DESIGN AND EVALUATION OF A COMMUNICATIONS DEVICE TO ENHANCE RAILROAD WORKER SAFETY by Nicolas Oriol Hoyos B.S., Electronics Engineering ICAI - Madrid, Spain, 1997 Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology June 2000 C 2000 Massachusetts Institute of Technology All Rights Reserved .......... ...................... Signature of Author: ............... Department of Mechanical Engineering February 29, 2000 ................... C ertified by : .......................................... Thomas B. Sheridan Professor of Engineering and Applied Psychology Thesis Supervisor A ccepted by : ............................ . ................................ MASSACHUSETrS INSTITUTE -CP 20 2000 LIBRARIES ........ Ain A. Sonin Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Students 2 DESIGN AND EVALUATION OF A COMMUNICATIONS DEVICE TO ENHANCE RAILROAD WORKER SAFETY by Nicolas Oriol Hoyos Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on February 29, 2000 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science Abstract Communications in current railroad operations are heavily based on voice links. Radio congestion is often a problem when roadway workers try to establish communication with dispatchers at the Traffic Control Center. This problem is expected to grow with the introduction of new rail services. At the same time, roadway worker fatalities still occur every year. In this work we developed and tested a prototype of a communications system to be used by roadway workers and dispatchers that was based in a wireless data link device. Our goal was to increase safety of roadway workers and at the same time to reduce radio congestion improving overall efficiency of railroad operations. To fulfil these objectives the data link device was used both to receive real time information about train location and to transmit work permissions electronically. Although the prototype was shown to have room for improvement, the result of our experiments showed that the goals of reducing radio congestion and improving roadway worker safety could be achieved simultaneously and with a device that is easy to use for roadway workers and has good acceptance among them. Thesis Supervisor: Thomas B. Sheridan Title: Professor of Engineering and Applied Psychology 3 Acknowledgments The author would like to acknowledge several people who helped in the development of this work. First, Prof. Thomas Sheridan from MIT and Dr. Jordan Multer from Volpe National Transportation Systems Center provided both support and guidance. Nicolas Malsch and Santanu Basu, from MIT, developed the train dispatcher simulator that was the launch pad for this project. John K Pollard, Mike Zuschlag and Andrew Kendra from Volpe National Transportation Systems Center and Emilie Roth provided help in their own field of expertise. David Lecumberri, from MIT, helped in the early steps of the PID by envisioning a feasible system architecture. Timothee Masquelier, from MIT, reviewed the appendix drafts. Steve Jones, from Amtrak, provided the invaluable help of arranging visits to the Traffic Control Center at Boston South Station. Brian Radovich, from Amtrak, arranged the visits to work sites and volunteered to find test users for the experiment. All the test users, that were willing to test the device, provided excellent ideas to improve it and showed great enthusiasm. In addition, the sponsor, the Federal Railroad Administration, Office of Research and Development under contract DTRS57-98-D-00043 with Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, US DOT, provided financial support for this work. 4 Table of contents G LO SSAR Y ................................................................................................................................................................ IN TRO D U CTION ........................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 OVERVIEW OF COMMUNICATION CHANNELS IN ACTUAL RAILROAD OPERATIONS.......................................... O VERALL OBJECTIVE..................................................................................................................................... 1.2 2 M O TIVA TIO N................................................................................................................................................ 2.1 2.2 PREVIOUS W ORK ........................................................................................................................................... ROADW AY W ORKER PROTECTION.................................................................................................................. M ETHO D O LO GY .......................................................................................................................................... 3 3.1 COGNITIVE TASK ANALYSIS. PILOT STUDY.................................................................................................... 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.1.5 3.2 PROTOTYPE DESIGN....................................................................................................................................... 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.3 Information sharedby roadway workers and dispatchers............................................................... Actions and cognitiveprocessesperformed by dispatchers and roadway workers. ....................... Dispatcherand roadway worker comments aboutproposed tools to enhance their safety. ............ Hum an-m achine interface................................................................................................................... Conclusion of the pilot study............................................................................................................... Alternatives ......................................................................................................................................... Palm VII: Advantages and disadvantages....................................................................................... Palm VII: Security, authenticationand training.............................................................................. PID system architecture...................................................................................................................... EXPERIM ENTS ............................................................................................................................................... 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 Overview ............................................................................................................................................. Early tests ........................................................................................................................................... Laboratorytests. ................................................................................................................................. R ESU LTS A N D D ISC U SSIO N ...................................................................................................................... 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 9 11 11 12 14 14 15 20 20 20 22 26 27 28 30 30 30 32 33 35 35 35 36 42 M EASURES TAKEN AND M ETHOD OF ANALYSIS. .......................................................................................... DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RADIO AND DATA LINK COMMUNICATIONS. ........................................................... 42 44 4.2.1 Data link device results in safer operations..................................................................................... Data link device results in better knowledge ofpotential risks but in reducednumber ofjobs 4.2.2 completed. ......................................................................................................................................................... 4.2.3 Communicationseems to be slower but more accurate using the data link device. The workload remains the same............................................................................................................................................... 44 POTENTIAL IMPLEMENTATION OF A DATA LINK DEVICE IN RAILROAD OPERATIONS. .................................. 51 48 49 51 Favorableacceptance of the data link device, with some conditions. .............................................. 4.3.1 Features that a data link device must have before it is introducedin real railroadoperations......... 51 4.3.2 4.3.3 Featuresthat would improve the acceptance of the data link device but are not requiredfor its basic 52 operation. .......................................................................................................................................................... 54 Other potential uses of the data link device. .................................................................................... 4.3.4 5 C O N CLU SION S.............................................................................................................................................. 5 55 APPEND IX A . PID SY STEM AR CH ITECTURE .............................................................................................. 57 A . 1. COMPONENTS ........................................................................................................................................... 57 A. 1. 1. PID device........................................................................................................................................... A. 1. 2. Web server.......................................................................................................................................... A-1-3. Query servers...................................................................................................................................... A . 1 .4 . Da tab ase............................................................................................................................................. A. 1. 5. Dispatcherinterface............................................................................................................................ A. 1. 6. Database manager interface............................................................................................................... A .2. TYPE OF REQUESTS ................................................................................................................................... A .3. M ASTER FILES .......................................................................................................................................... A .4. FUNCTIONALITY ....................................................................................................................................... A. 4. 1. Database requests............................................................................................................................... A. 4.2. Dispatcher requests ............................................................................................................................ A .5. CONFIGURATION FILE ............................................................................................................................... 57 62 62 68 74 75 76 82 go 90 92 93 APPEND IX B. Q U ESTIONNA IRES .................................................................................................................... 94 APPEND IX C. DETAILED EXPERIM EN T RESULTS .................................................................................. 105 APPENDIX D . FO R M D ...................................................................................................................................... 130 R EFER ENCES ....................................................................................................................................................... 132 List of Figures FIGURE I -I FIGURE 1-2 FIGURE 2-1 FIGURE 2-2 FIGURE 2-3 FIGURE 2-4 FIGURE 3-1 BASIC INFORMATION FLOW IN RAILROAD OPERATIONS........................................................................... PROPOSED INFORMATION FLOW BETWEEN ROADWAY WORKERS AND DISPATCHERS .............................. ROADW AY W ORKER FATALITIES 1986-JUNE 1999................................................................................ AVERAGE AGE AND YEARS OF SERVICE. ................................................................................................. V EHICLE SPEED ........................................................................................................................................ TYPE OF ROADW AY WORKER................................................................................................................... PROPOSED FUNCTIONALITIES OF THE PID .............................................................................................. FIGURE 3-2 FIGURE 3-3 FIGURE 3-4 FIGURE 3-5 PALM V II ................................................................................................................................................. PID SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE .................................................................................................................... PID - M AIN M ENU (EARLY VERSION) ...................................................................................................... M AIN M ENU (AFTER EARLY TESTS).......................................................................................................... FIGURE 3-6 U SABILITY TEST, SETUP............................................................................................................................ FIGURE 3-7 SYSTEM EVALUATION TEST, SETUP........................................................................................................... FIGURE 4-1 INFORM ATION RETRIEVED ........................................................................................................................ FIGURE 4-2 INFORM ATION REMEMBERED.................................................................................................................... FIGURE 4-3 SAFETY ERRORS AND W RONG W ORK REQUESTS........................................................................................ FIGURE 4-4 W ORK REQUESTS SENT ............................................................................................................................. FIGURE 4-5 AVERAGE TIMES FOR SUCCESSFUL INTERACTIONS.................................................................................. FIGURE 4-6 COMM UNICATION ERRORS........................................................................................................................ FIGURE A -I DISPATCHER INTERFACE.......................................................................................................................... FIGURE A -2 D ATABASE MANAGER INTERFACE......................................................................................................... FIGURE A -3 RENDERING OF MASTERTRAiNSTATUS.HTML ....................................................................................... FIGURE A-4 INDEX.HTML ............................................................................................................................................ FIGURE A -5 TSCHW ORKINGSITE.HTML ...................................................................................................................... FIGURE A -6 O VER THE AIR ICON ................................................................................................................................. FIGURE B-1 DEM OGRAPHIC QUESTIONNAIRE .............................................................................................................. FIGURE B-2 U SABILITY TEST. QUESTIONNAIRE (1) .................................................................................................. FIGURE B-3 U SABILITY TEST. QUESTIONNAIRE (2) ..................................................................................................... FIGURE B-4 U SABILITY TEST. QUESTIONNAIRE (3).................................................................................................. FIGURE B-5 U SABILITY TEST. Q UESTIONNAIRE (4) .................................................................................................. FIGURE B-6 U SABILITY TEST. QUESTIONNAIRE (5)................................................................................................... FIGURE B-7 U SABILITY TEST. QUESTIONNAIRE (6) ................................................................................................... FIGURE B-8 SYSTEM EVALUATION TEST. QUESTIONNAIRE (1) .................................................................................. FIGURE B-9 SYSTEM EVALUATION TEST. QUESTIONNAIRE (2).................................................................................. FIGURE B-10 SYSTEM EVALUATION TEST. QUESTIONNAIRE (3) ................................................................................ FIGURE B-Il SYSTEM EVALUATION TEST. QUESTIONNAIRE (4)................................................................................ FIGURE D - FORM D ................................................................................................................................................. 7 12 14 16 17 17 18 29 31 34 35 36 39 41 45 47 47 48 49 50 75 76 82 90 90 91 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 104 130 List of Tables TABLE 3-1 ROADWAY WORKERS THAT INTERACT WITH DISPATCHERS..................................................................... TABLE A-I PID SCREEN SHOTS (1)............................................................................................................................. TABLE A-2 PID SCREEN SHOTS (2) ............................................................................................................................. TABLE A-3 PID SCREEN SHOTS (3) ............................................................................................................................. TABLE A-4 PID SCREEN SHOTS (4) ............................................................................................................................. TABLE A-5 EXAMPLE OF DISPATCHER'S DATA FILE. ................................................................................................. TABLE A-6 EXAMPLE OF ROADWAY WORKER'S DATA FILE ....................................................................................... TABLE A-7 EXAMPLE OF TRACK INFORMATION DATA FILE ....................................................................................... TABLE A -8 EXAMPLE OF TRAIN SCHEDULE DATA FILE ................................................................................................ TABLE A-9 EXAMPLE OF TEST USER'S TASKS DATA FILE........................................................................................... TABLE A- 10 EXAMPLE OF INITIAL TRAIN DELAYS DATA FILE.................................................................................... TABLE A-II DATABASE QUERY SERVER PARAMETERS. ........................................................................................... TABLE A-12 DISPATCHER QUERY SERVER PARAMETERS (1) .................................................................................... TABLE A- 13 DISPATCHER REQUESTS PARAMETERS (2) ........................................................................................... TABLE A-14 FILE QUERY SERVER PARAMETERS........................................................................................................ TABLE A-15 TERMINAL REFRESH QUERY SERVER PARAMETERS ................................................................................. TABLE A- 16 SIMULATION QUERY SERVER PARAMETERS........................................................................................... TABLE A- 17 M ASTER CLIPPING FILES (1).................................................................................................................... TABLE A- 18 MASTER CLIPPING FILES (2).................................................................................................................... TABLE A- 19 M ASTER CLIPPING FILES (3) .................................................................................................................... TABLE A-20 M ASTER CLIPPING FILES (4) .................................................................................................................... TABLE A-21 M ASTER CLIPPING FILES (5).................................................................................................................... TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE A-22 MASTER HTM L FILES (1)....................................................................................................................... A-23 M ASTER HTM L FILES (2)....................................................................................................................... A-24 MASTER SIMULATION FILE ...................................................................................................................... A-25 FILES STORED IN THE PALM VII (PQA) ................................................................................................ 8 23 58 59 60 61 69 69 71 72 73 74 77 78 79 80 81 81 83 84 85 85 86 87 88 88 89 Glossary Block Signal: A fixed signal displayed to trains at the entrance to a block to govern use of that block. 1 Block: A length of track with defined limits on which train movements are governed by block signals, cab signals or Form D. 1 Blocking device: A lever, plug, ring or other method of control that restrict the operation of a switch or a signal. 2 Cab signal: A signal that is located in the engine control compartment and which indicates track occupancy or condition. The cab signal is used in conjunction with interlocking signals and in lieu of block signals. I Controlled track: Track upon which the railroad's operating rules require that all movements of trains must be authorized by a train dispatcher or a control operator. 2 Dark territory: A section of track that is not signaled. In dark territory, the train dispatcher does not get automatic indication of the location of the trains, nor does the train get automatic signals allowing movement through the territory. 3 Data link: Technology that enables information that is now transmitted over radio links to be transmitted over data lines. 3 Fixed signal: A signal at a fixed location that affects the movement of a train. 1 Flagman: When used in relation to roadway worker safety, means an employee designated by the railroad to direct or restrict the movement of trains past a point on track to provide ontrack safety for roadway workers, while engaged solely in performing that function. 2 Foul time: Method of establishing working limits on controlled track in which a roadway worker is notified by the train dispatcher or control operator that no trains will operate within a specific segment of controlled track until the roadway worker reports clear of the track. 2 Fouling a track: Placement of an individual or an item in such a proximity to a track that the individual or equipment could be struck by a moving train or on-track equipment, or in any case is within four feet of the field side of the near running rail. 9 2 Interlocking: An interconnection of signals and signals appliances such that their movements must succeed each other in a predetermined sequence, assuring that signals cannot be displayed simultaneously on conflicting routes. 2 Movement Permit Form D: A form containing written authorization(s), restriction(s), or instruction(s), issued by the dispatcher to specified individuals. I On-track safety: State of freedom from the danger of being struck by a moving railroad train or other railroad equipment, provided by operating and safety rules that govern track occupancy by personnel, trains or on-track equipment. 2 Real time train OS: Dispatcher's term that refers to train schedule with time updates. Roadway worker: Any employee of a railroad, or of a contractor to a railroad, whose duties include and who is engaged in the inspection, construction, maintenance or repair or railroad track, bridges, roadway, signal and communication systems, electric traction systems, roadway facilities or roadway maintenance machinery on or near the track or with the potential of fouling a track, and employees responsible for their protection. 1 Shunt: Activate block or interlocking signals when present on track. 3 Track car: Equipment, other than trains, operated on a track for inspection or maintenance. Track cars might not shunt track circuits. 2 Train dispatcher: Railroad employee assigned to control and issue orders governing the movement of trains on a specific segment of railroad track in accordance to the operating rules of the railroad that apply to that segment of track. 2 1NORAC operating rules 2 3 Roadway Worker Protection Manual (RWP manual) Roth, E.M. and Malsch, N.1999 10 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview of communication channels in actual railroad operations Of all the employees working in railroad operations, three main groups play a key role: railroad dispatchers, locomotive engineers and roadway workers: * Railroad dispatchers. Their most important responsibilities are to insure safe movement of trains and personnel on the track, to insure that passenger trains meet schedule and, in case of emergency, to coordinate rescue missions. * Locomotive engineers. They are responsible to follow the directions dictated by wayside signals and dispatchers. 