The Development of a High Cooling and Low Ultimate Temperature Three Stage Superfluid Stirling Refrigerator by Carolyn L. Phillips B.S., Mathematics Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999 SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SEPTEMBER 2001 @2001 Carolyn L. Phillips. All rights reserved. The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. MASSACHUSETTS INSTIEUT OF TECHNOLOGY DEC 10 2001 LIBRA JIM ,t BA1~tR Signature of Author: V I Department afechanical Engineering August 31, 2001 Certified by:__ John G. Brisson Professor of Mechanical Engineering Thesis Supervisor Accepted by:. Ain Sonin Professor of Mechanical Engineering Chairman, Committee for Graduate Students The Development of High Cooling Power and Low Ultimate Temperature Three Stage Superfluid Stirling Refrigerators by Carolyn L. Phillips Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering On August 31, 2001 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering ABSTRACT The superfluid Stirling refrigerator (SSR) is a Stirling cycle refrigerator which provides cooling to below 2 K by using a liquid 3He- 4He as a working fluid. In 1990, Kotsubo and Swift demonstrated the first SSR and by 1999, Patel and Brisson (Patel) had developed an experimental prototype capable of reaching a low temperature of 248 mK using two Stirling refrigerator stages. The goal of this thesis was also to develop a deeper understanding of the SSR and the technical issues involved in its operation and also to further develop the SSR built by Patel. This thesis is divided into four parts. In the first part, technical developments to the SSR are discussed. Also the details of the three-stage SSR developed for this work are presented. In the second part, a two-stage SSR with larger recuperators are operated to see whether new ultimate temperature and cooling powers could be achieved. Operating from a high temperature of 1.05 K and with a 3.0% SHe-4He mixtures, this SSR achieved a low temperature of 329 mK and delivered net cooling powers of 1 mW at 606 mK, 500 pW at 408 mK. Next this thesis describes the operation of the first three-stage superfluid Stirling refrigerator. Unfortunately, due to experimental difficulties, the merits of the three-stage SSR were not demonstrated and further work is still required. The lowest ultimate temperature reached by three-stage SSR was 338 mK from a high temperature of 1.07 K. The third part of this thesis sought to ascertain the heat dissipation due to the flexing and relaxing of the bellows in the SSR. The dissipation of two types of bellows was measured at 1.4 K and the measurements were used to project dissipation rates for a family of similar bellows. In the fourth part of this thesis, a numerical analysis was developed to predict the distribution of 3 He particles in the SSR during operation. This analysis confirmed that the third stage of the SSR requires a working fluid separate from the first and second stage of the SSR in order to reach temperatures lower than 200 mK. Thesis Supervisor: John G. Brisson Title: Professor of Mechanical Engineering 2 Contents 10 1. Introduction 1.1. T he Stirling C ycle............................................................... 12 1.2. Properties of 3He_ He mixtures................................................ 14 1.3. Two phase region and the SSR................................................ 17 1.4. H istory of the SSR ............................................................... 22 27 2. Experimental Apparatus 2.1. Description of the three-stage SSR........................................... 27 2.2. Development of the Patel and Brisson SSR................................. 31 2.2.1. H eat Exchangers......................................................... 2.3. Heat leak in the third-stage fill lines.......................................... 32 34 Third Stage V alves...................................................... 35 2.3.2. Void Space Analysis................................................... 36 2.3.1. 41 3. Experimental Results of SSR 3.1. Review of the Experimental Results of the SSR........................... 41 3.2. Two Stage SSR with Large Upper and Lower Recuperator............... 44 3.2.1. Description of Two-Stage SSR........................................ 3.2.2. Experimental procedure and results................................... 44 47 3.3. Three-Stage SSR with two Large Recuperators and one Small R ecuperator....................................................................... 52 D escription of SSR ...................................................... 52 3.3.1. 3.3.2. Experimental procedure and results................................... 57 60 4. Metal Bellows Dissipation 4.1. Experimental Apparatus........................................................ 3 62 4.2. Procedure........................................................................ 63 4.3. Development of Bellows Dissipation Model............................... 64 4.4. Bellows Dissipation in the SSR.............................................. 67 4.5. Temperature Limits on using Bellows Expander......................... 69 72 5. Theoretical Development 5.1. The Schmidt Model............................................................ 72 5.2. Sub-Kelvin Stirling Refrigerators........................................... 76 5.3. Limitations of the 3He-4He Working Fluid................................ 76 Concentration......................... 77 5.4. Phonon and Roton Effects on 3He 5.5. H eat E xchangers.............................................................. 88 91 6. Summary and Conclusions 93 Bibliography 4 List of Figures 1.1 The States of the Stirling Refrigerator Cycle................................... 13 1.2 A Sketch of the Phase Diagram of the 3He-4 He fluid. ........................ 15 1.3 The compression and expansion of 3He in a piston bypassed by superfluid 4 H e .................................................................................... 1.4 A single phase Stirling refrigerator using 3He in a superfluid 4He background .......................................................................... mixture in a piston in the two phase region. ........................ 1.5 3He-4He 1.6 A depiction of a Stirling cycle whose low temperature piston is operating partially in the two phase region. ................................................ 1.7 17 18 19 The states of the 3He-4He mixture in the low and high temperature piston mapped onto a sketch of the phase diagram. ................................... 1.8 A representation of a single stage machine consisting of two back-to-back 1.9 180 degree out of phase SSR's exchanging heat through a recuperator..... 1.10 A diagram of the two stage back-to-back SSR design with plastic recuperators........................................................................ ........ 2.1 A schematic of the three-stage superfluid Stirling refrigerator. 2.2 The arrangement of alternate layers of Kapton templates within the 2.3 16 20 23 25 28 recuperator to form a counterflow heat exchanger. ........................... 30 A diagram of the plastic heat exchanger ........................................ 33 5 2.4 A schematic of the dual superfluid tight valves. .............................. 35 2.5 An illustration of 3He particles flushed into a cold volume.................. 37 3.1 A schematic diagram of a two-stage SSR. .................................... 45 3.2 Data for a 1.1 cm compressor stroke and a 1.08 cm expander stroke. (a) Cooling power versus cold piston temperature for cycle times of 15, 27, and 40 seconds. (b) Intermediate Piston temperature versus cold piston tem perature for the data given in (a). ............................................. 3.3 49 Data for cooling power versus cold piston temperature for a 15 second cycle period, 1.1 cm compressor stroke, and a range of expander strokes... 50 3.4 Data for cooling power versus cold piston temperature for a 23 second cycle period, 1.1 cm compressor stroke, and a range of expander strokes... 50 3.5 Data for cooling power versus cold piston temperature for a 27 second cycle period, 1.1 cm compressor stroke, and a range of expander strokes... 51 3.6 Data for cooling power versus cold piston temperature for a 40 second cycle period, 1.1 cm compressor stroke, and a range of expander strokes... 51 3.7 A schematic of the three-stage SSR............................................. 3.8 Calibration curves for resistance versus temperature of the carbon resistor thermometer mounted on the SSR's hot platform.............................. 3.9 59 Data for the cold piston temperature versus second intermediate compressor piston for different two-stage cycle periods..................................... 4.1 56 Data for the cold piston temperature versus third-stage cycle period for different two-stage cycle periods................................................. 3.10 54 59 A schematic of the experimental apparatus used to measure bellows dissipation .......................................................................... 61 4.2 A plot of the measured bellows dissipation as a function of stroke length ...64 4.3 A annular disk model of bellows............................................... 4.4 The weld bead which is modeled as the source of all dissipation. Dissipation occurs as the angle between the annular disks changes....................... 4.5 64 65 Energy dissipated per unit bead length per cycle versus normalized stroke.. 65 6 4.6 Non-dimensional energy versus non-dimensional stroke as per Eq. 4.3 in the text. The fit curve is Eq. 4.4 in the text.................................... 66 4.7 Fraction of losses in the SSR due to bellows dissipation.................... 68 4.8 (a) Predicted cooling power minus bellows dissipation of a third-stage expander versus cold piston temperature. (b) The fraction the bellows dissipation makes up of the cooling power. These data points were generated using the Schmidt model to predict the cooling powers and Eq. 4.4 to model the bellows dissipation......................................... 69 4.9 A schematic of the idealized expander with valves........................... 69 4.10 Projected cooling power of non-ideal expander (a) and cooling power ratio of non-ideal expander to ideal expander (b) versus temperature............ 70 5.1 An equation summary of the Schmidt model for a single stage Stirling cy cle ................................................................................... 5.2 73 The equation summary of the Schmidt model expanded to model a two-stage Stirling device. A two-stage Stirling device consists of three 74 pistons connected by two recuperators............................................ 5.3 The equations summary for a Stirling cycle with an indefinite number of 75 stages chained together.............................................................. 5.4 The temperature distribution for a Stirling device is plotted versus position. The expansion and compression space are assumed to be isothermal. Three different temperature distributions for the regenerator are shown............ 5.5 80 The 3He concentration of the cold, intermediate, and hot piston volume of a two-stage SSR plotted versus temperature. The black triangles correspond to the SSR with cold regenerators, the black diamonds correspond to the SSR with hot regenerators, and the squares correspond to the SSR with linear regenerators......................................................................... 5.6 The predicted minimum and maximum 3He concentrations of the hot, intermediate, and cold piston volumes of four different models of the 3He distribution in the SSR are plotted versus temperature. The squares correspond to a model that includes both regenerator volumes and 4He 7 82 fountain pressure. The * correspond to a model that includes fountain pressure but omits the regenerator volumes. The triangles correspond to a model that omits fountain pressure but includes regenerator volumes. The circles correspond to a model that omit both fountain pressure and regenerator volum es................................................................ 5.7 83 A plot of the 3He expected distributions versus temperature for three SSR's with different total clearance volumes. The triangles correspond to an SSR whose clearance volume is 27% of its total volume. The * correspond to the same SSR with half that clearance volume (clearance volume is 15.6% of the total volume). The black squares correspond to the same SSR with no 85 clearance volum e.................................................................... 5.8 The minimum and maximum 3He concentrations plotted versus temperature for an SSR whose hot piston is at 1.05 K, intermediate piston at 0.5 K, and 85 cold piston at 0.2 K and which was loaded with 3% mixture................ 5.9 The maximum and minimum concentrations of 3He are plotted for the cold piston volume and hot piston volume of a single stage SSR whose cold and hot pistons are at 0.1 K and 0.3 K. The squares correspond to the SSR loaded with a 3% 3He mixture and large recuperators (6.05 cm 2). The triangles correspond to an SSR loaded with 3% 3He mixture with small recuperators (1.5 cm2). The diamonds correspond to an SSR loaded with 1.5% 3He mixture and large regenerators (6.05 cm2)........................ 86 5.10 Curves of constant 3He osmotic pressure...................................... 87 5.11 Maximum and minimum 3He concentrations for the hot and cold piston of a single stage SSR. The square correspond to an SSR modeled using the numerical Boltzmann model loaded with a 3% mixture. The diamonds correspond to an SSR modeled using the numerical Boltzmann model loaded with a 1.5% mixture. The * corresponds to an SSR modeled using the interpolated data model loaded with a 3% mixture. The black triangles correspond to an SSR using the interpolated data model loaded with a 1.5% m ixture............................................................................. 5.12 The change in 3He moles in three regenerators over the cycle............... 8 . 88 89 5.13 A graph of the change in 3He moles in the hot piston and hot regenerator in the two-stage SSR over the cycle................................................. 5.14 A graph of the change in 3 He moles in the cold piston and cold regenerator in the two-stage SSR over the cycle............................................. 5.15 89 90 A graph of the change in 3 He moles in the cold piston and the regenerator in the single-stage SSR over the cycle.............................................. 9 90 List of Tables 3.1 Single Stage SSR 's................................................................... 42 3.2 Tw o-Stage SSR 's..................................................................... 43 3.3 A comparison of the performances of Patel's different SSR's.................. 44 3.4 Displacement volumes and clearance spaces for different expander strokes... 48 4.1 Manufacturer's specifications for bellows......................................... 62 5.1 The specifications for the SSR modeled unless otherwise specified............. 81 9 Chapter 1 Introduction This thesis is a continuation of research in the development of the superfluid Stirling refrigerator. The superfluid Stirling refrigerator (SSR) is a Stirling cycle refrigerator that uses 3He He as the working fluid to cool to sub-Kelvin temperatures. The basic components of a single stage Stirling refrigerator are a hot (compressor) piston and a cold (expander) piston connected by a regenerator. The cyclic compression and expansion of the ideal gas within these pistons pumps heat from the cold temperature reservoir to the high temperature reservoir. For temperatures below 1 K, the 3He component of the 3 He4 He mixture behaves as an ideal gas in an inert background of superfluid 4He. Superleak bypasses in each piston allow the superfluid 4He component to flow freely through the pistons while the 3 He is expanded and compressed within the piston cylinders. Kotsubo and Swift demonstrated the first single stage SSR in 1990 [1,2]. In 1992, Brisson and Swift further developed and improved the single stage SSR performance by using a recuperative SSR design [3-6]. In the latter design, two refrigerators are operated 180 degrees out of phase with each other and a counterflow heat exchanger is used as the regenerator. This SSR design is more practical since there is a dearth of low temperature materials that can provide the high heat capacity necessary for an efficient regenerator matrix. This first recuperator was made of CuNi tubes. Brisson and Swift achieved a low temperature of 296 mK while operating from a high temperature of 1.05 K. Using 10 the same machine, Watanabe, Swift, and Brisson later reached 168 mK while operating from a compressor temperature of 383 mK [7]. In 1997 a new larger single stage SSR was built by Patel and Brisson which used a counterflow heat exchanger recuperator manufactured from plastic. Plastic was selected to improve the SSR performance by mitigating the low temperature effect of Kapitza resistance to heat transfer and to thus improve the low temperature heat exchanger performance. Using a small plastic heat exchanger, they achieved a low temperature of 344 mK from a high temperature of 1.0 K [8]. Using a large plastic heat exchanger, they achieved a low temperature of 291 mK [9]. Patel and Brisson also developed a two-stage SSR and using a large upper plastic recuperator and a medium sized lower recuperator, the SSR achieved a low temperature of 248 mK [10]. They suggest that a larger low temperature recuperator would reduce the ultimate temperature achieved by this machine. The work presented here further develops Patel's two stage SSR and develops a threestage SSR. The goal of this thesis was also to develop a deeper understanding of the SSR and the technical issues involved in its operation. This thesis is divided into four parts. The first is a discussion of the cryostat originally designed by Patel and Brisson and modified in this work. The modification of this cryostat includes the development of reliable epoxy-copper joints in the recuperator flanges to replace the often unreliable indium seals used by Patel and Brisson. Another modification was the superfluid tight valves. The valves closing off the fill lines to the third stage needed to be superfluid tight in case the fill lines needed to be evacuated to thermally isolate the low temperature SSR. Finally the use of void volume in the thirdstage fill line to the SSR to insure thermal isolation between the I K and the low temperature SSR is discussed. In the second section, the experimental results of the single and two-stage SSR as reported by Patel and Brisson are reviewed and followed by new two-stage experimental results of the SSR and three-stage SSR results. The third section of the thesis discusses the measurements of the dissipative effects in the flexure of metal bellows within the SSR. The dissipation of the bellows in the SSR and how this limits the performance of the SSR has always been an unknown. The tests 11 measure the dissipation of two different size bellows for several stroke lengths. The experimental results are compared to measurements made by Brisson and Swift [12]. The results are made non-dimensional and used to predict the performance of other bellows of similar construction. The fourth part discusses the theoretical and numerical models developed to understand the spatial distribution of 3 He atoms in the SSR during operation. These models confirm the necessity for the third stage of the SSR to have a working fluid separate from the first and second stage in order to reach low temperatures of 100 mK without a phase separation of the 3He-4He mixture. These models also show the effect of different variables in the SSR design on 3He atom distribution in the machine. This first chapter provides a background for the work done in this thesis. It includes a discussion of the mechanics of a Stirling refrigerator, the physical properties of 3He- 4 He working fluid, and the history of the use of this working fluid in Stirling refrigerators. 