General Mathematics Vol. 9, No. 1–2 (2001), 49–52 Note on a class of delta operators Emil C. Popa Abstract Let Q be a delta operator with basic set (pn ), and An (x) = x(x + nb)n−1 , n = 1, 2, ... the Abel polynomials. For each natural number n, n ≥ 1 let us consider the delta operator defined on the algebra of polynomials, by (1) αn,Q = Q(Q + nbI)n−1 , b 6= 0. The purpose of this paper is to give a representation theorem for basic set (qm ) relative to αn,D , and we define a linear operator tn,D whence we obtain the Rn,a and αn,D operators (see [1], [2]). 2000 Mathematical Subject Classification: 05A40 1 Theorem 1 If m = min(k, n), we have m (2) 1 X (−n)j (−k)j (nb)n−1 pk−j (x) (αn,Q pk )(x) = n j=1 (j − 1)! where (a)s = a(a + 1) · ... · (a + s − 1). 49 50 Popa C. Emil Proof. An (x) = n−1 X Ã j=0 = n X Ã j=1 Hence αn,Q = n X n−1 j n−1 j−1 Ã j=1 ! (nb)n−j−1 xj+1 = ! (nb)n−j xj . n−1 j−1 ! (nb)n−j Qj , whence (αn,Q pk )(x) = m X Ã j=1 n−1 j−1 ! k! (nb)n−j pk−j (x) (k − j)! with m = min(k, n). Theorem 2 If (qm ) is a basic sequence for the delta operator αn,D , then for n > 0 1 qm = mn−m (nb) Γ(mn − m) (3) Z∞ 0 µ ¶m−1 1 e−t tmn−m−1 x x − t dt. nb Proof. We have αn,D = D(D + nbI)n−1 and qm = x(D + nbI)−mn+m em−1 , qm (x) = x I xm−1 . mn−m (D + nbI) Hence 1 1 qm (x) = · (nb)mn−m Γ(mn − m) µ Z∞ −t mn−m−1 e t 0 1 x x− t nb ¶m−1 dt. Note on a class of delta operators 51 2 Ler R be a delta operator with two Sheffer sequences (rn ) and (e rn ). We note T = eax Dm e−ax = (D − aI)m and tn (x) = S(T E b )n ren−1 (x) where S is the linear operator defined by Se rn = rn+1 , n = 0, 1, 2, ... Theorem 3 If m is natural number, a, b ∈ R, a 6= 0 and RS0 , Q PS0 ∈ ∗t where P −1 = T E b then tn (x) = tn (a, b, m; ren ; x) = Seax Dnm e−ax ren−1 (x + nb) is a set of Sheffer polynomials. Proof. It is used the theorem of [3]. For m = 0, we find tn (a, b, 0; ren ; x) = Se rn−1 (x + nb) and for a = m = 1, b = 0, tn (1, 0, 1; ren ; x) = S(D − I)n ren−1 (x). Now for ren = rn = xn we have S = X, (XP )(x) = xp(x), and tn (a, b, 0; xn ; x) = x(x + nb)n−1 , tn (1, 0, 1; xn , x) = x(D − I)n xn−1 . Hence from tn (x) = tn (a, b, m; ren ; x) = S(D − aI)mn ren−1 (x + nb) we obtain the linear operator tn,D = tn (D) whence we find Rn,α and αn,D operators, (see [1], [2]). 52 Popa C. Emil References [1] E.C.Popa, A certain class of linear operators, ICAOR, Cluj-Napoca, 1996, Revue D‘Analyse N umérique et de T héorie de l‘Approximation, Tome 26, No. 1-2, 1997. [2] E.C.Popa, Linear operators of Abel type, Bull.Math. de la Soc. des Sci. Math. de Roum., Vol.40, 1997. [3] E.C.Popa, Note on Sheffer polynomials, Octogon, Mathematical Magazine, Vol.5, Nr.2, oct. 1997, 56-57. [4] E.C.Popa, Note on a delta operators, General Mathematics, Vol.8, Nr.1-2, oct. 2000, 79-82. [5] S.Roman, G-C.Rota, The umbral calculus, Adv. in Math. 27, 1978, 96-188. [6] G-C.Rota, D.Kahaner, A.Odlyzko, J.Math.Anal.Appl. 42, 1973, 685-760. Department of Mathematics Faculty of Sciences “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu 2400 Sibiu, Romania E-mail: Finite operator calculus,