In Vitro Study of Cancer Cell Extravasation in Microfluidic Platform by Jessie Sungyan Jeon S.B., Mechanical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2008 MASSACHUSETTS ISnE OF TECHNOLOGY S.M., Mechanical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2010 MAY 08 21 Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of LIBRARIES Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY February 2014 C 2014 Jessie Sungyun Jeon. All rights reserved The author hereby grants to MIT and The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc. permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in any part medium now known or hereafter created. Author............... .. .. . .. ... ... ... ... .. .... ... ... . .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . . ... . Department of Mechanical Engineering Jan 14, 2014 V ........................-- Certified by. Joseph L. Charest Senior Membmer Technical Staff, Draper Laboratory Thesis Supervisor Certified by .............. .. ...... - ---.. .-.-.--........................ ....... ...... ............. .- -. . Roger D. Kamm Cecil and Ida Green Distinguished Professor of Bioloieil and Mechanical Engineering ie"sdSuneziawr Accepted by ..................................... David E. Hardt Chairman of the Departmental Committee for Graduate Students In Vitro Study of Cancer Cell Extravasation in Microfluidic Platform by Jessie Sungyun Jeon Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on Jan 14, 2014 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering Abstract Cancer metastases arise from the cancer cells that disseminate from the primary tumor, intravasate into the vascular system and eventually transmigrate across the endothelium into to a secondary site through a process of extravasation. Microfluidic systems have a major advantage in studying cancer extravasation since they can mimic aspects of the 3D in vivo situation in a controlled environment while simultaneously providing in situ imaging capabilities for visualization, thereby enabling quantification of cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions. Moreover, microfluidics enable parametric study of multiple factors in controlled and repeatable conditions. This thesis describes novel 3D microfluidic models to mimic the tumor microenvironment and vasculature during cancer cell extravasation in order to investigate the critical steps of extravasation. First, a general non-organ-specific cancer cell extravasation model is developed in which the endothelial cells that cover the walls of the microfluidic channel represent the vessel endothelium, and the entire extravasation process including tumor cell adhesion to the endothelium and subsequent transmigration can be observed. A second model is then introduced to mimic organspecific extravasation and investigate the preference of certain types of cancer to target specific organs for metastass. The improved model was used to study the specificity of human breast cancer metastases to bone, by recreating a vascularized bone-mimicking microenvironment. The tri-culture system allowed us to study the transendothelial migration of highly metastatic breast cancer cells 2 and to monitor their behavior within the bone-like matrix. Next, functional microvascular networks were generated in the microfluidic system through vasculogenesis with addition of mural cells and pro-angiogenic factors to better replicate the normal physiological vasculature of the remote site for metastasis. Lastly, the vasculogenesis approach was combined with the bone-mimicking model to develop a functional osteo-cell conditioned vasculature model to study physiologically relevant extravasation in a bone-like microenvironment. In addition to the quantification of extravasation rates and subsequent tumor cell migration into the model tissue, the vascular networks were characterized by measuring permeability, and immunostaining of proteins secreted by osteo-cell and mural cell markers confirmed the creation of microenvironments and the presence of multiple cell types within the matrix. This study provides novel 3D in vitro quantitative data on cancer cell extravasation and micrometastasis of breast cancer cells within a bone-mimicking microenvironment. The developed microfluidic system represents an advanced in vitro model to study complex biological phenomena such as extravasation involving functional microvascular networks under organ-specific conditions and demonstrates the potential value of microfluidic technologies to better understand cancer biology and screen for new therapeutics. Thesis Supervisor: Joseph L. Charest Title: Senior Member Technical Staff, Draper Laboratory Thesis Supervisor: Roger D. Kamm Title: Cecil and Ida Green Distinguished Professor of Biological and Mechanical Engineering 31 Acknowledgment I would like to express my deepest gratitude to people who had shaped me over the years while I was pursuing PhD. First, I am exceptionally thankful to my advisor Prof. Roger Kamm. I do not think my experience as a graduate student would have been as fruitful or enjoyable as it had been without Roger's dedicated guidance and support. His gentle and thoughtful but keen advice allowed me to constantly motivate myself over the years and encouraged me to be independent not only in work environment, but also in everything else I engage. Roger has been the example of what a true scholar and mentor should be, and I am really fortunate to have him as my academic and research advisor. I am very grateful to my committee members, Prof. Richard Hynes, Prof. Rohit Karnik, and Dr. Joseph Charest, whom all provided me with enormous constructive feedbacks and professional support. I would also like to thank all previous and current Kammster for many helps and sharing all moments, whether wonderful or tough, together, in lab. I am also thankful to all my friends. As much as I love MIT, it is also inevitably a greatly challenging place to be, and I would have never survived nearly a decade of MIT life without support from friends. Particularly, friends in KSGAME have been a family away from home, and have been an immense help personally as well as academically. I'm grateful that friends from church for providing me spiritual support. Moreover, in fellowship with them, I have learned to share love, joy and passion in Jesus. Finally, I would like to thank my parents, who have always given me never-ending love and support. The project described in this thesis was supported by Draper Internal Research and Deveolopment (IRAD) funds, Repligen Fellowship in Cancer Research, and also by NIH Award Number R33 CA174550-01 R21 CA140096-01 from the National Cancer Institute. The content is solely the responsibility of the author and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Cancer Institute or the National Institute of Health. 4 Table of Contents 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1. 1. Cancer cell extravasation and microfluidics ................................................................... 1. 1. 1. Cancer cell odyssey in the metastatic cascade ................................................... 13 13 14 1. 1. 2. In vivo and in vitro cancer models for invasion, migration, extravasation and colonization................................................................................................. 1. 1. 3. M icrofluidic tools for in vitro cancer models ................................................... 17 18 1. 1. 4. Targeting cancer cell extravasation: in vitro and in vivo drug screening models to block the metastatic cascade ....................................................................... 1. 2 M icrofluidic platforms for angiogenesis and vasculogenesis .......................................... 23 28 1. 2. 1. M imicking angiogenesis in microfluidics .......................................................... 30 1. 2. 2. Inducing angio/vasculogenesis.......................................................................... 34 1. 2. 2. 1 Chemical factors ......................................................................... 34 1. 2. 2. 2 M echanical factors ....................................................................... 35 1. 2. 2. 3 M icro-environmental factors........................................................ 36 1. 2. 3. Co-culture methods ............................................................................................ 37 1. 2. 3. 1 Co-culturing in microfluidic platform ........................................... 37 1. 2. 3. 2 Tumor angiogenesis model .......................................................... 37 1. 2. 4. M aturation/sabilization of blood vessels.......................................................... 39 1. 3. Pros and cons of microfluidics........................................................................................ 41 1. 4. Thesis overview .................................................................................................................. 42 2. In vitro m odel of tum or cell extravasation............................................................... 51 2 . 1. In tro du ction ......................................................................................................................... 53 2. 2. M aterials and methods .................................................................................................. 53 2. 2. 1. M icrofluidic system ........................................................................................... 53 2. 2. 2. Cell culture and cell selection ............................................................................ 55 2. 2. 3. Permeability of endothelial monolayer .............................................................. 56 2. 2. 4. Immunofluorescent staining and image acquisition........................................... 57 5 2. 2. 5. M etrics for extravasation................................................................................... 58 2. 2. 6. Statistics ................................................................................................................. 58 2. 3. Results and dicussion ..................................................................................................... 59 2. 3. 1. M odeling the extravasation process ................................................................... 59 2. 3. 2. Confirmation of endothelial layer integrity........................................................ 59 2. 3. 3. Optimization of tumor cell seeding................................................................... 61 2. 3. 4. Extravasation..................................................................................................... 63 2. 3. 5. Beyond extravsation.......................................................................................... 68 3. 3D in vitro model for specificity of breast cancer metastasis to bone...........73 3. 1. Introduction.........................................................................................................................73 3. 2. M aterials and methods .................................................................................................. 75 3. 2. 1. M icrofluidic system ........................................................................................... 75 3. 2. 2. Cell culture ............................................................................................................. 77 3. 2. 3. Immunofluorescent staining............................................................................... 78 3. 2. 4. Conditioned assays: addition of CXCL5 and CXCR2 blocking agent .............. 79 3. 2. 5. Extravasation and micrometastasis metrics ....................................................... 80 3. 3. Results and discussion .................................................................................................... 3. 3. 1. Generation of the osteo-cell conditioned microenvironment............................. 80 80 3. 3. 2. Extravasation of cacner cells in the osteo-cell conditioned microenvironment.....81 3. 3. 3. Addition of CXCL5 and anti-CXCR2- effect on extravasation........................ 84 3. 3. 4. Formation of micrometastases ......................................................................... 86 3. 4. Appendix ............................................................................................................................. 3. 4. 1. Generation of the osteo-cell conditioned microenvironment............................. 88 88 3. 4. 2. Extravasation of cacner cells in the osteo-cell conditioned microenvironment.....89 3. 4. 3. Addition of CXCL5 and anti-CXCR2- effect on extravasation......................... 89 3. 4. 4. Live/Dead assay ................................................................................................ 90 3. 4. 5. Endothelial cell monolayer quality .................................................................. 90 3. 4. 6. Collagen structure .............................................................................................. 91 3. 4. 7. Effect on endothelial monolayer permeablity of cancer cells ............................ 91 6 3. 4. 8. Quantification of CXCL5 production -Ensyme-linked immunosorbenet assay (ELISA) ........................................................................................................ 93 3. 4. 9. CXCR2 immunofluorescence ............................................................................ 94 3. 4. 10. Quantifying CXCL5 gradient generation within the osteo-cell conditioned microenvironment - Computational simulations......................................... 3. 4. 11. Statistics 94 ................................................. 95 4. Generation of 3D functional microvascular networks with mural cell-differentiated hum an m esenchym al stem cells.......................................................................................105 4. 1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................105 4. 2. Experimental section.........................................................................................................108 4. 2. 1. M icrofluidic system ............................................................................................. 108 4. 2. 2. Cell culture ........................................................................................................... 109 4. 2. 3. Immunofluorescent staining ................................................................................. 110 4. 2. 4. Data Analysis ....................................................................................................... 111 4. 2. 4. 1 M icrovascular Network M orphology..............................................111 4. 2. 4. 2 Quantification of BM -hM SC differentiation .................................. 112 4. 2. 4. 3 Microvascular network perfusion and permeability quantification 112 4. 2. 4. 4 Statistics .......................................................................................... 4. 3. Results nad discussion ...................................................................................................... 113 113 4. 3. 1. Differentiation of BM -hM SCs into mural cells ................................................... 113 4. 3. 2. Generation of microvascular networks ................................................................ 116 4 . 4 . A p p en d ix ........................................................................................................................... 12 1 5. Extravasation of cancer cell to bone-mimicking microenvironment in functional 3D vasculature generated through vasculogenesis .............................................................. 128 5 . 1. Introd uction ....................................................................................................................... 12 8 5. 2. M aterials and methods ...................................................................................................... 129 5. 2. 1. M icrofluidic system ............................................................................................. 129 5. 2. 2. Cell culture and cell selection .............................................................................. 130 7 5. 2. 3. Immunofluorescence and image acquisition........................................................131 5. 2. 4. M etrics for extravasation......................................................................................131 5. 2. 5. Permeability ....................................................................................................... 132 5. 2. 6. Flow in vasculature generated..............................................................................132 5 . 2 . 7 . S tatistics ............................................................................................................... 13 3 5. 3. Results and discussions.....................................................................................................133 5. 3. 1. Generation of functional 3D vasculature in bone-mimicking microenvironment ........................................................................................................................ 13 3 5. 3. 2. Extravassation of cancer cells in bone-mimicking microenvironment ................ 135 5. 3. 3. Effect of shear stress on vasculature and cacner cell extravsation.......................137 6. Conclusion and O utlook...............................................................................................141 8 List of Figures Fig 1.1. Schem atic of extravasation cascade................................................................................. 15 Fig 1.2. Microfluidic models for extravasation............................................................................ 21 Fig 1.3. In vivo and in vitro models developed for screening drugs acting on extravasation........25 Fig 1.4. A ngiogenic sprouting........................................................................................................ 29 Fig 1.5. Exam ples of m icrofluidic platform ................................................................................... 33 Fig 1.6. Co-culture of endothelial cells with tumor cells in microfluidic system .......................... 38 Fig 1.7. Maturation of naked endothelial cells (ECs) into stable blood vessel is achieved with addition of cytokines, recruitment of smooth muscle cells (SMC) and flow...................40 Fig 2.1. G eneral schem atic of the device. ...................................................................................... 55 Fig 2.2. Size selective perm eability............................................................................................... 57 Fig 2.3. Confirmation of endothelial monolayer integrity. ........................................................... 61 Fig 2.4. Optimization of tumor cell seeding density ..................................................................... 63 Fig 2.5. Observation of extravasation and permeability of endothelium 65 ...................................... Fig 2.6. Permeability of endothelium measured with 70kDa fluorescently-labelled dextran. ......... 67 Fig 2.7. Beyond extravasation. The tumor cell extravasation is observed for up to 3 days after tumor cell seeding and compared to the ones fixed and analyzed on day I ............................................ 69 Fig 3.1. Generation of the osteo-cell conditioned microenvironment........................................... 77 Fig 3.2. Extravasation of cancer cells into the collagen gel matrix with and without osteodifferentiated hB M -M SC s................................................................................................. Fig 3.3. Effect of CXCL5 and CXCR2 in cancer cell extravasation............................................. 83 85 Fig 3.4. Generation of micrometastases within the osteo-cell conditioned microenvironment.........87 Fig 3.A 1. C alcium production........................................................................................................ 96 Fig 3.A2. Osteo-differentiation immunofluorescence assays. ...................................................... 96 F ig 3.A 3. L ive/D ead assay . ................................................................................................................ 97 Fig 3.A4. Endothelial monolayer quality and collagen gel structure within microfluidic devices....97 Fig 3.A5. Confocal reflectance image of 6.0 mg/ml gel with and without osteo-cells 3 days after the gel-filling. No significant difference was detected in the matrix structure...................... Fig 3.A6. Confocal reflectance images of 6.0 mg/mi collagen gel + osteo-cells with and without 9 98 cancer cells 24 h after cancer cell seeding. The presence of cancer cells does not induce clearly detectable structural changes................................................................................. 98 Fig 3.A7. Endothelial monolayer permeability change before and after cancer cell seeding........99 Fig 3.A8. Endothelial monolayer permeability change of devices with and without osteo- differentiated hBM-MSCs in gel..................................................................................... 99 Fig 3.A9. CXCL5 quantification assay and CXCR2 detection........................................................100 Fig 3.A 10. Scatter plot representing the relationship between number of cancer cells per micrometastasis and number of cancer cell micrometastases per region of interest (ROI). ............................................................................................................................................. Fig 3.A 11. Day-to-day progression of cancer cell clusters. ............................................................. 10 0 101 Fig 3.A 12. Computational simulation of the CXCL5 gradient within the microfluidic device.......101 Fig 4.1. Schematic of the microfluidic vasculogenesis system........................................................109 Fig 4.2. Differentiation of BM-hMSCs in presence of HUVECs .................................................... 114 Fig 4.3. Co-localization of HUVECs and BM-hMSCs enabled differentiation of BM-hMSCs into mu ral cells. .......................................................................................................................... 1 15 Fig 4.4. Formation of microvascular network by vasculogenesis....................................................117 Fig 4.5. Generation of mature microvascular network in presence of BM-hMSC and different b iom o lecu les........................................................................................................................1 19 Fig 4.A 1. Live/Dead assay showing cell viability at day 1..............................................................122 Fig 4.A2. SM22a immunofluorescent staining highlighting BM-hMSC differentiation toward a m ural cell lineage. ............................................................................................................... 122 Fig 4.A3. Confocal microscopy image representing mural cell differentiated BM-hMSCs (a-smooth muscle actin, green) co-localization with ECs (red). .......................................................... 123 Fig 4.A4. Microvascular network analysis: number of branches.....................................................123 Fig 4.A5. Vessel perfusion with 70 kDa fluorescent dextran revealing patent lumen and absence of 4 fo cal leak s............................................................................................................................12 Fig 5.1. VE-cadherin staining for vasculature...............................................................................134 Fig 5.2. a-smooth muscle actin staining for mural cell ................................................................... 134 Fig 5.3. Staining for osteocalcin (O CN )...........................................................................................135 Fig 5.4. Live imaging of cancer cell extravasation in the generated microvascular network..........135 10 Fig 5.5. Percent of extravasation in bone-mimicking microenvironment........................................136 Fig 5.6. Permeability of the vessel network ................................................................................... 137 Fig 5.7. Percent of extravasation for static and flow conditions in bone-mimicking m icroenvironm ent ............................................................................................................................ 137 Fig 5.8. Permeability of the vessel network for static and flow condition in bone-mimicking m icroen vironm ent. .............................................................................................................. 138 Fig 5.9. Elongation of endothelial cells during application of shear stress......................................138 Fig 6.1. High-throughput device for multi-organ mimicking system. ............................................. 11 144 List of Tables Table 1.1 In vivo extravasation models......................................................................................... 26 Table 1.2. In vitro Microfluidic extravasation models...................................................................27 Table 1.3. Angiogenic activators and inhibitors as well as their functions................................... 12 30 Chapter 1 Introduction' 1.1 Cancer cell extravasation and microfluidics The last four decades were characterized by promising successes in cancer treatment and detection, through the development of devices reducing surgical invasiveness or allowing early diagnosis, and the discovery of drugs blocking primary tumor progression, thus reducing cancer mortality and improving life quality for terminally ill patients [3]. As discussed in a recent scientific report of the American Cancer Society, the relative 5-year survival rate for all cancers diagnosed between 2002 and 2008 in the US was 68%, significantly higher compared to 49% reported for 1975-1977 [4]. However, despite great advances in basic cancer molecular and cell biology with the discovery of oncogenes [5], tumor suppressor mechanisms [6] and cytokines involved in cancer progression [7], the spread of primary tumors to distant organs and the subsequent metastatic colonization is still responsible for 90% of cancerassociated mortality [8]. In vitro assays can be beneficial to study cancer cell invasion and migration, and develop new anti-cancer drugs [9]. Particularly, human three-dimensional (3D) models can closely mimic the pathophysiological microenvironment [10], combining multiple cell types and molecular factors in a controlled system, thus bridging the gap between simplified two-dimensional (2D) assays, which lack the structural architecture of body tissues and force cells to adapt to an artificial flat and stiff surface [11] and complex, This chapter is modified from Ref. [1-2] with the publisher's permission. 