1.1 The Stirling Cycle The Stirling engine was first patented by Robert Stirling in 1816. The initial application of the Stirling cycle was as a Stirling engine, a machine that transformed a thermal energy into mechanical energy, however the same cycle can be used to do the reverse, transform work into heat flow. The basic concept of the Stirling Refrigerator is that by the expansion and compression of an ideal gas, heat can be pumped from a low temperature reservoir to a high temperature reservoir. The three important components of the Stirling cycle is the compressor, regenerator and expander. Figure 1.1 shows the operation of the Stirling Refrigerator. The expansion space is thermally linked to a low temperature reservoir (not shown in Fig. 1.1). The compression space is thermally linked to a high temperature reservoir (not shown in Fig. 1.1). At the beginning of the cycle the working fluid (an ideal gas) is in the expansion space and the compression space is assumed here to have zero volume. In the first part of the cycle, the working 12 Low Temperature Reservoir,TL High Temperature Expansion Space I Compression space Regenerator Reservoir,TH I I ~ K; (a) Isothermal Expansion .* QI (b) Fluid displaced to the right. Heat absorbed from Eggenerator (c) f 777212 i17zzzi~ zzzi Z21Z11[ .1 X + h Q Isothermal Compression (d) Fldid displaced to the left. Heat rejected to Regererator (e) D L.J Cool Regenerator Warm Regenerator Figure 1.1: The states of the Stirling refrigerator cycle. From (a) to (b) the gas in the expansion space is expanded, absorbing heat from a low temperature reservoir. From (b) to (c) the gas is displaced through the regenerator space, absorbing the energy stored there. From (c) to (d) the gas is compressed, rejecting heat to a high temperature reservoir. From (d) to (e) the gas is displaced back through the regenerator space, rejecting energy to the regenerator. In our ideal Stirling recuperator, the temperature distribution is time independent. 13 fluid in the expansion space is expanded at constant temperature, transferring heat from the low temperature reservoir to the working fluid. In the next part of the cycle the two pistons are moved in tandem so that the working fluid is displaced through the regenerator at constant pressure into the compression space. As the working fluid moves through the regenerator, it absorbs heat from the regenerator so that it enters the compression space at the temperature of the hot reservoir. It is assumed at this point that the expansion space has zero volume. The working fluid is then compressed at a constant temperature, transferring heat to the high temperature reservoir. The working fluid is then returned at constant pressure back through the regenerator into the expansion space, rejecting heat to the regenerator on the way so that it enters the expansion space at the temperature of the low temperature reservoir. Again it is assumed that the cycle ends with the compression space at zero volume. 1.2 Properties of 3He- 4He mixtures Unique properties of helium at very low temperatures allow helium to be used as a working fluid in a variety of low temperature engineering applications. Helium-4 undergoes a phase transition at 2.17 K. Above this temperature the liquid 4He behaves as a viscous fluid. Below this temperature the 4He is a superfluid, a fluid that flows without viscosity. Helium-3, on the other hand, does not go through the superfluid transition until the temperature of approximately 2-3 mK is reached [13]. For the purpose of this work 3He always remains a normal (viscous) fluid. 3He_ He mixtures exhibit both superfluid and viscous effects. The two substance properties of 3He- 4He mixtures are dependent upon both the concentration of the 3 He and the temperature of the mixture. The superleak bypassed piston mechanism of manipulating a 3He-4He mixture works only for a temperatures below 2.17 K and low 3He concentrations. In Fig. 1.3 a phase diagram of the 3 He- 4He mixture shows the change of properties of the mixture with change in temperature and concentration. The diagram has three major regions. At low temperatures and high concentrations, the mixture exists at two phase in a 3He rich liquid and a 4He rich liquid. At high 14 2.2 Viscous Homogeneous liquid mixture Superfluid Homogeneous liquid mixture E 1.0- Two Phase Region 00 (Pure 'He) 0.0637 0.5 1.0 3 x, concentration of He (Pure 3He) Figure 1.2: A sketch of the phase diagram of the 3He- 4He fluid. The three major regions are the superfluid homogeneous mixture region, the viscous homogeneous mixture region, and the two phase region. The dotted lines represent lines of constant 4He chemical potential. The grey portion of the figure represents the region where 3He acquires the properties of a Fermi gas. concentrations and high temperature, the helium mixture is a homogeneous viscous fluid. Finally at lower 3He concentrations at temperatures below 2.17 K, the mixture is a homogeneous superfluid. To first approximation, the 3He component in this phase behaves as an ideal Boltzmann gas. The 3He component has viscosity whereas the 4He component of this phase is superfluid. The lambda line in Fig. 1.2 delineates the boundary between the homogeneous superfluid mixture, the homogenous viscous mixture. The grey region in Fig 1.2 is where the 3He behavior changes from that of a Boltzmann gas to that of a Fermi gas. The 3He component can still be compressed and expanded in this region using superleak bypassed pistons. The effect of operating an SSR in this region has never been thoroughly examined. The dotted lines in Fig 1.2 correspond to lines of constant 4He chemical potential. Due to the high mobility of the superfluid 4He in the 3He_ He mixture, the mixture does not sustain a gradient in the 4He chemical potential. Temperature of the 3He- 4He mixture 15 Motion Motion 4H ee Superleak 'lowL . 3H (a) eAH, (b) 4 Figure 1.3: From (a) to (b) the piston is moved upwards. The superfluid He can move freely through 3 the superleak and is unaffected by the piston movement. The He particles cannot move through the superleak, so the concentration of the 3He-4He mixture is reduced. The 3He component of the mixture is effectively expanded like an ideal gas. varies throughout the internal volume of the SSR; and consequently the concentration of the 3He-4He mixture in each of these volumes will varies to maintain a constant chemical potential throughout the SSR volume. Hence the temperature and concentrations of the fluid particles in the SSR all lie on a line of constant chemical potential. Figure 1.3 shows a conceptual drawing of how the 3He can be expanded (or compressed) by a piston bypassed by a superleak. The volumes "behind" the pistons are filled with 4He. The superfluid 4He can flow freely between the two volumes. Moving the piston effectively raises or lowers the concentration of 3He-4He mixture in the lower volume. Figure 1.4 shows a conceptual drawing for an SSR with a 3He-4He mixture as a working fluid. Pistons like the ones shown in Fig. 1.3 are connected by a regenerator. In operating this SSR, the pistons are moved in the same way as for a standard Stirling refrigerator. It should be noted that the pistons used in a real SSR do not have sliding seals. Bellows are used to compress and expand the working fluid 16 IX ,4 He 4He Figure 1.4: A single phase Stirling refrigerator using 3He in a superfluid 4He background 1.3 Two Phase Region and the SSR The superfluid Stirling refrigerator does not operate in the two phase region shown in Fig. 1.2. In this region, the mixture separates into a dense dilute 3He-4 He mixture and a less dense concentrated 3He phase. Figure 1.5 shows three "snapshots" of a piston as it "compresses" and "expands" a helium mixture in the two phase region. Using the second law, we will argue that when the low temperature piston operates in the two phase region for the entire cycle, there is no cooling of the low temperature reservoir. In Fig. 1.5 there is a pure 3He slug floating on top of a dilute phase 3 He- 4He mixture. We assume this that 3He slug is sufficiently sized to neither disappear nor to entirely fill the low temperature piston during the proposed expansion and compression of the low temperature piston. The 3He-4He mixture in the low temperature piston is connected to a constant pressure reservoir of superfluid 4He through a superleak. Compression of the mixture causes the 3 He slug to increase and expansion of the piston causes the 3He slug to decrease in size. Assuming the temperature and pressure are fixed throughout the process, the concentration of the dilute 3He-4He mixture doesn't change. We will assume that the low temperature piston is attached to an ideal regenerator so that the working 17 3 '-He'dilute phase 3He diute phase Pu re4He/ Pure 4He 3 Hee Pure 4 H motion \ Control motion Volume (c) (b) (a) Figure 1.5: The 3He He mixture in the piston in (a) is in the two phase region. When the fluid is "compressed" (b), the 3He layer grows and when the fluid is "expanded" (c), the 3He layer decreases. The dilute 3He phase is the same concentration in (a), (b) and (c). fluid that enters or exits the expander is always at the same temperature. We apply the second law to the control volume (shown in Fig. 1.5a) around this low temperature piston over a cycle, IdSc= + jsdN - csdNOUt + Sgen where Scv is the total entropy of the control volume, (1.1) Q is the heat transfer into the control volume, dNin and dNout is the molar flow of mixture into or out of the control volume, s is the entropy per unit mole carried by that flow, T is the temperature of the control surface, which by assumption is the same as that of the low temperature reservoir, the fluid in the system, and the fluid entering and exiting the system, and Sgen is the entropy produced in the control volume during the cycle. Since the initial and final states are the same, the net change in entropy over a cycle is zero. The entropy of the mixture can be expressed as a function of the temperature T and concentration x of the mixture [14]. The fluid exiting the control volume is at the same temperature and concentration of the fluid exiting the control volume so sin (x, T)= sou (x, T). The net change in mass in the system is zero so the net molar flow in equals the net molar flow out, so the entropy entering and exiting the system in Eq. 1 cancel out. Thus, the equation for the heat transfer reduces to 18 Q = -TSgen (1.2) . Since T and Sgen are both positive numbers, Q must be less than or equal to zero indicating that the compression/expansion process does not lead to cooling of the reservoir when the piston contains a two phase fluid. Note that if our regenerator were not ideal, the temperature of the entering fluid would have been higher than the temperature of the exiting fluid and thus also the entropy of the fluid entering the system is higher than that of the fluid exiting. A SSR equipped with a non-ideal regenerator would therefore dump more heat into the low temperature reservoir than the ideal regenerator case discussed above. 4 He In thermal contact with Expansion Volume 3He Superleak In thermal contact with High Temperature Clearance Volume Clearance Volume LowTemperature Mass U 3He- 4 He e. Regenerator fluid displaced through Regenerator I Compression I Volume Reservoir 0h) isothermal compression I) h) I Ifluid displaced through Regenerator (3 h) (31 (approximately) isothermal expansion (41)14 (40 Q V( 4 h) II Figure 1.6: A de iction of a Stirling Cycle whose low temperature piston is operating partially in the two phase region. A He slug develops in the low temperature piston during isothermal compression. This causes significant heat rejection into the low temperature mass during compression. The 3He slug is dissipated during isothermal expansion. The states of the 3He-4He mixture in the low and high temperature pistons are labeled on the left and right respectively. In Fig. 1.7, these states are mapped on a two phase diagram 19 We have demonstrated that if the expander of the SSR is operating in the two phase region for its full cycle, it cannot continue to cool its low temperature reservoir. Having shown that a SSR will not cool if the expander piston is operated entirely in the twophase region, we now wish to consider how the cooling power of the SSR will change as the state of the fluid in the SSR expander approaches and crosses into the two-phase region. We wish to show that an SSR that operates in the two phase region at some part of its cycle, will eventually operate in the two phase region for all its cycle. We will make this argument by considering an SSR with discrete, not sinusoidal, piston motions. Figure 1.6 depicts the stages of the cycle of an SSR with clearance spaces (volumes not swept by the pistons) in its low and high temperature pistons. As the high temp piston "compresses" the mixture in the SSR (the process between Fig 1.6.1 to Fig 1.6.2) the concentration in the SSR increases and the heat of compression is largely rejected to the The compression process increases the concentration of high temperature reservoir. 1.0- 0 h4h (20, - 3 h) ( -A (h, 3 h) 3) superfluid homogeneous mixture .ool E (21,31) (41) "stable" x, 3He Concentration Figure 1.7: The states of the 3He-4He mixture in the low and high temperature piston are mapped onto a sketch of the phase diagram. The high temperature reservoir holds the high temperature at a constant temperature. The low temperature mass is assumed to drop in temperature as it is cooled. State 2 and 3 are 4 3 marked by a A, 0, o for successive cycles. The dark line labeled "stable" depicts the states of the He- He mixture in the low temperature piston when operating in the two phase region reduces the cooling power of 4 3 the low temperature piston to zero. There is no concentration change in the He- He mixture in high 3 is in the two phase region. temperature piston when the He-4He mixture in the low temperature piston 20 the homogeneous fluid in the low temperature clearance volume until the fluid is in the saturated dilute mixture state. With further compression, the mixture in the low temperature clearance volume phase separates, rejecting the latent heat of the phase change to the low temperature mass. We assume the SSR in Fig 1.6 is operating such that the 3He rich slug goes back into the dilute state during the expansion stroke. The states of the 3He-4He mixture in the low and high temperature piston are shown plotted on a phase diagram in Fig 1.7. The upper left curve in Fig 1.7 represents the states of the 3He-4He mixture in the high temperature piston. All the states of the 3He-4He mixture in the high temperature piston are at the same temperature since the piston is connected to a high temperature reservoir. Alternatively, the states of the 3He-4He mixture in the low temperature piston experience a temperature drop as the low temperature mass is cooled. For the small temperature drop in the low temperature mass we consider in Fig 1.7, we model the concentration of the 3He- 4He mixture as not changing between cycles in each piston. As the 3 He- 4He mixture in the low temperature piston enters the two phase region, heat is rejected to the low temperature mass instead of the high temperature reservoir. The low temperature mass is not cooled until the 3He-4He mixture in the low temperature piston emerges from the two phase region. Because each new state 1I is at the same concentration of the previous state 11, state 11 of the 3He-4He mixture in the low temperature piston moves into the two phase region. In an ideal SSR with no external head loads or internal dissipations, the 3 He- 4He mixture in the low temperature piston would eventually run up and down a stable line touching the two phase boundary at one end. If we accounted for the change in concentration of the 3He-4He mixture in the low temperature piston between cycles, state 11 would converge even faster to the two phase boundary, since the concentration of the mixture in the low temperature piston increases as the low temperature mass gets colder. The new state 11 would be closer to the two phase boundary than the previous state 11. This analysis demonstrates that once the low temperature piston has crossed into two phase region, the SSR's ability to cool is quickly disabled. There are other issues such as the compromised heat rejection on the high temperature platform, and the high entropy 21 generation incurred in compressing and expanding the system with a 3He slug that actually make the performance of the two phase working fluid SSR even worse than implied. 