Revised: 10/1/14 Biology, Chemistry, Physics 123 Science Wing Jarvis Hall University of Wisconsin-Stout Menomonie, WI 54751- 0790 715/232-2626 715/232-4056 – Fax STUDENT CARD ACCESS USE AGREEMENT Having card access to any space within Jarvis Hall Science Wing is a privilege. By signing this form you agree to: Access only the rooms/building indicated below Access these spaces only if there is reason to and only during the times and dates indicated below Never let another person use your card to access the facility Never allow an unknown or unauthorized person enter the space with you Obtain proper lab training before working within any of the facility’s labs Safety of students, faculty, staff and the public is closely linked to security measures. Disciplinary actions, including potential termination of employment, will be taken if misuse of card access privileges is evident. Student Name (printed): ___________________________________ Student ID: ________________________ Student Email: ___________________________________________ Name of Supervisor (printed): _______________________________ Reason access is needed: ___________________________________ TO BE FILLED OUT BY SUPERVISOR: Reason access is needed: ___________________________________ In order for students to be granted lab access, D2L Laboratory Safety Training Modules 1-9 and Quizzes 1-3 are required before access can be granted. The completion of this form will prompt Laboratory Safety Training enrollment and once the 3 quizzes have been completed with 100% accuracy, the student will be granted card access. Documentation of lab specific/SOP training is your responsibility. Please indicate any additional training you want for your student: BSL-2 Access Training Chemical Storage Corrosives Fire Hazards PHS (Required for JHSW 247, 249, 257 & 267) PPE Toxins Ventilation (Hood Use) No Additional Training * A refresher training session must be completed yearly after initial training session. ACCESS GROUP FULL TITLE EXP. DATE ACCESS TIMES (5/31,8/31, or 12/31) (7A-10P or 24/7*) ACCESS DAYS *24/7 access should only be granted to faculty/staff. If a student requires 24/7 access, please include a written justification for department chair and building supervisor approval. _______________________ ___________ _____________________________ ____________ Signature of Student Date Signature of Supervisor Date Please deliver completed form to Rebecca Hoeft’s mailbox in JHSW 331A, for processing. TO BE FILLED OUT AFTER FORM IS SUBMITTED TO REBECCA HOEFT AND AFTER LABORATORY SAFETY TRAINING IS COMPLETED: ____________________________________ Training Completion Approval (Rebecca Hoeft, CHO) ____________ Date