................ :x 4 ................ x ix x ................ ............... ............... .......... .......... 5 ................ x ..........x :x .X x ............... 6 ................ ................ ..... ........ .............. ............... ............... ................ 7 ................ X: x x ............... ................. .......... ................... .............. ............... ................ ................ 8 X: x x !x 9 ................ X: ............... ............... ................ .............. .:x ................. ................ ................ x ................ ............... ................ ................ ............... ................ 10 :x :x Figure 3.9: Gate review located after Task 3 (Case 4). 1 2 3 4 GR 5 6 7 8 9 10 ................. ................. 2 .................. X 3 ................ x x x ................ X: ................ x x ................ ................. Gati ................ ................ ................ ..... ..... ................ ................ ................ ................. 5 ................. X: .. X: x X .............. 6 ................ ............... ................ .:x ................ ................. ................ ................. ..... .......... ................. 7 ................. ....... ................ ............. ....... . ................. ............ ................ ................. ................ :x X! 8 ................. ................. x :x 9 ................. :x ................. ................. ................ ................. ................. :x ................ 10 ................. ........ ........ x x Figure 3.10: Gate review located after Task 4 (Case 5). 1 2 3 4 5 GR 6 7 8 9 10 ................. .................................. ................ 2 ........... X..... ..... . .......... 3 ................ x ................. 4 ................ X ................ x x ........... ...... ......... 5 ......... X...... . x ................ Gate Review ................ X ................. x ............ x ... x .................. x ................. 6 ......... x ................ x ............ x ....... x.......... x .... ................ .... .............. .... ............ ........ ...... ................ 7 ................ x ................ ................ ................ ................ ......... .. x x 8 ................ x x x .... ........... ........... 9 ................ X ................ : x x ................. ................. ............... : ............... ............. ! .. ................ ................. 101 ix i Figure 3.11: Gate review located after Task 5 (Case 6). 51 1 2 3 4 5 6 GR 7 8 9 10 1 ............. ............... ................ ................ ............... 2 ............... x ............... .. . ................. 3 ............... x x ................ 4 5 x x x ............... ................ ...... .. x x 6 ................ x .......... x Gate Review ............... x I x ..... x ............... x ............... x ................ x .......... ................ 7 ............... x x X: ................ x ............... ............... ............... 8 ............... x x x ............... .......... 9 ............... x x x ................ 10 x x x ................ ................ ............... .............. ............. ................ ................ ............... ...... ................ ........ ................ Figure 3.12: Gate review located after Task 6 (Case 7). 2 1 1 3 4 5 6 7 GR 8 9 10 ................. .............. ................ ................ ................ ................ 2 ........ 3 ................ -771 ........... .... ............. 4 ................ x ............... x ................ . . .x. . . . m ................ .............. 5 ............ XE x ... ................ 6 ................ x x . ............... ............... ..... .... .......... .................. ......... :x X: 7 ................ ..... ............... ............... ..... ................ Gate Review ................ :x X:x X ............... ................................ ................ ............... ............... 8 ................ X:: ..x ............ ................ X Xx x:x ... ............. ................ 9 ................ x .... x x .. ................ ............ ............... ..... ........... ......... ............... ................. 10 x x X: Figure 3.13: Gate review located after Task 7 (Case 8). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 GR 9 10 ........ ................ ................. ................. ................ ................. 2 ........ ........ ................ ............... 3 ................ x x ............... ...x ..... 4 ................ x X ............... x . . . x. . . . . .............. ................ ................ ................ 5 . . . X: x x . . . . . . ................ 1 x 6 7 8 x x x x x ............................... ........ ................ ................. ................ X: x ............... .............. ................ ............... ........ ... x ............... X; 7 .:x ................ :x ................. ................ B* x . . . x. . . . . .................. Gate Review . . . x. . . . . . . .x. . . . . . . . .x. . . . .. x x ............... x ................ ............. .............. 9 . . . x. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. x x x . . . . . . . . ............... ............... ................ .................. 10 x x x Figure 3.14: Gate review located after Task 8 (Case 9). 52 1 4 5 6 2 3 7 8 9 GRIO 1 2 X 4 xx X 3 x X 5X X x 6 7 8 x x xi X x X x _ x X x x x xM x 9 X Gate Review X 101 x xx x x x x x x x x I xx Figure 3.15: Gate review located after Task 9 (Case 10). 2 3 4 5 6 2 X 3 4 X 7 X x x X 9 10GR 8 x 5X 6 . 7 x x x 8 X 9 X X 10 Gate Review X X x X x X X.X.XXX.X Figure 3.16: Gate review located at the end of the project (Case 11). The first assumption made when applying this method is that in case a gate review is placed inside an iteration block, the iteration will be allowed to take place as many times as necessary. In other words, the gatekeepers will not kill the program at the review if the requirements are not met. Instead, the gate review will be rescheduled and 53 the team will be given more time to continue working on their tasks until these requirements are satisfied. In Figures 3.7 through 3.15, the highlighted gray regions denominate the inter-phase iteration zone of the DSM. If a mark is placed in this region, then the gate review is located inside an iteration block. A second assumption made is that a gate review is another source of rework generation in case additional time is allowed to finish the tasks of a particular stage. If the gatekeepers allow a stage to be revisited and delay the project by allocating more time to these tasks and rescheduling the review, then there is a probability that they will require additional changes from some of the other tasks involved. Thus, whenever there is at least one mark in the inter-phase iteration zone, additional feedback marks are placed along the column of the gate review in the DSM up to the first task in the iteration loop. These additional dependencies can be observed in Figures 3.9 through 3.15, and are depicted by a small "x". Another assumption made is that all the tasks in a stage must report a deliverable at the gate review. These can be seen in each of the DSMs, where the row modeling the gate review has inputs from all the tasks preceding it. When the gate review is placed inside an iteration block, the mark representing the deliverable from the task with the missing information is highlighted in "bold". Each of the DSMs illustrated in Figures 3.6 through 3.16 were simulated using Browning's model for predicting the project duration [8]. The simulations used simple values for task durations: 1, 2, and 3 days for the best-case value (BCV), most likely value (MLV), and worst-case value (WCV), respectively, and 1 day for each value for the gate review. The rework probability for all tasks was modeled as 50%, while the rework impact was modeled at 100%. In each case, the learning curve factor used as an input was 50%. Also, no overlapping was allowed between tasks, and each simulation was 54 assigned 1,000 runs. Table 3.1 shows the mean duration and standard deviation for each of the cases obtained from the simulations. Case Mean (days) S.D. (days) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 24.13 24.19 24.14 26.81 27.93 29.54 30.91 32.34 33.94 2.16 2.12 2.27 3.14 3.75 4.25 5.14 5.87 6.47 10 34.95 6.99 11 24.25 2.26 Table 3.1: Simulation results for gate location example. From Table 3.1, it can be seen that the further down a gate review is placed in an iteration loop, the longer the project duration is due to rework. This can be observed by noticing how the mean duration steadily increases between cases 4 to 10, and then drops sharply in case 11. In the model, the gate review is located within an iteration block in cases 4 through 10. In each of these cases, additional feedback marks are placed in the model due to the extra rework that the rescheduling of the gate generates. The further down in the block the gate is, the more feedback marks the model has, and consequently, the longer the duration. In case 11, however, the gate review is located outside the iteration block. Thus, all these additional marks are eliminated, as there is no need to reschedule the gate. In reality, the further down a gate review is in an iteration block, the 55 greater the number of tasks that need to be reworked. Thus, more time is required to finish all these tasks properly. This can translate into the fact that a longer period of time is required before the new gate can be scheduled. Not only the duration values increase, but also the standard deviations. T-tests have been performed between all the eleven cases in order to test the means for statistical significance. All tests, with the exception of those involving cases 1, 2, 3, and 11 among themselves, gave results of p<0.05. This means that the differences between the tested cases with p<0.05 are statistically significant. The tests that did not give a significant difference can be explained by the fact that in cases 1, 2, 3, and l Ithe gate review is located outside the iteration blocks. In the same fashion, F-tests were performed to test the variances for statistical significance. Results for the F-tests were similar as those for the t-tests. A sensitivity analysis was performed by varying both rework probabilities and rework impacts in order to test the robustness of the results presented in Table 3.1. These two parameters have each been classified into three main categories: low, medium, and high. Low rework probabilities and impacts range from 0% to 30%, medium from 40% to 60%, and high from 70% to 100%. First, a sensitivity analysis was performed by varying the rework probabilities across the three categories while keeping all the other parameters as they were used in the example. Thus, each of the eleven cases presented between Figures 3.6 through 3.16 was simulated using the following values for task durations: 1, 2, and 3 days for the best-case value (BCV), most likely value (MLV), and worst-case value (WCV), respectively, and 1 day for each value for the gate review. In all cases, the rework impact was modeled at 100%, while the learning curve factor used as an input was 50%. Also, no overlapping 56 was allowed between tasks, and each simulation was assigned 1,000 runs. The rework probability used from the low region was 20%, the medium one was 50%, and the value used to model the high rework probability was 80%. It should be noted that results for the medium region are equal to the results from the example presented in Table 3.1, as they both use a rework probability of 50%. Table 3.2 summarizes the mean duration and standard deviation for each of the cases obtained from the simulations in this sensitivity analysis. Figure 3.17 illustrates a graph of the mean duration of the process for each different location of the gate review. Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5 Case 6 Case 7 Case 8 Case 9 Case 10 Case 11 HIGH MEDIUM LOW S.D. (days) (days) (days) Mean S.D. (days) (days) Mean Mean (days) S.D. 33.43 6.61 2.28 26.09 4.54 22.19 6.77 4.13 33.24 2.32 26.09 22.27 4.44 33.44 6.65 22.40 2.56 26.32 7.90 38.59 5.27 27.89 2.56 22.79 12.23 50.06 31.62 7.53 2.80 22.85 9.22 58.46 14.56 23.83 3.34 35.50 17.04 71.99 40.61 11.22 3.75 24.48 84.63 20.28 4.49 47.45 14.18 25.21 20.92 16.22 96.43 53.07 25.82 4.94 23.49 17.51 106.70 58.58 26.24 5.05 6.84 33.48 4.47 26.06 2.27 22.22 Table 3.2: Sensitivity analysis results by varying rework probabilities. 57 120 100 w 80- cc r 0 60- cc S40 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Gate location -4-LOW -- MEDIUM -A- HIGH Figure 3.17: Mean durations for sensitivity analysis (Rework probabilities). For each case, t-tests were performed across low, medium and high rework probabilities to test the means for statistical significance. All results were significant (p<0.05), meaning that for each case, the rework probability values used had a direct impact on the overall duration of the process. F-tests were also performed to test the variances for statistical significance, and all the results were also significant. Another sensitivity analysis was performed by varying the rework impact values across the three categories. The values used in the simulation were the same as before, keeping in mind that the rework probability was kept constant at 50% in all cases. The rework impact used from the low region was 20%, the medium one was 50%, and the value used to model the high rework impact was 100%. In this case, it should be noted that results for the high region are equal to the results from the example presented in 58 Table 3.1, as they both use a rework impact of 100%. Table 3.3 summarizes the mean duration and standard deviation for each of the cases obtained from the simulations in this sensitivity analysis. Figure 3.18 shows a graph of the mean duration of the process for each different location of the gate review. HIGH MEDIUM LOW Mean (days) S.D. (days Mean (days) S.D. (days) Mean (days) S.D. (days) Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5 Case 6 Case 7 Case 8 Case 9 Case 10 Case 11 4.54 4.13 4.44 5.27 7.53 9.22 11.22 14.18 16.22 17.51 4.47 26.09 26.09 26.32 27.89 31.62 35.50 40.61 47.45 53.07 58.58 26.06 2.79 2.84 2.76 3.02 4.41 5.68 7.59 8.61 10.50 11.53 2.62 23.82 23.72 23.70 24.67 26.87 29.87 34.11 36.84 41.98 45.24 23.68 1.69 1.67 1.66 1.91 2.65 3.14 4.12 4.66 5.30 5.85 1.73 22.18 22.30 22.23 22.97 23.80 25.46 27.50 29.36 31.50 33.10 22.33 Table 3.3: Sensitivity analysis results by varying rework impacts. 