Hindawi Publishing Corporation Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2011, Article ID 608329, 10 pages doi:10.1155/2011/608329 Research Article Principal Functions of Non-Selfadjoint Difference Operator with Spectral Parameter in Boundary Conditions Murat Olgun, Turhan Koprubasi, and Yelda Aygar Department of Mathematics, Ankara University, 06100 Ankara, Turkey Correspondence should be addressed to Murat Olgun, molgun@science.ankara.edu.tr Received 21 January 2011; Accepted 6 April 2011 Academic Editor: Svatoslav Staněk Copyright q 2011 Murat Olgun et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. We investigate the principal functions corresponding to the eigenvalues and the spectral singularities of the boundary value problem BVP an−1 yn−1 bn yn an yn1 λyn , n ∈ and γ0 γ1 λy1 β0 β1 λy0 0, where an and bn are complex sequences, λ is an eigenparameter, and γi , βi ∈ for i 0, 1. 1. Introduction Let us consider the BVP −y qxy λ2 y, 0 ≤ x < ∞, y 0 − hy0 0 1.1 in L2 , where q is a complex-valued function and λ ∈ is a spectral parameter and h ∈ . The spectral theory of the above BVP with continuous and point spectrum was investigated by Naı̆mark 1. He showed that the existence of the spectral singularities in the continuous spectrum of the BVP. He noted that the spectral singularities that belong to the continuous spectrum are the poles of the resolvents kernel but they are not the eigenvalues of the BVP. Also he showed that eigenfunctions and the associated functions principal functions corresponding to the spectral singularities are not the element of L2 . The spectral singularities in the spectral expansion of the BVP in terms of principal functions have been investigated in 2. The spectral analysis of the quadratic pencil of Schrödinger, Dirac, 2 Abstract and Applied Analysis and Klein-Gordon operators with spectral singularities was studied in 3–8. The spectral analysis of a non-selfadjoint difference equation with spectral parameter has been studied in 9. In this paper, it is proved that the BVP n ∈ , an−1 yn−1 bn yn an yn1 λyn , 1.2 γ0 γ1 λ y1 β0 β1 λ y0 0 1.3 has a finite number of eigenvalues and spectral singularities with a finite multiplicities if sup exp εnδ |1 − an | |bn | < ∞ n∈ 1.4 for some ε > 0 and 1/2 ≤ δ ≤ 1. Let L denote difference operator of second order generated in 2 by y n an−1 yn−1 bn yn an yn1 , n∈ 1.5 and with boundary condition γ0 γ1 λ y1 β0 β1 λ y0 0, γ0 β1 − γ1 β0 / 0, γ1 / a−1 0 β0 , 1.6 where {an }n∈ , {bn }n∈ are complex sequences and an / 0 for all n ∈ ∪ {0} and γi , βi ∈ for i 0, 1. In this paper, which is extension of 9, we aim to investigate the properties of the principal functions corresponding to the eigenvalues and spectral singularities of the BVP 1.2-1.3. 2. Discrete Spectrum of 1.2-1.3 Let sup exp εnδ |1 − an | |bn | < ∞ n∈ 2.1 for some ε > 0 and 1/2 ≤ δ ≤ 1. The following result is obtained in 10, 11: under the condition 2.1, equation 1.2 has the solution en z αn e inz 1 ∞ Anm e m1 imz , n ∈ ∪ {0} 2.2 Abstract and Applied Analysis for λ 2 cos z, where z ∈ an and bn as 3 : {z : z ∈ , αn ∞ Im z ≥ 0} and αn , Anm are expressed in terms of −1 ak , kn An,1 − ∞ bk , kn1 An,2 − ∞ 1 − a2k kn1 An,m2 ∞ ∞ kn1 ∞ bk 2.3 bp , pk1 ∞ bk Ak,m1 An1,m . 