Al fv n Wing Electric Fields Generated by a Conducting Object Moving Through a Magnetized Plasma by Barry Arthur ,l inger SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE RE QUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 1985 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1985 Signature of Author------- ---------------- --- -- Department of Physics June 3, 1985 Certified by--------------------------------------------------Stanislaw Olbert Thesis 9ervisor Accepted by-------------------------------- -----.---..-.... Xa4colm Str dberg Chairman, Departmen mmittee ArchiVes EI"" 'NSTITUTE '-SAC~ OF jC: NOLOGY JUL16 1985 L\BpA3) M IlLibraries Document Services Room 14-0551 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139 Ph: 617.253.2800 Email: DISCLAIMER OF QUALITY Due to the condition of the original material, there are unavoidable flaws in this reproduction. We have made every effort possible to provide you with the best copy available. If you are dissatisfied with this product and find it unusable, please contact Document Services as soon as possible. Thank you. Some pages in the original document contain text that runs off the edge of the page. 2 Alfven Wing Electric Fields Generated by A Conducting Object Moving Through a Magnetized Plasma by Barry Arthur Klinger Submitted to the Department of Physics on May 20, 1985 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science Abstract A conducting body travelling through a plasma in the presence of a magnetic field will oroduce electrical currents which will in turn radiate electromagnetic waves in the olasma. Becausp the object's velocity is greater than the velocity of some components of the waves, a shocked wing, analogous to Cerenkov radiation, is formed. We find the electromagnetic fields from the low frequency contribution, for which magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) aoproximations are valid, to the soectrum of the waves. A cold plasma model is used in order to solve Fourier transformed electrodynamic equations for the electric field in terms of induced current in the solid conductor. The field is then inverse transformed to get the field as a function of nosition and time for specific case of a large cylinder, with its princioal axis normal to the plane containing the ambient magnetic field B and the velocity v of the moving object. To simplify mathematical calculations we consider only the case where v is perpendicular to B. 3 Introduction In this paper, magnetized plasma, we calculate the electric fields in a generated by an electrically conducting object moving perpendicular to the magnetic field lines. The interaction of the object with the magnetized plasma causes the object to emit a whole spectrum of plasma waves. Our calculations are restricted to the low frequency range of waves, for which magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) approximations are acceptable. An observer in the reference frame moving with the conductor with the veloci ty V, detects an electric field E=vxB/c p erpendicular to both the object's vel ocity and the direc ti on of the magn etic field. result in a stat ic charge to In a vac uum this would seoaration within th e conduct or. For a conductor travel 1 ing through a plasma, however, the charges are abl e to leak off, and for certain physical situations, a c urrent loo p is completed outide the cond uctor, allowing a curr ent to flow inside the conducti ng body. The current, moving through the plasma with the ob ject, car ri es with it the ele ctromagnet ic the form of ola sma waves. disturbance that p ropagates in