7060 50 - A - 40 0-Q 3020 - 10 - 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 9 10 11 12 Gate location + LOW -- MEDIUM A HIGH Figure 3.18: Mean durations for sensitivity analysis (Rework impacts). 59 As in the sensitivity analysis in which the rework probabilities were varied, t-tests were also performed to test the means for statistical significance. The results were similar and they were all significant, as they all had p<0.05. Thus, values of rework impact also can have a direct impact on the duration of the process. In a similar manner, F-tests were conducted to test the variances for statistical significance. Again, all the tests gave significant results. A number of valuable insights can be obtained from the results of this example and the sensitivity analyses. By observing the graphs in Figures 3.17 and 3.18, it can be observed that regardless of the values used for rework probabilities and rework impacts, the location of a gate review within an iteration block has the most determinant effect in delaying a process. The further down a gate review is placed in an iteration loop, the longer the project duration is due to rework. Not only the duration values increase, but also the standard deviations. Nevertheless, it should be remembered that rework probability and rework impact values also have a significant impact on the duration as suggested by the t-tests. When comparing low rework probability and impact values, it has been found that the concept of rework impact has a much stronger effect in increasing the duration of the process. Thus, when there are very low probabilities of rework, it can be safe to schedule a gate review inside an iteration block if necessary to accelerate the process. This is because the probabilities of having inter-phase iterations are very low. Such a case is the only time when it is acceptable to place a gate review inside an iteration block. However, for medium and high rework probabilities and impact values, the opposite is true. As the gate review is moved further down in the iteration block, the values used for rework probabilities can drive the project to have a much longer duration. 60 When a gate review is placed outside of an iteration block, rework probabilities have a stronger impact on the duration of the process than the values for rework impact. Even though this is a simple example with only a few tasks, it shows the negative impact that the allowance of inter-phase iterations can have in the duration of a product development process. The methodology employed for this analysis can be performed systematically across larger and more complex processes. 3.3.2 Using buffers in the scheduling of design reviews The preceding section addressed the issue of where in the project should the gate review be located, but does not address the problem of when should it be scheduled. By removing a gate review from an iteration block and allowing the iteration to be completed before the review, the project management team solves the issue of facing a shortage of information in a stage necessary to satisfy all the requirements. However, even when all the necessary information is available, the product development team can still run out of time to successfully finish all the deliverables for approval at the gate review and thus proceed to the next stage. Hence, product development time is often the primary concern in project planning and execution. Ulrich and Eppinger [53] provide a set of guidelines for accelerating product development projects. This set of guidelines applies to the product development project as a whole: * Start the project early - Delays at the beginning of a project cost exactly as much time as similar delays during production ramp-up. Thus, the easiest way to complete a project sooner is to start it early. 61 * Manage the project scope - There is a natural tendency to add additional features and capabilities to the product as development progresses. In time-sensitive contexts, this tendency might lead the company to have an elegant product without a market. Disciplined organizations must be able to "freeze the design" and leave incremental improvements for the next generation of the product. " Facilitate the exchange of essential information - A DSM illustrates that a tremendous amount of information must be transferred within a product development team. Large teams may require more structure to promote rapid and frequent information exchange. Another recommendation that they make focuses on those tasks in the critical path of the project. It consists of aggregating safety times as proposed by the critical chain methodology developed by Goldratt [24]. Generally, the estimated duration of each task in a product development project includes some amount of "safety time". This time takes into account the unpredictable delays that occur during the execution of each task, which may include waiting for information and approvals, interruptions from other tasks or projects, and tasks being more difficult than anticipated. According to Goldratt [24], built-in safety times typically double the nominal duration of tasks. Even though safety time is added to the expected task duration in order to account for random delays, these estimates can quickly become the time targets during the execution of the tasks. This implies that tasks are rarely completed early and in many cases overrun. The critical chain method suggests removing the safety time for each task along the critical path and aggregating all of them into a single project buffer placed at the end of the project 62 schedule. Since the need to extend task duration occurs in a somewhat random manner, only some of the tasks will actually need to utilize time from the project buffer. Thus, a single project buffer can be smaller than the sum of the safety times that would be included in each estimate of task duration. In addition, another advantage is that if necessary, a particular task could use more time from the project buffer than what it would have allocated in the individual safety time, without delaying the project. The principal ideas from the critical chain method developed by Goldratt could be applied to a DSM model to schedule a gate review at the end of a stage in a product development process. By introducing the concept of a stage buffer analogous to the project buffer in the critical chain, a gate review can be scheduled in such a way to allow the product development finish all their deliverables on time and satisfy the requirements of the review. Such buffer would be placed at the end of the stage, and would allow the project team to finish iterations completely before the gate review. The size of such a stage buffer would be calculated in the following manner: Stage buffer size = E(nominal duration of all tasks)(desired %of each task) + E(duration of iteration block)(maximum # of iterations allowed)(probability of rework) The first term in the equation is analogous to adding the individual safety times for each task in the critical chain method. The second term, on the other hand, allows time for iterations to be completed as necessary. It is up to the project management team and the experts in the process to estimate what is an appropriate number of iterations that should be allowed, as well as the probabilities that feedback dependencies will trigger rework in the project. The DSM again will be crucial in determining the iteration 63 structure and amount of information exchange in the project. Figure 3.19 shows an example of a DSM with a stage buffer modeled before the gate review. Note that this is the same DSM that was presented in Figure 3.16, with the addition of the buffer. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 B GR 1 2 X 3 4 X X 7 8 9 10 ....... X X X X XI Buffer Gate Review XXX XXX X X X X X X X XXX Figure 3.19: DSM example with stage buffer. The size of the buffer for the example in Figure 3.19 can be calculated very easily. Using similar values as in the example presented in the previous section, the most likely duration of each task is 2 days and the probabilities of rework will be modeled at 50%. It is up to the project manager to determine the maximum number of iterations that will be allowed, as well as the percentage of the individual task durations that want to be added into the buffer. For the purposes of this example, only 2 iterations will be allowed, and 75% of the nominal duration of each task in the process will be added to the buffer. It should also be noted that given that the small three iteration blocks in the DSM overlap each other, they can be considered to be a single larger iteration block as denoted by the 64 dotted lines. Given that there are 8 tasks in the block, the likely duration of each block will be 16 days. Thus, the size of the buffer can be calculated as follows: Stage buffer size= (10 tasks)(2 days per task)(0.75) + (16 days)(2)(0.50) = 31 days Even though this is a simple example, it illustrates how manager can estimate the size of a buffer for a given stage in a product development process. It is believed that the introduction of the stage buffer concept contributes to help managers determine a scheduling strategy for gate reviews in a process that would increase the probabilities of advancing to the next stage without the need of rescheduling reviews. 3.4 Chapter Summary The stage-gate product development process has been introduced in this chapter, along with the concept of gate reviews. The DSM method in combination with existing simulation models have been used to investigate the effect that the location of gate reviews can have in the overall duration of a product development process. The proposed methodology presented in this chapter to address the issues of gate review location and scheduling can be summarized as follows: 1. Create a DSM of the process as it is actually executed and compare it to way the process was originally supposed to be in order to identify any potential differences. The information required to build the DSM, such as the tasks and the appropriate interdependencies, can be obtained by talking 65 directly to experts involved in the process. Gate reviews should be modeled as independent tasks in the process. 2. Perform the appropriate partitioning and tearing DSM analyses. 3. Identify the location of the gate review and move it accordingly to align it with the natural structure of the process. If the gate is located inside an iteration block, it is recommended that the stage-gate structure of the process be redefined in order to eliminate inter-phase iterations. 4. Calculate the stage buffer size for each stage and determine the dates for when the gate reviews will take place. 66 Chapter 4 Case Study: A Stage-Gate Product Development Process at General Motors Chapter 4 presents a case study conducted at General Motors during the summer of 2001, in which a stage-gate product development process was modeled with a task-based Design Structure Matrix (DSM). The procedures and analysis are described in detail in this chapter. 4.1 An overview of the product portfolio process 4.1.1 Purpose of the study General Motors has implemented a product portfolio process (PPP) to create and evaluate proposals for new product entries. The PPP is relatively new, so there is ample opportunity to increase its operational efficiency. A task-based Design Structure Matrix has been used to model a specific portion of this process, the concept development process (CDP), and thus identify areas for process improvement. The ultimate goal of these process enhancements is to reduce the total duration of the process, and thus help the company increase the speed at which it brings new products to market. In order to capture the full spectrum of challenges faced in the CDP, two different types of program teams were selected for the study. One of the teams selected was designing the Buick Bengal and faced all of the challenges associated with the design of an entirely new vehicle. The second team was developing a new version of the Cadillac DeVille, which has been an icon of the automotive history in the United States. Even though the new DeVille was largely based on its predecessor, the DeVille team still faced 67 many of the challenges of a new product development project, especially due to the implementation of several advanced technologies. The purposes of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. To develop a model of General Motors' CDP as it is currently practiced using the Design Structure Matrix methodology. 2. To identify opportunities to increase the efficiency and productivity of the CDP using this process model. 