YASHWANTRAO CHAVAN MAHARASHTRA OPEN UNIVERSITY, NASHIK TIME TABLE FOR DIPLOMA IN 2 D ANIMATION MAY 2015 (V16) No Date Time Sub-Code Subject Name Storyboarding Principal and Scripting 1 06/0/5/15 10.30 to 1.30 DTA 101 2 07/05/15 10.30 to 1.30 DTA 102 Classical Animation 3 08/05/15 10.30 to 1.30 DTA 104 Digital Art I 4 09/05/15 10.30 to 1.30 DTA 106 Color Theory 5 10/05/15 10.30 to 1.30 DTA 107 Digital art II Exam. Centers of Theory & Practical Examination will be declared 15 days before the examination. Date : 06/02/2015 Place : Nashik Exam. Sec. Unit-3 GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR PRACTICAL EXAMINATION Student must be present in the examination hall 15 minutes before the examinations starts. Students must bring their Identity card and Hall ticket . The students will have to contact to the study center for detailed timetable of practical exam & theory exam. 1. Practical examination timetable should be prepared by Study Center and communicated to Examination Section at least 21 days in advance. 2. Y.C.M.O.U. should send all practical examination documents such as appointment of external examiners list, attendance sheets mark sheets etc. to respective centers at least 15 days in advance. 3. Center coordinator should appoint internal examiners course wise and other staff and send a copy to Examination Section for information. 4. Practical examination duration of one batch should be of 03 hours. 5. Practical examination batch should be of 1 to 20 students. 6. Practical examination of one course should be conducted in3 batches. So 60 students can complete their practical examination in one day. 7. One experiment should be given to one student for performance. If experiment is lengthy, same experiment should be given to 1 to 5 students. 8. Performance of the experiment should be judged by internal & external examiner both, wherever applicable. 9. A) 60 marks for actual performance of the student at the time of examination, B) 20 marks for viva based on questions related to experiment performed by the student C) 20 marks for the practical journal assessment by the internal examiner only. D) Thus practical mark sheet filled by both the examiners, wherever applicable. 10..After completion of practical examination of all batches of one course, both the examiners should fill in necessary entries in the attendance sheets and mark sheet dully signed be sealed in the envelope. Then this sealed envelop be handed over to co-coordinator. 11 Center Co-coordinator should collect all such envelops of practical examination of all courses of his center and send it in one packet to Examinations Section by speed post or personally within 05 days from the practical examination is over. 12 Examiners should avoid overwriting in the mark sheet. If necessary, cross out original marks written incorrectly, sign there and write marks as “Fresh” beside it. Overwriting without signature will not be accepted. Practical journals should be returned to the concerned students. Instructions For Student 1. Student must be present in the examination hall 15 minutes before the examinations starts. 2. Students must bring their Identity card and Hall ticket . 3. The students will have to contact to the study center for detailed timetable of practical exam & theory exam. Deputy Registrar Exam Section-3