13 expensive in vivo studies, often performed through animal models which may fail to reproduce features of human tumors [12]. Significant advances have been made since the development of soft lithography techniques, which allow microfabrication of structures and channels with PDMS (poly-dimethyl-siloxane) for microfluidic applications, thus overcoming the limitations of traditional plastic surface devices, and allowing for more complex patterning of cells and biomolecules [13]. Microfluidic devices with embedded 3D cultures are currently used to study cancer cell behavior within in vivo-like microenvironments [14]. Modeling the multiple steps of the metastatic cascade represents a challenge that, if overcome, could pave the way to the discovery of new anti-metastatic drugs [15]. Particularly, extravasation represents a critical point which leads to the invasion of cancer cells at specific secondary sites with the subsequent growth of metastatic tumors, hence detailed studies are necessary to clarify the interaction between specific primary tumors and secondary target organs [16]. Following an introductory section on cancer metastases, this chapter will focus on in vitro models to study cancer cell invasion, migration and particularly, extravasation. Microfluidic applications to investigate extravasation processes and other metastasis-related phenomena will also be discussed. The final section will present in vitro and in vivo models to study the effects of therapeutics on cancer cell extravasation, underscoring how highly specific microfluidic models could provide a significant breakthrough in the screening process of anti-metastasis drugs. This chapter concludes with an overview of the entire thesis. 1.1.1 Cancer cell odyssey in the metastatic cascade Tumors arising from epithelial tissues represent around 80% of life-threatening cancers due to their ability to metastasize in different secondary organs [17]. The complex metastatic process can be conceptually divided into two main phases, namely the physical translocation of cancer cells from the primary tumor to distant sites, and their subsequent colonization (Figure 1.1). More specifically, several 14 sequential and interrelated steps can be recognized in the former phase, including loss of cellular adhesion, acquisition of increased invasiveness and motility due to genetic and epigenetic alterations, and induction of tumor angiogenesis leading to entry into the circulatory or lymphatic systems - a process known as intravasation [8, 18]. After intravasation, those cells that survive in the circulation might undergo extravasation, which includes several steps: cells becoming trapped in a remote vessel or adhered to its endothelium and transmigrating into tissues, to initiate the development of secondary tumors [19- 23]. brain lung Sbone extravasating cancer cells in circulation lier Figure 1.1 Schematic of extravasation cascade. Primary cancer cells travel in circulatory system and transmigrate across the endothelium to extravasate into secondary site and colonize at organs such as lung, bone, liver, and brain. Predominant primary cancer sites where initial dissemination occurs include breast, pancreas, prostate gland, colon and lung. In one scenario of extravasation, circulating tumor cells (CTCs) showing a leukocyte-like rolling behavior on the vascular walls [24] establish transient, metastable contacts with the endothelium mediated by endothelial cell surface molecules, e.g. E-selectin and P-selectin, and cancer cell counter-receptors such as sialyl Lewis-a/x [25, 26]. Subsequently, a firmer adhesion is mediated by adhesive molecules on the endothelium such as vascular cell adhesion molecules (VCAMs), whose expression can be triggered 15 by cancer cells themselves [27], and cancer cell integrins, while chemo-attractant molecules promote trans-endothelial migration toward the surrounding tissues [10]. An alternative view is that CTCs, being relatively large, are physically trapped in the small vessels of the microcirculation, become activated, and transmigrate [28]. Steven Paget's "seed and soil" hypothesis represents a milestone in the study of mechanisms governing metastases, based on the assumption that the interplay between specific cancer cell types and a properly receptive microenvironment guides the metastatic spread of primary tumors to distant organs[29]. However, Paget's theory was challenged by James Ewing, who proposed that the main factor leading to metastases is represented by the anatomy of blood and lymphatic vessels and by circulatory patterns between primary tumors and specific secondary sites [30]. It is now accepted that these theories are not mutually exclusive: scientists have shown how CTCs migrating from the primary tumors target a well defined sub-set of organs, specific for each tumor type. This tissue tropism is partially due to the anatomy of the circulatory system, leading to physical trapping as described above, but also influenced by the interaction between "seed cells" and "receptive soils"[]6-18, 31]. Endothelial cells in the vasculature of different organs express different surface receptors and specific chemokines are secreted by host cells of individual tissues [32, 33]. Moreover, the "premetastatic niche model" states that growth factors secreted by the primary tumor can prime specific tissues for cancer engraftment, determining the attraction of tumor-associated cells, which contribute to the development of a receptive environment [30, 34-36] and promoting specific cancer cell homing. Particularly, breast cancer cells often metastasize to the bone and autopsy studies have demonstrated that 70% of breast cancer patients have skeletal metastases, which represent the major cause of lethality and induce pain, spinal cord compression and fractures, severely compromising quality of life [37, 38]. Unraveling the multiple steps of extravasation could enable the identification of new anti-cancer drugs to inhibit the adhesion and/or transendothelial migration of metastatic cells. In vitro testing platforms represent an extremely useful tool but the lack of organ-specific models, reproducing the human in vivo 16 microenvironment and tissue tropism shown by specific cancer cells, constitutes a significant limitation among current systems. 1.1.2 In vivo and in vitro cancer models for invasion, migration, extravasation and colonization While no in vivo or in vitro model fully replicates the complex milieu of factors that influence metastasis in humans, there have been numerous studies devoted to understand cancer cell invasion, migration, and interactions with the endothelium, which comprise different stages of cancer metastasis. Conventional studies of metastasis have been mostly limited to in vivo mouse models as there is a lack of tumor models and methods to study the associated processes in vitro. Mouse models provide a platform to screen for genes involved in metastasis for specific organs or proteins that mediate cancer invasion [3941]. Roles of chemical factors and different signaling mechanisms that lead to trigger each step of metastasis have been studied as well [42-44]. Particularly, in the case of cancer cell extravasation, in vivo videomicroscopy of tail-vein injected cancer cells to mouse has been the primary means of investigation [22, 45]. Moreover, advanced in vivo models were developed to study metastasis through direct injection of breast cancer cells either intravenously or directly to specific organs [46, 47], and intravital videomicroscopy was employed to visualize the interactions of cancer cells in the circulatory system and the metastatic site in a more physiologically relevant manner. However, the main disadvantages of in vivo models are that they make it difficult to perform tightly-regulated, parametric studies and quantification is limited [48]. Earlier in vitro models relating to cancer metastasis investigated cancer cell invasion and migration across matrix of various types under different mechanical and/or chemical cues [49]. There were also studies that focused on interactions of two cell types by modeling cancer cell adhesion to the endothelium, with emphasis on the changes imposed in cell morphology and monolayer biomechanical properties [50, 51]. Furthermore, use of the Boyden chamber/transwell assays for simulating cell migration and cancer cell invasion across the endothelium has been widely accepted. These models have 17 been a popular choice as they have advantages to overcome some limitations of in vivo experiments (parametric studies, quantification, non-human cells, etc.) by providing more regulated environments with tunable parameters and using human cell types. However, limitations still exist in that Boyden chamber allows limited control over the local environment and complex multicellular interactions cannot be accurately analyzed due to limited imaging capabilities. In recognition of the need for a new generation of in vitro platforms, optically accessible and better mimicking physiological conditions through controlled-microenvironments, a recent research has led to the creation of a new class of in vitro testing methodologies using the emergent technologies of microfluidics. While acknowledging that in vitro systems cannot fully reproduce the complexity of in vivo situation, microfluidic devices allow an opportunity to create organ-specific microenvironments and explore the development of metastasis of different cancer types, including migration through gels as well as real-time imaging of invasion and extravasation. 1.1.3 Microfluidic tools for in vitro cancer models Microfluidics has revolutionized the field of cell biology, allowing researchers to develop advanced 3D assays in highly controlled microenvironments [52], characterized by spatio-temporal tunable chemical gradients, interstitial flows and shear stresses, complex interactions among multiple cell types and small reagent volumes compared to traditional assays [14, 53, 54].As a result, microfluidics is one of the most promising technologies to develop and optimize complex in vitro cancer models, mimicking multiple steps of the metastatic cascade from primary tumor local invasion to extravasation in secondary loci. In recent work by Haessler and co-authors [55], migratory behavior and migrational speed of metastatic breast cancer cells MDA-MB-231 were investigated under a controlled interstitial flow within a 3D microfluidic chamber. Collected results demonstrated how the interstitial flow increased the percentage of migrating cancer cells and induced a superior persistence (the ratio between the cell net 18 displacement in a specific direction and the cell total path length) for specific cell sub-populations,either in the positive or negative interstitial flow direction. These data promote the idea that small, aggressive and resistant sub-populations of cells play a critical role in cancer, being characterized by phenotypes leading to drug resistance and metastatic dissemination. Morphology and invasiveness of breast cancer cells were also investigated by Liu and colleagues [56], who showed that MCF-7 breast cancer cells generated protrusions and migrated up an epidermal growth factor (EGF) gradient within a 3D basement membrane extract gel with a matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-dependent proteolytic activity. On the same topic, the Beebe group developed a simple and effective microfluidic device to study the transition from Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS) to Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC) in a co-culture system with human mammary fibroblasts, demonstrating that the presence of both soluble factors and cell-cell contacts accelerates the transition and that increasing the distance between cell populations leads to incomplete transition, with carcinoma cells retaining their rounded morphology [57]. An advanced microfluidic model was recently proposed by Zervantonakis et al. to investigate the mechanism underlying cancer cell intravasation, showing how tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a) secreted by macrophages interacting with cancer cells can promote endothelial barrier impairment and subsequent cancer cell transmigration [58]. The above mentioned models represent just a few of the promising and smart studies recently developed to investigate the initial events of the metastatic cascade while other specific assays were designed to analyze the final steps of cancer cell journey within the circulatory system. Particularly, a few interesting models were developed in the last five years to study adhesion and extravasation of cancer cells (Figure 1.2). The Takayama group designed a microfluidic device to recreate the adhesion of cancer cells to an endothelial monolayer under physiological flow conditions. They demonstrated both that breast cancer cell receptors CXCR4 and CXCR7 are involved in the adhesion process and that a CXCL12conditioned environment can act on endothelial cells, enhancing breast cancer cell adhesion in a CXCR4 or CXCR7 independent manner [59]. Similarly, Shin and co-authors developed a complex platform to 19 analyze the metastatic process from intravasation to the downstream endothelial adhesion in a single chip. Particularly, they showed how colon cancer cell adhesion is dependent both on E-selectin expression by endothelial cells and shear stress levels, finding an optimal value at 3 dyne/cm2. Moreover, they found a significant decrease in cell adhesion when cancer cells were treated with the extravasation inhibitor CA19-9 antibody [60]. Extravasation events were monitored by Zhang et al., who analyzed transmigration of salivary gland adenoic cystic carcinoma (ACC) cell aggregates in a gel matrix, demonstrating how cell clusters can adhere to but not extravasate through the endothelium without CXCL12 stimulation. Interestingly, a CXCL12 concentration-dependent transmigration behavior was highlighted, and the addition of the CXCR4 antagonist AMD3 100 inhibited cell aggregate extravasation, but it failed to cause detachment of aggregates from the endothelial monolayer. Finally, cell-cell junctions in the endothelial monolayer appeared completely destroyed at the site of transmigration[6 1]. A similar model was designed by the Kamm group to investigate single breast cancer cell extravasation through an endothelial monolayer within a collagen gel matrix. Transmigration can be closely monitored in this microfluidic device with a high resolution imaging system, showing that extravasation events within the matrix occur in the first 24 hours following cancer cell introduction, and are associated with a significant increase in endothelial monolayer permeability due to disruption of vascular endothelial (VE)-cadherin junctions [62]. A more physiological model was recently developed by the same group to analyze the extravasation ability of different cancer cell types within a microvascular network, demonstrating the effect of inflammatory cytokines and accurately describing the transmigration event, which is characterized by initial thin cancer cell protrusions followed by extrusion of the nucleus and cell body [63]. It is well known that cancer cells undergo deformation processes prior to adhesion and extravasation through the endothelial lining. Chaw and colleagues developed a multistep microfluidic device to study the effect of cell deformation on viability and proliferation, revealing that different cancer cell lines under mechanical stresses were characterized by reduced viability and increased doubling times, thus suggesting a significant change in their biological activity. Moreover, they quantified migration rate and the 20 percentage of cells capable of migrating through 30 pm wide microgaps coated with Matrigel, with or without an endothelial cell lining. They demonstrated the different roles played by basement membrane coating and the endothelial monolayer, the former slowing down cancer cell migration and the latter reducing the total number of transmigrating cells [64]. 3D view2D D E top view Matrigal PDOSp dsuiflsg Dissolved region lop Cancer cell Main Valv%-E M rtC mber Poly--Lyslaye 0Cancer cell q& HUVEC Fibronectin layer Poly-L-Lys layer Figure 1.2 Microfluidic models for extravasation. (A) Multi-step microfluidic device developed by Chaw and colleagues. Deformation chamber with 10 pim wide gaps through which cells are forced (i) and transmigration chamber with a row of 30 Am wide gaps where cell migration and invasion take place (ii). Reprinted with permission [64]. Copyright 2007 RSC. (B) Microfluidic device for the study of transendothelial migration of cancer aggregates (Zhang and co-authors). Reprinted with permission [61]. Copyright 2012RSC. (C) In vitro model developed by Jeon et al. to investigate breast cancer cell extravasation in a collagen gel matrix. Reprinted with permission [62]. Copyright 2013 PLOS. (D) Microdevice designed by the Takayama group to analyze intravascular adhesion of breast cancer cells. Reprinted with permission [65] Copyright 2009 PLOS. (E) Microfluidic platform for the study of intraand extravasation events (Shin et al.). Chamber-I represents the intravasation chamber for cell migration and invasion while chamber-E constitutes the extravasation chamber where cancer cell adhesion events on an endothelial monolayer can be detected. Reprinted with permission [60]. Copyright 2012 RSC. 21 Leukocyte extravasation, which shares many similarities to cancer cell extravasation, has been more extensively studied. Schaff and co-authors [66] designed a microfluidic device to test neutrophil capture, rolling and deceleration on an endothelial monolayer under controlled shear stress conditions, with the capability of including chemokine gradients; moreover, they coupled a computational model to predict shear stresses and leukocyte trajectories. This platfonn could potentially be applied to analyze cancer cell adhesion and extravasation if 3D hydrogels mimicking an extracellular matrix were to be included. Chau and colleagues [67] focused on the development of a microdevice to study the effect of multiple shear stress conditions on endothelial cell morphology, nuclear size, perimeter and secretory activity. Although they did not investigate the adhesion of circulating cells, this platform could be easily adapted to perform detailed studies on cancer cell or leukocyte adhesion. An exhaustive discussion of in vitro assays for leukocyte adhesion with useful insights on computational models can be found in recent reviews by Bianchi [68] and Hanzlik [69]. Finally we want to highlight the versatility of a previously described platform [9], which was employed to analyze leukocyte transendothelial migration under the influence of inflammatory stimuli [70] as well as cancer cell extravasation [62]. The extravasation assays discussed in this section (Table 1-2) allowed investigation for the first time of adhesion and transmigration processes of single or aggregated cancer cells, eventually coupled with chemokine gradients or inhibitory molecules. Despite the significant step forward provided by these models they lack the organ specificity that different cancer cell types exhibit in vivo. With the increasing interest in organ-specific chemokines and endothelium adhesion molecules guiding extravasation of specific CTCs, microfluidic devices mimicking different organ microenvironments could prove useful in identifying which surface receptor/ligand interactions are most critical and in developing targeted therapeutics. 22 1.1.4 Targeting cancer cell extravasation: in vitro and in vivo drug screening models to block the metastatic cascade Inhibiting cancer cell extravasation represents a promising strategy to break the metastatic cascade, coupled with other therapies to stop tumor growth, inhibit tumor angiogenesis and prevent epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) and intravasation events. These, in combination with early diagnosis techniques could significantly improve the efficacy of cancer therapies. One of the first studies performed on cancer cell extravasation was conducted by Saiki and coauthors, who investigated the effects of synthetic sialyl Lewis X and fibronectin-derived RGDS peptide analogue on lung metastases generated by in vivo intravenous injection of melanoma cells. The former molecule was found to inhibit the interaction with the endothelium while the latter limited cancer cell invasion into the basement membrane, thus affecting a later step of the extravasation process [71]. A second pioneering study was conducted by Hangan and colleagues who analyzed VLA-6, an integrin receptor mediating cancer cell adhesion to the endothelium. By performing in vivo studies on mice and simple in vitro models with chemotaxis chambers, researchers discovered that although the VLA-6 monoclonal antibodyMA6 did not affect adhesion, it inhibited melanoma cell movement on laminin substrates. Thus, their findings suggested an active role for the VLA-6 receptor in providing both cell movement and adhesion and more specifically demonstrated an absence of alterations in the focal adhesion kinase phosphorylation, which is involved in motility [72]. Furthermore, in vivo experiments demonstrated a reduced ability of MA6 treated mouse melanoma cells to extravasate the liver vasculature. Recent works concentrated on a wide spectrum of biomolecules involved in cancer cell extravasation. The Jirik group found that the extracellular matrix remodeling enzyme lysyl oxidase (LOX) inhibitor p- aminopropionitrile (BAPN) was able to reduce the number of breast cancer metastases in treated mice, without affecting established loci. Then, LOX seemed to be involved in the initial steps of extravasation and tissue colonization and could represent a potential candidate for advanced drug screening tests [73]. Based on findings reporting that radiotherapy can increase the metastatic potential of surviving cells [74], 23 Hamalukic and colleagues performed a promising study in which ionizing radiation-stimulated cancer cells/endothelial cells adhesion was limited by treatment with HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor lovastatin, sialyl Lewis X mimetic drug and Raci inhibitor (Figure 1.3). In vivo studies confirmed the potential role played by the lipid-lowering drug lovastatin in mice, counteracting the increased extravasation effect induced by radiation therapy [75]. Tanaka and co-authors used the osteosarcoma cell line OS LM8 within standard transendothelial migration assays to show the ability of these malignant cells to compromise an endothelial barrier and demonstrate that inhibiting the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) signaling through the tyrosine kinase inhibitor pazopanib limited extravasation. In vivo studies seemed to confirm that anti-VEGF therapies could limit lung metastases from osteosarcoma [76]. Furthermore, the reduced 02 availability within the tumor environment can promote the expression of hypoxia inducible factors (HIFs) which increase the level of proteins involved in cancer progression. HIFs can induce angiopoietin-like 4 and LI cell adhesion molecules production by cancer cells, which in turn promote extravasation into lungs [44]. A recent elegant in vivo model on transparent zebrafish developed by the Klemke group demonstrated that MDA breast cancer cells engineered to overexpress the metastatic gene Twist were characterized by increased extravasation ability compared to wild type cells. Moreover, they reported the process switched to a p1-integrin independent mechanism, with interesting implications on the use of small interfering RNAs [77]. Finally, we would like to highlight a recent study on tumor cellactivated platelets which were shown to release adenine nucleotides that interact with the P2Y 2 endothelial cell receptor, thus promoting openings in the endothelial barrier and subsequent cancer cell extravasation [78]. 24 A ) Qend@othakal F-eronectin r B labeled LM or Dunn cells F cells coat BIssd Fluorescence J~'bkclng PET mernrane Exciaon (577 nrn) a aP=0.005 Emission (602 nm) P-.022 10' Exrvston Lung mftasbas p-0.OO3 150 100 aU CAF(EC) (n-3) (n-3) (n-3) CAF(TC) (n=3) Figure 1.3 In vivo and in vitro models developed for screening drugs acting on extravasation. (A) Transendothelial migration of highly metastastic LM8 osteosarcoma (OS) cell line and Dunn OS cell line (Tanaka et al.). Cancer cells were applied on a monolayer of endothelial cell coated fluorescence-blocking membrane and transmigration investigated after 12 h (i). Comparison between control LM8 cells, pazopanib (vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-inhibitor), VEGF or a combination of VEGF and pazopanib (ii). Reprinted with permission [76]. Copyright 2012 Springer. (B) Bioluminescence imaging showing the metastatic progression of breast cancer cells between day 7 and day 21 after cancer cell intracardiac injection. Reprinted with permission [73]. Copyright 2009 PLOS. (C) Ionizing radiation (IR) can increase tumor cell (TC)-endothelial cell (EC) adhesion and subsequent TC extravasation and generation of lung metastases. Reprinted with permission [75]. Copyright 2011 PLOS. The identified molecules (Table 1-2) could represent promising targets for future anti-metastatic therapies but additional studies are required to clarify their mechanisms of action and possible interactions with different cell types. In this framework, microfluidic cancer models, as reported in the previous section, pave the way to a new class of assays between traditional 2D models and in vivo studies. These advanced in vitro models allow strict control of multiple spatio-temporal parameters, while maintaining drug gradients and co-cultures of multiple human cell types in physiological 3D matrices. Their optimization can lead to develop more focused in vivo screenings, which although being essential, are becoming increasingly expensive and surrounded by ethical problems. 25 Table 1.1 In vivo extravasation models Animal Model Primary CanrmCells Cancer Cels Metastati M e c Site mouse (intavenous injection) mouse melanoma cells mouse (mesenteric vein injection) mouse melanoma cells liver mouse (intracardiac injection) breast cancer bone and other cells tissues breast cancer cells tail intersegmental vessels transparent zebrafish embryos (intracardiac injection) mouse (lateral tail vein injection) mouse (intravenous injection) Key Molecule/ Gene Investigated Blocking Molecule/Drug ______________ Ref __ E-selectins integrins synthetic sialyl Lewis X/fibronectin-derived RGDS peptide analogue Ar(DRGDS)3 VLA-6 (a6pl) integrin VLA-6 monoclonalantibody MA6 [72] lysyloxidase P-aminoproprionitrile [73] Twist/ITGB/[77 VEGFA _esses tumorigenic chinese hamster fibroblasts and colon carcinoma cells breast cancer cells lung NF-kB/Eselectin lovastatin/glycyrrhizic acid/Rac1 inhibitors [75] lung HIF/Ang-like 4/L1-CAM digoxin [44] pazopanib [76] mouse otoacm (subcutaneous tissue of the back) lung VEGF mouse osteosarcoma cells mouse melanoma cells (subcutaneous or lateral tail vein injection) and mouse Lewis lung lung g P2Y/Munc3-8] cai s carcinoma cells _ 26 Table 1.2 In vitro Microfluidic extravasation models Vascular Cells Cancer Cells Process cl rodees modeled microvascular endothelial cells hepatocellular carcinoma-cervical carcinoma-breast carcinoma Extravasation (no matrix) dermal microvascular cells breast cancer cells adhesion CXCL 2TNFal1G8 polyester membrane 400 nm pores + colon cancer cells adhesion MMP2 inhMMP 9 inhGM6001CA 19-9 Matrigel + fibronectin coating (extravasation chamber) + salivary gland adenoic cystic adenocarcinoma cells Extravasation CXCL 12AMD3 100 umbilical vein endothelial cells umbilical vein endothelial cells microvascular endothelial cells umbilical vein endothelial cells breast cancer cells breast cancer cells, fibrosarcoma cell line Key Molecule Investigated Matrix Flow Perme ability Ref matrigel (microgap coating) -No matrix Extravasation TNF-a 27 - [60] + [62] + [63] basement membrane extract collagen type I (2 mg/ml) Extravasation [59] fibrin gel (2.5 mg/ml) 1.2 Microfluidic platforms for angiogenesis and vasculogenesis Angiogenesis, the development of new blood vessels from pre-existing vasculature, and vasculogenesis, the development of vascular networks from endothelial precursor cells, are essential events in development and in a vast range of physiologic and pathologic conditions. And despite the existence of numerous routine procedures to culture endothelial cells under various culture conditions, our ability to study the angiogenic process in vitro has progressed only slowly. One of the primary motivations for the in vitro simulation of angiogenesis stems from the seminal work of Dr. Judah Folkman who identified suppression of tumor vascularization as a new approach to the treatment of cancer. Indeed, tumor growth and metastatic dissemination are critically dependent on the tumor's blood supply [79]. And while the promise of anti-angiogenic therapies has yet to be fully realized, interest remains high in the identification of new factors that either promote or inhibit the formation of new microvascular networks. Angiogenesis also plays an important role more generally in vascular biology because it is an essential process that occurs in various normal and pathological events. Wound healing and the reperfusion of ischemic regions following myocardial infarct or stroke are cases where angiogeneis needs to be stimulated. Cancer and diabetes, are cases in which anti-angiogenic therapies are targeted. In addition to these, there are more than 70 disorders that are directly or indirectly linked with angiogenesis, and the list of conditions continues to grow [80]. A better understanding of the biology of angiogenesis may reveal new targets for treating these diseases. 