3. To identify opportunities for development of future CDP enablers, such as math-based design representation and engineering analysis tools, information management systems, and workflow management methods and tools. The development of a formal, operating-level CDP model would also provide a valuable baseline for subsequent R&D research projects at General Motors. This is an important consideration given the R&D Center's relatively low working level of knowledge of the CDP and the PPP in general. 4.1.2 Overview of the Product Portfolio and Concept Development Processes General Motors has developed and implemented a product portfolio process (PPP), a multi-phase formalized process for generating new vehicle design concepts and subsequently assessing their viability from a cross-functional perspective. This process consists of four distinct stages: Envision, Ideate, Define, and Develop (Figure 4.1). The first three stages occur continuously throughout the year. Designers, marketing representatives, and portfolio planners continuously generate new concepts and ideas, and select the most promising ones for a more thorough engineering feasibility evaluation. This study focuses on the fourth and final stage, the concept development process (CDP). The CDP is analogous to the front-end process, or concept development phase, 68 of the generic product development process described by Ulrich and Eppinger [53]. The CDP is a structured phase-gate product development process in which a fully crossfunctional product development team rigorously evaluates a vehicle concept's viability. Throughout the three phases of this process, a concept begins as an idea and matures to a preliminary design for a vehicle that could be produced and incorporated into General Motors' product portfolio. Thus, the process encompasses a broad scope of activities, including determining the marketing requirements for the vehicle, determining a manufacturing strategy, designing the vehicle's appearance, assessing the engineering design feasibility, and developing a business case to assess the vehicle's financial viability. At the end of the process, all the findings are presented to a decision board, which will ultimately decide whether or not the vehicle will be incorporated into General Motors' product portfolio. If so, then a full vehicle development program is initiated to design the vehicle and bring it to production. If not, the results of the study are bookshelved for future consideration and use. This illustrates the benefits of executing the CDP, as potential impasses in the development of the vehicle may be determined at a very early stage before significant investments of human resources and capital have been made. 69 - - - -. - - - - Concept Development Process Figure 4.1: The product portfolio process and concept development process. The first phase of the CDP is focused on selection of a vehicle architecture. This phase is conducted primarily by the concept leadership team with support from finance and the performance development engineer. There is a particularly strong presence of marketing and planning during this phase as the marketing requirements that will guide the remainder of the process are being defined. The initial development of the manufacturing strategy is also prominent in this phase. This phase concludes once the vehicle architecture has been selected. In the second phase of the CDP, design and development engineers become actively involved. Efforts in this phase are directed towards identifying the major technical challenges for the concept and conducting preliminary investigations of them. Finally, the third phase of the CDP is focused on total integration of the vehicle and on finalizing the business case to be presented before the strategy board. 70 4.1.3 Structure of the Concept Development Team A concept development team is a matrixed, fully cross-functional team staffed primarily by engineers with additional representatives from design studios and finance. The leaders of the team are the vehicle concept manager, who is responsible for keeping the process and the team on track, a portfolio planner, a brand manager, a vehicle integration engineer, and a manufacturing integration engineer. The engineers on the concept development team are divided into two primary groups: design engineers and development engineers. There are several design engineers on each concept development team whose roles are heavily oriented toward selection and packaging of vehicle subsystems. The design engineers are also responsible for maintaining lists of open issues for their subsystems and for delivering progress reports in weekly team meetings that address open issues considered critical for successful completion of the concept development process. The development engineers are represented at the highest level by a performance development engineer whose role is to assess the functional performance of the vehicle relative to its performance targets and to enlist the services of additional development engineers as needed throughout the course of the CDP. The performance development engineer is supported by development engineers from a variety of engineering disciplines such as safety, noise & vibration, vehicle dynamics, performance & fuel economy, HVAC, quality, and mass. They provide increasing support to the team and become more visibly involved in the weekly team meetings as the CDP progresses and as issues related to their specific discipline arise. 71 4.2 Methodology A series of individual interviews were conducted with members of the concept development teams to obtain the necessary information required to build the DSM model. Members of both the DeVille and Bengal teams were interviewed. Each interview lasted approximately one hour, and there were typically two members of the R&D DSM Team acting as interviewers. A standard interview template (See Appendix A) was developed as a guide for the different interviewers to provide consistent information to build the model. The vehicle concept manager for both of the programs selected for study proposed a preliminary list of interviewees at the beginning of the study and more were added to the list as their roles were discussed in some of the interviews. The process of scheduling the interviews lasted between one and two weeks. In general, most of the team members were very receptive to the idea of collaborating with the DSM project. In order to setup the interviews, an initial approach was made through electronic mail. The response rate to this approach was relatively low, so another round of telephone calls followed. One round of phone calls was sufficient to schedule an interview date with most members. A few team members initially were reluctant to be interviewed, but after talking to their colleagues who had been interviewed and understanding the value of the DSM project acceded to grant us an interview. Interviews typically lasted approximately one hour. Even though total confidentiality was guaranteed at the interviews, there were two persons who preferred not to be tape-recorded. In general, interviewees found that it was very difficult to identify a discrete set of work tasks that they performed during the CDP. This may have been because of the relative newness of the CDP or because these phases had been 72 designed on a deliverables basis rather than on a work-task basis. The DSM Team found it helpful with many interviewees to initiate the conversation using charts of expected deliverables that were available for most functions. It was found that one hour was enough time to collect information describing the interviewee's tasks, to identify the corresponding tasks that provide input information or receive output information, and in some cases, the time durations of the interviewee's tasks. Therefore, the remainder of the data required for the DSM simulations, such as rework probabilities and impact of rework, was collected after the first round of interviews was complete and after a draft process model had been constructed. At this point, the DSM Team collected the remaining data either through a second, usually shorter, interview or via electronic mail. The interviewees found it quite difficult to quantify this numerical data. This may be due to a general bias among the interviewees towards conservative estimates for process parameters or it may be due to the highly parallel, concurrent, and continuous nature of the work performed during the CDP. Once all the interviews were finished, a master task-based DSM of the process was developed based on the information from both the Bengal and DeVille teams. Appendix C contains a list of all the tasks in the DSM along with their input/output relationships. Upon completion, the DSM model was iteratively refined through a series of reviews with the interviewees. The numerical data required for the simulation analysis was also collected at this point. The final version of the DSM model was then reviewed and validated with the process owner for the PPP and with the vehicle concept manager for the Bengal and DeVille teams. The final steps of this study consisted of performing the appropriate DSM analysis by applying the partitioning algorithm and tearing analysis. Once the structure of the 73 Design Structure Matrix was analyzed, numerical simulations were performed to understand the impact that each phase has on the overall process duration using the simulation model developed by Welch [57]. 4.3 DSM Analysis 4.3.1 The Task-based Design Structure Matrix The final version of the non-partitioned DSM model contained a total of 120 tasks (Appendix C) from 19 different functions (Figure 4.2). In Phase 1, the model had 39 tasks. These tasks for the most part depict a serial flow of information. During this phase strategies are developed for system engineering, manufacturing, and part sharing in the body system. This phase shows the strong presence of the marketing and planning functions. Efforts in this phase are geared toward selecting a vehicle architecture; at the end of this phase one of the company's existing architectures is selected for the new vehicle. This selection is then presented for endorsement at the gate review of Phase 1; if accepted, the team is authorized proceed to the next phase of the CDP. The DSM model captured the most tasks in the second phase - a total of 52 from all 19 functions. The design engineers become heavily involved once the architecture has been selected and the vehicle's bill of material and CAD/CAE models are being developed. In the DSM model, this phase appears to have two parts. The first part represents highly independent and parallel activities, as the design engineers work in parallel on their respective vehicle subsystems. The second part consists of highly coupled (interdependent) and highly iterative tasks. During this phase major technical challenges are identified and initial investigations are conducted. Efforts in this phase begin to focus on total vehicle integration. 74 The third and final phase had 29 tasks. The DSM model shows that there is feedback from some of these tasks to some of the tasks started in the later part of Phase 2. The tasks involve balancing functional targets, developing a complete, integrated vehicle concept model, and finalizing the business case. Efforts in this phase are aimed toward finalizing the total integration of the vehicle and preparing to present the concept to the decision board. A total of 430 marks representing dependencies among different functions were identified in the DSM. With 120 tasks in the model, this gives an average of 3.6 inputs per task. This value is considered to be low; Whitney has found that a typical DSM model of a mature process has an average of 6 inputs per task [58]. This suggests that some dependencies might have been left out of the model. Possible reasons are that the DSM Team was not able to interview members from one major functional area, or it may also be due to the relatively newness of the CDP. Because this DSM model was built based on data collected by interviewing the people executing the CDP, it may be that some dependencies may not have been discussed in the interviews since the interviewees are still familiarizing themselves with the process. 75 Figure 4.2: The non-partitioned 120-task Concept Development Process DSM matrix. 4.3.2 Partitioning and Tearing The partitioning algorithm was applied to the DSM to re-sequence the order of the tasks, in order to reduce the iterations in the system and optimize the efficiency of the information flow. The initial partitioning of the matrix revealed one large iterative block (Figure 4.3). This large iteration block was partly created due to three particular feedback marks providing information from each gate review to an early planning task that consisted of updating the timing schedule of the program. The team understood that this feedback is necessary in a typical design process and does not provide a real insight into what kind of problems are being raised in the process due to unwanted rework. Thus, a "tearing" analysis was performed by suppressing these three marks in the model 76 and re-partitioning the DSM. Figure 4.3 shows an approximate location of the three feedback marks that were removed to perform the "tearing" analysis. Torn marks Figure 4.3: DSM graphic representation after the initial partitioning algorithm. This re-partitioning produced a more insightful model with several sets of lower triangular feedback loops within Phases 1 and 2 and larger feedback loops between Phases 2 and 3 (Figure 4.4). 