English 9 Answer Key: Genre, Persuasion, TKAM

English 9 B Answer Key
Unit 1 .................................................................................................................................................... 1
Genre - 5 pts ..................................................................................................................................... 1
SPAM - 5 pts .................................................................................................................................... 2
Diversity - 5 pts ................................................................................................................................ 3
Pet Peeves - 5 pts .............................................................................................................................. 4
Journal - 10 pts ................................................................................................................................. 5
TKAM1 - 10 pts ............................................................................................................................... 6
Unit 2 .................................................................................................................................................... 8
Lessons - 5 pts .................................................................................................................................. 8
Challenges - 5 pts ........................................................................................................................... 11
News - 5 pts .................................................................................................................................... 12
Editorial - 5 pts ............................................................................................................................... 14
TKAM2 - 5 pts ............................................................................................................................... 18
Unit 3 .................................................................................................................................................. 20
Ibis – 5 pts ...................................................................................................................................... 20
Dangerous – 5 pts ........................................................................................................................... 22
TKAM3 - 10 pts ............................................................................................................................. 24
Unit 4 .................................................................................................................................................. 27
Clouds – 5 pts ................................................................................................................................. 27
Only – 5 pts .................................................................................................................................... 28
Necklace - 5 pts .............................................................................................................................. 30
TKAM4 - 5 pts ............................................................................................................................... 31
TKAMFinal - 5 pts ......................................................................................................................... 33
Unit 1
Genre - 5 pts
Utilizing the site below and others that you will independently research complete the chart below:
Describe the goal of each genre
List some of the important characteristics of each genre
Where in writing or real world applications would each genre be used
Assume that you are writing in a particular genre. For each create an opening topic sentence
that clearly identifies it as a particular type. For example, if you were going to write an
opening sentence for the genre of biography (a detailed description or account of someone's
life and the times) you could start with: Jane Austen, an 18 century author, gave
readers a unique women’s perspective of the English middle and upper classes.
Goal of the
Opening Sentence
Sample student submission:
Goal of the Genre
Argumentative/ Establishing a
position on an
Simply an essay
where you must
something, it
could be anything
Any kind of
essay, formatted
for tests and such
Written like a
story to teach a
lesson or just for
Requires lots of
research, thesis in
the first paragraph,
in the beginning
approach the issue
in a general way,
then state your
Use lots of
brainstorming, be
clear with what you
are trying to say,
and make sure you
can get your
thoughts across to
the reader
Clear thoughts,
good transitions
paragraphs and
ideas, re-state
thesis in conclusion
To give an
Opening Sentence
Many people in the
United States have
different opinions
of Obama-care.
To describe
The life cycles of
insects are very
For tests
The effects of
antibiotics can be
Structured like a
story, intro, plot,
climax, conclusion
Tell a story
It was a cold,
dark night, and
the wind
whispered in
John’s ear.
SPAM - 5 pts
Go to the site Don’t Buy It and complete some additional research to respond to the following:
What is the importance of a slogan?
Which slogan did you select and why did you select it?
Which image did you select? Explain why.
What is the importance of grab words?
What did you write for your ad copy?
How does your ad copy add to the impact of the rest of your message?
Where did you place your ad? Explain why.
What was the end analysis of your ad?
Assume that the company wants to market this product on Facebook. They’re a legitimate company
and don’t want to be mistaken for a fake ad.
What elements would you include to make it seem real?
How would you reassure the viewer that this was a legitimate product?
Sample student submission:
1. There’s only one burp cola! This is important because this gives the consumer something to
I chose the man on the rock because it gives the consumer a feeling that they are victorious.
I chose amazing because it is easy to read for young buyers and descriptive for older buyers.
I chose makes you feel like a god because there is no one above!
This makes it more important so it does not seem bland.
I placed my ad on a bus because many people ride them and also see this.
One element I would ad is a short video of someone drinking the product.
To make sure it was for real I would tell them to go to the store with a chance to win a prize
under the bottle cap.
Diversity - 5 pts
Many ethnocultural minority groups are discriminated against because they stand out as being
How do you feel about this letter?
Which parts of the letter do you agree or disagree with? Why?
Give examples of ways in which kids contribute to our society.
How can people become more aware of the contributions youth make to society?
How does the letter writer's views of youth compare to the treatment of other groups in our
Sample student submission:
1. I feel bad that they get discriminated against because they are different, they are human and we should
all get along.
2.Disagree with the fact that they get discriminated.
3.Joining youth groups, Service projects
4.Trying to stand out in a good way by defending their race.
5.Because they get discriminated along with the other groups
Pet Peeves - 5 pts
Create a short story about one of your own Pet Peeves.
Use the Write Source Student Model Persuasive Writing to create the best drama for your
Try to model the length on the story you read, but you can make it longer if certain elements
are needed to enhance your impact.
Sample student submission:
When people don’t turn off their cell phones in a movie theatre
I put my arm around my girlfriend slowly. The lights dim into almost darkness. All
of a sudden, a cheesy ring tone just like in cell phone commercials comes on from a
Motorola and wakes the theatre. The women three rows done and six seats over hurries to
find her phone that she thought she turned off but didn’t is sitting in her back left pocket. By
now the whole theatre is looking directly at her in in shame. I’m annoyed and mad at the
same time because it has about twelve previews saying, “Please silence your cell phones
now.” But of course there’s that one girl who can’t seem to listen!
The woman finds the phone and quickly yet loudly silences it with one quick swipe
of the finger. The people in the theatre are feeling the same way I do at this point because
this has gone on for a good fifteen seconds without stop. Everyone turns around and quietly
thinks what would happen if someone called them and they had their cell phone on. Would
everyone look at them? Or would everyone try to ignore them? No one knows, the good
thing is that they don’t have it on because they listened to directions.
The theatre returns quiet again with-in thirty seconds of the accident, the women
tries to forget about it and does and as soon as I know it, the movie begins. Transformers 2
was a good movie but for some reason that one moment before the movie is stuck in my
mind. I feel like every time I go see a movie, I’m going to have to stand up and say, “Excuse
me, does everyone have their cell phones off?” In kind of a Seth Green voice so it would
sound musky.
Every time I get in a movie I want to do that. Maybe for the new Transformers 3, I’ll
do it!
Journal - 10 pts
In this unit you will be asked to write in a journal. This journal is a self-reflective tool for expressing
yourself, and give you the opportunity to reflect on class content and communicate with the
Teacher. You will need to respond to specific questions and creatively show off your knowledge.
You may include drawings, clip art or even video to enhance your journal entries, but the writing is
the important thing.
Below is a rubric that will be used for grading your unit journal.