1.4 History of the SSR The first SSR was a single stage device built by Kotsubo and Swift [1] which used a configuration not unlike Fig. 1.4. The regenerator used in this design was an array of 30 CuNi capillary tubes 200 micron in diameter 38 cm in length jacketed in a 3He bath. The 3 He bath was chosen as the thermal matrix material for the regenerator because below I Kelvin 3He is one of the few materials with significant heat capacity. However, the low thermal conductivity of the 3He made it a flawed regenerator material. The SSR had to be operated at very low frequencies, 240 seconds per cycle, to allow time for thermal diffusion into and out of the regenerator's 3He bath. Another undesirable characteristic of this SSR design is that over time, the operation of the SSR was compromised by a slow diffusion of the 3He atoms across the superleaks. Using 3He_4He mixture concentration of 12% and using a high temperature reservoir of 1.2 K, temperatures around 0.6 K were achieved [2]. The second SSR improved on the first SSR by replacing the 3He bath regenerator with a recuperator design. Two superfluid Stirling refrigerators are placed back to back, their compressors and expanders are connected, respectively, by superleaks as shown in Fig 1.8. 3He-4He mixture fills both sides of the expander and compressor pistons. The regenerator consisted of a counterflow heat exchanger made of 238 CuNi capillary tubes 250 microns in diameter silver soldered in a hexagonally closed pack array with alternating rows corresponding to each half of the SSR. This SSR was an improvement on the previous design for several reasons. The superfluid 4He reservoirs in the Kotsubo and Swift design is eliminated, each half of the SSR acts as the 4He reservoir for the other. The problem of the slow diffusion of the 3 He atoms through the superleaks disappears since if the two SSR's have been properly loaded, the average concentration on one side of the superleak is the same as that on the other side. In fact, the performance of the two SSR's should improve over time since if there is any initial 3 He mass 22 _ imm N - ___ - __ - - = %- -11 11 1- - - ~ 3 A Figure 1.8: A representation of a single stage machine consisting of two back-to-back 180 degree out of phase SSR's exchanging heat through a recuperator. imbalance between the two SSR's, the slow diffusion of 3He across the superleaks will tend to resolve the imbalance. Also the slow diffusive heat transfer into the 3He bath in the recuperator of the Kotsubo and Swift design is replaced by a more rapid convective heat transfer between the two mass flows in the recuperator of this design. This faster heat transfer mechanism allowed the SSR to be operated at the higher frequency of 20 seconds per cycle. This SSR used a 3He-4He mixture concentration of 6.6%, a piston 3 volume displacement of 0.8 cm 3 and a volume of 7 cm per SSR half. With a He evaporation refrigerator providing a high temperature reservoir of 1.05 Kelvin, this refrigerator was able to achieve temperatures of 296 mK and net cooling powers of 930 gW at 700 mK and 140 [tW at 500 mK. The same SSR was operated by Watanabe, Swift, and Brisson and achieved a temperature of 168 mK while the high temperature piston was held at 387 mK by a 3 He evaporation refrigerator [7,14]. Further improvements of the SSR design involved first a more careful examination of the material used to build the SSR. When designing for performance below I Kelvin, new material properties become important. Designing for efficient heat transfer between two different materials requires considering the Kapitza thermal boundary resistance for those two materials. Kapitza thermal boundary resistance is defined by Rk = ATQ where AT is the temperature drop across the interface of two different materials and Q is the heat transfer rate per unit area. At low temperatures this thermal resistance can dominate the heat transfer between two materials. For reasons beyond the scope of this text, the Kapitza thermal boundary resistances between helium and plastics are much 23 - - __ - __ bwwk smaller than that between helium and metals. The next development in superfluid Stirling refrigeration, therefore, was the replacement of the CuNi capillary tubing heat exchanger with a heat exchanger made out of plastic. A single stage SSR was built by Patel and Brisson that used a heat exchanger constructed out of a Kapton-epoxy composite material. The heat exchanger consisted of alternating layers of 127 pm thick and 25.4 gm thick Kapton glued together with Stycast 1266. Each 127 ptm layer had five passages 2.38 mm in width and 20 cm long. Small, medium, and large heat exchangers with a total of 50, 100, and 200 flow passages respectively were constructed by stacking ten, twenty, and forty 127 gm thick layers respectively. The small, medium, and large recuperators had 1.5 cm 3, 2.4 cm 3 , 6.05, cm 3 of recuperative volume per SSR half respectively [16, 17]. This new single stage SSR was a much larger machine than the previously built SSR's. With a large plastic heat exchanger, this SSR had a total volume of 48.3 cm 3 per SSR half and high and low temperature piston volume displacements of 17.7 cm 3 and 9.4 cm 3 respectively. Using a 3 He- 4 He mixture concentration of 3%, this SSR achieved a temperature of 291 mK from a high temperature reservoir of 1.0 K, and a net cooling power of 3705 pW at 750 mK, 977 pW at 500 mK and 409 RW at 400mK. The cooling power of this new SSR was a great improvement over the previous SSR's by a factor of 7 at 500 mK and by a factor of 4 at 750 mK [9, 17] All SSR's constructed until this point were single stage SSR's, meaning one compressor, one expander. Patel and Brisson hoped to improve on previous performance by building a two-stage SSR. This new SSR, depicted in Fig. 1.9, consist of high, intermediate, and low temperature pistons. The intermediate and low temperature pistons were rigidly connected together so that these pistons moved together. One plastic heat exchanger connects the high and intermediate temperature pistons and another plastic heat exchanger connects the intermediate and low temperature pistons. The best low temperature performance of this new design was achieved while using a large heat exchanger between the high and intermediate temperature pistons and a medium size heat exchanger between the intermediate and low temperature pistons. The total volume of 24 High I t. 4 He Evaporation Refrigerator Temperature Pistons i(belows) ( l w Plastic Heat Constant Temperature Heat Exchanger Exchan ger (recup erator) (copper) Pla a ic Intermediate Temperature He Exc hanger (re cuperator) Pistons (bellows) UUM .M~ Low ,\Temperature e---Pistons (bellows) Constant Temperature Heat Exchanger (copper) One of three sets of cage bars Figure 1.9: A diagram of the two stage back-to-back SSR design with plastic recuperator. this SSR was 64.5 cm' per SSR half. The high, intermediate, and low temperature piston volume displacements were 17.7 cm 3 , 9.4 cm 3 , and 5.3 cm 3 respectively. Using a 3% concentration 3He-4He mixture, this SSR achieved a temperature of 248 mK [10, 17]. The best cooling power performance of this new design was achieved while using a large heat exchanger between both sets of pistons. The volume of the SSR in this configuration was 68 cm 3 per SSR half. Although it only achieved a low temperature of 307 mK, the SSR achieved cooling powers of 1 mW at 626 mK, 500 pW at 452 mK and 100 jW at 344 mK [11, 17]. Although the new two-stage SSR achieved a new ultimate low temperature, Patel and Brisson believed that the full potential of this cryostat had not been demonstrated. Several experimental problems arose during the operation of this machine prevented it 25 _--_-__'__-___1._- _-- - 1 I -- -__' from running at full capacity. The SSR is thermally insulated from a 4.2 K liquid 4He bath by a vacuum. A superfluid 4He leak from the cryostat to the vacuum can, therefore, put a significant additional heat load on the SSR. The first goal of this work was to resolve the experimental issues of the two-stage SSR built by Patel and Brisson. The second goal was to attempt to improve on previous SSR performances by adding a third SSR stage to the two-stage machine. The details of the machine built are described in Chapter 2. The experimental results of operating both the two and three stage SSR's are presented in Chapter 3. In addition there are other important technical issues particular to cryostats using moving parts below 1 Kelvin. Chapter 4 presents the result of an experiment to ascertain the heat dissipation due to the flexing and relaxing of the bellows. An understanding of how much heat load on the SSR is due to its moving parts will help us understand the ultimate limitations of this type of refrigeration device. Due to chemical properties of the 3He-4He mixture, the third SSR stage needed to use a separate working fluid from the rest of the SSR. The analytical and numerical analysis used to explore this issue is presented in Chapter 5. 26 Chapter 2 Experimental Apparatus 2.1 Description of the three-stage SSR Figure 2.1 shows a schematic of the three-stage SSR. This refrigerator uses the counterflow recuperative configuration, so it has back-to-back SSR's operating 180 degrees out of phase with each other and counterflow recuperators as the regenerators. This SSR consists of four isothermal platforms; the hot, first, and second intermediate and cold platforms are connected by Kapton recuperators are shown in Fig. 2.1. The compressor pistons on the hot platform are held at approximately 1 Kelvin by a 4 He evaporation refrigerator. The third stage of the SSR is thermally connected to the second stage of the SSR on the second intermediate platform, but third stage is filled separately and the 3He-4He mixture cannot flow between the third stage and the second stage. The hot, first intermediate and second intermediate, and the cold platform of the SSR are made of solid blocks of OFHC copper on which the pistons are mounted. The pistons are made with edge welded stainless steel bellows, which have convolutions that nest into one another to minimize void volume. The effective areas of the pistons based on the manufacturer's specifications [18] are 17.74 cm 2 for the hot platform pistons, 13.61 cm 2 for the first intermediate platform pistons, 7.68 cm 2 for the second intermediate platform (second stage), 23.42 cm 2 for the second intermediate platform (third stage) and 3.16 cm 2 27 Stan fne low temperature valves void spaces Out 4 in He Expa nsion Refrigera tor Hot Platform First tage 1of 3 Kapton-Epoxy Composite Heat Exchangers First jIntermiediate Platform Ifill 3rd Stage SSR econd tage lines low temperature valves Second Intermediate Platform Third Stage 1 of 5 Bellows Sets Cold Platform Copper U Kapton-Epoxy U Vycor Glass (superleak) Moving Part D 3 He-4 He Mixture Figure 2.1: A schematic of the three-stage superfluid Stirling refrigerator. for the cold platform. The hot platform pistons are rigidly connected together and driven sinusoidally using a push rod from a room temperature drive. The first-intermediateplatform and second-intermediate-platform second-stage pistons are similarly connected and driven together using a common push rod. The second-intermediate-platform thirdstage pistons and cold platform pistons are also respectively rigidly connected and are 28 independently driven by two push rods actuated from room temperature. The hot platform temperature is pinned at approximately 1.0 K by a 4He evaporation refrigerator. Within each piston platform, there are superleaks made from porous Vycor glass, which allow the superfluid 3He-4He to flow freely between the halves of the SSR during operation. In the hot platform, the superleaks are three Vycor cylinders 6.03 cylinders in length with diameters of 1.39 cm, 1.35 cm, and 0.72 cm. In the first intermediate platform, the superleaks are three Vycor cylinders 10.63 cm in length with diameters of 0.74 cm. In the second intermediate platform (second stage), the superleaks are three Vycor cylinders 15.16 cm in length with diameters of 0.74 cm. On the second intermediate platform (third stage) the superleaks are four Vycor cylinders 13.09 cm in length with diameters of 0.74 cm. On the cold platform, the superleaks are three Vycor cylinders 12.06 cm in length with diameters of 0.73 cm. The total volume of the Vycor glass in the first and second stage of the SSR is 53.2 cm 3 . The total volume of the Vycor glass in the third stage is 21.9 cm 3 . Since 28% of the Vycor glass is void space [19], the glass contributes 15 cm 3 to the 3 He- 4He mixture volume of the first and second stage of the SSR and 6.1 cm 3 to the 3He- 4He mixture volume of the third stage. The 3He that diffuses into this volume does not participate in the operation of SSR. Within each piston platform, there are also isothermal heat exchangers made from nested OFHC copper cylinders press fit into the piston platforms. A 76 pm gap exists between the inner walls of an outer cylinder and outer walls of an inner cylinder. At the top of each cylinder is a flow distributor 0.635 mm deep and 0.317 cm wide around the cylinder circumference. Each half of the hot piston platform contains one cylinder 2.14 cm in length with a diameter of 3.80 cm, which provides a total heat transfer area of 65.94 cm2 . Each half of the first intermediate platform contains two cylinders that provide a total heat transfer area of 209.70 cm 2 . The first cylinder is 3.97 cm in length with a 4.11 cm diameter while the second cylinder is 4.88 cm in length with a 3.52 cm diameter. Each half of the second intermediate (first and second stage) platform contains four cylinders 6.07 cm in length providing a total heat transfer area of 276.6 cm 2 . The diameters of the cylinders are 4.43 cm, 3.91 cm, 3.39 cm, and 2.88 cm respectively. Each half of the second intermediate (third stage) platform contains four cylinders 5.02 cm in length providing a total heat transfer area of 257.4 cm 2 . The diameters of the four 29 25 /pmKapton I 127 pm Kapton Flow through recuperator of SSR half #1 A o Flow through recuperator of SSR half #2 :> Figure 2.2: The arrangement of alternate layers of Kapton templates within the recuperator to form a counterflow heat exchanger. The flow of opposite halves of the SSR alternate between successive layers of the 127 gm Kapton sheets. cylinders are 4.94 cm, 4.43 cm, 3.79 cm, and 3.16 cm respectively. Each half of the cold piston platform has seven cylinders 4.77 cm in length providing a total heat transfer area of 379.5 cm2 . The diameters of the seven cylinders are 5.83 cm, 5.32 cm, 4.82 cm, 4.30 cm, 3.80 cm, 3.29 cm, and 2.78 cm respectively. The recuperators, shown in Fig. 2.2, used in this SSR are of a plastic design type constructed and built by Patel [16]. The recuperative portion consists of alternating layers of 127 km Kapton film and 25.4 ptm Kapton film [25] glued together using Stycast 1266 [20]. Each 127 pm layer has five passages 2.38 mm in width and 20 cm in length. The recuperators from the hot platform to the first intermediate and from the first intermediate to the second intermediate platforms (first and second stages of the SSR) are large recuperators with forty 127 gm layers and thirty-nine 25.4 pm layers. Each large recuperator has a total volume of 20.9 cm 3, of which 12.1 cm 3 (6.05 cm 3 per SSR half) is dedicated to recuperative heat transfer. The recuperator from the second intermediate to the cold platform is a small recuperator with ten 127 gm layers and nine 25.4 gm layers. The total volume of the small recuperator is 11.10 cm 3, of which 3.02 cm 3 (1.51 cm 3 per SSR half) was dedicated to recuperative heat transfer. 30 As can be seen in Fig. 2.1, a total of four fill lines run from room temperature to the SSR. The two fill lines to the two halves of the first and second stage SSR are designed to be sealed at low temperature by valves mounted on the hot platform. These valves are actuated manually from room temperature and prevent the 3He-4He from moving up and down the fill capillaries during operation of the SSR. The two fill lines into each of the SSR halves of the third stage are sealed at low temperature by valves mounted on the 300 mK platform. The valves are also actuated manually from room temperature and also act to prevent the 3He-4He mixture from moving up and down the fill capillaries during operation of the SSR. These valves were designed and tested to be superfluid tight in case it became necessary to pump out the fill lines to prevent heat loss. As the third stage SSR is thermally isolated from the 4He evaporation refrigerator (the hot platform), the fill lines are wrapped around the 4He evaporation refrigerator so that the third stage's 3He_ He working fluid can be liquified during loading. Calibrated ruthenium oxide [21] and germanium [22] and carbon resistor thermometers mounted on the outside of the piston platform are used to monitor the temperature. The uncertainty of our temperature measurements are + 0.67 mK at 1.0 K and + 1.02 mK at 350 mK. Cooling powers are measured by monitoring the voltage across and current through a heater made of wound manganin wire. The uncertainty of our cooling power measurements is ± 2 pW. The total volumes of the SSR's are given minus the void spaces and the volume of the fill lines because these volumes are inactive during the operation of the SSR. The total volume of the first and second stage is 136 cm 3 . The total volume of the third stage SSR is 103.3 cm 3. 