77 Figure 4.4: The graphic representation of the final re-partitioned DSM model. The iteration blocks present in the re-partitioned DSM represent real feedback in the CDP that were classified into three main categories. The first category, identified in Figure 4.5, consists of small iteration blocks created by coupled tasks that are performed by individuals or sub-teams within the concept development team. This kind of block is natural and is expected to appear in a product development process like the CDP. 78 Figure 4.5: Areas of coupled tasks within sub-teams in Concept Development. For marketing, the coupled tasks consist of determining the vehicle's feature content and providing a revenue estimate. The design engineer responsible for the underhood compartment and the powertrain systems engineer have two interdependent tasks: creating a technical specifications document and developing the CAD model for the powertrain and for the underhood compartment. Within vehicle concept engineering there are two coupled tasks: packaging vehicle occupants and packaging the vehicle's structural members. Two sets of tasks are coupled for the body structure and metal fabricating functions: (1) developing the body bill of material and identifying the technical challenges for the body system and (2) developing preliminary die designs and sizes and providing die investment estimates. 79 Figure 4.6: Task interdependencies at the end of Phase 1. The second category is shown in Figure 4.6, and occurs at the end of Phase 1. This is a set of interdependent tasks involved in the selection of a vehicle architecture. This set of tasks has collectively been named the Architecture Selection Block. Figure 4.7 highlights the key activities involved in selection of an architecture. Some of the functions with significant involvement in this decision include the vehicle integration engineer, the performance development engineer, body engineering, portfolio planning, and the management team who will ultimately endorse the architecture selection. 80 Establish Body Part Sharing Strategy Determine Product Content .... ...... ..... I --1---Recommend Final Architecture 74 Review Phase 1/ Approve Final Architecture Provide Alternative Architecture and Configuration Trade-Offs With Assessments Figure 4.7: Architecture Selection Block at the end of Phase 1. The third category of iterations occurs during the later part of Phase 2 and most of Phase 3, as illustrated in Figure 4.8. Four major iteration blocks have been identified in this category: the Open Issues Block, the CAD Models Development Block, the Performance Assessment and Balancing Block, and the Business Case Block (Figure 4.9). From the Open Issues Block, it can be seen that the vehicle integration engineer is the liaison between the various design engineers, as he tracks the total vehicle issues and provides feedback to the design engineers. It can also be observed in Figure 4.9 that the vehicle integration engineer plays a fundamental role in the total integration of the vehicle, as his task of tracking total vehicle issues is part of the Open Issues Block and the other major blocks in the system. 81 Figure 4.8: Iterations at the end of Phase 2 and most part of Phase 3. Open Issues Block Performance Assessment and Balancing Bloc Track Total Vehicle Issues (Vehicle Integration _ Develop Integrated Concept Vehicle Model (Packaging Engineering) . . . Engineering) Update Financial Assessment and Finalize Business Case (Finance) CAD Models Development BloCk Review Phase 2 Deliverables (Program Management Team) Business Case Block Assess Risks in Performance Requirements (Systems Engineering) Figure 4.9: The Open Issues Block, the CAD Models Development Block, the Performance Assessment and Balancing Block, and the Business Case Block. 82 Another noteworthy point is that in the DSM model Phase 3 appears to be simply a continuation of Phase 2, and no clear distinction is seen between Phases 2 and 3 as there was between Phases 1 and 2. This is shown by the placement of Phase 2 gate review, which occurs in the middle of the CAD Models Development Block, the Performance Assessment and Balancing Block, and the Business Case Block. These three blocks all provide feedback from tasks in Phase 3 to tasks in Phase 2. Thus, the review at the end of Phase 2 functions as a status review rather than as a true gate review. This is a critical finding from the DSM analysis; it indicates that the Phase 2 gate review is not properly aligned with the natural structure of the process. Since the tasks required to pass this gate require feedback from tasks occurring in the next phase, the probability of successfully passing this gate review is low. This leads to frequent repetition of this gate review and significantly longer overall process duration. This observation was confirmed by reviewing the revisions to the timing plans of the programs under study. For one team, the Phase 2 gate has been officially scheduled three times, delaying the program several months behind schedule. Figure 4.10 shows some of the dynamics within the CDP at this stage. This closeup highlights how the different design engineers simultaneously receive inputs from performance development, systems engineering, and manufacturing, while they feed back to those functions that play an integration role such as the vehicle concept engineer and the vehicle integration engineer. It can also be seen in Figure 4.9 that the CAD Models Development Block is just a subset of the larger block labeled Performance Assessment and Balancing Block. It can also be observed that the development of the business case is the last major iterative process in the CDP, as depicted by the Business Case block. 83 Track Total Vehicle Issues (TVIE) I UN IL' w I -I 1 T -T-1 Feedback Provided by Different 11 Engineering Compartments 1U1 1. 1 1i ± I L- I 1J1ll Input from Systems Input from Performance Development to Different Compartments Engineering to Different Compartments Input from Manufacturing to Different Compartments I S 0 Figure 4.10: Dynamics of the process in the third category of iteration blocks. 4.4 Simulation Analysis 4.4.1 Simulation Framework Given the newness and the relatively high rate of evolution of the CDP, there is too much uncertainty in the quantitative data collected to assure robustness of the simulation results. In view of this challenge, the author and the GM R&D members of the DSM project team have jointly developed the following framework for creating meaningful recommendations. The simulation approach features a block-by-block analysis. In this analysis, a set of tasks is grouped into a block and the rest of the process is aggregated into a single row with the corresponding inputs and outputs. If the aggregated rows use the task durations to be planned or the standard ones, the simulation output of the process duration will give 84 an estimate of the relative influence of the tasks in the block on the duration of the entire process. Block-by-block or regrouped block analyses can be performed to identify opportunities for efficient means to improve the total process duration. It is difficult to capture the probability or impact of rework in this setup. Thus, analyzing more than one block at a time and using aggregated rows in the place of rest of the process as appropriate could further expand this approach. Here a block may consist of an individual iteration block or of an entire set of tasks between two gate-reviews. 4.4.2 Simulation Results - Concept Development Process Simulating the partitioned DSM using the data that was collected during the interviewing process was the first step of the simulation analysis. The simulation model developed by Welch [57] was used to perform this analysis. Rework probabilities, rework impacts and overlapping percentages were used to build a Probability Matrix, an Impact Matrix, and an Overlap Matrix, respectively. Three values of task durations, measured in days, were assigned to each task as provided by the interviewees. These values represented the estimated minimum time to complete the task, the most likely time, and the maximum time. Triangular distributions were used for the simulation. Finally, for each task the learning curve was also used to estimate the percentage reduction in the rework probability for each iteration of a task. The partitioned DSM model was simulated a total of six times under different conditions (see Appendix B). First, the entire process was simulated as a base case (without rework) and as a full model (including all rework probabilities and impacts). These results were used as a baseline to measure the other simulation results in the block85 by-block analysis. Following this simulation, the block-by-block analysis was performed focusing on the sets of tasks grouped into each block with the rest of the process contracted into individual rows with appropriate inputs and outputs. To allocate expected durations to the contracted blocks, a series of simulations were run prior to the block-by-block analysis. First, Phase 1 was simulated by itself both as a full model and a base case to estimate its duration. After that, Phases 1 and 2 were simulated to estimate the duration of both together. Since the duration of Phase 1 alone had been estimated through the previous simulation, the duration of Phase 2 alone was estimated by subtracting the duration of Phase 1 from the combined duration of Phases 1 and 2. Similarly, the duration for Phase 3 was obtained by simulating the entire process and subtracting the first two phases. Table 4.1 summarizes the results of these simulations. Concept Development Process Phases Phase 1 Phases l and 2 Phases 1, 2 and 3 Full model Mean S.D. (days) (days) 165 19 342 20 558 34 Base case Mean S.D. (days) (days) 121 10 298 14 434 17 Table 4.1: Simulation durations for the full DSM model and base case. Table 4.2 shows the durations that were used for each of the three phases when they were collapsed into single rows in the block-by-block analysis. These values are extremely large when compared to actual durations of the three phases of the CDP. This discrepancy occurs partly because the DSM model assumes full completion of these tasks within each phase, but in reality, there are many tasks that begin in one phase of the CDP 86 but are not completed before the gate review. This supports what was learned from weekly team observations. Another important observation is that, as discussed earlier, there was a general bias among the interviewees towards conservative estimates for process parameters such as task durations. Finally, it is interesting to note that even though Phase 3 was designed to last longer than the other two phases, in reality it was found that Phase 2 is the longest one in the process. Collapsed CDP Phase Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Duration (days) 121 177 136 Table 4.2: Standard durations for each of the collapsed CDP phases. Having determined the durations of each phase individually, the block-by-block analysis could be started. By allocating the task durations in Table 4.2 to the contracted rows, the estimates of process duration generated through simulation will provide estimates of each block's influence on the duration of the entire process. Simulations were conducted following this block-by-block analysis model, considering one phase at a time. Another simulation was performed keeping Phases 2 and 3 as one block and contracting Phase 1. Similarly, simulations were performed keeping the tasks in the large iteration block and contracting the rest of the process. In each case, mean process durations and standard deviations were recorded for the entire process (Table 4.3). 87 Benchmark Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5 Entire Process Phase 1 full (2 and 3 collapsed) Phases 2 and 3 full (1 collapsed) Phase 2 full ( 1 and 3 collapsed) Phase 3 full (1 and 2 collapsed) Large block full (Rest of process collapsed) Full model Mean S.D. Base case Mean S.D. (days) (days) (days) (days) 558.04 475.58 538.20 523.19 500.19 539.04 34.42 19.04 30.80 87.01 24.17 32.36 434.34 431.52 444.38 439.62 487.95 439.35 17.26 10.10 15.18 11.40 14.72 6.97 Table 4.3: Simulation mean durations for the benchmark and five case models. From the results of simulating the entire process and comparing the full model to the base case, it was determined that approximately 22% of the overall duration was due to rework in the system. By observing the results from cases 1 and 4, it can be observed that Phases 1 and 3 have the least impact on the overall process duration. Similarly from the results of case 3 shown in Figure 4.11, it is seen that Phase 2 has the greatest impact on the overall process duration. Its unusually large standard deviation indicates that it is the main source of variation in overall process duration. This seems to stem from the lack of clear distinction between Phases 2 and 3 discussed earlier. 88 Figure 4.11: Case 3 DSM simulation showing that Phase 2 is fully expanded while Phases 1 and 3 are modeled as a single row. Results of case 5 show the huge impact that the large iteration block has on overall process duration (Figure 4.12). Its standard deviation (32.36 days) is also very large, equaling that of the simulation of the entire process. However, it is much smaller than the standard deviation for Case 3 because all of the feedback is modeled within the expanded block; thus the feedback across phases is not captured as strongly as in Case 3. 