28 b LModulation a Selection of sprouting ECs rof h VR!GF-Vit of Spmsut outgrowth and guidne Maintenance wpoMeupHPn Deposition EC-EC Contacts eEo C nhibItion e behviur In ChangeGrwhfca inhibitors Cells Gr n .. Moduladon of PC contacts thf iand wC profer CEe adtion E E Pro-quiescent signals (aocal and systemic)gl CSpout fusion ad tswn formifson stakcell ndels and maturation d Perfuion CDC42 sd Rad of iriStabilin ad proliferation Vacu#l formation ECAC adeion Fization 1 of PC contacts and fusion encounrtering ordi i on e EC proliferation Pro-quiescent s fcnals t are applied. Figure 1.4 Angiogenic sprouting event occurs at a) pre-existing vessel when growth factors lumen forms c) and space, (ECM) matrix b) Endothelial cells (ECs) starts to sprout out into extracellular mature and other each to adhere stably ECs Finally, d) as more sprouts form fuse and cells proliferate. perftisable vessel is formed - Adapted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: [81. Copyright 2007 NPG. There are multiple steps involved in angiogenesis, often classified as vasodilation, endothelial cell proliferation and migration, survival/maturation, and remodeling [82] (Figure 1.4). It has long been known that hypoxic conditions stimulate the local cells to release various factors that induce the recruitment of new blood vessels. A variety of factors have been identified (see Table 1), many of which can be traced to the upregulation of hypoxia inducible factor (HIF-1) [83, 84]. Tumor growth and metastatic dissemination are critically dependent on the tumor's supply of blood vessel [79], making angiogenesis a putative target for cancer therapy. It is commonly believed that blocking the vessel formation in tumor mass will limit tumor growth as well as metastasis. Therefore, many inhibitors of angiogenesis are under intense clinical investigation as anti-angiogenic factors. Current efforts in antiangiogenic therapies either act by inhibiting one of the various receptors of these factors, or by 29 suppressing the degradation of HIF-1, but the approaches are numerous and a need clearly exists for a method that is capable of screening many factors rapidly in an in vitro setting that recapitulates many of the features of the in vivo microenvironment. Table 1.3 Angiogenic activators and inhibitors as well as their functions are listed [85, 86]. Activators/Inhibitors Functions VEGF Stimulate angio/vasculogenesis, permeability, leukocyte adhesion ANGI Stabilize vessels, inhibit permeability PDGF-BB Recruit smooth muscle cells TNF-a Induces production of bFGF in endothelial cells and enhances its secretion, activates macrophages TGF-a Stimulate endothelial mitogenicity TGF-P Stimulate extracellular matrix production, Inhibits endothelial mitogenicity aFGF, bFGF Stimulate angio/arteriogenesis In this chapter, we will explore how angiogenesis is described in a microenvironment formed using microfluidic system how it can be used to introduce many stimuli that are known to induce angiogenesis. As the relevance of angiogenesis in physiological function extends much more than the growth of endothelial cells to interactions of different cell types, the co-culturing of multiple cell types will be discussed. These interactions of endothelial cell and heterotypical cells not only induce angiogenesis when particular chemokines are secreted, but also matures the newly created vessels. Finally, we will describe various methods for quantifying the angiogenic response. 1.2.1 Mimicking angiogenesis in microfluidics Microfluidics has the potential to overcome many of the practical limitations that have impeded progress in the study of angiogenesis. One of the major advantages of microfluidic systems in studying angiogenesis is that it has the potential to mimic the true three dimensional (3D) nature of the in vivo situation while maintaining its in situ imaging capabilities. In addition, because of the ready access to the 30 cell-seeded regions, media can be changed frequently with little disturbance to the cells, or lows can be generated to create the shear stress conditions that are found in vivo. And perhaps most importantly, multiple cell types can be seeded into these devices so that they can interact over physiologically-relevant length scales. These interactions between endothelial cells and heterotypic cell types not only induce angiogenesis when particular chemokines are secreted but also play a critical role in the maturation of the newly created vessels. Finally, since the developing microvasculature can be readily imaged, a wide range of methods has been developed for quantifying the angiogenic response from various imaging modalities. In recent years, there has been considerable progress in the development of microfluidic designs to replicate a diverse range of physiological events. Micro-fabrication technology using soft lithography has enabled tremendous utilization of sub-micron scale designs for micropatterns, narrow channels and chambers as well as microscale design to accommodate optimal cell-to-cell or cell-to-matrix interactions. Larger designs including arrays of hundreds of micron-scale features can also be fabricated using this technique, providing the opportunity of high throughput testing, but at the cost of added complexity [87, 88]. Furthermore, not only can heterotypic cell co-cultures be accommodated in certain microfluidic designs, but so can living tissue or biopsy specimens be introduced [89], raising the prospect of even greater realism and the potential to screen for patient-specific therapies. The three dimensionality of microfluidic platform arises as a result of the integration of various hydrogels or nanofiber constructs, which allows the matrix regions in the microfluidic system to mimic the role of extracellular matrix (ECM) comprising the microenvironment of cell or tissue samples. The gel region(s) in a microfluidic device can take several forms, depending on the most suitable design for a particular experiment. One approach that has been proposed introduces microchannels surrounded on three sides by matrix, and that could contain both tumor cells and other tissue cells [90]. These latter cells might serve the purpose of simulating the natural organ or they could be pericytes or smooth muscle cells, introduced for the purpose of creating a more realistic environment for a sprouting or pre-formed vessel. Another approach that has recently been put into practice introduces matrix on one wall of a channel 31 imprinted in the microfluidic device [91, 92] (Figure 1.5). This design utilizes multiple polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) posts to contain the hydrogel solution within the gel region through the forces of surface tension, and thus keeps the matrix separate from the media channels where culture medium is introduced and endothelial cells can be seeded. The most commonly used hydrogels are matrigel, collagen type I or fibrin gel all of which are commercially available [93-97]. In the case of matrigel, it may be used directly as obtained commercially, while for the others, simple synthesis of at most few reagents is required for gelation. The introduction of a region of hydrogel in a microfluidic system allows capillary growth in 3D, thereby producing the most realistic model for angiogenesis in vivo and at the same time, allowing spatio-temporal imaging. Either of these approaches can also be used to recreate in vitro the process of vasculogenesis. The primary difference is that endothelial precursor cells would be seeded within the gel, and no endothelial cells would be seeded inside the channels. Channels might not even be necessary, other than to provide fresh media to the system, or to generate a flow through the formed vascular network if desired. In the following discussion, we focus on the experiments performed in the devices depicted in Figure 1.5, or one of several variations on these basic designs. The first system (Figure 1.5A) is one in which the hydrogel needs to be injected into the gel region prior to affixing the glass coverslip. One advantage of this system are that a linear gradient can be maintained (without the artifacts associated with the gel-filling ports of the other systems) especially when the two channels are merged downstream of the gel region and a slow flow is maintained in both channels. Another advantage is that the gel can be slightly "over-filled" so that it spreads out into the channel slightly, offering a smooth, continuous face to which the cells can adhere. Other systems have gel-filling ports (e.g., Figure 1.5B) that allow for the system to be fully assembled in advance with the gel added at a later time, making them somewhat easier to use. An additional advantage of the system shown is that it provides for an internal control in the sense that the test agent (chemical or cell type) can be placed in one of the side channels, and the opposite side can be used for an internal control. The third system shown (Figure 1.5C) provides for a longer gel 32 region, allowing for greater data collection in a single device. Also, with the greater length, any perturbation in gradients caused by the filling ports at the ends are confined, leaving gradients relatively unperturbed over most of the system length. For experiments in which another cell type is introduced either into the gel or into the opposite channel with the aim of using secreted factors from these cells to induce angiogenesis, migration of the second cell type into the gel and intermingling with the endothelial sprouts can be an undesired consequence. In such cases, where the cells need to be kept separated, the cells can be encapsulated in a more rigid, more slowly degradable gel, and introduced in encapsulated form either suspended in the gel or flowed into the channel. (a) (b) ((b) (W (d) Figure 1.5 Examples of microfluidic platform [91, 98, 99]. (a) requires the hydrogel to be injected into the gel region prior to affixing the glass coverslip where as (b)-(d) have gel-filling ports inject hydrogel. Design (b) can monitor control and condition by having three channel system, and design (c) incorporates longer gel region for more experimental area. The T-shaped gel region in (d) allows studying of directional effects due to biochemical gradients. For studying chemotaxis effects such as those related to a VEGF gradient in guiding angiogenic tip cells of endothelial cells, the T-shaped gel region can be advantageous (Figure 1.5D) [99] since the turning is then a direct consequence of the biochemical gradient. Chemical gradients can also be created 33 in any of these designs, but tend to be time dependent, both during start-up but also as a result of depletion of the chemoattractant from the media and during media changes. These fluctuations can be avoided by using a design in which the channels are joined at the downstream end and a constant flow of medium is drawn through the channels. In this case, there is a single start-up phase lasting a time that scales with the time for diffusion across the gel region (L 2/D where L is the distance across the gel and D is the diffusivity of the chemoattractant), and the flows need to be maintained at a level that provides sufficiently high convective effects relative to diffusion, as characterized by the Peclet number, Pe = vw D where V is the mean flow velocity in the channel, W is the channel width, and D is the diffusivity of chemoattractant in the medium. When the goal is to observe as many sprouting events as possible in a single device, a longer gel area can be employed and as many as 30 experimental regions attained [100]. 1.2.2 Inducing angio/vasculogenesis The first isolation of angiogenic factors from tumor cells occurred in 1970s. Since then, much effort in vascular biology has been directed toward identifying other possible biochemical as well as biophysical factors that are thought to promote angiogenesis and to understand their significance in forming vascular network [101, 102]. The following sections discuss different ways that angiogenesis can be induced and regulated. Chemicalfactors Creation and maintenance of chemical gradients in microfluidic platform described above has been confirmed [92]. Throughout the culture period, daily replenishment of medium along with the chemical factor of interest allows stable linear gradient that the effect of application of each factors can be systematically investigated in the platform. As mentioned earlier, active research to identify biochemical 34 factors inducing angiogenesis resulted in great advancement of determining and analyzing both pro and anti-angiogenic factors. While vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) family has been recognized as the most potent inducer of angiogenesis, there are many others including angiopoietins, fibroblast growth factors (FGF), transforming growth factors (TGF), platelet-derived growth factors (PDGF), tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukins [103-109]. Table 1 below lists factors that are known so far to be involved in angiogenesis whether their functions are activation or inhibition. Among many angiogenic factors identified as listed in Table 3, members of VEGF family are the best-characterized for angiogenesis [82, 99, 110, 111]. VEGF stimulates VEGFR which is a tyrosine kinase receptors causing endothelial cells to be activated. The signaling cascade then stimulates the secretion of factors leading to increased proliferation, maturation, migration, and vessel permeability [103, 112]. These latter two are a reflection of the delocalization of the VE-cadherins that occurs, thereby loosening the cell-cell adhesions [113, 114]. In addition, other factors such as angiopoietins are also known to be involved in the part of process for attracting supporting cells as well as for stabilizing newly formed blood vessels. In microfluidic systems, it is possible to explore not only the effects of individual factors, but also the orchestrated effects of multiple angiogenic factors. In particular, the effects have been studied for case when both VEGF and ANG-1 gradients are applied [99]. VEGF gradients alone induce the proliferation of tip cells that initiates angiogenic sprouting, but the addition of ANG-l gradient greatly enhances the tendency to form a stable, continuous new vessel in which the tip cell remains attached to the stalk cells. Mechanicalfactors Application of shear stress to endothelium for mimicking flow condition of blood vessel is achieved in a microfluidic system by integrating some form of pumping, such as a syringe pump, peristaltic pump or some form of on-chip pumping [115]. The fluidic access ports to the micro-channels inherently support the addition of external flow sources to the existing platform. 35 Shear stress has been shown to be a major biophysical factor for inducing angiogenesis, and that it initiates angiogenesis by stimulates endothelial migration as well as proliferation of capillaries through an upregulation of VEGF expression [116, 117]. In addition to increased production of growth factors, shear stress also promotes development of cell-cell and cell-matrix junctions, and maturation of vascular networks [118-120]. However, it has also been shown that shear stress stabilizes the endothelial layer in the microfluidic devices [115, 121]. The actual effect of shear stress is likely to be complex and is a topic of continuing study [122]. Micro-environmentalfactors It is becoming increasingly recognized that the local microenvironment surrounding the endothelium affects angiogenesis in various ways and its importance in cell function has been of considerable recent interest. Microfluidic platforms that incorporate hydrogels offer a unique opportunity to vary the properties (e.g., composition, stiffness) or conditions (hypoxia) of the extracellular matrix (ECM), and at the same time, make detailed observations of the resulting response. Hypoxia arises from a number of pathological conditions, but especially in the case of rapid tissue growth as in a tumor, or impainnent of the local circulation as a result of an infarct or stroke [123]. In hypoxia, low oxygen tensions lead to a delay in the inactivation of hypoxia inducible factor 1-a (HIF 1 -a), a transcription factor for numerous angiogenic factors including VEGF-A and stromal-derived factor, SDF- 1, oxygen sensing enzymes of endothelial cells are activated and produce hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) which then upregulates angiogenic factors for inducing angiogenesis [I1], 124]. Methods to control the oxygen tension in a microfluidic system have not yet been reported, but their small size and the gas permeability of PDMS offer new opportunities. Another feature that has been shown to influence angiogenesis and the formation of a vascular network is ECM stiffness. This can easily be accomplished with microfluidics simply by altering the gel concentration, the type of gel, or the degree of polymerization as in the case of photopolymerizable gels 36 or gels such as collagen for which the stiffness of the formed gel can be controlled by varying the pH at which the gel is formed [125]. 1.2.3 Co-culture methods 1.2.3. 1 Co-culturing in microfluidic platform An important advantage of microfluidic cell culture platforms is their ability to better mimic the conditions that exist in vivo. In the previous section, we discussed the feasibility of introducing chemical or physical factors and how they affect endothelial cell function in the context of angiogenesis. However, in order to truly replicate physiological conditions, we must also consider the effects of interactions between multiple cell types. Microfluidic systems with channels or gel regions that can be individually seeded allow a simple integration of heterotypical cells types in a single device and recent studies have shown this to be unique for the study of cell-cell interactions [98, 100]. This can be also be accomplished through the addition of a porous membrane with different cells seeded on either side [65, 126, 127] or by seeding one cell type on top of the other as is readily done in a Trans-well® assay, but these methods can be constraining in terms of their ability to image the cell-cell interactions or the growth of the vascular networks. Microfluidics allow for both spatial and temporal organization. For example, multiple cell types can be seeded into the different channels or gel regions, separated by distances of less than one mm, similar to physiological length scales. Similarly, one cell type can be seeded initially, left to adhere and stabilize, with another added at a later time point. Using these capabilities, numerous biological conditions can be simulated including tumor angiogenesis and metastasis [91]. In all cases, chemical factors secreted by the cells are transported through the hydrogel region that is separating the channels. Tumor angiogenesismodel Expanding tumors, in particular, actively promote the growth of new blood vessel. Their demands for gas exchange and nutrients lead to the conditions described above that promote angiogenesis. Not only 37 do tumor cells secrete various growth factors such as VEGF and bFGF in response to the local hypoxia, but they also disrupt the production of anti-angiogenic enzymes [128]. It has also been found that tumor cells can create their own blood vessels through a process in which tumor associated stem cells differentiate into endothelium [129, 130]. The use of microfluidics in studying tumor angiogenesis enables a parametric in vitro study with tumor cells in close proximity to and actively signaling with endothelial cells. Studies have been conducted in microfluidic systems under co-culture of human endothelium and various tumor cell lines (Figure 1.6) [65, 90, 91, 96]. By designating one channel in a 3-channel system as the "condition" channel and the opposite one as the "control", the effect of different types of cancers on endothelial migration and vascular sprouting can easily be monitored and quantitatively compared. Such studies could be used to investigate, for example, phenotypic variations sometimes found in endothelial cells in a tumor environment [131, 132]. Tumor blood vessels have increased permeability due to vessel dilation and detachment of pericytes and their morphology is also distorted [133-135]. Figure 1.6 Co-culture of endothelial cells with tumor cells in microfluidic system. Two types of tumor cells, adenocarcinoma, MTLn3, (a) and glioblastoma, U87MG, (b) cells are migrating towards human microvascular endothelial cells (HMVECs) through collagen gel region [91] -Copyright 2009 RSC. 38 1.2.4 Maturation/stabilization of blood vessels The fundamental goal of tissue engineering in regenerative medicine does not end in the creation of neo-vasculature, but rather, in the construction of a stable vascular network. Once endothelial cells sprout, proliferate and recruit new cells to the developing vascular network, naked tubular structures of endothelial cells initially form, but vessel maturation is required for stable, long-term perfusion of blood [80]. Fully-functional blood vessels are characterized by a central conduit fonned by endothelial cells that are adherent to basement membrane and encompassed by perivascular cells of various types, and the overall structure resides in ECM. Depending on the location or function of the vessel, ranging from arterioles to distal capillaries for example, their functional requirements in terms of size, permeability, or cell-cell adhesion strength or tightness all vary. Their stability as fully functional microvascular network is governed by proper organization among the different cells and their environment [136]. Therefore, the importance of perivascular cells should not be underestimated. Perivascular cells include smooth muscle cells and pericytes, and they are recruited by endothelial cells once the tubular structures are formed [106, 137]. Initially the naked vessel is highly permeable [114, 138], and perivascular cells work to achieve stabilization and maturation by means of providing structural integrity and supplying necessary survival factors. They also secrete proteins that are used to create extracellular matrix [139]. 39 Vessel stabilization S ECM Flow Tightening of vessel Drot si Vessel regression NkdECs M-j Bisetng Vessel regression VEGF, PIGF, Ang-1, POGF I TSP, IFN, Ang-2, Inhibitors Figure 1.7 Maturation of naked endothelial cells (ECs) into stable blood vessel is achieved with addition of cytokines, recruitment of smooth muscle cells (SMC) and flow. Naked ECs will otherwise regress. Adapted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd. [140], Copyright 2003 NPG. The importance of these accessory cells is underscored by the fact that the engineered blood vessels have often been found to be immature and unstable [113, 141]. However, it has been reported that when endothelial cells were co-cultured with appropriate perivascular cells, a stable and long lasting vasculature could be formed in vivo [136, 142, 143]. The necessity of the presence of pericytes and smooth muscle cells for providing structural strength and regulation of perfusion on nascent endothelial vessels is once again confirmed. Fluid shear stress has also been found to be a crucial factor in maturation of blood vessels in addition to its aforementioned effects in inducing angiogenesis. The growth factors induced by shear that are particularly involved with collateral growth through stimulation of endothelium and smooth muscle cells include TGF-pl, TNF-a, PIGF, and MCP-l [105, 144, 145]. Under low- or no shear conditions, vessel regression has been observed, which indicates that fluid shear is an important factor in vessel maturation and maintenance [84, 115, 140, 146]. 40 1.3 Pros and cons of a microfluidic approach Many of the advantages to be gained by using microfluidics have been discussed above. Included among these are: the capability of simultaneous 2D and 3D culture, heterotypic culture methods, ease of imaging, ease of attaining physiological length scales to allow for realistic cell-cell communication, the capability to establish gradients in growth factors or fluid pressure, and for the application of shear stress. Although there is much to be gained through a microfluidic approach to simulating angiogenesis or vasculogenesis, there are also some drawbacks that need to be recognized. First, while the small volume is advantageous from the perspectives of facilitating high throughput studies, keeping costs low, and ease of imaging, it can also pose problems, chief among them being that many of the more conventional assays of biological function (e.g., Western blots, Northern blots) are difficult or even impossible to perform with such small numbers of cells. Small volumes can also pose challenges in terms of the initial filling of the device and subsequent media changes. Surface properties of the devices are paramount since the wetting characteristics determine to a large extent the ease with which the gel solutions or media can be introduced into an initially dry system. Small volumes also lead to large surface-to-volume ratios, meaning that conventional rules of thumb for frequency of medium changes, for example, need to be reevaluated. This topic has been addressed by Young & Beebe through the introduction of the concepts of "effective culture time" and "critical perfusion rate" [147], the latter being relevant to systems in which the cells are nourished by means of a slow, constant rate of flow of medium through the system channels. Another complication arises when cells or vascular structures experience a strong interaction with the device boundaries. As was seen in one set of experiments on angiogenesis, if cell adhesion to the walls of the system dominates over matrix adhesion, endothelial cells can migrate into the gel along the surface (sometimes referred to as migration in 2.5D) [92]. And even though surface migration can give way to the formation of tubular structures, the process by which these form and their morphology can differ considerably from the process that occurs in vivo. These concepts pertain not just to angiogenesis, but to all cell culture methods in microfluidic systems. 