Dear Principals and GT Site Coordinators:

Dear Principals and GT Site Coordinators:
During the 2008-2009 school year, 3 schools participated in a pilot process for gifted
identification in the area of creativity. After review of the process during the pilot phase,
I would like to propose choices for you to decide what will best meet the needs of your
school. Participation in the creativity identification process is not mandatory at this
point as we are phasing it in. We are looking for at least 4 additional schools to
participate this year. As we learned in the C-GER (the audit from CDE in May 2009),
PSD will need to expand areas of identification to include creativity, visual and
performing arts, and leadership.
Pilot Year: 2008-2009 Creativity Identification Process:
All 2nd grade teachers participated in a 1.5 hour training with GT facilitator Mary
Nichols. This training focused on incorporating creativity into lessons and using
behavior rating scales (GATES) to screen students for giftedness in creativity.
Teachers completed a GATES for each 2nd grade students (each rating scale
takes about 2-3 minutes TOTAL).
Students scoring the probable, highly probable, or extremely probable
range took the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking in Fall 2009 (administered by
GT Site Coordinator).
Torrance tests were scored in December 2009. Results will go to schools at the
end of January 2010.
The following 3 schools participated: Laurel, Bennett, and Moore
Spring 2010 Option #1:
Any 2nd, 3rd, or 4th grade teachers can participate in a self-directed 1.5 hour
training*. A minimum of 4 teachers per school is recommended. The
PowerPoint used for the 2009-2010 training will be modified with notes and selfdirected activities. Professional development/Lane-change credit will be
All teachers who participate in the training can refer students for the Torrance
during the window of April 1 through May 1. In order to refer a student,
teachers must complete the GATES and submit to the GT Site Coordinator by the
May 1 deadline. Teachers do not have to screen the entire class, but each
teacher who participates in the training must refer at least 10 students for
consideration. Each rating scale takes about 2-3 minutes TOTAL.
Students scoring the probable, highly probable, or extremely probable
range will take the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking in May 2010 (administered
by GT Site Coordinator). The test must be completed before the last day of
The Torrance will be scored over the summer and results will be available in Fall
As the process progresses, more teachers will be invited to refer students for
gifted identification in creativity.
2010 Option #2:
2nd grade teachers ONLY participate in a 1.5 hour training* with Mary Nichols,
district GT Facilitator. This training can be done before, during, or after school.
Professional development/Lane-change credit will be available.
Teachers will complete a GATES for each 2nd grade students (each takes about
2-3 minutes TOTAL). This screening must be complete before May 1.
Students scoring in the probable, highly probable, or extremely probable
range will take the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking between May 2 and the
final day of school (administered by GT Site Coordinator). This takes
approximately 30 minutes to administer and must be taken before the last day of
The Torrance will be scored over the summer and results will be available in Fall
Each year, 2nd grade teachers will screen students for creativity.
*The training module focuses on
 Defining characteristics of creativity and the creative process
 Recognizing and nurturing skills that promote creativity
 Positive and negative perceptions of creativity
 Promoting creativity in the classroom learning environment
 Evaluating creative products and behaviors
 Using the GATES to rate and score creative behaviors.
 A look at the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking
You can see that the two options differ in that one is a whole-class screening and the
other is referral-based. We also modified the process this year to incorporate time for
grading the Torrance over the summer. Each Torrance takes about 20-30 a trained PSD
certified teacher to score. Because of each site’s specific needs, we would like to offer
these two options to your site. We would like to add at least 4 additional schools to our
creativity gifted identification process this year. If you would like to participate and have
additional ideas about how to custom-fit this process to your school, please feel free to
share! Contact Mary Nichols by February 10 if you would like to participate!
Thank you for all you do!