NHMFL Strategic Planning Meeting UF ‐ Physics April 24, 2014 1. NHMFL High B/T Facility Growth, Plans (NS) 2. Condensed Matter Theory (Vision, Challenges at High B) (Ingersent) 3. Scanning Probe Microscopy (Biswas) 4. Semiconductor Optics (Stanton) 5. Beyond the Quantum Limit (Maslov) 6. Transverse Thermoelectrics (Hershfield) 7. Materials Processing (Meisel) 8. Biophysics (Meisel) 9. Search for Axions (NS) NHMFL HIGH B/T FACILITY Mission: Provide Users with access to high fields (16.5 T max.) and simultaneously very low temperatures (0.4 to 20 mK) all in an ultra-quiet environment UNIQUE B/T THREE STATIONS for USERS I. High Cooling Capacity (8 nW) Bay 3: B=15/16.5T, Tmin ~ 0.4 mK, homogeneity 1.6x10-5 /cm, 8 nW t > 6 wks @ 1 mK II. Medium Cooling Capacity (1 nW) Bay 2: B=8T, Tmin ~ 0.04 mK, homog. ~ 10-4 /cm t > 2 wks @ 0.1 mK III. Fast Turn-around Facility 10 T/10 mK -- fast turnaround test samples & cell design Capabilities magnetic susceptibility, resistivity, high sensitivity NMR/NQR to 1100MHz, ultrasound, transport, heat capacity, dielectric susceptibility Time constants can be very long at mK 5/16/2014 Sullivandesign Strategic Planning UF 4-24-2014 data acq Users work with staff for optimum and automated 1 European Microkelvin Collaboration COMPETITION (Helsinki, Lancaster, London, ENS-Paris,leiden, Heidelberg) IoPCS, China (Li Lu) London Beijing 2013 2001 5/16/2014 Sullivan Strategic Planning UF 4-24-2014 2 Magnet System: 2 Magnets + Compensation coil cm 140 130 Heat Switch 120 Zero Field Space 110 Top Load Access 100 90 80 PrNi5 ~ nW cooling power 8PrNi5 T Magnet 70 60 50 Compensation coils Thermal Link 40 30 20 10 0 -10 18/20 T Magnet 15.5/16.5 T (current) -20 -30 Designed as an integral system 5/16/2014 Sullivan Strategic Planning UF 4-24-2014 3 NHMFL High B/T Facility Growth, Plans STATS. Housed in MicroKelvin Building -- uses two thirds of infrastructure Four dedicated personnel 2 funded by NHMFL (scientist, postdoc.) (oversight 4 faculty -- have other grants/projects) Experiments require very long time ( 6 - 9 months) must have dedicated on site staff to run user experiments Typically: 4-6 experiments/yr 2-3 new proposals/yr (last 3 years… 1 new user /yr) 60 No. Pubs/Yr GROWTH 40 Support (10k$) He Use (15k$) FLAT after 2010 30 in Wm Hall) (Budget $380k /loaded) USER Requests/Needs No. Users /Yr 50 (set-up space and fast-turnaround 1. Higher B, seldom lower T need high B > 25 T 2. Shorter wait time --- currently 7 – 9 months 20 10 3. Update aging equipment 0 2006 5/16/2014 2007 2008 2009 2010 Added bay 2 2011 2012 2013 Sullivan Strategic Planning UF 4-24-2014 4 NHMFL High B/T Facility Priority, Long Term Need for Higher B --- currently limited to 16.5 T --- work with magnet development group for specially designed HTC magnet (ultra-quiet environment) Bedell et al. MRS Bull. 1993 Science Examples: 1. Very low T, high B phase diagram solid 3He unexplored 2. Spin polarized Fermi fluids Non-linear dynamics at high B, very low T not understood (D. Lee et al.) 5/16/2014 Sullivan Strategic Planning UF 