Because a magnetize d plasma is an anisotrooic med ium, the velocity of the waves are stron gly dependent on th e directio n of their propogatio n. This leads to the possibil ity that t he conductor can move at a hig her velocity than t he phase velocity of the Alfv'en mode propagating at large angl es with respect to the direction of the magnetic field lines, and "wings" analogous to Cerenkov 4 radiation are oroduced as the conductor drags its olasma waves behind it (see page 16 for definition of the Alfven mode). This effect was examined by Drell, Foley, and Ruderman, in their 1965 study (ref. 4) of the Echo weather satellite, to account for Echo's anomalously high orbital decay rate in terms of energy loss from MHD waves. It is now expected that any large conducting structures in low earth orbit will radiate these plasma waves. Proposed space shuttle missions using tethered satellite systems will involve conducting cable tens or hundreds of kilometers long, and will generate potential difference on the order of kilovolts. This will correspond to significant radiation of energy through plasma waves. The Drell-Foley-Ruderman expl anation for Ec ho did not gain wide acceotance until in situ observations of the magnetic field perturbation (Acuna et al., ref. 1) and later of the plasma flow perturbation ( Belcher et al., ref. 3, Barnett, ref. 2) generated by Io (an electrically conducting moon of Jupit er) in the Jovian magnetosphere. These observations confirmed the existence of the "Alfven wing" oredicted by Drell et al. generated by Thus not only are these waves man made objects, speciman of t hem also exists. but a dramatic natural The interaction of metallic asteroids wit h oulsar magnetospheres may be another illustration of the effect. The way in which the current circuit is closed outside of the conducting body is interesting. Charge can flow freely only along the directi on of the magnetic field, which in the cases desc ri be d above leads down into the atmosohere. There is a region in the uppe r atmosphere where there is a high enough oarti cle density for some current to leak from one field line to anoth er, though not yet enough neut ral gas for charge carrie rs to recombine. one side of the orbi tin g object, to a lower altitu de, Thus current can flow off down a magnetic fiel d line ho rizontally to another magnetic field line, and up the fi el d line to the other side of the conductor, where it Drell, our oroblem. et al clo ses the circuit. did not evaluate the electric fiel ds for The p uroo se of their paper was to show the existence of Alfv en win gs and to derive an order of m agnitude expression for the radi ated power. In this paper, we find an exoression for the elec tric field in the case of a cylindrical condu ctor. Like Drell, et al. we use a two component, singly ionized cold plas na aporo ximation in our calculations. cold plasma aparo oressure gradient tractable. ximati on , The by neglecting the effects of, the , makes the problem computationally We re strict o urselves to the case of a homogeneous, infi iite pla sma with a constant magnetic field that is oerpendic ular to the (also constant) velocity of the conductor. In pri actice, this is equivalent to assuming that the scale length For chan ges in these parameters is much larger than scale lengths for the conductor. We also b restrict our study to the case of v << c A << c, where v is the conductor soeed, c is the speed of light, and cA is the Alfven velocity, a fundamental parameter of the plasma to be defined below. us, Finally, for the environments such as the terrestrial magnetosohere, that