2.2 Development of the Patel and Brisson SSR The first and second stage of the SSR were designed and built by Ashok Patel. The major sections of the third stage were also designed and built by Patel but finished and assembled in this work. The following sections will delineate three alterations to Patel's design. The first section is an alteration made to plastic recuperators. The second and 31 third sections are design choices made in the third stage to prevent a thermal linkage between the third stage and the first and second stage of the SSR. 2.2.1 Heat Exchangers The plastic heat exchangers consist of a copper header silver soldered to stainless steel tubes that then sealed to the plastic body of heat exchanger using epoxy. The header consists of two machined pieces of OFHC copper, as shown in Fig 2.3, that were in turn sealed together with an indium o-ring. The outer piece of the metal header is designed to mate with specific copper heat exchangers on the SSR itself and by breaking the indium seal and replacing the outer piece, the heat exchanger could be put into different positions in the SSR. The problem with this design was that the procedure of silver soldering the stainless steel tubes to the inner copper header piece caused the copper to anneal. The compressive forces required to make the indium seal between inner and outer header piece would plastically deform the inner head piece and, over time, compromise the indium seal. Fixing this problem required breaking the seal, filing the copper surfaces flat, and remaking the indium seal. This unreliable sealing method was replaced with an improved method developed specifically for these joints. All of the indium seals between the inner and outer header pieces were replaced by a Stycast 1266 epoxy seal. To prevent cracking in the epoxy, the epoxy is allowed to cure under no compressive force. When mounted on the SSR the epoxy is put into compression by the through bolts in the flange. This compressed epoxy joint remained superfluid tight over repeated thermal cycles. The drawback to using the epoxy seal is if a crack develops in the seal, the copper flanges must be broken apart, carefully cleaned and resealed. Performing this procedure causes the heat exchanger to endure physical stresses and risks damage to the rest of the heat exchanger. Also, the ability to change flanges between the different heat exchangers is lost and thus move different heat exchangers to different positions. 32 3E 0 LI . E- -- AW Seal Kapton-Epoxy Heat Exchanger To Pistons Outer Metal Header Piece (OFHC copper) - - Inner Metal Header Piece (OFHC copper) Silver Solder Joint To Pistons Epoxy Joint Stainless Steel Tubes Figure 2.3: A diagram of the plastic counterflow heat exchanger. 33 MIT Libraries Document Services Room 14-0551 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139 Ph: 617.253.2800 Email: DISCLAIMER OF QUALITY Due to the condition of the original material, there are unavoidable flaws in this reproduction. We have made every effort possible to provide you with the best copy available. If you are dissatisfied with this product and find it unusable, please contact Document Services as soon as possible. Thank you. The Archives copy is missing page 34. This is the most complete version available. I shaft to room temperature where actuated t S5 LII Brass Stainless Steel Threads Bearing Bellows soldered with lead-tin to Bras S and Steel cage bar s- - Fill Lin es stainless steel tip polished to 1 /. m finis h 4 to SSR sharp edge machined in brass Figure 2.4: A schematic of the dual superfluid tight valves. 2.3.1 Third-Stage Valves The first method discussed to prevent the superfluid 4He from putting a heat load on the third stage was evacuating the fill lines completely after the SSR has been filled. In order to prevent the superfluid 4He in the third stage from flowing in and out of the evacuated fill lines during expansion and compression, the valves between the pistons and the fill lines need to be superfluid tight. Fig. 2.4 is a schematic diagram of the dual valves that were designed, constructed, and successfully tested to be superfluid tight. The valve set was designed to allow two flow lines to be closed by the rotation of a shaft, which is actuated at room temperature. The important components of the valve set are the stainless steel valve stem that has been highly polished to a 1 micron finish in a conical region and the brass seat machined with a sharp corner edge [23]. The seal is 35 created by the contact between the polished section of the valve stem and the sharp edge of the brass seat. The valve stem is pressed into the brass seat by rotating the actuating shaft. Bellows soldered with lead tin solder to the valve stem base and brass seat seal the body of the valve. The bearing referred to in Fig. 2.4 is a simple stainless steel sleeve over the rotating shaft. Unlike the design this valve set was based on [23], it does not require a special bearing between the actuating shaft and the valve stem to prevent a torque from being placed on the valve stem. This because the two valve stems are attached to a brass plate that slides up and down on a set of cage bars, inhibiting any rotational movement of the valve stems. This valve set also includes a positive withdrawal system. The brass plate which controls the opening and closing of the valve stems can be pushed (valves closed) or pulled (valves opened) by the rotating shaft. This valve set was tested by filling it with superfluid 4He at 1.2 Kelvin and found to be superfluid tight. 2.3.2 Void Space Analysis The alternative method of preventing the thermal link between the 4He expansion refrigerator and the second intermediate platform was to design void spaces thermally connected to the hot platform. The theory behind adding void spaces to the fill lines and the analysis to choose their volume follows. As discussed earlier, the high thermal conductivity of pure 4He is due to the unimpeded motion of the superfluid and the normal fluid counterflow. A superfluid moves to the hot end of the container where it is converted to a normal fluid particle by absorbing thermal energy from the hot end. The normal fluid particle is then displaced away from the hot end by other superfluid particles towards the cold end. At the cold end, the normal particle (a phonon-roton excitation) is converted back to a superfluid particle by rejecting thermal energy to the low temperature end of the container. There is little interaction between the superfluid and the normal particle as they flow past each other. 36 3 He- 4 He mixture Vhot O0 0 0 000 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 00~ 00 0El00 0000 0 000000 'hot 0 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 000 00 0 00 Thot 0 Vcold 1o0 00 000 Thot Phonon-roton particles 0 0 3He T cold particles Figure 2.5: On the left, a container at a hot temperature is loaded with 3He-4He mixture. On the right, the volume on the bottom has been brought to a cold temperature. Few phonon-roton particles exist at this temperature. The 3He particles are flushed into this cold volume and are just sufficient to balance the pressure of phonon-roton "particles" at high temperature. Note that the 3He particles are conserved while the phonon-roton particles are not. In 3He-4He mixtures, however, the 3He component of the mixture is viscously locked to the viscous normal component of the 4He, the phonon and roton excitations in the 4He component of the mixture. If a 3He- 4He mixture is placed in a container with a temperature gradient the superfluid counterflow currents will begin to flow. The normal fluid particles will carry 3He particles to the low temperature end of the container until the concentration of the 3He component is high enough to counter and stop the flow of the normal component (and hence, the superfluid component flow too.) If the temperature gradient in the container is too large or the initial 3He concentration of the 3He_ He mixture is too low a condition known as "heat flush" will occur in the mixture. Heat flush occurs when all the 3He is flushed to one end of the container leaving a portion of the container filled with a region of "pure" 4He. The pure region is a region of high thermal conductivity in the fluid. This condition can be prevented from occurring in the fill capillary by choosing the geometry shown in Fig 2.5. The distribution of 3 He in the capillary tube can be determined using the phonon-roton gas model [24] for the normal component of the 4He and the Boltzmann gas model for the 3He component of the mixture. The phonon-roton gas of excitations in the 4He 37 component is conceptually similar to Planck's Black body gas of photons. The pressure of the phonon-roton gas corresponds to the so-called fountain pressure of the 4He which obey the empirically derived relation (2.1) 3 2 pf (T) = p4 (BT 4 + AT / e(-A1 /T) +Ce(-A2/ T) where fit parameters A, B, C, A1 ,A2 have values of 23.2 J/mole K3 /2, 6.75x10- 3 J/mole K4, 500 J/mole, 8.65K, and 15.7 K respectively. Note that pf depends only on temperature. In steady state, the phonon-roton gas component and the 3He ideal gas component of the mixture must be in mechanical equilibrium. The total pressure of the "gases" at the hot end of the cylinder must equal to total pressure at the cold end of the cylinder, [n 3 RT + pf (T)]hot = [n 3 RT + pj (T)Icold (2.2) where n3 is the molar density of the 3He in the mixture and R is the universal gas constant. A conservative model used to ensure that the 3He never gets flushed completely out of the "I Kelvin" volume into the capillary is to model the system as two volumes, one at 1.4 K and the other at 0.3 K, connected by a passage of negligible volume between them. The 0.3 K volume corresponds to the fluid volume of the experimental apparatus between the "I Kelvin" volume (the "void space" in Fig. 2.1) to the valve seat of the low temperature third-stage valves. The volume is loaded with a 3He-4He mixture that has average concentration of xi. We wish to find the minimum hot to cold volume ratio such that the pressure of the "gases" at the hot end equals the pressure of the "gases" at the cold end. The fountain pressure is negligible in the cold volume, since at 0.3 K the 4He is nearly exclusively superfluid. Equation 2.2 is satisfied when the phonon-roton gas and the 3He gas are in mechanical equilibrium. If the hot and cold temperatures are too large there maybe only negative solutions for the hot density (nA)hot. Physically this corresponds to all the 3He being forced to the cold end of the apparatus and high thermal conductivity between the high temperature region where the fluid is essentially pure 4He. In this case Eq. 2.2 is not satisfied. The smallest high temperature volume for a given initial concentration, a given Thot, and a given T,.Id that avoids the high thermal load of the heat flush effect is determined when all the 3He particles in the system are flushed into the cold volume and, in addition, the 3He pressure in the cold volume is equal to the 38 fountain pressure of the phonon-roton gas in the hot volume. In this case Eq. 2.2 is still valid, becoming, n3,coldRTOjl = pf (Thot). (2.3) We approximate the molar volume of 3He, v 3, as v 4 0/xi, where v4 0 is the molar volume of pure 4 He. Since all of 3He particles initially loaded into the container are now only in the cold volume, (n3,cold )Vc = N3tot = VH +VC V3 (n3,cold) = 4 C - (2.4) VH +VC + VH (2.5) Xi Substituting Eq. 2.5 into Eq. 2.3 and then solving for VH (2.6) RT VH +VCXiPf(Thot) =2.7) VH =VC Pf1Th;V4 x;RTe At T = 1.4 K, Eq. 2.1 gives the value Pf = 4074 Pa for the fountain pressure. Substituting this value and xi = 1.5%, the lowest concentration to which the SSR has ever been filled, into Eq. 2.7, a minimum ratio of the hot volume to the cold volume is determined Vhot =~ VC(4074 o Pa)(27 x10-6 m NmoK )(0.3K) .94V (2.8) (0.015)(8.314 The cold volume within the low temperature SSR consists of the volume inside in closed low temperature valve and the volume of the capillaries from the 4He evaporation refrigerator to the low temperature valves. This volume was estimated to be approximately 1 cm 3 per fill line. An extra void volume of 3 cm 3 per fill line was added and thermally pinned to the 4He evaporation refrigerator. Based on the conservative model used, this extra hot volume should be more than sufficient to avoid the thermomechanical thermal conductivity of the 4 He. We note that this analysis does require the third stage valves to seal at least tight enough to prevent the flow of 3He 39 particles through them or the cold volume could be a hundred times larger than calculated here. 40 Chapter 3 Experimental Results of SSR 3.1 Review of the Experimental Results of the SSR This section will review the performance of the SSR operated by Patel and Brisson (Patel). Patel gathered data on five separately configured SSR's, two single stage SSR's, and three two-stage SSR's [8-11,17]. The first single stage SSR was operated using a small recuperator (1.5 cm 3 recuperative volume per half). The second single stage SSR was operated using a large recuperator (6.05 cm 3 recuperative volume per half). The volumes of the hot and cold pistons and the recuperators of these two SSR's can be found in Table 3.1. The first two-stage was operated using a small upper recuperator and medium lower recuperator (2.4 cm 3 recuperative volume per half). The second twostage SSR was operated using a large upper recuperator and a medium lower recuperator. The third two stage SSR was operated using a large upper and lower recuperator. The volumes of the hot, cold, and intermediate pistons and the recuperators for these two twostage SSR's can be found in Table 3.2. In Table 3.3 the performance of these four SSR's are compared. As can be seen from the results in Table 3.3, the results of the two-stage SSR were disappointing. The SSR with the small upper and the medium lower recuperators was believed to have recuperators with too little surface area. The second and third two-stage SSR performances were compromised by technical problems. The two-stage SSR with 41 the large and medium recuperator developed a leak from the SSR volume to the insulating vacuum. This caused an extra heat load on the SSR and eventually caused the SSR to warm up . Thus very little data could be collected. In the two large recuperator SSR test a mechanical interference prevented the pistons from being centered properly . The resulted in a mass imbalance between the two halves of the SSR and imperfect recuperation in the heat exchangers. Table 3.1: Single Stage SSR's Single-stage SSR Volumes per SSR half Hot Piston: (1.0cm stroke) Swept Volume 17.74 cm Clearance Volume 12.04 cm 3 Small Recuperator Volume 1.5 cm Heat transfer surface area 238 cm2 Large Recuperator Volume 6.05 cm 3 Heat transfer surface area 952 cm 2 Swept Volume 13.34 cm Clearance Volume 9.83 cm 3 Kapton Recuperator: Cold Piston: (0.98 cm stroke) (0.69 cm stroke) -Swept Volume..........9.39 Clearance Volume Volume Total: cm~ 11.94 cm 3 Small Recuperator SSR 87.56 cm 3 Large Recuperator SSR 96.6 cm 42 Table 3.2: Two-Stage SSR's Single-stage SSR Volumes per SSR half Hot Piston: (1.0cm stroke) Swept Volume 17.74 cm Clearance Volume 12.04 cm 3 Small Recuperator Volume 1.5 cm3 Heat transfer surface area 238 cm 2 Kapton Recuperator: Lr Recuperator Volume 6. ..... Heat transfer surface area 952 cm 2 Swept Volume 13.61 cm 3 Clearance Volume 11.85 cm 3 Swept Volume 9.39 cm Clearance Volume 13.96 cm 3 Med Recuperator Volume 2.4 cm3 Heat transfer surface area 476 cm 2 Large Recuperator Volume 6.05 cm~..... Heat transfer surface area 952 cm 2 Swept Volume 7.68 cm Clearance Volume 12.66 cm 3 Swept Volume 5.30 cm3 Clearance Volume 13.85 cm 3 Intermediate Piston: (1.0 cm stroke) (0.69 cm stroke) - . . . Kapton Recuperator: Cold Piston: -(1.0 -(0.69 cm stroke)- cm stroke) Volume Total: Small (Upper) and Medium (Lower) 120 cm 3 Recuperator SSR Large (Upper) and Medium (Lower) 129cm 3 Recuperator SSR Large (Upper) and Large (Lower) 136 cm 3 Recuperator SSR 43 . . . Table 3.3: A comparison of the performances of Patel's different SSR's Single stage SSR Single stage SSR Two stage SSR Two stage SSR Two stage SSR Small recuperator Large recuperator Small recuperator Large recuperator Large recuperator Med recuperator Med recuperator Large recuperator 1.5 % Mixture 3 % Mixture Cooling T Cooling T Power (mK) 3% Mixture Power (mK) (j W) (piW) Cooling T 3 % Mixture T Cooling Power (mK) (piW) 344 0 291 0 282 0 400 97 400 409 361 500 358 500 977 750 1856 750 3705 3 % Mixture T Power (mK) 248 (piW) 0 Cooling Power (mK) (piW) 307 0 100 344 100 485 500 452 500 617 1000 626 1000 3.2 Two Stage SSR with Large Upper and Lower Recuperator This section describes the operation of the two stage machine investigated in this work. This two-stage SSR with large upper and lower recuperators is identical to the SSR described in Table 3.1 (except for a slightly larger hot piston stroke) and to the second SSR operated by Patel. Both large recuperators had 6.05 cm3 of recuperative volume per SSR half. The SSR was operated with a 3% 3He-4He mixture and a 1.1 cm compressor stroke (17.74 cm 3 volume displacement) and a 1.08, 0.96, 0.92, 0.78, and 0.61 cm expander stroke. Using the 1.08 cm stroke, from a high temperature at 1.05 K, this SSR achieved a low temperature of 329 mK and delivered a net cooling power of 1 mW at 606 mK, 500 gW at 408 mK. 3.2.1 Description of the Two-Stage SSR Figure 3.1 shows a schematic diagram of the two stage SSR. This refrigerator uses the counterflow recuperative configuration, so it has two SSR's operating 180 degrees out of phase with each other with counterflow recuperators as the regenerators. This SSR 44 1 of 3 pairs of bellows 4 He Evaporation Refrigerator Hot Platform LJ:AW. Constant Temperature Heat Exchanger (copper) Plastic Heat Exchanger (recuperator) I a W& - 'Wa 41WWN Intermediate Platform . 