0 Roadway workers. Perform maintenance as well as construction of new sections of track, platforms, signals, switches, electrification posts, draw bridges and any other track related asset. Apart from the railroad operators, it is worth mentioning the role that the equipment itself plays. The switches and signals receive commands from the dispatcher's terminal and the track geometry is modified accordingly. Except in the case of the so-called dark territory, the ground equipment sends back to the dispatchers information about the actual state of switches and signals as well as information about train location. These three human groups, together with the track infrastructure, are engaged in a constant exchange of information with the dispatcher being the core and supervisor of the overall system. As we can see in Figure 1-1 the information flow is based in oral communication using either radio or telephone calls between the human operators. Digital or automated communication is used mainly between the track and the dispatcher's terminal (Ditmeyer, S.R. and Smith, M.E., 1993). Figure 1-1 does not show all possible communication channels in railroad operations. Communication between roadway workers and engineers also takes place and is essential to safe operations. Current railroad infrastructure is being built in such a way that wayside signals are continuously exchanging information with the train. This is the case of the ongoing project of high-speed railroad network in Europe (Wojanowski E, 1998 and Lestime H. 1998). But the vast 11 majority of the current railroad networks, especially in the US, operate under a communications pattern similar to Figure 1-1. I Track Infrastructure - - Train location Switch state Signal state F 11 HI r _ _ _ _- _ _I Dispatcher's terminal - Train speed restrictions Movement authority Other trains location Locomotive Engineer - Commands I Train location request Train schedule request Work permission request Protection request Emergency Other: submit speed restrictions, pass stop signal request... - User Interface Roadway Worker Dispatcher - Hazard report Emergency Information request Movement request Permission to work Protection Train location and schedule info Data link Human operator Electronic device Po Oral communication Figure 1-1 Basic information flow in railroad operations 1.2 Overall objective Currently voice radio channels are congested and are quickly approaching their capacity. There is not enough available bandwidth to support current communication needs (Roth, E.M. and Malsch, N. 1999). Furthermore, as it is shown in Figure 1-1 some of the dispatcher's outgoing messages are dedicated to forwarding information from computer databases, such as train schedule and current train delays, to other railroad employees. This may cause distraction from their most important task: insure safety. 12 With these two ideas in mind (radio congestion and safety concerns) the overall goal of the program in which this project was included was: "To explore the informationflow in railroadoperations and look for potential uses of new information technologies in order to enhance safety in railroadoperations.In particular,the use of data link has been proposed as an alternative communication medium to supplement voice radio" Our interest was to understand the safety implications of data link. We were looking for data link tools that enabled better communications in terms of safety and efficiency. Earlier studies had looked at data link potential from the point of view of the dispatchers (Malsch, N. 1999 and Basu, S. 1999). It was the purpose of this project to analyze this issue from the roadway worker perspective. What could be done at the roadway worker side to enhance safety through data link communications? Were the roadway workers ready to use new information technologies? What were the minimum requirements that must be addressed before the roadway workers used data link technologies? Was the effort worthy? Our idea was not to find a replacement for radio. We were looking for some structured interactions between dispatchers and roadway workers that might be shifted to other electronic media. The idea was to reduce radio congestion while increasing safety in railroad operations. We proposed the use of new information technologies in order to fulfil these requirements. We provided the roadway workers with a device that let them establish direct communication with the Traffic Control Center in order to retrieve vital information, previously not available, without distracting the dispatcher with radio calls. The information flow between dispatchers and roadway workers was modified to be closer to Figure 1-2. 13 Emergency Other non structured - Train location Train schedule update Work permission Protection Territory information communication: equipment details, verbal permission, l i i ... I Dispatcher's terminal I rN Personal I I Information I I Device (PID) User Interface User Interf ace Dispatcher FL .1 I LI- I Roadway Worker Human operator Data link Electronic device Oral communication -- Figure 1-2 Proposed information flow between roadway workers and dispatchers 2 Motivation 2.1 Previous work The present project was born as an extension of the above-mentioned FRA program. During the experiments conducted by Nicolas Malsch (Malsch, N. 1999) and Santanu Basu (Basu, S. 1999), where the potential of data link technologies was tested from the point of view of dispatchers, the test users made several suggestions. Some of these ideas directly addressed the issue of communication of dispatchers with roadway workers. Among these suggestions we highlight the following: Dispatchers liked the idea of datalink technologies. They liked the fact that they could receive requests from trains or work crews in an e-mail like fashion instead of radio calls that had to be answered in a first-come first-served basis. With this architecture, they could assign priorities to incoming messages and deal first with the most important ones. 14 * They did not see how the work crews in the field would send them digital messages. Not only did they not have the appropriate tool but also some of them were not familiar with computers. " They found interesting the fact that with data link they did not have to repeat a message many times due to low quality radio transmissions. " They welcomed a system that helped to solve the congestion problem that affected radio communications. Also, during a preliminary cognitive task analysis used to understand how train dispatchers manage and control trains (Roth, E.M. and Malsch, N., 1999) dispatchers suggested a list of ideas for improving dispatch operations. Among these ideas was mentioned the concept of transmitting messages and authorization forms over electronic media. So with all these ideas in mind we conducted some interviews, described below, with dispatchers. We paid special attention to their interaction with roadway workers. Interviews were also held with roadway workers. The goal of the analysis was to gain a better understanding about how new information technologies could be applied to the job of a roadway worker. 2.2 Roadway worker protection Concern regarding hazards faced by roadway workers has existed for many years. In 1996, after an initial petition form the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees (BMWE), the FRA amended Part 214 (Railroad workplace safety) of Title 49 (Transportation), Code of Federal Regulations by adding a new subpart. Subpart C: Roadway Worker Protection (see FRA web page). This new subpart was the result of the work done by the Roadway Worker Safety Advisory Committee. This committee was established on December 1994 and comprised 25 members of different organizations including unions, railroads, FRA, APTA and several brotherhoods of locomotive engineers and maintenance of way employees. Apart from the government effort to regulate roadway worker safety, it is worth analyzing the relevance of roadway worker accidents in the past. A recent report from the US Department of Transportation, prepared for an update of Subpart C, has compiled fatal accidents of roadway workers during the past 13 years. The figures in this section have been obtained from the 15 mentioned report (FRA report, 1999). In the US, as of June 1999, 60 roadway workers had been killed since 1986 while they were on duty. This figure includes roadway workers from all the different railroads in the US. Total = 60 9- 8 Advisory Committee Formed 87 7 6 6 BMWE . 7 6 Voluntary Implementation Class 1 Railroads Mid 1996 Compliance Mid 1997 5 - 4 4 4 ''--.. ICU U- 3 2 0 II . I 86 87 I I 88 I 89 I 90 I 92 91 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Graph does not include one Conductor Flagman fatality in 1997 As of June 9, 1999k Figure 2-1 Roadway worker fatalities 1986-June 1999 We can see in Figure 2-1, the milestones of Roadway Worker Protection FRA rule together with the distribution of roadway worker fatalities during this period. It is worth mentioning two striking results of this report. The first of them is the average age (42 years) and average years of service (18 years) of the roadway workers involved in these fatal accidents. We can see in Figure 2-2 that less than a third of the fatalities occurred to less experienced roadway workers, and only a bit more than 10% were among the youngest roadway workers. These results suggest that inexperience or youth are not among the main possible contributing factors and they point more towards complacency. 16 - Age - 20 - 30 Years Service 12% 0-10 29% 21+ 40% 31 -40 122% 41-50 11 -20 W 44% 31% Average Years Service 18 Average Age 42 Figure 2-2 Average age and years of service. The second striking result is the speed of the trains or other on-track equipment that caused the fatalities. Figure 2-3 shows that a third of the fatalities were due to relatively slow equipment (10-20 mph) and that only 13 (22%) were due to speeds above 60 mph. 61+ 13 11 41-60 CL CO 21-40 16 10-20 20 j Fatalities Figure 2-3 Vehicle Speed Finally, considering the different types of incidents, we can see in Figure 2-4 that almost three fourths of the accidents could be included in three main types of incidents: roadway workers struck by a train while working, struck by a train in the adjacent track or roadway 17 workers that walked into train path. The first group includes accidents in the same track were the roadway worker was doing his/her duties. The second group includes accidents in the track parallel to it. The third group includes accidents while the roadway worker was preparing to do his/her job or while he/she was not doing a job on the track but in its vicinity and he/she walked into the train path with the intention, for example, of crossing the main track. MW Equipment 18% Other 7% Train While Working 37% Free Rolling Cars 7% Train Adjacent Tr Walked Into Train18TrainTrack ac 13% Figure 2-4 Type of Roadway Worker Figure 2-4 suggests that not knowing about real time train location is a possible contributing factor to fatal accidents. One of the uses of data link technologies that we proposed in this project dealt precisely with this issue. We presented data link as a way to send, among other data, information about real time train location to roadway workers. The Traffic Control Center already knew this information and we were looking into ways of sending it to roadway workers. A recent report (SOFA working group, 1999) discussed railroad employee fatalities involved in switching operations. One of the findings of the SOFA group (Switching Operations Fatality Analysis) is that communications is an area that can be improved to reduce the number of fatalities derived from switching operations. Although the main focus of this project was roadway workers, we believe that some results can be extrapolated to switching operations. Roadway worker fatalities are an issue in the railroads around the globe. As an example let us mention that during the same 13-year period, more than 100 railroad workers were killed in 18 Japan. Very recently, in January 2000, two roadway workers were struck by a freight train and killed in Spain while they were operating a crane under very low visibility conditions due to a dense fog. In November 1999, in Boston, the last train of one of the T-lines, that happened to be unusually delayed, killed a roadway worker who was not aware of this delay. There are also accidents due to disorientation of the roadway worker. This is the case of a roadway worker that had asked appropriate protection from the dispatcher to work on a track that he was not really occupying. Without his knowledge, he was working unprotected on the wrong track. Some other accidents are due to abuse of current means of communication. This is the case of a work crew who had heard over the radio that another crew was working under protection some miles down the same track. Not following the rules, they did not call the dispatcher for protection and kept an hear on the radio just in case the other crew finished their job and gave the track back to the dispatcher. They were misusing the party line feature of radio communication. The fact was that the second crew had finished their job and had given the track back to the dispatcher using an acceptable regular phone call, not the radio. The first crew never heard that the protection was removed and got hit by a train. Some, not all, of these accidents may have been avoided if the crews had had real time information about train location. The accident due to wrong orientation in the track could have been avoided if the roadway worker had carried a GPS device that would have sent his or her exact location to the dispatcher center. The accident due to the misuse of another crew's protection may have been avoided if the crew had had real time information about what track was out of service. Dispatchers know near real-time information about train location. We proposed giving this information to the work crews in real time. For this purpose we used data link technologies. 19 3 Methodology The project was divided in three main parts: " Cognitive task analysis. " Prototype Design. " Experiments. 3.1 Cognitive task analysis. Pilot study. In previous work, a CTA (Roth, E.M. and Malsch, N., 1999) was conducted to understand how train dispatchers manage and control trains. This report was very helpful during the development of the present project but it lacked from the perspective of the roadway worker. All the ideas and suggestions proposed in this CTA came from dispatchers without participation of roadway workers. This is why we decided to conduct a smaller CTA with emphasis on the interactions between dispatchers and roadway workers. During three shifts the work of three different dispatchers was observed paying special attention to their communication with roadway workers. Also, with the idea of looking at the problem from both ends, observations of track maintenance work were also conducted. Both the dispatchers and the roadway workers were questioned about potential tools aimed to improve their communication system. Their comments on the benefits and drawbacks of these tools were annotated and are presented bellow. They also helped in the conceptual design of the prototype of the information device that was developed and tested in this project. 3.1.1 Information shared by roadway workers and dispatchers We could identify two different types of messages between dispatchers and roadway workers. The first type includes all those messages following a pattern given by the rules and that everybody must follow. We will call them structured messages. The second type includes all other messages and we will call them unstructured messages. 20 Structured messages 1. Movement permit form D and additions to form D. According to the operating rules (NORAC operating rules, 1999), "the dispatcher issues form D's to restrict or authorize movements. Form D's are also issued to convey instructions not covered in the Operating rules". Although Form D's are mainly designed to be sent to trains, according to one of the interviewed dispatchers, 90% are issued to work crews and only 10% to trains. A roadway worker may receive a form D line 4 "if the work involves on-track equipment or will disturb the track or catenary structure so that it would be unsafe for normal speed." Once a dispatcher has issued a form D and it is effective, very limited information may be added to it. This information includes cancellation facts, additional line 2 authorities (permission to continue to operate a track car in a given direction under new limits) and "track is clear" information in line 13 (train or track car ahead has cleared the limits of the following track car's line 2 authority). A more detailed description of a form D is given in 1. See NORAC operating rules for a full description of Form D. 2. Foul Time. A qualified roadway worker whose duty will not disturb the track or catenary structure may receive verbal authorization to foul the track (Foul Time) from the dispatcher. Issuing foul time to roadway workers has become a major part of a dispatcher's job. Depending on the territory under consideration, a dispatcher may easily have three to seven active foul times in his or her territory at the same time. This is why Foul Time is actually written in a standard form. See NORAC operating rules for a full description of Foul Time. 3. Rule 241 authority to pass a stop signal. Rule 241 authority is used to let trains or track cars pass a stop signal. It is issued most often to track cars since they need this authorization to enter each interlocking. Almost every time a form D line 2 (permission to operate a track car) is issued, it is followed either by a form D line 3 (track car proceed past stop signal) or a rule 241. Which authority to pass a stop signal is issued to the track car depends on the dispatcher's preferences. See NORAC operating rules for a full description of rule 241. 21 4. Speed restrictions. Repair crews dictate new speed restrictions to dispatchers. These speed restrictions are sent daily to trains and dispatchers and may be included in a form D. Non-structured messages A number of different situations can arise in railroad operations when a dispatcher must issue verbal permission to a roadway worker. For example a signal worker needs verbal permission to put an interlocking in local mode or to temporally shut it down. These verbal permissions don't always follow the same pattern and are not very common. Another type of interaction between dispatchers and roadway workers occurs while the latter ones are already working under protection. Dispatchers usually ask work crews about details on time restrictions. How long will it take to remove equipment from the track is a frequently asked question. Also, dispatchers usually ask for details about job being performed on the track. It gives them an idea about time restrictions as well as about availability of the track in case it is suddenly needed. If a roadway worker has trouble communicating with another railroad employee he/she may call a dispatcher and ask him/her to send the message or make the telephone call that he/she can't make. This is a highly situation specific interaction that does not occur very often. 3.1.2 Actions and cognitive processesperformed by dispatchers and roadway workers. In this section, we give a description of the different groups of roadway workers that interact with the dispatchers. The actions that dispatchers and roadway workers perform are also summarized. 22 Different people who interact with the dispatcher Description Operator/Equipment Bridge operators. They are not roadway workers, but their effect on the dispatcher is very similar. The bridge operator calls the dispatcher if there are ships that require the bridge to be opened. The dispatcher unlocks the bridge (it is shown as if occupied by a train on his/her terminal) and control is given to the bridge operator. The bridge has to be locked again if the dispatcher wants to use it for routing operations. Electrification workers. They call the dispatcher for protection, but this interaction rarely happens because of the existence of the point conductor. The interaction is very similar to that one with the point conductor. Flagman/Conductor. Asks for foul time or form D's to protect repair crews of roadway workers or contractors. Sometimes freight trains are like work extra trains from the point of Freight trains. view of the dispatcher. They report tons carried, number of cars (loaded/empty) and engine number. Handles all the foul time requests within a large section of track. Point conductor. The point conductor was introduced in the northeast corridor because of the electrification project that was a stepping stone towards the high-speed service. The point conductor was intended to be the only one in the area under his responsibility who interacts with the dispatcher. Asks for permission to shut down signals or to put them in local Signal worker. mode. Track car foreman. Asks for permission to operate a track car and to pass stop signals. Work extra train crew. The information shared includes: details of equipment left on the track, new speed restrictions sent to the dispatcher and directions to the dispatcher about how to route the train. They decide where they want the train to be and they ask the dispatcher to perform the necessary switch changes. Table 3-1 Roadway workers that interact with dispatchers 23 Actions performed by dispatchers When a dispatcher receives a request for protection form a roadway worker he/she usually follows the same steps. Right after the request has arrived, the dispatcher undertakes a decision process. He/she has to decide whether or not to grant it. With experience this thought process does not usually last for a long time and the main decision aid is the schedule and the current delays of the trains. Assuming that the dispatcher has granted permission to work (under foul time, form D or verbal permission) he/she must block the track where the roadway worker is going to be. At the Traffic Control Center, blocking a track protects the roadway worker since it prevents the dispatcher to route trains on that track. At the job site, it is like applying a blocking device (see glossary) to the switches and signals that control access to the blocked track. Operation of these switches will be restricted and the blocked track will show stop signals in both ends in such a way that no track vehicle may enter it. Once a track is blocked, the dispatcher loses authority over that track. The dispatcher won't be able to reverse or normalize a switch that is part of the blocked track. If a roadway worker wants to change the state of a switch, he/she can do it either by using the switch local mode (this can be done without dispatcher authority since the roadway worker owns the track) or by calling the dispatcher and asking him/her to do it. This is a very common request. Dispatchers have to unblock the track, reverse or normalize the switch and then block the track again because it still is under the authority of the work crew. While the roadway worker is doing his job, he/she may interact with the dispatcher. These interactions include further permissions, speed restrictions submitted by work crews to the Traffic Control Center and mostly updates on train location. Once the job is done and the roadway worker gives the track back to the dispatcher, it has to be unblocked. There are other types of dispatcher actions that have no direct relationship with roadway workers but, to the eyes of the dispatcher, they receive the same consideration. This is the case of locking or unlocking bridges (like blocking or unblocking track) or letting special equipment such as extra trains operate in their territory. 24 For a more detailed explanation of the actions performed by dispatchers see Roth, E.M. and Malsch, N., 1999. Actions performed by roadway workers According to the instructions given in the Roadway Worker Protection Class whenever a roadway worker wants to perform a job in the track, he/she needs to go through the following steps: 1. Collect information. * Identify milepost number. " Identify track numbers. " Identify the type of territory. * Identify what dispatcher controls the territory. " Find out train schedule around working site. 2. Conduct a job briefing with entire crew. 3. Call for foul time or form D when necessary. 4. Give the track back to the dispatcher on time. 5. At the end of the tour of duty, make sure work area is safe and secure. In step 1 of the work procedure, the roadway worker must read the schedule and territory information from the Operating Rules book. This book only contains scheduled passenger trains. Non scheduled trains (freight, work extras,...) and commuter trains with higher frequency are not shown in the book. The railroad worker needs updated information about the location of all the trains that could interfere with his/her job so he/she calls the dispatcher for schedule updates and for nonscheduled train information. In steps 3 and 4, roadway workers use the different types of messages discussed in 3.1.1. Regular roadway worker tasks include inspection, construction, maintenance or repair of railroad track, bridges, roadway, signal and communication systems, electric traction systems, roadway facilities and roadway maintenance machinery on or near the track. There are also roadway workers whose only duty is to protect other members of the crew. These are called 25 flagmen. Crew foremen or flagmen are responsible to obtain permission from the dispatcher according to the steps described above and they have to follow these steps regardless of the job they are doing. It is worth highlighting the role that track cars play as roadway maintenance machinery. Track cars do not usually shunt track circuits so they do not show their location on the dispatcher's screen. Track cars need movement authority (form D lines 2 and 3) and also authority to pass stop signals (rule 241) from the dispatcher. Other general-purpose trains, usually called work-extra trains carry equipment and work crews to job sites. These are nonscheduled trains that effectively shunt track circuits but that may be left on the track for a period of time. Work extra trains left on the track need form D line 4 authority from the dispatcher Finally we must mention the drawbridges. Drawbridges have to be locked before they are used for routing operations. If they are unlocked, the dispatcher will think of them as a track blocked for a roadway worker. 