interest ionosphere or Jovian we assume that the plasma particle density is high enough so that the plasma frequency w than the ion cyclotron frequency Q. (all is much greater of which are defined bel ow). Though many of the calculations will be applicable to the whole soectral range, our final valid for the very low frequency, The plasma W = results will MHD domain (i.e., w << Q.). frequency is defined as 4nee/me (1) n , e, and me are the number density, charge, and mass where of the electron, respectively. The cyclotron frequency is Q = q P/(mc) where only be (2) B is the magnetic field and q and m are the charge and mass of the species (either electron or ion). Finally, the Alfven soeed is defined as cA = / 4,tm n where m is mass of an ion. (3) 7 Fourier Transformed Electric Field The derivation of the electric and magnetic fields for the Alfv'en wings starts with the statement of the Fourier transformed Maxwell equations, which lead to an equation for the electric field in terms of a source current and dielectric tensor. These quantities are calculated, utilizing the aonropriate MHD aoproximations, and the electric field, a function of frequency and wave number, is Fourier inverse transformed to get the field as a function of position and time. The four dimensional Fourier transforms we use are 1 ( - c-)t) d3 x d t F(x,t)e- i (k x (4) F(kdI)ei(k X--t)d 3kdo (5) When equations are transformed in this way V operators are F((, ) -2 (2) 1 F(x,t) = 2 replaced with ik and 8/6t is replaced with -iw. We combi ne the Maxwell equations VxE = - - VxB =18E = (6) t ++ 4x< (7) in order to get vx(?$xE) 1 1 2 2 =-g(6 /3t )E - (41T/c 2 Fourier transforming, this becomes -. > 2-. kx(kxE) + (w/c) E + (4tie/c 2 )j with E, j functions of (k, (8) = 0 ) rather than o (9) current term may be divided up into a sourcce term plasma term j is + . Equation (9) The (x,t). becomes js and a N kx(kxE) + (w/c) 2 E + (4 i )o/c2= -(4 i/c)J 'p s We can define a dielectric tensor K such that KE = E + (10) j(11) To find an expression for K we will use the Fourier analyzed Lorentz force equation to find the velocities (as a function of k,w) of the particles in the plasma, we will derive is as a function of E. from which This information will allow us to find K from its definition (for the following, see Stix, ref. 6). The Lorentz force law for a particle is q(E + vxB/c) my (12) where v, m and q are the velocity, mass, and charge of the I~ particle. A We orient the coordinate system so that B=B x 3 0 and the one vector equation (12) is equivalent to three scalar equations = (q/m)(E +v 2 P 0 /c) (13a) V2 = (q/m) (E2 -v 1 P0 /c) (13b) v3 = (q/m)E (13c) v 3 Fourier transforming, v (,w) = (iq/wm)(EI(k,r,)+v2 (kr)0/c) v 2 ( kto) = (iq/wm)(E 2 (k ,W)-v1(kIto) B0/c) = (iq/om)E v3 kIo) The first 3( kw) (14a) (14b) (14c) two equations of this set can be rearranged to give = q -iwE1 + OE2 - 2 - - m Q -(15a) -( q QE1 + ioE 2 2 ~ ~ m 2 Q -w 2 (15b) 9 Where, as defined above, Q=qP/mc. j The olasma current density for the k t h soecies is given by number density, model = k k k , where nk and qk = particle charge. Note that for our the velocity of the species is simply the velocity already given in equations (13a) to (15b); we are studying a cold plasma in its prooer frame. For a two component plasma, jI, (16) nq ve + n iqiv , where the subscriots e and i refer to electrons and ions, resoectively. Inserting (16) and (15), into (11), and combining this with (14c) we get K= S iD 0 iD S 0 0 0 P (17) with 2 W S 1 + 2 (18) 2 e P =1- 2 p (19) 2 (20) If e i eliminate we in (7) using (8), we see that (7) has the form AE We