Journal Rubric
Responses refer to the
text and use vocabulary
and examples from the
unit material. Responses
are complete and
Responses usually
Responses often do
include vocabulary and
not refer to unit
examples from the unit
material. Responses
material. Responses
include some detail.
include some detail.
Responses do not
refer to unit material
or include no details.
Responses often do
Responses do not
Responses usually
not relate to the
relate to the previous
relate to the previous
previous writing or
writing and/or fail to
writing, creating a
fail to create a
create a dialogue.
dialogue. Questions are
dialogue. Questions Questions are
answered directly.
are answered vaguely. ignored.
Basic drawings
Detailed drawings help Drawings relate to the sometimes help the
Drawings do not help
the reader understand
writing and include
reader understand the
the reader understand
the writing and include some annotations and writing and include
the writing.
many annotations.
some annotations or
All common words are
Most common words
spelled correctly. There
Some common words Many common words
are spelled correctly,
are few mistakes in
are spelled incorrectly, are spelled
and/or convention
punctuation and
and/or convention
incorrectly and
errors are minimal.
capitalization. Mistakes
errors hinder
convention errors
Mistakes do not hinder
do not hinder
hinder understanding.
Responses always relate
directly to the previous
writing, creating a
and Purpose
dialogue. Questions are
answered directly.
Assignment: Journal Entry #1
Create a new document.
In your first entry you will complete the following:
List two topics that you'd enjoy writing about. These don't have to be essays or poems. Just
list any topics that you would enjoy writing somthing about.
Create a list of your 5 greatest joys in life.
Create a list of the 5 things that annoy you the most in life.
Assignment: Journal Entry #2
Open your journal document.
In your next entry you will complete the following:
List two things that you have enjoyed reading. These don't have to be books. Is there
something online or out of a magazine that particularly attracted you?
Who is your favorite author (this doesn't have to be for novels, think about poems or short
stories, even newspaper journalists that you enjoy.)
Describe why you prefer this author to any other author you have read.
Assignment: Journal Entry #3
Open your journal document.
In your next entry you will complete the following:
Do you think you have a good understanding of grammar, or do you struggle with it?
What could you do to improve your understanding of grammar? (Remember, even people
that are good at it can get better.)
What is something your instructor could do to help you understand grammar rules more
When you have completed this last journal entry, check it against the Journal Rubric at the
beginning of this unit. Make any corrections or additions and then submit your work.
Sample student submission:
I like writing about photography and food. My 5 favorite things are going fast, slowing down,
eating, making things look cool via camera, and warm weather in which to do it all in. My 5 least
favorite things are student drivers, groms (young skaters), clouds, soggy bread, and sea food.
I’ve enjoyed reading “A Series of Unfortunate events”, and online blogs the most. I like Serj
Tankian as an author for his alternative genre and view of poetry.
I improve my grammar by making everything I type grammatically sound. I use grammar to defy
the teenage stereotype of abbreviations misspelled words.
TKAM1 - 10 pts
Answer the following as you read the first 11 chapters of the book To Kill a Mockingbird
How do the opening stories set a tone for the book?
What are a few things that you learn about the characters at the beginning that make them
more interesting?
What is the importance of school?
What is your opinion of Miss Caroline Fisher? Explain your answer.
What is your opinion of Atticus? Explain your answer.
Atticus says that you never really understand a person “until you climb into his skin and
walk around in it”. What does this mean?
Why do you think that Scout would struggle with completely understanding some of the
things that are going on around her?
What is the importance of what happens at the Radley house?
What does the character of Miss Maudie Atkinson add to the story?
Do you think Atticus is right about telling the children not to play at Boo Radley’s? Explain
why or why not.
What is the importance of the Nathan Radley character in the story?
Why does Dill's explanation of Jem's state of dress almost land him in trouble?
Why is Scout interested in Atticus’ visit to the Radley house?
What is the importance of the blanket around Scout’s shoulders?
How does Atticus feel about defending Tom Robinson?
What are some of the problems Atticus will face in the defense of Tom Robinson?
What are Scout and Jem’s feelings about Christmas?
What is Aunt Alexandra’s unpleasant feature?
Scout says that “Atticus was feeble”. Do you think that this is her view as she tells the story
or her view when she was younger? Does she still think this after the events recorded in this
Atticus tells his children that “it's a sin to kill a mockingbird”. What reason does he give for
saying this?
Jem and Scout have different views about telling people at school how well Atticus can
shoot. Explain this difference. Which view is closer to your own?
How does Mrs. Dubose impact Jem?
Why do you think Chapter 11 ends the first part of the book?
Sample student submission:
1. By giving the reader an idea of what is happening
2. I learned that they are young
3. To teach them skills they will need in the future
4. I think she is tough but sweet because she seems to be a strict teacher but she does it for
the kids
5. I think he is a very smart man because he seems to be wise when described.
6. You cannot understand someone unless you look at it in their shoes
7. Because she is young with older people around so they discuss more adult topics
8. It gives a setting
9. It adds that racism is not in that household
10. No I think they should get to know them
11. Because it adds to why he says stay away from that house
12. Because he says it in a bad way
13. Because she is curious what goes on there
14. She is pretending to be hidden
15. He says tom should get a fair trial because he is innocent.
16. Tom Robinson is black and the jury is white
17. Excitement
18. She is racist
19. I think this was her view as younger because she is not very intelligent.
20. Because the birds are sacred.
21. They choose not to explain much because it is more noble to be able to shoot and not
show off
22. I think he makes jem look at things different
23. I think chapter 11 ends the first part to keep the reader guessing
Unit 2
Lessons - 5 pts
What has been Webster’s impact on the community?
What were the ‘bargains’ made?
Why do you think people would make these bargains? Explain your answer.
Describe at least 5 images used in the story?
What was the importance of farming to this community?
Why would people look for ‘outside’ help to bring prosperity?
The devil made a proposition to Daniel Webster.
“On the first day, I will pay you $1000 early in the morning. At the end of the first day, you
must pay ma commission of $100; so your net salary that day is $900. At the end of the
second day, I will double your amount left at the end of the previous day. So at the
beginning of the second day, I will pay you $1800; but at the end of the second day you
must double the amount that you pay me to $200.”
Would you work for the devil for a month under those terms? Explain!
Complete the following chart and then answer the questions below:
Salary for Webster
Devils’ Commission
Money at the End of the Day
Now looking at the table, would you stand by your decision to work for the devil for a month?
How many days would it be optimal for you to work for the devil? Explain.
Describe something that you see like this in our modern day world. Explain completely.
Sample student submission
Complete the following chart and then answer the questions below:
Salary for Webster
Devils’ Commission
Money at the End of the Day
Now looking at the table, would you stand by your decision to work for the devil for a month?