3.1.3 Dispatcherand roadway worker comments aboutproposedtools to enhance their safety. Apart from obtaining a better understanding about their work, another goal of the interviews with dispatchers and roadway workers was to get some feedback about new tools that we proposed that were aimed towards an improvement in safety. Here we present the comments we received. 1. Electronic reception (dispatcher) and issuance (roadway worker) of work requests. Dispatchers liked the idea of receiving requests electronically. They could browse through a work request queue and answer each request in whatever order they considered appropriate. As has already been noted, this fact has been confirmed in previous experiments conducted with a train dispatcher simulator at Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (Malsch, N. 1999). On the other hand, roadway workers expressed concerns about training issues and security and authentication. They did not want to type work requests into a computer and they were worried about other people using their computer to make work requests. They saw no need for electronic issuance of form D requests because they only sent a couple of these requests per day. 26 2. Electronic reception (roadway worker) and issuance (dispatcher) of work permission. Dispatchers liked the idea but only if they didn't have to type any information. If they had to type, then they saw no difference between written and electronic Form Ds. Other benefits were time saving, legible form Ds and verification system that could be implemented to protect from certain types of human error such as blocking a track that does not match the one given in the work permission. Some disadvantages mentioned were losing the opportunity to interrupt somebody during the work request procedure and difficulty to deal with acknowledgements. Confirmation that the correct message has been received is of major importance to dispatchers and they expressed their concern about whether the currently well establish procedure of acknowledgments could be replicated using electronic media. Roadway workers felt no need for this tool. If they would not use an electronic device to send the work request they would neither use it to receive the work permission. 3. Automatic generation of train schedule including current delays. Roadway workers really liked this idea. They said that it would be useful because what they required was more specific information about train location. The tool would be really useful if the schedule included all the trains that were on the track, not only the scheduled ones. 3.1.4 Human-machine interface. Roadway workers did not like the idea of carrying a laptop computer. As it has been said in the previous section, they were concerned mostly about training issues, about the fact that some of them were not used to computers and about security and authentication. Roadway Worker Protection (RWP) class instructors helped to obtain a set of conceptual specifications of an electronic portable device that could be used by roadway workers. They depicted a portable device like a pager, a palm device or a cell phone where updated information of train location (only to the level of last interlocking reached by a train) could be received. This device would be much easier to use than a laptop computer. They said: "Information about train location is already there, why don't we share it with the ones that will make good use of it?" 27 Some of the features of this handheld device could be: " Automatically generated timetable, including delays, of the trains that are supposed to arrive at the location where the roadway worker is performing a specific job. * Nearby trains warning. Track blocks are usually several miles long, so whenever a train enters the same block where the roadway workers are or the one parallel to it, this device could send them a warning. " Simple user interface. Common requests, such as where this train is or what is the next train at this interlocking, should be very easy to initiate. " Knowledge about the time they can ask for foul time or the time they have to wait before asking for foul time. 3.1.5 Conclusion of the pilot study According to the results of this study and with the idea of increasing safety in roadway work operations by improving the communication between dispatchers and roadway workers we proposed the system shown in Figure 3-1. The highlighted solid box represents the main part of the system: the roadway worker Personal Information Device (PID). Note that although oral communication is not included in Figure 3-1, we do no intend to eliminate this type of communication. It has only been removed from the figure for clarity purposes. Also, note that, despite the concerns about using an electronic device to send work requests, we have decided to include them in the system. The reason is that when the electronic issuance/reception of work requests/permission was described to roadway workers, it was assumed that a laptop, not a handheld device, was going to be used. As we mention below, the current PID prototype ran on a handheld device that was much simpler to use than a laptop. This prototype had a set of pre-programmed requests that were filled without typing by the roadway worker so the problems about typing information into a computer were avoided. There were two major types of requests. " Database requests. " Dispatcher requests. 28 User interface: User sends a request without typing and PID returns the answer whenever it is available Roadway worker Personal Information Device PID Database requests 1. 2. 1. Train status Dispatcher requests Form D / Foul Time requests Cancel work permission 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I I Dispatcher's terminal Train schedule around working site Territory info Track out of service report Form D / Foul Time under the authority of user More... Train Schedule Database Automatic update User Interface: Dispatcher receives and answers requests using a web page interface User interface: Manual update using a web page Train Schedule Database Manager Dispatcher Human operator === Data link Electronic device 4 Interface Figure 3-1 Proposed functionalities of the PID A computer that looked into a train schedule database and automatically sent the response to the roadway worker answered database requests. On the other hand, a human operator (dispatcher) must handle requests that were related to work permissions. The PID included several automated functions that had the potential to improve safety and efficiency. Here we highlight the issue of how far should we automate. We didn't try to automate every function that could be automated. There were some risks on this approach. Basically we were proposing a new set of automated tools that didn't override the current radio and phone 29 communication system but provided much more information to the work crews while, at the same time, improved dispatcher efficiency. 3.2 Prototype design 3.2.1 Alternatives We were looking for a device that could be used from any point along the track. We considered the following devices: " Laptop computer with modem and cellular phone to obtain connection to the Internet. " Pager or cellular phone. " Handheld device. Although a laptop introduced great flexibility in terms of features that could be included in it, soon after the conclusion of the pilot study we rejected this idea. Not only it was too big to be carried by a roadway worker but also other more important issues of acceptance made the laptop a risky option. A pager or a cellular phone would have been a good idea. They had good wireless coverage along the track and roadway workers were used to them. Although any of these devices could receive information, at the time that the selection had to be made, they were hard to program in order to use them to send requests to a computer. A handheld device such as a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) was considered. Because of the excellent support for developers given by Palm Computing Platform, we selected a palm device. The initial idea was to use a Palm IIIx or a Palm V with a cellular modem to obtain connection to the Internet, but in early 1998, the Palm VII device became available. The reasons explained in the following section made it a good prototype for our purposes. 3.2.2 Palm VII: Advantages and disadvantages. The Palm VII device (Figure 3-2) was the latest member of the 3Com family of handheld organizers. Some of the features of the Palm VII were (see Palm VII white paper web page): 0 Pocket size: 5.25" x 3.25" x 0.75" and light weight: 6.7oz 30 " Built in wireless Internet connection with security measures (data encryption, secure sockets layer, network authentication,...). " Weeks of battery life on two AAA batteries (depending on usage) and low battery indicator. " Send and receive email. " No previous computer knowledge required. Worked with a pen that is used to tap on the screen and fill the requests without typing. * Infrared port that could be used with a portable printer. Its weight and dimensions together with the wireless Internet capability made this device a good prototype for data link communications with roadway workers. Figure 3-2 Palm VII The main disadvantages of the Palm VII device were its fragility and the fact that it couldn't receive information without first asking for it. It had two way communication capabilities but the communication had to start always at the Palm VII side. Its fragility made the Palm VII useless in tough environments such as the railroad. It didn't resist rain or dust and it was hard to read 31 under very sunny conditions. The fact that it couldn't receive information without first asking for it made the Palm VII device useless to receive warnings (i.e. approaching trains). As it will be explained in 3.2.4, the prototype PID system architecture was based 85% on the Internet and 15% on the handheld device with wireless access to the Internet. With some changes to the system architecture and page formatting, the PID could run on any handheld device with wireless access to the Internet. Note that some of the Palm VII features (mainly authentication features and printing capabilities) might not be available in another device. At the time the decision was made, the Palm VII was the device that best fitted the PID requirements. At the time of this writing, Neopoint ( has its Neopoint 1000 phone with access to the Internet. It is a device that should be considered for future prototypes because it puts in only one device both the PID as it is described in this project and the cell phone that most roadway workers actually carry. Qualcomm ( is a licensee of Palm operating system and it now has the Pdq Smartphone that combines the benefits of a cellular phone with access to the Internet using a Palm OS interface. Motorola ( has also an interesting catalog of products (phones and pagers) under the category they call "web without wires". 3.2.3 Palm VII: Security, authenticationand training. As we saw in 3.1.3 these three issues were a major concern for roadway workers. In this section we explain how security, authentication and training were taken into consideration with the Palm VII device. Regarding security of messages against external agents, the palm VII incorporated different levels of protection. During the wireless portion of the communication, the Palm VII used a cryptographic technology developed by Certicom. According to the product white paper (Palm VII white paper web page) "Certicom's advanced elliptic curve cryptosystem enables significantly shorter message sizes with the security strength of their 163-bit keys. These keys are equivalent in strength to RSA 1024-bit keys, thus minimizing message lengths without sacrificing security". During the server to server portion of the communication, between the Palm Computing Web Clipping Proxy and other servers, 128 bits secure socket layer (SSL) could be used. There were also other levels of security such as network authentication and physical security of the Palm Computing Web Clipping Proxy server. 32 Regarding authentication, two different levels could be provided. Each Palm VII device had a built in device ID that could be sent with every message. We used this device ID to identify which roadway worker was sending each request. Also, messages from Palm VII devices that were not registered with the PID system were ignored. No unregistered user was able to retrieve train location information or to submit a work request to a dispatcher. The second level, which was not incorporated in the prototype, was password-protected access to the system. A personal password could have been required to communicate with the Traffic Control Center. Regarding training, special attention was paid in the design of the user interface of the Palm VII. As it will be shown in the results of the experiments, users with no prior knowledge of palm devices or computers demonstrated good acceptance of the user interface. 3.2.4 PID system architecture. As we can see in Figure 3-3 the PID system architecture developed in this project was heavily based on the Internet. The PID prototype ran on a Palm VII, a small information appliance with wireless access to the Internet. The PID sent and received information to a web server. Running on the same computer as the web server, there were a number of query servers that were looking for requests sent by the PID, the dispatchers or a database manager. These query servers were the core of the system and they were responsible to redirect the request to the appropriate dispatcher when the request was a work permission or, when it was possible, to answer the roadway worker without distracting the dispatcher by looking into the database. Dispatchers interacted with the system via an interface of web pages. Through this interface they received work requests from roadway workers and sent work permissions. The database contained information about train schedule in the past, expected schedule in the future, current delays, train information, out of service track under form D or foul time and territory information (maximum speed, dispatcher in charge, rules that apply). In the PID prototype developed in this project, the database was modified manually by a database manager using another interface of simple web pages. For a more detailed description of the PID system architecture see Appendix A. 33 /0 A Base station / PID The Internet Dis patcher interface Database manager ir iterface Web Server Database Query servers L ------ - -- -- ----. Figure 3-3 PID system architecture 34 Experiments 3.3 3.3.1 Overview The goal of our experiments was to identify features that the new communication system with data link technologies must have before it is even considered for use in real railroad operations. Also we had to identify potential side effects (i.e. changes in workload or safety concerns) and degree of acceptance of such a communication system among roadway workers. We did not pay special attention to the specific device that we used. We had to find the underlying principles that any wireless device had to have before roadway workers used it in real railroad operations. 3.3.2 Early tests During the early steps of the PID design we were in close contact with the same roadway workers that had made suggestions about it during the pilot CTA. When we had the first version of the PID, we loaded a static database of trains, set an 'automatic' dispatcher to reply work requests (always affirmatively) and we took the PID to the field and let the Railroad Worker Safety class instructors use it for a while. In this first version we had included train location and territory information and limited form D's request. The main menu looked like Figure 3-4. 4 02MCM! Train and territory information Train sch(work site) Train sch (ID) Territory Info Next Train Submit work request Foul Time Form D Reports My Form Ds - My Foul Time Speed restrictions Submit speed restriction Figure 3-4 PID - Main Menu (early version) We had plans to include foul time requests and speed restrictions submission. We received very useful comments about new features that had not been included in this first version but that were useful in real railroad operations. As the result of these comments the 35 Next Train (next train at a given interlocking) option was removed since it was redundant with Train Schedule at Working Site (train schedule at a given portion of track during a given time period). A Train Status request option (general information about a train such as last and next interlocking, time at these two locations, direction of travel and delays) was included. Some modifications were made to the process of requesting a form D and two more options about current track out of service and a way to cancel or fulfill a form D were included. Foul time request procedure was discussed and according to the comments received it should have a similar process as a form D. For the sake of simplicity in the first prototype, speed restriction submission was removed. After this early test, the main menu looked like Figure 3-5. C E 4 Train and territory information Train status Territory Info Train OS (work site) Train OS (ID) Form D Request Line 4 Request Lines 2,3 Cancel( My Form DsE Track Outage Foul Time Request Foul Time Cance, My Foul Timer Track Outage Figure 3-5 Main Menu (after early tests) The next step was to show the new version of the PID to the manager of operations at Boston's South Station and ask for his support to conduct the experiments. He was very pleased with the device and he even saw more applications apart from the PID being used only by roadway workers. He liked the idea of knowing from anywhere at anytime about the performance of the railroad network. It could be used from the management point of view to make decisions or to keep track of the state of the network. 3.3.3 Laboratorytests. After these early tests, we conducted more formal experiments in the laboratory. We used a simulated train schedule database (see A. 1.4) that included all Amtrak trains from Boston to New Haven, some MBTA commuter trains and some unscheduled work extra trains. The delays of these trains were initially set to predefined values. 36 Two series of laboratory tests were performed. " Usability test. " System evaluation test. The first one was a pure usability test. Although our goal was not to have a perfect user interface but to evaluate the communication system, we wanted to be sure that the users would have the ability to complete tasks using the prototype. A quick usability test with a small number of users was performed, and some modifications were done to the user interface according to the results of this test. The system evaluation addressed the questions that were of importance to us as the goal of the project. Participants The individuals that participated in the experiment as test users were actual roadway workers whose duties were related to the section of the North East Corridor that goes from New Haven, CT, to Boston, MA. For this reason, the prototype contained the names of the stations and interlockings that belonged to this territory. Three roadway workers participated in the usability test and six in the system evaluation test. Out of the nine test users, one was female. They were all conductor flagmen. Average years of experience in the railroad were 16 ranging from 1 to 37 years. They received compensation equivalent to a full day of labor. The average rate per hour was $21. Their most noticeable interactions with dispatchers were 34 foul times per week, 5 form D's per week, 17 train status requests per week and 5 Train Speed Restrictions Bulletins per week. We also asked about their background in communication devices and services. They were all very familiar with radios, familiar or very familiar with PC's, pagers, cellular phones, WWW, and e-mail and all but one were unfamiliar with palm devices. 37 Usability test Purpose: Evaluate user's ability to complete the tasks effectively. Users: 3 roadway workers. Materials: One Palm VII device. Procedure: " Training: Users were briefly trained during 30 minutes. The steps to complete each task were explained. All questions were answered during training session and they were annotated as well. " Task conditions: User operated the Palm VII device. The test was recorded in audio tape and the user actions were stored in a file. " Task: A list of tasks was assigned to the user. The user carried out each task while "thinking aloud". The tester did not answer questions unless the user was stuck and not able to go any further. The tester asked the user questions, especially when the user was not saying anything. " Questionnaires: At the beginning of the test we asked about demographic information such as years of experience and background knowledge of data link devices. During the test, we asked usability questions about both groups of requests (database and dispatcher). At the end of the test we asked miscellaneous questions about PID improvement, task realism and how the information was presented to the user (font sytle, size, navigation procedures ... ) Elapsed time: 30 min for training, 3h for tasks and questionnaires. Observations and measurements: From the recorded comments we could identify points of bad user interface, points where the user was confused and did not know how to proceed, and errors made while using the device (i.e. selection of wrong menu). 38 From the questionnaires, we captured subjective measurements about usability of the device (in terms of rating scales) as well as comments about PID improvement and potential changes in the way that the work request procedure was handled. From the log files, we captured the number of times each feature was utilized, how did the test user recover from errors and, with less importance in this experiment, the time it took to complete each task. Experiment setup: Computer to receive task instructions Test user PID Microphones Computer to answer work requests (Dispatcher interface) Tester I Figure 3-6 Usability test, setup. System evaluation test Purpose: The purpose was to find the underlying principles that any wireless device had to have before roadway workers used it in real railroad operations. We had to identify must-have features, potential side effects (i.e. changes in workload) and acceptance of such a communication system among railroad workers. We took some measures of wireless device efficiency. Users: 6 roadway workers. 39 Materials: One Palm VII device. Two radios (one for the tester). Worksheets to write down the information that the test user considered appropriate. Book of operating rules, Amtrak schedules and public MBTA schedules. Procedure: * Training: Users were trained on all the features of the device. They used the device on their own until they felt comfortable with its operation. All questions were answered during the training session. * Task conditions: User operated the Palm device and the interactions were stored in a file. When the radios were used, all the conversation was recorded on audio tape. * Task: Two lists of tasks were assigned to the user who carried out one group of tasks with the PID and the second group of tasks with the radio. In either case, the tasks were presented by a computer and only after the previous one had been completed. Tasks were independent and at different simulated times. Some tasks could not be accomplished (because of train schedule conflict for example), so the user had to identify the problem and report it. After 6 test users took the test, each group of tasks was handled 3 times with both the PID and the radio. * Questionnaires: At the beginning of the test we asked about demographic information such as years of experience and background knowledge of data link devices. During each group of tasks we stopped the test twice to ask situation awareness questions. At the end of the test we asked questions about PID usefulness, PID improvement, overall comfort level using the PID, task realism, changes in workload compared to current communication system, and principles that must be addressed before the PID was used in real railroad operations. Elapsed time: Average times were lh:10m during training, lh:32m during PID test, 1h:04m during radio test, plus another hour explaining rules of tests and answering questionnaires. 40 Observations and measurements: From the three sources of log records (worksheets, files when the PID was used and audio tape when the radio was used) we could measure the time spent during information gathering, work permission request and work cancellation. We also took measures of errors made by roadway workers. These errors include work requests that should or should not have been sent, communication errors and errors that compromised safety. These measures are explained in greater detail in section 4. From the questionnaires, we captured measures about situation awareness in terms of the trains noticed by the roadway worker as potential hazards during his/her job as well as type of territory (i.e. maximum train speed). We also captured subjective measurements about acceptance of the PID or a similar device and changes in workload (in terms of rating scales), comments about PID improvement, safety concerns, other potential uses of the PID and task realism. Experiment setup: Computer to answer work requests (Dispatcher interface) Computer to receive task instructions Test user PID Tester Radio __ Radio Figure 3-7 System evaluation test, setup. 