1 − a2k Ak1,m kn1 kn1 Moreover, Anm satisfies |Anm | ≤ C ∞ |1 − ak | |bk |, 2.4 knm/2 where m/2 is the integer part of m/2 and C > 0 is a constant. So ez {en z} is continuous in Im z 0 and analytic in : {z : z ∈ , Im z > 0} with respect to z. Let us define fz using 2.2 and the boundary condition 1.3 as fz γ0 2γ1 cos z e1 z β0 2β1 cos z e0 z. 2.5 The function f is analytic in , continuous in , and fz fz 2π. We denote the set of eigenvalues and spectral singularities of L by σd L and σss L, respectively. From the definition of the eigenvalues and spectral singularities, we have 12 σd L {λ : λ 2 cos z, z ∈ P0 , Fz 0}, π 3π σss L λ : λ 2 cos z, z ∈ − , , Fz 0 \ {0}. 2 2 2.6 4 Abstract and Applied Analysis From 2.2 and 2.5, we get ∞ iz −iz iz imz 1 α1 e A1m e fz γ0 γ1 e e m1 ∞ iz −iz imz β0 β1 e e α0 1 A0m e m1 α0 β1 e−iz γ1 α1 α0 β0 γ0 α1 α0 β1 eiz γ1 α1 ei2z ∞ α0 β1 A0m eim−1z m1 2.7 ∞ γ1 α1 A1m α0 β0 A0m eimz m1 ∞ ∞ γ0 α1 A1m α0 β1 A0m eim1z γ1 α1 A1m eim2z . m1 m1 Let Fz fzeiz α0 β1 γ1 α1 α0 β0 eiz γ0 α1 α0 β1 e2iz γ1 α1 e3iz ∞ α0 β1 A0m eimz m1 ∞ γ1 α1 A1m α0 β0 A0m eim1z m1 2.8 ∞ ∞ γ0 α1 A1m α0 β1 A0m eim2z γ1 α1 A1m eim3z ; m1 m1 then the function F is analytic in , continuous in , and Fz Fz 2π. It follows from 2.6 and 2.8 that σd L {λ : λ 2 cos z, z ∈ P0 , Fz 0}, σss L π 3π , Fz 0 \ {0}. λ : λ 2 cos z, z ∈ − , 2 2 2.9 Definition 2.1. The multiplicity of a zero of F in P is called the multiplicity of the corresponding eigenvalue or spectral singularity of the BVP 1.2 and 1.3. 3. Principal Functions Let λ1 , λ2 , . . . , λp and λp1 , λp2 , . . . , λq denote the zeros of F in P0 : {z : z ∈ , z x iy, −π/2 ≤ x ≤ 3π/2, y > 0} and −π/2, 3π/2 with multiplicities m1 , m2 , . . . , mp and mp1 , mp2 , . . . , mq , respectively. Abstract and Applied Analysis 5 Definition 3.1. Let λ λ0 be an eigenvalue of L. If the vectors y0 , y1 , . . . , ys ; yk k {yn }n∈ k 0, 1, . . . , s satisfy the equations ly 0 0 n − λ0 yn 0, k k−1 ly k − λ0 yn − yn 0, n 3.1 k 1, 2, ..., s; n ∈ , then vector y0 is called the eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue λ λ0 of L. The vectors y1 , . . . , ys are called the associated vectors corresponding to λ λ0 . The eigenvector and the associated vectors corresponding to λ λ0 are called the principal vectors of the eigenvalue λ λ0 . The principal vectors of the spectral singularities of L are defined similarly. We define the vectors k Vn λ j 1 k! 1 k Vn λ j k! dk E , λ n k dλ λλ k 0, 1, . . . , mj − 1; j 1, 2, . . . , p, j dk E , λ n dλk λλ 3.2 k 0, 1, . . . , mj − 1; j p 1, p 2, . . . , q, j where λ 2 cos z, z ∈ P0 , and {En λ} : λ , en arccos 2 n ∈ . 3.3 Moreover, if yλ {yn λ}n∈ is a solution of 1.2, then dk /dλk yλ {dk /dλk yn λ}n∈ satisfies an−1 dk dk dk dk dk−1 y y y y yn λ. b a λ k λ λ λ λ n−1 n n n n1 n dλk dλk dλk dλk dλk−1 3.4 From 3.2 and 3.4, we get that 0 − λj Vn λj 0, V 0 λj n V k λj n − k λ j Vn λ j − k k−1 Vn λj 3.5 0, k 1, 2, . . . , mj − 1; j 1, 2, . . . , q. k Consequently, the vectors Vn λj ; k 0, 1, . . . , mj − 1, j 1, 2, . . . , p and Vn λj ; k 0, 1, . . . , mj − 1, j p 1, p 2, . . . , q are the principal vectors of eigenvalues and spectral singularities of L, respectively. 6 Abstract and Applied Analysis Theorem 3.2. k Vn λj ∈ 2 ; k Vn λ j k 0, 1, . . . , mj − 1, j 1, 2, . . . , p, ∈ / 2 ; k 0, 1, . . . , mj − 1, j p 1, . . . , q. 3.6 Proof. Using En λ en arccosλ/2, we obtain that ν k d dk E C e , n λ ν n z dλν dλk zz j ν0 λλ n ∈ , 3.7 j where λj 2 cos zj ; zj ∈ P P0 ∪ −π/2, 3π/2, j 1, 2, . . . , q; Cν is a constant depending on λj . From 2.2, we find that dν en z dzν αn e zzj inzj ν in ∞ ν in m Anm e imzj m1 αn einzj inν αn einzj ∞ 3.8 in mν Anm eimzj . m1 k For the principal vectors Vn λj {V k λj }n∈ , k 0, 1, . . . , mj − 