41 1.4 Thesis overview This thesis aims to develop an in vitro microfluidic assay and to use it for studying cancer cell extravasation. Following the introduction and background information in this chapter 1, a general nonorgan specific microfluidic model for extravasation is described in detail in chapter 2. In this model, the endothelial cells that cover the walls of the microfluidic channel represent the vessel endothelium, and the entire extravasation process including tumor cell adhesion to the endothelium and the subsequent transmigration can be observed. Chapter 3 provides a comprehensive description of a model, which is developed for mimicking the organ-specific extravasation and investigating the preference of cancer cells in targeting the specific organs for metastasis. The improved model was used to study the specificity of human breast cancer metastases to bone, by recreating a vascularized bone-mimicking microenvironment. The tri-culture system allowed us to study the transendothelial migration of highly metastatic breast cancer cells and to monitor their behavior within the bone-like matrix. In chapter 4, the functional microvascular networks were generated in the microfluidic system by vasculogenesis with addition of mural cell types and pro-angiogenic factors to better replicate the normal physiological vasculature of the remote site for metastasis. Chapter 5 describes a system in which the vasculogenesis approach was combined with the bone-mimicking model to develop a functional osteo-cell conditioned vasculature model to study physiologically relevant extravasation in a bone-like microenvironment. Finally in chapter 6, the findings of each chapter are summarized and directions for future research as well as the implications of using in vitro microfluidic system for cancer cell extravasation are discussed. In addition, I would like to note that parts of this dissertation cover research reported in the following articles: 1. 2. 3. Bersini, S., Jeon, J.S., et al., In vitro models of metastatic cascade: from local invasion ot extravasation. 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Chemical Society Reviews, 2010. 39(3): p. 1036-1048. 50 Chapter 2 In vitro model of tumor cell extravasation2 2.1 Introduction Tumor metastasis is the hallmark of malignant cancer and the cause of 90% human cancer deaths [2, 3]. Thus the real threat of cancer is that malignant tumor cells are able to escape from the primary site and form metastatic colonies in secondary sites. During metastasis, epithelial cancer cells undergo epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), disperse from the primary tumor, and intravasate into the vascular system. Cancer cells, once in the circulation, are transported to a remote site where they can extravasate from the vascular system into the surrounding tissue to colonize at remote sites, completing the dissemination process [4, 5]. While there exists an enormous literature on oncogenic transformation and emergence of the primary tumor, much less research addresses issues related to metastasis [6]. There is little doubt that a deeper understanding of cancer metastasis could lead to novel therapeutic strategies targeting the invasion pathways and improving cancer survival rates [7]. Extravasation is a vital step in cancer cell dissemination, which enables successful establishment of a secondary metastasis. The process of extravasation consists of: 1) transport via blood circulation, 2) arrest adjacent to a vessel wall, and 3) transmigration across the endothelial monolayer into the secondary site [8]. For tumor cell arrest on vessel wall, two possible modes have been proposed. One, proposed by 2 This chapter is modified from Ref. [1] with the publisher's permission. 51 Paget as the "seed and soil" hypothesis, is that tumors of different organs show unique patterns of metastatic colonization to specific organs through site-selective adhesion [9]. In a second mode, tumor cells become trapped in small vessels due to size restriction as tumor cells tend be larger than other circulating cells and can also aggregate with platelets [10-12]. While both modes have been observed during extravasation [4, 13-15], it is still not clear which is dominant or whether different tumor types preferentially exhibit a particular type of arrest prior to transmigration. Furthermore, invasive behavior of tumor cells depends on cross-talk between tumor and host cells in a complex three dimensional (3D) microenvironment [16]. Direct observation of tumor cell arrest on an endothelium with controlled microenvironmental conditions would provide useful insight into this crucial step of extravasation. Also the establishment of secondary metastases at a distant organ after transmigration requires tumor cell interaction with a diverse array of extracellular matrix (ECM) components, such as collagen, laminin and fibronectin [17]. However, the roles of microenvironmental cues and cytokine gradients within the tissue during the process of extravasation are not well understood. Conventional studies of extravasation rely primarily on tail-vein injection of tumor cells with subsequent imaging and analysis in vivo [18, 19]. Although these in vivo experiments provide the most physiologically representative conditions for extravasation, they have limitations in studying tumor and vessel interactions as videomicroscopy provides only limited visualization of the event, and tightlyregulated parametric studies are not possible. In vitro models offer solutions to these problems, which led to widespread use of the Boyden chamber for simulating the invasion or migration of cancer cells [20, 21]. The relative simplicity of operation is an advantage of this system, but there are limitations in using it for studying complex interactions between cancer cells and the endothelium. The Boyden chamber has limited control over the local microenvironment and less than optimal imaging capabilities. In an attempt to address these needs, there has been a growing interest using microfluidic technology since it provides a simple yet effective means to investigate these phenomena under tight control of the biochemical and biophysical environment [22-25]. 52 We have previously reported an in vitro microfluidic platform that offers the capability to more realistically mimic the 3D in vivo situation in a controlled environment while simultaneously providing in situ imaging capabilities for visualization, thereby enabling quantification of cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions [26-29]. Moreover, the system enables parametric study of multiple factors in controlled and repeatable conditions as well as study with multiple cell types with an endothelial barrier [27, 30, 31]. While no in vitro systems can fully replicate the in vivo situation, microfluidics offers the opportunity to create organ-specific microenvironments to explore the different metastatic patterns of different cancer types in a regulated, and easily-visualized model. Microfluidic platforms of various designs have been previous employed to study cell migration and tumor cell intravasation [25, 32]. In this chapter, we used the established microfluidic system to investigate the critical steps of cancer extravasation -- tumor cell adhesion to the endothelium, transmigration across the endothelial monolayer, proliferation in remote tissues -- and its consequences. Our experimental platform mimics the tumor microenvironment, allows for high resolution imaging of tumor cell extravasation and early steps of colonization, thus enabling better quantification of the critical metrics of cancer cell invasiveness. 2.2 Materials and Methods 2.2.1 Microfluidic system In these studies we used a previously developed microfluidic system consisting of three independently addressable media channels, separated by chambers into which an ECM-mimicking gel can be injected (Figure 2.IA). Details of the design and the steps required for fabrication of the systems in PDMS have been described previously [26, 29, 31]. In brief, the microfluidics system consists of molded PDMS (poly-dimethyl siloxane; Silgard 184; Dow Chemical, MI) through which access ports are bored and bonded to a cover glass to form a microfluidic channels. Channel cross-sectional dimensions are Imm (width) by 120 [tm (height). The PDMS layer is formed from a patterned SU8 photoresist on a silicon 53 wafer using soft-lithography. To enhance matrix adhesion, the PDMS channels are coated with a PDL (poly-D-lysine hydrobromide; I mg/ml; Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) solution. Next, collagen type I (BD Biosciences, San Jose, CA, USA) solution (2.0 mg/ml) with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS; Gibco) and NaOH is injected into the gel regions of the device via 4 separate filling ports using a 10 [tl pipette and incubated for 30 min to form a hydrogel, chosen to represent ECM in 3D space. When the gel is polymerized, endothelial cell medium is immediately pipetted into the channels to prevent dehydration of the gel. Upon aspirating the medium, diluted Matrigel T" (BD science) solution (3.0 mg/ml) is introduced into the cell channel and the excess Matrigel'" solution is washed away I minute later using cold medium. 2D top and face views of the device are shown in Figure 2.lB-C to show how this microfluidic system is used to model extravasation. Endothelial cells are first introduced to cover the entire middle channel and later cancer cells are introduced so they adhere to and transmigrate across the already formed endothelium into the gel region. The middle channel acts as a cell channel where both endothelial cells and cancer cells are introduced to form a monolayer and transmigrate, respectively. 54 (a) 3D view 2D top view (1)front view 0 collanw geo 0 Figure 2.1. General schematic of the device. Microfluidic system consisting of three independently addressable media channels, separated by chambers into which an ECM-mimicking gel can be injected (a). Figure 2.1b shows the inside view of the device with endothelial monolayer (blue) covering the center channel. This channel acts as cell channel where both endothelial cells and cancer cells are introduced to form monolayer and transmigrate respectively (b). The green region indicates the 3D space filled with collagen gel and the pink regions indicate the channel filled with medium. Cancer cells which adhere to endothelial monolayer can extravasate into the collagen gel region as shown in (c). 2.2.2. Cell culture and cell selection Human microvascular endothelial cells (hMVECs) were commercially obtained (Lonza) and cultured in endothelial growth medium (EGM-2MV, Lonza). Cells were cultured in standard culture flasks and the medium was changed every two days until seeding. During the seeding process, 40RI of hMVEC suspension at 2x 106 cells/ml was introduced into the prepared microfluidic device. The cells were kept in a 37*C incubator for 1 hour to allow the adhesion of cells to the collagen scaffold wall. All experiments were conducted using hMVECs of passage 8 or lower. Human mammary adenocarcinoma cells (MDA-MB-23 1) were chosen due to their invasiveness and their ability to metastasize in vivo [33, 34]. A GFP-expressing version of the MDA-MB-231 cell line (provided by F. Gertler, MIT) enabled 55 live-cell imaging via fluorescent microscopy. Cancer cell lines were cultured in standard DMEM media (Sigma) with 10% fetal bovine serum (Invitrogen) and antibiotics. The human mammary epithelial cell line MCF- I OA (provided by Brugge Lab, Harvard Medical School) was cultured as described previously [35]. Two days after endothelial cell seeding, tumor cells were introduced into the same channel where endothelial cells had formed a complete monolayer. Culture flasks containing the tumor cells were first washed with PBS and the cells were later trypsinized for 5 min to make the cell suspension in cancer cell medium. For seeding, 40 [l of 50,000 cells/ml tumor cell suspension medium was placed in one side of the channel reservoir and left to equilibrate. The tumor cell suspension medium in the channel was removed I hour later and all channels in the device were filled with endothelial cell culture medium. Control experiment with MCF-IOA was done following the exact tumor cell seeding protocol. All cultures were kept in a humidified incubator, which was maintained at 37'C and 5% CO 2 . 2.2.3. Permeability of endothelial monolayer Upon formation of a complete endothelial monolayer by day 2, the diffusive permeability was measured with fluorescently labeled dextrans in culture medium as shown in Figure 2.2 (10 kDa cascade blue and 70 kDa MW Texas red, Invitrogen). The endothelial monolayers grown in our microfluidic system exhibited lower diffusive permeability values for the smaller molecular weight dextran confirm the presence of a size-selective endothelial barrier. To characterize changes in permeability upon extravasation, we used the 70 kDa dextran. Before introducing dextran into the device, the endothelium was first examined using a phase contrast microscope (Nikon, Tokyo, Japan) to confirm monolayer formation on both the top and the bottom of the channel by focusing at different heights. All medium in the device reservoirs was aspirated first and later re-filled with control medium in the side channels whereas the cell-seeded middle channel was filled with fluorescent dextran solution (10 gg/ml) in medium in the cell-seeded middle channel. Precisely 110 Rl was promptly added to each channel so as to maintain equal pressures and thereby avoid convective flow across the hydrogel. Devices were then 56 placed in the incubator for 3 hours to reach steady state, fluorescent images of dextran distributions were taken using an epi-fluorescent microscope (Nikon TE300, Hamamatsu ORCA-ER camera) and processed using OPENLAB 4.0.4 software. Images were later analyzed using MATLAB to calculate fluorescence intensity across the monolayer. To determine the diffusional permeability, we calculated the distribution of fluorescence intensity change as a function of distance perpendicular to the plane of the endothelial layer. A detailed procedure for measuring permeability has been described previously [25, 36-38]. Briefly, we used the equation P = D [dC/dx]/ACec where P is the diffusive permeability (cm/s), dC/dx is the gradient of the dextran concentration, ACec is the concentration difference across the monolayer, and D is diffusion coefficient of dextran. 20 E ~15 10 :5 0 10 kDa 70 kDa Figure 2.2. Size selective permeability. 2.2.4. Immunofluorescent staining and image acquisition All cells in the device were washed with Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) and later fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde for 15 min. After washing twice with PBS, cells were permeabilized with 0.1% TritonX 100 solution for 5 min and blocked with 5% BSA solution for 5 h. VE-cadherin was labeled with rabbit 57 polyclonal antibody (polyclonal; Alexis Biochemical) at 1:100 dilution and subsequently applied fluorescently labeled secondary antibody. Cell nuclei were stained with DAPI (Invitrogen) at 1:1000 dilution. All images were obtained using a confocal microscope (Leica) and processed with IMARIS software. 2.2.5. Metrics for extravasation Quantitative cell counting was performed after immunofluorescent staining. Confocal data were analyzed using IMARIS and its tracking algorithms for selecting and counting for nuclei in the specific region of interest (ROI). The ROI was the 3D gel region between a PDMS post and the wall as seen in boxed area of Figure 2.lB that was selected during confocal imaging and contained both the endothelial lining channel region as well as the collagen gel. ROls were selected such that edge effects associated with PDMS walls and posts were avoided. The dimensions of the ROI were 250 um x 250 sim x 120 [tm (height) and each microfluidic device contained total eight RO1s. While each ROls were analyzed individually, the extravasation percentage was measured per device. As the tumor cells express GFP, cells with both green and blue signal were counted to track the number of tumor cells. 2.2.6. Statistics All values reported are averages of measurements from a minimum of 4 devices, each with a minimum of 2 and maximum of 8 ROls with standard errors. The comparisons between unpaired groups were assessed using unpaired Student's t-test and the nonparametric Mann-Whitney U statistic whereas paired permeability measurements were assessed using a paired t-test. Tumor seeding density statistics were obtained using one-way ANOVA. Statistical significance was assumed for p < 0.05. All tests were performed with SigmaPlot v.12. 58 2.3 Results and Discussion 2.3.1 Modeling the extravasation process Although there remains considerable uncertainty regarding the critical, rate-limiting step in the formation of metastatic tumors, the ability of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) to adhere to and transmigrate across the endothelium at a remote site is certainly essential. Numerous studies have addressed this issue, but the challenges of constructing a meaningful in vitro testing platform has been a strong impediment to improved understanding, and as importantly, has posed a barrier to the identification of drugs that could inhibit extravasation. Recent studies have begun to address this need using advanced microfluidics [2224], but each is has its limitations. In the current model, we demonstrate the capability of monitoring the entire process of extravasation. Our previous studies in a similar system have demonstrated changes in endothelial permeability are closely associated with intravasation [25], so we sought to study similar changes that might occur during extravasation. In addition, by tracking the cells over time, we were able to explore the time-dependent behavior, an important factor that impacts both the survival of the CTCs prior to extravasation as well as their ability to reconfigure the immediate microenvironment prior to transmigration. 2.3.2 Confirmation of endothelial layer integrity The microfluidic system was designed to model tumor cell extravasation where the tumor cells are introduced into a channel lined with a confluent endothelial monolayer. Using phase contrast microscopy, hMVECs were observed forming a confluent monolayer on the microchannel surfaces and ECM-endothelial channel interface two days after endothelial cell seeding. The integrity of the endothelial monolayer was confirmed by both fluorescence imaging of the dextran distribution and confocal microscopy of fixed and labeled cells. An intact endothelial monolayer gives rise to an abrupt intensity drop between the channel and the gel region once the fluorescently labeled dextran is introduced, and persists over time as dextran slowly diffuses across the monolayer into the gel (Figure 2.3A-B). 59 Samples fixed on the third day after cell seeding and stained for VE-cadherin and nuclei (DAPI-blue) exhibit well-defined junctions with no apparent gaps in the confluent monolayer (Figure 2.3C). Quantification and analysis of fluorescence intensity yields values for the endothelial permeability to a 70 kDa dextran (3.70 t 0.59)- 10-6 cm/s, or roughly one order of magnitude higher than published in vivo values but consistent with previously reported values in in vitro systems [36, 39]. The higher values of permeability may be due to a variety of factors present in vivo but missing from the in vitro model. For example, it is well known that the presence of pericytes helps to establish the low permeability of vessels in vivo [39]. In view of our previous work demonstrating that increased permeability correlates with increased rates of intravasation [25], to the extent that cells use similar mechanisms for extravasation as intravasation, the present extravasation rates may be viewed as being biased toward higher values than physiologic. 60 (a) top view ,0.s C0.6 0OA 0.2 6500 0 1000 100 20 distance (pm) Figure 2.3. Confirmation of endothelial monolayer integrity. The integrity of the endothelial monolayer was confirmed by both fluorescence imaging of the dextran distribution and confocal microscopy of fixed and labeled cells. An intact endothelial monolayer gives rise to an abrupt intensity drop between the channel and the gel region once the fluorescently labeled dextran is introduced. Three hours after dextran injection, a sharp drop in fluorescence intensity is seen across the endothelial layer demonstrating its function as a barrier to macromolecules (a). Fluorescence intensity is quantified using Matlab (b). The dashed arrow in (a) the location and direction for the quantification. The intensity value drops to 15% of is peak value due to the barrier effect. The endothelial monolayer is located near the 400gm point on the plot (shown with dashed line). Samples fixed on the third day after cell seeding and stained for VE-cadherin and nuclei (DAPI-blue) exhibit well-defined junctions with no apparent gaps in the confluent monolayer (c). The confocal image shows the front view of the microfluidic device. 2.3.3. Optimization of tumor cell seeding From clinical data, the number of tumor cells that have intravasated and travel in circulation has been measured to be less than ~100 in 7.5mL of blood on average [40, 41]. For the purpose of these a experiments, we chose to use a seeding density which was neither so low we were unable to view significant number of extravasation events in a reasonable number of experiments, nor so high the tumor cells were densely packed at the endothelial surface. 61 This latter situation might lead to tumor cell interactions that poorly represent the situation in vivo. Hence, in this experiment, the tumor cell seeding density was optimized to have only a limited number of tumor cells in the ROI while maintaining as many experimental ROts as possible that contain at least one tumor cell to facilitate extravasation event observation. Histograms of number of total tumor cells present in each ROI show different trends in distribution of tumor cells for three different tumor seeding densities: 20,000 cells/ml, 50,000 cells/mI, and 200,000 cells/ml (Figure 2.4A). Although the smallest tumor seeding density results in the smallest average number of tumor cells in each ROI as shown in Figure 2.4B, this is due to having ROs without any tumor cells 55% of the time. The average value and the histogram can be used for choosing the optimal tumor seeding condition and a seeding density of 50,000 cells/ml was chosen as a compromise between mimicking the low number of tumor cells of the in vivo of extravasation condition and increasing the chance to have at least one tumor cell to analyze in any given RO. 62 (a) 120,000 cells/mI 14 I: 50,000 -- 2' cells/mI 200,000 cells/mI * 6- 2 0 @ 2 4 051616 # of cells In ROI (b) 205 # of cells In ROI @ 0 3 3, U # of cells in ROI 18 16 0 14 12 10 08 E6 0I 20000 cells/mI 50000 cells/mI 200000 cells/mi tumor seeding density Figure 2.4. Optimization of tumor cell seeding density. The tumor cell seeding density was optimized to have only a limited number of tumor cells in ROI while maintaining as many experimental ROs as possible that contain at least one tumor cell so tumor cell events can be observed. Histograms of number of total tumor cells present in each ROT (250Rm x 250gm x 120Rm) show different trends in distribution of tumor cells for three different tumor seeding densities: 20,000 cells/ml, 50,000 cells/ml, and 200,000 cells/ml (a). The average value and the histogram can be used for choosing the optimal tumor seeding condition (b). Seeding density of 50,000 cells/ml was chosen as a compromise between mimicking the low number of tumor cells of the in vivo of extravasation condition and increasing the chance to have at least one tumor cell to analyze in any given ROI. The statistical significance was tested with one way ANOVA (p < 0.05). 2.3.4 Extravasation Tumor cells that disseminate from the primary tumor and survive the vascular system can eventually transmigrate across the endothelium to recolonize at a secondary tumor site. With the microfluidic system developed, we can mimic the extravasation step where tumor cells can transmigrate across an endothelial monolayer into a hydrogel which models the extracellular space of a secondary 63 tumor site. The extravasation event is observed in devices that are fixed I day after tumor cells are introduced, and direct quantification of the number of extravasated cells provides a metric of extravasation. The region of interest (ROI) is captured in one confocal image scan and shows one cancer cell, labeled green, that has transmigrated across the endothelium, denoted by VE-cadherin staining in red, and extravasated into the gel region (Figure 2.5A). Surface views of the confocal scan from other samples show three different possible locations of tumor cells 1 day after the seeding: 1) extravasated and in gel, 2) adhered and located on endothelium adjacent to gel region, and 3) in the channel not near the gel (Figure 2.5B). The surface and sectional views of the device shown in Figure 2.5B. All three scenarios of where tumor cells could be are observed here. There are cases where all tumor cells present in the ROI extravasated as well as cases where none of the tumor cells crossed the endothelium. However, it is more common to find regions that contain both extravasated and non-extravasated cells as in Figure 2.5B. This is seen quantitatively in Figure 2.5C where 51% of ROIs exhibited tumor cells with contrasting fate. The graph shows how many tumor cells have extravasated, as shown by dots, among the total tumor cells present in the each region of interest. The tumor cells are categorized as having extravasated only when they have clearly passed the endothelial monolayer into the gel region. 64 (a) (b) ( total tumor cells 30 e xtravasated cells 25 20 15 E 10 0 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 121314 IS16171019202122 All ROls (d) ~18 day 3 16 day4 2 o 12 tumor added 65 control Figure 2.5. Observation of extravasation and permeability of endothelium. The extravasation event is observed in a sample, which is fixed 1 day after tumor cells are introduced. The region of interest is captured in one confocal image scan and shows one cancer cell (green) that has transmigrated across the endothelium (denoted by VE-cadherin staining in red) and extravasated into the gel region (a). The surface view of the confocal scan shows three different possible locations of tumor cells: 1) extravasated and in gel, 2) adhered and on endothelium adjacent to gel region, and 3) in channel not near the gel. The sectional view of the same confocal scan confirms the different location of the tumor cells (b). The graph shows how many tumor cells have extravasated (dot) among the total tumor cells present (bar) for each region of interest analyzed (c). The tumor cells are categorized as extravasated only when the tumor cells have clearly passed the endothelial monolayer into the gel region. The permeability of endothelial monolayer changes significantly with addition of tumor cells (d). Fluorescently labeled dextran was introduced on day 3 after endothelial seeding to measure the permeability before tumor and again to same samples on day 4 to see the after tumor seeding effects. The tumor cells are introduced on day 3 after day 3 permeability measurements are taken. The statistical significance was tested with paired t-test (p < 0.05). Measuring penreability of the endothelium is one method for quantifying the quality of endothelial monolayer. In addition, the permeability serves as a metric to quantify the change in endothelium when tumor cells are added to the system and interact via physical attachment to the endothelial surface. Leakiness of the vessel with or without tumor cells provides a possible explanation for events leading to cancer extravasation in that signaling by the tumor CTCs could impair barrier function. Alternatively, the increase in permeability could be a result of tumor cell transmigration. From the present experiments, it is not possible to distinguish between these two scenarios. In this experiment, the permeability changed significantly with addition of tumor cells compared to the permeability change occurring during the same 24 h period when no tumor cells are added (Figure 2.4D). Fluorescently labeled dextran was introduced on day 3 after endothelial cells were seeded to measure the penneability before introducing tumor cells. Images were taken 3 hours after dextran insertion in order to achieve a quasi-steady state. Tumor cells are introduced immediately after the permeability measurements are taken. 