Explain. NO! I would lose a ton of money.
How many days would it be optimal for you to work for the devil? Explain. 9, because you don’t
make money after day 9.
Describe something that you see like this in our modern day world. Explain completely. Maybe a
mortgage because you get money at first but in the long run, you have to give it back, and could
lose money.
Challenges - 5 pts
 ‘In My Wonder Horse’ why do you think the boy is torn between pride at his own feat and
respect of the animals’ majesty?
Explain the limits and obstacles that the boy must overcome.
In On Being Seventeen, Bright, and Unable to Read when David considers going to college,
what gives him courage?
What did David do that made him feel better about himself?
In each of the pieces an individual finds himself in direct conflict with some challenge, be it the
elements, a wild animal, or a trait. Forced to struggle, the characters consider their values, their
understanding of nature, and ultimately their place in the hierarchy of the natural world.
Write a personal narrative in which you relate an incident from your experience that challenged you
in some way.
Include ideas about
 how it gave you encouragement
 what you did to help yourself
 what others did to help or challenge you
 hat kinds of things you did to feel proud about yourself
Sample student submission:
1. He is torn between pride and respect of the animals majesty because he is proud to own the horse that is so
2. The limits and obstacles the boy must overcome is its either sell the horse and support his family for 2
years, or own the horse so many people want.
3. His courage came from if he had enough to go he could make more money.
4. He set a price for the horse.
Something that I had have to overcome was selling my car to afford summer school.
It gave me encouragement because if my grades were high enough I could go to college, make more
money and someday purchase a new one.
What I did to help myself was I sold it to someone who will take care of it.
Another person who helped support me was my dad by telling me stories of his first car.
Some things I did to feel proud was the next year I got much
News - 5 pts
Examine the front page of two different newspapers (available at most stores and your local library)
and answer the following:
Which two newspapers did you select?
What is the main ‘function’ of each paper? Local, national, international? Financial?
Fill in the chart below for each paper:
Federal Local
Categories Politics Politics
No. of
_____ _____
_____ _____
No. of
_____ _____
_____ _____
Federal Local
Categories Politics Politics
No. of
_____ _____
_____ _____
No. of
_____ _____
_____ _____
Did the newspapers share any stories in common?
What was the lead/main story on the front page?
Is each paper dominated by hard or soft news? Explain your answer.
Create the layout for the front page of a newspaper.
Either visually, or with descriptions include the following:
 Which audience will you target with your paper? Who will buy it? Explain why.
 Will you focus on hard or soft stories? Explain why.
 What news stories from the week will you include on your front page? Explain why.
What pictures will you use to enhance the articles? Explain why.
How many articles will you use on the front page? Explain why.
How many pictures will you include? Explain why.
Sample student submission:
Examine the front page of two different newspapers (available at most stores and your local library)
and answer the following:
Which two newspapers did you select?
Chicago tribune and the San Jose Mercury News
What is the main ‘function’ of each paper? Local, national, international? Financial?
The Chicago’s is pretty national by looking at it. The San Jose one looks more local.
Fill in the chart below for each paper:
Paper: Chicago Tribune
Federal Local
Categories Politics Politics
No. of
__1___ ___0__ _0___ __1___
No. of
__0___ __0___ ____0_ __2___
Paper: San Jose Mercury News
Federal Local
Categories Politics Politics
No. of
__0___ __2___ ___0__ ___2__
No. of
___1__ __0___ ___0__ __2___
Did the newspapers share any stories in common?
They both talked about the economy and how it dropped.
What was the lead/main story on the front page?
Chicago Tribune was about Obama’s money team and what they must do to get money. The San
Jose’s was about a massive rain drop and how most of California is under water.
Is each paper dominated by hard or soft news? Explain your answer.
Yes, The Chicago’s is pretty soft because it’s not stressing any main points/topics. The San one is
hard because it has stuff about major flooding in home owners houses, it also has stuff about CSU.
Create the layout for the front page of a newspaper.
Either visually, or with descriptions include the following:
 Which audience will you target with your paper? Who will buy it? Explain why.
 Will you focus on hard or soft stories? Explain why.
 What news stories from the week will you include on your front page? Explain why.
 What pictures will you use to enhance the articles? Explain why.
How many articles will you use on the front page? Explain why.
How many pictures will you include? Explain why.
My paper will be called the Daily Denver because it will be in Denver. It will target hard
stories that are mainly local and national news unless it’s big news overseas. Audiences such as
sports fanatics and political junkies will go for my paper. It will also have a sports column for
Colorado sports all on the first page. If there was a big flooding in California then of course I would
put that in. I would put a picture of the Rockies and the Nuggets just a team picture of each. I will
use around 7 articles on the front pages. I think 4 pictures will be okay because there will be one
concerning the floods in California just like this one, one for Obama or any national news, and 2 for
sports sections.
Editorial - 5 pts
Complete both the Editor and Wolves portion of this assignment.
Read the following Editorial. As you read, highlight the word(s) and/or sentence(s) that you believe
introduce a bias into the story.
Dear Editor:
I'm glad the editorial page of your newspaper gives people a chance to express their opinions,
because today I have an opinion I want to share. It's about young people.
The ones I see don't appear to be contributing to our city or our culture. I'm getting tired of seeing
them hanging around malls, smoking and getting in people's way. If they don't have money to shop,
what are they doing there? On occasion, I've also seen store security leading them away for
shoplifting. The ones who don't get caught only cause prices to rise for honest people like me. I have
also heard about purse snatching and pick-pocketing by these young people occurring in the malls.
I don't want to pay health and education tax for their benefit. Why should I pay for their education?
They could get a job and pay their own way, or get their relatives to help out.
I'm sick and tired of reckless skateboarders and roller bladers speeding irresponsibly on our
sidewalks and roadways, causing accidents and injuring pedestrians. We have no interest in this, so
why should we allow it here at all?
The young people I see hanging around the malls and arcades are not contributing to our society,
unless you call the money they spend on junk food, trendy clothes and things to play with a
contribution. In all likelihood, they aren't even spending their own money.
My final comment has to do with the future. If these people are just going to grow up and take our
jobs why should we support them now? I say we do something, before the problem gets worse and
keep things the way they are for adults.
Yours truly,
Sick and Tired
1. Explain how the words you highlighted show a value judgment by the read.
2. Rewrite two of your highlighted words or sentences in such a way to remove the bias,
without adding your own!
3. Do you think the editorial page is an appropriate place for this writer to voice his/her ideas?
4. Do you think this issue would make a good news story? What would need to be done to
make it newsworthy?