4-24-2014 5 New LT Technologies • Exploit available low temperature environment – develop devices operating at low T and thus with very low noise T. Examples: pHEMPT RF Ampli TN ~ 0.4 K (1) RF Amplifiers for enhanced NMR sensitivity (Huan et al.) (2) Magnetometer readout (AF range, same principle as (1) (3) Tunnel Diode oscillators (unique low power configuration for very low T app.) contactless conductivity, magnetic susceptibility (4) SQUID technologies (need field compensated region). Needs people & budget (past relied on occasional students) Need dedicated person Re-entrant RF cavity VHF NMR 660 MHz, 1.5 mK sample T 5/16/2014 Sullivan Strategic Planning UF 4-24-2014 6 Reducing Queue Open Bay 1 to NHMFL Users Need additional staff --- dedicated Staff Scientist plus Post-Doctoral $240k annual Equipment upgrade (3He pumps, power supplies) $220k one time Goal: reduce queue for access to magnet time to less than 4 months 5/16/2014 Sullivan Strategic Planning UF 4-24-2014 7 5/16/2014 Sullivan Strategic Planning UF 4-24-2014 8 &RQGHQVHG0DWWHU7KHRU\DW8) James Dufty Statistical mechanics, non-equilibrium Selman Hershfield Electron transport, quantum dots Peter Hirschfeld Superconductivity, strong correlations Kevin Ingersent Strong correlations, nanophysics Pradeep Kumar Magnetism & superconductivity Dmitrii Maslov Electron transport theory Khandker Muttalib Electron transport/ disorder Sergei Obukhov Statistical mechanics of polymers Christopher Stanton Ultrafast optics, semiconductors ,QJHUVHQW1+0)/6WUDWHJLF3ODQQLQJ0HHWLQJ 7KHPHV 0DWHULDOVLQWKHXOWUDTXDQWXPOLPLW 7\SLFDOO\UHDFKHGWKURXJKDVPDOO HIIHFWLYH)HUPLHQHUJ\GXHWR ವ /RZFDUULHUGHQVLW\VHPLFRQGXFWRUVVHPLPHWDOV ವ 6WURQJFRUUHODWLRQVKHDY\IHUPLRQV ವಹ ([WUHPHUHDOL]DWLRQ4XDQWXPFULWLFDOPDWWHUZKHUHEF o 0 • ([WUHPHVHQVLWLYLW\FDQSURYLGHQHZIXQFWLRQDOLWLHV • ,QVWDELOLWLHVQHDUXQGHUO\LQJ4&3V\LHOGQHZVWDWHVHJFXSUDWH VXSHUFRQGXFWRUV • 0DJQHWLFILHOGWXQLQJLVRIWHQWKHFOHDQHVWZD\WRDFFHVVD4&3 ,QJHUVHQW1+0)/6WUDWHJLF3ODQQLQJ0HHWLQJ 7KHPHV 7RSRORJLFDO6WDWHV • 7KLVDUHDKDVLWVRULJLQLQWKHTXDQWXP+DOOHIIHFWVRKLJK%EXWWRRN RIIZLWKIRFXVRQEDQGVWUXFWXUHHIIHFWVLQ]HURILHOG • 6WLOODKRWWRSLFVHH1+0)/7KHRU\:LQWHU6FKRRO • ,QWHUHVWLVQRZHYROYLQJWRZDUGDUHDVZKHUHKLJKILHOGVPD\EHPRUH LPSRUWDQW ෫ FRQQHFWLRQVZLWKVXSHUFRQGXFWLYLW\HJ0DMRUDQD PRGHVLQYRUWH[ FRUHV ෫ WRSRORJLFDOVWDWHVPDGHSRVVLEOHE\VWURQJFRUUHODWLRQHJ6P% • $OVRFRQQHFWVWREURDGHULQWHUHVWVLQVSLQRUELWFRXSOLQJ ,QJHUVHQW1+0)/6WUDWHJLF3ODQQLQJ0HHWLQJ 5HOHYDQW)XWXUH3URMHFWV 3HWHU+LUVFKIHOG • 0DJQHWLFILHOGUHVSRQVHRIVXSHUFRQGXFWRUVZLWKVPDOO)HUPLHQHUJ\ • &RPELQHGSUHVVXUHDQGILHOGGHSHQGHQFHRIFULWLFDOWHPSHUDWXUHLQ XQFRQYHQWLRQDOVXSHUFRQGXFWRUVZLWK-DPHV+DPOLQ03,ZRUNVKRS • ,QWHUSOD\RIVXSHUFRQGXFWLYLW\VSLQRUELWFRXSOLQJDQGPDJQHWLVPLQ FRUUHODWHGKHWHURVWUXFWXUHVHJ/$2672 .HYLQ,QJHUVHQW • 8QFRQYHQWLRQDOKHDY\IHUPLRQTXDQWXP FULWLFDOLW\ದ ILHOGGULYHQRUSUREHGYLD KLJKILHOGPHDVXUHPHQWV • ,QWHUSOD\RI.RQGRFRUUHODWLRQVSLQRUELW FRXSOLQJDQGPDJQHWLVPLQKHWHURVWUXFWXUHV ,QJHUVHQW1+0)/6WUDWHJLF3ODQQLQJ0HHWLQJ Scanning Probe Microscopy in High Magnetic Fields • SPMs such as Scanning Tunneling