want =-(4-tioj/c2) s to solve equation (21) of simol icity, (21) for IEgiven j . For the sake let k be entirely in the x -x3 olane, with k, 10 = 2 ksin 0, k2 = 0, k3 = kcos 9, 2S-k2cos 2 o ( i(-) 2D i( )D A = 2 Then k2sinOcosO 2-k w )2 k 2CC s inOcos 9 2 = ki + k2. and kr 0 (22) 2p-k2 sin2e 0 C__ Thus we have E = -(41tiw/c 2)A (23) s where bf A~I i (/c) IA\ i(w/c) 2 Df -bd af-d 2 i(W/c) 2 Dd 2 Df -bd 2 Dd -i(w/c) (24) ab-(wD/c)2 and a with (ro/c) = det A = abf - JA| (w/c) 2 S = - k2cos29, h k2sin2n, and d = k 2 sin~coso. define the matrix M = IA IA that k2 = 0. To derive the the case, = 2f - bd2 (,/c) (25) S - k2 f = (W/C)2 _ Fo r conveni ence later, we Origi nal ly we had assumed elec tric fiel d when this is not we use the rotation ma tri x k R 4f = (1/k -k? 0 1 0 k2 ) 0 0 (26) k From now on denote the original A by A0 . either E (or js) rotated frame, _1 _1 RA0 R in one frame by we find that A- Since multiplying R gives us E (or J ) in the in the rotated frame is A- 11 The Source Current The soecific expression for js is dependent on the shape of the conducting object. There are some general attributes of the source current that should be clear. In the frame of reference in which the conducting object is at rest (i.e., the plasma is flowing nast it), stationary, object. the source current is a time-independent current localized to within the Transforming the electric fields from the olasma frame to the (non-relativistic) object reference frame, and denoting the object frame with a prime, For a good conductor, transformation x1 = x E'=O. we have E' = E-vBx/c. We use the Galilean - vt , x = x2 x 3=x 3, and t' = t. Figure 1 illustrates the orientation of the cylinder, magnetic field, and coordinate system. Fig. 1 -- Cylinder in a magnetic field The specific system we will examine is a cylinder of 12 length 2a and radius b, direction. the x2 the axis of which is along the x 2 We assume that js is parallel axis) and is uniform. jy to vxB (i.e., along Thus < b iSX') (27) 0 > b jy) Fourier transforming Js, we get 1 2 (2' n) js (k,w) (k-x-Wt) d 3xdt is(*x t)e (28) 5 changing variables from x to x' , 52 e-i(Ik-x-[(-vk 1lt) d3 x'1d t (2x)' Because fexp li(w-vk )tldt is (k,W) 1 (2T) = 2xn8(w-vk 1)9, 6(0-vk) 2 (29) is )eik x'd3x (l'X (30) or j s(k,w) = 2n6(,-vkI)j'(k) (31) The integral is best done in a cylindrical coordinate system in which r2 = It a = 2 + x32 1 3t k2 r xb= tan~1(x3 /x 1 ), and k /k1 ). x = x2 2 + r( 1sin4 k = k2 2 + kr ( I 'x' k2 + k 2 1 2' = x 2 k2 sin4k + x 3 cos$ ) A (32) x$ k) (34) +X3coS k ) + rkrcos$ (33) In these coordinates, js ( kw 6(W-vk) (2 3/2 Integrating first over x 2' e( CJfAe k 2 x 2 +krrcos0)dedrdrcx(35) 13 = js (k , ) thi issimla (U)-v k ) sin( ak2) toan2 ntera ik rcos4dtrd this is similar to an integral expression for the (36) Bessel function J 0 ( z) = i zcos9d 16 (Watson, ref. 48, ). js (k , ) (37) CI Inserting this into (36) 7). - i)sin( ak2 ) 2 = JJ 0 ( rk r) rdr we get (38) Luckily , S x n+1 Sn(cx)dx - (Gradshteyn, o 683, ref. 5), js( kw) so 6 (w-vkI)sin(ak2 )J(bk r) (40) k k Let the total current be j (39) n+1 (c) I = T7b 2 J. Then our expression for is 2I js( k ,o) Thb J 1 ( bk ) k2 k sin(ak 2 )8(fo-vk ) 1 (41) 14 Determinant of A Rotations do not affect the determinant of a matrix, so det A = det A0 . As we shall later see, the form of det Ao is n a r tic u 1 a r 1y simole in the MHD regime, allowing for simple factori zati on. Without any aooroximation, det A = (')2 {k 4(Pcos2O+Ssi 4 SP 2 O () S nn 22 9)( 0 -( +[S 2 -D 2 1sin = where k2 2 2 2 0+- C where k k 3 + k- 2 2 2Oi ) 2 k 2 ((PSF1+cos P [ 1 o SC0 4 PS 2-D 2 )l =kkI+k2. + 2 (42) The