Gilgamesh Assignment: Character, Religion, and Themes

Assignment: Gilgamesh
Many consider the Epic of Gilgamesh to be one of the greatest literary achievements of the ancient
world. Gilgamesh represents a very human hero, despite his supernatural origins. Arrogance, sorrow,
love, death and power display the wide scope of human existence is played out in the life of a flawed
Answer the following as you read this modernized version of the Epic of Gilgamesh.
1. What are the ‘good’ points of Gilgamesh’s character? What makes him a hero to be
2. What are the ‘bad’ points of Gilgamesh’s character? What makes him disliked?
3. Explain how a basic understanding of the religion of this time can help you to better
understand the story of Gilgamesh.
4. Enkidu proclaims Gilgamesh the true king after their battle. Explain how this is a
reflection of the ideas people had about kings and royal authority in that time period.
5. Briefly explain what happens when Gilgamesh gets bored.
6. What impact does Ishtar have on Gilgamesh’s life?
7. What does Humbaba offer in exchange for his life?
8. Many historians have compared the flood story of Gilgamesh to the flood story of the
Bible. Explain why you think this idea would appear in two important texts of the time.
Consider the apocalyptic tales that we still read and see.
9. Why do the Chief gods decide to punish Enkidu?
10. Create a chart with two other stories you have seen, read or heard about that have an
extraordinary person (note: these stories can be from classic times, but you can also use a
modern character). For each give brief explanation with enough details to understand the
character. For example you wouldn’t just list the name Enkidu, you would briefly
describe how he was a friend to Gilgamesh.
Extraordinary Person 1
His/Her Origin
Supernatural Powers
Extraordinary Person 2
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