Microscopes and Atomic Force Microscopes are powerful techniques for the study of materials and nanostructures • Addition of a high magnetic field capability will open heretofore unexplored avenues such as: 1. The local density of states of superconductors at low temperatures and high magnetic fields (which could perhaps exceed their upper critical fields) 2. Magnetic field driven changes in structures of multiferroic materials such as BiFeO3 3. Surface studies of magnetostrictive materials for device applications 4. Magnetic field driven phase transitions in materials such as charge ordered oxides and heavy fermion materials 4/25/2014 Amlan Biswas 1 Some areas of interest Scanning tunneling spectra taken at different temperatures on BSCCO (Pasupathy et al., Science 320, 196 (2008)). The transition from SC to normal state can be studied as a function B as opposed to T with an STM in high magnetic fields similar to the point contact data on PCCO shown below (Yun et al., arXiv:0712.1614): 4/25/2014 Piezoelectric force microscopy image of BiFeO3 showing the polarization domains (Zhao et al., Nature Materials 5, 823 (2006)). Behavior of such domains in high magnetic fields could reveal critical information about the origin of multiferroism in BiFeO3 and related materials. Amlan Biswas 2 Feasibility of project at the NHMFL • The availability of world leading high magnetic field technology • Recent developments in high magnetic fields (~30 T) using superconductors as opposed to resistive magnets • Existing technology and expertise at the NHMFL on low noise electronics and low mechanical vibration environments 4/25/2014 Amlan Biswas 3 Feasibility of project at the NHMFL • Existing scanning probe microscope designs can conform to the requirements of the new NHMFL magnets e.g. the heart of the SPMs, the coarse approach mechanism, is usually made of non-magnetic materials such as MACOR and can be designed to fit the constraints of the magnet boresize. A 1.5 inch diameter coarse approach mechanism for a low temperature STM (http://www.phys.ufl.edu/~amlan/ltstm.ht ml). Such a mechanism could be reduced in size to fit the high magnetic field bores. 4/25/2014 Amlan Biswas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ost Semiconductor + Magnetic Impurities Examples: CdMnTe (II-VI), InMnAs (III-V) • DMS Large g-factors Spin Polarized Electrons and Holes Spintronics X = 0%, B = 20 T InAs X = 12%, B = 20 T InMnAs Large g-factor comes from alignment of spins of magnetic ions. Mn B Exchange interaction of Mn ions and electrons/holes #LEDD enhances spin splitting. @ !+)$&, +%)$%" 2%"& %&$)&)$. @ ,!&$! %! / &!2%!$"'! /"',)" @ !+)$&, +)&%" 2%"& %&$)&)$. @ !$*! 1 @ ,%&%0 %3/4/ 3/4/%34 6552752517 ,!&$! %! 1.0 150 0.8 B fields up to 0.6 150 T. 100 0.4 50 0.2 0 0 • • • • Transmission Magnetic Field (T) 200 5 10 15 0.0 Time (μs) ##5..*-/*-9; *1!!,! %#$"'.)5/* %) *+.(+'.= $$!+";%'5/#)0(%*)5/*-.< )).; )) ?*.'(*.