24 hours later, fluorescently labeled dextran was again introduced to measure the permeability after tumor cell - endothelial cell interactions. The initial penneability value was (3.70 t 0.59)-10~6 cm/s and the tumor seeding increased endothelial permeability to (14.2 - 2.6)-10- 6 cm/s (p < 0.05) whereas there was no significant change in the control ((6.0 - 1.1)- 10-6 to (6.4 t 1.9) 10~6 cm/s) over the same 24 hour period. As a control, we measured the change in endothelial permeability and extravasation rates of a 66 normal epithelial cell line, MCF-IOA, in our microfluidic system. While extravasation was observed for 38.8 t 7.9% of the tumor cells in contact with the endothelium 1 day after seeding, the corresponding rate of MCF-1OA extravasation across the endothelium was lower, 23.8 ± 4.7%, although not significantly different. Addition of MCF-1OA also induced a 2-fold increase in permeability of endothelium from (5.78 ± 0.47)-10-6 to (11.88 ± 2.15)-10-6 cm/s (p < 0.05) as shown in Figure 2.6. This increase is smaller than the permeability increase obtained after the addition of MDA-MB-231 (3.8-fold). Therefore, the MDA-MB231 cells show an increased tendency to extravasate and compromise endothelial barrier function compared with normal epithelial cells. These results show that our microfluidic system is capable of detecting differences among different epithelial cells lines and our results are consistent with extravasation studies in a transwell assay [42]. ,25 E 0 20 S16 10 5 0 after before MCF-IOA added Figure 2.6. Permeability of endothelium measured with 70kDa fluorescently labeled dextran. The change in permeability of endothelium is regulated by VE-cadherin expression through the Src pathway, and the studies of in vivo models have shown that disruption of endothelial barrier function enhanced extravasation efficiency [43]. Several mechanisms exist which could explain changes in permeability due to tumor cell interactions; the permeability increase may also be due to tumor cells 67 locally disrupting endothelial monolayer by contact [44-46] or through secretion of chemical factors which then compromises the endothelial barrier function [47], but more investigation is needed for clear identification of the cause of the permeability increases. 2.3.5 Beyond extravasation Tumor cells are observed for up to 3 days after tumor cell seeding and compared to tumor cells on day 1. Average of total number of tumor cells present in ROI increases significantly from 7.9 on day 1 to 13.4 ±1.5 ± 1.6 cells cells on day 3 while all experimental conditions including the tumor seeding density remained the same (Fig 2.7A). This significant increase in number of tumor cells demonstrates proliferation from day 1 to day 3 overall. The total number of tumor cells are further subdivided in Figure 2.7B into 2 subgroups depending on their location, either 1) extravasated and in the gel or 2) adherent to the endothelium adjacent to gel. The number of tumor cells per ROI in the gel increased from 1.9 cells on day I to 6.1 ± ± 0.4 1.7 cells on day 3 while the cells on endothelium changed from 4 cells on day 1 to 7 cells on day 3. This increase in tumor cell number from day 1 to day 3 for the extravasated cells could be due to either more cells extravasting over the extra 2 day period, to proliferation, or both. Noting, however, that the percentages of ROIs containing extravasated cells event did not show a significant change for day I and day 3 (72% of ROIs exhibited at least 1 extravasated cancer cell by day 1 after introducing tumor cells, and 79% of ROIs included extravasation event by day 3) (Figure 2.7C), and assuming the proliferation rates are similar to both populations, this suggests most extravasation events occur within the first day the tumor cells are introduced. This observation is similar in terms of time scale for extravasation seen in vivo [18, 48]. 68 (a) (b) 5 16- a- 12 - 0 E 10 T 8 (a 8 U 61 1~ on endoteliwn adjacent to gel (not extravasated) 0 S 6. 4 *9 4, 0 I- in gel (.xtravasatd) 10 14, 2 2 01 0 day I day 3 day I days after Introducing tumor day 3 days after introducing tumor (c) 0 100 80 T I Ce 60 40 6- 20 day I day 3 days after introducing tumor Figure 2.7. Beyond extravasation. The tumor cell extravasation is observed for up to 3 days after tumor cell seeding and compared to the ones fixed and analyzed on day 1. The total number of tumor cells present in region of interest (ROI) increases significantly from 8 cells on day 1 to 13.5 cells on day 3 while the tumor seeding density as well as other experimental condition remained the same between devices (a). The total number of tumor cells are further subdivided into 2 groups depending on their location, either 1) extravasated and in the gel or 2) adherent to the endothelium adjacent to gel (b). 72% of ROIs exhibited at least 1 extravasated cancer cell (denoted % extravasation occurrence) by day 1 after introducing tumor cells, and 79% of ROIs included extravasation event by day 3, which the difference is not significant (c). The images show number of tumor cell increase (d). The phase contrast image shows the top view of the region of interest on day 1 after tumor seeding. 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The dissemination of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) represents a "hidden" process leading to micrometastases where quiescent cells can survive for prolonged periods before their activation [4, 5]. In order to generate secondary tumors, CTCs must survive in the circulation and undergo a process known as extravasation [6-8]. Extravasation into the parenchyma of distant tissues represents a multistep sequence within the metastatic cascade, in which cancer cells establish transient, metastable contacts with the endothelium [9-11], firmly adhere to the vascular walls [12] and finally transmigrate across the endothelial and pericyte layers [13] as microcolonies or isolated cells [14, 15]. Although it is well known that circulatory patterns play a pivotal role in the spread of metastatic cells to secondary sites, the cross-talk between specific cancer cell types and receptive environments also preferentially guides the dissemination process [16]. In this context, it has been shown that breast cancer metastasizes to bone, liver, lung and brain while prostate cancer frequently disseminates to bone [4]. 3 This chapter is modified from Ref. [1] with the publisher's permission. 73 Particularly, autoptic studies have demonstrated that 70% of advanced breast cancer patients have skeletal metastases, leading to pain, due to spinal cord compression and fractures, and often mortality [17, 18]. Despite the clinical importance of metastases, research has largely focused on the oncogenic transformations leading to the development of primary tumors and much remains to be learned about the metastatic process [6]. Moreover, a deeper understanding of the metastatic cascade and particularly of extravasation to a specific organ could promote the development of new therapeutic strategies, thus improving cancer survival rates [13]. In vivo and ex vivo models have been developed to study the extravasation process in mice and zebrafish embryos through intravital microscopy [14, 19, 20] and advanced models of bone metastasis employ intravenous, intracardiac or direct skeletal injection of breast cancer cells [21, 22]. Although these experiments replicate physiological conditions, they cannot model all aspects of the interaction and crosstalk between human cancer cells, human endothelial cells and human tissue parenchyma. Moreover, strictly regulated, reproducible parametric studies are difficult to perform. In vitro models, although unable to fully replicate the in vivo situation, can overcome some of these limitations by using human cells throughout and providing highly controllable environments where single culture parameters can be modified [23, 24]. Traditional assays (e.g. Boyden chamber, wound assay, and others) have been widely used to study cell migration in response to chemotactic gradients, particularly cancer cell invasion and migration. However, they do not provide tight control over the local environment, complex interactions cannot be accurately analyzed, and imaging is limited [25-27]. Microfluidics can provide useful model systems to investigate complex phenomena under combination of multiple controllable biochemical and biophysical microenvironments, coupled with high resolution real time imaging [28-31]. The synthesis of these features is technically impossible with traditional assays as the Boyden chamber [32, 33]. Toward this goal, several microfluidic devices have been developed to investigate cancer cell transition to invasion and migration from a primary site [34-36], 74 cell transition effects across mechanical barriers [37], intravasation [38], adhesion [39] and extravasation [40-45] processes. However, despite supporting experimental evidence, none of the previously reported in vitro systems has reproduced the specific cross-talk among several cell types in a complex cancer microenvironment during extravasation and none have gone beyond the study of transendothelial migration towards a non-organ-specific extracellular matrix (ECM). Indeed, the importance of organspecific cancer models lies in the possibility to better clarify the mutual interactions between different cell populations in a well-defined microenvironment, in order to develop highly focused and more effective therapies. We develop here a new tri-culture microfluidic 3D in vitro model demonstrating the key role played by an osteo-cell conditioned microenvironment, a collagen gel with embedded osteo-differentiated bone marrow-derived human mesenchymal stem cells (hBM-MSCs) [46] and lined with endothelium, in the extravasation process of highly-metastatic MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells [17, 47]. Our new results demonstrate how the interaction between an inflammatory chemokine secreted by osteoblasts (CXCL5) and the correspondent surface receptor expressed by breast cancer cells (CXCR2) can modulate circulating breast cancer cell homing within the bone microenvironment, significantly affecting the extravasation rate. In addition, cancer cells monitored after 2, 3 and 5 days survive in the new matrix, proliferate and generate micrometastases. 3.2 Materials and methods 3.2.1 Microfluidic system A previously developed microfluidic device consisting of 3 media channels and 4 independent gel channels was adopted in the present study. Specifications and microfabrication details of the system were previously described [48, 49]. Inlet and outlet ports of the PDMS (poly-dimethyl-siloxane; Silgard 184, Dow Chemical) devices were bored using disposable biopsy punches and the PDMS layer was bonded to 75 a cover glass to create microfluidic channels 150 pm deep with oxygen plasma treatment. Eight gel regions (225 pm by 150 pm) interfacing with the central media channel are provided to study cell interactions. The PDMS channels were coated with a PDL (poly-D-lysine hydrobromide; I mg/ml; Sigma-Aldrich) solution to promote matrix adhesion. Then, collagen type I (BD Biosciences) solution (6.0 mg/mI) with Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS; Invitrogen) and IN NaOH, and embedded with osteodifferentiated hBM-MSCs was injected within the 4 independent gel channels using a 10 pl pipette and incubated for 30 min inside humid chambers to form a hydrogel. A representative schematic of the model is provided in Figurel, showing the generated tri-culture system with particular emphasis on the osteocell conditioned microenvironment. After 3 days, diluted MatrigelTM (BD Biosciences) solution (3.0 mg/ml) was introduced as a thin layer coating the central media channel; cold medium was injected after 1 min to wash and prevent channel clogging. Endothelial cells were introduced into the central media channel to generate a monolayer covering channel walls and gel-channel interfaces. Cancer cells were injected after 3 additional days in the same channel and transmigration into the osteo-cell conditioned regions was analyzed after 24 h [43]. Additionally, proliferation and clustering of transmigrated cancer cells within the osteo-cell conditioned matrix were studied after 2, 3 and 5 days. 76 (brown) were Figure3.1. Generation of the osteo-cell conditioned microenvironment. (A) hBM-MSCs they cultured for 2-3 weeks within osteogenic medium and seeded within microfluidic devices where started depositing extracellular matrix (yellow filaments). After 3 days endothelial cells (ECs) (red) were (green) were seeded and a monolayer covering the media channel was generated. Finally, cancer cells were generation micrometastasis and ability introduced after 3 additional days and their extravasation a represents stack confocal a of monitored for I to 5 days. (B and C) Three-dimensional reconstruction while walls channel the top (B) and a front view (C) of a single ROI. HUVECs (RFP) completely covered Cells were osteo-differentiatedhBM-MSCs were homogeneously distributed within the collagen gel. calcium stained with DAPI (nuclei, blue) and phalloidin (F-actin, green). (D) Alizarin Red staining of Two-dimensional (E) field). bright microscopy, (optical deposits (dark region) within a gel channel to secrete projection of a confocal stack highlights the ability of osteo-differentiatedhBM-MSCs blue) and (nuclei, DAPI with osteocalcin (green) within a 3D microenvironment. Cells were stained bars: 50 Scale osteo-cells. as phalloidin (F-actin, yellow). Osteo-differentiated hBM-MSCs are labeled Pm. 3.2.2. Cell culture bone Bone marrow-derived human mesenchymal stem cells were obtained harvesting whole according to an marrow aspirates from patients undergoing hip surgery and selected by plastic adherence Loptimized protocol [50]. Cells of passage 7 or lower were cultured in osteogenic medium containing ascorbic acid, P-glycerophosphate, cholecalciferol and dexamethasone for at least 2 weeks. Before the 77 seeding, collagenase type I (Gibco) solution (15 mg/ml) was applied for 20 min on an orbital shaker to promote cell matrix dissolution; then, cells were trypsinized for 10 min. Next, collagen gel with 750,000 cells/ml suspension was used to fill the gel ports. The cell suspension density was optimized by balancing the maximum effect induced by osteo-differentiated hBM-MSCs while limiting the possible gel degradation. Cells were cultured for 6 days before cancer cell injection in order to recreate an osteo-cell conditioned microenvironment (3 days supplemented with osteogenic medium, 3 days supplemented with endothelial cell medium). Red fluorescent protein (RFP)-transfected human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) were commercially obtained (Angio-Proteomie) and cultured in endothelial growth medium (EGM-2MV; Lonza). According to a previously optimized cell seeding protocol [43], 40 p1l HUVEC suspension at 2x 106 cells/ml were introduced 3 days after seeding osteo-differentiated hBMMSCs. All the experiments were conducted using HUVECs of passage 8 or lower. Human mammary adenocarcinoma cells MDA-MB-231 (American Type Culture Collection (ATCC)) were selected for high invasiveness and their ability to metastasize in vivo [51, 52]. Green fluorescent protein (GFP)-expressing MDA-MB-231 were cultured in standard Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM; Invitrogen) supplemented with 10% Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS; Invitrogen), 1% L-glutamine and antibiotics, and were introduced 3 days after endothelial cell seeding by injecting 40 pl of 50,000 cells/ml cell suspension. The medium was replaced 1 h later with endothelial cell culture medium. All cultures were kept in a humidified incubator maintained at 37'C and 5% CO 2 . Control experiments were performed with a collagen gel-only matrix, following the same protocol. 3.2.3. Immunofluorescent staining Samples were washed with PBS and fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) for 15 min at room temperature. Next, cells were washed twice with PBS and incubated with 0.1% Triton-X 100 solution for 5 min at room temperature. After washing twice with PBS, cells were blocked with 5% BSA + 3% goat serum solution for at least 3 h at 4'C. Vascular endothelial-cadherin (VE-cadherin) was labeled with 78 rabbit polyclonal antibody (Abcam) at 1:100 dilution, Ki-67 was labeled with rabbit polyclonal antibody (Abcam) at 1:500 dilution, osteocalcin was labeled with rabbit polyclonal antibody (BTI) at 1:500 dilution, osteonectin was labeled with rabbit polyclonal antibody (Santa Cruz Biotechnology) at 1:60 dilution and osteopontin was labeled with rabbit polyclonal antibody (Abcam) at 1:100 dilution. Fluorescently labeled secondary antibodies (Invitrogen) were used at 1:200 dilution. Cell nuclei were stained with 4'6-Diamidino-2-Phenylindole (DAPI; 5 mg/ml; Invitrogen) at 1:500 dilution while F-actin filaments were stained with AlexaFluor633 phalloidin (Invitrogen) at 1:100 dilution. If not differently specified, all the images were captured using a confocal microscope (Olympus IX81) and processed with Imaris software (Bitplane Scientific Software). 3.2.4. Conditioned assays: addition of CXCL5 and CXCR2 blocking agent The cross-talk between MDA-MB-231 and osteo-differentiated hBM-MSCs was analyzed by investigating a signaling pathway involving the osteoblast-secreted inflammatory chemokine CXCL5 and the breast cancer cell surface receptor CXCR2 [53-55]. The selected chemokine was used to test the extravasation ability of breast cancer cells without the presence of an osteo-cell conditioned matrix while blocking experiments were performed to quantify the extravasation rate of CXCR2-blockedcancer cells within the standard osteo-cell conditioned matrix. Recombinant human CXCL5/ENA-78 (R&D Systems) was diluted to 12 nM and added to the lateral media channels of collagen gel-only devices30 min before cancer cell seeding; fresh CXCL5-containing medium was replaced I h after the seeding and 12 h later to guarantee a stable gradient through the gel regions. In CXCR2 blocking experiments, cancer cells were incubated with 5 ptg/ml mouse monoclonal antibody anti-CXCR2 (R&D Systems) lh before the seeding; additionally, fresh antibody suspension was added lh after the seeding to the central media channel of osteo-differentiated hBM-MSC-containing devices to saturate all cancer cell target receptors. Control experiments were performed by adding IgG antibody at the same CXCL5 or anti-CXCR2 concentrations, following identical protocols. 79 3.2.5. Extravasation and micrometastasis metrics Confocal data were analyzed using Imaris software and its tracking algorithms for selecting and counting cell nuclei and GFP-derived signals within a specific region of interest (ROI). The ROI was defined as the 3D region between two PDMS walls, containing both the gel matrix and the endothelial monolayer interfacing the central media channel (Figure 3.1 B). The ROI dimensions were 250 pm pm x x 250 150 pm (height) and each device contained 8 ROts. The extravasation percentages were measured per device and subsequently averaged while the extravasation distance was quantified averaging data extracted from each specific condition as a single group. Extravasation events were observed using real time confocal microscopy. According to our previous studies demonstrating that extravasation events mostly occur within the first 24 h, we quantified cell proliferation by counting the total number of cells per device at day 1, 2, 3 and 5. The number of cells per micrometastasis, the percentage of micrometastasis-positive ROIs and the number of micrometastases per ROI were computed. 3.3. Results and discussion 3.3.1. Generation of the osteo-cell conditioned microenvironment The originality and relevance of the present work lie in the ability to specifically recreate for the first time an organ-specific tumor microenvironment by combining a well known biocompatible material, collagen gel type I, conditioned by bone-specific proteins secreted directly from primary human cells, thus modeling the extravasation process of breast cancer cells into an osteo-cell conditioned microenvironment. A key point of our system is that the extracellular matrix with secreted proteins from osteo-differentiated cells better mimics the complex cell signaling present in the in vivo environment, with naturally-formed gradients rather than imposed nutrition or chemokine gradients. Primary hBMMSCs were obtained from bone marrow samples of patients undergoing hip arthroplasty and predifferentiated in osteogenic medium for at least 14 days before being introduced into microfluidic devices. FigurelA shows a schematic of the developed assay: osteo-differentiated hBM-MSCs (brown) 80 embedded in a collagen matrix were initially introduced into the gel channels, while RFP HUVECs (red) were seeded 3 days later within the central media channel to create a monolayer covering the channel walls and the gel-channel interfaces, thus generating an endothelium. At day 6 GFP MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells (green) were injected into the same cell channel and the extravasation rate promoted by the osteo-cell conditioned microenvironment was analyzed during the following 24 h. High resolution confocal imaging shows that osteo-differentiated hBM-MSCs are homogeneously dispersed within the gel regions and extend their cytoplasmatic protrusions in the 3D microenvironment (Figure 3.1B and C). Samples stained for nuclei (4'6-Diamidino-2-Phenylindole (DAPI), blue) and F-actin (phalloidin, green) together with RFP-HUVECs clearly highlight the endothelial monolayer generation on the gel-channel interface and the optimal distribution of osteo-differentiated hBM-MSCs within the collagen gel. The tight connections of endothelium are further confirmed with VE-cadherin staining of the monolayer (Figure 3.A4). hBM-MSCs produce calcium and secrete bone-marker proteins such as osteocalcin, as demonstrated by Alizarin Red-S assay and immunofluorescent staining, respectively. Calcium deposits (Figure 3.1D and 3.AIA) appear as darker regions within the osteo-cell conditioned microenvironment while osteocalcin (Figure lE and A2A, green) encloses actively secreting osteodifferentiated hBM-MSCs. Moreover, the expression of two additional bone markers, i.e. osteonectin and osteopontin, was evaluated within 2D flasks to provide complete evidence of osteogenic differentiation (Figure 3.A2C and D) [56-58]. Taken together, these findings confirm hBM-MSC osteogenic differentiation, thus providing the potential to better study the specific transendothelial migration of breast cancer cells into bone. 3.3.2. Extravasation of cancer cells in the osteo-cell conditioned microenvironment Extravasation of cancer cells into the 6.0 mg/ml collagen type I gel matrix with and without osteo-differentiated hBM-MSCs is shown in Figure 2. MDA-MB-231 cancer cells transmigrated across the endothelial monolayer covering the microchannel into the collagen gel whether the matrix contained 81 osteo-differentiated hBM-MSCs or not. However, the average percentage of cancer cells extravasated in each ROI was significantly different comparing the abovementioned conditions. In collagen gel-only matrix, 37.6 ± 7.3% cancer cells extravasated, nearly identical to 38% extravasation rate previously reported in 2.0 mg/ml collagen gel, suggesting that matrix density alone is not a major factor [43]. With the addition of osteo-differentiated hBM-MSCs to the collagen gel, cancer cell extravasation rate increased to 77.5 ± 3.7% (Figure 3.2A and B). Moreover, the extravasated cancer cells travelled significantly further into the matrix as compared to the collagen gel-only matrix. Indeed, the extravasation distance into the gel during the first 24 h was 50.8 ± 6.2 pm when osteo-differentiated hBM-MSCs were present, while cancer cells travelled 31.8 ± 5.0 pm in collagen alone (Figure 3.2C and D), showing a similar migration behavior compared to 2.0 mg/ml collagen gels (25.9 ± 3.4 pm) and thus suggesting a minor influence of ECM density. If we define 40 pm (approximately twice the average length of a cancer cell and the mean distance travelled by the cells) as the threshold distance to distinguish between strongly and weakly migrating cancer cells, our data show that only 25% of extravasated cancer cells in the collagen gel-only condition were detected beyond the threshold while the rest remained close to the endothelial monolayer (Figure 3.2C (i)). On the other hand, 45.8% of transmigrated cancer cells in the osteo-cell conditioned microenvironment were detected beyond the threshold (Figure 2C (ii)), suggesting the presence of factors not only promote cancer cell transendothelial migration, but also migration within the matrix [54]. No significant modifications in the osteo-cell conditioned matrix were detected 24 h after cancer cell injection suggesting that extravasated cells do not alter the physical properties of the microenvironment in the observed time interval (Figure 3.A6). 82 A B ostoo-cell C ctri D distance so Figure 3.2 Extravasation of cancer cells into the collagen gel matrix with and without osteo-differentiated hBM-MSCs (labeled as osteo-cells). (A) Three-dimensional confocal reconstruction shows MDA-MB231 cancer cells (GFP) transmigrated across the endothelial monolayer into the collagen gel containing osteo-differentiatedhBM-MSCs. VE-cadherin (red) and DAPI (nuclei, blue) staining. (B) Average percentage of extravasated cancer cells was significantly higher (n=27(min)-39(max) regions, p<0.005) inthe collagen gel with osteo-differentiatedhBM-MSCs. (C) Projected images show extravasated cancer cells (GFP) travelled farther into the osteo-cell conditioned microenvironment (ii) compared to the collagen gel-only matrix (i). Cells were stained with (i) DAPI (nuclei, blue) and (ii) VE-cadherin (red) + DAPI (nuclei, blue). HUVECs were RFP labeled.(D) Average distance travelled by extravasated cells into the gel matrix increased significantly in osteo-cell conditioned microenvironment (n= 1 (min)- 1 7(max) regions, p<0.05). Scale bars: 50 im. To investigate the possibility that extravasation and migration behavior of breast cancer cells were influenced by structural changes in the ECM induced by the osteogenic differentiation of hBMMSCs we performed experiments to compare collagen gel structure with or without osteo-differentiated hBM-MSCs. Confocal reflectance images did not show a clearly detectable difference in the matrix structure, suggesting the ECM remodeling was not the key factor affecting breast cancer cell migration (Figure A5). However, we hypothesize a longer culture could induce changes in the structural properties and composition of the matrix, potentially influencing cancer cell behavior. Indeed, such changes in the 83 microenvironment, characterized by secreting cells and active remodeling of the matrix toward an even more physiological-like bone niche, could represent a significant improvement of the model. 3.3.3. Addition of CXCL5 and anti-CXCR2 - Effect on extravasation As we found striking differences in extravasation of cancer cells in the two different microenvironments, we tried to investigate the effects of possible cytokines that are produced in the osteo-cell conditioned microenvironment on promoting extravasation. CXCL5 is one of the major chemokines that osteoblasts secrete and CXCR2 is a breast cancer cell surface receptor for this ligand. CXCL5 is known to activate Snail, a transcription factor involved in cancer cell invasiveness and migration [54]. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that Snail over-expression in breast cancer cells can up-regulate Axl expression, a tyrosine kinase receptor [53], which in turn is important for breast cancer cell extravasation [55]. Furthermore, the CXCR2 ligands CXCL5 and CXCL1 were recently shown to be secreted by mouse BM-MSCs and promote mammary cancer cell migration[59]. An enzymatic assay (CXCL5/ENA-78 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)) confirmed the production of CXCL5 from osteo-differentiated hBM-MSCs at 3 weeks, showing a higher concentration (375 ± 1.65 pg/ml) compared to non-differentiated hBM-MSCs (162 ± 11.3 pg/ml) (Figure A9A). No CXCL5 was detected within control osteogenic medium or endothelial cell medium. Moreover, immunofluorescent staining demonstrated the presence of CXCR2 surface receptor on MDA-MB-231 cells (Figure A6B). Based upon these findings, we further investigated their role in extravasation (Figure3). Incubation of cancer cells with CXCR2 blocking antibody reduced extravasation in osteo-differentiated hBM-MSC-embedded collagen gel from 77.5 ± 3.7% to 45.8 + 5.4%, whereas incubation of cancer cells with control IgG had no significant effect on extravasation (81.4 ± 7.4%) (Figure3A and B). Moreover, the addition of CXCL5 ligand to collagen gel-only matrices led to an increase in the percentage of cancer cell extravasation from 37.6 + 7.3% to 78.3 ± 9.7%, while the addition of control IgG produced no significant effect (25.7 16.7%) (Figure 3.3C and D). 84 C n.s. A xmn.s. 1001 0 1 I - cancer cells cmvi 01* ant.CXCR2 cmvi IgG CXCL. E CXCLS gradient - anti-CXCR2 'Incubated cancer cells conde antl-XCR2 CXCL5 blocking Figure 3.3 Effect of CXCL5 and CXCR2 in cancer cell extravasation. (A) Addition of CXCR2 osteocontaining gel collagen antibody significantly reduced cancer cell average extravasation within cells cancer incubated IgG differentiatedhBM-MSCs compared to non-treated cancer cells (ctrl) or that shows stack (n=9(min)-24(max) regions, p<0.005). (B) Two-dimensional projection of a confocal channel and cancer cells (GFP, white arrows) generally remained within the endothelial cell (RFP)-coated anti-CXCR2 did not extravasate into the collagen gel containing osteo-differentiatedhBM-MSCs when yellow). (C) (F-actin, phalloidin and blue) (nuclei, antibody was added. Cells were stained with DAPI of percentage average the enhanced Addition of CXCL5 within collagen gel-only devices significantly (n=9(min)-24(max) IgG cancercell extravasation compared to unconditioned devices (ctrl) and addition of cancer regions, p<0.05). (D) Two-dimensional projection of a confocal stack showing two extravasated stained with cells (GFP, white arrows) inside CXCL5-conditioned collagen gel-only devices. Cells were average DAPI (nuclei, blue) and phalloidin (F-actin, yellow). HUVECs were RFP labeled. (E) The collagen within (condition) CXCL5 of addition the extravasation distance was significantly higher with difference gel-only devices compared to unconditioned devices (p<0.05) whereas there was no significant in incubation cell cancer within a osteo-cell conditioned matrix with (condition) or without (control) CXCR2 blocking antibody (n=l (min)-17(max) regions). Scale bars: 50 pm. after Interestingly, the distance that extravasated cancer cells travelled into the gel matrix collagen geltransmigration was significantly greater with the addition of CXCL5 compared to control produced no effect on only experiments (54.7 ± 5.8 [tm vs. 31.8 ± 5.0 gm). However, blocking CXCR2 with hBM-MSCs the distance travelled by extravasated cancer cells migrating into collagen gel embedded ± 6.2 gm), compared to experiments performed with non-treated cancer cells (46 ± 5.7 [tm vs. 50.8 85 suggesting that the role of CXCR2 in breast cancer cell migration within the bone tissue could be less critical compared to that of other receptors (Figure 3.3E). Several factors secreted in vivo by the bone microenvironment can promote the extravasation of breast cancer cells including CXCL12/SDF-la [60] and CX3CL1/fractalkine [61]. Although we did not investigate the specific role played by different molecules, our data show a significant difference when osteo-differentiated hBM-MSCs were embedded in the collagen matrix both in terms of extravasation rate and migration distance, thus highlighting the potential for organ-specific in vitro models to clarify features of different cancer types. To better characterize the effect of CXCL5 on breast metastatic cells we generated a gradient through a collagen gel-only matrix (Figure A12), anticipating a critical role for this molecule in transendothelial migration and chemoattraction to bone. 3.3.4. Formation of micrometastases Lethality of metastatic tumors depends on the formation of a metastatic niche, which develops when cancer cells extravasate into a secondary organ site and proliferate [3]. In our system, cancer cells were cultured up to 5 days after being introduced into the vessel-mimicking channel, covered with an endothelial monolayer and adjacent to an osteo-cell conditioned collagen matrix embedded with osteodifferentiated hBM-MSCs. Our earlier results show that there was no significant difference in the percentage of ROIs containing extravasated cancer cells between day 1 and day 3 after their introduction (72% vs. 79%) [43]. While this seems to indicate that most cancer cells extravasate within the first 24 h of their introduction, the prolonged tri-culture allowed us to better characterize the behavior of cancer cells after extravasation, leading to colonization within the microenvironment, as seen in Figure 3.4A and B. The extravasated cancer cells proliferated and formed micrometastases of various sizes ranging from 4 cells to more than 60 cells (Figure 3.4C). We defined a cell cluster as a micrometastasis with at least 4 cancer cells either in direct contact or separated by less than one cell body length (assuming average cancer cell diameter -20 pm), consistent with previous studies [19, 62]. The percentage of regions 86 containing micrometastases was 48.4% (n=31 ROIs were analyzed in 5 independent devices). In total, 38 micrometastases were detected: 6 clusters contained at least 10 cells while 4 were constituted by more than 35 cells each (Figure 3.4C). The number of cancer micrometastases per gel region was equally distributed among ROIs containing 1 to 4 micrometastases each (Figure 3.4D). Notably, large micrometastases (>30 cells) tended to be found in isolation or associated with another small micrometastasis (Figure 3.A 10). The average number of cancer cells per device found within the gel regions was 13.8 at day 1, increasing to 17.8 and 34 at days 2 and 3, respectively, and reaching 132 at day 5 (Figure 3.A 11). While it is possible that all cell types moved around in the system during the culture, it seems the increased number of cancer cells leading to the formation of clusters is primarily due to proliferation, since we observed the number of cancer cells increasing exponentially in each device during 5 days of culture. Moreover, all extravasated cancer cells were shown to be in active cell cycle within the new colonized microenvironment, as indicated by positive Ki-67 staining (Figure 3.4A and B insets). A B D5 C2 10 4 3 4.4 2I 70 30 15 10 5 # cancer cells per micrometastasis 5 4 3 2 1 # cancer cell clusters per ROi Figure 3.4 Generation of micrometastases within the osteo-cell conditioned microenvironment. Threedimensional confocal images of a single gel region show a representative large (A) and small (B) cancer cell (GFP) micrometastasis. Ki-67 staining (red) demonstrates all cancer cells were proliferating within the colonized microenvironment. Cells were stained with DAPI (nuclei, blue). (C) Histogram showing micrometastasis distribution. Although 4 large clusters (>35 cells) were detected, micrometastases generally contained fewer than 10 cells. (D) Histogram represents the number of micrometastases per gel region (n=1 5 regions). Scale bars: 50 im. 87 Several studies were previously reported to study the generation of metastases to bone and bone marrow. While these works provided much new insight into cancer cell-parenchyma cell interactions, they did not address the extravasation process itself. Mastro and Vogler adapted a bioreactor to grow multiple-cell-layer osteogenic tissues from osteoblast cell lines analyzing the ossification process over a time period up to 10 months. Breast cancer cells were added to tissues at different stages of phenotypic maturity and their ability to proliferate, generate microtumors and degrade the osteoblast-derived matrix were observed [63]. Lescarbeau and colleagues showed that paracrine factors secreted by hMSCs can increase prostate cancer cell survival while the interaction with a bone marrow-like ECM can lead to cancer cell morphological changes, chemoresistance and increased levels in the phosphorylation of proteins involved in cancer-related signaling pathways [64]. Overall, our data lead us to conclude that breast cancer cells found a receptive microenvironment that supported their growth, proliferation and formation of micrometastases. Extrapolating these results, a longer culture time could promote the generation of much more organized structures secreting chemokines and growth factors affecting the local microenvironment. 3.4 Appendix 3.4.1 Calcium production - Preliminary experiments Preliminary experiments were performed to assess osteo-differentiated (14 days in osteogenic medium) bone marrow-derived human mesenchymal stem cell (hBM-MSC) production of calcium deposits in a 2D environment. Cells of passage 7 or lower were cultured for 14 days in standard culture flasks and Alizarin Red-S assay was performed according to an optimized protocol (see Alizarin Red-S assay section). Figure AlA shows characteristic dark regions representative of calcium deposits, thus demonstrating the ability of osteo-differentiated hBM-MSCs to produce mineralized matrix. Supplementary experiments were performed to quantitatively characterize osteo-differentiated hBM-MSC calcium deposition within 96-well plates (cells embedded within collagen gel). Specifically, multiple 88 combinations were tested with cell densities spanning from 150,000 to 750,000 cells/ml and collagen concentrations ranging from 2.0 to 6.0 mg/ml. Moreover, gel retraction and degradation were qualitatively analyzed to choose the optimal condition to apply within microfluidic devices. As shown in Figure 3.AIB and C, calcium deposition was higher with higher cell densities and stiffer gels, although not significantly. Furthermore, no apparent gel degradation was noticed within cultured wells. For these reasons, we decided to use 750,000 cell/ml as optimal cell density and 6.0 mg/ml as ideal collagen concentration to guarantee the best signaling between osteo-differentiated hBM-MSCs and breast cancer cells, and at the same time a stiff matrix, better reproducing the in vivo microenvironment and preventing undesired gel degradation. Pictures were captured through an inverted optical microscope (Nikon Eclipse Ti), bright field mode. 3.4.2 Alizarin Red-S assay Calcium deposition by osteo-differentiated hBM-MSCs was characterized through the Alizarin Red-S assay. Briefly, samples were washed twice with PBS and fixed with ice-cold 70% ethanol (EtOH) for 1 h at room temperature. Once completely dried after EtOH removal, samples were washed with double distilled water (ddH 2 O) and incubated with 80 mM Alizarin Red-S (pH 4-4.2) for 15 min at room temperature. Next, samples were washed with ddH2 O and PBS to remove the excess of staining and reduce the unspecific staining, respectively. Once completely dried, representative pictures were taken using an inverted optical microscope (Nikon Eclipse Ti), bright field mode. 3.4.3 Osteo-differentiation immunofluorescence Osteo-differentiated (14 days in osteogenic medium) hBM-MSC ability to secrete marker proteins characteristic of bone-specific cells was tested evaluating osteocalcin, osteonectin and osteopontin production. Preliminary experiments were performed in standard culture flaks and cells were fixed and labeled with rabbit anti-human osteocalcin (polyclonal; BTI) at 1:500 dilution according to the 89 immunofluorescence protocol described. Figure A2A shows osteocalcin (green) secreted by osteodifferentiated hBM-MSCs. Additionally, control experiments were performed with human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) following the same protocol and a representative image is shown in Figure 3.A2B. Figure 3.A2C and D highlight osteonectin (green, polyclonal antibody, Santa Cruz Biotechnology, 1:60 dilution) and osteopontin (green, polyclonal antibody, Abcam, 1:100 dilution) secretion, respectively. Cells were stained for nuclei (4'6-Diamidino-2-Phenylindole (DAPI); 5 mg/ml; Invitrogen). Pictures were captured through an inverted epi-fluorescence microscope (Nikon Eclipse Ti). To provide a clear characterization of the microfluidic 3D environment, control experiments were carried out without the osteo-cell conditioned matrix, demonstrating the absence of osteocalcin (Figure 3.A2E, 3D confocal image). 3.4.4 Live /Dead assay Preliminary experiments were performed to analyze osteo-differentiated hBM-MSC viability within microfluidic devices. Cells were cultured within standard devices before breast cancer cell seeding and stained with 1 pl fluorescein diacetate (FDA, green; Sigma-Aldrich) and 3.5 tl propidium iodide (PI, red; Sigma-Aldrich) diluted in 1 ml PBS. Samples were incubated for 5 min, washed with PBS and observed through confocal microscopy. Figure 3.A3 shows a confocal image of the osteo-cell conditioned matrix in which homogeneously dispersed cells appear viable. 3.4.5 Endothelial cell monolayer quality To demonstrate the generation of a confluent endothelial cell barrier, samples were fixed (see Immunofluorescent staining section) and stained with vascular endothelial-cadherin (VE-cadherin) antibody (polyclonal; Abcam) at 1:100 dilution, and cell-cell junctions were visualized (green). Endothelial cells (stained for nuclei, DAPI, blue) formed a continuous monolayer spanning the area of the microchannel surfaces and the matrix-channel interfaces (Figure 3.A4A). The presence of osteo- 90 differentiated hBM-MSCs did not affect the generation of the intercellular junction network and no apparent gaps were detected. Additional experiments were performed to evaluate the presence of a functional basal membrane underlying the endothelial monolayer. Laminin was chosen as representative protein and immunofluorescence pictures were captured through confocal microscopy. Samples were fixed and subsequently stained (see Immunofluorescent staining section) with laminin antibody (polyclonal; abcam) at 1:100 dilution. The presence of laminin (Figure 3.A4B) is due both to the Matrigel" coating applied before endothelial cell seeding and to the secretory activity of HUVECs, that concurs to the generation of a physiological microenvironment. 3.4.6 Collagen structure The matrix generated by different collagen gel concentrations (2.0 and 6.0 mg/ml), collagen gel with and without osteo-differentiated hBM-MSC, and with and without cancer cells were analyzed by means of confocal microscopy - reflectance mode. Figure 3.A4 C-D, Figure 3.A5, and Figure 3.A6 show the different fiber thickness and organization within the two matrices. 3.4.7 Effect on endothelial monolayer permeability of cancer cells Fluorescent dextran (70 kDa Texas Red; Invitrogen) was mixed with endothelial growth medium (EGM-2MV; Lonza) at a concentration of 12.5 ptg/ml and injected in the central media channel of the microfluidic device while control endothelial growth medium was added to the lateral media channels. Imaging of the concentration profiles was performed with confocal microscopy (30 min time-lapse) and dextran diffusion was analyzed by means of a custom software written in MATLAB (MathWorks) language. The diffusive permeability coefficient PD of the endothelial monolayer was computed according to the following equation: PD= -D 91 C/dx AC where C represents the dextran concentration proportional to the fluorescence intensity, AC is the concentration drop across the monolayer, dC/dx the slope of the concentration profile, D the dextran diffusion coefficient in the osteo-cell conditioned matrix and P the area correction factor. Mass conservation was applied assuming a steady state condition considering that the dextran flux across the endothelium into the gel region (PD - AC - AMonolayer) is equal to the dextran diffusional flux in the gel (D - dC/dx - AgeI). The area correction factor p is equal to the ratio Agel/AMonolayer and was applied to consider changes in the cross-sectional area along the dextran diffusion main direction. Dextran diffusion coefficient within the matrix was assumed equal to 4.5 x 1011 m 2/s, based on our previous works [38]. Despite the gel considered in the present model is more concentrated (6.0 mg/mI vs. 2.5 mg/ml), we decided to use the same value considering the small differences found for molecules with multiple hydrodynamic radii, diffusing in collagen gels of different concentrations [65, 66]. Fluorescence intensity images were analyzed to compute the concentration gradient and the concentration drop across the endothelium. Average values were obtained considering at least n = 5 gel regions, including data from 2 independent devices with at least 4 gel regions analyzed per device. Permeability experiments were performed before breast cancer cell seeding and 24 h later and the difference was quantified. The basal endothelial permeability was equal to (1.44 ± 0.098) increased to (5.00 ± 0.84) x 10-5 x 10-5 cm/s and cm/s after cancer cell interaction (time point 24 h), thus determining a 3.5-fold increase (Figure 3.A7), whereas there was no significant difference in the control without cancer cells over the same 24 h period ((1.25 ± 0.21) x 10-5 cm/s to (1.61 + 0.22) x 10-5 cm/s). Also the permeability was measured for devices with and without osteo-differentiated hBM-MSCs in gel, and did not show significant difference (1.01 ± 0.21) x 10-5 CM/s to ((1.25 ± 0.21) x 10- 5 cm/s) (Figure 3.A8). Our basal value is higher than in vivo data but lies in the range of previously reported data within in vitro systems [38, 67, 68]. The higher penneability values compared to in vivo systems could be due to several physiological factors lacking in our in vitro model. Moreover, mural cells surrounding blood vessels 92 contribute to the stability of the vascular network and help to establish the low permeability value of in vivo networks [68]. Consistent with our previous works [38, 43], cancer cell interaction determines a significant increase in the endothelial monolayer permeability that probably plays a pivotal role in the extravasation (and intravasation) processes. Indeed, several studies have shown how cancer cells can increase vessel permeability promoting the disruption of the endothelial monolayer integrity. Different mechanisms could explain these phenomena: direct cell-cell contact between cancer and endothelial cells can alter the mechanical properties of the endothelium and decrease vessel wall stiffness through the down-regulation of VE-cadherin and PECAM-I (platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule) expression [69] or cancer cell secreted factors (e.g. vascular endothelial growth factor) can determine the disruption of the VE-cadherin- p-catenin complex [70]. However, more investigations are required to better clarify the causes of permeability increase. 3.4.8 Quantification of CXCL5 production - Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) The ability of osteo-differentiated hBM-MSCs to secrete CXCL5 was analyzed through CXCL5/ENA-78 Quantikine ELISA Kit (R&D Systems). hBM-MSCs were cultured for 3 weeks within osteogenic medium and CXCL5 production was quantified and compared to the one of non-differentiated hBM-MSCs cultured for 1 week in common hBM-MSC growth medium (Figure 3.A9A). As additional control, CXCL5 concentration was quantified within osteogenic medium and endothelial growth medium (EGM-2MV; Lonza). Standard and samples were pipetted into 96-well plates pre-coated with a specific monoclonal antibody for CXCL5 and incubated for 2 h. Next, after washing to remove unbound molecules, an horseradish peroxidase-conjugated polyclonal antibody against CXCL5 was added and incubated for 2 h. Finally, after washing, a substrate solution containing hydrogen peroxide and tetramethylbenzidine was added and incubated for 30 min. A stop solution containing 2N sulfuric acid was then added and 93 absorbance detected through a microplate reader set to 450 nm. A calibration curve was determined and data corrected considering optical imperfections within the 96-well plate. 3.4.9 CXCR2 immunofluorescence Breast cancer cells commonly express CXCR2 receptor [71], a surface protein involved in the signaling with the chemokine CXCL5. Immunofluorescent staining was performed to demonstrate the presence of this receptor in the cell line used in our model. Cells were fixed (see Immunofluorescent staining section) and mouse anti-human CXCR2 (monoclonal; R&D Systems) incubated at a final concentration of 5 ptg/mI. Figure 3.A9B shows MDA-MB-231 stained for nuclei (DAPI, blue) expressing CXCR2 (red), thus confirming the presence of this key surface receptor in our cell line. Picture captured through an inverted epi-fluorescence microscope (Nikon Eclipse Ti). 3.4.10 Quantifying CXCL5 gradient generation within the osteo-cell conditioned microenvironment - Computational simulations To quantify CXCL5 (8.4 kDa; R&D Systems) diffusion within the osteo-cell conditioned matrix, two dimensional (2D) computational simulations were performed using a finite element method (FEM) software (COMSOL Multiphysics 4.0; AB, Sweden). The endothelial cell monolayer was modeled as a barrier with CXCL5 diffusion coefficient 6.32 gel was assumed to be 6.75 x x 1012 m2 /s, while diffusion coefficient within the collagen 10-1 m 2/s according to our previous works [72]. CXCL5 diffusion coefficient in the cell culture medium was considered equal to 1.3 x 10-10 m2/s, consistent with literature values for 10 kDa-dextran. The lateral media channels were considered as CXCL5 sources at time point 0 and diffusion was simulated over 12 h (time-dependent solver: generalized-a; time step: I h). Zero mass flux conditions were imposed on the device boundaries. The numerical grid for performing the simulations consisted of approximately 500,000 finite elements. 94 Our results show that a chemoattractant gradient was maintained across the extracellular matrix (ECM) channels even 12 h after adding stimuli (Figure 3.A12), thus demonstrating the efficacy of our experimental protocol, optimized to condition cancer cells for a long time period. 3.4.11 Statistics Extravasation values are averages of measurements in 9 to 39 regions from a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 9 independent devices. Proliferation data are obtained considering 3 to 10 independent devices while micrometastasis data come from 15 regions within 4 independent devices. Extravasation distance values are averaged from a minimum of 11 to a maximum of 17 regions within 4 to 6 independent devices. Results are shown as mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM). The comparisons between groups were assessed using unpaired Student's t-test or one-way ANOVA. Statistical significance was assumed for p<0.05 (*) or p<0.005 (***). All tests were performed with SigmaPlotl2. 95 B 14 14 12 12, 10 10 T 4 22 0 0 1W0k 300k 460k 600k 760k density of osteo-cells In gel (cellslml) 6 4 2 coflagen gel density (mglml) Figure 3.A1. Calcium production. (A) Qualitative analysis of calcium deposition by osteo-differentiated demonstrating hBM-MSCs within standard culture flasks. Alizarin Red staining shows dark regions, thus field. (B bright microscope, the generation of a mineralized matrix. Image obtained with inverted optical osteoas (labeled and C) Quantitative analysis of calcium production by osteo-differentiated hBM-MSCs from cells) within 96-well plates (cells embedded within collagen gel). Different cell densities spanning Error bars 150,000 to 750,000 cells/ml and collagen gel type I concentrations (2-4-6 mg/ml) were tested. significance statistical The respectively. (C), samples 10 = n represent SEM for n = 6 samples (B) and was tested using one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni correction (p<0.05). AB of (A) Figure 3.A2. Osteo-differentiation immunofluorescence assays. 2D osteocalcin immunostaining (D) osteo-differentiated hBM-MSCs and (B) control cells (HUVECs). 2D osteonectin (C) and osteopontin are nuclei while immunostaining of osteo-differentiated hBM-MSCs. Osteo-markers are shown in green epi-fluorescence stained with DAPI (blue). Pictures A, B, C and D were captured with inverted device microfluidic a within region gel representative a of microscope. (E) Confocal 3D reconstruction protein fluorescent (red HUVECs deposit. osteocalcin without osteo-cell conditioned matrix showing no (RFP)) were stained with DAPI (nuclei, blue) and phalloidin (F-actin, yellow). Scale bars: 100 pm. 96 Figure 3.A3. Live/Dead assay. Cell viability was assessed within microfluidic devices before cancer cell seeding. Cells were incubated for 5 min with fluorescein diacetate (green) and propidium iodide (red). Confocal 3D reconstruction showing osteo-differentiated hBM-MSC viability within the osteo-cell conditioned microenvironment. Figure 3.A4. Endothelial monolayer quality and collagen gel structure within microfluidic devices. (A) Three-dimensional rendering of a confocal stack of a single gel region showing the confluency of the endothelial monolayer on the 3D extracellular matrix (ECM). Cells were stained with DAPI (nuclei, blue) and VE-cadherin antibody (green). (B) Laminin immunostaining (green) demonstrating the presence of a basal membrane underlying the endothelial monolayer (HUVECs, RFP). Two-dimensional projection of a confocal stack. (C and D) Confocal reflectance image of a single gel region showing the ECM architecture for (C) 6.0 mg/ml and (D) 2.0 mg/ml collagen gel. Two-dimensional projection of a confocal stack. Collagen fibers are shown in red. 97 I osteo-cell (+) osteo-cell (-) Figure 3.A5. Confocal reflectance image of 6.0 mg/ml gel with and without osteo-cells 3 days after the gel-filling. No significant difference was detected in the matrix structure. osteo cell (+) osteo-cell (+) cancer cell (-) cancer cell (+) Figure 3.A6. Confocal reflectance images of 6.0 mg/mi collagen gel + osteo-cells with and without cancer cells 24 h after cancer cell seeding. The presence of cancer cells does not induce clearly detectable structural changes. 98 7 06am 3 7 0 hr 24 hr 21 0 wl cancer cell w/o cancer cell Figure 3.A7. Endothelial monolayer permeability change. Fluorescent dextran (70 kDa) was introduced to measure the endothelial monolayer permeability before and after (24 h later) cancer cell seeding (left). The same measurements were made with device without addition of cancer cells over 24 h time (right). Average values across at least n=12 gel regions including data from 2 independent devices. Error bars represent SEM. The statistical significance was tested with unpaired Student's t-test (p<0.05). 2.0 T T 1.6 0. 0 0.0. wlo Osteo W/ osteo Figure 3.A8. Endothelial monolayer permeability change. Fluorescent dextran (70 kDa) was introduced to measure the endothelial monolayer permeability of devices with (right) and without (left) osteodifferentiated hBM-MSCs in gel. Average values across at least n=5 gel regions including data from 2 independent devices. Error bars represent SEM. The statistical significance was tested with unpaired Student's t-test (p<0.05). 