0 [ Plastic Heat Exchanger (recuperator) 3 He- 4 He m ixture resides inside bell )ws and passages Cold Platform Constant Temperature Heat Exchanger (copper) One of three sets of cage bars D Copper U Kapton-Epoxy E Vycor Glass (superleak) Moving Part Figure 3.1: A schematic diagram of a two-stage SSR. The internal volume of the SSR is filled with 3He- 4He working fluid. consists of three isothermal platforms; the hot (compressor), intermediate (expander), and cold (expander) platforms are connected by Kapton recuperators are shown in Fig. 45 3.1. The compressor pistons on the hot platform are held at approximately 1 Kelvin by a 4He evaporation refrigerator. The hot, intermediate, and the cold platforms of the SSR are made of solid blocks of OFHC copper on which the pistons are mounted. The pistons are made with edge welded stainless steel bellows, which have convolutions that nest into one another to minimize void volume. The effective areas of the pistons based on the manufacturer's 2 specifications [18] are 17.74 cm2 for the hot platform pistons, 13.61 cm for the intermediate platform pistons, 7.68 cm 2 for the for the cold platform. The hot platform pistons are rigidly connected together and driven sinusoidally using a push rod from a room temperature drive. The intermediate and cold platform pistons are similarly connected and driven together using a common push rod. Within each piston platform, there are superleaks made from porous Vycor glass, which allow the superfluid 4He component to flow freely between the halves of the SSR during operation. In the hot platform, the superleaks are three Vycor cylinders 6.03 cylinders in length with diameters of 1.39 cm, 1.35 cm, and 0.72 cm. In the intermediate platform, the superleaks are three Vycor cylinders 10.63 cm in length with diameters of 0.74 cm. In the cold platform, the superleaks are three Vycor cylinders 15.16 cm in length with diameters of 0.74 cm. The total volume of the Vycor glass in the two-stage of the SSR is 53.2 cm 3 . Since 28% of the Vycor glass is void space [19], the glass contributes 15 cm 3 to the 3He-4He mixture volume two-stage SSR. The 3He that diffuses into this volume does not participate in the operation of SSR. Within each piston platform, there are also isothermal heat exchangers made from nested OFHC copper cylinders press fit into the piston platforms. A 76 pm gap exists between the inner walls of an outer cylinder and outer walls of an inner cylinder. At the top of each cylinder is a flow distributor 0.635 mm deep and 0.317 cm wide around the cylinder circumference. Each half of the hot piston platform contains one cylinder 2.14 cm in length with a diameter of 3.80 cm, which provides a total heat transfer area of 65.94 cm2 . Each half of the intermediate platform contains two cylinders that provide a total heat transfer area of 209.70 cm 2 . The first cylinder is 3.97 cm in length with a 4.11 cm diameter while the second cylinder is 4.88 cm in length with a 3.52 cm diameter. Each half of the cold platform contains four cylinders 6.07 cm in length providing a total 46 heat transfer area of 276.6 cm 2 . The diameters of the cylinders are 4.43 cm, 3.91 cm, 3.39 cm, and 2.88 cm, respectively. The recuperators used in this SSR are of a plastic design type. The recuperative portion consists of alternating layers of 127 ptm Kapton film and 25.4 gm Kapton film [25] glued together using Stycast 1266 [20]. Each 127 gm layer has five passages 2.38 mm in width and 20 cm in length. The recuperators from the hot platform to the intermediate and from the intermediate to the cold platforms are large recuperators with forty 127 pm layers and thirty-nine 25.4 pm layers. Each small recuperator has a total volume of 10.7 cm 3, of which 3.0 cm 3 (1.5 cm 3 per SSR half) is dedicated to recuperative heat transfer. Each medium recuperator has a total volume of 12.5 cm 3, of which 4.8 cm 3 (2.4 cm 3 per SSR half) is dedicated to recuperative heat transfer. Each large recuperator has a total volume of 20.9 cm 3 , of which 12.1 cm 3 (6.05 cm 3 per SSR half) is dedicated to recuperative heat transfer. Calibrated ruthenium oxide [21] and germanium [22] thermometers mounted on the outside of the piston platform are used to monitor the temperature. The precision of our temperature measurements are + 0.67 mK at 1.0 K and + 1.02 mK at 350 mK. Cooling powers are measured by monitoring the voltage across and current through a heater made of wound manganin wire. The precision of our cooling power measurements is + 2 pW. The total volumes of the SSR's is given minus the void spaces and the volume of the fill lines because these volumes are inactive during the operation of the SSR. The total volume of the first and second stage is 136 cm 3. 3.2.2 Experimental procedure and results The SSR was prepared for operation by first cooling the refrigerator to 1.0 K, then centering the pistons on each platform to ensure equal volumes of working fluid in each SSR half, and finally filling the refrigerator with a 3.0% SHe-4He mixture. The fill lines to the two-stage SSR were then closed and the SSR was operated at various speeds using a hot piston stroke of 1.1 cm (19.5 cm 2 volume displacement and 11.6 cm 2 of clearance space) and intermediate/cold pistons strokes of 1.08 cm, 0.96 cm, 0.91 cm, 0.78 cm and 0.61 cm. The associated volume displacements and clearance volumes for each of these 47 Table 3.4: Displacement volumes and clearance volumes for different expander strokes Expander Volume Displacement Clearance Volume Int. Piston Cold Piston Stroke Int. Piston Cold Piston 1.08 cm 14.7cm 3 8.29 cm 3 11.3 cm 3 12.4 cm 3 0.96 cm 13.1 cm 3 7.37 cm 3 12.0 cm 3 12.8 cm 3 0.91 cm 12.4 cm 3 6.99 cm 3 12.5 cm 3 13.0 cm 3 0.78 cm 10.6 cm 3 5.99 cm 3 13.3 cm 3 13.5 cm 3 0.61 cm 8.30 cm 3 4.68 cm 3 14.5 cm 3 14.2 cm 3 expander strokes are tabulated in Table 3.4. The cooling power of each expander stroke and cycle period was measured by measuring the temperature of the cold and intermediate piston temperature while supplying a constant heat load to the cold piston platform. The temperature was measured by recording the minimum temperature of the platform during the cycle. This is slightly different method than the method used by Patel and Brisson, who averaged the maximum and minimum temperature of the platform during the cycle. But since typical values of peak to peak temperature difference during a cycle are 6 mK, 7 mK, and 8 mK for the cold, intermediate, and hot piston temperatures, the difference between Patel's measurements and the measurements in this work would be approximately 3 mK. Figure 3.2 - 3.6 provide the data obtained with this two-stage SSR while operating from a high temperature of 1.06 K + 10 mK. Figure 3.2 shows the performance of this SSR operating with a 1.1 cm compressor stroke and a 1.08 expander stroke using a 15, 27, and 40 second cycle period. In Fig 3.3 - 3.6, each figure compares the different cooling power of different expander stroke lengths at a constant cycle period. Each figure corresponds to a 1.1 cm compressor stroke and a 3% 3He-4He mixture. This data shows that with the exception of the 0.78 cm stroke, the cooling power of the SSR decreased as the stroke length decreased. The data for the 0.78 cm stroke was the last data gathered over a two week period, so this data's deviation from the rest of the data is probably due to an extra heat load caused by the leak into the SSR vacuum insulation. The performance of this two-stage SSR did not significantly improve on the previous performances of two-stage SSR's. The cooling power of this SSR matches well and even 48 slightly exceeds the cooling power the other two-stage SSR with larger recuperators. But the low temperature performance of this SSR was disappointing. A very slow superleak into the vacuum can was found to be putting an extra heat load on the SSR after two weeks of operation. Also, this SSR had an extra source of mechanical dissipation. The intermediate and cold pistons are rigidly connected together so that they can be sinusoidally driven at the same phase angle. Each piston is connected to a brass plate with mechanical screws. The two brass plates are connected by a piece of Teflon. The threads of the screws to the brass plate to the intermediate piston were found to have partially stripped during the operation of the SSR and the brass plate was no longer firmly attached to the pistons. 0.6 ,' I0 00 a; 00 () F- 0 0.5 - C 0 00 (L 0) E CD 6 --- 4 0 2' M) yce tim e A 15 ss 27 s -40 s A 15s a) -2 27 s --- a) 40 s C 0 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.4 0.8 0.3 Cold Piston Temperature (K) 0.4 0.5 0.6 1 0.7 1 0.8 0.9 Cold Piston Temperature (K) (b) (a) Figure 3.2: Data for a 1.1 cm compressor stroke and a 1.08 cm expander stroke. (a) Cooling power versus cold piston temperature for cycle times of 15, 27, and 40 seconds. (b) Intermediate piston temperature versus cold piston temperature for the data given in (a). 49 1200 1000 800 Expander Strokes A-1.08 cm -X-0.96 cm --- 0.92 cm -00.7 8 cmr -00.61 cm - Zi, 600 0) 0 0) 400 - 200 - 00.3 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Cold Piston Temperature (K) Figure 3.3: Data for cooling power versus cold piston temperature for a period, 1.1 cm compressor stroke, and a range of expander strokes. 15 second cycle 1200 , 1000 - 800 0 600 - 400 - Expander Strokes 0 0- -X-0.96 cm -O--0.92 cm -0.78 cm 0) 200 - -<>-0.61 cm 00.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 Cold Piston Temperature (K) Figure 3.4: Data for cooling power versus cold piston temperature for a 23 second cycle period, 1.1 cm compressor stroke, and a range of expander strokes. 50 1200 1000 - (D 800 8Expander 600 Strokes 1.08 cm -X-0.96 cm 0) 0 400 - -0-0.92 cm -0--0.78 cm 200- - -. cm 0 0.3 0.5 0.9 0.7 1.3 1.1 Cold Piston Temperature (K) Figure 3.5: Data for cooling power versus cold piston temperature for a 27 second cycle period, 1.1 cm compressor stroke, and a range of expander strokes. 12001000800. Expander Strokes 600>M --- 1.08 cm 400 -X-0.96 cm -0-0.92 cm 200 -0-0.78 cm -*-0.61 cm 0 0.3 0.5 0.9 0.7 1.1 1.3 Figure 3.6: Data for cooling power versus cold piston temperature for a 40 second cycle period, 1.1 cm compressor stroke, and a range of expander strokes. 51 3.3 Three-Stage SSR with two Large Recuperators and one Small Recuperator This section describes the first operation three-stage SSR and reports on its preliminary experimental performance. This three-stage SSR has a total internal volume of 239 cm 2 and uses two Kapton heat exchangers having 12.1 cm 3 devoted to recuperative heat transfer and one Kapton heat exchanger having 3.0 cm 3 devoted to recuperative heat transfer. Unfortunately, a superleak into the vacuum insulation space around the SSR allowed very few performance data points to be collected. This SSR achieved a cold piston temperature of 338 mK and second intermediate piston temperature of 458 mK while operating from a high temperature of 1.07 Kelvin with a 3% 3He-4He mixture. The performance of this three-stage SSR was disappointing in that it did not improve on the two-stage SSR performance. However, these results were obtained despite a major external heat load on the SSR, a possible 3He mass imbalance, and an undersized recuperator volume in the third-stage SSR. When these issues are resolved, the performance of the three-stage SSR is expected to improve significantly. 3.3.1 Description of the SSR Figure 3.7 shows a schematic of the three-stage SSR. This refrigerator uses the counterflow recuperator configuration, so it has two SSR's operating 180 degrees out of phase with each other and counterflow recuperators as the regenerators. This SSR consists of four isothermal platforms; the hot, first intermediate, second intermediate, and cold platforms are connected by Kapton recuperators as shown in Fig. 3.7. The compressor pistons on the hot platform are held at approximately 1 Kelvin by a 4He evaporation refrigerator. The third stage of the SSR is thermally connected to the second stage of the SSR on the second intermediate platform, but third stage is filled separately and the 3 He- 4He mixture cannot flow between the third stage and the second stage. The hot, first intermediate, second intermediate, and the cold platform of the SSR are made of solid blocks of OFHC copper on which the pistons are mounted. The pistons are made with edge welded stainless steel bellows, which have convolutions that nest into 52 one another to minimize void volume. The effective areas of the pistons based on the manufacturer's specifications [18] are 17.74 cm 2 for the hot platform pistons, 13.61 cm 2 for the first intermediate platform pistons, 7.68 cm 2 for the second intermediate platform (second stage), 23.42 cm 2 for the second intermediate platform (third stage) and 3.16 cm 2 for the cold platform. The hot platform pistons are rigidly connected together and driven sinusoidally using a push rod from a room temperature drive. The first intermediate and second-stage pistons are similarly connected and driven together using a common push rod. The second-intermediate third-stage pistons are rigidly connected so as to move together and are driven by a push rod from room temperature. The cold platform pistons are similarly connected and driven. The hot platform temperature is pinned at approximately 1.0 K by a 4He evaporation refrigerator. Within each piston platform, there are superleaks made from porous Vycor glass, which allow the superfluid 3He- 4He to flow freely between the halves of the SSR during operation. In the hot platform, the superleaks are three Vycor cylinders 6.03 cylinders in length with diameters of 1.39 cm, 1.35 cm, and 0.72 cm. In the first intermediate platform, the superleaks are three Vycor cylinders 10.63 cm in length with diameters of 0.74 cm. In the second intermediate platform second-stage, the superleaks are three Vycor cylinders 15.16 cm in length with diameters of 0.74 cm. On the second intermediate platform third-stage the superleaks are four Vycor cylinders 13.09 cm in length with diameters of 0.74 cm. On the cold platform, the superleaks are three Vycor cylinders 12.06 cm in length with diameters of 0.73 cm. The total volume of the Vycor glass in the first and second stage of the SSR is 53.2 cm 3 . The total volume of the Vycor glass in the third stage is 21.9 cm 3 . Since 28% of the Vycor glass is void space [19], the glass contributes 15 cm 3 to the 3He-4He mixture volume of the first and second stage of the SSR and 6.1 cm 3 to the 3 He- 4He mixture volume of the third stage. The 3 He that diffuses into this volume does not participate in the operation of SSR. Within each piston platform, there are also isothermal heat exchangers made from nested OFHC copper cylinders press fit into the piston platforms. A 76 pm gap exists between the inner walls of an outer cylinder and outer walls of an inner cylinder. At the top of each cylinder is a flow distributor 0.635 mm deep and 0.317 cm wide around the cylinder circumference. Each half of the hot piston platform contains one cylinder 53 IStae fillne low temperature valves void spaces 4 He Expansion Refrigerator Out In Hot PI atform II -j.UU I 1of 3 Kapton-Epoxy Composite Heat Exchangers - U Second Stage --- First Stage First Intermiediate Platform 3rd Stage SSR fill lines "'UL low temperature valves Second Intermediate Platform D U U I Third Stage 1 of 5 Bellows Sets Copper Kapton-Epoxy Vycor Glass (superleak) Cold Platform ~.. I Moving Part Figure 3.7: A schematic of the three-stage SSR The internal volume of the SSR is filled with 3He- 4He working fluid 2.14 cm in length with a diameter of 3.80 cm, which provides a total heat transfer area of of the first intermediate platform contains two cylinders that 65.94 CM2. Each half 22 provide a total heat transfer area of 209.70 cm2 . The first cylinder is 3.97 cm in length with a 4.11 cm diameter while the second cylinder is 4.88 cm in length with a 3.52 cm diameter. Each half of the second intermediate (second stage) platform contains four 54 cylinders 6.07 cm in length providing a total heat transfer area of 276.6 cm 2. The diameters of the cylinders are 4.43 cm, 3.91 cm, 3.39 cm, and 2.88 cm, respectively. Each half of the second intermediate (third stage) platform contains four cylinders 5.02 cm in length providing a total heat transfer area of 257.4 cm 2 . The diameters of the four cylinders are 4.94 cm, 4.43 cm, 3.79 cm, and 3.16 cm, respectively. Each half of the cold piston platform has seven cylinders 4.77 cm in length providing a total heat transfer area of 379.5 cm2 . The diameters of the seven cylinders are 5.83 cm, 5.32 cm, 4.82 cm, 4.30 cm, 3.80 cm, 3.29 cm, and 2.78 cm, respectively. The recuperators used in this SSR are of a plastic design type. The recuperative portion consists of alternating layers of 127 [tm Kapton film and 25.4 gm Kapton film [25] glued together using Stycast 1266 [20]. Each 127 pm layer has five passages 2.38 mm in width and 20 cm in length. The recuperators from the hot platform to the first intermediate and from the first intermediate to the second intermediate platforms (the first and second stages of the SSR) are large recuperators with forty 127 m layers and thirtynine 25.4 gm layers. Each large recuperator has a total volume of 20.9 cm 3 , of which 12.1 cm 3 (6.05 cm 3 per SSR half) is dedicated to recuperative heat transfer. The recuperator from the second intermediate to the cold platform is a small recuperator with ten 127 gm layers and nine 25.4 tm layers. The total volume of the small recuperator is 11.10 cm 3, of which 3.02 cm 3 (1.51 cm 3 per SSR half) was dedicated to recuperative heat transfer. Calibrated ruthenium oxide [21], germanium [22], and carbon resistor thermometers mounted on the outside of the piston platform are used to monitor the temperature. The precision of the ruthenium oxide and germanium thermometers, which were used on the first and second intermediate and the cold platform, temperature measurements are + 0.67 mK at 1.0 K and + 1.02 mK at 350 mK. The hot platform's temperature was measured using a carbon resistor thermometer. We had some concern on the temperature measurement provided by the carbon resistor. The resistance of these carbon thermometers are known to drift with thermal cycling. This thermometer was calibrated initially in August 1992 and calibrated a second time against a germanium thermometer in March 1998. It was used in this work in August 2001. Since it was originally calibrated in August 1992, the carbon thermometer has 55 been cycled from room temperature to 1 K approximately 15 times. Figure 3.8 shows the calibration curve of the resistance of the thermometer generated in August 1992 and March 1998. Between the two calibrations, the resistance of the carbon resistor thermometer dropped 6.74 Q on average, or 1.12 Q per year. These two calibrations were used to project a calibration for August 2001. This calibration is still thought to overestimate the temperature of the hot piston since the majority of the carbon resistor thermometer's thermal cycling occurred between March 1998 and August 2001. The difference in temperature measured between the March 1998 calibration curve and projected curve is approximately 90 mK. The March 1998 calibration curve measured the temperature of the hot piston as 1.15 K + 10 mK during operation of the SSR. The projected calibration curve measured the temperature of the hot piston as 1.07 + 10 mK. Cooling powers are measured by monitoring the voltage across and current through a heater made of wound manganin wire. The precision of our cooling power measurements is + 2 Rw. The total volumes of the SSR's are given minus the void spaces and the volume of the fill lines because these volumes are inactive during the operation of the SSR. The total volume of the first and second stage is 136 cm 3. The total volume of the third stage SSR is 103.3 cm 3 . 