Wolves: Facts or Opinions?
1. Identify which of the following statements are facts, and which are opinions. How can you
find out this information?
Fact or
Wolves are sly, cunning and mean.
Wolves live in packs or families.
Some North American native people think that the
wolf is brave, loyal and intelligent.
Wolves are carnivores.
A wolf will only eat meat from a freshly
killed animal.
Wolves have supernatural powers.
Wolves are very clever.
Wolves are always hungry.
Wolves will accept humans into their pack.
Some Inuit people use wolves as work animals.
Wolves can dig with their paws.
Wolves will gang up on a member of their own pack.
Wolves have a nine-week gestation period.
2. Now write a brief editorial (200-300 words) using at least three of the ‘facts’ you selected from
the chart above.
Sample student submission:
Read the following Editorial. As you read, highlight the word(s) and/or sentence(s) that you believe
introduce a bias into the story.
Dear Editor:
I'm glad the editorial page of your newspaper gives people a chance to express their opinions,
because today I have an opinion I want to share. It's about young people.
The ones I see don't appear to be contributing to our city or our culture. I'm getting tired of seeing
them hanging around malls, smoking and getting in people's way. If they don't have money to shop,
what are they doing there? On occasion, I've also seen store security leading them away for
shoplifting. The ones who don't get caught only cause prices to rise for honest people. I have also
heard about purse snatching and pick-pocketing by these young people occurring in the malls.
I don't want to pay health and education tax for their benefit. Why should I pay for their education?
They could get a job and pay their own way, or get their relatives to help out.
I'm sick and tired of reckless skateboarders and roller bladers speeding irresponsibly on our
sidewalks and roadways, causing accidents and injuring pedestrians. We have no interest in this, so
why should we allow it here at all?
The young people I see hanging around the malls and arcades are not contributing to our society,
unless you call the money they spend on junk food, trendy clothes and things to play with a
contribution. In all likelihood, they aren't even spending their own money.
My final comment has to do with the future. If these people are just going to grow up and take our
jobs why should we support them now? I say we do something, before the problem gets worse and
keep things the way they are for adults.
Yours truly,
Sick and Tired
5. Explain how the words you highlighted show a value judgment by the read. Because I don’t
think the young people are that destructive and we aren’t.
6. Rewrite two of your highlighted words or sentences in such a way to remove the bias,
without adding your own! “Like me” He didn’t have to say like me say get rid of those two
words. Purse snatching and pick- pocketing, not every single young adult has done either of
these so I think that the whole sentence should be gone.
7. Do you think the editorial page is an appropriate place for this writer to voice his/her ideas?
Explain. No, he can write what he wants as a letter of concern if it gets too bad.
8. Do you think this issue would make a good news story? What would need to be done to
make it newsworthy? Yes, because then the professionals can argue about this topic.
Wolves: Facts or Opinions?
1. Identify which of the following statements are facts, and which are opinions. How can you
find out this information?
Fact or
Wolves are sly, cunning and
People could have different thoughts of if wolves are
mean or not.
Wolves live in packs or families.
Staying the truth
Some North American native
people think that the wolf is
brave, loyal and intelligent.
It says “some”
Wolves are carnivores.
Staying the truth
A wolf will only eat meat
from a freshly killed
Unless you have seen this happen then I will change it
Wolves have supernatural
Can’t prove it.
Wolves are very clever.
Some people might think they are stupid
Wolves are always hungry.
Don’t know that for sure.
Wolves will accept humans into
their pack.
We don’t know
Some Inuit people use wolves as
work animals.
It’s been proven
Wolves can dig with their paws.
And we can dig with our hands.
Wolves will gang up on a
member of their own pack.
If they have done something wrong
I don’t know what that is.
Wolves have a nine-week
gestation period.
2. Now write a brief editorial (200-300 words) using at least three of the ‘facts’ you selected from
the chart above.
Editorial Facts.
Some people believe that wolves are smart, fast mammals that live in the mountains. Well
they are wrong, wolves are very preditoral and I think are very stub burn. Some of the Inuit people
used wolves for work animals like cattle yet somehow they ended up eating some of them? Shocker.
It’s a fact that all wolves live in packs but every so often, theirs one wolf that loses a fight between
the more dominate wolf and is forced out of the pack. I say that we get rid of the wolves in general
because when you go to Yellow Stone, and you see wolves, they probably have killed other animals
that you don’t get to see, what’s the fun in that? My point is that we should get rid of the wolves in
general because they eat other animals. I know that’s the circle of life and stuff but they can go kill
animals in other countries like China. I think I made myself clear that wolves are carnivores.
The guy who wants to get rid of wolves and wants to ship them all to China.
TKAM2 - 5 pts
Answer the following as you read chapters 12 – 20 of the book To Kill a Mockingbird.
What new things does Scout learn here about how the black people live?
What does Scout learn from Calpurnia's account of Zeebo's education?
Explain why Calpurnia speaks differently in the Finch household, and among her neighbours
at church.
Why does Aunt Alexandra come to stay with Atticus and his family? What is she like?
Read the first two things Alexandra says when she comes to the Finch house. Are these
typical of her or not?
Alexandra thinks Scout is “dull” (not clever). Why does she think this, and is she right? Are
all adults good at knowing how clever young people are?
How does Aunt Alexandra involve herself in Maycomb's social life?
Comment on Aunt Alexandra's ideas about breeding and family. Why does Atticus tell them
to forget it? Who is right, do you think?
Comment on Atticus's explanation of rape. How suitable is this as an answer to Scout.
Why does Alexandra think Atticus should dismiss Calpurnia? How does Atticus respond to
the suggestion?
What do we learn from Dill's account of his running away?
How does Jem react when Atticus tells him to go home, and why?
What persuades the lynching-party to give up their attempt on Tom's life?
Comment on the way Scout affects events without realizing it at the time.
What “subtle change” does Scout notice in her father?
How does Reverend Sykes help the children see and hear the trial? Is he right to do?
Comment on Judge Taylor's attitude to his job. Does he take the trial seriously or not?
What are the main points in Heck Tate's evidence?
What does Atticus show in his cross-examination of Sheriff Tate?
What do you learn from Bob Ewell's evidence?
Why does Atticus ask Bob Ewell to write out his name? What does the jury see when he
does this?
Is Mayella like her father or different from him? In what ways?
What might be the reason for Mayella's crying in the court?
How does Mayella react to Atticus's politeness? Is she used to people being polite?
How well does Mr. Gilmer prove Tom's guilt in the eyes of the reader (you) and in the eyes
of the jury? Can you suggest why these might be different?
In your own words explain Mayella's relationship with her father.
What, according to Atticus, is the thing that Mayella has done wrong?