<-+$) Simulation of CR Spectra 8-band kp method; Jpd and finite kz effects are included + Fermi’s golden rule e-active h-active 5.53 μm 15 K InMnAs 16 K x=0.006 - Absorption (arb. units) 12 K 18 K x=0 10.6 μm 52 K 51 K x=0.006 37 K 28 K x=0 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 B (T) High Field CR can be used to investigate small band splittings and changes with doping. CR in Graphene ⎛ ∇ e A B ⎞ H = c σ ⋅ ⎜ + ⎟ ⇒ En , ± = ± γ c ⎠ ⎝ i * where γ= 2 c* l n , n = 0,1, 2, B Unusual results for Graphene: 1. En ,± n , n = 0, 1, 2,...... 2. There is an n=0 Landau Level. 3. E B ⎛ Φ n-1,k ⎞ Ψ n ,± ( x , y ) ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ± i Φ n ,k ⎠ 4. Get both e-active, and hactive CR. Experimental Results Rice and LANL unanealed Layla G. Booshehri,†, Charles H. Mielke, Dwight G. Rickel, Scott A. Crooker, Qi Zhang,† Lei Ren,† Erik H. Hároz,† Avinash Rustagi,# Christopher J. Stanton,# Zhong Jin,ǁ Zhengzong Sun,ǁ Zheng Yan,ǁ James M. Tour,ǁ,%,^ and Junichiro Kono*,†,‡ annealed In the annealed sample, CR is seen for both e-active and h-active! Can accurately measure Fermi level (non-contact). ' $ VB to CB Magneto-absorption & 0.35 C1 2 H1 6 L1 0 Theory 0.28 0.30 0.32 0.34 0.36 0.38 0.40 0.42 0.44 E(eV) E(eV) b) theory – (unstrained a) experiment Magnetic Field B (T) Valence Bands -0.04 Expt. B (T) H3 -0.02 Expt. 0.28 0.30 0.32 0.34 0.36 0.38 0.40 0.42 0.44 8 H2 0.00 E (eV) 4 6T Theory 0.30 0.02 0 7.4 T Absorbtion(a.u.) E (eV) Absorbtion(a.u.) Conduction Bands C2 0.40 unstrained 2 4 B (T) 6 Santos Group - Oklahoma 8 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 0.30 0.32 0.34 0.36 0.38 0.40 0.42 0.44 Energy(eV) 1 0.30 0.32 0.34 0.36 0.38 0.40 0.42 0.44 Energy(eV) ' $ & C1 2 H1 6 L1 0 Theory 0.28 0.30 0.32 0.34 0.36 0.38 0.40 0.42 0.44 E(eV) E(eV) a) experiment Magnetic Field B (T) Valence Bands -0.04 Expt. b) theory (strain) B (T) H3 -0.02 Expt. 0.28 0.30 0.32 0.34 0.36 0.38 0.40 0.42 0.44 8 H2 0.00 E (eV) 4 6T Theory 0.30 0.02 0 7.4 T Absorbtion(a.u.) E (eV) 0.35 conduction band spin-splitting strained Absorbtion(a.u.) Conduction Bands C2 0.40 VB to CB Magneto-absorption 2 4 B (T) 6 Santos Group - Oklahoma 8 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 0.30 0.32 0.34 0.36 0.38 0.40 0.42 0.44 Energy(eV) 1 0.30 0.32 0.34 0.36 0.38 0.40 0.42 0.44 Energy(eV) "%# OPNMR measures transfer of electron spin to nuclei. σ − expt. expt. σ + 4.7 T 1.51 theory 1.52 1.53 1.54 1.55 Photon Energy (eV) lh transitions dominate structure. OPNMR is sensitive to Spin Polarization. PCCP, 11, 7031 (2009) Electron Spin Polarization P = (n↑ − n↓ ) / (n↑ + n↓ ) theory 4.7 T OPNMR Signal intensity (a.u.) Signal depends on the sign of the polarization. Hayes Group, Wash. U. 1.56 "$ ! " spin-split valence bands lh4c4 hh3c3 7T lh4c4 hh4c4 lh3c3 hh2c2 lh2c2 hh3c3 lh3c3 hh2c2 lh2c2 lh0c0 hh0 c0 α n↑ + n↓ hh1c1 " #"# lh1c1 GaAs ____ abs. Polarization P = (n↑ − n↓ ) / (n↑ + n↓ ) OPNMR Measures polarization Left circularly polarized absorption at the magnetic field of 7T Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor Quantum Dots (QDs) Radial Position Controlled Doping of Semiconductor Quantum Dots Change magnetism by changing the radial position of the Mn ion in the dot. This changes the sp-d exchange interaction between electrons and holes in the dot and the Mn ions. Can tune the spin-splitting and g-factors in these materials. Effective g factors vs Mn Doping Radius !06# /*-.'5'/ *-E;F)H)%(+5-%/9/*(. KG>F *- KE>F *-; 2.2 Mn Doped CdS/ZnS Core/Shell Dot 5 %-0*) CB 2 1.8 1.6 3 4 2 2 Rc 1 HH,LH 1 1.4 CdS core 0 FI).