20D -+-12MNth U)195- 1999 Ag-20 cco 185 6 185 c'J 175- 165 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 Figure 3.8: Calibration curves for resistance versus temperature of the carbon resistor thermometer mounted on the SSR's hot platform. 56 3.3.2 Experimental procedure and results The SSR was prepared for operation by first cooling the refrigerator to 1.0 K, then centering the pistons on each platform to ensure equal volumes of working fluid in each SSR half. The first and second stage were filled first with a 3.0 % 3He-4He mixture. For this SSR, the fill lines to the two-stage SSR were not able to be closed. The low temperature valves to the two-stage SSR had been removed because of a leaky subcomponent. The two-stage SSR was test operated with a hot piston stroke of 1.03 cm (18.27 cm 3 volume displacement and 12.3 cm 3 clearance volume) and first/second intermediate piston stroke of 0.96 cm (13.1 cm 3 and 7.37 cm 3 volume displaced, 12.0 cm 3 and 12.8 cm 3 clearance volume). The operation of the two-stage was paused while the third stage was filled with a 3.0 % 3He-4He mixture. The fill lines to the third stage of the SSR were then closed and the SSR was operated a hot piston stroke of 1.03 cm (18.27 cm 3 volume displacement and 12.3 cm 3 clearance volume) and (second stage) first/second intermediate piston stroke of 0.96 cm (13.1 cm 3 and 7.37 cm 3 volume displaced, 12.0 cm 3 and 12.8 cm 3 clearance volume). The third stage was operated with a second-intermediate third-stage piston stroke of 1.03 cm (24.1 cm 3 volume displaced, 14.98 cm 3 clearance space)and a cold piston stroke of 1.03 cm (3.25 cm 3 volume displaced, 6.67 cm 3 clearance space). The cold piston temperature was measured for combinations of two-stage cycle periods and third stage cycle periods. The temperature was measured by recording the minimum temperature of the platform during the cycle. In Fig 3.9, the cold piston temperature is plotted against the cycle period of the cold piston for different cycle periods of the twostage SSR. Effective operation of the third stage SSR required it to have a cycle period approximately ten times longer than the two-stage SSR. In Fig 3.10 the cold piston temperature and intermediate temperature are plotted for each of the two-stage cycle periods. The slow third-stage cycle period and high cold to second intermediate piston temperature ratio indicate that the third-stage recuperator is undersized. The data collected provides far from a complete map of the third stage behavior. Unfortunately a superleak into the vacuum insulation caused the SSR to warm up. 57 Attempts were made to operate despite this leak by warming up the SSR to 4 K and pumping on the vacuum, but eventually the leak was too large for this approach to work. A variable level of the leak in the vacuum can and therefore variable level of external heat load on the SSR may explain why the behavior of the SSR changed erratically day to day. Without an external heat load on the SSR, it might be found that even longer cycle periods are necessary to reach lower temperatures. It is also possible that there was a 3He mass imbalance in the SSR causing imperfect recuperation. Four out of the five sets of pistons were centered manually, without the assistance of the electric "switches" that help locate the piston top and bottom piston position. For one piston, the second intermediate third-stage compressor, the electronics that measured the position of the piston inside the cryostat failed and a less reliable position gauge at room temperature was used to position the piston and measure the stroke. It is also possible that the heat rejection in the hot piston was compromised because the fill lines to the two-stage SSR could not be closed. Closing off the fill lines prevents the 3He from flowing in and out of them during compression and expansion. However, the SSR was still able to operate with them open due to the small (but undetermined) flow rate through these lines. The fill lines, which have an inner diameter of 0.1 mm and have a length of approximately a meter between the hot piston platform and the platform at 4.2 K. Operating with these three experimental problems, the three-stage SSR was only able to match the temperature of the single stage small recuperator SSR in Table 3.3. However, resolving these technical issues and increasing the recuperative volume of the third stage of the SSR ought to result in marked improvement over these preliminary results. 58 0.38 Two-stage cycle time 0.375 - --- 0.37 0.365 11.5 s -- l]- 13 s - -- A--15 s E 0.36 0.355 - d) _0 0.35 0.345 0.34 0.335 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Third Stage Cycle Period (s) Figure 3.9: Data for the cold piston temperature versus third stage cycle period for different two-stage cycle periods. 0.38 0.375 0.37 0.365 - E U) C 0 Two-stage cycle time ---11.5 s -D--13 s -A- 15s 0.36 0.355 0.35 0.345 0.34 - 0.335 -0.44 0.46 0.48 0.5 0.52 0.54 0.56 Second Intermediate Piston Temperature (K) Figure 3.10: Data for the cold piston temperature versus second intermediate compressor piston for different two-stage cycle periods. 59 Chapter 4 Metal Bellows Dissipation The compression and expansion of the working fluid within the Stirling cycle is produced by the motion of pistons. Traditional sliding seal pistons would not be adequate in a subKelvin superfluid Stirling refrigerator because the superfluid 4He would leak through the sliding seal. In addition, the friction of the seal sliding against a surface would produce an unacceptable heat load on the system. Therefore, pistons sealed with bellows seals are used in these designs, specifically, edge welded bellows. Unfortunately, the action of flexing and relaxing bellows is also a source of mechanical dissipation. This issue was considered by Brisson and Swift (B&S), who made measurements for small displacement dissipation of the bellows used in their SSR [12]. However, the piston strokes and bellows sizes used in this cryostat are well outside B&S's measured range. Here we describe more extensive measurements of bellows dissipation than those of B&S. It was found that the losses due to bellows flexure accounted for less than 1 % of overall Stirling refrigerator losses for single stage SSR's operating around 0.35 K with a high temperature platform at 1.0 K. Using a numerical model, it was also found that bellows flexure losses could account for as much as 10% of the total available cooling power of an SSR operating at 100 mK with a high temperature platform at 300 mK. 60 t 4 .1 Sinusoidal motion He eviaporation refri gerator First Platforn Refrigerator platform T-1.4 K 4 He nTK Copper strips Drive shaft Brass bars (weak thermal links) f- 2 Bellows Type 60050-1 Bellows test Second Platforn splatform 1 (stationary) LZ Drive shaft mounting hardware Coppe r Cage Brass bars Teflon drive shaft Drive shaft mounting hardware 4-- Third Platform Bellows test platform 2 (stationary) Bellows Type 60035-2 -A Hi I Figure 4.1: A schematic of the experimental apparatus used to measure bellows dissipation 61 4.1 Experimental Apparatus Figure 4.1 shows a schematic of the experimental apparatus, created by modifying a twostage SSR. The first platform of the SSR, the refrigerator platform, consists of a 4 He evaporation refrigerator that was maintained at a temperature of 1.4 K. The platforms are suspended in a vacuum space and are structurally supported using Kapton/epoxy composite stantions (not shown in Fig 4.1). The bellows interior are vented to the vacuum space. The second and third platforms were connected to the first platform independently by a large brass rod providing a weak thermal link. The brass rod from the second platform was 2.5 cm in diameter and 50 cm long. The brass rod from the third platform was 1.9 cm in diameter and 25 cm long. One end of each brass rod was thermally connected to the first platform using a flexible stack of six OFHC copper sheets to avoid thermally induced stresses in the apparatus as it cooled down. Each copper sheet was approximately 1.5 cm by 4 cm by 0.13 mm thick. Mounted on each of the second and third platforms is a pair of bellows. The pair of bellows on each platform consists of two bellows rigidly connected together by "cage bars" that pass through oversize holes in the platform. There is no contact between the cage bars and the walls of the oversized holes. As a result of the cage bars, one half of the bellows pair on a platform is flexed 180 degrees out of phase with the other half. A thin-walled stainless-steel drive shaft is connected to bellows pair on the second platform and is sinusoidally driven at room temperature. In turn, the bellows pair on the third platform are connected to the bellows pair on the second by a 2.2 cm long, 0.95 cm diameter Teflon rod. The two pairs of bellows are thus driven in tandem by the drive shaft. The bellows used are of the welded bellows type made by Senior Flexonics [18]. All Table 4.1: Manufacturer's (Senior Flexonics) specifications for the bellows discussed in this work Bellows Maximum Spring Rate Convolutions, Stroke (cm) (N/cm) k N Smax Number of OD (cm) ID (cm) 60030-1 10 2.62 1.40 1.68 44 60035-1 24 3.81 2.46 1.48 19.5 60050-1 16 4.80 3.53 2.18 26 62 bellows used in the SSR have contoured diaphragms that nest into each other to minimize the clearance volumes in the compressed bellows. The bellows are made from 347 stainless steel. The bellows' stainless steel flanges are soft soldered onto brass flanges that are, in turn, bolted to the copper platform. The bellows on the second platform and third platform are 60050-1 and 60035-2 edge welded bellows respectively. The manufacturer's specifications for these bellows appear in Table 4.1. Mounted on each platform is a calibrated resistance thermometer and a heater, depicted in Fig 4.1 as rectangles with symbol "T" and "H", respectively. 4.2 Procedure The 4 He evaporation refrigerator was maintained at a temperature of 1.4 K. The second and third platforms were cooled to 1.4 Kelvin. The two pairs of bellows mounted on the second and third platforms were then driven sinusoidally with a stroke of 0.98 cm and a period of 11.1 seconds. The system was left operating for several hours to allow the temperatures to come to steady state. When the temperatures of the platforms stabilized, the temperatures of the platforms were noted and the bellows drive was shut off. Then the platforms were electrically heated by using the appropriate platform heater. The power to the heater was adjusted until the temperature of the platform matched the steady state "bellows flex" temperature. Then the voltage across and the current through the heater were measured for both platforms. The power electrically dissipated into the platform, which is equal to the mechanical dissipation in the bellows, is the product of the voltage and the current in the heater. The procedure was then repeated for strokes of 0.38, 0.45, 0.66, 0.81, and 1.03 cm with strokes of period 5.89, 6.01, 5.96, 6.1, and 9.5, seconds respectively. Figure. 4.2 shows the data collected in this test plus the data reported by B&S. 63 60050-1 350 300 250 - 0 C 200 150 - 60035-2 ) 0 100 60030-1 50 - 00.2 0.4 0.6 Stroke (cm) 0.8 1.0 Figure 4.2: A plot of the measured bellows dissipation as a function of stroke length. Each curve is labeled with the specific bellows type. The measurements for type 60050-1 and 60035-1 were collected in the experiment described in this chapter. The measurements for type 60030-1 were collected by Brisson and Swift. 4.3 Development of Bellows Dissipation Model The bellows can be simply modeled as a stack of annular disks alternately welded in their inner and outer radii as shown in Fig. 4.3. welds Figure 4.3: A annular disk model of bellows. The annular disks are alternately welded in their inner and outer edges. 64 Weld bead Figure 4.4: The weld bead which is modeled as the source of all dissipation. Dissipation occurs as the angle between the annular disks changes. In the actual bellows, the diaphragms of the bellows are not rings and flat but are shaped to improve the bellows performance. In our model, all the bellows dissipation is assumed to occur in the bead of the weld. Furthermore, the energy dissipation per unit length of the weld bead depends only on the variation of the angle 0 that the bellows makes with the horizontal as shown in Fig 4.4. The variation of the angle AO, can be estimated from the number convolutions in the bellows N (two disks per convolution), the stroke length S, and the radial width of the annular diaphragm L the outer bellows 0.8 60050-1 60030-1 0.6 Fit C 0.4 60035-2 cL 0) a) 0.2 C 0.02 0.04 0.06 Stroke/NL 0.08 0.10 Figure 4.5: Energy dissipated per unit bead length per cycle versus normalized stroke as per Eq. 4.1. 65 radius minus the inner bellows radius. Assuming that the angle 0 is small our assumptions can be put in the form, (4.1) S f(AO E= NC(D,, +Di ) NL) where Edi,, is the energy dissipated by the bellows per cycle, D" is the outer bellows diameter, Di is the inner bellows diameter and f is a function yet to be determined. Our data and the data from Brisson and Swift are plotted in Fig. 4.5. The data for bellows type 60030-1 and 60035-2 agrees well. Bellows type 60050-1, however, performed much better in comparison. A fit to the type 60030-1 and 60035-2 data can be used as an upper bound for bellows dissipation. The exponential fit shown in Fig. 4.6 to the type 60030-1 an 60035-2 dissipation values is Edss Ediss N ( D ,+ =A e (4.2) N L4 D) where A is 0.010 pJ/cm cycle and has value 62. Unfortunately this model is not easily Fit -3 10 g~60050-1 .0 6- C. 4- 60035-2 60030-1 20) C 'i 010 C 8- ( 6- E 4- 0 z 2- 0 C: 0) 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Non-dimensional stroke Figure 4.6: Non-dimensional energy versus non-dimensional stroke as per Eq. 4.3 in the text. The fit curve is Eq. 4.4 in the text. 66 generalized and the data necessary to refine this model are unavailable from the manufacturer. The dissipation data can be non-dimensionalized using parameters published by the manufacturer, Senior Flexonics. Table 4.1 contains the manufacturer's values for the bellows spring rate, k, and the maximum recommended stroke, Smax. Using these values to non-dimensionalize the energy dissipation and the stroke we find Ediss 2= G S(4.3) (ma) 2kSmax where G is a function to be determined. The data is plotted on the basis suggested by Eq. 4.3 in Fig. 4.6. An exponential fit to this data is provided by diss C S (4.4) _ Y2kSmax where C has a value of 2.5x10-5 and y has a value of 5.8. This fit overestimates the dissipation for the small strokes reported by Brisson and Swift. The large stroke data points for a specific bellows are underestimated by this curve. Assuming that there are no other relevant dimensionless groups, Eq. 4.4 can be used as an estimator for the dissipation in the Senior Flexonics OTS type bellows. (Senior Flexonics specifics 16 basic types in this product line with the outside diameters that vary from 0.95 to 40.6 cm.) 4.4 Bellows Dissipation in the SSR There are significant loss mechanisms in the SSR. Patel and Brisson assert that the losses in the single stage SSR are primarily due to recuperator losses [9]. However the magnitude of the contribution of the bellows flexure in comparison to the overall losses have never been determined. Using the model for the bellows losses developed above and comparing them to the cooling power data and the theoretical phonon-roton cooling power curve present by Patel and Brisson for their single stage recuperator this magnitude was determined. This was done by using our data to generate a bellows 67 dissipation rate using their 0.69 stroke and the fact that they use a 60050-1 bellows for their expander stage. The total loss is calculated by taking the difference between the actual cooling power and the predicted phonon-roton model predictions. The ratio of these results as a function of the expander temperature is shown in Fig. 4.7. Figure 4.7 demonstrates that throughout the low temperature range of their measurements, the bellows losses account for less than a percent of the overall losses in their SSR. However, the cooling power of the SSR drops off at lower temperatures. The third stage of the SSR described in Chapter 2 utilizes bellows of type 60030-2. We wished to project how the bellows dissipation will effect the third stage of the SSR. A simple Schmidt model was used to predict the cooling powers of the cold SSR when the cold platform is a third of the temperature of the hot platform for a variety of temperatures. Bellows dissipation was modeled using Eq. 4.4. At each set of temperatures the stroke size that maximized cooling power minus bellows dissipation was found. The results of this numerical analysis can be seen in Fig. 4.8a and Fig 4.8b. When the SSR hot platform is at 300 mK and the cold platform is at 100 nK, dissipation in the bellows is 10 % of the total cooling power of the cold piston. Although bellows dissipation is, relatively speaking, a larger heat load on the SSR at lower temperatures, Fig. 4.8a and Fig. 4.8b suggest that cooling can still be achieved. 6- 5- a) 0 0 3 a) a) (D 0 a) 0 0~ 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Temperature (K) Figure 4.7: Fraction of losses in the SSR due to bellows dissipation. 68 0.8 0.3- 0 0.2 - 0.250~ (L .5 0 0 0.2 - > 0.15 - 0.1 - 0.05 - 00 0 a. 0 E 0 0 0.15 - 0.1 - 0 0.05 I I 0.1 0.2 -1 ------7 0.3 0 0 Temperature of Cold Platform (K) 0.3 0.2 0.1 Temperature of Cold Piston (K) (b) (a) Figure 4.8: (a) Predicted cooling power minus bellows dissipation of a third-stage expander versus cold piston temperature. (b) The fraction the bellows dissipation makes up of the cooling power. These data points were generated using the Schmidt model to predict the cooling powers and Eq. 4.4 to model the bellows dissipation. 