determinant is in k 2 so 3, ()2 PP k 4 +([1-S/Plk2-2(-)2S) 2_ ' 2 k + k2 det A = quadratic +( )(rD_ (S2-_D 2)) I 2 ]/P-S)k2+( (43) Written in factored form, 2 det A = ( )p(k c 1 wi th = A 1 () 2 -k2S P2 k2 _ () c A 2 (44) k 2+A k3 2 A k2 (1- S/ P) ('[-C S+ 1k2 ( (1-S/P )( 2 - 1) (45) (46) 1+E -1) and 4, 2 PD 2((,02 P-c2 k2 ) E = c4 k4 (S-P) In low earth orbit or 02 >> 9 , (47) 2 for the Jovian environment around Io, and v2 << ( e c/W )2 << iep C2 in which case E << 1 so that A 1 = -(k P 2 _ c ) 2p) P (48) and A 2 2 = k - (W/c)2 (49) In the MHD regime, we have further simplification. begin by finding a simpler expression for S. Let us From the 15 definition of w' and P, we have Q./Q = m e/Mi << 1 (50) The MHD aporoximation is valid for very low frequencies: << . i' Since . Thus, S1 =+ 2 p p 2/( p ) (51) . P , we have i e' o 2 >> S = .0 w .Q ). ie Similarly, P = 1 - (52) (w /) 2 and w2 << W,2 00 so our exoression for Al becomes A = ("/c)2S (53) If we define a new variable with dimensions of velocity, c A = c/ -s (54) then C2W2 det A = 2 ( 2" - c k ))(W2 (55) - CA 2k2) AA3 What is the ohysical signific ance of c A The equation det Ao = 0 is the condition for a solution to the homogeneous equation AoE=O. orooagat ion of 0), and det Ao and ". Physically, t his co rresoonds to the plasma waves th rough a sourceless medium (i = 0 gives the disp ers ion relation between k In this disoersion r el ati on, we get two solutions, 9. But w/k = v ., the nhase CA and w/k = ±cA cos velocity of the wave; these so 1 uti on s of the dispersion /k = ±1 equation imoly which v p other two modes of hr op agat ion of the wave: one for is ind eoendent of the angl e of propagation, for which v, varies with cos e the The former mode is known as the "fast mode," the latter is the "Alfven mode," 16 and c A is the "Alfven velocity." calculate the group It is instructive to velocity of the Alfven mode waves, for this measures the velocity of signal or energy propagation due to Alfven waves. Grouo velocity is given by v and w = cA X3. k3, so v g = Vk ' Though the phase velocity of Alfven waves can have components in any direction, energy only orooaoate along the maqnetic signal and field lines, with velocity cA* This leads to a compelling model of Alfven waves as disturbances of the magnetic field lines themselves, an a1 )gous to waves oro oogating al ong strings. Indeed, in magn etohyd rodynamics, the magneti c f ield lines can be said to be "1frozen into" the o lasma, and the Alfven mode is ourely tra n ;verse (no comores sion) like the transverse disolacements on a stri n This "string" model for Alfv6n waves is further ill us trated by a look at the definition of the Alfv'n vel oc ity. Using our aoproximation for S, we have = =A jc2 Q /w2 For a singly ionized plasma, (56) ne = ni, and since n m = P , the i on density of the plasma (and approximately the total densi ty, 2 cA since the electrons contribute negligible mass), B2 /4n 0 (57) 2 Bo/4'r is twice the magnetic energy density, or magnetic tensi on of the field lines, while P is the mass density. This is completely analogous to the formula for the wave 17 speed in a wire, mass/length. v2 = T/X , where T is tension and X is Integrals for E(x,t) Knowing E(k ,w) (at least in principle), we can calculate E(x,t) from the inverse Fourier transform (5). ( ,t) = t)d3kd i (k A i (58) In the reference frame of a conducting object moving with velocity V, the current density vector is not a function of frequency. density is In the oroper frame of the plasma, the current js (I,) moving in the"x 1 = 2n5( -v - k) j' (k). direction, so js k ,w) The conductor