Explain, in your own words, Atticus's views on people's being equal.
Sample student submission:
 What new things does Scout learn here about how the black people live?
She learns that they live a very humble life and inly use what they need.
What does Scout learn from Calpurnia's account of Zeebo's education?
She finds out the Zeebo doesn’t need education for how he lives.
Explain why Calpurnia speaks differently in the Finch household, and among her neighbours at
She speaks “properly” because she sees no reason to not use grammar.
Why does Aunt Alexandra come to stay with Atticus and his family? What is she like?
Alexandra comes to spend more time with her brother and try to get Scout to act more like a girl.
Read the first two things Alexandra says when she comes to the Finch house. Are these typical
of her or not?
These are really typical Alexandra, critiquing scout.
Alexandra thinks Scout is “dull” (not clever). Why does she think this, and is she right? Are all
adults good at knowing how clever young people are?
She thinks this because scout does not say much around here, but Atticus knows scout is bright.
How does Aunt Alexandra involve herself in Maycomb's social life?
She inserts herself directly into the gossip line by having the biggest town gossips over for parties.
Comment on Aunt Alexandra's ideas about breeding and family. Why does Atticus tell them to
forget it? Who is right, do you think?
She believes in a white family but Atticus feels that everybody should marry whoever fits them.
Comment on Atticus's explanation of rape. How suitable is this as an answer to Scout.
Atticus’s answer was mature and to the point without being inappropriate or damaging.
Why does Alexandra think Atticus should dismiss Calpurnia? How does Atticus respond to the
Alexandra thinks Calpurnia doesn’t need to be there when shes around but Atticus knows how
much she means to the kids.
What do we learn from Dill's account of his running away?
He didn’t care for his new step dad.
How does Jem react when Atticus tells him to go home, and why?
Jem refuses to go because he wants to defend his father.
What persuades the lynching-party to give up their attempt on Tom's life?
Scout talking to Mr. Cunningham about his boy.
Comment on the way Scout affects events without realizing it at the time.
Scout reminds them how they shouldn’t be doing this with children around.
What “subtle change” does Scout notice in her father?
She notices Atticus’s determination toward the case.
How does Reverend Sykes help the children see and hear the trial? Is he right to do?
Sykes lets the children take his seat in the balcony in the “colored” section with was socialy
frowned upon.
Comment on Judge Taylor's attitude to his job. Does he take the trial seriously or not? Judge
Taylor takes his job seriously but in his own way.
What are the main points in Heck Tate's evidence?
He uses witnesses for after the crime and uses himself as a witness.
What does Atticus show in his cross-examination of Sheriff Tate?
They didn’t call a doctor.
What do you learn from Bob Ewell's evidence?
He is a very ignorant and proud man.
Why does Atticus ask Bob Ewell to write out his name? What does the jury see when he does
It proves that he is uneducated.
Is Mayella like her father or different from him? In what ways?
Shes also uneducated and very proud.
What might be the reason for Mayella's crying in the court?
She knows her father will be mad with her.
How does Mayella react to Atticus's politeness? Is she used to people being polite?
She thinks he is mocking him because people arent usualy kind to her.
How well does Mr. Gilmer prove Tom's guilt in the eyes of the reader (you) and in the eyes of
the jury? Can you suggest why these might be different?
He explains how Tom was at the house at that time.
In your own words explain Mayella's relationship with her father.
Mayella’s relatiuonship is uneasy and sometimes violent.
What, according to Atticus, is the thing that Mayella has done wrong?
Defended her father.
Explain, in your own words, Atticus's views on people's being equal.
Atticus thinks that everyone should get a fair chance in this life, no matter what color they are.
Unit 3
Ibis – 5 pts
1. How did you feel at the end of the story? Elaborate and explain in detail.
2. Does Doodle and or his brother remind you of anyone real or in other stories you've read or films
you might have seem? Explain why or why not.
3. Have you had any personal experiences which help you to relate to this story? Describe an
example from your life or another person’s.
4. What is a caul? Why did Aunt Nicey think the caul was important? Explain and support your
5. What is significant about Doodle’s interaction with the bird the scarlet ibis. Find specific quotes
from the text to support your answer.
6. In what way does the narrator’s pride help and also hurt Doodle? Provide textual evidence of
both from the text.
7. The author, James Hurst, grew up in the southern part of the United States. How can we tell that
the story took place in the South? Use at least two quotes from the story to support your answer.
8. Does the story end the way you expect it to? Why does the author choose this ending? What
effect does this conclusion have on the reader?
9. How would you like to have seen the story conclude? Be specific.
10. Identify and describe each of the following for The Scarlet Ibis, providing one quote for each
from the story which supports your answer.
 Setting
 Protagonist
 point of view
 Climax
 Theme
Sample student submission:
1. I felt disappointed because I wanted a happy ending where the brothers live together until they are
2. No, usually in the movies the brothers are happy and best friends.
3. No I have not had an experience like this
4. She thought the caul was important because it protected him
5. The significance is that the bird is young and hurt and cannot function as well as others and that is
the same for doodle because he cannot walk
6. Because he talks of doodle as being weak.
7. I can tell because they are in a cotton field.
8. I did not expect this ending I thought doodle would grow old and fine despite what the doctor said.
I think he died because the bird did.
9. I would like to see doodle grow up and be a perfectly strong healthy man
.and their smell drifted across the cotton field
its song seems to die up in the leaves, a silvery dust.
was in the clove of seasons, summer was dead but autumn had not yet been born, that the ibis lit in
the bleeding tree. The flower garden was stained with rotting brown magnolia petals and ironweeds
grew rank amid the purple phlox
Wake up, Doodle. Wake up." It was Saturday noon, just a few days before school was to start.
His little legs, bent sharply at the knees, had never before seemed so fragile, so thin. I began to
weep, and the tear-blurred vision in red before me looked very familiar.
"Doodle!" I screamed above the pounding storm and threw my body to the earth above his. For a
long time, it seemed forever, I lay there crying, sheltering my fallen scarlet ibis from the heresy of
Dangerous – 5 pts
1. How did you feel at the end of the story? Elaborate and explain in detail.
2. Does Doodle and or his brother remind you of anyone real or in other stories you've read or films
you might have seem? Explain why or why not.
3. Have you had any personal experiences which help you to relate to this story? Describe an
example from your life or another person’s.
4. What is a caul? Why did Aunt Nicey think the caul was important? Explain and support your
5. What is significant about Doodle’s interaction with the bird the scarlet ibis. Find specific quotes
from the text to support your answer.
6. In what way does the narrator’s pride help and also hurt Doodle? Provide textual evidence of
both from the text.