4.5 Temperature Limits on using Bellows Expanders A more theoretical model was developed to determine the effect of bellows dissipation versus cooling powers at different temperatures. For this analysis, a highly idealized model of an isothermal expander with non-dissipative valves was considered. The ==O OM=M3 Figure 4.9: A schematic of the idealized expander with valves. 69 dissipation due to the flexing of the metal bellows as described by Eq. 4.4 is assumed to be the only losses in the model. Losses due to pressure oscillations in the bellows were ignored. The working fluid, 3% 3He_ He mixture, enters the expander. The expander is bypassed by a superleak to a large 4He reservoir so that the expander acts only on the 3He component of the mixture which we will assume behaves as an ideal gas throughout the expansion process. The molar volume of the 3 He is assumed to be of the form Vmolar = 27.58X10-6X m 3/mole where x is the molar concentration of 3He. The working fluid is assumed to enter and exit the expander at the temperature of the expander. The clearance volume in the expander for a given bellows is determined by assuming there is a 0.125 mm space in each convolution of the bellows. The analysis requires finding the optimal valve timing and stroke for both the nondissipative and dissipative cases. The calculated optimal cooling power of the expander are plotted in Fig 4.1 Ga as a function of temperature. Fig 4.1Gb shows the ratio of the cooling power using non-dissipative bellows to those with the dissipation that follow Eq. 4.4. These analyses suggest that, ideally, these bellows can be used to provide cooling to temperatures below 100 mK using 3 He- 4 He mixtures. It should be noted that the Fermi 60050-1 a) b) 60050-1 0.8 -2 - 60035-1 10 60035-1 C_ C 10 -3 60030-1 0 0.6 - 0.4 - 0.2 - Cci 0 0: 0. C C 1o -4 60030-1 0) 0 CL 10 10 C0 3 10 -5 -6- 0.0 2 34 567 2 3 5 2 0.1 Refrigeration temperature (K) 3 4 56 7 2 3 0.1 Refrigeration temperature (K) Figure 4.10: Projected cooling power of non-ideal expander (a) and cooling power ratio of non-ideal expander to ideal expander (b) versus temperature. 70 4 5 temperature for the 3He in a 3% mixture is about 200 mK; and hence, the use of the Boltzmann ideal gas model is questionable for temperatures below 50 mK. 71 Chapter 5 Theoretical Development In the following chapter an analytical and numerical model of the superfluid Stirling refrigerator using a modified Schmidt model that takes into account the phonon and roton excitations is discussed. Additionally, this chapter explores the reasons for and the implications of the addition of a third stage to an experimental apparatus. 5.1 The Schmidt Model Gustav Schmidt developed in 1871 a simple mathematical model of the Stirling cycle. In the Schmidt model, the working fluid is assumed to be an ideal gas. The discrete compressive and expansive motions of the pistons described earlier in the ideal cycle are replaced with sinusoidal motions of the pistons. The sinusoidal motion of the compressor and expander pistons are ninety degrees out of phase. The Schmidt model also accounts for a clearance volume, a volume not swept by the piston motion, in both the compression and expansion spaces and for a non-zero regenerator volume. Temperature in the regenerator is modeled as varying linearly with position in the direction of flow and being uniform normal to the direction of flow. The average temperature of the regenerator is therefore the log-mean temperature difference of the low and high temperature [26]. 72 Compression Space Expansion Space Qc W CWh 0 + I Qh Recuperator XI II T T IV V Vi 'V Vc V, =V Vh + Vs [1 + cos(8 + Q= Wc = 7FVswcPmeansino Vswh v A)]/2 Vh = VcIh+ Vswh [1 + cos( ((1-b b2 -i) Qh = Wh (= efficiency of refrigerator c Pressure Relationships P= + VSh/Th) 2 2 (1/2)((VSWC/Tc) +2(V,,,/Tc)(VSh/Th) (VSwhh) )1/ NR s(1+bcos(8 + ) 2 Pmean = N s = VSWC/(2Tc) + Vcic/Tc + Vr1n(Th/Tc)/(Th-Tc) _QC 7 7 tan-' (V,,csin(cx)/Tc)/(Vswccos(x )/Tc b TVswhPmeanSin(l-) Variables 0, c, s, and b are defined as W =WC+Wh )]/2 W Pmax + Vwh/(2 Th) + VcIh/Th b = c/s NR Pminrnns(1NR +b) Variables: V, , cold (expansion) volume Vs , cold swept volume Vcf , cold clearance volume Vh , hot (compression) volume 0, (A, TC, drive angle phase angle (-T/2) cold temperature Th, hot swept volume Vh , hot clearance volume N, R, hot temperature moles of gas universal gas constant Vswh, Vr, recuperator volume Figure 5.1: An equation summary of the Schmidt model for a single-stage Stirling cycle The summary of the equations of the Schmidt Model is contained in Fig 5.1 [26]. The volumes of the cold and hot piston vary as a function of the crank angle, 9, which is a function of time 9 = ot. It is assumed that there is no pressure drop across the recuperator so the pressure of the system is to be spatially uniform. On the other hand, as the hot volume, cold volume, and total volume of the Stirling device changes during the cycle, the pressure changes with it in time. The Schmidt model can be expanded to handle Stirling cycles with more than one stage. Figure 5.2, provides an equation summary for a generalized two-stage Stirling 73 W, W2 W 3 sw1 N1" Qi VrA VrB V2 = Vsw 2 [1+ cos(O + cx )]/2 +Vd2 V1 = V5 [1+ cos0]/2 +V 1 V3 = Vsw 3[1+ cos(O - 7) /2 +Vc 13 b Q2 = W 2 = 7TVsw 2 Pmeanin( -(x) Q1 = WI= TVswPmneansin(j3) (41b2_ Q3 = W3 = nTVsw 3 Pmeansin(fl-7) ( (1-b2)_1) Pressure Relationships variables s, f3, c, and b are defined as W= W1 + W2 + W3 s for a refrigerator where piston 1 is a compressor and piston 2 and 3 are expanders 77~ 1 + V Vsw2 d2 sw 3 7-++ 27 NR s(1+bcos() + (3)) Vd3 7 SNR Pmean VrAln(Tl/T 2) + Q3 + Q2 W = tan Q3 Regenerator B Kegeneraior iA t- + VrBln(T 2/T 3) (T2-13) (Vsw 2 /T2)sinx + (V,, 3/T3)sin7 (Vs w53 f 3 )cos7 + (Vsw /T2)cos +(Vsw /T 2 1 1) + vsw c P +2 + cos(7) 2 2 cs rn Pmi c sNR NR s(1 -b) NR rnns(1 +b) os(7-) 27s7_) b = c/s Variables VrA, volume of regenerator A VrB, volume of regenerator B 0, drive angle cx, phase angle of piston 2 y, phase angle of piston 3 N, moles of gas R, universal gas constant Vi, total volume of piston i Vwi, volume swept by piston i Vci1 , piston i clearance volume Tj, temperature of piston i Q, heat transfer to piston i Wi, work transfer from piston i Figure 5.2: The equation summary of the Schmidt model expanded to model a two-stage Stirling device. A two-stage Stirling device consists of three pistons connected by two recuperators. device. Piston 2 and 3 in Fig 5.2 are generalized to have separate phase angles with respect to the drive angle. In the two-stage SSR described in Chapter 2, the phase angle of the intermediate and cold pistons are the same. In Fig. 5.3, the Schmidt model has 74 W1 W, W2 n 10 2, VswI Vsw V 01 I V LI ------- V wz! A Regenerator 1 VrR ' Vn - Qn Regenerator (n-1) Vr,(n-) egenerator 2 Vr 2 variables s, 0, c, and b are defined as Volume per Piston Pressure Relationships Vi= Vi[1+ cos(O + (i)]/2 +Vc, 1 s= V - + V s~~k = + (L1)(Vrkln(Tk/T(k+1)) 1-- (Tk-T(k+1) Heat absorbed and Work Performed per Piston Qi=W . = TrVw iPmeansin(#-cx) Pmean n b (Vswi/Ti)sinc\ i = S=tan-' p =NR s(1+bcos(O + 0)) max bNR n (V wi/Ti)cosni n n I NR Pmin = s(1+b) V11/2 E Z(-i i=1 j=1 Tj V5*'I cos(nXi-a ) Tj I b = c/s Variables Vi, total volume of piston i V5 , volume swept by piston i Vc,,, piston i clearance volume Tj, temperature of piston i Qi, heat transfer to piston i Wi, work transfer from piston i Vrk, volume of regenerator k 0, drive angle (xi, phase angle of piston i (a, = N, moles of Gas R, universal gas constant 0, by convention) Figure 5.3: The equations summary for a Stirling cycle with an indefinite number of stages chained together been expanded to handle a Stirling cycle for a device with an indefinite number of stages connected in a chain. 75 5.2 Sub-Kelvin Superfluid Stirling Refrigerators As previously discussed in the introduction, a low concentration 3He-4He mixture can be used as the working fluid in a Stirling cycle below 2.17 K. Below this temperature, the 4 He becomes a superfluid and has no viscosity. The superfluid 4He can flow freely through superleaks. Thus, the normal viscous 3He particles in a low concentration 3He4He mixture can be expanded or compressed by a piston bypassed by a superleak to a reservoir of pure 4He. A low temperature Stirling cycle can be constructed out of two such pistons connected by a regenerator. With a few minor modification the Schmidt model can be applied to the low temperature Stirling refrigerator model. For the application of the Schmidt model to this system, we will assume our regenerator is perfect. The regenerator is assumed to have time independent temperature distribution. As in the Schmidt model, temperature is modeled as varying linearly with position in the direction of flow and being uniform normal to the direction of flow. Also, viscous interactions are assumed to be negligible so there is no pressure drop across the regenerator and the spatially uniform pressure assumption used in the Schmidt model still applies. We assume an SSR of volume Vtotal is loaded with 3He-4He mixture at 3He molar concentration of xi. During the operation of the SSR, the number of moles of 3He in the total volume is conserved and is equal to N 3 = xiVtotal/vm where vm is the molar volume of the solution. The number of moles of 3 He, N3 , is treated as the number of moles of the gas in the Stirling device in the equations shown in Fig 5.1 (or Fig 5.2 or Fig 5.3). 5.3 Limitations of 3He- 4He Working Fluid The cooling power of the SSR is affected by the changes in the distribution of the 3 He as the SSR cools down. As the expansion space of the SSR cools, the average density of the "ideal gas" increases in the chamber. Conversely, since the total number of 3He atoms is conserved, the average density (concentration) of the 3He component in the compressor must decrease as the expander cools. 76 Using the Schmidt model above, minimum concentrations of 3He in the SSR can be determined for any set of operating conditions by solving for the 3He concentration of the hot piston at the maximum pressure. Likewise, the minimum concentrations of 3He in the SSR can be determined for any set of operating conditions by solving for the 3 He concentration of the cold piston at the maximum pressure. The results are Xirn= V,_,__x__ Vlotal i Ths(1+ b) and 5.4 Phonon and Roton Effects on Xx. x 3He - V, ,x. Vtotal X 51 Ts(I - b) (5.1) Concentration So far this model assumes that the only active particles undergoing the Stirling cycle are the 3He atoms. We have assumed that the superfluid 4He has acted solely as a nonparticipating background substance during the cycle. This is not quite true. Below 2.17 Kelvin, He can be modeled as a two fluids, a superfluid with no viscosity, and a normal viscous fluid. The normal fluid consists of phonon and roton excitations in the 4He that behave roughly as viscous fluid of gas particles (whose number is not conserved) and have an associated pressure called the fountain pressure. The fraction of the whole each of the two components make up is dependent upon the temperature of the 4He. At 2.17 K, the 4He is almost exclusively normal fluid. Below 1 K, 4He is almost exclusively superfluid. Since the fountain pressure of the 4 He is higher on the hot end and lower on the cold end of the SSR, it tends to flush the 3He atoms towards the cold end of the SSR. The effect of the 4He fountain pressure is to increase the concentration of the 3He in the expander while decreasing the concentration of 3He in the compressor. Thus, the maximum and minimum prediction of the concentrations of the 3He Schmidt model tends to be lower than the actual maximum concentration and higher than the actual minimum concentration. Thus, a more accurate model needs to account for the participation of the normal viscous component of the 4He. Like the previous analyses we will assume that the system has reached a cyclic steady state and that the average temperature of each platform is steady. We can think of the by 77 the SSR as a volume whose spatial temperature distribution is known. The liquid 3He4He is modeled as a incompressible fluid and the 3He is assumed to behave thermodynamically as a monatomic Boltzmann gas. We assume that there are sufficient 3He atoms in the total volume that, for the given temperature distribution, the chemical potential of the 4He is constant. A simple form for the chemical potential of the 4He in a 3He- 4 He solution is [14] 44 = Pvm - xRT - pf (T)vm (5.2) where P is the total pressure of the 3He- 4He liquid, x is the molar concentration of 3 He, vm is the molar volume of 4He and pf is the 4He fountain pressure. An empirical expression for the fountain pressure is, (5.3) pf (T)= [BT 4 +AT 3/2-Al IT +CeA2 IT I/vM where A, B, C, A,, A2 have values of 23.2 J/mole-K3 /2 , 6.75x10- 3 J/mole-K 4, 500 J/mole 8.65 K, and 15.7 K, respectively [24]. Equation. 5.2 can be rewritten as (5.4) -(14 + Pvm) = Pf (T)vm + xRT. Since the pressure of the system is spatially constant the left side of the equation is both spatially constant and constant relative to temperature for the fluid in the SSR. Since we have said that the spatial temperature distribution of system is known, for a given mass of 3He atoms in the SSR, the spatial distribution of the 3He atoms is determined by Eq. 5.4. The number of moles of 3He in the system is determined by integrating the 3He molar concentration over the total volume, N 3 dV. = (5.5) VM ) Thus if the temperature distribution and the number of moles of 3 He atoms in the total volume is known, the distribution of the 3He atoms in the system can be determined, although not necessarily in closed form. The simple method for accounting for the effects of the fountain pressure of the 4He in a SSR is to neglect the regenerator volume and assume the piston volumes are isothermal 78 [25]. This allows the 3He atom distribution to be determined explicitly. The above set equations can be reduced to Pf (Tc)vm + xcRTc = Pf (Th)vm +xbRTh (5.6) N 3 = _c Vc+jj (5.7) Vh where Vc is the volume of the cold piston, T, is the temperature of the cold piston, Vh is the volume of the hot piston, and Th, is the temperature of the hot volume. Equation 5.6 is a statement that the sum of the partial pressures of the phonon-roton gas and the 3He ideal gas must be uniform throughout the SSR volume. Equation 5.7 is a statement of the conservation of the mass of the 3He. The concentrations of the cold and hot volumes, xc and Xh can be solved for explicitly. If the regenerator volume is a small fraction of the SSR total volume these equations can be used to calculate the 3He distribution in the refrigerator. However, for larger regenerators, these equations will overestimate the concentration of 3 He atoms in the cold end. In the SSR with the two large regenerators described in chapter 2, the volume of the regenerators made up approximately 9% of the SSR volume. This SSR had large clearance volumes. If the clearance volumes in this SSR were reduced, the regenerator volume could be as much as a third of the whole volume. Therefore, a fine tuning of the model of 3He distribution in the SSR should include the regenerator volume. Accounting for this volume requires changing from an analytical approach to a numerical one. A numerical model was developed based upon the specifications of the experimental SSR described in Chapter 2 in order to determine the distribution of 3He atoms in the SSR during different stages of operation. The cold piston and hot piston are assumed to be isothermal. The temperature distribution in the regenerator is assumed to be monotonic function of position in the direction of flow, uniform normal to the direction of flow, and time independent. Figure 5.4 shows a sketch of the temperature function of a single stage SSR. The regenerator is shown with three different possible temperature functions, a hot, linear, and cold function. In a regenerator with a hot or cold temperature function, the temperature of the fluid does not change linearly through the regenerator. The temperature of the fluid in the regenerator is biased towards the cold or warm end. However, in this model, the fluid still enters or exits each piston at its temperature. 79 Expansion Space Compression Space Regenerator I I I 2;KA; i i I I SVI I V C r 'V regenerator with a hot' temperature function TC I I h - h regenerator with a - "c5id"TI& perture functibn Position Figure 5.4 The temperature distribution for a Stirling device is plotted versus position. The expansion and compression space are assumed to be isothermal. Three different temperature distributions for the regenerator are shown. Equation 5.5 is rewritten as a function x(T), x(T) = C-p (5.8) Tv RT where C is a constant substituted for -p4-Pvm. N3, the total number of moles of 3He in the SSR is now N3 = - Vc )+ ( (5.9) hVh )+ N3,reg where N3,reg is the number of moles of 3He in the regenerator and approximated by (5.10) N3,reg = A c(L)nX i=I 1M where A is5 the total flow channels cross sectional area of the regenerator, L is the length of the regenerator, and n is the number of finite volumes the regenerator is divided into in the numerical model. The numerical model solves for the value of constant C such that Eq. 5.9 is satisfied for a predetermined value of N3. 