89 1 0 1 LM I I i I i I t7t U 4 04 I I I Figure 4.12: DSM used for Case 5 of the simulation showing the large iteration block is fully expanded while tasks occurring before and after are modeled as a single row. 4.4.3 Simulation Results - Alternative Phases to the Process After conducting a block-by-block analysis of the CDP and recognizing the impact that each phase or block has on the overall process duration, the team was able to propose an alternative phase-gate structure for the process. Instead of the three current phases, the DSM team suggests four alternative phases that match the natural structure of the process (Figure 4.13). Phase A would be the same Phase 1, with no changes to the existing tasks. Phase 2 has been restructured to remove the gate review from the middle of the large iteration block and to create a more real distinction between the later phases of CDP. The proposed Phase B begins immediately after Phase 1 and ends at the beginning of the large 90 iteration block. The proposed Phase C encompasses the large iteration block, the only change being that the gate reviews now occur at the beginning and end of this block rather than in the middle of it. Finally, the proposed Phase D contains all of the tasks previously in Phase 3 that were not part of the large iteration block. Figure 4.13: Alternative phases suggested for Concept Development Process. A similar block-by-block analysis was performed on these alternative phases by simulating one phase at a time and contracting the others into a single row each, while adding their appropriate inputs and outputs. These simulations were also run as full models, with rework probabilities and impacts, as well as a base case, with feedback marks removed. 91 To allocate standard or expected durations to the contracted blocks, a series of simulations were performed prior to the block-by-block analysis. Basically, the same method that was followed in the previous simulation analysis for the original phases was used to determine the durations of the four alternative phases. Table 4.4 shows the results of this portion of the simulation analysis, while Table 4.5 shows the standard durations assigned to each of the four phases. Alternative CDP Phases Phase A Phases A and B Phases A, B and C Phases A, B, C and D Full model Mean S.D. (days) (days) 164.68 18.64 263.27 19.64 33.53 518.41 33.83 557.42 Base case Mean S.D. (days) (days) 9.72 120.71 13.69 226.80 15.48 374.83 16.80 434.45 Table 4.4: Simulation mean durations for the alternative CDP phases DSM. Alternative CDP Phase Phase A Phase B Phase C Phase D Duration (days) 121 106 148 59 Table 4.5: Standard durations for collapsed alternative CDP phases. 92 Full model Alternative Phases Entire Process Phase A (B, C, D collapsed) Phase B (A, C, D collapsed) Phase C (A, B, D collapsed) Phase D (A, B, C collapsed) Mean (days) 557.42 465.62 363.74 533.63 480.28 S.D. (days) 33.83 15.36 10.06 28.62 8.86 Base case Mean (days) 434.45 424.85 358.19 440.23 480.28 S.D. (days) 16.80 8.76 9.47 7.32 8.86 Table 4.6: Simulation mean durations for the alternative phase DSM models. In the block-by-block analysis, it can be seen that the overall duration and standard deviation were the same as before when the entire process was simulated (Table 4.6). Similarly, it was found that 22% of the total time is due to rework. However, some interesting differences were observed when simulating the different phases one at a time with the others contracted. The removal of the gate review from the middle of the large iteration block has substantially reduced the amount of variation that was previously present in Phase 2. It can now be seen that the impact of the duration of Phase C (large iteration block) on the overall process duration is significantly higher than the impact of the other phases. Consequently, there is less variation in the duration of the other phases because most of the rework in the system has been isolated in Phase C. This suggests that tasks within this block can be targeted as the major source of opportunity for reduction of the duration of the Concept Development. 4.4.4 Simulation Limitations Given the relative newness and relatively high rate of evolution of Concept Development Process, the simulations faced a variety of challenges. The first challenge arose with the nature of some of the tasks in the CDP. Many of the tasks, such as those 93 related to project management or reporting, are of a continuous or ongoing nature. Initial simulations indicated that these ongoing tasks seemed to drive much higher overall process duration. Given the lack of documentation on this issue in current DSM literature, the DSM Team approached this challenge by setting the durations of these tasks to zero days in order to explore their effect on overall process durations. This would provide insight into the relative effects of these tasks on the total process duration; however, there is no simple mechanism for measuring the impact of these tasks on the robustness of the process in absolute terms. Another major issue was obtaining useful numerical data from the interviewees; they tended to provide conservative estimates of task durations, rework probabilities, impact of rework, and learning curve and overlapping percentages. On many occasions, interviewees had difficulty understanding these concepts. The degree by which estimated process duration exceeded the planned and observed process duration suggests that many of the estimated task durations and rework probabilities are potentially conservative. These conservative estimates might have been due to the ongoing nature of some of the CDP tasks, as it was very difficult to assign discrete values to them. In the future, interviewers should anticipate these issues and spend more time explaining the interviewees the different parameters related to the DSM simulations prior to conducting any interviews. 94 4.5 Chapter Summary This chapter presents the results of a case study performed at General Motors, in which a front-end product development process was modeled using the Design Structure Matrix (DSM). Two projects were studied, one for the development of the new Buick Bengal and another for a new version of the Cadillac DeVille, in order to identify areas for process improvement. By talking to some of the experts involved in the process, a DSM model of the process the way it was actually executed was built. By observing the model, it became evident that the way the process was executed differed significantly from the way it was supposed to. Such DSM enabled the team of researchers to identify a number of iterations in the process that were not originally planned, and to find a very astounding result: activities belonging to the second stage of the process required information from activities that would not get started until the third stage in order to be completed successfully. This finding caught the attention of the key people involved in the project, as in reality that particular gate review had been rescheduled officially three times, delaying the program several months behind schedule. A new stage-gate structure was proposed, allowing iterations to occur only within a stage and avoiding inter-phase iterations. 95 96 Chapter 5 DSM Deployment Experiences This chapter presents a series of observations on the deployment process of DSM tools and analysis techniques at General Motors. It focuses on all aspects of the process, such as forming the team responsible for conducting the DSM study, all the challenges that they had to face throughout the process, and the involvement of the product development teams under study. Documentation of these experiences might provide some useful insights for future deployment exercises of DSM methods from academia to industry. 5.1 Deploying DSM methods at a corporate partner Historically, a Design Structure Matrix (DSM) case study has been done by a graduate student spending a summer with a corporate sponsor. It has been the norm that the student is responsible for collecting the necessary data, building the DSM model, and performing the appropriate analysis. The student performs all these tasks mainly in isolation and the only interaction with the program managers and the engineers is to collect the appropriate data required to build the model and to validate it. Once the study is finished, the student returns to MIT and the company retains no experience or knowledge of the methodology used to perform the DSM study. Thus, the company does not keep any trained personnel to perform future DSM studies of their own, limiting the spread of DSM applications. 97 When the case study presented in this thesis was being developed, one of the main objectives discussed was the deployment of DSM techniques and methods to the corporate sponsor. Thus, it was determined that one if its main goals would be to increase knowledge and experience within General Motors (GM) in the application of DSM tools and methods. By having a team of researchers from GM's Research & Development Center (GM R&D) working closely with the MIT student throughout the entire project, from collecting the data to performing the DSM analysis, GM R&D would benefit by keeping a set of trained DSM "experts" to perform subsequent DSM studies at the company. There were other benefits from the deployment of DSM tools and techniques to GM R&D besides the training of their personnel. One of the main problems that GM R&D faces when trying to collaborate with other units within GM is the low bandwidth of communication between the operating units, which function as separate entities. In this case, GM R&D was separated both physically and organizationally from the operating unit responsible for executing the early phases of GM's product portfolio process (PPP). By having the GM R&D members of the "DSM Team" involved in the data collection for the DSM study, they were able to establish personal contacts that will facilitate communication between the two groups for future projects, whether related to DSM or not. The deployment of DSM tools and techniques at GM R&D can be considered to be successful. Not only does GM R&D have a group of trained researchers in the subject matter, but they have also been able to generate interest in DSM among fellow researchers. Another success of this case study is the fact that as a result of it, 98 applications of DSM methods are being discussed for several projects underway or being planned within GM R&D. Forming the DSM Team at General Motors 5.2 The "DSM Team", composed of GM R&D researchers and myself, was selected with the following criteria in mind: 1. The team should consist of members from both the MIT/CIPD and from GM R&D to provide for transfer of DSM technology and for growth of DSM application capability within GM R&D. 2. Team members should have a strong common interest in investigating and in improving the early phases of the product development process. 3. The team should be highly cross-functional to provide a variety of different perspectives on the process being studied. 4. The team should contain some members with prior experience in applying either DSM or other process modeling techniques. 5. Some team members should be familiar with the theory and application of product development processes, through experience or through first-hand research. 6. The team should contain some members with skills in relevant data collection techniques, such as interviewing and observation. The DSM Team was formed following these guidelines, composed of four members with totally different backgrounds in order to bring diversity to the study. The DSM Team leader from GM R&D was an engineer by training. He brought several years of practical vehicle program experience to the DSM Team from previous assignments in vehicle integration and chassis engineering. He also developed basic skills in process modeling and simulation and in project management through previous assignments in advanced engineering. Thus, his knowledge proved to be invaluable when understanding the PPP and CDP at a functional level and the interactions among the different functions 99 in the vehicle program. The second DSM Team member, with advanced degrees in mathematics and an established history of contribution in the academic research realm, also came to the DSM Team well versed in the theory and application of DSM process modeling and simulation techniques. The third member of the DSM Team, having recently completed a Ph.D. in psychology, brought valuable skills in data collection through both interviewing and observation and in analysis of group dynamics. She also provided a valuable fresh-eyes perspective for the DSM Team since her observations and insights were not colored by prior experiences with product development teams. 