7. The author, James Hurst, grew up in the southern part of the United States. How can we tell that
the story took place in the South? Use at least two quotes from the story to support your answer.
8. Does the story end the way you expect it to? Why does the author choose this ending? What
effect does this conclusion have on the reader?
9. How would you like to have seen the story conclude? Be specific.
10. Identify and describe each of the following for The Scarlet Ibis, providing one quote for each
from the story which supports your answer.
 Setting
 Protagonist
 point of view
 Climax
 Theme
Sample student submission:
a man is stuck on an island and is hunted by other men.
o exposition
"The old charts call it `Ship-Trap Island,"' Whitney replied." A suggestive name, isn't it?
Sailors have a curious dread of the place. I don't know why. Some superstition--"
"Can't see it," remarked Rainsford, trying to peer through the dank tropical night that was
palpable as it pressed its thick warm blackness in upon the yacht.
rising action
"Nonsense," laughed Rainsford. "This hot weather is making you soft, Whitney. Be a realist.
The world is made up of two classes--the hunters and the huntees. Luckily, you and I are
hunters. Do you think we've passed that island yet?"
"I can't tell in the dark. I hope so."
I can't believe you are serious, General Zaroff. This is a grisly joke."
"Why should I not be serious? I am speaking of hunting."
"Hunting? Great Guns, General Zaroff, what you speak of is murder."
The general laughed with entire good nature. He regarded Rainsford quizzically. "I
refuse to believe that so modern and civilized a young man as you seem to be
harbors romantic ideas about the value of human life. Surely your experiences in the
falling action
Oh, you can trust me," said the Cossack. "I will give you my word as a gentleman and a
sportsman. Of course you, in turn, must agree to say nothing of your visit here."
"I'll agree to nothing of the kind," said Rainsford.
"Oh," said the general, "in that case--But why discuss that now? Three days hence we can
discuss it over a bottle of Veuve Cliquot, unless--"
The general sipped his wine.
Rainsford did not want to believe what his reason told him was true, but the truth was as
evident as the sun that had by now pushed through the morning mists. The general was
playing with him! The general was saving him for another day's sport! The Cossack was the
cat; he was the mouse. Then it was that Rainsford knew the full meaning of terror.
"I will not lose my nerve. I will not."
Bleak darkness was blacking out the sea and jungle when Rainsford sighted the lights. He
came upon them as he turned a crook in the coast line; and his first thought was that be had
come upon a village, for there were many lights.
dramatic irony
the fact that Rainsford, being a hunter, became the hunted
Teeming, wild, and ungovernable, the jungle serves as a powerful symbol of Zaroff’s tangled
psyche and the chaos within the island.
"That's odd. It must have been a fairly large animal too. The hunter had his nerve with him to tackle
it with a light gun."
Pitting Rainsford and General Zaroff against each other in the hunt allows Connell to blur the line
between hunter and prey, human and animal, to suggest that instinct and reason are not as mutually
exclusive as people have traditionally thought.
conflict - (Identify which of the following applies.)
Rainsford is being hunted by Zaroff and has to survive, but if you want to look "deeper" into the
story, then it could be internal, due to Rainsford's initial concepts that game animals have no
emotions, and his subsequent experiences as being on the other end of the hunt.
man vs. man
they are being hunted by a fellow human
man vs. nature
he is having trouble living in the wilderness while being hunted
man vs. self
he is self conscience about having the courage to stay alive
man vs. society
the group of men hunting him seemed like normal people
man vs. supernatural
is when he keeps thinking he would die
characterization (identify each)
rainsford is running, but is very strong
zaroff is weak, but has the guns to make him strong
o antagonist
o zaroff
o protagonist
o rainsford
point of view - 1st person, third person omniscient, or third person limited.
the story is straightforward and non-judgmental.
TKAM3 - 10 pts
Answer the following as you read chapters 21 – 25 of the book To Kill a Mockingbird.
What things are strange about the courtroom during the wait for a jury decision?
What does Jem expect the verdict to be?
Does Atticus think the same?
What is unusual about how long it takes the jury to reach a verdict? Is the verdict predictable or not?
What is a hung jury?
As Scout waits for the verdict, she thinks of earlier events. What are these and how do they remind
us of the novel's central themes?
Mrs. Merriweather tries to make Scout look bad in front of the others. She says Scout might want to be a
lawyer since she has “already commenced going to court.” What does Scout say she wants to be when she
grows up?
Although Atticus did not want his children in court, he defends Jem's right to know what has
happened. Explain, in your own words, Atticus's reasons for this. (Look at the speech beginning,
“This is their home, sister”.
Do you think Tom could get a fair trial with a jury of white males from outside Maycomb? Why?
Why does Bob Ewell feel so angry with Atticus? Do you think his threat is a real one, and how
might he try to “get” Atticus?
What is “circumstantial evidence”? What has it got to do with Tom's conviction?
What does Atticus tell Scout about why the jury took so long to convict Tom?
At the end of chapter 23, Jem forms a new theory about why Boo Radley has never left his house in
years. What is this? How likely is it to be true, in your opinion?
Do you think the missionary ladies are sincere in worrying about the “Mrunas” (a tribe in Africa)?
Give reasons for your answer.
Explain briefly how Tom was killed. What is Atticus's explanation for Tom's attempted escape.
How, in chapter 24, do we see Aunt Alexandra in a new light?
How does Maycomb react to the news of Tom's death?
Comment on the idea that Tom's death was “typical”?
Sample student submission:
What things are strange about the courtroom during the wait for a jury decision?
It takes the jury a very long time to reach a decision.
What does Jem expect the verdict to be?
Tom will lose
Does Atticus think the same?
What is unusual about how long it takes the jury to reach a verdict? Is the verdict predictable or not?
It is predictable, but usually the decision is reached very quickly
What is a hung jury? A jury that can’t reach a verdict
As Scout waits for the verdict, she thinks of earlier events. What are these and how do they remind
us of the novel's central themes? They remind us of prejudice
Mrs. Merriweather tries to make Scout look bad in front of the others. She says Scout might want to be a
lawyer since she has “already commenced going to court.” What does Scout say she wants to be when she
grows up? She wants to be like atticus
Although Atticus did not want his children in court, he defends Jem's right to know what has
happened. Explain, in your own words, Atticus's reasons for this. (Look at the speech beginning,
“This is their home, sister”.
Because jem wants to understand it
Do you think Tom could get a fair trial with a jury of white males from outside Maycomb? Why?
Yes, because maycomb is know for being prejudice
Why does Bob Ewell feel so angry with Atticus? Do you think his threat is a real one, and how
might he try to “get” Atticus?