$'' 4 1 2.0 10 20 ZnS shell 30 0 40 50 Mn Doping Radius Ri (Angstroms) Hole g factors FI*- Electron g factors 4 Dmitrii MASLOV, UF Theory Zc eB ; Rc mc vF Zc ;l B hc eB Z cW ~ l / Rc Zc k T B Classical magnetoresistance, dHvA-ShdH Z c 2 2 ~ kF l B E F Ultra-quantum limit and beyond LI (phase breaking length) l B Phase-coherent phenomena Life beyond the (ultra-quantum) limit: field-induced phases Z c 2 2 ~ kF l B ! 1 E F Europhys. Lett., 55 (3), p. 383 (2001) Magnetic-field-induced Luttinger liquid C. Biagini, D. L. Maslov, M. Yu. Reizer, L. I. Glazman Abstract It is shown that a strong magnetic field applied to a bulk metal induces a Luttinger-liquid phase. This phase is characterized by the zerobias anomaly in tunneling: the tunneling conductance scales as a power law of voltage or temperature. The tunneling exponent increases with the magnetic field as BlnB. 3D Quantum Hall Effect in Hole-Doped Graphite Figure g 2: Dependence p of carrier density y on Br intercalation time extracted from Hall (bottom curve) and optical (top curve). measurements. Energy levels of bulk graphite (meV) in a 20 T field along the c-axis B. Andrei Bernevig, Taylor L. Hughes, Srinivas Raghu, and Daniel P. Arovas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 146804 (2007) S. Tongay, J. Hwang, D. B. Tanner, H. K. Pal, D. Maslov, A. F. Hebard, Phys. Rev B 81, 115428 (2010) Z cW ~ l / Rc ! 1 Zc !1 k T B Classical magnetoresistance, dHvA-ShdH How boring classical magnetoresistance can be? U B 1 U 0 1 Z W W v B 2W T W T 2 c 2 phonons: 1/W v T B 2 / T scaling Fermi liquids? 1 / W v T 2 Has anyone seen B 2 / T 2 scaling of U? Non-Fermi liquids Shorter times stronger fields! Wiedemann-Franz law (or its violation): much better seen for transverse components Lxy N xy / T V xy Do we understand the “ tale of two times” in the cuprates? Uv cot T 1 W vT V xx 1 v V xy W Why linear magnetoresistance is so ubiquitous? Graphite Graphene Topological insulators … Why parallel magnetoresistance is so strong? I B Synopsis: What would Lorentz say? Necessary and sufficient condition for longitudinal magnetoresistance H. K. Pal and D. L. Maslov, Phys. Rev. B 81, 214438 (2010) Band structure: few % (up to 10%) Graphite: enormous parallel magnetoresistance (B along I along c-axi Have we seen any marked deviations from the Lifshitz-Kosevich formula near quantum critical points? LI ~ l B Phase coherent phenomena Have we seen any signatures of phase coherence in strongly correlated materials? Claim: all we know about electron-electron interactions in “good” metals comes from phase-coherent effects: weak (anti) localization and Altshuler-Aronov effect. In