Human Reproductive System Worksheet: Anatomy & Cycle

from The Human Body System Series
©1998 AGC/United Learning
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Directions: There will be a quiz on this material so us will e these questions to help you prepare.
1. The name of the female sex cell is ____________.
a. sperm
b. ovum
c. meiosis
d. mitosis
2. The beginning of adolescence is called ____________.
a. mitosis
b. meiosis
c. puberty
d. menstruation
3. The human being has how many chromosomes?
a. 23
b. 52
c. 25
d. 46
4. The monthly cycle during which the womb of a female prepares itself for the possibility of
is called __________.
a. menstruation
b. puberty
c. meiosis
d. mitosis
5. The dividing of cells into two daughter cells is called _______________.
a. menstruation
b. puberty
c. meiosis
d. mitosis
6. The forming of sex cells which contain 23 chromosomes is called _____________.
a. menstruation
b. puberty
c. meiosis
d. mitosis
Directions: Write a definition for each of the terms listed below:
1. reproduction2. fertilization3. ovary4. ovum5. sperm6. testes7. scrotum8. urethra9. uterus10. vagina11. mitosis12. meiosis-
The Male Reproductive System
DIRECTIONS: Place the words from the box, at the bottom of the page, next to the lines
on the diagram of the male reproductive system.
penis, scrotum, seminiferous tubules, urethra, bladder, testes, seminal vesicle
The Female Reproductive System
Directions: Put the words from the box at the bottom of the page on the lines in the
diagram of the female reproductive system.
uterus, Fallopian tube, ovary, vagina, cervix
The Menstrual Cycle
Directions: Use the words from the box at the bottom of the page to fill in the blanks in the
following paragraph. Not all the words in the box will be used in the selection. Some words
will be used more than once.
uterus, sperm, cell, fertilization, blood, menstruation, egg, 5, 2, 28, 32, cycle, fallopian tube,
ovulation, ovary, vagina, uterine, ovaries
Gregor Mendel experimented with pea plants to investigate how traits are passed on from one
generation to another. Describe what he found out and don't forget to use the words recessive and