41 _ Microphone 4 Results and Discussion From the usability test, we found out that a few changes had to be done to the PID user interface before we conducted the more formal system evaluation test. The most important one was to change the last steps of the foul time request, which turned out to be confusing for the test users. We applied the same modifications to the Form D request to retain consistency. Apart from this change, minor revisions were made such as uniform use of am/pm time format, rewording of buttons and menu titles, easier access to the main menu and additions to information sent with the train status report. From the usability test we also learned that although the font size and the overall device size could be larger, the information was presented in a readable and very organized way. The PID menu structure was fairly easy to navigate, except when the use of the vertical scroll bar was needed, and it was designed according to current railroad operations needs. The screens used to generate and send requests were very complete, easy to understand and moderately simple. At the same time, the screens reflected very realistically railroad operations needs and helped the user introduce the required information, which was a moderately easy task. Despite all this, these screens were somewhat slow. The information received at the PID as the result of a request for train or territory information was expected and abundant. Once the changes mentioned above were made, based on the acceptance of the overall system architecture, we carried out the system evaluation test. Measures taken and method of analysis. 4.1 The specific measures taken during the system evaluation test were: Time measures " Time to complete a task. It included all the time since the test user received the task instructions until he or she went to the next task. Instructions and test user actions were always paired and decoupled in time. * Time to complete a work request or a work cancellation. It included all the time since the request was initiated until it was completed and acknowledged. These times were easily obtained for the radio case by listening to the recorded tape. When computing these 42 times using the PID we had to make an approximation. Since the log files only stored request information when they arrived to or were sent form the web server, we did not know about the actual time when the roadway worker started to fill the request or the actual time when the answer finally arrived to the PID. This is why, for each work request, two approximate times were added to the ones stored in the log files. These times were an average time to fill a work request form and twice the average time it took for a packet to arrive from the PID to the web server (network latency). These average times had been computed for each screen in the PID. It is worth mentioning that the network latency was as low, for a wireless device, as 5 seconds. Error measures Four different types of errors were considered: * Work requests that should have been sent. The roadway worker had the opportunity to send the request but for some reason he did not send it. * Work requests that should not have been sent. These were work requests that, because of traffic conflict, should not have been sent or work requests sent to the wrong dispatcher when using the radio. * Communication errors. These were work requests sent more than once when using the PID, work requests sent with incomplete description or that had to be repeated over the radio. * Safety errors. These involved work permissions accepted without knowing about traffic patterns during the period the work lasted, work permissions that were not cancelled when it was required or work permissions accepted in a location that was not the one requested. Except for the work requests that should have been sent, where the correct amount was six for the first set of tasks and seven for the second, all error measures were considered as absolute values. Since one test user did not take the test with the radio, the absolute results for his errors during the test with the PID were not taken into account in the analysis. 43 Situation awareness measures Two sets of measures of situation awareness were taken. The first one involved information (territory information and traffic patterns) about the work site that, at some point, was read or retrieved by the test user. The second test involved the same type of information that was remembered by the test user when he or she was asked about it. " Territory information included dispatcher in charge, maximum train speed and rules that applied in the section of track where the work took place. " Train information included the relevant trains that affected the roadway worker during the time when the work took place. The roadway worker was required to know about the train ID, its updated schedule, whether or not the train was delayed, and its direction. The method of analysis for the situation awareness was based on the specific window of time of each task. The trains that were supposed to pass by the work site while the job was performed were the basis of the grading scale. If the roadway worker knew about all these trains he received a score of 100%. Otherwise, the score was computed according to the amount of information he knew versus the amount of information he should have known. Other measures As it was mentioned in the description of the system evaluation test, we also captured subjective measurements about acceptance of the PID or a similar device and changes in workload (in terms of rating scales), comments about PID improvement, safety concerns, other potential uses of the PID, and task realism. Difference between radio and data link communications. 4.2 4.2.1 Data link device results in safer operations. We can say that the data link device resulted in safer operations from two different points of view. First, the situation awareness was much higher using the PID device than the radio. Considering the train location and territory information that a roadway worker must collect before he or she performed a job on the right-of-way (see section 3.1.2), test users received more 44 information and with greater accuracy using the PID device. Alternative sources of information when the roadway workers used the radio were the MBTA commuter train public schedules and the NORAC operating rules book that contained both schedules of Amtrak trains and territory information. They could call the dispatcher by radio for updates on train schedules. As Figure 4-1 shows, of all the information they were supposed to collect, they did a better job when they used the data link device 100. 0% Amount of information retrieved 99.7% 83.9% 99.7% 9.7* 80.0% 62.5% 60.7% 0.70 60.0% 38.3%PID 40.0% 670 20.0% 0.0% Territory Info Relevant Trains Train Updated Train delay direction Train Schedule Figure 4-1 Information retrieved "Territory information" included train dispatcher in charge of the territory in which the work site was located, the rules that applied in that territory and the maximum train speed around the work site. "Relevant trains" were all the trains that represented a potential hazard for the work crew, this is, trains that would go by the track adjacent to the work site while the crew was working. It is worth mentioning the difference between "Updated train schedule" and "Train delay". "Updated train schedule" refers to the fact of knowing the real time train schedule with any possible updates, while "Train delay" refers to the fact of knowing whether a train is delayed or not. If train 012 was due at View at 9:45am but it was 10 minutes late, knowing that it would reach View at 9:55am was a point towards "Updated train schedule" and knowing that it was 10 minutes late was a point towards "Train delay". Knowing the train delay immediately guaranteed knowledge of the updated train schedule, but not the other way around since when they used the PID they didn't have access to the printed schedule to make comparisons. The PID always 45 displayed updated times but the train delay had to be retrieved in a specific screen that was not often visited. When roadway workers used the radio, they could radio the dispatcher for updates but they did not take advantage of this opportunity. This could be explained because in the real world, roadway workers tend not to bother the dispatcher with this type of request. They usually find out the train status (updated and relevant information about a train) by calling directly to stations or to other crews in the track. The dispatcher is the last resort they use when they want to know a train status. They suggested that information about train status should be integrated with information about train schedule. Had this integration been included in the PID prototype, the train delay for the data link device would have had the same level of knowledge as the "Updated train schedule". "Train direction" had the same magnitude as "Relevant trains" since the train ID number parity gave its direction. We learned that this is not the rule for work extra trains (unscheduled trains used in maintenance operations) but this detail was not included in the simulated train schedule database. Compared to the radio, we were expecting better results for the data link device. It was reasonable to think that using the paper source of information a train could easily be overlooked. On the other hand, we thought that the data link device would provide too much information that would result in less memory retention. This is why we introduced a set of situation awareness questions in the tasks. These questions were asked immediately after a work request had been processed and they were aimed to measure whether the information retrieved by PID was remembered or not. In a similar way to real railroad operations, test users were required to write down in a worksheet the information they considered relevant to their work, but they were not able to use these worksheets when answering the situation awareness questions. Figure 4-2 shows that, against our initial assumption, roadway workers tend to remember more of the information that is retrieved using the PID device than that retrieved by radio or from printed schedules. The second fact that supports the statement that the data link device results in safer operations is the number of safety errors. With radio, the test users made more than five times the safety errors they made with the PID device. 46 Amount of information remembered 8 100.0% 9'.o 87.5% 81.80/(72.9% 80.0% .__ 60.0% 7.5% 60.0% P ID Radio 40.0%2 20.0% . 0.0% Window of time Territory Info Relevant Trains and direction Train delay Figure 4-2 Information remembered Figure 4-3 shows that, while the amount of work requests that should not have been sent is similar for both radio and data link, there were 11 safety errors with the radio and only 2 with data link device. A work request that should not have been sent could be understood as a risky situation, because either the roadway worker wanted to work when there was traffic that prevented it, or he or she was not aware of what dispatcher was responsible for insuring his or her safety. The vast majority of safety errors came from the fact that test users accepted permission to work without being fully aware of the future traffic conditions during the job. Errors 14 12 ._11 10. 8 . __________ 6. PID 4. 4 .4 *Radio 3___ 2 2 ,M Work requests that should NOT have been sent Safety errors Figure 4-3 Safety errors and wrong work requests 47 4.2.2 Data link device results in better knowledge of potential risks but in reduced number of jobs completed. As was mentioned in the previous section, the data link device resulted in better knowledge of potential risks for roadway workers. At the same time, while resulting in greater risk awareness, the use of the PID produced fewer jobs completed. Figure 4-4 shows the relative number of work request sent during the experiment. A 100% would mean that all the requests that could have been sent were actually sent, but we see that with the PID fewer work requests were sent. 100%. 80% . 88% 77% PID Radio 60% 40% 20% 0% Work requests that should have been sent Figure 4-4 Work requests sent It is worth mentioning that half the work requests that were not sent for both the radio and the PID came from the same test user. This test user had very little experience in the real world. He had submitted less than ten form Ds to real dispatchers. This could explain his reticence to submit work requests. Not taking this test user into account, 93% of the work requests would have been sent over the radio and 84% with the PID. This less experienced test user was also among the ones with higher situation awareness. This fact also supports our conclusion that the higher the knowledge of potential risks the lower the number of jobs completed. 48 4.2.3 Communication seems to be slower but more accurate using the data link device. The workload remains the same. Figure 4-5 shows average completion times for successful interactions between roadway workers and dispatchers. We can see that it usually took longer to request both a form D and a foul time using the PID. In real railroad operations a foul time is not as structured as a form D and it usually is much faster to obtain. This was reflected in the radio tests but not when the PID was used. With the PID the foul time request procedure had fewer steps than that of the form D but the steps removed from the foul time procedure were quite fast and didn't affect significantly the time it took to request a foul time. The cancellation of a work request was very short when the PID was used and it was comparable to a foul time cancellation over the radio. The form D cancellation took longer over the radio because the acknowledgment steps required reading twice the main fields of a form D. 4:00 3:30 3:00 2:30 Average times 3:30 3:05 2:26 2:00 OP P1:28 ID 1:30 1:12 1:00 Radio 0 0:30 0:00 Form D request Form D cancellation Foul time request Clear foul time Figure 4-5 Average times for successful interactions It is worth mentioning a factor that affected all these times and that was not taken into account. During the tests, the dispatcher tried to answer as fast as possible the work requests. In real operations this is far from being true. Dispatchers are often busy with other tasks and do not answer the requests right away. Also, we should say that all the test users declared themselves very familiar with the radio. Some of them had more than 15 years of experience using the radio. Except for one test user who had prior experience with the palm all the others were very 49 unfamiliar with palm devices. In fact, they only had around 1 h: 15m of training but as one test user said during the usability test "The more I worked with it, the more understandable it became." Because of the structured way of asking for work protection when the data link device was used, the test users made fewer communications errors with the PID. They always had to fill the same fields and it was harder to forget about one of them. The communication errors with the PID could have been reduced to almost none if the Palm VII had had the ability to verify the request before it was sent to the dispatcher, but Palm VII did not support the required JavaScript. 10 9 8 6- - PID *Radio 5 4 2 0 Communication errors Figure 4-6 Communication errors The less constrained radio environment resulted in more communication errors, but at the same time, its flexibility allowed a faster error recovery so more errors did not result in longer times. Despite the fact that it took longer to obtain work protection and that errors were expensive in terms of time with the PID, the test users did not feel a change in workload. This could be explained because it was easier to retrieve train and territory information. As one test user put it, "after using the device it was hard to go back to the printed schedules". 50 4.3 Potential implementation of a data link device in railroad operations. 4.3.1 Favorableacceptance of the data link device, with some conditions. Test users were asked if they would use the PID in real railroad operations. To show that the PID could be used to retrieve train and territory information or to ask the dispatcher for protection or for both, we asked two separate questions. Still, the acceptance was excellent in both cases. In a scale form 1 to 5 where 1 is maximum acceptance, the test users rated the PID with a 1.2 to retrieve train location information and with a 1.5 to ask the dispatcher for protection. But the acceptance not only was shown in these two questions. The attitude of the roadway workers when they tested the device was highly positive, and they liked the fact that without long training they were able to operate the device without assistance. Three of the test users directly asked the question of whether they would get a PID if it was to be used in real railroad operations. Almost all of them saw other potential uses, discussed bellow, for the PID and one of them even saw commercial opportunities for it. As one roadway worker said "[The PID] is an excellent tool for employees working both in the right-of-way and for employees working on trains". Despite the positive disposition to use the PID in real railroad operations, test users mentioned a list of features that it must have before introducing it in their daily work. Identifying these conditions was one of the goals of the project. They are discussed in the following section. 4.3.2 Features that a data link device must have before it is introduced in real railroad operations. When asked about "must-have" features for the PID device, the roadway workers mentioned the following ones. We have separated these features into two categories: hardware requirements and software requirements Hardware requirements The wireless device must be waterproof, shockproof and maybe have a clip and a hardcover. It should be larger, less fragile and able to do a self-diagnostic test to assure screen accuracy (i.e. to find pixels malfunctioning that may cause incorrect readings). 51 The battery life should last at least one full day. The batteries of the Palm VII easily lasted a few days but the transmitter had to be recharged after prolonged wireless transactions. The Palm VII user did not realize this need for recharging because it took place during the night, but if the charge was really low, the Palm VII was not able to conduct wireless transactions for at least 50 minutes. This is unacceptable for real railroad operations. The wireless coverage should span the entire right-of-way and its surroundings. Test users were concerned about this issue because cellular phones, that used a similar technology to that of the Palm VII, had dead spots along the track. It should allow two-way communications so warnings could be received at the PID. The PID should also warn the user about approaching trains whenever they entered a block close to their working sites. Software requirements The system must keep a log of old work permissions. NORAC rules establish that Form D's have to be kept for a period of time. Also, roadway workers usually keep a log of their foul times and they would like the PID to do that for them. The system should not let the dispatcher grant work permission with different information than that initially requested by the roadway worker, i.e. the system should not let the dispatcher grant work permission on track 1 if the roadway worker requests permission to work on track 2. For the system to be useful the train schedule database must be updated in real time and it must include all the trains that are under the control of the Traffic Control Center. Otherwise the PID would be a hazardous tool because they would rely on it and think that it had sent them information about all the relevant trains. 4.3.3 Features that would improve the acceptance of the data link device but are not required for its basic operation. We have divided these features into three groups: improvements with respect to features that already existed in the prototype, new features to be added and hardware improvements. 52 Improvements to features that already existed in the prototype The software should be flexible enough to let the roadway worker ask for all sorts of work requests. The prototype only incorporated three lines of a Form D, but there were actually thirteen and some of them were often used and should be included, especially line 13. Also, work requests should be more flexible in terms on the ability to describe the desired work site. In particular, this includes ability to ask for more than one track at a time (useful when requesting to foul an entire interlocking for example) and the ability to define work sites by mileposts limits, not only by location names. Before giving any section of track back to the dispatcher the system should prompt the roadway worker for confirmation. The train status report could be enhanced by adding the number of passengers or empty seats on passenger trains, the number of empty or loaded cars in freight trains from foreign railroads, and the reason for a train to be delayed. The territory information report could include a quick reference to rules and rule updates and a description of equipment changes (moved signals, energized sections, signals out of service...). The screens that showed the updated train schedule should also include a flag that lets the roadway worker know if a train is late or on time. The screens that showed other sections of track that were out of service under the authority of other roadway workers should let the PID user read the work permission in effect for each section of track. Finally, the special trains are of enough importance to have an easier access. The prototype had access to information about these trains, but test users acquired it only after they had gone through several screens and had made several choices. New features Other movement authorities, such as rule 241, and other types of interactions with dispatchers, such as speed restrictions, could be included. Also other relevant information such as weather conditions in different sections of the track could be incorporated. 53 The wireless device could also be used to receive information about any situation which could affect the safe movement of trains or their on-time performance (train speed restriction bulletins, derailments, where the work crews or contractors may be working, blocks occupied, over dimensioned cars,...) Finally, the communications capabilities could be extended to let one PID user send and receive short messages or questions, or communicate with other PID users. Hardware improvements Test users were specifically questioned about the need of a portable wireless printer that they could use to make hardcopies of specific screens of the PID. The initial idea was to print train schedule reports and work permissions. Some test users were enthusiastic about the idea while others considered it a burden. On average, they said that a wireless portable printer was only moderately important. 4.3.4 Other potential uses of the data link device. All the test users were conductors, so their duties often involved being in charge of passenger trains. This is why they mentioned the great potential that a similar device would have on board trains. It would be useful to communicate with engineers or managers in stations while the conductor is on the train. It could also be used to give the passengers appropriate information about train connections or updated train schedules. While the roadway workers are within the right-of-way, the PID could be a good tool to communicate not only with dispatchers but also with other staff at the Traffic Control Center such as the Trouble Desk Manager. During the early tests, the PID was shown to the manager of operations of South Station. From the point of view of management, he also saw great potential in the real-time train information capabilities of the PID. By using this ability, he could maintain a better knowledge of daily traffic patterns. 54 5 Conclusions The purpose of the present study was to analyze what can be done at the roadway worker side to enhance safety through data link communications. We wanted to know if the roadway workers were ready to use new information technologies and what were the minimum requirements that must be addressed before the roadway workers used these technologies. All these questions were answered in this project, at least sufficiently well to guide refinement and pilot tests in situ. We have found that a data link device able to receive real time information about train location greatly improves situation awareness of roadway worker by letting them know about many of the potential hazards that they would face during their job. Initially we were concerned about the fact that having better knowledge of train location would result in relaxation of safety. We thought that if roadway workers knew about all the trains they would try to use shorter windows of time to do their job and maybe even 'steal time' working unprotected. Our experiments showed that our initial assumption was wrong. In fact, better knowledge of train location or higher situation awareness resulted in fewer work attempts. Also, we thought that having more information about trains would result in lower memory retention. Our experiment showed that roadway workers tended to remember slightly more information when they used the data link device. The prototype that we used resulted in longer but more accurate communications compared to the radio. We believe that the next generation of wireless devices that permits two-way communication with the ability to initiate the transaction at both ends will greatly reduce the time spent in work request procedures. Still, the data link prototype showed that structured digital interactions between dispatchers and roadway workers were more accurate than the same interactions over the radio. Roadway workers were ready to use new information technologies. While some of the test users already had computer experience almost all of them were very unfamiliar with the data link prototype that we used in the experiments. Despite this fact they thought that the device was easy or very easy to use and they were eager to implement it in real railroad operations with some prior modifications described above. 