Artifact Reflection Form Items Included

Artifact Reflection Form
Items Included:
Ms. Shaw’s Classroom Policies and Procedures / Quiz
Geometry Grade Update Parent Email
Positive Parent Email!
“Connect with Your Students”
Date Created/Obtained:
Spring 2009 (ongoing)
Fall 2010
Fall 2009
Standard/Performance Indicator Addressed:
Standard V: Knowledge of Classroom and Instructional Management
Context in which this evidence was created/obtained:
For this standard I have included a copy of my classroom policies and procedures
that clearly lines out what the expectations will be for the entire year. At the
beginning of each year I send home a copy of the policies with each student and ask
them to have a parent or guardian read it and sign it; this counts as their first
homework assignment for the year. One of the years I have been at Fossil I had each
student take an “open notes” quiz on the policies and procedures as a strategy to
reiterate which policies I’d like them to re-read and what I believe will be the most
important rules to remember.
Secondly I included the email I have drafted to send out to parents when their
student has a D or and F grade in my class. A couple of times a semester (especially
crucial times like before the end of a quarter or before parent-teacher-conferences)
I will send this statement out as a mass email to parents encouraging them to look
into the tutoring options for their students or to call me to have a individualized
discussion about their student’s grade. I found this to be an extremely time-effective
way to communicate with parents how their student is progressing in my class.
I’ve also included a copy of a positive parent email that I sent out this year. Positive
reinforcement is also very important for classroom management, not only for the
students but the parents as well. This particular student has struggled with keeping
up in his classes all the way through high school because he suffers from obsessive
compulsive disorder. After many meetings and frustrating semesters we finally had
a breakthrough with him this year. He has made so much improvement in my class
and I truly hope that pushing Reid and not letting him give up last semester helped
contribute to his turnaround. (I kept pushing him until I could finally get him to pass
last semester with a 60%...whew!) Sending such a positive email to his parents has
helped keep Reid focused as well as served as way to let his parents know that all
hope is never lost!
Lastly, I included a handout that I received from attending the monthly New Teacher
Academy meetings last year. This packet contains a wealth of information on
forming relationships and earning your students’ respect, which is a huge
contributing factor to classroom management. Earning the students’ respect and
letting them know you care about them as a student as well as a person keeps the
environment in the classroom positive and rich with collaboration and learning.