Botany CSU Trial Garden Lab

Botany CSU Trial Garden Lab
to become acquainted with different types of flowering plants that
can grow in the Fort Collins area
Due Date:
10/3/07 (2 weeks from assignment, including 2 weekends)
Directions to Gardens:
from FCHS, take Prospect WEST (toward the foothills)
to Remington Street. Turn right (North). Park on Remington. Gardens are between
Remington and College Avenue, between Prospect and Pitkin, (in front of the
former Fort Collins High School).
white paper (6)
field trip handout
colored pencils
1. Read over entire activity before you arrive, so that you can plan your walk
through the gardens, and decide on which plants to draw and describe. (See
2. Go to Trial Gardens (take Mom, friends, &/or a picnic lunch for fun).
3. Proceed through the gardens, answering questions as you go, taking notes.
4. Draw as you go, or save all drawing until the end.
*Drawings must be in the results section of the lab write-up
5. Sketch ½ page drawing (in pencil) on un-lined paper, of each of 2 different
types of flowers and 2 different types of leaves. Fill the space with the
drawing. Place title (Scientific and Common) names CENTERED, UNDER the
drawing. Underline titles with a ruler. Color and shade your drawings. (total= 4
drawings, 5 points each.=20 points)
6. Watch for this as you do the lab: Which flower smelled the best to you? Which
section was it in?(2)
7. Answer all questions (complete sentence answers), under the Questions
section of the lab write-up. Include names of areas & question numbers.
the Botany Webpage. Follow directions very carefully.
Flower bed SE & SW of the Gazebo (hint: Foothills are to the WEST!
1.What color are the seedpods and flowers of the Ruby Moon Hyacinth Bean vine on the lamp
2. What colors is the Rudbeckia x Denver Daisy?
3. What color are the flowers of Bridge’s Penstemmon?
4. What is the common name of Plectranthus?
CONTAINERS on NE side of gardens
5. Name plant number 322. What kind of plant is it?
6. What kind of plant is # 321? Name it.
7. What kind of plant is # 237, Delicious Raspberry?
8. What color is dahlia # 236?
9. Describe the leaves of # Alternanthera, Royal Tapestry.
10. What is the color is # 174 Anagalli monelli?
11. What is the color is # 173 Anagalli monelli?
12. What kind of flowers are numbers 407-504? Which is your favorite? Why? (3)
13. What is the name of # 514? What color is it? (2)
“Best of” Circular brick-walled bed near the Shade area
14. What kind of Coleus is in this bed?
15. What kind of Pentius is in this bed? What color is it? (2)
All American Selections Winners Bed
16. What type of flower is Merlin Blue Morn?
17. What is the common name of Purple Majesty? What does this plant look like? (2)
18. What kind of tomatoes are on the west side of the bed?
19. What kind of ornamental peppers are in this bed?
20. What color marigold is in this bed?
21. What colors is Gaillardia cristata ? (2)
Shaded flower beds
22. What kinds of plants are closest to the “Best of circular” bed? (2)
23. What is the scientific name of SC 48 Bellfire? What color is it?
24. What are the genus and color of SC 44? (2)
25. What kind of flower is SB 51? What variety is it? (2)
26. Describe the difference between the leaves of Double Impatiens and those of New Guinea
Impatiens. (2)
Bed C
27. What kind of plant is C 25? What color is it? (2)
28. Identify C 08.
Bed D
29. What color is D 61? What kind of flower is it? (2)
30. What is the common name of D 43?
31. What kind of flowers are D 38 through D 38?
Bed F
32. What kind of flower is found in bed F?
Bed H
33. What kind of flowers are H 40 through H 44?
Bed I
34. What are the common name, size, and color of I 74? (3)
Bed L
35. What kind of flowers are L 27 through L 34??
Bed M
36. What do the flowers of M 11b feel like?
37. Describe the flower of M 14 Penstemmon Phoenix Red. (2)
Extra Credit: Which flower smelled best to you? Which section was it in? (2)
Botany CSU Trial Garden Lab
Teacher Brief
1. No Hypothesis Needed in Introduction
2. Delete:
 Materials
 Data Tables
 Method
 Calculations
 Observations
 Graphs
3. Under Conclusions, delete :
 Hypothesis
 Sources of Error