55 Not only the roadway workers were ready to use it in typical work crew protection environments but also they saw great potential for the data link device in different circumstances such as on board trains or for daily manager supervision. Roadway worker showed enthusiasm about the proposed data link device and they wanted more features to be included in it. Available technology is ready to satisfy their needs and they are ready to use it. There is great potential seen for data link devices to enhance roadway worker safety. 56 Appendix A. PID System Architecture A. 1. Components As it was shown in Figure 3-3, the prototype developed in this project is based on the Internet and it has the following components: 1. PID device. The prototype runs on a small information appliance called a Palm VII. It has stored the web pages that are used to send requests to the dispatcher or his/her terminal. These web pages are designed in such a way that user interaction is minimized and simplified. 2. Web server. Currently This server hosts the master files that are used as templates to send information back to the PID. 3. Query servers. Run on the same computer as the web server and they are continuously looking for requests sent by the PID or the dispatchers. These servers are responsible to redirect the request to the appropriate destination. 4. Database. The prototype version is a static database but it is ready to be dynamically updated with real time data. This database stores information about train schedule in the past, expected schedule in the future, current delay, train information (direction of travel, number of cars, engine number), out of service track under form D, out of service track under foul time and territory information (maximum speed, dispatcher in charge, rules that apply) 5. Dispatcher interface. A very schematic message console for the dispatcher. This is where the dispatcher receives and answers requests sent to him by the PID. 6. Database manager interface. A simple web page that is used to update the database. In this section we will include a detailed description of each of these components. A.].]. PID device. The prototype runs in a Palm VII, a device with wireless access to the Internet. For details about how this wireless access is actually implemented, refer to Palm VII white paper web page. 57 It is important to mention that the Palm VII is only online whenever it sends data and it is only waiting for incoming data after it has first sent a request. No data will be received at the Palm VII if it has not first requested it. This fact drastically constraints the capabilities of the Palm VII. Some design decisions had to be adapted to this constraint. The PID hosts web pages that do not change over time and are only used to submit requests to the server. The last version of the PID includes the following web pages. *MI 4 Train and territory information Train Trainstotus Territory Info Train OS (ID) 05 (work site) Form D Foul Time Request Line 4 RequestFoul Reeuest Lines 2.3 Time Cancel/Fulfil Ciegrr My FormsW My Foul Time Track Outage Other FoulTime My Form D's My Foul Time LC - History TO fictive Foul Time 0 Rttleboro-Holden a._ I11:45o-12:15p, -9993, rystry lctive Form s lingston-Oeeiseiilm-Rmed( Incomplete requests -9994, Requested - Chc Clear Sun, No--Nrth own these foul times Attleboro-Holden Chk Mein , History 11.lp 11:45*-12:15p, requests East Corridor - Mein Menu 4 W WA Clear Foul Time You Incomplete Cancel/Fulfill 4 - History Cancel/Fulfill Form 0 Sun, I1.96p You own these form Os E 9903, North East Corridor To To clear a Foul Time top the errow next toit andpress'Cler'button Menu (Cleer Foot TiseeL 4 History YOU ORE NOT UNDER DISPRTCHER PROTECTION Sun, 11.0 1p North East Corridor dispatcher has received your request and the foul time is now clear. will have to submit another request if you want protection. You Mein Men Table A-i PID Screen shots (1) 58 'Cancel/Fulfill'button. nothing) )Do Cancel/Fulfill a Form 0 top the arrow next to it and press (Cennel/Felfil) |Do nothing) RM 4 - History YOU RRE NOT UNDER DISPRTCHER PROTECTION North East Corridor dispatcher hes received yor request and the form D 9 0003 has been concelled. You will hase to submit another request if you went protection. f main Mess arm" 4 Train ad territory information Trainstatus Territoryinfo Train OS (work site) Train 0 (1) Form 0 Foul Time Request Une 4 Reguest Lines 2.3 RequestFoul ime! Cancel/FulirlE ClearS Me Form DE My Foul Time Track Outa Other Foul Time Train Status Train OS (work site) 11 Train OS (ID) Territory Info -, 4 123 I1 2 3 train schedule Find 23 -train status 4 Fisil more tram i~s main MehV G&Wt 4 Train 170 Fri, 2.02p 3 hors 4 Get list of trains Select train-10 range. Mein Menu Status: On schedule Last: Hyde Park 1.59p Neet n Forest Hills 2.87p Dletinanlens Boston Engine Ii 1290 of cars: 3 Gat -C - History 000-099 100-199 200-299 300-399 400-499 500-599 690-699 700-799 000-899 900 999 -NA Mein Was Gt 4 - O12 3 ohedule6 Territory information - 96.8 Clinton and 104.7 Saybrook 12 3 later. 4175 New Han 4.0p L.O9p l _4 - History Train 05 Fri, 2.A7p main mem New Haven 11.0 a New Haven 11.11a Fair St 11.23a Mill River Jot If,26a Shore Line Jot 1 1.28a Braonford 11.35a Station Guilford 11.43a Get list of Select train-D trains range. |000-099| 100-199 200-299 300-399 400-499 500-599 600-699 700-799 000-899 |900-999| pol 4 - History - History Train Schedule Request Select train number: Select train number: w WX105 train statust) w Mein Moon 4 WX305 Set trainOSE - History Meitnes CNL 4 - History Train 05 Train WX1US Fri, 2.12p Main mene Fri, 2.48p Main Menu WX305 Atwells 1.19a Cranston 1H.25o Oaisville 1045a Klingston 10.59a Station On schedule Lest: Old Saybrook 1.55p Guilford2.17p Nent DestinationsBranford Station Engine #1 1775 # of cars: 6 statues Mein Men Table A-2 PID Screen shots (2) 59 4 - History Territory Information Fri, 7.5Ip Ctbton Weostbrook Westbrook & Brook Brook & Saybrook Td Ms SL 85 SL SL T4 T2 TI T3 562562 85 562562 85 261261261261 Main Mcny Train Status Request ( Get main Mtny Find more 4 History. Train OS Fri, 2.13p Main Me 884 163 BSS New Haoen 2.09p 3.O8p 3.55p Fair St 2.57p 3.H5p 3.52P Mill River kt 3.02p 3 3.01p 3A.7p Shore Line 3.0 p 2.8p 1 between: Got itfor-matorE' G-t 1-rinchdl train is Mein ses main Mieng - History Territory Information Request i ?flpry. To: l - 72.3 Hew Haven .75.2 Shore Line Jt between/ot: Proe: f I History Train 05 Request Select train number: xlee x1e xI Train 231 =T4 =m IT "f 4 - History 05 Request f History Train Status Request Select train number: 4 Train and territory information Trainstotus Territory Info Train OS (work site) Train OS (1E) Form D Feel Time Request Line 4 RequestFoul Reauest 2.3 Cancel/Fulfille Clo2r Lines lime MyFormDoY MyFoulTime TrackOutage OtherFoulTime II Request Form D Line 4 Request Form D Lines 2,3 Form B Line 4 Request Track #: Starttime: Duration -2 Track Lastupdate:Fri, North East Corridor dispatcher has received your respond as soon as possible... Please wait while dispatcher reviews your request... Main Men North East Corridor dispatcher has received your Press 'Check Response' button to update this message, (Chock PleaspontuE) ) 4 - History Please DISPOTCHER M Date: 01/2/2000 Delivered to: Oriol D 0001 4. 2 track out of sereice betweon/at Providence and Lawn Incharge of Oriol Dispatcher North East Corridor ( 4 4 - History NOT UNDER YOU DISPATCHER PROTECTION Conflict with train 093 and 8St Dispatcher does not accept your request and the form D 0 0002 has been rejected. You willhave to submit another request Ifyou wont protection. History confirm Form Rok tiwe Eff. soon a possible... while dispatcher reviews your request... Please wait Response' button to update this message. lCheckReoysonse 4 - History 2.51p Mainmenu request and will respond as Press 'Check Main Menu 1 ndrequest request and will 4 - Metin men 4 - History Last update:Fri, 2.51p Maein men PROTECTION Conflict with train 093 and 805 Dispatcher does not accept your request and the form D0 0902 has been rejected You will have to subit another request ifyou want protection. #: Direction: - East - I hour (estimated) ARE NOT UNDER 2.3 Request Operate - 168.0 Dviille track-car - 184.2 HtweIls between: l1t23am1 .................... Send rquest( YOU lines Form 0 Work site - 185.1 Providence between/at - 188.6 Lawn Csncelpnoli( ARE - Hstory Please confirm Form D 0005 Date: 01/28/2000 Delivered to: Oritl 2. Operate in East direction on 1 track between Davisvile and Atwell$ 3. Trains or track cars ahead none TC proceed past stop signal(s) at Dayisville Dispatcher North East Corridor Main Manu (CanceoormDu (f9ktmoEffo 4 YOU - History ARE NOT UNDER PROTECTION North East Corridor dispatcher has received your request and the form D # 0001 has been canceled, You will have to submit another request if you wont protection. DISPATCHER Min Metu f l 4 - History Lastupdate: Fri, 3.01p MainMeu 4 - History NOT PROTECTION North East Corridor dispatcher has received your request and the form # 001 has been cancelled. You will have to submit another request ifyou want protection. YOU North East Corridor dispatcher has received your and will respond as soon as possib... D wait while dispatcher assigns time effective... Mai Mans Press 'Check Response' button to update this message. Ch.chEspons 4 w History Lost update Fri, 3.07p Maein Men North East Corridor dispatcher has received your request and will respond as soon as possible... Please wait while dispatcher assigns time effective... Press'Chock Response'butnto update this message. Rposse6 (Chmcka 4 O History Form 0 0003 Date: 01/28/2009 Delivered UNDER DISPOTCHER request Please ARE ) M= 4 - History Form 0 0005 Date: 01/28/2900 Delivered to: Oril 2. Operate inEast direction on I track between Dasisoille and Atwells 3. Trains or track cars ahead none TC proceed past stop signal(s) at to:Lriol 4. 2 track out ofservice between/at Providence and Lawn in charge of Orisi Dispatcher North East Corridor Time Eff. 3:00p Oslo mass Davisyille Dispatcher Time Eff. Table A-3 PID Screen shots (3) 60 North East Corridor 3:19p Main Manu -Train and territory 4 information Trainstatus Train OS (work site) Territoryinfo Train 05 D) Form 0 Foul Time Request Line 4 Request Foul Reaest lines 2.3 Time gear' Cancel/Fufilf M _FeDs' My Foul Time>, TrackOueoue Other FoulTime Request Foul Time I Other Foul Time * 4 Foul Track C. Time Request - 2 Betweon/at: w 73.6 Mill River Jct S81.4 Branford Statiui Start time: i2 "0prnj - History Track Out of Service Report (Foul Time) History c4 Track Out of Service Report (Form B) Find track out of service between: - 72.3 Noew Haven end - 22.7 Boston Find track out of service between: - 72.3 New Haven end - 228.7 Boston t t l st update: Fri, 4 w History 4 - History Track out of service (Foul Time) Sun, 10.59p 2.Slp Main Mene North East Corridor dispatcher has received your request and will respond as soon as T# Between Owner possible.. Please wait reviews Mein Menu ganmene Scmd requtes f Send requeun) ein Menu Send requetn End Time Track Outage q 1 Attleboro and Holden Oriol while dispatcher and Route 128 Smith 1 Junction 2 Old Saybrook nd View Green your request... Press'Check Response'button to update this message. (Check ResponseE ) Mein Menu M Track 4 - History out of service (Form B) Sun, 11.00p T# Between Owner 2 Kingston and Davisville Oriol 2 Hyde Park and Forest Hills Green 2 Branford and Pine Smith Mein Menu I 1 3 ARE 4 4 - History Please confirm Foul Time - History NOT UNDER DISPRTCHER PROTECTION Check back in35 min Dispatcher does not accept your request. You will have to submit another request if you want protection. YOU Date: 01/28/2088 to: Oriol to foul 2 track Mill River Jct and Branford Station Issued: 9:05p Alowed: 9:25p Dispatcher: North East Corridor Delivered Permission between/at Main Menu Mccepts fl- (onetAccept) 4 History YOU ROE NOT UNDER DISPATCHER PROTECTION Fri, 3.23p North East Corridor dispatcher has received your request and the foul time is now clear You will have to submit another request If you want protection. History u foul Time is Effective Date: 01/28/200 Delivered to: Oriol Permission to foul 2 track between/at Mill River Jct and Branford Station 2 Issued: 9:05p Rilowed: 9: 5p Dispatcher: North East Corridor Mein Menu eaie mece Table A-4 PID Screen shots (4) As we can see in Table A-I through Table A-4, the main menu is divided in three submenus. One of them refers to train location and territory information and the other two refer to work requests (form D or foul time). From the train and territory information submenu, there is access to train status information, territory information and real-time train schedule. Following the link 'Train Status' a roadway 61 worker can retrieve, for a given train, its current delay, last location and time at that location, next location and expected time at that location, destination, number of cars and engine number. Following the link 'Territory Information' and for a given section of the track, the roadway worker can learn about maximum train speed, dispatcher in charge of that territory and rules that apply. The roadway worker can retrieve real time train schedule, or train OS, from two perspectives. Following the link 'Train OS (ID)' and for a given train ID, the roadway worker obtains the train OS since the beginning of its journey. Following the link 'Train OS (work site)' and for a given section of the track and window of time, the roadway worker can obtain a list of trains that occupied or were expected to occupy that track during that time. From the work requests submenus the roadway worker can request form Ds (line 4 or lines 2 and 3) and foul time. Following 'My Form D' or 'My Foul Time' links the roadway worker can retrieve a list of form Ds or foul time under his/her authority and also continue an interrupted work request. Following the links 'Cancel/Fulfill' or 'Clear' the roadway worker is able to give some track under his authority back to the dispatcher. Following the links 'Track Outage' or 'Other Foul Time' the roadway worker is able to find out if, for a given section of the track, there is some track out of service under form D or foul time. A.].2. Web server. The web server is now running in a computer of the Volpe National Transportation Systems Center. Its address is A.1.3. Query servers. Query servers are mainly written in Java. There is only one file written in Perl. This file is a CGI script used as an interface between the web server and the query servers. The Perl file is located at: /data/ pl It simply reads the HTML forms as sent by the PID, stores a file with the request description in /data/ (where the query servers are looking for them) and finally reads and returns the requested information to the PID. There are 5 query servers: Database, dispatcher, file, dispatcher terminal refresh and simulation query servers. Every second these query servers look for requests sent by the PID or 62 by a dispatcher in the directory /data/ In case a request has arrived to the system, the appropriate query server reads the request, processes it and writes the answer in /data/ for the CGI script to send it back to the original petitioner. A detailed description of the purpose of each server follows. In parenthesis after each request it is written the option (op) parameter associated to it. Also, after the name of each query server it is written the type of query (tq) parameter that identifies the requests that each server handles (see A.2). 1. Database query server (tq=db). Handles requests sent by PID that need access to the train schedule database and the database updates sent from the database manager interface. These requests are: Train Status (op=TST): Receives a train ID as input and returns the current status of that train. The train status includes for all trains: current delay in minutes, last location, next location, time at these two locations, destination, number of cars and engine number. Train OS (work site) (op=TSW): Receives a time window and a portion of track as input and returns the real time train OS of all the trains that occupy that portion of track in the given time window. Train OS (ID) (op=TS): Receives a train ID as input and returns its real time train OS from the beginning to the end of its journey. Territory Information (op=TI): Receives a portion of track as input and returns the rules that apply in that territory, the dispatcher in charge and the maximum train speed. Update database (op=updateSchedule): Manual update of the database (see A. 1.6). The database manager uses this request to manually update the delay of any train in the system. This request can also be used to reset the schedule of the trains. At the end of the day the train schedule is automatically reset to reflect the next day schedule but, should the database manager want to do it manually this request has the option for him/her. Update database from file (op=update): Automatic update of the database (see A. 1.4). This request is supposed to be triggered automatically every given time. It was included as an interface between a potential real time database and the PID database. For a detailed description of how database requests are implemented in the PID see A.2 63 2. Dispatcher query server (tq=di). Handles requests sent by PID that need dispatcher interaction, requests that have to do with work permissions and answers sent by dispatcher to the PID. These requests are: Requests sent by PID: Request form D line 4 (op=FD4): Used to send to the dispatcher a work site description, track number and desired window of time to perform a work that will require a form D line 4 authorization. Request form D lines 2 and 3 (op=FD23): Used whenever a roadway worker wants to operate a track car. This movement requires form D lines 2 and 3 authorization and this request is used to send to the dispatcher the portion of track, track number and the direction of travel. Ask for time effective or cancel form D (op=FDATE): A form D is not active until the dispatcher assigns a time effective. Once the dispatcher has assigned a time effective the form D becomes a rule. But before this step, the roadway worker has to acknowledge that the dispatcher has understood his/her request so it is the roadway worker the one that has to confirm the form D by asking a time effective to the dispatcher. This request receives just the acceptation or rejection of the form D as input. If the roadway worker accepts the form D, the dispatcher will assign a time effective and it will become rule until it is cancelled or fulfilled. If the roadway worker rejects the form D, the entire form D request procedure will have to be repeated. Retrieve list of active form Ds (op=FDCR): Used whenever a roadway worker has finished his/her job or wants to cancel or fulfill a form D and is giving the track back to the dispatcher. This request will send him/her a list of his/her active form Ds and will let him/her select the one he/she wants. Cancel/fulfill form D (op=FDC): Works together with the previous request. This is the step to actually cancel or fulfill the form D. My form Ds (op=MyFD): Used to retrieve a list of current form Ds or incomplete form D requests under the authority of the roadway worker holding the PID. Although it is not included in the first prototype of the PID, this request should also comply with rule 176. 64 "Form D's which have been fulfilled or cancelled [...] must be retained and held available for inspection for a period of 7 days" (NORAC operating rules) Track outage (op=FDR): Used to retrieve a list of track currently out of service under form D authorization. Receives a portion of track as input and, for every section of track out of service within those given limits, it returns a list of track numbers and track owners. This knowledge will let the PID holder know who should he/she contact in case he/she wants access to that portion of track. Request foul time (op=FT): Used to send to the dispatcher a work site description, track number and desired window of time to perform a work that will require foul time authorization. Accept or do not accept foul time (op=FTAC): It is a roadway worker acknowledgement. This request receives just the acceptation or rejection of the foul time as input. If the roadway worker accepts the foul time, it will become active. If the roadway worker rejects the foul time, the entire foul time request procedure will have to be repeated. Retrieve list of active foul time (op=FTCR): Used whenever a roadway worker has finished his/her job or wants to clear a foul time and is giving the track back to the dispatcher. This request will send him/her a list of his active foul times and will let him/her select the one he/she wants. Clear foul time (op=FTC): Works together with the previous request. This is the step to actually clear the foul time. My foul time (op=MyFT): Used to retrieve a list of current foul times or incomplete foul time requests under the authority of the roadway worker holding the PID. Other foul time (op=FTR): Used to retrieve a list of track currently out of service under foul time authorization. Receives a portion of track as input and, for every section of track out of service within those given limits, it returns a list of track numbers and track owners. This knowledge will let the PID holder know who should he/she contact in case he/she wants access to that portion of track. 65 Requests sent by dispatchers: New dispatcher (login) (op=ND): Used whenever a new dispatcher enters the system. This request receives a territory description and a password as input and it returns a full dispatcher terminal that will receive any request that has to do with the given territory. Dispatchers have to login the system before they are able to receive requests from the PID. Answer request for form D lines 2 and 3 (op=FD23A): Used by a dispatcher to grant or deny the requested form D lines 2 and 3. In case the dispatcher grants the form D, he/she will send to the roadway worker that made the request the appropriate information about it. This information includes form D number (automatically assigned by system), form D recipient, date, direction of travel, track number, track location and information about trains or track cars ahead. In case the dispatcher denies the requested form D it will be cancelled and the roadway worker will be notified. Answer request for form D line4 (op=FD4A): Used by a dispatcher to grant or deny the requested form D lines 4. In case the dispatcher grants the form D, he/she will send to the roadway worker that made the request the appropriate information about it. This information includes form D number (automatically assigned by system), form D recipient, date, track number, track location and foreman in charge of the track out of service. In case the dispatcher denies the requested form D it will be cancelled and the roadway worker will be notified. Assign time effective for form D (op=FDGTE): Once the roadway worker has received and acknowledged the previous information for any form D, the dispatcher assigns a time effective to it. The time effective is sent to the roadway worker and the dispatcher is notified of its reception. Answer request for foul time (op=FTA): Used by a dispatcher to grant or deny the requested foul time. In case the dispatcher grants the foul, he/she will send to the roadway worker that made the request the appropriate information about it. This information includes track number, time issued, time allowed, employee in charge and track location. In case the dispatcher denies the requested foul time it will be cleared and the roadway worker will be notified. 66 For a detailed description of how dispatcher requests are implemented in the PID see A.2 3. File query server (tq=file). Handles requests sent by PID or by the dispatcher that only require reading a file or finding out if a file exists or not. These requests are: Items in My form Ds or My foul Time reports (op=SF or LF): Form Ds and foul times are not stored in the PID. They are stored in the machine running the web server. When a roadway worker wants to know about his/her own form Ds or foul time, he/she uses the PID to retrieve it from the web server. The roadway worker won't look for the specific file name. He/she will only tell the PID that he/she wants to retrieve a specific form D number or a given foul time. Wait screens (op=LF): While the roadway worker or a dispatcher are waiting for the other end to answer a request, a "please wait" screen lets the user know about it. Since the Palm VII has no way to receive information until it asks for it, this "please wait" screen has a button that the roadway worker will use to check whether the answer is available or not. If the answer is available, it will be sent, if it is not available an updated "please wait" screen will be sent. On the other hand, the dispatcher terminal (running in a standard web browser) has the ability to periodically check for answers from the PID. 4. Dispatcher Terminal Refresh query server. The dispatcher terminal must reflect in real time the current state of the work requests. This server is responsible to keep updated every 10 seconds this information. 