99 A 10. osteo-cenl MSC 0.1-* ___--- I II1 0.01. 0.001 I I C100pm 10 10000 1000 100 (pg/ml) concentration Figure A9. CXCL5 quantification assay and CXCR2 detection. (A) Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used to analyze the chemokine production of 3 weeks old osteo-differentiated hBM-MSCs and I week old non-differentiated hBM-MSCs. Calibration curve shows absorbance (arbitrary unit, log scale) vs. CXCL5 concentration (pg/ml, log scale). Mean detected values for the 2 samples are shown with red triangular spots. (B) Immunofluorescence assay was performed to assess the presence of CXCR2 receptor (red) on the surface of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells. Cells were stained with DAPI (nuclei, blue). Image captured with an inverted epi-fluorescence microscope. 70. o.l -301 10. 0 0 1 3 2 4 5 6 # cancer cell clusters per ROI per Figure A10. Scatter plot representing the relationship between number of cancer cells Large micrometastasis and number of cancer cell micrometastases per region of interest (ROI). micrometastases (>30 cells) were detected in isolation or associated with another small micrometastasis containing 5 cells (n=15 regions). 100 day 3 day 2 day I day 5 day 4 200UISO. 160.1401120100- o, 60' C 40, a 20 0 0 2 1 3 6 5 4 days after cancer cell seeding device Figure All. Day-to-day progression of cancer cell clusters. Cancer cell number increase per of one images day-to-day show Images within ROIs was analyzed among day 1, 2, 3 and 5 after seeding. n=3(min)-10(max) representative ROL. Scale bars: 30 tm. Average values are considered across independent devices. Error bars represent SEM. B - EC channel q gelI 120. 0h 1 qb I so. o. h I I 6h --- 0 nglmI )k 6h -200 200 00 0 1000 2000 12h 3000 pos-on (pm) 1( 12 h device. Figure A12. 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A variety of vascular endothelium-specific molecules cooperate to promote the generation of microvascular networks, including five members of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) family, four molecules belonging to the angiopoietin group and one of the large ephrin family [7], Other non-endothelium 4 This chapter is modified from Ref. [1]. 105 specific growth factors are also required for blood vessel formation, such as proteins of the transforming growth factor-P family [8]. The newly formed microvessels are stabilized by recruited mural cells, i.e. pericytes, smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts, which contribute to the deposition of the local extracellular matrix (ECM) [2]. ECs secrete proteins such as platelet derived growth factor (PDGF)-B and sphingosine- 1-phosphate-I (SiP1) to promote mural cell recruitment [9, 10] while mural cells secrete multiple factors including angiopoietin (Ang)-1, which leads to leak-resistant vessels maximizing the interactions between ECs and surrounding support cells [11]. Transforming growth factor (TGF)-P I is a multifunctional cytokine produced by both mural cells and ECs which is involved in multiple processes, including ECM production and mesenchymal cell differentiation to mural cells, with both pro- and antiangiogenic properties depending on concentration and local microenvironment [12-14]. The generation of physiological-like microvascular systems is required for the development of both in vivo long-lasting blood vessels [15, 16] and advanced in vitro models able to better replicate multiple biological phenomena where the interaction between capillaries and organ-specific tissues is critical. Several 2D in vitro models were developed in the last years to investigate vascular network related phenomena, such as mesenchymal cell differentiation into smooth muscle cells upon co-culture with ECs [17, 18] or VEGF-induced vessel permeability [19]. However, the importance of 3D in vitro models lies in the possibility to mimic physiological cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions within biological or synthetic matrices where cells show morphologies and differentiation abilities considerably different from those observed on 2D surfaces [20-24]. Three dimensional assays were perfornmed to study angiogenesis under controlled chemical gradients [25] and different methods were applied to replicate microvessel structure including EC-coated microbeads dispersed within fibrin gels [26], collagen patterned microfluidic vascular networks with perivascular cells [27, 28], templated hydrogels with sacrificial gelatin channels [29], microtissue chambers with multiple interstitial flow and hypoxia conditions [30]. Microfluidic devices were developed to investigate the anastomosis of endothelial sprouts [31, 32], sprouting angiogenesis under chemical gradients [33], tumor-endothelial cell interactions 106 [34] and promising techniques, as the so-called "viscous finger patterning", were optimized to generate tubular structures within microfluidic platforms [35]. Moreover, recent studies analyzed the effect of endothelial secreted factors such as PDGF-B in the regulation of pericyte recruitment [36] and the influence these stabilizing cells provide in terms of endothelial basement membrane generation and expression of integrins that recognize the newly deposited matrix [37]. The present study is focused on the generation of a 3D functional, perfusable human microvascular network by vasculogenesis, co-culturing ECs and bone marrow-derived human mesenchymal stem cells (BM-hMSCs) within a microfluidic device. The ability of stem cells to acquire a mural phenotype is critical developing physiological microvessels. In this framework, we investigated the effect of Ang- 1, a key molecule in vessel stabilization [5], whose role could be related to the recruitment of mesenchymal cells [38-40]. Moreover, we analyzed the effect of the cytokine TGF-plto better clarify its influence on mesenchymal cell differentiation, which was not uniquely defined by previous studies [12-15, 41]. Our model represents a significant step forward toward the generation of more physiological microvessels compared to endothelialized microchannels or micronetworks generated within 3D gel or spheroids suspended in standard multiwall plates. We demonstrated the co-culture of ECs and BMhMSCs leads to the generation of physiological-like human microvascular networks in which easily available bone marrow multipotent cells get a mural cell phenotype and co-localize with ECs. Particularly, we showed the double role of Ang-I as vessel stabilizer and mural cell differentiation promoter. This system could be potentially used to develop advanced in vitro models to study and characterize complex biological phenomena involving blood vessels, such as intra- and extravasation of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) or immune cells [42], and better clarify pathophysiological shear stress conditions on in vivo-like capillaries [43, 44]. 107 4.2 Experimental Section 4.2.1 Microfluidic System A microfluidic device consisting of two lateral media channels and a central gel channel was adopted in the present work. Microfabrication details were previously reported for other systems developed by our group [45, 46]. Briefly, the microfluidic device was made of PDMS (poly-dimethylsiloxane; Silgard 184, Dow-Chemical) through soft lithography techniques and SU-8 micropatterned silicon wafers. Inlet and outlet ports were bored by means of disposable biopsy punches and the PDMS structure was bonded to a glass coverslip after 60 s oxygen plasma treatment to create 200 Pm deep microchannels. Trapezoidal posts with an inter-post distance of 330 pm were employed to separate the 1,300 pm wide gel channel from the lateral media channels and promote an ideal gel filling. Microfluidic channels were coated with PDL (poly-D-lysine hydrobromide; I mg/ml; Sigma-Aldrich) solution to promote matrix adhesion. Next, a thrombin solution, obtained dissolving 10 pl thrombin (100 U/ml) within 500 pl cell culture medium, was used to resuspend cells and 10 pl aliquots were mixed with 10 pl fibrinogen solution (5.0 mg/ml) to generate a fibrin gel. A 10 pl pipette was used to fill the gel channel and microdevices were incubated within humid chambers for 10 min at room temperature to form the hydrogel. Following gelation, cell culture medium was added to the media channels and microfluidic devices were cultured for at least 7 days with daily medium replacement. 108 A B mural cell differentiated BM-hMSCs vascular network of HUVECs Figure 4.1. Schematic of the microfluidic vasculogenesis system. Microfluidic device composed by two lateral media channels and one interposed 1,300 pm wide gel channel embedding HUVECs and BMhMSCs in a 2:1 ratio (A). A vasculogenesis approach allows the generation of functional, perfusable microvascular networks with ECs (red) surrounded by mural cell differentiated BM-hMSCs (green) in a fibrin matrix (B). 4.2.2 Cell Culture BM-hMSCs were harvested from patients undergoing hip arthroplasty and selected by plastic adherence according to a previously optimized protocol [47]. Cells of passage 6 or lower were cultured in standard alpha-minimum essential medium (aMEM; Invitrogen) containing non-essential amino acids, sodium pyruvate and L-glutamine, supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS; Invitrogen), biological buffer and antibiotics. Red fluorescent protein (RFP)-transfected human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) were commercially obtained (Angio-Proteomie) and cultured in endothelial growth medium (EGM-2MV; Lonza) with full supplements (EGM-2MV bullet kit; Lonza), which was considered as standard endothelial growth medium. All the experiments were conducted using HUVECs of passage 6. HUVECs were suspended at 12x 106 cells/mI in standard endothelial growth medium + thrombin and mixed with BM-hMSCs (6x 106 cells/ml suspension in BM-hMSC growth medium + thrombin). The obtained suspension was mixed with fibrinogen solution (1:1 ratio) and injected into the 109 gel channel. After gelation, lateral media channels were filled with standard endothelial growth medium supplemented with 50 ng/ml VEGF (Peprotech). The medium was replaced every 24 hours. All cultures were kept in a humidified incubator maintained at 37'C and 5% CO 2 . After day 1, selected microdevices were cultured with standard endothelial growth medium supplemented with 50 ng/ml VEGF and 100 ng/ml Ang-1 (Peprotech) or 1 ng/ml TGF-p1 (Peprotech) to analyze the effect of these molecules on microvascular network generation and BM-hMSC differentiation toward a mural cell lineage. In order to promote the generation of perfusable microvascular networks, HUVECs were seeded at day 2 within lateral media channels of the identified optimal configuration, introducing 40 pl cell suspension at Ix106 cells/ml cell density. A schematic representing the microfluidic device and the cell culture model is shown in Figure 4.4.1. Control experiments were performed seeding HUVECs without BM-hMSCs at the same cell density applied in co-culture assays and the vasculatures generated were analyzed in the same manner. Furthermore, BM-hMSC differentiation control experiments were conducted seeding mesenchymal stem cells alone at the same cell density set for co-cultures. The influence of the direct contact between ECs and BM-hMSCs was assessed seeding mesenchymal stem cells into the gel region and a HUVEC monolayer on the interface between gel and media channels. 4.2.3 Immunofluorescent Staining Samples were washed with phosphate buffered saline (PBS; Invitrogen) and fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) for 15 min at room temperature. Next, cells were washed twice with PBS and incubated with 0.1% Triton-X 100 solution for 5 min at room temperature. After washing twice with PBS, cells were blocked with 5% bovine serum albumine (BSA) + 3% goat serum solution for at least 3h at 4'C. Alpha-smooth muscle actin (a-SMA) was labeled with mouse polyclonal antibody (abcam) at 1:100 dilution, SM22a was labeled with rabbit polyclonal antibody (abcam) at 1:1000 dilution, vascular endothelial-cadherin (VE-cadherin) and laminin were labeled with rabbit polyclonal antibody (abcam) at 1:100 dilution, and zonula occludens- I (ZO- 1) was labeled with mouse polyclonal antibody (Invitrogen) 110 at 1:100 dilution. Fluorescently labeled secondary antibodies (Invitrogen) were used at 1:200 dilution. Cell nuclei were stained with 4'6-Diamidino-2-Phenylindole (DAPI;5 mg/ml; Invitrogen)at 1:500 dilution while F-actin filaments were stained with AlexaFluor633 phalloidin (Invitrogen) at 1:100 dilution. If not differently specified, all the images were captured using a confocal microscope (Olympus IX81) and processed with Imaris software (Bitplane Scientific Software). 4.2.4 Data Analysis Microvascular Network Morphology Microvascular networks were analyzed using Fiji software ( The endothelial cell RFP signal was used to compute projected 2D areas of the network and the Fiji 2D skeletonize plugin was applied to detennine the number of branches, average branch length and total network length. Projected 3D stacks representing each region of interest (ROI, 533x426 Pim2) were pre-processed with Fiji software to enhance contrast (10%), filter noise (application of "despeckle" algorithm and "gaussian blur" filter) and convert the image to a binary format by applying the "triangle" threshold method [48]. In addition, the Fiji 3D skeletonize plugin was used to further analyze the number of branches in the longest structure detected within each ROI, according to the above-mentioned protocol. Moreover, 3D skeletonize data were noise filtered applying a 25 im threshold value to remove image artifacts. The threshold value was calculated by averaging multiple measurements and comparing 3D confocal images to 3D skeleton reconstructions. Note that to the extent that vessels cross at different z-planes, this could lead to errors in estimating the number of branches and vessel segments. To quantify this effect, 2D and 3D skeletons were compared as described in the "Generation of Microvascular Networks" section. Finally, the average vessel diameter was quantified with Imaris software. The temporal evolution of the network was daily monitored by phase-contrast and fluorescence microscopy (Nikon Eclipse Ti). 111 Quantification of BM-hMSC Differentiation BM-hMSC differentiation was quantified through the a-SMA signal in terms of percentage of active pixels, mean signal intensity and total signal intensity (normalized by the minimum value among the three conditions) within each ROI. All intensity values were obtained after subtracting the background signal. Microvascular Network Perfusion and Permeability Quantification Vessel permeability was quantified according to a previously described method [49]. Briefly, the medium in all reservoirs was aspirated and two reservoirs of the opposite media channels were injected with 40pl of fluorescent dextran (70kDa, green, Invitrogen) diluted with endothelial growth medium for a final concentration of 12.5 pg/ml. Concentrations were then determined by confocal imaging every 1 min for 5 min once equilibrium was established (i.e. constant intensity within the vessels, 5-10 min). Penneability was quantified by obtaining the average intensity at the initial and final time points considering a region of interest including both the vessel and the surrounding ECM. Permeability was computed considering vessel segments in the central region of the gel channel to avoid border effects according to the following formula [49]: P where IA i and 'h (i Ii- I Ii - Ib At d 4 represent the initial, final and background average intensities, At is the time interval between two captured images and d is the average diameter of the vessel. Finally, 40 p of medium containing 10 pm fluorescent microspheres were introduced within a single reservoir (medium was aspirated from the other reservoirs) of a live sample to demonstrate the presence of a perfusable microvascular network connecting lateral media channels. 112 Statistics Microvascular network and differentiation data are averages of measurements of 6 (min)-9 (max) regions from 3 independent devices. Results are shown as mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM). The comparisons between groups were assessed using unpaired Student's t-test. Statistical significance was assumed for p < 0.05. All tests were performed with SigmaPlot12. 4.3 Results and Discussion 4.3.1 Differentiation of BM-hMSCs into Mural Cells Ability of BM-hMSCs to differentiate into mural cells was increased in presence of HUVECs (Figure 4.2). Differentiation can be visualized by staining with mural cell marker, a-SMA (Figure 4.2AC, green). Addition of Ang-1 or TGF-p1 in supplement to VEGF-rich standard endothelial growth medium induced even more differentiation, as quantified by both percent area covered and intensity signal of mural cell marker. Differentiated BM-hMSCs covered 4.63 - 0.77% of the entire area imaged on devices supplemented with VEGF only while VEGF+Ang-1 and VEGF+TGF-Pl added devices showed significantly higher results, with values equal to 14.2± 1.52% and 14.3 (Figure 4.2D). The mean intensity of a-SMA marker was 2.11 devices and 2.36 ± 1.13%, respectively 0.32 folds higher with VEGF+Ang-I 0.32 folds higher with VEGF+TGF-pI than VEGF only devices (Figure 4.2E). The total sum of a-SMA signal was 4.72 devices showed values 5.06 Differentiated ± ± ± ± 0.99 fold higher with VEGF+Ang- I whereas VEGF+TGF-P I 0.79 folds higher when normalized to VEGF only devices (Figure 4.2F). BM-hMSCs co-localized with HUVECs and wrapped around the newly formed microvessels, thus contributing to the generation of a functional microvascular network (Figure 4.3A and B, a-SMA labeled in green). Culturing BM-hMSCs in VEGF supplemented standard endothelial growth medium did not induce differentiation nor did the addition of VEGF+Ang-1 or VEGF+TGF-Pl without 113 HUVECs (Figure 4. 3B-D, F-actin stained with phalloidin, yellow). The generation of HUVEC monolayers on the interface between gel and media channel showed that only those BM-hMSCs that reached ECs were able to differentiate (Figure 4.3E, a-SMA labeled in green; F-actin stained in with phalloidin, yellow), thus demonstrating how a direct contact is required to induce a mural cell phenotype. -"s- . D 1412 0 VEGF E n.s. S3.01 VEOF + Angi VEOF + TOF-01 F ns 4 ~.1.0 3 VEGF VEGF +Arg1 VEGF + TOF-01 VEGF VEGF + Ang1 VEOF +TGF-01 Figure 4.2. Differentiation of BM-hMSCs in presence of HUVECs. When co-cultured with HUVECs, BM-hMSCs can differentiate into mural cells. Differentiation can be visualized by staining with mural cell marker, a-smooth muscle actin (green). Cell nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue). (A-C). Addition of Ang-1 or TGF-p1 in VEGF supplemented standard endothelial growth medium induces even more differentiation, as quantified by both percent area covered and mural cell marker intensity (D-F). Scale bars represent 100 pm. 114 Several studies investigated mesenchymal cell differentiation, testing direct contact with endothelial cells [50], effect of mechanical stress [51] and addition of different molecules, including TGF- Pl [52] and sphingosylphosphorylcholine (SPC) [53]. However, they did not analyze the influence of the aforementioned factors in a 3D microenvironment, which plays a critical role within in vitro models [22]. Figure 4.3. Co-localization of HUVECs and BM-hMSCs enabled differentiation of BM-hMSCs into mural cells. Most of BM-hMSCs that differentiated into mural cells (a-SMA, green) co-localized with vasculature formed by RFP-transfected HUVECs (red) in fibrin gel (A). Culturing BM-hMSCs in VEGF of supplemented standard endothelial growth medium did not induce differentiation nor did addition VEGF+Ang-l or VEGF+TGF-p1 without HUVECs (F-actin stained with phalloidin, yellow) (B-D). When HUVECs (red) were cultured within a lateral media channel and BM-hMSCs in the fibrin gel, only those BM-hMSCs that reached HUVECs showed signs of differentiation (a-SMA, green; F-actin, yellow) (E). Cell nuclei were F-actin was stained with phalloidin (yellow). Cell nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue). Scale bars represent 100 4m. In our project we examined the influence of EC direct contact and the effect of additive 3D molecules, i.e. Ang-1 and TGF-pl, on BM-hMSC differentiation in a more physiological-like 115 microenvironment. Although the role of Ang-I in vessel stabilization is well described [7], only a few studies investigated the effect of this molecule on smooth muscle-like cells recruitment [38-40]. In this framework, we have shown addition of Ang-1 (100 ng/ml) not only recruited smooth muscle-like cells, but also induced BM-hMSC differentiation toward mural cells, when mediated by EC co-culture. Furthermore, our results show that the addition of TGF-p1 (1 ng/ml) does not have a significant influence on BM-hMSC commitment toward a mural cell lineage, in agreement with results shown by Au and coauthors [15], which used even higher concentrations (10 ng/ml). However, other studies highlighted the effect of this molecule on the expression of mural cell markers [12, 54], thus suggesting how the role of this multifunctional cytokine is not totally clear and could promote different responses in different conditions (concentrations, cell type, cell microenvironment) [2]. Addition of TGF-P3 induced a strong differentiation of BM-hMSC only in presence of an EC direct contact, implying that TGF-PI molecular pathway promoting mural cell differentiation involves a close interaction with ECs. 4.3.2 Generation of Microvascular Networks As we found that HUVECs had crucial role in differentiating BM-hMSCs into mural cells, we investigated, in reverse, the role of differentiated BM-hMSCs in vasculogenesis. Formation of microvascular networks was monitored over time during 6 days of culture in microfluidic system (Figure 4.4). HUVECs and BM-hMSCs were uniformly distributed in fibrin gel at the time of gel filling (12x cells/ml and 6x 106 106 cells/ml, respectively), and remained mixed at the start of the experiment. RFP- transfected HUVECs enabled to distinguish between the two cell types throughout the culture and to monitor the vasculogenesis process. HUVECs connected to each other to form pieces of vessel structures and gradually formed anastomosis of vessels so that most microvasculature was composed by either one or two continuous microvascular networks by day 6 of culture. 116 Figure 4.4. Formation of microvascular network by vasculogenesis. HUVECs as well as BM-hMSCs are uniformly distributed within the gel at the time of gel filling and remain mixed by day I (RFP-HUVECs, red). HUVECs gradually connect to each other to form a mostly continuous microvascular network by day 6 of culture. Pictures were captured through an inverted epi-fluorescence microscope (Nikon Eclipse Ti). Scale bars represent I00[tm. The effect of mural cell differentiated BM-hMSCs in vasculogenesis was investigated by first comparing the networks generated with and without BM-hMSCs in 50 ng/ml VEGF supplemented standard endothelial growth medium. Then, networks formed with BM-hMSCs under VEGF only, VEGF+Ang-1, and VEGF+TGF-p1 conditions were compared as done in BM-hMSC differentiation experiments, since each condition gave rise to different degree of differentiation. Clear differences in the morphology of vascular networks for different conditions were observed (Figure 4.5A-D). HUVEC only network exhibited the most broad structure with connected and perfusable microvessels, whereas all networks generated in presence of BM-hMSCs remained limited in expanding their vessel diameter, while still forming vasculature. Although the same total number of HUVECs was initially seeded in the gel, size differences in the microvascular networks were quantified by measuring the percent of area that HUVECs occupied. This value varied from 51.9 ± 1.1% for HUVEC only to 37.1 ± 0.97% for HUVECs with BMhMSCs in VEGF only, and 35.5 t 0.81% and 26.1 117 ± 0.72% for VEGF+Ang-l and VEGF+TGF-pl, respectively (Figure 4.5E). Average vessel diameters were also measured (Figure 4.5F): networks formed by HUVEC only had an average diameter (84.2 - 2.7[tm) that was more than two folds larger compared to the one of networks that were co-cultured with BM-hMSCs, regardless of added molecules (40.8 t 1.5 tm VEGF only; 36.2 ± 1.6 [tm VEGF+Ang-1; 21.5 ± 0.68 sm VEGF+TGF-p1). This is possibly due to the presence of BM-hMSCs in the gel which restricted the 3D volume that HUVECs could occupy, therefore limiting vessel size and network area and mimicking a more physiological microvasculature [2, 15]. Both vessel diameter and area covered by the microvascular network were statistically different comparing HUVEC VEGF+TGF-P1 monoculture and co-culture conditions. Interestingly, VEGF+Ang-I and supplemented systems showed significantly smaller diameters compared to VEGF devices but the area covered with the addition of VEGF+TGF-P I was statistically lower compared to the other HUVEC+BM-hMSC conditions. We further compared networks by quantifying them using different metrics. First, the Fiji software 2D skeletonize plugin was used to compute the number of network branches. The HUVEC only condition had 93.8 ± 9.4 branches, while HUVEC+BM-hMSC microfluidic devices resulted in nearly a 1.5 fold increase (142.2 ± 5.9) with VEGF, 122.0 ± 4.6 branches with VEGF+Ang-1 and 112.2 ± 9.1 branches with VEGF+TGF-pl (Figure 4.5G). The 3D skeletonize plugin was also applied to investigate the 3D nature of the microvascular network, resulting in average 7.7% increase of the number of branches compared to the 2D flat projection method. This difference was due both to the presence of small vessel protrusions, which were not detected with the 2D plugin, and the increased impact of background noise in 3D imaging, the effect of which was attenuated by applying the 2D protocol. However, the general trend resulting in a decrease of the number of branches comparing VEGF (152.6 ± 12.2), VEGF+Ang-1 (137.4 ± 13.4) and VEGF+TGF-P1 (117.7 ± 12.6) condition was confirmed (Figure 4.A4). The length of all branches was also measured, resulting in an average branch length of 114.3 7.9 Rm for HUVEC only and lower values for co-culture conditions, with 91.6± 1.8,im for VEGF, 92.5 1.9 and 75.1 ± rn for VEGF+Ang-I 4.8 um for VEGF+TGF-P I (Figure 4. 