5.3 Observations on DSM Team's involvement The GM R&D DSM Team members were involved in every aspect of the DSM case study, from the selection of the product development teams for the study to performing the analysis of the DSM model. The DSM Team organized itself at the beginning of the project by scheduling a weekly meeting to discuss the relevant issues for that week. During the first meeting, I presented formal DSM training to bring the rest of the DSM Team members to the same level of understanding of DSM applications and analysis techniques. This training was complemented by individual reviews of relevant DSM literature. Once all of the DSM Team members had a good understanding of DSM methods, their contribution began almost immediately. First, they recommended changes to the data collection sheet in order to customize it to meet the specific details of this project. Additionally, an entire section was added to gather data for another process improvement 100 project. This was seen as a very positive suggestion, as it increased the impact of the DSM project through its support of other GM R&D projects. The involvement of the GM R&D DSM Team members continued throughout the data collection phase of the project. It was determined that for every interview, at least one member from the DSM Team would accompany me. Throughout the data collection phase, all of the DSM Team members became more effective interviewers as their understanding of the Concept Development Process increased. The prior practical vehicle program experience possessed by one of the DSM Team members proved to be a very valuable resource in team member interviews, as he was able to ask relevant questions of very key points when needed. Another contribution of the GM R&D DSM Team members was the implementation of an observation method in addition to team member interviewing for data collection. Because these phases of the CDP had not been formally studied within GM R&D, a direct observation method was used to complement the interviews and to better understand information and work flows during these phases of the CDP. This direct observation approach consisted of watching and noting what people do, how members of the product development teams interact, and how the phases of the CDP appear to proceed during the weekly product development team meetings. Although the information gathered through direct observation was limited by the observer's interpretation of the team's activities and interactions, the direct observation and interviewing methods complemented each other and provided a more comprehensive picture of the early phases of the PPP. This dual approach provided the DSM Team with (1) additional insight into why information flows as it does and tasks endure as long as they do during the phases of the CDP, (2) a means of validating the DSM process model 101 (ideally, the observed work flows would match those reported in the DSM interviews), and (3) a mechanism for identifying and correcting any inconsistencies in the DSM model. Once all the data was collected, the GM R&D DSM Team members were also involved in building the preliminary DSM process model. The model was built throughout a series of working sessions attended by the entire DSM Team. Because there were at least two interviewers present at every interview, the DSM Team members shared their notes from the interviews in order to determine all the tasks that should be included in the model along with their corresponding interdependencies. After the entire DSM Team reached consensus and agreed on the preliminary DSM, the model was validated by the appropriate interviewees. The DSM Team met again to make the necessary changes to the DSM process model and to discuss the results of the DSM tearing and partitioning analyses. Once the summer was over, the DSM Team members from GM R&D continued to work on the project and to communicate with the MIT CIPD via telephone conferences. Thus, the weekly DSM Team meetings were still held throughout the rest of the semester. During this period, the DSM Team conducted a number of follow up interviews in order to gather some of numerical data required for the simulations. Again, the prior experience of a GM R&D DSM Team member with process modeling and simulation techniques proved to be very valuable when developing the framework for performing the simulation analysis. However, all of the simulations were performed at MIT, so the rest of the DSM Team did not get any practical experience in DSM simulation. Although the GM R&D DSM Team understand what the simulation does and the inputs required, this is aspect of the DSM deployment process could be improved in the future. 102 It can be concluded that the deployment of DSM methods at GM R&D was a success. The value of DSM tools and methods to GM has been demonstrated by applying them in the context of the company's internal processes. Also, the GM R&D DSM team members have obtained practical experience in performing DSM related research and can contribute in the future with new ideas and studies in the field. Finally, this project has cultivated both capability and interest in the application of DSM methods at GM R&D. Several follow-up projects in the application of DSM methods to other problems related to product development are already under discussion. 5.4 Observations on CDP Team members' involvement Another aspect of this DSM deployment experience from which lessons can be learned is the involvement of the product development teams in the project. It should be noted that the first challenge faced by the DSM Team was establishing the necessary working relationships with project partners outside of the R&D Center. Given that the R&D Center is organizationally separated from the operating unit responsible for executing the CDP, it was very challenging to identify the appropriate people with authority to select a program for the study. After a series of management reviews to obtain full buy-in and support for the project, two product development teams were selected for study. A good relationship with the program manager of these two teams proved to be key in the success of the study. First, he invited the DSM Team to attend both teams' weekly "town hall" meetings. Our purposes in attending were to get a first hand understanding of the issues faced by the product development team to support our 103 interviews with the team members and to establish personal contacts with the team members prior to our interviews. The program manager was key in pointing out a list of team members who should be interviewed for the DSM study. In general, most of the team members were very receptive to the idea of collaborating with the DSM project. In order to setup the interviews, an initial approach was made through electronic mail. The response rate to this approach was relatively low, so another round of telephone calls had to follow. One round of phone calls was sufficient to schedule an interview date with most members. A few team members were initially reluctant to be interviewed, but after talking to their colleagues who had been interviewed and understanding the value of the DSM project agreed to grant us an interview. Unfortunately, one specific functional activity did not want to collaborate with the DSM study. Even though they initially gave a verbal commitment to be interviewed, they ignored our communications when trying to schedule an interview and when met personally would offer a number of excuses for deferring the interview. However, this activity's tasks and their interdependencies with other activities in the CDP were identified through the interviews of other functions that either received information from or provided information to them. This kind of conflict is very typical in research involving interviews like the DSM study. Most of the time, however, it has nothing to do with the study itself and is due to organizational barriers within the teams that are often observed in matrixed organizational structures. All the team members interviewed expressed a genuine interest in the study during their interviews. They understood its value, and saw in the interviews an opportunity to make suggestions on how their role in the CDP could be improved. Even 104 though total confidentiality was guaranteed at the interviews, there were two persons who preferred not to be tape-recorded. Another interesting observation is that a number of individuals from each team that had the same role in their respective teams asked if they could be interviewed together. The reason for this request was that even though they worked on different programs, they worked very closely together because they functioned in the same role on each team. By having a combined interview, they argued that they could provide a more complete picture of their role in the CDP. This is another example of the impact of matrixed organizational structures on the execution of the process. From the DSM Team's perspective, these group interviews were helpful as interviewees provided a more complete description of their role in the CDP than if they were interviewed separately. On several cases, one interviewee would correct the other one when the information provided was not totally accurate, or when some details were omitted. Thus, this kind of interview allowed the interviewers to verify instantly the information that was being provided. On the other hand, this kind of interview limited the interviewers to obtain information about a given function from a single interview. The negative aspect of this is that in case the members from the two programs had very different opinions about some of their tasks and their role in the CDP, this could be better captured in individual interviews. Interviews typically lasted approximately one hour. In general, interviewees found that it was very difficult to identify a discrete set of work tasks that they performed during the CDP. This may have been because of the relative newness of the process or because the CDP had been designed on a deliverables basis rather than on a work-task basis. The DSM Team found it helpful with many interviewees to initiate the conversation using charts of expected deliverables that were available for most functions. 105 It was found that one hour was only enough time to collect information regarding the interviewee's tasks, the corresponding tasks providing input information or receiving an output, and in some cases, the time durations of the interviewee's tasks. Therefore, the remainder of the data required for the DSM simulations, such as rework probabilities and impact of rework, was collected after the first round of interviews was complete and after a draft process model had been constructed. At this point, the DSM Team collected the remaining data either through a second, usually shorter interview or via electronic mail. The interviewees found it quite difficult to provide the numerical data associated with their work tasks. This was especially true for the numerical data collected after the first interview: task overlapping percentages, rework probabilities, and impact of rework. This may be due to the highly parallel, concurrent, and continuous nature of the work performed in the CDP or to a general bias among the interviewees towards conservative estimates for process parameters. The scope of data collection extended beyond the members of the product development teams. The DSM Team also obtained the support of the professionals in charge of designing the early phases of the PPP and of verifying its operational implementation. Thus, these individuals were also very helpful in validating the DSM model. However, they brought a different perspective, related to how Concept Development in particular should be executed versus how it actually was. Nevertheless, it was a very interesting exercise to review the DSM process model with them. The program manager also provided a very valuable contribution in the validation of the process model. In conclusion, it should be observed that in this type of research it is vital to have a good relationship with the program manager of the team being studied. It should also 106 be expected that not every team member would be as cooperative as required for this kind of study. Whether it is due to time constraints, concerns over confidentiality of information, or organizational barriers within the corporate sponsor, many members of the team resist being interviewed. Still, most individuals see the potential impact that this kind of research can have on their role in the CDP, so they try to make this experience a very positive one. 5.5 Chapter Summary This chapter summarizes the different challenges that were faced during the deployment process of DSM methods from MIT to General Motors R&D. Some of the key lessons learned from this process to keep in mind for future exercises include that part of the success of the study largely depends on the relationship of the researchers with the program manager. It was also observed that dividing the data collection process into two steps proved to be more efficient for developing the DSM model. Similarly, it was found that previous documentation of the process and its tasks were very useful for the interviewees in helping them define their tasks, and for the DSM researchers in helping them build the DSM model and verify information provided at the interviews. Other novelties introduced in the DSM study include the use of direct observation to understand the process, and conducting combined interviews for data collection. The deployment of DSM tools and analysis techniques to General Motors R&D can be considered to be very successful. Not only were all the objectives of the study accomplished, including training a team of GM R&D researchers on DSM methods, but also enough interest has been generated on the topic to start planning new DSM studies 107 for the near future. However, providing GM researchers some practical training on how to run the simulation models could still enhance this deployment process in the future. 108 Chapter 6 Conclusions A method for analyzing the impact of the location of gate reviews on the overall duration of stage-gate product development processes using the Design Structure Matrix has been presented. By building a DSM model of a product development process as it is actually executed, valuable insights can be obtained and unplanned iterations can be identified. After performing the traditional partitioning analysis, the placement of the gate review can be aligned with the natural structure of the process in order to avoid inter-phase iterations. Existing simulation models can then be used to predict the development time with different locations of the gate review. In general, it is recommended to place the gate review outside of an iteration block, as it increases the probability of successfully meeting all the requirements of a gate review at the end of a design stage in a timely manner. In this analysis, the DSM has proved to be a very powerful tool in identifying the differences between the way a process is actually executed and the way it is supposed to be. A concept described as a stage buffer, based on Goldratt's critical chain methodology, has also been introduced. By placing a buffer at the end of a stage, a gate review can be scheduled in such a manner that will allow the product development team to complete their assigned tasks and perform the necessary iterations on time. Thus, the chances of advancing to the next stage of the process without delaying the project can be significantly increased. 