5. Simulation query server. Used to conduct the experiment. This server is responsible to send the proposed tasks to the test users whenever he/she is ready to do so. Refer to javadoc output (comments in source code that are formatted as web pages) for more details (/export/home/oriol/java/doc/) 67 A.1.4. Database. The database includes information about dispatchers, roadway workers, track (type of territory, dispatcher in charge, maximum train speed) and trains (ID, schedule, engine number, number of cars, direction of travel and days run). For the purpose of the experiments, the database also includes information about tasks to be done by test users and initial delays for train during the experiment. Six types of text files are used to load the database. Following is a description of their functionality and their format. They are all located at: /export/home/oriol/database/ The data files are tab separated text files. In the description of each file, we will use the convention: <field><field> to indicate different fields separated by tabulation. Also, whenever there is a field described as <text>, it means that any text must be written. This text will be read but ignored and it is only present for explicitness of the data file while it is created. 1. Dispatchers (dispatchers.txt). Includes name of the dispatcher, branch (not used), limits of the territory under his/her authority (initial mile post and final milepost), a territory ID and the password needed during login. The format of this data file is as follows: <header line > <dispatcher I name><Branch><lnitial milepost><Final milepost><territory ID><password> <dispatcher 2 name><Branch><Initial milepost><Final milepost><territory ID><password> <dispatcher n name><Branch><Initial milepost><Final milepost><territory ID><password> The header line is ignored and there can be as many other lines as dispatchers are involved. There is a special type of dispatcher used while developing the system. It is a computersimulated dispatcher that will always grant work permissions. Its ID is '00' (two zeros) and it is supposed to be in charge of all the available territory. The territory ID's are used internally by the query servers. They have to be unique. 68 Example of data file: Name Branch Initial MP Final MP ID Password New Haven SL 72 73 NH NH Shore Line SL 73 125 SL SL Main Line SL 125 190 ML ML Table A-5 Example of dispatcher's data file. 2. Roadway workers (MWForemen.txt). Includes information about registered PIDs and their owner. The format of this data file is as follows: <header line > <roadway worker 1 name><device ID><roadway worker 1 ID> <roadway worker 2 name><device ID><roadway worker 2 ID> <roadway worker n name><device ID><roadway worker n ID> The header line is ignored and there can be as many other lines as PID devices. There are two special types of roadway workers used while developing the system. The palm emulator has device id set to "0.0.0". Also, requests coming from a web browser and not from a PID were also allowed by creating an entry in this data file with device id set to "%DEVICEID". The roadway worker ID's are used internally by the query servers. They have to be unique. Example of data file: Name Palm ID ID Oriol %DEVICEID BB Emulator 0.0.0 EE HMSL 1.16313097.185173832 11 Table A-6 Example of roadway worker's data file 3. Track information ("Track Info.txt"). Includes information about all the locations along the track (milepost, dispatcher in charge, maximum train speed, interlocking or station), the maximum number of parallel tracks, the rules that apply in each track between every two locations and whether each location is a control point or not. Control points or scheduled sites, will be the only locations sent to the PID when a train OS is requested. 69 The format of this data file is as follows: <text><# tracks=k><text><text><text><text><track 1 #><track 2 #>... < track k #><text><text> <site ID=1><site 1 name><TD><MP><int? XI-><'ps? XI-><rule track 1>...<rule tk k><MS><sch? Xi-> <site ID=2><site 2 name><TD><MP><int? X-><ps? XI-><rule track 1>... <rule tk k><MS><sch? X|-> <site ID=n><site n name><TD><MP><int? Xf-><ps? XI-><rule track 1>... <rule tk k><MS><sch? X|-> In this data file, the header line contains information about the maximum number of tracks (field <# tracks=k>) and the numbers assigned to each track (fields <track 1 #> through <track k #>). Note that there are several <text> fields that will be read but ignored. There can be as many lines as locations along the track considered. The information contained in each line is: <site ID=i>: Site ID in ascending order starting from 1. <site i name>: Site name. <TD>: ID of dispatcher in charge of this location. <MP>: Milepost of this location. <int? XI->: 'X' if the site is an interlocking and any other character if it is not. <ps? X->:'X' if the site is a passenger station and any other character if it is not. <rule track 1>... <rule tk k>: Rule that apply in this track (referred to the numbers assigned in the header). <MS>: Maximum speed between this location and the following one. <sch? XI->: 'X' if this location should be sent to the PID when a train OS is requested. 70 Example of data file: Site ID 4 TD MP In PS 4 2 1 3 MS Sch site 1 New Haven NH 72.3 X X 261 261 261 261 35 X 2 Fair St NH 72.7 X - 261 261 261 261 35 X 3 Mill River Jct SL 73.6 X - 261 261 261 261 35 X Table A-7 Example of track information data file 4. Schedule file ("Boston-New Haven.txt" and "New Haven-Boston.txt"). Includes information about scheduled trains (ID, schedule, engine number, number of cars, direction of travel and days run) The format of this data file is as follows: <text><UPIDOWN><train 1 ID><train 2 ID>...<train k ID> <text><text><train 1 engine #><train 2 engine #>... <train k engine #> <text><text><train 1 # of cars><train 2 # of cars >... <train k # of cars > <text><text><train 1 days run><train 2 days run >... <train k days run > <location ID><text><train 1 schedule info>< train 2 schedule info >... < train k schedule info > <location ID><text><train 1 schedule info>< train 2 schedule info >... < train k schedule info > There can be as many lines as locations along the track are considered to be scheduled sites for this group of trains. This number can be less than or equal to the number of locations identified as scheduled sites in the track information data file. The information contained in each line is: <UPIDOWN>: UP if these trains go through the locations in ascending order, DOWN otherwise. <train k ID>: Any string that uniquely identifies this train. The database file is organized in such a way that this is like a column header. Any information below this ID will belong to the train whose ID is given here. <train k engine #>: Any string that identifies the engine number of this train. <train k # of cars>: Any integer that identifies the number of cars in the consist of this train. 71 <train k days run >: A string that identifies the days of the week when this train runs. The format allowed is very flexible and can be any string as described in the section "Codes used in train schedules" from the "Northeast corridor employee timetable" which is a part of NORAC rules. <location ID>: Integer that matches a scheduled location ID given in the track information data file. < train k schedule info >: A string with the following format: '[cb][b+] I null[b+] I -text'. If the string is [cb][b+] then its meaning is: 'cb' is an optional prefix where 'c' is a character and 'b' is a blank space. The meaning of 'c' is explained in the section "Codes used in train schedules" from the "Northeast corridor employee timetable" which is a part of NORAC rules. '' is the scheduled time in 24 hour format for this train at the location given in the beginning of this line. 'b+' is an optional postfix where 'b' is a blank space and '+' indicates that the time given by '' belongs to the following day If the string is null[b+] then it means that the scheduled time for the train at this location will be found later on by linear interpolation between the two closest locations that have been given an scheduled time in the database. 'b+' is an optional postfix where 'b' is a blank space and '+' indicates that when the scheduled time is interpolated, it will belong to the following day. If the string is -text then it means that the train does not pass by this location. Example of database: Direction DOWN 013 095 827 - Engine number 1211 1266 1748 - Number of cars 12 11 5 - - Daily M-F M-F 60 58 Boston Cove -SPG -SPG S6.17 S23.59 null 23.59 57 56 54 52 50 49 48 Table Back Bay -SPG null 00.00 + Ruggles St -SPG null null + Forest Hills -SPG null null + Hyde Park -SPG null null + Readville -SPG null null + Transfer -SPG 6.34 null + Route 128 -SPG R 6.38 S 00.23 + A-8 Example of train schedule data file 72 We can see that all these trains go DOWN this is in descending order considering the location IDs given in the track information file. Train 013 runs daily but does not pass by any location between Boston and Route 128 because it uses another branch. Train 095 has 11 cars, its engine number in 1266 and runs from Monday through Friday. It has a regular stop to receive or discharge travelers at Boston (given by the 'S') and although it passes by the locations between Cove and Readville, we don't have the exact times. The servers find these times by interpolation between Boston at 6.17am and Transfer at 6.34am. Train 095 has a stop only to receive passenger (given by the 'R') at Transfer. Train 827 initiates its journey at Boston at 11.59pm and it is due at Route 128 by 12:23am of the following day. The times in between will be interpolated and assigned also to the following day. 5. Test user tasks ("testUser1.txt"). Includes the text and simulated time of each task that the test user received during the experiments in the laboratory. The format of this data file is as follows: <time 1><task 1> <time n><task n> There can be as many tasks as desired. The information contained in each line is: <time>: Time that will be considered as actual time when this task is in effect. It has the format: MM/dd/yyyy <task>: Text description of the task. Example of data file: 01/20/2000 15.45 You will need to foul track 2 between New London and Groton during 45 minutes. Find out some time to do this job and ask for foul time. 01/20/2000 17.15 You have just finished your job between New London and Groton. Please clear the foul time. Table A-9 Example of test user's tasks data file 73 6. Initial delays for the simulated tasks ("Initial Delays.txt"). Includes the initial delays that the trains in the database had during the experiments. The format of this data file is as follows: <header line> <train ID 1><delay 1> <train ID n><delay n> The header line is read but ignored and there can be as many delayed trains as desired. The information contained in each line is: <train ID>: ID of the train that is going to have the delay. This ID should match one of the IDs given in the schedule files. <delay>: Delay in minutes. Example of data file: Train ID Minutes 084 30 093 22 Table A-10 Example of initial train delays data file Database templates To build all these data files we used excel worksheets. Each database is in one worksheet and can be saved by using the "save as... text (tab delimited)" excel option. These templates are in: /export/home/oriol/database/databaseTemplates.xs A.1.5. Dispatcherinterface. When the system is running, any web browser can be turned into a dispatcher interface. If a dispatcher wants to enter the system he/she will only have to hit the page and, after selecting a territory and entering the appropriate password he/she will be logged as the dispatcher in charge of that territory. The system will generate a message console for him/her and all the incoming messages that affect the selected territory will be shown to him/her. 74 We can see in Figure A-I the dispatcher interface. This framed web page is configurable by modifying the following master files (see A.3): masterTerminalMain.html, masterTerminalO.html, masterTerminall.html, masterTerminal2.html, masterTerminal3.html The number of files is given by the configurable variable (see A.5) NUMTERMINALPAGES from file Its current value is 4. Requested Requested Form Ds * 0003, Oriol - Read * 0002, Oriol - Read Active Rejected and canceled Form D 0003 is Requested Requested Foul Time . 10.00a-10.30a, Oriol - Read Foreman Oriol would like to work in 1 track at/between Branford and Guilford Desired starting time: 11.00a Expected duration of work: 1 hour Form D #: 0003 Delivered to: Oriol Date: 01/28/2000 Line 4: 1 track out of service between/at 181.5 Bronford and 190.4 Guilford charge oflOr.OlI 'A in Train North East Corridor Dispatcher: Form Ds waiting for time effective * 0004, Oriol - Read Please select 'Confirm' to grant permission to work or 'Deny' to disregard this form D request and then press 'Send Response' (k Confirm r Deny Reason _____________. Figure A-1 Dispatcher interface A.]. 6. Databasemanager interface. When the system is running, any web browser can be turned into a database manager interface by hitting the page From this page a database manager can manually update delays of the trains in the system We can see in Figure A-2 the database manager interface. This web page is configurable by modifying the master file (see A.3) masterCTC.html. 75 Train schedule update Train Current iD delay Lastlocation Time atlast New Reset delay schedule location 012 0 Branford Station 9.17a [ 013 0 New Haven 5.02a Flf r 055 0 MillRiver Jct 3.47p [ r 056 0 New Haven 1.07p [7 r 066 3 Boston 6.58a 067 0 Boston 8.00p 076 3 Boston 6.58a 084 5 New Haven 2.09p 093 0 Providence 9.16a F 094 5 New Haven 6.29p F 095 0 New Haven 9.00a 099. -0............ProvIdenrm ............ 9-1.6a 932 0 Boston 1226a 977 0 Boston 3.55p 978 0 Canton Junction 4.39p WX105 0 New London 1.19p WX305 0 Atwells 10.19a 7l F [7 [L7 F2 F- F .... ............... r.......7......... [ Fl flf [ F F Figure A-2 Database manager interface A.2. Type of requests Each one of the requests described in A.1.3 has a number of parameters with different meanings. For future reference, the following is a list of these parameters. 76 1. Database query server requests. Database requests (tq=db) Train Status tq op d p1 p2 p3 p4 db TST %deviceid hundreds tens units Train Status - List Train OS (work site) db db TST %deviceid train id TSW %deviceid site 1 site 2 Initial time Time span tq op d p1 p2 p3 Remarks Train OS (ID) - List Get List of trains db db db TS %deviceid hundreds tens units TS %deviceid train id LT %deviceid range TST I TS Train Id is formed by rain Id is formed by appending the digits Remarks given by p1,p2 and p3 Territory Info db TI %deviceid site 1 site 2 Train OS (ID) appending the digits given by p1,p2 and p3 Update database db updateSchedule ctc xxx-yyy-zzz-... (train ID's) mmx-mmy-mmz-... (delays) aaa-bbb-ccc-... (train ID's) Update database from file db update ctc p1, p2 and p3 are undescore separated lists of data. p1 and p2 form pairs (trand ID, The file used to automatically update the schedule is: /export/home/oriol/database/ delay) while p3 is a list of train ID whose updateSchedule.txt schedule must be reset. %deviceid is a palm VII specific parameter. It will show what palm VII device is sending the request. Table A-11 Database query server parameters. p2 indicates whether the list is created to retrieve a train status or a train OS 2. Dispatcher query server requests. Dispatcher requests (tq=di) Request Form D L4 tq op d p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 di FD4 %deviceid site 1 site 2 track number Start time Duration Request FormD L2 and L3 di FD23 %deviceid site 1 site 2 track number Direction Remarks Request Foul Time tq op d p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 Remarks di FT %deviceid site 1 site 2 Track Number Start time End time Accept or do not accept foul time di FTAC %deviceid Foul time index # Dispatcher ID 1 I0 Ask for time effective or cancel Form D L4 Ask for time effective or cancel Form D L2 and L3 di FDATE %deviceid form D # Dispatcher ID 1 | 0 di FDATE %deviceid form D # Dispatcher ID 1 10 p3=1: Ask for Time effective; p3=0 p3=1: Ask for Time effective; cancel form D p3=0 cancel form D Track outage Other foul time di FDR %deviceid site 1 site 2 di FTR %deviceid site 1 site 2 Cancel or fulfill form D Clear foul time di FDC %deviceid nnnnDD di FTC %deviceid nnnnDD nnnn: 4 digit foul time nnnn: 4 digit foul time index; DD: index; DD: dispatcher New dispatcher (login) di ND login Dispatcher ID Password p3=1: Accept p3=0: Do not accept %deviceid is a palm VII specific parameter. It will show what palm VII device is sending the request. Table A-12 Dispatcher query server parameters (1) ID dispatcher ID Dispatcher query server requests (cont) Dispatcher requests (tq=di) Answer request for form D L4 tq op d p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 di FD4A dispatcherDD Form D # Dispatcher ID Track # Site 1 Site 2 In charge of 1 10 Reason Assign time Assign time Answer request for effective for form D effective for form D foul time L2 and L3 L4 di di di di FTA FDGTE FDGTE FD23A dispatcherDD dispatcherDD dispatcherDD dispatcherDD Foul Time Index # Form D # Form D # Form D # Dispatcher ID Dispatcher ID Dispatcher ID Dispatcher ID Track # Time effective Time effective Direction Site 1 Track # Site 2 Site 1 Time Issued Site 2 Time Allowed Trains / tk cars ahead 1 0 Stop Signal Reason 1 1 0 Reason Answer request for form D L2 and L3 d: dispatcher+D p7=1: d: dispatcher+ID p9=1: Remarks Grant p7=0: Deny Grant p9=0: Deny p8: Reason if denied p1 0: Reason if denied tq op d My form Ds My foul time di MyFD %deviceid di MyFT %deviceid d: dispatcher+ID p7=1: d: dispatcher+ID p9=1: p9=0: Deny p7=0: Deny Grant Remarks Grant p8: Reason if denied p1 0: Reason if denied d: dispatcher+ID d: dispatcher+ID d: dispatcher+ID Retrieve list of active Form Ds di FDCR %deviceid Retrieve list of active Foul Time di FTCR %deviceid d: dispatcher+ID d: dispatcher+ID p8=0: Deny p9: Reason if denied %deviceid is a palm VII specific parameter. It will show what palm VII device is sending the request. Table A-13 Dispatcher requests parameters (2) 3. File query server. File requests (tq=file) tq op d p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 Remarks Please wait screen (dispatcher) file LF terminalXXXXYYY Data file name Word 1 Word 2 Refresh Interval Done file Name Type of Wait Screen Please wait screen (PID) file LF %devicelD Data file name Word 1 Word 2 Refresh Interval Done file Name Type of Wait Screen Send File file SF %devicelD File name If Done file name exists then Data file name is sent. Else, a new "please wait" screen of type defined by p6 is returned (see A.5.) If Done file name exists then Data file name is sent. Else, a new "please wait" screen of type defined by p6 is returned (see A.5.) The file given by p1 will be sent to the PID %deviceid is a palm VII specific parameter. It will show what palm VIl device is sending the request. Table A-14 File query server parameters 5. Simulation query server. 4. Dispatcher Terminal Refresh query server tq op d p1 File requests (tq=refreshTerminal) Simulation requests (tq=sim) Refresh Frame refreshTerminal RT Frame ID File name Next Task sim newTask userNN Next Task Refresh the frame given by frame ID with the Remarks HTML file name given by p1. tq op d p1 p2 Frame ID = dispatcher ID + frame type (active form D, requested foul time,... )+.html (see A.3.) Table A-15 Terminal refresh query server parameters Remarks Test User # Sends the task given by p1 to the test user number given by p2 Table A-16 Simulation query server parameters A.3. Master files The system is designed to be highly configurable. To achieve this goal, all the information that is displayed to the dispatcher or sent to the PID is not included in the source code of the servers. It is stored in what is called the master files. The master files are just templates of HTML files that are read by the servers and filled with the correct information every time they are used. To understand this concept, let's use a simple master file: masterTrainStatus.html Train {-0-} {-5-} Status: Last: Next: Destination: Engine #: # of cars: Main Menu {-1-} {-2-} {-4-} {-6-} {-7-} {-3-} {-1-} {-11-} Figure A-3 Rendering of masterTrainStatus.html Figure A-3 is the rendering of the HTML code that is included in the masterTrainStatus.html file, but it is not, of course, what is shown in the PID when a train status is requested. When a train status request arrives, the database query server reads the request description (trainID) then it searches the database for information about the train and finally, it reads the template masterTrainStatus.html with the following parameters: Train ID: {-O-} Next Interlocking: {-6-} Train Status: {-1-} Time at next Interlocking: {-7-} Last Interlocking: {-2-} Milepost at last interlocking: {-8-} Now heading to station: {-3-} Milepost at next interlocking: {-9-} Time by last interlocking: {-4-} Engine number: {-IO-} Actual time: {-5-} Number of cars: {- I-} 82 Then it substitutes the fields {-n-} by the correct value and sends the information to the PID. This adds a lot of flexibility to the system because the master file can be modified, and thus the user-interface, without having to change the source code. The parameters passed to the template are fixed and can't be changed without modifying the source code. With the idea of the master files, the user interface has been separated to the maximum extent from the source code of the servers. The master files (written in HTML) can be modified as long as the numbering of the parameters is preserved. There are more complex examples of master files such as the schedule table sent to PID. The information seen at the PID is the result of appending several master files into only one final file. There are also master files that are read more than once every time they are accessed. This is the case of items in lists such as the ones showed in the dispatcher interface. We refer to the comments in the source code of the master files to understand the details of each one of them. We will now group, locate and enumerate the various master files and we will make a short description of them. All these files have HTML comments that can be reviewed for further information. 