is 2n6(w-vki)3 (k) , h.e nc e 47Ti vk E(,t) = )2 S() e ('x-k 1 A- 1vt)d3k 2-n) 2c2 E(x,t) = RMR1 4dik v 1 (59) ( )ei(k-x-klvt)d3k (60) c2detA (2n)2 In the MHD range, as we saw, the poles of the denominator o f our integrand have a oarticularly simple form. Inserting the MHD exoression for det AO into the Fourier integral (60) , and remembering that due to the delta function w = vk1 , we get .,4ni E(x,t) c - The integral 2 v k RM~ 2 (61) k space for which k R- 2 2 s k )vt) 2d 3k (61) for E(x,t) has poles at the points i n = Ak 3 /v or k1 = +cAk/v. oole is ourely imaginary for real k's because k The latter = k sin e, so for the latter pole to exist sin 0 = cA/v, which is larger than one. 19 The other poles are re levent, and their existence suggests the possibility of evaluating the k 3 integration by means of a closed contour i ntegral in the complex k 3 plane, using the residue theorem t o find the integral on a path around the ooles. Considerations involvi ng minute corrections due to dissipative processes (e.g. , collisions) allow us to determine which of the pole s is to be included in the integration path. We find that the nole at k 3 = vki/cA is actually at k3 = vk1/cA + i E, where E is some small, The other pole is at k 3 = -vkl/c A n.umber. nositive - Our k3 integral is E (k)eik3 (62) 3dk3 From thi s we ca n complete a closed loon with a semi-circular oath in either k3 ol ane. For the uoner or lower half-plane of the complex integration over this semi -ci rc le, where we exn(ia), take the limit of from either 0 to aT (a E(k) is of order > 0) R + , le t k 3 = R and whe re a goe s or from 0 to - -n (a < 0) Since 1/k2 or lower, as 1ong as the exp ix 3 k3) term is bounded, the contribution of the semic irc 1 e to the total closed cont our integral is 0. x 3 > 0, e xp(ix If for R + c 3k 3 ) = exn(-Rx 3 cOs for the upoer semicircle. we would choose t he lower semicircle . a); this go es to 0 Simi larly, for X3 < 0, In either case, the residue theorem a nd Cauchy's theorem tel 1 us that if g( z) is analytic, 2.0 g(z) dz (63) = 20ig(z 0 ) z-zo For x3 > 0, the role at vkl/cA + ie is inside the loop; only for X3 < 0, only the pole at -vki/cA the limit as + F -' iE inside. is Taking 0, E(klk2,k3) e ik 3x3dk3 2 v5 k5 RM~1 R 4ni cA We 2 c ) = 2,n i s (k19k2 , k 1 sgn(x3) C 2vk gn V2k2-c k2 )sg n (x3) 3 (64) or Ek,t) 1k x1 2 Cjs e s wk3 lk2 (1-S/P)P ok3 = where C is the a matrix derived from RM~ 1R~ x1-vt+(v/cA (65) dk dk2 and x 1 x3' As shown above, only the x 2 comoonent of the vector j is nonzero for the case we are studying,, so only (C 1)12, (C~ ) 2 2 , and frequencies, C2 1 = C2 2 = C23 = (C 1 ) 3 2 contribute to the integrand. For all the expressions for these are 2 (1-S/P)(k 21c _ (1-S/P)(k2_ 2c 2... K2K3 2 P)k 1 k2 2P)k2 (66) (67) (68) 21 Evaluation for E(x,t) The expressions in the MHD regime for the electric fields due to our source are E 1 s 1 2 e( k2 +k 2 : c2 A = 01 1 2 -GO 2cf? A_ E2 c E3 =----v As sk 2 k 2+k 2 jsk 1 shown before, 2 i71k1+x2k 2Is (70) dk 1dk2 (71) 2 the source factor for a cylinder of length F1+(v/c A) ~k1 1(bkI)sin(ak 2) ,Fb (72) k1k2 three definite integrals All 2dk dk 2 (i1 k1 +x 2 k 2a and radius b is (kr= k +k 2 is (69) k 1+x2 k2)dk dk can be calculated Combining (69) and (72) , we have analytically. (bk 21 scA bc )sin(ak2 i (~ 2 e 12 1 +k~ ik +x k k 1112 2 ) dkIdk 2 (73) 2 1 Seoarating the double integral and only taking the terms that symmetric with resoect to k PI sc A 1~~~~~~~ dk E 1 = nbc2 Using a table of integrals, sin( ak 2 )sin( x2 k2 ) - (Gradshteyn & Ryzhik, bc 2 1 (bk 0 1 2' ( sin(ak 2 )sin( x 2 k2) k 2 k1 2 +k 2 2 k1 n 715, ) (74) we