Ball State University Student Nurse Association Membership Meeting Agenda Ball State University

Ball State University Student Nurse Association
Membership Meeting Agenda
Ball State University
Muncie, IN
January 26, 2011
1) Call to order: Secretary to call meeting to order at 6pm.
2) Approval of minutes: Approval of minutes from January 28, 2013
3) Guest Speaker: NUR 406 Group Presentation: Alcohol and Date Rape Drugs
4) Officer reports:
a) Secretary- State Convention is Saturday February 23rd: Taking a van!
5) Special committees meetings:
Social Committee- CP187
Mentor Committee CP188
Community Service Committee- 067 (basement)
Fundraising Committee -CN111
Rule and NOMCOM- CN160
6) New business: Chair Person Reports
7) Unfinished business:
a) State Convention- Doc has the floor
b) National Convention- April 3-7th in Charlotte, NC
i) [You are excused from classes and clinical!]
ii) If interested see Doc (even if you’re 1% interested)
8) Next meeting: February 25, 2013 Monday 6pm CN160 (We will be electing national
voting delegates)
9) Announcements:
a) T-shirts- pick up if you haven’t already
b) If you are coming to state and would like to ride in the van- come down and let
us know now.
c) Class of 2014 are collecting donations for Riley. Bring in string and
beads/supplies to make bracelets to Cn111. There is a basket in the room labeled
d) Social committee next event:
e) Fundraising next event:
f) NomCom: if you’re considering running for office… Applications are due
Monday March 18th
g) If you are interested in running for Indiana Association Nursing Students
executive board, see Doc.
h) Cancer Ribbons are for sale for $1
10) Adjournment: Vice President to adjourn meeting.