1. Files sent to the PID PATH: /export/home/oriol/MasterFiles/clipping/ All these are files that will be sent to the PID. On the right column we note the conditions under which the file on the left is sent to the PID. MasterDispatcherNotOnline.html Dispatcher is not online and can't receive requests MasterEmptyFDReport. html There is no track out of service (under form D authority) in the requested section of track. MasterEmptyFTReport. html There is no track out of service (under foul time authority) in the requested section of track. MasterFDCancelEmptyReport. html The PID owner does not have form Ds to cancel MasterFDCancelEmptyRequest. html The PID owner has not cancelled any form D. Table A-17 Master clipping files (1) 83 MasterFDCancelled.html Lets the PID owner know that he/she is no longer under form D protection. MasterFDCancelReport. html The PID owner requests a list of his/her active form Ds and he/she wants to cancel or fulfill one of them. MasterFDL23Active.html Form D (lines 2 and 3) is effective. MasterFDL23NotActive.html Form D (lines 2 and 3) must be acknowledged by the PID owner. He/she will ask for time effective or cancel the form D MasterFDL4Active.html Form D (line 4) is effective. MasterFDL4NotActive.html The PID owner must acknowledge form D (line 4). He/she will ask for time effective or cancel the form D masterFDRejected.html Let the PID owner know that the dispatcher does not accept the form D he/she had requested. masterFDReport.html Report of track out of service under form D. masterFTActive.html Foul time is effective. masterFTCancelEmptyReport.html The PID owner does not have foul time to clear. masterFTCancelEmptyRequest.html The PID owner has not cancelled any foul time. masterFTCancelled.html Let the PID owner know that he/she is no longer under foul time protection. masterFTCancelReport.html The PID owner requests a list of his/her active foul time and he/she wants to clear one of them. masterFTNotActive.html The PID owner must acknowledge foul time. He/she will accept or do not accept it. masterFTRejected.html Let the PID owner know that the dispatcher does not accept the foul time he/she had requested. masterFTReport.html Report of track out of service under foul time. masterMyFDReport. html Report of form D under the authority of the PID owner. masterMyFTReport. html Report of foul time under the authority of the PID owner. masterTrainDoesNotExist.html The PID asks for information about a train that does not exist. masterTrainStatus.html The PID asks for a train status. masterTS_EmptyListOfTrains.html There are no train IDs in the requested ID range. It has a link to train schedule screen Table A-18 Master clipping files (2) 84 masterTSListOfTrains.html List of train IDs in the requested range. It has a link to train schedule screen. masterTSTEmptyListOfTrains.html There are no train IDs in the requested ID range. It has a link to train status screen masterTSTListOfTrains.html List of train IDs in the requested range. It has a link to train status screen. MasterWaitWhileReview. html "Please wait" message sent to the PID while the dispatcher reviews a form D or foul time request. MasterWaitWhileTimeEffective. html "Please wait" message sent to the PID while the dispatcher assigns time effective to a form D. Table A-19 Master clipping files (3) PATH: /export/home/oriol/MasterFiles/clipping/lists_anditems/ These are files that are either appended among them or to the ones above to form a complete information page that will be sent to the PID. On the right column we note the conditions under which the file on the left is sent to the PID. emptyltem.html Empty file FDActiveltem.html Active form D displayed in the "my Form D" report. FDCancelReportltem.html Active form D that can be cancelled by the PID owner. FDNotActiveltem.html Incomplete (not yet acknowledged by roadway worker) form D displayed in the "my Form D" report. FDReportItem.html Section of track out of service under form D protection. FDRequestltem.html Incomplete (not yet reviewed by dispatcher) form D displayed in the "my Form D" report. FDTimeEffectiveltem.html Incomplete (without time effective) form D displayed in the "my Form D" report. FTActiveltem.html Active foul time displayed in the "my Foul Time" report. FTCancelReportltem.html Active foul time that can be cleared by the PID owner. FTNotActiveltem.html Incomplete (not yet acknowledged by roadway worker) foul time displayed in the "my Foul Time" report. FTReportItem.html Section of track out of service under foul time protection. Table A-20 Master clipping files (4) 85 Incomplete (not yet reviewed by dispatcher) foul time FTRequestltem.html displayed in the "my Foul Time" report. masterScheduleEmpty.html No trains expected at the time and location requested. masterScheduleFooter. html Bottom part of a train schedule report. masterScheduleHeader. html Top part of a train schedule report. masterScheduleTablel Header.html Header of each section of the train schedule table when this table has only one column. masterScheduleTablel ltem.html Each row of the train schedule table when this table has only one column. masterScheduleTable2Header.html Header of each section of the train schedule table when this table has two columns. masterScheduleTable2ltem.html Each row of the train schedule table when this table has two columns. masterScheduleTable3Header.html Header of each section of the train schedule table when this table has three columns. masterScheduleTable3Item.html Each row of the train schedule table when this table has three columns. masterScheduleTable4Header.html Header of each section of the train schedule table when this table has four columns. masterScheduleTable4Item.html Each row of the train schedule table when this table has four columns. masterScheduleTableFooter.html Footer of each section of the train schedule table masterTerritoryFooter. html Bottom part of the territory information report. masterTerritoryHeader.html Top part of the territory information report. masterTerritoryTableFooter. html Footer of the territory information table. masterTerritoryTableHeader.html Header of the territory information table. masterTerritoryTableltem.html Each row of the territory information table. trainListltem.html Each item of a list of train IDs. Sent whenever the PID user wants to know about train Ids within a given range of numbers Table A-21 Master clipping files (5) 86 2. Files sent to the dispatcher or the database manager. CURRENT PATH: /export/home/oriol/MasterFiles/html/ All these are files that will be sent to the dispatcher or the database manager. On the right column we note the conditions under which the file on the left is sent to the dispatcher. masterCTC.html Database manager interface main file. MasterEmpty.html Empty file used when there is nothing to display in the dispatcher's terminal. masterFDL23Display. html General description of a form D lines 2 and 3. MasterFDL23Request. html Request of a form D lines 2 and 3. masterFDL23TimeEffective.html Assign time effective to a form D lines 2 and 3. masterFDL4Display.html General description of a form D line 4. MasterFDL4Request.html Request of a form D line 4. masterFDL4TimeEffective.html Assign time effective to a form D line 4. masterFrameRefresh.html Main file for each frame in the dispatcher interface. It automatically refreshes the frames with new information. masterFTDisplay.html General description of a foul time. masterFTRequest.html Request of a foul time. MasterLogin.html Login screen. MasterMsgAfterLogin.html "Please wait" message while the dispatcher terminal is being initialized after login. masterTerminalO.html Secondary frame description of the dispatcher terminal. * masterTerminall.html Secondary frame description of the dispatcher terminal. * masterTerminal2.html Secondary frame description of the dispatcher terminal. * masterTerminal3.html Secondary frame description of the dispatcher terminal. * MasterTerminalMain.html Main frame description of the terminal. MasterWaitWhileReview.html "Please wait" message sent to the dispatcher while the roadway work reviews a form D or foul time request. *The number of secondary frame descriptions is given in the configuration file. See A.5 Table A-22 Master HTML files (1) 87 CURRENT PATH: /export/home/oriol/MasterFiles/html/lists and items/ These are files that are either appended among them or to the ones above to form a complete information page that will be sent to the dispatcher. On the right column we note the conditions under which the file on the left is sent to the dispatcher. ctcltem.html Each row of the database manager interface. FDActiveltem.html Each row of the active form D list. FDActiveList.html Body of the active form D list. FDCancelledItem.html Each row of the cancelled form D list. FDCancelledList.html Body of the cancelled form D list. FDRejectedItem.html Each row of the rejected form D list. FDRejectedList.html Body of the rejected form D list. FDRequestltem.html Each row of the requested form D list. FDRequestList.html Body of the requested form D list. FDTimeEffectiveltem.html Each row of the form D without time effective list. FDTimeEffectiveList.html Body of the form D without time effective list. FTActiveltem.html Each row of the active foul time list. FTActiveList.html Body of the active foul time list. FTCancelledltem.html Each row of the cleared foul time list. FTCancelledList.html Body of the cleared foul time list. FTRejectedItem.html Each row of the rejected foul time list. FTRejectedList.html Body of the rejected foul time list. FTRequestltem.html Each row of the requested foul time list. FTRequestList.html Body of the requested foul time list. Loginltem.html Each row of the options given in the login window. Table A-23 Master HTML files (2) CURRENT PATH: /export/home/oriol/MasterFiles/html/simulation/ MasterSimulation.html Sent to a test user whenever he/she wants to receive a new task Table A-24 Master simulation file 88 3. Files stored in the Palm VII. CURRENT PATH: /export/home/oriol/MasterFiles/pqa/ These are the HTML files that are stored in the PID. They are static files that are used to send requests from the PID. On the right column we write a brief description of the request (HTML form) inside the file on the left autoReply.html Test file. Used to tell the server to automatically reply requests from the PID. This is not part of the final version of the prototype. FDL23Request.html Request form D lines 2 and 3. FDL4Request.html Request form D line4. FDReport.html Find out track out of service under form D authority in a given area. FTReport.html Find out track out of service under foul time authority in a given area. FTRequest.html Request foul time. index.html Index file with links to all the others. It also has embedded requests to: - Retrieve a list of active form Ds or foul time under the authority of the PID owner to let him/her fulfill the form D or clear the foul time - Retrieve a list of current form D or foul time under the authority of the PID owner to let him/her review his/her permissions or to continues incomplete requests. territory Info. html Territory information request TSch.html Train schedule requests by train ID using numeric keyboards. TSchWorkingSite.html Train schedule request by location. TSList.html Find out a list of trains within a given train ID range to check their schedule. TStatus.html Train status requests by train ID using numeric keyboard. TSTList.html Find out a list of trains within a given train ID range to check their status. Table A-25 Files stored in the Palm VII (PQA) 89 A.4. Functionality In this section we will use an example to describe how the components of the system are linked together. We will follow a simple database request and, at the end, we will make some comments about how requests that have to be answered by dispatchers are managed. A. 4.1. Databaserequests We will follow the train schedule request by working site. The underlying idea of this request is to let roadway workers know about trains that are expected at their working site while they are carrying out their duties. The main menu of the PID prototype is shown in Figure A-4. This is one of the HTML pages (index.html) that are stored in the Palm VII. If we follow the link Train OS (work site) we arrive to the "Train OS Request" screen shown in Figure A-5 which is another HTML file (TSchWorkingSite. html) stored in the Palm VII. 4 C"4TCI Train 05 Request Train and territory information Train status Territory Info Train 05 (work site) Train OS (ID) Form D Request Line 4 Request Lines 2,3 Cancel/Fulfilli My Form Ds( Track Outage Foul Time Request Foul Time ( My Foul Time v From: 1022 To: w 3hours later. v 81.5 Branford 93.1 Madison (Getesschedule de Other Foul Time Figure A-4 index.html Find train twee/at: arn Moir MeM Figure A-5 TschWorkingSite.html TSchWorkingSite.html is just an HTML form. In this screen, the roadway worker would find the section of the track in which he/she is working. He/she will also be able to introduce the time window of interest. Once the roadway worker taps on the "Get Schedule" button (submit button of the HTML form), a wireless transmission is initiated, as it is indicated by the over the air icon (OTA) (Figure A-6) located in the button label. Whenever the roadway worker follows a link or taps a button that has the OTA a wireless transmission will be initiated. This link or button with the OTA icon will not refer to a local HTML page but to data on the Internet. 90 Figure A-6 Over the air icon As it can be seen in A.2 the parameters sent are: tq=db op=TSW d=%deviceid pl=site 1 p2=site 2 p3=Initial time p4=Time span tq, op and d are hidden parameters included in every request. - tq is the type of query. This parameter will let the system know what server is going to handle the request. - op is the specific option or function that the roadway worker wants to use. - d is the ID of the person sending the request. In this case it is %deviceID, which is a Palm VII specific reserved word that is changed to a numeric code that uniquely identifies the palm VII device sending the request. The server uses the %deviceID to identify what roadway worker is sending the request and to keep a log of it. The %devicelD is also used for authentication. Only registered devices will retrieve information from the system. After these parameters comes a list of request specific parameters. In this case pI, p2, p3 and p4 store the information introduced by the roadway worker when he/she filled the form. To understand how the HTML form information arrives to the web server refer to Palm VII white paper and documentation. The program that receives the form is query.pI reads the HTML form and stores its description in /data/ in a simple text file that will look like: 91 -tq=db -op=TSW -d= x.y.z -pl=nn -p2=nn -p3=hh:mm -p4=h The file name will be /data/ Whenever this file is finished, the program will also write an empty "done" file to let the server know that a new request has arrived. This "done" file would be called: /data/ . After this "done" file is written, query.pi is put to sleep until the answer arrives for a maximum of 30 seconds. The query servers are looking in the cgi-data directory for files with the appropriate extensions. In the case of the database query server, it is looking for files with the dbqdone extension. Once such a file arrives the query server reads the appropriate .dbq file and processes it. When the query server is done, it will write the file /data/ with the HTML file that contains the requested information. It also writes a new "done" file /data/ used to wake up. When this new "done" file is written, query.p reads x.y.z.dbqdat and sends it as an HTML content type back to the Palm VII. This finishes the process. All interactions with the servers pass through query.pI and are handled in a similar way. The parameters d, op and tq are always present although their content may vary. The parameters pl, p2, ... contain specific information about each request. A. 4.2. Dispatcherrequests When a request needs an answer from the dispatcher it will have tq=di and the dispatcher query server will handle it. query.pI can't be waiting until the dispatcher reviews and answers the request, nor can the Palm VII stay in waiting mode for such a long and uncertain time. The way this issue has been addressed is using "please wait" messages. As soon as the PID sends a request to a dispatcher (i.e. a form D line 4 request), it will receive a message letting the user know that his/her request has arrived to the appropriate dispatcher and that he/she must wait until the dispatcher reviews the request. This message has a 92 refresh button that the PID user will have to tap whenever he/she considers that the dispatcher has already reviewed his/her request. If the dispatcher has indeed answered, this response is sent to the PID, but if the dispatcher is still reviewing the request, the PID will receive another "please wait" message. As a final comment about dispatcher requests, the PID owner does not have to know what dispatcher is going to answer his/her request. It is the role of the dispatcher query server to route the request to the appropriate dispatcher depending on the content of the request. A.5. Configuration file As it has been said, we have tried to develop the system as configurable as possible. With this idea, all configurable parameters have been included in a single file. It is a Java interface called This Java interface contains information about: - Directories. Master files local path, output files local path, output files web server path, database local path. - Database file names. Schedules, track description, registered PID owners. - Master files. Names for all the master files described in A.3 - String roots to create file names. - Extension recognized by each query server. - Miscellaneous parameters (refresh rate for dispatcher terminal frames, database validation time, number of columns in the table of a territory report, number of columns in the table of a schedule report, number of secondary frame descriptions for each dispatcher terminal, html tag used when a forecast is made and various time and date formats used) All these parameters may be changed but, since is part of the source code, after any modification to this file, the entire program has to be recompiled. To do this, go to directory /export/home/oriol/java/MWTerminal/ and type javac *.java 93 Appendix B. Questionnaires Following the ideas in (Nielsen, J. 1994) and (Kirwan, B, 1992) we have prepared three sets of questionnaires. These questionnaires were handed to the test users during the experiments. The first set is just a list of questions about background and demographics of the test user. The second set was used during the usability test. It was used to evaluate the last iterations of the PID design for specific major problems and for user's ability to complete the tasks effectively. This questionnaire helped to identify points of confusion and difficulty. The third set was used during the system evaluation test. It was used to validate the final PID design, to check if it met minimum performance levels and to understand its usefulness. 94 Demographic 1. Job title 2. Years of experience 3. Please provide examples of your interaction with dispatchers and an average number of these interactions per week [form D (lines?), foul time, signal shutdown, train schedule update, bridge lock/unlock, message relay, rule 241, hazard report, TSRB, other...] Frequency (number of times per week) Type of interaction 4. Please rate your level of familiarity with the following devices or services Familiar Very Familiar 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 4d. Cellular phone 1 2 3 4 5 4e. World Wide Web 1 2 3 4 5 4f. E-mail 1 2 3 4 5 4g. Palm Pilot 1 2 3 4 5 Very Unfamiliar Unfamiliar 4a. Radio 1 2 4b. Personal Computer 1 4c. Beeper or Pager Figure B-1 Demographic questionnaire 95 Miscellaneous Presentation 1. Please rate how the information is presented to you according to the following attributes. 1a. Font size 1b. Font style (bold, normal, underlined...) 1c. Readability Very Small Small 1 2 Very confusing Confusing 1 2 Very Unreadable Moderately Unreadable 1 2 3 1 Very big 4 5 Clear Very Clear 4 5 Moderately Readable Very Readable 4 5 Moderately Organized Very Organized 4 5 Disagree Agree Strongly Agree 2 4 5 2 4 5 2 4 5 2 4 5 4 5 3 3 Very Moderately Disorganized Disorganized 1d. Well organized information Big 2 3 2. Please write down any comments that you might have about how the information is presented to you. What would you change if you had the opportunity? Navigation 3. Please circle your level of agreement with the following statements. Strongly Disagree 3a. It is easy to navigate through the menu tree. 1 3b. I was always aware of my location within the menu. 3c. I knew how to navigate to the prior screen. 1 3d. The menu names are meaningful. 3e. The button labels are meaningful. 2 3f. The menu is organized according to railroad operations needs. 4. What menu names or button label would you change to clarify the meaning of the commands? Can you suggest an alternative name? 2 Current menu name or button label 5. If you could change it, would you organize the menu in a different way? How? 6. Please write down any comments about a particular problem that you had while navigating. Figure B-2 Usability test. Questionnaire (1) 96 Alternative Task realism 7. Please circle your level of agreement with the following statement. Strongly Disagree 7a. The tasks proposed in the experiment are close to typical real interactions with dispatchers. 1 Disagree 2 3 8. Would you include any other type of task in the experiment? What tasks? PID Improvement 9. Please write down any other general comments on how we should improve the PID? 10. Please list and comment on any features that the PID must have before even considering to use it in railroad operations. 11. What safety concerns need to be addressed before a similar device could be used in railroad operations? 12. Do you see any other potential uses for the PID ? Figure B-3 Usability test. Questionnaire (2) 97 Agree Strongly Agree 4 5 Train location and territory information menu Request screens 1. Please rate the Request Screens on the following attributes Very Incomplete 1a. Completeness (whether you could ask for 1 everything you needed or not) Moderately Incomplete 2 3 Very Moderately Uncooperative Uncooperative 1b. Cooperation (whether the screens are designed to help you introduce the required information or not) 1c. Complexity (whether the screens are puzzling or not) 2 Very Complex Moderately Complex 1 2 Very Slow Slow 1d. Speed (whether there was a prompt answer to your request or not) 1e. Understandability 1f. Entering the information that is needed by the system 1g. Realism (whether the screens reflect railroad operation needs or not) 2. Would you include any other information in the request screens? What information? In what screen? 2 Very Difficult to Understand Difficult to understand 1 2 Very Difficult Moderately Difficult 1 2 Very Unrealistic Moderately Unrealistic 1 2 Information Very Complete 4 5 Very Cooperative Cooperative 3 3 3 4 5 Moderately Simple Very Simple 4 5 Fast Very Fast 4 5 Easy to Very easy to understand understand 3 3 3 Screen 3. If you could change it, would you present the requests in a different way? How? 4. What type of sites would you like to have in the drop down lists (interlockings, stations, platforms, bridges, other, all of them, some of them,...)? 5. How would you like the site names to be sorted by? (milepost, name, both, other criteria) 6. Please write down any comments that you might have about a particular request screen. Figure B-4 Usability test. Questionnaire (3) 98 Moderately Complete 4 5 Moderately Easy Very Easy 4 5 Moderately Realistic Very Realistic 4 5 Report screens 7. Please rate the Report Screens according to the following attributes 7a. Amount of information. Very Poor Poor 1 2 3 Abundant Very Abundant 4 5 Expected Very Expected 4 5 Easy to use Very easy to use 4 5 Very 7b. Expected type of information. 7c. Vertical scroll bar. Unexpected Unexpected 1 2 Very difficult to use Difficult to use 1 2 3 3 8. What other type of information would you like to receive? How accurate does this information need to be? 9. Write down any comments that you might have about a particular report screen. 10. Is information about train location in the past relevant to your work? Would you show this information in the train OS? 11. What other attributes, if any, would you like to include in the train status? Figure B-5 Usability test. Questionnaire (4) 99 Form D and Foul Time menus Request screens 1. Please rate the Request Screens on the following attributes 1 a. Completeness (whether you could ask for everything you needed or not) Very Incomplete Moderately Incomplete 1 2 3 Very Moderately Uncooperative Uncooperative 1b. Cooperation (whether the screens are designed to help you introduce the required information or not) 1 c. Complexity (whether the screens are puzzling or not) 1d. Speed (whether there was a prompt answer to your request or not) le. Understandability 1 2 Very Complex Moderately Complex 1 2 Very Slow Slow 1 2 Very Difficult to Understand Difficult to understand 1 2 1f. Entering the information that is needed by the system 1g. Realism (whether the screens reflect railroad operation needs or not) 2. Would you include any other information in the request screens? What information? In what screen? Difficult 1 2 Very Unrealistic Moderately Unrealistic 1 2 Information 3 4 5 4 5 Moderately 3 3 Simple Very Simple 4 5 Fast Very Fast 4 5 Easy to Very easy to understand understand 3 3 3 Screen 3. If you could change it, would you present the requests in a different way? How? Report Screens 4. Would you change the way a form D is displayed in the screen? How? 5. Would you change the way a foul time is displayed in the screen? How? 6. Do you have any comments about the screens that tell you to wait while the dispatcher reviews your Figure B-6 Usability test. Questionnaire (5) 100 Very Complete Very Cooperative Cooperative Moderately Very Difficult Moderately Complete 4 5 Moderately Easy Very Easy 4 5 Moderately Realistic Very Realistic 4 5 Work Request Procedure 7. For each task below, do you have any comments about the procedure that we have used? How could we improve it? 7a. Request Form D 7b. Cancel Form D 7c. View Form D report 7d. Request foul time 7e. Cancel Foul time 7f. View Foul time report 7g. View track out of service report 8. Is the form D request procedure close to current railroad operations? Do you have any comments about it? 9. Is the foul time request procedure close to current railroad operations? Do you have any comments about it? 10. Write down any comments about a particular problem that you had while navigating through the form D or foul time screens. Figure B-7 Usability test. Questionnaire (6) 101 Overall usability 1. Please rate the PID's ease of use for the following tasks Very easy Easy a. Request train location 1 2 b. Request territory information 1 c. Request Form D Difficult Very Difficult 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 d. Cancel/Fulfill Form D 1 2 3 4 5 e. View Form D's under your authority 1 2 3 4 5 f. Request foul time 1 2 3 4 5 g. Clear Foul time 1 2 3 4 5 h. View Foul time under your authority 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 i. View Track out of service report (under foul time or form D) 2. What additional features or information would you like to include in this tool? Task realism 3. Please circle your level of agreement with the following statement. Strongly Disagree a. The tasks proposed in the experiment are close to 1 typical real interactions with dispatchers. Strongly Disagree 2 3 4. Would you include any other type of task in the experiment? What tasks? Figure B-8 System evaluation test. Questionnaire (1) 102 Agree Agree 4 5 Usefulness and PID improvement 5. Please circle your level of agreement with the following statement. Strongly disagree Strongly agree a. If I had the opportunity, I would use the PID to retreive train location information 1 2 3 4 5 b. If I had the opportunity and if it were permitted by operating rules, I would use the PID to ask the dispatcher for protection 1 2 3 4 5 Much lower Lower Same Higher Much Higher 1 2 3 4 5 6. Compared to current procedures using the radio or cell phone, the work load using the PID was? 7. What safety concerns need to be addressed before this device could be used in railroad operations? 8. List and comment on any features or requirements that the PID must have before even considering to use it in railroad operations. 