bad metals, we are still measuring the “Drude” conductivity LI DW I v1 / T Challenge: shorter phase-breaking lengthsÆ stronger fields Challenge: universal conductance fluctuations in bad metals What a mesoscopic sample of a bad metal would show? Challenge: high-temperature weak localization Common wisdom: weak localization is a low temperature phenomenon. Electron –impurity scattering forms a trajectory. Electron-electron interaction breaks the phase e WI GV : ln h W 2 U U const: defects 2 5 {AT CT { FL phonons below TD U v T : phonons above the Debye temperature Classical bosons: N ph ~ T Z Scattering on phonons in the classical regime (T ! TD ) is elastic. Momentum relaxation: fast. Energy and phase relaxation: slow (energy diffusion). B.L. Altshuler, A.G. Aronov, D.E. Khmelnitsky, J. Phys. C 15(36), 7367-7386 (1982). k BTD kBT Typical k of phonons: k ~ kD ~ kF W ~ T 1 W I ~ T 1/3 2 W e 2e T I GV : ln ~ ln 3 T h W h D 2 EF Quantum magnetoresistance at high T the same as at low T LI DW I ~ l B On the absolute scale, LI is short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“New Thrusts”: Materials Processing in High Magnetic Fields and Gradients (comments by Mark Meisel, UF, who did not present any slides at the time DOE ERFC (Energy Frontier Research Center) Proposal submitted and pening. “The Center for Extreme Magnetic Field Science” PI: Ian Baker, Dartmouth College CoPI: Gerald M. Ludtka,ORNL, and his group has a webpage: (http://web.ornl.gov/sci/physical_sciences_directorate/mst/mpg/AP_magnetic.shtml UF Part: Michele Manuel, UF MSE, http://www.mse.ufl.edu/people/mse-faculty/michele-manuel/ Jennifer Andrew, UF MSE, http://www.mse.ufl.edu/people/mse-faculty/jennifer-andrew/ (Jennifer Andrew was in attendance for this discussion.) Mark Meisel, UF Physics and NHMFL (only NHMFL person involved as Co-PI) Comment: “Materials Processing” in US, Japan, and Europe should be considered for PPHMF-2015 as the next generation of HTC magnets are being planned. “Biophysics/Bioengineering Discussion (comments by Mark Meisel, UF, who did not present any slides at the time UF Physics: Steve Hagen is only full-time, funded faculty member in biological physics. http://www.phys.ufl.edu/~hagen/ Steve was in Europe, but his thoughts about thinking beyond the present confines involved improved central facilities, as communicated by Meisel. Joanna Long commented that such facilities were located near the AMRIS site. The issue of having more access to a confocal microscope was picked by Carlos Rinaldi, UF BME, http://www.bme.ufl.edu/people/rinaldi_carlos , who was present. Carlos has the idea of adding nonstandard adaptors to a confocal microscopic for imaging magnetic nanoparticles. Aslo attending was Jon Dobson, UF BME, http://www.bme.ufl.edu/people/dobson_jon Ultimately, the point was made that these needs may not be directly related to making next generation high magnetic fields available to users. However, these points serve as points of conversation. The conversation involved the microscopy facilities at NHMFL. Finally, when Alex Angerhofer was describing a nanoliter EPR coil assembly, the point was made that assembly facilities would be needed by eventual users. 