After reading the directions below go to the following webpage.

After reading the directions below go to the following webpage.
Choose 5 PhET demonstrations and answer the following questions about each demo.
Spend some time “playing” with the demo.
You need to manipulate variables, click on different tabs etc. in order to figure out what is being demonstrated.
1. What is the title of the demonstrations?
2. Which of Newton’s Laws applies to this demonstration? (There is probably more than one!)
3. Which of the physics equations that we have covered applies to this demo?
(There is probably more than one!)
a. F = ma (Force = mass X acceleration)
b. µ = mv (Momentum = mass X velocity)
c. S = D/t (Speed = Distance ÷ time)
d. W = Fd (Work = Force X distance)
e. P = W / t (Power = Work ÷ time)
f. PE = mgh (Potential Energy = Mass X Gravity X Height)
g. KE = ½ mv2 (Kinetic Energy = ½ X mass X Velocity2)
h. a = Δv/t (Acceleration = change in Velocity ÷ time)