He might try to do something to the kids
What is “circumstantial evidence”? What has it got to do with Tom's conviction?
Evidence provided by the circumstance
What does Atticus tell Scout about why the jury took so long to convict Tom?
They couldn’t decide
At the end of chapter 23, Jem forms a new theory about why Boo Radley has never left his house in
years. What is this? How likely is it to be true, in your opinion?
Because he is afraid of people, and I think it is true
Do you think the missionary ladies are sincere in worrying about the “Mrunas” (a tribe in Africa)?
Give reasons for your answer.
No, they just want to look like they care.
Explain briefly how Tom was killed. What is Atticus's explanation for Tom's attempted escape.
He was climbing the fence trying to escape, and got shot multiple times
How, in chapter 24, do we see Aunt Alexandra in a new light?
She defends scout, and is sad tom died
How does Maycomb react to the news of Tom's death?
They aren’t surprised
Comment on the idea that Tom's death was “typical”?
Because most black men die in jail
Unit 4
Clouds – 5 pts
Closely exam Cisneros poem and complete the following.
1. Describe her style:
2. Identify and explain at least 3 of her important words/phrase choices and their multiple meanings.
(For example: “sheets drying on a line” gives the idea of white billowing clouds, but also the idea of
bringing freshness and cleanliness)
3. Do some independent research and explain why you think Cisneros would use the phrase, “the mottled
pages of a Victor Hugo novel.”
4. Create a poem in the style of Cisneros that deals with personal development and growth. Your poem must
be at least 20 lines long.
5. As you did with Cisneros poem, select 3 important words/phrase choices you made and explain their
multiple meanings.
Sample student submission:
Closely exam Cisneros poem and complete the following.
1. Describe her style: uses mostly metaphors
2. Identify and explain at least 3 of her important words/phrase choices and their multiple meanings.
(For example: “sheets drying on a line” gives the idea of white billowing clouds, but also the
idea of bringing freshness and cleanliness)
a. “murmuring like a mouth” - the sound the ocean makes
b. “you listened to the trees” - when wind passes through trees branches
c. “how smooth and sweet a white cloud glides” - when clouds drift across the sky
3. Do some independent research and explain why you think Cisneros would use the phrase, “the
mottled pages of a Victor Hugo novel.”
- victor hugo was writer around 1885 so one of his novels would be very old today
4. Create a poem in the style of Cisneros that deals with personal development and growth. Your
poem must be at least 20 lines long.
- Sun’s rays shrink
Gone to be returned in the morning
Promise to open the plants again
And to make the water shine
To awaken the people
And glare off their windshields on the way to work
Promise to dry up the rain
And the dew off the grass
To warm up metal benches
And make them unbearable to sit on
Promise to turn the skin red
And to make tan-lotion companies money
To tease me when I’m inside
And make me wish I could heal faster
Promise to part the clouds
And show off your light
To make car interiors extremely stuffy
When you forget to park in the shade
Promise to return
And inspire a poem.
5. As you did with Cisneros poem, select 3 important words/phrase choices you made and explain
their multiple meanings.
a. “ to tease me when im inside” - I love being inside
b. “to dry up the rain” I don’t like puddles
c. “inspire a poem” - I like the sun
Only – 5 pts
1. What is an anthology?
2. What does Sandra Cisneros mean by her statement, “I was/am the only daughter and only a
3. How does Cisneros’ father’s common statement “I have seven sons” make her feel?
4. Mr. Cisneros believed that college was very important.
a. Why was it important for his daughter? Why does he believe she “wasted” her
b. Why was it important for his sons?
6. Explain what Cisneros means when she says she “wanted (her father) to interrupt.”
7. What does Cisneros mean when she says she was “…privately trying to woo” as group of
8. Name three things that happened “after ten years of writing professionally” that made it
clear Cisneros was a success?
9. Describe the scene as Cisneros went home for Christmas.
10. How did Mr. Cisneros respond to Sandra’s story that had been translated into Spanish?
11. Cisneros closes her essay by saying, “Of all the wonderful things that happened to me last
year, that was the most wonderful.” What was it that made Cisneros so happy?
Sample student submission
5. What is an anthology?
collection of different writers' works: a book that consists of essays, stories, or poems by different
6. What does Sandra Cisneros mean by her statement, “I was/am the only daughter and only a
daughter”? she was an only child and wasn’t treated like an older child but a young one
without decisions
7. How does Cisneros’ father’s common statement “I have seven sons” make her feel?
It made her feel like she was in last place, like she had no place In the family.
8. Mr. Cisneros believed that college was very important.
a. Why was it important for his daughter? Why does he believe she “wasted”
It was important so she had a proper education.
b. Why was it important for his sons?
It was important to her sons because it would make her proud.
12. Explain what Cisneros means when she says she “wanted (her father) to interrupt.”
She wanted her father to say something so that she would see he is interested.
13. What does Cisneros mean when she says she was “…privately trying to woo” as group of
readers. She meant that she is try to catch their attention
14. Name three things that happened “after ten years of writing professionally” that made it
clear Cisneros was a success? She became successful, she impressed her family, she was a
gifted writer
15. Describe the scene as Cisneros went home for Christmas.
She was proud to be home and have family that was proud of her
16. How did Mr. Cisneros respond to Sandra’s story that had been translated into Spanish?
He responds positively
17. Cisneros closes her essay by saying, “Of all the wonderful things that happened to me last
year, that was the most wonderful.” What was it that made Cisneros so happy?
She found that she can overcome her challenges.
Necklace - 5 pts
1. Why was Mathilde unhappy with her life at the opening of the story?
2. Why had M. Loisel been saving 400 Francs?
3. Compare and contrast the life of Mme Lebrun before and after the disappearance of the
4. Describe in your own words how the Loisels' life changed after they had paid for the new
5. What was Mme Forestier's reaction when the necklace was returned?
6. Before the last few lines of this story, are there any clues given by the author which hint at
the true cause of the baby's appearance?
7. Compare and contrast The Necklace with Mary Oliver’s poem, The Journey. Explain the
similarities and differences in theme and growth.
8. Write a different end to the story, assuming that either Mme Loisel never lost the necklace
or that she found the necklace.
Sample student submission:
9. Why was Mathilde unhappy with her life at the opening of the story?
She felt like she had married beneath her
10. Why had M. Loisel been saving 400 Francs?
For a gun he wanted to buy
11. Compare and contrast the life of Mme Lebrun before and after the disappearance of the
There is no Mme Lebrun in the story…..