5H), accrued in a total length of 10.13 118 ± 0.39 mm, 12.86 ± 0.35 mm, 11.26 ± 0.28 mm, and 8.28 ± 0.60 mm for HUVEC only and co-cultured with BM-hMSC in VEGF only, VEGF+Ang-1 and VEGF+TGF-p1, respectively (Figure 4.51). A BHUVEC+MSC HUVEC DHUE+C HUVEC+MSC IHVE+S B !A ... ... VEGF E -- -i n.s. HUVEC G I~ HUVEC j F - HUVEC . H --4 120 I ~ HUVEC+MSC HUVEC HUVEC+MSC ... HUVEC+MSC GF:0'1 VEGF only VEGF + AngI ===aVEGF + TGF-01 1_Ism 1L V..L - * * HUVEC+MSC . VEGF+Ang1 ... VEGF 1 t1..1L. HUVEC HUVEC+MSC Figure 4.5. Generation of mature microvascular network in presence of BM-hMSC and different biomolecules. Initially uniformly dispersed HUVECs form perfusable network by vasculogenesis in VEGF supplemented standard endothelial growth medium with and without BM-hMSCs or with VEGF+Ang-1 and BM-hMSCs (A-D). Microvascular networks under various conditions are quantified E-I). Functionality of microvessels are confirmed by staining with VE-cadherin (J, green) for adheren junction, laminin (K, green) for matrix secretion, and ZO- 1 for tight-junction (L, green). Cell nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue). Scale bars represent 200[tm, unless noted. While the addition of TGF-Pl during the culture enhanced differentiation of BM-hMSCs toward a mural cell lineage, there seemed no advantage in the generation of a microvascular network. As can be seen in Figure 4.5D, the TGF-P 1 added system generally resulted in fragmented networks with vessel 119 segments not connected throughout the experiment, showing that the presence of BM-hMSC differentiated mural cells does not necessarily lead to the generation of perfusable vasculature. The addition of VEGF+Ang-1 in co-culture devices promoted the generation of a microvascular network characterized by total length values comparable to HUVEC monoculture while VEGF conditioned co-cultures determined even higher total length values. However, the sub-structure of the network showed more branches and reduced average branch lengths for VEGF+Ang-1 and VEGF only co-culture conditions, compared to HUVEC only. This seems to be related to the formation of cell aggregates resembling small islands connected by microvessels with a reduced number of sprouts in HUVEC only condition, which contribute to the generation of a less organized and less physiological structure [55]. Interestingly, VEGF+Ang-1 added system not only promoted a microvascular network connecting the lateral media channels, showing the narrowest vessel diameter among the culture conditions that formed a complete network, but also induced high differentiation of BM-hMSCs into mural cells, comparable to VEGF+TGF-P1 condition. For these reasons the addition of VEGF+Ang-I was considered the optimal condition, leading to interconnected microvessels surrounded by pericyte-like cells (Figure 4.A3). However, this condition alone did not allow perfusion, because while vessel network have formed inside the fibrin gel, there was no opening into the gel to get to the network from the channel. Then, EC monolayers were generated within the lateral channels to create anastomosis with the fibrin gel embedded network, and finally, 10 m fluorescent microbeads were perfused into the system (Movie S2). Upon encountering an opening of the network in the gel, microbeads were convected from the media channel into the vessel, travelled through the vascular network and exited from the other side of the gel into the opposite media channel. These experiments confirmed that even the narrowest network generated with VEGF+Ang-I was continuous and perfusable. Perfusion of the microvascular network with 70 kDa dextran (Figure 4.A5) confirmed the presence of lumens and showed a diffusive permeability of 6.7x10-7 ± 2.74x 10-7cm/s at day 6 after seeding (n=5 within 2 independent devices). Our values are 120 higher compared to in vivo data but lie in the range of previously reported in vitro quantifications [56-58]. This higher permeability could be explained considering our system lacks several physiological factors characterizing the in vivo environment. Finally, the optimized VEGF+Ang-1 added model was characterized through immunofluorescence assays to demonstrate the presence of a functional microvasculature. Endothelial adherens and tight junctions were stained with anti-VE-cadherin antibody and anti-ZO-1 antibody respectively, showing that initially uniformly distributed single cell mixture of HUVECs congregated to form microvessels in which endothelial cells are tightly adhered (Figure 4. 5J and L and Movie S3). Furthermore, the functionality of microvessels was confirmed by staining for laminin (Figure 4.5K), which represents one of the major ECM protein secreted by vasculature [59]. The presence of laminin, surrounding the entire network, is a clear indication of a functional microvasculature. 4.4 Appendix Supplementary images are provided showing Live/Dead assays to characterize cell viability immediately after seeding (Figure 4.AI), SM22cc immunofluorescent staining to characterize BM-hMSC differentiation toward a mural cell phenotype (Figure 4.A2), confocal reconstruction of patent microvessels wrapped by mural cells (Figure 4.A3), 2D-3D skeleton reconstructions of a representative microvascular network (Figure 4.A4) and fluorescent dextran diffusion within a patent microvessel (Figure 4.A5). Supplementary videos show microbead perfusion through EC alone (Movie SI) and EC+BM-hMSC (supplemented with VEGF+Ang-1) (Movie S2) microvascular networks, and the 3D confocal reconstruction of a VE-cadherin stained microveessel (Movie S3). 121 Figure 4.Al. Live/Dead assay showing cell viability at day 1. Cells were stained with I pl fluorescein diacetate (FDA, green; Sigma-Aldrich) and 3.5 pl propidium iodide (PI, red; Sigma-Aldrich) diluted in 1 ml phosphate buffered saline (PBS). Samples were incubated for 5 min, washed with PBS and observed through confocal microscopy. Figure 4.A2. SM22ct immunofluorescent staining highlighting BM-hMSC differentiation toward a mural cell lineage. Representative image showing red fluorescent protein (RFP)-transfected human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) organized in a microvessel structure wrapped by differentiated BMhMSCs (SM22cc, green). Cell nuclei were stained with 4'6-Diamidino-2-Phenylindole (DAPI, blue). 122 Figure 4.A3. Confocal microscopy image representing mural cell differentiated BM-hMSCs (a-smooth muscle actin, green) co-localization with ECs (red). Capillary lumens are indicated by white arrowheads. A D B 1.0 100 50 VEGF VEGF+ANG1 VEGF.TGFb Figure 4.A4. Microvascular network analysis: number of branches. The 3D skeletonize plugin of the Fiji software was applied to compute the number of branches of the longest connected structure within each 2 region of interest (ROI, 533x426 pm ). A25 pm threshold was applied to filter 3D skeleton data (main text).Representative images ofa confocal 3D reconstruction (A), a2D skeleton obtained with the 2D skeletonize plugin (B) and a 3D volumetric skeleton (C).3D data for the three different experimental conditions (addition of VEGF, VEGF+Ang-1 and VEGF+TGF- 1). Average values were obtained fora minimum of n=8 regions within 2 or 3 independent devicesper condition (D).VEGF: vascular endothelial growth factor; Ang- 1: angiopoietin- 1; TGF-P 1: transforming growth factor-P. 123 Figure 4.A5. Vessel perfusion with 70 kDa fluorescent dextran revealing patent lumen and absence of focal leaks. Representative picture of a microvascular network composed by HUVECs and mural cell differentiated BM-hMSCs treated with VEGF and Ang-1. 124 References 1. 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Indeed, the power of organ-specific in vitro cancer models resides in their potential for clarifying the complex mutual interactions between the variety of cell populations involved to discover highly focused and more effective therapies. The value of an in vitro cancer metastasis model could be further enhanced by the ability to create a physiologically relevant, functional and perfusable microvasculature. The functionality of vascular systems relies on their ability to recruit mural cells, which provide structural support to the microvessel 128 walls and interact with endothelial cells through biochemical signals [4, 5]. Particularly, modeling of microcirculation in 3D has tremendous implications not only in studying cancer extravasation [6], but also in studying complex biological phenomena such as cancer cell intravasation [7] or neutrophil migration [8] under in vivo-like flow conditions. This chapter describes a study of cancer cell extravasation in functional microvascular networks generated through vasculogenesis in a bone-mimicking microenvironment using a microfluidic system. Extravasation rates are compared for the osteo-cell containing condition with endothelial cell only condition in a static culture as well as in the condition where shear stress is imposed to the vasculature. Characterization of the vasculature is achieved by measuring the permeability of the endothelium at each condition. 5.2 Materials and Methods 5.2.1 Microfluidic system The microfluidic system contains a central hydrogel region flanked by two lateral media channels, as previously used in our group for other studies [9]. The fabrication process of the device has also been documented in detail [10]. Briefly, the microfluidic device was fabricated with PDMS (polydimethyl-siloxane; Silgard 184, Dow-Chemical) using soft lithography techniques from patterned SU-8 silicon wafers. A 100 ptm cover glass is bonded to the PDMS with oxygen plasma treatment to create the channel. The hydrogel region is filled with cell suspension containing fibrin gel, obtained through addition of thrombin solution, a mixture of thrombin (100 U/ml) with cell culture medium in 1:25 dilution, to fibrinogen solution (5.0 mg/ml). The two channel system enables easy access to the hydrogel for the addition of cancer cell for extravasation, or for inducing of flow within the gel. 129 5.2.2. Cell culture and cell selection Cells of passage 6 or lower BM-hMSCs, harvested from patients undergoing hip arthroplasty, were cultured in standard alpha-minimum essential medium (aMEM; Invitrogen) with non-essential amino acids, sodium pyruvate and L-glutamine, 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS; Invitrogen), biological buffer and antibiotics. BM-hMSCs were differentiated to osteo lineage by culturing in osteo- differentiation medium for two weeks. Red fluorescent protein (RFP)-transfected human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) were commercially obtained (Angio-Proteomie) and cultured in endothelial growth medium with full supplements (EGM-2MV bullet kit; Lonza). HUVECs at passage 6 were suspended at 2x 107 cells/ml in EMG2 + thrombin and combined with osteo-differentiated and nondifferentiated BM-hMSCs suspension mixed at 9:1 ratio (4x 10 cells/ml in BM-hMSC growth medium + thrombin). The mixture is again mixed with fibrinogen solution at 1:1 ratio for few seconds, and inserted into the gel channel to complete the seeding. The fibrin gel is polymerized within 15 min in humidity box at room temperature. The devices are hydrated by filling the lateral channels with EGM2 supplemented with 50 ng/ml VEGF (Peprotech). After day2, the culture medium was replaced supplemented with 50 ng/ml VEGF and 100 ng/ml Ang-l with EGM2 (Peprotech). Control experiments were performed seeding HUVECs without BM-hMSCs at the same cell density applied in co-culture assays. A RFP-expressing BOKL cell line, which is MDA-MB-231 cell line specific to bone metastasis enabled live-cell imaging via fluorescent microscopy. Cancer cell lines were cultured in standard DMEM media (Sigma) with 10% fetal bovine serum (Invitrogen) and antibiotics. The generation of vessel network through vasculogenesis required minimum three days of culture in EGM supplemented with VEGF+ANGI, and cancer cells were introduced four days after seeding of endothelial cells. For cancer cell seeding 100 tl of 400,000 cells/ml cell suspension medium was added to one reservoir, and left for one hour for adhesion. Then, EGM+VEGF+ANG I medium was added to all reservoirs including the one that was used for tumor cell insertion. The medium in the device was replaced every 24 hours, and all cultures were kept in a humidified incubator at 37*C and 5% CO 2 . 130 5.2.3. Immunofluorescence and image acquisition All devices were washed with phosphate buffered saline (PBS; Invitrogen), fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) for 15 min, and perneabiliized with 0.1% Triton-X 100 solution for 5 min, all done at room temperature. The samples are treated with 5% bovine serum albumin (BSA) + 3% goat serum solution for at least 3h at 4'C before the incubation with primary antibody. Mouse polyclonal alpha-smooth muscle actin (a-SMA) antibody (abcam, dilution 1:100), rabbit polyclonal vascular endothelial-cadherin (VE-cadherin) antibody (abcam, dilution 1:100), and rabbit polyclonal osteo calcin (OCN) antibody (BTI, dilution 1:50) are used for staining. Red fluorescently labeled secondary antibodies (Invitrogen) were used at 1:200 dilution. Cell nuclei were stained with 4'6-Diamidino-2-Phenylindole (DAPI;5 mg/ml; Invitrogen) at 1:500 dilution, and F-actin filaments were stained with AlexaFluor 633 phalloidin (Invitrogen) at 1:100 dilution. All the images were captured using a confocal microscope (Olympus IX8 1) and processed with Imaris software (Bitplane Scientific Software), unless specified. 5.2.4. Metrics for extravasation Devices were monitored and recorded live after the addition of tumor cell suspension into the system. Using the live imaging data, each tumor cell that is seen in the vessel as identified by the RFP signal of the tumor cell, is followed to check whether the cell has indeed go through extravasation process by the end of the imaging (8 hours). Confocal data were analyzed using IMARIS. The percentage of cells that had extravasated was determined for each region of interest (ROI) imaged and the percentages were averaged for a final average value reported for each condition. The dimensions of the ROI were 1405 [tm x 1124 ,m x 200 [tm (height) and a minimum of four to maximum of six ROls were imaged for each microfluidic device. 131 5.2.5. Permeability Permeability of the vasculature was measured as described previously [9]. Briefly, 40ptl of fluorescent dextran (70kDa, red, Invitrogen) in endothelial growth medium (25 pg/ml) was added to the reservoirs where all medium is aspirated. The average fluorescence intensities at the initial and final time points were measured by spatially averaging the intensity along side of the intact vessel as that shown by the flow of the dextran medium internally. Then, the permeability value can be calculated with the following formula with assumption that the vessels are of circular cross section [11]: PD ) Ii 1 Ii - Ib At4 d x4 where Ih I, and If is the background, initial, and final average intensities, At is the time interval between images and d is the diameter of the vessel imaged. 5.2.6. Application of shear stress in vasculature Flow was produced in the vasculature by withdrawing medium from one channel at a rate of 2 RI/min using a syringe pump. Medium was supplemented from a reservoir connected to the opposite channel, enforcing the flow through the vascular network. While the syringe pump was withdrawing the medium at 2 RI/min, a rough estimate of the flow velocity in the vasculature was obtained by 3 um microspheres to the perfusion medium and measuring the distances travelled between frames and multiplying by the frame rate. The measured values of velocity averaged to estimate the average velocity of medium flowing across the vasculature. Then, shear stress applied on to the vasculature was calculated assuming Hagen-Poiseuille flow in cylindrical pipe [12]: 8pv D where T is shear stress, [t is viscosity of water, D is averaged diameter of the vessel, and v is the average velocity of medium flowing across the vasculature. The flow was maintained for 14 h prior to addition of the cancer cell suspension for conditioning, 132 and again re-applied one hour after adding cancer cells and maintained for 8 h during the live imaging for extravasation. 5.2.7. Statistics All extravasation percentages are reported as averages and standard errors of measurements from a minimum of 12 ROIs from 3 or more independent devices while all permeability values are averages of 5 (min) to 7 (max) measurement from 2 (min) to 4 (max) independent devices. Measurements were compared using unpaired Student's t-test. All tests with p < 0.05 were assumed statistically significant, and SigmaPlot v.12 was used for all tests. 5.3 Results and Discussion 5.3.1 Generation of functional 3D vasculature in bone-mimicking microenvironment Formation of microvascular networks by vasculogenesis in fibrin gel has been reported previously [9, 13]. In this study, we created a functional microvascular network in a bone-mimicking microenvironment with the addition of osteo-differentiated and non-differentiated hBM-MSCs combined. We first confirmed the formation of vascular junctions with immunofluorescent staining of VE-cadherin on the endothelium. (Figure 5.2) The presence of the additional cell types did not hinder HUVECs from forming a tubular network as seen in Figure 5.2. Immunofluorescent imaging of Q-smooth muscle actin in the system confirmed the presence of mural cells differentiated from hBM-MSCs wrapped around the generated vascular network (Figure 5.3). Visual confirmation of flow of fluorescently labeled dextran and 3 tm microspheres through the vessels confirmed that the vascular network generated in this system with presence of osteo-differentiated cells was indeed perfusable. Finally, the osteo-cell conditioned microenvironment was confirmed by staining for osteocalcin (OCN), which is a protein secreted by osteoblasts. (Figure 5.4). Thus, the network generated can be viewed as a physiologically relevant vascular model with mural cells within a bone-mimicking microenvironment, and could be utilized for 133 studying biological phenomena or screening for therapeutics. Figure 5.1 VE-cadherin staining for vasculature. VE-cadherin (red), nucleus (DAPI, blue) Figure 5.2 a-smooth muscle actin staining for mural cell. Mural-differentiated cell, marked with asmooth muscle actin (red), wraps around the micro-vessel formed (green). Nucleus (DAPI, blue) 134 Figure 5.3 Staining for osteocalcin (OCN). Osteo-differentiated hBM-MSCs are cultured with HUVECs (green) and osteo-cells secrete bone specific protein, OCN. (OCN, red; nucleus, DAPI, blue). 5.3.2 Extravasation of cancer cells in bone-mimicking microenvironment The perfusable vasculature generated in the microfluidic device by vasculogenesis was used to model the microcirculatory system during extravasation. GFP-labeled HUVECs and RFP-labeled BOKL cancer cells enabled clear visualization of the vasculature and the movement of cancer cells when the devices were monitored with live imaging after addition of the cancer cells (Figure 5.4). 100 Jm r7:0 0 hr3hr6 Figure 5.4 Live imaging of cancer cell extravasation in the generated microvascular network. Cancer cells (red) are initially seeded in the vasculature (green), adhere on the endothelium, and move out into the fibrin gel, which in this system models the extracellular matrix. 135 r The percent of cancer cell extravasation in a device containing microvascular network seeded with osteo-differentiated hBM-MSCs was 3.8 fold higher (56.5 t 4.8 %) than the control case for which the vascular network was generated with HUVECs alone (14.7 t 3.7 %) (Figure 5.6). Permeability values of the vasculature with and without osteo-differentiatied hBM-MSCs were analyzed using the fluorescence intensity of 70 kDa dextran perfusing through the vessels over time. The vasculature in the bone-mimicking microenvironment yielded in higher permeability (4.12 ± 0.75)- 10-6 cm/s compared to the HUVEC only condition (0.89 ± 0.31)- 10-6 cm/s. Despite the addition of hBM-MSCs, which should lead to more mature and less permeable vessel, osteo-differentiated hBM-MSCs apparently caused the vessels to be leakier. While the increase in permeability may due to combination of factors, the higher permeability of the vasculature in osteo-cell conditioned environment may also be one of the factors contributing to the significant increase of extravasation in this system. However, there was no obvious morphological difference in the vascular junctions observed by VE-cadherin staining (Figure 5.2) in spite of the higher permeability values. -o 60 20 0 HUVEC only osteo-cell Figure 5.5 Percent of extravasation in bone-mimicking microenvironment. The osteo-differentiated cell added system resulted in higher extravasation of cancer cells compared to HUVEC only condition. (p < 0.001) 136 4- HUVEC only osteo-cell Figure 5.6 Permeability of the vessel network. The osteo-differentiated cell added system resulted in leakier vessels compared to HUVEC only condition. (p < 0.01) 5.3.3. Effect of shear stress on vasculature and cancer cell extravasation The application of flow in the vessels formed by withdrawing the medium at 2ul/min results in an average shear stress of 0.5 dynes/cm 2 . Extravasation of cancer cells, which were added 12 hours after the application of the flow, in the bone-mimicking microenvironment occurred at 38.6 t 4.8 % in the system with flow, while the static condition resulted in a 56.5 4.8 % extravasation rate. go. 60 020 flow static Figure 5.7 Percent of extravasation for static and flow conditions in bone-mimicking microenvironment. The static condition resulted in a higher extravasation rate than the system with flow. (p < 0.05) 137 6. 4 T 2 0.- static flow Figure 5.8 Permeability of the vessel network for static and flow condition in bone-mimicking microenvironment. Application of shear stress reduced the permeability of the vessels. (p < 0.05) AB Figure 5.9 Elongation of endothelial cells during application of shear stress. Endothelial cells (green) that are exposed to shear stress for total 22 h are elongated along the direction of shear (A) compared to the static condition (B). Actin (red), nucleus (DAPI, blue) Permeability of the perfusable vasculature in the bone-like environment showed a 2.4 fold decrease for a vasculature exposed under shear stress (from (4.12 ± 0.75)-10~6 cm/s to (1.72 - 0.53)-10-6 cm/s). From images with actin staining, it was observed that the flow condition caused elongation of the 138 cells compared to the static condition (Figure 5.9). Overall, exposure of shear stress on endothelium impose morphological change and tightens the vessel as seen by actin staining and permeability measurement. 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We also quantified the permeability of the endothelial monolayer and showed that endothelial barrier integrity is compromised by the tumor cells. The average number of tumor cells in ROIs increased between day 1 and day 3 after tumor cell seeding while the percentage of ROIs with extravasated cells did not change significantly. These results suggest that extravasation in our system occurs predominantly within the first 24 hours of tumor cell introduction and that proliferation can continue both prior to and after extravasation. 141 Chapter 3 describes an advanced human organ-specific microfluidic 3D in vitro model to analyze the extravasation of highly metastatic breast cancer microenvironment, generated from bone marrow-derived cells into an osteo-cell conditioned hBM-MSCs. We have provided unique quantitative results concerning the interplay between a specific "seed and soil couple" by measurng extravasation rate and extravasated distance of breast cancer cells in the presence of an attractive matrix, finding that both increased in the presence of the osteogenic microenvironment. Moreover, we have shown how the molecular pathway involving the breast cancer cell surface receptor CXCR2 and bonesecreted chemokine CXCL5 plays a pivotal role in the extravasation process of breast cancer cells. Finally, we demonstrated that extravasated cancer cells can proliferate and generate micrometastases within the osteo-cell conditioned microenvironment. In Chapter 4, we developed 3D functional, perfusable microvascular networks composed of human ECs and pericyte-like cells and produced by a process of vasculogenesis. We investigated the role of factors known to influence vascular network growth, i.e. Ang-1 and TGF-Pl, on BM-hMSC differentiation toward a mural cell lineage, and showed that addition of these factors along with co-culture with ECs enhances differentiation. Despite significant results in BM-hMSC differentiation, we found the addition of TGF-pl does not allow the generation of microvascular networks. On the other hand, Ang-1 supplemented systems formed interconnected and perfusable microvessels, surrounded by mural cells differentiated from BM-hMSCs and laminin rich ECM. In chapter 5, the microvasculature generated by vasculogenesis as developed in chapter 4 is combined with osteo-differentiated cells as in chapter 3 to create more physiologically relevant vasculature in a bone-mimicking microenvironment. Using the live imaging capabilities, we observed and quantified the cancer cells flow into the vasculature, adhere, and extravasate into the extracellular space. The bone-mimicking microenvironment induced greater extravasation rate than in the vasculature generated by HUVEC alone. Flow was also been added to the bone-mimicking system to better mimic the physiological condition where the vasculature is exposed to shear stress. Application of shear stress 142 reduced the permeability of vessel and also the cancer cell extravasation compared to the static condition of hone-mimicking microenvironment. Utilizing the platforms mentioned above, additional targeted studies on cancer cell extravasation could be performed, such as addition of immune cell in the hydrogel to better mimic the pathophysiological vasculature conditions. Addition of other hematopoetic cells such as platelets along with tumor cell suspension for modeling extravasation process could also enlighten further the complex interactions of circulating tumor cells in blood stream. Instead of using HUVEC cell line for modeling the vasculature, one could generate microvascular network with endothelial cells derived from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells). Moreover, the same iPS cell lineage could be differentiated also to a particular organ cell type to model the microenvironment of a specific organ surrounding the vasculature. The usage of iPS cells could bring a step closer in truly enabling in vitro systems as described here as a platform for developing anti-cancer treatments for personalized medicine. Furthermore, we could extend the organ specific extravasation model to not only mimic the bone microenvironment, but also many other organ sites that have shown to be the most and/or least susceptible to metastasis. Using a high-throughput microfluidic system as shown in Figure 6.1, we could potentially investigate extravasation of cancer cells to multiple organ sites with parametric control of conditions in a single platform. The single device culture allows systematic control of multiple regions containing different organ components, and thus, could potentially better elucidate the key rate-limiting factors for specific organ metastasis. 143 '00 to too 000 Figure 6.1 High-throughput device for multi-organ mimicking system. In spite of limitations that microfluidics possesses in replicating true in vivo conditions, the system presented here enables a tightly-regulated and well-visualized study of cancer cell extravasation. Moreover, this study represents the first organ-specific microfluidic 3D in vitro model developed to study extravasation and could pave the way to the generation of increasingly detailed assays better able to replicate the complex in vivo microenvironment. The microfluidic approach as shown here can be also used to develop advanced in vitro models where the interactions between a functional vasculature and tissue parenchyma is critical to mimic pathophysiological processes and test the effects of therapeutics in complex microenvironments. Significant steps forward have been performed in the last years in the treatment of cancer, but the development of effective anti-metastatic therapies still remains an issue. Traditional in vitro models do not allow parametric studies on cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions in complex, spatio-temporal tunable environments. Microfluidics can contribute to setting up advanced in vitro cancer models, overcoming 144 limitations of traditional methods in cancer modeling and anti-cancer drug screening. Organ-specific microfluidic models are the leading edge of current in vitro research with possibility of multi organspecific microfluidic models, and our hope is that they can contribute to expand our knowledge on cancer biology, provide useful data to be subsequently tested through animal models and pre-clinical trials, and improving our quest for more specific and effective anti-cancer treatments. 145