5'#4%*(14#:+105 %1.&&#4-/#66'4 --- High B, Low T, ultra-quiet Leading question(s) in Astrophysics/Cosmology today: origin and composition of dark matter and dark energy Dark Matter -- must be non-baryonic, cold (non-relativistic) responsible for anomalous rotation curves of matter in galaxies, motions of galaxy clusters, lensing…. Axions (originally postulated to solve strong CP problem in strong interactions) neutron dipole moment violates P and CP born cold in early universe, should exist as halos around galaxies, mass ~ 10-1000 PeV -- possible to detect expected abundance in lab. experiments Milky Way axions can be detected by Sikivie method: decay in a strong B field via Primakoff effect to microwave photons pioneered at UF and BNL, now at Seattle with multi-university collaborations microwave photon (Detect with high Q microwave cavity) 4/25/2014 strong B For B = 7T, V = 500 L, m ~ 2 GHz, all DM=axions, Q ~105 Sullivan Strategic Planning UF 4-24-2014 Power emitted P ~ 10 -21 W 1 AXION Magnet: Search for Dark Matter Potential MagLab Involvement Develop higher-field, larger-volume persistent magnet Existing Detector at U. of Wash. Baffling Bucking Magnet SQUID “1K”Pot Microwave Cavity Main Magnet 8 Tesla 600 mm Bore 13 ton 4/25/2014 Sullivan Strategic Planning UF 4-24-2014 ADMX Collaboration Institutions: U. Of Washington, U. of Florida, LLNL, Nat. Radio Astronomy Observ., UC Berkeley, Sheffield U. 2 ADMX, U. Wash, UF, LLNL, Berkeley Superheterodyne receiver 4/25/2014 Sullivan Strategic Planning UF 4-24-2014 High Q Cu cavity 3 FUTURE • • Need High B2V B ~ 25 T, V same (500 l), improve sensitivity by factor of 12 must maintain ultra-quiet environment Lower noise T, current limit is physical T need to cool with dil fridge (planned 2015 +) quantum noise limit ~ 50 mK (close J. Clarke et al.) Solenoids Present & Future, Mark Bird 2014 CICC = Cable-In-Conduit Conductor SRC = Stabilized Rutherford-Cable Mono = Monolithic Conductor Pers = persistent Ti = NbTi, Sn = Nb3Sn B 02 V (T2m3) B4 (kT4) Magnet Application/ Technology Location Field (T) Bore (m) Len (m) Energy (MJ) Cost ($M) 12000 29 ITER CS Fusion/Sn CICC Cadarache 13 2.6 13 6400 >500 5300 0.2 CMS Detector/Ti SRC CERN 3.8 6 13 2660 >4581 650 7 Tore Supra Fusion/Ti Mono Ventilated Cadarache 9 1.8 3 600 500 160 20 T, 1m Axion/HTS CIC ? 20 1 2 >600 490 21 ITER CSm / Fusion/SnCICC Cadarache 12 2.6 2 1000 70 ~70 430 19 Iseult MRI/Ti SRC CEA 11 75 11.75 1 4 338 164 320 29 ITER CSMC Fusion/Sn CICC JAEA 13 1.1 2 640 >502 290 3112 60 T out HF/HTS CICC MagLab 42 0.4 1.5 1100 250 12 Magnex MRI/Mono Pers Minnesota 10.5 0.88 3 286 190 8 M Magnex MRI/M P MRI/Mono Pers JJuelich li h 9 4 9.4 0 9 0.9 3 190 70 41 45 T out HF/Sn CICC MagLab 14 0.7 1 100 143 12 2 ADMX Axion/Ti mono/SRC U Wash 7 0.5 1.1 14 0.4 0 11 0.11 0 6 0.6 40 15 4/25/2014 5 29 900 mod Sullivan UF 4-24-2014 mono Strategic Planning 21 1 NMR/Sn MagLab 21.1 7.8 4