109 This thesis also presents in detail the results of a case study in which a front-end product development process has been modeled at General Motors using the Design Structure Matrix (DSM). In this study, an improper location of a gate review was found to be the reason why the project had been delayed several months behind schedule. A new stage-gate structure was proposed, allowing iterations to occur only within a stage and avoiding inter-phase iterations. Lessons learned of the deployment of the DSM method from academia to industry have also been documented in detail, to be used as a reference in future deployment exercises. Future research in this topic could be performed by investigating quality vs. development time tradeoffs when a gate review is located in the middle of an iteration loop. 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Interestingly, duration information was difficult to obtain from some interviewees because of their uncertainty on accuracy of the value they could provide. 2. Inputs - The interviewee identifies a number of tasks that provide inputs to the task being discussed. For each of these input tasks, there is a series of questions designed to obtain data required to run the process simulation: " Frequency: How often do you interact with the person providing this input? " Overlapping:What percentage of the input task must be completed before you can start your task? * Rework probability: What is the probability that rework will be needed for this task due to a change in this input? 117 " Impact of rework: What percentage of the task needs to be redone due to this change? " Learning curve: What percentage of the original task duration can be salvaged to due to a learning curve? 3. Outputs - The interviewee is also asked to identify the tasks receiving the outputs from the task being discussed, and to estimate percentage values of rework probability and impact. 4. Resources related questions - These are questions related to how additional resources could affect the total duration of the process. These questions were prepared to collect information to support an upcoming workflow management / scheduling project. 118 Resources: Can this task be speeded up? Yes No If so, how do the following influence task duration? i) Add one person (with skill level similar to yours): Decrease time to complete task by 50% Decrease time to complete task by 25% Decrease time to complete task by 10% No change Other (Please specify) ii) Additional training Decrease time to complete task by 50% Decrease time to complete task by 25% Decrease time to complete task by 10% No change Other (Please specify) iii) Add specialized equipment (computing, visualization, test facilities, etc) Decrease time to complete task by 50% Decrease time to complete task by 25% Decrease time to complete task by 10% No change Other (Please specify) iv) Other (please specify) 122 Output: #1 Who needs information produced in this task? Name: Title: Tel: Email: What information is produced in this task? Describe: Written Documents Spreadsheets Physical Prototypes Computer Models Other Rework probability: What is the probability that rework will be needed for this task due to a change in this input?: Medium Very High Low High Very Low Can you provide a probability estimate?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Impact of rework: What percentage of the work needs to be redone due to this change?: AJI the task Half the task Most of the task Less than half Can you provide a percentage estimate? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Output: #2 Who needs information produced in this task? Name: Nime: Email: What information is produced in this task? 1Describe, Rework probability: What is the probability that rework will be needed for this task due to a change in this input?: Medium Very High Low High Very Low Can you provide a probability estimate?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . All the task Impact of rework: What percentage of the work needs to be redone due to this change?: Half the task Most of the task Less than half Can you provide a percentage estimate? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Input: #1 W hat task provides input needed to complete this task? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ITask name W ho is responsible for providing this input? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'Name: Title: Tel: Email: Describe: What type of input is required? : Information If this input is information, in what format is it needed?: What is this input needed for?: Frequency: Start Task Material Spatial Written Documents Computer Models Early Stages Spreadsheets Physical Prototype Other Late Stages How often do you interact with the person providing this input?: At the end to veril Once Daily Bi-Weekly Overlapping: Energy Can you start your task before this input is 100 0 complete? Monthly Yes Weekly Quarterly Neve No If your answer was yes, can you provide an estimate of the percentage of the input task that must be complete before you can start your task? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . What is the probability that rework will be needed for this task due to a change in this input?: Very High Medium Rework probability: High Low Very Lov Can you provide a probability estimate? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Based on your experience in similar projects, how many times you see this happening?. All the task Impact of rework: What percentage of the work needs to be redone due to this change?: Half the task Most of the task Less than half Can you provide a percentage estimate? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Learning curve: LC acts a as a multiplier to the rework impacts: - If LC = 0, then 00/ of original task duration is required when performing the task in subsequent iterations - If LC = 1, then 100% of original task duration is required Can you provide a percentage estimate? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Please provide an estimate of the percentage reduction in the rework probability with each iteration of the task . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 120 A.2 Interview Sheet DSM Study Interview Sheet Name: Ilntervievei Organization: Date: Title: Email: Tel: Option: Address: On how many options have you worked before? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I I - Task name: I Description: Estimated time to perform task: (Days) MIN MOST LIKELY What percentage of this time is spent working on this project? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If you were to work full time on this project, how long would it take? . . . . . . . . . . . . . Can you explain why does this task take you this amount of time, and what may cause variations in the time? 119 Comments: 123 124 Appendix B - DSM Models Used in Case Study B.1 Concept Development Process Figure B.1: DSM simulation case 1: Phasel, with Phases 2 and 3 collapsed. 125 4 i 4 4t Figure B.2: DSM simulation case 2: Phases 2 and 3, with Phase 1 collapsed. 126 I +-'4 SI I I I | | | I l ii I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I zmiit| ~H~IL I I I I I I I I I E I.W I1 .1 i iH-!H I lii i !iii i ! Pq 1 1 1 N I I I I I I I I I IQ I I M I I ! ! ! ! ! ! ------ ................ -H I ----- - -- ---i + 1- + W f I -- 4 -- I Figure B.3: DSM simulation case 3: Phase 2, with Phases 1 and 3 collapsed. 127 . .-. .. .. . -HI I -it U U -LI-v Figure B.4: DSM simulation case 4: Phase 3, with Phases 1 and 2 collapsed. 128 Figure B.5: DSM simulation case 5: Large iteration block with other tasks collapsed. 129 U B.2 Alternative Phases Figure B.6: Alternative phases simulation: Phase A, with Phases B, C, and D collapsed. 130 mill 2 im -0000-i M M Figure B.7: Alternative phases simulation: Phase B, with Phases A, C, and D collapsed. 131 Figure B.8: Alternative phases simulation: Phase C, with Phases A, B, and D collapsed. 132 Figure B.9: Alternative phases simulation: Phase D, with Phases A, B, and C collapsed. 133 Appendix C - List of Tasks in DSM Model C.1 DSM Tasks with Input and Output Relationships Function Task Number & Task Name Marketing/Planning [11 Develop Marketing Requirements Summary Phase Tasks Providing Tasks Receiving Outputs Inputs 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,18, 20,21, 22, 25, 30, 39,40, 41,42,43, 44 1 51,52,53,54 [2] Provide Preliminary 2-D Sketches 1 Planning [4] Develop Timing Plan for Concept Development Process 1 39, 91,118 39, 91,118 Planning [3] Identify Target Vehicle Architectures 1 1 16, 18, 20, 22, 25, 29, 30, 37, 80, 81 Marketing [5] Provide Competitive Data (1st Cut) 1 1 9 Marketing [6] Identify Key Sales Volume Drivers 1 1 7 Marketing [8] Provide List of Key Technologies Desired for the Vehicle [10] Identify Critical Product Characteristics 1 1 13, 36 1 1 11, 28, 40, 41,42, 43, 44,65,97,112 1 1 23 Marketing [21] Understand Requirements for Underhood Compartment [7] Provide Initial Sales Volume Forecast 1 1, 6 14,18, 20, 35, 80,115 Systems Engineering [9] Conduct Benchmarking / Competitive Assessment (2nd Cut) 1 5 97 Systems Engineering [11] Set High-Level Engineering Target Parameters 1 1,10 12,19,25,28, 30, 51,52,53, 54, 65,97, 112 1 1,3 17,19,40, 41, 42,43,80,109 Design Studio Systems Engineering Underhood Vehicle Integration [16] Create Initial Bill of Material Powertrain Integration [22] Evaluate Different Powertrain Options Considered for the Vehicle 1 1, 3 34 Planning [36] Create Offline Technology Development Plans 1 8 39,90 Quality [12] Conduct Competitive Quality Assessments 1 1,11 15, 38 Marketing [13] Develop Preliminary Vehicle Order Guide 1 1,8,14 14,17 Marketing [14] Provide Revenue Estimate 1 1,7,13 13,35 Manufacturing [18] Develop Initial Program Manufacturing 1 1, 3,7 19,30,37,39 Strategy Body [25] Understand Structural Requirements for Body 1 1, 3,11 26,27,37,71 Quality [15] Set Vehicle Level Quality Targets 1 1, 12 38,55 Manufacturing [19] Generate Plan Layouts and Evaluate Manufacturing Feasibility 1 11,16,18 20, 37 Body 1 25 27, 31,56 Vehicle Concept Engineering [26] Identify Cross-Sections for Body Structural Members [30]Develop Initial Integrated Vehicle CAD Models (for each architecture) 1 1, 3,11,18 28, 31, 32, 37 Performance Development [28] Develop Preliminary Balance of Physical Parameters 1 10,11,30 29,49 135 Vehicle Integration [17] Develop Engineering Product Content Sheet 1 13,16,27 20, 33, 35,63,80,81,107,109,112 Manufacturing 1 1, 3, 7,17, 19 35, 89 Body [20] Create Manufacturing Content Sheets and Estimate Facilities Investment Levels [27] Establish Body Part Commonality Strategy 1 25,26,37 17, 35, 56,76,77,80,81,98,109 Performance Development [29] Provide Alternative Architecture and Configuration Trade-Offs With Assessments 1 3, 28, 38 37, 39 Planning [33] Run Initial Workload Model 1 17 35 Finance [35] Prepare Initial Financial/Business Assessment 1 7,14,17, 20, 27, 33 39, 89 Vehicle Integration [37] Recommend Final Architecture 1 3,18,19, 25, 29, 30, 39 27, 34,39,40,41,42,43,63,65 Quality 1 12,15, 37 29, 55 [38] Assess Risks and Balance Quality Targets at Vehicle Level Program Management Team Chassis [39] Review Phase 1 1 1, 4, 18, 29, 35, 36, 37 4, 37, 40,41,42,43 [40] Develop Chassis Bill of Material 2 1,10,16,37,39 45,51,73,87,92 Cockpit [41] Develop Cockpit Bill of Material 2 1,10,16, 37, 39 46, 52, 73, 87, 92 Passenger [42] Develop Passenger Compartment Bill of Material [43] Develop Underhood Compartment Bill of Material [44] Develop Powertrain Bill of Material 2 1,10,16, 37, 39 47, 53, 73, 87, 92 2 1,10,16, 37,39 48, 54, 73, 87, 92 2 1,10, 37 24, 34, 50, 54 Quality [55] Allocate Vehicle Level Quality Targets 2 15, 38 87 Body [56] Develop Initial Finite Element Model for Body Structure 2 26, 27 65, 71, 82, 84 Manufacturing [63] Determine Manufacturing Requirements 2 17, 37 71, 93, 94, 95, 96,109 Underhood [23] Summarize Vehicle Technical Requirements for Underhood Compartment [24] Summarize Powertrain Technical Requirements for Underhood Compartment [34] Design CAD for Powertrain 1 21, 24 24 1 23,44 23 1 22, 37, 44,54 54, 64, 70, 99 [54] Generate Packaging Layouts for Underhood Compartment [51] Generate Packaging Layouts for Chassis Systems 2 2,11, 34, 43,44 34, 60, 69,103 2 2,11,40 57, 66,100 Cockpit [52] Generate Packaging Layouts for Cockpit 2 2,11,41 58, 67,101 Passenger [53] Generate Packaging Layouts for Passenger Compartment 2 2, 11,42 59, 68, 102 Quality [87] Assess Risks and Balance Quality Targets 2 40,41,42,43,55 65 Chassis [57] Perform Physical Interference Assessment for 2 51 61, 62 Cockpit Chassis Systems [58] Perform Physical Interference Assessment for 2 52 32, 61, 62, 67 2 53 32, 61, 62, 68 2 54 61, 62 2 34 65 26, 30, 32 32 II Underhood Powertrain Integration Powertrain Integration Powertrain Integration Underhood Chassis Cockpit Passenger [59] Perform Physical Interference Assessment for Passenger Compartment Underhood Powertrain Integration [60] Perform Physical Interference Assessment for Underhood Compartment [64] Provide Engine Data for Performance Assessments Vehicle Concept Engineering [31] Generate Packaging Layouts for Body Structural Members 1 I I 136 Vehicle Concept Engineering Design Studio [321 Develop Occupant Packaging 1 30, 31, 58, 59 31, 67, 68,74, 84 [61] Create Initial Visual Surfaces 2 57,58,59,60 66,67,68,69,71,83,84,104,106 Vehicle Concept Engineering Chassis [62] Develop Integrated Vehicle-Level Packaging Layout and Physical Interference Model [66] Identify Major Technical Challenges and Conduct Quick Studies - Chassis [67] Identify Major Technical Challenges