find -eS- I (a-x 2 ) k 1-eI - 1(a+x 2 )k i) 1 4 k2 +k2 2= IscA dk = and k (75) ref. 5) which gives us -a-x 2 Ik1ea+x21k1)sin(~ 1kI)dk (76) 22 Again turning to the integral tabl e(Gradshteyn & Ryzhik, 763, ref. p. 5) , x- 21 CA (1 Lb = bc (77) b j or E= (2IscA/b 2 c 2 )R 1 (r2- r1 ) -2 X 1 b (78) where 1-r 2 Solvinq for ri 2 1 1-r r 2 2 r2 )[-\,A +p -A - AZ+BS-A where co = 21s cA/(bc)2 A = (x2 !a) 2 + b 2 B = 2xl(x (79) 2 and r2 , we find that C sgn(x E (a+x )2 2 b2 -2 (a-x2 ) 2 _ I (80) (81) (82) -x (83) a). Similarly, for E 2 , we have E 2=~ ~ 21 cA k? S 2 J bc ki bk ) sin(ak k1 ( k +x k )dk + k2 1 dk2 (84) Seoarating the k1 and k 2 integrations, 41 sCA( E 2~ 2 dk-J (bk _bc k 1 )e dk 2 1k We first evaluate the integral in k2' k2 sin(ck 2 ) dk 2 2 2 k1 +k 2 (Gradshteyn = 2e E 2- t bc -0 ( b (86) 1 sgn(c) )e 1 using - Ic k 1 & Ryzhik p. 406, 21c A k2 si n(ak2 )cos( x 2 k 2 2 85) k +k 2 ref. 5) leaving 1k e- I(a-x 2 2 )k1 1 sgn(a-x 2 23 +e- (87) a + x 2) k 1I sgn( a+x2 ) dk 1 Since the integrand is symmetric, only the cosine part exp( iikj ) contributes to the integral. form of cosine, exoonential fe-c k (bk )(1/k 1 )dk1 1 1 of Using the and knowing that (1/b)( = c2 +b' -c) is true for c > 0, we can integrate (87) 2 2. to get 2 1 .i, (88) 1 +4lfa-x 2 2 2 +b2 -21 a-x a-) + +ii1 )+22 -2 Ia+x a+x2I+iR 1 ) 2 +b 2 22I + i Ha sgn(a+x 2)( (89) 2 1 )] We can rewrite (P9) in terms of the A's and P's defined Since above. + A+i P the final 2 A-iP +B2 +A (90) expression for E2 is sgn(a-x 2 ) ~t0 A +B +A- + sgn(a+x 2) + + The final expression for E3 -4a/ ]2 (91) has particularly simple form. We must evaluate the integral fT rT'N)sr 4--T5~ v -)7brc i)z 0 C).J (9 a-) which can be written 21s E3=nb cO dk d(bk )e 1k 1(2i) f dk2 (e1 2+a)k 2 -e -i(x2 +a)k2 ). (93) Using the defi ni ti on of the delta function, we get 21 v E- +ib-)kx 1(2,)[6(x 1 (bk )ei +a) l(2i)f 1 1 k dki (94) 24 or 161sv E 3 =- (x f +a)-6(x2-a) j (bk I)sin(~x 1 k i )dk 1 Using the table of integrals, (ref. 5, o. 730). s in ( ns in~ nf ~b I we see that ( 1/b)) -2 b2 (J (bk1 )sin(i 1 k1 )dk (95) (96) ncos(nt/2) + 1(7 -b2) n 1>b We restate the other two components of E along with the x3 comoonent: E= Cosgn(x 1 ) 4 C0rsgn(a-x 2 E2 = + sgn(a+x 2) -A_ - \A 4f+ + B_+A -4a/-F A ++B +A+ x 161 v a( x2 +a) -a( x 2 -a )] b (98) 1 b 2 -i E3 x, - 1 (99) ( 21 CA/(bc) 2 vt + (v/cA )x3 (I x 1 <b) 2 0 where Co= (97) -A+ . A =(x 2.ra) 2 +b 2 -x 2 1I)>b) B =2x,(x 2 ra) and xi= Results The first thing we can discover confirmation that a "wing" from our results is the is indeed an appropriate description for the electric fields due to olasma waves from the conducting object, (ref. 4). The function of x2 as first described by Drell, et al. wing stems from the fact that E must be a and constant along the This means that the fields are xi "V" shape of x -vt+(v/cA)x 3 /=constant, or in the object' s reference frame, along x +(v/cA)1x 3 I =constant. This make s the (x which to plot the electric field lines. cylinders with a/b = Note that for circular; this is ohysically ,x2 ) olane the most convenient one in We do so for 1, 10/3, and 10/1 (see figures 2 t0 large distances, the field lines are nea rly is the field due to a line dipole. Thi s li mit reasonable because the distant field is c aus ed by the charge associated with the two currents induced in the olasma by the conducting object. These currents lead to a line dipole. Figures (2 to assumotion that js ) also illustrate the degree to which our s 2 is valid. Since j ' is in the same direction as E' inside the conductor, we see that for a/b=1 or 10/3, E and js are reasonably well (but not