1, j 1, 2, . . . , p, corresponding to the eigenvalues λj 2 cos zj , j 1, 2, . . . , p, of L, we get k ∞ dk ν ν inzj inzj imzj ; En λ Cν αn e in αn e in m Anm e dλk ν0 m1 λλ 3.9 j then k Vn λ j k ∞ 1 ν ν inzj inzj imzj Cν αn e in αn e in m Anm e k! ν0 m1 for k 0, 1, . . . , mj − 1, j 1, 2, . . . , p. 3.10 Abstract and Applied Analysis 7 Since Im λj > 0, j 1, 2, . . . , p from 3.10 we obtain that 2 2 ∞ k ∞ k 1 1 ν inzj −n Im zj ν C α e in ≤ |Cν ||αn |e |n | k! ν0 ν n k!2 n1 ν0 n1 ∞ A ≤ k!2 A ≤ e −n Im zj 1 n n ··· n 2 k n1 2 k!2 k 1 ∞ 2 3.11 2 e −n Im zj n k n1 < ∞, where A is a constant. Now we define the function gn z k ∞ 1 αn einzj in mν Anm eimzj , k! ν0 m1 j 1, 2, . . . , p. 3.12 From 2.4, we obtain that k ∞ gn z ≤ |αn |e−n Im zj |n m|ν |Anm |e−m Im zj ν0 m1 ≤ |αn |e −n Im zj ∞ |Anm |e−m Im zj m1 ··· ∞ n m|Anm |e−m Im zj 3.13 m1 ∞ n mk |Anm |e−m Im zj m1 < Be−n Im zj , where B |αn | ∞ m1 k ν0 |Anm |e−m Im zj n mν . Therefore, we have ∞ ∞ gn z2 ≤ B2 e−2n Im zj , n1 n1 j 1, 2, . . . , p 3.14 < ∞. It follows from 3.11 and 3.14 that Vn λj ∈ 2 , k 0, 1, . . . , mj − 1, j 1, 2, . . . , p. k 8 Abstract and Applied Analysis If we consider 3.10 for the principal vectors corresponding to the spectral singularities λj 2 cos zj , j p 1, p 2, . . . , q, of L and consider that Im zj 0 for the spectral singularities, then we have k Vn λ j k k ∞ 1 ν ν inzj inzj imzj Cν αn e in αn e in m Anm e k! ν0 ν0 m1 3.15 for k 0, 1, . . . , mj − 1, j p 1, p 2, . . . , q. Since Im λj 0, j p 1, . . . , q from 3.15 we find that 2 ∞ k 1 ν inzj Cν αn e in ∞. k! n1 ν0 Now we define tn z |tn z| ≤ k ∞ ν0 m1 3.16 in mν Anm eimzj , and using 2.4 we get k ∞ n mν |Anm | ν0 m1 ≤ k ∞ ν0 m1 ≤C k ∞ k ∞ |1 − ak | |bk | knm/2 ∞ n mν ν0 m1 ≤C ∞ n mν C exp−εk expεk|1 − ak | |bk | knm/2 n mν exp ν0 m1 ∞ −ε expεk|1 − ak | |bk | n m 4 knm/2 3.17 −ε ≤ C1 n m exp n m 4 ν0 m1 k ∞ C1 e−ε/4n ν k ∞ n mν exp m1 ν0 −ε m 4 Ae−ε/4n , where A C1 ∞ k m1 ν0 n mν exp −ε m . 4 3.18 Abstract and Applied Analysis 9 If we use 3.17, we obtain that 2 ∞ k ∞ ∞ 1 1 ν α2 A2 e−εn/2 in m Anm eimzj ≤ αn einzj k! n1 k! n1 n ν0 m1 3.19 < ∞. k So Vn ∈ / 2 , k 0, 1, . . . , mj − 1, j p 1, p 2, . . . q. Let us introduce Hilbert spaces Hk 2 y yn n∈ : 1 |n| yn < ∞ , n∈ H−k u {un }n∈ : 2k 3.20 1 |n|−2k |un |2 < ∞ , n∈ k 0, 1, 2, . . . , with y 2k n∈ 1 |n|2k |yn |2 , u 2−k n∈ 1 |n|−2k |un |2 , respectively. It is obvious that H0 2 and Hk1 Hk l2 H−k H−k1 , k 1, 2, . . . 3.21 Theorem 3.3. Vn λj ∈ H−k1 , k 0, 1, . . . , mj − 1, j p 1, . . . , q. k Proof. From 3.15, we have ∞ 2 k 1 ν inzj Cν αn e in < ∞, k! ν0 −2k1 1 |n| n1 2 k ∞ −2k1 1 ν inzj imzj αn e 1 |n| in m Anm e <∞ k! ν0 n1 m1 ∞ 3.22 for k 0, 1, . . . , mj − 1, j p 1, p 2, . . . , q. Therefore, we obtain that Vn λj ∈ H−k1 , k 0, 1, . . . , mj − 1, j p 1, p 2, . . . , q. k Let us choose m0 max{mp1 , mp2 , . . . , mq }. By Theorem 3.2 and 3.21, we get the following. Theorem 3.4. Vn λj ∈ H−m0 , k 0, 1, . . . , mj − 1, j p 1, p 2, . . . , q. k Proof. The proof of theorem is trivial. 10 Abstract and Applied Analysis References 1 M. A. Naı̆mark, “Investigation of the spectrum and the expansion in eigenfunctions of a nonselfadjoint differential operator of the second order on a semi-axis,” American Mathematical Society Translations, vol. 16, pp. 103–193, 1960. 2 V. E. Lyance, “A differential operator with spectral singularities, I, II,” AMS Translations, vol. 2, no. 60, pp. 227–283, 1967. 3 E. Bairamov, Ö. Çakar, and A. 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