Assignment: Development Name:

Assignment: Development
In this assignment you will be directed to read a variety of material. You should also do some additional
research to help you write about the following ideas.
1. Read through this page and respond to the following:
In your own words using a paragraph structure describe the importance of genetics in understanding
human cultures. Be sure to include ideas about:
physical characteristics
development of human races
distribution patterns of people
inherited traits
2. Read through this page and respond to the following:
In your own words using a paragraph structure describe the elements of cultures. Be sure to include
ideas about human evolution in the importance of:
agricultural development
cultural evolution and change
culture-based judgments
3. Considering what you learned, using a paragraph structure answer the following:
What are some of the survival skills that modern Americans use today that our ancient
ancestors probably didn’t have?
What survival skills and traits do you think will become unnecessary/obsolete 500 years from