exactly) aoproximated by vectors in the x2 direction, while for a/b=10 the aooroximation is better. E1, E2, and E (= the E3 component) E+E 2 , Figures ( i.e., to ) are graphs of ignoring the 8-function from as functions of x 2 , olotted for our three 26 values of a/b and for c=1. x2 various x1 . For these olots we set As can be seen from the analytic expressions for E, as 0. oE I and E2 endc ao 0 f the cylinder There is also a discontinuity at each reflecting the' discontinuity in js Suggestions for Further Study The formulas we have derived for E detail the field due to low frequency waves in a cold pl asma. In order t o get complete expression for the electri c field, we woul d have a to extend our calculations to include the comolexity o f high er frequency waves. the total The imoortance of the MHD contrib uti on to electromaqnetic field is related to the si ze an d soeed of the object. As noted earl ier, for MHD, w Pecause the current is stationary i n the reference the conductor, the fields will w=vk, scale length of the object. frame of The major contr ibuti o n to so k1 < 0 /v. be in this range 05. if L > v/Q., where L is the For low earth orbit, L is on the order of 20 m. Another useful study would be the calculation of E due to the Alfven wings of a sohere. Also, one would like to correct the expressions for E in order to take into account the fact that the cold plasma model is only an aoproximation to actual warm nlasmas. An interesting exoeriment would be to measure the Alfven wings oroduced by the space telescooe (to be launched in 1986) or due to a tethered satellite system. The MHD contributions calculated here could be compared to the 27 measured electric fields. dw I I I I I I A I I I I £ I T -- I~g 4C -- FF be2 04 ( a= 10, bzlo) 6c) g I a I I __________________________________Xa~ 40 - 1C) i~-e Fig ) -V elj (lu 30 F 1(X) II To -100 I -50 1 L1 F I I I I Veld -ie o r i I I U .II I I 50 - FV 4- V - (a 1004. =lo, b r 3 I ~U I ~ I I I I XI x 40-4- 30 + , I.. 10 . . .. . . . . .. II --3c -3c) FIJ. K - KFte a , --- 4Q a = 1 /O . 0 0/b - 0.5 0/b * 0.2 0/r, . 21b 107, 75 2 T 4 s t 0 -40 ,10 30 0/ b 4 R/b 5 40 50 100 j-o - -30 -10Is to -lot 0/b E0 (x) N/b - /i/b /b 2 0.75 I . R/b- 3 -.- 4 5 R,/b R/b -4o L -30 9.0 -e1I I 30 4o IL 0 u to - t 40/ 0 - - o S/b - 4 0/b 0/b 3 I -5 -1 6 - , ( E fur- . 0, 50 10r i5 v R/b R/b R/b - 1 F,(xx\ R/b 0.667 = - 2 5/b . 2.5 6/b 3 0.333 * IL) o) C 30 40 3o 40 10 -10 -40 -30 6c/b O 0.333 * 4-= 0.667 6/b R/b 6/b 6/b R/b = = 1.5 2 = 2.5 I * -4 2/h * 6/b - 6 36/b - 3 -4~~30 j j 1 - i 7- + E -fio y 4 .- 40 -30 to aC) ~ 40 5./= I Ro2 + R/b 3 a 0.75 R/b a ~ 0.5 R/b - R/b R/b = 2 - 4 ) RibE R/b 0 . R/b a R/b 0.5 . 0.75 R/b R/b - 1 R,/b * 0 - 3 R/b-2 X/b - 4 V/b - R/b R/b * * 0.5 0.75 5 R/b - R,b. - to I 3 4'- 5' Tdr- JO G~~/O, -110 bz; -IOU'7 IOl -' 1-0 35 References 1. Acuna, M.H., and F.M. Ness. Standing Alfven Wave Current System at Io: Voyager I Observations. JGR:85]3-8522 30 September 1981 2. Barnett, A.S. In Situ Measurements of the P'lasma Bulk Velocity Near the Io Flux Tube, submitted for publication 1984 3. Belcher,J.W., C.K. Goertz, J.D. Sullivan, M.H. Acuna. Plasma Observations of the Alfven Wave Generated by Io. JGR 86:8508-8512 1981 4. Drell, S.D., H.M. Foley, M.A. Ruderman. Drag and Propulsion in the Ionosphere: An Alfven Propulsion Engine in Space. JGR 70:3131 1965 5. Gradshteyn, I.S., and I.M. Ryzhik. Products. Academic Press, 1965 6. Stix, T.H. Table of Integrals, Series, and The Theory of Plasma Waves. McGraw Hill 1962 7. Watson, G.N. A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions. University Press, 1962 Cambridge