12. Describe in your own words how the Loisels' life changed after they had paid for the new
They had to work much harder, do everything on their own, and constantly payoff or renew debts
13. What was Mme Forestier's reaction when the necklace was returned?
She was deeply moved, and sorry for her friend
14. Before the last few lines of this story, are there any clues given by the author which hint at
the true cause of the baby's appearance?
There is no baby in the story…..
15. Compare and contrast The Necklace with Mary Oliver’s poem, The Journey. Explain the
similarities and differences in theme and growth.
Both stories have characters that grow.
16. Write a different end to the story, assuming that either Mme Loisel never lost the necklace
or that she found the necklace.
She would have returned it after finding it later, and Mme Forestier would be angry she had lost it,
but then tell her it was only a fake, then they would return the diamond one, and everybody would
live happily ever after. The end.
TKAM4 - 5 pts
Answer the following as you read chapters 26 – 31 of the book To Kill a Mockingbird.
In her lesson on Hitler, Miss Gates says that “we (American people) don't believe in persecuting
anyone”. Considering what you know, what seems odd about this claim?
How does Scout define democracy?
Why does Scout's question upset Jem? Is there a simple answer, or any answer, to the question
(“How can you hate Hitler an’ then turn around an be ugly about folks right at home?”
What three things does Bob Ewell do that alarm Aunt Alexandra?
Why, according to Atticus, does Bob Ewell bear a grudge? Which people does Ewell see as his
enemies, and why?
Comment on the way this chapter reminds the reader of earlier events in the novel.
Scout decides to keep her costume on while walking home. How does this affect her understanding
of what happens on the way?
Why had Atticus not brought a chair for the man in the corner? Who might this stranger be?
What explanation does Atticus give for Bob Ewell's attack?
What does Heck Tate give as the reason for the attack?
Do you think the sheriff's explanation or Atticus's is the more likely to be true?
Who does Atticus think caused Bob Ewell's death?
Why does Heck Tate insist that Bob Ewell's death was self-inflicted? In what way is this partly
Is Heck Tate right to spare Boo then publicity of an inquest? Give reasons for your answer.
How does the author, Harper Lee, handle the appearance of Boo Radley at the end of the story?
Jem, Scout and Dill are all young people who learn from people and events around them.
How does Harper Lee show them learning and developing?
Sample student submission:
In her lesson on Hitler, Miss Gates says that “we (American people) don't believe in persecuting
anyone”. Considering what you know, what seems odd about this claim?
It’s strange because there is definitely discrimination towards Blacks.
How does Scout define democracy?
People get to vote
Why does Scout's question upset Jem? Is there a simple answer, or any answer, to the question
(“How can you hate Hitler an’ then turn around an be ugly about folks right at home?”
There isn’t really an answer, people don’t usually understand how they treat others
What three things does Bob Ewell do that alarm Aunt Alexandra?
Try to kill the kids, of course
Why, according to Atticus, does Bob Ewell bear a grudge? Which people does Ewell see as his
enemies, and why?
He see’s the finch’s as his enemiesw, because atticus was toms lawyer, and knows he abuses
Comment on the way this chapter reminds the reader of earlier events in the novel.
Which chapter?
Scout decides to keep her costume on while walking home. How does this affect her understanding
of what happens on the way?
It makes it hard for her to see what is happening.
Why had Atticus not brought a chair for the man in the corner? Who might this stranger be?
He doesn’t want to sit down, and it’s boo radley.
What explanation does Atticus give for Bob Ewell's attack?
He is surprised he did that, and thinks jem killed him
What does Heck Tate give as the reason for the attack?
He knows boo radley killed bob, and says bob fell on his own knife.
Do you think the sheriff's explanation or Atticus's is the more likely to be true?
Heck Tate’s
Who does Atticus think caused Bob Ewell's death?
Why does Heck Tate insist that Bob Ewell's death was self-inflicted? In what way is this partly
Because he deserved to die, and Heck wants to protect bob
Is Heck Tate right to spare Boo then publicity of an inquest? Give reasons for your answer.
Yes, because bob deserved to die
How does the author, Harper Lee, handle the appearance of Boo Radley at the end of the story?
She keeps him in the shadows.
Jem, Scout and Dill are all young people who learn from people and events around them.
How does Harper Lee show them learning and developing?
She has scout see through boo radley’s eyes at the end of the story.
TKAMFinal - 5 pts
Create a 500 – 700 word essay about one of the following themes that appears in To Kill a
some people serve as moral compasses for the rest of us
growing up/loss of innocence
the effects of racial prejudice on a small community
The essay needs to be organized logically.
You need an introductory paragraph as well as a concluding paragraph.
The body of the essay may be two to four paragraphs, depending upon how much you have to say.
 include ideas about setting and characterization in understanding the theme
 support your ideas with evidence from the novel
Sample student submission:
Racism in a small community is bad, fast spreading problem that is not easily solved. When there is
a small community there are less people, so everybody knows everybody. This leads to gossiping,
and since there is a smaller amount of people, everyone will know the “rumor” within a short
amount of time. This is especially bad with racism. That means if someone makes a racist comment
then it will spread like wildfire and everybody will think this of that person of a different ethnicity.
This was the problem with to kill a mocking bird. It was after the civil war, after the slaves had
been freed, and there still was a lot of racial tension. This led to white men and women making acts
of violence against the black men and women a lot easier to get away with. Another problem about
the story was that tom Robinson’s trial was very unfair. He was a black man with a completely
white jury. This is another problem with racism in a small community. Because of the small amount
of people there access to a wider variety of people is not possible. Even though all the facts led to
tom seeming innocent with no chance of being guilty. But since the racist community all the men
knew one another and all were racist with the same rumors in their head, making toms trail, doomed
from the start. Now even though there are people in this community (Atticus, jam, scout, ect,) their
voices cannot change the minds of the men and women who grew up with racist family. The efforts
to change their minds are the right path to take, but it is a long journey to change a whole (even
small) community. Even though tom Robinson died this did not change the minds of the stories, in
real life a death can change the lives of people dramatically. It shows them that one’s man life is not
different than another. Now if the rumors of racism had stopped, and the words of the black folk
had changed it would spread throughout the community stopping hate crimes, and unfair trails (like
toms). Now what happened towards the end of the story was that some people saw that their view
towards the black community was wrong but this did not change the whole community’s point of
view. Now if in a real community maybe there had been more people that had been anti racism that
more people’s minds could have been changed eliminating racism faster. If this had been the case in
tom Robinsons case than maybe he could have been proven innocent like he really was, then maybe
he could have lived and them more people would see that racism is wrong and the story could have
had less violence. So the efficiency of stopping racism in a small community could be easy, if more
people were anti racism. But in a small community most people’s mid are one way roads that are
not changed. So it could be stopped if more people would step up, and speak out against it.