80 The above set of equations models a single-stage SSR but can easily be modified to model a two-stage SSR by changing Eq 5.9 to N3 = xC V -Vc +xh )+( Vh+x Vh + ' Vi (5.11) + N3,reg,cold + N3,reg,hot where xi and Vi are the 3He concentration and volume of the intermediate stage respectively. N3,reg,coId and N3,reg,hot represent the number of moles in the regenerator between the cold and intermediate volumes and the intermediate and hot volumes, respectively, and are defined analogously to Eq. 5.10. The value of the volumes of the cold, intermediate, and hot platforms changes over the cycle; therefore to fully explore the distribution of 3He in the SSR over a full cycle, the value of C needs to be determined for different points in the cycle. A series of numerical simulations were performed using the approach discussed to determine what variables in the SSR most affect the 3He distribution in the SSR. Unless otherwise specified, the SSR numerically simulated is the two-stage SSR described in In order to solve the system of equations, the described temperature function of the regenerator needs to be known. A regenerator with a "hot" temperature function, like the one sketched in Fig 5.4. will store more 3He atoms than a regenerator with a "cold" temperature function. In an operating SSR, this temperature function oscillates during the cycle and even determining its exact average value is numerically difficult. In order to explore the effect of the regenerator temperature function on the distribution of 3 He particles in the SSR, three temperature functions for each of the two regenerators in the Table 5.1: The specifications for the SSR modeled unless otherwise specified. Two-stage SSR (Two large recuperators) Single Stage SSR (One large Initial 3He- 4He concentration: 3% recuperator) Piston Strokes: 1 cm Piston Strokes: Recuperator Volume: 6.05 cm per Recuperator Hot Piston Intermediate 1 cm Recuperator Volume: 6.05 cm 3 3 Cold Piston Hot Piston Cold Piston Piston temperature 1.05 K 0.5 K 0.3K 0.3K 0.1K Vswept 17.74 cm 3 13.61 cm 3 7.68 cm2 23.42 cm 3 3.16 cm3 Vciearance 12.04 cm 3 11.85 cm 3 12.66 cm 14.98 cm 3 6.67 cm 3 81 two-stage SSR were considered. The hot and cold temperature functions are of the form (5.12) T(x)=Tj l+A[(h 1f)-]l A where x is the position in the direction of the flow such that x = 0 corresponds to the low temperature end of the regenerator and x = 1 corresponds to the high temperature end of the regenerator. For the regenerator between the hot piston (Th = 1.05 K) and intermediate piston (Ti = 0.5 K), the values 1.15 and 90 were substituted for A to generate a hot and cold temperature function, respectively. For the regenerator between the intermediate piston (Th = 0.5 K) and the cold piston (TI = 0.3 K), the values 0.7 and 90 were substituted for A to generate a hot and cold temperature function, respectively. The functional form of Eq. 5.12 somewhat arbitrary but it is reminiscent of the sort of temperature functions found in counterflow heat exchangers with a heat capacity imbalance. 0 8- 0.4 - 0.2 -0- 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 3He concentration Figure 5.5: The 3He concentration of the cold, intermediate, and hot piston volume of a two-stage SSR plotted versus temperature. The black triangles correspond to the SSR with cold regenerators, the black diamonds correspond to the SSR with hot regenerators, and the squares correspond to the SSR with linear regenerators. The top points correspond to the hot piston volume, the middle points correspond to the intermediate piston volume, and the bottom points correspond to the cold piston volume. The six data points per SSR correspond to the minimum and maximum 3He concentration in each piston in the cycle. The dotted lines correspond to lines of constant 4He chemical potential. The solid line shows the boundary of the two phase region. 82 In the SSR with two large regenerators, where the total regenerator volume still only makes up 9% of the total SSR volume, the effect of the regenerator temperature function on determining the 3He distribution in the SSR is small. Figure 5.5 shows the 3He concentration of the hot, intermediate, and cold piston volumes of the SSR. The black diamonds, black triangles, and squares represent an SSR with two hot, cold, and linear regenerator temperature functions, such as was described in Fig. 5.4. The two data points per piston volume per SSR correspond to the minimum and maximum 3He concentration during the operating cycle. Constant g 4 curves are shown as dotted lines on this figure. The data points for the minimum or maximum 3He concentration for an SSR lie on constant [4 curves. The data points shown for each SSR thus outline all of the constant g4 curves that the 3He- 4He mixture in the SSR operates on during the cycle. The solid black lines delineates the edge of the two phase region. These three SSR's operate well within the superfluid homogeneous mixture region. The difference between an SSR with cold, hot, and linear regenerators is small. 0.8 - : 0.6 - 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 3He concentration Figure 5.6: The predicted minimum and maximum 3He concentrations of the hot, intermediate, and cold piston volumes of four different models of the 3He distribution in the SSR are plotted versus temperature. The squares correspond to a model that includes both regenerator volumes and 4He fountain pressure. The * correspond to a model that includes fountain pressure but omits the regenerator volumes. The triangles correspond to a model that omits fountain pressure but includes regenerator volumes. The circles correspond to a model that omit both fountain pressure and regenerator volumes. 83 For an SSR with the same spatial temperature distribution, piston volumes, and initial 3He concentration mixture, Fig. 5.6 contrasts the following different models for 3 He distribution within the SSR: a model that includes both fountain pressure and regenerator volumes, a model that omits fountain pressure but includes regenerator volumes, a model that includes fountain pressure but omits regenerator volumes, and a model that omits both fountain pressure and regenerator volumes. As can be seen, for an SSR operating below 1.1 K and whose regenerators make up approximately 9% of its total volume, a simple analytical model neglecting both the regenerator volumes and the effect of the 4He fountain pressure can still accurately predict the 3He distribution within the SSR volume. On the other hand, a careful measurement of the clearance volumes in the SSR is crucial to determining the expected 3He distribution. Despite design efforts to minimize clearance volumes in an SSR, clearance volumes still make up a significant percent of the total volume. The clearance volume of the SSR modeled in Fig 5.5 and Fig 5.6 is 27% of the total volume of the SSR. The clearance volumes often have convoluted geometries, as they include the isothermal heat exchanger volume, so that an accurate measurement of these volumes can be difficult. Figure 5.7 shows the 3He distribution of the same SSR with different fractions of clearance volume. Figure 5.7 shows the 3He distribution in the SSR for three different initial load concentrations of 3 He-4 He mixture. This figure demonstrates that the SSR could be loaded with a mixture as rich as 5% and reach 300 mK without crossing into the two phase region during operation. In Fig 5.8 the minimum and maximum 3He concentration of the SSR loaded with 3% mixture is plotted if the hot piston is 1.05 K, the intermediate piston is 0.5 K, and the cold piston is 0.2 K. The maximum cold piston 3He concentration comes close to the boundary of the two phase region. This suggests this SSR is temperature limited to approximately 0.2 K by the two phase region. 84 In order, therefore, for lower 1 L \AX\3 0.8 2D 0.6 E 0.4 ' 0.2 0 0.02 0.06 0.04 3 0.1 0.08 He concentration Figure 5.7: A plot of the 3 He expected distributions versus temperature for three SSR's with different total clearance volumes. The triangles correspond to an SSR whose clearance volume is 27% of its total volume. The * correspond to the same SSR with half that clearance volume (clearance volume is 15.6% of the total volume). The black squares correspond to the same SSR with no clearance volume. Note that the difference in scale between Fig 5.5 and Fig 5.6. 08 E 0.4- .2 00 00 .5 00 00 .8 00 3He concentration Figure 5.8: The minimum and maximum 3He concentrations plotted versus temperature for an SSR whose hot piston is at 1.05 K, intermediate piston at 0.5 K, and cold piston at 0.2 K and which was loaded with 3% mixture. temperatures than 0.2 K to be reached, a third stage of the refrigerator needs to have a working fluid separate from that of the first two stages. This allows the third stage to operate on a different family of p4 lines and avoid the two phase region. Figure 5.9 shows the minimum and maximum 3He concentrations for the cold and hot piston 85 0.35 0.3 - \f 0&\ 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 * V.0 A 0.05 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 3 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 He concentration Figure 5.9: The maximum and minimum concentrations of 3 He are plotted for the cold piston volume and hot piston volume of a single stage SSR whose cold and hot pistons are at 0.1 K and 0.3 K. The squares correspond to the SSR loaded with a 3% 3He mixture and large recuperators (6.05 cm 2 ). The triangles correspond to an SSR loaded with 3% 3He mixture with small recuperators (1.5 cm 2 ). The diamonds correspond to an SSR loaded with 1.5% 3 He mixture and large regenerators (6.05 cm 2 ). volumes of a separate third stage SSR. The SSR is a single stage SSR that has the specification described in Table 5.1. The assumed parameters for three SSR's are shown, a single stage SSR with a large regenerator loaded with 3% mixture, a single stage SSR with a large regenerator loaded with 1.5% mixture, and a single stage SSR with a small regenerator loaded with a 3% mixture. As can be seen in Fig. 5.9, this single stage SSR is unable to reach 100 mK using a 3% mixture without operating in the two phase region. The 3He has been modeled so far as an ideal Boltzmann gas. However at lower temperatures, its behavior changes to that of an ideal Fermi gas and the distribution of the 3He atoms within the system can no longer be derived using the Boltzmann ideal gas laws. We wished to determine how large an effect this behavior change has on 3He distribution in the third stage of the SSR. From 0.3 K to 0.1 K the fountain pressure of 4He is in the range of 2 Pa to 0.02 Pa (as compared to 540 Pa at 1.05 K) so the we can neglect the fountain pressure in this temperature range. Eq. 5.4 now reduces to (5.12) -(94 +Pvm)=xRT. 86 The osmotic pressure of 3He in solution is H 3 = RT, Vm where vm is the molar density of 4He. So Eq. 5.12 implies that curves of constant p4 correspond to curves of constant 3He osmotic pressure. The new model we will develop to account for the transition of 3He gas to a Fermi gas will use experimentally determined data of the properties of 3 He in this temperature range. The Radebaugh tables 3He- He properties include a table of 3 He osmotic pressures versus temperature for constant concentrations of 3He [27]. This data was interpolated to generate curves of 3He concentration versus temperature along curves of constant osmotic 3He pressure. Examples of these lines are shown in Fig 5.10. Assuming the same temperature function for the piston volumes and regenerator as the SSR modeled in Fig. 5.9, a new numerical model determined the 3He constant osmotic pressure curve such that Eq. 5.10 was satisfied for a given loaded 3 He concentration. The data points generated by this method include the effect of the 3He atoms changing from a 1.4 - 1.2 - 1- 0.8 CU E FT 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0. 3 3 He Concentration Figure 5.10: Curves of constant 3He osmotic pressure. For temperatures where the 4 He fountain pressure is negligible, these curves correspond to lines of constant 4He chemical potential in the superfluid homogeneous mixture region. The dotted line corresponds to the boundary of the two phase region. In the two phase region lines of constant 4He chemical potential and 3He osmotic pressure diverge. 87 0.35 A 0.3 13 o9 hE&13 0.25 0.2 L 0.15 E CD 0.1 -A A AK X1 0.05 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 3 He 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 concentration Figure 5.11: Maximum and minimum 3He concentrations for the hot and cold piston of a single stage SSR. The square correspond to an SSR modeled using the numerical Boltzmann model loaded with a 3% mixture. The diamonds correspond to an SSR modeled using the numerical Boltzmann model loaded with a 1.5% mixture. The * corresponds to an SSR modeled using the interpolated data model loaded with a 3% mixture. The black triangles correspond to an SSR using the interpolated data model loaded with a 1.5% mixture The dotted lines correspond to lines of constant 4 He chemical potential. The solid line shows the boundary of the two phase region. Boltzmann gas to a Fermi gas since these points are based on the Radebaugh tables. The data points for the maximum and minimum 3He concentration of the hot and cold piston volume derived from an interpolation of real data are compared to the numerical Boltzmann model data in Fig 5.11. The difference between the model based on the Radebaugh tables and the numerical data was small for the 3% mixture but more significant for the 1.5% mixture. Notice that the squares corresponding to the Boltzmann model no longer run parallel to the constant g4 curves in Fig 5.11. 5.5 Heat Exchangers The numerical analysis used to model the state of 3He concentration in the SSR for a given temperature function allows an interesting perspective on how the 3He flows in the SSR during operation. Figure 5.12 shows how the regenerators in the two-stage SSR and single-stage SSR described in Table 5.1 store 88 3He atoms during the cycle. Figure 5.13, 5.14, and 5.15 all show how the storage of 3He atoms in the regenerators compare to the mass flows out of the piston volumes. 0.00250.002 0.0015 0.001 0.0005 0 -0.0005 -0.001 -0.0015 -0.002-0.0025 0 Figure 5.12: The change in 3He moles in three regenerators over the cycle. The solid line corresponds to the regenerator between the hot and intermediate piston volumes on the twostage SSR. The dark broken line corresponds to the regenerator between the intermediate and cold piston in the two-stage SSR. The light broken line corresponds to regenerator between the hot and cold piston of the singe-stage SSR. 0.006- 0.004- .0.002- CD 0 0 ' 2 3 4 ..-- 6 -0.002 - -0.004- e Figure 5.13: A graph of the change in 3He moles in two volumes in the two-stage SSR over the cycle. The solid line corresponds to the regenerator between the hot piston volume and the intermediate piston volume. The broken line corresponds to the mass flow out of the hot piston volume. 89 0.004 - 0.002 N N 0) N 2 5 6 CV) -0.002 -0.004- -0.006 - 0 Figure 5.14: A graph of the change in 3He moles in two volumes in the two-stage SSR over the cycle. The solid line corresponds to the regenerator between the intermediate piston volume and the cold piston volume. The broken line corresponds to the mass flow out of the cold piston volume during the cycle. 0.003 - 0.002 - 0.001 - ,'7 0 0 ,-'1 V 4 2 5 6 -0.001 ........................ .................. -0.002 - -0.003 - 0 Figure 5.15: A graph of the change in 3He moles in two volumes in the single-stage SSR over the cycle. The solid line corresponds to the regenerator between the cold piston volume and the hot piston volume. The broken line corresponds to the mass flow out of the cold piston volume during the cycle. 90 Chapter 6 Summary and Conclusions The goal of this thesis to was to improve the performance of the SSR initially built by Ashok Patel and to develop a better understanding of the SSR. This was accomplished in the following ways: 1. A two stage SSR with large recuperators was operated in an attempt to improve on the low temperature performance of the SSR. Unfortunately, due to unusually high heat loads induced by a mechanical linkage failure and a high residual gas concentration in the vacuum can (due to a small superleak in the SSR), the performance of the two-stage SSR did not improve over that of the previous work. 2. A three stage SSR was built and operated. This was the first successful operation of a three stage SSR. Further experimental work is required to fully evaluate the three stage SSR. 3. The dissipation in metal bellows was measured at 1.2 K. The energy dissipated by these bellows for strokes between 0 and 1 cm was found to vary between 0 to 500 pJ/cycle. These measurements showed the losses due to bellows flexure to account 91 for less than 1% of refrigerator losses for a single stage SSR. A characteristic equation was developed to estimate the energy dissipation rate for the entire family of Senior Flexonic bellows. 4. A simple numerical model was developed to understand the 3He particle distribution in the SSR during operation. An accurate model of the 3He concentrations in the SSR allows optimal SSR design and choice of initial loading concentrations for to prevent the 3He-4He phase separation in the cold end of the SSR. The variance between this numerical model and the simpler analytical models in predicting the 3He particle distribution within a two-stage SSR was shown for a SSR with the dimensions of the experimental two-stage SSR used in this work. The small variance between the numerical and analytical models suggests that for SSR's of relatively small total recuperator volume and hot platform temperatures below 1.1 K, the error incurred by ignoring recuperator volumes and 4He fountain pressure is minimal. Alternatively, since in even best designs, clearance volumes make up a significant proportion of the internal volume, an accurate measure of this volume is necessary. This model also demonstrates the storage of 3He particles in the regenerator as compared to the flow of 3He through the regenerator. Further evaluating the three stage SSR would require the following steps. The valves to the hot platform need to be repaired. Various electrical issues that compromised the accurate centering and positioning of the pistons need to be fixed. Most importantly, two new Kapton-Epoxy composite heat exchanger need to be built, one to replace the heat exchanger between the intermediate and cold platform of the two stage SSR which is suspected of having developed a large superleak, and a large heat exchanger for the third stage of the SSR so that it can be fully evaluated. 92 Bibliography [I] V. Kotsubo and G. W. Swift. Superfluid Stirling refrigerator: A new method of cooling below I Kelvin. In Proceeding of Sixth InternationalCryocoolers Conference, volume 2, pages 59-70, Bethesda Maryland, 1991. David Taylor Research Laboratory. [2] V. Kotsubo and G. W. Swift. Superfluid Stirling-Cycle refrigeration below I Kelvin. Journalof Low Temperature Physics, 83:217-224, 1991. [3] J. G. Brisson, V. Kotsubo, and G. W. Swift. The superfluid Stirling refrigerator, a new method of cooling below 0.5 Kelvin. PhysicaB, 194-196:45-46, 1994. [4] J. G. Brisson and G. W. Swift. A recuperative superfluid Stirling refrigerator. 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