9. Do you see any other potential uses for the PID ? Figure B-9 System evaluation test. Questionnaire (2) 103 Not at all important Slightly Important Moderately Important Very Important Extremely Important 1 2 3 4 5 10. How important is it to be able to have a wireless portable printer to print information received from the PID? 11. Please write down any other general comments on how we should improve the PID? 12. Can you suggest a better name for the Personal Information Device (PID)? Figure B-10 System evaluation test. Questionnaire (3) Situation awareness 1. Write down an available window of time to perform the assigned task. From: 2. What is the next train at your location? Is it delayed? Train # To: Delayed: yes / no 3. What is the maximum train speed allowed at your location? mph 4. For the next two trains at your location indicate their direction of travel. Write the Train ID and circle the appropriate direction. Train Train Direction: Direction: East East 5. Name the dispatcher in charge of the territory you are in? Figure B-11 System evaluation test. Questionnaire (4) 104 West West Appendix C. Detailed experiment results The following pages contain detailed results of the system evaluation test. Each page of results is organized in four columns (time, error, situation awareness and notes) and fourteen rows (one row for each task). Shaded figures represent total or subtotal quantities. "Time" column "Time" column contains five subparts: "Task", "Work request", "Work cancellation", "Information gathering (palm only)" and "Information gathering + extra time". "Task" column contains information about the time spent at each task. If there are two time intervals within a given cell it means that the test user visited twice the same task. "Work request" and "Work cancellation" columns contain information about the time spent during a work request or a work cancellation. Each time interval represents a single interaction. When there are more than one time intervals, the last one represents the final and successful attempt. The preceding ones will represent unsuccessful attempts. The "Type of screen" column refers to the type of request as described in A.2 and the "Number of screens" contain the number of such requests sent. When the PID is used, there is an extra line in each cell. It contains information about the average time spent while filling the gaps in the appropriate screen and twice the network latency. "Information gathering" column contains the different information gathering requests used during the PID test and the time spent for each request. Again these times are computed taking into account twice the network latency and the average time spent while filling the gaps for each request. "Information Gathering + extra time" is just the total task time minus the time spent in work requests and work cancellations. "Error" column "Error" column includes the amount of errors as described in 4.1 105 "Situation awareness" column "Situation awareness" column contains two subparts: "Have noted" and "Have remembered" "Have noted" column contains the amount of information actually retrieved by the test user either from the PID or from alternative sources when the radio was used. There are two lines in each cell. The second line represents the ideal amount of information that should have been retrieved according to the window of time when the work took place. The first line represents the actual amount of information retrieved. The shaded line represents the relative amount of information retrieved. "Territory information" column includes train dispatcher in charge of the territory in which the work site was located, the rules that applied in that territory and the maximum train speed around the work site. "Relevant trains" column are all the trains that represented a potential hazard for the work crew, this is, trains that would go by the track adjacent to the work site while the crew was working. "Updated train schedule" column refers to the fact of knowing the real time train schedule with any possible updates. "Train delay" column refers to the fact of knowing whether a train is delayed or not. If train 012 was due at View at 9:45am but it was 10 minutes late, knowing that it would reach View at 9:55am was a point towards "Updated train schedule" and knowing that it was 10 minutes late was a point towards "Train delay". Knowing the train delay immediately guaranteed knowledge of the updated train schedule, but not the other way around. "Have remembered" column represents the result of the situation awareness questionnaires handed to the test users. It only makes sense when these questionnaires were actually handed to the test users, this is, twice in each set of tasks. "Notes" column "Notes" column contains references to notes on the following page of each page of results. A number is a reference to an explanation of the circumstances of the task. A letter is a reference to the actual window of time used by the test user and the trains that he or she should have noted. 106 This page intentionally left blank. 107 09 r~0 ~ 8c - jQ~ U .. CA_ 5 -OD -. a - _ _ __~~~~ 02 8h C9 r-- - k9 aa? j-=pi 9900. 9 -J3 Dc F? r 0 pQ a9 CL ' W= a - 90 . U a ~ Sj - (i 8 _ R C,~J 8 :-3 ~ __ a _ a 4 ro Task 1, User 2, Palm 'I Notes 1. Negotiated time with dispatcher. This explains the longer time for this task. Two full FT requests 2. Did not have foul time from task 3 3. With the window of time that this test user used, there were no trains at the work site. He noticed that and that's why I have given 100% in situation awareness 4. Used 00:01 instead of 12:01 so he did not see the right trains. 1 safety error 5. Sent a wrong FT request that was not accepted but he never saw it. He sent a new one which was also wrong (2 FT requests that should have never been sent). Then he realized and sent twice a correct request (1 communication error). 6. Did not look for territory info in task 11. Used experience for task 12 and made 1 error in territory info 7. One of the TI requests was used to check the answers for task 12. 109 trains [09:30 - 09:55]: 012, 171 [10:05 - 10:56]: 093, 012, WX305 c) [10:30 - 11:00]: WX305 d) [11:15 - 12:15]: no trains e) [12:20 - 12:50]: 163 f) [13:40 - 15:40]: 163 g) [15:45 - 16:15]: 084 h) [16:30 - 19:00]: 177, 084, 815, 820, 817, 822, 819, 169 a) b) I a ii- i4 -. 0 98 ___Pt Co3 8s In FN U rat 8j 09 0-go ; R 0 6 ONg ia6 64-. I I m Task 1, User 3, radio. I Notes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Did not know train schedule around his work site. Asked for foul time (1 safety error). Also 0% in situation awareness. The next train he knew about was 173 at 11:44 and he was working between 10:15 and 10:35 Did not know train schedule around his work site. Asked for foul time (1 safety error). Also 0% in situation awareness. The next train he knew about was 173 at 11:34 (time without delay) and he was working between 10:30 and 11:00 Had to repeat date (1 communication error) Did not know about train 173 and asked for FD (1 safety error) Did not see train 163 at route 128 coming at 12:41 and asked for FT 12:40-13:10 (1 request that should have never been sent). He was granted FT 13:10-13:40 but he did not know about trains in this window of time (1 safety error) Did not send a FD request although he could have. 1 work request that should have been sent 111 I rains a) [09:30 - 09:55]: 012, 171 b) [10:15 - 10:35]: no trains c) [10:30 - 11:00] : WX305 d) [11:30 - 12:30] :173 e) [12:40 - 13:10]: 163, 809 f) [16:00 - 18:001: 174 g) [15:45 - 16:15]: 084 h) [16:30 - 19:00]: 177, 084, 815, 820, 817, 822, 819, 169 a ce cm -. 0 rA L4 p ti 8 C 2 ~ w C') 4> -n 9 8 80 - v8i3 CM , 08 8 8 8 ~ ~ - i Is- ~ -n ~ ~ 83J~ 2 ~~C 82888 ~ 8 8 0 I ~z 1 IL0 Task 1, User 4, Palm. I Notes a) [09:30 - 09:55]: 012, 171 b) [10:00 - 10:40]: 093 c) [10:30 - 11:00]: WX305 d) [11:30 - 12:30]: 173 e) [13:00 - 13:30]: 809 f) [14:10 - 16:10]: 163, 175 g) [15:55 - 16:25]: 084 h) [16:30 - 19:00]: 177, 084, 815, 820, 817, 822, 819, 169 1. TI request should have been sent in task 5. That's why this test user has a 0 in TI situation awareness for task 5 2. The first FT request was sent without expected duration (1 communication error) 3. The second FT was OK but dispatcher granted a different window of time. The user did not accept it. 4. The third FT request was the same request that the second one. This time, the dispatcher denied it and told the user that he could have a different window of time 5. The fourth FT was sent with the available window of time but without track number (1 communication error). The user noticed his error and he quickly sent a correct FT request 6. Finally, the fifth FT request was sent with all the appropriate information and accepted. 7. Dispatcher answered with wrong info. User detected this. I 113 Trains M1 I IIo N ~I Izt I 8 0 0w I 89- aO NO ___ 90 JNc idU NNN NN 10 LO1 10 O s 4N N at. ca Task 1, User 5, Radio Trains Notes Did not notice train 093 that was delayed and could cause problems (1 safety error) Could have asked for FT. Task 4 does not apply. He did not have FT from task 3 so he could not clear it on task 4. Could have asked for FD. Only one train in the required window of time Task 8 does not apply. He did not have FD from task 5 so he could not clear it on task 8. User detected wrong track given by dispatcher and the correction was made immediately. But he did not know about train 809 and he accepted the FT (1 safety error) 7. Did not know about train 163 and accepted FD. (1 safety error) 8. Asked for FD4 instead of FD23. Experience issue here. This user had never requested a FD23 in real life. 9. He called the wrong dispatcher the first time (1 work request that should not have been sent) 10. Did not write anything. Missing information so can't evaluate situation awareness 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 115 a) [09:30 - 09:55]: 012, 171 b) [10:00 - 10:20]: 093 c) [10:30 - 11:00]: WX305 d) [11:30 - 12:30]: 173 e) [13:00 - 13:30]: 809 f) [13:30 - 15:30]: 163 g) h) [15:45 - 16:15]: 084 [16:30 - 19:00]: 177, 084, 815, 820, 817, 822, 819, 169 Co4 _ _ _ I J *1 .1 I C"L 88 i 8 jR ZS = r881 ~~~ E q 4 8; g F,2 ..p t~tt~ --N_ 8 ! rz M f7 JC,~1~L 0.Li _ 88p8 :9 R ei 1 4 NN 00 q e as IxI ~00 00 4m TT -0l -0 Task 1, User 6, Palm. 'a Notes 1. Should not have sent this FT request. 012 and 171 at work site in opposite directions at the same time. (1 work request that should not have been sent) 2. Sent a correct FT request that was accepted by dispatcher -but then he changed his mind and forgot to cancel the request (1 safety error). 3. The work request should have been sent (1 work request that should have been sent) 4. User aborted the first FTCR transaction. The second FTCR-FTC was sent without a given FT. The third was sent ok while he was on task4. 5. The first FT request was sent without track info. (1 communication error) 117 Trains a) [09:30 - 09:55]: 012, 171 b) [09:56 - 11:00]: 093, 012, WX305 c) [10:25 - 11:00]: WX305 d) [11:25 - 12:25]: 173 e) [12:30 - 13:00]: 163 f) [13:30 - 15:30]: 163 g) [15:55 - 16:25]: 084 h) [16:30 - 19:00]: 177, 084, 815, 820, 817, 822, 819, 169 T2 - Pal. Time k.I Task Work Request Task it time Final 10:34:00 10:41:55 numbergathering Init Totaltime Fin time 0:07:55 10:39:04 10-39:04 10:39:55 10:41:20 FT (2). NL (4) TolWie tie Work cancelation numbTy ero of lnit #me scenscreon Two FT FTAC 2 2 1 FTAC 1 0:01:25 LF Final Total time "Oenscr on gawhering (pdim oly) W of Type mubrType screen esent Ofn of ren Ti TSW number of sceens 1 1 Work Insormation+ extra time Tine Work He rqueg CM S Vtat huld have been NOT have erroT$rritory bwsent inyo f rOqufts thtatethould 0:00:25 0:00:48 R noted Have remembered Updaat e Td n Train ray risSchedule deaj Trais 4 4 1 1 1 1 Relevant Tan Trm 0 1 1 1 Notes WidwTrtryTan Window Terrtory o ie Wo r Trains d Trayi delay 1 0:02:08 0000 : 10:41:55 10:43:16 Situation awareness E= 0:01:21 01 : 2100% 0 101 :00% 1 23 2 FTAC (1). NL (2) _:0: 10:43:16 10:49:24 0:00:16 tO5l 0.0000 0:06:08 00|00,Q 3 10:49:24 11:02:52 0:0-08 0:13:28 11:00-05 11:00:05 11:00:29 11:02:52 4 FT (2). NL (4) I__ 0=0. 0:02.06 oiAC 2 4 1 0:00:25 1 0:00:48 1 1 0-0113 0:0025 0:00:48 0:00 Ti TSW 0-01:13 8::8 0:00:00 a013.:29,.2 11:02:52 11:07:51 1 0M.0 FT LF 0:02:23 00105- T TSW 0:04:59 1 2 2 ".0 1 100% 2 2 5 5 2 2 0 1 2 2 4 b I__ 2 2 D% 0 1 110% 2 2 5 100%________ 100%_________ c ___________0___ 0 2 2 2 4 0 1 0% 100% 50% 0% 1 5 11:07:51 11:15:00 00415S 0:07:15 .000O 0 8:08:00 TSW TS 6 1 3 807:iS008:80 ___ 11:15:05 11:16:47 0:01.41 11:16:47 0:09:59 1123:36 1126'28 0,02.52 8 FD4 (1). NL (2) 11:26:46 11:29:02 00.1W 0:02:16 11:29:02 11:32:35 0:03:33 1 2 0:00:39 0027 11:15:36 11:16:01 0:0025 FTCR (1). NL (2) 0:00:12 7 11:28:46 8:0:5 0:0048 FD4 LF FOATE FTCR FTC 0:07:15 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7 c 5 _ _ 1 2 1 T TSW 1 1 80:010 0:00:25 0:00:48 0.01:13 0:06:_ 0OI0 600)09 0:17:19 11:44:09 11:45:59 11:47:29 11:49:37 F04 (2). NL 11:49:54 12:02:52 (4) 0:17:1 0:12:58 12:01:09 12:02:19 0:01:50 0:02:06 12:02:52 12:04:32 NL (2) FD4 IF FDATE 2 6 2 FT LF FTAC I 1 1 1184 0:01:10 0:0103 0125:1 0:02.23 14 - 41&," Average 1:49:16 tow FD4 (1). NL(2) 0:00:48 0:00:13 4 4 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 100% I00% 190% 0% 15% _ _ _ _ _ d 0:00-14 FD4 LF FDATE FTCR (1). NL (2) 0:0012 I 1 2 0:00:52 1:919: 0:23:10 II 000: 0:0103 FTCR FTC I 1 1 0:00-25 0:00-25 2 0:01:36 FDR Ti TSW SF 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 0:00:25 0:00:25 0:00:48 0:00:25 8:9595 0:00:12 0:00:12 Ti TSW FDR FTR 1 2 1 1 0:00:25 0:01:36 0:00:25 0:00:25 *0241.i 1 MvFT 0:15:04 2 2 2 2 0 1 0% 100% 100% 0% 1 1 FTR TST 0 1 1 Ti 2 0:0000 12:03:59 12:04:13 0:0:16 TSW 8:090 0:01:40 0:18:44 12-.2025 12:22-49 1 1 FOR 13 12:04:32 12:23:16 TSW TS 0:01:44 12 FT (1). _ 0:00:52 10 11:32:35 11:49:54 _ 1 2 9 11 6 1 4 1 4 0 ,11:37 10% 4 4 O 0:1:8 100% 5 5 _ 1:26:03 _ 1 __2_ 1 1 00% 1 1 100% 1 1 10 1 1 1100% 100% _ 3 - 0 I 1 1 0 1 1 100% 10 100% 1 1 4a" I*A0 6.9 1 10 1 1 1 1 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 1 1 1 10 1 1 9 100% 60.0% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 7.0% 0.0% Task 2, User 1, Palm. I rains Notes 1. Sent a FT request with wrong time. Immediately noticed the error and sent the correct FT request (1 communication error) 2. FTAC request in this task had no effect. He used the 'back' button and read again the 'please confirm FT' screen. He tried to confirm once more the FT of task 1, but since it was already effective nothing happened 3. Because of the error mentioned in note 2, he received a screen asking him to contact the dispatcher by radio. This is why he did not clear the FT with the PID as it was requested (1 communication error). He said that he would have done it with the radio. 4. Trains 805 and 093 go in the same direction. Could have requested FT (1 work request that should have been sent) 5. Sent twice the same FT request. (1 communication error) The dispatcher granted both of them and the test user accepted the last one. This should have been a FD request 6. Did not remember train IDs although he remembered that one was Amtrak (west) and another MBTA (east). He made a mistake in one direction. 2 out of 4 in train and direction 7. Did not check train status. He checked entire schedule so, although he got the updated schedule, he could not tell if 812 was delayed. He thought it was on time. 8. He found a window of time with no trains. 100% in situation awareness 9. He sent a FD request for 15:30. Dispatcher granted this FD, but he did not accept it and sent another one for 15:25. This second one was also granted and this time he accepted it (1 work request that should not have been sent) 10. Note how he spent more time gathering information. He checked for delays, for other track out of service, for territory info and for train schedule around work site. 11. He found a window of time with no trains. 100% in situation awareness. 119 [08:35 [09:05 [09:40 [11:20 [15:25 f) [16:20 g) [23:30 a) b) c) d) e) - 09:05]: - 09:35]: - 11:05]: - 12:00]: - 16:25]: - 17:30]: - 00:30]: 171 805, 093 812, 173 012 no trains 084 no trains -E - 9 Ia' I' a_ g g N- 0iOiO IIN 8~8 o8 c N Ir 0 -~ 0 I-un N ) 9 OD _T _v] aa 01 C 0 0 It e - Nt IV) V CN 19N o r ' 08 Task 2, User 2, Radio. 'I Notes 1. This user did not write down any train ID in the answer sheets. All the info we have is a piece of paper where he wrote down some notes. Whenever possible, we used these notes, but otherwise, the fields were not taken into account 2. His notes said that he could work after 902. He did not noticed delay of 093. There is no info about 805. 0% in delay, 100% in direction and no data for schedule info 3. No info at all about trains. Had to repeat dispatcher name and then date. (2 communication error) 4. From the questionnaire we know that he knew about 173 and another train. This is still not enough info to fill the fields of task 4 5. Asked a generic question about "traffic patterns". Got all the info he needed. 6. Had to repeat cancel time. (1 communication error) 7. Test user detected that dispatcher had answered with wrong info. That's why there are 2 FD requests and 1 FDC 8. From task 9 we know that he was aware of train 12 and 814. He also knew the train dispatcher. 9. He found a window of time with no trains. 100% in situation awareness. 10. He asked for FT at 15:48. Two trains were coming (175 and 084) but he knew it and asked the dispatcher if he could reroute them. He did not know about delay in 084. The dispatcher granted a different time that he accepted. 11. He asked for FT at 21:05 or after 824 went by. Dispatcher informed him about the delay of 824 and granted FT from 21:15 to 22:00. No info available about 823 121 I rains a) [08:15 - 08:45]: 171 b) [09:10 - 09:40]: 805, 093 c) [09:40 - 11:10]: 812, 173, 807 d) [11:20 - 12:00]: 012 e) [14:00 - 15:00]: no trains f) g) [16:30 - 17:15]: no trains [21:15 - 22:00]: 823 if OCR a p~ R8 0 ~ 9 R9 8 z 8~ 8~~ pj~~2 P. 8 q pP ) w tJ - )0 1 lipi t:::-w 01 ;?q 0) F? N) Z) -4 N) M co -Z 0 5 q N F N) i (A N M c? -4: N. 0: 0 : 8 0 U 08 88 1 o op 0 8 8 P -Li - .) 8 9 CA)- 9 am08 8 Task 2, User 3, Palm Notes 1. The first FT request was sent without track info (1 communication error) 2. The first FTCR was never used. The second was sent without FD #. The third was ok. 3. He did not looked for trains at the right time, thus sent a request that could not be granted by the dispatcher. 0% in situation awareness and 1 work request that should have been sent 4. Looked for trains at 21:30 not 09:30 (this user had problems with AM/PM selection). 0% in situation awareness. Requested a FD at 21:15 that was not granted. During all the time he thought he was using AM so he went o the next task (1 FD that should have been requested) 5. This task has no meaning because of the errors in task 4 6. Test user detected that dispatcher had answered with wrong info. That's why there are 2 FD requests 7. With the first FTAC he accepted the FT. But he sent the FTAC twice so he got a "dispatcher not online" message. To confirm that he really had the FT he used MyFT. 8. He did not know about TI while in task 12. He checked TI in task 13 but that's too late. 0% in TI task 12. 123 Trains a) [08:15 - 08:45]: 171 b) [09:05 - 09:35]: 805, 093 c) [09:40 - 11:05]: 812, 173 d) [11:20 - 12:00]: 012 e) [14:10 - 15:20]: 175 f) [16:20 - 17:15]: 084 g) [21:15 - 22:15]: 823, 824 -Y P1- I 1 Co4 3 U. 3 I I I, - iI~ -- - - 0 C4. LUU FN C4 A-- ON A N F 3 a N - N N N C4 B 3 3 3 I, 46 - . so a C NN F4 Task 2, User 4, Radio. Trains Notes 1. Did not say how long he wanted to work. (1 communication error) 2. Accepted FT without knowing about one relevant train (1 safety error) 3. Had not noticed train 812 that was delayed and asked only for 173. Accepted FD without knowing about one relevant train (1 safety error) 4. Had not noticed train 812 that was delayed and asked only for 173. 5. He checked train 012 status. 100% in train delay in sit awareness 6. He checked train 084 status. 100% in train delay in sit awareness 7. He found a window of time with no trains. 100% in sit awareness 8. He checked train 823 status and asked for FD after 823. He did not know about train 824 being late 125 a) [08:15 - 08:45]: 171 b) [09:05 - 09:35]: 805, 093 c) [09:37 - 10:57]: 812, 173 d) [11:20 - 12:00]: 012 e) [14:05 - 15:05]: 175 f) [16:30 - 17:30]: No trains g) [22:10 - 22:55]: 824 (include also 823 since he checked for its status) I I- I ~ 1-4 N - "allI ~ 5NN N NNN 66 00 NNm co 00 LO r- c N -- - C4 U. 9 C V 0 Task 2, User 5, Palm. I Notes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. There was only one train. He could have sent the FT request (1 work request that should have been sent) Since he did not have FT from task 1, task 2 had no meaning. He could have sent the FD request (1 work request that should have been sent) Tasks 6 and 7 do not apply since he did not have FD from task 4 Task 10 does not apply since he did not have FD from task 8 He found a window of time with no trains. 100% in situation awareness 127 Trains a) [08:15 - 08:35]: 171 b) [08:40 - 09:10]: 832 c) [09:30 - 11:00]: 812, 173 d) [11:20 - 12:00]: 012 e) [14:00 - 15:00]: 175 f) [16:25 - 17:10]: no trains g) [23:30 - 00:15]: no trains Coo it~ ILO __ U.o. I ii id - 00 0- 6 -L LO N go( (Da N w.. C4 C-N IQ t; in06 -- idb(i g g - 0- id ( A 60 0 6 - Task 2, User 6, Radio. Trains Notes 1. Sent FT request to wrong dispatcher (1 work request that should not have been sent) 2. Sent FT request (the one shown in table) to the appropriate dispatcher without desired window of time (1 communication error) 3. Could have sent the FT request 4. Requested FT but then he realized that he wanted FD. (1 work request that should not have been sent) 5. Asked for two train status. One of them was 173 (ok) the other was not at the work site. Got confused when looking at the MBTA schedule and wrote down a wrong train ID. Still he got the desired update for 173 6. Did not send desired window of time (1 communication error) 7. Dispatcher granted wrong track. He noticed this and asked again for FD. That's why there are 2 FD requests 8. Accepted FD without knowing about train 012. (1 safety error) 9. Asked for 814 status not 012. 10. Sent FD without desired window of time (1 communication error) 11. Accepted FT without knowing about train 084. (1 safety error) 12. Sent FD request without window of time (1 communication error). Found a window of time with no trains 100% in train sit awareness 129 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) [08:10 [08:45 [09:35 [11:20 [14:03 [15:55 [01:00 - 08:40]: - 09:15]: - 11:05]: - 12:00]: - 15:03]: - 16:30]: - 01:45]: 171 832 812, 173 012 175 084 no trains Appendix D. Form D 100 NORAC UOVEM.NT PERMIT FORM D FORM D NO.(S) FORM D NO. DATE__I DELIVERED TO TO /- FORM D CANCELLED TIME DATE OSPR 1. TEMPORARY SPEED RESTRICTIONS 2. OPERATE ON ON ON IN _ DWZTIMM.)DOT TRK BETWEEN TRK TRK 3. TRAINS SPEEDSIN BETWEEN/AT TRK(S) LINE OR TRACK BETWEEN BETWEEN - FTWN AND-- AND DSPR DSPR DSPR AND AND PE N PSl EE TIME TIME TIME CARS AHEAD SIGNAL(S) AT 4. TRK OUT OF SERVICE BETWEEN/AT TRK OUT OF SERVICE BETWEEN/AT LINE TRK OBSTRUCTED FOR MAINTENANCE BETWEEN 5. 6. NON-SIGNALLED DCS RULES INEFFECT ON TRK(S) BETWEEN 7. INT AND CP SIGNALS OUT Of SERVICE ON TRK(S) AT ON 8. REMAIN AT 9. OPERATE AT RESTRICTED SPEED ON TRK TO 10. TBS INSERVICE AT TRK(S) BETWEEN 11. CSS RULES OUT OF SERVICE ON TC PROCEED PAST STOP INCHARGE OF INCHARGE OF AND AND TRK UNTIL ENGINE ARRIVES TO ASSIST WHERE TRAIN IS DISABLED AND 12. PROTECT CROSSING(S) 13. OTHER INSTRUCTIONS/ANFORMATION TRAIN DISPATCHER TIME EFFECTIVE Figure D-1 Form D 130 M. A brief explanation of the use of the different lines of a Form D follows (see rules 160-173). In brackets it is shown the rules that apply for each line. For more details refer to the appropriate rule in the NORAC Operating Rules book. 1 [175]: Speed restrictions. Train Speed Restriction Bulletins (TSRB) are used in place of line 1 2 [400,402-405, 502, 803, 805, 806, 808]: Direction of travel. Written to give authority to track cars to operate on a specific track between two interlockings. 3 [803, 805, 806, 807]: Written to inform track cars about trains or track cars ahead. A track car is allowed to move behind trains, never in front of them. The second part of line 3 is used to give permission to pass a stop signal. Rule 241 is usually used in place of second part of line 3. Some dispatchers use line 3 and not rule 241. 4 [132-134]: Track goes out of service in charge of some employee (flagman/conductor/ foreman). 5 [132, 135]: Rebuild grade crossing without disturbing the track. Just nearby road. 6,7 [406]: Form D Control System (DCS), Control Point (CP) (see rules 400). 8,9 [137]: Used when a rescue train is heading towards the train being rescued. 10 [174]: Temporary Block Station. 11 [561]: Cab Signal System (CSS). 12 [138]: Used when a grade crossing malfunctions. 13 [132, 177, 400, 404, 406, 506, 507, 805, 806]: General purpose. Used for example to describe where barricades are. The lines that are mostly used by dispatchers are 2, 3 and 4. Lines 2 and 3 are issued to track cars and work extra trains. Line 4 to repair crew foreman, flagmen and point conductors. 131 References Basu, S. (June 1999). Real Time Simulation of Rail Dispatcher Operations. M.S. Thesis at MIT. FRA report. (June 1999) Unpublished Presentation Prepared at John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center. Ditmeyer, S.R. and Smith, M.E. (April 1993) Data Links and Planning Tools: Enhancing the Ability to Plan and Manage Train Operations. Rail International, pp 69-77 Kirwan, B. (1992) A Guide to Task Analysis. Taylor & Francis. Lestime H. (June 1998) ETCS. Development of Train Control Systems for European High-Speed Lines. Rail International Tokyo Seminar. Leveson, N. (1995) SafeWare: System Safety and Computers. Addison-Wesley. Malsch, N. (June 1999) Design and Testing of a Railroad Dispatching Simulator Using DataLink Technology. M.S. Thesis at MIT. Nielsen, J. (October 1994) Usability Engineering, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. NORAC Operating Rules (January 1997) Roth, E.M. and Malsch, N. (March 1999) Understanding How Train Dispatchers Manage and Control Trains: Results of a Preliminary Cognitive Task Analysis. John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Report DOT-VNTSC-FRA-99-X RWP Manual (March 1997). Northeast Corridor, Amtrak Roadway Worker Protection Manual. Sheridan, T. (1992) Telerobotics, Automation, and Human Supervisory Control. MIT Press. SOFA Working Group. (October 1999) Findings and Recommendations of the SOFA Working Group. Wojanowski E. (June 1998) Development, Testing and Validation of New Train Control Systems. The ERTMS Project. Rail International Tokyo Seminar, pp 45-50. Web pages: Title 49-Transportation. FRA. Chapter II-Federal Railroad Administration, Part 214-Railroad Workplace Safety. Java. Neopoint. Palm. Palm VII description. Palm VII white paper. Perl. Qualcomm. Web Clipping documentation 132