and Conduct Quick Studies - Cockpit [68] Identify Major Technical Challenges and Conduct Quick Studies - Passenger [69] Identify Major Technical Challenges and Conduct Quick Studies - Underhood Compartment 2 65, 82, 83, 84,112 2 58, 59, 57, 60 51, 61 73,93 2 32,52, 58, 61 73, 91, 94 2 32,53, 59, 61 73, 91, 95 2 54, 61 70, 73, 91, 96 [82] Assess Body Concept Compatibility with Integrated Vehicle-Level Physical Interference Model [83] Generate Surface Limits for Bodyside 2 56, 62 106 2 61, 62 77, 84 [70] Identify Major Technical Challenges and Conduct Quick Studies - Powertrain 2 34, 69 50, 91, 96, 99 [71] Identify Major Technical Challenges and Conduct Quick Studies - Body Die Manufacturing [76] Provide Die Investment Estimates 2 25, 56,61,63,77 73, 91,98 2 27, 77, 98 49, 77 Die Manufacturing [77] Determine Die Sizes and Designs 2 27, 76, 83, 98 71, 76, 78 Cockpit Passenger Underhood Body Vehicle Concept Engineering Powertrain Integration Body Body [98] Finalize Body Bill of Material 3 27, 71 73,77, 92,106 Powertrain [50] Track Cost/Mass/Quality Status for Powertrain 2 44, 70 48, 99 Integration System 2 28, 76 65, 92 2 77 89 [45] Track Cost/Mass/Quality Status for Chassis Systems [46] Track Cost/Mass/Quality Status for Cockpit 2 65,72,92,93 2 40, 72 I 41,72 [47] Track Cost/Mass/Quality Status for the Passenger Compartment [48] Track Cost/Mass/Quality Status for the Underhood Compartment [65] Conduct Performance Synthesis and Analysis 2 42, 72 65, 72, 92, 95 2 43,50, 72 65, 72,92, 96 2 10, 11, 37, 45, 46, 47, 48, 74, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95, 96,112 49, 56, 62, 64, 87 Vehicle Integration [72] Track Total Vehicle Issues 2 Vehicle Integration [73] Maintain Vehicle Mainstream Chart and Update Engineering Product Content Sheet 2 45,46, 47,48, 79,93, 94, 45,46,47,48, 73, 79, 84, 85, 86, 90, 93, 94,95, 96,112 95, 96, 97, 112 40,41,42,43,66,67,68, 80, 81,88,89,110,107,109,117,119 69, 71, 72, 86, 98 [49] Track Cost/Mass/Quality Status for the Body Structure Die Manufacturing [78] Prepare Die Development Schedules Body Chassis Cockpit Passenger Underhood Performance Development 2 32, 65 75, 90 2 74 91, 93, 94, 95, 96,118 [79] Conduct Financial Analyses for Alternative Subsystem Designs [80] Develop Subassembly Strategy 2 72 72, 89 2 3, 7,16,17, 27, 73 93, 94,95,96 [81] Determine Assembly Tool and Parts Commonality Strategy [84] Develop Integrated Vehicle-level CAD Model 2 3, 17, 27, 73 93, 94, 95, 96 2 32, 56, 61, 62, 72, 83, 93, 106, 110,112,116 94,95, 96,100,101,102, [86] Provide Customer's Perspective in Design Decisions [88] Run Updated Workload Model 2 72 73 2 73 89 Systems Engineering Systems [74] Check Current Status of Vehicle Relative to Requirements [75] Develop Action Plans to Address Functional Engineering Performance Issues Finance Manufacturing Manufacturing Vehicle Concept Engineering 65, 72, 92, 94 103 Marketing Planning 137 Finance [89] Update Financial Assessment and Finalize Business Case [90] Update Offline Technology Development Plans [91] Review Phase 2 2 20, 35, 73, 78, 79, 88, 115 91, 115, 117, 118 2 36, 65, 72, 74 91, 117, 118, 119 2 4, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 75,89, 90 4,112 [92] Prepare Program Quality Target Matrix 3 105,120 Chassis [93] Follow up and Maintain Open Issues - Chassis 3 Cockpit [94] Follow up and Maintain Open Issues - Cockpit 3 Passenger [95] Follow up and Maintain Open Issues Passenger Compartment 3 40,41,42,43,45,46,47, 48, 49, 98 45, 63, 65, 66, 72, 75, 80, 81 46, 63, 65, 67, 72, 75, 80, 81 47, 63, 65, 68, 72, 75, 80, 81 Underhood [96] Follow up and Maintain Open Issues Underhood Compartment [97] Provide Supporting Information for Trade-offs 3 3 48, 63,65,69,70,72,75, 72, 84,103 80, 81 9,10,11,112 72, 76 [99] Refine Powertrain CAD model 3 34, 44, 50, 70,103 103 Chassis [100] Design Integrated Assembly CAD Model for Chassis 3 51, 93 84, 116 Cockpit [101] Design Integrated Assembly CAD Model for Cockpit [102] Design Integrated Assembly CAD Model for Passenger Compartment [103] Design Integrated Assembly CAD Model for Underhood Compartment [105] Allocate component-level Quality Targets and Assess Risks [106] Develop Body Concept Model 3 52,94 84,116 3 53, 95 84,116 3 54, 96, 99 84, 99,104,116 3 92 112 3 61,82, 84, 98 107,108,110,112,116 Performance Development Marketing [112] Assess Risks in Performance Requirements 3 [115] Provide Final Sales Volume Forecast 3 10, 11, 17, 62, 65, 72, 84, 72, 97,118 91,105,106 7, 89 89 Marketing [85] Conduct Marketing Clinics 2 72 Design Studio [104] Update Mainstream Visual Surfaces [107] Develop Manufacturing Plant Conveyor 3 61,103 111, 116 3 17,73,106 108 [120] Provide Transition to Program Quality Manager [108] Assess Body Assembly Feasibility 3 92 3 106,107 109 3 111, 118,119 3 84,100,101,102,103, 104,106 16, 17, 27, 63, 73,108 Design Studio [116] Develop Final Integrated Assembly CAD Model for Entire Vehicle [109] Create Manufacturing Requirements Agreements [111] Create Physical/irtual Appearance Models 3 104,116 Manufacturing [110] Develop Final Assembly Assessment 3 73,84,106,109 113 Manufacturing [113] Develop Preliminary Workplace Visualization 3 110 114 Planning Program Management Team Quality Systems Engineering Powertrain Integration Passenger Underhood Quality Body Manufacturing Quality Manufacturing Vehicle Concept Engineering Manufacturing Strategy 72, 84,100 72, 84,101 72, 84,102 110 Models Manufacturing [114] Develop Manufacturing Program Timing Plan 3 113 118 Program Management Team Planning [118] Review Phase 3 3 4,75,89,90,112,114, 115,116 4,117,119 [117] Develop Plan for Review Board 3 73, 89, 90,118 3 73, 70,116,118 Vehicle Integration [119] Provide Transition to Vehicle Program After Concept Development Table C.1: DSM tasks with input and output relations. 138 C.2 DSM Task Key Task # Task Name Phase Function 1 Develop Marketing Requirements Summary 1 Marketing/Planning 2 Provide Preliminary 2-D Sketches 1 Design Studio 3 Identify Target Vehicle Architectures 1 Planning 4 Develop Timing Plan for Concept Development Process 1 Planning 5 Provide Competitive Data (1st Cut) 1 Marketing 6 Identify Key Sales Volume Drivers 1 Marketing 7 Provide Initial Sales Volume Forecast 1 Marketing 8 Provide List of Key Technologies Desired for the Vehicle 1 Marketing 9 Conduct Benchmarking / Competitive Assessment (2nd Cut) 1 Systems Engineering 10 Identify Critical Product Characteristics 1 Systems Engineering 11 Set High-Level Engineering Target Parameters 1 Systems Engineering 12 Conduct Competitive Quality Assessments 1 Quality 13 Develop Preliminary Vehicle Order Guide 1 Marketing 14 Provide Revenue Estimate 1 Marketing 15 Set Vehicle Level Quality Targets 1 Quality 16 Create Initial Bill of Material 1 Vehicle Integration 17 Develop Engineering Product Content Sheet 1 Vehicle Integration 18 Develop Initial Program Manufacturing Strategy 1 Manufacturing 19 Generate Plan Layouts and Evaluate Manufacturing Feasibility 1 Manufacturing 20 Create Manufacturing Content Sheets and Estimate Facilities Investment Levels 1 Manufacturing 21 Understand Requirements for Underhood Compartment 1 Underhood 22 Evaluate Different Powertrain Options Considered for the Vehicle 1 Powertrain Integration 23 Summarize Vehicle Technical Requirements for Underhood Compartment 1 Underhood 24 Summarize Powertrain Technical Requirements for Underhood Compartment 1 Powertrain Integration 25 Understand Structural Requirements for Body 1 Body 26 Identify Cross-Sections for Body Structural Members 1 Body 27 Establish Body Part Commonality Strategy 1 Body 28 Develop Preliminary Balance of Physical Parameters 1 Performance Development 29 Provide Alternative Architecture and Configuration Trade-Offs With Assessments 1 Performance Development 30 Develop Initial Integrated Vehicle CAD Models (for each architecture) 1 Vehicle Concept Engineering 31 Generate Packaging Layouts for Body Structural Members 1 Vehicle Concept Engineering 32 Develop Occupant Packaging 1 Vehicle Concept Engineering 33 Run Initial Workload Model 1 Planning 34 Design CAD for Powertrain 1 Powertrain Integration 35 Prepare Initial Financial/Business Assessment 1 Finance 36 Create Offline Technology Development Plans 1 Planning 37 Recommend Final Architecture 1 Vehicle Integration 38 Assess Risks and Balance Quality Targets at Vehicle Level 1 Quality 39 Review Phase 1 1 Program Management Team 40 Develop Chassis Bill of Material 2 Chassis 41 Develop Cockpit Bill of Material 2 Cockpit 42 Develop Passenger Compartment Bill of Material 2 Passenger 139 Underhood 43 Develop Underhood Compartment Bill of Material 2 44 Develop Powertrain Bill of Material 2 Powertrain Integration 45 Track Cost/Mass/Quality Status for Chassis Systems 2 Chassis 46 Track Cost/Mass/Quality Status for Cockpit 2 Cockpit 47 Track Cost/Mass/Quality Status for the Passenger Compartment 2 Passenger 48 Track Cost/Mass/Quality Status for the Underhood Compartment 2 Underhood 49 Track Cost/Mass/Quality Status for the Body Structure 2 Body 50 Track Cost/Mass/Quality Status for Powertrain System 2 Powertrain Integration 51 Generate Packaging Layouts for Chassis Systems 2 Chassis 52 Generate Packaging Layouts for Cockpit 2 Cockpit 53 Generate Packaging Layouts for Passenger Compartment 2 Passenger 54 Generate Packaging Layouts for Underhood Compartment 2 Underhood 55 Allocate Vehicle Level Quality Targets 2 Quality 56 Develop Initial Finite Element Model for Body Structure 2 Body 57 Perform Physical Interference Assessment for Chassis Systems 2 Chassis 58 Perform Physical Interference Assessment for Cockpit 2 Cockpit 59 Perform Physical Interference Assessment for Passenger Compartment 2 Passenger 60 Perform Physical Interference Assessment for Underhood Compartment 2 Underhood 61 Create Initial Visual Surfaces 2 Design Studio 62 Develop Integrated Vehicle-Level Packaging Layout and Physical Interference Model 2 Vehicle Concept Engineering 63 Determine Manufacturing Requirements 2 Manufacturing 64 Provide Engine Data for Performance Assessments 2 Powertrain Integration 65 Conduct Performance Synthesis and Analysis in Quick Study Phase 2 Performance Development 66 Identify Major Technical Challenges and Conduct Quick Studies - Chassis 2 Chassis 67 Identify Major Technical Challenges and Conduct Quick Studies - Cockpit 2 Cockpit 68 Identify Major Technical Challenges and Conduct Quick Studies - Passenger/Rear 2 Passenger 69 Identify Major Technical Challenges and Conduct Quick Studies - Underhood Compartment 2 Underhood 70 Identify Major Technical Challenges and Conduct Quick Studies - Powertrain 2 Powertrain Integration 71 Identify Major Technical Challenges and Conduct Quick Studies - Body 2 Body 72 Track Total Vehicle Issues 2 Vehicle Integration 73 Maintain Vehicle Mainstream Chart and Update Engineering Product Content Sheet 2 Vehicle Integration 74 Check Current Status of Vehicle Relative to Requirements 2 Systems Engineering 75 Develop Action Plans to Address Functional Performance Issues 2 Systems Engineering 76 Provide Die Investment Estimates 2 Die Manufacturing 77 Determine Die Sizes and Designs 2 Die Manufacturing 78 Prepare Die Development Schedules 2 Die Manufacturing 79 Conduct Financial Analyses for Alternative Subsystem Designs 2 Finance 80 Develop Subassembly Strategy 2 Manufacturing 81 Determine Assembly Tool and Parts Commonality Strategy 2 Manufacturing 82 Assess Body Concept Compatibility with Integrated Vehicle-Level Physical Interference Model 2 Body 83 Generate Surface Limits for Bodyside 2 Vehicle Concept Engineering 84 Develop Integrated Vehicle-level CAD Model 2 Vehicle Concept Engineering 85 Conduct Marketing Clinics 2 Marketing 86 Provide Customer's Perspective in Design Decisions 2 Marketing 87 Assess Risks and Balance Quality Targets 2 Quality 88 Run Updated Workload Model 2 Planning 140 89 Update Financial Assessment and Finalize Business Case 2 Finance 90 Update Offline Technology Development Plans 2 Planning 91 Review Phase 2 2 Program Management Team 92 Prepare Program Quality Target Matrix 3 Quality 93 Follow up and Maintain Open Issues -Chassis 3 Chassis 94 Follow up and Maintain Open Issues -Cockpit 3 Cockpit 95 Follow up and Maintain Open Issues - Passenger/Rear 3 Passenger 96 Follow up and Maintain Open Issues - Underhood Compartment 3 Underhood 97 Provide Supporting Information for Trade-offs 3 Systems Engineering 98 Finalize Body Bill of Material 3 Body 99 Refine Powertrain CAD model 3 Powertrain Integration 100 Design Integrated Assembly CAD Model for Chassis 3 Chassis 101 Design Integrated Assembly CAD Model for Cockpit 3 Cockpit 102 Design Integrated Assembly CAD Model for Passenger Compartment 3 Passenger 103 Design Integrated Assembly CAD Model for Underhood Compartment 3 Underhood 104 Update Mainstream Visual Surfaces 3 Design Studio 105 Allocate component-level Quality Targets and Assess Risks 3 Quality 106 Develop Body Concept Model 3 Body 107 Develop Manufacturing Plant Conveyor Strategy 3 Manufacturing 108 Assess Body Assembly Feasibility 3 Manufacturing 109 Create Manufacturing Requirements Agreements 3 Manufacturing Develop Final Assembly Assessment 3 Manufacturing ill Create PhysicalNirtual Appearance Models 3 Design Studio 112 Assess Risks in Performance Requirements 3 Performance Development 113 Develop Preliminary Workplace Visualization Models 3 Manufacturing 114 Develop Manufacturing Program Timing Plan 3 Manufacturing 115 Provide Final Sales Volume Forecast 3 Marketing 116 Develop Final Integrated Assembly CAD Model for Entire Vehicle 3 Vehicle Concept Engineering 117 Develop Plan for Review Board 3 Planning 118 Review Phase 3 3 Program Management Team 119 Provide Transition to Vehicle Program After Concept Development 3 Vehicle Integration 120 Provide Transition to Program Quality Manager 3 Quality 110 Table C.2: DSM task key. 141 142 143